#3 way pvc fitting
polymorphiczooid · 6 months
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Marcille's frog suit is complete! This was my third-ever project using a sewing machine, so I've put a bit on my process for suit and staff-making below.
The Body: I drafted a pattern from a loose sweatshirt and sweatpants (somewhat following these tutorials: 1 2). From this I made a truly terrible mock-up from a fitted sheet -managing to sew the arms on inside out (twice, in two different ways). I also learned that the back panels need to be larger than the front panel, to accommodate the butt.
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Originally, I wanted to make this out of raincoat material or pvc fabric to get that slimy frogskin look. I couldn't find any in the right color (or price), so I went with a cheap polyester satin. I think latex might have been also been a good alternative, but I've never worked with it before.
To get the white patterns on the frog, I just eyeballed where I thought the stripes should go on the paper pattern and cut it into smaller pieces (which I had to tape back together when I made the lining - this time out of blue bed sheet).
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In the manga, there are large visible stitches in front. To mimic this, I decided to have the front lace with a thick cord. This meant I needed to install gromets on the front opening - but I was worried the hardware would tear right through the fragile satin. To prevent this, I reinforced the opening with a strip of denim encased in red cotton.
The smart thing to do would make the front zip up, and add a panel of fake lacing over the top. Since I didn't, 1) it takes a while to put on, and 2) the suit gapes open in places.
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Frog Head: I spent a lot of time trying to figure this out - but in the end, I went with a very simple construction.
The hood consists of four main panels: the frog-shaped front and back panels of the outer hood, and two red panels for the inner hood. I 1) attached the white and orange parts of the outer panels 2) sewed the outerpanels together, and the inner hood panels together 3) cut a hole for my face out of the front outer panel, 4) sewed the edge of the inner hood panels to the face hole, 6) stuffed with batting from an old pillow, 6) added some extra fabric to close the hood under the chin.
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I didn't quite get the shape right - the eyes should be rounder/ protrude less, and the cheeks/marcille's ears should sit lower down on the head. I think adding an extra panel to the back of the head would help it sit better. It's pretty 2D in profile, so my face sticks out of it too much.
Finally, using a stretch fabric for the inner hood (or a drawstring, that could tighten the hood itself) could make the hood fit snugly around the face. My hood was too loose, and I constantly had to adjust its position.
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The frog eyes were also a bit tricky. The satin frayed to much to add large decorative stitching, so I had to sew little pieces of cord individually to the eyes. I probably should have made these smaller and more numerous...but my fingers were pretty sore form hand sewing.
The Shoes: I decided to make some boot covers for my docs, because making shoes from scratch is beyond my skill level.
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I made a pattern by wrapping one shoe in a plastic back, then masking tape, and tracing out what looked like some important seam lines. I sewed all the pieces together except for top of the shoe, which I left open so 1) bagline the show cover, and 2) sew in the frog toes.
The toes themselves were sewn out of cotton and, stuffed with batting and old crochet squares. Then everything except the toe-tip was covered in orange satin. I did this since I was worried that the satin would not play nice with paint (foreshadowing). The toe-tips were then painted with a mix of black acryllic and liquid latex (for flexibility).
To keep the shoe covers on the shoes, I added some elastic around the bottom (salvaged from a fitted sheet). They also needed to close in the back - but I didn't have and velcro or zippers and I was running low on gromets. Instead, I made some loops out of scrap leather to run the lacing through. This looked cool but it was really hard to lace up myself!
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Gloves: These were made the day before the convention, and are terribly slapdash.
Normally when you make gloves out of non-stretch fabric you need to add gussets to allow your hands bend, without the gloves being too loose. I did not do that. I just traced my hand on the fabric, and gave myself big finger pads and plenty of ease. They turned out pretty meh!
One issue was the finger pads themselves: it's hard to sew in a circle, so they were lumpy in shape. This lumpiness was enhanced by the way I stuffed them: just shoving stuffing into the finger tips. which is also where my fingers have to go. So every time I took the gloves on and off, the fingertips would get out of shape. I think hollowed foam balls would have been a better choice for the finger tips.
In addition, I painted the fingertips with the same latex/acrylic mixture I used on the toes. While it dried just fine on the cotton, the paint remained really sticky - so they picked up dust and peeled rather badly.
The gloves only had four fingers in the manga, so that's what I went with. But it was pretty uncomfortable with the pinky+ring finger sharing a home, and it didn't even look good.
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Ambrosia (the staff): This was a real last-minute addition to the costume, done the night before the convention.
The base is a wooden dowel, and the hoop in a long tube of cotton fabric that I stuffed very firmly. I anted to make sure the hoop wouldn't fall off, so I "drilled" a hold near the tip of the staff (I.e. I shoved a screwdriver through the soft wood like an animal), and added grommets to each end of the stuffed cotton tube. I then created a tight mechanical join by running leftover cord though one grommet, then the dowel, and then the other grommet before tying it off.
Next, I wrapped a ton of different materials around the hoop and body of the staff: coord, twine, paper florist "rope", and paper-covered florist wire, etc. This was secured with an ungodly amount of hot glue. When possible, I tried to new strands under pre-existing ones for some extra security. I really like how wrapping the cord around the soft-hoop created the impression of vines growing around a living branch.
I painted the staff in three layers: base coat of red-brown, then a "wash" of watery black acrylic , and a dry brush of a lighter brown. I did not do a good job getting the paint evenly over the surface! From some angles the white cotton is still very visible, and I probably should have painted it before wrapping anything around it.
The sprout was made by sewing two leaf-shapes out of cotton, hot gluing it to a small snip of florist paper, and then hot gluing the stem to the hoop. Not bad for a rush job!
Overall: I think the feet and staff came out the best! People recognized me at the convention too, which is always the real test.
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I measured it and this thing is fucking 6’6-
(materials and process underneath vv)
Materials used:
-3 pvc pipe segments with the screw adapters
-Eva foam : 2mm, 5mm, 10mm
-Foam clay
-Thermoplastic beads
-Metal wire
-Various superglues
-Spray paint
-Acrylic paint
~~ The Pvc Segments:
I started off with three 2ft pvc segments and glued the cross adaptor on the top, then proceeded to hack off and move around pieces as I saw fit. For the top segment I believe I cut off 5in, then glued 3 to the top of the cross pipe and tossed the remaining 2in. I also cut off 8in on the bottom to make way for the spike which is around 5.5in.
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(The original pipes, I didn’t really have any other progress pics of this part)
~~ The Main Blade:
I started by going into FireAlpaca and separating the halberd from Sinclair’s sprite, then broke it up into various pieces and used Rasterbator to size up the blade. After that I printed it out, assembled it, and transferred it to freezer paper to adjust it as I saw fit.
After that I cut out two pieces of 10mm foam and glued them together as the main blade, then added the details with some 2mm foam I got from Walmart I think? I proceeded to hack away chunks of foam with Eva foam with a box cutter (and almost sliced my hand open in the process) before sanding the absolute crap out of it)
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Once it was all sanded and I was content with it I took my heat gun and sealed all the foam and got rid of the fluffy texture created by the sanding and filled some of the gaps with foam clay.
After the blade I was done I stuck some wire into it, then shoved that wire through some thermoplastic beads I had melted and put in the pipe, and superglued it. It really wasn’t wanting to stay so I added more thermoplastic around the outside and proceeded to add more superglue (Gorilla and Flex Seal glue if I recall correctly) which has seemed to help it stay on. It’s not 100% stable but as long as I’m careful with it I’m ok.
The Spikes:
Just like the blade, I made the pattern based the sprite itself. Using the line tool in FireAlpaca I traced over the top spike and the side spike and got the pattern from that. I resized and reshaped them in a Google doc before printing them out. After that I traced two of the spike pieces, cut one in half vertically and glued them together. After that I used small triangular pieces of foam to connect the corners and with that the skeleton was done (I added wire into the bottom spike for support as it is going to be bashing the floor a lot). i then filled the skeletons with foam clay, making sure to get all the sides even and filled completely.
