#2p hetalia yandere
shini--chan · 4 months
May I request 2p allies making their s/o mute as a punishment for trying to run for help.
⚫〰️⚫ Thank you
Alright, as the ask indicates, it is not a never family friendly post that awaits you up ahead. Excluding 2p Canada this time, since I had difficulty coming up with another form of mutness other than those described via the other characters.
This came out later than planned due to time management issues on behalf of the author. Nevertheless, enjoy!
Trigger warnings: body horror, physical abuse, emotional abuse, mutilation, misuse of medical procedures, drugging, malnutrition, dark magic
Yandere 2p! Allies - Silence is Gold
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Allen would loathe to admit it, but he had come to like you when you were quiet. Aside from that, you looked so cute with your neck bandaged up. And those glares and petulant expressions you made! Oh, if he had known how agreeable you’d become after losing your voice, he would have done this far sooner. 
That being said, it had been an accident - he hadn’t wanted to punch you in the throat, but you just had to jump in the way, when he was busy teaching that bastard a lesson. Therefore, he had had no choice but to cut open your throat to ensure you could continue breathing. 
When you leaned down to take his plate, you purposely bumped his shoulder. Yes, you were still very upset with him about what had happened. However, the feeling was mutual. He slapped your arse when you straightened up again. 
It caused you to perform a little jump and then glare at him. 
“If I had known that you’d look so sexy with something around your neck, I would have bought you a set of chokers long ago, dollface. Don’t worry though - you look good with the bloodstained gauze as well”, he slyly complimented you. Oh, how it infuriated you. 
You had tried to talk a few times these past days, causing the wound on your neck to reopen and weep plasma and blood everytime you did. As it was, you were lucky that you had gotten antibiotics, or else Allen would have been far stricter with you. 
Petty as you could be, turned your back on him and flipped the bird as you marched back to the kitchen. At this, Allen could prevent himself from laughing. 
Allen actually wouldn’t want to rob you of your voice, since half the fun in having you is that you talk back. However, he would discover the benefits of muting you after he would have to do it in some shape of form. Once doing so, he would find this experience refreshing and seek to replicate it multiple times in the future. Here, you would really be in danger of losing your voice permanently if you aren’t able to curb his … preferences. 
The problem here is that he would find your muteness and the injuries connected to it to be unbelievably arousing. In ways, your life would biome harder than it already is thanks to that.
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Could you really be blamed for panicking in a situation such as this? The rush of hysteria made the binds tying you down to the table seem even tighter than they were, and you felt like you were suffocating, no matter how fast you breathed. The air was too hot and your clothes too scratchy, with the latter made all the worse by the fact that you were coated in grim and your own dried sweat.
To your left, you heard Zao approach you. Since your head was fastened to the table, you only could see him once he appeared in your periphery. There was a horrid grin on his face, that stood in complete juxtaposition to what he said.
"My heart, this is really something I don't want to do, but you leave me with no choice."
You wanted to retort, but thought better of it just in the nick of time. He had a brown glass bottle at hand, and you didn't like all the warning labels on it, nor how close it was to your mouth. 
"But give in and swallow, I promise to help you with your recovery if you comply", he told you in a sickly sweet tone as if he was talking to a child. As much as you wanted to shake your head, you couldn't. By now, you were trembling. 
Two fingers pinched your nose firmly. After a few seconds, you started to become lightheaded and you heard and felt your blood pounding. Opening your mouth wouldn't be an option, since the bottle would immediately be emptied into your mouth if you did that. So instead, you opened the corner of your mouth and tried to breathe as discreetly as possible. 
To no avail. The fingers that were on your nose went for your mouth and pried your lips apart. As valiantly as you struggled, the bottle still went in. The fluid caused your throat to burn, and when you accidentally breathed some of it, you let out a hapless scream of pain. 
His method of muting you would be more permanent - rendering your vocal cords and throat useless by forcing you to drink acid or poison. This would either be the response to a multitude of transgressions, or him being particularly ticked off by an escape.
A side effect of this would be that you would be unable to swallow food or drink. But he would be there to help you, either by feeding you through a tube, an IV or by supplying you through your back door (i.e your rectum). This would serve as an extension of the original punishment. Additionally, you would be helpless and reliant on him. 
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When you finally woke up, you felt groggy and heavy, each of your limbs made of lead and your mouth full of cotton. Sleep drunk, you opened your eyes and eased yourself to a more upright position. 
Not that it was more comfortable - there were kinks and knots in your back that only a professional massage could relieve you from. Why the hell had you fallen asleep here of all places? You were seated in an old dentist car, the once royal red faded. The contraption creaked ominously whenever you moved.
This was getting weirder and weirder by the moment. The twilight of the room you were in didn't help.
Your mouth felt dry and slightly numb, and your lips subsequently cracked. You parted your lips and wanted to run your tongue over the dried skin only to discover that you didn't have a tongue anymore. 
Cold shock made you bolt upright and all at once, the world shifted into sharp clarity. Once again, you tried to stretch your tongue out only for nothing to move, not a stump. That was when you started to panic.
Lungs heaved as you tried to explain the situation to yourself. There was absolutely no pain, you weren't feeling weak. The taste of blood was absent, and the bitter sting of iodine or saline solution wasn't present either. 
In your panic, you opened your mouth and stuck your fingers inside to feel for your tongue. It had been completely removed down to the root. There wasn't even puckered skin where the muscle would have begun. Tears started to leak from your eyes and you tried to force a few miserable sounds out of your mouth. 
"Now, now don't engage in self-pity. You did bring this on yourself, my rose bud."
The blood in your veins turned to ice, and you halted your frantic movement. Despite the dim lighting of the underground room, you could clearly see Oliver Kirkland. He was seated on a red satin loveseat, and in the jar he had balanced on his knee was your tongue. 
Oliver would use magic to completely remove your tongue from your mouth, aiming to insite as much panic in you as possible. As such, you'll only find out what he has done after completion of the procedure. 
Instead of helping you to deal with the situation, he would mock you relentlessly. Furthermore, he would place the blame on you - it was you that ran away, it was you that forced his hand; everything that went wrong is your fault. The jar with your tongue in it would be placed in a spot that you'd have a hard time overlooking. A taunt, and a reminder that the amputation is only temporary. You just have to play being a good spouse for long enough and then he'd give you your tongue back. 
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Putrid pus stained the sheets as he pulled them away. Yesterday the colour had been yellow, but now it had a slight green tint to it. Francois brushed his fringes out of his face and tied his hair back to a sloppy ponytail. 
With a soft sigh, and placed the bandages and tincture bottles on the bed next to you and tilted your head towards him. Sickness and the corresponding fever made your sleep deep, unlike it usually was. You didn't even stir when he lifted your head onto his lap. 
At this point, it was up for debate what was sealing your lips more - the rough stitches or the infection. The swelling had distorted your mouth, so much so that it was beginning to block your nose and hinder your breathing. 
Cursing softly under his breath, he set out to drain the pus from the needle wounds. He shouldn't have used the expired saline solution, yet you had given him no choice. You had been so busy thrashing and screaming around when he had sown your mouth shut. 
Francois still didn't understand why you had put up such a fuss. The punishment was deserved and it made your resistance all the more pathetic. Seriously, had you really thought he would take you escaping lightly? How could you delude yourself into thinking he wouldn't take all those vile words that you had uttered upon being brought home to heart?
The pus drenched bandages were thrown into the bin, and he proceeded to down the injured tissue with iodine. You groaned in your sleep, and tried to open your mouth. A noticeable tremor ran down your body, and you stopped straining against the stitches. 
Perhaps it was better that you were lost in a haze. It gave your captor more time to think and calm down. 
Francois would elect to make your muteness temporary, but with some caveats. You'd wear scars around your mouth for the rest of your life and the mental and physical trauma would haunt you for years to come. Such a situation would have a high potential of arising if you poured your heart out to somebody else and incited them to help you escape. 
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This was getting more tiring by the hour. Slowly, you were asking yourself if this really was a punishment, or if it was one of Victor's loathsome social experiments.  loathsome social experiments. They both tended to be alike, so it was hard to tell on a normal day. 
“If you keep glaring at me like that, your face will distort to a permanent frown”, the man in question remarked. The knife repeatedly scraped over the wood in his hand, causing shavings to fly with every stroke of the blade. He didn’t even look up from his whittling when he said that. How rude. 
Feeling petulant, you knicked a stone in the river. It was a nice day to be outdoors - the spring air was filled with the sweet smell of flowers, and the sun was shining through the birch tree. Though, you couldn’t bring yourself to be happy, not when he had brought you to the spot where he had captured you a mere week ago, picnic basket at hand. 
You had difficulty swallowing every other bite, and also keeping it down. Now that bastard even insisted on staying a bit longer to enjoy the alleged peace and quiet that the forest offered. 
With how frustrated you were, you opened your mouth in order to say something, only to receive a smack to the face with the flat side of the knife the second you opened your mouth. In shock, you quickly closed your mouth again and looked at him aghast. 
This time, he was even meeting your eyes. 
“You know the agreement, so don’t break it by talking now.”
Mutness wouldn’t even be the intended punishment at first - it would be offered as a second, milder option to a harsher punishment. Victor would have a habit of giving you an option of choosing between two or more punishments. It would be to give you an illusion of power over your own fate and an opportunity to assuage your character. Mind you, he would never give you the full details of the punishments that you can choose from. 
In this case, he would enforce a “voluntary silence” upon you. You would have to refrain from speaking for a certain time interval, or else suffer a harsher punishment. This is one of his games with you, that would be designed to mould your personality to his liking. Also, this would be a form of discipline training for you. 
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yan-heta · 5 months
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★ NOTE ;;
— I may or may not rewrite this. This is old writing from my main blog, so expect a change of writing styles if someone were to ever request for me to rewrite this.
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Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
Oliver is a sucker for affection. By far, one of the clingiest of the 2p's. Love always gave him mixed feelings. He does not understand how people are able to love, but he would support them! Yet, how could one love? It's sometimes disgusting, absolutely nauseating; people getting too romantic, too sappy, too... revolting. As he met you, though, he starts to feel emotions stirring, bubbling like a brew. Oh, how treacherous! Now he felt as if all his thoughts were blinded by his delusion of love. Why must he feel his skin melting? His tooth aching by how sweet you feel? A fool for sweets, he wants more, to choke and rot by how tempting your lips are, how tempting to feel your hair by his hands. He just wants to feel every part of you, treat you like his God, and him, your worshipper.
