#2nd picture was gonna have text but i decided against it
siroctobass · 3 months
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i said i'd post francisque and i finally am!!!! (he/him btw he's a trans guy)
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aliciaandandrea · 3 years
Family Friend - Zayn Oneshot Part 2 (FULL)
AUTHOR’S NOTE: Damn okay it has been 7 years since I posted the part 2 preview of this oneshot. I haven’t been active on tumblr for a couple of years so this might be weird for my new followers, and I don’t even know if people still read smut now a days. But I’ve gotten notifications about people liking the posts on this series plus I received messages about the full part 2 of this series over the years. So to those people who messaged me and/or for those people who wanted an update, this is for you (just a disclaimer: I was 18 when I wrote the preview and am now 25...so if this is cringy or you think I’ve lost my touch, I apologize LOL):
It has been a week since the cottage and I haven’t heard from Zayn since. I should have saw it coming. We almost hooked up, but I’m glad we didn’t, especially with that attitude of his. I was going through my phone and I decided to text Shawn, who’s been my crush before Zayn entered back into the picture.
“Heyy Shawn…” I texted him. “Hey Y/N :) Whats up?” he texted back. “Bored as always, you?” I asked “Same, I feel like we haven’t hung out at all this summer :(” he wrote. “lol thats because we haven’t” I texted. “Well let me make it up to you. My friend and his gf are goin to the movies tonight and asked if I wanted to go…I don’t wanna be the third wheel…do you wanna join?”he texted me. Did this guy just ask me out? “I’d love to :), just text me the details.” I texted back. And he did just that. I put on my low cut grey graphic tank with a black bralette under it and my black maxi skirt, while putting my hair up in a half up-do and keeping my makeup natural.
Before I could touch up my doorbell rang. I opened the door thinking it was Shawn but then stormed inside Zayn with no explanation. “What do you want?” I said bitterly as I closed the door after he walked inside. “You can’t fucking call me back?” he said looking at me. “What the hell are you talking about Zayn” I said walking up to him. “What do you call this?” he said tossing me his phone. On the screen was his call log, He’s called me once every day, except..that wasn’t my number. It was a fake one I gave as a joke when he asked for it one day. “Zayn that's not my number,” I said giving back his phone. “What the fuck is your problem then? You know I have fucking feelings for you !” He said fed up. I didn't know what to say. He just told me he had feelings for me. “Zayn..I..” I said trying to hold his hand but he pulled it away and turned away from me. “Fine. You wanna behave like that go ahead. And don't fucking tell me that I’m playing you. You’ve been teasing me ever since you found out that I liked you and then you almost hookup with me leaving me with a hickey that was hard to explain at dinner with mine and your parents and then you don't even fucking talk or try to reach out to me in a week. Don’t you even go there.” I said angrily. At this point we were both pissed. We managed to both profess our feelings and hatred towards each other…all at the same time. We were going to either end up fucking on my couch or wrestle on it. “Did you not see the phone calls that I supposedly made out to you. And why the fuck have I been hearing from people that you’ve been sleeping around with other guys?” “What the fuck Zayn? You hear anything you want to believe don't you. This entire time I’ve been thinking of you, you idiot.” I said as he chuckled. He composed himself then stared at me, “Where the fuck are you going?” “To the movies..with Shawn.” I said looking down. “And this is what I’m talking about, you’re going out with a loser and trying to get laid with that outfit.” he said as his body tensed up, looking up and down at me. At that point I was pissed, but I was not going to let that jerk ruin my night. We both stared at each other angrily. My ringtone broke the silence, Shawn was calling me. “Hey Shawn,” I said out loud for Zayn to here as I glared at him. He shot me an irritated look. “Yeah I’ll be there soon, can’t wait to finally see you,” I flirted with Shawn making Zayn jealous. “Yeah its been a long time,” I said as I ‘accidentally’ put my phone on speaker so Zayn could hear. “Maybe you could stay over for breakfast,” Shawn joked but that's when Zayn snapped. He grabbed my phone, hung it up and threw it onto the couch. He looked at me with a lustful look as I furrowed my eyebrows at him, but was secretly loving the fact that he was jealous. Jealous Zayn was probably my favorite Zayn. “That’s it,” he growled at me as he threw me over his shoulder. “Zayn put me down!! What the fuck are you doing??” I said playing victim, even though I knew what he was going to do. “Something I should have done a long time ago.” Zayn said as he kicked the door shut and threw me onto my bed. “I don’t know what you think you’re about to do right now, but I’ve got a date to get to tonight” I said eyeing him as he climbed on top of me. “Yeah?”. Zayn asked as he bit my bottom lip causing me to let out a little whimper, “What was his name again?”, Zayn asked as he was kissing my jawline and biting the sensitive area. I blanked out for a good few seconds, wanting to wrap my legs around him and pull him closer, but I couldn’t let him win this one. “Ohh yess Shawn..” I moaned to irritate Zayn while pulling his hair. He stared me down but before we could continue, the doorbell rang. “Fuck”, Zayn said as he got off me. Zayn got to the door before I could and of course there was Shawn looking confused as to why there was a man at my house with disheveled hair.
“Hey Y/N..” Shawn said to me, as Zayn stared daggers. “Can we help you?” Zayn asked, "We’re in the middle of something important, so it’d be great if you can, I don’t know, fuck off?” he continued with a smirk. “Sorry, Shawn, I’m ready we can go,” I said to him before turning back to get my bag. “I don’t know where you think you’re going,” Zayn said looking at me before turning back to Shawn. “You know what, maybe we can go out another time, I didn’t realize - ...” Shawn started to say before getting rudely interrupted by Zayn who said “Didn’t realize what? That she already had a boyfriend? Fuck off now will you.” Zayn shuts the door on Shawn, and blocks me from trying to open it.
“What the fuck are you doing Zayn?” I asked trying to move him to open the door. He gently grabs my wrists and looked into my eyes, “We need to finish what we started”, he says hungrily. I manage to free my wrists, push Zayn against the door, then proceed to walk away from him, “In your dreams“ I say flipping him off from behind me. Before I know it Zayn has picked me up bridal style and is taking me back to my bed. We’ve reached a point where we both want this to happen, as deep down we knew something had to be done with the intense sexual tension between us. I was torn between wanting to fuck like wild animals vs wanting to make slow and passionate love, to take our time and explore each other with the limited time frame we had. As if he read my mind, “Slow or rough?” Zayn asks as we arrive at the foot of the bed.
“Both”, I said as Zayn dropped me on top of the bed for the 2nd time tonight. He stood over me, slowly taking off his Denim Jacket, leaving him in his baggy grey t-shirt and black jeans. I looked at him impatiently, wanting to help him get out of his clothes, but he just smirked at me and said “Well, you said both”. Fine, he can take his time, but I’m not gonna wait any longer as I knew my parents were coming back home from their night out. I knelt on the bed in-front of him taking off my low cut grey graphic tank revealing the lacy black bralette under it, then pushed my girls into him aching for him to touch me. But he just stood there staring into my eyes, as he took off his baggy grey t-shirt. “What is he doing”, I thought to myself, “What are WE doing, playing follow the leader?”. It was getting too much for me, I needed him. I grabbed his face but decided to tease him by gently having our lips barely touch. “We don’t have much time, my parents might come home soon”, I whispered against his lips, desperate for him to give in. “What?” he said pulling back a little. “My parents might be home soon, plus -” Zayn stops me from continuing. “I want to take my time with you. And I know you need all of me. If we’re going to this, I don’t want a few minutes with you, I want you for as long as I can have you.” Zayn says holding my face. Look I know I could have shut my mouth and not brought up the fact that my parents were going to come home soon, but I couldn’t risk having them walk in on us like they almost had when we were at the cottage.
We both redressed and I walked Zayn to the door, as I needed Zayn to leave before my parents got back. “Can I have your actual number this time?” Zayn said as he pulled out his phone. I giggled and put my real number with a kiss and rose emoji as part of my contact name. “I’ll text you,” Zayn says before he opens the door. “Wait,” I said. Before I knew it I pushed him against the door again but this time I kissed him. We began making out, taking turns biting each others lips and teasing each other with our tongues. We tried to pull each other closer; I pulled on his hair as he groped me making me moan and whimper. We couldn’t get enough of each other, as we got lost in our little foreplay. All of a sudden, I heard a familiar honk, and a set of keys jiggling on the other side of the door. Fucking hell, my parents were home...
Link to part 1: http://aliciaandandrea.tumblr.com/post/92086930206/family-friend-zayn-oneshot
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prettyboyjackhughes · 4 years
-Little Crosby- |D. Cozens| [Part 1]
It’s finally here! @workhorsefromwhitehorse24​ and I have been working on this for a while now and I can honestly say that this is probably my favorite thing we’ve collaborated on! This was a little outside my comfort zone but I enjoyed writing it so much! Hope you enjoy! Let us know what you think!!
“Ava Grace I’m home!” Dad calls from downstairs. I sit up and grab my sweatshirt off of the floor. 
“Coming!” I say as I pull it over my head and run out into the hall. I attempt to make it down the stairs without dying but almost fail as I get to the bottom step. “Whoops! Sorry!” I yell as I knock one of the pictures off the wall. He stands in the kitchen doorway and watches me, amused, as I fix the picture then turn to face him, a grin on my face. He had been gone for 2 weeks on a 5 game road trip, resulting in the Penguins going 4-1. Dad scored a pair of goals in the first two games. But sadly, it wasn’t enough of a push to get them to the playoffs. 
“Hi Daddy!” I say, running to hug him. He lifts me off the ground and kisses the top of my head. Dad and I have always been super close. It’s been just him and I for years. Ever since I was born, it’s just been Dad and I. Grandma and Grandpa were always in the picture too, along with Aunt Taylor. The 4 of them have been my entire world and my family for the past 17 years. My mom has never been in the picture since she and Dad had me when they were super young, before Dad was in the NHL. Dad had moved from Nova Scotia by himself when he was 15, down to Faribault, Minnesota. Mom and Dad met within his first week of school. Dad tells me I look just like her but from what I can tell, the older I get, the more I look like Dad. But basically one thing turned to another, Dad had his first taste of freedom, being away from his parents and all, and 9 months later, I was born. As soon as Grandma and Grandpa found out, they moved Taylor and everything else down to be with my dad and help out with me. But one Saturday, Mom dropped me off with Dad and told him she had decided she wanted more than raising a baby and my dad so she left me with Dad and left. I’ve never heard from her, except for one birthday card when I turned 6. Grandma and Grandpa raised me alongside Taylor until Dad’s first season in the NHL. That’s when he moved me to Pittsburgh with him. I mean, before he was in the NHL, he made sure that he was a part of my life and made sure I knew that I was his little girl. But it hasn’t really been that big of a deal that Mom hasn’t been in the picture since I’ve had Dad, Grandma and Grandpa, and Aunt Taylor, plus all of Dad’s teammates through the years. It’s been a ride, having a dad like I do. I mean, he’s pretty much the face of the NHL and one of the greatest players to ever play hockey, being Sidney Crosby and all. Everywhere we go, he gets recognized so it was always hard for him to come to my things as I was growing up. But he always made sure that someone was there for me, whether it was one of my grandparents or Aunt Taylor. But even through all of that, my dad is my best friend. I’ve never needed anyone else. 
“I missed you so much!” He says, setting me down and looking at me. I smile and nod.
“I missed you too! Nice set of goals by the way. Sorry about the playoffs...” I say, smiling as he walks into the kitchen. He shrugs as I follow him into the kitchen and sit down at the table, watching him wander around the kitchen, making one of his shakes he always drinks.
“It was a long two weeks for sure, but I’m glad I have you to come home too.” I nod and smile.
“Oh Sweetheart, before I forget, we’re going up to Toronto next weekend for the Leafs’ first playoff game, for your birthday. We’ll spend two weeks up in Toronto.” The Penguins missed out on the playoffs, ending their season early. But my Leafs made it to the first round of the playoffs. He smiles as my face lights up. The Toronto Maple Leafs are my favorite team. As disappointed as Dad was in me when he found out, he still supports it, just happy that I like hockey. My favorite player is Mitch Marner, which is a player Dad approves of. He raised me on the ice, around his team and made sure I loved hockey as much as he does. I played for 6 years but I decided I liked watching hockey better than playing. 
“Really? We are?” I say, giddy. 
“Yep, I think Tanger and Geno are going to come with us. I invited Taylor too, figured we could make a whole vacation of the trip. We can go out to dinner, shopping, all the fun, girly stuff you love. Oh and there’s a surprise flying out to see you too.” Kris Letang and Evgeni Malkin are Dad’s alternate captains and my honorary uncles. Up until about 4 years ago, I had 3 honorary uncles. Marc-André Fleury, the Penguins' goalie and now the Vegas Golden Knights’ goalie was the third. He and Dad are still close which means he still claims the third honorary uncle spot. When he got married in 2012, I was the flower girl. I’ve actually been in all 3 of my “uncle’s” weddings. They’ve been a huge part of my life since I was little, even when Dad was trying to keep me out of the spotlight.  I smile, pushing my hair out of my face. I think the thing that everyone always finds so interesting about Dad and I, is that he did such a good job keeping me out of the spotlight up until I was old enough to understand what was going on. But as soon as I started going to events with him, everyone knew I was his daughter. I mean, I look and act like a female version of Dad so it makes perfect sense that I’m his daughter.
“Ava girl, do you want to see if one of your friends wants to come with us? Might be a little boring to spend your birthday weekend with a bunch of old people.” Dad says, finally sitting down with his gross shake. I nod and laugh, thinking of who I could invite. I go to Shady Side Academy in downtown Pittsburgh, which is a big, fancy private school. There’s a little over 1,100 kids that go to my school, but only about 70 of them are in my grade. 
“Oh, I’ll invite Carter. Let me text her and see if she can go.” Carter James has been my best friend since 2nd grade. She’s my total opposite and somehow, it works. 
“Okay Honey. I’m going to go lay down for a little bit. Our flight left pretty early this morning so I’m pretty tired. Go ahead and order something for dinner. Anything but pizza please.” I pout a little, my bottom lip jutting out. He smiles and drops a kiss on the top of my head as he walks out of the kitchen and up the stairs. I walk out to the living room and flop on the couch, getting on my phone to watch Tik Tok for a while. Suddenly, the door to the house flies open and my Aunt Taylor waltzes in.
“Hello my absolute favorite niece in the entire world!” She calls, dumping her purse and everything in her hands onto the bench by the door. Grandma decorated the entire house. Dad was going to hire a decorator but Grandma insisted and somehow, Dad ended up liking what she did with the place. 
“I’m your only niece so I hope I’m your favorite. But hey Aunt Tay. What’s up?” I asked, sitting up.
“Nothing much. Just came home to drive my big brother crazy and talk about your birthday trip with you. How excited are you? Hey wait, isn’t it your 18th birthday?” I smile and nod again. Aunt Tay is a little scatterbrained and once forgot how old I was turning and bought me a 13th birthday card. I was turning 11. But of course, she always means well and loves me a ton. 
“Carter is coming with us. Do you know what the surprise is? Dad just told me there is one but didn’t say anything else.” Taylor grins as she nods.
“I’m not telling you but just know this, you’re gonna be really really excited.” She says, sitting down on the couch by my feet. 
“So how’s things at school? Still thinking about going to UPenn?” She asks, tapping her thumb against my knee. I sigh.
“Ugh I don’t know anymore. I fell in love with UPenn when I visited there with Grandma last fall but I don’t know if I want to be that far away from everyone. I mean, it’s only 4 hours but going from how things are now to that? That’s a lot to process.” She nods, watching me. 
“Well Honey, you know your dad would make sure you had a car on campus and everything. So you can always come back home and visit. But I mean, it’s been you and your dad since you were a baby. Maybe it’s time to go out on your own a little?” I cringe a little at the thought.
“I don’t wanna leave!” I say, falling into Taylor’s lap and drawing out the end of the word. She laughs and smooths my hair down. 
“We’ll figure something out. You’ve still got time, Ava Grace.” She says and somehow, those words make all the anxiety I have about college and everything else coming up in my future fade to a dull roar instead of the screams it has been for the past couple weeks. I’ve always been able to talk to Dad about anything which is why he and I have such a good relationship now. But the one thing I haven’t been able to talk to him about is college. Dad went straight from high school into the NHL. He always claims to understand but I’m pretty sure it just confuses him sometimes. 
“Okay you two, it’s very hard to sleep when all I can hear is laughing and carrying on.” Dad says, coming back downstairs. 
“Yeah yeah, keep it down, Patrick.” Taylor says, looking up at Dad. Dad hates being called by his middle name which is why Taylor calls him that. He rolls his eyes and bats her hand away as she reaches up to poke him. When the two of them are together, Grandma always says they act like they did when they were little. 
“Have you girls figured out everything for us leaving on Thursday? Ava, is Carter going with us?” I grab my phone off the arm of the couch and turn it on, quickly reading the notifications on the screen.
“Yeah she’s going. And she’s gonna be here in 3, 2, 1!” I count down as the door bursts open again. Carter and my Aunt Taylor are two peas in a pod. They’re practically the same person which is why I love them both so much.
 “Hello Crosby family!” She shouts, sliding across the floor and landing on top of me.
“Oh this is going to be a long two weeks.” Dad says, laughing and rubbing his forehead. 
“So we’re going to Toronto for your 18th birthday? And to see the love of your life? Hell yeah this is going to be a great trip.” Carter says, looking up at me. 
“Okay, Carter James, slow down please.” I say, patting her head. 
“Wait, isn’t the legal drinking age in Canada, 18?” Carter asks, sitting up and looking at Dad.
“Oh my God Sidney Patrick. You’re taking your daughter to Canada to drink for her 18th birthday?” Taylor says, looking over at Dad with a smirk on her face. 
“Taylor Jane, you’d better cut it out or you’re not going anymore.” He says, shaking his finger at her. Carter and I laugh and Taylor rolls her eyes.
“She’s responsible enough to handle this. You two are the ones I have to worry about.” Dad says, pointing at Carter and Aunt Taylor. 
“Tanger and Geno are going too? Oh this is going to be a blast!” Taylor says, rubbing her hands together and grinning evilly. Dad’s head drops into his hands and the 3 of us burst out laughing. Carter and I spend the rest of the evening planning our trip out while Dad and Aunt Taylor watch the St. Cloud game. The week leading up to our trip to Toronto flies by, but my excitement for the game only builds. It’s not the first time I’ve been to a Leafs game, nor is it the first time I’ve gotten to watch my favorite player play. But it’s happening on my 18th birthday and that makes it even more exciting. 
Thursday morning, two days before my birthday, Carter wakes me up by bouncing on my bed. 
“We’re leaving today!” She sings, bouncing more. I roll over and groan. 
“Carter James, it’s too early!” I say, shoving her. She laughs at me and I sit up.
“Come on, we’re going to dinner with the love of your life tonight!” She says. I jump out of bed and look at her, eyes wide. I’m 100% a Mitch Marner fan girl. Carter thinks it’s hilarious but she’s the exact same way for Patrick Kane. We ran into him at the Stanley Cup Finals one year and she was speechless. 
“What are you talking about? Dinner with who?” I ask. Dad walks in and is now standing in my doorway.
“I called in a few favors and we’re going to dinner with Mitch Marner and Morgan Rielly tonight. How does that sound?” He says, as my mouth drops open.
“Oh my God thank you thank you Daddy!” I say, running over to hug him. He smiles and Carter laughs. 
“She’s gonna faint as soon as she sees him. Total freak out.” Carter says, crossing her arms and laughing. 
“I am not! I’ll be perfectly fine. It’s just another hockey player. Not like I’m in love with him or anything.” I say, pointing at her. She rolls her eyes and we both laugh.
“Where my favorite birthday girl?” I hear a deep voice call from downstairs.
“Geno, it’s too early for you to be this loud. Shut up.” I hear Taylor say.
“I take it G and Tanger just got here?” Dad calls and Taylor groans in response. 
“Alright girls get ready and we’ll leave in a little over an hour. Go down and say hi to everyone first though.” I nod and follow Dad downstairs, Carter tagging along behind me. 
“Hi Uncle Geno, Uncle Kris!” I say, running to hug both of them as they stand up from where they were sitting on the couch. Taylor is taking up the other end of the couch, facedown in a pillow. “Are you excited for your birthday trip?” Kris asks, patting my back as he hugs me.
“I’m so excited. Do you know what my surprise is? Dad still won’t tell me.” Geno laughs, still too loud for Taylor apparently because a pillow goes flying across the room and just misses his head.
