everydaystyles · 5 years
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Harry, Gemma, and Anne with Chloe and Louise Burcham, 26December2019 (via LouiseBurcham)
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princemilu · 5 years
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Di sudut taman Banyuwangi bersama rindu nya malam bercahaya ........ .... . #26december2019 #explorebanyuwangi #nature #night #garden #neverafraid #withgalaxy #galaxys10 #poems #rakhmanufamz #exploreindonesia #foodie (di Taman Sri Tanjung) https://www.instagram.com/p/B72CkF1JDKX/?igshid=b14ujlvxtj5v
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chaitanyabharatnews · 5 years
भारत में दिखा सूर्य ग्रहण का अद्भुत नजारा, नासा ने जारी की चेतावनी
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चैतन्य भारत न्यूज साल 2019 के आखिरी सूर्यग्रहण की शुरुआत हो चुकी है। सुबह करीब 8 बजे शुरू हुए इस ग्रहण का असर दोपहर डेढ़ बजे तक रहेगा। ऐसे में सूर्य ग्रहण को लेकर अमेरिकी स्पेस एजेंसी नासा ने चेतावनी जारी की है। (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || ).push({}); नासा ने लोगों को सूर्य ग्रहण के दौरान सावधानी बरतने की सलाह दी है। इसके साथ ही सूर्य ग्रहण की तस्वीरें लेते वक्त भी सोलर फिल्टर्स का इस्तेमाल करने का सुझाव दिया गया है। नासा के मुताबिक, यह ग्रहण खूबसूरत होने के साथ-साथ खतरनाक भी होगा। रिंग ऑफ फायर इस साल का आखिरी सूर्य ग्रहण एक आग की अंगूठी की तरह नजर आया है। वैज्ञानिक इसे ‘रिंग ऑफ फायर’ का नाम दे रहे हैं। इस ग्रहण में सिर्फ सूरज का मध्य भाग ही छाया के क्षेत्र में आता है जबकि सूर्य के बाहर का क्षेत्र प्रकाशित रहता है। आइए देखते हैं भारत के अलग-अलग शहरों में कैसा रहा सूर्य ग्रहण का नजारा। तमिलनाडु के चेन्नई में ऐसा रहा सूर्यग्रहण का नजारा... Tamil Nadu: Solar eclipse witnessed in Chennai pic.twitter.com/7cDz6NSgmc — ANI (@ANI) December 26, 2019 गुजरात के अहमदाबाद में भी सूर्यग्रहण का दिखा... Gujarat: Solar eclipse witnessed in Ahmedabad. pic.twitter.com/EpUqIDWOpD — ANI (@ANI) December 26, 2019 केरल के कोच्चि में भी सुबह-सुबह सूर्यग्रहण का असर दिखा... Kerala: Solar eclipse begins; latest visuals from Kochi. pic.twitter.com/qdt0O52ZiX — ANI (@ANI) December 26, 2019 ओडिशा के भुवनेश्नर में कुछ इस तरह दिखा सूर्यग्रहण... Odisha: Solar eclipse begins; latest visuals from Bhubaneswar. pic.twitter.com/iWtol26BlA — ANI (@ANI) December 26, 2019 ये भी पढ़े... आज है साल का आखिरी सूर्य ग्रहण, जानिए क्या होता है ग्रहण और इसे देखने के नियम साल के पहले पूर्ण सूर्यग्रहण का दिखा अद्भुत नजारा, नासा ने जारी की खूबसूरत तस्वीरें सूर्यग्रहण 2019 : इन राशियों के लिए बुरा साबित होगा साल का दूसरा सूर्यग्रहण, जानिए इससे बचने के उपाय Read the full article
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reporterliyakat · 5 years
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#MansuriFamilyKids #mansurifamilybarloot मेरी जिंदगी है मेरा परिवार #SimranLiyakatAli #SimranMansuri Click on - 26December2019 https://www.instagram.com/p/B6pA1ARBDbI/?igshid=yyi28fjru7c
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রাশিফল ২৬শে ডিসেম্বর,এই ৪রাশি আর্থিক সঙ্কট থেকে মুক্তি। মা লক্ষ্মী নারায়ণের কৃপায়।DRSHREE SUBRATA IIHINDU ASTROLOGY & VASTU SHASTRA SECRETS REVEALEDII এই লিঙ্কে ক্লিক করুন : https://www.youtube.com/c/SHREESUBRATAASTROLOGICALCONSULTANCY রাশিফল ২৬শে ডিসেম্বর,এই ৪রাশি আর্থিক সঙ্কট থেকে মুক্তি। মা লক্ষ্মী নারায়ণের কৃপায়।DRSHREE SUBRATA #ShreeSubrata#astrologicalconsultancy#26december2019# eclipses2019#vedicastrology#রাশিফল Dr.Shree Subrata, (মনোবিজ্ঞানী,জ্যোতিষ ও আধ্যাত্মিক পরামর্শদাতা) Ph.D. (PSYCHOTHERAPY), CCP (Children and Young People), University of Edinburgh, JYOTISH SHASTRI,JYOTISH VIDYABIBHUSHAN, VASTU BACHASPATI, Certificate Course on Bhagavad Gita, (ISKCON) Booking Number : 8697332855 Follow Me, • YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/c/SHREESUBRATAASTROLOGICALCONSULTANCY • Blog: https://ift.tt/2SFt933 • wordpress - https://ift.tt/2XAmWZU • Linkedin.com:https://ift.tt/2SDyR5o • Facebook.com:https://ift.tt/2XA6I2A • Twitter: https://twitter.com/SubrataShree Thanks for watching. Hopefully you enjoy. Like this video. Give your valuable opinion or suggestion in comment box. Share this video for your friends and don’t forget to Subscribe. SHREE SUBRATA ASTROLOGICAL CONSULTANCY is a YouTube Channel, where you will find videos on Vedic astrology, Vastu Shastra and Numerology in Bengali. New video is posted on every day. © SHREE SUBRATA ASTROLOGICAL CONSULTANCY.
