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Sean bienvenidos, japonistasarqueológicos a una nueva entrega en esta ocasión os presento a otro arqueólogo que excavó en el yacimiento del Toro en la arqueología de posguerra. - En la publicación anterior comentamos, que era la arqueología de posguerra, mencionamos el milagro japonés y de cómo tras la guerra japón supo reponer sus heridas con cierta rapidez y el yacimiento del Toro es un testimonio de ello. En esta publicación, el personaje en esta ocasión se trata de,Takeji Kikukawa Nacido en 1932, que corresponde a la era Showa. - Fue estudiante de la escuela secundaria Fujieda Higashi localizada en la prefectura de Shizuoka, se dedicó a los periodo yayoi y Jamón estudiando su cultura material, sobre todo la cerámica del periodo yayoi y las pesas de piedra del periodo Jomon. - Espero que os haya gustado y nos vemos en próximas publicaciones que pasen una buena semana. 日本の考古学者たちよ、戦後の考古学で登呂遺跡を発掘したもう一人の考古学者を歓迎しよう。 - 前回は戦後考古学について、日本の奇跡と戦後日本がいかに早く立ち直ったか、そしてエル・トロ遺跡がその証であることをお話ししました。今回の登場人物は、1932年生まれの菊川武治である。 - 静岡県立藤枝東高等学校に在籍し、弥生・縄文時代の物質文化、特に弥生時代の陶磁器や縄文時代の石錘の研究に没頭した。 - それでは、また次回もお楽しみください。
Welcome, Japanese archaeologists, to another post-war archaeologist who excavated at the Toro site in post-war archaeology. - In the previous publication we talked about post-war archaeology, we mentioned the Japanese miracle and how after the war Japan was able to recover its wounds quite quickly and the site of El Toro is a testimony of that. In this publication, the character on this occasion is Takeji Kikukawa, born in 1932, which corresponds to the Showa era. - He was a student at Fujieda Higashi High School in Shizuoka Prefecture. He was devoted to the Yayoi and Jomon periods, studying their material culture, especially the ceramics of the Yayoi period and the stone weights of the Jomon period. - I hope you enjoyed it and see you in future posts have a nice week.
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ilpiddinoelettrico · 6 months ago
Domanda seria , qualcuno mi sa dire , perché durante la seconda guerra mondiale, nessun soldato aveva protezioni individuali, nella prima guerra in parte le avevano, poi dopo la seconda sono ritornate, molto gradualmente , oggi imarines americani hanno dei giubbotti antiproiettile, naturalmente non proteggono dalle bombe.
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diwighte · 4 years ago
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Выкладываю вне очереди этот рисунок. Поскольку много кто хотел татуировку или наклейку с этой очаровательной ведьмачкой. Также спешу поделиться радостной для себя новостью. Спидпейнт, на этот рисунок в тиктоке, посмотрели уже 25К человек. А количество подписчиков за день превысило количество подписчиков в инстограме. Я в шоке, что такое возможно, и безмерно рад этому🥳. Мотивирован как никогда. Советую подписаться. Там ролики выходят в первую очередь. #ночныеведьмы #nightwitches #у2 #самолёт #witches #tattoo #radiotapok #sabaton #tiktok #speedpaint #drawing #pencildrawing #sketchbook #2worldwar #588 https://www.instagram.com/p/CJLFrLFjYyU/?igshid=1a60q21m9ha1j
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wiktorbelladonna10 · 6 years ago
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Todays 80th anniversary of the outbreak of WWII
-Thanks and glory to the heroes!!!
