#38 cm
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krzysztofiwin · 2 days ago
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Krzysztof Iwin – „Dostawca zabawek” olej płyta 30x38cm (2004) https://iwin.malarstwo.org/pl/dostawca_zabawek-173.html #30cm #38cm #2004r #brązy #czerwienie #fiolety #szarości #zielenie #art #painting #Iwin #KrzysztofIwin #obrazy #galeria #malarstwo #obrazyolejne #olejenaplycie
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psychophanticpervert · 2 months ago
Can everybody pretend for like five seconds Nico could rizz up Blythe k thank u bye
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Blythe belongs to @thedolsideblog
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jokeanddaggerdept · 1 year ago
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xpuigc-bloc · 3 months ago
Giovanni Stanchi
Rome c. 1645-1672
Oil on canvas
38 5/8 x 52½ in.
98 x 133.5 cm.
Courtesy Christie’s
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Another weird German conversion of a French vehicle. Hotchkiss H35 with a Czech 47mm anti-tank gun.
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filyiyenzurafa · 29 days ago
Bi kıyafeti çok beğendikten sonra üstümde hayal etmek.... Moralimin içine sıçmak için yaptığım küçük 1 aktivite👌🏻
#çok beğendim bi eteği#nerdeyse 1 aydır falan almayı düşünüyodum nbdnndnndndmd#en küçük bedeni 36🤡🤡#34 olsa bile ona da tadilat gerekirdi zaten Zeynep boşver dedim ilk önce ama şimdi bi kere daha ürün ölçülerine baktım....#36 bedenin bel ölçüsü 70 cm.. bu birinci falsomuz#2.si boydan 95cmmiş onu bilmiyom uzun mu gelir hiç etek boyumu ölçmedim dnsdnnand ama manken 1.85miş#😁😁😁😁 ve mankende de bende durmasını istediğim şekilde duruyo😁😁#sonra bi üstümde hayal ettim.... modeli çok dar değil ama kalem etek gibi tam bir bastıbacak olurum..... hdbdhsbdnsnsn#normalde boyumla pek bi derdim yok hatta neredeyse hiç ama cidden kestirsem bile benim boya bu etek modeli gitmez gibi geldi yani.....#bi de etek de ucuz değil o kadar para verip bi de terziye 100 200 mü vercem😖😖#dertlendim maalesef ki bari 34 bedenini de üretselwrdi daha az üzülürdüm#allah için beden skalalarını genişletin😭😭 hadi yine bu neyse bazıları beden olarak sadece 1 ve 2 koyuyo.... 36/38 ve 40/42....#fenalık geçiriyorum görünce#std beden de kabusum..... oversize modası da... çok oversize isteyen zaten büyük beden alırdı kardeşim siz niye 36 beden şeyi 42ymiş gibi#üretiyosunuz#neyse çok zorbaladım kendimi bu akşam yani sıçtım bütün moralime#belki belin 70 cm olması tadilatla hallolur ya olmaz mı ki kemer de takarım ndnfnfnfnfnfk bence olur..#son gittiğim terzi abla bana çok güven vermişti hdbdrbbdjdkdkd#neyse allahtan ümit kesilmez bi gün bi bakmışsın kilo almışım HATTA uzamışım ahahahahabsshjs 2 3 cm nolcak olur rabbim isterse djdbdndndjfkf#hem belki bastıbacak gibi de durmaz bazen zayıf olduğum için olduğumdan uzun duruyom sonucta#dsha az önce nası kendimi gömdüm vazgeçirdim şimdi de yine nasıl ikna ettim görüyorsunuz dimi.....#yoruyorum kendimi ya#cümleleri de o kadar devrik kuruyom ki inşllah anlıyonuzdur beni ben bazen baştan okuyunca anlamıyorum kendimi ajabahsbbsbabsn
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chronivore · 3 months ago
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Mario Tartari (Italian Artist, born 1960)
"Untitled", 2022.
