#2p America headcanons
Do you have any hcs for 2p america? they don't even have to be relationship oriented
Oh, I absolutley do
2p!America • Allen Jones | General Headcanons
First and foremost, he has auburn eyes and a strong nose bridge, his curly dark brown hair can be seen with a reddish tint in some lighting and he's around 6'3 (about 190cm), muscle wise, he's not as big as his 1p counterpart, but he is more toned
He also has several piercings which includes an eyebrow piercing, a tongue piercing, snake bites, and several ear piercings
The majority of his wardrobe consists of short sleeved t-shirts, jean and faux leather jackets, cargo pants, dark colored jeans, and combat boots, sometimes he'll wear baseball caps
Even though he has a very rough exterior, being quite sarcastic and ill-tempered, he has a deep love for animals and for the few people that are close to him (even if he doesn't express it)
Partially due to his love of animals, he's vegan, and is unashamed to admit it, going so far as to getting into physical confrontations if someone thinks it makes him "a pussy"
He also has a bad mouth, using profanity liberally, regardless of the circumstance
He is quite flirtatious, though not a romantic in the slightest (think of shitty pickup lines you'd hear in a bar), they land even when they shouldn't because he's so confident and fine
More often than not, he refers to others almost exclusively with nicknames, even if he's just met someone
He has a New York accent and spends the majority of his time there, renting an apartment to live in (he can often be seen smoking on his fire escape at hellish morning hours)
He thinks that driving is "Bullshit and a waste of fuckin' time", so he's gotten incredibly apt at using the subways, and being unphased by the weird things that go on on public transportation (though he has a thing for motorcycles)
On his free time, he enjoys watching American Football, going to bars and clubs (with a fake ID), and running around at night with a few other 2p countries, causing mischief (and light crime)
This is a side note, but he has an interest in reptiles and has a pet kingsnake
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alfredosauce50 · 5 months
Parent headcanons: Alfred, Allen, Matt, & Mathias
When it comes to the trials of adulthood, they have their own ways of getting on top. But parenting is what really puts them to the test. Starting a family and being one of the sole carers for another person will shine a light on the best and worst parts of them.
The big news
He has the most normal reaction out of the four. Panic, acceptance, then excitement, he’s finally moving onto the final stages of adulthood and achieving his lifelong dream. Being a suburban dad and getting that white picket fence. It’s not just about liking kids, Alfred is rather traditional when it comes to his values; he has always romanticized the American dream. He already has a good job, all he needs is to make it happen.
“Fuuuuuck,” He whispers, eyes wide as he rakes his hands through his hair. He stands there for a few minutes, staring into space as you watch him tensely for his reaction. “We’re ready to be parents, right?”
He will freak out. Planned or unplanned, he’s not mentally prepared to be a father. He doesn’t think he’s good enough, but knows deep down he has to be. That’s what really scares him. If he needs to improve himself, it’s now or never. So after a week of panicking and catastrophizing, he’s ready to give himself a second chance — even if it’s for someone else. But his selflessness is key to his perseverance, and eventual success.
“I fucked up,” He squeezes you like a lifeline. It was the only conclusion he could come to after hours of talking about it, the only thing he could ever truly understand. “I fucked up. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”
He’ll be over the moon. He’s gonna be even more excited than you, but that’s kinda given when he doesn’t have to carry the baby and deliver it. Point is, Mathias is very family-oriented, so don’t expect anything less. He’s the most self-affirmed a person can be too, so he’s always ready to move onto the next stage in life. His nurturing character and openness to change will help you immensely in periods of stress and uncertainty.
“I’m so happy that I could cry,” He whispers with his head on your tummy. He’s half-awake after burning out from his own excitement, but his spirit is still in the right place. “We’re finally gonna have a family.”
Letting you into his life was already a miracle, and now he’s gonna be a dad? This is a human being that he’ll have to be responsible for, not something he can simply tap out of and run away from. Matt is driven by his interests, solitude, and above all else, his freedom. A baby would take away all of those things, and he’s so troubled by it that he disappears for a few weeks. He comes home to a slap, but it’s well-deserved.
“Are you gonna keep hitting me, or are you gonna let me go to my shed?” He sighs, closing his eyes as you keep wailing on him. And he just takes it, absorbing every strike that was your burning love for him.
“Why, so you can keep—” You shove him harshly so that he actually stumbles back. “—hiding from me?”
“No, I’m gonna build a crib and make some toys.”
Parenting style
He’s everything you’d expect from a new parent. Freaking out over the little things, screaming when they do something new, burning out after weeks of sleep deprivation, etc. He isn’t perfect, and you’re gonna have to work with him like any other partner, but before you know it, the house is filled with photo frames. He’s your best friend, and sometimes before your partner, so he has a hard time giving and taking. But it’s also why you two will stick together through thick and thin.
Alfred eventually evolves into the archetype of fathers. He takes the backseat and tells his kids, ‘I don’t know, go ask your mother,’ or even gets in trouble for doing stupid things like leaving the toilet seat up. When you just finished yelling at the kids, he comes to them later and goes, ‘someone’s in a bad mood today,’ when he’s just glad it wasn’t him. But when it’s something really serious, he flips like a switch and takes the lead. When that happens, there’s no talking him down.
“Alright gang, ready to get the show on the road?” Alfred rubs his hands together excitedly before he starts the car. “When we get there, I want everyone to be on their best behavior. I’m already on thin ice.”
