Thirty Days of WITCHversary
758 posts
Dedicated to one of the most influential magical girl series ever, Thirty Days of WITCHversary aims to celebrate another one of the many years since the magic all first began. Open to all fans, we only wish for everybody to have fun down memory lane.
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30-days-witchversary · 4 months ago
30 Days of Witchversary
Days 19 & 20: Friend & Enemy
Hello, another Witchversary thing :)
A short story about Yan Lin searching for the last bits of the Nerissa she knew as a friend.. about how difficult she was.. about how Cassidy might have been able to approach Nerissa in a way that the others could not.. including the reasons why Cassidy was chosen to keep the Heart
I made notes for this story 8 years ago - funny thing is I had no idea then that there was a Nerissa/Cassidy canon declared. I also had not watched the cartoon then, so this is generally based on the comics (Nerissa and Yan Lin being close, the theme of the flute..). Meaning - it was actually not meant as a ship, rather as a very special friendship thing, but if anyone wants to see that as ship, feel free... it is left open
I also kind of made up their age structure then, I don't know if it makes sense with canon, but whatever
Ehm, all right. It is still angst, but like, the idea, angsty in principle, happened a long time ago, I can do nothing about it now!
Much much thank you to any readers, I would give you my Heart without killing you <3
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30-days-witchversary · 5 months ago
30 Days of Witchversary
Days 13 & 14: Known & Unknown
With a little bit of delay I dare to make another small contribution to the Witchversary - a short Himerish/Yarr drabble, again, hidden in my computer, pushed to be posted by the event - see, it works, actually :)
This time, no angst, pure fluff. I am really happy about it. Also Himerish is a bit of an annoying teaser here, hindering a normal conversation, I like that mannerism for him hehe - i think he has some goofy moments in the comics, occasionally..
It relates, sort of, to my former headcanon post about Basiliadean approach to romantic love - it is, though, only a short cosy chat between Himerish and Yarr on the fact that they are actually keeping stuff secret, but that does not truly mean that nobody knows :) And that they are by far not the first ones in such situation..
It is about the contrast of reputation and the truth of life - and the rumours that kind of bridge between the two :))
Yeah I also headcanoned some very specific details.. just for it to feel real and just because i wondered in the shower (in the kitchen, in the bedroom, in the street...) how some things would work
ok.. fluff known and unknown by the Garden's inhabitants for anyone interested <3
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30-days-witchversary · 5 months ago
Witchversary 2024 - Days 11 and 12 - Safe/Danger
On bad days, Will resorted to Nutella - it had always been there for her; eating it made her feel safe. Usually. Your sapient fridge loudly worrying about your health because of how often you’ve been eating it lately can seriously stifle things.
Miss Will was eating chocolate on toast again - not a nutritionally complete meal, something necessary for teenage girls; for everyone really, but growing girls need proper sustenance. If Susan wasn’t going to ensure she ate well, James would have to make certain she didn’t put herself in unnecessary danger. Not that he could do much, being a refrigerator.
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30-days-witchversary · 5 months ago
Witchversary 2024 - Days 7 and 8 - Home/Far Away
Elyon’s world had been turned upside down - actually she found out that she was from another one. And she had magic. And her friends were lying to her. None of that should have been possible. Well, other than her lying friends, but she thought she knew them better than that. Unless the two new girls had changed them in a few days…
In the darkness of her new city, Elyon learned magic from the one person she still trusted to tell her the truth. Cedric told her to stew in her anger and to learn cruel magics so she tried to forget giggling over movies with Irma, draw with Hay Lin or talk about everything, both important or not, with Cornelia. She was so far away from her old life that she could never return. This was her home now - she had nowhere else to turn, nobody else to trust. Cedric had to be right.
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30-days-witchversary · 5 months ago
Witchversary 2024 - Days 5 and 6 - Matching/Unique
Orube thought that living on two different worlds would have prepared her for living on a third. It didn't.
There was so much that she didn’t understand about this place, these people. They hurried about after trivial things; their customs were strange to her; they did not know true fear.
She had no peers; there was no one here who could possibly understand her. She missed her home, her mentor. Yet she must do her duty; corral those immature girls with so much power they would not use properly. Then she would be able to go back where she belonged.
Orube thought she’d become used to Earth, but then she met another stranger to it and felt a yearning she didn’t know she still possessed. Cedric was aloof but so lonely, which gave her the idea of the coffee.
Keeping a straight face was important to this - a little fun at his expense. He hated it too! He cracked just enough that friendship might form.
While he did not know her, she thought that she found someone who might be able to begin to understand her in ways that nobody else could because they were matching strangers to this world.