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(I forgot to add the triangle pieces in the bottom spike until later)
Once I sanded them and attacked them with the same method as the blade the base was done!
~~ Painting:
In order to create a stable base to paint on I shoved three wooden dowels into a fertilizer box and hot glued them down. I then broke the halberd down and put each piece on the spike before spraying it with multiple coats of plastidip.
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(Note- I taped off the parts that would be screwed down as I was afraid that the paint would interfere with the threading. I don’t know if it would actually cause any problems but I didn’t feel like risking it)
Once that was completely dry I sprayed it with three coats of Rustolem Black High Gloss paint.
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Finally, I dry brushed everything with silver paint and added the lettering, using some black paint to mimic the paint chipping.
Once I added two coats of Rustolem clear sealant it was done!! The overall process took about two weeks and I’m quite happy with how it turned out! I may or may not have injured myself a lot during the process because I’m stupid but it was quite a fun project, and I do have more Project Moon props planned for the future such as Don’s lance and Argalia’s scythe. Once I finish my full cosplay I’ll make a post similar to this one :)
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princessmisery666 · 2 years
Vacation Plans - Part 3 - No One's In The Room Mini Series
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Series Summary: Jake and Ryleigh find themselves stranded in a remote location when a mission goes sideways. Injured and dependent on his help, she gets a glimpse of the man beneath the façade of ‘The Terminator’. Once they are rescued, the bubble of their personal Vegas bursts, and Jake struggles with new emotions while Ryleigh hopes he will finally see the man she came to know when no one else is in the room.
Summary: Ryleigh is surprised at how easily Jake fits into a domestic setting. Jake enjoys their newfound friendship. 
Warnings: fluff.
W/C: 3.4k
Characters: Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin, Ryleigh ‘Rodeo’.
Pairing: fwb - Ryleigh x Fanboy mentioned
Betas: @deanwinchesterswitch
Graphics: made by me on canva.
Catch up here
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Vacation Plans
Jake awoke after hearing a crash from the kitchen. He jumped from the bed, feet landing on the cold floor, only then noticing Ryleigh was absent. He rushed to the source of the noise to find her sans pants again, crouching at a very odd angle with her injured leg stretched out to her side, attempting to pick up a gooey mess from the floor.
“What’s going on in here?” he asked.
She paused in her cleaning and looked up at him, “Would you believe me if I said a raccoon got in?” 
He laughed, walking closer and taking in the mess. Water leaked from a jug, hitting the floor and mixing with a powder he assumed was pancake mix; chocolate chips spilled from the packet, and possibly every utensil available was lying on the countertop. “It looks like it has.” 
Jake held his hand out, and she willingly accepted, allowing him to pull her to her feet. “You made dinner, so I wanted to make you breakfast. But my leg hurts more than I thought it would; I bumped it on a drawer handle and made a mess.”
“Ryleigh,” he scolded, “is it bleeding?” he lifted the hem of the shirt and bent to check. Luckily, her disaster of a breakfast attempt hadn’t opened the stitches. “Sit down. I got this.”
“Have you taken more pills?” he asked once she’d taken a seat at the table, sighing in noticeable relief at taking the weight off her leg. 
“Yes, Doctor Seresin,” she snarked with a playful smile.
His mind flashed to her clad in a tight-fitting PVC nurse outfit, but before the image could embarrass him, he winked, drawling, “Good girl.”
She appeared to bite the inside of her cheek and shifted in her seat, pressing her thighs together, causing him to smirk. Perhaps he’d learned another new thing about her from the small gesture.
A blush crept across her cheeks, but she snapped her fingers. “Back in the room, Jake.” 
“Okay,” he said, checking the ingredients she’d already mixed together, “what was the plan here?”
“Pancakes?” she said, but it sounded like a question. 
“I can make pancakes.”
He set about finishing what she’d started, clearing up the mess on the floor, checking what was salvageable, and felt his eyes drifting to the windows, checking the status of the blizzard and then the clock above the front door.
“Got somewhere you need to be?” she asked when he’d repeated the clock checking a third time.
“Kind of,” he shrugged, whisking the batter, holding the bowl in the crook of his arm. “Well, I needed to make a call.” 
“Who’s the unlucky lady?” she quipped, but the undertone was friendly banter.
“My niece,” Jake explained, “it’s her birthday. I promised to FaceTime her. But we’re not getting picked up today,” he pointed out at the blizzard, “so I guess I’ll have to break a promise.”  
“Where’s your phone?” she asked
“Over there,” he gestured toward the small table beside the door. “But we have no cell service here.” 
“I know,” she said, limping to retrieve his phone. “Passcode.”
“Seven, zero, six, one.” he replied, “what are you doing?”
“Wow, that’s way too cute.” her bottom lip jutted out, flipping his phone to show she was referring to his wallpaper. An image of him with his niece on his back, both smiling broadly.
“We already know you think I’m pretty, but now I’m cute, too?” he joked, “just tell me you want me already, Rodeo, no shame or judgment,” he smirked, “this is a safe place, it’s Vegas remember.” 
She laughed, nodding along with him, “Are you done?” and waved him over, “come here.”
“Are you going to serenade me about how I’m the love of your life and that your universe would have no light if I weren’t in it?”
“Then no,” he shrugged, turning back to prepare breakfast. 
“Jake,” she whined so needily it made him slowly turn to face her. She pouted, then snapped her fingers before pointing at him and then at the floor.  
“I have to admit, Ryleigh,” he said, answering her request and walking to stand in front of her. “I like how my name sounds on your lips.”
“Well, Jake,” she smiled, “I have to admit, I kinda like this new friendship of ours. Now, stand by the window and look pretty,” she said, manhandling him into the position she wanted. “I’m gonna record you leaving a message for…”
“Maddie,” Jake supplied. 
“When we get back, you can show Maddie you were thinking about her, even though you couldn’t call,” Ryleigh shrugged, “and maybe if the snow slows down, we could build her a snow cake or something.”
Flirting, banter, and new friendship aside, he was grateful and wondered why he hadn’t thought of doing it himself.
“One, two, three.”
“Hey, Maddie Baby! Happy Birthday, Munchkin! I wish I could be there with you, but,” he pointed toward the window, and Ryleigh panned the camera to capture the snowfall. “I think Santa’s Elves forgot to turn the snow machine off, and I’m stuck.” She focused the camera back on him, and he hesitated to continue. He would be revealing a lot with what he wanted to say, but he remembered Vegas and Friendship. “As soon as I’m back, we’re having a Princess Pajama party, with smores and milkshakes. Can't wait to smother you with hugs and kisses! I love you loads. I miss you loads.” He blew a kiss to the camera, and Ryleigh pushed the button to stop.
“Can I get an invite to this party?” she asked, smiling at him. “It sounds awesome.”
“Anytime, Rodeo, anytime,” he said, returning to prepare breakfast.
“You finish breakfast,” she said, “I'll get in touch with command and ask them to call your family. If they’re expecting your call, they’ll worry if they don’t hear from you.”
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“You can’t be serious,” Jake scoffed, looking out the window he was leaning against. “You’d come somewhere like this on vacation?” 
Ryleigh nodded from her position opposite him, taking a sip of her lava-hot coffee, to which Jake had added a splash of vanilla. She’d never pictured him as the domestic type, but he slipped into the part perfectly. Just another thing he was frustratingly good at.
“That,” he pointed out to the sea of white. “Is your idea of a vacation?”
“Absolutely,” she said. 
“You’re killing me, darlin’,” he groaned, motioning up and down her body, “You’d cover up all of that in a snowsuit.” 
“Who said anything about a snowsuit?” she laughed. “Think about it, in an isolated cabin you can be as loud as you want. No cell service, so no interruptions.”
