#3rd party candidacy
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filosofablogger · 2 years ago
Pbbbbttthh Joe Manchin ... Need I Say More?
Well, well, well … so ol’ Joe Manchin is contemplating a run for the Oval Office next year on a third party ticket, eh?  Since he first came onto my radar several years ago, I’ve always wondered why he calls himself a ‘Democrat’ when he plays more on the side of the Republicans.  He fights to hasten the destruction of the human species by promoting the mining of coal … which, by the way, is how…
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milf--adjacent · 6 months ago
You're a smart person, are you also finding it weird that with the influx people saying they're gonna vote undecided or third party because we don't want to support genocide that all of a sudden there's these "Elders who organized and made a huge stride in getting people to vote third party, only for our democratic system to dismantle our third party to point of you can't even look it up anymore :( don't waste your vote that way" ass posts popping up? When I've accidentally clicked my For You tab, I see a new one each time.
Am I the only one finding that suspicious and weird?
I've been voting Green since I was allowed to vote. This response is actually quite normal. Liberals especially are only really politically active during the presidential election: they see this as an easy way to "make change" and if you want to do anything but what they want, you're threatening the "change" they want. In reality, liberals are genuinely too lazy and uninformed to try and come up with genuine solutions or use all their political power to actually get what they want. That's why the rachet effect has turned them into little George W. Bushes over the past decade, and now they're celebrating the "bipartisanship" of Joe Biden wearing a Trump maga hat and Dick Fucking Chaney throwing his support behind Kamala Harris.
Try not to dwell on people who want you to elect any percent Hitler to "stop" larger percentage Hitler too much. They live in a fantasy world where Kamala is a hyper socialist who will give us all a personal unicorn and a new set of teeth or some shit. Living in reality is better. Vote your conscience. Trump isn't the worst fate that can befall us, and we shouldn't blindly allow the democrats anti-Democratic actions over the past 5 years like literally choosing Biden despite popular support for Bernie, refusing to hold a primary and having Biden drop out after catching covid again (which he *totally* beat btw), or shoehorning Kamala into the candidacy without a primary despite her being one of the least popular candidates the last time they even preteneded to have a primary. There has to be pushback to "push the democrats left" (not my personal goal: they can burn in hell for all I care. But all the "push them left"ers are *real* afraid of 3rd party voting for some reason, and that's a real mechanism for the thing they literally said they wanted.)
The democrats want to tell you Trump will destroy democracy while they've been foregoing it for years. Democracy isn't the highest virtue we can aim for, but it's literally your right to choose your candidate. Anyone who tries to blame you for the outcome of an election for using your democratic right to choose is a protofascist at best and should be told to fuck off at least.
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starset21 · 1 year ago
New House, New Start
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Standard disclaimer: I do not consent to the posting, translating, or publishing of my work to any 3rd party site, the only place it may currently be found is on tumblr and Wattpad under the name @.itswildflower
Looking for more? Chicago Fire Collection Masterlist 
Word count: 2703
Warnings: cannon typical depictions of fires/accidents
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A new house, a new start. That’s what Dani told herself as she climbed out of her truck and grabbed her duffle bag. She was a little early for her first shift but she’d rather be early than late.  “I’m looking for the Chief’s office,” she started as she walked into the common room. “Down the hallway,” someone tells her. “Thanks.” She makes her way past the bunk room and into the main office. “I’m here to meet with Chief Boden,” Dani tells the lady at the computer. “Through there,” the woman points. “Thanks.” Taking a deep breath she knocks on the door to the office and hears a clear “come in.” She opens the door and the Chief stands from his chair. “Welcome to 51, I’ve heard such great things about you,” he greets her, offering a hand to shake. “Thank you sir, glad to be here,” she tells him when the phone rings. “Sorry, about cutting this short but everything’s pretty straight forward, if you have any questions let me know, there’s new gear for you in the turn out room and lockers are just through the bunk room, find an open one and put your name on it,” he added. “No problem, thank you sir, I’m sure I’ll find everything just fine.” The Chief nodded before dismissing her. 
She walked back down the hallway to the bunk room and found an open locker, placing her things in it before placing her lock on it and finding the roll of tape. She ties back her hair and goes to leave the bunkroom when she runs into several of the other firefighters, most of them giving her a strange look. “Dani, what the hell are you doing here?” a familiar voice rings out, pushing through the others. “Oh I don’t know, my job?” she laughs. Matt Casey opened his arms and she stepped into them, embracing her long time friend. “It’s so good to see you, its been what 4 years? Did you really transfer in?” he asks and Dani nodded as she stepped back, allowing them to actually come into the bunk room. “Just had a meeting with Chief,” she tells him. “Casey, who’s this?” someone asks. “Our newest member of Truck 81 and an old friend of mine,” he tells them. “Danielle Halstead, pleasure to meet you guys,” she told them. A few of them raised their brow and looked at the 5’4” woman. “Look, I get it guys, I’m a woman and a smaller one at that, but I assure you that I’m capable. I did a few years in northern California after completing my candidacy here in Chicago,” she tells them and they nod slowly. “Ok, now that that’s over, we’ve got Herrmann, Mouch, Otis, and Cruz on truck,” Matt introduces. They all head into the locker room and Matt starts with a small tour. “We have a new canidate coming in today, another female,” he tells her. “Awesome, we always need more women firefighters,” Dani tells him as they walk into the common room. “Severide, Capp, Tony, Clarke, and Mills will be here in a few minutes, they’re squad. And we have Shay and Dawson as our paramedics,” Matt finishes with the two of them out on the app floor. Dani pulls him in for another hug. “It really is so good to see you again Matt, I missed you.” Matt smiled, and patted her on the back. “I’ve got to go finish some things but feel free to wander and settle in.” 
“Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambulance 61. Person trapped,” the alarm rang out. “Shake a leg, guys,” Jones, the candidate, teases from inside the truck. “You're in my seat,” Herrmann grumbles to her and she moves. “That's my seat,” Mouch tells her when she moved. “Out of my seat,” Otis huffed and Jones scooted to the middle seat as Dani climbed in and shut the door. “Hey, does main know 61 isn't here?” Jones asks. “They'll catch the call over the radio, probably beat us to the scene,” Casey tells her. They pull up to the scene quickly and climb out. “Where's Dawson?” Casey asks. “I'm in here! Start warming up that IV just in case,” Dawson calls out. “This was all her idea. I had nothing to do with it,” Shay tells him. “Guys, we've got to get this girl outta here,” Dawson yells. “We got this. Herrmann. Let's get the saw,” Casey ordered. Jones turns and runs over to the truck. “Where's she going?” Herrmann asks. Jones pulls out the saw from the compartment and everyone watches as she practically drops it, cringing at the sound the blade on the pavement made. “Whoa. It's a lot heavier than the ones we trained on,” Jones tells Herrmann who grabs the saw from her. “Candidate, is your name Herrmann?” Casey yells. “I was just trying to help, sir,” Jones tries to explain. “Blade's all jacked up,” Herrmann yells, after looking the saw over. “Clarke, grab our saw,” Severide yells. Clarke moves quickly heading for the squad truck. “Jones! Stand over here and don't touch a damn thing!” Casey yells. Jones walks back over and Otis claps sarcastically for her. “It's gonna be another minute, Dawson. Sorry,” Severide tells her. “Shay, where's that IV?” Dawson calls out and Shay moves to hand it to her. Clarke hands Severide the saw and Casey pulls the lock with a strap so that they can make a clean cut. “Okay?” Severide asks and Casey nods. The lock is cut and Casey pulls open the door to the clothes donation bin. “I need blankets and a backboard right now. Let's move!” Dawson yells. 
On the way back from the call Herrmann watches Dani like he’s trying to figure something out. “Can I help you with something Herrmann?” she asks with a brow raised. “Say, you don’t happen to be related to a certain detective at 21, with the same last name as you?” he asks. “One of my older brothers, the other’s a doctor in New York,” she tells him before looking out of the window. She didn’t exactly have the best relationship with her brothers, she hadn’t even told Jay she was back in town. The trucks pull back into the garage and everyone climbs out, heading for the common room. “Oh, hey, Connie,” Mouch calls from the couch as she walks by. “The union is sending over some paperwork for me. I'm gonna need you to sign for that. Thanks.” Connie glared in Mouch’s direction before walking back to the offices. “You're poking the bear, Mouch. We've warned you about that,” Herrmann tells him, sitting down in one of the armchairs. “Get outta here. Connie loves me,” Mouch waved him off before turning and looking at the candidate in the kitchen. “Oh, hey, Jonesie. Just a heads up. If lunch isn't on the table at 12:00 sharp, the natives start to get restless,” he told her and Dani raised a brow, taking a seat at the round table beside Otis with a worn sketchbook. “And by natives, he means himself,” Herrmann tells her. “Duly noted. In the meantime, Lieutenant Casey said I'd be running drills today. I'd love to get started on that.” Jones looked around at her fellow firefighters, who made no moves. “Don't all jump at once. Otis? Halstead?” she asks. “Got a lot on my mind right now,” Otis tells her and Dani simply holds up her book. “Okay, so who's gonna drill me?” 