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30-days-witchversary · 5 months ago
30 Days of Witchversary
Day 9: Together + Day 10: Separate
This is not really a creative piece, only a thought, i hope that's ok
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I really like the scenes where the girls communicate telepathically without others, e.g. an antagonist like here the fake Endarno/Phobos, knowing that anything is going on - it is a skill provided by Taranee, but it is a wonderful expression of their status as Guardians, especially when it happens in Kandrakar - because they DO belong to Kandrakar, but they are also always separated from the others - they are very different, much younger than everyone, they do not live in Kandrakar, they are by principle supposed to have a different approach to Kandrakar's task (they are the ones to be active and not observers), I think it is also expressed by them being the only ones in colourful clothes tbh - they always stand aside, but there is five of them, they belong to each other - they are a unit of their own - they could form a union to get their rights respected in Kandrakar tbh
Kandrakar created them, that is Kandrakar created their role, but it cannot reach them entirely, because Kandrakar needs them to be different - and so it leaves for them a separate shared ground, a separate world, where they can be together, and only together the five of them and no one else
It is interesting, because they occasionally mention the feeling of separation from other oblivious Earthlings, but they are also separated from Kandrakar's council - they are somewhere in between, and so they have their own sphere
and them talking together without others knowing is one of the features of this special world
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30-days-witchversary · 5 months ago
30 Days of Witchversary
Day 7 - Home
Heyy I am posting this small thing for the witchversary - it is just a drabble I had in my ntb and it felt like "home", that is, the loss of a home, is actually the main theme in this...
I don't know what is it with me and angst lately, I am actually in a rather good mood in real life hehe
To anyone unfamiliar with my stuff, it is a part of my broader series on Himerish (The Oracle)/Yarr - that is a rather rare pairing and tbh also one of the characters (can you guess which one) is sometimes quite controversial in the fandom, which is completely fair, he is quite grey, but tbh that is one of the things i like about him, complex weirdos with potential for responsibility/guilt issues are my type of literary character
Himerish is still a warrior in Basiliade, he was just for the first time asked to help out Kandrakar, in the middle of the night, by no one else than Endarno (who is already a member of the council in my hc), he returns to his room in the Garden, which appears still the same, but in reality, everything about his life is going to be changed...
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30-days-witchversary · 5 months ago
Witchversary 2024 - Day 4 - Closed
It was nighttime on Mount Thanatos when Nerissa was closed in her tomb; she regretted not appreciating the last daylight she saw. As the stone lid of her casket was pushed into place, she savoured her last glimpses of light - and her last glimpse of the living. 
In darkness, Nerissa lost all sense of time. She knew few things anymore - how far she could lift her arms; the feel of her skin as it turned brittle; the tension of the magic keeping her inside. And her hatred of the Oracle. There was little else to do but plan her revenge.
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30-days-witchversary · 5 months ago
Witchversary 2024 - Day 2 - Last
Running and leaving Taranee behind was the cruellest thing Cornelia had ever been forced to do. She hated it; hated WIll for being so stubborn. Why did she want to abandon their friend? Of course they had a choice, of course Will was making up lies she couldn’t prove wrong.
She hated Will even more when she made the replacement to live Taranee’s life in her place. Seeing her family treat her as if nothing was wrong was the last time Cornelia doubted that magic was real. If they could unknowingly accept something so awful, how could she keep doubting?
Fire had always scared Taranee - so dangerous, so wild - she’d never be able to control it. Starting afresh in a new city and suddenly was thrust into this magical new world. Then she was captured, kidnapped, trapped in a bubble; taunted, tortured, lost herself.  Elyon cast more illusions of her friends, she’d lost hope of home, of rescue; knew another lie. Until false Will said to read her mind - something only the real Will knew. Taranee remembered her power, her hope - she could use fire to destroy for her. She pushed back the last of her doubts and burned free.
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30-days-witchversary · 5 months ago
Witchversary 2024 - Day 1 - First
The first time Hay Lin transformed, she was amazed; she always knew Nonna wasn’t crazy but now she was sure. The new wings on her back were unexpected but they made her so happy; she didn’t think she’d ever felt this much joy - then she was almost blasted with lightning.
Flying made up for that though, even if it didn't last long. Despite the tight, blue grip that stopped her brief flight, she wasn’t scared.
But later, stood amongst the flames that reached as high as her waist as she stood in her old body, she remembered what fear was.
The first time that Will transformed, she struggled to believe she wasn’t dreaming. In her real life, she wasn’t so agile, so powerful, so confident about her body. She certainly never moved so fast or had lighting spark from her fingers before.
And yet, she instinctively knew this was very real, along with the - whatever they were - in the school gym. And they definitely wanted to hurt her and her new friends, even if WIll didn;t really know what that meant yet. She was sure that together, they could do anything.