“Tay, go drink some coffee please, you’re being a brat right now.” Dad says, patting her head.
“I know surprise. You like a lot.” Geno says, crossing his arms and looking down at me. I raise an eyebrow. I’ve been the victim of one of Dad’s surprises before and let’s just say he doesn’t have the best track record when it comes to surprises. 
“Is it bad that I’ve been your best friend for 12 years and I still can’t understand what he’s saying?” Carter asks, leaning over to me. I laugh and Geno looks between the two of us.
“Who you? You Ava’s best friend?” Carter rolls her eyes and nudges Geno, who laughs again and hugs her. “Alright, Little Crosby, let’s get this show on the road.” Kris says, pointing towards the stairs. I smile and rush upstairs to get dressed and grab my bags. I pick out a pair of black leggings and a peach colored Adidas sweatshirt. I change into the clothes and put my pajamas in the dirty clothes. I put on mascara quickly, finishing everything off with some lip gloss. I grab my Birkenstocks and slip them on. 
“Okay, I’m ready!” I call as I drag my bag down the stairs behind me. I again attempt not to die on my way down the stairs. But yet again, I fail.
 “Oh God, Little Crosby.” Kris says, somehow managing to catch me as I trip down the last 3 steps. 
“Your daughter is a human wrecking ball. You know that, right Sid?” Dad laughs and nods.
“I haven’t killed myself yet. So far, we’re safe.” Everyone laughs and I smile. All these people filling this house are my entire family. They’ve raised me and I wouldn’t be who I am without all of them. 
“Okay, let’s get going! Our flight leaves in 45 minutes!” Dad calls, attempting to herd us all towards the door. Taylor has finally had her coffee and returned to the world of the living. 
“Toronto here we come!” She calls as we all get out the door and into the two cars we’re taking. Dad locks the door behind us and turns to look at me.
“You excited, Ava Grace?” I nod and he hugs me to his side.“I hope this lives up to your idea of the perfect 18th birthday.” I laugh and nod again as we head to his car. 
The drive to the airport and the flight to Toronto are pretty boring but Kris and Taylor keep everyone entertained the whole trip. Carter finally crashed after the Red Bulls she had while we were waiting for our flight to get called in the airport, leaving me to my own thoughts pretty much the entire flight. When we land in Toronto, everyone is pretty excited for the next two weeks. 
“Little Crosby surprise time!” Geno calls from the back of our group.
“Geno, we’re still in an airport. Keep it down a little please?” Carter says, patting his arm. Dad scoffs and looks between me and Carter.
“He’s right though, your surprise is right through those doors.” Dad says, pointing towards the exit of the airport. I see Taylor pull her phone out of her pocket and start recording me. I hand my bag to Kris and look over at Geno who motions me towards the door. I walk towards the doors, which slide open. I glanced around then back at Dad and Taylor who followed me out.   
“Little Crosby!” I hear a very familiar voice yell over the buzz of the airport.
“Oh my God! Uncle Flower!” I shout, rushing towards my uncle Marc and hugging him.
“Surprise!” Dad calls, smiling as I hug Marc.
 “So you were my surprise?” I say, stepping back and looking at him.
“Yep, I was the big wonderful surprise. Hope you weren’t too disappointed.” He says, smiling as his arm rests around my shoulders.
“I figured you’d want all of your uncles here for your big 18th birthday. So we worked it out and got him here for you.” I smile, quickly hugging Dad before returning to hug Marc again. 
“Alright well, it’s time to get heading to the hotel. We’re going to dinner at 6:30 tonight. Geno, Flower and Kris are taking Tay to something that I know nothing about. And you’re okay with Carter going with us?” I nod as Marc leads us and the rest of our group to the waiting van. 
“I’m taking a nap when we get to the hotel. You woke me up too early this morning.” I say, nudging Carter as she slides into the van next to me. 
“Sounds like a plan. The Red Bull ran out.” She says, laying her head on my shoulder. The two of us manage to fall asleep on the 20 minute drive to the hotel. Geno shakes us both awake when we get to the hotel. We sleepily wander into the hotel and wait in the lobby while Dad and Tay get everything figured out. The adults herd us all over to the elevator and into it, somehow managing to get us all to the conjoined rooms we have for the next two weeks. As soon as we make it into the rooms, Carter and I collapse onto the bed we’ll be sharing and fall asleep. 
About 2 and a half hours later, Dad comes in and wakes us up.
“Girls, we have about an hour before we have to leave for dinner. Go ahead and start getting ready.” He calls as he closes the door behind him. I sit up and stretch, the excitement building in my chest all over again.
“Okay, I think I’m gonna curl my hair and wear that frilly, layered red skirt with the white sweater and my little brown boots. What about you, Carter?” I ask, looking back at her who is still laying in bed. 
“So I have to dress nice right? I think the army green pants romper thing with my jean jacket, Vans and straight hair. Sound good?” She asks, finally sitting up. I nod and get started curling my hair. She gets started on doing her makeup while I work on my hair. Somehow, we both end up being done with plenty of time left to spare. So we do what typical teenagers do and spend the extra 15 minutes we have, on our phones. Dad comes in and the two of us follow him down to the elevator and out to the car. It’s some super nice, fancy car; just like the one that lives in our garage except on home game days. Dad lets Carter play music which automatically, I can tell, he regrets as Cotton Eye Joe plays for the third time. Carter is having the time of her life and I can’t help but laugh along with her. When we get to the restaurant, it’s one Dad and I came to, back when we came to Toronto for some charity event a few years ago.
“Alright, how excited are you?” Dad asks, as he parks the car and we climb out. I squeal a little and Carter laughs. Dad smiles, draping his arm around my shoulders as I link arms with Carter. The 3 of us waltz into the restaurant and walk up to the hostess.
“Hello, Mr. Crosby. Your two guests are already seated.” I squeeze Carter’s arm and we squeal a little together. As we follow the hostess to our table, back in the back, we pass a table with two teenage boys. One looks Carter up and down, obviously checking her out, while the other locks eyes with me. I smile, forcing myself to look away as we disappear into the back, private room Dad reserved for us. 
“Holy crap, did you see those guys?” Carter whisper-yells into my ear. I nod, trying to focus on the fact that Mitch Marner is standing a few feet away from me, a grin on his face, instead of the guy I just saw.
“Hey Sid. This must be Ava and Carter. Nice to meet you girls.” Mitch says, reaching his hand out. I shake it, the smile on my face impossibly large. Morgan Rielly stands next to him and shakes our hands as well. As we all sit down, I happen to glance around the room and see that both of the boys are looking into the room. As much as I want to pay attention to what Mitch, Mo and Dad are talking about, I can’t. I’m too distracted by the boy I saw. Carter, apparently can’t either. 
“Ava, they were literally so hot. Can I please go get their numbers?” She asks, nudging me when she catches me staring again.
 “No! Dad will kill me if he catches me talking to a boy!” I whisper-yell, glancing up at Dad and Mitch. 
“Ava Grace, that could be your freaking soulmate and you’ll never know because you won’t let me go get their numbers!” I roll my eyes and glance over my shoulder at the boys’ table. Sadly, they’re gone and I sigh, looking over at Carter.
“They’re gone anyway. Not like we’re ever gonna see them again anyways.” I say, glumly, resting my chin on my hand. She shakes her head. “There went your soulmate.” I sigh, knowing she won’t let me live this down. Dad clears his throat, pulling Carter and I back to the conversation happening at the table.
“So Ava, I hear you’re a pretty big fan of mine.” Mitch says, leaning on his elbows against the table. I smile, taking in all of his features.
“Yeah, you’ve been my favorite since you came into the league. Dad’s always a little disappointed when I don’t tell people he’s my favorite player.” Mitch and Mo laugh. The rest of the evening, conversation flows easily and Carter and I both have a blast. As I glance at my Apple watch and see the time, Carter nudges me again. 
“Your dad is looking at you funny.” She says, nodding her head towards Dad. I look up, my eyes meeting my dad’s gaze.
“It’s getting late, are you girls ready to head back to the hotel? Your aunt and uncles should be getting back soon too.” Carter and I nod and I turn to look at Mitch.
“I’ll be wearing your jersey on Saturday night. Don’t disappoint me. Also it’s my birthday so a goal or two would be nice.” Mitch and Mo laugh as Dad smiles down at me. 
“I will try my hardest. Glad we could spend the evening with you lovely ladies. See you on Saturday after the game? There’ll be passes for your whole group at the ticket desk.” My face lights up and I know Carter’s does too.“Okay great! See you then! Good luck!” I say, standing and hugging Mitch. Mo shakes Dad’s hand and then the two of them head out. 
“You two seemed very distracted all during dinner. Was everything okay?” Dad asks as the 3 of us head back out to the car after he pays.“Yeah everything was fine. Dinner was super good and fun. Carter just saw some cute boy and wouldn’t shut up about him.” Dad laughs and rolls his eyes.
“Hey, in my defense, your daughter was looking too so it wasn’t just me.” Carter says, crossing her arms. Dad’s head whips around as we climb in the car.
“A boy? What?” I groan internally and elbow Carter. I’ve never been that into boys. I mean, I’ve thought plenty of boys were cute and had quite a few guy friends but I’ve never had the time or the effort that comes with having a relationship. So it’s never been a topic of conversation for Dad and I. 
“Nothing, it was nothing. Don’t worry about it, Dad.” I say, trying to avoid the topic. 
“It’s interesting though. I was just talking to your uncle Kris about how you’ve never had a boyfriend or anything like that. Which is fine with me because I know what boys are like.” Dad says as we drive back to the hotel. Carter is dying sitting next to me, her hand pressed against her mouth to avoid laughing out loud.
“I-I know...I’ve just never had the time or wanted one.” I say, burying my head in my hands. 
“Well you don’t need one. You have all the guys you need in your life. Me, your Uncle Geno, Uncle Kris, Uncle Marc, and Grandpa.” Carter finally bursts out laughing and Dad looks in the rearview mirror at me. 
“I’m serious, Ava Grace. Why do you need a boyfriend?” Dad has never really been the overprotective dad. He’s protective for sure but he kind of lets me do my own thing most of the time. He knows if I need to, I’ll come to him or one of the other main adults in my life. But he lets me make my own decisions and figure life out by myself. This whole ‘no boyfriend’ thing that he’s doing right now is new. 
“I guess I don’t. You’re right.” I say, putting an end to the conversation by turning and looking out the window. Thankfully, Dad doesn’t push any farther. The 3 of us ride in silence, the radio off, the rest of the way back to the hotel. Once we get into the hotel and up to our rooms, I tell Dad goodnight, give him a hug and a kiss then follow Carter into our room. Carter distracts me from the disaster of a conversation that was with Dad and forces me to watch some cheesy rom-com with her. I fall asleep midway through and sleep in late the next day. Taylor takes Carter and I out shopping all day on Friday while my dad and the uncles do who knows what. The topic of boys is avoided all day, All night at dinner on Friday, we catch up with everyone. I fill Marc in on what Dad’s latest old person moment was, even though he’s only 33. Everything seems so perfect and happy but I keep replaying the conversation with Dad over and over again in my head. 
Saturday morning, my birthday morning, Carter wakes me up with cake in bed. It’s a tradition we started when we were 12. Every year on our birthday, the other girl brings the birthday girl cake in bed. It’s one of my favorite birthday traditions. 
“Happy birthday Little Crosby! You are adult now!” Geno calls, leading the rest of my family into my room. Dad brings up the end of the line and walks over to the bed. He hugs me, pressing a kiss to my forehead.“Happy birthday my sweet girl.” He says, smoothing my hair down and getting all teary-eyed. 
“I can’t believe the young lady you’ve grown into. You are beautiful, strong, independent and so responsible. I...I didn’t think things would end up this way, especially with your mom not being in the picture. But I look around you and I see all these people who helped raise you and I know, you’ve turned out more than okay. I love you Ava Grace and will always love you. Happy birthday.” Dad says. I take another bite of the cake Carter brought me and smile up at him.
“I love you so much, Daddy. Thank you for everything. Thank you everyone for everything you’ve done for me. I love all of you.” They all share a sappy smile and I keep eating my cake. The rest of the day, we hang out at the hotel, lounging around before the game tonight at 7. Marc and Geno see how many pieces of pizza they can eat while Dad keeps score. Taylor paints Carter’s nails and I pick at mine. Kris sneaks out to buy me ice cream and comes back with at least 10 different kinds, all of them my favorite in one way or another. 
Carter and I start getting ready around 4:30 so we’re ready to leave by 5. I straighten my hair and do just light makeup. I dig my Mitch Marner jersey out of my bag and put it on with some black leggings. Carter wears the jersey of the only Leaf she likes, Frederik Andersen. She opted for black ripped jeans instead of leggings. Everyone else is just dressed casual. Marc did wear a Leafs hat just to please me. The drive to the arena, Carter gets to play music again. She plays our ‘Hockey Game Hype Up’ playlist, something we made a few years ago. Even though I’m the music person, she’s much better at putting playlists together. I’m only really good at finding one or two songs I love and just playing them over and over again. As the songs ‘Auston Matthews’ by Svdvm and ‘Toronto Maple Leafs Anthem’ by JDME play back to back, we pull into the arena parking lot. No matter how many times I’ve been to Scotiabank Arena, it never ceases to amaze me. I think I’ve been here a grand total of like 15 times in the last 10 years, solidifying it as my favorite arena. 
“Come on Ava, let’s go watch your boy play.” Carter says, linking her arm through mine. She leads me and the rest of our group into the arena. Everyone else heads to the box but I decide to stay down in the main area and wander around a bit, making sure I get the full experience again. All around me, Leafs fans are hurrying to one place or another. I take everything, wanting to remember this for the rest of my life. As I’m walking down a small set of stairs, I collide with a pretty solid body. And of course, with my human wrecking ball abilities, I manage to take both of us down, all the way to the ground. “Shit! I’m so sorry, are you okay?” I ask, sitting up and looking at the boy I collided with. He sits up, looks at me, down at the ground, then back up at me. His eyes are huge.
“I-Oh my God. Yeah-Yeah I’m okay! Are you?” He asks, jumping to his feet and reaching his hand out to help me up. I take his hand and he pulls me to my feet. “Yeah I’m all good. Sorry for taking you out. I’m known for being clumsy. Like the jersey by the way.” I say, pointing to where the number 16 is stitched into the arm of his jersey. The same number sprawled across my back.
“Hey, I like yours too. Marner your favorite player?” I nod, pushing my hair back out of my face.
“Yeah, I grew up a Penguins fan because of my dad but the Leafs are my favorite team.” He smiles and nods. He looks so familiar but I can’t place where I know him from. Talking to him comes so naturally and it seems like the world just goes on around us while we stand there and talk. Before I know it, they’re starting the lineup announcements.
“Oh shoot, I gotta get going. Enjoy the game!” I call over my shoulder as I run back towards the box we’re all sitting in. Of course, I trip up the steps and almost fall. As I glance over my shoulder, I see the boy with a smirk on his face. I blush and mentally kick myself for first off accidentally tackling a cute boy then tripping and almost falling in front of him. As I rush back into the box, Dad eyes me with a raised eyebrow. I huff and flop into my seat next to Marc and Carter. Carter glances at me out of the corner of her eye and smirks.
“Why are you all red and bothered about?” I bite my lip and Marc looks over at me.“I accidentally tackled a cute boy…” I say, burying my head in my hands. Carter and Marc laugh and Marc pats my back.
“There there, Little Crosby. I did much worse to your aunt Véronique.” I laugh and lean my head on his shoulder. Geno and Kris are behind us, teasing Taylor as Dad watches what’s going on down on the ice. His hand is resting on my shoulder, absentmindedly squeezing and releasing in a protective way. As I sit there, watching the game, all I can think about is the boy. But as I do, I think about the conversation Dad and I had last night in the car. Did he really mean what he said? Would he really get upset if I did ever decide to have a boyfriend?
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writingwithciara · 4 years
Over-React ~Zach Dempsey~
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summary: y/n and justin had no secrets in their relationship. or rather, they didn’t usually have secrets. so it is perfectly reasonable when justin gets angry when he finds out about his sisters secret relationship with his best friend
requested!  Hi! Can you do a Zach Dempsey one where the reader is Justin’s sister and dating Zach in secret and someone sees them together and takes a picture and sends it to Justin’s and he gets really mad? Thank you!!
@thedarkqueenofavalon​ hope i did this request justice! [also, i am so sorry this took forever to post. i forgot about it for a bit and then i hit a bad patch of writer’s block. no, here it is. hope you like it]
word count: 1.6k
pairing: zach x foley!reader, justin x sister!reader, clay x platonic!reader (just a little)
warnings: some explicit content with a nod to smut, horrible writing (per usual)
a/n: zach is my absolute favorite character and i love him so much. justin is a close 2nd & i wanted to write them 
“Come on, Zach. We need to leave before someone suspects something.” y/n says to him as he continues to kiss her neck. She tries to get away but a giggle erupts from her throat and she’s long gone. “Justin’s gonna be mad if he ever finds out.”
“We’ve been careful. He won’t know a thing.” Zach cheekily smirks and pulled back to grab her hand. “Let’s get going so he doesn’t get suspicious.”
The two teenagers exit the shed, give each other one last kiss and start heading to the Jensen’s house. Y/n and her brother, Justin, never kept secrets from each other. So if he ever found out about her secret relationship with his best friend, he would most likely never trust either of them again.
“Hey, thanks for bringing her home, Zach.” Justin smiled as y/n entered the bedroom he shared with Clay.
“It was no problem at all. We both had to stay after school anyway.”
“Right. Football tryouts and cheerleading practice. I keep forgetting you’re on the team, y/n.”
“Am I not pretty enough to be a cheerleader?” y/n fake gasped and looked at the reaction her brother gave her. It was priceless.
“No. What? You are. It’s just-”
“Relax, bro. I’m just messing with you.”
“Phew. Thank god.” he chuckled and sat on his bed. Y/n sat on Clay’s bed and Zach sat on the floor in front of her. “Hey, Zach. Wanna try to catch these grapes in your mouth again & try to beat your own record?”
“Yeah, sure.” he positioned himself at a good angle for receiving the grapes and Justin began throwing them into his mouth.
Halfway through their game, Justin’s phone kept going but he wasn’t gonna check it.
“Hey, y/n. Can you check that for me?”
“Yeah. Sure.” she smiled and reached for her brothers phone. He was receiving multiple texts from an unknown number, with several photo attachments. She quickly unlocked his phone and looked through the pictures. They were all of her and Zach at the shed, making out and being extremely touchy. She threw his phone behind her and it hit Clay’s headboard.
“What did the texts say?” Justin questioned.
“Uh...nothing important.” she went to reach for his phone but he was quicker. He snatched it from the pillow and skimmed through the photos.
“You two want to explain WHY THE HELL YOU’RE MAKING OUT?”
“Justin, I can explain.” Zach stood up and calmly approached his best friend.
“I can’t believe you, Zach. Sisters are off limits. Always. It’s always been part of a bro code. I think you should leave and never come back.” he pointed to the door and Zach hesitated for a second before turning around and walking out the door. “And you,” Justin turned towards y/n and had the most angry look on his face she’d ever seen. “We don’t keep secrets from each other. Why did you keep something so big from me?”
“I knew you were gonna act like that. It’s insane.” she tried to raise her voice against him but it was no match.
“Best friends are supposed to be forbidden, y/n. You know that.” he sighed and ran his hands through his hair. She could tell he was frustrated with not only her, but Zach as well. “Look, I don’t think you should see him anymore.”
“Who died and made you the boss of me?”
“You’re nearly 2 years younger than him. He’s gonna be 18. It’s not right.”
“It’s not illegal, Justin. I can still see him.”
“Y/n, you are my baby sister. I’m not letting him ruin you like he does to all the other girls.”
“Fuck you. I can take care of myself, thank you very much.” y/n grabbed Zach’s jacket off the chair and stormed out of the room. 
Justin sat on his bed and threw his stuff across the room. He was sure that he lost his best friend and his sister.
The next day at school was hard for y/n. Justin was still angry & Zach would ignore her or walk the opposite way when he saw her. She spent her lunch period sitting with Tyler and Clay.
“This is ridiculous.” she sighed and let her french fry drop into the pool of ketchup. “Justin is being such a child.”
“I tried talking to him last night but he wouldn’t really tell me what was wrong. All I know is that it has something to do with Zach.”
“He found out that Zach and I have been dating and he got angry. He hasn’t spoken to me since & neither has Zach.”
