#3) he literally tells people to make their own story about susan
artoodeeblue · 1 year
it’s been like 50+ years and people are still soooo wrong about the problem of susan and i am being so brave about it
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gabeorelse · 1 month
Resource: Writing Craft Masterpost
Okay, so one of my favorite things to do when I'm not writing but I want to think about writing is to study the craft. Seriously, I'm a HUGE writing nerd and learning is one of my favorite parts of the process (besides the actual writing lmao). Below is a list of my favorite craft resources that I don't see recommended a ton but which I've found do a great job of identifying and explaining the nitty-gritty rather than just giving blanket advice like 'show don't tell'.
Ellen Brock's Youtube Channel
Ellen Brock, according to her bio, is an editor who has worked both freelance and in the publishing industry. The resource here is on her channel - TONS of free longform videos that break down structure, character arc, anatomy of a scene, dialogue, prose, principles of revision, anything you can imagine.
My favorite video: Character Arc meets Story Structure. An hour long video explaining how character arc and story structure marry within the 3-Act Structure. I made an annotated cheat sheet/study guide just based off this and it literally fixed my WIP lol.
Susan Dennard's Writing Academy - Free Resources
Susan Dennard is a published author who, disclaimer, I have not checked her books out yet (though I've been meaning to!) but I have found her blog post archive invaluable. She writes a ton on writing craft, publishing, revision, etc, and I've coopted a lot of her strategies, particularly in revision, for myself. Highly recommend.
Unfortunately, it looks like my favorite resource (her revision advice) is behind a paywall now (which, fair, she did a LOT of free stuff over the years), but I might put together a frankenstein version of my own revision method one of these days - it's heavily influenced by hers.
ShaelinWrites Youtube Channel
Another writing youtuber who really gets to the nitty-gritty. What I love about them is they are a pantser/discovery writer and they show, both through their advice and success, that you CAN be a discovery writer and not just end up in a mess of unrevised monstrosity, which is what I feel like a lot of people assume. They also do a lot of videos on writing confidence, process, and mindset which have all been very helpful to me.
My favorite video: How to Become a Confident Writer. This video really helped me get back some of my confidence and love for writing when I was struggling. They have similar related videos, and I basically watched ALL of them at various points, but this one really helped me.
LocalScriptMan's Youtube Channel
Okay, here me out. This one is a bit of a departure. I feel like LocalScriptMan kind of takes on this tough love/tough life advice persona, and I don't mind it, but some people might. He's also focused on screenwriting, but a lot of his videos apply to general writing principles, and I feel like, as with the other resources, he really gets to the heart of the craft and breaks down principles in a way I really like.
My favorite video: it's a tie between The Key to Writing Freakishly Good Dialogue and How to Actually Succeed as a Creative. I really liked the latter because I interact a lot with other authors who are querying agents or have one foot in the publishing industry, one foot not quite there (like me), and his attitude toward success changed my mind about how to approach the industry. His advice is something like 'most people keep looking for that big break, but that's very self-focused. If you want to succeed, help others and make yourself a valuable person, not only to get that big break, but because then you can do what you love: creating stories and working on projects, even if they're not your own'. This is a bit more applicable to the screenwriting community, but I do think overall the best part about writing is not just writing, but community, and I think he hits the nail on the head with that one.
Summary: obviously I am not an affiliate (these people 100% do not know who I am lol), but I get frustrated when I'm trying to find answers to my writing problems and all I get are shitty SEO based articles written by the Masterclass website lmao. So over the years I've cultivated my favorites, and wanted to share them. I hope these help anybody who needs them!
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socksonvideo · 1 year
for Aspen!! 7, 18, 24
for Susan!! 13, 25, 33, 41
(read below bc LONG !!!)
aspen's ;;
7 ; '' What’s their fondest memory with one of their horses? ,,
alright i'm doing two - one with moss(bottle) and then one with a non soul horse.
moss ; day after finishing going through all of catherine's memories. aspen was def still a little like "oh" from it all, all the same stuff that's happening to her (minus the like exclusion thing but ehh)
they both took a little trail-ride to that same peak where the red string trail ends, that little over-hang looking over valedale + the mountains. i imagine they were just... hanging out, winding down because this was the time of the Great Quest Gap (i consider this time to be a small like few weeks break after all that saving stuff) moss was probably recounting some stories of catherine. but only when she was happy. nothing sad. and that made aspen feel the tiniest bit better.
sunpop ; quick context - aspen owns all the horses i do in game, but they all live as a herd in the fields behind their house. some of them aspen rides more than others that are there to chill and be apart of the herd. sunpop is a halflinger and one of said horses.
sometimes, moss prefers to stay home. and that is okay, because aspen trusts that no one is going to try and steal the aggressive biting icelandic who Will Kick. luckily, sunpop (fanta, technically, but i like sunpop) was more than eager to go and run chores.
aspen was just going along their day - fishing, doing fetch quests, deliveries, visiting their favorite people, etc. sunpop is the equivalent of a very large dog, and was very easily sitting around like a giant dog, waiting for the next place.
after all of this, aspen was like "well, i'll get some ice cream" because usually, moss will always end up stealing it. so, aspen gets their ice cream, and is riding along on sunpop.
sunpop is very excitable. sunpop speeds up a little too much, and almost runs into a fence. aspen is holding a very fragile ice cream cone. sunpop slides to a stop. aspen jerks forward. the ice cream cone does not go flying, but simply topples forward. onto sunpop's muzzle.
aspen couldn't even be mad, because the imagine of this silly halfinger trying to lick ice cream off of itself was funny enough for them to have to stop and laugh for a bit.
18 ; '' City-folk or Country-bumpkin? ,,
alright last time i said both but i've changed my mind. aspen def a city kid.
aspen definitely appreciates the city more. it makes them feel more comforted and calm, despite most being nothing but pockets of noise. it is the ultimate do-anything or hang out area - plus, they don't live far from it, within a short ride or walk there.
they definitely live for the aesthetics of it more, the lights make them more grounded and happy. aspen would probably live in the city if they didn't want to stay close to their horses at all time.
also aspen has been stuck in the wilderness of alaska most of their time being alive LOL they're sick of absolutely nothing. have u seen a town in alaska. shit is empty. you have to drive hoursssss for literally anything (source: my grandma + dad)
tl;dr city kid.
24 ; '' If they were granted one wish right now, what would they wish for? ,,
this is SICKK oh my god.
i feel interally aspen would be like "well, i wish for my parents back." but then change their mind - because their mom had always spoken so kindly of death, and would probably want them to be selfish, and focus on the present.
with that being said! i feel it would be a simple thing of 'i want everyone to turn out okay.' as in, i don't want anything else bad happening to them, im sure they've all gone through enough. because, wow, these funky horse girls have trauma!
susan's ;;
13 ; '' How did they meet the Soulriders? Are they on good terms with them? ,,
bit of context for this - i think there is a line meteor says when elizabeth tells u about starbreeds and he says something about not remembering past lives as well or whatever and i was like. Yeah No. anyway in my canon the soul horses remember each other. the minute they see each other they're like "well damn."
susan met alex first how you would in the game through the manor - except im taking the fact that she had tin-can like w her instead of that random horse bc dumb. anyway it was really firefly's fault because she saw tin-can and was like 👁️👁️ bee-lined over towards him. susan had to be all like "oh haha sorry idk my horse just bolted. im susan whats ur name :3"
susan vibes w them all, they're def not their closest friends but they're chill. out of all of them i think she's closer to alex just bc dumbass impulse solidarity.
25 ; '' If you had to describe them in 3 words, what would you say? ,,
susan is truly just like, a little guy. pure polar opposite of aspen. they are so bouncy and excited and they have So Much To Say. also they're short. 5'3 lookin ass.
33 ; '' What’s their favorite movie or book? ,,
susan.. was a wolves of the beyond kid... and still is. probably was a guardians of ga'hoole kid too, which ig would be their favorite movie.
def roleplayed on the playground as wolves and warrior cats.
41 ; '' How would you describe their style/aesthetic?  ,,
comfy and practical. but also we gotta be cute. just because susan is always like in the freezing temperatres (usually) i imagine they were like "alright warm clothes but we need to have style."
susan is def a scene kid though when they're not wearing their usual outfit. not like all-in scene but the like edges of scene. scene lite.
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dashnite · 3 years
What pumpkin released a really comprehensive email explaining the money issues for game 1. They also explained that Sarah did not work for them during the time she is speaking about and its 100% speculation. They got scammed out of almost all of their budget with the first game making company, then when they 'fired' them for lack of progress over the year, and the way they dodged meeting with Hussie in person the entire time, they did not get even close to what they expected in their refund. This refund was supposed to be the budget for the new company, which went on a freeze for rebudgeting then shut down due to inner conflict. There's a post on Tumblr where someone shared the entire email if you want the full story.
Pt 2: Ok my brain didn't connect the correct part of your post amd immediately thought Sarah was the one who was fired, but she is not. But by her own admission on the video her original source about the odd gentleman stuff is unreliable and incorrect. Her new source explained things and she has removed the link to any info provided by them, including the article link.
it’s not incorrect, it’s just unreliable for some people, but i 100% believe gio’s account of what happened because that shit was sourced and researched. Also, you gotta admit that 1. is kinda sus that kate at the homestuck 2 team and/or TOG are threatening the creator of the video (sarah) with legal action. follow that with a LOT of people leaving ur team recently and you have yourself in a pretty spotty situation. 2. the patreon was only to be funded for homestuck 2, but hussie himself tells in a update that the money is being used in pesterquest and hiveswap? *narrows eyes* sure, susan. and 3. from a purely game designer perspective (i went to college for this yall), you CANNOT HAVE ANYTHING DONE WITHOUT A GDD. that is the prime document that the entire team has to follow and it must be so detailed as to involve how programming is gonna go, how level design is gonna go, puzzles, art, EVERYTHING. TOG not receiving said document and working on assets for act 7, then being fired and going on doing king’s quest (which i imagine had proper documentation), then the sudden shutdown of the NYC studio where people were literally learning about them being fired via a blog post??? with no severance pay??? yikes
here is a summary of events, as u/artificialn0cturne posted on the discussion thread, and explain things way better than i do:
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here is the link to the imgur gallery
now, what i personally believe? andrew hussie bit WAY more than he could chew, had no fucking idea how to produce a game from scratch, wasted time and money fucking around and opening a fancy office in NYC for work that was COMPLETELY scraped at the end, and didn’t fulfill the promise to his backers/pledgers all those years ago. this was a damn scam, and a huge one if you ask me.
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Battle Ground Spoilers
Ok. It’s been about a day since I finished the latest Dresden Files book and I think I’ve managed to process everything. And there’s a lot to go over.
First and foremost, it was the second half of a story. I understand why Peace Talks and Battle Ground were split, there was too much for a single book. That doesn’t mean there isn’t any fat that could have been chewed off, but that’s for later.
The book is revolving around Harry. Literally. That’s the series, Harry and his issues. But this book is his biggest failings and loses all stacked together in a horrible mess that he couldn’t fix. What happened in this story, between PT and BG, is worse on Harry than when he ended the Red Court and killed Susan. But it also gives a new light on some other major characters as well.
So much happened for Harry. So much. But what happened to him was fall out from what happened to everyone around him. He got a Banner, a Banner of Will that unites people under a cause. That’s amazing. And then the worst thing that could have happened with a power like that happened. He felt the people following him die. He felt what caused their deaths. Hundreds of people died with him feeling how they died. That’s going to leave psychic scars of the likes he’s never seen before. And it made him think about what it’s like to be a Ruler. To be a Queen. That what he felt is very likely what Mab feels. That’s huge.
-Thomas is the next best thing to 6 feet under. And Harry has hardly mentioned it. Aside from not mentioning it, he’s barely thought about it. This is nothing new from Harry. Thomas is family, but so is Ebenezer. Which makes the fall out between the Harry and his grandfather worse. BUT Harry also doesn’t really have this in the forefront of his mind. He’s got a city to save and his last two relatives are pulling away rapidly and maybe forever. He’s not thinking about it for the same reason he avoided Thomas when he came back from his little trip to the Other Side in Ghost Story. He’s avoiding facing the truth. Thomas is very likely going to die and Ebenezer wants him dead. The trauma that’s followed him since the day his dad died is right there, knocking on the door, waiting to be let in. It’s also only been a few hours. Hopefully we’ll see how Harry deals with this is the next book, like how the Alphas told him off for spending nearly a year in isolation after Susan skipped town.
-Waldo Butters shone like a star. He was front and center, like the day he rode Sue the T-Rex. The newest Knight of the Cross played a huge part as the symbol of Faith. Because that’s what he is when he wields that broken hilt, the symbol of Faith. Sanya is the symbol of Hope. Michael was the symbol of Love. But Faith was the important factor here. Because Butter’s shouldn’t have been able to keep up with Harry or Sanya with the training he’s had. But then again, Murphy shouldn’t have been able to keep up during the battle with the Red’s. The Sword’s and the Lord have a way of putting the Knights where they need to be and when, but they are mortal men with mortal body’s fighting monsters. They need help, and their Faith, Hope and Love grant them this. So long as the cause is Just, the Sword will not waver, and neither shall it’s weilder. The Knights have to be able to keep up if they are to be where they are needed, especially when they need to be in arms reach of the Winter Knight.
