#3.04 Pot o' Gold
datshitrandom · 2 years
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Blaine D. Anderson in every episode | 3.04 Pot O' Gold
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celticwoman · 2 months
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Don't you have any wishes that you really, really want to come true? Yeah, I do.
Glee | 3.04 “Pot O' Gold”
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blaintism · 10 months
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blaine per episode
3.04 "Pot O' Gold"
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bestofglee · 4 years
Season 3, Episode 4- Pot o’ Gold
(Written by: Allison Adler) (Directed by: Adam Shankman)
Episode Rating: 8/10 leprechauns
Star of the episode: Rory Flanagan
Quote of the episode: “Every night I feed Lord Tubbington nougat and sprinkles and then I rub his belly 7 times with glitter sticks, but so far nothing works.” -Brittany Pierce
Best Moment: Rory trying to woo Brittany by pretending to be a leprechaun (he’s so precious)
Song Rankings:
1. Candyman - The Troubletones
(The Troubletones were a godsend & I love this song 😍)
2. Last Friday Night - Blaine Anderson with New Directions
(super fun Blaine performance/ I love seeing the glee club dancing around having fun together/ Santana is not impressed 😆)
3. Bein’ Green - Rory Flanagan
(Rory’s voice is perfect/ I just love him so much ❤️)
4. Take Care of Yourself - Rory Flanagan
(once again Rory is perfect, I just like Bein’ Green a little bit more)
5. Waiting for a Girl Like You - Noah Puckerman
(it’s a good song but this storyline is a no from me and the other songs are just better)
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santinacedes · 2 years
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— 3.04 | “Pot o' Gold“
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bitchys · 3 years
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audikatia · 5 years
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3.04 Pot o’ Gold
Rating: 3/5. This should be higher? It has so many moments I love. Burt running for office, Quinn being honest, Lord Tubbington, Brittana being amazing. But something about it just doesn’t work for me.
Best Song: Candyman. They look so fantastic and sound so good together and honestly, I don’t blame them for leaving Glee Club starring Rachel Berry.
Memorable Quote: “Sour patches are just gummy bears that turned to drugs.” -Brittany
General Notes:
True story: my sister had a big ol’ crush on Rory because she knew him from his pre-Glee dancing. She was so excited about him the entire time during The Glee Project and his role on Glee.
Santana has a Lord Tubbington drawing in her locker and that’s the cutest thing ever. It’s cute that Brittany made it for her and it’s cute that Santana proudly displays it and it’s just damn cute.
Blaine talking about replacing Warblers that quit as an easy task is kinda funny since literally no other Warbler sang solos except him. Well, and Kurt when he Blaine decreed he would.
Oh my fucking god. The crematorium doubles as a brick oven pizza place. I fucking love this little weird jokes.
The napkin over Brittany and Santana’s linked hands is the same energy as Blaine clapping his hand on Kurt’s shoulder.
I’m not blaming anyone for what Mark Salling did, but maybe it would have been better if the show hadn’t kept putting him in situations where it was totally fine that older women were sleeping with his underage character.
Anytime Quinn is real and honest, my heart grows three sizes bigger.
Did I rewind part of “Last Friday Night” just to watch Blaine dance with his hands on Kurt’s hips? You bet your butt I did.
Literally Santana’s entire monologue at Rory is perfect. From loving Brittany to silencing him, it’s amazing.
Burt should run for president. I’m not fucking joking.
I hate that Puck does a fucking combover with his mohawk.
Santana is right. Blaine is a dreamboat. That’s a perfect word for him.
First of all, you NEVER call Brittany an idiot. Second of all, you NEVER call Brittany an idiot in front of Santana.
Oh, baby Rory.
Blaine and Kurt don’t kiss in front of their classmates, Santana and Brittany cover their linked hands in public. But Burt loudly calls out how proud he is of Kurt in a crowded restaurant. I love him.
Kurt getting all concerned when Rory hits those high notes is really cute actually. But also Rachel is between him and Blaine and I don’t dig it.
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queenlnss-a · 6 years
how she felt leaving lima behind her for yale university.
- ̗̀   META  TOPICS.      /      @adivines​​      /      always  accepting  !
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I’M  GOING  TO  TRY  REALLY          hard  to  not  just  rehash    this  meta    that  I  did  a  few  weeks  back,  but  let  me  just  start  by  saying  that  Quinn,  like  everyone  else  on  that  god  damn  show,  has  always,  ALWAYS,  been  made  for  bigger  things.  You  find  that  out  in  Preggers.  She  views  Lima  as  a  place  for  the    deadbeat,    where  people  essentially  let  themselves  get  stuck  if  they  value  monotony  and  the    r o u t i n e    of  a  regular  life.  By  her  tone,  you   can  tell  she  considers  it  to  be  LESSER  than  her,  which  is  why  she  tells  Puck  that  he’s  a  Lima  loser    (  “  You’re  a  Lima  loser,  and   you’re  always  going  to  be  a  Lima  Loser.  ”    1.04,  Preggers  ),    and  is  why  it’s  so  devastatingly  DISAPPOINTING  when  she  resigns  herself  to  the  fate  of  being  Finn’s    ‘  real  estate  agent  wife  ’    so  she  can  support  him  in  his  career.
