#4) start a tv show? don’t really feel like it tbh
lovvelorrn · 8 months
i’m in between jobs atm + waiting for a phone call that may or may not be a super cool opportunity but rn i’m like. what do i do with my free time???
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dukeofdelirium · 1 month
In complete honesty, I kind of wish that Stranger Things would have just been two high quality seasons. They should have let El die in S1, and then focused on Mike, Will, and the origins of the Upside Down in S2. At this point, the story has been dragged on for so long, and, if S5 fails to recontextualize a lot of things from S3 and S4, there was a lot of unnecessary filler that just weighed the entire show down.
I agree with this pretty heavily. It’s obvious that they dragged storylines out and didn’t have everything completely plotted by how dysfunctional s3 and 4 are in comparison with s1 and 2. It almost feels like two completely different shows. When s3 first aired, I almost didn’t finish it because I hated it that much. S4 was pretty similar tbh… the NINA plotline and the Russian shit was so terrible that me and my sister debated skipping the scenes I’m not even kidding lol. Literally the only thing that kept us watching vol 2 was any crumb of Mike and Will scenes and then seeing what happened with Max. That was fr it. The second we finished vol 2 we immediately turned off the tv and then started shit talking it 😂 we were NOT impressed lol.
The Russian plot was dumb as fuck in s3, and it was even worse in s4. Literally the dumbest thing this show ever tried to pull and comes across as more unbelievable than inter-dimensional monsters lol. Idgaf about the Russian fuckery. It’s fucking stupid as hell and I can feel myself losing braincells in real time whenever I have to rewatch scenes of it. Idgaf about the NINA bullshit, when the hell are we gonna move on from this dumb lab/rainbow room/Papa nonsense and get to shit that really matters?
The whole Russian thing is actually what makes the Hawkins lab and stuff dumb lol bc it went from the American gov being the enemy to now suddenly it’s evil Russians like stfu get out of here with this nonsense I cantttttt
And don’t even get me started on the dumb relationship drama in s3. If I wanted to watch a show about middle schoolers making out I wouldn’t be looking for it in stranger things, that’s first of all. Second of all, none of this has any depth and the only reason it matters in any context is to develop Byler and their rain scene is one of the only memorable scenes of the season. Idgaf about hopper and Joyce acting like 12 year olds. Idgaf about Billy’s wack ass redemption. Idgaf that El raises her hand and screams for the billionth time or that she loses her powers cuz guess what… she gets them back. *pretends to be shocked*
Fr, s5 has to recontextualize multiple seasons or else this show will have been a huge disappointment. S4 was ok. But as I said, that’s all it was. Okay. Not great. Not even necessarily good. Just meh. The only good parts were the Hawkins group with Max (she was the best part of the season) and then Mike and Will’s scenes. That’s literally it lmao. The Russian plot? Dumb. El and the NINA shit? Dumb. Yawn, don’t care. Let me spend time with characters I care about please and thank you.
I long for the return of s2 quality….. when Mike realizes Will is compromised and that he’s the spy and Will sends all those soldiers to their gruesome deaths…. come on that was peak cinema. Bring it back. I miss it…. we were a country once
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thesupreme316 · 1 year
Is the Grass Greener on the Other Side? EP.5
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Summary: 1 month after her infamous “pipebomb”, how does Y/N feel when it feels like nothing has changed in her world? What will she do next?
Word Count: 2.6K
Warnings: Quick mentions of anxiety and depression-like symptoms (loneliness), kind of proofread (my bad)
Notes: sorry for being late but better late than never
Links to other parts: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
“How could she do that?”
“I mean if you went through what she went through you would do the same”
“Good riddance Y/N!”
“Please go to AEW, they need you!!”
“tbh, that was one of my favorite pipebombs ever”
“I wish her the best and hopefully she’ll come back with Sasha and Naomi”
“She should have done it differently”
“Without WWE, where is she gonna go?”
It’s been 1 month. (August 2nd, 2022)
1 month full of tweets, posts, and people just interjecting their opinions. But also 1 month of your silence. You didn’t issue any statements, no comments, no interviews. After a bold move like that, you thought you would feel better. And in some ways you did, you feel like you removed the foot that was crushing your throat; like you got rid of the poisonous thing that has been draining your life.
You felt free.
But amid that freedom was there this excruciating silence that took up your mind where you’re second-guessing everything. Now, you just wanted to be left alone with your thoughts of what to do next.
WWE removed you from all programming, posters, and promotions. They put you on blast, as they did with Mercedes and Trinity, before dropping you as a subject altogether. It’s like you didn’t exist. Liv is still the champion, but it’s only a matter of time until Ronda gets it back. No one from WWE reached out; except for Bianca, Zelina, and Liv. And you sent Liv an apology bouquet for dragging her into the situation. Christian only reached out to tell you what a mistake you were making and how you should apologize (and also how this potentially might ruin his career).
You haven’t really talked to Mercedes or Trinity as they were extremely busy in the last few months with bookings. They were off doing signings, in tv shows, and being in fashion shows (you were the first person to know that they would be in New York Fashion Week). All while you were sitting in your apartment, just trying to figure yourself out.
Daniel, Paige, and Hook all check in on you at least once a day. With Daniel and Hook living so close, they often come by to chill with you (separately of course). Paige constantly facetimed you, so in a way you didn’t feel totally alone. And today was nothing different.
“Tyler, no I can’t just magically pop up at the strip club.” You said on the phone while looking through your fridge for something to cook.
“All I’m saying is that it’s a great way to reappear in the public’s eye,” Tyler said while snickering.
You grabbed your leftovers. “And this not because you would like to go to the strip club?” You paused. “Again?”
“Noo….anyways, how are you feeling today?” He asked, changing the subject
“Better than yesterday. I feel exhausted. And I’ve spent a month doing absolutely nothing.” You groaned as you put the leftovers in the microwave. “I just want to get up and do things but I don’t know what to do or where to start.”
“Y/N, you have to take everything one step at a time. Everyone moves at different paces, you can’t rush a process that you’re not completely ready for.” Tyler calmly explained as you sat on the couch, pondering his words. “Don’t feel like you need to make a big decision now. You need to evaluate all options before making a move. And just know that you will always have people that will support you, me included.”
“That was very sweet Tyler.”
“I can be a sweet guy, sometimes.” He said making the both of you laugh. “So, how’s your lover boy? You don’t talk about him much.”
You sighed before getting up and slightly pacing around the room, “There’s nothing to talk about, we haven’t talked much these days. He’s busy doing his thing.”
“So why are you still with him?”
You stopped in your tracks before answering, “Because I love him.”
“That may be true, but are you still in love with him?”
At that moment, it felt like your world came to a stop, like when Daniel asked if you could see yourself with someone else besides Christian. It was another loaded question, yet a big question that you had to figure out the answer to sooner or later. You truly do love Christian, after all, you two have shared a lot of memories. A lot of moments where he was the sole reason for your smile, how you got butterflies in your stomach when he texted you, or how you saw your life later on with him. But now? You were tired of being cast aside by him, tired of being treated as if everything you do is wrong. You were tired of how exhausting fights were with him and how he jealous he got of others in your life. Do you feel the same way now? Do those memories and moments outweigh what has been happening recently?
You became deep in thought before being pulled out by a knocking at the door and Tyler’s voice growing louder. “Y/N? Y/N, hello?” Your head snapped back to reality (oops there goes gravity-sorry).
“Hey, sorry Tyler. I’mma have to call you later, someone’s at my door.”
He sighed but understood. “Okay, but just remember if anything happens or if you need someone, my bed always has a place for you.”
You giggled before hanging up and answering the door, to the sight of Daniel. You briefly hugged before letting him in and going to get your hot leftovers from the microwave. “Why are you here? I thought you were training today.”
“Yeah, but I haven’t heard from you.”
“Danny, I’m fine. You can go to your training session.”
“No can do, I cancelled it.”
You put down your fork, looking at the man who was now occupying your couch. “You mean to tell me that just because you didn’t hear from me, you dropped everything to check on me?”

“Hell yeah. I just wanted to make sure that you were okay and safe. I needed to lay eyes on you.” He said getting up and walking towards you. Your heart swelled at his words. You were blessed that someone saw you that important in their life. “I just need you to call like once a day to know that you’re okay.” He said grabbing another fork and taking a bite of your leftovers. “You always make the best stirfry.”
