#303 battery
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mrvaxxl · 11 months ago
LR44, AG13, SG13, LR1154, SR44, SR44SW, 303, 357, A76 Battery Equivalents and Replacements
AG13/LR44/SR44/SR44SW/357 button/coin cell batteries are very popular batteries, commonly found in wrist watches, small flashlights, calculators, some remote control devices, thermometers, laser pointers, and other small electronic units.
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According to the IEC standard, this battery should be called LR1154 (alkaline) or SR1154 (silver-oxide). Sometimes shorter, two-digit code is used: LR44 for alkaline and  SR44 (or SR44SW) for silver-oxide batteries.
Many manufacturers use their own names for these batteries, but they also tend to add IEC and other standard codes, including short descriptions of the chemistry and other important features.
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homestuckreplay · 2 months ago
chumhandle etymology pt.3
Today on Rose and Dave's computer we saw the presumably final seven of the twelve trolls - Jade has counted twelve (p.1000), and between the twelve trolls and four kids all two-letter combinations of A, T, C and G are represented. These are the letters representing DNA bases in both real-world DNA sequencing and in ectobiology, as practiced imperfectly by Rose and her mom (p.934)
I wrote about the beta kids' chumhandles here, and the first five trolls (CG, AG, TA, TC, CA) here - now here's a quick overview of the rest of the set.
gallowsCalibrator [GC] – execution by hanging, or the structure made for it, and an instrument used as a reference to check that similar instruments perform accurately, or the person operating that instrument. So this is the person who ensures the gallows are used correctly, a real middle manager who doesn’t order or carry out executions themself, but enables them still. Possibly like a Jack Noir or a level below him.
arsenicCatnip [AC] – a toxic heavy metal used in car batteries, bullets, semiconductors and pesticides/herbicides, and a plant related to mint that is loved by many cats, or colloquially anything that is irresistible to someone. This evokes environmental destruction, Famine in the horsemen of the apocalypse, or more generally someone who is trying to kill or make toxic things that are enjoyed.
cuttlefishCuller [CC] – a shallow water squidlike mollusc among the most intelligent invertebrates that was once valued for its brown pigment, and a person who kills animals for population control or to eliminate rejects. This is a ruthless person who believes in survival of the fittest and their own intellectual superiority, and only cares about other creatures in terms of what they can personally gain.
centaursTesticle [CT] – a mythical creature with the upper body of a man and the lower body of a horse, also a small solar system body between Jupiter and Neptune, and a reproductive organ in male mammals. Someone who is obsessed with physical strength and prowess, has likely internalized toxic masculinity, perhaps the sort of gym bro who takes questionable supplements to increase muscle mass. Does not seem like a super online person, so this one is surprising. Also my initials are CT and I can’t believe this is the character I got.
grimAuxiliatrix [GA] – serious, foreboding or gloomy, and Latin for a female assistant or helper. This is someone in a service role who either takes their job very seriously, or their job itself involves working with dark and forbidding forces, like the person who translates the melodious chirps and tongue-clicks of NRUB'YIGLITH, SHAMEBEAST KING OF GROTESQUERY, WRITHE-LORD OF THE MOIST BEYONDHOOD (p.303) to the general public.
apocalypseArisen [AA] – the final destruction of the world or a world-altering event capable of causing this, and something that has begun to occur, become apparent, or gotten out of bed. This one is the most passive of all the handles (alongside twinArmageddons) and basically says ‘the end of the world is about to happen, or is happening now’ which it’s hard to argue with based on the story so far. Could be a highly religious person who sees themself as an agent, prophet or herald of a higher power.
adiosToreador [AT] – Spanish for goodbye, and a participant or performer in a bullfight. This person knows five words of Spanish and thinks they’re really cool because of it. They also see themselves as the bull in the bullfight, a more raw and animal strength instead of the fighter’s honed technique, and are probably a counterpart or rival to centaursTesticle.
Much like the first five, all of these names have negative connotations, although these vary between physical pain, disease and toxicity, dark bureaucracy, and cosmic-scale catastrophe. These are definitely names chosen to be hostile or intimidating, it just doesn’t work well on Rose and Dave who are plenty capable of appearing hostile and intimidating by themselves. But for people more susceptible to being trolled, these chumhandles definitely feed into the abrasive personas these kids(?) are crafting.
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justsomeunsurefancat · 1 year ago
This is how Palestinians charge their phone in light of the power outage
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autisticsupervillain · 7 months ago
FTF: How Powerful Is...?
A prolonged breakdown on a character detailing all their scaling, powers, stats, skill, and abilities to determine exactly how powerful they are.
This Week's Character...
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Sollux Captor!
I'm going to be skipping past the usual rundown kn the character's personality and history in order to primarily focus on their power scaling applicable attributes. In Sollux's case, I'll be primarily focusing on explicitly canon materials. Dubiously canon sources such as the Epilogues, Homestuck^2, Pesterquest, Hiveswap Friendsim, and so on will be ignored. Not that any of them should really effect Sollux's scaling anyways. He's barely even featured really. I just despise modern canon and will happily take any opportunity to completely ignore it.
I'm basing this analysis entirely on Homestuck proper. As Hussie has given free reign to either regard or disregard the Epilogues and everything pertaining as canon at audience discretion, I'm disregarding it completely. Paradox Space has a similar thing going on, but I'm ignoring that less out of contempt and moreso it just.... doesn't have any material that would effect Sollux's powerscaling to begin with. They're effectively just comedy skits/short stories in the Homestuck universe.
With all that out of the way, let's start with stats.
Attack Potency and Durability
For starters, all of the abilities Sollux displays with his powers should scale to his physical durability. While I certainly don't think Sollux could do half of his feats with, say, his fists, it it pretty consistent that he's tough enough to tank what he dishes out. Basic laws of physics dictate that Sollux would have to be durable enough to withstand the energy of his own optic blasts to some degree, or else he'd be blasting himself apart.
Conversely, Sollux is tough enough to survive blasts from Eridan even after Eridan explicitly overpowers him, even if he was K.O'd. Both Kanaya and Feferi meanwhile were oneshot by him.
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Let's go through stats in extending order of impressiveness. Sollux hits Multi-Continent Level as a baseline pretty easily. An Alternian Warship on auxiliary power is capable of accelerating to near light speed, generating a kinetic energy equivalent to 303 Petatons of TNT.
As goldbloods are routinely exploited for their powers to be used as the main batteries on ships, common goldbloods should upscale this. Sollux, meanwhile, is decended from and inherits the powers of the most powerful goldblood who'd ever lived, The Psiioniic, so he upscales even further.
He was forced to serve as
the Helmsman for Her
Condescension's imperial
battleship. Psychics of his
kind were exploited for
interstellar travel, and
his abilities made her ship
the fastest in the fleet by
far. She grew so enamored
of her Helmsman and his
power, she would use her
touch to extend his
lifespan to match her own.
