#40 Days
ed13d1 · 27 days
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we'll swallow up the fire
photo by la malcontenta
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vox-anglosphere · 8 months
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The mystery of Candlemas in Winchester 's ancient cathedral
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luvvdia · 10 months
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myremnantarmy · 5 months
"𝐑𝐄𝐏𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐀𝐌𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐂𝐀! 𝟒𝟎 𝐃𝐚𝐲𝐬..."
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addictedtohobi · 13 days
40 days to go..🥰😊💜
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tinyshe · 8 months
I was looking at 'flipping table' memes and there was one for Holy Week
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and it got me thinking. The body is a temple ... so before Lent you should be making a list and braiding your whip because you should be seriously cleaning the temple. Flip some Tables. Flog a banker (= get debt free/live within your means).
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How many times do we whine at God asking for this an that, things that really aren't essential -- things that would be nice, things that would make life a little easier and when the prayer is answered we just go on our merry way.
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Yes, He still loves us and died for us but how many of of us truly make the effort to flip some tables, sweep clean the temple, and truly give Glory to God in more than by mouth ... to be crucified and more Christ-like?
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We can move along with "Jesus will always love me no matter what" , true but there are consequences to what we do and say. We really should not cherry-pick the verses from the Holy Bible. When was the last time you meditated on this and really took it to heart?
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Forty Days of Lent is a period to be in training to be more Christ-like. Develop good habits, hold tight the forty days and beyond -- the forty days is a great period to break the bad and instill the good.
Thank you for reading my little pre-Lent pep talk! We can do this and do it together.
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floridaboiler · 29 days
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40 Days Until October
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divinegastronomer · 7 months
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Sacrifice and Surrender
Lent is a religious observance that typically lasts for about 40 days, starting on Ash Wednesday and ending on Easter Sunday.
The purpose of Lent is to prepare individuals spiritually for the celebration of Easter.
It is seen as a time of reflection, repentance, and spiritual growth. During this period, believers often engage in various practices such as prayer, fasting, charitable acts, and self-discipline.
The goal is to deepen one's relationship with God, seek forgiveness for sins, and make personal sacrifices in honor of Christ's sacrifice.
Through Lent, individuals can achieve a number of things.
It is a time for introspection, self-examination, and turning away from sinful behaviors.
Many people choose to give up certain indulgences or habits during this period as a symbol of sacrifice and self-control.
Lent serves as an opportunity to cultivate virtues, strengthen faith, and increase devotion.
From an esoteric perspective, giving up certain food for Lent can have several spiritual significances.
Purification: By abstaining from certain foods, you are engaging in a purification process for your mind, body, and spirit.
This practice allows you to detoxify from physical and energetic impurities, promoting a deeper connection with your inner self and higher spiritual realms.
Discipline: Lenten fasting can be seen as an exercise of discipline, honing your willpower and self-control.
By consciously choosing to give up certain foods, you are cultivating a sense of mastery over your desires and attachments.
This process helps you transcend the limitations of the physical realm and develop spiritual strength.
Heightened Awareness: By altering your diet during Lent, you may experience heightened sensitivity and awareness.
When you eliminate certain foods, your body can become more attuned to subtle energies and vibrations.
This increased sensitivity can help you become more conscious of your thoughts, emotions, and spiritual experiences.
Sacrifice and Surrender: Lent is often associated with sacrifice and surrender.
By giving up certain foods, you are symbolically offering a sacrifice to a higher power.
This act of surrendering your desires and attachments demonstrates your willingness to submit to divine will and align yourself with the spiritual path.
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wwiiiart · 8 months
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Genesis 7:24. Acrylic Painting
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ed13d1 · 3 days
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listen close
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shedrifts · 10 months
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kittyp333 · 11 months
who’s going to the slow dive concert!!!!
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theoldbrewery · 10 months
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fansplosion · 2 years
You've only got 3 days left until posting for FANSPLOSION begins!
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as-leo-ad · 9 months
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Almost the new year
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