                    So,  how  does  she  feel  when  she  finally  leaves  ?
                    In  one  word  :  RELIEVED.
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                    She’s  beyond  ecstatic  when  she  tells  the  rest  of  the  New  Directions  that  she  got  her  early  acceptance  into  Yale.  She’s  grinning,  she’s  ELATED,  there’s  a  glorious  hint  of    hope    in  her  tone.  She  can  barely  contain  herself  and  hardly  believe  her  own  news,  because  you  know  what  ?  Even  though  she  strove  to  ensure  that  she  had  the  best  chances    (  keeping  up  with  her  grades  despite  getting  pregnant  /  going  through  emotional  and  mental  distress  /  getting  into  a  car  accident,  joining  extracurricular  activities  she  knew  would  look  good  on  her  application,  etc.  ),    she  didn’t  believe  that  she  would  actually  have  a  chance  of  leaving  her  small  town,  something  you  actually  see  right  at  the  start  of  season  three  when  she’s  trying  to  get  Beth  back    (  “  […]  so  even  if  I  never  leave  this  town  or  accomplish  anything,  I’ll  have  her  to  call  mine.  ”    3.04,  Pot  o’  Gold  ).    
                    (  Also,  this  probably  doesn’t  need  to  be  said,  but  Yale  University  is  an    Ivy  League  school.    It  leaves  for  an  extremely  competitive  environment.  Only  the  top  students  will  be  received,  and  for  every  one  hundred  applicants,  only  SEVEN  will  be  accepted.  Her  odds  of  getting  into  that  school  —–  her  dream  school,  might  I  just  add  —–  were  incredibly    s l i m,    especially  given  extra  strains  that  were  put  on  her.  )
QUINN  :  I  wanted  to  thank  you  guys,  because  without  each  and  every  one  of  you,  this  would’ve  never  happened.  You’ve  supported  me  and  loved  me  through  all  the  drama,  and  that’s  why  I’m  standing  here.  I  wasted  so  much  time  hating  myself  for  the  stupid  mistakes  that  I  made  but  …  the  truth  is  is  that  without  all  of  those,  I  never  would  have  dreamed  this  to  be  my  future.  I  was  the  only  one  standing  in  the  way  of  myself.  You  can’t  change  your  past,  but  you  can  let  go  and  start  your  future.
                    Those  are  the    exact    words  she  says  when  she  announces  her  news  to  her  friends  in  the  choir  room.  She’s  entirely  grateful  for  the  opportunity  that  has  been  handed  to  her,  and  please  note  the  fact  that  she  would  be  attending  university  elsewhere,  in  a  COMPLETELY  different  state  to  most  of  her  friends.  Despite  keeping  in  contact  with  her  Glee  family,  she  doesn’t  personally  join  the  others  in  New  York  for  an  extended  period  of  time,  because  she  understands  that  high  school  doesn’t  last  forever.
                    Also,  Quinn  is  ultimately  the  alumna  that  visits  the  least.  She  was  free.  There  was  no  need  for  her  to  go  back.  Did  you  know  that  during  her  time  at  Yale,  she  returned  back  to  Lima  for  a  total  of  FOUR    (  that  we  know  of  on - screen  )    times  ?    That’s  4.08,  Thanksgiving  ;  4.14,  I  Do    (  I  don’t  entirely  remember  where  the  infamous  wedding  flop  was  held,  so  don’t  hold  me  to  that  )    ;  5.12  and  5.13,  100  and  New  Directions  ;  and  6.02  and  6.03  Homecoming  and  Jagged  Little  Tapestry.  This  is  CONSIDERABLY  less  than  anyone  else,  and  let’s  not  forget  to  mention  that  almost  everything  she  mentions  about  Yale    (  while  mostly  single  ),    she  talks  about  in  such  a  positive  light,  as  if  it’s  the  best  thing  that’s  ever  happened  to  her,  and  it  is.  It  truly  is    the  best  thing    that  could  have  happened  to  her,  because  she  needed  to  learn  how  to  not  be  surrounded  by  the  memory  of  her  high  school  environment  and  the  suffering  she  went  through  while  she  was  there.
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beblaineanderson · 13 years
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datshitrandom · 2 years
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Darren Criss as Blaine Anderson | Glee 3.04 ‘Pot o' Gold’  | Wardrobe Photos
[Source: x]
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datshitrandom · 2 years
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Blaine D. Anderson in every episode | 3.04 Pot O' Gold
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