“You’re dating Zach?” Tyler looked at his friend in shock.
“Yeah.” y/n sighed. “And I really like him but I don’t know what to do.”
“Just give Justin some time and I’m sure he’ll come around.” Clay smiled and placed his hand on her arm.
“Thanks, Clay.” y/n grabbed her tray and stood up when she saw Zach head for the exit of the cafeteria. “I’ll see you boys in Science.” she threw her tray in the trash and followed Zach out.
He knew she was following him so he tried to throw her off by taking different hallways. It was when he stopped at the janitor’s closet that he knew he’d hit a dead end. Y/n had caught up to him.
“What’s your problem, Zach? Why are you avoiding me? I thought you liked me.”
“I do like you. I just, don’t want to piss Justin off more than he already is.”
“Justin doesn’t get to decide who I’m supposed to be with. Siblings aren’t like that.”
“I know, but he’s my best friend. I don’t want to lose that bond.” Zach sighed and pulled his backpack tighter on his shoulder. “I don’t want to lose either of you.”
“I don’t want that either.” y/n looked up at him. 
“I love you, y/n. I’m going to show Justin just how much I do & maybe he’ll come around to the idea of us.”
“I love you too, Zach.” she smiled and placed a kiss on his lips.
“What the hell is this? I thought I told you two to stay away from each other.”
“Look, Justin, I love you and I really want you to be happy with this.” y/n put herself between the boys as Justin got closer. “Justin, you need to get over it.”
“I’m going to let him ruin you.” Justin reached around his sister and pushed Zach back a few steps. “I’m doing this to protect you, sis.”
“I think she can take care of herself, Foley.”
“Back off, Dempsey. You do not want to mess with me.”
“Wanna test that? Because I think I test that.”
“Oh, you’re going to regret that.” Justin laughed dryly as he threw the first punch.
The fight was inevitable, no matter how many times y/n tried to stop it. She grabbed onto Zach to try and hold him back, but he was too strong for her. She tried pushing herself between them but neither of them would allow that.
“Hey, break it up guys.” Principal Bolan pulled Zach away from Justin while the vice principal held Justin back. “Both of you, my office. NOW!”
The two boys followed Bolan into the main office and y/n waited outside, hoping that they wouldn’t be getting in too much trouble.
On the inside, the boys were both worried. They had never seen Principal Bolan so angry before.
“What were you guys thinking? You could’ve hurt each other and you put more than just your lives in danger. Justin, your sister could’ve been seriously hurt. How would that have made you feel?”
“Horrible. But that..”
“Look, I don’t want to hear your lame excuse, alright? I want you two to figure out what the hell your problem is and work through it. Got it?” Bolan sat back and looked at the students in front of him. Zach took a deep breath and turned towards Justin.
“I’m sorry for breaking bro code, Justin. It’s just that I really care about your sister and I would do anything for her. She’s not just another girl to me. I love her, man. She makes me really happy.”
“I have been noticing how much happier she’s been these past few months.” Justin sighed. “I’m sorry for throwing the first punch. You didn’t deserve it. And I should apologize for being a dick when I found out about you guys.”
“Look at that quick progress.” Bolan grinned and sat back in his chair. The boys chuckled.
“So, are we good again?” Zach asked while standing up and grabbing his bag. He held out his hand to Justin and smiled when Justin stood up to shake it.
“Yeah, we’re good.” Justin returned the smile and went to walk out. 
“So, are you good with me dating your sister?”
“Yeah, sure man. But I’m warning you now, the second she comes to me with tears in her eyes, complaining about you breaking her heart, I will not hesitate to give another black eye.” he joked.
“Understood. But I would never ever dream of hurting her. She’s special. And like I said earlier, I really care about her.” Zach thought for a minute. “I love her.”
“Well, I’m glad she’s found someone that makes her happy. And honestly, I’m really glad it’s you.”
“Thanks, man.”
“No problem.” Justin smiled. “Come on. I do believe we have a lovely lady outside this office waiting for us. Ready to tell her we made up?”
“Let’s go.”
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nahoyaglock · 4 years
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📃 AS I AM CHAPTER 3 — Discovery
SUMMARY — You knew Kageyama Tobio since you both were in diapers, being close family 'friends'. You always wanted to befriend the quiet kid but no matter your efforts, he would never crack. When you transfer schools and meet Kageyama again, what will happen to your relationship?
PAIRING — family friend!kageyama x y/n
GENRE — fluff/crack/angst
WARNINGS — kags being a bigger meanie
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It has been about more than two weeks since your first day at Karasuno, already creating good bonds with Hinata, Nishinoya, Yamaguchi, and even Tsukishima. You were pretty close to all of them, spending alot of time together at lunch or after school, and even during the weekend. They wanted you to feel welcome, after all, you even had a little text group chat.
(Sent October 10th at 11:15 am)
Y/N: [Good morning yall, and happy birthday noya!]
Tadashi: [goodmorning and happy bday!]
Tsukki: [morning, happy birthday]
You smiled down at your phone before shutting it off. Since it was Noyas birthday, your mom let him and your friends come over, it also being a Saturday. You planned to have a sleepover with your new friends, Kageyama, and Tanaka of course. You had finished cleaning your living room, and despite it being small, it was big enough to fit a bunch of enthusiastic dorks, and Tsukishima.
You had begun cooking lunch, making sandwiches for you and Hinata, who was already on his way to your house. "Good morning honey," your mom spoke softly, rubbing her eyes as she walked past you to the coffee maker. "Good morning mom, Hinatas on his way here already," you smile and finish the sandwiches, putting them on a plate and walking to the living room.
"Okay, I have work today so ill be out for a little bit, tell Nishinoya I said happy birthday and Kageyama I said hello," she chuckled as she started the machine. You nodded and heard the doorbell ring, causing you to sit up and smile in excitement, placing the play down on the couch. "Thats Shoyo!"
You hop to the front door and immediately unlock the door, greeting the orange haired male with a smile that was matching his. "Hey y/n!" He greets and you let him in, closing the door behind himself. "Hi Shoyo, I made lunch," you say and lead him to the living room. "Wow, your house is really cute," he giggles and sets his bags and blanket in the corner next to the couch.
"Im glad you think so, I think Tanaka is arriving next, but i could be wrong," you say and plot down on the couch, hinata following your movements. "When is Kageyama coming?" He asks and rests his head on your shoulder, head tilted so he can look at you, but you just shrug. "He hasn't answered me since I sent him the invite yesterday," you say before handing him the plate and taking your sandwich.
"What? He answered me this morning," Hinata said and pulled his phone out of his pocket, going to his text messages with Kageyama. "Yeah, he texted me this morning, asked if i was coming to the sleepover," he said and you sae him typing on his screen. You felt hurt, Kageyama always answered you, whether it was one word, or even one letter, he always answered.
"Ah, he might've forgotten, i wont hold it against him," you smiled and decided to shake it off, it was Noyas birthday and you were ready to have fun. You and Hinata watched a bit of Netflix and ate a bit more than just the sandwhiches you made. It had been about more than an hour since the next person appeared, hearing the doorbell ring as you were in the middle of showing Hinata baby pictures of you and Kageyama.
"Ah, I bet its Tsukishima and Tadashi! Or just Tadashi!" Hinata shouts, jumping up, you following after him with a big goofy smile on your face as you both run to the door. "Its definitely Tanaka! Im calling it!" You laugh, barely able to keep up with the small male as he opens the door. As you looked at the male at the door, you and Hinata both shouted at the same time.
"K-kageyama?" You questioned and Hinata sighed, walking back to your room, sulking. "Its just Kageyama," he complaimed and Kageyama glared at him. "Whats that supposed to mean dumbass!" You let him in and close the door behind him as he kicks off his shoes. "Kags, you didnt bring any bags? Like, more than one?" You ask and walk to your room, seeing him hesitate to say respond.
"I'm not staying over. I just wanted to wish Nishinoya a happy birthday, i thought more people would be here by now," he nonchalantly responds, almost irritating you. "Well, you could've answered my text with a yes or no, or tell me that," you say and turn to face him, kicking his ankle softly. "Sorry," he muttered.
You entered your room with Kageyama and saw Hinata checking out your wall of pictures, filled with pictures of you and kageyama as children, you and your mom, and your friends from Nekoma. "Hey, is that Kenma?" He asked, turning his head to look at you and Kageyama with a curious face.
"Oh, yeah it is," you answer and walk over to the spot next to hinata. "Ah, Inuoka! Lev!" He exclaims with a excited expression, carefully scanning the pictures. "Is this the Nekoma volleyball club?" He asked, looking up at you with admiration as you confirm that it is.
"Thats so cool! You know Kuroo?!" He said, looking at another photo, one dear to your heart. It was the last time you saw them, you had a sleepover at Kuroos house, all the boys attending. You were wrapped in Kuroo and Inuokas arms, the 2nd years sitting on the couch in the back with the rest of the members asleep, or running around.
"Yeah, he acts like my brother sometimes. This was from our last sleepover before i came here," you state and he puts it back in his place when he hears the doorbell. "Okay, this time its DEFINITELY Tanaka!" You slap Hinatas arm and you two, once again, race to the front door. "Its gotta be Tadashi!" He once again opens the door to be met with Tanaka, causing you to shout in glory, hinata groaning.
"Uh, hello to you too," he laughs and steps over Hinata who dramatically fell to his knees. "Sorry, we were betting on who would arrive next," you laughed as he put his stuff next to Hinatas and saw Kageyama come out of your room. "Hey Tanaka," he greeted and you all sat on the couch, continuing the movie you and Hinata had started. After about 30 minutes more, there was a knock on the door.
"Thats definently Tsukishima," You say and Hinata nods as you stand up to open the door, greeting the tall blonde, noticing Tadashi and Noya behind him. "Hey Tsukki, Tadashi, and happy birthday Noya!" You greet, patting Tsukishimas arm and hugging the last two. "Everyones here, so lets get started, hmm?"
As everyone gets their stuff situated, you head to your room to get your phone and order some take out and remind your mom to get a cake before heading back out to your friends. "Noya, you ca– Noya?" You giggled softly, seeing him wrapped in a giant fluffy blanket, and he smiles. "Yes?"
"Ah, I was gonna say you can choose a movie, unless you wanna do anything else before the food arrives," you bounce before taking a seat between Tsukishima and Hinata. "Movie please, i dont want to even know what hes thinking right now," Tsukishima said, his expression was serious. You elbow him with a chuckle that follows, "its his birthday, cut him some slack."
You all decided to play a few games with an old movie playing as background noise. Truth or dare, would you rather, never have I ever, and some board games, Tsukishima winning monopoly. He was currently boasting to Kageyama with a smug look on his face as the doorbell rang.
"Food!" You shouted and jumped up to answer the door, quickly paying for the food and closing the door before bringing it to the small coffee table in your living room. "Also my mom should be home in a few minutes so call down with all the cursing Tanaka," you laughed and opened the food boxes before grabbing some plates and utensils for them to serve themselves.
You guys ate and finally put on a movie, moving the coffee table to you, Noya, Tanaka, Tadashi, and Hinata could all huddle up on the floor infront of the tv, leaving Tsukishima and Kageyama on the couch. "Hey, im home honey. Hi boys," your mom called, a big bag in hands as she slipped off her shoes. "Hi y/ns mom!" Noya called and she brought the cake over to you.
"Happy birthday Noya, and hello Kageyama, its been a while since ive seen you, you're so big," your mom patted his shoulder and he nodded. "Hello Mrs. y/l/n," he spoke politely as Tsukishima quietly laughed at him. "Behave okay? Im heading to bed. Oh, and Kageyama, your mother invited us over tomorrow so i can take you home tomorrow, " she flashed a warm smile and your face lit up as you sat up from the cuddle pile.
"I haven't been to your house in years," you exclaim and placed a hand on Kageyamas knee, giggling. He shifted a bit, causing your hand to fall and he hummed, "because Tokyo is far." You roll your eyes and lay down back between Nishinoya and Hinata. "And im not sleeping over, my moms coming in 10 minutes to pick me up."
"Ah, well either way, ill see you tomorrow Tobio," your mom waved and left to her room. It was silent as you guys kept your eyes glued to the screen. Eventually Kageyama left, so Tsukishima joined the cuddle pile until you guys got tired. Hinata and Tadashi took the couch, Tanaka and Nishinoya draped over each other near the couch, Tsukishima laying next to you on the blanket that covered the itchy carpet.
You sat up, on your phone after your friends from Nekoma decided to blow up your phone.
"You still awake?" You jumped at the voice, thinking everyone was asleep, and you turned to the voice to see the salty blonde slipping on his glasses. "Yeah, my friends texted me," you whispered before turning off your phone, the room being engulfed by darkness and you took your spot next to Tsukishima. "So you and Kageyama?" He propped his head up on his hand as he looked at you.
"Yeah, he's weird. He hasn't been talking to me that much the past few weeks." You rest your head on the pillow and pull the blanket up over you. Tsukishima hums lightly before fixing his pillow, "is he always like this? He doesnt seem that way around the team."
"I guess? Hes always been dry and stand offish since we were children, but to other people he was different." You felt tired, and Tsukishima could sense it. "Rest, worry your head tomorrow." He pats your head before taking his glasses back off and lays down, you smile. "Thanks Tsukki."
"Dont call me that."
Once it became morning, Tanaka and Nishinoya were the firsts to leave, followed by Tadashi. You had just come out of the shower, finding Hinata folding his blankets and cleaning up the living room, and Tsukishima talking to your mom in the kitchen as he helped wash dishes. "Good morning mom," you yawned and grabbed a key from one of the drawers. "Im gonna stop by the store, wanna come with Tsukki? Hinata?"
Tsukishima looked at your mom and she nodded, telling him it was okay and that she'd finish the dishes on her own. You left the house with the two males, taking the short walk to the store. "You're going to Kageyamas right?" Hinata asked, bouncing to keep warm in the cold air. You nod and swing the keys around your finger, "yeah, in a few hours, oh! Let me text him."
(Sent October 11th at 1:17 pm)
Y/N: [Morning Tobio!]
[I'll see you in a few hours!]
As you waited for his answer, Tsukishima spoke up. "Not to.. seem like im putting you on the spot but.. doesn't he ignore you?" He kept his hands in his pockets and his gaze forward and Hinata gasped, "Tsukki that sounds mean!" He smacked his arm, causing the taller to look down at him. "I'm just saying that its not the best way to treat someone," he rolls his eyes and Hinata scoffs. "As if you can talk."
You sigh and laugh, placing a hand on both the males arms, "calm down you two, geez." They relax in your touch and Tsukishima continues. "Seriously tho, he could be just, y'know.. being a bitch," he he spoke, putting an emphasis on bitch. "Or he could be hiding something!" Hinata gasps and you laugh at them. "Yeah yeah, but its whatever really, this is how ive always seen Tobio, it'd be weird if he was any different. Though id like it alot if he DID be a little less dry."
You remembered the talk you and Tsukishkma had before, he always brought up Kageyama and your relationship with him. Soon you started to think the same was he did. Was Kageyama really just being mean? Isnt that just how he always is? Why does he act different around others? Was it you, or was it him?
You kicked off your shoes as you stepped into the warm house with a bright smile, "hello Mrs. Kageyama!" You greeted as she pulled you into a hug. "Hello y/n, my you've grown! Tobio is in his room, can you take him his plate? This one is your" She said and handed you two plates. You smiled and nodded your head like a gibby child and she patted your back as you made youe way to Kageyamas room. You kicked on the door because your arms were occupied.
You heard a bed creak and a few seconds after, the door opened and was almost closed back in your face if it weren't for him catching a glimpse at the plates. "Come in," he mumbled and let you in. You walked over to his bed and put his plate down on his bed and sat on the end as he closed the door. "Wow, your room has changed alot," you smile and look around the room at his posters and pictures on the walls.
"Mhm," he plopped back down on his bed and went on his phone. You noticed this and furrowed your brows, taking a bite of your food. "You know, for someone on their phone alot, you sure do ignore my texts alot," you mainly joked, but you guessed that he didnt catch on when his expression changed and he mumbled an apology. Was that guilt on his face?
You decided to stay silent and just scroll through social media and eat your food. After a few minutes of just silence, Kageyama finished his plate and got up to take it upstairs. "Hey Kags," you called before he left and you held your plate out to him, "can you take this for me?"
"You barely ate any thing," he said and you shook the plate a little bit, causing him to grab it, scared it would fall. "I'll bring you a meatbun," he murmured and left the room. You smiled slightly at the mention of meatbuns, and stood up to stretch your legs.
You grabbed a napkin from Kageyamas bedside dresser and wiped any food off of your mouth. He had a small trash bin in the corner of his room, so you went to throw away your napkin, looking at his posters and pictures on the wall. When you opened the bin, there was a large stack of pictures atop all of the trash.
All being pictures that had you and him in them.
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© tomura-heart — all rights reserved. reposting, modifying, or copying is not allowed. you may translate with my permission and correct crediting. do not read my writing as asmr. do not plagiarize.
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ofstarsandfireflies · 4 years
Thank you one and all for attending!
Now, tonight was going to be The Tourist, but I leant it to my brother to watch and he has conviently lost it, so until he either finds it again or pays me his first born child, I’m going to have to put that one on hold.
Tonight will be an Anny request, one I’ve never seen before and had to watch twice because I forgot to take notes half way through 😁
Let’s do this thing!
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When Tony has first met Steve, they’d hit it off pretty much straight away.
Even with Rhodey threatening Steve if he ever hurt Tony, then he’d torture him and his best friend, just in case Steve thought he’d get away without a scratch, he still sticks around.
So when Tony gets an out of the blue text from Steve saying they’re over, it hurts.
It hurts a lot more than he thought it would.
And on the eve of his birthday no less.
So Rhodey has a brilliant plan.
They’re going to burn his stuff, and he’s going to tell him just to get a reaction out of him.
Starting with that necklace he he’d apparently won at some convention.
It would make a nice homing missile once smelted down so Tony could get a kick out of hurting Steve twice over.
Deciding to make a fake and melt that down and film it to send to Steve just for laughs, and to show he’s not kidding around, Tony is just about to start filming when he gets a call from no one other than Steve.
He manages to tell Tony not to burn his stuff before the call goes dead, but Tony knows there’s something wrong, and holds off for tomorrow, when Steve said he’d be back.
The next day, Tony bumps into a handsome stranger, coincidentally named Strange, who turns out to be working for the government group Shield.
He’s after Rogers, who has something extremely important which could put a lot of lives in jeopardy should it fall into Hydra’s hands, which may happen now that Rogers has gone awol, perhaps with the item in question.
But this is ridiculous, Steve works as a boring podcaster about some boring topic Tony finds extremely boring, there’s no way he’s the same guy this Stephen guy is telling him he is.
Tony doesn’t believe a word of it until he’s shown pictures of Steve in action.
And the truth that he knows nothing about the man he’s been sharing his life with crashes into him.
When he’s released, the first person he goes to is Rhodey, telling him what just happened as Steve arrives, pushing Tony out of his way to get to the necklace.
It’s then their home is fired upon by agents Steve tells Tony and Rhodey that are Hydra and he’s been trying to protect Tony and the amulet from them, that’s why he broke up with Tony.
A stray bullet hits Steve and he goes down, managing to tell Tony to get out and meet up with a man named Kaecilius who will protect him and the amulet from Hydra, telling Tony to trust no one before dying right in front of him.
Tony doesn’t want to leave him, but Rhodey gets them both out of there with the necklace and they book it to meet up with this Kaecilius.
Kaecilius, it turns out, is Stephen Strange once again, demanding the amulet.
It’s Rhodey who over hears someone calling another man by that very name that he realises Tony has just handed over the amulet to the wrong man, a battle breaking out around the two as Stephen tries to protect Tony from all the magical blasts and gun shots around him.
Tony fumbles for a gun of his own when he sees someone go after Rhodey, killing the man before he can hurt his friend.
They barely get out of there with their lives, Rhodey applauding Tony’s bravery and genius when he sees he’s almost in shock from killing someone and that he had the foresight to bring the fake and hand thatbover instead, a rather fortuitous mistake as Tony had been wearing the fake amulet to keep his memory of Steve close.
Tony, frustrated at what is happening to them, takes the bloody thing their lives have been in danger for and smashes it on the ground, revealing a bright green stone kept within it.
Having nowhere to hide this thing now, Tony pulls his arc reactor out and fits the stone into the cavity, clicking it back into place just as Bucky, a close friend of Steve’s, finds them and offers to take them home.