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
He was already messy before meeting you, now he wants to give gifts from the blood he had shed. Giving your lover something you value is something of courting, right? Then you must love his special cupcakes made of love! By love, he means physically and emotionally; he means a human heart is a product of his solution. He won't tell you how he made it, but he loves when your eyes sparked interest in his creations. It made a sick grin plaster his face, masked by good. Perish the thought of how what you ate was your best friend, he'll be there for you instead, ready to comfort you when you come crying into his pastry shop, blubbering about how you miss them, how they all of a sudden disappeared. But cupid's arrow has him swerving in joy; you depend on him! Of course sacrificing your friend was worth it!
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
No mocking! He's ecstatic, filled to the brim with overwhelming madness mixed with elation. "Oh, poppet! I waited so long for this to happen! I love you! Love-love-love you!" He would chirp, sounding like an overjoyed child. His distorted sense of affection made him rush over you, who was chained to a bedpost, and embrace you into his warmth. How he misses you after waiting one day just to find the perfect time to abduct you. He'll be none the crueler to you. Of course, his God would have the best treatment, the best of everything, so he would try to be perfect for you.
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
His lack of personal space made him quite needy for every bit of your time. Unlike 2p France, your space would be invaded by him. In his eyes, it's solely meant to be like it, where two lovers are always together, acting romantic, and sappy, albeit before meeting you, he was repulsed by the idea. Love truly does change someone. Before abducting you, he would always be in his bed, biting his fingers while fantasizing about you, how nice it would be to feel your skin. He'd manifest that now he was with you, and you need not have to even do any self-care when he was controlling your life, while constantly praising you.
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
Each bit of his heart is yours! Coming home after meetings, he would rant to you about his life, reveal himself, might I add, even expose his criminal records, and even the fact that he is a country, immortal, too. The shock on you after the confrontation would have him giggling for the rest of his day while happily cuddling you. He'll even show you his freckles, which he'd been hiding for long, if you'd like. Every night, he would tell of stories in his past, of how he had past lovers, and how they never seemed to please him, how they make him disgusted at their behavior, yet as he met you, he said; it was the first time he felt butterflies, the first time his knees felt weak, the first time his heart beating so fast, it felt like it would jump off.
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
"Awww, darling!" He does not mind it, in fact, he sometimes convinces you to do so! It proves he needs to be better for you, and he'd take that criticism, no worries! All he sees it as exposure from the true you, it's like telling him he needs to change and he would do so cheekily for you to like him back. Once you show less of a fight, would he feel content with himself acting "perfect" and unflawed just for you. Just make sure you would not have that colorful language! Swearing hits a nerve and he'd cry, globs of tears falling off his freckled face as he holds his, begging to not say those words. Once you do, though, it would crack more cries, he would physically hurt himself once you start swearing up and down.
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
The only game in his eyes are the games he plays with his victims once they try as much to make you fall for them. For you, though, it is not a game. Maybe the process of making you fall for him is like a dating simulator, but you escaping? He'll be in denial, a constant state of self questioning once you escape. Why do you not love him? After he has you in his grasp again, he would not even let you go, crying on your chest, continuously asking "why". He's weak when it comes to you, so he would seek you reciprocating his hugs, seek your warmth and snuggle while also shedding tears.
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
When he accidentally showed you his slaughterous way of preparing his pastries. His eyes held such cruel euphoria, one you have never seen before, as he butchered the poor souls into bite-able bits. He told you you weren't going to end up as food. No! But these pesky mortals would. Yet, as much of a nuisance they may be, he'd only pick the best flesh to feed you, to impress you. After all, if it makes your tummy full, it fills his heart with pleasure, aware that what he served you, pleased you. Ensuing peace after tears stained your cheeks, Oliver would kiss it away and read you bedtime stories as a way to distract you from those memories. It's your first time seeing such grotesque actions, of course he would reassure you that it would never happen again. That was a mistake on his part.
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
Just for a smile on your face, to enjoy his crafts, and maybe even help him with his pastry shop! He does not mind either way, as long as you submit to him, and let him praise you willingly! He vowed to love you with every single bit of his immortal love, once you say "I love you" back, he would be overridden with every feeling of glee, jumping up and down in every step as if he has been gifted with great news, which basically is for him. But he knows he has to accomplish it! Like his bakery, it gained popularity through hard earned work, his pastries taking sweat and blood (literally and figuratively) to perfection. Same with you! He needs to please you.
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
Indeed he does, and it happens every day, even after you were kidnapped. You show the slightest bit of interest that is not him, and he would be by your side, hands encasing your body, as he begs you to focus on him with an evident pout on his face. He'll even whine and cry dramatically if it means he would be your center of attention. Show interest in another man, and he may seem as if he is unbothered, but the pink swirls in his eyes means he's planning someone's death today. After they leave you two alone, he would be pleading. It's not your fault, but why? If he changes, would you love him? Oh, he guarantees he would.
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
Not afraid to have PDA. Every time, he is attached by your hip, a hand on a part of your body. He loves to cuddle, too, especially if he is the little spoon once you are willing. Adores sleeping with his neck buried in your face, as he could smell your scent, the shampoo he showered you with, prominent. He could get overboard and smooch your face many times, along with squeezing your body too much. At times, he loves to hold your body and trace every part with his fingers as he whispers what he loves about it. No part of you would be left insulted, instead it is praised.
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
His offer of a pastry dish for free is his way. Anyone who is unaware of what he bakes always goes for more than seconds. They'd die to be in your place. Of course, when you offer to pay, he would shake his head and refuse. He says it's a treat for you as he appreciates you being a customer of his dainty place. Maybe even use your offer to pay to divert it into something like him saying he just wants to talk to you or so.  And why would you turn down the owner of the bakery who's so cheery and positive, who seems to hold no malice?
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
Albeit seeming to act welcoming to everyone, he often tends to be less cruel, his colors more true and less forced. His smile holds genuine intent from seeing you. You're offered better privilege from him in his bakery, offered a better place to sit in, and his touches seem to last more on you. He also seems to be more lively, yet down-to-earth, as he has you. Almost as if he's living somewhat normal, somewhat alright- like a teenage boy who's in the process of falling in love, not some lunatic who chops people for fun.
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
Slaps on the wrist, interrogation, and him scolding you like a mother would do their daughter. He'll be pouty, but he tells you not to do "it" again because it may seriously harm you, and no one wants that. If you go too far, and he breaks down, then he'll maybe isolate you for some time with him. That is, you two are already isolated, but more likely you're stuck in the bedroom often.
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
Privacy. He'll sleep with you, take baths with you, have you attached to him most of the time. He knows you may be wary of him, but again, he means nothing bad! Just taking care of you, after all. He wants to know your every secret, so before he even abducts you, he has personal information on you. Now that he has you, he wants to hear you personally say your experience to him. That's what lovers do, they spend time together reliving memories, telling stories, yes?
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
Depends. He'll be patient, but he'll also beg for you to love him already. For you to love him, it's a dream, his one main goal. So while it seems he would be patient, if you are on a streak of disinterest, then he'll slowly show you signs of impatience, either it'd be by whining more and getting more cuddly with you. Sometimes, he slips small signs of how he's waiting for you to submit.
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
No. He can't move on, he'll never move on. He'll even die, too! He's too emotionally dependent on you! How could he let go, he can't replace you, his life-source! He'll be drained of happiness, like he sees no value in life. He'll even let himself rot, he doesn't care. Nights of sorrowful yearning would turn into him planning to get you back, by magic. He's tempered with it all of the time. Oh, he'll get you back!
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
He'll feel guilty if you're a bit homesick, but he feels like this is the best for you. He'll try to make your shared house feel more of yours, if it gives you a certain nostalgia. But once you settle in with him, then he'll let you go outside and be more independent, as long as you ask for permission, then it'd be no bother.
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc.)?
Curiosity. He's never felt the feeling before, so of course, he would be curious on why you, of all people, make him feel giddy. But he accepts it. He'll observe you for a bit behind his counter while making pastries, let Flying Chocolate Bunny spy on you, and Ms. Fairy to stalk you home. They'd always tease him about his obvious fascination, but could he help it?
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
He'll do the same, too. It genuinely hurts him seeing you hurt. After all, who would want to see their lover cry? Mentally break? He loves you, would hold you once you cry, and let you cry as he does so, too. It's as if it's only the two of you, and it is. No isolating yourself, darling, he'll help you, you don't have to struggle yourself from even standing up. It really hurts him, but you have him, even if he might be the sole reason you are hurting yourself.
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
He's both delusional and self-aware. It fluctuates between days and his moods. He loves you, and he knows that kidnapping you is wrong, but it's right for you! It makes him wary of what you do, and so he could keep track of you without you leaving his bakery every so often, but at the same time, he knows why you feel insecure under his gaze. But he promises he means no bad! Sometimes, he manipulates you into thinking he is perfect, sometimes he breaks down for no reason. He has this idealization of what love truly is, similar to 1p France, where he must not force it, but at the same time, he fails to do so.
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
His people-pleasing type of behavior towards you. He's always ready to be at your command at times, so once you know how to manipulate him, then you could use him. But, even as he is easy to use at your disposal does not mean he is unaware of manipulation, as he is one himself. Yet, he'll still let you do anything to him, at the end, he will be sobbing once he realizes you still do not love him. Why are you torturing him like he's just some toy? He's trying! Just for you! "Oh, poppet, darling! Please! Please don't leave me! I'll do anything for you, just don't leave! Please!" You can't even comprehend what he says as he hiccups, choking in guilt and shame.
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
Oh, never! He'd rather die, than see you break, lose yourself. The best he could do is spike your drink with a love potion, but that's the last thing he'd do once he's between a fine line of breaking. It'd be easier to break him, than for him to taint your skin with a knife. Punishments are usually slaps on the wrists, or small threats of losing your privilege to easting more of his dishes. If he ever goes too far, though, he'll apologize every day, begging for your trust, pleading that he'll change, he'll never harm you again.
Xanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
Very much. He'll be doing every order of yours, except escaping. Want someone to die? You have the right person to ask! New clothes? "Oh, my sweets, give me the details and I'll make sure you have it!" For him, people-pleasing helps with you liking him, and every step of the way is something he would endure to steal your heart. He adores you, worships you. You're insecure? He'll make sure to utter every praise in the book, comfort you. Avoid mirrors? Darling, he knows what it feels like to feel repulsive to your body. No worries, he won't force you to be uncomfortable! Anything for his beloved poppet.
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
Love is a process for him to undergo for about a long time, but he's under your spell after observing you in his pastry shop every day you visit. You're so cute, everything about you makes him captivated. At first, he thought it was attraction, fascination on his part, but the more you do anything, the more he falls behind the counter. He offers you his desserts for free before abducting you, giddy heart beating whenever you take a bite and compliment his cooking. Anything you do, really, makes him entranced. It takes long before he finds out it is love, he asked 2p France about it, too! And even the Frenchman guaranteed it was love, and he was certain, utterly certain, you are his soulmate after time of being in denial.
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
Oh no! He's delusional, he feels love must be slow, and sweet. You'll fall by nature, for him! Your eyes should not drift to other people, that's not how soulmates work! Albeit the fact that he has kidnapped you, fed you one of your kind, forced his affections, does not mean he would be doing something so sickening towards you! No, he would not even dare choke you, or litter your skin with scars. Your tears are not worth losing yourself, as that would make the man live with shame. You're his one true lover, his soul's only connection. If he broke you, he'll break himself, too.
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Hello! I was hoping if you would be willing to do the 2p Nordics with a very short s/o? NSFW if possible!
Of course! I hope you enjoy this :D fair warning tho I'm tall so I naturally don't have a lot of experience with being short ^^;;;
2p Denmark/Markell Køhler
He likes it a little too much in the wrong way (cough pervert cough)
He thinks that you being tinier than him is cute, and he will make you wear cute stuff and then fuck you in it, the size difference turns him on
2p Finland/Thurston Väinämöinen
He's already short enough as it is and he hates it, thinks it makes him look weak. That also applies to a possible SO, you would ideally be tall and lean so you can defend yourself and fight of course
He likes it in the bedroom kinda, he prefers having power over you, but that's about it, he'd still fuck you regardless of height, he just finds taller people to be better mates
2p Iceland/Erikur Steillson
Also prefers an SO who is shorter than him, so you're in luck, because he definitely enjoys the power trip of having a shorter SO both inside and outside the bedroom
It also makes it much easier to kidnap you and tie you to the bed until you agree to be his. His communication skills are shit, blame Loki for that one. Actually none of them really taught him any of that
2p Norway/Loki Thomassen
He doesn't have a preference for height other than it being close to his own. You can be as short as you like and he'll still kidnap you, force a love potion on you and then treat you like his most precious play thing
A short SO definitely also gets the short end of the stick, as he overpowers them more easily that way, size matters in this case
2p Sweden/Bernard Oxenstierna
His preferences lean towards a shorter SO but it's not really as outspoken as some of the others preferences. Mostly he likes picking up a short SO and swinging you around like in a dance and also because it's easier to move you around during sex if you're small
His yandere tendencies also have him leaning towards shorter people, they are easier to control physically. It's gonna be fun that day a short person absolutely wrecks him because he thinks them a weakling
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hetalia-angel · 10 months
What are the things that attract 2p canada to a person? Platonic or romantic.
I meant to post this tmr but I accidentally didn’t click the post on a timer option so I guess you get this early. 💜💜💜
What attracts 2p Canada to a person?
Matt is attracted to kindness in a person. Anyone can be nice but kindness is hard to find. If that doesn’t make sense let me put it this way. To be a nice person is by smiling and making small talk with someone. While being kind is truly caring about others; maybe you don’t smile and wave at everyone but you do care and truly do your best to be selfless.
Matt is pretty used to being judge since he’s this random big guy who lives in the middle of the woods with bad social skills. So if you’re kind and accepting to him he might develop a bit of a crush on you.
It also helps if you’re soft spoken. Since Matt has a gruff manly voice it’s a nice change to have a darling with a nice honeyed voice to keep him company.
Matt is very protective over shy or timid people. He’s a stoic traditional guy and he believes in protecting the weak to his core. So if you’re a victim of bullying and he sees it your bullies will be obliterated.
He’s very protective over toddlers and younger children since he sees them as very innocent and vulnerable. If platonic darling is a young child he’ll be taking care of them constantly. He was never doted on or coddled as a kid so expect lots of gifts. They’re not expensive but simple homemade gifts like scarfs, whittled wooden animals, and quilts.
Matt finds himself easily attracted funny people as friends. They help to ease tension and make everything seem so much easier.
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Can you do 2p Face family sharing a s/o
Yandere 2P FACE
To start, the fact you managed to steal the hearts of them all is an absolute surprise not only to you, but to them too. I mean, they all have different interests in partners, but here you are, breaking those interests for them and proving that they can love someone who isn't their "type" too.
It all started when James brought you back home, as his partner. You were a mature and educated individual, which surprised everyone that you ended up dating some hick from the country. It seemed that you started dating after you met him while volunteering at the local shelter that he was volunteering at. And everything else is simply history.
You were polite but didn't let anyone walk over you. You enjoyed being nice, but also knowing your own worth. Allen once tried to fuck around with you and make you seem worse than you were, but you put him right in his place.
That was exactly the moment he fell for you. Well, he fell for you before, but this was when he finally accepted that he was crushing on his brother's partner.
The next to fall was Oliver. See, you disliked Oliver, but you respected him. And that dislike made you something hard to achieve. And he wanted to get you now that he could not.
The last person to fall was Louis, the father figure of James. A troubled soul and failing artist who has fallen into some horrible habits out of despair.
Why did he fall for you? You were the only one who came to the art show that he had put on. You came with james to show his father figure support, but ended up moving him in a way that nobody else had managed to.
In general, life was quite easy at first, when everyone, besides James, felt like he was allowed to openly love you. For different reasons, all of them tried to hide their feelings for you. Allen because he didn't believe you could ever like him, Oliver because he couldn't believe he liked you, and Louis because he couldn't betray his son in such a way. But that didn't last long, of course.
James is not happy about sharing you, you're his partner after all. But it's better than having three rivals, and losing your family. He wished he could change things up so you were a bit happier, but sometimes, things like that can't be achieved and he accepted that not losing you is better than you being happy, but without him.
No matter what, James is near you, even if it's the time for others to be with you. He's your first one, your main man, so he has the right to be there.
Allen is the most unhappy about it and often gets into fights with James over getting alone time with you. Oliver and Louis, for different reasons, doesn't mind James tagging along.
Of course, all of them sneak alone time with you, when James is busy or not keeping an eye on you. There is always a way to trick James, as he was never the smartest.
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milaisreading · 9 months
Could u please do 2p Canada yandere headcanons!
🌱🩷: I'll try my best since I suck at making headcanons, tbh. Hope u like it!
🏒 2p!Canada seems like the silent type of yandere. Sure, you can suspect him of a lot of things, but definitely not him being a yandere. He will silently watch his SO from the side-lines and doesn't plan on confessing... yet.
🏒 I think 2p!Canada is more of an overprotective yandere than anything, with a pinch of obsessed. He is more concerned over the well-being of his SO and protecting them from danger (other love interests).
🏒 2p!Canada would definitely beat anyone up who dares to speak ill of his SO. In his eyes, they are the most perfect being, and whoever disagrees will learn their lesson rather quickly (que Allen losing another tooth for being a loud mouth)
🏒As I said, 2p!Canada doesn't plan on confessing, AT FIRST, but over time, it becomes unbearable for him to hold it in, and he will just blurted his feelings out. The confession can go 2 ways. The 1st way being that his SO accepts his feelings and they start dating. Perfect ending tbh, while he will definitely isolate his SO slowly, it better than the 2nd option.
🏒The 2nd way is that if his SO doesn't accept the feelings and says they are better off as friends, expect 2p!Canada to kidnap his SO and bring them to some cabin in the middle of nowhere. He will at first limit them to the extreme, not letting them out of the bedroom and such. But overtime, if his SO cooperates, he will become way more lenient.
🏒 2p!Canada is, imo a very mild yandere from the bunch. I think the kidnapping would be done more from his paranoia and protective tendencies than anything.
🏒 Would definitely shower his SO with different gifts, food, love, and attention. I think he would be the easiest one to warm up to, since he seems like a much softer 2p than the other 2ps (except for 2p!Belarus and 2p!Romano)
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theyanderespecialist · 3 months
Base Yandere 2p America Headcanons: His Doll (Hetalia)
[Hello, My Sexy Muffins! I am back with a new chapter! This one is with 2p America and I hope that you enjoy this chapter here!]
(Disclaimer 1: 2p America is not a canon or official character in the Hetalia universe. He is a fanbase made character and these are the main traits that the community has given him for the most part (Edited)
Disclaimer 2: 2p America is not yandere in canon, since he is a fanbase he can be made yandere, but for the most part he is not. This is just for fun and not to be taken seriously. Simping for fictional characters is fine! Just do not be illegal or gross about it! Yanderes are not ideal partners to have in real life. Also, remember to separate fiction from reality and headcanon from canon! Thank you! HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY!!!)
-Base Yandere Headcanons With 2p America From Hetalia-
.2p America is a punk and bag guy to his core, you could even call him the Villain.
.He loves baseball and LOVES his baseball bat that has nails in it and blood on it.
.He is a major flirt and he flirts with you a lot!
.Because you are the person that he loves the most.
.He would shamelessly flirt with you and hit on you, even if you turn him down every time he is not going to give up.
.Of course, if he is horny enough he will look for someone else if you keep turning him down and fuck them, just to take the edge off.
.He is a diehard vegan and would not take kindly to someone putting any animal product in his foods or drinks.
.He would not want to kiss you after you eat meat, saying that is gross, though he would still kiss you even if you did cause the urge to fuck his darling is more than his die-hard veganism.
.He would 100 percent be a bad influence on you, bringing out your bad side with ease.
.When he gets drunk he ends up drunk texting you asking why do you not love him.