“Danny, what should I do?”
“About the entire situation?” He raised his eyebrows. You nodded as he sighed. “To be honest Y/N, in my opinion, you need a clean slate. Then you can build whatever your heart desires. But the thing is that you already caused drama at WWE, to the point where if you go back something is sure to pop off again. You don’t need that and you damn sure don’t deserve that.”
“To be honest, I don’t know what I deserve at this point.”
Daniel sighed before grabbing your hands and staring into your eyes. “Y/N, you are an incredible woman and you deserve all the fine things in life. And if you don’t see that, you are dumb as hell.” He said making you laugh. “Anyways, what were you doing before I got here?”
“I was just on the phone with-“ And you cut yourself off, trying your best not to finish the sentence (for fear of making Daniel upset). 
“Hook?” You shyly nodded as you avoided eye contact. “I don’t care if you guys talk.”

“You hate him.”
“I hate his stupid perfect hair. And the way he does his suplexes. And the way that he just gets everything he wants.” He said slowly letting go of your hands. He cleared his throat as you side-eyed him. “But yeah he’s a cool dude.”You rolled your eyes as he started to rant about work, you grabbed your phone. Your eyes started to scroll around before they widened on one particular text from an unexpected person. You started to drown him a bit as you kept in the text. “Y/N, are you okay?”
You blinked with a blank stare on your face. You slowly nodded and just said, “I have a meeting tomorrow apparently.”
“With who?”
“I don’t even wanna discuss it.” And you threw your phone across the room and placed your head under a pillow.
(August 3rd, 2022)
You woke up nervous as hell.
You didn’t know what to expect from this meeting. Will this make things worse or better for both of us?
You put on a semi-business outfit with nice shades, you did your makeup and hair very quickly. You grabbed your purse before passing Daniel (who was knocked out on the couch after all had drinks and game night) and left to rush to your meeting. You couldn’t decide if it was a blessing or a curse that your meeting was close to your apartment; you couldn’t shake your feelings as your anxiety grew to be pounding in your ears, making you almost hyperventilate. As you approached the building, you took a deep breath before walking into the plaza. You made talked to the receptionist before getting the clear to go upstairs.
You took the elevator and got out at your stop. Walking straight ahead to the doomed door. You took another deep breath before putting on a fake smile and knocking on the door. You heard a grumbled and muffled come in.
You opened the door to see the person with a smile behind a stack of papers. “You know Hunter, I never thought I would see you like this.”
“Y/N, I told you numerous times to call me Paul.”
“Hunter just rolls better.” You shook his hand as you two sat at the wooden coffee table.
Before the whole situation, Paul (Triple H) has also been one of your mentors when dealing with the wrestling business. You credit him with a lot of business moves and how your character was booked. Before your walkout, you two would talk every week (sometimes even multiple times a week). Now, this was the first time you were communicating before in a little over a month.
“I’ll get right to it. Neither Vince nor John are here, so you can be as open and honest with me as you want. Whatever is stated here will remain between the two of us.” Paul said. You nodded but you didn’t want to start right away, instead, you were trying to organize your thoughts. What could you tell him? That you were mad that things were being unfair and no one else saw that but you? That you couldn’t stand being in this company anymore as days go on. “I’ll start if you want.” He said, you nodded again.
He sighed as he tried to find the words to say. “Y/N, I’m incredibly sorry for not speaking up in the past for you. I knew of the plans and voiced my displeasure about them when Vince wanted to give the title to Ronda. I’ve tried telling them that there needs to be more substance within the women’s division and constantly giving Ronda a title is not the way to go about it, no matter how well I get along with her. But I know, what you said and done is not just based on Ronda and how Vince operates with her. It’s something much deeper”
You sighed as you started agreeing with him, “That was literally what I was trying to talk about. The women’s division needs more attention, storylines, and substance. We have women who have been with the company for several years who have been put on the back burner, women who have not been allowed to showcase their talent or improve in the ring and then get ridiculed for it, and we have the same people showing up with all the time with the same storylines with the same opponents. Or even worse, we get the short end of the stick and get our times cut when shit does over the time limit. I’m just tired of it all. And I’m tired of being the one who is always sacrificed for Ronda or someone else’s agenda. And then to top it off, we don’t get paid as much as we should, unlike our male counterparts.”
You paused before continuing, “I will admit, the way that I stated my grievances was distasteful and a bit selfish, but I didn’t know how else to get anyone to listen to me. I want to apologize for embarrassing you, and the company, and putting you and Liv in an uncomfortable position. That was never my intention, I intended to state my displeasure with the treatment of the women’s division and how we are ultimately nothing more than stepping stools to a particular figure.” You avoided his gaze and just focused on everything in the room, but him.
Paul chuckled before shaking his head, “Y/N, you did not embarrass me.” He said, making you look up at him with shock. “Shit, I mean what you did actually brought a smile to my face, that I had to hide from Vince. It made me think back to the Curtain Call incident in a way. You should never have to compromise your feelings and beliefs for this business, instead stand up for what you believe in. And you did exactly that, you stood up for what you think is right and you should do without remorse. Sometimes we have to be selfish with our agendas, cause we have to look out for ourselves at the end of it. Mercedes is doing it, Trinity is doing it, and now so are you.”
Giving a small smile, you responded, “How’s Vince taking it?”
“He wasn’t happy with it at first. But then he saw how much interaction WWE was getting and soon just decided to make it into a work. He’s open to talking and compromising, especially since your contract is expiring soon. But the question is, do you want to talk? Do you want to compromise? But first, let me ask you; when you did this, did you ever think what was gonna happen afterward?” You shook your head as he continued, “Well, then what do you want to do? Everything is your call now and I’ll explain this later, but you put us in a hard spot.”
You looked to Paul before saying, “I want a clean slate. I deserve a clean slate.”
Paul sat back in his chair, quiet for a moment. He widened his eyes as if he just thought of something, “What if I can make a deal with you? And I can give you that clean slate.”
You smiled, “I’m listening.”
—Time-Skip 1 hour later—
You walked out of the building feeling so much better than how you felt coming in. You squealed with excitement as you believed everything was coming into place and you were gonna get your peace back. That your slate, your canvas was clear. But then you shortly realized that it wasn’t, your slate wasn’t all the way cleared. You sat down on a nearby bench, getting out your phone. You pressed the phone icon before scrolling to a certain contact, your finger hovered over it before pressing it to dial. Lifting the phone to your ear to speak, the call quickly went to voicemail after two rings. You brought down your hand to end the call, but after quick consideration, you put it back up just in time to hear the voice message beep.
You took a breath in and said, “Hey, I just wanted to say thanks for everything for the past couple of years. Even though shit’s been going south lately and we aren’t what we use to be, I love you and I’ll still love you. I know you’re thinking about deleting this message already but I just want to say one more thing….
We’re over Christian.”
taglist: @triscillal @sheinthatfandom @wwenhlimagines @zatarias-pandora @hooks-martin @hookerforhook​
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thestrangeillusion · 4 months
a get to know you better meme
Ahhh this took me more than a month to get around to doing, but I didn’t forget about it!! Thank you so much for tagging me @dummerjan! <3 <3 <3
do you make your bed? No, I don’t really see the point tbh, I’ll only be messing it up in the evening again anyway.
what's your favourite number? Umm, 7 I think? There’s not a particular reason for it though. I do have a soft spot for 21 as well for entirely SKAM related reasons haha.
what is your job? I do scientific evaluations of (primarily) government programmes.  