“Okay,” he smiled, catching on, “I’m starting to see the appeal.”
She continued as if he hadn’t spoken, “It’s cold, so you’d need to share body heat to stay warm. TV doesn’t work, not much else to do for entertainment, except…” 
“Just say the word, Rodeo; I’ll keep you warm all night long.”
That southern drawl always took precedence when he was flirting, and she had to admit she liked it when it was aimed at her. “Oh, I have no doubt that you could,” she replied, “no one is as cocky as you without being able to back it up, but like I’ve said... Never. Gonna. Happen.” 
“Why not?” he asked, brow creased with confusion, “This is Vegas remember? What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.”
“Do I really need to spell it out to you?” 
“Okay, one, we work together.”
Jake shrugged, taking a step closer. “Sex would just level up our relationship.” 
“Relationship? We kinda hate each other.” 
“Hate fucking is therapeutic,” he said, crowding her personal space, taking her coffee mug, and setting it on the window sill.
“I’m injured,” she reminded him, tilting her head to look at him. 
His eyes followed the path his fingers mapped up the side of her good leg, and he felt the goosebumps pepper her skin. “I’ll do all the work,” he whispered, meeting her eyes.
She pressed her hands to lay flat on his chest, and he expected her to push him away, but she didn’t. “I can’t do casual sex.” 
“I hear all your excuses,” he said, dipping his head, “but I haven’t heard a no.” 
His nose brushed hers, and she surprised him by placing a chaste kiss on his lips and then pulling back to look him in the eye, smiling devilishly, “No.”
Jake groaned, “tease,” but his smile was jesting. He kissed her cheek as swiftly as she’d kissed his lips but left his cheek pressed to hers to mumble in her ear, “being stuck here would be a lot easier if you weren’t so hot.”
It wasn’t the first time he’d commented on her appearance, and it probably wouldn’t be the last. She wondered if any woman actually swooned over that kind of thing. She’d always found it a little insulting. She was more than her appearance. Still, to save an argument about shallowness, she laughed as she stepped away. 
“I’m sure you won’t spontaneously combust if you don’t get your dick wet for a couple of days,” Ryleigh said, sitting on the couch. 
She paused for a rebuttal, giving him a moment to think of something. When he didn’t reply but quoted, ‘can’t do casual sex,’ as he sat next to her, she knew he would file the provocative comment away for later use.
She shrugged, “I can do casual sex. I have an arrangement with Mickey.”
She paused for his reaction, and though he felt the blow to his ego - she clearly didn’t have an issue with sleeping with a colleague, so the problem must be him - he managed to keep his expression neutral, but the disbelief was in his tone. “Fanboy?”
“Not sure why you’re so shocked. It’s not exactly a secret, and we’re not shy about it either. We help each other out when the job gets stressful or when we’re drunk,” she laughed lightly, “whenever the mood strikes us, I guess.”
“But, I’m over it. Not Mickey; he’s great - absolutely no complaints. I just want more. Y’know?” she asked but answered for him. “No, of course, you don’t. You’re the terminator. I want the intimacy, the trust, the comfort, and the highs and lows of being with someone on more than a purely physical level. I deserve more than being a sex toy for someone. I’m worth more than that,” she explained. Her tone softened as if afraid to continue, but she held his eyes and spoke kindly, “so are you, Jake.”
She wasn’t bantering or trying to get a rise out of him; her words had been sincere, and he could see in her expression she knew he didn’t think himself worthy. He was an excellent trophy for his sexual conquests to brag about to their friends, making them envious that they’d bagged the hottest guy in the bar, but that’s as far as it went. 
“You deserve someone who worries about you if you don’t call,” continued Ryleigh, through his silence, “someone excited to see you, someone to tell your troubles to, celebrate your kills.”
“Three, now,” he interrupted, holding up the count on his fingers.
“Reassure you that Amber,” she sneered around the name, rolling her eyes for good measure, “was a goddamn fool, someone to show you what love should be.”
“You mean love isn’t fucking and fighting?” he asked, eyes bright with mischief.
“It can be, but it can be so much more too. I swear, sex with someone you trust unconditionally is…it’s something else,” she explained. “When there’s no need to hold back - when you know you won’t be shamed or judged, there’s no pressure to impress - the only goal is the need to make each other feel good. Taking your time, exploring each other, pushing each other’s buttons. Bringing someone to the edge and pulling back, teasing, tasting, and then falling apart together, it’s…” she growled, hands shaped like claws as if frustrated that she couldn’t hold the feeling, “it’s incredible.” 
“Speaking from experience?” he questioned softly.
She nodded and felt the grief of the loss wash over her as she dropped her eyes. “Yeah, I had it all for a minute.”
“He gave me an ultimatum, him or the Navy.” 
“And seeing as you’re sitting here with me, I can guess what your stubborn ass decided.”
“Regret it?”
“Sometimes,” she shrugged, fidgeting with her hands and still not meeting his eyes. “I don’t miss him anymore, just the intimacy of it all.” 
“Having someone to worry about you if you don’t call, someone who’s excited to see you, someone to tell your troubles to,” he recited. 
She smiled cheekily, “wow, you do listen sometimes,” and found the courage in her teasing to look at him.
“Only to hot chicks when I’m trying to get my dick wet.” 
There it is! She thought, but Jake continued before she could comment, “wanna know what I think?” 
“No, but you’re probably going to tell me anyway,” she joked. 
He held her gaze and, with more sincerity than she’d ever heard from him, said, “He’s a goddamn fool.” 
“We should introduce him and Amber,” she suggested, “they deserve each other.”
“You’re never gonna let that go, are you?” he asked with a chuckle. “Amber really pissed you off, huh?”
“Damn right she has,” Ryleigh teased, “she broke my buddy’s heart,” she gently punched his bicep, “there’s no forgiving that.” 
He laughed genuinely but shook his head. “You’re an idiot.”
“That I am, Lieutenant, that I am,” she playfully agreed. “Now, enough of this sappy crap; let’s watch a movie.” 
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The television had no reception, but there was a DVD player and some old dust-covered DVDs. They settled in to watch Pulp Fiction after Jake got over the offense that Ryleigh had never seen it. Ten minutes in, she’d less than subtly readjusted her position four times.
“Leg acting up?” Jake asked.
“It’s just aching,” she said, hoisting herself up and unfolding her good leg from beneath her. She stretched both legs straight out, and Jake saw her wince.
Pausing the movie, he shuffled over to the middle cushion of the three-seater sofa, “Come here,” he said, reaching over to grab her legs just below her knees and maneuvering her to lay her legs over him, “good?” 
“Yeah,” she said, fidgeting to pull the plaid shirt down, so it wasn’t ruffled up her back and twisting to rest most of her weight on her good hip, meaning she was turned into Jake.
“Want the blanket?” he asked, pointing to the one draped over the armchair. 
“No, I’m good.” 
“Good, now keep still, woman!”
The movie played out, the snow continued to fall outside, and Ryleigh remained still, legs draped over Jake’s lap. The further the movie progressed, the more Jake relaxed, and Ryleigh’s vacation plans made more sense. The quiet outside, the knowledge that they had nowhere to be, no one would be interrupting them, was a blissful serenity he hadn’t felt, well, ever.
Absent-mindedly, he stroked gentle patterns up, down, and around her calf, her skin as soft beneath his fingertips as he’d imagined it would be. 
A few minutes before the credits began rolling, he felt her relax even further into the cushions and turned to see her head resting on the back of the couch, features slackened by sleep.
She truly was gorgeous, but now he saw something else too. He’d learned more about her in the last twenty-four hours than in the years since he’d known her. She was strong-willed, independent, and fiercely loyal if her reaction to Amber was anything to go by. She didn’t suffer fools - she’d called him out on his shit more than once. She was thoughtful - the video for his niece, understanding - she hadn’t mentioned his arachnophobia. 