-Marcone is the host to a fallen angel. Huge twist. Huge insane twist. How long has it been since he took up the coin? Nic has made it apparent that he could tell who had members of the Fallen inside their heads, even when Lash wasn’t in Harry’s head he probably sensed Bonea instead. So was it after Skin Games? Before? When????? But damned if the reveal wasn’t amazing. Was this the best of ideas for Marcone? Who knows. He refused to work for Nic and found, seemingly like Harry had with Lasciel, a Fallen with its own plans.
-Murphy. Died. She killed a fire giant. With a BAZOOKA. And then Rudolph the shit stained sack of useless meat shot her in the neck. He refused to see what the world really was. And. He. Shot. Karrin. In. The. Neck. I don’t care that he’s a coward and that he panicked and fired the shot. I care about that fact that Karrin Murphy deserves better. I care about the fact that Butters and Sanya shouldn’t have been there. Harry SHOULD have been allowed to kill Rudolph. But Jim Butcher killed Karrin Murphy with a bullet from the gun of a character the entire fandom has HATED since day one. Rudolph deserves nothing but the worst fate possible and I will be FURIOUS if he survives to the end of the series. Murphy deserves better. She should have lived and gotten to watch Harry beat Ethniu. Lived to help raise Maggie. Karrin Murphy died halfway through the book when she should have lived.
-Harry got kicked out of the White Council. Big shock. Honestly surprised it took this long. I was confused as to why he even wanted back in after Ghost Story. They weren’t a layer of protect for him. They never had been and never would be. Being the Winter Knight is more of a safety net that the Council for Harry. Harry has done nothing but his best for the Council and they don’t care. They fear him. They fear the Starborn, whatever that title means. “Vague immunity from the influence of Outsiders.” Drakul, Harry and Listen. That’s 3. It feels like it’s some weird “Planets are aligned” bullshit that should be easy to predict. Why isn’t the Council just, I don’t know, only having children that are Starborn? They seem like the sort of shit bags that wouldn’t blink at that. It seems plausible that the higher ups know exactly how to make a Starborn and have the knowledge to mass produce them. But no. We still don’t know what it entails. And Harry’s in the dark and an outlaw. Carlos is just another member now. Harry hasn’t been able to properly talk to him for years it seems because they have acted like friends in a while. Hell it even seems like Carlos was willing and wanting to just dump evidence against Harry. Given Carlos’ comment on the Law, it now makes sense as to why the Council has had so much trouble with necromancers. They probably still think of zombies as humans, if the troops the Fomor used counted enough as human to be used against Harry. The White Council can choke and die on its hypocrisy. It doesn’t matter that Harry sits at the table full of monsters. He’s always put the lives of the innocent before his own and the Council doesn’t give a shit about any of the good he did for them. The White Council will collapse and the Black Council won’t break a sweat doing it.
Justine is possessed by He Who Walks Beside. She’s been possessed for years. Ever since Thomas almost ate her soul to heal himself from the brink of death. It’s been blackmailing Thomas for years and this push was to break a foundation of Something. To crack a cog in the wheels of fate or fray the red string of destiny. Who knows. We don’t.
That’s all I got. Did I enjoy the book? Hell yeah. But I’m still passed as hell.
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Prima ballerina and her Vicious Viking: Ivar the boneless
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I have seen a lot of Youtube clips so I don't know much of the show so sorry if I missed some names.
Warning: some grammatical mistakes and misspelled names
Still living in a house with no internet so this piece was made in a cafe with the internet where I sat for a good half an hour sorry if it wasn't the best.
And then I dance on the tops of my toes with the rhythmic music following my lead.' The soft giggles at the end of the sentence gave the man beside the girl much room to think.
'How do you mean that the music follows you? Music is invisible. I don't understand.' 'That's a term of saying. For example when you are dancing-' 'I do not dance.' Y/n looks at him again hitting her head in the realization that she forgot.
'Sorry.' the ruthless man chuckles nudging her shoulder with his. 'I like it when you get sad like this and apologetic. It's very much... Sweet.' Ivar smiled at his lover leaning towards her soft and cold lips kissing them to give her little of his own warmth. She reciprocates his action pushing against lips letting the bystanders pass them with shock in their eyes seeing a young fair maiden kissing him. As if she felt the wave of unpleased she moves back whispering 'I wish you could see it.'
Ivar nods in agreement answering in the same tone 'As well, I could only imagine how graceful you look.' Y/n steps up from the small chair holding her hand out to Ivar as he grabs his crutch walking long side her holding her hand delicately and the crutch holding onto for dear life.
Arriving in his room he flops down ready to tell out the order for his lackluster slave but feels Y/n's hands on his legs unbuckling his leg braces. He wants to rebuke her kind gesture but when she was so soft, nice, slow with him he could do only but melt at her love and affection. She always was one step ahead of him, everyone is but still... she was in his head far longer than his brothers, no one could survive for that long as she did.
Finishing up the job Y/n grabs the braces placing them next to his crutch, within arm's length. Letting go of the bonds of metal and leather Y/n looks up at the moon as it shined bright with only a few stars as companions. 'When are you going back?' Ivar asks his hands clasping together hoping to hear the largest of numbers 'This my second full moon... tomorrow.' Responding to his question she turns around seeing his head hung in sadness
'But I'll be back. Soon. Very soon.' Ivar nods as his blue eyes pleaded to her to stay more, not to put any more days apart and than together. Her steps squeezed along the dry wood as her derriere sat next to Ivar's on the bed 'I understand... I just wish that we- we weren't such worlds apart.' she knew what he meant and how literal it was for she was a lucky girl who stumbled up a portal in the deep woods behind her house falling directly into his world with no warmth to keep her alive only stumbling over him as she desperately asked passers to lend her their warm coats not bothering to look down tumbling over the man she will fall in love with.
Oh, the irony the only one to help her was the only one she didn't ask. And thus having her tumble from one world into another, pushing her body from a normal warm temperature to freezing winter.
'I know, but I don't want to risk the timeline of history just so you can see my dance.' That was also a problem. The timeline. That's what she thought maybe it was a historic timeline or it was an alternative world where everything was frozen. She didn't know and if she asked him things that would develop later she could change the lives of future billions. She heard stories of him, she read them and witness them but when he was with her it was more a question of that man was capable of killing in cold blood for an honor when he told her she was his true love. She did not know. Nor she doesn't want to know. It was safer that way. But also she knew that he was a Viking that one day will come when she will decide if she'll leave her world or his... forever. Even that was for another time. Not now, when she held him in a tight and warm embrace.
'I'll find a way.' Ivar whispered through her clothes letting his heavy eyes close as he is lulled into a peaceful sleep knowing that when he wakes up she will be gone until the next full moon.
The cold sun shined brightly into the room as its soft icy rays fall onto Ivar's s eyelids making him force open. He opens his blue eyes seeing the pillow next to him empty, he was right. She is gone. 'What's wrong brother?' Hvitserk asked his brother as he involuntary ate his food. 'Nothing-nothing.' Ivar replied not wanting to look at his brother's smirk. Ubbe looks at his baby brother saying 'Ah, is the woman of your "life" gone?' Ubbe let the words drag far longer than normal to irk Ivar more and more. Ivar held the fork with all his strength feeling as if with one more "joke" he will fling it to his brother's eyeball. 'Boys, enough.' Aslaug says with authority in her voice pleading the boys to stop harassing their youngest. Everyone around the table knew just how much Ivar had a short fuse but still his family should understand his sorrow. 'Do not worry dear brother, soon she will leave you so you will not feel like this anymore.'
Ubbe said with no cares for his brother's love. Ivar looked ta him immediately fearing the worst. He knew that whatever his brothers said about her was meant as a joke but this kind of sentence bore throughout all layers of emotions, intentional or not. It broke his heart to think there won't be unanticipated waits of her return or walking down a street just holding her hand to see the shocked reactions of his people, feeling on top of the world with her. He didn't want those moments to stop coming in, he doesn’t want to feel alone and in pain.
Hell, even when he was in pain she was with him to tell him about her life as a dancer. It didn't have to stop. Not if he wanted to.
'Okay, class. From the beginning. Step 1, step 2, hop 3 and twirl 4 aannndd falls gracefully down. Good job.' the teacher applauded her team of marvelous ballerinas letting them take a rest talking to each other to catch up on their days they spent free.
Y/n laid next to her friend Micheal as he nudged her shoulder 'So, the guy, Ivar? When I'll meet him?' he asked the all too telling question as he untangled his ballet shoes.' Well... he is-well he is... busy? Yeah, that.' 'Sure... sure Susan. I mean I just want to see a man that fell in love with your soul and not your amazingly talented feet.' Michael was right. He always was.
His questions were innocent enough but his intentions were sincere. But he didn't meet a historic/alternative universe Viking who captured her heart. 'Besides, the grand show is in 2 days and he won't come?' 'Yeah, he isn't the one for the finer arts.' 'I can understand that. But if I had an artistic girlfriend I would be with her each day and attend all her shows.'
Y/n slumped her shoulders feeling the sadness sead into her heart she wanted to see Ivar at her shows but it just wasn't going to happen. As her shoulders sank so did her smile, giving Micheal a big smack on the head. He was stupid.' Y/n...' 'It's okay... really, it is.' Y/n looked at the wood flooring hoping to remove this sad energy from her soul hoping that Ivar is having a better day than her.
'I am telling you it is true love!' Ivar screamed at his brothers seeing the doubtful gleam 'Brother, having sex is not love. That is something you cannot understand.' Ubbe restored back' 'Oh yeah... And what about your love life Ubbe, your wife isn't really faithful I heard.' Ivar halted his words seeing the sudden snap of his brother's posture, he grins 'Maybe it's because you aren't active anymore so she searches for other men to please her.' Ubbe stood up holding his hands reaching towards Ivar's neck over the table to strangle the life out of him. Ivar felt Ubbe's chubby fingers around his neck trying to choke but as much ut was dangerous it was funny to Ivar 'Brother have you... lost your inner man? I'm still here breathing.' Ivar said with little to no effort as he saw Ubbe's eyes glare at him cursing and condemning his soul and body.
'Enough!' Aslaug slammed her fist on the table startling everyone present 'Ubbe that is not how you act with your brother. Not when he is hurting.' she says softly trying to calm the brut.' His ways of thinking got me angry. ' Ubbe said trying to explain his harsh actions. Ivar looked at his older brother feeling a kick in his stomach, he stands up leaning on his crutch leveling his eyesight with Aslaug and Ubbe
'So does that mean that you do not think that I am worthy of love? Because I am just a cripple?' 'Let's face it Ivar, no one other than mother can love you.' Sigurd bugged in leaving Ivar at a loss of words. Ivar looked at his "family" seeing no smug of empathy, no desire does not help him feel better about the woman he loved so dearly. He wanted to scream at them but he needed to prove it to them
'Follow me, and I will show you the truth.' Ivar hobbled out of the dining room as he heard steps in the back following him.
The reflectors shined down on the podium as the dancers took center dancing along the musical influences that played beneath them while Y/n waited for her grand stage.
The piece de résistance.
She will have her solo number finishing off the ballet show. Her dress was long and flowing, hoping that she will seem like a floating ghost and not a white sheet falling on the floor, her hair tied into a bun pinned in with many fake jewels but still giving her regal glow and her ballet shoes neatly tightened with a bow behind her calf.
'Ready?' Micheal asked as he hopped off the stage next to her his breath trying to catch up to him. She nods as the lights dim down giving her the cue to go out, to take the final dance and close of this beautiful show. Bending her knees a little she feels the warmth lights on her back snap right back up as the music starts its first few sharp notes.
Her head snaps to the crowd seeing the influx of esteemed guests dressed in dresses and suits waiting for her to show them her skills. Standing slowly up with the music she looks further seeing the back door open a few more guests entering.
Not now.
Letting the music take her on she spins along letting her mind go blank and her feet take control. Each step careful as the last one, soft and mellow as the music played, her arms moving along with the musical air telling a story of their own, while her eyes every now and then watched the crowds reaction seeing a glimmer of silver, her eyes stop still focusing on it.
Her spins take her around still trying to see in the far back who it was. The music mellows down her movements following the pace as she takes one more final step towards the crowd ending the grand show.
Y/n bows her head and the crowd stands up in thunderous applause showing her with cheers, claps, and whistle... wolf whistles? Here? In a posh theater? She looks up seeing the person who wolf-whistled was none other than Ivar. What?! Not letting the sudden shock show she walks backstage passing the cheers of her teacher and peers and running straight to the back to see if this was happening.
Her dress flowed behind her but immediately stopped. 'Ivar.' The love of her life turned around on his crutches smiling proudly 'Now I understand what you meant.' There he was Ivar, Ubbe, Sigurd, Hvitserk, and Aslaug. How? Ivar walked along the plush corridor as Y/n drew closer and closer steps to him, hugging him tightly as possible. He hugged back feeling underneath his fingers the white fabric on her waist her sweet scent was now sweeter as if she was dipped in the richest honey.
Ivar pulls away smiling at his girl seeing her eyes he missed so dearly for the last 4 days while she gazed at his blue irises seeing that a day more and he could have a mental breakdown 'Are you alright?' Y/n asked 'I am now. My ballet princess.'
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inherbookishhead · 4 years
tell me a story, about the day Tentoo finds out about little Trouble.
So, here I am in the middle of revising my final draft of one of the angstiest chapters for my fic where those two are still trying to get it together when I get this ask into my inbox. What do I do? I personally - nothing, but my mind starts thinking about Little Trouble at least 3 or 4 stories before she might even be mentioned (if I ever get to that). And there goes my angsty mood :D
So here it is, dear Nonny, quite a quick off the top of my head story about THE day (okay, technically it spans over 2 days but still!)