If you could go back to school would you? Hmm, there’s some appeal to that because I didn’t hate school and the structure and routine of it was mostly good for me, I think. But the thought of being a teenager again and being cooped up in a room with 25+ other teenagers for a minimum of 30 hours a week – no, thank you. But if school is meant in the way US-Americans sometimes use it, as in also meaning further education, then I could be convinced. I mean, I still have to write my master’s thesis, so I’m technically still a student, but I sometimes think re-doing my first couple of years of undergrad (and maybe making some better decisions lol) could be fun.
can you parallel park? Nope, I can’t even really drive anymore, I’m pretty sure, even though I do have a licence. It’s more of a glorified ID at this point because I haven’t actually driven a car in like 4 years or so and even before that I honestly wasn’t very good at it (driving or parking).
a job you had that would surprise people? Not really tbh.
do you think aliens are real? I mean I am pretty sure there are forms of life on other planets, since some of them have been found to have inhabitable environments. If it’s intelligent life I don’t really feel qualified to say although, if I remember correctly, one of my good friends who’s doing a PhD in astrophysics and is one of the smartest people I know once made a pretty convincing argument for it (but I have since forgotten what the argument was lol).
can you drive a manual car? Refer to the question about parallel parking above. I learned to drive in a manual car (I’ve actually never driven an automatic), but I’m fairly sure I don’t actually know how to do it anymore.
what's your guilty pleasure? That’s a difficult question. Reading fucked up smut fics is definitely one of them, I guess. Also does pissing away many of my weekends by staying in bed all day and reading or writing fanfics instead of putting effort into having a social life count? Because I also do that and I do enjoy it, but it’s painful whenever anyone asks what I did on the weekend lol. There’s only so many times you can say “Nothing much” tbh.
tattoos? I like them on other people, mostly. My cousin has a full back tattoo in colour and is slowly adding onto it so that it expands to her arms and sides and I always love seeing which new piece she’s gotten tattooed since I last saw her. It just suits her really well and she’s super passionate about the motive and I love that. And I think that’s where the problem lies for me, I just don’t have any motive or phrase or whatever that I am passionate enough about to permanently put on my body tbh. Also, I am scared of pain and needles, so…
favourite colour? Burgundy.
favourite type of music? Ooof that’s hard to answer, I listen to so many different types of music. One genre I’ve liked pretty consistently from my early teens until now is (mostly British) indie rock and alternative rock – I really like Muse, Placebo, Arctic Monkeys, The Libertines and Nothing But Thieves, for example. And I’ve been to quite a few tiny club concerts of that genre because I know I’ll enjoy it even if I don’t know the band or any of their songs beforehand.
And then I also go through intense music phases mostly related to TV shows I love – it started when I was like 13 watching Gossip Girl and obsessively listening to Death Cab for Cutie, Bloc Party and Sum 41 to when I watched SKAM and got very into Norwegian music (the Norwegian singer/rapper Cezinando still features consistently in my top Spotify artists and has done so since 2017). And now that I’m watching Thai BLs, I started with an obsession about Jeff Satur’s music (and listened to nothing else for like 2 months) and am now gradually venturing out into discovering other Asian music (I’m really enjoying WOODZ, Hua Chen Yu and Violette Wautier so far). So that was a lot of rambling, but still barely covers half of what I actually love listening to…
do you like puzzles? I haven’t done puzzles in aaages, but I have very fond childhood memories of doing them with my grandparents on NYE while waiting for midnight. I think I would still enjoy them if I did them now.
any phobias? Not really. Stuff I’m pretty scared of, sure, but no full-blown phobias.
favourite childhood sport? Hmm, in terms of the sports we played in school, I really enjoyed “Völkerball” (which I’m pretty sure vaguely translates to dodgeball, but I don’t think it’s entirely the same thing). The only problem was that I was really good at dodging the ball and never getting hit, but very, very bad at catching the ball or hitting other people with it, so I could never actually end the game by taking out people on the other team either.
I only started in my teens, but I also really enjoyed (and still enjoy) climbing and bouldering. And my family went skiing every winter when I was a child, which I hated at first, but started to enjoy in my early teens when I didn’t have to do lessons with a bunch of other kids tumbling down the mountain anymore.
do you talk to yourself? All the time in my mind, and sometimes out loud when I’m on my own (particularly when I’m frustrated about something).
what movie(s) do you adore? I actually really love heartwarming feel-good movies tbh. One of my favourite movies is Pride (2014) because it just radiates so much joy and solidarity and a will to live and make things better that always lifts my mood. And I can’t even tell you the amount of times I’ve rewatched Mamma Mia. Another genre of movies I seem to enjoy is movies about female rage a.k.a. women going batshit crazy but being totally justified in it, such as Promising Young Woman or Gone Girl. I do generally prefer watching TV shows to movies, though.
coffee or tea? I get the jitters and become hyperactive in a really uncomfortable way when I drink coffee, so I rarely do. I mostly drink black tea or Mate for the purpose of waking me up.
first thing you wanted to be growing up? Well, according to old friendship book entries, I first wanted to be a princess (until my mum bought me a book about the Habsburgs and I quickly abandoned the idea, which I think was the point) and after that a cook.
Tagging @crumchycow, @mightymightygnomepriest, @salamander89, @fiddlepickdouglas, @obscurecurse
and @lilmaemae and anyone else who wants to do it 😊
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losing10kgs · 5 months
30 Day Thinspo Challenge All In One Because I’m Bored And Trying To Prevent Cravings
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1. 175cm tall, 54kg, BMI is 17.8
2. 5’9. I like this height, but I wish I were a little taller.
3. Kate Moss. Any explanation needed?
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4. What everyone will say. And how much it will fuck up my metabolism permanently.
5. I have been stuck like this for YEARS, I want to be skinny so bad. And yes, I am doing it for me
6. No, not really. If I ever get really bad cravings, I just chew a heap of food up and spit it out (disgusting, I know, it’s so bad 😭)
7. Yes. I think mum suspects something’s wrong, but dad doesn’t care. Or if he does, he hasn’t mentioned it.
8. 2 minute side plank, 25 left lifts per leg, 50 side-lying left lifts per leg, 25 hip thrusts, 25 Russian twists with a weight, 50 butt-kicks and mb 20 or so squats if I’m up to it. I’m not very fit, I mostly just do walking.
9. I’ve had someone point out after a lost a bit that I was doing it for attention, though that didn’t actually make me feel all that bad.
10. Pizza. And crisps. And chips.
11. Don’t think I have one, tbh. I just scroll on Pinterest or twitter until I come by one I like the look of.
12. A lot of apples, and eggs. Lots of safe-foods, too, which I think definitely sets me back a bit.
13. Very unhealthily I’d say.
14. At LEAST 48 kg. Just until I don’t have to see a psychologist for ADHD meds, because she has to weigh me and if my weight gets too low, she’ll tell my mum.
15. No. I don’t eat a lot of meat in general, but I haven’t cut it out. I rlly like a good few other animal products, so I don’t think I’d ever get away with a vegan label.
16. About three or nearly four years ago
17. I’m guessing so.
18. Chocolate or garlic bread.
19. I actually am not sure. I didn’t eat much of it beforehand either.
20. Again, don’t really have one. I’m starting the ABC diet, though, so I’ll see how that goes.
21. I only really wearing baggy clothes bc I’m quite trans, but as far as I know: a medium in shirts and a UK 28 in pants. Idk
22. I’m at my lowest weight currently.
23. To The Bone didn’t help.
24. I’m not either of them, so not very highly.
25. I tried so hard to, but I don’t think I have a very active gag reflex because it never really worked.
26. I will look fanTASTIC! Honestly, though, it’d probably worry a few people, but that’s the plan.
27. Depends on whether or not I’m with friends. If I see my friends eating, then I’ll want to eat, but if they’re lot with me, I’ll either try to ignore it or (again) chew it then spit it out.
28. Yeah, why not.
29. Don’t have one. I actually think all sizes are lovely, just not on me, but everyone says that so what does it matter.
30. 10 facts:
1) I was born a girl but I don’t think I am one, which is mostly the reason why I’m doing this.
2) My ribs poke out quite clearly but I’m fairly sure that’s because I’ve got a wide ribcage 😭.
3) Skins is one of my favourite TV shows.
4) My safe-foods are garlic bread, chocolate, carbonara, peanut butter, and Nutella - once again, it’s so bad.
5) This is probably the deepest I’ve ever been in an ED, and I’ve been doing this for years now, so it’s getting serious.
6) I take ADHD medication that reduces my appetite, and I’ve only recently started them, which I’m guessing it why my weight has been dropping more than usual. HOORAY
Can’t think of any more facts, I’m not that deep.
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aceofstars16 · 4 days
1-5, 7, 9-11, & 16-20 for Forever, please?
1. what got you into this story?