Watercolor, 38 × 56 cm.
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soberaniasar · 8 months ago
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#separator#clear: both; text-align: ce#junto a Fundación Cullunche#reinsertaron tres ejemplares de lechuza de campanario rescatadas cuando eran pichones.<p></p><p><br /></p><p>Este tipo de lechuzas (Tyto fu#ya que ejercen un rol fundamental en el control de plagas al alimentarse de ratas. Pero estos tres pichones cayeron de sus nidos#ubicados en una gran palmera#en enero pasado.</p><p><br /></p><p>Una vecina de Guaymallén llamada Roxana se percató de que los ejemplares#muy pequeños para volver a subir y desprotegidos#necesitaban ayuda. De inmediato se comunicó con personal de Fauna#Dirección de Biodiversidad y Ecoparque.</p><p><br /></p><p>Los especialistas acudieron al lugar y decidieron que#ante el peligro de gatos y perros que pudieran atacarlos#debían iniciar un proceso de atención y cuidados. Dada la altura del nido#se hacía imposible devolverlos al sitio sin asegurar que no cayeran nuevamente.</p><p><br /></p><p>Los animales se derivaron a la veterinar#que cuenta con una larga historia en recepción#atención y rehabilitación de especies de la fauna silvestre&nbsp;</p><p><br /></p><p>Cinco meses después los ejemplares#ya listos para la vida silvestre#fueron liberados en una zona rural de Guaymallén#asegurando un entorno natural donde se pudieran adaptar rápidamente.&nbsp;</p><p><br /></p><p><b>Sobre la lechuza campanario</b></p><p><br#su cuerpo mide entre 38-40 cm y pesa entre 300-400 g.&nbsp;</p><p><br /></p><p>El plumaje de su espalda es de color canela amarillento#moteada con marrón. En los machos#la parte ventral es blanca con algunas manchas oscuras y en las hembras la coloración es más oscura y las manchas son más abundantes. Las p#las hembras superan en tamaño a los machos.</p><p><br /></p><p>Especie sedentaria#de hábitos solitarios y nocturnos#su vuelo es muy silencioso y la capacidad para la cacería nocturna viene dada por las siguientes características: suavidad del plumaje#alas anchas y redondeadas#disco facial que actúa como radar#disposición asimétricas de los oídos#lo cual le permite una recepción estereofónica de los sonidos y en consecuencia una localización precisa de sus presas#ojos situados hacia delante que le dan un mayor campo visual binocular y cuello extremadamente móvil.</p><p><br /></p><p>Su dieta se basa f#entre ellos ratas y ratones
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siregarr · 8 months ago
Distribtor,Pengrajin,Jual,grosir sepatu converse ukuran 38,WA ,0812-9838-0434 (telkomsel) NGUSMAN SPORT 
panjang sepatu converse ukuran 38,ukuran sepatu converse 40 berapa cm,sepatu converse ukuran 46,sepatu converse ukuran 47,sepatu converse ukuran 44,sepatu converse size 45,sepatu converse anak 4 tahun,sepatu converse anak 4 tahun,kami adalah toko sepatu  yang sangat terpercaya jujur dan amanah minat silahkan order di toko kami harga terjangkau keren dan murah sepatu olahraga dan ranning wa 0812-9838-0434 dengan BAPAK NGUSMAN  
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tiooomnatioo · 9 months ago
Distribtor,Pengrajin,Jual,grosir sepatu converse 36,WA ,0812-9838-0434 (telkomsel) NGUSMAN SPORT 
ukuran sepatu converse 36,sepatu converse anak 3 tahun,sepatu converse size 38,panjang sepatu converse ukuran 38,ukuran sepatu converse 40 berapa cm,sepatu converse ukuran 46,sepatu converse ukuran 47,sepatu converse ukuran 47,kami adalah toko sepatu  yang sangat terpercaya jujur dan amanah minat silahkan order di toko kami harga terjangkau keren dan murah sepatu olahraga dan ranning wa 0812-9838-0434 dengan BAPAK NGUSMAN  
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krzysztofiwin · 17 days ago
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Krzysztof Iwin – „Fryzjerka” olej płyta 38x53cm (2007) https://iwin.malarstwo.org/pl/fryzjerka-722.html #38cm #53cm #2007r #brązy #czernie #zielenie #art #painting #Iwin #KrzysztofIwin #obrazy #galeria #malarstwo #obrazyolejne #olejenaplycie
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huariqueje · 1 year ago
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Living Room at Night , December - Dmitri Cavender , 2002.