-Doc Scratch about The Psiioniic
Surrounding him on his rise
to infamy and throughout
the rebellion were the most
trusted elites among his
devoted. The viioniic was a
mage of unequaled
telekinetic ability, who
upon hearing the words of
the Sufferer was inspired
to free himself from the
sort of slavery typical of
his mentally gifted class.
-Doc Scratch
Similarly, Sollux can redirect meteors brought down by the Reckoning.
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These meteors can consistently output 3 Exatons of kinetic energy.
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And, finally, Sollux can assist Aradia in pushing the meteor to outspeed Jack Noir, a 2 Exaton feat.
ARADIA: i can help with
ARADIA: sollux do you
think you can lend me a
SOLLUX: huh?
ARADIA: theyll need the
biggest push we can give
SOLLUX: yeah sure.
SOLLUX: calm down kk, it
sh0uld be fine.
SOLLUX: yOu won't sl0w
However, it's actually remarkably easy to hit much higher levels of power when scaling to his fellow SBURB Players. John, for example, performs a feat the puts all of the above to shame, creating a tornado that covers half of his planet in an instant, generating 4 thousand exatons of TNT.
Sollux's highest scaling thus far, however, comes from a feat he not only scales far above, but comes from characters he completely curbstomps. During he fight with the Condescension, Aranea mind controls several Damaras into throwing a planet, generating kinetic energy equivalent to 273 Ninatons of TNT. Enough to destroy a dwarf star.
Damara is a member of the Alpha Trolls, who battled fruitlessly in their session for three years before ultimately being defeated. Doc Scratch would note that their relatively peaceful upbringing compared to Sollux's left them completely unprepared to beat SBURB, prompting him to turn Alternia into the hellscape it is to prepare them to beat SBURB.
As was true of the bellicose world we know, there came to be twelve heroes on this peaceful planet. These heroes too had twelve ancestors whose fortunes were entwined with theirs. These twenty-four figures of legend were not of this world but sent from the sky, delivered from a reality not yet conceived.
On the eve of their race's extinction, the twelve heroes would begin playing a game. They would make an admirable effort, but they would fail. Their civilization had not prepared them for the rigors of this game, and the ultimate reward would fall shy of their grasp.
[...]Though I was delivered well before history even began, before the dawning of life on their planet. This time around, I would oversee its development, and thus fulfill the mother's promise of an aggressive, ruthlessly prepared group of heroes. One that would not rest until victory was secured.
-Doc Scratch
By comparison, the Beta Trolls were able to beat their game in only 25 days, signifying the Betas solidly scaling above the Alphas.
-Karkat Vantas
Sollux's most impressive scaling, however, comes from Gamzee, of all trolls.
Sollux pretty definitively scales backwards from Gamzee, but to an extent where he would still be comparable. Eridan, fresh off of his fight with Sollux, was considered an equal threat to Gamzee and a God-Tiered Vriska during their three way showdown before a newly undead Kanaya beat them all down. Sollux was the only one Eridan had fought up to the point who both survived getting hit and matched him briefly. See above.
This scaling his further supported by Sollux's relativity to Aradiabot. Not only did Sollux survive Aradiabot literally exploding in his face, but both of them were essential in wearing down the Black King. See the meteor feats above.
Vriska jas confessed that Aradiabot would still kick her ass, even after she went God-Tier.
VRISKA: Hey dead girl! How's 8eing dead treating you?
ARADIA: cOuldnt i ask yOu the same thing
VRISKA: Yeah, sure! If you wanted to 8e technically inaccur8
still 8urn though, so touche!
ARADIA: its really weird that yOu keep antagOnizing me
ARADIA: i cOuld snap yOur neck with a twitch
VRISKA: Yeah 8ut you won't!
Don't get me wrong. Sollux absolutely isn't equal to Gamzee. There are about a dozen quotes to that effect, not least of which being that alternate timeline where Gamzee solo'd the entire rest of the trolls by himself. But Sollux is at least comparable enough to scale backwards from Gamzee’s most impressive showings.
Those would include surviving the Black Hole created by Lord Jack, which would have a GBE equivalent to nearly 3/4's of a Foe.
Gamzee can also take hits from Caliborn, who himself can survive a black hole the size of the entire solar system. Roughly 38 billion foe. This means, in order to hurt Gamzee, you'd need to be packing power comparable to Solar System destroying levels of energy and Sollux point blank is comparable to people who can.
Speed is a lot more clear cut. Simply put, everyone and their mother can move faster than light in Homestuck. From Hussie being able to count down the nanoseconds on a clock to several characters moving interstellar distances.
For instance, the Psiioniic was described as being able to push the Condescension's ship from across the edges of the Galaxy back to Alternia very quickly, crossing light years in hours.
She ordered all fleets to
return to Alternia. But
such was her empire's
expansion and
interplanetary occupation,
few could make it in time
to provide any meaningful
defense. She instructed her
Helmsman to pilot the ship
faster than he ever had,
and he did so through
extreme physical duress. He
was able to leap across
thousands of light years in
a matter of hours. The
exertion likely would have
killed him, if the Glub
didn't get to him first
Her touch could extend
life, but never restore it,
to her lament.
-Doc Scratch
This feat by itself easily reaches the millions of times FTL range, but we can go much higher than that.
Comparing the size of the Incipisphere relative to Trollkind's 52 billion year old universe and we find that it is a structure that is several trillion light years in diameter. Meaning not only would Sollux be deflecting meteors traveling at 27 quintillion times faster than light, but even common Kernelsprite's would be traveling at 77 quintillion times faster than light when traveling to Prospit and Derse for Prototyping.
Even the weakest of Players can keep up in combat with their Kernelsprites, at least, at first, and Kernelsprites are generally at their absolute weakest when this process first starts. Since Gamzee is capable of moving so fast that Karkat can't even tell he's in the same room, this means Sollux can speed blitz people who move at these speeds.
For reference, that scaling chain is 1x Prototyped Kernelsprite = Karkat <<<<<< Gamzee >> Sollux.
Immeasurable Feats
Oh, boy, here we go. Sollux, in terms of speed and possibly even strength, can genuinely be argued to reach levels that are impossible for 3-D mathematics to calculate. Let me explain.
Firstly, we must discuss the nature of the Furthest Ring itself. The Furthest Ring is completely untouched by all forms of time and space in the universe. All twelve of the Aspects are described as being physically indistinguishable from each other within the Furthest Ring.
JADE: how long do i have
to wait HERE in order to
wake up?
correlation between the
passage of time in the
furthest ring and any
given physical location
is tenuous
measurement of time here
is inseparable from the
physical passage through
its knotted space.
CALLIOPE: those two
aspects are closely
woven together here, to
such an extent that they
are barely separable
CALLIOPE: all aspects
JADE: really?
JADE: all of them??
JADE: i understand how
this place has time and
space of course.... even
if they work together
JADE: but
JADE: i dont see any of
the others
CALLIOPE: one doesn't
see abstractions
CALLIOPE: not directly
JADE: oh
CALLIOPE: each opposing
pair is in balance
throughout this field so
as to form a stable
CALLIOPE: though the
canvas becomes less
stable with each crack
in the field, ordinarily
one would never directly
observe its constituent
CALLIOPE: the canvas
would seem smooth from
afar, but up close, as
it were, the tapestry is
circuitously woven.