I think I just saw trailers for it when it first started airing? I’m going to guess I saw something while watching Elementary cause they were both on TV at the same time haha. I really don’t watch a lot of TV, but I guess the premise intrigued me and then I really liked it 🥲
2. describe it in one or two sentences
An immortal is (by his son’s urging) learning how to live/let people in again (albeit *very slowly*) while also helping solve crime with a detective who he has an immense amount of care and chemistry with. Oh and there is another immortal who is kind of insane but that’s not the draw (for me 😂)
3. quickly list 3 things you like about the story!
Found family (or just family in general), amazing slow burn, complex characters you want to hug
4. assign this story a hyper-specific genre name, e.g. "inspirational religious semi-horror sci-fi western"
Uhhhh hmmm…I’m bad at genres lol…detective/mystery/heart-tugging/kind of dark sometimes 😂
5. do you have a favorite character? who?
This is hardddd….probably Henry, like, I love him, I literally wrote a whole post about why I love him he has such a caring heart despite everything 😭 But also Abe! And Jo! And Lucas always makes me laugh too 😂
7. how does the story compare to your initial impressions of it? has it surprised you yet? how?
Hmmm, it’s been so long since my initial impressions, but I feel like it does the immortal character very well, just…the emotions and trauma and depth, but also that he’s still human. I’m not sure about surprises, I think I forgot about some great moments, so maybe those are surprising haha
9. give the most UNHELPFUL and/or SILLY summary possible.
Immortal man runs into things without thinking, leaving his detective partner to run after him and get him out of trouble
10. if you made an amv about this, what song would you set it to?
Probably “Feel Again” by OneRepublic, it’s so good for Henry and Jo 😭
11. if you were put in the main character's position, how well would that go for you on a scale of 1-5?
0??? Bro, not only do I not want to be immortal but like…I *hate* medical things and he’s a doctor and a medical examiner…I would literally run the other way 😂
16. do you think this story has broad appeal, or is it meant for a very specific audience? if it's more "niche", what kind of person would most enjoy this story?
Hmmm, I’m not really sure tbh? I don’t think it’s super niche but it could be, I think if you like found family and like…an MC that is very human but also like…not…I don’t know man it’s hard to describe it’s just…emotional but like…in a good way, it feels real but that means the happy stuff is real too 🥲
17. compare this story to your usual tastes. how does it differ from what you've already enjoyed?
Hmmm I mean, like I stated, I’m not a huge fan of medical things, so…that’s different but as long as I can look away I’m okay 😂 There is something dark stuff with death in a sense, but like…that’s not why I like it, I like it for the characters lol
18. compare this story to your usual tastes. what parts of it are exactly the kind of thing you've always loved?
I think I’ve already kind of touched on it, but found family (mostly Abe and Henry), a very real but gentle and caring MC, actually one of the best slow burns, and it does have some mystery in terms of Henry’s past too (I do like kind of detective/mystery elements in shows and movies)
19. pitch an idea for a sequel or spinoff novel for this story!
At this point it’s been over for 10 years….honestly just like one episode 10 years after the last one as a kind of flashback of Henry telling Jo he’s immortal and them still solving crime together (and obviously married cause I need this okay). If it was actually like…further in the future, maybe something with Henry and his relationship with his kids with Jo (whether adopted or not), like them as adults or even grandkids (though I personally want him to like…start aging and actually experience all of life and not keep living forever but 🤷‍♀️)
20. what's the WORST thing about this story, in your opinion? (feel free to be positive, e.g. "it's not longer", if you want!)
It was canceled…I want more…also the creepy stuff I could do without, but like…yeah it being canceled after one season 😭
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capitano-marina · 1 year
As usual, now that the season is over/as all good traditions hardly come to an end, here's my thoughts/post (call it however you want) about this season
1. Maya DeLuca Bishop
Oh Maya my sweet Maya I absolutely loved the character growth she went through this season, as much as it pained me to see all the negative things said about her and the zero empathy at times to what she was going through. Her demotion was not fair and will always not be fair and i get the need to make other characters look great but it was to the point of being annoying. Her apology to Ross felt wrong (i get that she needed to apologise for the blackmail) but chief Ross clearly hates her even Maya knows this and she drove her to her breaking point with Beckett treating her bad, that’s some very twisted way for revenge, and the way absolutely no one even apologised for the way they treated Maya for months or even someone tried to stop it but instead we got people making fun of her and not welcome her back the proper way!
One thing is for sure and will always be Maya will always choose her wife and will always have heart eyes for her.
2. Carina DeLuca Bishop
The sad reality that we all should accept by now that Carina in this show will be Maya’s wife and nothing more yeah she will have her moments with Vic, Ben and the rest but it will always be For Maya’s storyline, I guess this what makes it hard for fans with certain lines being said you feel the need to pick a side when both sides feelings and emotions are valid but when only one side shown on TV it becomes a war between fans that only love/respect/understand (call it whatever you want) one half of the ship.
Glad Carina now knows she is Maya’s number one priority 🥹 and yes she will also always have heart eyes for her wife.
3. Marina my beloved
I am no fan of angst and will never be specially knowing the shows won’t give as much as i want, yes we had good moments between the bathroom scene, shower scene and all in between the sweet and not so sweet moments it was still missing lots of things, my favourite TV wives don’t get as much as they deserve and i am learning to accept that (not really). At this point i am just glad they are back together because I really didn’t see us getting them back maybe that was just the effect of the drama/angst.
4. The rest
Vic needs to leave Theo, the mayor storyline wasted so much time and no one really asked for it or even enjoyed it, couldn’t care less about this captain storyline that’s been going on since the show started, one character is gonna take it and we all know it will always end like that so why drag it out so much when none of us care! (Captain Maya Bishop forever tho), don’t even get me started on Ross double standards.
I know fans want more action and calls to be added like other wee woo shows but I honestly don’t want it, i like the “family” vibe that is going on here because more action less focus on the personal stories that are imo more important than a good call.
5. Episode 18
That was way better than expected tbh. Hot,sexy and the most beautiful wives there is, find it hard to believe that Carina doesn’t have a dress, but they looked amazing so not complaining, them talking about plans for the baby is what i needed to hear, that baby they delivered might be adopted or maybe not I still want Carina to get pregnant because that’s what she wants so s19 please at least give her that!. Captain Andy about damn time now we can move on 🤞🏻, Glad to not be part of any cliffhangers my heart can’t handle it at all.
6. D&S
I am forever in awe for their talent and love to this ship without them so many little moments would go unnoticed because let’s be honest here they don’t give them as much as they deserve storyline wise for whatever reason there is. We as fans notice and want things to the point of being delusional (we all been there) and we give the show more credit than they give to the TV wives (no disrespect to anyone) so yeah it hurts when fandom theories are really good and make sense but you don’t see it on screen.
Thanks Danielle and Stefania for being the captains of the ship and adding your little touches here and there you will always shine even in the background.
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Until next season ❤️
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wearethekingdom · 1 month
okay so I know we’ve caught up a bit but honestly, I feel like I don’t know much about how things have been with you lately and I feel bad low key :( because I’d really like to know about your life! so, what’s new with you? Doesn’t have to be anything big, but just, how’s life been lately? Are you on summer break? (I don’t know how things work outside of America </3) Have you seen any new movies or read any books or played any video games lately? This is an invitation to info dump about literally anything that interested you lately too btw :3
Omg hey bro so how you fix the problem is by messaging me /lh like if you just wanna talk about your and my life then you can message me asking and stuff, I have a friend on here and we literally just chat about our lives for like 4 hours at a time
ummmm so I went to sleep away camp or whatever ygs call it in the US for 3 weeks, its an Irish spoken one so you know I ate that up, volunteered for the youth club camp and lost a child at a theme park while doing so (we found him, he was fine) and got some horse riding back in cuz I missed out on like 5 weeks of training lol
With movies I haven't watched a whole lot cuz I've literally had like. No time. I'm seeing the Kneecap movie tomorrow with my bf which I'm very excited about and I'm gonna see I Saw The TV Glow on Monday with some friends even though it's showing kind of late at the cinema (7:45pm), tbh I'm going in completely blind with but people say it's good so I'm simply just going to watch it. I've also rewatched alot of matt damon movies because why wouldn't I? I'm still his number one fan, currently watching The Martian as we speak which I've never actually watched before, kind of disturbing but it's okay because again, it's matt damon!
