💜🤍🖤 Ironstrange shipper and A03 author! Ask me anything!
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This is for @luna-ephemere
Thank you for the coffee sweetheart <3
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I just read 'Other' and whewww what a ride! Loved it! Any plans for more dark!Stephen stuff? Or any wips in general to await?
Have a nice day!
Thank you for reading my fic and I’m super glad you loved it!
Not so much dark stephen unless I get a really good idea, we shall have to see! But I do have some fics I’m still trying to make work.
It’s like I read through it and it’s fine and then I read through it again and I wonder if I just keyboard mashed words out.
I hope you get to enjoy the first chapter soon once I’ve figured out how to make it work ❤️
Thank you again for reading my fic!!
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How to take care your sleepy husband
Warning : mpreg
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~I touch your jaw tenderly, let my hand discover you again and then you kiss me, just to try, gentle.
is it so bad to think about kissing you..maybe it's not the wild passion of romance that burns within us but, the soft devotion of a friendship so strong it turns into another kind of love.
I welcome it, i'm not scared, no part of love should be shameful, especially when it's you.~
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Tagged by @kiki-shortsnout ❤ Thank you for tagging me! I missed doing tag game 😊
1. Favorite item: I bought a very pretty sun catcher and it's so shiny! I love collecting shiny things, but the sun catcher is my favourite.
2. Dream Outfit: I've always wanted to wear corset and leather pants or skirt but my body type said no.
3. Relationship Status: In a relationship with my book shelf.
4. Favorite Color: Army green, black and violet.
5. Three Favorite Foods: Blueberry Cheesecake, Garlic Bread and Rocky Road Ice Cream 🤤
6. Song Stuck in my Head: The world could end with you by Llunr. Found this on Tiktok and it's just so good 🖤
7. Last Song Listened to: This Town by Niall Horan. I was listening to it for writing inspiration 😅
8. Last Thing I Googled: Ivar Forsling (he's a Swedish actor and played Crown Prince Erik in Young Royals)
9. Dream Trip: Road trip in Italy. My ultimate dream trip with friends 💕
10. Anything I Want: 8 hours of sleep 😴
Tagging @ofstarsandfireflies, @third-siren and anyone who wants to play the game 🖤
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A little bird told me that Superior Iron Man tm! is gonna show up on Multiverse of Madness so I gotta doodle
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Oooo thank you for the tag @the-elle-kat this looks fun!
1. Favourite item: I have way too many things and they are all my favourite items. One day it might be my ps4, the next it might be an old program from a Disney on Ice I went to as a kid, day after it could be my comfy jumper.
2. Dream Outfit: Drew Barrymore’s dress in Never Been Kissed.
3. Relationship Status: I never thought I’d say this but taken!
4. Favourite colour: I love blue. I always try to wear something blue every day, whether it’s jewelry or clothing. It’s such a calming colour and it puts me right at ease.
5. Three favourite foods: sushi, beef jerky and maxibon ice creams. Definitely high up on the list of favourite foods haha.
6. Song stuck in my head: reading the word Encanto brought surface pressure crashing back into my mind so it’s in there now as I type this.
7. Last song listened to. Spice girls Stop. It was on the radio and I refuse to change stations when something so nostalgic to me comes on.
8. Last thing I googled. Spice girls Stop because I didn’t know the name of the song. I’d always thought it was Stop Right Now.
9. Dream Trip: I’ve never been out of Australia so I wouldn’t know where to begin and haven’t really given it much thought. Disneyland would be a nice start.
10 Anything I want: This was fun! Thank you once again for the tag @the-elle-kat if you have any questions you wanna ask me, just send me a message or an ask and I’ll reply! I’m an open book.
Hmmm I tag @hello-strangelove, @funkylittlebidiot, @mystical-magician
10 Questions
Thank you so much for tagging me, Renly! @renlybaratheon-tyrell
1. Favorite item: I don't really have a favorite item. I'm more of collector. I collect tons of plush blankets (that my chiweenie steals for himself)
I collect anything Stitch related, (and yep I went to McDonald's cause of the 20th anniversary and they have a Stitch theme and toys in the Happy meals. 😆)
Crystals, fairy lights, tapestries, poetry books, and hoodies.
So...yeah, collector. 😅
2. Dream Outfit: A black or jade green turtle neck, black high waisted jeans, with an long mahogany brown leather coat, and boots that reach up to my knees. My ears decked out in some lovely earrings.
Or.. a poncho. I love them.
3. Relationship Status: Single
4. Favorite Color: It depends on my moods. Right now, lilac or a persian blue.
5. Three Favorite Foods: This is so hard! Um- Tamales. Pandulce. Cocido or Sopa with an Quesadilla.
6. Song Stuck in my Head: What else can I do? From Encanto! *starts humming* 🎶I grow rows and rows of roses
Flor de mayo, by the mile🎶
I also love LOVE, Dos Oruguitas.
7. Last Song Listened to: I was actually jamming earlier to my Ironstrange playlist...so, last song from it- *checks Spotify* Your Shirt by Chelsea Cutler.
8. Last Thing I Googled: Sopa... *Blinks* What? I'm hungry. Hehe.
9. Dream Trip: I love to go to Alaska with my brothers and moms. Maybe see the Northern lights? Or rent a van with my moms or sister to take a road trip to Chicago, see my best friend. I love road trips! We can camp in the van with tons of blankets and pillows in between breaks. Get slushies, snacks, and jam to music till we fall asleep. Have 3am talks. Wake up in the morning to watch the sunset while we drink hot chocolate or coffee. Or simply see a sunflower field.
10. Anything I Want: This was fun! Don't be afraid to tag me in more things like this! I'm starting to get the hang of this now.
I'll tag, @tales-of-magic-and-chaos , @ofstarsandfireflies !! And thanks again, Renly! You're the best! 💛
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