CALLIOPE: the aspects
while remaining in
balance, interfere with
each other. they
interlock and
CALLIOPE: so neither
space nor time functions
linearly, nor are they
JADE: wow
JADE: i am not sure i
totally understand.
JADE: but that is pretty
CALLIOPE: you are
predisposed to find the
nuances of space
CALLIOPE: and since its
opposing aspect is more
related than you perhaps
have realized, the
challenges of
understanding it are
more compelling to you
than you realize as
JADE: yeah i guess so
JADE: physics are all
about space and time and
such which are fun to
think about
JADE: i like all that
JADE: so youre saying
space and time... and
all other aspects i
guess... are more
closely related here
than in like
JADE: umm.
JADE: more stable
places, like my
CALLIOPE: they are less
distinct from each other
here, yes.
JADE: you said passage
of time is inseparable
JADE: traveling through
JADE: so if we were
holding still
JADE: time wouldnt be
moving either?
CALLIOPE: that is
correct, in a way.
CALLIOPE: though motion
itself is not the
absolute process it is
in a more conventional medium.
measurement of motion
requires stable features
for comparison.
CALLIOPE: of which there
are very few in the
furthest ring,
CALLIOPE: the more
cracks that appear,
ironically, the more the
ring begins to
stabilize, at least in a
spatial and temporal
JADE: i see
JADE: so
JADE: if the cracks
werent there
JADE: how..
JADE: how would we be
able to tell if we were
CALLIOPE: motion through
the twisted space is not
gauged by passing
landmarks, but anchored
to a particular
CALLIOPE: destination is
an idea maintained by
the traveler.
CALLIOPE: ideas are
subtle composites of
various aspects.
CALLIOPE: without clear
understanding of
destination, motion
becomes less
CALLIOPE: with less
discernible motion,
passage of time becomes
less measurable.
standstill, time loses
meaning, and can seem to
stretch on forever, as
all events throughout
reality gwirl around you
in no particular order.
CALLIOPE: one becomes
isolated from all else.
imprisoned by inertia.
A realm in which the very abstract concepts of time and space are indistinguishable from each other and ideas are the fundamental measurement of any kind of motion would be, if not blatantly higher dimensional, than effectively beyond dimensional by design. And Sollux was specifically called out by Aradia to help her push the meteor through this realm. A realm that has been, on mamy occasions, described as a realm of pure nothingness. Of Void.
VRISKA: John, tell me
what you see here.
JOHN: um.
JOHN: where?
VRISKA: Right here.
VRISKA: What is this?
This thing I'm holding?
JOHN: a black piece of
VRISKA: No, John.
is what it is.
JOHN: oh.
JOHN: yes, clearly.
VRISKA: This is what a
map looks like in the
furthest ring.
VRISKA: This is what ALL
maps look like out here.
VRISKA: Turns out
plotting the relative
geographical features of
an infinite 8lack
expanse of pure void is
every 8it as moronic as
it sounds. 8ut that
didn't stop some ancient
eldritch chucklefuck
from doing exactly that.
VRISKA: For the longest
time, this is all we've
had to go on when it
came to deciphering the
clues and figuring out
the coordin8tes of the
legendary treasure.
VRISKA: Do you have any
idea how hard it is to
pin down the physical
location of something
out here? Never mind the
fact that physical
location in the furthest
ring is already a
mallea8le concept. Just
imagine what it's like
giving someone
directions! What do you
tell them?
VRISKA: Proceed in a
str8 line shaped like a
perpetually shifting
torus knot until you
feel a sense of despair
transcending all mortal
comprehension, then hang
a right at the next
VRISKA: There's nothing
static out there. No
landmarks, no points of
reference. Nothing!
VRISKA: The guy who's
8een fucking shit up is
the 8ig 8ad himselfl
VRISKA: Every time he
destroys another dream
8u88le, he does a little
more damage to the
furthest ring,
inexplica8ly shattering
the essence of all-
VRISKA: As the cracks
spread across the void,
new points of reference
show up on our maps!
The push Sollux and Aradia gave to the meteor sent it flying through this infinite expanse, where time and space don't matter. That would be a feat of completely immeasurable speed. You can't measure speed if the things you use to calculate that, time and space, are completely indistinguishable from each other. Hell, Sollux would later give his life to give the meteor a solid push through the Furthest Ring closer to its destination, likely his most impressive direct feat in the series.
Now.... there is an argument to scale Sollux to this Outerversal level of power as well.... but I'm of slightly two minds of the situation.
Sollux scales to Gamzee who scales to Terezi who can hurt John.
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John is one of the legendary heroes destined to defeat Lord English, who is currently ripping the hell out of Paradox Space. Similarly, God-Tier Aradia specifically asked for Sollux's help to push the meteor to outspeed Bec Noir. And Aradia herself can fight Lord English too.
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The problem? John can fight Bec Noir.... who was seen as completely invincible to the Beta Trolls throughout most of Act 5, with Vriska's attempt to fight him getting everyone killed.
Now, to be fair, John is also instant killed by Noir during their first fight and while Vriska considers him to be far less of a threat than Lord English, she also considers him a very big threat in his own right....
But on the other hand... it is something if a plot hole for Bec Noir to be such a massive threat that the Beta Trolls had to hide from him for all of Act 5.... and for them to have several characters in the same tier as him as well.
I'm leaning towards a no to outerversal Sollux because of it, but you could just make the argument that Bec Noir is simply much farther into Outerversal. Terezi just knocked John into the wall after all, she didn't pile drive him through the floor and steal his lunch money. But, personally, I lean towards Solar System Level Sollux with Immeasurable speeds as his highest possible peak. It doesn't contradict the established plot as much. Which, by itself, would clear a lot of franchises frankly....
Now comes the easy part.
Sollux has the standard kit that everyone in the Homestuck universe has. He has a Specibus, a video game inventory system, and an Echeladder, a video game leveling system. Neither of which are particularly helpful. Sollux doesn't use weapons so inventory is of limited help, and he's already maxed out his mortal echeladder. He'd have to become a god to get any stronger.
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More relevant is his telekinesis. His continent shaking psychic powers that can reach you from a completely different universe. Universes contain infinite timelines in Homestuck and psychic powers, Sollux's included, can attack you from different Universes all together. From Rose blowing up Eridan's computer to a universe away to Tavros mind controlling Bec all the way from his reality. No need to respond to assholes online when you can mske their computers explode from anywhere in the world!
Wait, if Tav can control Bequeral, why didn't he just do that to Bec Noir? Sollux can also control animals, but not to the same extent as Tavros. Largely just putting himself or other animals, like bees, to sleep. And his optic blast eye lasers are powerful enough to blow apart buildings.