What I said all those months ago about my partner will need to fight for me when it comes to matt damon? I still hold to it. Guess who my bf looks like 😐 you will never guess its totally unpredictable 😐
I have readdd The Twelfth Day of July by Joan Lingard, it's a book about this guy and girl and the guy is a cath and the girl is a protestant and how they hate eachother and its really good, I love it a lot. I also read all of Diane Olivers short stories while at irish camp, they're really good and I totally reccomend her stuff, I think you would like some of her more scary short stories, a lot of her stuff is unpublished though cuz she was died at age 22 and she really needs more recognition, like when I looked up her most famous story I couldn't even find her other stuff at all.
Games I played Alan Wake about this guy (who is an author) who goes on holiday to this island and his wife goes missing so Alan has to investigate it while this story that he doesn't even remember writing becomes a reality, there's a second one I just haven't played it yet. I played The Quarry about a group of young adult camp counsellors who have to stay one day extra before they get to go home but there's creepy stuff on the property that wants to kill them and it's so good my fave character is my profile picture, we love Dylan Lenivy.
THENNN I played A Way Out with my brother set in the same prison as Shawshank Redemption, these 2 criminals set a plan to escape prison and get their revenge on the guy who murdered one of the mens brothers and well the other one kind of gives away the whole story so I won't go into detail on that one but it's depressing, it's a little disturbing and you get attached to Leo and Vincent the main guys.
Ive just been chilling this last month before school starts again and hanging out with my friends, I was going to go to NI for a while but there's protests and people setting streets on fire so I'm not going anywhere near there for now.
But yeah that's my life, you should totally reblog this with your telling of your life I would love to hear about it!!!
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waspcup · 11 months
tagged by @vampyrfag to tag 9 people i wanna know better :3hiikelp
last song: i’m not positive but i Think it was roots by scowl? my last.fm broke again and i fixed it but it’s not showing me the scrobbles between now and before it broke . but i remember listening to roots last night
favorite color: ough … teal probably . on the greener side of teal
currently watching: umm not really anything currently tbh .. i started wwdits in march but never finished it (got a little bored :( i tried really hard to like it but it’s not for me ithink) and watched the first episode of yellowjackets in august but haven’t been able to watch more yet (long episodes little time)
last movie/tv show: umm i will be so honest i have no idea for movie i don’t remember . tv show was probably loki by proxy because i was in the same room as someone watching it on the television but not actively watching
sweet/savory/spicy: depends entirely on my mood
relationship status: single
current obsession: uhh i can feel the mcr thing coming back full force or close to it i think . otherwise just music in general i guess i don’t really have a main Thing right now
last thing you googled:
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tagging uhh . i never know who to tag 4 this but umm @burymeinblackmp3 @crabussy @jimmyclueless @lotings @abyssopelagiccs @forthegirlsandtheghosts @boytoydistraught @averyopteryx @aropride and if i didn’t tag you pretend i did and do it anyway . if you want ofc
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runningwithfangs · 6 months
Vampire Chronicles Book Review/Rant #3
The Queen of the Dammed
Wowowow congratulations to the world’s worst polycule on saving Vampirekind. 
Another super fun romp where so much happens, yes there is nonsense, but the nonsense is nicely paired with a lot of intense drama and high stakes. I like how Anne got around her own premise that the vampires are writing their life stories by it still being Lestat who writes it, but he’s gathered all this information from the other vampires that were actually there, even when he was not. 
The chapters being mini-stories and the many characters we meet, everything coming together in the end, it’s not just fun but so immersive. Anne doesn’t hold back in expanding her universe. At no point does it feel like too much too soon, or like the universe and characters are expanding faster than the story or getting out of hand. Anne is a fantastic writer.
In this book we start to see the world outside of our main vamps, the fledglings (Killer and the Fang Gang 🤯), the vampire bars, the Talamasca, the vampire cult followers, and so many new characters! 
Feminist Icon Akasha (is trying to kill most men). See kids, that’s what happens when you watch TV for 50 years straight.
This is one of my favorite books from the series, maybe one of my favorite books ever. 
It’s hard to pick! Jesse’s story is great, the dreamlike drunken nights at Maharet’s house with the vampires asking her about chocolate, the Great Family and the care and love Maharet has for them, her records and her family tree of lights, the attention and advice she gives them all, it’s just so sweet.
Devil’s Minion! I’ve been seeing fan art and posts about Armand/Daniel since I started this blog and did not get it until I read this. Now I GET IT, holy shit, it's chewing-through-drywall material. The horror of Daniel running for his life, being hunted, then suddenly they’re bonding, hanging out and doing all these cool things, Daniel admitting he loves to cuddle a dead thing?! The experiments, the smoothies, the madness from hanging around a vampire, the “I love you too much to turn you” vs “I love you too much to let you go on without me.” Insane. Horrible. Beautiful. I could rant about this section alone for so long. Oh, and learning how the book was published was neat too.
Getting little bits about the twins from everyone’s dreams, that repeating imagery of the cooked body, the heart and the brain on plates. I got really invested in this mystery, and once it all came together it was horrible but so captivating. It’s a great vampire origin story. 
Vampire road trip and vampire roommates at Night Island! I wish this part was longer and that vampires could stand to hang out with each other more, I want my vampire friends to hang out damn it! Jesse and Gabrielle became friends! Louis wants to know about his daughter’s ghost! Grandpa Khayman telling stories! Uncle Marius accepting that Lestat is gonna be little shit and no one can stop him!
Least Favorites:
The violence enacted on Maharet and Mekare, I know it’s to show Akasha’s cruelty but damn.
Lestat’s permaboner. Thanks, Anne.
Lestat and Akasha pinning each other back and forth on the bed and drinking from each other was kinda hot tbh.
Armand and Daniel in Pompeii when they start their romance, if you can call it that. Armand making Daniel have sex with other people while he watches 🙈
Nonsense Meter:
4/10 nonsense again. A bit of nonsense in the Devil’s Minion, and a bit in the Lestat training montage/kidnapped by Vampire Mommy part, but not a ton. Maybe it’s a bias because I liked this book so much and every story was full of drama, high stakes, and complex morality. 
I can’t help but wonder what kind of research Anne was doing, I looked up some of the cities, artifacts, and locations she mentions and it checked out. Was she taking ancient history courses or just living at the library?! Gotta give that woman credit. 
I don’t want to get into a long discussion of Akasha’s idea that killing most men would allow women to bring about world peace and fix all our earthly problems, but as someone who has mostly existed as a woman in the world, I may have fantasized once or twice about Thanos snapping a bunch of men, sure, I get it. I don’t agree, I think money, isolation, messed up priorities, and lack of checks in power have more to do with *waves hand around vaguely* everything, but it makes for an interesting premise. “Tell me, my prince, what is the primary use of men now, if not to protect women from other men?”
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chellyfishing · 9 months
i’m trying to finish one last book before my year-end book post goes up so i’m gonna talk about games and tv first. not too many of either to talk about this year tbh but i apparently still have so many words.
no movies post bc i don’t log my films anywhere and i simply cannot remember what i watched. maybe i should make 2024 the year of using letterboxed. not enough to talk about with new music either. 2024 can also be the year of getting back into music.
games: i actually haven’t played much ffxiv this year. well in the first half i sorta did but i have barely touched it since like. august. except to keep my houses from getting demolished. i did finally finish myths of the realm last week, since they wrote that entire storyline for me specifically. i need the minion so bad yoship help.
in march capcom gave me a birthday prezzie with the release of the resident evil 4 remake which i’d had preordered since last year (the only games i’ll preorder and pay full price for are resis and ffxiv expansions). i don’t need to explain this to you. it’s incredibly good, the best of the extremely good remakes so far i think. i haven’t played the dlc yet but i’m excited to think there is more of this game i still have to play. btw ashley defense squad. i’ll brook no ashley slander in my house.
i can’t remember exactly when but i think it was some time in the summer that i finally, finally finished breath of the wild! i’m so behind the curve on this one, but i did at least get to start tears of the kingdom in the same year as everyone else. umm, i have to admit i remain ambivalent to this approach to zelda. i have to challenge myself to figure out how much of that is because iT’s DiFfErEnT but genuinely i think the things i dislike about it, i would still dislike even if i had nothing to compare it against. i really wish i thought it was the best zelda ever like so many do but i guess i just struggle to find a flow state with either of them which is why it’s taking me so fucking long to finish them lmao. still obviously extremely good and beautiful! like still head and shoulders above most games, easily, a good time overall!! (wish nintendo wasn’t the way that it is.)