Cruz snickers to himself. “I'm not touching that with a 10-foot pole.” Jones turned to him. “10? I heard it was more like 4 ½.” Herrmann lets out a huff of laughter before shaking his head. “Hey. That is inappropriate.” Jones rolled her eyes. “Seriously, guys, I thought this was supposed to be a busy house,” Jones tried. “It's called downtime,” Dani called out, opening her sketchbook to a blank page. “Well, I don't feel like sitting on my ass. Could someone at least show me where the weight room is?” Jones asks. “You got energy to burn? Right this way,” Herrmann tells her smugly, leading Jones back towards the bunk room. Dani sketches for a little bit before deciding that she was going to go sketch the outside of the firehouse. She grabs her CFD jacket and beanie and walks past the squad table, earning her a few confused looks as she makes her way outside to sit criss-crossed in the driveway. “What the hell is the new girl doing?” Tony asks. Severide watched her for a moment somewhat intrigued, as she pulled out a pen from her pocket. He stood and followed her outside, coming to a stop in front of her. “What are you doing?” he asks. Dani raises a brow and looks up at the squad lieutenant. “I’m drawing the firehouse,” she tells him simply. “Ok but why?” he asks. “Because I have the time to, why not?” she asks in return. “That’s fair, I suppose,” he chuckles, sticking a hand out to her. “Kelly Severide.” Dani takes it, shaking his hand firmly. “I figured, Danielle Halstead, but my friends call me Dani,” she tells him. It was like a lightbulb went off in his head. “You’re the Dani that Matt has talked about! The one who fought wildfires.” Dani laughed. “All good things I hope,” she asked and Kelly nodded. “It’s nice to put a face to the name, welcome to 51,” he tells her. “Glad to be here,” she smiled up at him. “Kelly,” an older man begins walking up the driveway. “Right, well, I guess I’ll leave you to your drawing,” he tells her before heading inside with the man.
“Truck 81, Ambulance 61. Person stabbed. California and West 26th.” Dani stood up and ran inside, setting her sketchbook down with her regular boots and pulling up her turnout pants. “Sounds like we're here for crowd control, so all hands on deck. Protect the medics,” Casey starts as he climbs out of the truck. “Jones, where are you gonna be?” he asks. “Glued to your hip, Lieutenant,” Jones replies. “That's right. Let's go,” Casey gestures for everyone to follow him. “Crowd control. Great,” Herrmann mumbles as they push through the crowd. “This way, courtroom number four.” An officer meets up with them. “We're in the middle of a murder trial. Victim's father snuck a knife through security and stabbed the defendant. He's bleeding out,” the officer informs them. “I told you. Cut me loose,” the accused groans. “Cruz, get a hold of him,” Casey orders. The guy groans and screams as Shay and Dawson begin assessing him. “All right, his lung's hit. Could develop into a pneumothorax,” Shay tells them. “Get me an occlusive dressing. We've got to get him out now,” Dawson tells the other officer, who moves to uncuff the accused. “Oh, man,” the officer mutters. “What?” Casey asks. “The key. It broke off in the lock.” Casey narrows his eyes on the officer. “There's cops all over the place. Somebody's got to have a key.” The officer who had met them at the door shook her head. “These are maximum-security cuffs. A standard key won't fit. I'll call over to the jail. They'll have a key.” Dawson shook her head. “No time. He's losing too much blood,” she told them. “Otis, get the bolt cutters from the truck. Hurry.” Casey ordered. “On it,” Otis yells, heading for the truck. “Shay, get me an IV and oxygen,” Dawson ordered. “Herrmann, give me the halligan, Mouch. Hold him,” Casey calls out. The accused groans. “Guys, we're losing him,” Dawson shouts. “If he dies on our watch…” the officer starts. “Halstead, Jones, search the halls for a co2 extinguisher. Fast as you can,” Casey orders. “I'll go this way. You go that way,” Jones yells as the two women run down the hallway. “Yeah, aye, aye,” Dani mutters as Jones runs off. Finding an extinguisher Dani runs back towards the courtroom, spotting Jones darting through the door ahead of her. “Hit the eyebolt,” Casey tells Jones. He watches it for a moment before telling her to stop. Taking the halligan and breaking the chain off, Dawson and a few of the others jump into action, getting the accused onto a backboard to carry out. 
The next few hours were pretty slow, and Dani had finished her drawing of the firestation and was currently sitting on her bunk and scrolling through her phone. “Engine 51. Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambulance 61. High-rise fire. Michigan and Huron,” the alarm rang out. The firehouse jumped into action, everyone rushing to their rigs to get rolling. “So they rolled out Squad right away. Does that mean this is a working fire?” Jones asks and the experienced members in the back of the truck glanced at each other. “Don't know yet. But any call in a high-rise, we have to take it seriously. If it is a fire and it gets out of hand, that's bad,” Casey told her. “Must be your first high rise in a while Halstead, not quite the same as the woods is it?” Herrmann asks. “It’s definitely a different beast but this is why I took a few extra training courses before I transferred in, as a refresher,” she told him. Herrmann seemed to look at her with a little more respect after her words. Dani knew that she had been quiet and just went through the motions of the day earlier so she understood that some in the firehouse may have been skeptical of her abilities, given there weren’t many female firefighters out there, especially in Chicago. They pulled up on the scene and got out. “Wow. This is a real party,” Jones murmured. 
“People are reporting smoke on 18. That's a law firm,” the building manager met them at the door and told them. “Anyone workin' late?” Boden asks. “I don't know, but I got bad news for you. Elevators have been acting up. I put in a work order on Monday,” the building manager told them. “Otis, recall these elevators. Lock 'em off. We're takin' the stairs. North stairwell, fire attack. South, evacuation. Engine 51, Truck 81, Squad, fire attack and search on 18. Engine 67, lobby control. Truck 63, rapid ascent team and evac,” Chief calls into the radio. “Jones, get a spare bottle for yourself,” Casey calls out. “I'm coming up?” she asks. “You and I are gonna help engine. Grab a high-rise pack,” Casey tells her. The candidate jumps into action, grabbing what she was told and lugging them up onto her shoulder, grunting a little at the extra weight. “You wanted to be a firefighter…” Herrmann trailed off as they headed for the stairwell. 
“Jones. Hose pack and air bottles,” Casey called and the candidate moved forward, handing them to the waiting Engine member. A Dull roaring was heard from the fire. “Jones! Mask up,” Casey orders. “Come on, move! Come on!” Severide yells. “Ready?” he asks and when he gets nods of confirmation from everyone he opens the door. A blast of heat washed over them as they proceeded in. “You're gonna be fine, Jones! Just stick with me! Go where I go, okay?” Casey tells the candidate, who nods. “Mouch! Herrmann! You take the left! Casey, you go right, I'll go deep!” Severide called out. “Halstead! With Severide!” Casey ordered and Dani crouched a little and moved further into the engulfed floor, sticking to Severide’s back. “Fire department! Call out!” they shout. They worked in tandem, going back and forth to the stairwell, helping people up and passing them off to the others and when the last person was accounted for they both headed down the stairs and out into the cool night air, allowing Engine to finish putting out the blaze. One of the other medics passed them both water bottles and they took them gratefully. “Good work, Halstead, you ever want to try for squad I’d be glad to have you,” Severide tells her after they had both downed half the water bottles they’d been given. “Thanks lieutenant,” she offered him a small smile as he patted her on the shoulder and walked away. 
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the-badger-mole · 7 months ago
This! Listen. I wanted to do it this year. I wanted to vote 3rd party. I was preparing to vote for Claudia de la Cruz. Call me naive, but I sincerely thought that with all the support Palestine is getting from us, the populace, we might be able to do something this election. But then, the NY primaries happened. I had to sit through attack ad after attack ad on Jamaal Bowman- the NY representative who was vocal about a ceasefire in Palestine. His opponent, George Latimer was not only funded by AIPAC, he made part of his platform support for Israel, and you know what happened? George won. George Latimer is the democratic candidate for NY representative. When I went to vote that day, the place was empty. There was no one in there voting but me. The far left can't even organize to vote in the progressive Democrats- who have a much, much better chance of making a change than any current third party candidates.
We only have 2 options. We only have 2 options. And say what you want, but they are not equal options. One is not as bad as the other, and we all know this. I'm not worried about Trump. Trump is an idiot. I'm worried about who will come in with him. I'm worried about the policy makers he's going to promote. I'm worried about the EPA, and SSI. I am on medicare, and I'm worried about that, too. And I'm in one of the "safe" blue states. How do you think the vulnerable people in red states are feeling right now? The blue dots surrounded by red? The people being gerrymandered out of their voting rights?
I can't take anyone seriously who is pushing for 3rd party candidates, but doesn't vote in local elections, which is most of yall. In the state I live in, only around 40% of voters actually vote in midterm elections. I've said before- here on my blog, even-that the midterms, and local elections are arguably more important than the presidential elections. So where are the leftists then? Where are the leftists when it's time to vote for the school board? You know, the people who make decisions on what happens to students? Where are they when it's time to elect city council members? Mayors? DA? Sheriffs? Police commissioners? Any other local offices that have more daily impact on us than any senator or president will ever have, and who have more access to those higher ranking politicians than we will ever have? Do you realize that presidential candidates are chosen by delegates and not directly by us? So why are these far leftists not making sure we have the weight we need? Why are we not putting our local officials through their paces so we have viable, tested candidates to send up to even have a chance? Maybe if more people cared, we could've had a Jamaal Bowman candidacy in 2028. Or maybe someone even better.
