bvllami-blog · 5 years
[ Quick Track ]
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As per usual I’m the slowest rper ever. I still have soooo much shit to do but sadly I can’t tackle folks for new plots just yet- First things first though: I’m going to do a tiny thread clean out!
I’m going to drop all threads except for the ones listed below:
@wonwoomi - fancy meeting @magpiemi - damsel in distress @mixdodger - feed for the rat @mixgrim - the taste of scotch and blood @katanaxmi - pushing the limit
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bvllami-blog · 5 years
filed under: @bvllami                                                
password: *********                                                                                            
tw: drinking
taeyong’s head was heavy. the words that stumbled over his lips weren’t as coherent as usual and his eyes were lidded. he was barely able to see the fourth drink that was placed in front of his nose. his eyes were fixed on the charming and flirty bar lady that invited him for a few drinks. and he was taught that taking gifted things was allowed as long as you said thank you, so he did.
“thank.. you.” he mumbled, his words stumbling while he leaned forward to capture the straw between his lips and take a few sips. “uh.” his head was getting more and more heavy by the second and he slumped forward, but straightened his posture again. “hm.” he murmured a few incoherent words and pursed his lips. “can i have.. a glass of water? ‘m getting a bit dizzy.”
the water came and as soon as it dripped down his throat, consciousness filled his body again.
“i think that- my time has come.” taeyong said, his choice of words questionable. “i have to work tomorrow. i think.. i do. I should leave.” absolutely convinced that he should leave he blinked a few times and tried to stand up, but he failed to straighten his posture for a second time and simply leaned against the wall without walking away.
the bar is empty, he seemed to be the only costumer even though it was already quite late. “strange..” he managed to stay, words coming out a little bit hushed. “everything’s so blurry, i should go see a doctor.. eye doctor.”
leaning on the bar counter she tapped her nail against her bottom lip, a scary glint in her eyes now that her victim was slowly getting wrapped up in the webs of this black widow. showing hints of the predator that was luring its pray into her trap, the bar lady smiled a coy smile after she slid the next drink across the counter. 
someone had been trying to hack into her systems and with janitor being perhaps one of THE top skilled hackers on this god forsaken island it was easy to make the whole attempt backfire and reveal the identity of the sweet, innocent soul before her. bella couldn’t believe that the boy hacked into their system out of pure boredom. someone was on her trail and that person probably hired this innocent soul.
yet this “innocent soul” was a threat to her and if he’d fail to cooperate and be an obedient little pray, she may just have to kill the guy. 
“no~ dun go yet, darlin’. the night’s still young! tell me ‘bout ya. what’s yer work like,” she purred, stepping around the counter to support the fella, tender fingers touching his shoulder softly. 
thankfully the bar was empty, yes. but of course that too had been all part of her plan.
drunk baby.
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bvllami-blog · 5 years
He didn’t intend to stay long, the fabric of his ( Mingyu’s ) suit uncomfortable and unfamiliar on his body and his incessant worrying about his boyfriend’s condition a little too much for either of them, but for now, he tries to enjoy sipping his champagne at a slow pace and people watching. Being a hitman in a room full of cops, past and present, probably wouldn’t be ideal, but to them, Wonwoo is a humble bookstore owner — an asshole, too, sure, but a simple civilian, nonetheless. 
At least, to almost everyone.
“Wonderful. Look what the cat dragged in.” He mutters, mouth still close to the edge of his glass. He’ll need to down the rest if he’s to put up with Bella for too long. Perhaps Mingyu will return soon and rescue him. “Same thing it seems you’re doing here; drinking free champagne and eating free food. You come alone?” 
The bar-owner lowers her glass, mischievous glint in her eyes as she twirling the delicate object in her hand to watch the liquid swirl. “Some old co-workers o’mine figured they wanna set a statement. So I’ve been invited. Kinda some loyalty thing,” she explains nonchalantly, making it obvious that she didn’t care very much of why she was here but more the fact that she made it in.