Strangely, he was thankful she’d shot down his advances, and they’d never slept together. He knew this newfound friendship and the current situation would look entirely different if they had. He looked forward to seeing where it could lead.
The wind howled outside, and he worried she’d grow cold and wake, so he delicately eased himself off the sofa, lifting her legs and placing them back down gently. He took their used coffee mugs to the sink, and though he knew none of the doors or windows had been opened, he checked they were secured. He quietly went to the bedroom, staring at Ryleigh’s sleeping innocence as he passed. He closed the curtains, pushed the comforter back, and fluffed her pillows before returning to her.
She stirred, softly groaning as he fitted his arms under her knees and shoulders. “Sshh,” Jake whispered, “it’s just me, sleep.” He waited for her to settle, picking her up as gently as possible, careful not to jostle her injury. She wrapped her arms around his neck, nestling into his chest, and her contented sigh made him smile. 
He lay her on the bed, and she helped him ease her legs under the duvet. He brushed some hair from her face and followed his urge to place a featherlight kiss on her temple. “Sweet dreams.”
Her eyes fluttered open, and she groggily asked, “where’re you going? Need you.”
He stifled a groan, he understood she meant his warmth, but the sleep-hazed plea was reminiscent of a dream he’d had about her, one that morphed into a fantasy when he was alone. He swiftly removed his shirt and jeans and climbed in beside her.
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Part 4 - Melted With The Snow
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Series tag list open - send me an ASK / comment or reblog.
Tag List Info can be found here
Master Lists: Top Gun Maverick // All The Fandoms
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chickpea0 · 6 months
3 and 28 for the questions thatd be fun to be asked game!! :p
questions I think would be fun to be asked
3. 3 films you could watch for the rest of your life and not get bored of?
Ohhh this is tricky! I think 1. Death Becomes her, 2. The Hobit and 3. any of the Tinkerbell movies!! I'm not that big of a movie person but they're all very good and I've watched them many many times. Death Becomes her is spooky and fun and camp and just so over the top, it's great. It's also a bit weird. Weird is important. The Hobit is just a classic and it's got a lot of good elements to it, it's so pretty too. And Tinkerbell is just one of those films that I had on repeat as a kid. Tink was one of the few female characters I really related too, she wasn't a charicature of "girly" nor was she a one dimensional tomboy, she was flawed, her anger issues were treated as something that was a weakness of hers yet also a defining quality in a way that wasn't undermining and her whole story is about not feeling like you fit in and finding your own path in life. 28. do you collect anything?
I have a few tins full of seashells, seaglass and bits of pottery I've found at the beach/river! I plan on collecting tea sets when I'm older and have a kitchen of my own, I've got one in the shape of a cottage at the moment, it's second hand and I love it. I'd like to collect stuff in the future but I try to save money when I can and not buy things that I don't need. I'm not minimalist, no but it's important not to have stuff for the sake of it. I've been eyeing up some figurines (see below, bug/spider warning) but I'm not really sure the best way to go about finding a line/company I like or even a place to buy them from that ship to the UK. If anyone has any tips I'd love to hear!
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Lots!!! I'm really picky so these are just ones I'd be interested in. I dont have any shops local where they'd sell them, i don't think... not sure what site is best. BJDs are also interesting to me!
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art-of-manliness · 4 months
The Art of Manliness’ Ultimate Guide to Summer
The summer months are here, and with them, a change in mood, expectations, and itineraries. If you (and your family — you only get 18 summers with your kids, after all!) want to make the most of the season’s unique possibilities for fun and memory-making, below we offer a list of the many summer-related resources we’ve published over the years. Hopefully they’ll inspire you to throw a backyard party, swing in a hammock, take a hike, read a book on the beach, and generally enjoy the heck out of the sun-filled, laid-back days ahead. What to Wear When the weather warms up, a new set of clothes in your wardrobe gets put into rotation. It’s harder to dress stylishly in the summer than it is in the colder, layer-friendly months, but you don’t have to (only) default to t-shirts and shorts. The articles below will acquaint you with alternatives that look sharper, yet still keep you cool, and even offer some tips on how wear that t-shirt better when you do opt for it. Read these style guides to specific sartorial pieces: * Summer Smart Casual: 3 Getup Ideas for the Office, Date Night, and Weddings * The Guayabera * The Classic Camp Collar Shirt * The Polo Shirt * The T-Shirt * Khakis * The Seersucker Suit * Boat Shoes * Mohinders (My #1 recommendation for summer shoes!) * My Go-to Sunglasses for Summer And check out these overview articles as well: * A Man’s Guide to Summer Dress: Part I and Part II * Easy Ways to Upgrade Your Casual Summer Style * Summer Style: How to Dress for an Outdoor Social Event What to Do Warm weather, school vacation, and holidays like the Fourth open up new possibilities for recreation, relaxation, travel, and general mischief. If you’re looking for ideas on how to while away your summer days, or just want to better execute your excursions and adventures, consult the list below: * 18 Things Every Man Should Do This Summer * 23 Dangerous Things You Should Let Your Kids Do * The Ultimate Guide to Fireworks * 10 Awesome 4th of July Traditions  * How to Make a PVC Blowgun * How to Make a PVC Archery Bow * How to Make a Marshmallow Shooter * How to Make a Potato Cannon * How to Build a Man-Sized Slip-‘n-Slide * Backpacking Basics * The Complete Guide to Hiking (And Enjoying It) * Podcast #711: How to Plan the Ultimate Road Trip * 39 Things to Do Before Leaving on Vacation: A Handy Dandy Checklist * The Complete Guide to Flying With Babies and Toddlers (While Avoiding a Defcon 1 Meltdown) * 5 Ways to Streamline Your Next Camping Trip * Podcast #895: The Essential Guide to Visiting and Camping in the National Parks * The Great American Road Trip: Thoughts on Driving Across the Country What to Cook In the summertime, you’re less inclined to heat up the house by turning on the oven, and more inclined to take your cooking outdoors. When you’re firing up the grill, you’ll want to consult these articles, podcasts, and videos to become a master backyard chef: * The Science of Grilling * Podcast #612: Grillmaster Secrets for Flame-Cooked Perfection * Podcast #720: The Secrets to Making the Perfect Burger * The 3-Zone Fire * How to Light a Charcoal Grill * How to Grill Perfect Chicken Breasts * How to Grill the Perfect Burger * How to Grill the Perfect Steak * How to Make Your Own BBQ Sauce * How to Make Your Own BBQ Spice Rubs * Smoking Meat 101 * 3 Easy Marinades for Your 3 Favorite Meats * How to Smoke Brisket * How to Smoke Baby Back Ribs * How to Smoke Pulled Pork Also be sure to check out these fun tips for leveling up your next backyard BBQ: * The Best Way to Hold a Burger (According to Science!) * The Best Order to Stack Your Burger Toppings * The Best Way to Ice Drinks in a Cooler What to Read You often have more time to read during the summer, and you may be wondering what book to pack for your upcoming trip. Any of the recommendations on our many book lists could fit the bill, but as people are often looking for something lighter… http://dlvr.it/T7WjL6
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fourseasonsfigs · 1 year
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Niuniu Wants to Fight
Niuniu of course is Zhang Zhehan's character Duke Su, our noble Xu Jin, from The Blooms at Ruyi Pavilion.
Niuniu means "cute little girl" and is the very affectionate nickname for the very cute Xu Jin. Niuniu figs tend to be quite popular in the Junzhe Extended Universe fandom, so I'm building up a collection of them!
This particular fig was inspired by this absolutely beautiful costume:
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And some great behind the scenes photos of him in this costume:
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Since none of these pics give us a full length view, here's a video showing us this whole magnificent costume:
If you've been reading this blog, you know I love my armored warrior figs! I really like the battle-worn ones in particular, but I'm delighted to also have a few pristine pre-battle figs.