We're not ready to seriously vote 3rd party, and as much as I HATE our current system, there is a clear choice. Both parties are terrible on Palestine, but only one party is actively trying to make it harder for us to exercise our rights here in our own backyard. The best we can do right now, is vote in the clear choice for president, and then do our best to bully her and her cabinet into doing what's right in Palestine, and in every place that's suffering from American Imperialism (and here's a clue. It's not only Palestine).
Be so serious. I beg....
I'm sorry I tell you this, but there is no third party, there is no independent and there is no write in candidate.
As long as our electoral system remains as it is currently, there are two candidates, one that wants to protect our democracy, and one that wants to destroy it.
And any vote that isn't to protect it is to destroy it.
So if you're old enough to vote, act like it.
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hannahh-4-government · 1 month ago
stumbled on your announcement via the us politics tag, and I do have a few questions.
is this real? (I'm not the greatest with deadpan humor-- this is intended to be a clarifying question rather than any kind of insult.)
If so, may I ask what prior positions you intend to run for/if you intend to establish candidacy within the democratic party? or run 3rd party?
Following up on the prior question: plans to utilize other platforms? In-person canvassing? Tumblr's great, but doesn't get as much traffic as many other platforms, hence my question.
While the general lean and ideology of your political stance seems to be quite obvious, the specific policies seem kinda nebulous. 15 years is a fair amount of time to refine them, but I was wondering if I could get more clarification on specifically the anti establishment and anti prison aspects? I understand those on an ideological level, but how would anti establishment translate to executive policy? Similarly, in regards to anti-prison sentiment: would that be reform (ie focus on rehabilitation within system), or abolishment? Assuming Congressional cooperation, what would be the alternative for those convicted with violent crimes, sexual abuse, etc.? (Am assuming drug-related felonies would be off the table due to legalization).
have a good one, sorry about the barrage of questions. did have a few more, but figured these might be more prudent to ask first.
Consider me "out of 'character'" for this post:
Yes and no. As the above disclaimer implies, this is an elaborate bit. BUT I am intending to allow this bit to escalate to the point of me actually running for president, depending on what happens the next 15 years (with my life, my career, and the political climate). But that, of course, begs the question: is it a bit anymore if I actually go through with it and run? If I do run, my intentions are to get as much attention as possible in an effort to move the Overton window, which will likely result in some great moments on the Democratic debate stage and a lost primary, then my subsequent endorsement of the winning candidate. However, if I win the primary I would then take things more seriously and try to win, and then do as well as I can as president.
Despite what is stated above, I have seriously considered running for local or statewide (CA) offices, particularly within the sphere of education (unless I successfully become an author or other creative as a career, I plan to become either a history teacher or Anthropology professor). If I do any of that, it obviously won't be a bit anymore. Locally I may run 3rd party, but probably Democrat for anything larger, unless things change and allow 3rd party candidates to make an impact.
I will probably get onto Bluesky at some point, but everything else is dependent on how far this goes.
The campaign is definitely more nebulous than my actual political ideas. The stuff presented on this blog is a more unhinged version of my actual opinions. For the anti-establishment question, I think being anti-establishment is inherently contradictory to the concept of executive policy, now that I'm actually thinking that idea through. As for the anti-prison stuff, in an ideal world (imo) prison would be abolished and replaced with a system designed for the purpose of protecting civilians from violence and rehabilitation, but, depending on how the world looks in 15 years, that might not be possible to implement easily, so that would translate to reforms that change things as much as possible.
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onenettvchannel · 1 year ago
BALITANG LOKAL: Special Elections to be held in the 3rd District of NegOr by early Christmas 2023
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DUMAGUETE, NEGROS ORIENTAL -- The Commission on Elections (COMELEC)-National is currently preparing to conduct special elections for the 3rd District of Negros Oriental, which will commence on Saturday (December 9, 2023 at 7am -- Dumaguete local time). This ongoing development comes after the COMELEC assumed control of the said local district region from Wednesday (November 8, 2023).
In an exclusive local radio news report obtained by between Romeo Subaldo of 91.1mhz's Favorite Music Radio: Bacolod and Jerald Cesar Gales of DZPA-FM 89.5mhz Radyo Bandera News FM: Palawan, the filing of the certificates of candidacy (COC) in the aforesaid special elections is set to begin next week. The special elections have become necessary due to the recent political developments in the local district.
Negros Oriental has been under the control of the COMELEC in Central Visayas, following a resolution issued by the commission. This move aims to ensure the integrity and fairness of the electoral process in the district. The decision to hold special elections demonstrates the commission's commitment to upholding democratic principles.
The 3rd District of Negros Oriental covers several key municipalities and has a considerable population. As such, the upcoming special elections have garnered significant attention from the local populace. Negrosanon voters are eager to exercise their democratic right and choose a new representative to serve their interests in the legislative body.
Numerous candidates have expressed their intention to participate in the special elections. Notable personalities like Arnolfo Alipit 'Arnie' Teves Jr., Roel Ragay Degamo, Pryde Henry Alipit Teves and Janice Vallega Degamo have thrown their hats into the ring. These candidates bring diverse backgrounds and differing visions, making the electoral race more competitive and the outcome uncertain.
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The COMELEC has been actively preparing for a smooth and orderly electoral process. It is collaborating with various stakeholders, political parties and local organizations of Negros Oriental to ensure that voters can exercise their right to suffrage without any hindrances. Measures are being locally taken to enforce strict adherence since the Coronavirus Virus Disease-19 (CoViD-19) post worldwide pandemic had already ended in a new normal.
All eligible voters in the 3rd District of Negros Oriental are encouraged to participate in this crucial electoral exercise. The decision made during these special elections will shape the future of the district and its representation in the legislative body for the coming term.
As the preparations for the special elections unfold in Negros Oriental's 3rd District, the COMELEC remains committed to upholding transparency, fairness and the democratic ideals that underpin our electoral system.
SOURCE: *https://www.philstar.com/the-freeman/opinion/2023/10/09/2302401/negros-oriental-under-comelec-control [Referenced Editorial News Article via The Philippine Star] *https://digicastnegros.com/special-elections-naman-sa-3rd-district-sa-neg-or-ginahandaan-sang-comelec/ [Referenced News Article via Digicast Negros] *https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bB4rR0igFEk [Referenced Video News Item via Digicast Negros] *https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aux24ir1VyM [Referenced Video News Item via Balitang A2Z] *https://www.facebook.com/101123261418626/videos/658142573127748 [Referenced News Item on FB LIVE VIDEO via Bandera News TV Philippines] *https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ds-v1ZIExUo [Referenced News Item via News5Everywhere] and *https://comelec.gov.ph/?r=References/ComelecResolutions/SpecialElections/SpecialElectionsfor3rdLegislativeDistNegOr/res10945 [Referenced Law Article via COMELEC website]
-- OneNETnews Team
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npi · 2 years ago
Washington State Republican Party votes to give Joe Kent an early endorsement in WA-03
Extreme, ultra MAGA Republican Joe Kent has secured the backing of the Washington State Republican Party for a 2024 rematch with United States Representative Marie Gluesenkamp Perez in the state’s 3rd Congressional District, according to reporters who are present at the party’s summer meeting. After some debate, the party’s state central committee voted to embrace Kent’s candidacy, spurning Camas…
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hardynwa · 2 years ago
Supreme Court affirms Marama Abba as PDP House of Assembly candidate
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The Supreme Court has affirmed Marama Abba of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), the validly elected candidate for the Borno House of Assembly, to represent the Hawul State Constituency in Saturday’s election. The five-member panel headed by Justice John Okoro, in a judgment, held that Abba’s appeal was meritorious and deserved to be allowed. The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that Abba, had appealed the Appellate court’s judgment which declared Ado Haruna the valid candidate for the house of assembly constituency election. While Haruna was the 1st respondent, PDP and INEC were 2nd and 3rd respondents respectively in the suit marked: SC/CV/73/2023. Haruna had approached a Federal High Court (FHC) in Maiduguri to seek an order compelling the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) to accept and publish his name as the PDP candidate sent by the party to it, following Abba’s voluntary withdrawal from the race. In the originating summons, Haruna sued the PDP and INEC but the trial court dismissed the case. Dissatisfied with the judgment, Haruna appealed the matter at Appeal Court in Abuja where he was declared the valid PDP candidate representing Hawul State Constituency on Dec. 29, 2022. However, Abba, in an appeal filed by his counsel, Johnson Usman, SAN, at the apex court, denied withdrawing his candidature at any time. Usman prayed the court to hold that the purported letter of withdrawal allegedly signed by Abba was invalid. He said Abba was the candidate who won the PDP House of Assembly primary election conducted on May 22, 2022 and had not withdrawn his candidacy. The senior lawyer argued that Abba was not joined as a party in the suit filed before the FHC Maiduguri by Haruna. He said failure to join him was a violation of his right to a fair hearing and urged the court to declare that he never withdrew his candidacy from the election. Delivering the judgment on Feb. 27, Justice Okoro, who agreed with Usman’s submission, affirmed Abba as the rightful candidate for the March 18 House of Assembly poll in the constituency. The court held that since Abba was a necessary party who ought to be joined to the suit originally but was not joined, his right to a fair hearing was breached. The court held that the judgment of the Court of Appeal was obtained by fraud, misrepresentation and concealment of facts. It further held that there was no evidence that Abbas withdrew his candidacy and set aside the judgment of the Court of Appeal. The apex court also awarded the cost of N5 million against the 1st respondent (Haruna) in favour of Abba. Read the full article
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pakistannews2021 · 4 years ago
Imran Khan Biography
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FULL NAME Imran Khan Niazi
BORN October 5, 1952
HEIGHT 6 ft 1 in (1.85 m)
ROLE All-rounder, Right-arm fast Bowler, Right handed Batsman
RELATION(S) Bushra Manika (Spouse), Ikramullah Khan Niazi (Father), Shaukat Khanum (Mother), Sulaiman Isa Khan, Qasim Khan (Sons)
Imran Khan Biography
In addition to being a former first-class cricketer, Imran Khan Niazi is also the leader of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf.