.He is low key a needy little fuck that loves you so much and as a yandere, he is greedy for your attention.
.He wants to be the one and only person you focus on, he can get downright nasty with anyone that steals your attention from him.
.He has a huge temper and his yandere side would make him beat up anyone who checks you out and maybe even kill them.
.He would kill his rivals, after torturing them of course.
.He would beat them blood, dry, and then bloody again.
.Of course, he would do that to all his rivals because he is a sadist and unfortunately, that ends up dripping on you a bit.
.He can be sometimes an irrational yandere, in which if more guys are checking you out that he would blame you for leading them on and being a fucking tease.
.He might even punish you, or worse lose his temper and smack you with an open palm.
.That is because of his very bad temper and he has to work on it a lot.
.He would of course instantly feel so much fucking regret and spill you, we have to remember he is a 2p which means he is insane and a murderer.
.He would never actually want to hurt you outside a punishment and he would hate himself for it, but sadly it might happen again.
.This man seriously needs a whole bunch of therapy and anger management.
.He would also of course call you doll, dollface, babe, and sugar. (Yes even if you are a masc)
.He is the type of yandere that is so easily jealous that it is ridiculous.
.He also is the type of yandere that does not share.
.It is almost like you are his favorite shiny toy and there is NO WAY he is sharing with anyone.
.He may even lock your pretty little butt up. Making sure that you can never ever leave him and that no other man or woman or whatever (his words not mine) can even look at you, let alone take you away from him.
.He would confess over and over and over, with the most shameless flirting and most of the time saying stuff like "You wanna fuck!?"
.He really has no class, but finally, when he gets serious about it he confesses to you with all his heart and that is bad if you turn him down.
.If accept his love he will fist-bump the air and go "Fuck yeah!"
.If you turn him down, get ready for a bat with nails in it to your head, he is not taking no for an answer and is kidnapping your ass.
.Also he cusses a lot, so there is that lol.
[YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS another chapter is done! I hope you all enjoyed this and stay sexy all of my sexy muffins!]
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my2phetaliaheadcanons · 5 months
How would the yandere salty spittoon react to their darling wanting to cuddle with them?
The world outside had long shed its sleepy trance. The foliage had returned and became greener as the previous months' excess moisture evaporated away. Birds sang their summer song as nature embraced its abundance.
Yet, the same couldn’t be said for the hidden home.
It was cold inside. The icy air that left the steel vents forced its way into (Y/N)’s veins and chattered her teeth quicker than a distressed sailor using Morse code. Fog puffed from her mouth as she huffed. A rapid turn on her bare heel caused her to leave the warm window behind her.
(Y/N) stalked through the halls. Glancing toward the rooms she passed for a hint of warmth. In her search, she initially passed the living room, ready to brush it off, but a new basket at the L-shaped couch’s bend stopped her.  
It was wicker texture and dark color, matched the atmosphere of the cage she was forced into. Maybe, (Y/N) thought as she stepped into the living room, he was being merciful. Crawling along the chilled, leather cushions, its uneven surface sunk as she moved across. (Y/N) eyes never left the basket as she reached the furniture's end. Leaning over it, she raised her arm, small shivers caused her to tremble as she peered down at the woven container. Slowly, her hand reached for the lid. Small sparks of hope sparked like fresh embers as she lifted it, but like a sudden blizzard, it was quickly smothered when nothing was found within.
She yelled! A feral sound of frustration as her frozen foot kicked away the basket. 
‘What am I going to do?’ (Y/N) thought as she looked toward her stiff hands. She licked her cracked lips as she flexed her fingers. They had begun to tingle and burn with the first sensation of the incoming numbness. ‘He’s made it so cold.’
Hesitantly, her head tilted upward as she debated between survival and pride.
She knew that the only aid HE would give would be himself. A simple offer of a lighted coal. One that promised survival and care, but that isn't what worried her. It was what it could become.
A passionate wildfire.
One that would blaze as he offered higher prices for simple salvation. The type that melted flesh and harshly numbed nerves, that would leave her wholly reliant on him. Yet, (Y/N) debated, that if she would take the plunge once, she could fight another day. Temporary recover enough to dash. Away from his winterous lair and into the sweet spring. Permanently chasing away the freeze that threatened to render her immobile. That could leave her with no more chances of escape. 
Sighing, (Y/N) stepped off the couch. Her footing was wobbly as she walked toward the stairs. Ready to endure a minor burn, in hopes of escaping the coming blaze. 
Let’s not lie, they are all very happy about the bitter willingness. But each would react a little differently to it.
Canada: In his mind, it’s the first step of submission. The spark that could force her to accept that she needs him to survive. Though, unlike his brother, he’s not going to tease or hold her decision over her head. Instead, he welcomes her with a light hug as he leans back into the large bed. Once they've both settled, Matt tightens the grip of his large arms and smiles against (Y/N)'s head. This is a good first step.
He will probably use this trick again. For Matt, it's a good reinforcer after punishment or something he can use as a reminder of her place. That no matter what, she will eventually be forced to choose him.
After all, there is no one else worthy of her.
Finland: - Niilo’s not gonna make a big deal out of it, despite his joy. Mainly just uttering a sarcastic comment about how (Y/N) should have requested this sooner while pulling her to sit next to him on his office couch.
From there he lets her get comfortable under his arm while he continues about doing his paperwork. If she attempts to snuggle closer, he reciprocates with a small squeeze.
Enjoying the contact while relishing the first steps of securing her as his. Maybe this should be repeated. As needed of course. 
Poland: Piotr is like Niilo, he doesn’t celebrate or mock her submission. Instead, he ignores her. Now, this isn’t him dismissing his darling (Y/N). Instead, he’s forcing her to commit to getting what she wants FROM him.
Especially when she finally breaks to ask, Piotr will already be in bed. He has been sleeping after a night of work and will sleepily stare at her before turning over, lessening the pressure of coming to him for help. Though, never fully falling back to sleep.
That’s when she’ll slip under the blankets. Placing herself back-to-back with him. The shared heat will cause her to drift to sleep, deep enough that she’ll only realize the cuddles when she awakes. A simple way to force contact and make her adjust.
Russia: Viktor happily views her desire for him as the first step in domestication and wants her to know that. So, he’ll make her admit it. Usually by questioning her on why? For weeks now, she’s been nothing more than a fractious cat, why the sudden submission?
This interrogation continues until, in frustration and exhaustion, (Y/N) yells out that she needs him. That without him she risks horrible damage or death.
Only then does he let her into his arms. Ready to soothe away the chill for a time. Before continuing the process of adapting (Y/N) to her new role.
Cuba: Hector’s face won’t change when (Y/N) walks in. When she starts to ask about warmth, he just stares. He waits for her to make her intentions known. As in a full-on blunt statement like “Please cuddle me.” Or “I’m freezing, can I share the ‘only’ blanket in the house with you?”. Once that’s said, Hector will open his arms or lift the blanket letting her get what he’s been withholding.
As she fully settles against his side, his mind can’t help but wonder what other ideas his ‘friends’ have that could get him faster results.
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scramblescrew · 3 months
Ok so I need to make an updated version of my request list so here it is!
Be sure to read all the way through to stay informed of this blog!
Request guidelines:
Cookie Run Kingdom
Sonic the hedgehog
SCP and SCP researchers
Can and will write:
Cannibalism HCs (only for CRK Requests)
Parent and child scenarios
Can’t and Won’t write:
P*dophilia (self explanatory.)
Child x child (no exceptions)
Some Character x Character ships (DM me to double check)
Zoophilia (Zoophiles can f*ck off my page, normal furries and accepting non-furries can stay though 🥰)
Some k*nks (dm me to double check)
I am only doing One Cult of the lamb fic I’m sorry!
Remember, if you have doubts if I can write it, Feel free to DM me with any questions!
Up Next: Shadow the Hedgehog x Reader
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Have a good day! 😊
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shini--chan · 3 months
hiya!! hope you’re having a good day, could i request 1p! and 2p! canada’s reaction to when their s/o finally gains enough of their trust to cook for them— only for them to try to poison their food? i know its oddly specific my bad lol
Don’t worry, it isn’t bad, or too specific. I wrote it gladly. 
Trigger warnings: poisoning, body horror, temporary character death, descriptions of corpses
Yandere 1p! & 2p! Canada - Sweet Lilly-of-the-Valley
Native to woodland areas, Sweet Lilly-of-the-Valley blooms in spring. The sprays of white bell-like flowers are sweet smelling and the resulting fruit take the shape of bright red berries. In the language of flowers, it symbolises happiness. It is often used in wedding bouquets and to make perfumes. Due to the high concentration of cardenolides, it is highly toxic. 
1p Canada
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Sweat made your shirt stick to your torso in an uncomfortable manner, yet you were too tired to take it off, not to mention putting on a new one. You leaned back against the cool tiles of the bathroom wall and closed your eyes. Now, you just wanted to curl up where you were and fall asleep. You were so exhausted, both in body and in soul, that you thought you could sleep for a few days straight, damn the corpse that was in the other room.
Matthew's death had been surprisingly violent, something that you hadn't expected from a poisoning. Poison - you had just murdered somebody. It felt surreal, and the mere thought of it made your stomach twist and your limbs feel heavier than they were. It wasn't like it was a cold blooded crime that you had just committed, so why were you feeling so guilty?
Had you developed Stockholm Syndrome, between all the restrictions and isolation and coercion? Perhaps you had started to believe your captor again, when he explained that he was ruining your life because he loved you? It was twisted and fitted all too well into the mess that your life had become as of late. 
Talking of mess, you'd have to deal with the dead body at the other side of the bathroom door sooner or later. The vomit and blood that littered the living room floor would also have to be cleaned up, as well as the ash that he had tried to eat before he had become too weak to move. 
"I didn't think you had it in you."
Your eyes snapped open and you lazily turned your head in the direction of the voice. Matthew was standing in front of you, looking exactly as he had just minutes after his death. Since you hadn't heard footsteps or the door opening, this was probably just a hallucination conjured up by your overworked brain. 
"You always underestimated me, so the joke is on you", you shot back. If you were going to have a chat with the deceased, best play along and let off some steam. "For somebody that always complained of being seen as weak, you had the surprising tendency to underestimate those around you."