The Day Tentoo Finds Out about Little Trouble.
Just like all life-changing days for the Doctor, this one began with the conversation about bananas. 
Their TARDIS landed on a lovely little yellow planet called H’voc that was currently sending a distress call to the whole galaxy. 
“H’vocians are a very authentic tribe,” the Doctor started explaining as they walked through the forest towards the source of the signal. “They live in harmony with nature and are extremely open to any guest that comes in but only if that guest bears a gift. In most cases, though, it ends up badly for them since whoever gives them anything shiny usually does nothing but trick them for resources, which, as you might expect, are plenty here. Typical. Although I love being able to come here again, I was sort of banned from H’voc for centuries back in our universe.”
Rose’s eyebrows shot in surprise. “What did you do?”
“Well, I didn’t know I had to make a gift, so when I met their tribe leader, I gave the only thing I had at hand - a banana, a very precious gift if you ask me.” He sighed and scrunched his face.  “How was I to know they were allergic to it? Long story short: they really didn’t like it. One might say, the incident caused complete havoc among them.” He gave her a goofy smile.
Rose laughed at him at first, then got really serious. 
“God, I’d kill for a banana right now. Why did you have to go and bring it up?” she complained, making her way through the branches. The Doctor regarded her with expression half-surprised, half-amused. 
“Finally, you developed a taste, Rose Tyler. It only took me, what, ten years? A decade of hard work and at last you appreciate bananas the way they deserve to be appreciated. I must say I’m really proud of myself, you were quite a lost case,” said the Doctor. 
The forest started thinning and judging by the voices coming from that direction, they were nearing the settlement. 
“Have you got a spare, though?” Rose asked.
“No, we ran out of them yesterday. I planned to come by Berzunian Market right after we deal with this. They have the best bananas in the whole galaxy, Rose. And they come in all colours.”
“I don’t care about the colour, I can literally feel the taste in my mouth. I need it now,” her eyes squinted at him in suspicion. “You always have a spare.”
“Not today,” he countered. 
Rose didn’t believe him for a second, and in the next moment, her hand was in his pocket, stumbling upon a gramophone, a pack of Venusian playing cards and a little woollen penguin toy which was the Doctor’s Christmas present from Tony a couple of years ago.  No bananas. She extracted her hand in defeat. 
“You are useless,” Rose said in a mocked frustration and pointed a finger at him, slowly walking backwards. Her disappointment didn’t last long, though, her face split in a huge smile and she almost tripped over the root of a tree she didn’t see from behind. Only Rose could call him useless and still make it sound like the biggest compliment, the Doctor thought. He still wondered how she managed to... glow so brightly that it made him forget everything else around existed. 
Their little bubble popped as they heard a loud shriek nearby. The Doctor and Rose immediately ran to the village to discover that half of the settlement was completely destroyed leaving very upset H’vocians to pick up the shambles of their tents. Being Mulder and Scully that they were, Rose and the Doctor volunteered to help. At first, the Doctor gave the mandatory present: the old gramophone Rose found earlier in his transdimensional pockets, then H’vocians told them about the ‘people from the sky’ raiding their settlements for little neon pearls called Hvaras that were exceptionally valuable on the black market.   
By the evening they all gathered near the bonfire where the women and children of the tribe were singing their tribal song of protection. It caused Rose an uncontrollable amount of tears and she made sure to give a heartfelt hug to everyone singing after they’d finished. She concluded her round of hugging back in the Doctor’s arms and after he asked her if she was okay she burst into tears again. Well, the song was rather nice, he’d give them that but to be as touched as Rose was right now was too much even by her standards. That was when the first H’vocian congratulated him. On what, though, he had no idea. 
The next morning started with lots of loud noises and another attack from the ‘people from the sky’. Rose got out of their tent first and before the Doctor could react, she got hit by a blast from the ‘others’. He could distinctly see the little sharp stones clawing their way into her body. The Doctor pulled out his sonic and fought off the attackers by interfering with their ships. When he eventually managed to get to Rose, however, she didn’t have a single scratch.  
As they later found out, the ‘others’ were different this time: the pearls of this planet seemed to have risen in price which made half of the happy-go-lucky raiders terrorise the tribe every other day. The Doctor gave it a thought and offered H’vocians a cloaking system that would simply hide them from the marauders and offer peace they craved for. While he was programming the devices over the Hvocian settlement, he couldn’t figure why the shield was getting half transparent. As usually, he dumped his whole thought process on Rose, who helped him put the little devices in place. 
“Have you tried turning setting 322 all the way up?” she asked him after some time. “H’voc’s atmosphere is three per cent thinner which means you need to strengthen the density of the deflector particles.”
“Oh yeah?” asked the Doctor. He didn’t know whether to feel alarmed, shocked or surprised. Rose always looked at the details. And she was brilliant at her domestic approach. But this, he thought, this was a whole new level of impressive. The Doctor did as she suggested. It worked.
The farewell with the tribe was very heartwarming. H’vocians made them the honorary members of their circle and presented them with a silver pin and a bronze door handle, which was a gesture of extreme trust. Five more H’vocians, including the leader of the tribe, placed a hand on the Doctor’s chest and wholeheartedly congratulated him. On what though, he still didn’t know.
The Doctor and Rose returned to their TARDIS and oh how much better it was to finally lie on a proper bed. It was. Until it wasn’t. The Doctor woke up in the middle of the night. 
He felt a ping. 
A telepathic ping. 
A telepathic ping coming from Rose. 
A telepathic ping coming from Rose that wasn’t Rose.
He shot up and turned to the sleeping form of his wife. His mind was reeling: a sudden craving for a banana, the overemotional response, the miraculous healing, the boost of intelligence… It couldn’t be. Could it?
The Doctor carefully placed his hand over Rose’s stomach: there it was, almost undetectable, yet firm and persistent. A beating of two little hearts, so familiar he could still feel it in his own chest. And the bond. That tiny wave of telepathic connection that found its way to him. She was reaching out. She. The Doctor smiled. He opened his mind and let her in and oh, how good, how whole it felt. There were some things you knew you’d been truly missing only when you got to experience them again, he thought. 
It was scary and thrilling and exciting. Nine hundred years of running through the universe, losing his first family, his children, his Susan. Centuries of attachments and heartbreaks and yet … here he was, in the parallel universe, on his last regeneration, levelled down by the human DNA, having a second chance at the family and life he had wanted. He’d never felt more alive than now. 
The Doctor’s mind calculated thousands of little variations of the features the little one would inherit. He hoped their daughter would have her mother’s smile and, well, everything because all good things would certainly come from Rose. And maybe his hair. Year, his hair would be nice.  
“Rose? Rose!” the Doctor whispered.
“Isleein” Rose groaned and turned her back to him.
He shook her shoulder again. 
“Oh God, remind me again why I picked such a restless ball of energy of a man,” Rose said rolling on her back and opening her eyes. “What is it?” she said cupping his jaw with her hand and studying his face. 
“Well, I’m afraid soon you will have to deal with two of those,” he shrugged his shoulders.
She gave him a look at that, then laughed sleepily, “You decided to sprout yourself from another limb?” 
As always, Rose just rolled with his conversations no matter how strange they got.
“Well, Rose Tyler, it’s more like you are doing all the sprouting this time,” he replied. 
“What do you mean?” she sat up facing him, blinking away the last remnants of sleep. 
They stared at each other for another moment and Rose grew more concerned with every second passing. 
“You are pregnant, Rose,” he said, failing to suppress his utmost joy and nervous excitement.
“Are you sure?” she asked.
“I can feel it,” he said and tapped his finger on his temple, “right here”.
Her breath hitched and she covered her mouth with the hand. “Oh my God,” tears started rolling down her cheeks. She then pressed her hand down to her belly and gave a watery smile. “Are we having a little timelord over here?”
The Doctor laughed nervously, “it’s a little time lady I believe. Is that alright?” 
He felt like every nerve in his body was tingling, like he was going to combust of infinite love and deadly fear, cry and laugh at the same time, jump from happiness and fall down in shock. 
“Of course it is, you-” she didn’t get to finish because he gathered her in the tightest of embraces until her nose was smashed against his neck while her chest was heaving with happy laughter. 
“Doctor,” she said after some time when they both calmed down.
“Hm?” he asked and felt her grin against his shoulder. 
“We are not calling her Alonso.”
11 notes · View notes
mirkwoodshewolf · 5 years
Return to me; John Deacon x Veronica Deacon
*Author’s note*
Now I know this doesn’t fit with today’s theme but I couldn’t wait 2 more days to finally release this beauty to the public, I literally CRIED writing this and I hope that you @eileen-crys​ think this is worthy of being in your special little give-a-way. After watching League of their own, the Pacific and reading another ww2 au John deacon fic this little baby was born. So I hope to all those who usually love my reader inserts will give this fic a chance :)
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I don’t know how long it was going to continue.  Every day I look forward to the letters I would receive overseas from the warfront.  And it’s not like you can escape from it, all over the radio you can just hear it on the radio.  Like now the radio was talking about the bombings continue to target at the heart of London.  Thankfully John has taught me how to listen for the alarms and quickly get into the bomb shelter he had built for us.
I also wait anxiously for the mail to arrive because that means I know that my darling John is still alive and anxiously waiting to come home.
‘And the Germans continue to advance on the front lines, more fatalities continue to skyrocket on the Allied sides…..’ the radio suddenly turned off and that’s when I saw my mum holding my 3 year old son Robert.
“Do you think hearing all that is a good idea?”
“It’s not like I can escape it mum. Every day that’s all you hear is about the war.”
“I know love, I just—I just worry about you. Both of you.”
“I know you mean well mother, but I’m doing fine. Robert is still healthy and…..”
“And you’re barely sleeping because you’re up all night worrying about John. Believe me love I know how hard it was, I dealt with the same thing with your father in the first war. I don’t want to see you go down a dark road like I once did.”
“I’ll be fine mother, now it’s time for me to feed Robert his dinner and I think dad will need you home for supper.”
“If that is what you wish.” She said as she handed me my son back before walking out without saying another word.  As I looked down at my son who had every ounce of his father in his face and hair, I held him close and kissed the top of his head as he cooed at me.
I was sitting in the living room watching Robert eat his sandwich when I heard a knock at the door.  All of a sudden I felt my heart drop, was it them? Oh please god above please pray let it not be them. The officers who always deliver the death sentences to families, just last week my dearest friend Susan had received word that her twin brother had been killed in action.
I stood up from the couch and walked slowly towards the door.  I unlocked it before opening it to reveal our mailman Jacob.
“Oh Jacob, it’s only you.”
“Relieved Mrs. Deacon?”
“You have no idea. Anything important today?”
“Just some letters from your school, some family members and—something from a certain Marine officer of yours.” I quickly took the mail from Jacob and looked through it till I found the letter I’ve been anxiously waiting for.
“Thank you Jacob.” I thanked him before closing the door.  At that point I could hear Robert really starting to get fussy. I quickly raced back towards him and handed him his bottle while I quickly ripped up the note from my beloved John.  
“Is it daddy?”
“I think so Robert dear, come sit by me and we can read it together.” He abandoned the remaining half of his sandwich and sat down close to me.  Once I unfolded the letter I could see the stained dirt from it and the smudged ink from his messy handwriting, but to me it was clear as day.
My dearest, Veronica,
Words cannot describe how much I miss you and our son.  He surely has gotten bigger since the last photograph you’ve sent me of him the day he was born.  Every day it gets harder and harder to go on, ambushes and several other attacks go by non-stop.
I’ll spare you the gruesome details because you don’t deserve to know the horror’s I’ve been through.  I only hope and pray to God that this war ends soon so that I can come home and help you raise our son.  Is he healthy? Happy? Does he even know who I am? I hope you’re not telling him the embarrassing stories of when we first got together, wouldn’t want his father to be painted as a timid mouse now right?
I couldn’t help but smile at that comment.
I miss you both with all my heart, and I long for the day for us to finally be reunited once more.  Take care and always know how much I love you both.
With all my love,
Corp. John Deacon
“Is daddy gonna come home soon?” Robert asked me.  I looked down at him and tried to figure out how to answer him.
“Oh sweetie, he’s trying his best. He and a few of his friends are off fighting against some really bad people.”
“But I thought you always said violence was never the answer?”
“It shouldn’t but—sometimes people just do things their own way. But it takes brave men like your father to stand up for what’s right to try and make those bad guys see that what they believe isn’t right.”
“I wish I got to meet him.” I stroked through his auburn hair and said.
“I know honey, I do too. But just know your daddy loves you soo much and that he’s gonna try to find a way to come back home to us.”
“Okay. Can I see the picture of him again?” I smiled lovingly at him and said.
“Of course, I’ll show you all the pictures you want.” I went up to the bookshelf and grabbed the family photo album and I showed Robert all the pictures John and I took from every date, every picnic, and even the wedding pictures.  Going through each picture made my heart ache and sink down to my stomach, as well as form a lump in my throat.  But seeing Robert be fully invested in seeing his father, even through photograph, filled me with some warmth.
Later that evening, I tucked Robert into bed and I kissed him goodnight before finally going downstairs to write my letter to John to be delivered in the morning. I poured my heart and soul into the letter, even allowed a few tears to fall onto the paper.  I squirted a bit of my perfume onto the paper so that John could remember something from home, even being a thousand miles away.