“What about’ya? Doubt yer ‘ere alone, kid. Y’got guts but I dunno if y’got that much of ‘em.” 
Always jesting and poking Wonwoo just a little was a habit she had come to grow font of. One day both of them would end up in trouble when their banters and empty threads would turn from jokes to serious business but until then, the thief loved to pretend like they were just two random civilians that loved to tease one another.
「 Fancy Meeting 」
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bvllami-blog · 5 years
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『 Make a M O V E 』   ⇢ MI Mini Event (+2 P) ⇢ the sparkle of the jewels resembled the sparkle of joy in her eyes
“ The thrill, the danger, the feeling of superiority when getting away safely; she loved it all . ”
The opportunity was too good to pass up. Even if she had been given little time to prepare for this mission, Bella was a master at improvising and thus found herself walking that fine line between danger and plain insanity as she sipped away on her glass of champagne. 
The piece of evidence sat heavy in her pocket, a priced gift she had been eternally grateful for. It had been Janitor’s idea to take a tape and document the fingerprints of not only a registered Hydrus member who had been in prison before but a registered member of Phoenix too. 
Her mission from there on was simple: take the jewels, place down fingerprints of both the members and let the MPD fuel up the rest. Both gangs would fall under suspicion, blaming one another to be framed. In such a web of lies and treason one would not believe the other. With the previous execution and the on-going tension it would only be another drop added to the barrel filled to the brim.
Another step closer to the war that was inevitable to come.
Her pupils dilated at the excitement the thought alone made her feel. Teeth biting down slightly on the glass she was almost too eager to go about her mission right then and there but the female had to play her cards right. Wait for the right moment till the whole place would be buzzing with life, people left and right disappearing and reappearing without much notice. 
It was in a moment like that when she made her move. 
Slithering into the shadows the female made her way towards one of the many rooms filled to the brims with treasure. Picking out the one with the least security was just another thing Janitor was great at.
“Open Sesame, dear Janitor~,” she sang sung into the nothingness and heard a faint chuckle from the small button in her ear.
“Don’t you feel somewhat bad doing this under the nose of your old co-workers? They did invite you to set a statement that they believed in your innocence...”
Bella merely scuffed as the security lock clicked opened and the sound of her heels clicking across the ground sounded through the room. Security camera buzzing away with a loop of nothingness hacked into the system she walked comfortably up towards her treasure, smirk widened across her face when the red of the ruby staring back at her almost coloured her own dark orbs a shade of crimson.
“Please. I have no room for such sentiments any longer,” she muttered in a sinister voice, tone cold and void of emotions. A sigh met her but no other word was said aside from the information that she had 60 seconds. Doing quick work of sliding her gloves on, taking the priced necklace and adding the fine touch of the fingerprints to the crime-scene she hummed beneath her breath, letting the door fall shut just in time for the security lock to click back into place.
“Keep the loop running Janitor. Gimme ten minutes to engage some folks into conversation and secure an alibi. Think y’can do that for me, darlin’?” Already sliding back into her speech pattern as good ol’ Bella, the bar lady who could harm no fly unless threatened, she sent the necklace along with her gloves and the used tape for the fingerprints soaring out a window where one of her bar workers was waiting to catch the fine bounty and make off into the night with it. Everything went perfectly according to plan and she loved it. 
The smug grin on her lips disappeared as soon as she stepped back into the light of the party, grabbing a glass of champagne to down half of it and make it look even more like she had been here the whole time. After all- who would leave their half finished glass unattended? 
And just as predicted, not even ten minutes after she had been laughing and joking with old co-workers did a sudden alarm ring. Channeling her inner actress the bar-owner looked to her old co-workers with wide, confused eyes while internally her heart did a tiny leap of joy.