He has high expectations for his kids. Ever since they popped out, he’s been giving them the best of the best, like nice clothes, family trips, sports leagues, and dance. He also wants them to go to a prestigious university in the future and to do all the things he might have missed out on. Cue the ‘that’s your dream, not mine, dad!’ Alfred can be hard on his children when it comes to success, so you need to remind him they’ve got minds of their own and are not carbon copies of him.
He says he prefers sons until he gets a daughter. Alfred is an absolute sweetheart to his girls, and is way more lenient with them than his boys. He doesn’t mean to play favorites, but it’s just how he’s wired. However, it also means being quite strict and protective when they get to that age. No drinking and no sleepovers with boys present. Men are all animals according to him. But dad, aren’t you a man? Exactly! He’s the pioneer of ‘anything you do to my daughter, I do to you.’
He tried his absolute best to prepare, but it starts off a disaster. What can go wrong will go wrong. The baby gets sick, you’re away on urgent family business, so he needs to do it all without you. Allen stays in hospital with the baby overnight, and slowly, but surely, they get better. He ends up neglecting himself to put his child’s needs first, and by the time you get back, he’s burning up with a fever. But the baby is perfectly content and sleeping soundly in the crib because of him.
He wants the best for his family, even if it means sacrificing everything he has. He understands his limits, but there’s nothing he won’t do to make sure his kid gets every opportunity he never had. Sports, college, you name it. If everybody in class has branded sneakers, he’ll buy a pair just so they don’t feel left out. He’s always proud of his baby, and if anybody tried to bully them, they’ll have to answer to him. Allen sees the best of him in his child, but usually fails to see it in himself.
“You can have my egg. I’m not hungry, baby.” Allen says, sliding his plate to his little girl. He knows that you won’t be back with the groceries for an hour or so, and no kids are going hungry on his watch.
Allen doesn’t think there’s a particular way of parenting because no one child is the same. So long as they do their homework, get out under the sun, and have a good attitude, the rest is to be decided. If his child needs extra support, he’ll give it to them, and if they need a reality check, he’ll give that to them too. He reminds them how hard life can be without stability, so they should take their future seriously, but at the same time, he’s always gonna be there to give them a home.
Nobody would mess with his kids after one look at him. He’s an ex-marine without the ‘ex.’ His daughter will have trouble finding a boyfriend to begin with because of him, and when she finally does, they’re gonna have to gain his respect to be trusted with looking after his little girl. If his son ever gets into a fight, he’ll ask if he won then whoop his ass later. And in the principle’s office, he’s giving the other kid the worst stink-eye ever. He’s the dad that could beat up the other dads.
He’s a total natural; all is well when the baby is in his care. He may be all over the place, but when he really cares about something, he’s in a constant state of hyper focus. The baby will always be clean, well-fed, and happy, so don’t worry about a thing. There’s also no such thing as 50/50 with Mathias. He knows that there will be times when one person has to take the lead. It’s not in his nature to keep track of who’s giving and taking the most. He’s too mature for that.
It’s like experiencing a second childhood for him. Reading picture books, fairytales, playing with legos, or going to places he went to as a kid, he treats parenthood as a chance to relive his best memories and love every second of it. He will never miss a parent event, performance, and appointment. His dedication makes him very perceptive of his child, so he always knows what to do or say to cheer them up. As they grow up, they maintain a very close relationship to him.
“We wanna go to Legoland!”
“You mean, you wanna go to Legoland,” You laugh at him, “I heard you talking to Bjorn about it last night.”
“That’s so he can make an informed decision, of course,” Mathias grins, not showing a hint of shame as he shuffles over with his phone on the home page of the Legoland site. “So I take that it’s decided?”
He’s a great parent, but he’s by no means strict. All he wants is for them to have a fighting chance in the world, like doing a job that they enjoy. He’s great at communicating with his kids and has a lot of compassion, which takes them a long way. He’s never had to discipline them besides setting boundaries and occasionally grounding them. You rule the home with a firmer hand, and maybe that’s why your kids respect you more but treat him more like a friend than a parent sometimes.
Mathias doesn’t bat an eye when his kids first start dating. He’s always been quite liberal, so he just tells them to be careful about the birds and the bees, then to talk to him if things get testy. The one thing he’ll do is to ensure they have high standards. Love is life’s reward, not something to cry yourself to sleep about. Eventually, he’ll invite their date over for dinner, and as it turns out, he’d be a great father in law. He’s very welcoming and treats any future Densens like one of his own.
He’s a trial-by-error, improvise as you go along kinda dad. He hasn’t put much thought into the trials of childcare, but he always works things out in his own way. If the bub keeps crying because they don’t want to be bottle-fed by him, he will cover his face with a picture of you. Easy-peasy. If they’re crawling around the bed, he will use them as a mousepad as he scrolls on his laptop. That way, he gets some leisure time while making sure they don’t actually go anywhere.
Matt is the opposite to a helicopter parent. When his kid trips and face plants into the ground, he doesn’t react. The trick is to not acknowledge it, because only then will they cry. He isn’t afraid to let them explore the world and gain their own agency. It’s good for them, he says. Some part of you thinks he just wants them to grow up quicker so he doesn’t have to take care of them anymore, but there’s always those special little moments.
“How about I teach you how to drive the truck?” Matt asks, walking back home with the family.
“He’s eleven.” You remark.
“Is that a problem?”
He’s all about the family business. If his children don’t want to go fishing and logging with him, fine, but if they show even the slightest bit of interest, he’s bought. Matt will be more than eager to show them the ropes. He takes them on camping trips to show them the beauty of the great outdoors, and the humility it takes to be apart of it. The art of it all is there’s no problem that can’t be solved, and even a rugged man like him can be domesticated by the right person.
