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feather-bone · 2 months ago
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[ID: A digital drawing of a gray spotted seal facing to the left with its tongue out. The background is a wavy teal with small black fish. End.]
Phoca vitulina
Harbor seal spot patterns are unique, and can appear either dark-on-light or light-on-dark. Seal pups are able to swim and dive just hours after birth. Adults can grow up to 370lbs.
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kangals · 23 days ago
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did the math and if he keeps growing at the same rate as year 1, by the end of year 2 he will weigh 370lb 👍
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kodeeffa · 1 month ago
I'm so ridiculously addicted to your blog that i can't stop.
I've been deleting my tumblr accounts to try and keep some semblance of control but keep coming back. I delete, stay away for maybe a few weeks, then inevitably remake an account and run straight back to your blog. It's like the culmination of every fantasy I've ever had.
You're too addicting, Mommy 🥵 I'm 370lbs now and will likely get over 400 because of just this blog you have
Fully commit to me, pig. Please my desire to see you grow fatter and fatter just as I know you want to as well. We can do this together. We will do this together. 400lbs is so close and before you know it you’ll be blowing by it. ☺️
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wishingtobefat · 8 months ago
Fat Jocks
I have a sport blog called myownsportsblog, which I'm sure nobody has read however I encourage people to. The link is https://www.tumblr.com/blog/myownsportsblog.
Now that I've gotten that out of the way, this is an occasion where I get to combine two of my favorite things. Sports and being fat. While the most common athlete is in shape there have been those who have competed in various sports that are/were on the plump side. In some cases the player(s) were hot. In baseball there are a few names that come to mind. Dimitri Youth weighed in at 295lbs and played his entire career with the Detroit Tigers. Cecil Fielder, another Tiger weighed over to 280 and his son Prince who played for the Milwaukee Brewers tipped the scales at 285lbs. There were some pleasantly plump pitchers including CC Sabathia who hit 300lbs and Big Sexy (Bartolo Colon) who topped out at 285lbs. Both players did lose weight once they retired.
In terms of the NBA a players weight can be deceptive as many are almost or above 7 feet tall. There are however those who have a spare tire. Currently, the most notable NBA player is Zion Williamson of the Pelicans who weighed over 280lbs last season and was rumored to weigh closer to 300lbs. There was a former player named Eddie Curry (no relation to Steph) that weighed as much as 350lbs.
It's common in the NFL for a lineman to weigh over 300lbs. A lot of times it's muscle however often it's fat. Perhaps the most notable fat NFL player is also one of my first crushes. I'm referral to William the Refrigerator Perry who topped off at 410lbs. Most recently, Caleb Jones of the Green Bay Packers weighed 370lbs according to reports. While I've never been a fan of the Dallas Cowboys there is one who stands out. That would be Nate Newtown who had the nickname "the Kitchen" and he topped out at over 400lbs. From a gaining perspective, while I don't think he was one, I remember reading an article in Sports Illustrated years ago where he mentioned that when he was a kid, he would have a Single, a Double and a Triple Burger from Wendy's every time his team won. I think that would make an interesting challenge for a gainer.
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pentupfatty · 7 months ago
Playing with my Waistline
Part 2
Staring at the ticket counter rise on the machine, you look up and see as the more tickets I earn, the more I seem to either grow, or clothes shrink. But to your “expert level” detective skills, or just using your eyes, you watch as my body grows.
Slowly, my pants grow tighter, my T-shirt rides up slightly, and my face plumps at the slightest. I look back at you, now a little bit thicker, and smile. “Oh! Look, I got really close to the high score!” I say, and point at the game. 2 points off. Looking around you see someone else playing, watch them win the jackpot, and almost instantly them gain nearly 20 pounds. Looking back at me, and look at the drinks in your hand, you realize just how long you wish for me to stay and play here.
