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tallariawalker 2 years ago
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9.聽Treasure -
The Breath of Time, the Light of Meridian, and the Heart of Kandrakar
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sp1c3m0nst3r 3 years ago
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Day 01 of 30 WITCHversary, 2021:
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flusi 3 years ago
I'm really behind on this, but here's day 1 and two of 30 Days of WITCHversary 馃槅
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Not too happy with how either of them turned out, but I wanted to challenge myself a bit馃槄
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randomsnakesimp 3 years ago
Day 17: Leader
So, since I already did an entire WoT on Wills leadership, I will, instead, focus on two other leaders we see throughout the series. More specifically: two rulers.
And the question whether Elyon is truly an improvement over Phobos.
Let's look at Phobos as a ruler: he's disinterested, and in the comics, disinformed. Cartoon!Phobos seems to actually try at some points, while in the comics, he just l leaves Meridian to itself.
In both installments, Meridian seems to be wet, dark and cold under his rule, which is explained by him leeching power. Interestingly, this also seems to be the dominant problem of his rule. Crops die, people go hungry and cold, wet seeps into buildings...and this all stops when Elyon takes the throne, making lives better.
But looking at just her rule...she gets transferred to Meridian on Halloween, which is her birthday, and is crowned Queen shortly after. In the Elyon special, on her birthday, so at least a year later, she hasn't even learned the names of the council members or how to read the clock.
That doesn't exactly scream investment to me. As is the case for the lesson in writing we see her get before Caleb is returned to Meridian, which she's hostile about, too.
Then, there's her refusal to hand over the crown when Endarno asks for it, before she even sees him and finds him to be giving off suspicious signs.
So, do I think she's as bad as Phobos? Yes and no. I do not think she's as bad as the Phobos described in the comics, the insane psychopath who hungers for power. But I do think she's a bit egotistical and childish, and I think she is, in fact, just as bad as the Phobos I headcanon, being more of a bad ruler, not a bad person, with the difference being upbringing and her resulting world view, which is much more optimistic, kind and run by a desire to help. Because I think she does want to help, she just doesn't have the maturity and self sacrifice ruling an entire queendom demands.
Now, do I feel this is represented cleverly in the taking vs giving of magical energy and subsequent state of Meridian? Maybe. But I like taking another approach to that:
Because an uncontrolled influx of energy is just as bad. Just look outside if you want to know how heating up an entire planet too much sucks.
And the same goes for life. Because not only people, live stock and crops are alive, but so are weeds, parasites and predators.
Is this something Elyon is doing wrong? Probably.
But I, personally, would have gone for a different approach: have Elyon and Phobos be like Yin and Yang, their powers something they were born with rather than a calculated decision. Usually, princes remain quiet and seated, and stay in Meridian along the queens, so it does not become a problem and no one ever noticed how the queen's giving powers demand a cycling of the power back to herself. But with Phobos and Elyon split, the damage a single one of them does becomes apparent. Maybe a responsible leader could rule without the balancing power, but these two idiots with zero self control need each other for that.
Apart from this theorizing, I just feel Elyon should get an arc on having to take responsibility or sharing it with someone more suited, maybe becoming more of a figure head to a qualified council. Maybe she could even find herself realizing she was too quick in judging Phobos and this might be her incentive for deciding to attempt giving him a chance at redemption.
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30-days-witchversary 3 years ago
30 Days of WITCHversary 2021 Prompts
Good day WITCH Tumblr! Here鈥檚 the prompts for this year鈥檚 WITCHversary:
Hot Take
Wild Guess
What If
As a reminder to participants, you may post art, ficlets, commentaries, theories, moodboards, clips, GIFs, etc. in response to the prompt, as long as it fits within the theme or prompt given to you. You are free to skip prompts if you like. The goal is to share your experience of WITCH and celebrate WITCH in what way you can.
The event, as before, will run from October 1 to October 30. As usual, please tag your posts with #30 days of witchversary or #30dayswitchversary so we can reblog them for everyone to see. See you soon!
To join the WITCH discord server, please follow this link: discord.gg/GvSdERxXNM
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tallariawalker 2 years ago
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13.聽Personality -
"I'm about to make [frogs] my whole personality"
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sp1c3m0nst3r 3 years ago
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Day 02 of 30 WITCHversary, 2021:
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sp1c3m0nst3r 3 years ago
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Day 03 of 30 WITCHversary, 2021:
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sp1c3m0nst3r 3 years ago
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Day 13 of 30 WITCHversary, 2021:
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sp1c3m0nst3r 3 years ago
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Day 11 of 30 WITCHversary, 2021:
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sp1c3m0nst3r 3 years ago
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Day 06 of 30 WITCHversary, 2021:
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sp1c3m0nst3r 3 years ago
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Day 05 of 30 WITCHversary, 2021:
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sp1c3m0nst3r 3 years ago
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Day 04 of 30 WITCHversary, 2021:
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tallariawalker 3 years ago
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28. Athame + 18. Follower / 17. Leader
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sp1c3m0nst3r 3 years ago
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Day 25 of 30 WITCHversary, 2021:
Because why not?
Still doing for day 23 & 24 mural so...
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randomsnakesimp 3 years ago
So this is a bit of an experimental contribution, and I have no idea whether this hits the spirit or is respectless, but I thought it might be fun to participate by means of analyzing kind of how I perceive the topic of the day has been handled throughout the series - both cartoon and comic.
Without further ado, let's get into the heart
The heart concept is handled very differently in both versions, to the point where they might as well be two different things.
The cartoon handles the heart as a solid object Will owns and carries around. It's main use is transforming the girls, and thus unlocking their powers, but it does have some minor powers on its own, like interacting with other magical objects and tracking its owner.
In the comics, however, it is more of a ethereal presence that Will summons when needed and carries inside her. She has a much more spiritual connection with it (on which I dumped an entire post on here somewhere, so I won't bother you again) and it seems much more alive than in the cartoon. It also has much more power, and decides the outcome of multiple events throughout the series. I also feel it's power is much less consistent and clear cut, but I feel that goes for all comic powers.
More importantly, however, the role of the heart differs vastly between both. In the cartoon, it's there, but it's not the main focus. In the comics, it often is the villains main goal to obtain the heart. This is mainly due to the better power balancing of the cartoon which grants every magical world a heart, and thus makes the heart of Kandrakar less op. Also, whenever the heart does play a role in the cartoon, I feel it is more physical, like chasing Yeek (or however tf Blunks slightly worse alter ego is spelled) or having to go to Meridian magic free when Cornelia takes it. Whenever it is brought into focus in the comic, the experience is more spiritual and often, it is a battle of character between Will and the villain of the week. Which concept one prefers is a personal choice, however, I feel like in terms of execution, the comics only ever once lived up to the potential - with the battle against Nerissa - and I wish that the final tug of war for the heart in other arcs had had a better tie in to the overall plot and character development, maybe even at one point presenting an antagonist like Ari whose own development and believe that Kandrakar are the bad guys who need to be stopped might help him gain the heart's loyalty to some extend.
And of course we can't talk about the heart without talking about New Powers, aka the arc where the heart randomly dissolved into thin air. I feel like, in principle, the decision to move away focus from a MacGuffin was a good one, but I can't deny feeling a bit robbed after that dark heart tease at the end of the Ragorlang arc, and I feel like giving up the heart at the end of a fight against it would have been more satisfying. Also, I think a bit more explanation as to why this was possible and if the heart still exists would have been nice.
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