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bvllami-blog · 5 years
「 Fancy Meeting 」
⇢ @wonwoomi
To say she felt out of place was an understatement. Upon request of old co-workers that didn’t suspect her of murder she had agreed to attend the event. With most of them mingling however she preferred to isolate herself and stick to the side lines. Remaining quiet, like a shadow almost the bar-lady blended herself with the walls and paintings more so than her old co-workers who were buzzing and enjoying the false pretense of peace and security.
Tongue snarling the cunning thief took a sip of her champagne, red lipstick staining the glass. She heard him before she saw him. Eyes turning to the right, Bella lowered the glass as a smirk was already forming around the glass, smudging the red stains further across the clear material.
“My, my. Whom we got ‘ere, hm? Whatever ‘re ya doin’ here, kiddo?”
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bvllami-blog · 5 years
          “ now, i know you don’t think i would fall for such a line. bella, please. you’re much better than using a line any common man would. ” although, surely, it’s better than anything the men currently in the bar could dream of coming up with. 
          “ are you sure you’d want me dancing up there anyway? i thought you don’t run that kind of bar, ” and she’d probably call her unnie if it wasn’t for the fact that she tried hiding her age when she first came. that, and she feels too casual around her. to her, bella is more of a kindred spirit than someone who would be called something like older sister or aunt. 
          besides, the name bella is pretty, literally so at that. why not use it? 
          “ oh, i get it. you’re bored, aren’t you? or maybe you’re trying to venture into that type of business. are you? it’s quite successful if you ask me. you could even try working something out with different gangs. imagine it, create a neutral ground for all of their hosts.” to be honest, she’s surprised no one’s tried it but then again, the grudges among the gangs are more serious than most seem to realize. 
the sassy reply and general burn towards the “non-fairer” sex lets bella’s shoulders shake with laughter as she openly chuckles in response to the joke. the sound dirty and openly amused the bar-owner shakes her head lightly, a bright grin edging over her lips. “was worth a shot, darlin’.”
knocking onto her counter with her pale knuckles, bella lets a smirk edge over her lips. “I ain’t, y’got that right. at least not regularly. ain’t nothin’ wrong with goin’ a lil’ crazy once in a while doe, no? my bar’s a place for all kinds of adventures. as long as none ain’t gettin’ hurt in this place I’m good.”
the assumption mieun comes up with makes enough sense for bella to direct a knowing smile back, pretending to be caught in her thoughts when actually she was just stringing along the conversation to keep the gal entertained. her idea however has that smile quickly turn into a sceptical one as one of her brows raises into her fringe.
“it’s already tough keepin’ em outta my business as is. I ain’t ‘bout lettin’ em earn money here. y’think they’d gimme any fair contract to secure me peace n’ good payment? hell nah. keep all that gang shit outta my bar. I ain’t wanna see any gang claim dominance over this place. over my dead body, darlin’.”
「 Two’s a Company 」
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bvllami-blog · 5 years
shiyeon was obviously almost very gone and happy about it. the smile never left her face, only widening as the woman leaned in closer. “who know’s if i’ll live to tomorrow?” the words were grim but they sounded harmless, a small sound coming out her mouth following it. caught between a laugh and hiccup. in response, shiyeon picked up her drink and finished the rest of it, “we have to live for today!” 
she hopped her voice wasn’t as loud as it sounded to her own ears. even wincing but even then, the smile didn’t leave her face. “i’m a happy drunk…” she laughed, “a rich happy drunk.” there was a wiggle in her brows. “take the money give me the booze and i promise i won’t cause a bar fight. scouts honor.” 
“no one ain’t dyin’ in my bar, darlin’. that’s my policy, remember?” the barista purred the phrase beneath her breath, almost like a mantra, lashes batted at the drunk and using her charms even if she was completely not into girls. it never hurt to make people fall head over heels for her if it gave her good business in return.
“we do gotta live for that ye. so what’cha wanna do? how y’wanna go ‘bout this deal, hm?” arms folding across her chest she raises a brow, wondering just how the girl wanted to give her all her money in exchange for an endless supply of drinks. she doubted that the woman could cause much of a ruckus in her current state but one should never underestimate the people walking into this place, no matter how harmless they looked.
the bar lady included.