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Look at all that gorgeous golden armor!
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I really love how the fig maker rendered his eyes. Not only are they beautifully shaped, but they pick up the color of the robes in the iris and also the corner of the eye.
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Look at the ornate detail on the arm! I am in love with it. We also get a nice full length side view of his cloak.
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I don't have a lot of figs with cloaks, which is a shame, because they're effortlessly fantastic!
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This may be the only guzhuang / ancient costume fig I have that doesn't have a guan. I feel two ways about this. On one hand, I like the plain look of the hair - there is no time for hair crowns when you're off to battle! On the other hand, if you already look this fancy, what's a little more gold for the hair?
In reality, Zhehan's face is so gorgeous that the clean hairstyle actually suits this costume best. It sets off his face and costume to best effect.
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I love the motion in the cape here.
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Now THAT is a sword. Pre-attached, so no worries about it fitting in his hand, and nice and solid. There is some heft to that sword! Most of the PVC swords I get bend in shipping, since they are slim and therefore are quite flexible (and I'm not just talking about A-Xu's Baiyi!). This one didn't bend a fraction of an inch.
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I love the 3-D effect with the cape fastening to his breastplate..it looks so polished that way.
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He stands very well - the sword and the cape don't put him off-balance. Maybe they cancel each other out!
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This is a nice angle to see the effect on the cape at the shoulders, and also of course the slight flare at the bottom.
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The plain topknot is definitely growing on me! I don't mind some variation at all.
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This Niuniu is definitely going on my battlefield display with all my battle-worn (and not so battle-worn) warrior figs!
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I really do love getting the printed boxes - I miss those on all the white-boxed resin figs!
Material: PVC
Fig Count: 454
Scene Count: 30
Rating: Niuniu is so cute it may stop all fighting!
[link back to Master Fig Index for more posts]
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repost-this-image · 2 years
"I want to collect BJDs, but they're so expensive!"
It's tiny, but I've found a great BJD option for people who don't have the money for a resin cutie, as long as you don't mind a blind box.
Penny's Box (link is for US buyers) is a line of blind-box dolls that are about 6" tall. They are tension-strung BJDs, but because they are made of PVC and ABS plastics, they are WAY cheaper than resin dolls. They also have painted-on eyes instead of inset eyes, and their hair is a solid block of plastic. (You can buy an optional head cap for $5 that allows you to use a brushable wig instead, though, if you prefer.)
3 sets of these dolls have been released so far, with more to come: Nature's Secret, School Hunting, and Teennar.
Each doll comes with a full outfit and some extra hands for posing with. BJDs tend to be more of a "make-your-own-character kit" vibe, so they often don't come with hair, eyes, clothes, or paint. These are ready-to-go right out of the box.
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The doll also can fit into Pukipuki/Obitsu11 clothes, so it's easy to find or make extra outfits that will fit them. If you buy more than one doll, you can mix and match the hair and clothing, which is also fun. While the doll itself is a surprise, there are 6 common dolls and 1 super-rare "secret" doll in each set, and you can see all 6 common dolls on the page you order from. You can also order a full set of 6, if you really want. (That option's a bit beyond my budget at the moment, which is also why I have so few resin-babies.)
Here are some reviews I've found, so you can see the quality level of the dolls and get a better feel for their size:
Again, I know that these aren't for everyone. But if you're looking for a cute ball-jointed doll that costs US$20-25 plus shipping, this is it. They're cute, they give you a good feel for how a ball-jointed body moves, and they're decent quality for the price. Plus, as of this writing (October 2022), they are working on a CENTAUR set, which should release early next year. (I am totally stoked--I love centaur dolls, even though they're really tricky to make clothes for.)
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lilyoutloud · 2 years
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heres my ghoulia Thoughts before i make any permanent (paint) changes to anything.
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for the sake of this post i put her back in the beloathed skirt 👍 i dont hate this design overall but there is so much i dislike. i miss the 2010s emo meets mid century meets dead girl vibe of ghoulias orginal style. i don't have a lot to say about sir hoots a lot, im glad he returned! but i really dislike the art style of the gen 3 pets.
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i have to say, i enjoy all of the accessories that come with this ghoulia. I love the return of brain puffs!! the hand-held gaming device is incredibly cute, and being a gamer feels appropriate for ghoulia's whole nerdy/geeky/weird girl vibe. i love the return of deadfast on the board. i kind of like that she skates, but i hope shes still clumsy like she was in gen 1. her backpack isnt in this picture, but i adore the brain texture, and just the general facts that the signature dolls all come with book bags instead of purses. i love a doll backpack!
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the details on these boots are awesome in classic mh fashion. i plan to repaint the boots to be cherry red, and then bring back out the little details. the platforms are also brain textured, but the glossy black paint makes it hard to photograph. the headstone earrings are perfect, no notes, i would wear these. the glasses are cute, and i like the bone shaped detail on the glasses arms, but the lenses are thick and kind of hide her face. might see if i can carve them down to just the frames cause i do like the shape.
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the outfit pieces are.... lacking. the beanie is ok, it fits her head nicely, and the brain is cute, but it just feels like a very lazy piece to me and im indifferent to the grey jersey fabric.
I hate the skirt. its not that it doesnt feel like a mh piece in concept, but it doent feel like a ghoulia piece at all to me (bright pink and green pvc/leather miniskirt feels much more venus to me no??). It also fits her horribly. it rides up, it makes her look blocky and awkward, she can't sit down in it, and its a big highlight to how much i miss the cherry red over the bright pink for this specific character.
i like the shirt and jacket a little better. the shirt fits her very nicely, and while i don't love the unfinished edges it's definitely on par with a lot of the little gen 1 crop tops. i wish it was a nicer, softer cotton t shirt fabric though. i feel the same way about the fabric the jacket is made from. the jacket is my favorite piece from her outfit, it feels the most ghoulia to me. the monster movie font of the brains ribbon down the sleeves is cute and reminds me of her original mid century motifs, as well as the bomber cut. also more brain print haha. its ok, monster high has never been subtle. i just miss the secondary cherry motif she had before. it worked so well!!
this outfit feels kind of lame for a signature doll. as is, its pretty understated compared to the others, and none of the pieces are as nice as the quality of draculaura's shorts, pink blouse, or pink bustier (at this time she is my only other g3 doll). i think that with AT LEAST some different fabric choices this same design could have been better.
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my ghoulia also came with deep seam lines on the back of her thighs, which my draculaura has as well. ive seen others say the same, I think all gen 3 mh might have this leg seam. also, random holes in her feet?? but neither of these things really bother me much. overall, i think shes very cute, especially with a bit of a restyle. i love the shades of blue in her hair (though it tangles very very quickly with handling. like i said about draculaura, the lack of brush seems like an oversight). the green skin is really growing on me, i miss grey ghoulia but the green isnt nearly as bad as i feared and as time goes on i kind of like it. i feel like shes too pretty right now, in a princessy and also in a not dead enough way, with the soft pink lips and the blush on her cheeks and the bright eye makeup, but her cheeks are much less full than they seem in her stock photos, which is such a lovely suprise. while her face and jaw are wide, her cheekbones are quite high and angular and while her cheeks arent sunken the way her gen 1 mold's are, they aren't round at all. im excited to restyle and slightly customize her, and i plan to post again when shes all done 👍
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dothemacarena · 2 years
This morning I went to head to work but felt something wrong with my car before I got out of the driveway.
Flat Tire
Decide to just call in sick instead of borrowing roommates car or calling an uber because I have been wanting a mental health day and I can use the time to change the tire.
Now I know how to change a tire, but I have never done it fully myself. I have had my dad with me in the past. And I could get help from the aforementioned roommate, but I want to prove to myself that I am a strong independent woman who can change her own tire if it is ever needed on a road trip when I don't have a roommate handy.
Task 1: get the spare out of the trunk.
