#3. Zag on em
topicaltropic · 6 months
I like to think scarys the most well adjusted out of all of them because 1. Another fun thing to foil with norm 2. My baby girl deserves it
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5qui99l3draws · 7 months
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so that roguelike splatoon dlc huh
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inkskinned · 2 years
oh btw one of my favorite things to do when im having writer's block is to uh. get inspiration by. trying to translate something really stupid into poetry or prose. personally i like to see if i can 1. make funny jokes to myself, 2. keep the purple prose to a minimum, and 3. not make it obvious what i'm writing about. but like, these are my rules. you don't need em. the whole point is to relax.
one of the poems i wrote about my pokemon game got published. so did a piece about thanatos & zag from hades. i was recently able to start writing again bc i watched paul blart mall cop 2 and wrote a scene about a shadow man playing piano whilist paul gets his ass kicked in by a bird. i've written about how i used to be able to eat cheese. about how i burned my popcorn. whatever.
but - this is key - set a timer. do not write more than 5-10 minutes. i say this so so lovingly: you are not trying to start another fanfiction. you're not trying to write another book. you gotta stop thinking of your words as only being important if they necessitate longevity. sure, it might be a book later. but the point of this exercise is to have fun, not to get more stressed out bc everything u write "doesn't end". don't fuckin end it. clean it up if u love it. otherwise. like. keep writing about different dumb shit. it's literally so much more fun than forcing yourself to constantly write about stuff that "matters". nothing does, so like. everything does, kids.
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lucca-strangee · 8 months
Oioi lucca,oq é plato?
Oioi, anon, farei uma explicação detalhada com todas as informações que sei sobre! :)
𝕆 𝕢𝕦𝕖 é "𝔼𝕗𝕖𝕚𝕥𝕠 ℙ𝕝𝕒𝕥ô"?
Platô é quando o seu peso fica estagnado, isso quer dizer que você não ganha nada (engorda), nem perde nada (emagrece).
Em dietas comuns para perda de peso as pessoas adotam uma rotina de exercícios e alimentação que faz com que a pessoa perca uns quilinhos inicialmente, mas a frequência da rotina faz com que o corpo se adpte a nova forma de estilo de vida, estagnando o peso.
O platô ocorre após uns 5-6 meses de restrição, mas costuma acontecer mais rápido com nós, pois nossa restrição costuma ser agressiva!
Veja bem, você faz uma dieta super restritiva, seja um longo NF ou intake baixo, acaba tendo um déficit agressivo de 1K de kcal, por exemplo. Você queima hoje, amanhã, depois, o que leva a um déficit calórico agressivo constante, então seguindo isso por um longo período o corpo para de queimar.
Como a ingestão de calorias é pouco ou nula, ele entra em alerta por achar que você está basicamente morrendo, em caso de NF ele não sabe quando será a próxima vez que você vai comer e para de queimar, quando voltar irá queimar o mínimo possível pra te manter vivo.
No caso de alta restrição vai estagnar e ele vai se adaptar àquele intake baixo, o metabolismo desacelera pra uma porra e quando você volta a queimar, você não queimar tanto.
No platô, mesmo com exercícios e dieta você não perde nenhuma grama e isso pode durar semanas!
▶ O que pode levar a entrar em platô ?
NF's longos;
Dietas altamente restritivas com longa duração;
Queimar tudo que consome.
-> Exemplo:
Ingerir 300 kcal e queimar as 300 kcal ou mais.
-> Explicação: Se você come 300 kcal e queima as 300 com exercícios, seu corpo fica sem o que contabilizar já que você queimou tudo, é como se você não tivesse comido, então o corpo vai reagir da mesma forma igualmente quando você faz um NF.
▶ Como faço pra sair do platô ?
Simples: dieta Zig-Zag!
A dieta Zig-Zag consiste em você não manter um intake fixo, mas alternar entre um intake alto e depois um baixo.
-> Exemplo:
Seg: 300 kcal
Ter: 700 kcal
Qua: 400 kcal
Qui: 900 kcal
Sex: 350 kcal
Sinceramente, eu meio que entendo porquê funciona, mas não sei explicar, então não me pergunte o porquê, apenas sei que funciona! KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK
▶ Considerações importantes:
Algumas pessoas entram em desespero por parar de queimar e entram em NF até sair do efeito platô.
Isso funciona? Capaz.
É recomendado? NÃO.
Se seu corpo para de queimar kcal por achar que você está MORRENDO, a última coisa que você deve fazer é ficar MAIS TEMPO sem comer.