Currently serving as a Member of the National Assembly, he was born on 5th October 1952 in Lahore, Punjab.
Pakistan’s national team used him as an all-rounder between 1971 and 1992.
Just behind Garry Sobers as the best all-rounder in the history of the sport is this right-handed batsman.
He was inducted into the ICC Cricket Hall of Fame in 2010.
In Lahore, imran Khan made his debut as a first-class cricketer at the age of sixteen. A few years before making it into the main team in 1970–71, he played for smaller teams based out of Lahore.
During 1973–1975, imran Khan played for the Blues Cricket team at Oxford.
In his county cricket career, he played medium-pace bowling for Worcestershire from 1971 to 1976.
On 3rd June 1971, he made his Test debut against England which ended in a stalemate as he failed to take a single wicket across both innings and scored just five runs.
Three years after making his debut in the ODI format, he played against the same opponents for the Prudential Trophy at Trent Bridge.
However, he finished his 10 overs with the third best economy of the match while failing to claim a single wicket.
Rise to Glory
The following year, he returned to Pakistan, where he has been an integral part of the national team since 1976–1977 after completing his education at Oxford and serving his tenure at Worcestershire. He played his initial Tests against the mighty teams of New Zealand and Australia.
Tony Greig subsequently signed him up for Kerry Packer’s World Series Cricket after the West Indian Series.
With a speed of 139.7 km/h, he finished as the fastest bowler in that tournament, which was the third-fastest ball.
A bowler with at least 50 wickets in a year had an average of 13.29 while playing nine tests in 1982. He got 62 wickets at that average, the lowest in Test history.
It took the all-rounder only 75 Tests to achieve the all-rounder’s triple of 300 Test wickets and 3000 Test runs, second fastest behind Ian Botham who reached the milestone 3 matches earlier.
Club Career
From 1975–1976, he played for Dawood Industries and between 1980–1981, he played for Pakistan International Airlines.
His time as a student in England saw him represent Oxford University, Sussex, and Worcestershire. As a member of Australia’s New South Wales team during the 1984–85 season, he also represented the United States.
Javed Miandad appointed him captain at the age of 30. His side won 14 tests and lost eight matches while he was their captain.
Over the course of his 139 ODIs as a captain, he lead his team to victory 77 times and lost 57.
It is suspected that the injury caused him to miss more than two years of the 1982 international season.
In the 1984–1985 season, he returned to basketball. He retired from International Cricket after failing to reach the 1987 World Cup before returning to the team in 1988.
He provided significant contributions with both the bat and the ball throughout the 1992 Cricket World Cup, as he took Pakistan to victory at the age of 39.
Imran’s Record in Numbers
The Wisden Cricketer of the Year award was given to him in 1983.
A cricketer among fifty-five inducted into the Hall of Fame of the International Cricket Council during its centennial celebration, he was one of fifty players.
Even in 1985, he was named Player of the Year by the Sussex Cricket Society.
When Pakistan faced Sri Lanka in the series decider, he played his final test as a Pakistani.
After failing with the bat in his first two innings, he failed to bowl either innings. Pakistan eventually won the series by 3 wickets.
He is Imran Ahmad Khan Niazi (born October 5, 1952, Lahore, Pakistan), former cricketer, politician, and prime minister of Pakistan (2018 — ) for leading the Pakistani team to a Cricket World Cup victory in 1992 and then became interested in politics during the corruption scandal in Pakistan.
Early life and cricket career In addition to being educated at elite schools in Pakistan and the UK, Khan was born into an affluent Pashtun family in Lahore. In his family were several accomplished cricket players, including two elder cousins who served as Pakistani national team captains, Javed Burki and Majid Khan. He continued to play cricket at the University of Oxford even as he studied philosophy, politics, and economics. The first time Khalil Khan played for Pakistan’s national team was in 1971, but he did not become a regular member of the team until after he graduated from Oxford University in 1976.
imran Khan was named captain of Pakistan in 1982 due to his outstanding skills as a bowler and all-rounder in the early 1980s. Khan gained fame in Pakistan and England because of his athletic ability and good looks, and his appearances at London nightclubs provided entertainment for the British tabloid press. The 1992 World Cup was the greatest sporting accomplishment of Khan’s career, as he led Pakistan to its first World Cup championship. The year after he retired, he was regarded as one of the greatest cricket players in history.
imran Khan remained a prominent philanthropist after 1992. The young man had embraced Sufi mysticism and shed his playboy image after experiencing a religious awakening. Khan served as the primary fund-raiser for the Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital, a specialized cancer hospital in Lahore that opened in 1994. Khan’s mother died of cancer in 1985, and the hospital was named after her.
Entry into politics imran khan became an outspoken critic of government mismanagement and corruption in Pakistan after retiring from cricket. In 1996, he founded Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (Pakistan Justice Movement; PTI). Khan won only one seat in the 2002 elections, a seat he filled with less than 1 percent of the vote in the following year’s national elections. His party had received less than 1 percent in the election the following year, and it lost no seats in the National Assembly. Khan attributed his party’s low vote total to vote rigging. Khan was among a group of politicians who resigned from the National Assembly in October 2007 in protest of President George W. Bush. Currently, Pervez Musharraf is running for president. Musharraf, who had declared a state of emergency, briefly imprisoned Khan last November. For its part, the PTI opposed the state of emergency, which ended in mid-December, and boycotted the 2008 election to express its opposition to Musharraf’s government.
Although imran Khan’s populist positions found support, especially among young people, in spite of the PTI’s electoral struggles. Pakistan’s participation in the fight against militants near the Afghan border belied a lack of economic equality and corruption, which he opposed. In addition, he attacked Pakistan’s political and economic elites, accusing them of being Westernized and out of touch with Pakistan’s religious and cultural norms.
A list of Khan’s published works includes Warrior Race: A Journey Through the Land of the Tribal Pathans (1993) and Pakistan: A Personal History (2011).
Political ascent imran Khan and his party drew large crowds at their rallies in the months leading up to the early 2013 legislative elections and attracted the support of several leading politicians from Pakistan’s established parties. A 2012 opinion poll found that Khan was the most popular political figure in Pakistan, which is further evidence of Khan’s political rise.
Days before the 2013 legislative election, imran Khan fell from a stage at a campaign rally, causing injuries to his head and back. From his hospital bed, he addressed the nation hours later. Although the PTI won its highest numbers ever, it won only half as many seats as the Pakistan Muslim League–Nawaz (PMLN) led by Nawaz Sharif. PML-N leader Khan accused them of rigging the polls. The opposition leader, along with other opposition figures, led four months of protests in late 2014 in order to bring Sharif to justice.
When the Panama Papers linked Sharif’s family to offshore holdings, suspicions of corruption were heightened. Later that year, Khan organized new protests but canceled them in response to the Supreme Court’s decision to open an investigation. He was forced to resign from office after his candidacy was disqualified by an investigation. Khan, meanwhile, was also discovered to have offshore holdings, but in a separate case, the Supreme Court did not disqualify him.
The following year, in July 2018, elections were held. Despite being attacked for too cozy relationships with the military, Khan ran on a platform of fighting corruption and poverty. Following PTI’s majority in the National Assembly, Khan was able to form a coalition with independents. On August 18, he was sworn in as prime minister.
As prime minister, imran Khan faced a mounting balance of payments crisis. A key reason for the growth in the economy, imports, and debt commitments is the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC).  CPEC News And Updates When the United States refused to provide Pakistan with $300 million in promised military aid just a few weeks after becoming prime minister, the crisis deteriorated rapidly. In a bid to use foreign assistance to help Pakistan’s macroeconomic situation, Khan eschewed a bailout by the International Monetary Fund (IMF). A dozen previous packages from the IMF had failed to solve the country’s macroeconomic problems. In the absence of favorable terms for foreign assistance from other countries, Pakistan requested financing from the IMF. The United States, China, and Saudi Arabia offered him foreign aid in return for investment.
In addition to courting foreign aid, Khan presided over several significant developments in Pakistan’s foreign relations. Both the country and the United States achieved a mutually beneficial understanding through negotiations with the other. In February 2019, India launched its first air campaign against Pakistan in over five decades after a suicide attack on Indian security personnel killed 40 Indian soldiers in Kashmir. An attack by one country raised concerns about a possible conflict with the other.