After completing the letter, I placed it into the envelope, sealed it and stamped it before writing the address to where my beloved was stationed.  I kept it on the desk so that I could grab it first thing in the morning.  I turned the desk light off before heading back upstairs and once again slept in the empty bed.  I hugged John’s pillow and held it close to me.
Even though his scent was long gone, I still could remember it by heart.  I allowed a few tears to slip down my face as I whispered John’s name over and over before I finally fell asleep.
*John’s POV*
This place was a literal hell.  Intense humidity, bug literally biting you day and night, and nothing but the stench of gunpowder and death staining the air.  I was cleaning out my rifle when the messenger came by.
“Alright ladies, letters from home! Come and get your mail here!” he passed by each Marine one by one before finally getting to me. “Here you are Corporal.”
“Thank you.” I took the letters from him and I skimmed through them till I found the familiar elegant writing that was my Veronica.  I opened the envelope and the first thing I was hit with was the scent of her perfume.  Oh my Ronnie, always knowing just how to bring me back to sanity.
My beloved John,
It seems like an eternity and the days get much harder the longer you’re away.  Your letters are the only thing that give me hope that you’re still alive, but the fear of one day hearing your death breaks my heart.
Oh Ronnie.
I was told just last week that Susan lost her twin brother out in Germany, with more news coming to people that I know losing their family member or husband, I fear one day it’ll happen to me.  I must sound dramatic or hysterical but…..
I noticed a drop of water on the letter.
“Oh Veronica, my sweet, dear Veronica.”
“A letter from the missus?” I looked up to see my three good friends from my unity, Private 1st class Freddie Mercury, Corporal Roger Taylor and Lance Corporal Brian May.
“You gonna swipe the letter away this time Taylor?”
“Nope, not this time.” Roger spoke as he sat himself down beside me.
“How’s she been?” asked Brian.
“Seems much harder than last time. Been getting news all around her from people she knows about their losses. Just last week her old sorority sister Susan lost her twin brother to the Germans.”
“Fucking Nazis.” Hissed Freddie.
“I think I’d take a Nazi over a Jap any day, these guys keep coming up like roaches.” Roger said as he lit up his smoke.  I went back down to read her letter.
I just miss you so much my beloved.  And don’t you dare say you miss me more because that’s highly impossible, at least you know my life is the same routine.
I couldn’t help but grin.
Robert talks about you a lot, he’s really asking all the questions now a days. Like today, he wanted to see pictures of you and began asking questions of how we met, how I knew you were the one for me, and about the day you asked me to marry you. He’s like you in so many ways John, not just through your looks but your personality too.  Heck he even has the same interest in cars as you do.
Please come back to us my love, I long for the day for you to finally meet your son. And I wish to hold you once more before it’s nothing but a faint memory.
All my love my beloved and strong Marine,
Veronica Deacon
God it warmed my heart to see her sign off with my last name.  Sometimes she still uses her maiden name for some things, but each letter she writes, she always uses my name.
“What’s got you all smiling? She promise to give you an epic shag when you return?”
“Shut up Roger!” Brian spoke for me.
“Children please, we can all murder each other but then who’d be left to fight this war?”
“They’ve got plenty of soldiers to spare. To them, we’re disposable.” Roger sneered.
“Why the hell would you say something like that?” Roger shrugged.
“For once I kinda agree with Roger.” I spoke.  They turned towards me and I continued, “Thousands of us die each day, and tomorrow could be our last. Yet we keep pushing and pushing but the enemy keeps pushing back. An endless tug of war between one another till all on the opposing side is dead.”
“You sure you graduated with an electrical engineering degree Deacon?” mocked Taylor. I turned towards him and his grin disappeared before I sighed heavily.
“I already had to miss out on the birth of my son. I missed his first steps, his first words. The only time I get to see him is through a photograph. He’s gonna be four pretty soon in the next few months, and already he’s asking questions.”
“Be thankful that he is Deacy. Some of these motherfuckers don’t even know if they have kids yet, or their kids don’t know about them.” Freddie said.
“I just wish to be back home. Teaching my son how to play catch, how to ride a bike, even how to fix a car. But instead I’m stuck here fearing that today maybe my last day. And what if one day he starts asking Veronica why I left him?”
“That’ll never happen. Now you listen here Deacy dear. Veronica loves you too much to allow that to happen. You boy’s finally interested in you, you’ve got a clever girl for a wife who will gladly tell your son everything he needs to know. And if he does ask that, then she knows to tell him that his daddy is being a superhero right now fighting off the bad guys. And don’t you fucking dare say that today’s gonna be your last day! Cause if it’s yours, then it’s ours too.” Freddie said as he forced me to look at him.
“He’s right. We all made a pact once we started to get to know each other, that we’re all in this together. And you proved that John when you came in and stopped a Jap sniper from ending my life as I was leading a patrol team through the Jap barracks.” Brian said.
“Or when I threw the grenade into a hidden bunker as you ran to Brian’s aid.” Roger added as he exhaled his smoke like a chimney.
“And of course my darling you can’t forget when I saved all your arses back in Okinawa with the midnight ambush. Without my missiles none of you would be alive.” Freddie bragged.  The corner of my mouth slowly went up in a half-grin and I said.
“You’re right guys, sorry I went off on that rant there.”
“We get it John. Because we all have families back home, not just our parents but wives, girlfriends or fiancés back home who need us alive.” Brian said as he clamped his hand on my shoulder.
“ALRIGHT LADIES! We’re moving out 20 miles East! Pack your bags and move out!” the commanding officer proclaimed.
“Alright my dears, let’s get a move on.” Freddie said as he grabbed his pack and walked on ahead.  I placed the letter into my journal before stuffing it into my uniform inner-breast pocket.  I grabbed my bag and tried to think about what to write back to Veronica once we got to our next station.
*1st POV*
Five months later and the school year was just about to end.  All my friends and co-workers were gathered in the teacher’s lounge for one last big shebang before the summer holidays came into play.
“So what have you got planned today Stacy?” asked Emily, the Year 3 instructor asked.
“Well the last letter I received from Billy said that his enlistment is almost expired so once it does, he’ll be free to return home. The first thing I’m gonna do when that man pulls in from the train station is hug and kiss that man like there’s no tomorrow.” Replied Stacy, who taught the same year I did. In fact we were right across the room from each other so we talked pretty much every morning as the kids all came into the classroom.
“What about you Emily?” I asked.
“Well with the boys away at their grandfather’s out into the country, the nest is completely empty. So I might go over there and visit them for a while.”
“It’ll be nice to get out of the city from all the chaos that’s been happening.” Said Stacy.
“And what about you Veronica? Any big summer plans?”
“No idea. John was…..” I trailed off sadly as I looked down.  Stacy placed a comforting hand on my shoulder and squeezed it. “He was always the better planner than I was. That man even planned out our entire wedding.”
“Man I wish my Henry was like your Johnny D.”
“I only just hope Robert gets the chance to have a father.” I said solemnly.
“Hey have any of you talked to Susan?” asked Emily.
“I’ve been trying to reach out to her but she’s ignored my calls. Thankfully her husband has been there to help her out.” I said.
“Yeah, thank god for Tony. God her and Peter were as thick as thieves, even when we were kids.” Emily said.  Suddenly there was a knock at the door.  The principal opened the door and that’s when a man dressed in military uniform came in and he said.
“Afternoon, I come with an urgent telegram for one of these ladies from the War department.” At that point all of us went quiet.
“Oh god not another one.” I muttered as I slowly sat down and held my hand to my mouth.
“Now I’m sure I had the name here somewhere—I personally wanted to deliver this in person, tell you that your husband’s dead.” The messenger continued to speak as he tried to find the name of one of us. “Damnit all, I guess I must’ve misplaced it, I’ll need to go back and track the name down again.”
“That won’t be necessary son, give it to me.” Mr. Lee, our principal spoke for all of us.
“I’m sorry sir but this is official business, I can’t just give someone out of this telegram the message.”
“Just give me the damn telegram son and be on your way!” Mr. Lee snapped.  When the officer refused to give it up, Mr. Lee took it by force before finally shoving the officer out of the lounge and slamming the door shut.  Stacy and I took hold of each other’s hands as Mr. Lee opened the letter and read through it.
He spoke not a word as he looked at us all sadly and walked by each of us one by one. At first he would stop in front of a teacher and we’d think it was for them before he moved on.  Soon he came up to Stacy and I.  His old eyes brimmed with tears as he finally said as he held out the telegram.
“I’m sorry Stacy.”
“NOO! BILLY!!” she screamed as she collapsed to her knees clutching the telegram. I knelt down beside her along with Emily, Mikaela and Donna as we all tried to comfort her.  She sobbed out Billy’s name.  I rubbed her shoulders and rested her head against my shoulder.
Mr. Lee, who was like a father to all of us, helped Stacy up onto her feet and embraced her tightly.
“It’s okay, it’s gonna be okay Stacy.” He comforted her with soothing rubs onto her back and allowing her to sob into his shoulder.  It was then Mrs. Kowalski who ran the front desk in the office came up and the two of them guided Stacy out.  Her sobs of Billy’s name echoed throughout the halls.
Ohh poor Stacy, she’ll never be over this.  To think she almost had the chance of having her fiancée soon become her husband, and the two of them could finally be wedded in holy matrimony.  But now she has to plan on being a widow, like so many other women have to be now, and the sad thing is she barely got the chance to call Billy her husband,
I fear that after this she may never want to get married again cause she’ll relive this event over and over again.
After that whole situation, we were all allowed to be let out early, teachers and students included all got to go home and start the summer holiday early. While I was cleaning up the house before I would have to go pick Robert up from my mum’s place, I couldn’t help but think back to Stacy.  God just—why did something like that have to happen to her? She didn’t deserve this, we all didn’t deserve this. Why did one man have to go ruining it for all of us? So many deaths and for what?
Just what is this war really about? Please someone tell me that!
As I put the plates and glasses back into the cabinet, I wiped away a tear before closing the cabinet.  That’s when I saw it.  The reflection of someone standing behind me, but the face was no stranger.  I quickly turned around and I swear if I did have a plate or glass, I would’ve dropped it right there on the spot.
For right there standing before me with a bandaged leg and leaning against a crutch, in full Marine uniform was my husband, John Richard Deacon.
He smiled softly at me and I just took in his appearance.  His once long flowing hair was now cut so short that you could only see it from the sides and behind him.  He even appeared taller and much more fit than when I last saw him.  But the battered leg made my heart sink in fear.
Slowly I walked right up to him thinking this was just a dream.  When I finally stood before him, I slowly lifted my hand up towards his cheek but was too afraid to touch him, fearing that this was just my mind playing tricks on me.  That if I should touch him, he’d just fade away like the cherry blossom petals in the spring.
It was then John took my hand in his, his hands now calloused and rough but still had that gentleness to them, and he placed it onto his cheek.  He smiled at me and I immediately hugged him as I began sobbing hysterically.
“Shhhh, shh. I’m here Ronnie. I’ve come back, just like I promised.” I pulled away to finally give him all the kisses I had been longing for.  The deep, passionate, long-awaited type kisses. The kisses that almost make you want to devour the person not out of passionate hunger, but passionate longing.
“You’re back…..y—you really came back, Oh John you’re here, you’re really, truly back!” I sobbed through my kisses.  But through our reunion kiss, I heard him groan in pain. “Oh god John here, sit down.” I guided him towards the living room and set him down on the couch and tried to make him feel as comfy as possible. “What happened to you John?”
“Ambush. The Japs planted several trip-wires through the perimeters of their base, one of the boys in my platoon triggered it and I was lucky to escape with this. They tried to fix my leg but it was beyond what they could do, so they discharged me and got me better care for it than what I would’ve had out in the Pacific.”
“Oh John I—I can’t believe it. I’m so, so sorry this happened to you.”
“Better my leg than my life. I did promise the most beautiful girl in London that I’d come back to her.” He said as he stroked under my chin.  I laughed through my tears and leaned down to kiss him again. His hands went through my hair as our kiss deepened, before I went back to hugging him.
“Promise me you’ll never leave me again John Richard Deacon.”
“I promise Veronica, I’m here to stay for good. I’ve never been more happy than being right here at home.” The tears continued to fall down my eyes as I buried my face into his neck. “Shhh, I’m here love. I’m gonna be okay. Cause now I’ve got the best nurse to look after me.” I laughed and separated from him.
“I would assume so, but I do expect payment from you soldier.”
“Oh yeah? And what payment would you like to receive?” I didn’t reply as I leaned down and softly captured his lips with mine.  I softly hummed as his hand softly and gingerly stroked through up my cheek before tucking my hair behind my ear.
“I think we can arrange that.” He hummed out.
And that’s how it was.  I called my mother to bring Robert home herself because I had a special surprise for him that couldn’t be left alone at the moment.  So within 15 minutes, my mother arrived with Robert and I thanked her for watching him for the day and that I would be over there for supper in a few days.  After Robert said goodbye to ‘mums’ I brought him inside.
“Now Robert, love. There’s—someone very special in the living room that I would like you to meet.”
“Who is it mummy?” he asked.
“You’ll see love. Now he’ll look a little different and you’ll have to be very gentle with him because he got injured very, very badly. Are you ready to meet him?” he nodded and that’s when I picked him up and took him to the living room. When John finally laid eyes on Robert, it was like his whole world had changed.  His eyes that were tired and almost soulless now suddenly lit up.
I set Robert down and he shyly hid behind my dress when I said to him.