If his daughter got a boyfriend, he’d be waiting at home with a shotgun. Matt will then play it off like he just got back from a hunting trip. He’s the type to use silent intimidation, and it works like a charm. If not, he’ll tell jerks to get off his lawn even though he doesn’t have one, and when they ask what lawn, he’ll just say “all of it.” What he means is to get out of his sight and the woods, which is the lawn he’s talking about. (Ha!) On the flip side, he’s nice to girls his son brings home.
Losing the spark
He has a tendency to let himself go when he gets comfortable. This usually happens when his first kid reaches their teenage years and he can afford to sit back now that they can do their own thing. He’s established a stable family unit, but he takes that for granted and gets a little lazy. As a result, he packs on a few pounds and tries less in the relationship. He’s not as attractive as he used to be, and you’re having more petty arguments.
“Why do I feel like you hate me?” He watches you mop the kitchen after you told him to do it. Only he delayed it to sit around on his phone and eat crisps. Even then, he still has the nerve to be upset about it.
“I don’t hate you, I’m just annoyed at you.”
“But you’re annoyed with me everyday.”
Losing the spark? Not on his watch! He never stops trying, ever, and keeps chasing you like when he first started dating you. His stability doesn’t come from money, it comes from you. You’re his rock, and nothing else matters so long as you’re here. He’s the epitome of ‘you know how daddy is about mommy,’ and he’s proud of it. He also takes great care of his body, and with his good genes, he practically ages backwards.
“You better wear that button-down shirt tonight, Al. A tank top isn’t gonna cut it,” You tell him.
“You callin’ me a deadbeat?” He questions.
“No, but you dress like one.”
“I thought you liked my clothes, babe.”
“I do, but the teachers won’t.”
“True that.” He fixes his collar in front of a mirror. He peers at his reflection, marveling at how well he cleaned up. A dress shirt and belt? He’s practically unrecognizable — until he grins, that is. “Still got it.”
He’s always gonna be young at heart, so his spirit never dies. His love for you is as constant as a river, and he’s not afraid of putting on a show for the kids to the point they get a little disgusted. (Ew!) He doesn’t think he’d ever be too old for romance, and his good faith shows up in how gracefully he ages. He might occasionally grow out a thick beard, and when he shaves it off, he looks devastating close to when he was younger.
“Are we ever gonna be alone again?” He mumbles, pouting. His thirtieth birthday is coming up, but he hasn’t changed a bit, save for the more pronounced smile lines around his mouth. “I need some love too.”
“We will, Mat. I just don’t feel comfortable leaving the baby alone right now,” You shake your head.
“We could call Amy and have a date night.”
“I don’t know, Mat.”
“I’ll shave off my beard.”
“You wouldn’t say no to me without a beard.”
The longer he’s with you, the harder he loves. His feelings don’t change when things get hard, or as time passes. They just get stronger. In that same breath, he also ages like wine. In the end, he ends up being the bigger romantic. He used to be a lone wolf, and he thought he was okay with it, but now that he has you, he can’t imagine his life without you. To think you actually stuck around and gave him a chance, he’ll never forget that.
“Wanna go back inside and do it?” He mutters.
“You’re disgusting, Matt.” You walk inside without sparing him a single glance. No matter how old he gets, he’ll always have a mouth on him. No matter how old you get, you’ll always forgive him for it.
“Is that a no?”
“Make me dinner and let me think about it.”
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lady0ctavia · 19 days
Hetalia PDA Headcanons (2p!Allies)
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Headcanons about how the 2p!Hetalia characters would feel about PDA with their S/O.
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2p!America: Are you kidding me? This man lives for PDA. Hand-holding, having an arm around your waist, resting a hand on your hip or shoulder, occasionally groping or smacking your behind in public, kissing you straight on the lips, having you sit on his lap... The man has almost zero shame. Almost. The only thing he might hold back on are full-on makeout sessions. Mainly because those usually lead to being intimate, and regardless of how bold he is, he isn't about to do it in public or do anything that might directly lead to it. However, he's no stranger to makeout sessions in the back of a movie theater, just make sure you two keep it in your pants.
2p!England: Oliver is the kind of guy who will hold your hand in public no matter what you're doing or where you are. He interlocks his fingers with yours, swings your arms back and forth as you walk, and maybe even twirls you around, only to pull you back into his arms before peppering your face with kisses. Needless to say, Oliver is practically the opposite of his 1p! counterpart when it comes to PDA. If anything, I can see him putting an arm around you and shouting about how much he loves you for all to hear.
2p!France: François doesn't have any strong opinions about PDA. It's not something he thinks about, partly because it just doesn't come to mind, and also because he spends so much time indoors. He also largely believes love is a lie, so whenever he sees PDA from others he can't help but roll his eyes. It just seems shallow to him. But this starts to change a little if he falls in love and gets into a relationship. I mean, he's still the same old François as before, cynicism and all. But with the added bit that when you're in public he'll lazily sling an arm around your shoulders or even hold your hand or perhaps give you the occasional kiss on your temple. This is primarily to signal to other guys that you're taken.
2p!Russia: Viktor isn't one for PDA. He's not comfortable with showing affection out in public, along with the fact that he's just not a very physically affectionate man to begin with. As such, the most PDA you'll get out of this man is him offering you his arm as the two of you are walking down the street. That's it. Or if you're extremely cold and need a hug to warm up. He'll reluctantly agree to that, though internally he's blushing and smiling.
2p!China: Weirdly enough, Zao is way more flirty with you in public than anywhere else. He likes seeing you get all blushy and awkward, as well as showing everyone that you're his. He'll hold your hand when out and about and has no problem letting you cuddle him in public. He's also the kind of guy to pull you close by your waist and give you a kiss, leading into a makeout session in a busy street, much to François's disgust.