The corpse tilted its head in an eerie mockery of a living person. With his unearthly pallor, it looked like somebody was manipulating the head of a porcelain marionette. 
"So many spiteful words. Why couldn't you tell me about your problems before?"
At that, you snorted. Such a statement was rich coming from him. 
"I tried to tell you often enough, but you never listened. You always just brushed it off as me being childish. But now that you are dead, I don't have to worry about such things anymore."
Matthew grinned at that, exposing white teeth covered in blood. In death, his appearance suited his hidden vileness.
"Are you really sure that I'm dead?"
Since Canada would want nothing more than a "decent" relationship with you, the poisoning would actually catch him unawares, granted that you're not extremely sloppy. So he would die. Before that, he would put up a fight and do his best to get an antidote or some other countermeasure, as soon as he realises what is going on. Should he still be capable of speech, then he'll try to guilt trip or manipulate you into saving him. 
As a nation, he wouldn't stay dead for long. Once he revives, he'll scare the living daylights out of you. He wouldn't have wanted to reveal his innate nature this way, but since you would have left him with no other choice, he'd elect to use the opportunity to his advantage. The ensuing punishment would be harsher than any proceeding one.
2p Canada
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The moment he disappeared to go to the toilet was the moment you chose to act. Quickly, you removed the flowers from the vase and poured some of the water into his half-empty beer. To cover your tracks, you poured some of the beer that was still in the bottle into the glass and the rest went down the drain. The Lily-of-the-valleys were returned to the vase, just in time as well.
 A few seconds later, James strode over the threshold and plonked down at the dining table. You had your back turned to him, and busied yourself with the food on the stove. Or tried to, because your hands were trembling and your heart was in your throat. 
You watched his reflection in the window and took deep breaths. James had picked the magazine he had been reading and resumed where he had left off. After a few minutes, he reached for his beer. Upon seeing that you had refilled it for him, he let out an appreciative grunt and a curt "Thanks." and placed the glass on his lips. A usual interaction - you didn't bother replying. 
The feeling of fear soared when you noted his frown, and how he looked at the glass in his hand with suspicion. He spat the beer out and fixed an angry glare at you. Before he could go on a triade, you took the initiative:
"You are darn rude, spitting stuff like that out. How old are you again? Four?"
Now, you turned around to face him. The best defence is offence, after all. 
"Hello pot, I'm kettle", he snarked. "What the blazes did you put in my beer?"
Unlike his 1p counterpart, James would be very cautious when it comes to you. While he would gladly embrace a more loving relationship, he wouldn't let his guard down. To him, it would just be the quiet before the storm. Additionally, he would be quick to taste most poisons you'd manage to get your hands on, being a trained nature conservationist. 
As such, he wouldn't feel betrayed when you finally do show your colours. Though, on top of your punishment for trying to kill him, you'd get a punishment for being cunning. If there is one trait he hates above all else, then it is cunning. 
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yan-heta · 5 months
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★ NOTE ;;
— As I have previously stated in my last post, I may or may not write this depending on someone's request. The writing style also changes on newer requests.
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Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
2p france was never the type to be inclined to affection. After all, love is a hoax in his eyes, a mere illusion to the passerby’s near his lone apartment. It was utterly useless to love one person for your whole life, when chances are, they would cheat, lie, break you into pieces. That is all love to him. He would give you your space, but that must not mean he would not try to touch you nor would his eyes drift elsewhere that is not you. You are, indeed, the only source of entertainment he has in this cruel world. Gentle touches on your shoulders, waist, and maybe even laying in your lap. If you were willing, he would be sleeping beside you, the scent of smoke and cheap liquor, arms encasing you as you’re used as a pillow. Must you be sensitive over the smell of smoke, he would try to tone it down only in a mere scale. Your personal bubble of privacy sure must be big, but again, you are always being watched by the man.
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
He’s quite lax at certain situations, accustomed to crime, having the knowledge of how to assess the situation and quickly eradicating anyone who try and mess the situation up, as he is a crime-lord himself, but he chooses not to, as his presence enough is intimidating for one’s eyes. Of course, he may seem lazy, but once you show unease towards one person, the 2p would willingly take his bottle and bash it in the “perpetrator’s” head, even if they all but asked your number or similarly, seem like they show signs of “feigning” interest upon you. The world is cruel, France is one of them, but he wants his lover sanguine after eradicating those pesky insects. The possibilities are low, though, as you are always couped up in his apartment.
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
Unlike those he has slept with, he is actually quite reassuring with you (never once showing domestic cruelty, feeding you enough, soft touches), albeit emitting a negative atmosphere. At first, he is incapable of being trusted as he has cheated on his past ‘lovers’, but once you notice the pattern that he has never reeked of anything but his perfume, it is him genuine with his promises of never touching women, nor men. Not with you filling the hole of loneliness he has endured every night.
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
You would have your boundaries respected (2p France is one of those who aren’t delusional (2p England) at all). The country would, though- sometimes on drunks nights - force you to cuddle. He needs to rid of his headache after the failed meetings, and you are his source of rehabilitation.
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
Silence is a friend of his, even-so, he has never told anyone of his struggles; a simple nuisance in his eyes. Nevertheless, once you expose more of your heart to him, the more he would be open to talk of what possibly drags him down the deep depths of seclusion. He won’t immediately state the problems, but subtly shows signs that you could pick off once the wall that separate his heart slowly breaks.
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
Questioning; an eyebrow raised while he puffs his cigarettes, an interrogating glint in his eyes. There is no chance of you breaking free, unless you want to encounter people who were more on the spectrum of not caring and would hurt you. He won’t be hurt, albeit a little, by your display of fiery attitude, and would actually leave you alone in your room if you want him to. But he’d warn: if you escape, you’re going to regret meeting his other friends, who by far are worse, and he genuinely wants to protect you from those imbeciles.
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
He has no time for silly games, they’re all an inconvenience. If you escape, he’ll be sighing, tsking at your ludicrous decisions, but he won’t criticize you for it. More of a “not mad, but disappointed”. Once he has you back in your arms, he grumbles, the silence overtaking the apartment. You’ll be once again in your bed he shares with you, and he would leave you some time to contemplate what you did.
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
The time where he has shown violence, not towards you, but to a man flirting with you whilst you two were out together. He can’t let you out of his sight, in fear you would escape, so he told you to stay by his side with a scowl etched on his face directed at the man. You’re gripping at his left elbow, using it as a cover, because the sight was that unruly. The man who flirted, now having glass shards impaling his skin while the 2p talks normally, yet threateningly with vulgar language, of how he enjoys hearing and seeing the cries of the man. In the end, all that's left is a battered and bruised body while you’re crying, but he promises he would not do what he has done to you, but that doesn’t make you feel better, it makes the fear that he would do it to you, too.
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
Just peace and quite. Francois is not a man of dreams, ambitions taking too much energy. All he wishes from you is to submit, no expectations that would take too much time. Does not intend to show you off with his co-workers, blasphemy, they’ll just fall what was is his.
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
He would, once you show the slightest interest on any one of the 2p’s, heaven forbid, especially Oliver. But he would not lash out on you, but glare at whoever is receiving your attention, a silent threat that guarantees he would harm them. Though, if a stranger flirts with you, then he would only see red, not a hint of jealousy (unless again, you show interest) as he is aware of their intentions to harm you. Never would he lash out on you.
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
Tender affection. Even if he were to reek of alcohol and cigarettes, he would be beside you on your bed together and you’ll be sitting in his lap as you are his source of comfort after a stressing day. At first, he would be drunk of sorrow when you weren’t there, but now he has someone to come home to.
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
Offers to spend dates in not too crowded spaces. At a place where it is only solitude and it’s only you and him. You could cook for him if you wish to, and he would be furthermore in love.
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
Yes. For you, he is more vulnerable and transparent with his emotions. By grunts, movements- you could immediately know of how he feels. Hugging you tighter means all he wants is to rest with you and have his fill of dopamine. The more he grunts mean he’s either overworked, or he like your efforts on helping him out, depends on what emotion is etched on his eyes.
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
No punishing, nor threats. He’ll try to change for you, and towards you only. And gaining your trust is a crucial part. You’ll feel conflicting emotions around him because of how he acts. Though sometimes his silence alone at your failed attempts at escape acts enough as a punishment.
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
Only freedom. He would give you decent meals, clothes, space, etc. You would basically live like you’re quarantined. Yet, you could still go outside with the company of 2p France once you promise to not escape.
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
Very patient. Again, he is the most humane of yanderes compared to others. So mental will is always given to you, and you actually do have a choice like what you eat, what you wear, what you want from him. Tell him that you want more time to trust him, then he would grant that promise. After all, the only time he act of impulse is by kidnapping you, and harming those who fancy you.
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
No. It took years falling for you, it would take longer to move on. He would be nearly dysfunctional, drowning in guilt, if you were to die.
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
Abducting you? He’s quite guilty a bit. Let you go? Probably not. Going outside with him by your side is the most of what you would have if you really need that fresh air, but you are to stay at his apartment with only a bit of restraints.
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
A bit of curiosity and his past. He was known as someone who slept with people without regard for emotions, once he heeds the slightest bit of entertainment for you, would he question himself. That, in turn, would lead him spending more time with you, because damn, you’re somewhat making him experience the stage of falling in love.
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
Silent guilt. He would attempt cheering you up (though, he is quite horrible at talking) by letting you cry on his shoulders if you were using him as a comfort even if he is your abductor. He would not talk, just sit by your side to let you cry out every tear 'til you feel slightly better. Not call you overdramatic as you are vulnerable.
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
Not too keen on harming you. He’s self-aware, he knows of how the mind works, and to be frank, he won’t break you for cruel pleasure if in the end is someone broken. The most normal of the bunch even if he were heartless.
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
Nothing emotionally could make you exploit him. He knows you after years pining after you, and because he has spent time with people who has manipulated before, his co-workers. So any dire actions of you planning to escape him by mental or emotional advantage would be thrown out the windows. The only chance of escape you have is by just possibly jumping off the apartment windows, overall physical ways.