Ele já vai tentar sobreviver com o mínimo, ou seja, desacelerando o metabolismo e queimando menos, então imagina como não fica com você fazendo NF?
Vocês acham que TMB de site tá certa com você fazendo NF de sei lá quantas horas?
Deixe-me vos dizer uma coisa: TMB é mutável!
Isso quer dizer que ela pode aumentar ou diminuir de acordo com seus hábitos alimentares e entrando em NF pós platô só vai fazer ela reduzir.
Espero que tenham entendido, não sou bom com explicações!
Não tenham medo de comer mais pra sair do platô, ele não vai te engordar. Pode haver inchaço dependendo do seu corpo, mas pode não haver. Aliás, um moot meu, a Tai, já saiu do platô fazendo dieta Zig-Zag.
Segue o link pra quem tem dúvidas:
Beijinhos <3
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Do you know this (noncanon) ADHD character?
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Evidence under the cut!
This is my own submission with the help of some Discord friends <3
First friend's evidence:
tbh adhd zagreus is largely vibes to me but for more specific evidence:
inability to work a desk job properly no matter how much he tries. ability to run marathons thru the underworld 24/7. one is not an interest of his and the other is a thing he got obsessed with in 0.5 seconds. man struggles with directing his attention
the fact that he basically never wants to stay still ever, even the narrator gets on his case about this
additionally to above: iirc there's a line where he mentions he won't be able to get started again if he sits down, when you try to interact with chairs in the house, which. mood. gotta keep momentum going or the task doesn't get done.
rly thoughtful to his loved ones but still forgets to tell them his whereabouts or plans (thanatos)
no concept of time
nonexistent sleep schedule
the entire admin chamber flashback, honestly, just look at that
there's more bullet points probably i just don't have specific moments in mind to back em up
Second friend's evidence:
The man exists for short term dopamine hits - He gets demonstrable rewards and actionable improvements in his abilities with the low low cast of some physical pain after maybe twenty minutes of running around blowing things up, it's like the perfect loop for any adhd brain
Also as a pinnacle of adhd zag - It's only with actual long term investment that he gets better at playing the lyre, which means that most players won't go for it unless they're actively trying to get the prophecy done.
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prismaticpichu · 2 months
Do firsts sleep naked?
Or..special pjs?
LOL x3
What Zack wears to bed: loose shirts that Angeal passes down, a night cap, and those ultra-fuzzy pajama pants that are for some reason “not acceptable attire, pup” during the day. His favorite pair have pterodactyls on ‘em! <3
What Angeal wears to bed: Comfy black t-shirt + loose shorts, all of which are simply clothes he accidentally purchased in the wrong size. The cycle always manages to repeat itself once he grows into them!
What Genesis wears to bed: a nice velvet robe, earbuds to block out the horrors, and a sleep mask. He also snores like a congested horse.
What Sephiroth wears to bed: Breaking the laws of the universe and wearing shirt but no pants.
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manzanamarim · 1 year
Been replaying Hades obsessively (as you do) and I love how almost every character addresses Zagreus differently? it's so small but it adds to their charm
Long-ish post and some small spoilers for characters and relationships!
Meg and Than call you both Zagreus and Zag. your partners!
Hades calls you Boy (derogatory) and only later does he call you by name occasionally
Nyx calls you child or my child. She is mother of many
Achilles calls you lad, in a gentle way, your mentor
Dusa calls you Prince, and later as she gets more comfortable also calls you by name
Cerberus... none of his heads posses the gift and curse of speech.
Skelly goes BOYO! I love him
Hypnos I noticed never calls you by anything, usually just goes "you"
Persephone calls you my son, as well as Zagreus of course
Charon calls you hhhrrrgggghhhhhhh...
Sysiphus calls you Prince Z. very casual, he's your buddy!
Alecto calls you redblood (derogatory), or uh. trash god. very sweet of her
Tis goes murrdererrrrrrrrr (and zagreus!)
Chaos says O Son of Hades. I love how they speak
Orpheus calls you friend or my friend, in that melancholic way of his
Eurydice calls you Your Royal Majesty and such, all very playful though!