2p!Canada: Similar to his father in that he's not huge on PDA, but this is moreover because he's fairly reserved rather than having an aversion to love. James will gladly hold your hand, rubbing his thumb over the skin. He likes pressing a small kiss to your temple or on the top of your head to let you know you're loved and also enjoys it when you rest your head on his shoulder. But most of all, he likes to have an arm around your shoulders. Whether you are walking around or sitting, he loves the feeling of having you close. It not only makes him feel like he's your protector, but it's also a way of keeping you close by in case something where to happen.
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jnjzksekfjvn · 2 months
I likee... hetaoia.. if taking request can you draw 2p America and 2p Canada together
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Yes sory i made my own type
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hetalia-angel · 8 months
What are the 1p/2p allies favorite hobbies?
1p Allies
Canada- His favorite hobbies range from playing hockey, taking long nature walks and hikes, sledding, and kayaking.
America- Alfred’s favorite secret hobby is star gazing. He’d never admit it to anyone but he’s a total nerd for space and often looks out his telescope into the great night sky.
France- Francis is a total hater and no one can convince me otherwise. His favorite hobby is gossiping about anything and everyone.
England- Arthur’s favorite hobby is a mix of knitting, crocheting, and embroidery. He’s not the best but it’s the thought that counts. I headcanon that Oliver taught him the basics. He gets the thread and yarn tangled sometimes but it makes him happy nonetheless.
Russia- His favorite hobby is cooking with friends and family. Ivan enjoys being close to his love ones and tasting the most delectable Russian delicacies.
China- Yao is a collector of all things; this list ranges from plushies, figurines, dolls, and even posters. On the other hand he’s severely proud of his country and cuisine and always cooks for any guests or occasion.
2p Allies
England- Oliver’s favorite hobby is obviously baking no one trusts it but he still creates masterpieces. Another hobby that not most know is his love of card games; especially games like bridge.
France- François is an absolute prodigy at gambling and scamming others out of money. When he’s not gambling he’s often lounging around and smoking cigarettes. His lungs have got to be black after 100 years of smoking.
Russia- Viktor likes to stay sharp the more you know the easier it is to get what you want from others he’s always continuing his studies. Viktor’s very well versed in most things so he’d make an excellent tutor.
America- Allen recently got very into urban exploration. Those small abandoned Midwest towns catch his interest to no end. He finds himself going late at night to explore each nook and cranny.
China- Xao’s addictions consume his life and he’s always looking for the next plug. While Yao is similar to the nations’ grandfather Xao is the opposite. He’s more of a fun loving older brother who’s always seeking out excitement.
Canada- Matthieu acts like an old man always on a strict schedule. His favorites hobbies are hockey, whittling, hunting and especially hiking. He’s spent days on end hiking up mountains in the countryside.
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canneddamage · 3 months
I feel like England has kind of lost the dread and fear they once felt when America's birthday comes up. Thanks to France and other countries basically giving em some free-range therapy and consoling England only sulks for 2 days instead of the whole month of July.
Though America comes across as completely oblivious to this fact, I think they are very VERY aware of this. Like during the party for America's birthday, they like pull England aside just to say that they are the best parent a little colony could've asked for despite all the trouble. It makes England cry rivers and they spend the whole night crying to France about their favorite little bastard child.
England always feels the need to spoil America on their birthday, getting them something they know America will feel a deep connection to.
England then will say something along the lines of "Well, I know what you actually like, so I thought this would be meaningful." And it makes America feel a bit emotional. They don't show it to the crowd of other countries but the moment that America and England are alone 100% America is going to break down a little.
Please do not tag this as usuk.
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ask2pame · 5 months
Tell us a fun fact about Allen
10 fun facts about allen!!
1. he can play the violin incredibly well! he just doesn’t want to
2. he’s very skilled in drawing and poetry, it’s just not something he’d ever pursue but sometimes you can catch a glimpse of him working on something to pass the time
3. his favorite movie genres are horror and musicals
4. allen likes fixing really broken beat down cars and then destroying them beyond repair whenever he’s doing some crazy shit. to him it’s like giving them one last hoorah which alfred finds fucked up. but bc of this allen never commits to one car he’s all over the place.
5. allen likes going to cafes and overly sweet coffee is his favorite
6. he likes driving at night , it’s very relaxing to him
7. he’s actually a huge softie when it comes to romance but he’ll never figure out what the right words to say are so he speaks through actions
8. he doesn’t like being alone but he’ll never tell you that
9. he can see ghosts and refuses to believe aliens exist (which drives alfred up the wall bc he’s got one in the house but allen is like no i don’t know what this but it’s not an alien. )
10. when he’s being genuine, his laugh is a lot softer than alfred and it’s like a sweet chuckle, but if he’s trying to piss you off it’s super loud
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1p2p-heta-suggestives · 9 months
2p’s preference on creamers or squirters?
(You didn’t specify which 2ps so I just did the main 10, feel free to send in another ask if you’d like to see anyone specific 🖤)
• 2p S. Italy
• 2p France
• 2p Russia
• 2p Germany
• 2p Japan
• 2p England
• 2p China
No preference/doesn’t care:
• 2p N. Italy
• 2p America
• 2p Canada
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1p2p-heta-imagines · 9 months
Can u do another outfit headcannons for 2pAmerica please ❤️
Can’t tell if this layout is better than the usual or not but we’ll go with it for now
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Can you do 2p Face family sharing a s/o
Yandere 2P FACE
To start, the fact you managed to steal the hearts of them all is an absolute surprise not only to you, but to them too. I mean, they all have different interests in partners, but here you are, breaking those interests for them and proving that they can love someone who isn't their "type" too.