American, b. 1957 -
oil on canvas, 38 x 36 cm.
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jokeanddaggerdept · 9 months ago
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arteisaura-blog · 2 years ago
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thunderstruck9 · 10 months ago
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Anto Carte (Belgian, 1886-1954), Pieta, 1921. Monotype and watercolour on paper, 47 x 38 cm.
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madamepestilence · 1 year ago
The Chemical Structure of Redstone
So I was curious about what the chemical structure of Redstone looks like, and Minecraft Education Edition, albeit unintentionally, gives us a canon look into what Redstone is made of:
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In Minecraft Education Edition, putting a Redstone Block into a Material Reducer shows that it's composed of 31 Carbon, 31 Uranium, and 38 Unobtanium, which we can assume to be measured in grams
Dividing the Redstone Block into Redstone Dust, each Redstone Dust is then composed of approximately 3.4 Carbon, 3.4 Uranium, and 4.2 Unobtanium
Again assuming that's measured in grams, that's 0.17 cm³ of Uranium, 1.496 cm³ of Carbon, and ???³ of Unobtanium per Redstone Dust
So what does this tell us about the chemical structure of Redstone? Basing this on Redstone Dust's composition, we can estimate that each Redstone molecule is composed of 3 Carbon atoms, 3 Uranium atoms, 4 Unobtanium atoms, a little under half of the time it binds to an extra Uranium and/or Carbon, and 20% of the time it binds to an extra Unobtanium
This also has some horrifying implications for how Redstone works:
Redstone would be extremely volatile as the radioactive decay from Unobtanium and Uranium would occasionally release Helium ions through alpha radiation, sometimes breaking apart Carbon into two Beryllium atoms (as it absorbs the extra proton and neutron from the Uranium) or merging into Oxygen
So Redstone should, in theory, be extremely flammable and potentially explosive, which implies that cave static, or the player mining Redstone with an Iron Pickaxe, could lead to a spark that causes an explosive cave-in
As Unobtanium is just a placeholder for unobtainable elements (hence the name), I'm going to estimate Unobtanium in this case as Unbinilium, the placeholder name for element 120
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I'm estimating the Unobtanium as Redstone as being larger than the largest man-made element, Oganesson, which holds an impressive 118 protons
Each valence electron shell, from innermost to outermost, can bind with 2, 8, 18, 32, 32, 18, and 8 shells respectively, so I'd like Unobtanium to be an element we haven't discovered yet, and consequently I'd like to jump up to the next shell
While I could estimate with element 119's placeholder, Ununennium, it would have one electron in the next shell, so Unbinilium allows for easier chemical binding
So what does this molecule look like then? Well, horrifyingly...
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It looks like this. As Redstone forms in crystal lattices, and only two Carbon atoms are free to bind, I can absolutely see why it's so brittle that it breaks into powder.
This makes the structure of Redstone:
C3U3Uno4 (55% of molecules) C4U3Uno4 (13% of molecules) C3U4Uno4 (13% of molecules) C4U4Uno4 (7% of molecules) C3U3Uno5 (5% of molecules) C4U3Uno5 (3% of molecules) C3U4Uno5 (3% of molecules) C4U4Uno5 (1% of molecules)
An extremely radioactive, flammable, and explosive compound.
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