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hannahh-4-government · 13 days ago
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Any further replies insisting that Donald will get her third term and her reign will last forever and nothing we can do will stop it will henceforth be immediately deleted. Their posters also run the additional risk of being blocked.
There are now 1,431 days left.
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hannahh-4-government · 16 days ago
Im gonna be so real people who pounce on any message of hope or anyone who speculates about anything other than the absolute worst-case, "we are all doomed, doomed you hear!" scenario while all this is going down and the fed gov is totally upended are pissing me tf off!!
I get it these are powerful emotions its an incredibly difficult and politically dangerous time right now but we're also barely 3 weeks in folks. The admin has ALREADY backed off two hugely unpopular initiatives and is currently testing the checks and balances.
Like WHY is it so important to you that i affirm to you that we're all definitely going to die in gitmo concentration camps within the year. WHY is it so necessary for you to naysay even entertaining the thought of midterms. WHAT do you want me to say?
"The experiment is over" "we lost our democracy" "there won't be any more elections so why bother thinking about midterms" "whats the point of these federal judges the admin is just gonna ignore them" "fascism is already here"
Like ok??? And???? Why fold so easily? Why even give them the satisfaction of admitting defeat in this, the opening salvo? There is so much left to be saved, there are so many excesses that CAN be stopped with effort and focus.
I feel burnout and defeated like 10 times a day since the inauguration but THIS is the test. There will ALWAYS be an opportunity to take up truth and responsibility and justice, every second of every day, for the next four years. I just can't with anyone who thinks that now, after everything, is the time to check out even more and totally abdicate power
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hannahh-4-government · 16 days ago
You think you're staying "informed" by doomscrolling through your social feeds 24/7? That's exactly what they want. It's literally designed to keep you angry, scrolling, and - most importantly - doing absolutely fucking nothing.
It's OKAY to edit your feeds so you don't see that shit when you're just trying to exist
You do NOT have to consume the world's suffering every second of every day to be a "good activist" - and by the way? You're not even getting "informed" by scrolling. You need to actually look up real articles OFF of social media to understand what's happening
Hitting like and share isn't activism. Sorry. It just isn't.
You wanna actually do something?
Learn your neighbors' names. ACTUALLY TALK TO THEM about what's happening
Join your school board and ask them face-to-face why they're against queer education
Stand up to your racist uncle instead of "keeping the peace" (peace for WHO exactly?)
Find out what abortion rights groups are ALREADY DOING in your area instead of reinventing the wheel
Join an actually inclusive church (you know, like Jesus would've wanted) and see what they're ALREADY DOING to make the world better
And for fuck's sake, stop saying "oh I don't talk about politics" - YOUR SILENCE IS POLITICAL
NEWSFLASH: You don't have to start the fucking underground railroad by yourself. That shit ALREADY EXISTS - you just never had to use it before. Lucky you. So volunteer if you're a safe person, at whatever level works for you:
Send money
Show up in person
Pack supplies
Make pamphlets
Whatever you can do
Not everything's gonna get you in the history books and you know what? IT DOESN'T FUCKING MATTER.
And here's something else that matters: Going to trauma therapy - REAL trauma therapy with a therapist informed in decolonization practices - is a RADICAL ACT. If you have the means to do it, DO IT. Healing yourself is part of the work too.
You grew up with some racist/sexist views? Yeah, most of us did. You can't get stuck there. There's too much at stake. It's time to deconstruct. It's time to do the work.
But scrolling and sharing posts while feeling guilty? That's not the work. That's what they want you to think the work is.
Get off your phone. Talk to your neighbors. Show up at meetings. Stand up to family. THAT'S the work.
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hannahh-4-government · 24 days ago
Republicans have embraced being strawman caricatures of themselves. They're so outlandishly ridiculous that just repeating what they say verbatim sounds like you're making fun of them. Everything they do is hyperbole manifest. They're like cartoon supervillains who hate goodness and want to destroy the world because they just like being evil. Pro-pollution! Pro-slavery! Pro-rape and child molestation, as long as it's their guys doing it. They're all fucked in the head!