I have to remove a few things from my trunk (oil, wiper fluid, emergency blanket, jumpers, car powered air pump) but I get to the secret tire easy enough. Getting the tire out is a little harder then is supposed to be. There is supposed to be a rope wrapped around it that can be used to pull it out of the perfectly wheel sized hole but apparently whoever last put the spare in forgot it, but with a little work I get it out. Not too bad off to a good start.
Task 2: Get the stupid lug covers off.
I don't know if all cars have these but my car has these little plastic covers over the lugs that have to be removed before a tire iron can be used. (theft deterrent?) They have a little hole in the center where you stick a allen wrench or screw driver to pry them off. I spend way longer than I felt like it should take getting them off and I partially broke one in the process, but I have spares in the glove box.
Task 3: loosen the lugs.
This is the part that I always though would be the hardest, the think most likely to prevent me from changing my tire in the real world. I have a four way tire iron, and the spare came with another one, but my dad always said the four way ones were better so I put it on a lug. I stand on top of it, I jump up and down on it, I jump up and down on it more.
Nothing. Not a single inch of give. If I was on the side of a highway this would have to be when I give up either calling someone for a rescue or hopefully some friendly guy in a truck has pulled over to help me because I simply can't exert more force.
Luckily this did not happen on the highway it happened at home in our garage full of things. So plan #2 I climb up to the other half of our garage (which is usually up three steps but the steps broke so it is just one BIG step right now) I look for a metal pipe for more leverage. None to be found. Lots of PVC, but I think the PVC will give out before the bolt turns. I grab a piece and try it anyway I get a good amount of bend in the PVC and stop there before I break it. PVC is a no go.
Plan #3 I climb back into the upper garage, return the PVC pipes and grab a big sledge hammer to try hitting the tire iron. I get a few good whacks in, but it doesn't seem to be working. It's a dud. I return the sledge hammer trying to think of a plan #4. I climb down from the upper garage and notice something I missed before a length of metal pipe hidden amongst the big exercise equipment that never gets used this could be it!
Plan #4 the pipe is kinda rusty , pretty thin metal, and it doesn't fit on the tire iron, but luckily it does fit on the other tire iron 🎉. I slide it on and get to work. It is still hard. I still have to stand and jump on it, and it makes several disconcerting noises and cracks as I go (it is thin rusty metal after all) but I do it I get them loosened enough that I can turn them each without using the pipe extension or jumping. Plan 4 succeeds and I mentally note to buy a length of pipe for my trunk.
Task 4: Jack shit up
I have the jack that came with my vehicle/spare and it has a little sticker on it showing how to position it. I put it in place, put on the crank and crank it up. It is a little tedious and tiring but not to bad. Now that the really hard physical part is done and the less physically taxing possibly complicated step is complete it should be smooth sailing.
Task 5: Remove the lugs
Since I loosened all of the lugs pretty far earlier this goes fairly quick and easy, though my fingers are starting to ache. (it doesn't help that I went rock climbing last night). I get the lugs all off and in a pile for later.
Task 6: Removing the wheel
This by all means should be the easiest part. Everything that holds the wheel on has already been removed. I pull the tire. It doesn't budge. I re-grip and pull from a different spot. Still nothing. Maybe if i pull from the rim. Nope. I am getting frustrated at this point. I kick the tire and rim several times from different angles. Still on.
I go inside to eat lunch and try to look up if there is something I'm missing. Wiki-how says if the wheel is stubborn to hit around the rim with a rubber mallet. After eating I grab one and go whack it. I repeat several cycles of hitting it with the mallet, kicking it, and trying to pull it off. I am making no progress. I climb into the upper garage again and grab some WD-40. I spray it where the lugs used to be. I wait a few minutes and repeat a few more cycles of hitting with the mallet and kicking and pulling. I have now spent almost as much time trying to remove the wheel that is not attached as I spent loosening the lugs.
Stage 7: Acceptance
I give up. My will is strong, but my body is less so. I go inside back to my computer leaving the car jacked and the lugs off. My roommate is in the middle of a long conference call and will be busy until later, but once it is done he will help me. I must accept that in this I cannot be a strong independent woman who don't need no man.
How lucky then to live in a world where I know kind men that will help.
I write a tumblr post while my roommate finishes up work for the day.
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drakonleruki · 1 year
Choosing Sex Toys and Caring For Them
Do you expect to use your sex toy without help from anyone else or with your partner? Choosing a sex toy and using it together with your partner will cultivate better intimacy, understanding and receptiveness. Some sex toys are used exclusively for solo play, while some such as love swings can be used with a partner.
Stimulation inclination Phallic sex toys can be intended for penetration or clitoral stimulation. Some can do both. Ladies are aroused differently and knowing which erogenous zones stimulate you more can help in choosing the right sex toys. For penetrative stimulation, Choosing Sex Toys and Caring For Them Articles the shaft type vibrators or dildos are a decent decision. For clitoral stimulation, we suggest the most popular rabbit vibrator range. The rabbit range fills a dual need, penetration and clitoral stimulation. The base of the shaft has a rabbit ear shaped soft like material intended to delicately massage the clitoris while the shaft is embedded in the vagina. Rabbit vibrators are the most popular sex toys the world over and we enthusiastically suggest that you search for one. Sound Some sex toys like vibrators can be a bit boisterous. 
You would rather not rouse your neighbors and housemates, isn't that right? For this, you can consider variable speed vibrators or vibrators that emit a low degree of commotion. Material or surface Sex toys generally come in porous or non-porous material. Porous materials such as cyberskin are very lifelike. 
They feel exceptionally realistic and are often shaped after the real thing. Non-porous materials such as plastic, soft PVC, silicone and glass are smooth and come in varying surfaces. Either way, they ought to be used with heaps of lubrication. Porous materials will require a bit more cleaning as bacteria can develop between the pores. Water and soap will be enough for non-porous materials. 
Style Everyone has a personal inclination with regards to variety, shape, size, studded or smooth and elongated. It's a matter of inclination. Choose from a variety of characteristics remembering those that gleam for the dark. Wet and dry use Are you planning to use your toy in the bath? Many people have found how much fun they can have in the bath. Waterproof toys such as the elastic duck or waterproof dildos make great companions. Portability Would you like to take your vibrator on the road with you or are you planning on keeping it at home? There are small battery controlled vibrators such as the Pocket Rocket which can fit into the palm of your hand.
Cleaning and caring for your Sex Toys Since sex toys are used on the most sensitive parts of your body, it makes sense to keep it very much cleaned and cared for. With a couple of basic advances, you can prolong the life of your toy. Lubricants Water-and silicone-based lubricants are safe to use with sex toys. Avoid using oil-or petrol based lubricants as they break down latex material. Vaseline or olive oil are for external use just and are great for massaging. Never use oil-based lubricants for any penetration as they can cause diseases if not appropriately cleaned. 
Cleaning Non-porous materials are smooth and warm water and soap usually gets the job done. If required, silicone sex toys can be cleaned by bubbling it for 3 to 5 minutes. Porous materials such as cyberskin and elastic require a bit more care as bacteria can conceal within the pores. Avoid using soap on cyberskin to maintain the surface. Instead, wash with bunches of warm water or sanitize with alcohol. It is best air-dried and sprinkled with cornstarch or talcum to maintain the smooth surface. To keep all your toys clean and ready to use, you can also pickup a care and cleaning kit. Condoms can be placed over sex toys so it can be safely shared with various partners.
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nurseshannansreviews · 15 hours
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🤰 Have you been looking for baby shower gifts? Check out these 3 unique & super useful baby shower gifts I found at the ncvi store on Amazon!
Which one do you like best!
1. NCVI Breast milk cooler bag with 2 ice packs! It has all kinds of compartments and fits 6 bottles! I love how it can be worn several different ways and has a double layer design and handy partition storage. Two Ice packs are included to keep everything fresh for up to 14 hours. It's also super versatile and can be used for other things besides breast milk. It can be used as a all purpose cooler bag, lunch bag, picnic bag and more. I think it makes a wonderful gift especially for breastfeeding moms who are returning to work.