Patroclus calls you stranger, keeping his distance even though really you aren't a stranger anymore
Theseus calls you all sorts of things of course. Deamon, fiend, blackguard, etc. very extra
Asterius calls you short one. ouch but fair I guess
Zeus calls you nephew,
while Poseidon also calls you Little Hades which is cute ngl
Athena calls you Noble Cousin, very fancy
Ares calls you my kin, he is very into all this fighting huh
Aphrodite calls you little godling (<3)
Dyonisus calls you man, and sometimes Zag, he's chill like that
Artemis calls you "you" mostly, sometimes by your name. she is more introverted and awkward
Hermes calls you Coz. No time to say the full word
Demeter calls you little sprout. very cute actually
And I think that's all, hopefully! if I missed anyone I'll add em later but do you see what I mean? I bet you could hear all of these in their respective voices too, they all have so much personality
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wwwdotmaru · 1 year
Dieta Zig-Zag
Vou relatar aqui minha perda de peso nos próximos 8 dias fazendo essa dieta (^ – ^) _ 旦 “”
✿ Dia 1 - 540 kcals
✿ Dia 2 - 832 kcals
✿ Dia 3 - 432 kcals
✿ Dia 4 - 936 kcals
✿ Dia 5 - 486 kcals
✿ Dia 6 - 648 kcals
✿ Dia 7 - 1040 kcals
✿ Extra! Dia 8 - NF de 24h
REGRAS: ☆ Jejum 16/8 todos os dias! (Exceto no dia 8)
☆ 1,5 de água todos os dias!
☆ Evitar doces e industrializados sempre!
!!!Lembrando que eu fiz essa dieta baseada em uma tabela específica pra minha altura e peso, eu usei esse site aqui pra saber quantas kcals consumir!!!
Peso no início da dieta: 47kg
Peso no final da dieta: 45,5
(Todo dia vou ir atualizando aqui até o final pra ter o controle de quanto comi e quanto perdi todos os dias ☆)
✿ Dia 1 - 349 kcals de 540 consumidas
✿ Peso - 46,9 kg
✿ Dia 2 - 781 kcals de 832 consumidas
✿ Peso - 46,5 kg
✿ Dia 3 - 400 kcals de 432 consumidas
✿ Peso - 46,3 kg
✿ Dia 4 - 851 kcals de 936 consumidas
✿ Peso - 46,1 kg
✿ Dia 5 - 244 kcals de 486 consumidas
✿ Peso - 46,6 kg
✿ Dia 6 - 489 kcals de 648 consumidas
✿ Peso - 46,4 kg
✿ Dia 7 - não tive como contar de 1040 consumidas
✿ Peso - 45,7 kg
✿ Dia 8 - início do NF • mínimo: 24h • total: 26h
✿ Peso antes do NF - 46,0 kg
✿ Peso depois do NF - 45,5
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Dessert first | Soap x Nina
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CW: smut, oral (fem receiving), John is a munch
“I made dinner, you know.” Nina smiled as Johnny continued his assault on her neck, her book discarded to the side of the bed. He’d just gotten back from a 3 week TDY, she’d barely gotten his hands off her since he arrived home only a couple hours earlier.
“I know…” he pulled the strap of her cami to the side and kissed the skin “and I know it’s going to be amazing” his mouth moved south, kissing and nipping at her chest “but...I was just thinking about having dessert first.”
"You are incorrigible," She laughed, running her hand through his mohawk.
"Can you blame me? Been three weeks of shite MREs." He lifted the hem of her cami and kissed along her stomach, his hands anchored on the legs of her shorts. "Spent most of my nights thinking about ya."
"Is that where my missing panties are going? You thinking?"
He nipped at her hip playfully, holding her down as she jumped.
"Steady Bonnie. I haven’t even gotten your pants off.” He smirked. He hooked his fingers in her shorts and pulled them off. “What a sight.” He straddled her legs and held her hip, his thumb rubbing along the waistband of her panties. “I like these grey cotton ones a lot.”
“I do too, so don’t steal them.”
“I don’t steal.” He leaned down and kissed her. “I always return em, don’t I? And I only take the dirty ones.”
“These aren’t dirty.”
“Not yet.” He brushed his thumb over her clit. Nina gasped softly, squirming underneath him. “Do you think about me when I’m gone?”
“All the time.” She smirked back at him. “Especially before I go to bed.”
“How so?” He ground his palm against her. She found his devotion one of his most attractive traits. Just how wild he got over her. She never thought about being desirable but Johnny never let her doubt it.
“I put…ahhh… one of your shirts…oh fuck… Johnny!”
“Keep going,” he growled in her ear.
“I put it on the pillow and I lay on my stomach with my face against it.”