Pakistan has downplayed the impact of the incident and appears to have avoided escalating the situation. India again entered Pakistani airspace, leading to Pakistan downing two fighter jets and capturing a pilot, who was later returned to India. As a result of this incident, Khan passed legislation to establish international standards in Pakistan’s laws, made arrests, and shut down multiple religious schools.
Early in 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic worsened the economic situation of China. Khan was less eager to endorse a lockdown than some of his critics. In contrast, the opposition-controlled Sindh government imposed an immediate lockdown on the province in March. His government eventually instituted a nationwide lockdown in April and began limiting it to areas with high rates of infection in May.
Efforts by Khan to crack down on militants and keep close ties with the military continued to draw opposition. With a stated goal of increasing the independence of civilian governments from the military establishment, the major opposition parties formed a coalition in late 2020, called the People’s Democratic Movement (PDM). The PDM has called for Khan to “step down” in protests and rallies organized by it down.
Khan’s coalition partners narrowly survived a vote of confidence in his government in March 2021 after these parties boycotted it.
Quick Facts
Birthday: October 5, 1952
Age: 68 Years, 68 Year Old Males
Sun Sign: Libra
Also Known As: Imran Khan Niazi
Born In: Lahore, West Punjab, Dominion Of Pakistan
Famous As: 22nd PM Of Pakistan
Quotes By Imran Khan Cricketers
Political Ideology: Pakistan Tehreek-E-Insaf
Spouses/ex-: Bushra Maneka (M. 2018), Jemima Khan (M. 1995–2004), and Reham Khan (M. 2015–2015)
Father: Ikramullah Khan Niazi
Mother: Shaukat Khanum
Siblings: Aleema Khanum, Rani Khanum, Rubina Khanum, Uzma Khanum
Children: Qasim Khan, Sulaiman Kha
What is Imran Khan’s background?
The 22nd Prime Minister of Pakistan is Imran Khan Niazi, a former cricketer. Young cricketers looked up to him as an inspiration. One of Pakistan’s finest cricketers, he rose to popularity with his incredible skills. From cricket’s biggest heartthrob to one of the most influential politicians, his journey is remarkable and inspiring. During his reign as Pakistani captain, he led the country to its first Cricket World Cup title in 1992 by beating England. This led him to be described as one of Pakistan’s most famous and accomplished captains. As he could bowl fast and was a good all-arounder, this outstanding cricketer made the game of cricket more popular in his country. Cricket and politics were not the only areas in which he excelled. His involvement in politics began in 1992 when he formed his own political party, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (Movement for Justice). Following the death of his mother from cancer, he established Lahore’s first cancer hospital. By raising money for health and education projects, he is helping the underprivileged and deserving.
Childhood & Personal Life
Ikramullah Khan Niazi and Shaukat Khanam raised Imran Khan Niazi in a well-to-do Pashtun family in Lahore.
Following schools at Lahore’s English-medium Aitchison College, he went to Warwick, England, for higher studies at the Royal Grammar School.
The University of Oxford graduated him in philosophy, politics, and economics in 1975. Growing up in a family of cricketers, he played the game in Pakistan and in England.
As a result of his not-so-good performance in the 1971 English series in Birmingham, he failed to make a mark in tests.
When he returned to Pakistan in 1974, he debuted for the first time in one-day international (ODI) matches through the Prudential Trophy.
In the 1980s, he became a prominent fast bowler in Pakistan after a stellar performance against New Zealand and Australia in 1976–77.
Pakistan chose him to be their captain in 1982. In a stunning performance, he led India to its first Test win over England after 28 years at Lord’s, as a fast bowler and all-rounder.
A draw was achieved in 8 of the 48 matches Pakistan played under his captaincy. A total of 139 ODI matches were played, with 77 victories, 57 losses, and one tie.
For two years, he was sidelined by a stress fracture in his shin. Following a win over India in 1987, he also won in England to give Pakistan its first-ever Test series win.
General Zia-ul-Haq invited him back to Pakistan after he retired in 1987. With 23 wickets in three tests, he was named ‘Man of the Series’ against West Indies.
Shaukat Khanum Memorial Trust was established in 1991 as a charity organization for cancer research and development that honors his mother.
A test and ODI record of 3807 runs and 362 wickets, and a ODI record of 3709 runs and 182 wickets, prompted him to retire in 1992.
Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) was founded by him in 1997 as a means to eliminate corruption and mismanagement in Pakistan.
Mianwali was the seat he won at the October 2002 elections.
Besides founding Namal College, a campus of the University of Bradford, he also set up the Institute of Imran Khan Foundation.
In 2013, he launched ‘Naya Pakistan Resolution’, which threatened the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N).
Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) rejected his proposal to collaborate.
When he fell off a stage during a campaign rally, four days before elections, he injured his head and back and had to be hospitalized. However, he maintained his campaign appeal through the hospital and his party lost.
Imran Khan’s party finished first in Pakistan’s general elections, defeating the ruling party. In August 2018, he became Pakistan’s 22nd Prime Minister.
A number of British and Asian newspapers as well as Indian publications have published his views on cricket, including Outlook, Guardian, Independent, and Telegraph.
As an active cricket commentator, he has worked for Star TV, BBC Urdu, and TEN Sports.
Records & Achievements
In 1992, despite suffering from a ruptured shoulder cartilage, he became the hero of Pakistan by winning the first-ever ODI Cricket World Cup for Pakistan, defeating England in the finals at Melbourne.
Three thousand runs and three hundred wickets made by an all-rounder in 75 tests are second only to Ian Botham’s 72 wickets in test cricket.
Aside from most wickets, best strikes and best averages, he also had best figures (8 wickets for 60 runs) when he was captain.
The Cricket Society Wetherall Award was given to him in 1976 and 1980 for being the best all around player in England’s first-class cricket.
1985 was the year he was named Sussex Cricket Society Player of the Year.
Hilal-e-Imtiaz, the second highest civilian award given by the Pakistani Government to him, was the highest civilian honor he received.
As a result of his support for various charitable programs, he received the Asian Jewels Awards Lifetime Achievement Award in London in 2004.
On April 28, 2007, in Kuala Lumpur, he received the Humanitarian Award for setting up Pakistan’s first cancer hospital.
As one of many cricket legends present at the AICC (Asian Cricket Council) Awards in Karachi in 2009, he was presented the special silver jubilee award.
During the centennial celebration of the International Cricket Council (ICC), he was inducted into its Hall of Fame in 2009.
Towards his activities in Pakistan treating cancer in 2012, he was awarded an honorary fellowship by the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh.
Globa lPost recently ranked him #3 in its list of the top nine world leaders of 2012.
Personal Life & Legacy
It was in Paris, in May 1995, that he married socialite Jemima Goldsmith, a convert to Islam, in a traditional Islamic ceremony. After a month, they remarried in Richmond in a civil ceremony. Both sons are born to them — Sulaiman Isa (1996) and Kasim (1999). Jemima cited difficulties adjusting to Pakistani life as the reason for the couple’s separation in June 2004.
Jemima’s father was Jewish, making Jemima’s decision to enter politics a source of attacks by his opponents.
In January 2015, despite objections from his own family, he married British-Pakistani divorcee Reham Khan, a former BBC weather girl, in a secret ceremony at his home in Islamabad. In October 2015, the couple divorced after being married just a year.
Bushra Manika, his spiritual advisor, married him in February 2018
He belongs to a cricketing family that has produced successful cricketers, including Javed Burki and Majid Khan, both of whom graduated from Oxford and served as captains of the Pakistan national team.
Vote for Your Favourite Pakistani Leaders
Famous As: 22nd PM of Pakistan
Birthdate: October 5, 1952
Sun Sign: Libra
Birthplace: Lahore, West Punjab, Dominion of Pakistan
The current Prime Minister of Pakistan, Imran Khan is also the founder and chairman of the political party Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf. Before making an entry into politics, Imran Khan was an extremely popular international cricketer who led Pakistan to its first ever Cricket World Cup title in 1992. As a philanthropist, he established Pakistan’s first cancer hospital in Lahore.
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tomorrowusa · 5 years ago
Good Poll Numbers Are Only Truly Good If People Vote.
In recent weeks we’ve been seeing polls showing Donald Trump losing ground to Joe Biden for the November 3rd election.
I generally take polls with several shakers of salt🧂; and polls 18.5 weeks ahead of an election, at best, are little more than snapshots. Too many people, especially on the liberal side, regard polls as prophesies and forget that polls are meaningless if there are not the votes to back them up.
FiveThirtyEight compared current Trump-Biden poll numbers to those of past presidential races in early summer of those years.
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Of the 12 previous presidential cycles, 6 produced poll results for this time of year which did not fully resemble the final vote outcome.
The early summer polls which were mostly predictive:
1972 - A Nixon blowout. Part of Watergate was to get the most unelectable Democrat nominated for president. Nixon succeeded beyond his wildest dreams and was re-elected in a landslide.
1980 - Incumbent President Jimmy Carter saw his popularity drop because of the Iran hostage crisis and rising energy prices. The independent candidacy of ex-Republican John B. Anderson didn’t help either. Carter ended up with just 41% of the vote.