Both Tony and Rhodey know Bucky, so they trust him, ultimately paying for it when they’re sedated and taken to a hideout to be tortured.
Bucky barely gets into the swing of things before Stephen Strange once again finds them, having disobeyed orders from Director Danvers and his partner Mordo to save them before they became collateral damage, getting them all out as the building and Bucky are blown up.
Shield is not happy with Strange, Carol relieving Stephen of his duties and orders him to get Tony and Rhodey back to where they belong, especially Rhodey, who’s actively making a fool of himself in front of her.
It’s only when they step through the portal back to the home Tony never thought he’d see again that he reveals to Stephen that he has the stone, still shoved in his chest cavity underneath his arc reactor.
He trusts Stephen now, so he wants to help him out, especially since Stephen can’t trust the people who almost blew him up.
And he might finally be getting over Steve’s death and wanting to move on.
When he pulls it out however and Stephen recognises it as an infinity stone and not some high quality emerald Tony thought it to be, Stephen knows they have to get it somewhere safe where no one can ever find it.
Having followed them to get the stone, Mordo appears, revealing he wants it to sell to the highest bidder.
Then there’s a gunshot, and when Mordo drops to the ground, the person looking back at them is Steve.
Alive and well.
Tony thinks he’s seeing a ghost and both Rhodey and Stephen are just as shocked as Steve starts spouting on about how much he loves Tony.
And how much of a traitor Stephen is.
How he’s a double agent for Hydra and wants the time stone for himself.
Tony doesn’t believe that, but is caught in the middle as Steve and Stephen both try to persuade him they’re not the bad guy.
Tony doesn’t get a chance to side with anybody before another gunshot rings out around them and Stephen is thrown backwards.
Once Steve has placed the gun in the waistband of the back of his pants, Tony moves in to hold him, snagging the weapon he knows Steve would use against him and Rhodey.
His prediction is right, and he holds the weapon up to keep Steve from running as Carol and her Shield agents come to take Steve away.
Tony rushes to Stephen, who wasn’t injured thankfully due to the fake amulet he’d decided to wear taking the bullet for him.
Rhodey hangs back to allow them some time alone as he talks to Carol, who’s starting to warm up to him.
Quotes -
“Hey. I got a quarter left. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to find the absolute worst song on the jukebox.”
Tony and Steve meet
“Don’t make a noise. I’m the person you’re here to meet.”
“I’m sorry. I’m, you’re Verne?”
“It’s an alias. Now, hand the package over.”
“Wait. None of this is making any sense.”
Stephen doing a bad job of trying to persuade Tony he’s a good guy.
“Can we just take a second to appreciate you?”
“Right now?”
“What you did in the cafe with the gun was insane. You killed a man. It okay it was a bad man.”
“Oh, my God.”
“I just play a lot of video games. Can we please just...”
“No, and then what you did with the trophies. You switched the trophies. He literally works in intelligence, and yet, you were the more intelligent. How crazy is that?”
Rhodey in awe of Tony.
“So are you gonna use that to get your job back?”
“People at my job just tried to kill all of us, so, to be honest, I’m not sure who to trust anymore. But thank you...for...trusting me.”
“Now, will you trust us? To help you? I mean, you’re injured, so I feel like you kind of need us.”
Tony and Stephen finally trusting one another.
“Drew, you’re supposed to be dead.”
“Dead. Yeah. I was right on the edge. But the idea of you being out there kept me alive. I’m here to save you.”
“And to stop Henshaw.”
“What? Sebastian? No, he’s helping us.”
“Audrey, do you know about Highland?”
“Sebastian works for Highland.”
“No. That’s not possible. Why would he come and risk his life? Why would he get fired?”
Steve trying to make Tony distrust Stephen.
Shield Shenanigans
Saving the world isn’t something Tony thought he’d ever do, but he knows he’d never want to do it without his best friend at his side.
January, February
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puckngrind · 4 years
Marry Me - J. Toews
Song inspiration: Marry Me by Jason Derulo
Warning: swearing, mentions of sex
Word count: 2066
Part 2
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🎶105 is the number that comes to my head.
When I think of all the years I wanna be with you. 
Wake up every morning with you in my bed.
That's precisely what I plan to do. 🎶
Your announcement that you accepted a position in Chicago, found a roommate, and leaving your hometown in the matter of 2 weeks didn’t go over well. You didn’t exactly care because you fell in love with Chicago the moment you stepped foot off the plane for the interview. Your best friend went with you to cover up the real motives and you two hit all the suggestions including the way too fancy for you restaurant. This is where you actually ran head first into him. Your head was down making your way to the restroom and he was turning the corner. You made your apologies and your eyes wandered up to the very tall handsome man who’s suit cost more the entire contents of your suitcase. You were sure of it.
“Sorry, my fault.” His fingers brushed your elbow as you scurried past him. Not even giving him a chance to continue. You could feel the pink in your cheeks before even hitting the door. It was a tell-tale sign how embarrassed you were about the run in. Collecting yourself and returning to your table you were attempting to act like you didn’t just physically run into the most handsome man you’ve set eyes on in real life.
“You good (y/n)?” Your bestie, Savannah, takes a long sip of her drink and takes in your mood change.
“Yup, just embarrassing myself like normal.” You pinch your nose and recount the run in...literally.
“Handsome man? Where?” Savannah pops up a bit from her seat to see if she can put eyes on this man. You were focused getting her to stop that when the server placed the drink on the table you physically jumped.
“From the gentleman over there. He sends his apologies.” The server brought your attention to the room off your best friend’s shoulder where the same man you ran into was standing drink in hand and raised it up towards you. You do the same and the silent squeal coming from Savannah’s mouth was only noticeable to you.
“I swear (y/n), if you don’t go thank that fine fine man I’m gonna for you!” You worked up all the nerve possible and walked towards him.
“Thank you for the drink but I really should be apologizing to you.” His smile was intoxicating.
“Call it even then? I’m Jon, and you are?” He puts out his hand to shake yours. You nervously wipe your palm on your dress and place your hand in his.  His grip firm but gentle.
“(Y/N). Are you having a party or something?” You blurt out taking in the room behind him with maybe twenty similarly dressed men loudly joking around.
“Um, something like that.  It’s a work thing.”  You look down at your hands realizing he hasn’t let go of yours.
“So you are from around here?”  You slip your hand out his.  Shocked at how large they were.
“No, I work here.  You?” His stare into your eyes is intense that you some how babble on about the job interview and possible move.  He listens intently.  “This may sound forward, but I would love to show you around if you get the job.”
“OH!  That’s...wow...uh...how will you know?”  You fumble realizing it and bringing your gaze down to your shoes that are kicking at the carpet.
“How about you give me your number and we can start from there?”  His phone comes into view at your hand level.  You nervously type in your number and name and hand it back.
Jon types away and smiles.  “Well, (y/n), I’ll let you get back to your dinner and I’ll talk to you soon.”  He reaches out again to pull your attention to his face before retreating to your respective tables.  
“Your phone vibrated while you were gone.”  Your best friend just looks down at your phone that was face down at the table and then back up to your pink cheeks. 
“Yeah.  I assumed Jon texted me.”  You flip over the phone to find an unknown number.
Jon: Hi, this is Jon.  The man you ran into.  I’m hoping you respond to this after you finish your dinner.
You couldn’t wipe the smile off your face the next two weeks.  The two of you texted back and forth and he was so excited when you sent him word about the job.  He helped you find a roommate.  One of his co-worker’s girlfriends.  You were slightly concerned about rooming with a stranger but something about how Jon treated you made you trust him.
Jon met you and Savannah at your new place with some of his friends to help move you in.  You didn’t have much by Kelly said you didn’t need much.
“We are going to go clean up and will meet you out to celebrate.”  Jon side hugged you after finishing getting you settled.  You and the girls fall on the couch and start talking.
“So they aren’t all from the US are they?”  Savannah finally questions Kelly.
“Nope.  Actually most of them aren’t.”  Kelly just laughs.
“And what exactly do they do?  Savannah continues.
“I was told not to disclose that information.”  Kelly pops up and heads to change.
“What does that mean?”  Savannah waits to hear Kelly’s door before blurting out.
“I don’t know.”  You think Jon will tell you sooner or later.
“And how can the two of you afford this...in CHICAGO?”  Savannah has moved to the view which you will admit was not what you were expecting.
“Again, I don’t know.”  Kelly emerges as you finish your statement.
“Let’s go ladies!”  She claps and you grab your bags and head to her car.
Jon is waiting for you on the sidewalk.  You take in the third style you’ve seen him in.  Suit, sweats, and now jeans and a button down that hugs him just enough.  All makes him look so damn sexy.  You shake the thought out of your mind.  Savannah snags a pic of you and her before heading inside.
The first night in Chicago was amazing.  Deep dish pizza even though Jon just got a salad, a bar for drinks, then back to your place.  You hardly even looked at your phone but decided to step out to the patio to text your mom.  The door was caught behind you and Jon was standing there.
“Want company?”  He asks.  
“Sure.  Just texting my mom.”  You finally look at your phone since before dinner.  Your brother’s text notification on the screen
Brother: Why is the captain of the Blackhawks behind you in the snap Savannah sent me?
“OH!”  You answer aloud
“Oh?”  He questions.
“My brother says the captain of the Blackhawks was behind me in the picture Savannah sent.  I didn’t even realize.”  You click into snapchat and Jon’s hand stops you.
“So....” He grabs your phone and places it on the table.
“Jon, why did you do that?”  You look up at him.
“I’ve got something to tell you.”  You seem concerned but his soft expression doesn’t make you less worried.
“Ok, what is it?”
“Kelly told me Savannah asked what I did for a living.”  Jon leans against the railing.
“Yeah.  Said you wanted to tell me.”  You lean about two feet from him.
“And I knew when I met you that you had no idea who I was or any of my coworkers.”  
“Should I?”  You question looking back at the gathering in your now living space.
“If you watched hockey, maybe.”  He chuckles a little.  “I am said captain your brother is talking about (y/n).”  Jon’s hand covers yours.
“Holy shit!”  You blurt out.  “How...why...fuck.  Sorry.”  Jon laughs uncontrollably.  “Why are you laughing at me?”
“Because I was terrified what you might think.  I like you (y/n).  I’m not sure exactly how you feel about me.”
“I like you too.  Which is weird because this is only the 2nd time we’ve seen each other.”  You look up and Jon has closed the distance.  His hand comes up to your face.
“And knowing what I do doesn’t scare you?”
“Why would it?”  Your eyebrow raises.  
“Some previous women only wanted to date me because of my status.”  He admitted.
“Well that’s dumb.”  You look into his eyes and he smiles.
“It is. Can I kiss you?”  His thumb slides down your cheek.  You nod because your heart is beating out of your chest and words were not forming.  His lips grace yours and that’s where your relationship started.
That was two years ago and you two didn’t spend much time apart.  The first summer you stayed in Chicago and you realized quickly when you met him in Winnipeg that you couldn’t ask him to stay in Chicago with you during summers.  You loved seeing him home in his element.  You moved in that August and found a job that was more freelance giving you a schedule that could bend around his season.
“I love that I get to wake up every morning to you.”  Jon whispers in your ear one morning.
“You mean when you aren’t on the road.”  You giggle.
“Yeah, but your face is the first I see on the road too.”  His lips ghost yours.  “Eventually my career will be over and we will be an old retired married couple.”
“Married couple huh?”  You question as his body presses into yours.
“Not rushed, but yes.  We will be retired in our 40s bugging the hell out of our kids.”  You feel him growing between your bodies as he kisses your skin.  The conversation left to explore each other.
🎶 Will forever be enough, so there ain't no need to rush.
But one day, I won't be able to ask you loud enough.
I'll say will you marry me.
I swear that I will mean it.
I'll say will you marry me.
How many girls in the world can make me feel like this?
Baby I don't ever plan to find out.
The more I look, the more I find the reasons why.
You're the love of my life.🎶
Your phone buzzes with a text while facetiming Savannah.  Your weekly bestie time.
Jon: Wear the dress you wore the night we met and an Uber will pick you up at 7pm.
You: Okay?  Any reason?
Jon: Trust me.  Love you.
With that you went to the back of your closet to fish out the dress and got ready.
As promised the Uber was waiting for you when you left your shared condo.  
“Where are we going?”  You look up from your phone without the driver answering and realize you are heading towards the restaurant you first ran into Jon.  He’s standing out front in the same suit he was wearing that night.  Opening the door he holds his hand out for you.
“J, what are we doing here?”  You eye your handsome boyfriend and he takes your arm in his and escorts you in.  “No one is here Jon.”  You look around at the normally packed restaurant.
“Well, I wanted to bring you back to the place we met.”  He stops at the door where you gave him your number.  “This is the place I realized I needed to know more about you.”  His expression wasn’t one you’ve seen before.
“Same.  I couldn’t stop smiling for two straight weeks.”  You admit and he chuckles breathes in deep.
“You are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I to shout out it from the root top that you are mine.”  He starts then reaches into his pocket.  You gasp realizing exactly what was going on.  He gets on one knee and holds your hand.
“I love you with my whole being.  Would you make the the luckiest man on the world and be my wife?”  He pops open the box with one hand to reveal the perfect engagement ring.
“YES!”  You shout as he stands and kisses you passionately.
“Cannot wait to make you Mrs. Toews!”  He places the ring on your left ring hand and you wipe the tear from his eyes.
“I love you Mr. Toews!” You breathe out as he pulls you in.  
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xnchxntmxnt · 3 years
Hey this is for your matchups which again yayyy congrats on nearly 200!! Anyways for my matchup:
1-3) My nickname is Em, she/her and idm who you pair me with
4) I'd describe myself as shy at first then once you get to know me I'll open up, an overthinker and I like to be organized
My hobbies are writing, I really love it alot, I also like to draw if I get time and I love music alot too
In a partner I'd look for someone who makes me laugh and who's patient
For dealbreakers it's pretty general but I couldn't be with someone who doesn't consider other ppl's feelings
5) I don't have an aesthetic but I like pastel aesthetics but then I also like dark aesthetics and light academia so it's a mix I guess
6) Colours to describe me would be teal blue and silver, well according to you anyways
7) Right now I'd say my favourite song is  Tru Luv Street by Awfultune or Fight Night Champion by Cyberbully Mom Club
8) Idk about a specific genre but some artists I like rn are: Awfultune, Carpetgarden, Cavetown, Clem Turner, Cyberbully Mom Club, Girl in Red, Joji, Lorde, Matt Maltese and Twenty One Pilots (sorry that's alot)
9) Ooh and I wanted to include that my favourite book is Radio Silence by Alice Oseman
Thank you in advance and also ily, you deserve all the love and more!! <3
@sugasfanfics this was so fun wtf like-- ugh i love this
ANYWAY i know i already kinda spilled the beans but im gonna match you with....
✧𝐴𝑘𝑎𝑎𝑠ℎ𝑖 𝐾𝑒𝑖𝑗𝑖✧
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and no it's not just because you're already in love w him i have good reasoning behind this because i said so anyWAY
✧𝐻𝑜𝑤 𝑌𝑜𝑢 𝑀𝑒𝑡✧
how you met, for in case you cant see my fancy text
C a f e
But like
A cafe specifically for nerds
This is just my like 2nd dream job okay but like hear me out
They have coffee & tea & a bookshelf full of old books and a chalkboard
You can write all over the chalkboard
You write super tiny and just let a little mini vent out in the corner because you’re stressed out and need to get everything off your chest
BUT you come back the next day and there’s a little note in the same little corner
Your message is gone
But instead is a little note from someone
“If you ever need to talk to someone, let me know”
And an Instagram username
So you give it a shot and you’re like why not talk to this random person Y’know maybe make a new friend if anything just thank them for the offer
You message him and start talking (and low key stalk his page just to see what he’s like, or maybe that’s just me being a snoop) and he’s actually really cool! So you guys meet up and get coffee and actually start talking all the time it’s really sweet
✧𝐺𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑙 𝐻𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑐𝑎𝑛𝑜𝑛𝑠✧
general headcanons
When i think of akaashi, I think of stars
When i think of you, i think of picnics and for some reason, water
Like the ocean
Your ‘spot’ is by this lake where he took you on a date one time
Maybe for an anniversary or something
But you guys did a little picnic dinner thing and were out when the sun went down so sat and stared at the stars
You buried a rock there and both of you like to stand on that spot where the rock is when youre there with the other
Or send the other a picture like “hiii baby look what i found” w your shoe in the picture
Bokuto is your #1 shipper high key
Like he thinks you two are so cute
He loves you so much too like
He and akaashi are kinda a package deal so like if ur dating akaashi ur dating bokuto just with less kissing (bokuto likes to kiss your cheek or forehead) (after making sure this was ok with akaashi of course) (ur his girlfriend of course)
But anyway just bokuto
He’s so sweet
And so clueless
You two will be walking together and then he’ll just walk up behind you and sling his arms over your shoulders
If youre holding hands w akaashi? He’ll put his hand over both of yours
God now i wanna write a fic but anyway
Bo is just the sweetest and is akaashi’s #1 hype man when he’s worried about a date
He’s ur #2 bc im ur #1 sorry to tell u
Bo totally tried to coin the platonic soulmates thing i love you kou but gtfo my em
Im arguing with fictional characters
When akaashi is stressed he likes to wrap his arms around you and lay his head against your neck
He’ll never admit it out loud because he thinks its weird but he thinks you smell nice
When he’s starting to overthink too much + spiral he just will grab you and hug you until all the bad thoughts go away
When he thinks to of course
When he doesn’t, there are times you gotta find him and calm him down
Which he loves so much
Sit him down on the floor so he feels more grounded and hold his hand (or hook pinkies that's so cute i jhbflebf) (not the time spencer gtfo)
That way ur not crowding him but you’re still there y'know
And sometimes he’ll talk, sometimes you need to talk him down, sometimes you just sit in silence
Eventually he will lean forward into you and hug you because he doesn't want to talk, but he wants you to know he’s okay
Rub his back, kiss his head, you’ll both be okay
He’s really good with you too
When you’re stressed out he might push a couple buttons but he means well
He just wants to know who made his star upset (he calls you his star or darling convince me otherwise)
So he pushes buttons until you finally talk about it because obviously it’s bothering you why wouldn't you talk about it?? He just wants to fix it??
Sometimes this gets more irritating, sometimes it helps, it depends on the day
But even if you do get into an argument, expect to hear from him before the end of the night apologizing because he feels so bad for arguing with you that he doesn’t even care what the argument was about he just wants to make sure you still love him
I think im getting off topic but tbh this part is always just me rambling lol
Another thing I think of when I think of akaashi is rain. I don't know why but i do
You have to at least know OF the notebook & the rain scene to get this
I don't know the book lol i just know this much and i'm a dork so we’re using it & some quotes just a heads up
But just imagine its pouring and you’re bored and text him like “i wish i could see you but its raining & we didn't really make plans & i don't want you to get caught in the rain anywhere”
This mfer
And being the freakin
book nerd he is
He texts you and goes “I wrote you 365 letters.”
And then just “(come to the door and I’ll finish the quote)”
So you bolt to the front door
And there he is
Soaking wet & smiling like an idiot
“I wrote to you everyday for a year.”
To which you start laughing and barley are able to make out a “it wasn’t over’ (which is the beginning of the next quote) before kissing him
And this jerk pulls you out in the rain with him because WHAT is more romantic than kissing in the rain
Anyway he ends up with a cold but you give him some of the clothes you probably stole from him to get into dry clothes and you cuddle under the covers with tea
After you smack him (playfully of course) because “you IDIOT keiji it's pouring out here!!” “I wanted to see you too so i ran over” “you're impossible”
Anyway yeah #emkaashiotp
✧𝐴 𝐷𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝐼𝑑𝑒𝑎✧
a date idea
I'm really good at naming places aren't i
Bookstore date
But do something fun where the two of you have to go through an aisle and find a random page and read it in the like
How do i explain this
Make it sound suuuuper sexual without it actually being that way and not laugh
Whoever loses buys lunch
Lets just say you lose a lot dear im sorry (he insists on buying anyway, sometimes he wins that argument)
You’re smiley :) (guys her smile is so cute ebflbejfb em ILY)
Oh also doesn’t matter if he bought lunch or not he always gets you something
Whether it be that book you decided you couldn't get this time or a little trinket that reminded him of you, or sometimes it’s just ice cream
It’s all very sweet (hahaha pun)
He always walks you home and gives you a little kiss when he drops you off
Doesn’t leave till you’re inside & he knows you’re good
You make him promise to text you when he gets home
Which he does, without fail
✧𝑍𝑜𝑑𝑖𝑎𝑐 𝐶𝑜𝑚𝑝𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑏𝑖𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑦✧
zodiac compatibility
Sagittariuses are very intelligent, fair-minded & honest, similar to a Libra’s cleverness & rationale. Because of this similarity, trust is a huge thing in these relationships. It can be all or nothing, but finding balance is important to keep both people happy. Luckily, Libras are very good at this. From everything I’ve seen, these signs together have a very high compatibility and can have a very long-withstanding and healthy relationship.