It all started when James brought you back home, as his partner. You were a mature and educated individual, which surprised everyone that you ended up dating some hick from the country. It seemed that you started dating after you met him while volunteering at the local shelter that he was volunteering at. And everything else is simply history.
You were polite but didn't let anyone walk over you. You enjoyed being nice, but also knowing your own worth. Allen once tried to fuck around with you and make you seem worse than you were, but you put him right in his place.
That was exactly the moment he fell for you. Well, he fell for you before, but this was when he finally accepted that he was crushing on his brother's partner.
The next to fall was Oliver. See, you disliked Oliver, but you respected him. And that dislike made you something hard to achieve. And he wanted to get you now that he could not.
The last person to fall was Louis, the father figure of James. A troubled soul and failing artist who has fallen into some horrible habits out of despair.
Why did he fall for you? You were the only one who came to the art show that he had put on. You came with james to show his father figure support, but ended up moving him in a way that nobody else had managed to.
In general, life was quite easy at first, when everyone, besides James, felt like he was allowed to openly love you. For different reasons, all of them tried to hide their feelings for you. Allen because he didn't believe you could ever like him, Oliver because he couldn't believe he liked you, and Louis because he couldn't betray his son in such a way. But that didn't last long, of course.
James is not happy about sharing you, you're his partner after all. But it's better than having three rivals, and losing your family. He wished he could change things up so you were a bit happier, but sometimes, things like that can't be achieved and he accepted that not losing you is better than you being happy, but without him.
No matter what, James is near you, even if it's the time for others to be with you. He's your first one, your main man, so he has the right to be there.
Allen is the most unhappy about it and often gets into fights with James over getting alone time with you. Oliver and Louis, for different reasons, doesn't mind James tagging along.
Of course, all of them sneak alone time with you, when James is busy or not keeping an eye on you. There is always a way to trick James, as he was never the smartest.
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Hey, can I get a request of Yandere 2p America and 2p Canada with S/O who acts like Jade West or Raven from Teen Titans (Cold outside caring inside).
I will do this and I've done some research, but be warned i've never watched any of these shows lol (My parents do not believe in paying for tv channels nor streaming services, they like dvds but only movies)
Anyways i hope you like it, and sorry for the late answer
Yandere 2p America/Allen Jones
He’s pretty confused about it, like you act like an asshole towards usually and then you’re nice to him in some rare situations???  
Why can’t you just behave??? he’s the asshole here
He’s a murderous asshole who will beat anyone who looks at you into a bloody mess, and you’re not really caring about him unless he’s seriously injured, or showing any care at least
But i think the jealousy that comes with this sort of S/O would suit Allen well, considering his own possessiveness 
Yandere 2p Canada/James Mathieu "Matt" Williams
He is pretty chill about it, you do you
He’ll raise an eyebrow at some of your behaviour but he knows what’s going on so he just lets you do what you want
He’s similar but he becomes caring when he’s comfortable with a person, but mostly in private 
He understands more, which leads to less conflicts and a healthier relationship, as healthy as it can be with him being a yandere
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theyanderespecialist · 3 months
Base Yandere 2p America Headcanons: His Doll (Hetalia)
[Hello, My Sexy Muffins! I am back with a new chapter! This one is with 2p America and I hope that you enjoy this chapter here!]
(Disclaimer 1: 2p America is not a canon or official character in the Hetalia universe. He is a fanbase made character and these are the main traits that the community has given him for the most part (Edited)
Disclaimer 2: 2p America is not yandere in canon, since he is a fanbase he can be made yandere, but for the most part he is not. This is just for fun and not to be taken seriously. Simping for fictional characters is fine! Just do not be illegal or gross about it! Yanderes are not ideal partners to have in real life. Also, remember to separate fiction from reality and headcanon from canon! Thank you! HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY!!!)
-Base Yandere Headcanons With 2p America From Hetalia-
.2p America is a punk and bag guy to his core, you could even call him the Villain.
.He loves baseball and LOVES his baseball bat that has nails in it and blood on it.
.He is a major flirt and he flirts with you a lot!
.Because you are the person that he loves the most.
.He would shamelessly flirt with you and hit on you, even if you turn him down every time he is not going to give up.
.Of course, if he is horny enough he will look for someone else if you keep turning him down and fuck them, just to take the edge off.
.He is a diehard vegan and would not take kindly to someone putting any animal product in his foods or drinks.
.He would not want to kiss you after you eat meat, saying that is gross, though he would still kiss you even if you did cause the urge to fuck his darling is more than his die-hard veganism.
.He would 100 percent be a bad influence on you, bringing out your bad side with ease.
.When he gets drunk he ends up drunk texting you asking why do you not love him.
.He is low key a needy little fuck that loves you so much and as a yandere, he is greedy for your attention.
.He wants to be the one and only person you focus on, he can get downright nasty with anyone that steals your attention from him.
.He has a huge temper and his yandere side would make him beat up anyone who checks you out and maybe even kill them.
.He would kill his rivals, after torturing them of course.
.He would beat them blood, dry, and then bloody again.
.Of course, he would do that to all his rivals because he is a sadist and unfortunately, that ends up dripping on you a bit.
.He can be sometimes an irrational yandere, in which if more guys are checking you out that he would blame you for leading them on and being a fucking tease.
.He might even punish you, or worse lose his temper and smack you with an open palm.