「 Proposition 」
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bvllami-blog · 5 years
sometimes he wishes he’d have chosen something else to do in life,  something simpler,  something that doesn’t involve revealing the dark,  dark secrets of his own family member.  although he’s always held certain suspicions towards jieun,  he’s never quite had the needed proof to confront her about everything he’s been finding out.  until that day,  the fateful day where keen doe eyes spotted the necessary item to confirm everything,  to connect every clue and every detail.  and while he’d usually be proud to have solved a case,  mixed feelings fill him as he approaches his cousin’s bar.
the sign is switched to closed,  but daehyun knows she’s still there,  cleaning up and performing the necessary finishing touches prior leaving.  he also knows the door isn’t locked,  opens it and steps inside.  usually he’d greet her bright and playful,  though none of that can be found on his visage right now.  this isn’t a game,  isn’t fun;  his discovery is serious and his curiosity is dying to hear her version of the story.  “noona,  hi.”  he says with a half-hearted smile after he spots her behind the counter and moves to take a seat by it.  “there’s something we need to talk about and i want your full honesty.  do you promise me that?”
family had once meant something to bella. however that was before she saw her house burn down before her very eyes, smoke biting at them as tears leaked down her cheeks while memories burnt down along with her childhood. daehyun had been part of these memories. even if they both once shared the same passion to bring justice and order back to this island, her cousin knew little of the things she had seen, witnessed and experienced which made her the way she was today.
his righteous nature would get him killed one of those days but until then the female was intend to humor him and at least attempt to keep him save in her own unique way. one of them being to deny the accusation she knew he would direct at her ever since the news had been released about that bastard’s body being found. “hey there kiddo!” a good natured, easy smile on her lips she sets a coke down before him, never to acknowledge he was long off age and could very well drink alcohol. “sounds serious. what’s up? y’know I’m always honest with ya, dae.” just that she wasn’t, rarely was, but that wasn’t something he’d have to know.
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bvllami-blog · 5 years
A… woman.
Great. Just fucking great.
“Get away to where? You don’t look like you can walk more than half a block, even if I was that ”nice“ of a guy.” He grumbled dryly taking note of the unstable wobble as the female moved out into the dim street lighting. He’d hit her. Definitely. Question one of many this night was just how badly. It was clear the universe was out to get him. What the hell was he gonna do with her now? His brother members hadn’t seen her, yet, but they’d come looking for him soon if nothing else. Obviously he couldn’t just let her skip off to god knew where to flap her yap about what she’d seen (if she’d seen anything). However, nothing in him would allow him just finish this right here and now either.
No women. No babies. No elderly.
Not ever.
Cursing softly when she batted her lashes at him. Hers were blue? The hell? Circle lens maybe? No forget that. He shook the annoyingly random distracting thought away and tucked the palm blade out of sight at his waist. No use in that, and because he was no fool, he pulled and turned the hated firearm back on her again in the same swift motion. He couldn’t believe she was trying to flirt and pose at him while she leaked red profusely like some satanic faucet. Even in the dark attire he could see her glove being soaked through. What happens when she gets stabbed? Does she blow kisses too? The girl was either immune to pain or bat shit crazy.
He was gonna go with the later, since he’d been shot himself enough times to know the shit didn’t exactly tickle, and he sure as hell had never tried to turn on the sexy after being winged by a bullet either. “Stop trying to play cute baka na onna! Who the fuck are you anyway madwoman, and give me one good reason why I shouldn’t just put another goddamn bullet in you? Cause no babe, I’m not really feeling too nice right at the moment, when nosy chicks mess up business.”
This kid looked stubborn but not deadly. The thief was certain her life would be spared if she would play her cards right but the fact he didn’t kill her on the spot was a pretty strong indication that she could probably slide back into the shadows and be gone without him chasing after her to put some bullet right through her brain.