“It’s okay Robert, no need to be afraid. Robert love, this is your father John Richard Deacon. John, this is your son Robert.” Robert peeked out from behind my dress while John slowly rose up against the couch and tried to sit up. Robert slowly came out from behind me and he walked up to John and just looked at him.
“You’re hair’s not long.” Was the first thing that came out of his mouth which made both John and I laugh softly.
“Afraid so bud, they force you to cut your hair so that way you don’t get caught on things. Hope you don’t mind it though.” Robert walked closer to him before raising his arms up wanting to be picked up, which John happily obliged and placed our son on top of his uninjured leg.  Robert touched his father’s cheek before saying.
“I like it short.” John smiled happily and said.
“Then I’ll keep it short for you pal.” Robert smiled before finally embracing his dad for the first time ever.  John was stunned at feeling this tiny person hug him but almost immediately he wrapped his arms around his son and held him close as well as burying his nose into his son’s hair, breathing in his scent.
I couldn’t help but tear up at this beautiful sight.  My two boys meeting each other at last.
“Shall we let mummy in the group hug?” I heard John say to Robert softly.
“Mm-hmm! Yeah mummy join us!” Robert exclaimed with an enthusiastic nod.  I smiled and said.
“Well if that’s what my boys want.” I then sat by the couch next to John and the two of us cuddled close to each other but I was cautious of his injuries.  Soon it was a cuddle party between the three of us as we held Robert in between us, and I buried myself into John’s body trying to reclaim the warmth and love that I had lost while he was away.
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dailyaudiobible · 4 years
09/19/2020 DAB Transcript
Isaiah 30:12-33:9, Galatians 5:1-12, Psalms 63:1-11, Proverbs 23:22
Today is the 19th day of September Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I'm Brian it’s great to be here with you as we bring to a close another one of our weeks together and what a week it is been, so much for us to ponder and consider. So much, so good…like so good the territory that we’re moving through right now. And, so, let's dive in and…and close out our week together. We’re reading from the English Standard Version this week. Isaiah chapter 30 verse 12 through 33 verse 9.
Father we thank You for Your word. We thank You for another week. And, yeah, every single week we get to the same point and we essentially say the same thing, we mark the time, we thank You for Your faithfulness, we thank You for all that Your speaking into our lives through the Scriptures, all of the many complexions, all of the different facets, this beautiful gift that You have given to us to pour over and to meditate upon and to drink deeply from because it points us to You. And may we, as Paul is saying, press through in faith knowing that You are our Father and that You are good and that You love us and that You are present. And, so, as we release this week and seal it and it becomes a part of our story, a part of the past, a part of our history, we’re here and we're here now and we recognize Your faithfulness because we wouldn't be here now if You hadn’t loved us first. And, so, with assurance we look into the future knowing that You are there and when we arrive You will be there. You are faithful even when we are not, and that is remarkable, unspeakably good news. But we don't want that to be our story, the story of a faithful God and our unfaithful heart. Draw us deeper Holy Spirit, that we may never look to the right or to the left, that we might look only where You are going. We pray this in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
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It’s where the Prayer Wall lives, it's where the Shop is with resources for the journey through the Bible in a year in community. And that's what we’re doing here. And, so, check that out.
If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, if…if the community that we were just talking about, if that’s good for your life, if that's light in your life, if that's good news in your life, if the Bible in community like this is…is…well…is working for you than thank you for your partnership, we’re in this together. And this doesn't exist if we don't stay in this together. And, so, thank you for your partnership. There’s a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you’re using the app you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address, if you prefer, is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.
And, as always, if you've a prayer request or encouragement 877-942-4253 is the number to dial.
And that's it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Community Prayer and Praise:
Hey everybody this is Abigail from Oregon again. I called in about a month ago with regards to losing my baby and just were asking for prayer for that and I and I think you so much everyone who’s prayed for me. It’s weird because I never even heard my own recording and yet I heard people praying for me. It’s crazy and I’m so thankful for that. So, we’re doing a lot better. Unfortunately, we’ve evacuated due to the fires now. My family home is in grave danger. There’s a fire that’s less than half a mile away from our home and church where we’ve spent…my dad’s spent 50 years pastoring. And, so, we’re all evacuated to a local camp and we’re doing well as far as morale but of course it’s super, super scary in thinking about our home and our church and I know that we are one of millions right now that are facing the same exact fears. And so just be praying for all of us. I’m sure that many have already been praying for Oregon and Washington and California but here’s just another personal account of people who are in the midst of the fire right now, literally and figuratively. And, so, yeah….and also be praying for my husband. He is finally looking towards getting grief counseling for himself with regards to losing our baby and this is a huge deal because he’s had a lot of trauma in his past and this is just kind of the last final straw. He’s finally seeking help and it’s a huge answer to prayer from me and a lot of other people that have been praying for him for years to get help. And now he is looking towards it, but he is not made the call yet. So, yeah, anyways, just praises and prayer requests at the same time. Thank you all and we hope to update you soon with the progress on the fires are here in Oregon. Again, this is Abigail from Oregon calling with prayer with regards to this slater fire in southern Oregon.
Hey, DABbers it is the 15th of the month, this is your girl here Val in Vegas just want to give a shout out to everybody. I really love and care about you guys so much. To be honest todays been a tough day, just world and, I don’t know, I’m feeling some kind of guilt about being okay and so many people not being okay. And I don’t know…I just…my frequencies just not as high as I like it to be today but I just wanted to call on the 15th like I said I was going to do this year, stay loyal and faithful to it. You guys mean the world to me and I tell you, I don’t know where I would be without this community, without the prayers and praise reports, and just the fellowship. I love you guys. I care about you so much and I’ll see you next month.
Hey the DABbers this is Joe I called in a couple of weeks ago and my…my wife and my daughter and my son, you know, stopped wanting to go to church with me and I’m the only one going and I’m just kind of ousted. But I just wanted to give a shout out and I’m so encouraged from Joe the Protector from Georgia. Man, I’m praying for you. You’re like…there is somebody out there that has the same thing. How great God is that He brings us together. Whoa…hold me to get the Lord. O I gotta get through this. Susan from Canada, wow, thank you for your prayer. Whoa…I need more of you. I need more of that. O and I know I can feel it, the Lord is moving in so many different ways I don’t have enough time to tell you everything that’s happening. The encouragement, I can see it…it’s like…O…I’m so excited I can’t hold myself down. And also, Tammy from Texas, I’m praising God that your husband got that job and I’m so sorry that it’s far away. But I’ve been out in the field too and I know my wife and my family have been alone too but I’m back home now. But I’m praying for your you and your colon cancer and that would…would disappear and I pray the Holy Spirit would encourage you too. Your…your testimony just made me smile and tear up and laugh in great encouragement from the Holy Spirit. And you…you just I…I…I love how there are so many that are so…I can see the vision, I can see the future and hold onto the Lord. I praise God for all of you.
Hello Daily Audio Bible this is Duane from Wisconsin all praise and glory to our wonderful Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Today is September 15th and I’m calling in with a…a praise report. I talked to my son Nicholas who is in jail. He will be getting out shortly and seems to have been watching a pastor, I forget the name, while he’s been in jail and just listening to…to the word of God and spending some time in that. So, I encouraged him when he gets out to find a local church and just find a pastor and talk with him. You know, let him know, say hi, you know, a pastor might help direct him in the direction he needs to go. So, let’s lift that up and continue praying for him. I want to thank all of you that have prayed for all my children. What a blessing it is, this community we have, and I thank you all for such a great kind and uplifting words for all of us. So…and continue to lift up his girlfriend Carma. She’s due October 1st so that’s coming up. Pray everything is going well. So far it is, she delivers a healthy baby. And my stepdaughter Jackie, she’s __ to have a C-section here pretty soon. So, we’ll have grandchild number seven coming so that’s exciting. Thank you all for lifting them up. And just want to thank Brian and Jill and your family and all those behind the scenes for doing such a wonderful job and we have this community and can lift each other up in times of need and make each other laugh at times as well. So, again thank you all. God bless you all. Stay safe and remember that the God that has saved us is the same God that can save all of our children.
Hi family this is Biola from Maryland I hope you’re all doing well. Brian and Jill God bless you God bless your ministry. You know family as I was listening to all the prayer requests and some praise reports my heart was overwhelmed. And the Lord reminded me of Isaiah 65:24 that says that before you call, I will answer. And while you’re yet speaking, I will hear and also Ephesians 3:20 it says that He is the God that is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we may ask or even think. So, He knows it all. And when we’re praying the Lord is listening. He’s so faithful and He answers. First of all, I want to pray for Lenny. Lenny I’m so sorry for your loss. Your daughter-in-law passed away from COVID recently and for Joe’s loss, I pray that the Lord will strengthen all of you, He will give…give Joe peace, He will give the children Alex and Lily peace and He will give you wisdom to know how to navigate this. You know, I pray that He will comfort you in your grief in the name of Jesus. And I am thankful Prodigal. Look at you Prodigal. I am thankful that God is turning your son’s life around. Hallelujah! Praise the Lord for that. Brother Joe, I heard your prayer request. You see God that has a God that has a heart for prodigals. He’s the God of the prodigal son. He’s the one that told the story of the lost coin. He’s the one that told the story of the lost sheep and I pray that God will bring your wife and your daughter back in the name of Jesus, that He will fan the flames back into the hearts and they will come to know the Lord. Brother you just keep holding on, keep trusting God, keep praying for them, keep being the believer that you are, and the Lord is doing something. He’s working right in them in the name of Jesus. And I’m praying for every single person in the family who has lost loved ones to this COVID or to any other thing and who has cancer or anything. I pray that the Lord will touch you all and comfort…
Hello Daily Audio Bible family I am a new listener and a first-time caller. I want to thank you for the blessing of this ministry, for every person who is dedicated in prayer and who listens and who blesses me every single day. Thank you, Brian and Jill and China and Ben for all you’re doing. This is the Openhearted Overcomer, that’s the name I am going to use. I’m located in Michigan. I want to pray for all of us right now that, whatever we are trying to overcome the Lord will allow us in the name of Jesus to overcome. We are all overcomers and we can do it in the name of Jesus. I pray Father that each person who seems to have an insurmountable obstacle that is listening within the sound of my voice today will be able to summon the strength that only your Holy Spirit can provide in the process of overcoming. I pray for each and every one of us because we truly are all overcomers in this life. You have overcome the world Lord and we will overcome it as well. Thank you again for this wonderful ministry. It has blessed my life since January the 1st and I plan to listen every day until I close my eyes for the last time. I love all of you and I pray that we will all continue to overcome in the name of Jesus.
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lit--bitch · 4 years
Current-Reads (20/04/2020 - 26/04/2020) 🍓🐢
(Disclosure: I don’t know anybody I’ve been currently reading this week. 😊)
Adding the preface again here: every Sunday without fail I throw up the freshest literature and photography I’ve read over the week, sometimes it’s a book, sometimes it’s a piece I saw in a magazine or an online zine, sometimes it’s something I saw on social media, etc. Sometimes I add ‘RECOMMEND’ next to a few of the titles, but that’s not to say I don’t recommend all of them, I just love some pieces more than others. Not everything will be everybody’s cup of tea, yanno, c’est la vie. And any titles that you see in bold are hyperlinked so if you click or tap them they’ll direct you straight to the source… or shopping basket. 
This week I’m gonna throw in a red herring and tell you about something I’ve been watching as well as what I’ve been reading, because I think it’s really cool and definitely appropriate for the age we’re living in at the moment. 
So I’ve been reading: Susan Sontag’s As Consciousness is Harnessed to Flesh (Diaries 1964—1980) which was edited by her son, David. I also read an interview on Granta from March between Rachel Long and Morgan Parker. I’ve also tucked into a couple pieces on Fence, Lexi Welch’s ‘Astroturf’ and Anthony Michael Morena’s ‘The Whale’. I also saw Cecelia Knapp’s poem in Bath Magg Issue Three (but the whole issue is an absolute smacker, it’s great). Last but not least, I’m up to episode 5 of a brand new thing called The Midnight Gospel. It is crazy good. And it’s on Netflix right now. 
Cecilia Knapp, ‘I Used To Eat KFC Zingers Without Hating Myself’, Bath Magg Issue #3: I really loved the whole of Issue Three, I guess I was quite struck by this particular poem for its “staccato-ness”. This poem is buttered with present-day references. But they’re not necessarily about creating a familiar environment. Rather the object of familiarity is found within the assemblage of places, snacks and thoughts, all of which compound the grief ‘I’ is experiencing. The ‘I’ ruminates on life’s banality and their personal insecurities in living banality: ‘I need a thigh gap. I use emojis / to avoid conflict. Worry I’m a gentrifier. Watch docs about murdered women’. The vapidity is funny. The pain is not. The insecurities deepen. Your body, your life, continues the ache of day-to-day routine, and finds no resolution in the things which may or may not stand to comfort oneself when ravaged by loss. The poem feels quite loose, and disinterested. It’s a sore poem, but its array of references make it colourful. It sort of reminded me of Édouard Levé’s work a little bit? But if Édouard Levé had been a pop culture fanatic chewing HubbaBubba bubblegum on the London Overground.  Bath Magg is a pretty exciting new magazine, (been around just under a year I think?) and they’ve published a lot of great writers, many of whom are emerging and I’ve spotted some quite established peple in there too. Kudos to their rubber ducky logo. It’s run by Mariah Whelan and Joe Carrick-Varty. 