Unfortunately, some of his powers are more a curse than anything else. Thanks to his ties to the Aspect of Doom, he can hear the last words of the soon to be dead from anywhere in the world, which, when mixed with his bipolar disorder, results in crippling depressive episodes.
He's also a master hacker, proficient in the ~ATH programming language. This allows him to alter the code of reality itself, letting him create curses that follow you for the rest of your life or alter reality until the universe ends. This is more of a prep time thing, though, and not really relevant in a one on one.
....Does the Medium count as space? Because if so, he should resist the cosmic radiations present in space. Nothing else really though and he's pretty explicitly weak to getting mind haxed.
Skills and Intelligence
Putting aside the supergenius hacker with reality breaking code, thing, Sollux is skilled enough in a fight to repeatedly stalemate Eridan and overall skilled enough to crush the Kingdom of Derse in 25 days with the rest of his team. Derse being a Kingdom that has been at war with Prospit since the beginning of the universe, locked in eternal stalemate. Not bad.
I'll be honest, I've been planning this post for awhile and this all took me a few weeks to throw together. Even still, I could never have expected Immeasurable Sollux to come up as a possibility in my research. Homestuck somehow gets more overpowered the more I go picking through it.
That aside, where would you power scale Sollux? Do you agree with the above? Or would you rank him a bit lower?
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female-malice · 2 years ago
Late on Saturday, as members of Congress scrambled to strike a deal for legislation that would raise the nation’s debt ceiling, they agreed to a total non sequitur in the text they would release the next day. After a series of late-in-the-game interventions by lobbyists and energy executives, the draft bill declared the construction and operation of a natural gas pipeline to be “required in the national interest.” It wasn’t really germane to the debt ceiling, at least not in the literal sense. But then again, it wasn’t any ordinary pipeline.
Building the Mountain Valley Pipeline, a 303-mile conduit to deliver fracked gas from West Virginia to southern Virginia, has been a top priority for Senator Joe Manchin III of West Virginia since the project was announced in 2014. The problem, for him and the project’s other supporters, is that it has been fiercely opposed by grass-roots groups and landowners living in the project’s path for just as long. Construction on the project was recently stalled after federal judges found that regulatory agencies had repeatedly failed to comply with environmental laws.
By forcing through this pipeline, the Biden administration rounded out the ransom sought by Republicans holding the global economy hostage and paid off a debt of its own to Mr. Manchin for his crucial vote last year for the Inflation Reduction Act.
But if the Senate passes the bill the House passed on Wednesday, an insidious piece of misinformation will be enshrined in federal law: the claim that the pumping, piping and burning of more fossil fuels is — despite all scientific evidence and common sense to the contrary — a climate solution.
Natural gas is predominantly made up of methane, a climate-warming superpollutant that is responsible for about a third of the warming the world has experienced to date. If completed, the M.V.P. will be a very large and long-lived methane delivery device. At the wells that feed it and along the way, some of that methane will inevitably leak into the atmosphere, where each molecule will exert 86 times the heat-trapping power of carbon dioxide over 20 years. At the end of the line, the methane will be burned in power plants and furnaces, producing carbon dioxide. Taken together, by one estimate, the M.V.P. would generate yearly emissions equivalent to what’s produced by 26 coal plants.
And yet the bill’s text asserts — in a brazen stroke of climate gaslighting — that the pipeline will “reduce carbon emissions and facilitate the energy transition.”
Businesses and governments have long claimed gas was a bridge to a clean energy future, a transition fuel that would tide us over until renewables were ready for prime time. But now that wind, solar and battery storage are indeed quite ready and, in many places, cheaper than gas, the jig is up. That makes the M.V.P. a project in search of a rationale: There are cheaper sources of gas available via existing pipelines, and the U.S. Energy Information Administration projects that demand for gas in the Mid-Atlantic and Southeast regions will continue to drop off in the years and decades ahead.
Though the assertions that the pipeline is necessary and good for the climate defy logic, the political calculus is clear enough. Congressional Democrats and President Biden want to reward Mr. Manchin, who is weighing whether to run in what is sure to be a tough re-election fight in 2024.
Mr. Manchin was also a supporter of another large gas pipeline that would have originated in his state: the Atlantic Coast Pipeline, which I have been reporting on since 2019. The two pipelines were twins, announced on the same day in 2014 and approved by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission on the same day in 2017. They would have crossed similarly steep and landslide-prone Appalachian terrain. But the Atlantic Coast Pipeline was canceled in 2020 after years of tenacious grass-roots resistance and legal challenges.
Mr. Manchin seems determined to rescue the M.V.P. from this fate. And with it, his gas industry and power utility donors — whose lobbyists helped him in the final hours of debt ceiling deal making — will be able to further strengthen their hold on the energy system.
White House officials have said that the project would probably have secured the remaining federal permits regardless. But the provision authorizes all necessary permits and bars further judicial review of any of them — thus neutering an essential tool for ensuring that infrastructure projects comply with existing laws and regulations. It’s the legislative equivalent of overturning the Scrabble board in a fit of pique when you’re losing a game fair and square.
For many of those living in the project’s path, who watched as its construction has so far triggered over 500 recorded violations of water quality and other regulations, it’s a terrible betrayal. But it also sets a dangerous precedent. It is safe to assume this won’t be the last time this tactic is pursued to shield fossil fuel projects from judicial review or scientific scrutiny if they happen to be deemed by their developers and political allies to be in the national interest.
Senator Tim Kaine of Virginia has cited this risk in explaining his opposition to the M.V.P. provision. When Mr. Manchin succeeded in getting a similar carve-out attached to the continuing budget resolution to fund the government last September, Mr. Kaine refused to vote for it. “If the M.V.P. owners are unhappy with a court ruling, they should do what other litigants do and appeal,” he said. “Allowing them to fundamentally change federal law to achieve their goal would surely encourage other wealthy people and companies to try the same. I won’t participate in opening that door to abuse and even corruption.”
Mr. Kaine, along with other Democratic members of the Virginia congressional delegation, remains opposed; this week he said he’s against any debt-ceiling bill that exempts the M.V.P. from judicial review. Meanwhile one of the lead Republican negotiators told reporters this week the pipeline provision is a “huge win” for his party because it puts “Democrats on record supporting a conventional energy project that removes or ties the hands of the judiciary.”
Democratic leaders will surely bristle at the suggestion that they are helping the gas industry obstruct the transition to clean energy. After all, they passed the Inflation Reduction Act, the most significant climate legislation in U.S. history, and protected its raft of clean energy incentives from cuts in the debt ceiling deal. It’s clear that the deal makers regard themselves as the grown-ups in the room, making the tough trade-offs needed to avert financial catastrophe. But when the stakes are this large, one need not grant them that deference.
There’s always a political “crisis” gathering on the near horizon that will supersede concerns about the climate — that will cause us to look away from the dizzying rise of methane concentrations, currently spiking to levels not seen in over 800,000 years, a trend tracking with the worst-case climate scenarios.
This is what it looks like to shuffle along toward climate chaos, one misguided compromise at a time.