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
No, not even bruises would please him. His grip on you would be lenient, even mentally hurting (albeit showing you his actions of violence that one time) you is a huge no for him. He is not a hypocrite, he does not want you to hurt him, so he would not to you. The 2p is self-aware, observant of how you act. If you were to ever slightly show your affections towards him, then he would not toy with it.
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
He won’t go too far to overwhelm you with his company. He’ll show you worship if you want to, affection if that is your choice. But is mostly silent with his display of love. To win you over, for him, is to slowly decline his habits.
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
Falling in love, for the 2p, is like waiting for the “real” Santa to visit your house. He would not immediately fall in love with you. Love at first sight is nothing but a saying. What he would fall for is how you act towards him, yet it takes quite some time to gain his trust, about one to three years before completely snapping. Once he is certain you are the one, the kidnapping process would be an impulse for him.
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
No. He would knew of the consequences if you were to break. You’ll lose your trust at him, he does not want that. Instead, he would try to exhibit a more mellow side of his to you. To indicate that, yes, you could trust him, he would not harm you.
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theunderneath · 7 months
Read a few pages
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Walking over to one of the tables in the room, your gaze wandered over all of the papers. You felt a little overwhelmed by all of the papers.
Jumping as a loud thud rang out into the mostly quiet cabin. You quickly turned around and sighed just seeing a book that fell off the table.
Walking over to the book, you picked up the thick novel. It didn’t seem to have any title.
Running your fingertips over the leather cover you wrapped your fingers around it and turned. You watched as the book open revealing what looked to be an index for this house.
(Some of the links for the bigger fandoms couldn't fit all here, so just click on the name and it'll take you to its own master list)
One Piece
Golden Kamuy
Hetalia / 2p Hetalia
Yandere Aizen with a chubby Darling (Headcanon / EDITED)
Yandere Ryuken Ishida headcanon (EDITED)
Yandere Kisuke Urahara Kisses (Headcanon / NSFW-y / EDITED)
Yandere Ichigo cuddling with his Darling (Headcanon / EDITED)
Yandere Kisuke Urahara headcanons (NSFW-y / EDITED)
Demon slayer
One punch man
Most likely to least likely to give their S/O an aphrodisiac (headcanon / Sweet mask, Fubuki, Garou / NSFW / EDITED)
Garou, Fubuki, and Zombieman Darling want to play the Pocky game (Headcanon / EDITED)
Hunter x Hunter
My Hero Academia
FMA/Fullmetal Alchemist
A conversation about Greed being a yandere
Jujutsu Kaisen
Toji with a sassy plus-sized Darling (Headcannon / EDITED)
Poly Yandere Gojo and Geto with an S-grade sorcerer reader (Headcannon / EDITED)
Ouran highschool host club
Dress Up Darling
The Apothecary Diaries
The Ancient Magus' Bride
JJBA / Jojo's Bizzare Adventures
Darling Dearest Fashion Art
Darling Dearest Expressions Art
Black Butler
Yandere Erik Lehnsherr with a reader that has the same power as him? (One shot / EDITED)
Slashers/Horror movies
Yandere Hanzo headcanons (EDITED)
Resident Evil
Twisted Wonderland
Genshin Impact
Other media
SCP Foundation
Yandere Masky x touched starved fem reader (Headcannon / EDITED)
Yandere Masky headcanons (EDITED)
Yandere Hoodie and Eyeless Jack headcanons (EDITED)
Meme about blog and post 
Yandere meme (Guess I’ll die)
Do I do platonic yandere? 
Fanart of other people's OC (ONE, TWO, THREE)
Old OC art
Old creepy art (ONE, TWO)
Meme about SCP and my blog
100 follower special
Fanart of the white dear
Self-made art of another artist's rendition of this blog username
An artist rendition of this blog username (reblog)
Me simping over another OC called Fox (art)
Shit post Hearts Day (art)
Yandere short story
Viral hit
Manager Kim
The index you hold in your hand closes. Your eyes feel heavy from how much reading you just did. There is not much to do now.
You could rest, maybe eat some food in the kitchen, but you have a suspicion if you leave the house and return at a later date. There might be more wonderful stories for you to read.
However, the choice is yours. You could mark this cabin on your map to return to or close the door on this chapter to continue on your journey unburdened.
The choice is yours.
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Hi, can I request the darkest fantasies of yandere axis members?✨️
I love how you sent this 10 min after i started posting. I love you for it btw, you are now the subject of my yandereness. Congrats! (lol) I will also do the 2ps just for you:D
Anyways here are the fantasies!
1p Germany/Ludwig Beilschmidt
So wants someone to be like a yandere towards him as well, in the bedroom preferably. Basically he wants to be loved like he loves, and he wants to be so secure in the relationship that he can give up all control in the bedroom sexy times
1p Italy/Feliciano Vargas
He wants to let go of all that holds him back and have the trust of his darling for free use basically, this doesn't mean he'll do something you have as a hard limit, it just means that he can do what he wants when he wants and you'll be eager and willing, to a certain extent of course. He doesn't want to really hurt you though
1p Japan/Kiku Honda
He knows this one isn't realistic as he doesn't have magic but he really wants to try to live out hardcore hentai scenarios like tentacles (he is in control of them)
2p Germany/Lutz Beilschmidt
The thought of having someone so devoted to him they would encourage him to kill anyone who looks at his partner is really hot to him. And then ofc fucking them so hard they need medical care while still loving it and begging for it.
2p Italy/Luciano Vargas
Blood, he wants to do all sorts of unspeakable things with blood, period blood, normal blood, doesn't matter. Though never to the point of a blood transfusion unless his blood is compatible and being used for it. The thought of you with his blood is a major turn on. But if you tried to leave him he'd do it if you don't have the same blood types, so you can never leave him
2p Japan/Kuro Honda
so i think for him and a childhood friend it would be to give each other a bit of your souls. Binding you forever, akin to soul mates, meaning that you can keep each other alive with this connection and all sorts of crazy things. And yes reaching out to touch the other's soul via this connection can be very pleasurable and is also part of his desire. The dark part of this is that he will basically own you, as he is proficient in soul magic, a magic anyone can do regardless of other magical abilities, also the hardest form of possible magic. He is so possessive that he wants to effectively own his partner for all eternity, woooo
Some Lore lol
so i haven't touched much on the magic system in my version of this world, but soul magic is what keeps 1p Prussia and 1p Romano alive, as their brothers unknowingly share a part of their souls with them, making that as long as the brother lives, so does said "should not be alive" country
Kuro knows this magic because he's an opportunist and he has a Katana blessed by the gods and it can take his victims souls (including his own, which is why he's super protective of it) and it powers him physically, making him dangerous as fuck. He's the last person you'd want to fuck with, and most of the other 2ps are not aware of this because he keeps his most powerful card a secret. He's not seen as a super powerful 2p, in reality he is one of if not the strongest, this comes through through many aspects, such as a high intelligence, tactical knowledge, charisma, and soul magic.
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hetalia-angel · 10 months
How would yandere 2p America and yandere 1p America go about kidnapping their darling and what would trigger it?
Yandere 1p and 2p America Kidnapping
1p America!
Alfred has a hero complex and loves to save his “damsel in distress” darling from any situation that they’re in. So when darling is threatened or hurt that pushes Alfred to kidnap protect them.
For example, darling lives in a sketchy neighborhood and one night while walking home she gets mugged and a bit beat up. Alfred probably had told darling before to leave the sketchy neighborhood and come live with him instead. That time he took their answer and moved on. But now that this happened darling’s choice is completely irrelevant.
Alfred will kidnap you one of two ways. The first way is that he’ll wait until late at night when darling is dead asleep it helps that he knows everything about her schedule. Then he’ll make his move, he pushes the tip of the syringe up and flicks it to get rid of any air bubbles. With a surgeons precision he’ll insert it into darling’s arm and manages not to wake her up. He’ll take her back to his remote. ranch style house. Alfred is a big softy and will most likely feel bad for the kidnapping so he’ll pamper the crap outta darling for a while. “Baby girl, I know that chain is uncomfortable but I’ll get your favorite dinner, movie, and we can have a nice cuddle session.”
The second way he’ll kidnap darling is by inviting them over for a normal hang out session. Alfred’ll put a little something extra in their drink totally not roofie darling. Since they happily decided to spend the night with him he’ll set her up in a room that he decorated himself with all of darling’s interests. He won’t chain her up but he will keep lots of locks around the house only he knows the passcodes and keys. When darling starts asking questions about when they can go home and leave he’ll just brush it off and ask “Why do you wanna leave anyways? I have all your favorite stuff and it’s better than that cramped closet of an apartment you live in.”
2p America
Allen is nice… but in a different way from Alfred. He acts a lot like a protective older brother in a way. Allen is very teasing but also a bit passive aggressive or just aggressive.
The thing that will most likely push Allen to kidnapping his darling is jealousy. Jealousy is an ugly color on Allen. He’ll casually interrogate darling, “What’s that idiot’s name that’s been bothering you all night?” “…Um…John” “Well that ugly bastard is about to be in a whole world of hurt.”
He thinks his darling constantly being flirted with is bad enough but if Allen notices you actually like the jerk he’ll go into full yandere mode. That unlucky guy is gonna be sent to the hospital more like the alley way in 10 different pieces…
Allen is an aggressive rough guy by nature. He can’t really change it he does his best to be gently with darling but something’s don’t change.
He’ll kidnap darling by breaking into her apartment. Allen will pull the warm blankets from her face and chloroform her as she struggled beneath him. Once darling is properly knocked out she’ll be thrown over his shoulder and taken back to his home her home.
Like Alfred he might feel a bit bad but won’t admit to any mistakes. “C’mon quit complaining, Doll. So what the chain is heavy? I tucked you in with the softest blankets, why don’t I get any appreciation? Only complaints.”
Allen will be sure to make darling comfortable but also be stern. He’ll go over her new house rules and make them overwhelmingly clear.
Allen is a secret softie so he’ll be cuddling her with the softest fluffiest blankets he can find for his darling. He’ll be sure to discretely buy products darling loves. “Oh these are expensive skin care products? I didn’t even know doll face, I just bought the first ones I saw on the shelf. Happy accident I guess.”