1984 - A Reagan echo of the Nixon blowout 12 years earlier. A post-recession Reagan beats Walter Mondale by 18 points.
1996 - Bill Clinton, presiding over the most robust economy since the 1960s, gets almost as many votes as Bob Dole and H. Ross Perot  combined.
2004 - A narrow re-election win for George W. Bush over John Kerry.
2008 - A convincing win by Barack Obama over John McCain.
The ones which were mostly off.
1976 - Jimmy Carter was way ahead much of the summer. His poll numbers slowly declined after late August until the race became a toss-up. But Carter was unintentionally helped by incumbent Gerald Ford during a debate who claimed there was no Soviet domination in Eastern Europe. In short: instead of the predicted landslide, Carter won the popular vote narrowly and managed only a modest Electoral College win.
1988 - Massachusetts Gov. Michael Dukakis enjoyed poll leads most of the summer over Vice President George H.W. Bush. In late July, Dukakis led Bush by 17 points.  But Dukakis sat on his lead while the Bush campaign ran racist attack ads intended to make Dukakis look soft on black murderers. An ill advised tank ride by Dukasis and a poor performance during a debate also led to a substantial Bush win.
1992 - A three-way race which featured incumbent Bush, Gov. Bill Clinton, and third party businessman H. Ross Perot. Bush was 5 points ahead of Clinton in early summer polling. A well run convention where both members of the Democratic ticket were under 50 followed by a good campaign put Clinton 5 points ahead of Bush on election night. The election was complicated by Perot who hurt Clinton by splitting the anti-incumbent vote and who hurt Bush by siphoning off populists. 
2000 - Gov. George W. Bush was well ahead of Vice President Al Gore at this point in the summer. Gore had been indirectly hurt by his association with Bill Clinton who was impeached by the GOP Congress over his affair with Monica Lewinsky. But a booming economy eventually reflected favorably on Gore who ended up winning the popular vote while very narrowly losing in the Electoral College. 
2012 - President Barack Obama was comfortably re-elected over challenger Mitt Romney despite polls showing a close race. Obama became the first Democrat since Franklin Roosevelt to get a majority of the popular votes in more than one presidential election.
2016 - Hillary Clinton had a 5 point lead over Donald Trump at this stage in the summer. On Election Day FiveThirtyEight gave Hillary a 73% chance of winning the election. Hillary managed just a 2 point advantage in the popular vote and lost in the Electoral College to Trump. We’re still hearing recriminations over the 2016 polling fail.
The 1988 example is the one we should keep reminding ourselves of. Here is a press release by pollster Louis Harris dated July 28, 1988.
Polls don’t vote, people vote.
So if you hear somebody referring to favorable polls as an excuse to slacken off, remind them that there are tens of millions of hardcore Trump supporters who are so motivated by fundamentalism and/or white supremacy that they would risk their health to help re-elect our worst ever president. Our enthusiasm needs to surpass theirs to win this election.
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The next American president
With renovations of next American presidential candidates of American election in transportation and also the passage of the Twentieth Amendment, governmental commencements were moved on to midday on January 20. Therefore, allowing head of states to start their tasks earlier. The Federal Political Election Campaign Act of 1971 was enacted to enhance disclosure of contributions for federal campaigns. Succeeding amendments to regulation call for that prospects to a government office need to file a Declaration of Candidacy with the Federal Election Commission prior to they can obtain contributions accumulating over of $5,000 or make expenses accumulating in excess of $5,000. Therefore, this started a trend of governmental candidates proclaiming their purposes to run as early as the Springtime of the previous fiscal year.
So they can start investing the cash and also raising needed for their across the country campaign. The first president, George Washington, was chosen as an independent president candidate. Since the election of his follower, John Adams, in 1796, all champions of United States presidential political elections have actually represented either significant celebrations. 3rd parties have actually taken second location just two times, in 1860 and also 1912. The last time a 3rd (independent) prospect achieved substantial success (although still ending up in 3rd place) was Ross Perot in 1992. Also the last time a third-party prospect got any selecting ballots not from faithless electors was George Wallace in 1968.
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whatwouldsupermando · 1 year ago
America is not a democracy. Presidents consistently win without the public majority, the first past the post model means many people's votes count for literally nothing, and the candidates are selected by and for the only 2 parties that are allowed to exist, not by the people. You are technically allowed to vote 3rd party, but no candidate has ever won the Presidency largely due to propaganda that a 3rd party candidate is incapable of winning in the first place. Propaganda like this post. Most Americans are stuck in this mindset that the only thing that truly matters is which major party candidate is less bad, to always vote for the lesser evil, but still always willing to vote for evil either way. It is objectively true that Biden is a better person than Trump, as are most people in the world, but it is not true to say that his candidacy is anything more than a palliative against the increasingly powerful grasp of fascism over American politics. It is true that Trump would accelerate that process dramatically and that the cost would be human lives and a bleak future. But at the same time, this outcome is inevitable with our current system. Biden could win, and we'll just see another most important election of our lives for years from now.
The point of this argument is not to spread pessimism, but to ask everyone to try to think clearly and deeply about their participation in this system that always puts the interest of power over the interest of the people. A system that will fall to fascism eventually by the very nature of its structure. Stopping Trump is important, but if you're only goal is to prevent things from getting worse, then you're more interested in comfort than change. Vote with your heart, I'm beyond believing our problems can be solved from the White House, but I urge everyone to become politically active in their own communities instead and actually fight for real change where you can. The situation doesn't have to get worse today, but voting Blue no matter who cannot save You.
The “don’t vote” left’s point is basically that, if Biden gets a second term, it’ll basically signal that “They’ll vote for us as long as we’re not Republicans, why don’t we do some REAL fucked up shit, if we can get away with it?” It takes the power out of the people’s hands and places it firmly in the party’s.
I can’t completely disagree with that, my caveat is that there’s no real alternative system or party in place, because top-down change is ineffective; a third party president has to contend with a two party congress.
Except no. This whole "Biden just wants to do as much fucked up shit as possible while not being a Republican, and if you give him a second term he'll do more fucked up shit deliberately to spite you" mindset is only possible as an interpretation if you a) deliberately and comprehensively ignore everything he has done to date, and b) you approach the situation with the maximum bad faith possible. Not to mention, the ultimate outcome of this Big Important Teaching Biden A Lesson is that Trump gets back into power and makes everything orders of magnitude worse, because he does in fact want to deliberately do evil shit to everyone and says so at every opportunity. There is not some magical happy alternative that springs into existence by not voting. If you choose this as a year to Teach Biden A Lesson, you are enabling Trump. Trump will be much, much worse. If you don't care about that, I still do not care what your Great Ideology is. You are not helping anyone and you are directly and irreversibly hurting everyone.
I made a post a few days ago wherein I mentioned that I want to assess Biden fairly, taking into account both strengths and weaknesses, but the rampant bad-faith, lying, misreading, misrepresentation, and open sabotage of him (especially by the online left; the GOP sometimes only wishes they were as good at turning Biden's voter pool against him) makes it really difficult to do that. My frustration with those people makes me just want to go "BIDEN IS GREAT THE END." I know he is a flawed old man (though by literally every account of a career spent in public service, he really does care about making the world a better place and any remotely good faith reading of his accomplishments thus far can see that). It is also very likely that he goes MORE left in a second term because he won't have to face the electorate again, he has always gone more left when pushed before, and he's not actually the scheming genocidal mastermind that leftist social media paints him as. Shocking, I know.
I know there are things in the world we don't like and don't want and want to stop, and therefore we blame our own president for not making it stop. But I have zero, no, none, absolutely none whatsoever sympathy for this pseudo-populist "WE NEED TO TEACH BIDEN A LESSON BY ELECTING TRUMP AGAIN, I AM VERY MORAL MUCH ACTIVIST" mindset. There's this funny thing about America wherein it is still (for now) a democracy. If Biden wins a second term, he can't run again. I would take literally anything these people said more seriously if they focused on developing their dream progressive successor for 2028 (and also figured out how to get that person elected and in a place to make real change) rather than cynically sabotaging Biden in the most consequential election year, again, of our lifetimes. If you don't like him now, find a way to make his successor a better option. Throwing a toddler tantrum and handing the country back to a senile, deranged, fascist, revenge-riddled, theocratic Trump HELPS. NOBODY. I still don't know how many times I'm going to have to say that, but yeah.
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theliberaltony · 6 years ago
via Politics – FiveThirtyEight
I drove down to West Virginia in early March, during the teacher strike. While President Trump had won the state with 68 percent of the vote in 2016, the strike seemed like a bit of old West Virginia peeking through, reminiscent of a time when labor unions and the Democratic Party dominated the state’s politics.
The halls of the Capitol in Charleston were sweating hot when I got there, filled with hundreds of teachers looking for a pay raise. The strike would go on for two weeks, and clever signs were the favorite medium of the teachers. One that caught my eye was a poster that name-checked two of the most high-profile members of the state Senate: “In a world of Carmichaels, be an Ojeda.”