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hannahh-4-government · 26 days ago
I watched this video today, towards the end there's some good instructions in regards to contacting your representatives about slowing down the progress of Trump's regime.
May start some campaigns to execute similar actions on here. I've been considering a rebrand...
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hannahh-4-government · 26 days ago
people really like saying this as if people don't get arrested for peaceful demonstrations all the time? as if they don't deliberately send out the police to incite violence so there is something to prosecute? as if the government hasn't passed new laws that deliberately target certain protest movements, such as CA's open carry laws that were passed in response to the Black Panthers?
protesting is legal in the US because its one of the only things you can't make illegal (and that could easily change soon, based on how much the constitution is being violated atm); the government tries to make it as close to illegal as possible all the time
Reminder: Peaceful protesting is legal because it gets nothing done.
Luigi Mangione made the ruling class afraid of the working class with his violent protest.
There are more of us then there are of them.
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hannahh-4-government · 1 month ago
Anonymous OPM employee posts the following to Reddit:
"I'm a current employee at the Office of Personnel Management (OPM). This is a throwaway account for obvious reasons. I’m posting this because people need to know what’s going on at OPM.
I’ve been an OPM employee for nearly a decade and a Federal Employee for almost 20 years. I’ve never witnessed anything even remotely close to what’s happening right now. In short, there's a hostile takeover of the federal civil service.
Let me say this in no uncertain terms — OPM has been compromised and taken over. The very backbone of American Government, the HR of all HR in the U.S. Government has been taken over by outside politicals. In just five days, they managed to push aside dozens of non-political, career civil servants who were there specifically to prevent the civil service from becoming the President's henchmen.
The current Acting Director, Charles (Chuck) Ezell is a low-level branch chief. He's the friendliest “yes man” you'll ever meet. He never says no. It’s clear they pushed aside all the high-level non political civil servants who refused to do Donald Trump's bidding, until they found Chuck.
Under his name, they’ve sent numerous requests to all the agencies to collect information on gov't employees that they see as a threat to their agenda. Instructions say to send these lists to Amanda Scales. But Amanda is not actually an OPM employee, she works for Elon Musk. She wasn’t even properly cleared by OPM Personnel Security.
Our CIO, Melvin Brown, (also a non political career public servant) was pushed aside just one week into his tenure because he refused to setup email lists to send out direct communications to all career civil servants. Such communications are normally left up to each agency.
Instead, an on-prem (on-site) email server was setup. Someone literally walked into our building and plugged in an email server to our network to make it appear that emails were coming from OPM. It's been the one sending those various “test” message you've all seen. We think they're building a massive email list of all federal employees to generate mass RIF notices down the road.
The non-political civil servants here at OPM are watching helplessly as our government is being systematically dismantled bit by bit. Even the IGs are being fired to prevent them from investigating the numerous whistleblower complaints we've filed.
Please share this and tell the world that OPM is not the bad guy. We're just as helpless to stop this as the rest of our fellow public servants. Hopefully someone out there can help us, but it’s looking pretty grim."
Note: it has since been removed, but has been reposted here.
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hannahh-4-government · 1 month ago
piracy should be fully legal when a piece of media or software is unable to be accessed with ease otherwise. if you don’t want to distribute your content, then let the public do it. don’t fucking hold it hostage.
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hannahh-4-government · 1 month ago
I don't think most of my followers actually need to be told, but: y'all gotta let people switch sides.
I'm seeing a lot of "if you voted for Trump you're not welcome here" floating around. A lot of "haha the leopards are eating your face how does it feel". A lot of talk about the irredeemability of Nazis, with the strong implication that everyone who had any hand in bringing the current administration to power is a full-on Nazi and should be shot without trial.
People were fooled. People were lied to. People who genuinely tried to do their research were lied to by sources that had been reliable for decades. People who didn't have the time or the education to do their own research because they're fucking poor in America are finding out they were lied to.