“Yeah? What else?” She bucked her hips into his hand. Wetness was soaking through the cotton.
“I touch myself and I just think about you.”
“Anything specific?” He nipped at her earlobe.
“You touching me.”
“Like this?” He pressed the base of his hand against her clit.
“Uh huh,” she whimpered.
"Could I take these of ya now?" He purred. She lifted her hips and he pulled them right off. He made a show of shoving them into his pocket.
"I want those back," She said, slapping his arm.
"You'll get them back when I'm done with them." He moved down the bed and lifted her legs up and over his shoulders. Johnny reached down and slowly spread her open with two of his fingers. He let her squirm for a bit, watching her skin prickle from the cold. "What a sight."
He kissed his way down her legs. His mouth was watering by the time he pressed his tongue flat against her center. He groaned as her taste filled her mouth. Holding a pair of her panties against his face while he touched himself in the showers wasn't enough.
He lost himself between her legs. His tongue zig-zagging through her folds and around her clit. He ground his hips against the bed. He held her against the bed with one hand on her stomach. He smiled to himself feeling the muscles ripple underneath him.
Nina had a hard time relaxing on the best of days. Her shoulders would start to fall whenever Johnny walked back through the door. She could see in his eyes that he still felt guilty whenever she had trouble breathing or had a panic attack but he was the only one who truly made her feel safe. The warmth of his hand worked better than any of the breathing techniques her therapist had taught her.
It was overwhelming sometimes. Not in a scary way where her chest felt like it was going to cave in. He made her feel like she was going to melt. She held a hand over her eyes to hide the tears. She reached out blindly for him and he caught her hand in his.
“I got ya, Neen. I got ya.” He breathed against her. “If it’s too much just let me know.”
“More…please,” she choked out. She felt him smile against her thigh. He pushed two fingers inside of her. “Johnny…Johnny…Johnny!”
He curled his fingers, knowing exactly where her sweet spot was. He’d memorized every part of her. Pages and pages of sketches, he could do hundreds more with his eyes closed.
He watched her, her clit between his lips, as her chest heaved and moans flew out of her mouth. He was lucky, lucky that he always got to come home to her. That he got to see her like this, see her laugh and smile.
He pressed his fingers against her, pulling soft cries out of her. He thrusted against the mattress, he should have taken his pants off. He’d made himself cum before just from eating her out and listening to her. The taste of her drew something primal out of him.
She clenched around his fingers and he growled. He wouldn’t be satisfied until she’d cum at least twice before he did.
He hummed against his, focusing on fucking his fingers into her. She tightened her grip on his other hand.
"C'mon Bonnie. Cum for me." He turned his attention back to her clit. Her thighs were shaking on either side of his face. He sucked hard on her clit while making sure to press against her with every thrust. He grinned hearing her gasp and cry. He swear she could have broken his hand if she wanted to. "Good girl. There ya go."
"Johnnnnnyyyyyy!" She moaned, her back arching off the bed.
He licked her clean as she came down from her orgasm. He kissed her thigh and along her panty line.
"I missed ya."
She ran her hand through his hair.
"I missed you." Her stomach growled. "Can we eat dinner now?"
"How about I bring it to you. I don't want you walking just yet." He climbed up to give her a sloppy kiss. "I'm coming back for seconds though."
tag list: @macravishedbymactavish
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roosterzebra · 1 month
Some days, as a butch of the transsexual variety, there's a moment where people take a moment to Recognize and Address me - or believe that they may in the future and want to be Prepared - and are confronted with a Gender they cannot easily process.
I'm like 8 years on e, so usually they default to she; but, when I go extra butch they get a lil bit confused. Sometimes they go with 'they', which is commendable for them avoiding the One I Don't Like even though it's not my preferred.
I just love that more often than not I get defaulted to 'she', but still have enough of that good Gender stuff to zag on 'em a bit. Kinda annoying when cis folks pronoun check me and No One Else, but so long as they're cool with me checking them than fair enough
Being a butch trans woman is so good and amazing :3.
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whilomm · 11 months
Random thing ive been learning about, ive been looking into vintage sewing machines (just got an elna supermatic im gonna try and get working!) and learned a cool thing about how they used to make different stitches before things were computerized: these discs called "cams"!
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simply put, theyre like lil gears that move the needle around to make diff designs, similar to how computerized machines do just like, mechanically. there are both built in cams (usually in cam stacks) and drop in cams that you can switch out.