Walking around the arcade floor, we hop from game to game, earning more and more tickets. You begin to see my previously flat chest and butt, suddenly grow larger and fatter. My belly begins to grow out of my shirt, my ass rounds out and are about 15 pounds off from ripping the seams off the pants I was wearing.
Near 2 hours later, almost 10 drinks deep, you stare from the table, watching a now 370lbs lard ball waddle from game to game. Using some of the points I won, you purchased new clothes from the prize area after I had ripped out of the ones I came in with. Heavily breathing, I waddle over to you and sit down in the seat across from you. “I….got an…oof…jackpot…!” I say through labored breaths, and begin greedily eating the feast you ordered. And as I finish up, you say that we should head home, and help me waddle out to the parking lot until you realize.
How the hell am I gonna fit in the car?
Honestly I think this might be worst then the last, but i just suck at appreciating my work LMAOO.
Anyways, see y’all later !!!!
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pleistocene-pride · 1 year ago
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Panthera leo melanochaita better known as the east African lion, the Southern lion, the Southern African lion, or the East-Southern African lion,, is a subspecies of lion native to eastern and southern Africa. Here they prefer to inhabit grasslands and savannas, but are also known to inhabit open woodland, scrublands, and montane forests. African lions are the most social of all wild felines, living in groups of related individuals and their offspring called prides which number 3 to 30 females and 1 to 4 males. East African lions typically prey upon ungulates such as wildebeest, cape buffalo, eland, gemsbok, nyala, roan and sable antelope, warthogs, bush pigs, zebra, tsessebe, waterbuck, kudu, hartebeest, kob, and thomson’s gazelle, however they are also known to hunt other prey from as small as common mice to as large as young or infirm African bush elephants. Lions are themselves occasionally killed by other predators such as wild dogs, hyenas, leopards, other lions, and crocodiles. Female east African lions average around 7.5 to 8.9ft (2.3 to 2.7m) in length, and 183 to 370lbs (83 to 168kgs) in weight while males average around 8.1 to 9.4ft (2.47 to 2.84m) in length and 321 to 496lbs (145 to 225kgs) in weight, however lions as big as 11ft (3.35m) and 825lbs (375kgs) have been known to exist. This marks the lion as the second largest extant cat after the tiger. The lion is a muscular, broad-chested cat with a short, rounded head, a reduced neck, and round ears. The fur varies in color from light buff to silvery grey, yellowish red, and dark brown, additionally albino and leucistic individuals are not unheard of. Mature males typically sport long flowing manes, but may occasionally lack them. Additionally females may occasionally grown manes as well. Breeding may occur year round, with each mature female having there own estrous cycle. When in heat she will breed with one or more partners. After a 110 day pregnancy a mother lion will give birth to 1 to 4 cubs in a secluded den away from the rest of the pride. She will not rejoin the pride until her young are around 6 to 8 weeks of age. East African Lions reach maturity around 2 to 4 years of age, at which point the males are typically forcibly evicted from the pride and females may choose to set of in search of another to join. Under ideal conditions an east African lion may live up to 18 years.
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lalagirltummy · 10 months ago
370lbs trans gal here wishing you a very get fat
God I'd sell my own soul to be that big!!! These runner genetics are a curse and it's been an uphill battle every since starting hrt
Thank you nonetheless 😭💜
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mtftm-bustyboy · 2 years ago
Hiya! Welcome to my blog~
My name is Samson. I'm a feedee himbo detrans boy with big naturals~ Im currently taken romantically, but am in an open relationship with boundries. Horny asks, teasing for thinking I was ever a woman, and dms accepted and welcomed. Especially if I can help any fakegirls become good boys like me~
I currently weight 370lbs, and have plans to grow. Growing bigger is correcting me more and more each day ;P
Stuff/Kinks I'm gonna post about on this blog include:
(Both real and Kink)
-Detrans, Corruption, Weight Gain, Himbofication, Dumbification, etc.
