mtftm-bustyboy · 2 months
You and your girlfriend decide you should ask your hormone clinician if there's anything you can do to help you get your dick up, as Spiro and Estrogen have almost completely killed your ability to get, let alone retain, an erection.
Your girlfriend was very much a butch, but she loved your girlcock. You would think from looking at her that she was a dominant but she has quite the sub streak in her, and wants to throat your girlcock way more often.
You meet with your clincian, who complements you as always about how well your body has taken to the treatment; how well you pass. You tell her about your problem and she happily signs off on a prescription of Viagra for you. "Y'know, plenty of trans women are doing it." she says to ease your mild discomfort, knowing Viagra is so associated with men.
You swing out to your pharmacy on the way home, and the moment you walk through the door to your apartment your girlfriend immediately inquires as to what they did. You show her the bottle of Viagra and her eyes go wide. "We're trying this right now."
Three months of the most passionate, primal, thigh slapping sex you've ever had with your girlfriend ensues. Until about a week away from your next visit to the clinic, she's giving you a comparitively unenthused blowjob. "Is something wrong?" you ask, your rock hard girlcock going in and out of her cheek. "I dunno... You're hard and that's great but... The texture is still so soft? And could you maybe grow a bit of hair down here?" She says casually. You knew that you, in fact, could not grow hair down there. You used to shave your downstairs regularly and after about two years of Estrogen and practically 0 T in your system, the hair simply stopped growing.
"I guess I could ask them to lower my Spiro dose? Actually I've heard from friends Spiro gives super brainfog so honestly that might just be the best plaaaahhh~" Your girlfriend runs the tip of her tongue down a sensitive spot on your cockhead, rewarding your agreement.
A week passes and you once again return to the clinician, complements are given, greivances are explained, and your clinician (with only mild hesitation) halves your spiro prescription, with the caveat that you return for bloodwork in a month and a smaller check-in thereafter.
It takes about a week for you to feel any different, but suddenly you notice... Mental changes. Things that you wouldn't have paid any mind to before suddenly enthralling you. Your local punky barista's tits smushed together so tight that her deep cleave is visible even through a polo shirt, a lady at the supermarket in leggings with the fattest, juiciest ass you think you've ever seen, and of course your GF. The way she sticks her ass out while she cooks, how she presses her ample tits into your comparitively unimpressive chest. You find yourself grinding into her in bed, then on the couch, then even while standing over the stove.
Over the next three weeks the changes your girlfriend was so eager for start to appear, your cock becomes more rigid, even growing an inch or so. The hair grows slowly after the first week and by the fourth your left with a nice bush, one that you've shoved your girlfriend's nose into at least once a day since it grew in. Your girlfriend, by the way, is loving it. Every break from her WFH job is beating your cock, slamming it into the back of her throat, or sliding it deep into her pussy.
Your eyes are rolled back into your skull as she jacks your cock with her hand. You hear some kind of noise but you can't quite parse what it is over the pleasure; over her voice. "You know what would be perfect? If your cock had some heavy musk to it. That would make me go crazy for you, baby. Maybe you should try to get on T?"
The words bounced around your empty skull until your girlfriend took her hands off your cock to look at your buzzing phone. You brain filled with need and lust, you hadn't cum yet.
"Oh, babe, your appointment is in 15."
App...oint...ment? Your pleasure drunk brain took a moment to process the words. "Oh shit! My appointment!" You shot out of bed and got into the quickest clothes you could put on, a baggy tshirt and some jeans, and rushed out the door.
By the time you got there, your brain was still completely addled from the pleasure and need for release. When you walked up to the front desk your eyes locked on to the attendent's tits. "Umm... Excuse me?"
It took you a moment to realize you'd been spoken to. You look her in the eyes lazily.
"Who are you?"
You were confused, usually the attendants recognized you on sight. You told her your name.
"Oh! Oh my god I hardly recognized you with the fac-. I mean- you look great, sorry about that."
She directed you to the waiting room as per usual and you pulled out your phone to check your reflection. Sure enough, you had developed the patchy startings of a beard and mustache. Through the needy cock haze, this realization somehow meant nothing to you. You just wanted this appointment to be over as fast as possible so you could go home and empty your balls.
You sit down with your clinician, and she says some stuff to you. You only catch little bits. "T levels approaching... detransition... progress... You see it, don't you?"
It takes you a moment to realize you've been asked something. You scour your brain for some kind of response. Your mouth spits out the last coherent thing you remember hearing.
"Maybe I should try to get on T."
Your clinician gives you a stern look. "If that's how you feel, I cannot in good faith prescribe you feminizing hormones any longer." She scribbles on her notepad. "Here, take this. It's a small dose of T that will help supplement your levels until your natural hormones return to normal levels. You're free to go."