.That is because of his very bad temper and he has to work on it a lot.
.He would of course instantly feel so much fucking regret and spill you, we have to remember he is a 2p which means he is insane and a murderer.
.He would never actually want to hurt you outside a punishment and he would hate himself for it, but sadly it might happen again.
.This man seriously needs a whole bunch of therapy and anger management.
.He would also of course call you doll, dollface, babe, and sugar. (Yes even if you are a masc)
.He is the type of yandere that is so easily jealous that it is ridiculous.
.He also is the type of yandere that does not share.
.It is almost like you are his favorite shiny toy and there is NO WAY he is sharing with anyone.
.He may even lock your pretty little butt up. Making sure that you can never ever leave him and that no other man or woman or whatever (his words not mine) can even look at you, let alone take you away from him.
.He would confess over and over and over, with the most shameless flirting and most of the time saying stuff like "You wanna fuck!?"
.He really has no class, but finally, when he gets serious about it he confesses to you with all his heart and that is bad if you turn him down.
.If accept his love he will fist-bump the air and go "Fuck yeah!"
.If you turn him down, get ready for a bat with nails in it to your head, he is not taking no for an answer and is kidnapping your ass.
.Also he cusses a lot, so there is that lol.
[YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS another chapter is done! I hope you all enjoyed this and stay sexy all of my sexy muffins!]
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my2phetaliaheadcanons · 11 months
What would be the 2p Alias's reaction if they heard knocked on they door in the middle of the night, and when they open the door, exept a baby on they doorstep?
Hmmm… For the 2ps it would probably occur after finishing their ‘job’. Maybe the night went smoothly, and they were able to wrap it up early. Or it ran way too long and they were ready to mentally shut down. Either way, they would be tired walking up the steps to enter their dark home.
 Some would have quickly ditched their clothing, ready to shower before passing out for a dreamless sleep. Others, bogged down by the weight of their world, would attempt to numb it with their chosen poison. All of them would be ready for their night to end.
That’s when the mysterious figure would knock, and a baby would cry.
France: Disturbing François when he’s relaxing is like approaching a large, aggressive dog. He stomps his way to the door and throws it open. The sight of the child is shocking but doesn’t quell his anger too much as he shouts into the darkness. Demanding that the so-called ‘parents’ come and collect their kid.
Unsurprisingly, no one answers, even after he runs around his property looking for any signs of disturbance. To which he finds too few to work off.
Grumbling, he makes his way back and harshly scoops up the kid. The action makes the babe scream more.
At first, he sits ‘em on his bed, letting them exhaust themselves, and calls the Child Services. Sadly, the early hours only get him a messaging machine to which he curses harshly at. He doesn’t want to commit to the emergency line due to the larger amount of paperwork it would require.
Reluctant, François would turn to the infant and calm them. He would be reminded of his days with Matt as he rasped lullabies and whispered stories long forgotten. Eventually, it would end with the child and François cuddled together as the sun rose and reached its height.
Finally awake and both feeling better, François would finally reach Child Services who would come and collect the child.
There would be no tearful goodbye or feelings of regret as he allowed the babe to be taken from his hands. All he would hope is that life’s hand would be fair and that he would never become a target for the frumpy Frenchman.
America: Allen’s night was pretty rough, so much so that when he discovers the infant, his mind is just pure static. The mental blizzard causes him to only look from his porch for the lad’s parents and when he doesn’t see them, just take the kid inside.
In his daze, he would create a makeshift crib out of a drawer and then go back to bed. It did help a lot that the kid fell asleep from the rock in his step.
The crying in the morning would wake him again. This time, his mind having had a chance to reset would spook him. In a panic would wonder where the kid came from and how they go there.
So, he does the only rational thing he can think of. Call Oliver.
He gets snippy with Oliver as he rocks/feds the lad, nearly agreeing to give it to him, before realizing how bad that would be.
Allen, going off the given advice, can take care of the child for a couple of days. He even feels accomplished when he gets to hear the baby laugh. Until nation work and baby care start to collide.
He’ll feel like a failure and his temper would cause him to snap at his men and push them to do better. This would go on for a couple more days until his right hand recommends giving the kid over to CPS. That this world is too much for a bachelor to mix with a family while single.
Allen feels guilty when he finally makes the call and fights back tears as they remove the child from him. This attachment keeps Allen hooked on keeping tabs on the kid. Often sending gifts for birthdays and holidays until the 18th year. From that point, Allen considers the kid an adult and steps back.
Hopefully, his involvement means the kid flies high in this world.
Canada: Matt would be pretty stunned at a baby swaddled on his porch. Especially since it would mean that this ‘parent’ got past Kuma and made it away without a scratch. At least he assumes so since Kuma looked to be sleeping by his bear house and there’s not a puddle of red.
He would be quick to take the child inside and warm them up. His hold of the babe would be awkward until a semi-normal hold would balance the kid on his chest as he rubbed their icy extremities.
For an hour, Matt would do this while singing French lullabies. Once he felt like the baby had returned to a normal temp and was asleep, he would tuck them into a makeshift crib. Then, reluctantly call England, just like Al does.
The chipper man would seem all too happy to help Matt with the child, already giving advice. Until Matt mentions giving him due to a lack of resources and the dangers of nation work. Then he switches to asking for the young lad.
Matt gives a swift no before hanging up. He’ll cater to the infant for the next hours before calling his 1p, telling him to get him in touch with child services.
Once contact is made, he’ll inform them of the child. He’ll request a pickup but demand that each foster and potential adopter is vetted thoroughly, more so than for anyone else.