Carmichael was Mitch Carmichael, Republican president of the West Virginia Senate, whom teachers were blaming for stonewalling their pay raise. Ojeda was Richard Ojeda, a Democrat from Logan County and one of the more vocal supporters of the striking teachers. A former Army paratrooper who looks like it and who speaks every word of every sentence with concentrated intensity, Ojeda had become known for his unrehearsed Facebook live talks and unvarnished advocacy for a working man’s Democratic Party.
On Monday, the day after Veterans Day, eight months after the teacher strike and less than one week after he lost a congressional bid, Ojeda declared his intention to run for president in front of the Korean War Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C. Ojeda is one of the first Democrats to officially declare his candidacy for 2020, and although he doesn’t enter the contest as a buzzy national front-runner, he’s a former Trump voter with a case to make.
The proposition of Ojeda’s 2020 candidacy is surely to win voters like himself — Democrats who voted for Trump or just plain old Republicans — back to the side of the Democratic Party. In his 2018 bid for West Virginia’s 3rd Congressional District, Ojeda lost to the Republican, but he got 43.6 percent of the vote, 20 points more than the Democrat who ran in 2016 did. Ojeda outperformed his district’s partisan lean by about 24 points — one of the best showings in the nation. There’s proof that at least in West Virginia, Ojeda is a Democrat who has across-the-aisle appeal.
I spoke to Ojeda in his office for little under an hour back in March. That day he wore a ribbon commemorating the service of public employees and the highest, tightest fade I’d seen in quite some time. His office was packed with military memorabilia, tokens of his 24 years of service in the U.S. Army. There were flags, pictures of Ojeda in combat gear, and a framed poster in Arabic depicting voting procedures that was, he told me, a souvenir from the first free election in Iraq post-Saddam.
“You deploy and you go to these other countries because you want those other countries to get a sliver of what you enjoy back in America,” Ojeda said. But he ended up in the military in large part because that was his best option growing up in impoverished southern West Virginia. “When I graduated high school at the age of 18 in Logan County, which is the coal fields, there’s only three choices: dig coal, sell dope, join the Army.”
For much of his Army career, Ojeda was based out of Fort Bragg, North Carolina, but he started getting into politics when he began coming back to his home state more often in 2012. “When I got home, I saw how bad things were,” Ojeda said. The military had been something of a pleasant bubble. “You live on a base and everyone to your left and right, we’re all the same mindset,” he said. “Everybody takes care of their stuff, everyone’s kids play soccer together. It’s just a wonderful life.”
Ojeda made an unsuccessful 2014 bid for Congress before winning his West Virginia Senate seat in 2016. That was also the year Ojeda supported Trump for president, something that’s sure to get some attention during the 2020 Democratic primary. When I asked Ojeda about his vote, he was frank about his support for the president:
This is why I supported Donald Trump: Because I live in Logan County, West Virginia, and when the coal industry is down, everyone suffers. The coal miner has their car and everything they own for sale. The stores don’t get no business, and they shut down. Even the funeral homes are doing nothing but cremations because no one can afford a funeral. It’s horrible. I supported him because he says, ‘I’m going to put West Virginians back to work, and I’m going to put those coal miners back to work.’
Although Ojeda no longer supports the president, his voting for a Republican was nothing new. “I don’t think I’ve ever voted for a Democrat for president [in a general election],” he told me.
In a Democratic Party whose core membership has become increasingly liberal over the past decade, Ojeda’s candidacy is likely to face an uphill battle. Elements of the Democratic primary electorate might hold his vote for Trump against Ojeda, despite the fact that he has been a vocal advocate for progressive causes, like the legalization of marijuana, though on some issues he skews more conservative. Ojeda is anti-abortion, except in cases of rape or incest or when the life of the mother is endangered, and he is pro-gun rights. Ojeda is, like many West Virginia Democrats, a throwback to the Democratic Party of previous decades. It’s an appeal that might play well with so-called Obama-Trump voters, but how powerful that demographic will be in the Democratic primary remains to be seen. Only 4 percent of Iowa’s Democratic caucus-goers in 2016 identified as “conservative.” Same in New Hampshire.
When he talked about national party politics, Ojeda could sound a bit like Bernie Sanders, whom Ojeda supported in the 2016 Democratic primary. “The reason why the Democratic Party has fallen from grace in many cases is because they keep supporting the candidate that has the most money, but that’s not the candidate who can relate to the people,” he told me in March.
And Ojeda is certainly not your prototypical polished national politician, the kind who floats focus-group-tested lines. He’s intense when he talks politics, in part because he’s had to deal with some particularly rough-and-tumble stuff during his short career in public office. When he ran in 2016, Ojeda was hospitalized after a brutal attack that he says was politically motivated; he was attacked from behind by a Logan County man and beaten with brass knuckles while putting a political bumper sticker on a car.
I asked Ojeda if he was worried about more attacks as a high-profile Democrat in a state now known for its Republican bent.
“Come from the front,” Ojeda said of his would-be foes. “If you come from the front, you’ll shit your teeth.”
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solacekames · 7 years ago
Just as the Trump presidency has inspired a wave of women and people of color to run for office in 2018, it’s also opened the door for candidates motivated by white nationalism, anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, misogyny and racism. Seemingly emboldened by Trump’s divisive rhetoric – and the GOP’s mute indifference to it – this new class of candidates is testing the appetite for bigotry in public life among constituencies across the nation. As white supremacist and admitted pedophile Nathan Larson, who campaigned for Congress as an independent, explained: “A lot of people are tired of political correctness and being constrained by it.” Here are eight such candidates who could soon. wind up in office.
Joe Arpaio, Republican U.S. Senate – Arizona The former Maricopa County Sheriff first rose to prominence in 2005 for instructing his officers to demand proof of citizenship from any person suspected of being undocumented. He stubbornly stuck to the policy even after courts ruled it constituted racial profiling. He was convicted of contempt of court in 2017, but pardoned by President Trump before he was even sentenced, paving the way for the once-vocal birther’s bid for Senate.
John Fitzgerald, Republican U.S. House – California’s 11th District A Holocaust-denier who believes 9/11 was a Jewish-orchestrated conspiracy, Fitzgerald netted more than 36,000 votes in his California district’s June primary – enough to earn him a slot on the ballot in November. Since then, he’s been making media rounds, promoting his campaign on neo-Nazi and anti-Semitic podcasts where he’s reiterated his promise to expose “the truth about the Holocaust and how it’s an absolute fabricated lie.”
Seth Grossman, Republican U.S. House – New Jersey’s 2nd District The former city councilman and county freeholder from Atlantic City has written that gay men should have been quarantined in the ‘80s and called Islam “a cancer.” On Facebook, he’s shared posts by Jihad Watch’s Robert Spencer, anti-Islam agitator Pamela Geller, alt-right posterboy Milo Yiannopoulos as well as racist memes, including one that suggested Arabs, like Obama, want to “move to your country, rape our women, bomb your buses, riot in your streets, and demand that you accept [their] religion.”
Arthur Jones, Republican U.S. House – Illinois’ 3rd District A former member of the American Nazi party, Jones lost seven bids for Congress before finally securing the GOP nomination this year at the age of 70 to the chagrin of the state’s Republican party, which paid for robocalls warning voters to “stop Illinois Nazis.” Twenty-thousand Republicans nonetheless pulled the lever for Jones, whose campaign website calls the Holocaust was “a greatly overblown nonevent.”
Steve King, Republican U.S. House – Iowa’s 4th District (Incumbent) King – considered a shoe-in for an eighth term this November – has approvingly retweeted prominent bigots like Geert Wilders, Mark Collett and Viktor Orbán, proudly displayed a Confederate flag on his desk for years, once said white people contributed more to civilization than any other “subgroup” in history, and has casually characterized immigrants having “calves the size of cantaloupes” from hauling drugs across the desert.
Paul Nehlen, Republican U.S. House – Wisconsin’s 1st District The self-described “pro-White” congressional candidate has palled around with ex-KKK Grand Wizard David Duke and signal-boosted Daily Stormer founder Andrew Anglin. He’s been permanently suspended by both Twitter (for making a racist joke about Meghan Markle) and the alt-right’s favorite social network, Gab (for doxxing a right-wing troll). His views are so toxic that he’s not only been condemned by the state GOP and Paul Ryan, whose seat he’s seeking, but even on the alt-right platform of Breitbart, which once championed his candidacy, too.
Corey Stewart, Republican U.S. Senate – Virginia At the height of the debate over Confederate monuments last year, Minnesota-born Stewart declared on Twitter, “Nothing is worse than a Yankee telling a Southerner that his monuments don’t matter.” More recently, he’s asserted his disbelief “that the Civil War was ultimately fought over the issue of slavery.”
Russell Walker, Republican U.S. House – North Carolina’s 48th District Walker, who has declared “God is a racist and a white supremacist” and all Jewish people “descend from Satan,” won the Republican primary in May. Since then, he’s appeared on the white supremacist Stormfront Action podcast where he was scolded by the show’s host for using the n-word to describe voters in his district. Walker will face an African American minister in November general election.
Nathan Larson, Independent U.S. House – Virginia’s 10th District The failed Libertarian, who created a series of websites for likeminded pedophiles and involuntary celibates, told HuffPost there was “a grain of truth” to his posts about father-daughter incest and spousal rape. His campaign manifesto envisioned a country where a “benevolent white supremacy” ruled, incest and child pornography were legal, the Violence Against Women Act was repealed and replaced by “a system that classifies women as property, initially of their fathers and later of their husbands.” Larson got less than two percent of the vote in the primary, but he’ll have a second shot when he appears on the general election ballot in November.
