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kyberbonsai · 1 year ago
I've said it on Twitter but no one follows me there so I'll scream in the void here as well ✨
If you are a Dimension 20 Burrow's End TM enjoyer and particularly if you love Jasper's performance as Thorn (and honestly, who wouldn't), do me a favour and go listen to Three Black Halflings, the ttrpg podcast hosted by Jasper along with Jeremy Cobb and Olivia Kennedy (but you can call her Liv!). Just trust me on this one, I need more people to get into 3BH immediately, they are amazing!
Their episodes are very varied, with one of the main focus being diversity in d&d/ttrpgs on all fronts. They are some of the most fun, insightful and creative people in this space! They have important, deep conversations with many incredibly talented folks, with an attention to inclusion of a diverse array of creators from minorities and marginalized backgrounds. They have multiple awesome campaigns that will make you cry and laugh at once (and you'll get more of Jasper's incredible roleplay, along with so many talented guests (Emily included, she's a guest for a few episodes on Outlaw and Obelisks, their post-apocalyptic western inspired campaign)). They try out different systems and new ttrpgs, but also discuss d&d with class dives and news episodes.
They have interviews with many people: to mention a few from d20 we're talking Bennan, Lou, Murph, Emily, Zac, Ify, Carlos, Gabe, Erika, Persephone, B.Dave, Krystina, Amy, Matt and Aabria at various times, but also people from the rest of Naddpod, Transplanar RPG, Oxventure, Dicebreaker and other cool spaces!
Not strictly related, but Jasper was also the first (and only, I think?) guest DM on Naddpod, I think his Potcedonia two-shot is some of the most fun content out there!
I need to see more of them in this space, as well as more fanart of their campaigns, so I need everyone to listen to their podcast. Here's a link to their Spotify! https://spotify.link/gXVjcTIm2Db
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islandoforder · 2 years ago
like me, aabria iyengar is a jasper william cartwright stan, so the rest of y’all better get yourselves together and hype before this season starts!!
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captainpondlilly · 1 year ago
ALERT - Sweet Blue Hole has escaped naddpod containment, I repeat - Sweet Blue Hole has escaped containment and spread to 3BH. No headgum podcast is safe
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purplecladmerchant · 4 months ago
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I did a collab-comic!
It's about an Outlaws and Obelisks scene that really grabbed me by the neck because it felt awesome! I hope we give it the coolness it deserves.
Jo ( @onelonelydragon ) did the blocking, backgrounds with their colors, effects, and the human-like proportioned characters.
I did the layouts/storyboard and the toon-shaped characters with their colors.
The Three black Halflings (Jeremy Cobb, Jasper William Cartwright and Jonathan Charles, with guests Connie Chang and Emily Axford) did the characters, dialogue, and the scene that inspired us! From the episode eleven, blood on the tracks.
I had a lot of fun and was a pleasure work with Jo! Her art is amazing♥ and I think we made a really fun and pretty work!!
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cactusnymph · 10 months ago
CUDDLE PILE FOR O&O PLEASE I AM BEGNING!!! hope you feel better soon 💛💛
"Looks like she's cold alright."
"But isn't that her natural state? Seeing as to how she's... well. Undead?"
"I mean. I have no idea how that works. I'm basically dead and I run hot."
Tovo looks over at Lu'luh who sits very close to the fire, holding out her hands. The sound of the flames can't mask the clattering of Lu'luh's teeth entirely.
"We could maybe, I dunno. Offer a blanket?", Tovo says.
Hushi nods.
"Yes, of course. A blanket. A perfectly reasonable course of action", they say and look around to see if somewhere amongst their belongings a blanket can be found to help warm up Lu'luh.
"Or, I dunno. Don't you guys drink tea when you're freezin'? Eat some soup or whatever?", Tovo continues. Since most of his body is made of machinery he doesn't really get cold and he can't recall any of Tefrara's memories about being cold. Of course Tovo knows that it gets cold in the desert at night. But Hushi doesn't seem to mind and they're not made of metal.
"For gods sake, guys. Let's just huddle up, alright? Body heat is what you need for cold nights like this", Budge's voice chimes in from the left. Tovo can tell that he looks both amused and exasperated about Hushi's and Tovo's antics. He's holding a bundle of firewood and must have walked up to them, overhearing their idiotic conversation.
Tovo feels the metal on the right side of his face heat up.
"Right. Body heat", he says.
Hushi looks as if they wish their mask was back to hide the deep blush on their cheeks.
"Of course, how silly of us. Body heat, yes. I should've thought of that. Um. How do we—I mean. Perhaps Lu'luh doesn't want to—"
Budge sighs and shakes his head before pushing himself off the ground and walking over to Lu'luh. Tovo would like to say that he doesn't wait with what Tefrara would have called held breath.
"Oh my...", Hushi breathes when Lu'luh starts gesturing, her eyes big and her expression guilty.
"Do you think that means she doesn't—", Tovo starts but he doesn't get to finish his sentence. The words are lost somewhere on the way from his mind to his tongue because Budge speaks to Lu'luh in his calm voice and whistles for Nebbit and before Tovo can really process what's going to happen, Lu'luh leans against Budge, putting her head on his shoulder as he puts an arm around her.
The pointed look he gives Hushi and Tovo clearly says "Y'all are idiots and should get over yourselves.".
"Uh—d'you think. Well. Maybe. You know. The other side could use some more body heat, right?", Tovo ponders, his heart feeling as if it needs some fine tuning soon with how it tries to beat out of his metal rib cage.
Hushi swallows.