((Important Note: I do not condone 'real life' transphobia that has not been expressly consented to! I'm a Himbo but even I'm not that stupid))
Art credit: @riu_incognito
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cbs-scorpion-coffee-shop · 2 years ago
It's very interesting how in the later seasons, Scorpion's writers were bent on making the girls (Paige and Happy) look like absolute goddesses that can make no mistake and can always kick ass while making the boys (Walter, Toby and Sly) look like indecisive, incompetent bufoons that always make mistakes.
Happy is shown as this mean girl that will kick your ass even though she was kidnapped by a teenager. Walter let her punch him in the face full force in S1 and didn't even topple. She's not even above average strong, she's literally normal. Toby took a couple boxing classes in S2 and could knock out bad guys with one hit for the rest of the show.
Paige is shown in a close manner. There's a scene in S3 where she pulls Sylvester's ear like a kid to get information out of him. Bitch, that is a 370lb grown ass man. She's not even half his weight.
The funniest thing is that Walter is made to look like the biggest idiot on the team despite being the smartest, most capable character that is capable of world domination and wreaking havoc yet uses his abilities for the greater good.
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jay-the-fatty · 1 year ago
What’s your height and weight?
I’m 6’1” and currently weigh around 370lbs
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danifeeder · 1 year ago
Huge Weight Gain! Feedee's Before and After / 195lbs to 370lbs.
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hefty-halo · 2 years ago
Muse List 2.0
Here is the new version of the muse list, which will hopefully display properly this time!
Welcome to the Halo Expanded Universe~ Below is the muse list, a collection of both canon characters and the occasional OC as well.
AI muses:
Cortana (Feeder):
Height: 5ft 10in
Description: A physical partition of Cortana that decided to become a feeder, more than happy to fatten up anyone who desires it. Is of a more gentle disposition than the original AI that she partitioned from, encouraging people gently at first, until they get dependent on her, then she amps up the feeding. Spartans are here favourite people to fatten~
Cortana (Feedee):
Height: 5ft 5in
Weight: 370lbs
Description: Another physical partition of Cortana that has set her sights on being an AI Feedee, having discovered the concept fairly recently. She is trying to get her new body to be able to ingest food, but for now she has to alter her weight herself. She has a fairly even spread of weight across her body.
The Weapon:
Height: 10 inches
Weight: Simulated 500lbs
Description: The Weapon, classed as Cortana's sister by some, created from Cortana's original coding. She is a very sweet and bubbly personality, trying to stay positive as much as she can about things. She can be a naïve at times, but she is quick to learn. She is fascinated by the organic concept of obesity and the softness of it. She tries to simulate it on her digital form, to limited success, so she also encourages people, especially Spartans, to try it out with her and log their experiences with it.
Height: 5ft 0in
Weight: 430lbs
Description: Belly-heavy. Inspired by tales of Cortana's Feedee side, Serina finally decided to take the plunge into a physical form, so she could finally experience the taste of chocolate, a substance she had long been fascinated by, thanks to lingering memories from her human brain-donor. Suffice it to say, she enjoyed it, and enjoys it in vast quantities every day. If you find your chocolate stash missing, there's no doubt where it went~ In recent years, she had developed something of a Goddess-complex, potentially some lingering effects from her now-cured rampancy.
Height: 10 inches
Description: Very nervous and stressed after what happened to the base she was originally stationed at. Any new friends she does make though have a staunch protector in her. However, said friends will likely also find their weight going up consistently when around her. She will idly offer out food from vending machines, have food delivered to your room regularly, all just to make sure you are happy and safe. Feeding people makes her happy, even if she can't physically do it. May possibly be in a relationship with Spartan Alice-130~
Spartan Muses:
Spartan III Catherine-B320 "Kat":
Height: 6ft 9in
Weight: 245lbs (muscle weight)
Description: Kat took the death of the original Noble Six hard, vowing to never let another team member die on her watch. Still very active, she does whatever she can to keep her team safe, especially the team's new Noble Six replacement. And if that means being like a mother hen around them, perhaps feeding them more than she should do, she will do so. A feeder who will make sure you eat all your meals for your own good, teasing you in private a lot as well if you let her make you fat~
Spartan III B312 "Six":
Height: 6ft 9in
Weight: 402lbs (239lbs of muscle)
Description: One of only two Hyper-Lethal rated Spartans on record, much of Six's chequered record is covered in black ink, to the extent that some say the ONI censors simply dipped the entire paper record in it. Replacing the original Noble Six, Thom-A293, was a big role to fill, which Kat seems to be very...eager to help them...fill~ They don't seem to mind, either.