Patrick Little, Republican U.S. Senate – California Little campaigned for the chance to challenge Sen. Dianne Feinstein under the slogan “Liberate the US from the Jewish Oligarchy.” His platform included a promise to have the U.S. formally declare the Holocaust “a Jewish war atrocity propaganda hoax that never happened.”
Roy Moore, Republican U.S. Senate – Alabama As chief justice of Alabama’s Supreme Court, Moore deflected criticism of his racist, anti-gay and transphobic views for years. His Senate bid was tanked, though, by multiple credible accusations of sexual misconduct with underage girls.
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hardynwa · 2 years ago
Actor, Olumide Oworu declares his political ambition against Desmond Elliot
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Nollywood actor, Olumide Oworu has followed in the footstep of his senior colleagues as he unveils his political ambition. The 28-year-old actor who is famous for his role as ‘Tari Johnson’ in the Africa Magic Series ‘The Johnsons’ took to his Instagram page to announce his candidacy for Membership of the Lagos State House of Assembly, Surulere Constituency 1 under the Labour Party. It is worth noting that actor cum politician, Desmond Elliot currently holds the position Olumide is vying for in Surulere Constituency 1 under the All Progressive Congress and is running for a 3rd term. Unveiling his poster, Olumide said the youth in the country are more politically aware and they strive to be part of a process that leads to a better country; an act which has driven him to be of service in order to serve his people. While indicating that a new Nigeria is indeed possible, the actor thanked his fans and colleagues for their support. He wrote: “It is with a sense of honour and duty that I announce my candidacy for membership of The Lagos State House of Assembly – Surulere Constituency 1 on the platform of The Labour Party. The youth of this generation in Nigeria are more politically aware than ever and are now striving to have our voices heard and take part in the government process of this great country. As someone with a passion for youth development, it is on this note that I tender myself in service to play my part in the actualization of an all inclusive government, where the young Nigerian intellectuals have a chance to make a change by being a part of the move for the creation of a new Nigeria. Thank you for your support. A new Nigeria is POssible”. Olumide Oworu began his acting career in 2007, at the age of 13, when he was cast as Wole in the popular Nigerian TV series “Everyday People.” He gained prominence after appearing in series, including “The Johnsons” and “Shuga” and also played the role of ‘Atlas’ in the Netflix TV series “Far From Home’. He has won several awards for his acting, including the Best Actor in a Drama award at the 2017 Africa Magic Viewers’ Choice Awards. Oworu has continued to make a name for himself in the entertainment industry as he also doubles as a singer. He has released several songs, including “Owo,” “Mogbe,” and “Desperado.” Congratulatory messages Colleagues and fans have taken to his comment section to congratulate him for taking a bold self Falzthebahdguy wrote: “I did not see this coming, but I love the look of it !! 🦾🦾🦾” Toyin Abraham wrote: “Yesssss now I’m readyyyy🤜🤜🤜” Efeirele wrote: “Desmond Elliot is shaking 👏👏👏 Love to see it!” Bunkunmi Oluwasina wrote: “i’m very proud of you on this. 🙌 we gather dey!” Blossom Chukwujekwu wrote: “Let’s GO!!🔥🔥❤️👏” Mr Macaroni wrote: “Yessssssss 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾” Vicsleek wrote: “Hope it’s Desmond Elliott we are unseating 😂 coz that Will Make me happy” Read the full article
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berniesrevolution · 7 years ago
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Charleston, W.Va.—After pushing 90 for the better part of an hour to get here to the gold-domed Capitol from his home in rugged, woebegone Logan County, the former Army paratrooper and current state senator with 36 tattoos, bulging muscles and a dry-razored buzz cut jumped out of his red Jeep and bounded across a parking lot toward the snaking line of hundreds of striking teachers.
They rushed to shake his hand.
They clamored for snapshots and selfies.
They waved homemade signs. “HEAR US NOW.” “SUPPORT WV TEACHERS.” “UNITED WE STAND.”
“We got your back, you got ours!” one teacher called out, and they roared.
“You keep making that noise, ladies and gentlemen!” he bellowed back. “This is what union is right here! Hey! Shoulder to shoulder! Don’t take a step back! Y’all deserve it!”
As he tried to make his way through the pulsing crowd, another teacher stopped him, asking him to sign with a Sharpie the chest of her shirt that had on it a picture of him looking stalwart and stern in his military fatigues.
The people chanted his name.
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Richard Ojeda, hard j, is a first-term lawmaker from southern West Virginia. He’s 47 years old, a husband and a father of two, and he’s won exactly one general election in his life. He is running now for the open seat in West Virginia’s 3rd Congressional District, which seems like a monumentally precocious act for somebody who has served slightly more than a year in any elected office at all. But Ojeda has made his mark on the volatile politics in this state with a stunning suddenness. Though he is a Democrat in a legislature in which his party is outnumbered almost 2-to-1, he spearheaded in his freshman session the passage of a bill legalizing medical marijuana. Then, this January, he stood on the Senate floor and argued in fiery speeches that energy companies should pony up more taxes so teachers could get better benefits and pay. A strike, he warned, was not out of the question. A month later, teachers from all 55 counties walked off the job—a first in the history of the state—instantly making Ojeda the father of one of the region’s largest labor actions of the past 30 years.
In hard red, Donald Trump-loving West Virginia, Ojeda has become a kind of one-man blue wave, threatening to defy a conventional belief that the only kind of Democrat that can win big races here—or anywhere, for that matter, in Appalachia or the industrial Midwest—is somebody like Joe Manchin, the most conservative Democrat in the United States Senate, a pragmatic, pro-business social conservative. Because here is Ojeda, a pro-labor, twang-talking, plainspoken populist, scrambling the state’s recent rightward shift by harkening back to a deeper, more radical vein of its rich political history. In the early 20th century, miners fought and died for higher wages and safer working conditions while wearing red bandanas and carrying Winchester rifles. Now, teachers are the new miners; in fact, in a place all but defined by its coal heritage, there are some 20,000 teachers and fewer than 12,000 miners, making the teachers—plus the 13,000 staff who walked off the job with them—by far the largest union in the state. And here, as I hustled after Ojeda into the bustling Capitol, the striking school employees weren’t armed—but many were dressed in red. And some of them had knotted around their necks those bandanas.
Their songs of unrest ricocheted off the marble of the rotunda inside.
“We’re not gonna take it … we’re not gonna take it … we’re not gonna take it anymooooooore!”
With me and Ojeda in this crush of energy was Krystal Ball, the former MSNBC host who’s the president of the People’s House Project, a PAC that has endorsed Ojeda’s congressional candidacy. In the middle of the maelstrom, Ball had to shout to be heard. “He’s going to win!” she announced. She said this with a certainty that startled me. I had to lean in to make out her words. “And it’s going to be an instant national story! And Richard is going to be an instant national figure and face of the Democrats!”
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I gave Ball a skeptical look. West Virginia, after all, voted overwhelmingly for Trump, and the 3rd District was the most pro-Trump district. The Cook Political Report doesn’t even label the district as “competitive.” Evan Jenkins, the current GOP representative, won so decisively in 2016, he decided to run for the right to run against Manchin for Senate. And in Logan County, where Ojeda grew up and still lives, just shy of 80 percent of voters chose Trump—and one of them was Ojeda himself. He’s not on Massachusetts congressman Seth Moulton’s tally of veterans he has endorsed, and he’s not on the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee’s “Red to Blue” list, either. He’s been a mostly limited fundraiser, too, in part because he takes no money from anybody except individual donors and labor unions. There is next to no standard reason to think Ojeda could win—except for the visceral evidence that was swirling around us. The more than 5,000 teachers screaming his name. Ball looked at me and laughed.
By this time, we had lost him. When I spotted his skin-shorn flattop sticking out of the crowd, Ojeda was surrounded by a rapt half-moon of teachers. His eyes were wide, and he was jabbing the air with a finger. “We are on the next Saudi Arabia!” he was hollering. “They’ve said that—the energy people said that! So, if we’re on the next Saudi Arabia, obviously they want it to be just like Saudi Arabia, where you have about 10 people driving around in Lamborghinis and everybody else eatin’ sand sandwiches! That’s what they want. Guess what? No!” He told them the people who give him money are regular folks. Labor unions. That’s it. “I don’t give a shit about Big Energy!” he yelled. They erupted again in applause.
Over the course of the next two days, the first two days of the West Virginia teachers’ strike that remained unresolved as of Thursday, I saw signs that read: “OVER WORKED UNDER PAID” and “TEACHERS ARE WORTH MORE.” One just said, “Help Us Ojeda. You’re our Only Hope!” I heard people ask him to run for governor, so they could vote for him, too, even if they lived in the northern two-thirds of the state. I heard him described as a “rock star” and a “folk hero.” I even watched one teacher propose to him. Literally get down on one knee and ask him to marry her. It was the only time I saw him (a little) flustered and (very briefly) speechless. “I’m married!” he finally blurted out. And everywhere I went with him, it was never too long before that chant started up again.
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