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bodekm · 6 years ago
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Cmentarz poległych żołnierzy armii czerwonej w Loecknitz #niemcy #germany #niemcy🇩🇪 #germany🇩🇪 #pomnik #monument #soldier #żołnierze #2wojnaświatowa #2worldwar #maklemburgia #maklenburgvorpommern #cmentarz #cementery #friedhof (w: Löcknitz, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1LgMabJuS9/?igshid=1wq0gbe049k8b
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lindgrenjulie · 3 years ago
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When my Granddad worked for the Danish Ministry of War , II World War, he visited #usa and his pictures was printed on matchboxes together with US OFFICER . This is a gift from my dad to my American cousin @mfarnaes ( @efarnaes ), I promised my dad to send it to you, so it’s on the way asap. #2worldwar #iiworldwarmuseumgdansk #iiworldwar #usarmy #history #proudgranddaughter #ahousewifecom https://www.instagram.com/p/CZNNnb-tk5L/?utm_medium=tumblr
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piertours · 3 years ago
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India Tourism Imphal in collaboration with Pier Tours organised an awareness program on Battle of Kohima on 13th Nov at Kohima. In the morning, the participants laid a wreath and observed a minute of silence to remember the souls who died in the battle of Kohima. Thereafter visited various sites and memorials in an around Kohima. . . #intags #battlefieldtour #nagalandtourism #commonwealthwargravescommission #2worldwar #2worldwar #battleofkohima #britiangreatestbattlefield (at Kohima) https://www.instagram.com/p/CWTVVIQBnca/?utm_medium=tumblr
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nibaldop · 7 years ago
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El diseño, la decoración, su ubicación dentro del aeropuerto DeKalb Peachtree, su variado menú, y en especial si atención y platos hacen del 58th Fighter Group Restaurant un lugar diferente, único. 101 % recomendable. / The design, the decoration, its location inside the DeKalb Peachtree airport, its varied menu, and especially if attention and dishes make the 58th Fighter Group Restaurant a different, unique place. 101% recommended. #restaurant #restaurante #57thfightergroup #57thfighter #2worldwar #iiworldwar #aviones #airplanes #planes #aircraft #aeropuerto #airport #dekalbpeachtreeairport #atlanta #georgia #eeuu #eeuu🇺🇸 #usa (en 57th Fighter Group Restaurant)
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loveclickbankstuff · 4 years ago
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. . prilaga.com #holocaustmonument #mentalhealthwarrior #jewsagainstzionism #holocaust2014 #war #2worldwar #Delaware #jewsharp_player #holocausteducation #lambowars #tupperware #jewsfortrump #holocaustsurvivors #jewsforbernie #jewswithviews #prilaga #mentalhealthawarness #staywarm #holocaustaleppo #warm #jewsie #jewsofinstagram #holocausthistory #warrior https://www.instagram.com/p/CO8BiLFjoKz/?igshid=1ape97tvoiwyb
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bigyack-com · 5 years ago
Dalai Lama is welcome to visit Taiwan, says foreign ministry - world news
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Taiwan would welcome a visit by exiled Tibetan spiritual leader the Dalai Lama, its foreign ministry has said, adding that any invitation would be handled under “relevant rules” if a request to visit is received, reported Radio Free Asia, a US-funded international broadcasting corporation.The Dalai Lama is “welcome to come to Taiwan again to propagate the Buddhist teachings,” foreign ministry spokeswoman Joanne Ou said on Monday, adding that an application by the Dalai Lama to visit would be handled “in accordance with the principle of mutual respect and at a time of convenience for both sides.”A visit to Taiwan by the Dalai Lama would be his first since 2009 and would certainly anger Beijing, which claims self-governing Taiwan as a renegade province and regards the Tibetan spiritual leader as a dangerous separatist intent on splitting Tibet from Chinese rule.“As the political scenario changes, it may be that I’ll be able to visit you in Taiwan again soon. I hope so,” the Dalai Lama said in a video message sent to supporters in Taiwan on the occasion of his birthday, July 6, and referring apparently to recent moves by the country’s president Tsai Ing-wen to further distance from China.“Whatever happens, I’ll remain with you in spirit,” the Dalai Lama said.Greetings Read the full article
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Sean bienvenidos, japonistasarqueológicos a una nueva entrega en esta ocasión os presento a uno de los arqueólogos que excavan en el yacimiento del Toro en la arqueología de posguerra. - ¿Qué es la arqueología de posguerra? Disciplina, que abarca la década de 1947-1999 tras la 2 guerra mundial, Japón se dedicó a realizar excavaciones en masa, además de salir de la situación de posguerra, mejorando el país e invirtiendo en el patrimonio cultural, para que la población estuviera entretenida con otros quehaceres por ejemplo en la década de los 50 surge el famoso milagro Japonés. - Nuestro personaje en esta ocasión se trata de, kenichi Miura nacido en 1932, después de la guerra en japón surge un movimiento llamado Bunka federación y todas las escuelas querían hacer algo por la cultura. Fue una gran labor por parte del país del sol naciente a pesar de la situación en la que se encontraba digno de administración. - Espero que os haya gustado y nos vemos en próximas publicaciones que pasen una buena semana. 日本の考古学者たちよ、戦後の登呂遺跡考古学の新連載へようこそ。 - 戦後考古学とは何か?第二次世界大戦後の1947年から1999年の10年間をカバーする学問分野であり、日本は戦後の状況を離れ、国を改善し、文化遺産に投資することに加えて、国民が他の仕事で楽しまれるように、大規模な発掘に専念していた、例えば、50年代の10年間で有名な日本の奇跡が生じた。 - 今回の登場人物は、1932年生まれの三浦健一です。 戦後、日本では文化連盟という運動が起こり、各学校が文化のために何かをしようとしました。日出づる國の行政にふさわしい状況にもかかわらず、これは偉大な仕事であった。 - それでは、また次号でお会いしましょう。 良い一週間を。 Welcome, Japanese archaeologists, to a new installment of the post-war archaeology of the Toro archaeological site. - What is post-war archaeology? Discipline, which covers the decade of 1947-1999 after World War II, Japan was dedicated to mass excavations, in addition to leaving the post-war situation, improving the country and investing in cultural heritage, so that the population was entertained with other tasks, for example in the decade of the 50's the famous Japanese miracle arose. - Our character on this occasion is Kenichi Miura, born in 1932. After the war in Japan, a movement called Bunka Federation arose and all the schools wanted to do something for culture. It was a great work on the part of the country of the rising sun in spite of the situation in which it found itself worthy of administration. - I hope you liked it and see you in the next publications. Have a nice week.