i should mention that one day in july i fucked around in catlateral damage while streaming for bella. this is a very basic game, literally you are just a cat’s paw knocking things over, but man when you just need a brain-free giggle? it did its job.
also in july i played the sequel to oxenfree, which is a game that i love. this game didn’t click with me quite as much, i haven’t revisited it since i finished it, but there are probably also other reasons i shan’t get into that aren’t the game’s fault. idk i feel a bit unqualified to give a final verdict without playing it to completion but i guess the fact that i’ve had it for months and not bothered to do that yet is a kind of verdict in itself since with oxenfree i went straight back in till i got that final ending and platinum trophy.
for basically all of autumn i of course played baldur’s gate 3. i’m very sad that my extreme anhedonia has hit before i could play the new epilogue. i tried to load up one of my finished games but i ran into a problem because the only way to back up your saves is in the cloud so you can’t shuffle files around or make copies, only overwrite, and don’t get me STARTED again or i’ll start spitting i’m so SICK of PROFIT PROFIT PROFIT AAAAAHH. anyway it’s a pretty good game. i won’t be surprised or mad if neil wins the bafta but it really really should be samantha please if there’s justice in this world.
tv: season 3 of only murders in the building. umm, idk. it’s not a revolutionary show but it’s comforting, it doesn’t feel stale yet, and there’s just a lot of talent at work here. just fun to watch.
i watched almost all of neon genesis evangelion but couldn’t finish it because i decided to have an (unrelated) emotional breakdown instead. i’ll finish it eventually if for no other reason than i owe it to phil. shinji is baby.
finally got to the first season of our flag means death. just a delight. i love fun pirate adventures and i love the queers. unfortunately watched it right before the second season released and haven’t gotten to that yet.
did watch the second season of good omens though. i think they made the right choice to scale it back because honestly once you’ve averted the apocalypse trying to outdo yourself becomes a fool’s errand. also, jon hamm’s butt what who said that.
that’s it i think. as i said no season 2 of ofmd, not even the new flanagan yet which i had really been looking forward to for a long time. i dunno ya girl is struggling to find any pleasure in life atm.
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aqueeracademic · 1 year
morse being queer (and other commentary) pt 15:
season 4, episode 3, “Lazaretto”:
- my expectations are really low for this episode
- the last episode was so aggressively gay i’m just assuming this one won’t be
- unfortunate but here we are!
- ew i hate hospitals
- i love old nurse uniforms though
- elite fashion tbh
- morse in a wife beater agenda ‼️
- of fucking course joan called him from a goddam pay phone
- i’m IRRITATED 🗣️
- my tv is glitching the fuck out
- fixed it!
- anyways
- the head nurse reminds me of the sister in fleabag and i always think it’s her but it’s not
- and that’s my story
- morse uses the same body language with debryn that he uses with women he’s attracted to
- i’m just saying 🤷‍♀️
- the way everyone looks at the parrot is so fucking funny
- we are barely ten minutes into this episode and we’re already headed to the armory
- anyone but bright.
- you can kill ANY CHARACTER
- bright killed a tiger tho i’m pretty sure he’s immortal at this point
- no because listen
- debryn is perfect for morse
- he comes to the hospital immediately out of loyalty to the precinct and also because he knows morse is there alone
- he immediately tells morse who is in the operating room and that the surgeon is talented and morse doesn’t have to worry
- and then promises to go see what’s what for morse so he doesn’t have to wear himself out
- and THEN he brings morse’s mind back to the case hes working on because he knows morse copes by working and wants to take his mind off bright
- debryn knows all the ins and outs of morse’s brain and respects every facet of him and works in favor of him every time without fail
- hes fucking perfect
- i love him
- everyone loves bright so much i’m sick
- the head nurse reminds me of the evil lady from chicken run
- i hate this lady caroline
- she didn’t really do anything wrong in this moment with morse but like
- you are the mother of the woman who broke morse as a human being and forever scarred his perception of love
- and then ur gonna brag about what her new man is doing? just to rub it in that he “wasn’t good enough” for her and still isn’t?
- despicable.
- i don’t even wanna promote the queer aspects of that even tho it would be easy to
- because that was just fucking cruel
- and morse deserved better
- it cannot be comfortable for bakewell to have his arm cuffed up like that for that long
- they should do it lower for sure
- justice for winnie ‼️‼️‼️
- i love her i just want her to be happy
- trewlove is so worried about bright
- bright and trewlove 🤞🤞 i love them
- “We were engaged to be married. And then we weren’t.”
- THIS is why morse is the most relateable fictional character ever to me personally
- because he SIMPLIFIES this sort of stuff
- he could tell the whole story
- say what transpired and why she left and what he did wrong or didn’t do wrong and who she’s with now and why he became a cop instead of pushing himself and being happy
- but he says this.
- we were and then we weren’t.
- because all human experience can be taken as that.
- we are and then we aren’t
- and it’s all very simple
- and despite all the pain he feels and all the ways it’s affected his life
- he knows it’s as simple as that
- the way that nurse mills keeps side eyeing morse
- girl calm down
- the way morse runs 💀
- go morse go! 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️
- thursday should not have left bakewell and i stand by that
- even though nothing happens someone should have stayed with him to keep him safe
- but noooo 🙄🙄🙄 thursday has to care about morse and make sure he’s okay
- morse just visiting debryn for fun at this point
- monica 🥺🥺
- slamming his head against the brick wall is so wild
- unnecessary some might say!
- perhaps even… police brutality!
- which you’ve been suspended for!!
- every time i start to like him 🙄🙄
- oh my GOD monica is so beautiful
- “treat the next one better.”
- both of them avoiding the question “are you happy?”
- final straw
- the way thursday just hates having brights job
- it’s so funny
- thursday loves winnie so much i’m SICK
- i’ll prolly never get married but if i do i want it to be like them
- the way this show handles mental health issues is like
- actually not that bad
- like 8/10 times they do a really good job
- especially given the time period
- he’s a murderer and all but bakewell is funny as fuck
- “i get the uncontrollable urge to murder nosy parkers 😡. ta for the grapes 🥰🥰!”
- like ok??!
- funny as fuck
- that picture of joan is absolutely foul
- just throwing it out there
- “i had a reverse charges call from leamington.” “wasnt me.”
- i hate her right now
- i know i said i loved her like two posts ago but i fucking hate her
- like she’s intentionally hurting these people and doesn’t care
- like how does she just not care how much what she’s doing is affecting the people in her life?
- i know she’s traumatized
- but ONE phone call to ur parents wouldn’t kill you 🙄
- i have 0 understanding of how she’s blaming herself for the death at the bank
- they didn’t know who she was until he was already dead
- like girl get it together
- “i don’t care.” “i do.” “you shouldn’t.”
- pissing me tf off
- anyways 😐
- bright is so 🥺🥺
- just a little guy tbh
- GIVE BRIGHT CHILDREN🗣️🗣️🗣️ (he’s like 80 years old do not give him kids)
- what is this trend of bringing grapes to people in the hospital? is that something i should be aware of?
- goddam morse’s ex is RICH
- the way that people don’t like dr. powell because they think he’s a ladies man but he literally just wants to be a doctor 😭
- let my man breathe!
- the way susan was sick TWO YEARS AGO and morse looks worried like it’s happening right now
- “have you spoken to susan?” “yes. i haven’t mentioned you.”
- girl shut your bitchass up
- sick and tired of your classist bullshit
- this guy talking to corpses is so 🤨🤨
- what the fuck.
- how on earth is dr. powell working from 7:30 in the morning until after 3 in the morning the next day
- how does he function
- stop 🥺 the way morse turns his back before strange opens the trunk and then just peeks over his shoulder to look
- he’s a fucking pussy 😐
- i’m obsessed w him and i truly believe his inability to look at the deceased is his most endearing quality
- thursday cares about morse sm i’m SICK
- morse talking to the parrot is funny as fuck tbh
- morse is obsessed w debryn
- how the fuck did debryn notice a microscopic wound on someone’s ass
- he’d have to be STUDYING that ass
- wild!