In Conversation with Morgan Parker and Rachel Long, Granta Magazine: I deeply love Morgan Parker’s work, she’s, in my opinion, the master of titles. I can’t think of anybody who titles their work as well as Morgan Parker does. And I love the depth of honesty and charisma in this interview. Like yeah, it appears to be a generic Q/A but, it genuinely feels like a conversation, and it’s welcoming and unpretentious. Rachel Long asks some penetrating questions, and Morgan’s answers are so detailed and self-aware. Most of the discussion revolves around the action of writing poetry in general and where does that impulse arise from, but they do discuss Morgan’s latest collection Magical Negro which came out February last year. It’s a narrative on black womanhood, on micro-aggressions and reoccuring violence, it’s about breaking down white perceptions of blackness, and dissolving those projections. What I love about Morgan Parker is she’s tackling this fucking idiot thing where (mostly) white people think she’s attempting to represent all black women in her writing, which is, by Morgan’s own admission, impossible. Her work is a duty to herself, to the background she’s lived and lives, and to unpack that discourse in her own way. And if it resonates, then great! I felt all this was inherent in the interview and only adds to my respect for her, and to Rachel for being such an attentive interviewer. BTW Rachel Long has a debut collection coming out this July, My Darling from the Lions.
Anthony Michael Morena, ‘The Whale’, Fence Portal (Streaming) (RECOMMEND): I can’t tell you how much I adored this beautiful mass of whale and word. It’s an essay which references the American Natural History Museum’s Blue Whale model. The writing is thick with feeling and fat with concern. It blends monologue, memoir. It’s non-fiction and documentary. It’s elusive, enigmatic, fragmented. It’s like broken biscuits and blubber. To me it felt like a note on the offences of climate change, the emotional response and grief as we bystand erosion and corrosion, the loss of life, and the urge to merge something back together as it dissolves and fragments before our eyes. It’s as personal as it is public. A gorgeous and complex piece.
Susan Sontag’s As Consciousness is Harnessed to Flesh (Diaries 1964—1980) (RECOMMEND): I felt so afflicted reading Susan Sontag’s diaries, because y’know, it’s the equivalent of invading an Ancient Egyptian pharaoh’s tomb. Like, leave people alone. At the same like, this woman. These diaries are still shaping me, and each section leaves you with the weirdest aftertaste. Her personality permeates through every detail, every line-break, every reference and articulation of feeling. You learn so much, you gain so much from her perceptions and observations. How do I contain Susan Sontag? How do I describe these diaries? Not at all. Just buy it. 
Lexi Welch’s ‘Astroturf’, Fence Portal (Streaming) (RECOMMEND): My eyes locked onto this piece and just didn’t really stop reading. Lexi’s voice is enamouring and hypnotic. It’s so violent too. You’re lunged into friction burns and sports injuries, time and progression, the tensions between collectivity and individuality, family and sexuality, or as Fence put it, ‘lesbian eros’. This piece felt acidic. At times you can’t tell if the ‘I’ is indifferent or hurting to the point of numbness. It straddles so many different thematics, and breaks down a lot of conventions pertaining to the “ideal experience” of family relationships and team work. The resolution seems to be that in spite of people, our collectivity is defined by our collective solitude. This essay kicked me around a football field. It takes a good few repeated reads to appreciate its kaleidoscopic shifting, but it’s definitely one of my favourites.
The Midnight Gospel, from Pendleton Ward and Duncan Trussell, Netflix: (RECOMMEND) So the other day my friend Ben linked this to me and I had seen the trailer ages back and thought “Oh yeah I really wanna watch that”, but just forgot. After his reminder, I started watching it and ever since I’ve been saying to loads of other friends “Have you watched ‘The Midnight Gospel’ on Netflix?” because I’m d y i n g  to talk about it with everybody. 
I literally can’t categorise this “TV show” to you. It’s like if animation had a baby with a philosophy podcast and then put that baby onto an IV drip of psychedelics. It’s this swarm of different stimuli which you kind have to zone in on and absorb individually and yet somehow collectively. 
So like, “Clancy” is a spacecaster who sets up “spacecasts” (podcasts) with creatures from other simulated worlds and he interviews them. But when Clancy transports himself into these worlds, it’s not like they’re sat down on some cream sofa with two glasses of water like it’s animated Oprah. No, his interviewees are like in the middle of fighting off a zombie apocalypse or meditating on a mountain or trying to find and save their lost lover. And Clancy just joins them on the journey and interviews them about their “specialism”. These are real people that are being interviewed like, the first episode is with Dr. Drew Pinker. And when you’re watching it, you think that the animation is totally separate to the conversation exchange the characters are having, but that’s not true. They have intersections, they have meaning. It only becomes obvious that it has meaning right at the end of each episode, but if you lock on you’ll see it’s all relevant throughout. 
One of my friends was like “Oh I might stick that on tonight and have a joint” and I was like, don’t fucking get high when you’re watching this because it’s already intense enough as it is, like you know that Pendleton Ward and Duncan Trussell have felt some real shit to create this absolute rare jewel. In my opinion, you don’t need cannabis to appreciate these discussions. But if you wanna do it, then hey it’s a “free country”. And it’s not as though there’s a serious, central core plot like there is with Rick & Morty, I mean there is a kind of overarching plot but it’s not always integral. Like ultimately we’re invested in Clancy’s story but also all the stories of all the other people that come his way. There’s multiple plots, there’s multiple dimensions and ways of seeing. It’s a programme which delivers on multiplicity, which manifests itself in everything and everyone we see and know and touch and hear, etc, etc. 
This production articulates some of the revelations that psychedelics can give you. Psychedelics don’t make you see the world literally like these animations do, but the sensations of the animation are reminiscent of an acid trip’s oscillating moods and sensitivities. It’s really cool, and it’s very poignant, and it’s my new favourite show to watch. And what’s so great about it is that, it requires multiple watches in order to really absorb everything in its entirety, so it’s a series you can just keep going back to even after you’ve seen them all. It’s re-watchable. Just fundamental goodness all round. Best way to indulge in it is with ice cream. 🍨
So that’s it for this week, next Friday’s review is Annie Ernaux’s A Girl’s Story translated by Alison L. Strayer, published with Fitzcarraldo Editions. 
Stay safe and well as always, my little caramels. 💁🏽
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elrondsscribe · 5 years
We’re doing the thing today, bitches. We’re gonna talk about Susan and Emeth.
Like I said, The Last Battle is my favorite book in the Narnia series. But the downside of loving The Last Battle is that apparently NOBODY wants to talk about anything from it except for two things:
1) The non-Christian and/or “progressive” types only want to talk about how appallingly sexist Lewis’s treatment of Susan is, or 2) the Christian and/or conservative (American) types want to talk about how theologically problematic Emeth is.
First up, Susan.
To a degree, I get it. The fact that she’s not with the others in “the Real Narnia,” a pretty clear depiction of Heaven, coupled with the comments the others make about her - I get it. I mean, JK Rowling summed up the popular sentiment when she said that “Susan got kicked out of heaven for growing up and finding sex, and I have a big problem with that.”
With ‘all due respect’ to JKR, I think this is another of those lazy hot takes formed in bad faith from a fundamental, almost wilful misunderstanding of a given text, made primarily so that unimaginative pedants can feel smug about being better/smater than the thing they’re consuming (see Lindsay Ellis’s complaint about the live-action ‘Beauty and the Beast’ to see what I mean).
1. Susan got kicked out of Heaven.
As others have pointed out before, Susan’s ‘absence from heaven’ is a thing because - wouldn’t you know - she’s still alive. Her brothers and sister and cousin and the rest are, for all intents and purposes, dead. She wasn’t ‘kicked out of heaven,’ she’s just later than the others.
2. Susan was punished for ‘becoming a woman.’ 
No, she wasn’t. The thing with ‘lipstick, nylons, and invitations’ is, I would argue, a condemnation of materialism rather than ‘femininity/sexual female agency.’ And honestly, what does it say about how ‘progressive’ we are that we equate ‘feminity’ and ‘female agency’ with spending money on beauty products and fancy clothes, which (at least in the US) are marketed to us on the premise that we’re not enough as we are? What does it say about us that, when someone challenges this value system, we call them sexist? 
(We also say we’re anti-capitalism, but isn’t this exact kind of value system, finding personal worth in products, the very embodiment of the capitalist ideal?)
Think about it: Lewis wants to tell us that Susan’s value and worth is not in how well she ‘dolls up,’ or how many nice dresses she wears, or her romantic status, or even in her social status, but in her identity as a queen of Narnia which no one can take away from her. And this gets read as sexism?? I don’t get it.
3. The fact that Susan isn’t there now means that she won’t ever be.
There’s a little refrain in (at least Protestant) Christianity that goes something along the lines of “your Christian status isn’t something you can lose.” The Narnia version of this is “once a king or queen in Narnia, always a king or queen.” Susan hasn’t stopped being a queen of Narnia just because she doesn’t talk about it anymore, and her place in Aslan’s Country/The Real England&Narnia is permanent. It’s just that, as I said, she hasn’t died and arrived in The Real England yet.
4. Lewis hated/didn’t care about Susan.
Now here’s the ‘tea’: Lewis as an author essentially gave Susan his own story. He was brought up religious, like most any middle-class 20th C British child would be, and as a young adult he became a rational atheist. Part of that process involved scorning fairy tales/myths/stories in general as ‘factually false escapism for children,’ which mirrors Susan’s leaving Narnia (’those funny games we used to play when we were children’) behind in favor of the ‘real world.’ And of course, as we know, it was JRR Tolkien who brought Lewis back to stories-as-truth later in life.
All of which to say: if you want to call that bit of autobiography hatred or lack of concern (or misogyny because he gave it to one of his female characters), I cannot stop you . . . but I can disagree as hard as I can.
Next up, Emeth.
So, CS Lewis was a Christian. I think we know that.
He was a Christian who did some thinks about Christianity. I think we know that too.
He was a Christian who communicated his Christian-thinks, in large part, through stories that he wrote. We definitely know that.
What everybody maybe doesn’t know (that perhaps only the dedicated, degree-decorated Lewis scholars actually get) is just how many of those Christian-thinks are different from the ‘pop culture’ version of American Protestantism that tends to float around when (in particular American) readers talk about Emeth.
For the non-Christians, particularly the atheists, who might come across this post: buckle in for some Christian theology.
There has emerged from some sectors of Narnia readers a certain criticism of the presence of Emeth in Aslan’s Country/the Real Narnia/Heaven: that it opens the ‘doors of salvation’ wider than is biblically permissible. Obviously there’s a lot to unpack here, but I’m going to stick with ‘salvation.’
The extremely-simplified American-evangelical-Protestant understanding of salvation, the one so famous in pop culture, goes like this: 1. You’re/I’m a sinful bad human, which means you/I deserve God’s eternal wrath. 2. Jesus died to fend off God’s wrath. 3. To get out from under God’s wrath, you have to ‘put your faith in Jesus’ as your ‘Savior.’ And that’s the ONLY way. And if you don’t, you go to Hell and suffer God’s wrath forever. And ever and ever.
The way that that kind of ‘salvation’ would work in Narnia would look like this: Only people who directly know, believe in, and love Aslan can get into Aslan’s Country/the Real Narnia/Heaven. Anybody else would be in that crowd that disappeared into the darkness at the destruction of Shadow-Narnia (chapter 14).
Now this obviously clashes with the inclusion of Emeth. And what Aslan says to Emeth - essentially, that “all who seek truth and goodness find me, whether he knows my name or not” sort of clashes with the understanding of salvation that I just outlined, which is why it makes so many American evangelical Protestant Christian readers so uncomfy.
Some critics go so far as to accuse Lewis of universalism, and as a universalist myself I think they’re wrong (again, not all creatures end up in Aslan’s country). What I would say is that Lewis’s understanding of salvation is one that connects to his belief in myths as reflections of truth. I’m not a Lewis scholar, but I’d hazard the guess that, if you asked him, he’d probably say that myths and legends and fairy/folk tales can tell us truths without being Scripture, including ‘Jesus-truth,’ and that goodness is not found only in the Ten Commandments (I think he called it ‘the Tao’).
And that would be the case with Emeth: a man who spent his life seeking goodness and truth, and ultimately finding it, in Aslan.
Now of course, something could be said for the fact that Emeth finds ultimate truth in the foreign, Narnian Person of Aslan, and that the Calormene head deity is literally the Narniaverse’s version of Satan, but ah well . . .
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asterdeer · 6 years
flower ask meme: arum-lily, aster, baneberries, basket of gold, black-eyed susan, blazing stars, borage, bulgeherb, camelia, candytuffs, carnation, cock's comb, common boneset, daisy, false goat's beard, freesia, garden cosmos, gladiolus, rosemallows, transvaal daisy, and tropical white morning glory
Arum-Lily: What’s the farthest you’d go for a stranger? gave a man my lunch and cash when he came up to my window while i was idling at a red light? stayed five minutes past closing time to tell someone how to get somewhere even tho im terrible at directions
Aster: What’s one of your favorite quotes? “I believe that if a woman poet survives, if she sets out on that distance and arrives at the other end, then she has an obligation to tell as much as she knows of the ghosts within her, for they make up, in essence, her story as well.”contrariwise“I am not well-adjusted. More often than not, I am barely keeping it together. I’m constantly texting, and there’s no one on the other end. I’m just a grown man who can’t even look his own friends in the eye for too long because I’m afraid that they’ll see that I’m broken. So, you get credit for that. One time, when I was in 7th grade, I told everybody at school I had appendicitis. I wanted somebody to worry about me, but when Beth Brennan asked to see the scar I didn’t wanna get found out. So, I took mom’s scissors, and I made one. It hurt like hell. But it was worth it because I got 17 cards, and I still keep them in a box underneath my bed 22 years later because it proves that someone at some point cared about me. Want to see the scar?”