Afterwards, she doubted every decision she ever made.
The first time Irma transformed, the first thing Irma thought about was her new boobs - they were truly magical. Then, she thought about escaping from the vortex of fire that attacked her from behind.
The magic seemed to improve the good things about her; she was older, sure and absolutely ready to kick some blue butt. The one thing her new transformation didn’t seem to improve was her puns - some things you just couldn’t improve upon. Or Kandrakar had the wrong priorities.
Once she got home she remembered about Elyon’s date. It took her a long time to fall asleep.
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30-days-witchversary · 5 months ago
Witchversary starts tomorrow!
2024 Witchversary prompts
As a reminder, 30 days of Witchversary is an annual event for us fans to celebrate W.i.t.c.h.! It runs from 1st-30th October and participants post art, fic(let)s, commentaries, theories, moodboards, clips, screenshots, panels, gifs, meta, headcanons, etc. based on the prompts. If it’s W.i.t.c.h. related and in either the #30daysofwitchversary or the #30 days of witchversary tag, it’ll get reblogged here.
This year’s prompts:
Far away
You can answer all the prompts on the suggested days or you can work out of order and only do the prompts you like or something in between. (In fact, you can do the prompts in the “off season” between Octobers to do/redo older prompts if you like!) You can combine multiple prompts into one post or post multiple times per prompt. The goal is simply to celebrate W.i.t.c.h. on the leadup to its unofficial birthday (Halloween)!
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30-days-witchversary · 5 months ago
One week to go!
2024 Witchversary prompts
As a reminder, 30 days of Witchversary is an annual event for us fans to celebrate W.i.t.c.h.! It runs from 1st-30th October and participants post art, fic(let)s, commentaries, theories, moodboards, clips, screenshots, panels, gifs, meta, headcanons, etc. based on the prompts. If it’s W.i.t.c.h. related and in either the #30daysofwitchversary or the #30 days of witchversary tag, it’ll get reblogged here.
This year’s prompts:
Far away
You can answer all the prompts on the suggested days or you can work out of order and only do the prompts you like or something in between. (In fact, you can do the prompts in the “off season” between Octobers to do/redo older prompts if you like!) You can combine multiple prompts into one post or post multiple times per prompt. The goal is simply to celebrate W.i.t.c.h. on the leadup to its unofficial birthday (Halloween)!
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30-days-witchversary · 6 months ago
2024 Witchversary prompts
As a reminder, 30 days of Witchversary is an annual event for us fans to celebrate W.i.t.c.h.! It runs from 1st-30th October and participants post art, fic(let)s, commentaries, theories, moodboards, clips, screenshots, panels, gifs, meta, headcanons, etc. based on the prompts. If it’s W.i.t.c.h. related and in either the #30daysofwitchversary or the #30 days of witchversary tag, it’ll get reblogged here.
This year’s prompts:
Far away
You can answer all the prompts on the suggested days or you can work out of order and only do the prompts you like or something in between. (In fact, you can do the prompts in the “off season” between Octobers to do/redo older prompts if you like!) You can combine multiple prompts into one post or post multiple times per prompt. The goal is simply to celebrate W.i.t.c.h. on the leadup to its unofficial birthday (Halloween)!
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30-days-witchversary · 6 months ago
It looks like most folks want a new set of prompts, so I'll try and get those out to you soon. If you have any thoughts on what you'd like to see in the prompts, please still let me know
2024 Interest Check
Hello again W.i.t.c.h tumblr! As October is approaching, I want to know, do you want a fresh set of Witchversary prompts?
Here's our tag of prompts from previous years
If you want to participate, help me out by letting me know what sort of prompt is your favourite and/or which set of prompts you thought was best!
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30-days-witchversary · 6 months ago
2024 Interest Check
Hello again W.i.t.c.h tumblr! As October is approaching, I want to know, do you want a fresh set of Witchversary prompts?
Here's our tag of prompts from previous years
If you want to participate, help me out by letting me know what sort of prompt is your favourite and/or which set of prompts you thought was best!
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30-days-witchversary · 6 months ago
2024 Interest Check
Hello again W.i.t.c.h tumblr! As October is approaching, I want to know, do you want a fresh set of Witchversary prompts?
Here's our tag of prompts from previous years
If you want to participate, help me out by letting me know what sort of prompt is your favourite and/or which set of prompts you thought was best!
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30-days-witchversary · 6 months ago
2024 Interest Check
Hello again W.i.t.c.h tumblr! As October is approaching, I want to know, do you want a fresh set of Witchversary prompts?
Here's our tag of prompts from previous years
If you want to participate, help me out by letting me know what sort of prompt is your favourite and/or which set of prompts you thought was best!
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