 When the infant is gone, Matt will look for the ‘parent’ to punish them in some way shape, or form. Then, this ‘rough’ Canadian will occasionally check in on the child, just until he’s sure his life is at least average, maybe send a gift or two over the years.
Once he’s happy with the current state of the kid’s life, he’ll slowly drift out. Content that he saved at least one soul.
England: Oh boy. Oliver is typically a grumpy person when awoken from his slumber, but the infant on his doorstep made him do a 180.
A giddy giggle would leave the typically sadistic nation as he cradles the child. Fully intending to keep the infant as his own. After all, if he can’t have his mini-nations, then he’ll just use a human child as a substitute.
 He caters to this child’s needs to a tee. He never goes hungry, experiences cold, or wants for anything. It's perfect, if it wasn’t Oliver attempting to create a parental relationship where the child is overall too reliant on their parent. So, he always has one being attached to him, feeding his Savior complex.
For a few months, this goes on, and Oliver is all too willing to keep it up forever. Except he forgot about the meeting he was supposed to host for a 1p-2p bonding experience. So, when Arthur walks in and sees the babe, he is quick to spirit him away from the 2p.
Oliver rages, but due to the 1p magic trio working against him, the babe is lost to him. And, surprisingly, he mourns his loss.  
Maybe one day, he’ll finally fulfill his desire.
Russia: Why are you here? – Calls Services and pays to make sure kid is well taken care of
Viktor’s view of the disturbance was curiosity. Why would anyone leave a child at his home, better yet why would a stranger think he could do better for their child than they?
Similar to some of the nations, he would look around for any signs of the parents, but like the rest, none was found. He would take the child inside and place them in one of the empty rooms of the manor. Pillows surrounded her to prevent injuries from rolling off the bed, and he would watch them for a moment to ensure there would be no suffocation.
He would then step out for a moment to call his sisters. He expected that they would be able to give decent advice and be willing to help with the child. Instead, he got harsh lectures about how he was in no place to take on a child and that it would be best for everyone to give up the kid.
Their logic at first wouldn’t sway him, but when they arrived on his doorstep within 48 hours of saying he would raise the child, did finally sway him. Notably when they held the baby and threatened to report him for abduction and barracked themselves in a room.
Usually, he would continue to fight for his desires, but in this case, he gave in. Especially since the child looked much more comfortable in the arms of his sisters than his.
Viktor would call Child Services and once gone would set up a savings account for the kid. It would be anonymous and accessible once the baby had picked a career path.
China: Jin would tiredly pull at his eyes as he would take the baby into his arms. A curse on his lips as he turned to calm the child while calling his men.
His orders are simple to find the parents, and to conduct surveillance. Within 24 hours, they are found and a whole portfolio is given to Jin.  
If the parents are down on their luck, he’ll not only return the baby, but he’ll also give them a hand. Money, a home, a job, all of those, and more are on the table of things Jin may give. His quiet angelic works may be sprinkled in like small rainstorms during a long drought until he is sure that the family is stable.
On the other hand, if the parents are absolute trash, then there is no mercy. Jin will have his men worsen their lives to the point where death will seem like a gift that will never be given. No release ever, and he’ll make sure at the end they are begging at his feet.
Either way, Jin picks out the new family himself. He’ll watch them from a distance and happily act as a distant uncle until it's time to go to vacation island. Then he’ll make sure an ‘inheritance’ is set up.
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lady0ctavia · 1 month
Hetalia Kiss Headcanons (2p!Allies)
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Headcanons on how the 2p!Hetalia characters would kiss their S/O, as well as who I think would initiate your first kiss as a couple~
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2p!America: Allen is very mischievous and cocky. With a similar "do or die" attitude to this 1p! counterpart, his kisses are more forceful and abrupt. The difference is that Allen will crash his lips onto yours with little regard to whether or not you're prepared. He'll even go out of his way to surprise you with a kiss on the lips, holding you tightly by the waist as he uses his tongue to beg for entrance. Kisses that are full of desire and lust. He just loves to see you shocked and breathless at the end. And when the two of you are alone, you can bet neck kisses are going to be a thing. Here's hoping you brought a scarf to cover up those love bites. If it wasn't already obvious, he'd be the one initiating a first kiss.
2p!England: Oliver's kisses are not only sweet in emotion and how they feel, but in taste as well. His lips taste like one of the many sugary sweets he whips up on a daily basis. Like cake batter and frosting with a possible hint of the metallic taste of blood. He gets positively giddy when you two kiss, and you can feel his lips curl into a smile upon yours. When he's in an especially good mood he'll take your face in his hands and pepper your face with kisses. When in public he might hold back a little, and I mean only a little. And I'd say it's 50/50 as to who initiates the first kiss. He may hold back to see if you're comfortable, but there's also the chance he'll get so carried away in his emotions that he'll just kiss you outright.
2p!France: François... Oh, François my beloved. This really depends on the nature of your relationship. If you're keeping it casual, his kisses would be more lustful and demanding, as if to say, "You. Me. Bed. Now." And he'd have no qualms about shoving his tongue down your throat. This is a guy who doesn't really believe in love and instead operates on lust when it comes to human intimacy. But if your relationship is more serious, his kisses would still be firm, but they'd be brief, with him still lingering over your lips, as if he's unsure how to navigate kisses fueled by genuine love. Whoever initiates the first kiss would depend entirely on his mood. If he's in a lustful haze, he'd initiate. But if he's just... Being his usual, depressed self, you'd have to initiate.