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headingalaxys-spicy · 9 months
I don't know if you're ask box is currently open, I couldn't really tell but I really like your yandere alpha asks and I was wondering if you could do either 2p England or 1p America, please 🥺
I think I did 1p America as an Alpha at one point so I’ll do 2p England also this post will be kinda spicy and mention gore because ya know it’s OLIVER. So read at your own risk.
⭐️🌟⭐️🌟 Enjoy🌟⭐️🌟⭐️
He eats Betas because to him they’re a versatile meat he can use when he cooks. Their blood is reserved for his teas, cakes, and soup thickener / base. He refrains from eating Omegas since the poor weak things already have a difficult time within society. They’re lower class and depending on that and the range of skills they have, looks, birth are just a few factors that contribute to one’s overall quality of life. Plus Oliver an Omegas blood is only tasty if it’s someone he’s bonded to. He will only hunt down an Alpha if he’s assigned to do so by his boss.
He’s 100% will control how his S/O will look at all times. He’s got coordinated couples outfits: sleepwear, tea-party, casual walk in the park, you name it he has an outfit for it. And yes, you better believe that it’s pink with maybe a few blue pieces here and there.
You have to be able to maneuver yourself through a ground caked in glass shards, discarded needles, and murder weapons most of which a pills or knives. What I mean by this is you have to be able to read his mood shifts. It can help you formulate sentences that won’t leave you chained to a wall or a chair for an evening. One way to see his mood shifts is that his eyes will flicker with colors. But if they turn blood red or they’re simultaneously blue and pink… that's the sign to RUN. Other colors along with the intensity and duration are other things you’d want to look out for. It aids you in dictating the severity of how he took what you said or did . So plan accordingly when you speak to him. It’s like trying to navigate a rabid mind field .
It take him about a month of obsessing over you for him to finally make his feelings known to you. He’ll intentionally sit next to you at meetings, just happen to be at the same brunch spot as you, and know exactly what to bring when it comes to your beverage you’d want from the local coffee shop. But be warned that the coffee he brings you has low dosage magic pills he’s concocted. They make you think of him more often and even have lucid dreams with him. It’s one that he will harvest for future dreams he can savor in his spare time before you decides to ensnare you. Not to mention that your psyche is no longer safe and will belong to him.
It’s 1000% too late when pastel sugary treats appear at your place of work and implores you to have tea with him. It will instruct that you wear the outfit that has been provided date and time plus he even arranges for a ride to come and fetch you on the day of. Depending on if you say yes or no to this will dictate how he treats you from there.
If you say yes
Things will be easier in the beginning. Oliver will be the kindest alpha to you albeit the staring he does at you is off putting when you go on your first date with him. “Oh poppet you’re simply just too cute not to stare at!”
He already formulated a magical contract if you seem hesitant to continue to move forward with a relationship with him. Oliver will do his best to highlight only the positives that you’ll benefit from if you become his. Things like never having to cook, spill some of his magical secrets to you and raising your overall socioeconomic status. You’ll want for nothing more. The catch will be that your freedom to do anything without him or one of his trusted magical beings hovering over you 24/7. The spells he offers are all superficial illusions and other basic things like levitation of small items etc. (Oliver is smart enough to know to not teach you anything that could give you ideas about escape or leaving him)
If you say no
You’ll be relieved when you find that he decides to be absent for a few weeks after you reject him. But that is only the calm before the storm because Oliver is PISSED that you’d dare to reject him. He’s been at home prepping a perfume that has his musk and a potion that was designed just for you. He crafts a bottle that is beautiful and can draw any eye in and masks it as one of your own bottles. Both his musk and the potion together make a poignant concoction. You will put it on the following day after it’s completion and you’ll be unaware of what’s happened to you once it hits your nostrils. You’ll be knocked out instantly. Oliver’s friends from the darkness will drag you right to him and you’ll be slapped right into having a tense conversation with him on how dare you deny him what he deserves. Oliver’s teeth will be showcased a lot through it. He wants to mark you with his hungry teeth so no one can tell him that you don’t belong to him.
He’s also going to be putting a ton of aphrodisiacs in all of what you’ll consume that night. Right down to the water you drink. You’re going to be horny out of your mind so much so that Oliver won’t be able to handle it either and he will also have to drug himself in order to keep up although he’s amazed that you are able to milk him dry. It’s highly likely he will form a knot with you on the first night.
During Rut
Oh god he’s frantic as hell and kinda helpless when he’s in rut. He will dote on you and be subtle (kinda … not really) about how much he needs tender loving. Oliver will do things he thinks are sexy but it’s either wow that’s creepy or pfffffft please calm down.
The slightest bits of affection in terms of physical touch will make him orgasm.
When he cuddles you on the couch, you touch your foot to his under the table at tea, or if he does something as simple as kissing your hand. His face is red, he’s totally holding back a guttural moan, and his pants are tighter than they should be. So he either is trying to have sex with you for longer periods or he’s running around like a confused bat out of hell who doesn’t know what do do when they have a crush and a majorly excited. Or on the very rare occasion he’ll lock himself in his study with some suppressants and wait it out.
He’ll want to stare at you for a good 20 minutes or so before he has his way with you. Sometimes he does this while playing with a knife or making a new brew.
Or he will draw out some of your blood and he will have you watch him make a special tea with it. This according to him helps him last long while he rams himself into you.
He can be cute when he preps an entire spread of sweets for you to try (some may or may not have a poor unfortunate soul within them.) as a sweet yet intimate way to get you into bed. This normally only happens at night when the moon is full and completed with saccharine candles that put your mind at ease.
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crimson-kisses · 1 year
Oh my gosh I love your writings so much. Don’t apologize for sending in work late, you do such amazing work and you shouldn’t feel pressured about it. ❤️ Anyways, I’ve been loving your “hetalia and nyotalia sharing a darling” writings, and I was wondering if you could do the same but with 2p Italy and 2p nyo Italy? Or If you don’t do 2ps anymore can you do Arthur and Alice? (I’m sorry if this is too much 😥)
thank you so much for the compliments my love, absolutely warms my heart to receive these messages from y’all. always a pleasure to read truly! and don’t worry I will try my best with the request. hope you enjoy honey ♡︎ @lady-cap
Warnings: Descriptive violence, non-con acts, blood and the like.
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"Il nostro tesoro prezioso"— 2p!Italy: Luciano Vargas || 2p!nyo!Italy: Lucrecia Raffaella Vargas
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Her auburn hair glows from the fireplace just behind her, ruby lips giving a peck to her smoking companion. The knife grasped loosely in her hand falls to the floor as she carelessly tosses it aside, a blissful sigh before a loud chuckle comes from her and the man besides her resorts to rolling his eyes.
"Ve~~~, that was quite fun, wasn’t it?", Lucrecia practically throws herself at him, hands wrapped around his shoulders as she rests her head on his shoulder, despite Luciano clearly being discontent with her clinginess. Nonetheless he stays completely silent, not bothering to entertain her any further and the lady slowly withdraws her arms back with furrowed brows then pouts playfully at the lack of reaction.
She stares as he scrutinizes their surroundings, cigarette still lit as he slowly spins it, a smirk slowly forms on his face, which she gives a crooked smile in response knowing he had something in mind for their precious treasure. There’s a deep breath from him and his bloody eyes seemed to pour ice on your soul as they stare straight at yours.
The tape all around your body felt as if they were burning, tightening with every second that passed, itching your skin and making you sweat with dread and possibly inducing a panic attack. If not the tape then perhaps the previous events which included a rude invasion of your boss’s mansion and the all out shoot out, murders that followed, the shards of glasses, blood stains, dead bodies slumped around being the core evidence, would probably be the prime reason.
You didn’t even realize what was happening until you were shoved aside by their men and you only ended hurting a few of them, nonetheless you weren’t going to give up despite only being an assistant to your boss, who wasn’t even a mafia boss for goodness sake. Apparently it was chaos, a battle even which ensued itself out of nowhere.
Though being aware of Luciano's inappropriate stares, whispers and touches, you presumed he was simply like that with all of the women he encountered, which was true, he was a goddamn fucking prick. You didn’t expect this from his counterpart though, although there were definitely a few signs that you probably missed or overlooked. But you weren’t aware of how absolutely deranged they were about you. A simple lady who was caught up in this mess.
"The fun has only just begun",
Identical blood red eyes continued to eat up your withering form, the atmosphere heavy with panicked breathing and the blistering heat from the fireplace, the sound of Lucrecia's heels echoed through the room as she giddily made her way towards you, Luciano watching her every movement until his eyes once again landed on your form.
You couldn’t help but flinch away from her as she got close to you, although with being tied, the armchair you were placed on wasn’t much spacious either, with a single confident stride she seated herself on your lap, her breath hitting your face as you cringed at the smell of wine and cigarette making her frown and sigh slowly.
Her fingers cautiously traced your jawline as you gulped, remembering the knife she had used to end several of your co-workers, she seemed to be studying every detail on your face, eyes unwavering and unblinking, it was unnerving and her sudden closeness to you didn’t make anything better, trying to move your body didn’t seem to deter her one bit either. If anything, she ignored your fidgeting much to your chagrin.
After observing the both of you on the armchair for a while, Luciano takes a long drag of his cigarette, his boots not making a sound yet his presence was hard to miss as he got closer to you both, gloved hands harshly grabbed your chin making you face towards him as he licked his lips, the scared look on your face was absolutely delicious, once again he gave a slight smirk and captured your trembling lips with his with no hesitation, and oh god, was the taste of your fear so exhilarating.
"What a belladonna".
Both of them are sadistic no doubt, I feel as if Luciano would control himself around you to not draw blood at the very least. Meanwhile, his female counterpart is far more sadistic than him, although with you she would prefer saving her blood thirst for when you really manage to piss her off. Or when she’s feeling extra unstable.
They aren’t much better for that though, Luciano is very controlling, even with Lucrecia who rebels against him in subtle ways. Although most of the time he lets her do her thing, she is surprisingly obsessive and clingy towards him, much to everyone’s confusion including his. She could be the most terrifying nightmare for most people so it’s confusing why doesn’t she head butts with Luciano more often or isn’t so violent as him (she is).
You can expect every aspect of your life to go according to what Luciano wants, and you can’t help but not utter a word since just because he’s more lenient towards you than he is towards other people, it doesn’t mean that he won’t be pissed off at your defiance. He won’t hesitate leaving pretty bruises on your skin for Lucrecia to tend after, and most of the time she ends up making it worse with an oblivious tone in her voice, but you just know that they both simply get off your pain, tears, bruises, so you have no choice really.