Clearly her amount of self-control and casualness caught him off-guard and Bella couldn’t help but laugh even if the chuckle rumbling through her chest made her side sting all the more. If she wanted to keep her dignity she really had to get going soon before the blood loss would slow her down.
“Ahh, you’re young. Fresh import from Japan, hm? Haven’t seen you around before. Let’s just say... I’m just a random thief, willing to do lots of shit for the right money. Your people should think twice to trust other gangs when striking deals, hun.” Changing her usual speech pattern to mask her identity further she narrowed her eyes slightly, running a hand through the strands of her black wig. 
“Alas you caught me. So no money for me this time, oh well. The pay would have been low either way. Definitely not worth to get killed for.” Eyes darting across the area to look for the best possible escape she leaned back further with a sigh, willing the sting to fade to the background so she could keep a clear mind through this negotiation. 
“Now please- do me the favour and put that gun down, hm? I even told you who sent me. You should kill them for hiring me, not the poor girl just trying to make some kind of living on this hell of an island.”
「 Bang Bang 」
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bvllami-blog · 5 years
jaehyun was very much aware what the other wanted, and it almost gave him a headache. almost, not quite there, he had other shit to sort out and deal with to let jieun get the better of him. not to day at least, or any day for that matter.
“i’m really minding not asking the security to throw you out right now.“ he replies, but he gets to work. afterall, she is a customer of some sort, even if she was a pain in the ass, jaehyun didn’t want to lose any business. even though, as of lately, he has been spending almost every night at moonwalkers, due to the recent events and getting punched without a reason. he thought keeping an eye out of suspicious activity would actually help him get the bar back in shape.
within a few minutes, he had a large glass prepared, inside jagermeister, rum, whiskey and cherry coke, with a nice circular lime placed neatly on the rim of the glass, large sphere ice cubes in, and a metal spoon to stir it. when he’s finished, he places the glass right in front of her, gaze still indifferent as before “hope you haven’t come by to cause me any trouble.”
this guy was funny. bella wasn’t quite sure how much bark and how much bite he was yet but so far it seemed like she could keep pushing her luck and get away with potentially just a blue eye. to his response she inhales a sharp hiss through her teeth, nose scrunching. “so cold. y’think I got ulterior motives comin’ here? so mean.”
with that pout on her lips she was really pushing her luck but the moment the glass was sat down in front of her she took the straw in between neatly taken care of fingers, turning it once, twice before lowering her lips to take a sip.
“hm! this’ real good stuff!” nodding her head in approval she smiled at the fellow bar owner in satisfaction. “I really just came by to check out yer drinks. seems like y’make pretty good mixes yerself, “ she concludes, leaning forward with her elbow on the counter before taking another sip from her drink.
❝ i know it anyway
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bvllami-blog · 5 years
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This is a randomly generated sentence starter meme for everyone! You’ll be able to reblog this meme for fourteen days starting today, but feel free to continue answering memes after that if need be. Go wild with them and have a good time! Also feel free to use this for sentence starters or drabbles; the most important thing is to get everyone writing. Hopefully, it’ll spark some new plot ideas and interactions too!
Remember to reblog this if you’re interested in receiving a meme, and to send some to everyone that reblogs it, too! You’re welcome to skip over this if you’d like to; it’s by no means mandatory to reblog and participate. Most importantly, though, have fun!!
Keep reading
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bvllami-blog · 5 years
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『 Watch the World B u r n 』   ⇢ first MI Event (+3 P) ⇢ there was fire in her eyes, content in her heart
“ To any unfortunate ex-coworker that saw her, they would be shocked. ”
She had grabbed herself a first row seat. High up and away from any possible danger. In between two neon hangul she sat, waiting for the fateful event to happen at last. Down there she saw people getting killed, old coworkers, bystanders and innocent people and yet the female was smiling for every gang member that fell to the ground dead. 
A war always required sacrifices and knowing that the blood of no innocent was staining her hands was enough for the female to sleep well at night. The number of gang members which died that day would be more than enough for her to crack open her best bottle of whiskey and enjoy one glass before bed.