Tumblr media
House of Gold - Twenty-One Pilots
Lvr Boy - awfultune
A Shitty Love Song - Jye
Darling Get Up - awfultune
Something Just Like This - Alex Goot
✧𝑅𝑢𝑛𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑠 𝑈𝑝✧
runners up
Nishinoya Yuu, Sugawara Koushi
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just-messing-around · 3 years
Ann's relationships
Ann loves her dad, but her view of him and their relationship is kinda sad.
Example 1: Every time she got hurt bad enough to go to the hospital and the doctors and nurses asked if she was doing ok while they worked on her, her response was usually something around the lines of 'my dad dealt with way worse, so I know I'm actually doing fine. You can go focus on people who need you more right now, I can wait.' Even if she was in a lot of pain. This got way worse after he was attacked by Tomura Shigaraki and the Nomu.
'I'm fine, Dad dealt with way worse than this, I have no right to complain about this pain. I just need to stop the bleeding and my body will do the rest.'
So, yeah, he finally had to pull her aside and tell her to stop comparing her pain and problems to others' because she needs to stop treating herself and her health like that, her health is important and just because she saw someone survive worse doesn't mean she should put off getting help. She still has this problem, but she's working on it now.
Example 2: She doesn't think that it's her dad's job to comfort her or emotionally support her. She thinks that his job is to teach her how to be a hero and teach basic parent things.
So her dad's job is to teach hero stuff and answer questions about things like puberty. But most things involved with that can be dealt with using the Internet. Or sending a text to her mom, since she doesn't trust that her father can help her with puberty problems because of the body differences. Dude, girl, he's more informed about this stuff than you give him credit for. He's an intelligent person, he's not an idiot, you can go to him. But he's not exactly complaining about getting to avoid those talks.
She does not think it's his job to:
Comfort her when she cries anymore
Give her pep talks
Attempt to help improve her confidence, self image or feelings of worth
Anything like that.
Most of the time, if she feels like she needs him, she'll cling to a plush toy of his hero sona that her mom gave her when she was younger, hugging that tight while crying instead of going to him for help.
However, she can actually no longer do that, because she gave it to Eri as a gift when they met.
'He was a part of your rescue mission. Because of that, I figured that there's a chance that this toy might offer comfort if you need it? Or something? You can always come to me if you need comfort or anything, but I figured it might be nice for you to have this just in case you'd prefer to hug something instead of coming to a person? Or if you get scared and need something to hug at night? Eh....when I try to explain it, it sounds kinda lame. But the point is; I hope that this can make you feel better if you ever need it.'
She's definitely gonna think of her as a little sister. She doesn't exactly know how to be a big sister, but she's gonna try to be a good sister for her. She's gonna slip up sometimes, but she's trying. Eri can forgive any small mistakes because she can see that Ann really is trying.
Raised voice? Eri is temporarily hurt, but forgives her when she says sorry and understands that whenever she does that, it's because she's overwhelmed with physical pain, stress, fear or really tired, not really because of negative feelings towards her. Ann had to explain that once, but Eri understands now and they have an easy time getting right back to normal.
She gives Eri a bad gift? Such as a scary book or something? Eri knows she isn't trying to make her uncomfortable, Ann just isn't used to little kids and has to put more thought into what is age appropriate. She'll get her a picture book or a kid's movie next time.
Ann is understanding of Eri, too.
She tries to avoid touching her until Eri gives signs that she's comfortable with it because she doesn't know what kind of issues her past caused. Maybe she's scared of being touched? Because that thought crossed her mind, she decides to stick to 'air hugs' until Eri shows signs of being comfortable with normal hugs and has each of them hold one end of a ruler as a replacement for holding hands until she says she's comfortable with it.
She tries to let Eri know that she can come to her for anything and that she shouldn't be afraid to do so. Had a nightmare? You can tell her about it. Thinking about her past? Tell her about it if you're comfortable with it? Thinking about her fears? Tell her about it. Just in need of a shoulder to cry on? Eri can count on her!
Present Mic
They didn't get off to a great start. She snapped at him about the issues she had with the entrance exam (?) Like how a part of what decides on if the person gets into UA or not is how many robots the kid can take down. She expressed her extreme anger about how the test favors people with physical quirks such as super strength, destructive voices, ect, while people like her dad, her and anyone with similar quirks (like Shinsou) can very easily be passed up despite having powerful and useful quirks, just because they're put up against machines instead of living things.
But after she got calmed down and reminded herself that he doesn't have any fault in it, that he's pretty much just the announcer for the rules of a test that has existed for years, she says sorry and they manage to have a much calmer, meaningful conversation about quirks and issues in the tests that schools like UA use to decide who can be a hero or not.
After that, she keeps talking to him here and there and they start acting similar to friends after school hours. They share music, share opinions, she jokes about how it's funny that so many students have such difficulty understanding his English lessons, tells him about study sessions she holds to tutor those students so they can get better grades in his class, they talk about the lives that heroes might get stuck with, heroes they look up to, different forms of entertainment (she got him to pick up a horror book. He bailed on that pretty quick), ect.
They also like to speak in English when it's just them. Keeps them both brushed up, ya know? She often expresses confusion about new slang or sayings in America that her American friends use when they text or call, which Mic laughs at.
'Mic, what the Hell is a 'vibe check' and why do people get hurt when they're checked? This meme my friend sent just makes no freaking sense.'
They end up spending a lot of time together and she starts seeing him as a 2nd father figure, even respecting what he has to say if he scolds her for something instead of brushing it off.
She wants him and her dad to get together. She'd love to have him as an official 2nd dad.
He also manages to frequently bring out her silly side, getting her to smile, laugh and joke around a lot. He also manages to help boost her confidence here and there and he often manages to lift her mood when she's upset.
They end up dating. Yes, they end up dating before the episode where they had him join in on the hero classes practice, so she doesn't have a crush on him in that post, they're in a relationship and she's displaying positivity for her boyfriend. But the other students don't know that, so I guess it can appear as a crush to them.
She skipped the sports festival, sneaking off and watching it on TV instead, because she refused to take part because she was scared that villains where watching it on TV to study the students in preparation for an attack on the school. She didn't want them to study her, she wanted to be a surprise to throw off the villains if they attacked some time after. (This also paid off because when they went to take the license test, nobody knew what her quirk was. She was the only person in her class to have that advantage and she didn't even plan it because she didn't know what to expect for the test.)
She saw him on TV and decided that she wanted to try befriending him. She wanted to train their quirks together. She would give him permission to practice his brainwashing on her (but she wrote down some limitations of what he can make her do, so no boundaries are crossed) and he would give her permission to practice her quirk on him for extra practice after school hours (but she promised to not practice paralyzing any of his organs, for obvious reasons).
So they started practicing together, talking, she kept showing that she was impressed with his quirk and abilities, kept giving him praise and encouragement, then they started hanging out like normal friends, too.
Eventually, they developed romantic feelings for each other and got together.
She often perks up around him and plays and jokes around with him. She's happier with him.
She also loves to hold hands, hug and cuddle. She probably craves physical affection because she hasn't gotten many hugs since she moved in with her dad and decides to seek it out from her partner in romantic relationships.
Her happiness and excitement shoot through the roof when he gets to participate in the practice for a shot to switch into one of the hero classes, she was with him and her dad, giving a helping hand for his training and preparation. She especially liked helping him out with the capture weapon, because up to that point, she was the only student that needed one, so she was more than happy to help her dad with teaching him about it. Now she has a friend that matches her and her dad, so she thinks that's cool, too.
'Scarf Buds'.
She respects him, but that doesn't stop her from socializing with him as if he was just a normal classmate instead of the class rep. She shares her thoughts and opinions about him. For example; if he claims that he was tricked into being a commercial during the festival?
'Yeah, that was kinda your own fault. You went into that knowing everyone was gonna be aiming for each other's throats, yet you still allowed the person you where supposed to fight put a bunch of equipment on you. Don't treat her like she's a díck, she was just trying to improve her future in the best way she could think of. You could've easily avoided that situation, too, if you just used your brain a bit more. You refused to work with Deku during the festival, but you let someone you didn't even know put a bunch of stuff on your body before fighting them? Honestly; I thought you would have better foresight than what you displayed. Accept your mistake, don't blame her for trying to improve her future by showing off what she can build to help heroes.'
This type of behavior surprises him, but he is kinda grateful for the view points she offers. The things she says helps him, in a way and he respects her for the fact that she's not really hesitant when it comes to saying these things. A friend can let you go on normally, but a good friend will bring issues to your attention. I imagine he'll try not to fall for the same tricks in the future, but I think it would've been better if he had someone say something like that to him.
Normal. she thinks he's a decent friend, but often says things like 'Jesus, Deku. You're way too perfect. I don't mean that as a compliment. Being too perfect is....not really very wise. I dunno, maybe since you're aiming to be the new symbol of peace, it'll help put most of the population at ease, but still be careful with that, mkay? Being too perfect can make people like me not trust those types of heroes. I mean, I trust you, but only because I've gotten to know you a bit, you're not just some random hero symbol to me, so I can trust you. But maybe there's a way to fix this issue for everyone like me that don't know you? I dunno....'
Easy to say; she frequently confuses him.
She just can't get him to understand what exactly she means, but he still makes an attempt to understand.
Other than the confusion and occasional scolding of mistakes during things like the exam and running off to save people when he's not allowed to, they get along pretty well.
I guess it's safe to say that she's not exactly part of the 'Deku Squad' since she voices problems and issues that she might have with him and doesn't go along with all of his wishes and plans like the others end up doing. So, not part of the group, but still a decent friend.
She tries to support her in small ways. She makes her lunches and invites her to join in on her special meals (since she can't trust what everyone else makes due to her celiac disease, she always has to make her own, personalized meals) because she wants to make sure she always gets food. Her making lunches for her keeps her from having to pay for school lunches. She does this because she's worried about her financial situation. It's not pity, don't get it confused, she's just making an attempt to support her in small ways.
She asks questions about his family. She doesn't get much info, but she found out that his mother is stuck in a hospital. Because of that, she assumes that she's lonely and asks him to send her letters that she writes sometimes. Since she doesn't know much about her, the letters mainly talk about everyday school life with her son and that she hopes she can meet her someday, but assumes that the only visitors allowed are her family members, so she doesn't think she can visit. This is just her attempting to make someone feel less lonely. She really would be interested in a face to face meeting someday, but she's not sure if it'll ever happen, so she's not holding her breath or anything.
Hero class B:
She doesn't like too many of those students. It's not because Class A is 'better' than Class B or anything, it comes down to the individual's personality.
That girl that has vine hair and always looks like she's praying and saying things like someone should be punished for pretty much any type of sin (unless I've been hearing her lines totally wrong lately)? She doesn't really feel comfortable around her. She assumes that she's too judgmental or something. She's fine being in the same room with her, but she doesn't want to have meaningful conversations with her.
The mushroom girl? Well, she hates mushrooms. She just gets freaked out by the appearances of all the different mushrooms, she hates the texture of mushrooms in food-
So a person who loves mushrooms to her degree isn't exactly someone she wants to spend a lot of time with. Especially if they work mushrooms into their sentences like referring to people as toadstools (again, unless I've been hearing them completely wrong. I haven't been able to get the subtitles to work for these last few episodes I've watched).
Just keep those things and words away from her. Again, she'll be fine talking to her for a short while, but she'll be uncomfortable.
The guy that can merge into the shadows? She just thinks the things he says and how he says them is creepy sometimes. She could be friends with him, but she doesn't really have much interest.
That guy that copies quirks and goes on and on with talking bad about class A? She doesn't like him for obvious reasons, but has slight concern that he only talks like that because he might actually have poor self esteem or a bad self image and is trying to hide it. So, she wants to give him a compliment here and there, to help him feel better, but at the same time, she doesn't wanna be in the same room as him.
She likes the steel guy and transfer student that has the horn quirk, though. Big fist girl? She's 'meh'.
All the other students, I haven't put much thought into when it comes to her opinions.
I haven't finished the episodes where the classes train together. I finished some, but not all of them. I think I had to leave off on the one where Todoroki is in the fight.
Well....she likes his personality. But, due to her celiac disease, she doesn't always feel comfortable with the idea of touching his hands. So, ya know, no high fives or anything unless she knows he hasn't done any baking for a while. Ya make cakes, ya get flour all over your hands. And I don't know about anyone else, but whenever I know someone just touched gluten, I can't help but think of them as 'dirty' for a while, unless I see them wash their hands right in front of me. And he bakes a lot of sweets, right? In that episode where the class goes around seeing each others' rooms and he offers everyone cake? While all the other girls where enjoying the cake and showering him in compliments, she went-
'Nononononononono!' While she quickly backed away with her hands in front of her as if to block an attack. (Not too far off. If that stuff gets in her body, it'll attack her small intestines. My own reaction to having gluten offered to me is similar.)
'Sorry, dude! I-uh-I'm sure it's delicious and I want to taste it, but I can't eat it. Sorry, dude.'
She explained it in better detail later and she taught him a gluten free cake recipe that she likes and they used her own cooking equipment that she stores in her room to keep it safe from cross contamination, so they got to eat some cake together and he's slowly learning about food limitations. He never offers her baked goods anymore, but she offers him to help her make gluten free treats to share with the class. Sometimes they have Eri help them out, too. Then Eri brings some of whatever they made to the teachers' dorm building to share with the teachers when she has to go back.
Hm. She doesn't like him much. She doesn't think he has the heart to be a hero. Yeah, he can save lives, but he might make the people cry while saving them. She just imagines him saving kids from something, then he yells and insults them and the kids burst out in tears. She's really hoping nothing like that ends up happening when he becomes a pro. She's hoping to see him grow to a point where he can control his outbursts, at least when he's around children.
Everyone else that I can think of right now:
She doesn't have strong opinions about them. I think I covered everyone she has opinions about.
Maybe I'll come back and edit this after I watch more episodes, but I've had to work on this slowly because of the issues caused by recovering from my surgery and I'm tired of it sitting in my drafts.
This post needs to finally see the light of day, it needs to stop sitting in the dusty, old Drafts Box.
So here ya go, post! Be free on my blog! I'll edit you later, maybe.
This was meant to be a good peek into this oc, which will be my main MHA oc and the one I care most about because I can relate to her because I gave her some of my biggest physical issues and some of my mental issues, which I haven't went into yet.
So, this is the MHA oc that I'll talk most about and give the most info about. Especially since, as of writing this, I don't even have any other MHA ocs yet.
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rintoya · 4 years
The regret and the promise
Aran Ojiro x fem reader x Kita Shinsuke
“Happy birthday L/n-san” The first h/c-nette turned to the sound of her name and she see’s second year Kita Shinsuke heading her way. Sending him a grateful smile, “Thank you Kita-Senpai” Kita gave her a gentle hug, “Are you gonna do anything for your birthday after school?” Nodding her head yes, with a hopeful voice she spoke “Aran promised to spend the evening with me.” “Well, I hope you have fun. Text me if you need anything. Goodbye L/n-san.” Kita walking away, Y/n waving her hand “Have a good evening Kita-senpai.” Y/n walked to the place where Aran told her to meet up. She was the first to arrive so she decided to wait. Different emotions filled y/n as she waited for the wing spiker, ‘Why am I still waiting for him? He probably doesn’t return my feelings.” Y/n and Aran have known each other since Elementary school, her growing a crush on him in middle school.
“Oji-san” a young y/n looked at the boy in front of her. It was valetine’s day and Aran just walked in front of y/n with a bouquet of f/f’s. With a bashful look Aran extended his arms to put the flowers in the girls arms. “Here Y/n I knew how much you love f/f’s so I got you some. The girl faces started to blush, with a grateful smile Y/n went near Aran and went on her Tip toes to give him a peck on the cheek. “Thank you Ojiro.”
A while has past and Y/n pulled out her phone to see what time it is. A pained look shown on her face as she saw the time. ‘He’s 2 hours late. I should be used to this by now...’ This isn’t the first time Aran forgot a hangout with her. ‘He’s been growing distant since he started High school, why am I still running after him??’ Tears started to fill her eyes as she realized he isn’t coming. With her tears blurring her vision, she went through her school bag. Pulling out a white envelope with Aran’s name in cursive. “Y/n..” a voice was heard, but it wasn’t Aran’s. Y/n looked in the direction of the voice to see Kita, who looked her with a blank face with a hint of concern. “What are you still doing here Kita?” “I could be asking you the same thing. I was studying in the library and when I left I passed the Gym I saw Aran inside with the others. So I decided to go look for you.” “Kita-” choking out a sob, Y/n ran towards Kita and Hugged him, Wrapping his arms around her rubbing her waist in comfort. Y/n was clutching onto the letter, with mixed feelings of anger and sadness.   pulled away and wiped y/n’s tears from her face, Y/n’s face grew a bit pink from the contact. ‘Aran has never done this when I cried..’ 
“I’ll miss you next year...” Aran looked at the girl in front of him. “Y/n it’s just High school.” Hurt by his words she pulled a fake smile. “Yeah, just high school” Aran looked at her and sighed, “Y/n I promise I won’t forget you next year ok?” “Ok senpai, I trust you.” If only y/n realized the Promise won’t last for long.
Y/n starting her third year at Inarizaki prep, she felt alone without Aran by her side. yes she has other friends but they wanted her to be with Aran so she can confess. Pulling out her phone she looked at her messages, she proposed to go to a Cafe both her and Aran liked but Aran said he had practice with the team. Deciding to go with two of her friends after school she went on with her day. “Thanks for inviting us Y/n.” said F/n. “It was no problem, I wanted to go here again for a while so I’m glad I can finally take y’all.” Arriving at the cafe they got their drinks and desserts just chatting. When the door was open y/n’s friends faces grew into shock. “Y/n didn’t you say Aran was busy after school?” Giving her friends a look of confusion she looked at her phone to check the time. “Yeah, school just ended for him. Why?” Her friends pointed behind her and she turned around to see Aran with guys he told her were Omimi, Akagi and Kita. Y/n quickly grabbed her things and said a goodbye and left the cafe. What she didn’t know a certain boy with black tips saw her. 
“If you want, I can take you on a date for your birthday.” With a shocked Expression Y/n stared at Kita. A millions thought were spiraling in her mind, finally making up her mind. “I would love too Shinsuke.” Kita’s heart starting to beat faster at the mention of his first name. The two students leaving the school knowing this might be the start of a life long romance. Leaving the crumpled letter in the trash. The day was filled with laughs and Kita giving Y/n a lovesick look the whole time. The two getting to know each other and seeing they have more in common then they thought. Y/n not once thought of Aran, who by the time practice ended realize his mistake. ‘I forgot about her again...’
Today was Y/n’s first day at Inarizaki prep, walking down the road, she saw Aran talking to Kita. Y/n never met Kita officially but she was excited for another school year with Aran. “Ojiro-Senpai Ohayo” Aran turned around and gave Y/n a wave. Catching up to the too boys she decided to introduce yourself. “Hello I’m L/n Y/n.” The boy looked at her with interest, the sunlight making her eyes brighter. Bringing her beauty to a new level, he seen pictures of her when he first met Aran but slowly he stopped mentioning her. “Hello I’m Kita Shinsuke, nice to meet you.” Aran saw this and Sped walked away to get to the gym. Y/n saw this and she had a look of hurt. “You wanna walk to school together L/n-san?” “I would like that” The two arriving at the school heading their separate ways after exchanging numbers. Kita found Aran in the Gym with the others, “Why did you leave?” Akagi then spoke “Aran said you were talking to a girl you knew so he wanted to give you space.” Aran and Kita looked shocked about what was just said. Then Kita’s face went stern “Aran that was YOUR childhood friend. You left her with me a Stranger. Why play with her emotions if you don’t want her around anymore.” Kita then left to go see the new first years. Not realizing that what that girl was starting to do to his heart.