They will make you do several chores around the house, basically a personal maid just for them, you won’t meet anyone else in the house expect for few maids, who don’t converse much anyways, always scurrying about with heads down and mouth shut. Basically tidying up their beds, personal rooms, cooking just for them and tending to their needs. Your duties revolve around them. Wearing your pretty little dresses that leaves no room for imagination nor any cover against their advances.
Lucrecia is actually the dominant one in the relationship you could say, although her male counterpart is no pushover either, he willingly lets her take the reigns the most. I can see her being in charge of disciplining you as well, although there’s no specific structure for you to follow with them. She will gladly feed you until you can’t eat anymore, smother you with overbearing affection, make you wear embarrassing dresses, pinch your cheeks until it bruises, temporarily fracture your fingers because you did something she didn’t like, eat your ears off with her chatter, it’s fucking exhausting to be around her and it shows on your face whenever Luciano gets out of his office or comes home late.
Though he would just grumble and be bombarded by whatever bullshit Lucrecia spills, her clingy hugs and things about you which is the only part he bothers to pay half a mind to. It’s after a bottle of wine that his day truly starts tho, especially when you look so endearing and breedable with your maid costume showing off your curvy figure, he might accidentally spill some on you, feigning innocence as he attempts to help you but you know that he simply wants to take the damn thing off your body and bruise you all over again.
Surprisingly, Luciano prefers to take his sweet time ravaging your body, biteful kisses on your breast, as his hands hold your waist so possessively, straddling your waist and whispering dirty things, which quickly turns lewder, his touches rougher, your hair almost ripped off from your scalp, bites and scratches decorate you body, when he’s done with you and finally he falls right then and there, staining your walls white and burying his face on your soft chest. He’s almost playful after whenever the day he’s fucked you, in a cruel way though, pulling you on his lap, your hair, calling you names, basically just being a nuisance.
Lucrecia is rather spontaneous, like everything she does, pulling you by your dress as you are fixing the bed, drunk and high as fuck, blubbering about the things, the stuffs she wants to do to you, her hands always fixated on you hips as her nails claw at your waist, always wanting to pull a muscle and have you sore, pained when she’s done with you, her aftercare is showing her art piece off front of the mirror as she fixes you up, ignoring your tears, and whatever she had caused. In her eyes, it’s just the way she had always loved.
I would say both of them are insane and deranged, they don’t really differ much in that aspect but their perspectives on few things are different and a few quirks of their personalities as well. It’s probably easier to know when you are trapped with them, that’s for sure but also Luciano is more composed than his counterpart, more savvy and has bloodier moody issues.
No one is touching, seeing and even knowing about you, they both wouldn’t have it especially Luciano. Although you can expect Lucrecia to brag everything about you, and she wouldn’t mind showing you off to their most closest companions, although in their world such people are hard to come by. It’s safe to say it’s going to be a rough back breaking ride for their precious girl, that’s for sure.
"You are everything to us, our beloved"— Nyo!England: Alice Kirkland.
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Her voice is rather annoying, no scratch that, actually it’s making you want to commit a massacre. It’s as if you are listening to a plate being scratched by forks, yes definitely that, she can screech all she wants with her bloody haughty accent it won’t stop making her sound similar to a dehydrated chicken. Fuck's sake.
She had always been like this, compared to her Arthur was at the very least tolerable. You just could not deal with her constant mood swings, demands, insecurities and what not. Always wanting to prove that she was better than her male counterpart and how the past sexist world was so unfair towards her, basically trauma dumping and she just really needed to stop. She had always held a considerable amount of power, just that Arthur was mostly send off to conquer the world, during wars and shit, not on a bloody vacation.
There she goes berating you for one thing or another, sitting on the sofa across from you, knitting a sweater and very much upset that you couldn’t maker her a cup of tea as well. Or rather, that was the fact that brought up this whole speech of hers in the first place, frankly you did not want to and confined to sip your very delicious cup of tea. She could go—
"You are not listening to a word coming out of my mouth, are you?",
You slowly set your tea on the saucer and calmly stared right into her furious glare directed towards you, used to it at this point. She huffs and before she could utter another word,
"Perhaps you should stop claiming yourself to be a victim all the damn time and actually realize the privilege you have always had over the other truly underprivileged women whether you wanted it or not, quit whining and stop letting what happened in the past drag you down. Have you considered a bloody therapist? I am not your trauma dumpster Alice, I am tired too".
A look of surprise takes over her face which quickly turns into a sneer as she crosses her arms, glare unwavering and a reddish tint of anger still lingering on her appearance,
"Oh you are the one to talk, your generation of women are the privileged ones, you have no idea what …",
Soon enough, it’s safe to say that the whole manor would have been cleared by how loud, ferocious and bitter both of your tones were. Arguing back and forth, with heated glares and firm stances, Alice was probably going to break and honestly you would love a hot cup of tea to soothe your nerves because god forbid, if this woman doesn’t shut up
It wasn't that you didn't sympathize with her, as a woman you had done your best to support her when it came to such things, but what you wouldn't accept is her unwillingness to stop blaming others for her misfortunes in the past or painting herself as an absolute powerless victim. Sometimes you had to brush off your pain, get your ass up and fix shit, like most of the women in your family. Like you had done so, which is why you became a hardened deteticive with a strong resolve none could easily crack.
Not to mention, that you were trapped in her and his mansion with no escape in sight. Of course, you were going to annoy the shit out of her.
"Goodness, just what is going on in here?",
Arthur quickly took off his coat, eyes already scrutinising the scene in front of him, both of you were breathing heavily from all the yelling and he seemed to be beyond irritated himself. It was one thing to deal with Alice in this state, with you in the mix?
He could already feel the migraine he was about to endure from dealing with two stubborn, headstrong woman.
Honestly, both of them are a chore to deal with. I feel as if Alice is used to working harder and striving to be heard which mixed with her desperation, insecurities and possessiveness over her darling is bound to be exhausting quickly. Even aggravating since the only true victim over here is you, not her. If anything, she would treat you as her pet, it’s infuriating obviously.
Arthur on the other hand, would rather not paint himself that way regarding his pride, and is much more collected in the way he represents himself in front of you. He's much more intimidating than Alice, and would be the one to dish out the punishments, hence making you more wary and careful of him than Alice. As she prefers ofc, who do you think encourages Arthur to bring out the cane? She knows Arthur can be a hell of an intimidating person, it has always worked in her favor a lot of times. she bloody loves it.
Not saying that Alice should be taken lightly, when her mind is in the right state, she can be very manipulative even towards Arthur, she knows how to twist her words and render you into trouble. Both of them would be tricky, cunning and charming enough to strip you off your security by any law. Whether labeling you as a spy, as corrupt and spouting rumors. You won't even know what is going on until the answer is right in front of you.
Even though they both would bicker most of the time amongst each other, it’s more of a harmless banter at this point. It’s how they communicate since both of them most of the time than not, suppress their emotions which are bound to burst once they crack. And the target of their actions is you of course. They both are quite closer than they might seem, although Alice is more likely to piss Arthur off and have him torment you one way or another. It’s a power trip, a display of her cunningness which even Arthur gets caught in.
You could be a powerful lady, not in status but perhaps it’s your wits, the way you carry yourself and remain a distinct lady with her own bold ambitions she strives hard to achieve. Maybe one day, Alice stumbled onto you, umbrellas crashing to the ground as both of you curse each other as politely as possible, which quickly turns into playful arguments. Maybe it’s Arthur who looks into you after hearing Alice’s thoughts about you, calling you personally in his office and both of you hit it off from there. All it takes is a specific glance towards each other which seals off your life once and for all.
It won’t take much for an intelligent woman to understand what is going on, a bit too late or early even, not that it matters. You may punch and scream at them as much as you want, Alice does not hesitate retorting with sharp and hurtful words and Arthur isn’t the one to back down either. These both won’t always physically harm you, it’s more mental and emotional punishments with them. Chipping away at your insecurities, controlling your actions, monitoring your emotions and suffocating you with their possessive behaviors. Also I like the idea of Alice getting into petty fistfights with you, she would definitely do that once she’s off her high horse once in a while.
Obviously there is no escape, being as observant as both of them are, they have already planned quite ahead. They have powerful connections and allies who would be willing to help them, even if Alice has to act flustered in front of Antonio and drop her dignity to gain few favors if it concerns you, she will do it. You would be given the royal treatment as long as you stay on your tiptoes and behave mannered. If not, then punishments would be followed.
Honestly, Alice is the dominant one in this relationship I would say, not sexually necessarily, but she does has her way of controlling and manipulating any situation she is in, if she put her mind into it. It’s sort of a switch between her and Arthur, the gentleman though would rather drop dead than be the bottom and let her boss him around just like that.
Arthur does understand what’s going on, but he knows Alice more than anyone else does, and vice versa. They both have this understanding between them which is quite hard to explain and believe. With you in the mix tho, Arthur trusts Alice to share you with her, he knows she’s a cunt but she’s also the one who has soothed his wounds and he’s the one who endured her breakdowns. Even though they might have their moments, once you’re in the mix, they are dead set on claiming you as theirs. They both understand the loneliness they have gone through, your presence is an addiction to themselves.
Arthur is more likely to talk down to you while Alice would talk against you, as if your mere opinions bother her, as if she hates that you think independently and not follow what she says. Arthur, as said before simply disregards your stand on most things, such as why it’s morally unacceptable to hold a woman captive. You will suffer from being mentally unstable at some point, until things get worse and worse and the dam breaks. To them though? It’s entertaining. They love you, but there are few things that have to broken so that they may be mended in a more say, preferred form.
Of course, both of them would show you off to others, and also make sure you don’t misbehave and ruin their reputations in front of their peers, that would result in a swift punishment. You would be their pretty blooming rose, a wonderful woman who will forever be in a cage of their making, and no one’s going to save you darling, to beings like them? it’s more entertaining than anything. And these both would make sure to drill that in your head. The world is a disgusting place, not suitable for a beloved lady such as yourself.
Tempted to write a one shot
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