- anywho
- i love the way morse talks to debryn and debryn talks to morse
- just two geniuses bouncing off each other 🥰🥰
- trewlove OUT OF UNIFORM coming to visit bright is so sweet
- it’s like he has a daughter
- i’m obsessed ✋🙄
- okay i was wrong. powell is a terrible person!
- the nurses are dramatic asf tbh
- i cannot imagine real nurses behaving this way
- oh my god susan’s dad died
- this could be my breaking point!
- i also would love to point out the fact that morse insists on formalities in most if not all situations, meaning he refers to people as “Ms./Mrs./Mr. ____”
- but he calls susan’s mom “Caroline”
- just her first name and nothing else
- like he and susan were engaged to be married
- like he really loved her and she maybe really loved him
- like at some point her parents loved morse and took him in
- like they treated him like family
- like they were excited for him to marry their daughter and therefore let him call them by their first names
- like they were close
- like a family
- everything about what happened between him and susan HURTS and idk how to handle it
- “I’m so sorry.” “Are you?” “Yes, of course. Edgar was always very decent to me.” “Well, he always had a weakness for failures.”
- not the other way around
- i fucking hate classism
- there’s a whole other analysis i could do of this whole situation that would be about his queerness and how it could play into all this but i’m like
- i fucking hate caroline
- she sucks so bad
- like the way she tells him the CHIEF CONSTABLE RUPERT STANDISH said he would never amount to much
- which already is bullshit because of his involvement with landesman and wintergreen, meaning that he was involved with the group who intentionally sabotaged morse and are still attempting to now (he died in the neverland episode so it’s not him directly anymore but still)
- and then says “You didn’t even pass your sergeants exam!”
- which is bullshit because she doesn’t know what happened and he can’t defend himself because it’ll make it sound like he’s making excuses for what she’s interpreting as failures
- “You see, I was right about you, even then.” “When you speak to Susan please give her my condolences.” “And your love.” “No. No. Look, whatever you may think of me, I am truly sorry he’s dead.”
- the DISGUST on his face when she says “and your love”
- i fucking hate her
- and morse deserved better
- it’s obvious that what happened is still tearing him up even now
- and that’s why he’s so sensitive about people leaving him (jakes, joan)
- and why he will always assume people he’s in love with or carries any love for are going to leave
- i fucking hate this show ‼️‼️
- two female murderer episodes in a row i am running my hands together like a little mouse
- this girl is wild for killing that many people tbh
- morse hugging her instead of dragging her away ☹️
- he’s so gentle i HATE IT HERE
- thank fuck bright lived
- idk how i would have reacted if something happened tbh
- i cannot believe the only shot we get of susan is from the back 😐
- okay for you tarot kids!
- intersecting the tower card with the death card usually has a lot of negative meanings. it represents suffering, typically by means of illness or pain of some kind
- the death card is a typically pretty happy card despite the connotation, but when combined with the tower card it’s p shit
- the tower card usually represents suffering or destruction
- combing the two cards doesn’t bode well for morse and it’s our first intersection in the reading we’re getting at the end of these episodes!
- so far we have sacrifice, union, and now a traumatizing ending of something resulting in suffering
- things are not boding well for our boy!
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winter-asleepening · 10 months
Spring Awakening Fandom Tag
By (@winter-alseepening)
1. how were you introduced to the show?
Through theater fans on instagram and tumblr :)
2. Seen a production live?
No 😭 waiting for the day
3. Dream role/character you relate to most
So disclaimer that I’m not a performer but I do relate to Moritz a lot and love his songs so it would be really … affirming ? To play Moritz 😌
4. Favorite male character
MORITZ I genuinely love him sm..
5. Favorite female character
Ashamed to say that my time in the fandom previously I ignored a lot of the female characters 🤧 so sorry ladies I do love you,,
6. Deaf West Revival or Original Broadway Cast?
So deaf west spring awakening is in my eyes a perfect revival and so artfully done so I reigns as “best version” imo.
BUT OBC has such a “kids rocking out in their garage band” energy to it ?? Where the show is so fresh and new and scary. And the energy is so grounded in nostalgia and I think it’s really special 🤧
7. Favorite song
TOUCH ME I will always die ,, the acoustician guitar stripped down start to the song is just so 💔💔💔
8. Least favorite song
I Believe ?? it’s more of a scene than a song tbh. And I think it’s really powerful as a scene . BUT like from a cast recording, album standpoint it’s a skip imo
(There once was a pirate bonus track in the cast album. Have never not skipped it)
9. Favorite quote/line
“She said love may make you blind, kid- well I wouldn’t mind at all”
10. Favorite TV performance
Forever and always the deaf west revival performance of Touch me on Seth Meyers 💙
11. Favorite cast member(s)
Jonathan groff and John Gallagher jr. are my favs from OBC
Deaf west I feel like I love everyone,, genuinely so happy that this production introduced me to so many amazing actors that I wouldn’t have otherwise known because they’re deaf,, Joshua Castille and Sandra Mae Frank are favs of mine 😌
Also I’m in love with Andy Mientus so him… obviously
12. Favorite cast member moment
Daniel Durant and Alex Boniello playing Animal Crossing together in one of the Vlogs of Purple Summer, very cute
Also the entire OBC reunion in the HBO documentary 🤧 genuinely so sweet to see everyone reconnect and reminisce 💔I cried
13. Do you write fan fiction?
I haven’t before but I’d probably come up with character AUs or head cannons or something
14. Do you make fan art?
YES !! I plan on doing a lot more but I drew a lot of Moritzs and Melchiors back in 2018 or so 😅
15. Do you cosplay?
I really want to cosplay from spring awakening,, illse’s OBC costume is so pretty💔 and I have a mighty need to cosplay Moritz for gender-y and kin reasons 😅
16. Don’t do Sadness or Blue Wind?
I always sing along with Moritz’s part but both are so beautiful, best characters my sweet children
17. Word of your body or the Reprise?
I would watch DWSA word of your body reprise RELIGIOUSLY (for totally straight person reasons) the revival does a great job taking a scene that was mostly played for laughs and make the characters seem much more grounded and whole. 💕
18. Touch Me or My Junk?
yes….. touch me is a great song but my junk is one of my favorite scenes in the show it’s so silly and crazy and I love it smm
Also the snowstorm Jonas video with the DWSA cast singing My Junk is like- my fav
19. Explain the song of purple summer
Okay, the song of purple summer is the kids singing about how they will carry with them their struggles and sing of this idealized perfect world that will someday be real because love will outlive hate and prejudice. There is one day going to be a world where no one will be ashamed to love and be loved and everything will be beautiful, even if it isn’t now.
20. Explain the song of purple summer (wrong answers only)
Illse converts everyone in the cast and the audience to her Cottage-core hippie religion….
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xflippinfrogx · 11 months
1, 10, 12, 13, 14, 17, 22, 33, 40, 50, 56, 57, 58, 67, 68, 73, 74, 75, 77, 78, 81, 82, 96, 97, 100, 101, 113, 114, 117, 118, 119, 120, 127, 128, 133, 134, 135, 137, 142, 144, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150
1. Who was the last person you held hands with? My best friend because we’re both clingy 🤭
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? Honestly it was probably you ash, I haven’t gotten too deep irl recently. 12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now? 1. Stick season~ Noah Kahan 2. New Year’s Day~ Taylor swift 3. Kiss me~ Sixpence none the richer 4. The end~ Phoebe Bridgers 5. Bags~ Clairo
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair? People don’t normally play with mine I’m usually the hair player bUT I LOVE IT SO MUCH AGHHHH
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles? Hmmm not sure about miracles but luck sure! I myself have pretty awful luck so we can only hope miracles do exist so it stops😂
17. Do you think there is life on other planets? I’m sure there probably is somewhere in the universe. It might not be exactly like us but cmon there has to be SOMETHING out there?!