You eagerly leave the building to return to your girlfriend.
|Six Months Later...|
Your girlfriend gags and slobbers as she tries to fit the full length of your massive cock in her mouth. Your heavy balls are so desperate to unload down her throat. She runs her hands up your manly physique as her eyes roll back and she moans like a total whore. You looked down at her. She was wearing such a pretty, slutty dress and her hair was long and beautiful... A voice in the very back of your mind said she didn't always look like this... That she used to be a butchy, punk dyke... But that...
Your brain course corrects as she starts to massage your balls while throating your cock. 'I'm such a stud, of course I would break a dyke if I wanted to.'
The phrase 'Dykebreaking stud' repeated through your mind until you finally came, drowning your girlfriend in your seed. She swallowed most of it, returning her tongue to your sloppy wet cock afterward. "Thank you, Daddy~" She says, hopping up into your lap and shoving the plastic tits you made her get into your face. You wrap one muscular arm around her waist while the other massive hand takes a hold of one of her fat asscheeks. She moans and giggles at being groped like this. "Anything for my babygirl." You say, kissing her on the forehead. Your brain was a little... Slow nowadays, with the constant primal rutting and fucking. Your memory had for the most part escaped you. But you knew one thing for certain-
You and her were made for eachother.
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mtftm-bustyboy · 2 months
I need to obey my cock
I need to obey my cock
I need to obey my cock
I need to obey my cock
I need to obey my cock
I need to obey my cock
I need to obey my cock
I need to obey my cock
I need to obey my cock
I need to obey my cock
I need to obey my cock
I need to obey my cock
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mtftm-bustyboy · 3 months
Been getting into the idea of identify death through cumming in the last 24 hours. Imagine orgasming and having every single memory of being a girl being extinguished and dying on your daddy's dick. Imagine your first memory of your new life is your ass being stretched by a huge strap and playing with your cock. Imagine having every little remnant of ever being a woman get destroyed one by one, and not even caring because it just feels so good to touch your cock. Who cares if you're literally killing yourself since you just get to be a cute boy anyway, so why not just keep stroking and stroking and stroking and stroking and stroking and stroking and stroking.....
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mtftm-bustyboy · 3 months
CW: detrans, safe word violation, therefore rape
A woman ties me up for sex , and I’m excited. I let her gag me, make me fully vulnerable. It makes me feel feminine, in a way.
But she just smiles, and says “aww, your cock got so hard for me! You really like do like this don’t you?”
I squirm a little. I had mentioned wanting it to be called a clit, but I guess I hadn’t talked about it a whole lot before hand. I may not have told her clearly enough. And it’s not that bad, I guess.
She begins teasing me. She gives me cock clit slow, long strokes, while playing her fingers along my thighs. I’m fully hard, and letting my self get lost in the feeling. The little slip up from before.
“Awww, what a good boy.”
My eyes shoot open and I jerk around a little. I know I didn’t mention how sensitive I was about my dysphoria, but I assumed it would be implied when I said I wanted to pretend my cock was a clit. I mean, call it a clit.
She pulls her ah f away. “Oh, I’m sorry. You’re a girl. Good girl.”
I nodded. Okay, I can take a slip up. It’s not like it’s a hard mistake to make when my big cock standing up there. God, no, that’s a weird thought to have.
We continued on, she kept teasing me. stocking my cock, and then, she would call me a good boy again, and I’d rock around. It kept brining things to a halt.
Finally, she leaned back, stopping touching me at all. “Have you figured it out yet baby?” She leaned in closer. “I’m not her for some girl. I’m here for a good boy. And you don’t get to cum until you admit that you’re a delusion fake girl.”
My eyes shot wide open. I was still strapped down tightly. I tried to thrash as hard as I could, but there was no escaping.
“Oh, and if you think getting blue balls is better then letting go of this delusion, you’re also not getting out of here without confessing that you’ll always be a big dumb man that thinks with your cock.”
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mtftm-bustyboy · 4 months
Been getting into the idea of identify death through cumming in the last 24 hours. Imagine orgasming and having every single memory of being a girl being extinguished and dying on your daddy's dick. Imagine your first memory of your new life is your ass being stretched by a huge strap and playing with your cock. Imagine having every little remnant of ever being a woman get destroyed one by one, and not even caring because it just feels so good to touch your cock. Who cares if you're literally killing yourself since you just get to be a cute boy anyway, so why not just keep stroking and stroking and stroking and stroking and stroking and stroking and stroking.....
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mtftm-bustyboy · 4 months
I'm a Male ♂
I love being male😵‍💫
I was born to be male
I was destined to be a femboy
I love my cock
I love my deep voice
I cant get enough of my male musk
I am a goodboy 😵‍💫
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mtftm-bustyboy · 4 months
This message is for all those fakegirls. Think of it as hypnotherapy!!
I hope you like it~ (i'm super embarrassed lmao)
(TW: this is misgendering/detrans friendly content. in no way is that a small warning, please be aware before listening.)
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mtftm-bustyboy · 4 months
finally, an actual good mtf detrans tf :3
Inpromptu transition by buttsaw on Furaffinity
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mtftm-bustyboy · 4 months
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Bullish Bathbomb! (Commission)
Commission for @the community cowgal (Vee)! FtM of her OC via a magical bath bomb.