2. NCVI Baby Teething Toy for babies 0-6 months. It has a unique no drop design! This silicone mitten is the perfect teether for sucking and chewing for teething pain relief. I love how this baby teether can be worn on the baby's wrist or held in the hand so it doesn't easily fall off.
3. NCVI Silicone Baby Stacking Toy. It's made of soft food-grade silicone and has the cutest dinosaur rainbow stacking shapes The stackable parts can also be used as a baby learning toy and as teethers. A creative gift for transitioning from baby to toddler. It can also be used as a bath toy and the material can be cleaned and dried at high temperatures. Made of safe materials always free of bpa, phthalates, latex and pvc
🤰 You can find these three baby shower gifts and lots of other unique and useful gift ideas for Mom and baby at
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Customised product shape inner die cut fitments premium packaging Box
For customized product shape inner die-cut fitments in premium packaging boxes by Papers Gallery, you can expect a highly tailored design to ensure a snug fit for your products.
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1. Tailored Die-Cut Fitments:
Custom Shape & Size: The inner fitment is precisely cut to match the unique shape of your product, ensuring a secure fit.
Materials: The fitment can be made from various materials, such as foam, cardboard, EVA foam, or PVC, depending on your product's fragility and display needs.
2. Premium Packaging Box:
Rigid Structure: Often constructed from rigid cardboard or high-density materials to give a luxurious feel and provide protection.
Customizable Exterior: Options for finishes like embossing, debossing, foil stamping, UV spot, or matte/gloss lamination.
Magnetic Closure or Ribbon Ties: To give it a high-end look, the box can feature magnetic closures, ribbon ties, or other elegant mechanisms.
3. Branding and Aesthetic Customization:
Printed Logos: You can customize the exterior with your brand’s logo, patterns, and color schemes.
Windows or Display Areas: Some boxes may have clear windows or cut-outs to showcase the product without needing to open the box.
4. Applications:
Luxury Goods: Ideal for cosmetics, jewelry, high-end electronics, or limited edition products.
Gift Boxes: These can be designed as premium gift boxes, adding value to the product itself.
1. Protection and Support
Electronics (Phones, Laptops, Gadgets): Inner die-cut fitments protect fragile products from damage during shipping by keeping them securely in place. They cushion the product, reducing the risk of movement and breakage.
Cosmetics and Perfumes: High-end cosmetics or perfumes are often presented in premium boxes with customized die-cut inserts that hold the product, preventing leaks or spills and providing a luxury experience.
2. Brand Presentation
Luxury Goods (Watches, Jewelry): Die-cut inserts elevate the unboxing experience, creating a display-like presentation. Premium brands use custom fitments to showcase their products in an aesthetically pleasing way.
Subscription Boxes: Many subscription services use custom inserts to create a visually attractive display when opening the box, giving the brand an upscale and professional look.
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25A, Amar Enclave, Behind Flipkart Best Price, Ambala - Chandigarh Road, Zirakpur- 140603 
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Contact Us At
+91 (9996) 444 060
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mobelfolien · 4 days
Revitalize Your Space with Möbelfolie Selbstklebend: A DIY Furniture Makeover
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Are you looking for an easy, affordable way to give your furniture a fresh look? möbelfolie selbstklebend, or self-adhesive furniture film, offers a fantastic solution for transforming your space without breaking the bank. This versatile material allows you to refresh old or worn-out furniture, personalize your décor, and experiment with new styles—all with minimal effort. Let's delve into how möbelfolie selbstklebend can be the perfect DIY tool for your next home project.
What is Möbelfolie Selbstklebend?
Möbelfolie selbstklebend is a flexible, self-adhesive film that can be applied to a variety of surfaces, including wood, metal, plastic, and glass. Made primarily from durable vinyl or PVC, these films come in a wide range of colors, textures, and patterns. Whether you want to recreate the look of natural wood, add a marble finish, or introduce bold geometric designs, there’s a möbelfolie for every taste and style.
This self-adhesive film is designed to be easily applied to flat surfaces and even curved edges, making it suitable for all kinds of furniture—wardrobes, tables, shelves, kitchen cabinets, and more. With its strong adhesive backing, möbelfolie stays in place for long-lasting results.
The Benefits of Möbelfolie Selbstklebend
1. Affordable Makeover
One of the biggest advantages of möbelfolie selbstklebend is its cost-effectiveness. Instead of purchasing brand-new furniture or hiring a professional to refinish your existing pieces, you can apply möbelfolie yourself for a fraction of the price. This makes it a popular option for those on a budget or anyone who enjoys tackling home improvement projects on their own.
2. Simple DIY Application
No prior experience is required to apply möbelfolie selbstklebend. The process is straightforward, even for beginners. Start by cleaning the surface you want to cover, ensuring it’s free from dust and grease. Then, measure and cut the film to size, peel off the backing, and carefully apply it to the surface, smoothing out any air bubbles with a soft cloth or squeegee. If you make a mistake, the film is often repositionable for a short period, allowing you to adjust it for a perfect fit.
3. Versatile and Customizable
Möbelfolie selbstklebend offers endless customization options. Whether you prefer minimalist designs, rich textures, or playful patterns, there is a design to suit your preferences. From realistic wood grain finishes to high-gloss metallic looks, you can instantly change the mood of a room with a simple application. Plus, because the film can be cut to any size or shape, you can easily tailor it to fit any piece of furniture.
4. Durable and Protective
Despite its thin profile, möbelfolie selbstklebend is durable and provides excellent protection for your furniture. It’s resistant to moisture, scratches, and everyday wear and tear, making it ideal for high-use areas like kitchens, bathrooms, and children’s rooms. The film also protects the underlying furniture from damage, extending its lifespan.
5. Easy to Maintain
Maintaining möbelfolie is a breeze. The vinyl surface can be easily wiped clean with a damp cloth, making it a practical choice for busy households. Unlike painted or stained surfaces, which may require frequent touch-ups or refinishing, möbelfolie retains its look with minimal upkeep.
Temporary or Long-Term Solution
One of the most appealing aspects of möbelfolie selbstklebend is its flexibility. It can be used as a temporary design solution or a more permanent update, depending on your needs. The film can be removed without damaging the surface underneath, making it perfect for renters who want to personalize their space without violating lease agreements. When you’re ready for a new look, simply peel it off and replace it with a different design.
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happyjump · 8 days
Inflatable Games: The Ultimate Entertainment for Every Event
When it comes to hosting events, whether it’s a birthday party, school carnival, or corporate gathering, finding fun and engaging activities that everyone can enjoy is key to creating a memorable experience. One such activity that has stood the test of time is inflatable games. These vibrant, larger-than-life attractions are the perfect way to ensure that your event is filled with excitement, laughter, and entertainment for guests of all ages.
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At Happy Jump Inc., we specialize in providing premium inflatable games that are sure to make your event a success. Whether you’re planning a backyard birthday bash or a large-scale public festival, we offer a wide range of inflatable options to meet your needs.
What Are Inflatable Games?
Inflatable games are air-filled structures made from durable, high-quality vinyl or PVC materials. These structures are inflated using powerful blowers, transforming a simple patch of ground into a thrilling playground of fun. From bounce houses and obstacle courses to slides and sports games, inflatable games come in many shapes and sizes to suit a variety of themes and event types.
One of the key advantages of inflatable games is their versatility. They can be set up both indoors and outdoors, providing entertainment that works in virtually any environment. Additionally, inflatable games are safe, easy to set up, and visually appealing, making them a hit with kids and adults alike.