To Bella this was only a beginning. 
Her mind was always working and it was a shame that she saw no way of actually fueling the war from breaking out for good without getting the blood of innocent people on her hands but one day soon hopefully she would have her war. This scene is something she had been working toward for years. To see two gangs go up against one another so publicly and open, ready to go at war with each other; Bella had never been so close to her goal.
There was a certain ice cold hunger in her eyes as the head of the traitor fell, dark brown orbs void of remorse, disgust or any kind of emotion whatsoever. “Ahw it’s over already... shame. I was hoping more of them would die,” she huffed while crossing one leg above the other, pouting down at the chaos slowly trying to be brought back under the control of the MPD.  Her eyes narrowed in on some familiar faces she saw along the forces, especially Heeyeon. A flicker of regret and worry made her lips twitch downward before she scoffed, getting up from her seat.
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bvllami-blog · 5 years
「 Hey, Doc 」
⇢ @sehunxmi
Something felt off about Doc ever since she’d come here last time and saw that new coworker he had taken in. Bella wasn’t stupid but she was concerned. If Doc was on some sort of hunted list, she’d have to either find herself a new fella to play patch up or figure out who wanted him dead and kill them first. 
For now she had left the woman alone with that newbie of his. Bella rose an interested brow at the guy, shamelessly and obviously checking him out like she’d already done the first time they met. “So uh... Sehun, was it? How come yer all this way here on this hell like island instead of stayin’ in yer safe capital on the mainland?”
Doc had hinted some things and told her one or the other but she wanted all her knowledge to come first hand, how she preferred. A smitten smile on her lips she batted her lashes, hoping to somehow wrap this guy around her finger as well.
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bvllami-blog · 5 years
perhaps phantom had underestimated the bartender who she didn’t expect to recognize her at first glance, but she brushes it off almost as easily as she’d become peeved in the first place. the disguise she wore was flimsy enough for those watching from afar, never up close. makeup and a change of hair color could only do so much for a person’s initial appearance. 
regardless of her sleight, the malicious glint in her eyes have never looked decidedly pretty on anyone, especially for a girl who prided herself in coating her heart in layers of frigidity, and song hyerin is cold to the bone. she’d be lying if the taunting of the bartender who’d gotten her into enough trouble for a lifetime the last time they’d met wasn’t something she particularly enjoyed – oh no, she was enjoying every second of it. and so imagine her disappointment when bella rises from the ground with her handcuffs displayed tauntingly above her head, the same mocking tone she’d used mirrored in her own voice. 
“aw, you think you’re going to be out scot-free, don’t you?” she scoffs at bella’s winning tone, gesturing vaguely to the environ around them. “look at where you are! smack in the middle of serpent territory,” phantom leans in, painted lips curling delightedly. “and with no one to bail you out now.” there’s a look of mock sadness taking over her features as she slowly shakes her head, as if to say: what a shame.
Every decent brain-cell in her twisted mind told her to be scared out of her boots right now but instead Bella couldn't help but find genuine enjoyment in this kind of situation. No matter how much they bickered back and forth and how antagonistic their banter seemed, there was a feeling within her gut that just made her adore this girl to bits and pieces.
So the laugh that left her lips was nothing but genuine as she rose from her chair and rubbed at her sore wrists. "Thoughtful of ya to point that out, darlin'," she murmured in between giggles before continuing her stretching routine with a long sigh. "It's gon' be a tough challenge but to even get that short moment of bein' unsupervised is gonna give me enough of a head start I think. I doubt you'd wanna  come up with a nice plan that'll involve ya bein' the hero and "executin'" me? Shame doe, now it'll just look like y'let me get away, won't it?"
Hands on her hips she grins in triumph still, knowing that if possible she'd like it if this went good for both of them. After all she did fancy the girl and wanted her to get praised rather than get in trouble for helping her in the first place.
Yet again.