Months have passed and the relationship between Kita and Y/n has grown stronger and stronger. To the first date at a restaurant for her birthday, to the first kiss in a field of flowers. Kita every step of the way made Y/n feel nothing but love and affection. He showed that he truly loved her, and that she truly loved him. Its now Christmas time at the first and second year were walking in the park looking at the Christmas lights. “This place is beautiful thank you Shinksuke” “Anything for you Y/n” The couple stopping in front of a Christmas tree in middle of the park Kita spoke. “Y/n there is something I want to tell you.” “You can tell me anything Shinsuke.” Taking a deep breathe face red from Embarrassment and the cold Kita finally said the 3 big words. “I love you. I’ve been In love with you for a long time and-” Kita was interrupted when Y/n jumped into his arms and Kissed him. Kita finally melting into the kiss, he felt likt he officially had everything. The two pulling away Y/n spoke “I love you too Shinsuke.” The young couple knowing they are fully in love were ready for the future.
Aran and Y/n have been growing distant since they both started high school, Since Y/n started dating Kita she has completely forgotten about Aran. Who on the other hand missed her like crazy.
The new school year has started the couple being now a second and third year, y/n was waiting at home for Kita to text her saying he was home. Her phone Buzzing she checked to see who it was ;My Love🥰; “Hello Shin” “Y/n y-you’ll never believe it” “What happened during Volleyball practice?” “My love guess who is the new captain this year...” “Y-your Captain?!? That’s amazing congratulation's you deserve it.” “Thank you Y/n, I love you” This school year was amazing for Inarizaki, they flew by during the inter high tournament and spring preliminaries. Now on the way to spring nationals, the team just won their first match of the tournament. The team staying at there hotel Kita and Y/n decided to go for a walk in the park across the street. The park was empty except for the two lovers, the two deciding to stop at a park bench. “I’m glad you were able to come.” “I wouldn’t miss it for the world, I love you Shinsuke.” “I love you more Y/n” Standing Up Kita grabbed her hand. “Y/n I want to ask you something important.” “You can tell me anything Shinsuke.” “Y/n I have been in love with you since the very first time I saw you, You were the missing piece I didn’t knew I needed until I found you.’’ “Kita what are you-gasp” “Y/n L/n will you-”
The 2nd day as started and Inarizaki was up against Karasuno. The game was neck to neck throughout the whole game, but sadly Karasuno won. ‘This isn’t fair...let Shinsuke play a little longer!! He deserves this!’ Leaving the stands in search of her lover she found him and Aran walking together. She ran straight to him completely ignoring Aran. “You did amazing out there Shin!! I’m so proud of you.” Kita returning the hug with the same amount of force. Aran looked at the two heart broken, he hasn’t told anyone this but he was actually in love with y/n but now it seems he was too late. A shimmer caught his eye and he turned to what it was. A shocked look swept across his face, It was an engagement ring on her finger.
‘‘Y/n L/n will you marry me?? I know we are still young but I promise to always love you with my whole being.” Tears started to fall from her eyes nodding her head “Yes!!!”
‘It’s too late in a few years she will be Mrs. Y/n Kita’ thought Aran.
‘Thank you for being in my Life y/n I love you.’ Kita thought happily about his future with her.
‘I regret letting you go....Come back to me please y/n’ Aran thought desperately.
‘I promise to love you, to cherish every second with you. I’m never letting you go’ Kita thought While holding his Fiancee. 
‘I love you Y/n L/n’ thought both boys.
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alexboehm55144 · 3 years
Alex Final Wars 2: Dark Alex, Chapter 34 - Black Ship
Living quarters on the Typhoon were of good quality, and there were cabins for mammals of all sizes. Each cabin had a bathroom and a comfy bed that was built into one of the walls. They also had a closet and plenty of room for furniture if the occupant wanted it. The walls were metal, and the entire cabin had a modern look. There was also a window to the outside world for the enjoyment of the occupant. During battle, armored panels would slide over the window.
Captain Boehm awoke in his quarters on the Typhoon, stretching and trying to stay awake. The room was dark, only illuminated by a bit of light from the outside peaking past the blinds.
He wanted to just stay in bed. Maybe watch some videos or something on his tablet. But, there was work to be done. He grabbed his phone and tapped the texting app, finding the message between him and Toothdee.
"I'm awake. What's our status?" He texted.
Toothdee decided to call back instead of texting back, the phone's screen showing a picture of her, while the device rang loudly.
The captain cursed under his breath, getting out of bed and walking into the bathroom in his room.
"What is it?" He said, answering the phone.
"Well, first of all, good morning." Toothdee said, "secondly, we lost the energy signature of your counterpart's plane last night. We can only track it for so long, and it's difficult considering his plane has a stealth coating of paint on it."
"So, we've lost him entirely?"
"Not quite. We can still search the general area where we last detected the plane. Also, we have a report from a scouting element. Our counterpart's version of the Typhoon was spotted in the same area. I think we might be getting close."
"Brilliant! Let's keep on them. We might be able to find our counterpart's HQ. What about you, Toothdee? You should probably get some rest."
"I'm fine. I took over from Kion a few hours ago. Besides, I have iced tea."
"Oh, did the flying training pay off?"
"Well, it's a lot easier to fly through the open sky than battle around rocks and structures, using them as cover."
"True. Ok, I'll come up and meet you shortly."
The call ended, and the captain sighed, exiting the bathroom and walking back to his bed.
"Sorry about that." He said to the blue-furred wolf laying on the bed, rubbing her eyes.
"Well... I should probably get up anyways..." JayJay said.
"Another day, another battle. But it's nice to relax every once in a while." The captain said, sitting on the bed and pulling on some socks.
"Yeah... especially with someone else," JayJay said, nibbling on her companion's ear.
"Ow!?" Alex said, pulling away from her.
"Oh, sorry! That's a wolf thing."
"Well... Just be gentle."
The wolf went back to work, following her instincts while the captain scrolled through his tablet, preparing for the day ahead. Eventually, much to JayJays disappointment, Alex got up and gathered his things, getting ready to leave.
"Who's.... still left out there?" The wolf said, getting on all fours and stretching her arms out, yawning at the same time.
"Well, there's your counterpart, Toothdee's counterpart, and my counterpart."
"Oh, listen, be careful when going after your counterpart, ok." The wolf stood up and walked over to the human, taking his hands in her paws. "Eris told me that you crashed while battling your counterpart."
"Yeah, it was tough. I mean, just a human, treading water against a jet."
The wolf's ears were pinned back on her head, indicating she was upset.
"But I'm fine. Shame about my jet, though."
"You are more important than some fancy plane Alex."
"I know, I know."
"Be more careful, so you can live to fight another day."
There was a pause, the captain thinking about what to say next.
"For me?" The wolf said.
"*sigh* alright, for you."
The pair shared a short kiss and embrace before going their separate ways for the day. There was still a war to be won.
The captain entered the bridge, gazing out at the light blue sea and tall volcanic mountains visible outside the Typhoon. The mountains were covered in rich green forests, and clouds dotted the sky. Toothdee was piloting the ship from the captain's chair. Meanwhile, Jack was also present, standing in the corner and listening to something on his phone. However, he was aware enough to nod at Alex as he entered.
"Morning Alex," Toothdee said, sitting up in the captain's chair. "We should be nearing the area where our counterpart's ship was spotted."
"Well, we should probably put everyone on high alert."
"I know. I'm just letting everyone get up, get ready, and get going. But everyone's assignments and positions have already been set up and are ready to be sent out if or when the time comes."
"You are always prepared."
"Hang on, picking up something."
Toothdee looked at the radar screen to spot an unknown contact somewhere behind a mountain up ahead. She guided the ship towards the signature, rounding the mountain the heroes on the bridge saw it.
"The black typhoon..." Toothdee said, watching the massive vessel hover in the air in front of them. The ship was slightly larger than Heroes' blue Typhoon, and its hull way black in color, while its counterpart was gray with some blue highlights. Large wings used to help the airship in flight jutted out from the hull, and the vessel's surface was blistered with weapon emplacements.
"Toothdee, battle stations!" The captain ordered.
"Already on it." She said, pressing a button, automatically sending everyone's assignments to them. Everyone on the ship instantly and knew where they had to go and what they had to do.
Jack and Alex raced to gunner seats, sitting down and bringing the weapons online.
A few moments later, Laval and Eris entered the bridge, getting to their gunner positions.
"Well, this is quite a way to start the day," Laval said, sitting down.
"Enemy ship is hailing us," Toothdee said before a video from the Black Typhoon appeared on the bridge's main screen, which normally showed the outside world.
Toothdees counterpart appeared on screen, also sitting in the pilot's seat of her vessel.
"I did not expect that today I would get to destroy my adversaries and their warship." Toothdee's counterpart said. "Today is off to a good start."
"It's you who will be going down today," Toothdee said.
"Your ship is inferior by the looks of it."
"It's more than capable of killing you!"
"We shall see..."
The video disconnected, and the battle began.
Both typhoons fired, opening salvos of missiles and rockets. Members of Heroes operating the bridges of the blue Typhoon, while Chinese troops managed the weapons of the Black Typhoon. Shots from both vessels hit the other, dealing damage to both ships.
"Hull is holding," Eris reported.
The ships moved closer to each other and began to circle and square off. The pair of ships avoiding enemy shots while hitting their own. Two airships battling in the sky, surrounded by volcanic mountains and forests sprouting from the rich soil.
Toothdee used the blue Typhoon's smaller size and better maneuverability to evade incoming fire from the hostile vessel. However, this also meant that when the Blue Typhoon was hit, it did more damage than when the Heroes vessel struck the Chinese ship.
The blue Typhoon pulled in close, allowing its gunners to engage at close range, dealing heavy damage to the hostile airship. But due to the closer range, the black Typhoon got off some good shots on the Typhoon. As the blue Typhoon pulled away, the enemy airship launched a barrage of missiles that struck the American airship.
The Heroes vessel shook as shells and missiles hit it, and suddenly, lights, computer screens, and control systems went down.
Red emergency lights came on while the massive video screen used to view the outside world flickered for a moment. Laval spoke on the loss of camera feed to the weapon he was controlling.
"Uh? Where'd my canon go?"
"Mine's gone as well." Captain Boehm said. "The electrical systems must have been damaged."
"Find out where!" Toothdee said, trying to maintain control of the vessel despite the power issues. She turned her vehicle away from the hostile airship. The Typhoon used the volcanic mountains nearby as cover, breaking the line of sight with the enemy. However, the dark ship maintained pursuit, firing whenever it had a chance.
Meanwhile, Eris had switched control away from a weapon's emplacement, choosing instead to activate one of the Typhoon's defensive systems. Smoke generators all over the ship turned on and created a large cloud around the vessel, obscuring it from the view of the Black Typhoon.
Alex looked through a display of the ship's systems and saw that a critical junction box had sustained damage.
"Junction box 2-C, port side!"
"Get Skye on it!" Jack said, "she's an engineer after all."
The captain quickly contacted the fox on his radio.
"Skye! We need you!"
"What is it? What's wrong with the lights?"
"A junction box has been damaged. We need you to fix it. And quick! Look for junction box 2-C. It's marked as such. 2nd deck, port side."
"Massive airships aren't really my thing...." Skye said. "But I'll see what I can do. I'm gonna need my tools. They're in my room."
"I'll tell Kion to get them," Alex said.
"Ok, I'll get it done."
Skye started racing through the ship, getting on all fours to go faster. After being contacted by captain Boehm, Kion headed to Jack and Skye's room. The lion entered, quickly spotting a small red toolbox near the door, before grabbing it and sprinting towards the compartment he had been directed towards.
Meanwhile, toothdee turned and moved the Typhoon as fast as she could, narrowly avoiding hostile shells. The black Typhoon fired another barrage of missiles.
"Deploying flares!" Eris said, pressing a button and causing flares to release from canisters on the Typhoon. The heat-seeking missiles hit the flares, while the Typhoon continued onwards unscathed by the missile barrage.
Skye reached compartment 2C and opened it up, finding wires and electronics smoking and sparking. Kion showed up with a toolbox, crouching down to her height and putting the box between them.
The fox blew on the burnt electronics and went to work, rewiring electrical circuits and occasionally telling Kion to get her a tool.
"Wire cutters."
The lion reached into the tool bag and found the tool, quickly placing it into the agent's waiting paw.
The lion obliged as the lights in the area went out for a brief moment while Skye messed with the wiring.
The lion handed Skye a rag, and the fox wiped the sweat off her forehead with it.
She fiddled with the electrical systems a bit more, and then, the weapons returned to full fictionality. On the airship bridge, the main lights returned, and computer screens came back on.
"Oh yeah, we're back," Jack said, the camera view of his weapon returning.
Toothdee spun the Typhoon around, ultimately catching the pursuing enemy ship off guard. With the element of surprise, the Heroes vessel fired everything it had. Missiles, cannons, machine guns, ordnance of all types hit the Black Typhoon.
The Chinese airship sustained massive damage, hull sections cracking and burning scars appearing all over the vessel. The black Typhoon attempted to flee, turning around a mountain and into a large valley. However, the blue Typhoon maintained chase. Toothdee pressed her firing controls, and cannon shells cut through the air, hitting the rear engines on the Chinese vessel.
Smoke poured from the black Typhoon, the dark ship looking like its very superstructure was evaporating into whips of jet black smoke. The Chinese vessel couldn't maintain altitude, crashed into the forest below, and created a massive sound of scraping metal on rock.
Trees, rocks, and dirt were thrown up in the air as the black Typhoon skid across the ground. Wild birds took to the sky in fear as the airship came to a stop on a mountainside. The beast was slain. Smoke and fire poured from the black Typhoon, and most of its weapons had been destroyed. All that was left was the crew, scrambling around inside, Dark Toothdee yelling orders to try and formulate a course of action. Chinese troops rushed to and fro, repairing damage and attempting to get systems back online.
All the while, the Blue Typhoon hovered in the sky above its fallen adversary, almost lording over its kill. The smaller and allegedly inferior ship had bested its enemy, leaving the latter nothing but broken metal.
"We did it," Toothdee said, finally relaxing slightly, no longer in imminent danger from their counterpart's ship.
"Take it from another pilot, Toothdee, that was some great flying," Eris said.
"Some of their weapons are still online. They could still return fire," Jack noted.
"Hail them," captain Boehm said, "let's see what they have to say now."
A communications link to the hostile ship came up on the screen yet again. This time the video showed that Toothdee's counterpart looked worse for wear. Smoke and sparks came from areas off-screen, and the counterpart's face was covered in cuts and bruises.
"Well, well... Who's inferior now." The captain said. "It would be wise for you to surrender."
"Never!" Toothdee's counterpart said. "I'll tear your ship from the sky! You will have to kill me!"
"You got it. Open fire! All batteries!"
"With pleasure, sir," Laval said, pressing down on the fire buttons on his controls.
Missiles and shells blasted for the Typhoon's weapon systems, the ship engaging with extreme prejudice. Smoke from the weapons filled the air as explosions wracked the black Typhoon.
Toothdee pressed down on her fire controls, but only half-heartedly. Even as she pressed the button to launch a devastating barrage of missiles, her will to do so wavered. Was this the best course of action? Why couldn't they make a ground assault and capture her counterpart? They would be able to gain valuable intelligence. These thoughts ran through her mind, even as the barrage of missiles streaked towards the Black Typhoon's bridge.
On the enemy bridge, alarms blared, and red lights flashed as the ship sustained catastrophic structural failure. Indicators displaying critical damage blinked wildly as Dark Toothdee closed her eyes. She did not want to see her own failure, even as the black Typhoon broke apart around her.
The vessel detonated. Fire ripping through its dark black hull, propelling debris into the air, with the wreckage raining down in the surrounding area. All that was left of a once-powerful and devastating airship was a burnt and ravaged hunk of steel, awash with flame.
"Well, that's that then," Eris said
"Another one down," Laval said.
"I'll send a team to the wreckage," Jack said, calling up some ZIA agents who were in the vicinity.
"Eris was right, Toothdee." Alex said, "you are one hell of a pilot."
"Thanks." She responded. But she still couldn't shake the feeling that they could have done more. She was partly glad that her evil counterpart was dead, but she felt they could have captured her dark double instead. Either way, another counterpart had been killed. Only 2 remained.
"What have you found?" Toothdee asked. She and Alex watching Jack, Haida, & Retsuko sort through reports.
"Well, the ZIA agents sent to the wreckage found some Chinese military documents," Retsuko said, eyes darting between 2 pieces of paper as she cross-referenced information.
"I the ZIA's best translation teams are working on it," Jack said. "They've already translated a bunch of helpful information."
The rabbit pulled up a report that was marked as highly classified. "But there's also a report that seems to be from the counterparts. it mentions something called 'operation match strike.'"
“Matchstrike?” Alex said.
"Yeah, it mentions operations at a set of islands in the South China Sea and talks about running communications misinformation and then launching a small strike force. That's about it. It doesn't tell the full story."
"Island in the South China Sea?" Toothdee said, "isn't that where this war started?"
"Yes, it is. There does seem to be information here about the start of this conflict. Maybe if we can get intelligence from the islands themselves, we could learn more."
"Back to where it all began...."
"Want me to start drawing up plans for an infiltration or assault operation," Alex asked.
"Do that, but first, we need to finish repairs and rearmament."
"Skye is helping to work on that," Jack said. "I'm glad we were able to make it back to a US island."
"Yep, we sustained some heavy damage, but at least we're still in one piece."
"And soon..." captain Boehm said. "The full might of this warship, Heroes, and the US, will be bearing down on China and our counterparts."
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tbr-agency · 4 years
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“Well, whatever it is, I hope it isn't related to Got7,”
synopsis ∣ The Bloody Roses were being called by the head executives of both companies, informing them that they will not be working with JYP Entertainment for the meantime.
timeline ∣ October 2020
characters ∣ The Bloody Roses
a/n ∣ mention of serial killer. basically a group meeting. mention of the Got7 members.
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Hyunji sighed in slight annoyance as she was reading an article that is regarding the press conference that they attended for JYP Entertainment - regarding their hiatus.
The way they described them made Hyunji slightly annoyed because some of their words were quite untrue.
“Have you guys seen the article?! We should have worn masks!” That was the first thing Haejin asked as soon as she barged into the meeting room of JYPE - with Eunhee and Chaeun.
“Well.. it looked like we cried but we didn’t,” Nara was looking at the pictures, zooming in and out of pictures and somehow Ahrin and Eunhee looked the worst.
“No offence but our leader and Eunhee looks—
“—the worst,” Yeonji cuts off the younger one as Nara tilted her head towards her.
“You could have said it nicely, Ji.” Nara shakes her head slightly, seeing Yeonji shrugging slightly - earning a chuckle from Ahrin and Eunhee. 
“She’s right. I mean, we stayed up all night just to do reports.” Ahrin commented, turning towards Eunhee who was just leaning against the chair with an amused smile.
The leader was right - both she and Eunhee had stayed 3 days in their own office to discuss the reason why they were going to be on hiatus, the real reason.
Telling the girls won’t be an issue but telling Got7 about the real reason why they were going on a hiatus were the real problem - knowing how possessive some of them are.
“It’s been a while that we are having a meeting with JYPE executives and our own executives in JYPE. Don’t you girls think so?” Chaeun questioned while looking towards the other girls who were having their own conversation within each other.
“Now that I think about it… yeah! It’s been a while! I’m nervous and excited about what they are going to inform us!” Nara exclaimed, eyeing towards Ahrin and Eunhee who didn't like being too excited as she was.
“Seeing Ahrin and Eunhee’s expression doesn’t seem too positive to me,” Yeonji commented and this caused Hyunji to turn towards the leader and Eunhee, seeing that they obviously looked troubled.
“Well, whatever it is, I hope it isn't related to Got7,” Chaeun added, making the other girls agree with her words - except for Ahrin and Eunhee who were avoiding eye contact from the other girls.
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“I hope everyone can cooperate with the rules given to all of you. If there is any further information, we will directly inform Ms Eunhee and Ms Ahrin. Thank you, everyone.” With that, the 7 girls bowed towards both executives of JYPE and MMG, watching them leave and as soon as the door was closed, there were loud sighs of disappointment and frustration.
To summarise the meeting, the reason why they had to go on a hiatus was because it was related to the case that Haejin and Chaeun were currently working on - which was chasing after a serial killer.
Not just that, the girls will be handling a few cases that are complicated hence the enforcement needed them possibly 24/7.
Somehow JYPE were worried that the case could affect the safety of their artist, the company decided to make The Bloody Roses to be on hiatus for being JYPE’s bodyguard - for the artists safety and for the Bloody Roses girls to focus more on their case.