Popular Types of Inflatable Games
At Happy Jump Inc., we pride ourselves on offering a wide variety of inflatable games that cater to different preferences, ages, and event themes. Here are some of the most popular inflatable options:
1. Bounce Houses
A staple at children’s parties, bounce houses are classic inflatables that allow kids to jump and play in a safe, padded environment. Available in a variety of themes and designs, bounce houses can range from small, compact models for backyard use to larger ones designed for larger gatherings.
Themes can include princess castles, superhero lairs, pirate ships, and even neutral designs to fit any event. These inflatable games encourage physical activity, promote social interaction, and guarantee endless fun for younger guests.
2. Obstacle Courses
For those seeking a more challenging and competitive experience, inflatable obstacle courses are the perfect choice. These games consist of a series of obstacles that participants must climb over, crawl under, or squeeze through. Many obstacle courses are designed as races, where participants compete to see who can make it to the finish line the fastest.
Obstacle courses come in various lengths and difficulty levels, ensuring there’s a challenge for every age group. They are a hit at corporate team-building events, school field days, and even community festivals, where participants can engage in friendly competition.
3. Inflatable Slides
Inflatable slides add an extra layer of excitement to any event. Available in both dry and wet versions, these towering inflatables allow participants to climb to the top and slide down at exhilarating speeds. Wet slides are especially popular during the summer, offering a fun and refreshing way to cool off at outdoor events.
Our inflatable slides at Happy Jump Inc. come in different sizes and themes, making them a perfect addition to any party or event. They can be paired with other inflatables or rented individually to create the ultimate entertainment experience.
4. Interactive Sports Games
For sports enthusiasts, we offer a range of interactive inflatable games that mimic popular sports like basketball, soccer, and football. These games allow participants to practice their skills, compete with friends, or simply enjoy some casual fun.
Inflatable sports games are great for community fairs, school events, and even corporate gatherings where you want to encourage friendly competition among attendees. These inflatables also come with adjustable difficulty levels, making them suitable for participants of all ages and skill levels.
Why Choose Inflatable Games for Your Event?
1. Appeals to All Ages
One of the biggest advantages of inflatable games is that they are suitable for all ages. While bounce houses are usually a hit with young children, obstacle courses and sports inflatables can be enjoyed by teens and adults alike. With the variety of inflatables available at Happy Jump Inc., you can create a diverse and engaging experience that appeals to everyone.
2. Safe and Secure
At Happy Jump Inc., safety is our top priority. All of our inflatable games are made from durable, high-quality materials that meet strict safety standards. Our inflatables are inspected and cleaned regularly to ensure they are in excellent condition for your event.
We also provide setup and takedown services, so you don’t have to worry about the logistics. Our trained staff will ensure that each inflatable is properly installed and securely anchored, minimizing any risks and allowing guests to enjoy the fun safely.
3. Cost-Effective Entertainment
Planning an event can be expensive, but inflatable games provide a cost-effective solution for providing hours of entertainment. Renting inflatables is often more affordable than hiring live entertainment or setting up more permanent attractions. Plus, inflatables are a hit with large crowds, ensuring that you get the most value out of your rental.
4. Versatility
Inflatable games are incredibly versatile and can be used for a wide range of events, from birthday parties and school carnivals to corporate events and church fundraisers. Whether you’re hosting an intimate gathering or a large festival, inflatables can be scaled to meet the needs of your event.
Why Choose Happy Jump Inc.?
At Happy Jump Inc., we pride ourselves on being industry leaders in inflatable game rentals. With years of experience and a passion for customer service, we provide top-quality inflatables that are safe, clean, and fun. We offer a wide variety of inflatables to suit every event, and our team is dedicated to making your event planning process as smooth as possible.
Here’s why you should choose Happy Jump Inc. for your next event:
Wide Selection: We offer a diverse range of inflatables, including bounce houses, slides, obstacle courses, and interactive sports games.
Safety First: All of our inflatables meet industry safety standards, and we take care of setup and takedown to ensure a safe experience for your guests.
Affordable Pricing: Our rental packages are designed to fit a variety of budgets without sacrificing quality or fun.
Reliable Service: Our team is dedicated to providing prompt, professional service, ensuring your event goes off without a hitch.
If you’re looking for a fun, engaging, and versatile entertainment option for your next event, look no further than inflatable games from Happy Jump Inc. With a wide range of inflatables available and a commitment to safety and customer satisfaction, we’re here to help make your event a resounding success. Contact us today to learn more about our inflatable game rentals and let us bring the fun to your next party or event!
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beyondplumbings · 12 days
Emergency Plumbing Supplies Every Contractor Should Have
When it comes to plumbing, emergencies can strike at the most inconvenient times—leaky pipes at midnight, broken water heaters on holiday, or clogged drains right before a big event. Whether you're a seasoned professional or starting, having the right tools can mean the difference between a quick fix and a long, stressful day. In this blog, we’ll dive into the essential emergency plumbing supplies that every contractor should have in their toolkit. And for those in the area, don't forget to check out the top emergency plumbing suppliers Melbourne offers!
The Foundation of Preparedness: Essential Tools
When disaster strikes, the first step is to have the right tools at your disposal. Here’s what every contractor’s toolkit should include:
1. Pipe Wrenches
A pipe wrench is the MVP of any plumbing toolkit. It is indispensable whether you're tightening, loosening, or turning pipes. Opt for a set that includes various sizes to handle different pipe diameters.
2. Plumbers Tape
Also known as Teflon tape, plumber's tape is crucial for preventing leaks. It provides a watertight seal between threaded pipe connections, and a roll or two of this tape can be a lifesaver in an emergency.
3. Pipe Cutters
A good pipe cutter is essential for making clean cuts on copper, PVC, and other pipe materials. This tool ensures that you can quickly replace damaged sections with minimal fuss.
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4. Plunger
No toolkit is complete without a trusty plunger. It’s the go-to tool for unclogging drains and toilets. Keep a high-quality plunger on hand to tackle those stubborn blockages.
5. Pipe Sealants and Adhesives
Pipe sealants and adhesives are crucial for creating strong, leak-proof joints. Whether you’re dealing with PVC, metal, or other materials, having a selection of sealants ensures you can make quick repairs.
6. Replacement Parts: The Essentials
From faucets and hoses to fittings and connectors, having a stash of common replacement parts can save you valuable time. Plumbing suppliers in Melbourne often stock these essentials, ensuring you’re never caught off guard.
7. Drain Cleaners: For the Tough Jobs
Sometimes, a plunger just won’t cut it. For those tough clogs, have a range of drain cleaners on hand. Look for products that are effective yet safe for pipes.
8. Teflon Tape
Small but mighty, Teflon tape is a must-have for sealing pipe threads to prevent leaks. It’s essential for any emergency repair involving threaded pipes, fittings, or valves. Always keep a few rolls in your toolbox.
9.  Safety Gear: Protect Yourself 
Being prepared means having a well-stocked kit you can rely on when the unexpected happens. Emergencies can be stressful, but having the right supplies from plumbing suppliers can make all the difference. It’s not just about having tools; it’s about having the confidence to handle any plumbing emergency with efficiency and expertise.
Remember safety gear. Gloves, goggles, and masks are essential to protect yourself while handling potentially hazardous materials or working in tight spaces.
Why Quality Matters
Quality is critical when it comes to emergency repairs. Investing in durable, reliable tools from reputable plumbing suppliers ensures you're ready for any situation. Cheap tools may save money upfront, but they can only succeed when you need them most, leading to more headaches and potential damage.
In the world of plumbing, emergencies are bound to happen. However, with the right supplies and tools from plumbing suppliers in Melbourne, you’ll be prepared to tackle any situation that comes your way. By stocking up on essential items and planning, you can ensure that you’re always ready to provide top-notch service, no matter what. So, the next time you’re gearing up for a job, remember a well-prepared contractor is a successful contractor.
Source From: Emergency Plumbing Supplies Every Contractor Should Have
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lazydogs-world · 14 days
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