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now, the problem is: cams can be hard to find apparently! theres only so many of course, and while they arent that expensive individually (a few bucks apiece from what im seeing), it seems like its a pain in the ass to track down specific ones (ive seen so many people bemoaning the ducky elna cam. everyone wants that duck!)
because theyre usually just bits of plastic, it wouldnt be THAT hard to just. 3d print em. maybe it wouldnt give the best results, but hey, a ducky thats gonna wear out a lil too fast might be better than not having a ducky at all, and if people had the files at least someone could theoretically produce them thru better means, like injection molding or whatever.
but of course making a 3d printing database of cams is easier said than done. not for lack of trying apparently! ive found stuff like this thread of someone trying to put together a project to make a database of elna cams (which was later abandoned going by the comments), i found at least one for the elna zigzag cam (nice, might need it if i get my machine working!) , and there are at least a few files available for more popular cams like on singers. heres a thread with someone sharing a buncha files, which i cant verify bc i dont have a printer but they have the duck! and also apparently the dick, which is nice.
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if you reverse engineer this shit you could design your own cams, like heres someone who made a 3-step zig zag cam, and a couple of projects for "design your own cams" which. sound cool but idk how modeling works so idk how to do this lmao. but thats so neat!
and theoretically it would be SO easy for someone to just make a database of every cam they could find and upload em for anyone to use but well. again, easier said than done. im finding a lotta scattered files, but unless im missing it i dont think anyones made a single nice lil page filled with the files for cams across diff machines.
...anyway, if anyone knows how this shit works I think it would b really cool if someone made a heartbeat cam and a lil bat cam. those would be fun!
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Hong Kong '97
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Time played: Less than an hour
Completion status: Beat Tong Shau Ping and died
You know the game is good when it opens with an advertisement asking you to publish games with a 66% revenue cut on your end.
Hong Kong '97 is a game as short as it is absurd. The intro cutscene manages to make me laugh every time I see it. "A herd of FUCKIN' UGLY REDS." Where do you even come up with shit like this?
The game itself is a shoot-em-up where you have to blast compressed images of random people, whose AI varies between running straight, zig-zagging, and shooting at you. On death, they'll drop things that look like power-ups, but actually kill you. Also on death, a tiny gif of a nuclear explosion will play, followed by an image of what looks like a dead guy. It's extremely compressed though, so you can't see a whole lot.
The background is a random still image of what I presume to be Chinese propaganda, and the background music is a 6 second loop of I Love Beijing Tiananmen, a Chinese patriotic song. Definitely one of the most politically charged games I've ever played, even if its messages seem confused.
The game continues as a shoot-em-up forever. Occasionally, you'll have to fight China's ultimate weapon: the severed head of Tong Shau Ping. On death, you're greeted by the same compressed photo of a dead body made to fit the whole screen, with the text "Chin is DEAD" (Chin is Bruce Lee's relative, and who you play as). Definitely a one-of-a-kind game, that's for damn sure.
Gameplay-wise, the game is trash. Had it been generic assets, I would rank it a 2/10. But between the storyline, advertisements at the beginning, all the compressed images loaded onto the game, and just the raw absurdity that captures this game, I give this game a solid 3/10. This is definitely one of the most known games of its breed, maybe I'll have to try other obscene games sometime.
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hot-footed-heir · 8 months
//hey sorry for the ooc ask (and also the accidental unfollow and refollow LMAO) but i just wanted to say I love our blog, I find myself reading all of your posts in Zag's voice and it's just. Mwah. Chef's kiss. Keep up the good work :D
//THAT'S THE AIM BAYBEE. If something doesn't sound right in his voice, I change wording until it does! I try to keep him in character both in his mannerisms and his actual actions. Cheers, friend~!
//Oh, and don't worry about OOC asks. I'm fine with 'em! Might not always answer them right away, but I don't annoy too easily. <3
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lucca-strangee · 8 months
Lucca me ajuda com um negócio, meu metabolismo tá lento pra caramba, provavelmente por que meu intake é muito baixo, como 100 calorias e já considero como descontrole.
Segundo sites pra medir a TMB a minha seria 1603.60, mas aparentemente não tá funcionando assim porque faz quase um mês que não perco nem 1kg😭
Eu devia aumentar meu intake mesmo se eu estiver em platô agora? O que eu faço? 😨
Oioi, Tai
Então, vamos começar com um ponto importante que muitas pessoas erram:
Sua TMB não é a que os sites dizem!
Parece absurdo, mas eu vou explicar.