for more information/詳細については:https://www.shizuoka-toromuseum.jp/toro-site/people/people-intervew01/
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agnidasein · 5 years ago
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Tappetenfabric ▫️🖤▫️ . . . . #albertina #deutschekünstler #viennaartist #inmuseum #tapete #comtemporaryart #weltgeschichte #worldhistory #tiefekunst #deepart #seelischegesundheit #pastosemalerei #jüdisch #2worldwar #artlover #viennamuseums #anselmkiefer #mythology (at Albertina Museum) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCh5dP3g0z9/?igshid=pg3nvwp450bn
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pakonss · 5 years ago
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Restons unis pour faire avancer la #RDC #RDCONGO 🇨🇩, le pays des Kin'Ambianceurs. Bonne fête de l'indépendance à tous @prilaga #victor #remember #9 #thanksyou #army #war #happy #winning #wewon #2worldwar #9thmay #militaryparade #pride #thedayofvictory #may #russia #thanks #v-day #fun #1941 #victoryday #win #prilaga #vday #1945 #salute #russianarmy #victorydayparade (à Kinshasa, Congo) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCDkkfqgld0/?igshid=94jg0822l38v
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imperiumrussicum · 5 years ago
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​“Они​ ушли биться въ 1941 г. не за Сталина, а за семью и Отчизну. Многіе помнили о томъ, что подъ молотъ репрессій попалъ кто-то изъ семьи, и многіе боялись идти противъ власти Советовъ. Какъ въ наше время я уйду въ случаѣ войны воевать ни за Путина, а за этого мальчугана и его мать, бабушку, дѣдушку, сестру и другихъ близкихъ ему людей, и за Отчизну, и никакой ​Путинъ​ не будетъ въ моей душѣ. Я увѣренъ, что именно съ подобными мыслями большинство людей тогда ушли и не вернулись, — С. Н. Черемисовъ. 🖋 #вов #22июня1941 #росiйскаяимперiя #война #2worldwar #ссср #козаки #казаки #казачество #русскийсолдат https://www.instagram.com/p/CBwjZkQCeya/?igshid=gf4ghfr8j5au
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blogclasseturista · 5 years ago
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Você já imaginou como deve ter sido a "festa" das pessoas quando terminou a Segunda Guerra Mundial? Imagine-se na Europa em 1945, após 6 anos de conflito, poder sair tranquilamente pelas ruas, ainda que todas as construções ao redor estivessem destruídas. Será que podemos fazer um paralelo com os dias de hoje? . Gdansk, na Polônia, foi onde a guerra começou em 1939. Lá hoje se encontra o melhor museu de história que já visitei - o Museu da Segunda Guerra Mundial. Simplesmente, fantástico! Vale a pena passar um dia inteiro por lá! São 18 salas que contam desde o nascimento e expansão dos regimes totalitários até o período pós-guerra. Num das salas, o que me mais impressionou foi o realístico cenário de final de guerra. . . #gdansk #danzig #polonia #polen #poland #2worldwar #secondworldwarmuseum #museum #classeturista #serturista #sourbbv #1945 #classeturistanapolonia #museu #history #historia (em Muzeum II Wojny Światowej) https://www.instagram.com/p/CABgPKKJjhs/?igshid=ijs95yfsnoba
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francescosilla · 5 years ago
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“Gli esseri umani trovano la violenza molto appagante. Ma sottragga a questo l'appagamento e il gesto diventa vano.” The imitation game #benedictcumberbatch #keiraknightley #alanturing #theimitationgame #movie #film #cinematography #enigma #2worldwar #followme #cinesociety #followcinema #cinema https://www.instagram.com/p/B7Yz3zaqwe4/?igshid=1mfus1fwqz6ml
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