JYPE also stated that MMG Agency has found a replacement for the girls for the meantime.
“Okay.. so, to rephrase what they said the rules are we can’t see Got7 for about a month or two—
“They didn’t specifically say how long this case goes. It could be more than 2 months,” Haejin cuts the younger one, earning a slight glare from Yeonji. 
Haejin could only put her hands up in defeat - she just wanted to correct the younger one.
“Just saying,”
“As I said, the rules were, we can’t see Got7 for about a month or two - which includes seeing them personally as in not work related and we can’t interfere or even see them during their schedules?” Yeonji somehow rephrased, earning nods from the other girls.
“That’s basically it,” Ahrin answered with a small sigh. 
The girls are currently having their own thoughts, numerous thoughts and they know they have to talk about it with the Got7 members individually. 
But for now, they have to choose (or volunteer) which of the girls would help Haejin and Chaeun regarding this case, which somehow has a difficulty of 8 out of 10.
“I’ll go,” Hyunji decided to speak up, earning heads snapping towards her way with a deep frown - mostly from the older ones.
“Wait what!? There’s no way—
“Chaeun, I won’t be solving it alone. My best friend will be going with me,” Hyunji pointed towards Nara who was casually sipping her coffee while wiggling her eyebrows towards Chaeun.
Chaeun turned towards Ahrin and Eunhee, giving them a look that Chaeun obviously disagreed on the 2 maknaes, joining the quest with Haejin and her.
“Add me in,” Yeonji voiced out, earning a reaction from Nara which was asking her for a high-five.
“Okay hold—
“It’s settled then. Yeonji, Nara and Hyunji are in to help Chaeun and Haejin,” Eunhee stood up as she was packing her documents with her. Chaeun looked towards Eunhee with appalledness - clearly shocked that Eunhee would immediately agree to this.
“Eunhee!” Chaeun called, causing Ahrin to sigh - looking at the younger one.
“Chaeun, they aren’t 19 anymore.” Haejin commented as she leaned back on her chair, looking at the maknaes who looked excited.
“Well, this is a dangerous task!” Chaeun exclaimed - earning pouts from the maknae line, clearly Chaeun was being protective.
“You sounded like you don’t trust us, I’m disappointed.” Nara voiced with a huff and a pout - she was joking but at the same time, sometimes she thinks that Chaeun was looking down at them.
“Or looking down at us,” Yeonji muttered, earning a nudge on the arm by Hyunji.
Chaeun clearly heard the younger one, her face slowly softens. 
“Hey, it’s not like that, Ji-ah. I’m just worried,” Chaeun answered softly.
“I think you should worried about the case more, Chaeun-ah.” Haejin voiced out, making Chaeun to glare towards her.
While the other girls were having their own conversation, Ahrin and Eunhee received a text at the same time - and their faces suddenly fell, as they read the text.
“I don’t think you should worry about the maknaes helping with the case at all,” Ahrin commented as the others looked towards their leader - seeing her reaction that isn’t too relieved.
“She’s right. We should worry about the ones who would replace us,” Eunhee commented and at the same time, there were a few sounds of notification from each of the girl’s phones - indicating that they received a message.
The 5 of them received private messages from Eunhee - it was a biodata of 7 girls that they weren’t too familiar with, for some of them.
But Nara and Hyunji were very familiar with some of the girls in the pictures.
“I know some of them, they trained with me,” Hyunji commented with a slightly frown.
“Me too,” Nara added, as she put her phone aside then folded her arms. 
“Me three,” Yeonji added too, causing Nara to look towards her as both of them then started chuckling. 
As Haejin was reading through the bios of the girls that were going to replace them, her focus was onto one of the girls that was somehow the 2nd oldest of the group.
“Yah! Hee-ah! Isn’t this the girl from the Gwan family you told us about?” Haejin turned towards Eunhee, seeing a slight smile formed on her lips as she sighed with a nod - she was too tired to even talk to them about the girls that were going to guard JYPE artists.
Eunhee knew the others would eventually find out, they are clever enough to do their own research.
“It is. Gwan Aelia,” Eunhee muttered as she saw the girls looking towards each other with a slight frown.
“I don’t have a good feeling about this,” Nara muttered towards Hyunji who was staring towards Eunhee. The maknae was reading the older one’s expressions and it was clear that Eunhee wasn’t happy with this.
Hyunji didn’t need to comment about Ahrin - because the leader had already shown her true feeling with her expressions during the meeting.
“Wait, so that means they will be Got7’s bodyguard? I’m mentioning Got7 because they are having a comeback soon - according to JYPE executives,” Yeonji stated, looking towards the older ones as they silently nodded - earning a groan from Yeonji.
“Well, I’m not the type to get jealous and I trust the 7 of them so..” Haejin voiced her reason with a shrug - looking towards the other girls who had mixed expressions.
Eunhee finally gathered her belongings, then looked towards the rest of the girls with a smile.
“Okay ladies. See you tomorrow at our main office and you girls might have to speak to the Got7 members individually. Now if you may excuse me, I am going to have a long night of discussion with Mr Park Jinyoung of Got7. Goodnight!” 
Eunhee greeted them off and as soon as she closed the door of the meeting room, she could hear voices of the members.
“Shit, how am I going to face him?” 
“I’m gonna have a long night with Jaebeom alright,” 
“Bambam is gonna sulk at me!” 
“Anybody wanna talk to Jackson together with me? Hyunji! You can ask Yugyeom to join too in our facetime!”
Eunhee sighed as her eyes went downcast - letting out a shaky sigh. She couldn’t predict what was going to happen in the future between Got7 and The Bloody Roses.
The reason why she is thinking this way was because her rival will be going to guard Got7 and she is afraid that Got7 would somehow, forget about The Bloody Roses as time passes by.
Eunhee knew she shouldn’t be thinking this way, but she couldn’t help it.
As she was turning towards a corner, Eunhee’s phone vibrated - indicating she received a message. She immediately checked her phone to see 2 names appeared.
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  masterlist : Got7 Bodyguard Au
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prorevenge · 6 years
EK tries get me arrested? Enjoy your own criminal record :D
[Background info]
This happened back when I was in sophomore year, and was a bit of a nerd but in a weird phase where I was actually starting to get some confidence. I spent the last 2 years thinking about launching an online business (back when Shopify wasn't as popular and prominent) and finally started to keep on track.
So I spend several weeks going to whole-sale websites, gathering products, designing the websites, etc. Once it launches, I decide to start small and only use my school district as the target market; of course there is mistrust with this system because no one takes a high school kid with an Amazon-esque website seriously. But after a while and some small purchases, I had a decent customer base with around 10-25 orders per week.
This was first when the school found out about it and the AP (Assistant Principal, person designated to watch our specific graduation class for all 4 years we are there) calls me down to his office and basically lectures me on the importance of the legality and on how I need to change the name of the website. Basically I named it after the school which was named after a well-known politician's family, and they didn't want legal issues. I did a lot of homework involving this and legally checked everything, especially since I was a minor and I didn't wanna cause any issues for my own fam.
I didn't care that much, I had been meaning to reboot the site and make it more lighter and modern anyways. I changed the name and moved on.
[Issues begins]
Now EK was a highly manipulative kid; he was one of those unlikable and bratty people who made up stories to attract girls and popularity. He always bragged he was gonna be rich because of how rich his parents were, girls would be obsessed with him, he was gonna be in movies; basically all sorts of delusional claims. I started out being uneasy "friends" with him meaning I just talked to him in class but I slowly drifted away from him because he would constantly flirt and harass these two girls, even though they told him not to and I tried to stop him.
Most of our entire grade didn't like this kid, but then he claims he owned the websites and ran it, and if anyone knows marketing, an unsavory person with ownership is bad for business. So I confront him and he apologizes saying that he'll retract his claims and say the truth.
The next day he did the exact opposite and spread rumors of how the situation happened in the opposite manner. This angered me and he forced my hand, I went straight to the site and made a notification post and email to all my customers saying that [Due to several circulating rumors about our business, we would like to remind out customers that EK does not own the website nor is he connected with us in any shape or form. Thank you for your service! Please be sure to check out our Easter Sale!]
Embarrassed, EK makes the most insane claim that I have ever heard...that I'm using the website to launder and sell drugs & weapons through school. Post-Columbine, this was taken very seriously and I was called down to the office where I found my AP and 3 police officers waiting for me. They questioned me, the website, etc while patting me down and searching my backpack, jacket, and belongings. They freaked out when they saw a condom and credit card knife (yeah it's my own damn fault for having a blade at school but I was an EDC guy who never did anything wrong). Honestly I wasn't as embarrassed as I was worried for the optics on this.
The considered this plausible intent and cause and I was handcuffed and put into police cruiser (a pretty comfy Dodge Charger to be honest) as they headed over to my house and called my mom telling them the situation. They asked to let them search my room (and only my room) and my mom obliges; with us being immigrants, she didn't want any trouble and she probably couldn't think straight from seeing her son in handcuffs. It angered me for a cop to hold me against the wall while I'm restrained, while two more turned my room upside down looking for something that didn't exist while my mother cried her eyes our at all this happening.
They didn't find anything of interest except this out of school project I was working on (JLaservideo's fire gloves, search it up). I had three of them and parts for at least 3 more. The officers asked me what it was and how it worked, I told them the basics and it was for science fair. They took them in as evidence and questioned the legality of the gloves while taking pictures along with the single canister of butane fuel.
I get suspension for 3.5 days (the rest of my school day was In-School-Suspension AKA isolation) but no criminal charges since there was no evidence. WELL NO SHIT!
I checked the office's sign in sheet (whenever we talk to an AP, they keep a record of the time, name, and date of when someone comes in. As I signed out to, I see one name before my own...EKP's. My anger doubles as all I can think of is ways to kill him but I calm myself, saying that his time will come.
The next 3 days allow me to plan for my revenge...
[Revenge time]
One of my friends had a recording of how EK said he wanted to PUSH A GIRL OFF A BALCONY at a party they both were at BECAUSE SHE REJECTED HIM! Maybe somehow that recording was emailed to the police department, teachers, and several students through a throwaway email....
I recorded him stalking this girl from school and all the way to her house and peeking in through her window. This didn't happen once, twice but four times! This was edited almost like a montage and emailed as well.
Once every 5 weeks, the school brought in drug dogs. I saw a K9 police car in the parking lot and quickly texted my friend that was a pothead. I told him to bring a weed brownie and put it in EK's bag when during 2nd period (which was at the other side of the school so he wouldn't get caught). This went swimmingly as hallway banter was filled with EK being caught with drugs in school.
[End Result]
EK was expelled, had a restraining order filed on him by the girl along with two others who came forward, and had a court case the next month. The second girl had a boyfriend who was a classmate of mine and I let him know what he was doing. Somehow the guy found out where he lived and him and his friend's keyed his car, slashed his tires, stole his shoes, and jumped him. He was found guilty for possession of marijuana (idk the real charge but the state I live in is very strict with weed; this resulted in several moths of juvenile detention where he was beat up even more. Where he is now, I don't know but I doubt he succeeded like how he bragged he would.
I spent the rest of the year in a very peaceful mindset :D
(source) story by (/u/Spade3k)
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ignis-et-equi · 6 years
I have homework I need to finish before tonight, but I keep getting distracted by thinking about my date yesterday. So maybe writing it all out (again) will help my thought process. FYI, this will get detailed, so if you don’t want to know about my sex life, move on.
So, I’m sitting in the super cute, picturesque coffee shop after driving 45 minutes through a whiteout, sometimes only going 35 mph because of black ice and low visibility. The drive was fucking awful. By the time I get into town, I’m already an anxious wreck. My hands are shaking so hard that I have to hold my hot cider in both of them so I don’t spill it. (Cider was bomb af, btw.) He was very polite and had texted me that he was probably gonna be a half hour late because of the weather. So I waited nervously and he showed up precisely when he predicted he would.
I think he was nervous too. He immediately found me and sat down across from me. We made small talk. I was so out of it that I don’t even remember most of the conversation. I was wrapped up in taking notes about his hair, eyes, and the sound of his voice and why it seemed so damn familiar. I do know that one of the first things he did once small talk had concluded was showing me a bunch of pictures on his phone of the various animals he’s lived with while working farms in Washington State. It was very clear that he adores animals and is absolutely unashamed of expressing that fact. My heart lept a little when he said the word “doggo.” (Because I’m a cliche white girl. Sue me.) We also discussed his time being a firefighter in Yellowstone and what he did working intelligence for the Army in Afghanistan. I also pronounced my jealousy at how much he’s been able to travel and told him about becoming an ESL teacher, why I’m in Wyoming, etc.
After we finished our drinks, we discussed what we wanted to do in spite of the snow and decided on me showing him the rest of Cody and potentially heading into the North Fork to see the mountains and lake. We really didn’t make it that far. It was snowing too much to even see the mountains that were literally surrounding us. So we parked the car and left the heater running while we talked about music and tattoos. I gave him a brief rundown of what polyamory is and told him more about my boyfriend and how I’m going on an extended weekend date in NYC with two other people before moving onto his knowledge about BDSM, which was null. He actually went through all 400+ songs on my Spotify playlist to see what I like.
I’m sitting there thinking, “This is prime first kiss territory,” and trying to make it clear that I definitely would like that to happen. But he was just so soft and gentle. I legit wasn’t sure if he was actually going to make a move on me or not, even after he lightly started stroking my hair and softly giving me compliments. I moaned instinctively the first time he touched me and then blushed immediately after. I’m not as coy as I’d like to be, but I think it encouraged him quite a bit. He drug out those moments leading up to that first kiss. It was torture. Glorious, savory torture. Finally, he asked, “Does your lipstick smear?” I was on autopilot, immediately realizing what this question was getting at.
“It stays on pretty much the entire day,” I responded. I’m sure there was begging in my eyes.
“You wanna make sure?”
I pounced on him almost before he could finish his sentence. It was light and warm and soft. He smelled like the forest, musky and familiar. His fingers wove through my hair, his other hand held my cheek in that way I absolutely adore. I followed his lead, for the most part, not wanting to seem too eager despite having already shown my hand. His lips moved down to my bare shoulder (thank you, off-shoulder sweater), my collarbone, my earlobe. I was blissed out and digging my nails into his chest. He came back to kiss me and nibbled on my lip, his hand drifting down to wrap around my throat. I felt the primal tear out of me and bit him back, which made him moan. I kissed down his neck and did more than just nibble, but I was careful not to use full force. I could tell how much he loved it and he returned my bites in kind.
We made out for a long time. My playlist was going in the background. There was lots of snuggling when we came up for air. It felt like a dam had broken and we just wanted to have as much physical contact as possible, sexual or not. We ended up talking some more. He bashfully told me that he’s divorced. I told him I’m not surprised. Any military guy over the age of 25 has to be divorced. They won’t let you out until you get an ex-wife. I wanted to sit there and snuggle and make out, but I knew I didn’t want to sleep with him in the back of an SUV, so I suggested we go to the bookstore downtown. He had no qualms against that.
We held hands the whole way there and talked more while I drifted on autopilot again. We walked hand in hand down the icy sidewalk. He made sure to put himself between me in the road, which a very Southern Gentleman thing to do. He showed me a bunch of books he’s read once we walked in and I showed him some of my favorites. He was always touching me, holding me, with his arm around the small of my back while we looked through the books. I didn’t even think about the fact that we’d known each other for all of a few hours and were already engaging in PDA. It was comfortable and safe. We lingered in the bookstore longer than was appropriate for two people who had no intention of buying anything.
The Thai place we ate at was just down the next block, coincidentally next door to the coffee shop. His eye had lit up in the bookstore when I mentioned wanting proper spring rolls, so that was the first thing we ordered. We shared pad thai and drunken noodles. We talked about sociopaths and Trailer Park Congress, a game he had played with his Army buddies while deployed where you take a stance that is wildly one-sided (like, “All abortion is mandatory”) and have to defend it. Once our plates were gone, he held my hands in his across the table and finished my glass of water for me once his was empty. Again, I didn’t even notice the quick sense of familiarity we had with each other. We lingered longer than we should have and neither of us cared.
The only place in Cody he hadn’t seen yet was The Hill that housed Albertson’s, Starbucks, and McDonalds along with a few strip malls. I never go to this part of town, so we ended up driving aimlessly for a while down the highway before turning back and discovering Beck lake, which apparently has walking paths and a dog park. We parked the car again on the road overlooking the lake. The view was shades of grey and white as the snow continued to fall. There was definitely some intention of getting out of the car and walking for a bit, but it was a long time before we made it that far. More kisses and nibbles ensued with his hand wrapped around my throat. He showered me with compliments as he petted my hair and made me moan. It was clear that we both wanted to completely let go on each other, but between the cold and the lack of a proper space, we knew it wouldn’t happen.
We caught our breath and removed ourselves from the vehicle only to end up holding each other in the cold. We kissed and his hand slid down to my left thigh before hitching it up to his waist. I dug my nails into his jacket as he dipped me backward, telling me to trust him. I squealed and totally lost my shit over the fear that he was gonna drop me. I’m not used to guys looking at my 230lbs and not thinking twice about it. He reassured me I would be fine before kissing me.
We made the short walk down to the lake. He’s excellent at skipping rocks, but it took less than 5 minutes for the wind to pick up and freeze our Southern asses to the bone. It was a prompt retreat back to the shelter of his car.
After more making out that lead to my direct involvement in him getting to 2nd base, we finally had to say good night. It was getting dark and he had a long drive back home through the snow. We discussed meeting up again, preferably somewhere with heat and a bed, and he mentioned getting a hotel room. I hesitated, not sure if I wanted to spend the night with him or not and told him why. He didn’t push. He never pushed for anything from me. But he did tell me he was going to see me next weekend.
It took forever for me to extract myself from his car, but I finally did and made my way home.
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ts-autumns-world · 3 years
Episode 6: “If someone can fuck you over once, then they can choose to do it again” - Raffy
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Does this idol system have killer clowns walking around? Carnies doing handstands? Haunted Big Bertha’s? Who knows cause I CAN’T EVEN GET ACCESS TO THIS DAMN IDOL SYSTEM AND YALL ARE OUT HERE POCKETING SUPER IDOLS LIKE ITS AN IPOD TOUCH AND WE’RE 12.
WOW WHAT A VOTE. Raffy immediately having to use a Super Idol is probably ridiculously on brand, but in all honesty, seeing BENJ of all people go, is a shock to my system. I've voted out former finalists, but I thought that Benj was gonna go DEEP in this game. But now I need to focus I have to get Top 3 in this challenge to get these damn tickets. But my final thought on this super idol is that at least a *good* person got the Super Idol
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this reward challenge has me so lost i hardly even go here i dont know any monologues i can perform
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we're doing basic text dr today because if I talked I'll probably cry and no one wants that sahjahsjajs
so the vote happened and we were successful in voting raffy in majority. we being me Chris and benj BUT then it turned out raffy had something stupid called a superidol HJAHSJJHAS (sorry this is gonna be bitter time get ready) and was able to just basically cancel his elimination after seeing the votes???????? because who cares about strategy and having to make plans and being smart and capable of reading the tribe in successfully using an idol? no no no lets let someone just not talk to anyone and then save themselves and vote out someone who WORKS SO HARD AND IS SO ACTIVE AND PASSIONATE LIKE YEAH OKAY SAJHJSAHHJASASHJAHJSHAJS THAT MAKES SENSE
I'm sorry I'm so sad. benj was voted out because of this and I feel really empty and hurt about it. he was my best friend on this tribe we talked constantly every day and we were close in timezones and I trusted him and loved him and now we've been robbed of playing with each other in merge. we had so many plans for us too we wanted to pretend to not be that close and purposefully vote opposite and stuff. it's all ruined.
I think raffy deserves praise in FINDING the idol. but the idol itself is a get out of jail free card and requires no strategy when used like that so asjhasjhashjashj and only used in his 2nd tribal. so I'm glad it didn't last any longer and also that he didn't use it in the way survivor players usually do. by making everyone fear them sahjsajh COS THAT WOULD HAVE WORKED ON ME LIKE A CHARM. but instead we were able to flush it and even tho I've lost benj and I'm sad about it, I am very thankful that we got it flushed now and before merge. it's way more dangerous in merge. and like there was no way we could beat that. unless we split vote I guess but that wasn't possible. and also I just did not remember this was a thing BECAUSE NO ONE IN SURVIVOR HISTORY HAS USED A SUPERIDOL THE WAY IT WAS DESIGNED BECAUSE USING IT WOULD CAUSE MORE TROUBLES FOR THE HOLDER SO THEY ARE VERY STRATEGIC ABOUT IT JSAHHJASAHS so I'm actually excited to see how this carries raffy. would like to clarify I'm not anti raffy he's so nice and fun and this was such an exciting tribal thanks to him and I would have loveeeeed it as a viewer I'm just bitter because benj is gone and super idols suck. HASJHASJHASJH raffy if you read this do know I think you're great and congratulations I just think it was an easy way out WHICH IT WAS.