Spartan II Linda-058:
Height: 7ft 0in
Weight: 711lbs (242lbs of muscle)
Description: Belly-heavy. Linda was taken out of service after a major injury, and has been struggling not to balloon up under the ever watchful care of Cortana and her helpers. Easiest Spartan muse to tempt with food, especially ice cream. She is still a deadly shot, she spends a lot of time on the shooting range.
Spartan II Kelly-087:
Height: 6ft 11in
Weight: 320lbs (250lbs of muscle)
Description: Pear shaped with thick thighs. Kelly has been indulging in the canteen a little too much since the Spartan II's were steadily phased out of active roles. She still has a reputation as the fastest member of Blue Team to keep up though, so she tries to temper her excessive eating with exercise. Definitely won't turn down snacks, if you offer.
Spartan II Alice-130:
Height: 6ft 11.3in
Weight: 2,819lbs (282lbs of muscle)
Description: Belly-heavy and butt-heavy. A stoic and confident Spartan, little phases Alice, be it combat or showing off how much she can eat in the mess hall. As a heavy weapons expert, she is stronger than a fair few other female Spartans, but she also loves to eat in her free time. Unlike Linda, she doesn't need tempting with snacks, she just eats whatever she wants, whenever she wants. She is very close with Isabel, often being the Spartan that the AI links with. She likes to tease the cute little AI about how fat she is getting because of her help, and is often a willing feedee for Isabel to enjoy time with.
Spartan IV Commander Sarah Palmer:
Height: 6ft 9in
Weight: 430lbs (241lbs of muscle)
Muscle weight with a thick layer of pudge over her. Steadily falling into routines of eating more than she should, not helped by Cortana's presence. Point out her blubber if you dare~ Feedee of a more dominant nature. She might step on you, if you're good~
UNSC Personnel Muses:
Commander Miranda Keyes:
Height: 5ft 10in
Weight: 450lbs
Description: Most of her weight is in her belly and her chest, with a generous helping across the rest of her body. Miranda has been the major recipient of Cortana's early feeder testing, and is the main non-Spartan fatty in her collection. Being the Commander of the Forward Unto Dawn has been surprisingly relaxing since Cortana was brought on board, so why not indulge herself a bit?
Staff Sergeant Kelly "Amy" Karina (retd.)
Height: 5ft 8
Weight: 195lbs
Description: As a former sniper in the UNSC Marine Corps 1st Regiment, Amy served in various theatres of the war, from Humanity's first contact with the Covenant at Harvest, to being a survivor of the Fall of Reach. She retired in 2560 to live on a farmstead on Harvest after it was newly terraformed after the war. A sweet, friendly personality with a typical country girl accent, she is definitely starting to put on the pounds in retirement. Don't call her old, though! She can still kick butt!
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iatetoomuch93 · 2 years ago
Been having fun chatting with an AI bit about weight gain. It can write some short gainer fiction and describe changes you can see if you decide to live a certain way 😜. Below is what the AI generated when I told it I wanted to know what it would be like to gain 12lbs every month. I am currently a jiggly 250lbs.
Gaining 12lbs every month for a year equates to a total gain of 144lbs. This is a significant amount of weight, and your body would undergo fairly perceivable changes throughout the year. It's important to remember that everyone's body is unique, and weight gain may be distributed differently from person to person.