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pinturas-sgm-aviacion · 2 years ago
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1945 02 Rover Patrol - Richard Taylor
After D-Day in June 1944, and the capture of Germany's U-Boat bases in northern France, Hitler ordered his remaining fleet, and particularly his submarines, to bases in Norway. Occupied by the Germans since 1940, the Norwegian fjords, with their narrow inlets and steep mountainous backdrops, offered unique protection; however submarines departing and returning to Norway from their oceanic operations immediately attracted the attention of RAF Coastal Command. Operating from two airfields in northern Scotland were the Banff and Dallachy Strike Wings, their sole purpose was to attack all German shipping along the Norwegian coast, and they fought a bitter and dangerous campaign against Hitler's once mighty submarine fleet. Heavily defended by shore batteries, Flak ships with terrible firepower, and marauding Luftwaffe fighters, the Mosquitos and Beaufighters of Coastal Command came under intense fire during almost every sortie they flew. Powered by two big Merlin engines, fastest of these fighter-bombers was the sleek, all-wood highly manoeuvrable two-seat Mosquito. Armed with four 20mm cannon, four .303 Browning machine guns, and with eight 251b solid armour-piercing rockets, this graceful strike aircraft packed a lethal punch. Typically, sorties began in the dark, with pilots flying loose formation at 50 feet across the North Sea, to arrive over the target area at first light. Then, the ever-present barrage of defensive gunfire as pilots hurtled past sheer cliff faces, twisted and turned through narrow sounds, and dived in pursuit of their prey. Suddenly, from the quiet peace of early dawn, the still air was shattered by the roar of Merlins, rockets, gunfire, and explosions, resounding off mountain sides in a deafening cacophony of battle. And within minutes they were gone, leaving a trail of smoke, twisted metal, and another nail in the coffin of the Third Reich. Richard Taylor's painting presents a fine study of a lone Mosquito FB MkVI of 143 Squadron, part of a larger formation of the Banff Strike Wing, high over the Norwegian fjords on an armed rover patrol to seek out enemy surface shipping and submarines, in February 1945. The beauty of the early morning sun, glinting on the snow-covered mountain-tops, contrasts with the menacing job in hand. Bravery, inordinate flying skills, and determination were a prerequisite for the crews of Coastal Strike Command.
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r3iyo · 9 months ago
Random quotes from us(and context) bc I'm bored as shi' (looked through a bunch of quotes in a quotes channel)
Blake(I'm assuming it was Blake bc we weren't proxying:
"the hamburgers squeeze me
(i am being held captive by quarter pounders)
(please help me)"
So we have an inside joke that started bc we choked on a McDonald's quarter pounder (blake chokes on a quarter pounder and fucking dies asmr), and he said that after one of our friends said that they squeeze hamburgers
I don't actually know abt Kaz since he hasn't fronted in a while...
303 can't cook, he usually either burns himself or the food, and we're assuming that the water burnt bc he put salt in it and left it
Idk about our lost silver
Someone sent a video after finding out we have an android of someone dropping an android, the battery flying out, and the person kicks it back and forth with someone else
Idrk about hoarfrost
Self explanatory
One of our friends was playing SoulSilver and sent a screenshot of the in-game silver and said "gay boy envountered"
Guardian doesn't really openly front so we can't find any quotes of him
"guys!!!!!!! i'm telling you i'm an alpha!!!!!!!!!just because i don't know 2+2 doesn't mean i'm an omega.............. howls sadly......... 🐺"
Omega and alpha are math symbols i believe, and one of our partners mentioned that while Kai was making alpha male jokes
Idk about Candle
Idk about null either (null doesn't speak)
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No context needed
Me(i don't even know who i am rn??? Anyways):
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We eat a lot of expired stuff
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solarbatterystorage · 2 months ago
Looking For a Tesla Powerwall Installer Near Me? We’ve Got You Covered
There have been many versions of the Powerwall: the Powerwall 1, which has been discontinued; the Powerwall 2 (you’d need an inverter to convert direct current power (DC) to alternating current (AC) power)—the Powerwall+ and Powerwall 3, which include the solar inverter.
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How does the Tesla Powerwall work?
Solar power systems generate solar electricity by harvesting solar rays via solar panels installed on the rooftops of residences, commercial buildings, and other buildings. Photons from the sun’s rays are absorbed into photovoltaic cells in the panels. This generates an electric field, which then flows to an inverter. From there, electricity is converted from DC power to AC power — electricity used to power appliances, chargers, lights, and outlets. Excess energy is stored for later power usage in the Powerwall battery. When the battery detects no active power, such as during power outages or nighttime, it will switch to backup mode and provide power to the house.
The benefits of a Tesla Powerwall installation
Convenient backup power solution in case of a power outage
Continuous power output from rechargeable battery
Comes with 10-year warranty coverage
Establishes energy independence
If you’re keen to find a Tesla Powerwall installer near me, we have two simple ways to help.
1. Visit us at The Solar Revolution, 5723 Arapahoe Rd, Unit 1A, Boulder, CO 80303, or connect with us at 303-815-9360. Tell us a few specifics about your query or requirement, and we will provide all the information you require.
2. Browse the online directory. If you have more time and want to scroll through the Tesla-certified installers in your area, add your postcode to the box in the directory. Hit search, and see who comes highly rated near you.
Solar energy is one of the most effective alternatives to traditional energy sources. Opting for solar energy is the easiest first step towards a sustainable future. We hope our guide has cleared your doubts about Tesla Powerwall installer near me, how they work, and what benefits you can expect. If you have more queries, reach out to our team of experts.
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johnnshaarp · 2 months ago
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Looking For a Tesla Powerwall Installer Near Me We’ve Got You Covered
Looking for a Tesla Powerwall installer near you? We’ve got you covered! The Tesla Powerwall is an advanced energy storage solution that stores excess solar energy for use during power outages or at night. It works by converting solar electricity from your panels into usable power and storing it in a rechargeable battery. When there’s no active power, the Powerwall switches to backup mode, providing continuous energy. Benefits include reliable backup power, energy independence, and a 10-year warranty. To find a certified installer, visit The Solar Revolution in Boulder, CO, or call 303-815-9360 for expert advice. You can also browse an online directory by entering your postcode to find highly-rated installers nearby. Take the first step toward a sustainable future with Tesla Powerwall and solar energy!Solar energy is one of the most effective alternatives to traditional energy sources.For More Information Visit Our Website :-https://www.thesolarrevolution.com/post/looking-for-a-tesla-powerwall-installer-near-me-we-ve-got-you-covered
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ecotone23 · 2 months ago
Download Crate Cuts Expansion
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Unlock the authentic sound of iconic beatmakers with the Crate Cuts Expansion, a must-have for producers seeking the unmistakable vibe of classic hip-hop production. This expertly crafted expansion brings the magic of digging through forgotten vinyl crates and the innovative approach of producers like J Dilla, Madlib, and MF Doom directly to your DAW. With a collection of unique, royalty-free samples, the Crate Cuts Expansion is a treasure trove of soul, jazz, and funk influences, all recorded on reel-to-reel tape and sampled using vintage gear to capture that raw, gritty essence.