I guess it just made me feel powerless because there's nothing we could have done here to beat a superidol. and even if we did do Blake instead, it wouldn't change anything.
speaking of Blake he is really upset :(( I think making merge will cheer him up tho which is great because I think it's happening after this reward challenge for tickets
BENJ GAVE ME ALL HIS TICKETS AFTER DYING???????? AND IDK WHY LIKE do all the eliminated people get to give tickets to someone? and can it be anyone and not just someone on their tribe? much to think about. but this means I have 8 now which is pretty good I think. thank you benj I love u sm <3
it makes me wanna calculate how many tickets everyone had and who they would have given them to....hmmmm will think about it. benj has been the one who had the most upon leaving I think?
also my tarot was right because it gave raffy the tower and benj the hanged man and it all happened today AHHHH it's so sad how I predict things but don't know what it's predicting until it happens. makes me wanna reevaluate everything and see what it all could mean. could be handy.
I trust Chris the most here and I do trust Ricky I just hope they trust me. I do think we're gonna merge soon tho I really do. it makes sense.
I wonder if the tickets are for an auction or if they are the way to enter the outhouse yourself now. like the new idol system? maybe.
I'm excited to merge and get to talk to everyone and be with jinx and captain AND TALK TO JUDE MORE. YEEEE I just wish benj would have been able to join me :(((
stupid showy superidol
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A true strategist's dream is a chessboard, and if we being honest, this is just Social Chess, never view anyone as a chess piece, but they're needed for movement. I'm going to be Jinx's favorite chess piece, because they need me too.
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I can no longer trust Chris in this game. He chose his side, and he chose against me. If someone can fuck you over once then they can choose to do it again. I am not able to hold it against Mikki because I did not even try to reach out to her for the whole round. So, fair enough. However, Chris just decided that I needed to go because people thought I had an idol. I guess this is the outcome. He never even promised to rebuild the bridge of trust. He just gave me "I just don't want us to lose." He's 100% targeting me again if we go to tribal. I hope I'm sent to the Outhouse as my ass is grass if I remain in this place. Maybe if I have Blake it'll be fine. Right? 
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HERE is my spreadsheet with trust rankings and dm counts and stuff, I also added notes on all my trust rankings for each round and some of the dm counts so if you look carefully you'll see the black like corner thing that indicates a note and all my comments on that trust ranking or whatever will pop up if you hover shajhjsahjas hopefully that works
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WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO super duper califragilistically excited to do this reward challenge and hopefully avoid the Double council that I know is coming because I’m pretty sure Autumn is sick of Tua winning which is a weird sentence to type but hey ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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The plan really backfired heavy on us....I thought Raffy just had a half idol but nope, he had a SUPER IDOL and we lost Benj. It made for an awkward post tribal, but I'm just going to keep my head up. I am usually good with damage control so lets see what happens boom boom
Honestly, I liked this idea but I feel like I'm gonna be crippled by the fact that I am getting a little sick, we'll see though. I think I did okay with my damage control, but truth told, I would not blame Raffy or Blake if they wanted me out now. With Ricky back in the picture, I guess there is hope, but I have learned to not give peeps the FULL benefit of the doubt outright so I am going to sit and wait
I had another disaster and I pray that the one I could semi finish can be taken in, if it is, then I think I've got 4 tickets, but if not then I will forever be sad about what happened!
How in God's name didn’t I get 11 tickets?? I didn't even know I had more than 2
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This twist is legit the worst thing to happen to me. I have no clue who I am going into tribal with. I don't have prior connections that other may have before the game. And my super idol play was super flashy. So, obviously, they would want to come for me as a prime target. I feel so defeated and I haven't even met these people yet. AND I have to go to work tomorrow so I can't even socialize/communicate as much as I would want in order to keep myself safe. I might as well be one foot in the grave at this point.
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Ahhhhh I just made the merge!  Also with my pals too? Omg I hope Ricky lives at the vote. I hear Joey has been messy messy but also wants Captain?? We'll see how that goes, especially with Lily C and O Railroad there. I'm just excited for the next step in the game! I also missed Jinx and Jude so much!
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Well….well….well. This is not what I anticipated. Good one, Autumn. I had a fantastic call with Jinx earlier today which helped me get a better handle and the game and feel more connected. I believe Raffy and Blake are working together and this is a great opportunity to separate them. Instantly Joey and I agree to call and figure out a plan. We both agree it’s gonna be best to get Ricky on our side. We both talk to Ricky and I suggest to Ricky that we go for Blake and he is down. Such a relief. It’s stressful to be this close to merge and think that it could slip away. I hope Joey lily o and I are on the same page no matter what. I haven’t been able to talk to her yet but I hope she is good to go for Blake. Fingers crossed.
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I'LL MAKE VIDEO CONFESSIONALS WHEN ITS MERGE I SWEAR. But this is a really unique twist, I love it, but it also puts me and the Lily sandwich in a precarious position. Immediately, my thought was "go to Ricky and tell them I let them out of the War Room on Night 1", and boom, immediate bonding point, it turns out wonderfully, in talking to Ricky it was quite obvious they felt on the outs, with no power all season(they're either lying or its true, hey you never know), and for me its important to just keep them comfortable. We're voting out Blake for literally one reason: If we don't, Jinx is gonna kill us, cause yanno they're winning this game, its a foregone conclusion at this point.
God it's going to be brutal, imagine being Blake, not particularly well liked, and always going premerge. Maybe next time you'll finally make merge/jury, but nah you're not taking away my opportunities to shine.
Even at midnight on a Friday before merge, I still feel nervous, I always feel nervous, even if I'm in an incredible position, being a crucial swing in a pivotal vote to set the pace for the merge, it's absolutely crucial that I make sure Ricky is good with us 3, once again the 2 votes I've been in, I've been a key decision maker, making dreams come true, and making nightmares real too for others. Its a pretty delusional take that I'm seen as a valuable number, and that's what I need to be, the number to make moves possible, while also having the agency to play my cards right in the middle.
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WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I WON FOUR TICKETS IN THE AWARD CHALLENGE!!!!! I wasn't expecting that at all and I'm so delighted. AND THEN it turned out you needed 11 tickets to make it to merge and be immune from the last premiere vote and I had 15!!!! because of winning that and because of benj giving me four tickets when he was voted out. AND NOW IM FINALLY WITH JINX AND CAPTAIN AND JUDE AND AHHHHHH IM SO HAPPY AHHHHHHHHHHH ME AND JINX WERE JUST SCREAMING RIGHT AWAY AND I KNOW JINX AND CHRIS HAVE AN IDOL BETWEEN THEM COS THEY EACH FOUND HALF WOOOOOOO I FINALLY GET TO PLAY WITH THEM I CAN'T TELL YOU ENOUGH HOW HAPPY THIS MAKES ME. but then I was chosen to go to the outhouse so I didn't get to talk for long and still haven't gotten to talk to captain properly or Jude so :(( and I found nothing in the outhouse but this isn't a complete loss. if captain didn't look there then I know Ricky has something and I can use this info and if captain did find whatever is in there then WOOO!!! and also I can potentially use the fear of me having something if I must and that opens up many fun opportunities. nevertheless this experience in the outhouse has given me knowledge and in survivor knowledge is a currency, and I'm gonna buy as much as I can with it. I DO REALLY HOPE I GET A CHANCE TO FAKE SOME KIND OF ADVANTAGE THO THAT WOULD BE SO FUN AND I DEFS HAVE THE MEANS TO DO IT ASHJASHJASHJ but I need a reason to you know asjhashjashjashj any who that's all I have to share for today but I MADE MERGE IN MY FIRST SURVIVOR GAME I CAN'T BELIEVE IT I NEVER THOUGHT I WOULD MAKE IT I'M SHOCKED AHHHHHHHH now I get to play with people I love and meet new people and YEEEEE happy dance, I've exceeded my expectations so I'm just happy here on out. I hope I can do some fun things and game planning with jinx, captain and Chris now plssss
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I can't believe I was literally half a point away from the ticket requirement. If I had just been a tiny bit higher, I would've made immunity and had the tickets to be safe. It's kinda on me though, I forgot the "pop culture" part of the post and only verified that when it was literally the last day of the challenge (one where I had work no less, so it's a miracle I was even able to submit). But anyway, the vote isnt gonna be the end of the world. The post-swap Tua tribe is sticking together, and we seem to be getting Ricky on our side for an easy Blake vote. First thing that was suggested to me so I'm totally okay with doing that because it's just easy. I just hope that if the other side looks anywhere its not at me
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This game literally feels like a Jane Elliott experiment half the time, and it does kinda bother me, maybe I'm just so used to my privilege that its about time it gets switched up on me
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Guys, gals, non binary pals, I think I have done it. Merge, no votes cast against me, being a crucial piece to how plans come together. God, that was the easiest premerge of my life.
Friend of mine wanted to know about Tumblr Survivor. So we’re talking and she asks me what the hardest situation you’ve been in is and I said “ You’ve clearly never been in a 6 person group with you running a 3-3 split and you need a flip to basically guarantee your merge/jury spot
And you basically have all your friends breathing down your neck if you don't execute the right person, it's like cutting the wrong wire in a bomb scenario”
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I think I made bonds very quickly and will just narrowly avoid getting voted out. However, Blake seems to be getting the votes which I do not want to do. But I fear that if I push Ricky to Joey and the Lily's then they will just vote for me. Ugh. This sucks. If I vote with Blake, then the best we could do is tie. However, that puts me in a rough spot at merge because I would have 3 people mad at me. This is a really tough vote to be a part of. I probably won't even know who I am voting for until the last minute. 
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https://youtu.be/-iPG5SyOCOk blake this is your tape ITS NOT MEAN
0 notes
geek-gem · 7 years
Sonic Forces First Impressions
11:17 am just saying went to the submit thing twice but decided to click text the third time I went to it.
So I have finally played some Sonic Forces after months of waiting. Including I'm gonna say this. I can't play stage 15 or this secret mission 1 because the game is still installing. Even the first part of episode Shadow. It said the game has 55 more hours honestly over time it will get better hopefully I don't wanna doubt oh my head.
I'm gonna say I'm gonna post spoilers in this. Including I have a set of pictures mainly of the custom character. Including liked a ask about well fan indie thing taking over modern Sonic.
After playing for some hours but not long.
Now my opinions I honestly like it. I think it's very good. Just my head including I didn't wanna start off saying I honestly like it.
Yet really it's nice to play.
I'm gonna mainly say some good stuff.
First I wanna say the visuals are possibly some of the best in the franchise next to possibly Sonic Unleashed. Honestly I don't know which one is better. Mainly I wanna say that first because you really see it with this.
Now with gameplay. I'll talk about modern Sonic first.
I do like it. Yet honestly I've been thinking. This is mainly my opinion and I remember seeing this in the first gameplay video. But I don't like the idea that you have to get wisps instead of rings to boost. Unleashed started that first, Colors used wisps and Generations I think brought rings back. I feel it kind of holds me back.
Including the way the game is also I'm gonna mention this. Their are only two modes normal and hard. I'm surprised theirs only two modes. Yet in a way normal is basically the easier route also I'm playing the game on that difficulty. But I find it kind of stupid it doesn't record the time. You have to play on hard mode to do times. I'm guessing just they want you to play like that. I even question at times should I change the difficultly. Also maybe because they want to challenge you or I thought aware and some shit.
But back to gameplay. It's nice yet compared to Sonic Unleashed and Generations and I haven't played Colors in years and never played Lost World. The game feels a bit slow.
Yet it plays well. But also could be I have it on normal mode. It's the way it's set up where you get go to the extreme and even having to be careful when trying to spin dash well home attack enemies.
Including I'm gonna mention theirs no lives instead you can keep trying it doesn't matter how many times almost left lives but doesn't matter how many times you die. You still play the stage. In a way that's a nice thing. I died the most as modern Sonic on Egg Gate and Mystic Jungle seriously just....meh I think I like Sonic Unleashed a lot okay.
Now let's talk about Classic Sonic who comes up later in the story. It's kind of the same with updated visuals. Yet think theirs some new jump forgot what it is. But the gameplay is enjoyable. Including for anyone who likes the classic gameplay. Remember I didn't die as Classic Sonic on the boss with Eggman in his Egg Dragoon.
Yet honestly okay remember this. You need to be careful when getting close to enemies. Ether I thought I was pretty nice at classic stages a bit or whatever. Just be careful when getting close and using your jump and spin dash.
Yet despite that it still works well.
Honestly didn't die much as Classic Sonic yet Modern Sonic I seem to have that move fast while being awesome shit. No wonder I kept dying in Mystic Jungle even a part twice I think forgot where I had to just not jump and wait for the ramps.
Now the custom character something I've despise since the day it was announced.
It's honestly nice. Yet like I've said I'm just trying to play as the character we've been seeing the first time Buddy The Wolf and let me say this. I started over the game once to make sure if I didn't miss any gear and stuff. Turns out had to play without gear at first.
Including after completing stages and missions I'll talk about that later. You can unlock more gear for your character which is cool. Which is something makes playing levels worth it.
Honestly the custom character is okay. Yet even during that said in my head I still despise it. But honestly it's nice if your a big fan of customization. Yet it's honestly not for me.
Including I looked at my laptop first at the announcement trailer for the character and Google images but decided to look at my laptop to get a closer look. Seriously I tried to make it as the character from the cgi trailers and what we've seen. Because I just don't want to make my own version.
Luckily you can make your own character still while on this world map. Meaning you won't be stuck with the same get up the entire game.
Okay I chose this 2nd voice because I thought bit fit okay. I just really didn't wanna put any creativity alright.
Okay I should talk about the story. I wanna talk about other stuff. Yet I'll get to that later.
The story basically starts off with Eggman talking about so long Sonic has beaten him and he's found a way to beat Sonic.
Honestly the stages are short for some. Yet I did thought when writing that they are in the same place or whatever. So your not replaying levels.
Sonic is gonna save the day first saving Tails and civilians first. When all of a sudden Shadow stops Sonic from harming Eggman and Zavok, Metal Sonic, and Chaos in order. Honestly had a smile on my face hearing Sonic say Chaos's name again. Then we have Infinite appears yet because Infinite is too powerful and the help of these other villains.
They basically kick Sonic's ass before Sonic's eyes close when seeing Infinite's feet.
After that Eggman takes control most of the world because Sonic is gone. But what the game says a rag tag band of resistance members try to fight him off.
With people losing hope because Sonic is not around with characters doubting and hoping for a miracle. A character which is the custom character by the name of Rookie has joined the other characters to stop Eggman.
Really the custom character gameplay is nice and makes it different a bit compared to Sonic. Since it mainly plays like that without no boost.
Including during the story Classic Sonic appears out of nowhere to save Tails from Chaos. Along with Tails trying to fix Omega or something. Including before hand their were talks of Tails losing it without Sonic. Now happy to at least see another Sonic.
Also the other characters Sonic is still alive captive aboard a new Death Egg and Eggman kept him alive to have him see his finished empire. Then he would banish Sonic into space.
Including a boss I didn't die from yet difficult Zavok was pretty nice. Yet turns out that spoiler was true. Is that Zavok isn't real.....
Honestly before I was gonna write about Zavok I'm just thinking of Chaos and when I wrote a post talking about I want Tikal to return to try to relax Chaos..... really I'm fearing it might be the same thing for Chaos. Including I think over the course of the game just or that part how I feel it seems lazy for the developers to not even just I'm disappointed.
Yet honestly the Deadly Six hate Eggman but having to reason with them would be difficult. But it's idea that would make Eggman's empire more terrifying. Instead of this simple boss it's just lazy or some shit some what sorry wanna say not meh okay not sorry.
Oh wait I remember that comic with Chaos from IDW my God it is Chaos those comics better be damn canon. Seriously God damn I want at least Tikal in there. I can pass with Zavok but still.
Including the characters meet up later. I'm also gonna say really the game seems to have a problem with saying dead. Or the idea that Sonic could be dead. Honestly it seems to be quite hard for them. But I feel okay yeah even thought the developers are honestly panzies however that's spelt. Because seriously it's just the word dead. They can't even fucking said they when Lost World did exactly that saying stuff that was honestly dark. Yet the way the characters are it could make sense. I'm sorry or just was bothered. They don't even have to balls to say dead just some what sorry.
Also for the custom character I should just call him Buddy like those leaks months ago said do they still call the character that in this game I haven't heard it no head I need the name not sweet. Theirs this storyline or just a subplot along with Classic Sonic appearing.
Is that Infinite has met Buddy and basically let him live. Telling him he should just stop and be in fear. So from what I'm seeing theirs this subplot of Buddy trying to stand up against Infinite and basically just.... honestly that cutscene stuck with me. Basically this subplot of Buddy trying to brave and stand up to these larger then life threats. I'm guessing that is the arc yet I haven't played more of the game because it's still installing.
Now let's talk about well I should mention the tag team shit. It's basically both the custom character well Buddy and Sonic into one stage. It's don't lie just my head.... really I played it once I guess nice. Really I feel I should play it more after this.
Now to talk about something I wanted to talk about the missions. Also this is sounding like a review but it's not. I'm just being detailed about my first impressions that's all.
The missions is something nice. They give you tasks honestly simple as I've played it for the time being. Such as do a homing attack or slide as Sonic. Or use the astroid or lighting weapon as Buddy which I see doing these missions unlock more gear. Which gives me a reason to try them out. Basically making the experience different then the last sometimes.
Yet it's honestly nice and it's not that detailed as I've played it. But it gave me something to do while waiting for more of the game to install.
We also have these sos missions. Including the first time I saw you play as other people's custom characters. The green one shows you but as soon as I tried the red one on the Death Egg. I immediately paused the game and pressed give up seeing it wasn't mine.....
I really don't wanna play other people's character okay that's all.
Will say some other positive stuff yet I wanna talk about Infinite.
A character I honestly liked before the game was even released. I like him he's honestly cool. Also his song is still beautiful and just amazing to hear before the first boss fight against him. I didn't even die in the first boss against him.
His voice is great and he's a threat. Honestly very cool and something I wanted. Not like my extreme meme versions where he's the ultimate douchebag in history or this Darkseid/Thanos villain where he's just basically the devil. Basically stuff I thought about him.
Seriously the visuals are beautiful even when he appears it's lovely. Took off s behind villain but seriously he's super cool and kind of what I wanted from him. I'm just hoping during the game he gets better.
Including I wanna talk about this too. The voice acting is great said sucks in my head or just no or suck. Sorry just my random negative mind it was an emotional rollercoaster to get to this game why bother.
But honestly the voice acting is very nice. Despite some lines just... really from what I've heard that the characters don't take the situation as seriously. Yet at times they seem too. But it's not as extreme considering it's a E10 game but it's mainly Sonic at times. Despite I like his jokey nature to keep the stuff less stressful.
Really I shouldn't of thought this game being so stressful. Just that theme of Infinite's is beautiful and was expecting more of an end of the world situation where everyone seems to be out of control at times or some shit. Maybe not much.
Including the music is lovely even for the stages. Honestly just I never cared for Fist Bump yet I've been thinking about it and hearing exuse me burp in mouth. But hearing it in the tag team stage. Also it's the invincibility music for Classic Sonic it sounds nice. It's honestly my preference of metal music which is why I love Infinite's theme so much.
Also about the voice acting while I don't like Kirk Thornton as Shadow. Seems like he's gotten better. Even what I've seem with Lego Dimensions. Yet not as iconic or just good as David Humphrey and Jason Griffin. Really again all the voice acting is good. Even Roger Craig Smith as Sonic honestly. While quite a lot of the lines aren't the meaningful. It's still very nice to hear the voices.
Really I feel that's all of my first impressions. I'm gonna post a photo set after this. Overall good first impressions I honestly left my PS4 on to install the rest of the content
Got tags done honestly and retyped honestly oh God ticks and even typos. Just sorry yet again honestly good first impressions oh head seriously typos just I'm being weird. Again good first impressions 12:20 pm
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