2p!Russia: Kissing? What even is kissing? Okay, so it's not like Viktor hasn't heard of kissing before, but it's probably one of the furthest things from his mind. So obviously you'd have to be the one to talk to him about it and even one day be the one to try and initiate that first kiss between you two. I feel like his lips feel very cold, almost like ice. At first, he'd find kissing to be a little uncomfortable, but he'd eventually warm up to the idea. But kisses would still be extremely rare. But when he does kiss you it will either be on the top of your head, forehead, or a chaste peck on the lips. Because of the rarity of the kisses, you know that if he's kissing you, it's because he truly does love you (that or he's dying, I dunno).
2p!China: Okay, I'm gonna be real here. Zao seems like a bit of a mixed bag to me. I feel like he'd be more affectionate than his 1p! counterpart, but not particularly in public. He'd give you a kiss on the cheek in public, but that's it. At home he's probably a bit more lax about affection, kissing you off and on throughout the day. Maybe being a little more flirty and silly when it comes to kissing, with his kisses making you smile while also feeling like your chest is on fire. And he'd be the one to initiate the first kiss. (I literally tried so hard here, but I just don't have a good feel for his character at all).
2p!Canada: James also my beloved. James isn't the best at showing how he feels, especially in the romance department. His kisses often end up being little pecks on the top of your head or forehead. He'd kiss your temple as well, but after a peck, he'll sort of linger there with an arm around your shoulders. Kisses on the lips are usually reserved for when the two of you are alone, mainly because he can be fairly reserved when it comes to affection. But dang those kisses fill you with a sense of love, security, and warmth like you've never felt before. And, if he's in the mood, the kisses can be a little more intense and forceful, but he wouldn't try and push you into anything you aren't comfortable with. As such, it would be on you to initiate that first kiss, as he's a little worried he may accidentally scare you off.
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hetalia-angel · 10 months
How would yandere 2p America and yandere 1p America go about kidnapping their darling and what would trigger it?
Yandere 1p and 2p America Kidnapping
1p America!
Alfred has a hero complex and loves to save his “damsel in distress” darling from any situation that they’re in. So when darling is threatened or hurt that pushes Alfred to kidnap protect them.
For example, darling lives in a sketchy neighborhood and one night while walking home she gets mugged and a bit beat up. Alfred probably had told darling before to leave the sketchy neighborhood and come live with him instead. That time he took their answer and moved on. But now that this happened darling’s choice is completely irrelevant.
Alfred will kidnap you one of two ways. The first way is that he’ll wait until late at night when darling is dead asleep it helps that he knows everything about her schedule. Then he’ll make his move, he pushes the tip of the syringe up and flicks it to get rid of any air bubbles. With a surgeons precision he’ll insert it into darling’s arm and manages not to wake her up. He’ll take her back to his remote. ranch style house. Alfred is a big softy and will most likely feel bad for the kidnapping so he’ll pamper the crap outta darling for a while. “Baby girl, I know that chain is uncomfortable but I’ll get your favorite dinner, movie, and we can have a nice cuddle session.”
The second way he’ll kidnap darling is by inviting them over for a normal hang out session. Alfred’ll put a little something extra in their drink totally not roofie darling. Since they happily decided to spend the night with him he’ll set her up in a room that he decorated himself with all of darling’s interests. He won’t chain her up but he will keep lots of locks around the house only he knows the passcodes and keys. When darling starts asking questions about when they can go home and leave he’ll just brush it off and ask “Why do you wanna leave anyways? I have all your favorite stuff and it’s better than that cramped closet of an apartment you live in.”
2p America
Allen is nice… but in a different way from Alfred. He acts a lot like a protective older brother in a way. Allen is very teasing but also a bit passive aggressive or just aggressive.
The thing that will most likely push Allen to kidnapping his darling is jealousy. Jealousy is an ugly color on Allen. He’ll casually interrogate darling, “What’s that idiot’s name that’s been bothering you all night?” “…Um…John” “Well that ugly bastard is about to be in a whole world of hurt.”
He thinks his darling constantly being flirted with is bad enough but if Allen notices you actually like the jerk he’ll go into full yandere mode. That unlucky guy is gonna be sent to the hospital more like the alley way in 10 different pieces…
Allen is an aggressive rough guy by nature. He can’t really change it he does his best to be gently with darling but something’s don’t change.
He’ll kidnap darling by breaking into her apartment. Allen will pull the warm blankets from her face and chloroform her as she struggled beneath him. Once darling is properly knocked out she’ll be thrown over his shoulder and taken back to his home her home.
Like Alfred he might feel a bit bad but won’t admit to any mistakes. “C’mon quit complaining, Doll. So what the chain is heavy? I tucked you in with the softest blankets, why don’t I get any appreciation? Only complaints.”
Allen will be sure to make darling comfortable but also be stern. He’ll go over her new house rules and make them overwhelmingly clear.
Allen is a secret softie so he’ll be cuddling her with the softest fluffiest blankets he can find for his darling. He’ll be sure to discretely buy products darling loves. “Oh these are expensive skin care products? I didn’t even know doll face, I just bought the first ones I saw on the shelf. Happy accident I guess.”
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aph-canada-headcanons · 7 months
Does Canada view the 2p face family as his family?
Headcanon: Canada doesn’t really see the 2p face fam as family, however he definitely sees them as alternative versions of his friends and family. So inviting them to family dinners is always a must.
Headcanon: While most nations try to avoid their 2p counterparts for various reasons. Canada likes to invite his to family dinners and outings.
Headcanon: After he learned that 2p Canada didn’t have the same familial joy of picnics, dinners, and sip’n paints as he did. He had to invite him. And most of the family was on board, England being more hesitant but now they get along quite well.
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