Unleash Creativity with Unmatched Sound Variety
The Crate Cuts Expansion is packed with everything you need to create soulful, laid-back beats and punchy rhythms that transport you back to the golden era of hip-hop. Whether you're laying down a smooth beat, crafting intricate drum patterns, or incorporating synths and bass into your tracks, this expansion has you covered. It includes:
526 Loops that will add instant flavor to any track, from smooth to bouncy rhythms.
367 Drum Samples, including 83 hi-hats, 88 percussion hits, and 57 snares, providing a comprehensive drum kit for every style.
303 One-Shots for those who like to mix and match individual elements to create something truly unique.
Versatile Drum Kits & Exclusive MASCHINE Content
Designed for flexibility, the Crate Cuts Expansion includes 50 Battery Kits and 45 MASCHINE Kits, giving you complete control over your sound. Additionally, MASCHINE users will be delighted by over 140 Patterns, 15 Sampled Instruments, and 8 Projects, ensuring an easy start for anyone looking to create professional-level tracks from day one.
Synth Sounds That Elevate Your Beat Production
Adding to the already impressive kit, the expansion features 20 MASSIVE Presets and 12 MONARK Presets that perfectly complement the soulful vibe, offering a range of versatile synth sounds to layer onto your beats.
Optimized for MASCHINE & DAWs
Whether you're working in MASCHINE, MASCHINE MIKRO, or using KOMPLETE KONTROL SERIES KEYBOARDS, this expansion is fully optimized for seamless integration. The Crate Cuts Expansion works perfectly with any DAW for easy drag-and-drop functionality. However, please note that KONTAKT is not supported.
Elevate your sound library with Crate Cuts Expansion today and start crafting pro-level beats!
Download Link: Crate Cuts Expansion Download
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zackchavezz · 2 months ago
Looking For a Tesla Powerwall Installer Near Me We’ve Got You Covered
Looking for a Tesla Powerwall installer near you? We’ve got you covered! The Tesla Powerwall is an advanced energy storage solution that stores excess solar energy for use during power outages or at night. It works by converting solar electricity from your panels into usable power and storing it in a rechargeable battery. When there’s no active power, the Powerwall switches to backup mode, providing continuous energy. Benefits include reliable backup power, energy independence, and a 10-year warranty. To find a certified installer, visit The Solar Revolution in Boulder, CO, or call 303-815-9360 for expert advice. You can also browse an online directory by entering your postcode to find highly-rated installers nearby. Take the first step toward a sustainable future with Tesla Powerwall and solar energy!Solar energy is one of the most effective alternatives to traditional energy sources.For More Information Visit Our Website :-https://www.thesolarrevolution.com/post/looking-for-a-tesla-powerwall-installer-near-me-we-ve-got-you-covered
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govindhtech · 4 months ago
OPPO Pad 3 Pro: Powerful AI Performance Experience
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The OPPO Pad 3 Pro is a powerful device that enhances the AI experience.
OPPO Pad 3 Pro, which offers a unified and integrated experience across devices, and the global launch of its flagship OPPO Find X8 series. With an AI-enhanced suite, eight stereo speakers, and a 12.1-inch 3K display, the OPPO Pad 3 Pro is powered by the flagship-level Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 Mobile Platform Leading Version. The OPPO Pad 3 Pro meets customers’ demands for creativity, entertainment, and productivity with a smooth blend of performance and adaptability.
Leading Version of the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 Mobile Platform for a Smooth AI Experience
With improved speed, efficiency, and AI capabilities, the OPPO Pad 3 Pro has a robust performance powered by the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 Mobile Platform Leading Version. It optimizes battery usage for extended use while guaranteeing smooth multitasking and engaging entertainment experiences.
Connectivity and AI Tools Unleash Creativity at the Pro Level
The OPPO Pad 3 Pro’s robust architecture guarantees that even the most power-intensive AI features function flawlessly in every situation. With just one tap, this collection of AI technologies may improve productivity, optimize creativity, and streamline workflows.
Photo editing becomes simple with AI Eraser 2.0. Users may rapidly remove crowds from photos with the new one-click pedestrian removal tool, eliminating the need for manual selection. Almost any piece may now be removed more easily because to the considerable improvement in object recognition, which went from 80% to 98%. AI Smart Image Matting enables users to easily isolate subjects, even in complex backdrops, for those who want precision. It allows users to easily construct original, customized compositions by supporting multi-subject identification for up to three figures and facilitating rapid modifications across programs through drag-and-drop or copy-paste.
Additionally, the OPPO Pad 3 Pro offers the AI ToolBox, which is intended to help users save time and effort. Important features include AI Writer, which simplifies content creation by creating text content in response to prompts, AI Speak, which reads text aloud, and AI Summary, which distills lengthy pieces into their essential points.
Improved connectivity with Auto Connect guarantees smooth media, notification, and message syncing across devices for multitaskers. Users may launch and work in up to three split-screen apps simultaneously with the Boundless View feature, which optimizes workflows and boosts productivity.
Immersion Entertainment and Gaming
The OPPO Pad 3 Pro raises the bar for immersive entertainment. It produces crisp and clear images with its 12.1-inch 3K ReadFit display, which has a 7:5 aspect ratio, 900-nit peak brightness, and 303 PPI resolution. Whether you’re gaming or watching movies, the tablet’s seven-level adjustable refresh rate, which can reach up to 144 Hz, ensures fluid animation while maximizing battery life. Every piece of material feels more dynamic and captivating because to the display’s Dolby Vision technology, which improves contrast and produces vivid, lifelike colors.
With eight stereo speakers producing Hi-Res sound that is certified for both wireless and wired connections, the audio experience is equally captivating. While OReality Audio cleverly adjusts sound for a more immersive experience across various scenarios, Holo Audio allows users to position sounds in a virtual area and personalize the audio for calls, music, or videos.Image credit to OPPO
In order to minimize lag and provide players with a continuous gaming experience, the Trinity Engine and HyperBoost technologies dynamically distribute resources to offer steady frame rates and fluid gameplay.
The enormous 9,510 mAh battery of the OPPO Pad 3 Pro provides more than 40 days of standby time. The tablet can be fully charged in just 80 minutes with 67W1 SUPERVOOC Flash Charge, so it’s always available when you need it.
Intelligent Accessories to Increase Efficiency
The OPPO Pencil 2 Pro and OPPO Pad 3 Pro Smart Keyboard provide professionals and creators with easy-to-use tools to boost productivity even further. With its 16,000 pressure sensitivity settings, the Pencil 2 Pro provides an incredibly lifelike writing experience. It reacts instantaneously to even the smallest touch just 0g of pressure making writing and sketching fluid. With its Page Turning and Laser Pointer features, which enable slide management and content highlighting during presentations, it also acts as a meeting aide. The smart keyboard has capabilities including App Relay for cross-device workflow, Screen Mirroring, and NFC Transmission for speedy file transfers.