「 Damsel In Distress 」
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bvllami-blog · 5 years
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bvllami-blog · 5 years
hyunjoon couldn’t stay here, that was something he knew to be true. he knew the men coming after him would find him any second now, and if he just stayed here laying on the floor then he wouldn’t be alive for much longer after that. and now he had to worry about someone seeing his face, someone who could very easily go to the mpd with his description and get him arrested. and that was really not something he wanted. it was not much of a secret that he was scared of the police, scared of getting arrested and spending the rest of his life in prison for things he had never wanted to do.
it was that fear which was keeping from collapsing again, trying to push himself along the wall with a bloody hand, desperately trying to get away from this place and away from the stranger who had seen him. but the most surprising thing happened, the woman grabbed onto his shirt and pulled him around the corner and out of sight of his pursuers.
hyunjoon stumbled over his feet, crying out as he fell onto his hands and knees, wheezing as he shakily raised a hand back to his wound, pressing down to try and save whatever blood he had left. it took some effort to even move into a sitting position, careful eyes watching the woman as she moved in front of him, speaking on the phone and, from what hyunjoon could tell, she was talking about him.
“i don’t… need your help,” he managed to get out, only pressing down harder as she tried to swat his hand away, despite his own noises of protest from his mouth. “i’m… i’m fine. you should go before they find me.”
Despite her earlier fuzzing she seems to give up pretty easily when her help is refused. Instead she stares at the injured guy and solely blinks at him for a good few seconds before a snort erupts from her lips.
"Are ye stupid? Or already that gone that y'can't think anymore?" Clearly amused the female rises back to her feet and places her hands on her hips as she exhales a sigh and checks their surroundings. She's certain they won't have much time before they're found but the audacity of this kid being so stubborn truly leave her conflicted if she really wants to save him after all.
"There's no way y'gonna make it outta here if y'dun accept my help, son. I hate kids like ya the most. Not knowin' when to fuckin' shuddup and admit that they're done for." Her gaze turns cold for a second there, annoyance showing in her features but also something like sympathy. Not too long ago she also didn't know how to give up or accept help. Not too long ago she would have felt sympathy for these kids and their circumstances but not anymore.
Bella really was done giving a care about those who chose the wrong side of the coin. If they wanted that kind of daily life, they'd have to deal with the consequences. So she looked down at her nails, leaning against the wall beside him. "I give ya five seconds. I ain't got time for that shit. If they find ya, yer dead foreal. So I'mma offer one last time. Take my help or leave it but dun start cryin' when y'gonna get torn apart."
➟ from the rafters
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bvllami-blog · 5 years
「 Suspicious 」
⇢ @sunnyxmi continued from here
Bella raised a brow at the girl as soon as she set a foot into her bar. The bartender was no fool and she surely wasn't stupid either. This woman was aware of many dangerous faces on this island that appeared way too harmless to get by without arising suspicion but this girl was one of them and Bella knew her affiliation even if she hadn't set a foot into her bar before.
Rather than being annoyed at the sudden increase of hydrus people frequenting her bar though, the ex-cop goes for a well placed joke that aims to both provoke and lighten the mood at the same time. For the woman to get defensive only reveals to the owner of this establishment that she has her suspicions and surely is up to date with the news as well. Hands on the counter she lets her lips curl into a crooked smile, exhaling a small chuckle. "I was kiddin' darlin'. Y'looked as if y'were ready to either tackle me or run for it the moment I make a sudden move. As long as y'dun pick a fight in 'ere yer welcome to stay n' preferable leave lotsa money here too."
Cheerful as always the smile then widened into a cheeky grin as the bartender straightened out again to go back to polishing a glass. "Y'gotta know how to pack a punch if y'wanna lead a bar like mine. Bein' an ex-cop does gimme some benefits in terms of fitness. Janitor's too old n' hirin' a musleman is expensive too. One's gotta know how to protect 'emselves these days, no? But enough chit chat. What can I get'cha?"
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