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princemilu · 5 years
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Location Unknown Honne Travelling places I ain't seen you in ages But I hope you come back to me My mind's running wild with you faraway I still think of you a hundred times a day I still think of you too if only you knew When I'm feeling a bit down and I wanna pull through I look over your photograph And I think how much I miss you, I miss you I wish I knew where I was 'cause I don't have a clue I just need to work out some way of getting me to you 'Cause I will never find a love like ours out here In a million years, a million years My location unknown tryna find a way back home to you again I gotta get back to you gotta gotta get back to you My location unknown tryna find a way back home to you again I gotta get back to you gotta gotta get back to you I just need to know that you're safe, given that I'm miles away On the first flight back to your side I don't care how long it takes, I know you'll be worth the wait On the first flight back to your side Travelling places I ain't seen you in ages But I hope you come back to me My mind's running wild with you faraway I still think of you a hundred times a day I still think of you too if only you knew I just need to work out some way of getting me to you 'Cause I will never find a love like ours out here In a million years, a million years My location unknown tryna find a way back home to you again I gotta get back to you gotta gotta get back to you My location unknown tryna find a way back home to you again I gotta get back to you gotta gotta get back to you I just need to know that you're safe, given that I'm miles away On the first flight back to your side I don't care how long it takes, I know you'll be worth the wait On the first flight back to your side I don't want to be wasting time without you Don't want to throw away my life I need you Something tells me we'll be alright Something tells me we'll be alright, alright ........................ I wish I'd known, my location unknown My location unknown, my location unknown, unknown . #26december2019 #explorebanyuwangi #couple #song #locationunknown #locationunknownhonne #neverafraid #withgalaxy #galaxys10 #exploreindonesia (di Ketapang Indah Hotel & Resort) https://www.instagram.com/p/B796sIrp-9Y/?igshid=rk5dg1j6t9r6
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princemilu · 5 years
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Ketika hijau menutup sore ku menuju alam nya ...... ....... .. #26december2019 #explorebanyuwangi #nature #beach #poems #poetry #neverafraid #withgalaxy #galaxys10 #rakhmanufamz #exploreindonesia (di Pantai Boom, Banyuwangi) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7zesi9JfXz/?igshid=elk4t7xcd0q4
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princemilu · 5 years
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Menatap langit sendu setelah hujan mereda dan mendekap erat ......... ..... . #26december2019 #explorebanyuwangi #nature #beach #ourplanetdaily #poems #poetry #neverafraid #withgalaxy #galaxys10 #rakhmanu #exploreindonesia (di Pantai Boom, Banyuwangi) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7rvMhUJfF0/?igshid=dn33by031zz1
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princemilu · 5 years
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Semburat awan itu berikan ku suntikan nyala api tak pernah padam Meresapkan kekuatan udara tuk terus dinamis diantara pesimis Tuk terus melukiskan keindahan diantara keburukan dunia yang terus mendendam Meledakkan kekuatan yang masih tertidur pulas .......... ...... .. #26december2019 #explorebanyuwangi #poems #poetry #neverafraid #withgalaxy #galaxys10 #nature #ourplanetdaily #beach #boombeach #exploreindonesia (di Pantai Boom, Banyuwangi) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7pLhTAAtAV/?igshid=bjuj9gblstyg
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princemilu · 5 years
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Wisata Jawatan Hutan Trembesi, Wonderland di Kota Banyuwangi Jawatan Benculuk Banyuwangi merupakan sebuah bangunan tua yang dulunya digunakan untuk pengelolaan Transportasi Kereta Api. Namun, saat ini wisata Jawatan sudah beralih fungsi sebagai tempat wisata. Jawatan Benculuk selain difungsikan sebagai tempat wisata juga difungsikan sebagai area resapan air dan penimbun kayu jati yang berkualitas yang dikelola oleh Perhutani Banyuwangi. Wisata Jawatan Hutan Rembesi Tempat ini menawarkan pesona pemandangan yang bagus, sangat cocok untuk dijadikan tempat hunting foto maupun background pre-wedding dengan tema “Nature”. Saat yang tepat apabila ingin menikmati semilir angin yang sejuk dan panorama alam Jawatan adalah pada sore hari. Karena pada sore hari sinar matahari yang menerobos masuk melalui