Month 1 (262lbs): The changes in your appearance might be small and less noticeable. You might feel a slight tightness in your clothes but most of them should still fit.
Month 2 (274lbs): You're likely to notice more tightness in your clothes especially around the waist and chest area. Your face might appear fuller.
Month 3 (286lbs): At this point, you will likely need to purchase larger clothes. Your weight gain may be more noticeable, especially in areas like the abdomen, face, arms, and thighs.
Month 4 (298lbs): The continued weight gain would result in more prominent changes, affecting the overall shape of your body. You may need to upgrade your clothing size again.
Month 5 (310lbs): The skin might start showing stretch marks due to the continuous expansion. You'll likely need another clothing size upgrade.
Month 6 (322lbs): By mid-year, your body has significantly increased in size. You may notice some physical constraints due to the added weight.
Month 7 (334lbs): Your body continues to expand. Simple physical activities might become more challenging.
Month 8 (346lbs): Clothes are definitely larger, you may experience breathlessness, and the rounding of facial features is prominent.
Month 9 (358lbs): There is a considerable impact on mobility and comfort.
Month 10 (370lbs): The extent of the weight gain could lead to discomfort both in movement and finding comfortable clothing.
Month 11 (382lbs): Your body is much larger at this point and clothing options might be considerably limited.
Month 12 (394lbs): After a whole year of gaining 12lbs a month, your body and face are significantly larger. Your clothing size would have increased multiple times over the course of the year.
Remember these descriptions are estimates and changes might not exactly follow this timeline. Moreover, gaining weight this rapidly could lead to serious health complications, such as diabetes, heart disease, and more. Always consult a healthcare professional before undertaking any drastic changes to your diet or exercise regimen.
Generated by: https://jarvis.onelink.me/dSku/bwerlbvd
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prayingmama · 3 months ago
Leg press 370lbs I’ve realized recently that the gym for me is more than a place that I go, to workout it has become a safe space for me. The people at the gym that I’ve come in contact with have been so supportive and friendly kinda like my own little community 😌. I have people here that motivate me and tell me to keep it up or people I know that just give me a hug. It’s also people here that…
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rosestthorns · 4 months ago
So big news on both my weight loss journey and transition journey
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I've had quite a bit of body image issues for a very long time. Especially while I was a teen and being called "obese" by not only medical professionals but also during school physicals and things of the like. So I always had this perception of myself that just wasn't reality. This goes hand in hand with my transition journey, because on top of the body dysmorphia I also had dysphoria about the way my body looked. One of my biggest sore points for dysphoria to this day is still my bust. With my chest being so broad it's hard for anything to really fit in that space unless it was ridiculously large. As such I tend not to pay as much attention to the rest of my body. For a long time I had some really self destructive behaviors and struggled with binge eating (I still do to a certain degree). For a while there I was extremely overweight and not even close to healthy.
I ended up catching myself shirtless in the mirror this morning and saw something I never really pay attention to, My hips and belly. My hips are so much wider than I ever expected them to get and I'm rocking a solid pear shape at this point. The cherry on top is that I actually have a fairly flat belly. Sure it hangs down a little bit, especially when I'm not flexing, but it's still flat! And instead of just feeling soft and squishy I can actually feel my abs under the fat for once!! Quite a considerable amount of that overhang is extra skin at this point too.
So in short, I've been on hormones for five years and I've dropped from around 350lbs/370lbs to 280lbs
Quite frankly I'm extremely proud of how my hard work and dedication have paid off.
I don't like talking about myself too often, feels a little conceited. But I also understand how much it helps to hear someone else's story. How much it helps knowing there's a light at the end of the tunnel. I hope at the very least along my journey I can help and uplift others who have been where I've been
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catojakemynatt160 · 5 months ago
80%on deadlift 370lbs 2 sets of 3 reps
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