"Yes, certainly. Warmth from all sides would be the most logical next step", they say and nod as if they have to build up courage. Tovo gets it. This whole intimacy business is somehow more frightening than facing down a whole regiment of mind flayers. Gods, he would love to go back to being a mindless, heartless machine. It was a way less complicated existence.
Now he needs to figure out how he feels about cuddling without muddling it with what Tefrara liked to do. She certainly enjoyed cuddling. And other stuff. Stuff that Tovo will not think about right now.
He follows Hushi over to where Lu'luh and Budge are sitting now, snuggled up against one another with Budge's trunk-arm wrapped around Lu'luh's shoulder.
"Oh, hi", Lu'luh says, sounding embarrassed. "Sorry, I was just freezing. You would think being dead absolves you of that."
"There's no need to apologize, Lu'luh", Hushi says, bows slightly and then immediately seems embarrassed about acting so formal. "We were just wondering—well. If you would like more body heat. To add to the pile, so to speak."
Lu'luh's eyes widen.
"Oh, that's very kind of you, Hushi, but I don't want to inconvenience anyone—"
"It's no inconvenience", Tovo grumbles and crosses his arms in front of his chest. "Don't want you to freeze to... uh. Well. Death."
Budge snorts and does his best to stifle a laugh. Tovo is tempted to strangle him and how easy he makes it look to just sit next to Lu'luh like this.
"I think it might work if I were to sit behind Lu'luh and then Tovo, you could it on Lu'luh's other side?", Hushi says, their face bright red now. Tovo is so very glad for his dark red skin and the metal covering much of his face.
"Uh—sure. Yeah. That works", he says and watches as Hushi sits down behind Lu'luh who hesitantly leans back, scooting so she sits between Hushi's legs. Budge doesn't hesitate to put his arm around Hushi instead.
Fuck, they look adorable. Tovo doesn't want to find them adorable. He's a metal man. Adorable shouldn't even be in his damn vocabulary.
"Come on, Tovo", Budge says and nods over to Lu'luh's free, exposed side. Lu'luh looks embarrassed.
"It's alright, Tovo. You don't have to if it makes you feel uncomfortable", she says with half a smile. Everything was so much easier when he didn't feel anything and yet. And yet he thinks he wouldn't miss knowing these insane people for the world.
He steps over to Lu'luh's side before he lets himself fall down into the sand and scoots up next to her, carefully putting his non-metal arm around her. There's a soft sigh as Lu'luh's teeth stop clattering.
"Wow. Y'all are so nice to me", she says. "Thank you. I really appreciate it."
"You're welcome, Lu'luh. Please don't hesitate to ask if you need anything", Hushi says. Tovo feels their big hand brush against his shoulder like a question. He swallows and leans against Lu'luh, leans into Hushi's touch and does his best not to poke anyone with his horns.
"I don't really sleep so I can just keep y'all warm for the night", Tovo grumbles. Hushi's hand squeezes his shoulder.
"That sounds mighty inviting", Budge says, sounding sleepy already. Neither Lu'luh nor Tovo sleep at night, but Hushi and Budge both do. Tovo stays where he is and slowly watches as both Hushi and Budge slump down, arranged around Lu'luh like a big pile of freshly born puppies. At some point Lu'luh tugs at Tovo as she lies down, her head resting on Hushi's stomach with Budge cuddled up to her side.
Tovo follows how down to the ground.
Fuck, this is way too nice.
"I could get used to this", Lu'luh admits, her hair tickling the tiefling side of his face. Tovo huffs.
"Yeah. Me too."
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akannuoli · 1 year ago
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thebookishwallflower · 9 months ago
i’ve decided i need a super cut of all o&o that involves Camel at all
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akannuoli-aatteet · 2 years ago
On ep 3 of Big Trouble in Little Mineuse and I kinda ship Jin and Buck.
Idk if I want it to happen but I feel like they have potential.
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one-little-nerd-stayed-home · 7 months ago
I love that Hu Shi keeps having deeply terrifying/tramatizing/bad experiences while telepathically linked to ppl/creatures and every time theyre just like “Well goddamn! That was not a good time!” And then 10 minutes later theyre like ��Anyway how do I repeat that experience to get more information?”
Connie Chang out here portraying wizard hubris like no one I’ve ever seen
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gkinteriordesign · 7 months ago
Real Estate 2BHK & 3BHK per square feet 7200/ Bangalore GK interior desi...
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islandoforder · 2 years ago
god i have been hoping and praying for a jasper william cartwright d20 season for so long, 3bh fans we stay winning
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dunmertitty · 1 year ago
time to plug one of my favorite articles about this topic again!
Orcs, Britons, And The Martial Race Myth, Part I: A Species Built For Racial Terror
Orcs, Britons, And The Martial Race Myth, Part II: They're Not Human
both by James Mendez Hodes, they do a really good job of going over the history of the racism and xenophobia in lotr and how that influenced dnd. anyone interested in the subject should definitely also check out the whole Three Black Halflings podcast, but particularly the episode they did with Hodes
fuck tolkein and fuck dnd for being the originator and modern popularizer respectively of the race science tropes that have glued themselves parasitically to the fantasy genre and refuse to come off
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captainpondlilly · 10 months ago
What happened in the ttrpg podcast world that I've had multiple ttrpg podcasts release episodes this week where half the cast is explaining omegaverse to the other half?
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purplecladmerchant · 6 months ago
I wrote a Fanfic about Outlaws and Obelisks!
in where Budge tries to pretend he Isn't attached to his party (but he is). He can't leave them! Nebbit likes them so much!
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needlebeetles · 10 months ago
Jin Zheng my beautiful blorbo
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chillinglikeashilling · 10 months ago
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