If someone is trying to get out of a cult, you don't fucking lock them back in. You give them a place to run to. And if someone is trying to join your side in a battle that, at least hypothetically, is supposed to be settled by future democratic elections and therefore by strength of numbers, you fucking let them.
People are scared. People are finding out they were wrong. We are nowhere near the point yet where the wrong side is composed entirely of Bad Guys, if we ever will be. (Hell, eleven years after Hitler took power, some of his own generals tried to assassinate him with an exploding briefcase. It failed, but every time I see that stupid Tarantino gifset go by about "everyone in a Nazi uniform is irredeemably evil", that's what I think of. People are complicated, and everyone has their own breaking point.)
Where we *are* at is a point where people who don't want to be the bad guys are finding out what they were tricked into and trying to stop doing it. If you have any remaining faith in the democratic process at all, you should be helping those people join us and understand what the sides actually stand for, how they can actually fight for lower egg prices or whatever they were falsely promised. Even if you don't think democracy will help anymore, having a bigger group to fight alongside you is generally a good thing.
Or you could just take your hatred out on the most convenient targets, instead of on those who exploited them. Seems popular.
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hannahh-4-government · 1 month ago
the reason women are trafficked isn’t to meet demand it’s because sex workers are a vulnerable population due to their criminalization. greed will encourage someone to exploit vulnerable people as much as possible. look at how business owners exploit undocumented labor, or slavery. neither of those are needed to meet demand, but they sure make it easy to keep all of the money for themselves.
if an undocumented worker wants to report wage theft, they can’t because they risk being deported. it’s the same for sex trafficking. if a woman is being trafficked they can’t report it because prostitution is illegal and they could be prosecuted by our corrupt police system.
also, how do you know that more women wouldn’t do it if it was legal and less stigmatized? i personally considered doing faceless foot fetish stuff online but decided against it purely because of the amount of hoops i would have to jump through to do it, and that’s for something that’s legal. that was purely because the stigma around sexual content was preventing me from doing it easily.
the best solution to all of this is to just allow people to use their bodies however they want. then we can simply target the greedy men who objectify and exploit vulnerable women
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hannahh-4-government · 1 month ago
By complete coincidence it seems I am running against this tortoise.
Vote turtle 2040
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In 2037, my turtle, Paddlefoot, will be 35 which means he is old enough to be president. (Unfortunately one year late for the 2036 elections) Vote Paddlefoot 2040
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hannahh-4-government · 1 month ago
Lines of thought that seem Normal but are actually rooted in extreme puritanism:
-Seeing the nude human body is inherently traumatic -Sex scenes in art are pointless -Wearing kink-related clothing in public is the similar to performing a sex scene in front of unwilling participants -Depicting female characters expressing sexuality is always degrading -People's sexual fantasies are always an endorsement of the behavior they want to see in real life -Sex work is more traumatic and coercive than other types of work The goal is to treat sex as just another thing people do. That is a much healthier attitude than hiding it! It's not uniquely traumatic, it's not weird to talk about it or include it in society.
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hannahh-4-government · 1 month ago
Would they vote for me in 2040?
Freddy Fazbear
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hannahh-4-government · 1 month ago
war is for pussies. sending out the citizens you’re meant to serve to fight your battles for you by killing each other over land or whatever? fight your own damn battles.
i, for one, would never use my citizens as pawns for oil money or to impose my idea of a better government onto unwilling countries
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hannahh-4-government · 1 month ago
ok so this started as a bit but now idk. i’ve been thinking about it and maybe i should actually become a politician? like maybe i would be good at it?
this’ll still be a jokey blog but i’m probably gonna start posting my real opinions and stuff too
(also this could be a good place to reblog political stuff instead of my main)
if this actually becomes the blog for a real political campaign in the future don’t be surprised i guess?
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hannahh-4-government · 1 month ago
Would they vote for me in 2040?
Diane Nguyen
BoJack Horseman
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hannahh-4-government · 1 month ago
if elected, I will make sure that foreign relations with canada are as great as possible. not as much for political reasons. I just really like teen drama franchise Degrassi
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