Baneberries: Favorite song? atm its either “high hopes” by panic!, “quarter past midnight” by bastille, or “when the night is over” by lord huron
Basket of Gold: Describe your familyim best friends with my mom, my brother terrifies me bc i love him so much, my granddad was my best teacher of selflessness and sacrifice, my cousin who was my best friend fell apart at exactly the same time i did and we never really got back together, i met my twin when i was like fourteen and needed them most, i have a grandmother who ended up teaching me more of what not to do than anything else, and i did in fact have a father, all evidence to the contrary
Black-Eyed Susan: If you could be any animal for a day, what would it be?a giraffe. no doubt
Blazing Stars: What are you afraid of? Is there a reason why? 101 things ! spiders because one crawled into my bed when i was 12 at five in the morning and my cat woke me up because it was just there at my feet, also never having someone fall in love w me, also watching everyone leave me when they figure out im worthless ! mostly spiders
Borage: Give a random fact about your childhood. there was a very shallow sort of…. gorge? ravine? it was like a steep drop off in the land down to a v rocky stream that cut behind our house in our old neighborhood. they didnt let us play there often bc my brother’s then-best friend slipped and cut his foot bad but i loved it back there + if i had been reading warriors at that point it would have been my clan camp fs
Bugleherb: How would you spend your last day on Earth?  slashing the tires of as many animal abusers as i could find. then go rent a boat and take my family/friends out on the water. pass out some macarons maybe? gravestone shaped macarons? make everyone read some of four quartets out loud. also cuddle my cat a whole WHOLE whole lot 
Camelia: If you could visit anywhere, where would you want to go? ive wanted to visit ireland for literally as long as i can remember
Candytufts: When do you feel most loved? when i havent eaten for a good while
Carnation: What are you currently wearing?  mucha-esque loki tee shirt and my mom’s fluffy cloud pajama pants
Cock’s Comb: Favorite font?lydian bc it reminds me of when i was 10 and my cousin and i were writing our stories on the same computer and that was the font we used
Common Boneset: What are you looking forward to?everybodys workin for the weekend. captain marvel comes out next week too
Daisy: What do you feel is your greatest accomplishment? 1) winning the novel contest 2) making people laugh during my thesis defense 3) not offing myself during 2014 or 2017
False Goat’s Beard: What is something you are good at?embarrassing myself! 
Freesia: What are three good things that have happened in the past month? 1) job 2) sushi 3) staying till almost midnight at a friend’s house talking whcih was the most ive actually been touched by a person besides my mom in weeks
Garden Cosmos: How was your day today?exhausting but i got a lot of reading done
Gladiolus: What is something you hope to do in the next year or two? submit a novel for publication. try to get into an editing program. grow potatoes and cucumbers, revive/expand my catnip and rosemary. donate money and buy art and take trips and make better food
Rosemallows: What’s your favorite memory? literally the only memory that doesnt feel like a rebuke or a warning rn is the day i met you in person
Transvaal Daisy: What’s your favorite item of clothing? thats either the high waisted bell bottom jeans my aunt gave me a while back or the black and green striped top that ive worn holes into ive had it so long
Tropical White Morning Glory: Describe your aesthetic.  i literally dont have one, its a hideous + boring mishmash of four different aesthetics frankensteined together that doesnt make good art ever 
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thenameofaslan · 6 years
Hey, The Name of Aslan followers! 
Currently we stand at 7 members, and to keep things unique, instead of using existing character names, we will be going by Narnia-inspired names we created ourselves! Our names are Veriele, Ailora, Gianah, Astriella, Haaven, Lailenah, and Elledia. Allow us to introduce ourselves! Below we will be sharing some facts about ourselves & our interest in Narnia. 
Hello! I’m Veriele!
Favourite book:
My favourite book tends to change a lot. Of course The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe is a classic, and in and of itself it’s possibly the most magical story of the 7. However, I also love The Magician’s Nephew for the beautiful creation of Narnia it shows us. Then The Horse and His Boy really stands out from the other books, and I love the characters and their growth so much. But I think when it comes down to it, The Last Battle holds the most special place in my heart. The ending chapters are so full of life and beauty. The parade of returning characters in Aslan’s Country is stunning and hits my nostalgic heart hard. And those final lines just fill my heart with joy! It’s a hard choice, as the entire series is absolutely lovely, but I do think The Last Battle stands out to me most of all.
Favourite Aslan quote:
I love a lot of Aslan’s lines, but I think my top 3 are “Courage, dear heart,” “Do not dare not to dare,” and “Now you are a lioness.”
Favourite Bible verse:
In the entire Bible it’s hard to choose just one, but Revelation 21:5a fills me with a special kind of joy. “He who was seated on the throne said, ‘I am making everything new!’”
Songs that remind me of Narnia:
A lot of songs remind me of Narnia, but to name a few: Hear You Me by Jimmy Eat World, North by Sleeping At Last, and Long Live by Taylor Swift.
What kind of content or art I make/enjoy:
I make edits, analytical posts, and I write the occasional fic!
Hi everyone, I’m Ailora!
Favorite book:
For the Christian themes, my favorite will always be The Last Battle. The ending few chapters make me cry. I also love the atmosphere of Voyage of the Dawn Treader, especially the ending.
Favorite Aslan scene:
It’s so hard to choose just one. I guess I’d have to say the scene where Aslan appears and walks beside Cor on the mountain pass in HAHB. I love Aslan’s gentleness with Cor, but also the sense of wonder when he starts to reveal himself and how he’s been acting in Cor’s story. I love that during the entire scene, Aslan is walking beside Cor to protect him from falling off the mountain, and also that he is guiding Cor to exactly the place he needs to be. I love Cor’s response to seeing Aslan, and I love that Aslan leaves him a footprint-full of cold water at the end. It’s just a beautiful picture of God’s provision and love and kindness and knowledge of us.
Favorite Bible verse:
Again, hard to choose. But for now I’ll say Ephesians 3:17-19: “That you, being rooted and grounded in love, may have strength to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.”
Hi, I’m Gianah.
How I got interested in Narnia:
I got interested in Narnia when my friend forced me to watch The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. I immediately bought the collection of all seven books, joined tumblr and then got even more obsessed with it. Once I found out other people actually really liked the series, I started to be more invested. The rest is history.
Favourite Bible Verse:
“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.” ‭‭Jeremiah‬ 29:11
Kinds of art or content I enjoy/make:
I love both writing and painting/ drawing. I love making analysis texts so much, and also narrative texts.
Hey everyone! I'm Astriella :)
How I got into Narnia:
I've loved Narnia since I was about twelve, when I was first allowed to read the books (I think I burned through all 7 in about a month!). Even then I loved finding “hidden meanings” in stuff and Narnia is a treasure trove of allegory and allusion!
My favourite non-human character:
My favorite has to be Jewel the Unicorn.  Both because unicorns are amazing and majestic and all, but because of his loyalty for Tirian, his sacrificial love, and his gentle gentility.
My favorite Aslan moment: 
It has to be from VotDT, from the Dark Island where nightmares come true.  Lucy, up in the crow’s-nest, looks down on the havoc and chaos on deck as the sailors panic in terror, and whispers to Aslan, begging for help. And help comes in the form of an albatross, which circles the crow’s-nest before leading the ship to safety; but in that moment Lucy hears Aslan’s voice whisper to her, “Courage, dear heart.” That scene means a lot to me because anxiety always provides plenty of possible nightmares, but I know my God will lead me to safety and He gives me courage.
Hello! I’m Haaven!
How I got interested in Narnia:
 I literally cannot remember a time when I wasn’t. I grew up on the series. My true obsession with it, however, would have begun in about 4th grade when I found the entire series in the school library and read them all for the first time.
When/how I became a Christian?
 I could talk for a very long time on this, but I’ll try to keep in short(ish). I grew up in a Christian home so I always kind of knew  that I needed Jesus, but I didn’t know how to go about it. I was also the most shy person you would ever meet, so I wasn’t about to ask anyone how, either. But then when I was ten, I went to church camp for one week during the summer for the first time. (I wasn’t sure I really wanted to go, but my mom convinced me with, “Well, your sister will be there, so you’ll be fine!” haha.) And, I guess you could say, the rest is history (since this is the short version, haha). :P
Favorite Narnia-esque songs:
 I have so many, but I will limit myself to three: All the King’s Horses by Karmina (totally an Edmund/ movie!PC!Peter/ Eustace song!), Up All Night by David Archuleta (okay, yes, I know this is a love song, but if you think about it as Lucy and Aslan especially in LWW… It’s adorable, okay?!?), and Beautifully Broken by Plumb (sort of a post-Last Battle Susan song).
Hi! My name is Lailenah.
Favorite non-human Narnia character:
This is a tough question, because the majority of my faves aren’t human! Hwin and Bree, Mr. Tumnus, Reepicheep, the centaurs, and then of course Aslan in his completely own category...But I’m going to have to go with Puddleglum because I LOVE him. Many heroes tend to be optimistic, hopeful, and outgoing people, but Puddleglum’s the opposite. And yet he’s still a very caring, courageous, and loyal individual; he stays true to his faith and encourages the others to do the same, especially in the scene where the Green Witch tries to enchant them so they deny that the world above and Aslan exist. And when everything is at its most hopeless point, he’s the one to offer hope in the form of, “We’re just four babies making up a game, if you’re right. But four babies playing a game can make a play world that licks your world hollow. That’s why I’m on Aslan’s side, even if there’s no Aslan to lead it.” He’s not a ray of sunshine, but he can be a gleam in the darkest places, when it’s most needed. And sometimes I feel like as a Christian, some people expect that you must always be “joyful” (aka wear a cheerful smile, be optimistic, and act outgoing) to be a good witness and influential for Christ. But Puddleglum reminds me that I can be real, I can be honest, and I can be an encouragement to others even when I am at a low point (in fact, being with others during their low points because I understand how it feels might be when I am most needed!). My faith and my effectiveness to others as a Christian is not less because I am not an extrovert. It is not less because I struggle mentally and feel exhausted because of anxious or depressed thoughts. No. I was created the way I am for a reason. I have the challenges I have for a reason. We all do, and that’s okay. No matter our differences, we’re not less than anyone else in God’s loving eyes, and He has a unique time and place for each of us to serve as His light as Puddleglum did.
Favorite Narnia book:
It’s always been the Last Battle. I love how intense it gets in this book, how the evil is overwhelming, the stakes are high, and the battle between right and wrong is at its climax. It feels like the good guys are losing as their already sparse armies dwindle, and the main characters are being forced into the stable. Sometimes that sense of being overwhelmed mirrors how I feel when I look at all the scary, sad, and bad things happening in the world today, but I’m encouraged by the characters who still are soldiers for Aslan’s cause, who keep going and trusting in what’s right in spite of that and in spite of the fact that can’t see what’s coming next. And then, of course, Aslan’s country. I love seeing all the familiar faces from throughout the series and the joy and rest they find in eternity with Aslan and their loved one. It shows that it truly is worth it all.
What kind of content or art I make/enjoy:
I have always loved to write!  So fanfiction and meta are definitely my favorite ways to participate. Bet you couldn’t tell that I tend to drone on. ;)  (I also make mood boards on occasion.)
Hi, Elledia here!
Favourite book: 
A Horse and His Boy or Silver Chair
What age we got interested in Narnia: 
I SAY 7, but I grew up watching the BBC miniseries, so I don’t know for sure.
Favourite Aslan quote:
 “And I was the Lion you do not remember who pushed the boat in which you lay, a child near death, so that it came to shore where a man sat, wakeful at midnight, to receive you.”
When/how I became a Christian:
 Raised in the church/missionary brat. I decided when I was around eight that I wanted to be baptized and though there’ve been some bumps along the way, I’m growing in Christ as best as I can.
Narnia-esque songs: 
“If You Want Me To” by Ginny Owens reminds me a lot of Narnia, for some reason.
Kinds of art or content I enjoy/make:
 I write, so fanfic and metas are my thing, but I enjoy all kinds of art.
Anyways, it’s great to meet you all! We hope to interact with you all more in the future, and as we begin creating original posts for this blog. Our ask box is open, should you have any questions! Thanks for following us! <3
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battlestar-royco · 6 years
I was on Susan Dennard's Instagram page. (stdennard) Her third highlighted story talks about her mission to make her books more inclusive and she even apologizes for "messing up" in that regard before. I used to love SJM but then I realized how much I settled when I saw Susan's tearful IG story about messing up and apologizing and owning up to her white privilege. I admit I gave SJM the benefit of the doubt for too long... then I read ACOFAS and everything everyone said made sense. That book (1)
is the epitome of white privilege. White fae who are disgustingly rich who go shopping for outrageously expensive jewelry, exchange it at solstice when they literally all plan to never use it even though there are POOR people/fae/humans and they drink really expensive wine and Feyre pretends to feel guilty about it. She even lets a poorer woman hand over a studio b/c “they insisted” when she could have paid them. Sounds like how rich people act in real life, too. (2)
I actually follow Susan on IG as well and although I’m not a huge fan of her books/writing style, I have so much respect for her. Every author makes mistakes, but IMO, there’s a huge difference between acknowledging those mistakes for everyone to see versus pretending like you’ve done nothing wrong/making no efforts to improve. For example, RRiordan, VRoth, LBardugo, and SDennard have all come forward at events and on social media, directly addressing fans and/or bringing up their own problematic representation constantly, and they all strive to do more research and work with sensitivity readers to be better for their audiences. Unfortunately Mess has followed JK/R’s example: vehemently ignoring her fans, taking them for granted, and continuing to write lazy, harmful representation (if there is any at all!) as if she can do no wrong.