Beautiful Style with a Starlit Blue Finish
The OPPO Pad 3 Pro is as portable as it is powerful, weighing only 586g and 6.49mm thin. Whether at home, at the workplace, or on the go, its Starlit Blue finish adds a chic touch and makes it stand out.
Cost and Availability
Alongside the worldwide introduction of the Find X8 Series, the OPPO Pad 3 Pro will be introduced in other markets. Each region will have different prices and availability. Please see the official announcements in your local market for comprehensive details.
Read more on Govidhtech.com
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klcthebookworm · 6 months ago
Strix: Forget the Sun 2024 Metrics 22 - 28
Strix: Forget the Sun September Metrics 22
METRICS Didn't write anything this day.
Strix: Forget the Sun September Metrics 23
METRICS Previous Word Count: 86,702 New Words: 303 Total words for the first draft: 87,005 2024 Metrics Words Total: 6993 2024 Cumulative Word Count: 11,401 What I Accomplished in the Narrative Today: Well, I ended up taking the weekend off on this story. Hopefully, it has recharged the batteries. Also I am switching off YouTube for Brain.FM while working on the laptop so I don’t twist my neck into tightness again. So I finished up one scene and started the next one in the big fight of the novel. Fave line: “More is the pity. I hope you’re going to be more reasonable than that, young lady.” What Else I Accomplished Today: Back to work. Today wasn’t too bad. What I'm looking forward to: Finishing the fight scenes. What I'm not looking forward to: Fighting with traffic in the parking lot. I hope I get here before and leave after the outside agency using our hearing room does.
Strix: Forget the Sun September Metrics 24
METRICS Previous Word Count: 87,005 New Words: 343 Total words for the first draft: 87,348 2024 Metrics Words Total: 7128 2024 Cumulative Word Count: 11,744 What I Accomplished in the Narrative Today: Down to two bad vampires left. And the fight scene continues. Fave line: “Sing a new tune, Kevah. That note has been flat for fifty-five years.” What Else I Accomplished Today: I need to run some errands as I head home. I hate having errands after work. What I'm looking forward to: Getting home and making myself go to bed on time tonight. What I'm not looking forward to: Shopping.
Strix: Forget the Sun September Metrics 25
METRICS Previous Word Count: 87,348 New Words: 617 Total words for the first draft: 87,965 2024 Metrics Words Total: 7317 2024 Cumulative Word Count: 12,361 What I Accomplished in the Narrative Today: Gave Sophia a part to play in the fight. Honestly not sure what to do with the ghosts a majority of the time. Hot damn, I may actually get Kevah killed today. Hot damn, I did! Also some stunned blinking over my word count today. That is a personal best this month for sure. Fave line: There wasn’t much of a sound with the sudden light so his screams reverberated into the house until they faded with the light. What Else I Accomplished Today: Today ended up a quiet day at work and I was able to put it into writing. Also using the Brain.FM to stop twisting my neck into tightness has worked on that front and to help me generate words. What I'm looking forward to: Sleep. I keeping reading until it is 10 p.m. and that’s too late for me to get enough sleep. What I'm not looking forward to: The long drive home.
Strix: Forget the Sun September Metrics 26
METRICS Previous Word Count: 87,965 New Words: 521 Total words for the first draft: 88,486 2024 Metrics Words Total: 7484 2024 Cumulative Word Count: 12,882 What I Accomplished in the Narrative Today: I got two hours of writing in between paying job tasks and have gotten to the threat to Peg. I think I have the body movements planned out for the rest of the scene. Fave line: “You don’t get to call me that, you fucked-up fream!” What Else I Accomplished Today: I found a new YouTube channel that does Good Omens analysis. What I'm looking forward to: Hooray for more sleep. I still need more, but last night was a nudge in the right direction. I have to make it to my dental appointment Friday (and that’s been a damn saga this year) but maybe Saturday I can do some lazy shit and stay in bed. What I'm not looking forward to: The drive home, I think one of the railroad crossings warnings are malfunctioning.
Strix: Forget the Sun September Metrics 27
METRICS Previous Word Count: 88,486 New Words: 258 Total words for the first draft: 88,744 2024 Metrics Words Total: 7685 2024 Cumulative Word Count: 13,140 What I Accomplished in the Narrative Today: Moved the scene along. I didn’t get as far as I wanted to in the action but my day was pretty broken up. Fave line: The crossbow stake sailed past him and he didn’t even have to dodge. What Else I Accomplished Today: So one of my goals was to get more sleep. I went to bed around 8:30 p.m., woke up a couple of times, and then got out of bed with the alarm at 8 a.m. I thought for sure I could get 45 minutes of writing and a shower done before leaving for my dental appointment. And then I found out Dame Maggie Smith died and got derailed a bit. I got the shower done and a little writing and then off to the dentist. My teeth are fine. I came back home and made stabs at writing but not very hard. What I'm looking forward to: Writing tomorrow but to use Brain.FM instead of my podcasts backlog. What I'm not looking forward to: Chores, boo.
Strix: Forget the Sun September Metrics 28
METRICS Previous Word Count: 88,744 New Words: 330 Total words for the first draft: 89,074 2024 Metrics Words Total: 7815 2024 Cumulative Word Count: 13,470 What I Accomplished in the Narrative Today: Decided to move part of the climax to another POV to better describe what is going on. So I finished one scene since that started a new one. Fave line: His arm reaching down for her face was like slapping stone and it didn’t knock his hand off course. What Else I Accomplished Today: Laundry mostly. I had planned on ripping new CDs but had technical difficulties. What I'm looking forward to: Making enough words in the next two days to finish off this first draft. What I'm not looking forward to: The disappointment when that doesn’t happen.
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ashtonlanger · 6 months ago
How Far Can Electric Cars Go in 2024? Exploring EV Range
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Electric vehicles (EVs) have come a long way since their inception, with significant advancements in battery technology and vehicle efficiency. As we move through 2024, one of the most critical factors for many potential EV buyers remains the range—how far a vehicle can travel on a single charge. Here’s a comprehensive look at the state of EV range in 2024 and what you can expect from the latest electric cars.
1. Advancements in Battery Technology
Overview: Battery technology has made substantial progress, leading to improved range and efficiency for electric vehicles. Key developments include advancements in lithium-ion batteries and the emergence of solid-state batteries.
Key Innovations:
Lithium-Ion Batteries: Continued improvements in energy density and efficiency are pushing the limits of current lithium-ion batteries, allowing for longer ranges.
Solid-State Batteries: Though still emerging, solid-state batteries promise even greater energy densities and faster charging times, potentially offering significant range increases.
Example: The 2024 Mercedes-Benz EQS is equipped with an advanced lithium-ion battery that provides an impressive range of up to 350 miles on a single charge.
2. Long-Range Electric Vehicles
Overview: Several new electric vehicles released in 2024 are boasting exceptional ranges, addressing one of the main concerns for potential buyers—range anxiety.