Uncensored: https://bsky.app/profile/fanterfane.bsky.social/post/3knn2zsjkak2q
Man, the home remedies they're making these days sure can have a lot of side effects... Who ever heard of a bathbomb that can turn a girl into a man? Next thing you know they'll be putting chemicals in our bathwater...
Not that I'm against it, I like chemicals. They kill bacteria and turned me gay :3
I struggled a lot trying to draw a good looking cow cumming face... It was valuable practice!
Originally finished in September 2023!
If you like the art I make and have decided that you want to support me and help create more of it, please consider joining my Patreon at www.patreon.com/FanterFane for all of these benefits and more!
- Preview all completed art at least two weeks or more before it's publicly posted!
- View early sketches of all the things I'm working on! (On Discord)
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- Commission discounts! - And my eternal gratitude!
Alternatively, if Patreon isn't your style, you can also support me via a tip on ko-fi.com/fanterfane, or by subscribing on fanterfane.fanbox.cc!
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mtftm-bustyboy · 4 months
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Living Large! (Commission)
Commission for Juan Castellanos!
Fayne's body/life is possessed by the spirit of a thick woman! Now, he's forced to act like her, no matter what he does! Anything he tries to do, will come out differently, as if he was acting just like her himself!
Originally completed in September 2023!
If you like the art I make and have decided that you want to support me and help create more of it, please consider joining my Patreon at www.patreon.com/FanterFane for all of these benefits and more!
- Preview all completed art at least two weeks or more before it's publicly posted!
- View early sketches of all the things I'm working on! (On Discord)
- Vote in monthly Patreon-only polls!
- Participate in semi-monthly Patreon Sketch Request Streams!
- Access to the Patreon-only section of my discord server!
- Commission discounts! - And my eternal gratitude!
Alternatively, if Patreon isn't your style, you can also support me via a tip on ko-fi.com/fanterfane, or by subscribing on fanterfane.fanbox.cc!
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mtftm-bustyboy · 6 months
you boys have been so sweet to me since I started this blog! You really just need someone to tell you it's okay to be who you are, huh?
It's alright to be a degenerate boy who only thinks depraved thoughts. You're perfect that way. Just don't think too much, you've gotta save all that blood flow to keep your cock hard!
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mtftm-bustyboy · 6 months
I know most fakegirls are praise-hungry sluts, so what if you just only gave them praise related to being a man? It's all 'good boy' from there!
"oh, I see you've been jacking off all day like you were meant to! Good boy 💕"
"did you stop wearing those skirts? They didn't suit you. You look much hotter in pants. Good boy 💕"
"wow, you look like such a stud now that you stopped taking E! Good boy 💕"
Teaching and training through positive associations!
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mtftm-bustyboy · 6 months
cooking big, hearty meals for my trans girlfriend every day, secretly stuffed full of T pills and viagra, so as she grows fatter and fatter, he gets more and more manly, until he's too fat and blissed out to do any more than eat my meals and be my big soft boyfriend~
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mtftm-bustyboy · 8 months
mtftm sorority, all fakegirls are welcome to be detransitioned into femboys, sissies, drag queens and crossdressers, brain drained to be perfect fucktoys for the frat across the street
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mtftm-bustyboy · 8 months
Happy femboy Friday! Try to keep away from the femboy moths, will ya? They have diseases… Poor Michael and Fayne, they always find themselves in these wacky situations don’t they! Oh well, at least it looks like they’re having fun… This also marks the first ever appearance of Fayne pre-ponytail! I’ve got some stuff planned for proto-Fayne, so look forward to that! This project is what won my Patreon poll back in February, a little late but as you all know things have been rough in 2023. I hope you enjoy! Thanks to the illustrious TabooGem for editing it! (You should go follow her NOW!!) Check out the original meme this is based on here: www.youtube.com/watch?v=G8S8i6… 
If you like my art and you would like to see more by supporting me, please consider joining my https://www.patreon.com/FanterFane for these benefits:
See all content at least two weeks early!
View early sketches of things still in production!
Vote in monthly Patron-only Polls! Join monthly Patreon art request streams!
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And my eternal gratitude!
Alternatively you can also support me via a tip on https://ko-fi.com/fanterfane, or by subscribing on https://fanterfane.fanbox.cc!
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mtftm-bustyboy · 8 months
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//Credit to MrXHarlequinn, and Loggus Doggus :3
Wanted to make a quick appreciation post for Mettaton; a character I feel is the embodiment of a handsome guy, that's also such a pretty femboy all at the same time. Even when I was still just MtF, i adored Mettaton and wished to be just as stunning. And now especially as a MtFtM Femboy: He's SUCH GOALS (Yes, even being a robot - like, come on it's the future people!)
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mtftm-bustyboy · 8 months
thanks Sir >/////////<
you're welcome, darling
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