celah-celah pepohonan menjadikan tempat ini tampak menakjubkan. Tak heran jika pada sore hari selalu dipenuhi pengunjung, baik hanya sekedar duduk duduk santai, bersepeda, dan berolahraga. Selain menawarkan panorama alam, wisata Jawatan juga menawarkan berbagai wahana seperti, memancing, bakar ikan, dan aksi menantang arum jeram. Apabila ingin menikmati wahana ini wisatawan harus membayar biaya tambahan, dan biaya tersebut sangat terjangkau Beberapa Jenis Tanaman yang dapat dijumpai di Jawatan Benculuk Ada berbagai varian jenis tanaman yang tumbuh di tempat ini, namun ada beberapa jenis tumbuhan yang populasi nya sudah mulai berkurang. Tanaman tanaman yang dapat di temukan di Jawatan Benculuk antara lain; Pohon Jati, Pohon jati yang ditanam di Area Jawatan Benculuk adalah saksi sekaligus bukti dari usia tempat wisata ini. Di lokasi wisata, terdapat beberapa jenis pohon jati dengan ukuran yang sangat besar. Dan usia dari pohon pohon ini mencapai puluhan tahun. Tumbuhan Wesah, Rasa dari buah tanaman Wesah mirip dengan Lengkuas. Tanaman ini juga memiliki khasiat menyembuhkan penyakit lambung. * Bersambung di Komentar #26december2019 #explorebanyuwangi #nature #ourplanetdaily #djawatanbenculuk #neverafraid #withgalaxy #galaxys10 #exploreindonesia (di Djawatan Perhutani Benculuk Banyuwangi) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7mjPJPA04p/?igshid=apj82489cd3f
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princemilu · 5 years
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'King Milu and his Heartbeat : Adventure into the unknown world' ........... ..... . #26december2019 #explorebanyuwangi #nature #ourplanetdaily #neverafraid #withgalaxy #galaxys10 #exploreindonesia (di Djawatan Perhutani Benculuk Banyuwangi) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7itEDMJ0m2/?igshid=ei86khcqbvrw
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princemilu · 5 years
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Tetap berdiri dan tegak diterjang badai waktu Tetap berbaik sangka diserang suara suara sumbang manusia Tetap bersyukur atas semua rahmat Allah Maha segala sesuatu Tetap kalem dan sabar bersama doa doa Rosulullah termulia .......... ..... . #26december2019 #explorebanyuwangi #djawatan #nature #ourplanetdaily #poems #poetry #neverafraid #withgalaxy #galaxys10 #exploreindonesia (di Djawatan Perhutani Benculuk Banyuwangi) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7hZ0AeJO1r/?igshid=i9lq77vvturp
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princemilu · 5 years
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Ketika awan love menyambut kedatangan kami. So amazing guys ! ........ .... . #26december2019 #explorebanyuwangi #beach #nature #clouds #ourplanetdaily #neverafraid #withgalaxy #galaxys10 #rakhmanufamz #exploreindonesia (di Pantai Mustika) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7gZ3ZapRra/?igshid=9lt2iqvuttpq
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princemilu · 5 years
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Pantai Pulau Merah di pagi hari ........ .... . #26december2019 #explorebanyuwangi #beach #pulaumerah #nature #ourplanetdaily #neverafraid #withgalaxy #galaxys10 #exploreindonesia (di Red Island) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7bpflTplRn/?igshid=1czzqrt4q1u52
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gabyglifestyle · 5 years
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Which #overthetop #couture options for #26december2019 do you like best? Pls share below. #espetacular #hautecouture #fashionaddict #soldmymomforhermes #detailsmatter #detalhesfazemadiferença . . . . . . #beautifulthings #wishlist #papaieuquero #coisaslindas #objetosdedesejo #stylefile #luxury #fashiondetails #inspiration #lifeonthepurplelane #gabygstyle #fashionwishlist #coisasqueeugosto #personalfile #bestof #instabest #instadetails #exagerada #naodesapeguei #altamoda #couture (at Carmel, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6v0saoAfca/?igshid=1vps212irkfwd
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gabyglifestyle · 5 years
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#funinteractiongame Which one of these is YOUR favorite? Pls Comment below. #fashionaccessories #fashiondetails and #acessories #26december2019 #whattowear #gabygstyle . . . . #fashionblog #shoesaddict #detalhesqueencantam #estilo #baglovers #acessoryoftheday #instastyle #instafashion #detailsthatmakeadifference #stylegram #styleblogger #fashionblog #styleinspiration #personalstyle #fashiondiaries #lifestyleblog #personalstyle #mystyle #accessorylover #accessoryoftheday #acessoriosfemininos #fashiondiaries #fashionista #accessoryaddict (at Carmel, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6vrONpgvYe/?igshid=e4qk7rwuz7ic
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