A lot of us gave SJ/M the benefit of the doubt too long, myself included! I was really in love with the characters and plot of the first three T0G books, and holding out hope for Chaorian and Sorscha but I started seeing through the smoke and mirrors due to the characterization in Q0S and the lackluster characters, representation, world, and plot in AC0TAR. It’s really hard to admit to/see the problems in things we love. Like a lot of people in their 20s (aka me) are having an identity crisis over separating the Harry Potter series, my personal favorite books in the world, from JK/R, who becomes more and more of a white feminist by the day.
I haven’t read AC0FAS, but it seems like a No from me. The portrayal of class in the AC0TAR series has always been pretty unrealistic, poorly researched, and offensive, not to mention full of double standards. Tam Lyn is evil when he wants to tax his people even though Rice and his Court are sitting on mountains of cash. Sorry Mess, but a city like Velaris does not exist without taxes and trade. When Tam Lyn gives Fayre dresses and food, it’s stifling but when Rice forcibly tattoos and paints her, dresses her how he wants for political gain in the Summer Court and the Court of Nightmares, and gives her Night Court food, it’s the best thing ever?????? Tarquin just gives her a family heirloom necklace for no reason? 1/3 of AC0MAF is just Fayre being empowered by being given culturally appropriated clothes and jewelry less privileged women can’t afford. Rice apparently is a feminist but he gives approximately 0.0 thought to any of the lesser fae struggling before, during, or after the “war.” How many lesser fae are named? 0-2, maybe? You’re really telling me Nesta, Elain, and Papa Archeron did NOTHING to stabilize their family after they lost their estate? That they’d rather starve to death than work? That they all knew how to read but let a 9 y/o grow up illiterate? No thanks.
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juleswritesthis · 6 years
My Thoughts...this is a long one - WilSon and DOOL
DOOL was great today. I actually watched the entire episode because I was so excited to see Eric beat up Brady. Now I don’t follow anything but the WilSon story so I’m not sure I understood it all but from what I ascertained between the yelling and accusations is that this lady Nicole was with Brady but wanted to be with Eric who she truly loved. So Brady blackmailed her using some evidence proving she committed a murder to some guy named Desmos or something. And Nicole not wanting to lose her daughter by going to jail was forced to flee Salem after telling Eric she doesn’t love him. Eric was left heartbroken and Brady found Eve (who just in the scenes I’ve watched is not much of a find, ugh annoying lady) who he is now engaged and loves and happiness blah blah blah. So hell yes Brady deserved that punch and way more. What a horrible thing to do to your brother, especially after he went after Will last week expecting Will to give up Sonny the man he loves for Paul. Thank you Eric! (Just a side note Greg Vaughn who plays Eric is an excellent actor. I remember him from Charmed season 2. He did an amazing job in the scenes today. I wish they paired him with Chandler Massey more, their emotional scenes would be incredible). 
As for the WilSon/Paul scenes oh soap angst and turmoil. So the way I see it Will is in a shitty situation. I understand why WilSon decided that Will would stay with Paul. When it comes to injuries like what Paul is suffering, attitude, state of mind and support of loved ones is imperative to recovery. If Will were to tell Paul the truth it could crush him and his will to recover (lol at the punning). So waiting to tell him the truth seems like a good idea for now (”seems”). Especially since it Paul’s family is nowhere to be seen. Brady is too busy boning his fiance and betraying his brother. John is busy hiding comatose Marlena and keeping from marrying crazy Hattie. And I have no idea what Belle is doing but she doesn’t seem too concerned about her brother. I’m not sure if Paul has other family but it seems like Will is his one constant support right now. Yeah after 5 months of dating it’s all on Will...crazy! 
But the WilSon plan is to have Will stay with Paul FOREVER is just ridiculous. First off they are doing this for Paul, but in the long run it will only harm him. Second this doesn’t only affect Will and Sonny but Arianna too. She deserves to grow up in a loving home with both her dads. Will should know better than anyone what happens to a child from a broken home going from parent to parent to parent. Third, Will and Sonny have lost 3 years because of the evil doings of others (Ben, Susan, & Dr. Rolf). They already sacrificed so much its not right to ask them to sacrifice their entire life and happiness. 
I’ll be honest this decision is being pushed by Sonny. I think Will would have caved already because he looked like he was going to hurl throughout that entire conversation with Paul. Will is absolutely miserable not only because he lost Sonny but because he has to lie to Paul , a person he does love. And there is Paul, his face alight with hope and excitement for the future and poor Will is feeling sad and guilty. 
So why is Sonny pushing this? Yes he cares for Paul too but this is mostly guilt. Sonny still feels guilty about leaving Paul at the alter. Of course I don’t see how Sonny had a choice at the time hearing that his dead husband could be alive. But I get how Sonny doesn’t want to hurt Paul more. Its going to happen though. Because Paul is going to find out one way or another. Listen to your mom Sonny! (I can’t believe I actually typed that :) ).
I figure Paul is going to keep questioning Will’s decision because lets face it, it doesn’t make sense that Will would remember his deep love for Sonny and not want to be with him, even Paul knows it. So Will is either going to cave or he will up the stakes by doing something crazy like proposing. Since this is a soap and Will is famous for his stupid crazy decisions, I’m going with the latter...or maybe they will just move in together when Paul is released from the hospital. 
Paul will either see Will & Sonny in a comprising position (kiss or hug or something) or he will overhear them or one of the many others who know about the WilSon plan. No way are they keeping this a secret with Adrienne, Justin, Brady, Eve, Chad, and Lucas all in the know. These people may be busy with their own problems now, but the truth will come out. And since Christopher Sean is leaving in a few weeks it will all blow up some time around November sweeps. At least that’s my bet. 
In regards to the scenes today, fantastic! Well mostly. Adrienne seemed more heartbroken than Sonny lol. She was bawling her eyes out. Is she suppose to represent WilSon fans? To think she was one of the few that opposed the WilSon relationship at the beginning. My how far she has come.
I snorted my way through the scenes between Justin, Lucas and Bonnie. I don’t know much of what’s going on but every time Bonnie refers to baby Bon Bon I can’t help but laugh. And then Lucas’ saying the first thing he will do is change his baby’s name...omg too funny. I would love to see Will’s reaction when he learns he has a new baby sister. Although he is probably use to his parents crazy lives by now (nope they aren’t boring! ;)).
Next Paul. I don’t know his character baffles me. Its like they prop him up to be this innocent victim, but he knew Sonny and Will loved each other fiercely back 3 years ago and though I place the blame on WilSon (mostly Will) Paul was part of the reason for their break down back then. In addition, Paul is continuously putting himself between Will and Sonny. He didn’t have to start dating brain damaged amnesiac Will. Why after the heartbreak with Sonny would he chose to be in the middle again? So he’s not an innocent. Sonny and Will’s continuous “Paul so good, he’s so perfect and brave” really grates me. Even if he wasn’t an angel this decision with Paul lying broken in the hospital would be hard so why keep rewriting history to support the poor perfect Paul image? 
In addition, Paul talking to Will about their affair like it was meant by the gods was crazy. Dude that affair broke a family it’s not something to look back on with fondness and a smile. Will looked like he was going to hurl when Paul mentioned Sonny as Will’s husband. Also didn’t Paul and Will hate each other and Paul wanted to be with Sonny back then. Did Paul get amensia during his fall too? WTH? But still watching Paul’s excitement and knowing the truth about who Will really wants does make me feel sorry for him.This is not going to end well. 
Finally Will’s last words to Sonny “He’s not you.” Wowzer Will. You know how to drop the mike. I’m anxiously waiting for that gif. That one 30 second scene was so well done Will literally didn’t need to say anything else. Agh the angst!
I just hope when all is said and done, the Days writers won’t find another reason to keep WilSon apart. It’s been almost 4 years, almost 6 counting Chandler’s Will leaving. So yeah really enjoying this angst for now as long as November brings back my WilSon time!
(PS to Paul fans if you happen to read this, I don’t hate Paul nor Horita. I’m just not happy with how they write for him. I wish he had more story than just Will or Sonny. It’s too bad cuz Christopher Sean is a good actor). 
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maybeapizzatrophy · 6 years
ranking of Crazy ex girlfrind songs by season (part 3) Season 3
I was very excited about season 3. How Rebecca was going to get her revenge on Josh, find herself and maybe get some actual self help. Well this season did all that and more, and took the show into some new and dark territories. 
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While I feel that that story was very strong this year the songs...were not. 
There were a lot less of them, they weren’t that memorable and there were a lot of clunkers. Anyone remember Valencia’s song about her...movement? Or that sarcastic clunker The Moment is me?Yeaaaah. 
If i could I would make 1-10 fuckton of cats, but I don’t think I can do that. 
theme- you do (don’t) want to be crazy - 
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so my interpretation of this song is the media’s views of what Crazy is. Is it someone who will destroy the lover who wrongs her? is it the girl who is going crazy for not seeing you? Is it the woman who is “crazy in bed,” or the rapper who is saying don’t mess with me cause I’m nuts? 
its all these things. byyyyyyeee.
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1.) Fuckton of Cats- I know! you guys are so surprised!
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my favorite song of the season! it came out of left field This song includes a great dance number of the ladies pretending to be cats, puppets and a random person screaming “ AND CATTTS!”
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For some reason people think that if you are a single person of a certain age you are doomed to be a cat lady. This song addressed this idea, with a wink. The song is also very informative about toxoplasmosis, a disease that was probably covered in that Atlantic article. stay tuned till the end for reality to set in. 10/10 
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2.) Let’s generalize about men - what time is it? oh! its time to talk about the patriarchy and get drunk.
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this parody of the weather girls is spot on calling out women who get drunk and dish on all men for being dirt bags. All men you say?
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3.) Life doesn’t make narrative sense (song at the end of the movie) 
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Rebecca has hit rock bottom, and has crossed some lines. She has alienated all of her friends and has no one to turn to. In a TV show this would be wrapped up neatly but alas life is messy and she needs to face her demons. The song is sad and captures the correct tone and somehow its so funny.
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kudos to the show for getting Josh Groban. I spit out my drink when he appeared singing his own name. claps
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4.) I go to the Zoo  So I didn’t give this song much thought until my sister kept playing it.  Nathaniel is such a piece of crap, so what does he do when he’s anxious? he goes to the zoo.
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The visuals are fantastic. Love the zookeepers looking uncomfortable. You know Nathaniel is like a big time donor and no one ever tells him no, even when they really should. He probably got Susan fired, jerk.
5.) the miracle of birth- I don’t know what it is but I love it when Paula sings a happy upbeat song about something gross (i.e. Season 2 Maybe this dream)
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Who doesn’t want an informative song about birthing which no new mom actually wants to hear. 
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Fun fact, two men wrote this song after hearing/interviewing a bunch of the female writers who were moms. Donna’s look of crazy glee and the rest of the people getting ready to lose it was just amazing. Kudos to David Wain throwing up and Valencia whipping out that phone to record.
6.) the first penis I saw I love this Abba style song I love the gross and funny the lyrics of the song (”it nearly made me drop my jaw”) 
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and the visual gags of the video like when they spun on the turntable and had to bail because Jeff was coming or the use of vegetables as microphones.  
7.) maybe she’s not a such a heinous bitch after all- so Rebecca's mother is the literal worst, and instead of talking to her daughter or trying to help her, she drugs her.
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here is a fun happy 1960′s number that sings about Rebecca not wanting her mom to have a cancerous mole! Dark.
8.) Hot fit guys have problems too- so I was waiting for these two guys to meet and I was not disappointed. Both fresh off a breakup, they have something that the world needs to know. Just because they have almost no body fat and exit a pool in slow motion doesn’t mean they don’t  have feelings.
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and give them back their shirts, you MONSTERS! As I suspected in the blooper reel the rip off pants, did not go according to plan. 
9.) hot angry tango-  I feel like I had to chose between this and strip away my conscience. In the end, its my list and I like hot angry tango better. They are super angry but also really want to bang.
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honestly they do a really good job with the dancing despite the height difference. Also shout out to the judge for getting into it and playing the accordion.
10.) I feel like this isn’t about me I’m probably in the minority for liking this song. Its short, sweet and has a nice samba, reminiscent of the girl from Ipanema. Its good to get an outsiders perspective on how weird everyone in that office is. Bonus points for talking about brazilian meat.
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great singing by Bayne Gibby
honorable mention- buzzing in the bathroom 
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While I like this song and its parody of Les Miserable, its not quite good enough for repeated listens. Great song, great delivery. He just can’t believe it, that he has never satisfied his wife.
A Diagnosis- I have to give them props for being serious for once. Rebecca is actually going to get some answers and thinks this is going to solve all of her problems. 
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This song sounds the closest to being in an actual musical, so hopeful like a Disney “I want song." I also appreciate the conversation about mental health. Fun fact, I had a roommate that had BPD and recognized the signs in Rebecca during season 1.
worst song- My sperm is healthy I really don’t feel like they gave Pete Gardner much to do vocally this season, but this celebratory techno rap song sticks out, but not in a good way. Its gross, its funny. Its got dancing sperm and a rave. Its so cringy.
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