A TMB é um cálculo padrão levando em consideração um metabolismo saudável, de alguém que faz as 3 refeições e não faz dietas malucas com super restrições.
Quando nós fazemos essas dietas super restritivas nada saudáveis, principalmente NF's, fode nosso metabolismo todo, ele desacelera, consequentemente a TMB reduz.
Tenho um amigo que fez bioimpedância na nutri e de 1400 a TMB dele reduziu pra 1200!☠️☠️☠️
Então é sempre bom que você considere umas 300 kcal a menos da sua TMB por segurança...
Segundo ponto:
Se você está realmente consumindo 100 kcal diariamente e em pelo menos uma semana não reduziu NENHUMA GRAMA na balança... então é platô ☠️
Aí vou te dar uma notícia que você com certeza não vai gostar, mas platô só se resolve com dieta Zig-Zag...🕊️
Seg -> 300 kcal
Ter -> 700 kcal
Qua -> 250 kcal
Qui -> 800 kcal
Tem pessoas que ficam de NF até sair do platô? Sim.
Funciona? Capaz.
Você vai fazer isso? Não
Por que? Porque eu tô falando que não 🫵🏻
Se o metabolismo tá um lixo por falta de comida, aí seu corpo entra em platô (que é literalmente seu corpo em modo sobrevivência por falta de comida), você obviamente não vai ficar sem comer.
Porque seu corpo vai achar que você tá morrendo, começa a queimar o mínimo pra viver, então seu metabolismo fica 100000x pior.
É melhor ganhar um peso, tipo, meio quilo pra depois perder de boa, do que ficar MESES sem perder nada.
Então vai fazer a dieta Zig-Zag sim, nem adianta chorar🙅🏻‍♂️
É isso, meu anjo, espero ter ajudado e nem inventa de sair do platô com NF 🥰🔪
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laplacesdevil · 1 year
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...? Huh. How strange. I don't remember having this guy around...
Psike is an African-American person who's asexual and aroflux, with an unlabeled attracton to women. E uses ne/nem and e/em pronouns. Nis birthday and date are obscured, as well as something behind nis name. E is 6'3"/191 cm.
Who is this? I can't find em anywhere in the files…
Only seen with Chazz, and/or at its shifts
Has an affinity for crafts. Hasn't been able to do it for the longest time, however…
…Has anyone heard weird sounds from the vents?
Selectively mute, likes writing more
Likes plain bread a lot
Psike stands plainly, looking off to the side. Ne noticeably has a zig-zag stitch in the middle of eir torso. On the side is a version of nis head without eir hat, showing off eir hair more clearly.
At least one of Psike's eyes are shadowed at all times, depending on what way ne's facing.
Front-facing also shows the left eye by default
A jagged scar, stitched up. Sometimes, ne has to restitch it.
Psike has no eyebrows
There are four slits on eir back, as big as quarters
Always has those bandages around nis hands, although they're fingerless.
There's still indents/scars on eir palms.
Psike has a small patch of vitiligo and a white streak
Psike only wears plain, white boxers.
Psike rarely has a reason to be undressed. Really doesn't like to see eir body
Rarely keeps eir bandages off for the same reason
Psike kind of just sprays emself with air freshener if needed. Linen/lilac smell guy!!!
The colors, compared to the base night shift outfit, are faded. Almost gray-ish
Nis main outfit pre-Chazz friendship. Still a comfort outfit of sorts
Psike has a half-cut tie. Hm.
E's had these sneakers since back then...
[Casual 1]
Psike wears a dark blue shirt with the scream logo on it. Ne also wears gray sweatpants and blueish-gray socks.
Ne feels insecure without nis hat. Later on starts wearing other headwear (caps, durags, beanies, etc.)
Chazz lends Psike of its clothes at first, then gets Psike nis own clothes. They're usually Chazz-core
These kinds of clothes also double as PJs, sometimes
Sweapants!!! Comfy!!!!
Sockies :3
[Casual 2]
Psike wears a purple shirt with black sleeves. There's a black bunny with X eyes in the middle. Ne wears jeans and blue sneakers.
Psike's own casual would consist of kind of plain, goth(?)-like clothing
Jeans are pretty comfy too
Psichael sneakers :3
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jacquesthepigeon · 2 years
How did we even make it to Season 5 honestly? This show should have been cancelled halfway through 3. Did That Guy use the wish to make his show live despite quality?
Zag is a trickster capitalist man and we, the audience, are fools that apparently throw money at em
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