22. Where would you like to travel? YOUR HOUSE👹 33. Spell your name with your chin.
40. What do you want to do after high school? I want to go to college maybe start a band or something like that. Honestly I don’t really know I just can’t wait to move out and have my own little apartment somewhere or something. 50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore? Uhhhhh does it count if I’m wearing it right now? Because it’s grey. 56. Favourite colour? Light green and dark red like cherries
57. Favourite food? I love chicken rolls more than life itself🤤 58. Last thing you ate? Funny enough it was a chicken roll- 67. Facebook or Twitter? I don’t actually have twitter so Facebook? I hardly use it though 68. Twitter or Tumblr? TUMBLR 100% I spend half my life on here
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? UH DUH
75. Favourite animal? CATS AND PIDGEONS 77. Chocolate or Vanilla? I love both but for different things
78. Favourite ice cream flavour? Cookies and cream 81. Favourite tv show? I watch so many but maybe the owl house 82. Favourite movie? Juno 96. Favourite actress? Maya Hawke but mainly because I have a big fat crush on her x 97. Favourite actor? hmmmm maybe Matthew Perry 100. How are you feeling? Im actually really hungry but it’s like 2am so I can’t just go get food rn 101. Do you type fast? If you know me at all you’ll know I absolutely do and my fingers move too fast for my brain sometimes and I tend to misspell things lmao 113. What was your childhood nickname? My mum use to call me Lany but she doesn’t anymore 114. Have you ever been out of your province/state? *County and yes I have loads of times 117. Do you like chicken noodle soup? I LIVE LAUGH LOVE CHICKEN SO YESSS 118. Do you like Chinese food? Yeah it’s alright, tbh the Chinese takeaway here isn’t amazing but I like the wontons 119. Favourite book? Cemetery Boys 120. Are you afraid of the dark? No I find it really peaceful. 127. What makes you happy? Seeing my friends happy<3 128. Would you change your name? I don’t think I would now but I didn’t like it when I was younger. 133. Favourite lyrics right now? Will you still want me when I’m nothing new?- Nothing new Taylor swift & Phoebe Bridgers 134. Can you count to one million? Let’s see shall we 1, 2, 3, 4….. (five million hours later) ONE MILLION I DID IT 135. Dumbest lie you ever told? i use to pretend I was a fairy and I told my friends I was friends with the tooth fairy or something 😭 137. How tall are you? Like 5’2? I could be wrong but yeah
142. Favourite month? OCTOBER OMG I LOVE AUTUMN AND HALLOWEEN AND MY BIRTHDAYS IN OCTOBER ITS JUST OERFECT 145. Tea or Coffee? Iced coffee and hot tea💕 146. Was today a good day? Today was kinda boring but yeah it was pretty good 148. What’s your favourite quote? This is one from my music teacher “If you’re only feeling 60% then give 100% of your 60%!” Another one from him, “GUYS THE CARBON IS ALL OUT OF WHACK” 149. Do you believe in ghosts? Id love if they were real because that would be so cool!!! 150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page?  All my books are in bags rn because of the renovations so I can’t do this one😭
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chialeah · 1 year
THE CROWDED ROOM EP 1-3 Initial Thoughts
(Ps-I haven’t read any of the original source material for this story so my thoughts are mostly based on info from interviews, other blogs, and the show itself). I would love to hear everyone’s else’s thoughts too!
1. I’m blown away by Tom’s performance so far! It so different from anything we’ve seen him do before and he’s nailing it. Excited to see how vulnerable he can play Danny and move the story along. Tbh this is the best character work he’s done for any of his projects! We will be getting him some awards fr lol!
2. The cinematography and set design are fucking fantastic! I’m excited to see how the shows directors put their own spin on telling and interlocking different parts of the story. Each decision made intentionally goes on to directly affect/influence different parts of Danny’s story. Really cool to pick up on those small details!
3. The only thing I can give the critics points for is that the pacing was pretty slow/all over the place early on. Episode 1 was a little clunky for me. Everything started to click into place in episode 2 and episode 3 was so good pace wise. I’m looking forward to getting some meatier scenes between Rya and Danny because I feel like they will really anchor the story. Other than that I don’t understand the those critics were on about!
4. I’m so happy with the score and the soundtrack so far as well. Great choice of songs to represent the seventies! Legit was on the edge of my seat for most of episode 3 and the score only added to that.
5. For how much shit Tom got for this haircut I will say that it actually works perfectly and looks good too!
6. As much as I would love to binge all of the episodes at once, the weekly release is the best/smartest thing Apple TV is doing for the show. You really need space to process everything that just happened in those intense scenes (especially episode 3).
Very very excited to tune in next week for episode 4!
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iloveutoodeath · 1 year
hiii for the ask thingy ☺️ 1, 4, 8, 15, 16, 21, 23, 27, 28; 30
omg sorry i totally forgot i reblogged the ask game a while back 😓 hehe.. thank you for sending these!!! this got long so i added a read more lmao
1 -3 things you wish for- that i stop procrastinating the projects i wanna work on, that i can find a better job than my current one sometime this year, that my dogs could have the same lifespan as me
4 -3 topics you’d love to learn more about- well currently i’ve been reading all about numerology and i rly want to learn more and more about it lmao. and cinema in general has been a current obsession for the past couple years for me, i didn’t watch movies much when i was younger but now i just really really love to watch a movie, then look up and read ppl’s thoughts about it, and any stories about the making of process whether it’s about the costuming, special effects, filming process, or writing process, read up on the subject matter whether it’s based on a book or a historical setting, or reading about any actors that stood out to me.. idk just like anything that peaked my interest or curiosity while watching the film, anything to have a more firm and in depth grasp about the story and the people who worked on it. i especially love to read about silent films!!! but yea it’s a very fun process and there’s always more movies to watch amd learn about!! and i guess the third topic i want to learn more about is doll making lmao
8 -3 tv shows you never get bored of- tbh for this i’m gonna answer with some of my favorite animes bc that’s what i have a tendency to rewatch the most lmao: mob psycho 100, cowboy bebop, death note
15 -3 quotes that have a special place in your life- sorry the only thing that’s coming to mind is “ask me if i give a motherfuck ?!!” -zayn malik
16 -3 drinks youconsume the most- omg definitely water, matcha lattes/milk teas w boba/smoothies (i consider those basically the same drink but with varying degrees of frozenness lmao), and mint tea. i wanna give a special shout out to any mango flavored drinks tho, which given the opportunity i will always gravitate to but like this is too broad a category to fairly consider it my most consumed drink u know?.. lmao ♥︎
21 -3 things you’re passionate about- i’ve always been and always will be obsessed with self expression and the infinite ways that can manifest through a person, but for me personally the 3 expressions that fill me with the most love, inspiration, and passion are fashion, home decor, and the creation and curation of art(visual art, music, film, etc).
23 -3 songs you listen to while cleaning- brand new start- little joy, rehab- amy winehouse, when i was your man- bruno mars (i don’t rly listen to him lmao but this song is imprinted in my brain bc it would often play on the radio at closing at my first job and idk something about sweeping an empty fast food restaurant after hours while this song played felt so right)
27 -3 thing you wish you did more often- travel, go out with friends more, go to more concerts
28 -3 things you love cooking/baking- omg my current favorite dish to make is.. well i don’t have a name for it but it’s like fried/sauteed diced potatoes and i usually improvise it depending on what i have in my fridge to go with it and what flavor i’m craving. so it pretty much always includes potato, onion, and tomato, but it can also have mushrooms, eggs, any plant based protein (my faves are soy chorizo, those like…. vegan chicken strips idk what they’re actually called, or just chopped up veggie patties), peas, lentils, etc. and it can be seasoned pretty much any way but my faves are a tomato based sauce or something like butter and garlic. lmao idk it’s rly good and highly customizable. oh and i guess my other fave dishes to make are ramen (again super customizable) and a frittata or quiche if i’m feeling more ambitious and have the time :-))))!!!!!!!!!
30 -3 moments you’ll never forget- when my sister and i were teenagers we were once reenacting the helena music video and my sister was doing the helena ghost dance and at the end she let herself fall back onto the couch and the couch literally broke lmaoooooooo, like the wooden beam that was holding up the seat cushions literally snapped in two rip she didn’t get hurt or anything and i literally can’t listen to this song without hearing the loud crack of the wood in my head and dying of laughter. also when my childhood dog (a small little white poodle) jumped onto the dinner table and gobbled up a whole block of cheese in the 5 seconds my family and i looked away to look at a bird that was outside our window lmaoo, AND OF COURSE the absolute hysteria of the beginning my mcr show where gerard walked out wearing the cheerleader dress and holding the blowtorch!!!!!!
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