Top Models and Their Ranges:
Tesla Model S Long Range: Known for its exceptional range, the 2024 Model S Long Range can travel up to 405 miles on a single charge, setting the benchmark for long-distance EV travel.
Rivian R1T: The R1T offers an impressive range of up to 400 miles with its large battery pack, making it a strong contender for those needing a rugged vehicle with extensive range.
Ford Mustang Mach-E: The extended-range version of this popular electric SUV provides up to 312 miles of range, combining performance with practicality.
Example: The 2024 Lucid Air Dream Edition stands out with a remarkable range of up to 503 miles, highlighting the significant advancements in long-range EV technology.
3. Range vs. Charging Time
Overview: While extended range is crucial, the time it takes to recharge also plays a significant role in the overall convenience of owning an EV. Advances in fast-charging technology are helping to mitigate charging time concerns.
Key Innovations:
Ultra-Fast Charging: New ultra-fast chargers can add up to 200 miles of range in about 20 minutes, making long journeys more feasible.
Expanded Charging Networks: The expansion of high-speed charging networks is improving accessibility and reducing wait times for charging on long trips.
Example: The 2024 Porsche Taycan supports 270 kW fast charging, allowing it to gain around 60 miles of range in just five minutes of charging.
4. Real-World Range Considerations
Overview: While manufacturers provide estimated ranges based on ideal conditions, real-world range can be affected by various factors such as driving habits, weather conditions, and terrain.
Key Factors:
Driving Style: Aggressive driving and high speeds can reduce the effective range of an EV.
Weather Conditions: Extreme temperatures can affect battery performance, with cold weather potentially decreasing range.
Terrain: Hilly or mountainous terrain can impact range due to increased energy consumption.
Example: The 2024 Hyundai Ioniq 5 provides an estimated range of up to 303 miles, but real-world conditions, such as cold weather or driving on steep inclines, may reduce this figure.
5. The Future of EV Range
Overview: The future of electric vehicle range looks promising, with ongoing research and development focused on further improving battery technology and vehicle efficiency.
Key Trends:
Next-Generation Batteries: Innovations in battery technology, including solid-state and lithium-sulfur batteries, are expected to offer even greater ranges.
Enhanced Efficiency: Continued improvements in vehicle aerodynamics, weight reduction, and powertrain efficiency will contribute to longer ranges.
Example: The 2025 Audi Q4 e-tron is anticipated to feature next-generation battery technology, potentially extending the range beyond the current models.
As of 2024, electric vehicle range has reached impressive levels, with many models offering over 300 miles on a single charge. Advancements in battery technology, coupled with improvements in charging infrastructure, are making EVs more practical for everyday use and long-distance travel. While real-world conditions can affect the effective range, ongoing innovations are paving the way for even greater advancements in the future. For those considering an electric vehicle, the current range options provide a robust selection to meet various needs, from daily commuting to cross-country road trips.
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johnnshaarp · 2 months ago
Looking For a Tesla Powerwall Installer Near Me? We’ve Got You Covered
There have been many versions of the Powerwall: the Powerwall 1, which has been discontinued; the Powerwall 2 (you’d need an inverter to convert direct current power (DC) to alternating current (AC) power)—the Powerwall+ and Powerwall 3, which include the solar inverter.
How does the Tesla Powerwall work?
Solar power systems generate solar electricity by harvesting solar rays via solar panels installed on the rooftops of residences, commercial buildings, and other buildings. Photons from the sun’s rays are absorbed into photovoltaic cells in the panels. This generates an electric field, which then flows to an inverter. From there, electricity is converted from DC power to AC power — electricity used to power appliances, chargers, lights, and outlets. Excess energy is stored for later power usage in the Powerwall battery. When the battery detects no active power, such as during power outages or nighttime, it will switch to backup mode and provide power to the house.
The benefits of a Tesla Powerwall installation
Convenient backup power solution in case of a power outage
Continuous power output from rechargeable battery
Comes with 10-year warranty coverage
Establishes energy independence
If you’re keen to find a Tesla Powerwall installer near me, we have two simple ways to help.
1. Visit us at The Solar Revolution, 5723 Arapahoe Rd, Unit 1A, Boulder, CO 80303, or connect with us at 303-815-9360. Tell us a few specifics about your query or requirement, and we will provide all the information you require.
2. Browse the online directory. If you have more time and want to scroll through the Tesla-certified installers in your area, add your postcode to the box in the directory. Hit search, and see who comes highly rated near you.
Solar energy is one of the most effective alternatives to traditional energy sources. Opting for solar energy is the easiest first step towards a sustainable future. We hope our guide has cleared your doubts about Tesla Powerwall installer near me, how they work, and what benefits you can expect. If you have more queries, reach out to our team of experts.
For More Information Visit Our Website :-https://www.thesolarrevolution.com/post/looking-for-a-tesla-powerwall-installer-near-me-we-ve-got-you-covered
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ebelal56-blog · 8 months ago
Discover the Future: Electric Vehicles Unleashed
Here are ten of the top electric vehicles (EVs) as of 2024, considering factors such as range, performance, technology, and overall value: Tesla Model S Plaid Range: 396 miles Top Speed: 200 mph 0-60 mph: 1.99 seconds Highlights: Exceptional performance, long range, and advanced technology. Lucid Air Range: 516 miles (Dream Edition) Top Speed: 168 mph 0-60 mph: 2.5 seconds Highlights: Impressive range, luxurious interior, and cutting-edge technology. Porsche Taycan Range: 227 miles (Taycan 4S) Top Speed: 161 mph 0-60 mph: 3.8 seconds (Taycan 4S) Highlights: Sporty performance, high-quality interior, and excellent handling. Ford Mustang Mach-E Range: 300 miles (California Route 1) Top Speed: 112 mph 0-60 mph: 3.5 seconds (GT Performance Edition) Highlights: Stylish design, good range, and practical features. Tesla Model 3 Range: 358 miles (Long Range) Top Speed: 145 mph 0-60 mph: 3.1 seconds (Performance) Highlights: Affordable, great range, and robust technology. Audi e-tron GT Range: 238 miles Top Speed: 152 mph 0-60 mph: 3.9 seconds Highlights: Luxurious interior, sporty performance, and advanced tech features. Chevrolet Bolt EV Range: 259 miles Top Speed: 93 mph 0-60 mph: 6.5 seconds Highlights: Affordable, practical range, and spacious interior. Nissan Ariya Range: 304 miles (87 kWh battery) Top Speed: 99 mph 0-60 mph: 5.1 seconds Highlights: Stylish design, spacious interior, and good range. Hyundai Ioniq 5 Range: 303 miles (Long Range RWD) Top Speed: 115 mph 0-60 mph: 5.2 seconds Highlights: Futuristic design, fast charging, and spacious interior. Rivian R1T Range: 314 miles Top Speed: 111 mph 0-60 mph: 3 seconds Highlights: Off-road capability, impressive performance, and innovative features. These models represent a range of styles and functionalities, from luxury sedans to sporty crossovers and capable trucks, catering to various preferences and needs.
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