#2459 words
albertxylin · 11 months
A bomb isn't like the movies. There aren't clearly labelled wires to cut, Nor a clock timer counting down ominously. When you find yourself next to one, All you can do is run away and hope you get far enough to survive.
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happy74827 · 8 months
if you take requests! i love your writing! maybe a fic about harvey and it’s a little angsty bc of his pride or a miscommunication but then it becomes really fluffy
Regrets and Resolutions
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[Harvey Specter x Female!Reader]
Synopsis Sometimes it takes a fight to know what you want, and sometimes what you want is what you need.
WC: 2459
Category: Angst to Fluff, Happy Ending
Angst to fluff is my specialty, so when I saw this request, I got all giddy. However, I do want to apologize for how long it took because it's been like two months and I feel really bad about it 😅🙏
Also miscommunication? Haha more like no communication
Harvey Specter rarely messes up. For him, it’s always a perfect mix of confidence, arrogance, and planning. It was the one thing you always loved about him. Sure, he could be an ass at times, but the man knew how to work the courtroom, and as he always says, he plays the man, not the role.
You can still remember how it all started. It was a slow summer night, and you both happened to be at the bar that evening. For different reasons, of course.
For him, it was a celebration of a win for his client. Usually, he’d celebrate alone in the office with a bottle of wine, but the world worked in mysterious ways.
For you, it wasn’t a celebration or a happy event for work at all. You were there for a break. It had been an extremely stressful day, and all you wanted to do was drink and think about something other than work.
That was until a drunk man ruined your night.
He had approached you with some words that made your skin crawl and a touch that made you nauseous. You quickly got up to leave, but before you could, he held you down. You tried to push away, but he had a firm grip on your arm, and you couldn't get away from him.
That’s when you felt a set of strong arms pull him off you and into a chair. Your eyes widened, and that feeling in your chest fluttered when you were met with the kindest brown eyes you've ever seen.
They were warm, and even though he was mad, he still looked like he had just woken up from a dream. He looked like a male model. You were completely infatuated.
“You alright, hunny?” His voice was gentle and quiet. His voice was like a lullaby and the only thing you could focus on in the noisy bar.
You didn’t even register the nickname.
It was only when he referred to you as “his wife" that you finally snapped out of it.
You were about to argue back, but he took your hand in his and leaned forward to your ear. His breath was warm, and your body reacted on its own.
To some, it would look like an endearing kiss on the cheek, but in reality, he was only whispering.
“Just play along. Marriage will scare him off faster than anything.” There was humor in his tone, and you could feel the smile in his voice.
You nodded in agreement, not wanting to deal with an uncomfortable situation, and as it turns out, Harvey Specter knows exactly how to get someone to back down.
It took all but a few minutes, and he was able to scare the man away. Afterward, you offered your hand to shake his in thanks, and even though he gave you a charming smile, it was his eyes you were most drawn to.
That night, you were sure you were in love.
Since that night, you found yourself frequently going to that bar and talking to the handsome stranger. You fell in love with the way he always paid attention and asked questions about your life and your work. His words were like a breeze in the summer, making you feel alive and warm. He was so easy to talk to, and you were surprised at how quickly you became comfortable around him.
You would ask each other questions, flirt, and even laugh. Sometimes, you would go out to dinner. Nothing too formal, usually just for sushi and wine, but the night would be perfect.
As the months rolled by, he began to be the best part of your day. Whenever you saw him, it would brighten your day, and whenever he'd smile, it would warm your soul.
But one day, that all changed.
Harvey became colder towards you, and you began to wonder if you had done something wrong. But it was never you. It was always Harvey who started the arguments. It was always Harvey who pushed you away, but never you.
It was a Tuesday evening, and you had just returned from work. You expected the day to be stressful as usual, but nothing could prepare you for what came that evening.
You were about to get a glass of water when Harvey stormed in, tie in hand with a pissed-off look in his eye.
“Hey Harv…” You started, but Harvey cut you off.
"Don’t.” He didn’t even look at you, only shrugging off his coat and tossing it on the hook. “I’m not in the mood.”
He didn't even glance your way before he walked over to the fridge and opened it. He rummaged through the fridge for a few minutes before taking out a beer. He opened the bottle, took a swig, and let out a loud sigh. You stood there awkwardly, unsure of what to do. You wanted to comfort him, but your legs were glued to the floor, unable to move.
"What do you want for dinner? I'm going to order takeout," He said, not even looking at you.
You remained quiet, unsure if you should speak or not.
Harvey didn't speak much more that night. The only words he spoke were asking you what you wanted and when it would be there. But other than that, it was quiet. You ate your takeout in silence and took your bath without saying a word.
In the morning, he was gone before you woke. You assumed he went to work, and when you checked your phone, you were right. He texted you to say that he would be at work all day. It wasn't until that evening that you found out what was going on.
And you didn’t figure it out from him.
Donna. She had told you after you called her for help, asking her why he was acting so strangely.
And thus, the big fight that made Harvey mess up for once. You didn’t mean to blow up at him, but with his constant avoiding and refusal to speak, you got mad.
He thought you were pissed about the dishes and didn't take it seriously at first, but when you began to yell, he realized that wasn't the issue.
"I can’t keep doing this. I know it’s hard for you given how it is at work, but… God, Harvey, I feel like I don't even know you anymore!"
He scoffed and gave you a look you knew too well.
"You can't even spend five seconds with me without snapping or accusing me of something, and that’s not even the worst part," You shook your head and clenched your fists.
Harvey didn’t say anything, only folding his arms and watching you closely.
"You don't talk to me anymore, you don't pay attention, you're just cold." Your eyes stung as you said those words. The reality of it all was just hitting you, and the longer it went on, the worse you felt. "You used to be so sweet, and I used to feel like we were the best team."
“What’re you saying?” Harvey asked, taking a step closer to you.
"I’m saying how I hate that I always have to call Donna and tell her that, 'Harvey’s lashing out again, what happened this time?' when I should be hearing about what's going on from you. But you never open up. You don't tell me how your day is going; you don't tell me how your firm is. I don't know what's wrong. I never know what’s wrong. And when I ask, you either tell me it's nothing or say nothing at all.”
Your voice broke slightly, and you looked away. You couldn't bear to look at Harvey right then. It felt like everything you were saying was a slap in the face to him, and you couldn't stand it. You didn't want to hurt him. You didn't want to be a bad person. You wanted to be good for Harvey. You loved him more than anything, but you couldn't take the pain any longer.
"And now, I just feel like you don't care about me, that you don't love me, that you don't love anything at all. It's like you don't care about anything that I've done for you, that you're just walking away from it all like it doesn't mean anything to you. I can't keep living like this."
You held your tears back, but you didn't say anything else.
You started heading toward the door, not wanting to look at him, but he quickly grabbed your arm and turned you around. He looked like he was going to say something, but before he could, you spoke.
"Just let go.” Your voice was quiet. You couldn't bear to look at him anymore. You tried to pull your arm back, but Harvey wouldn't let go.
"Where are you going?" He asked, and you could hear the pain in his voice. You could tell he wanted to say more, but he couldn't find the words. “I don’t want you to leave.”
“I'm going to think. So, why don’t you do the same and then call Donna and ask her what you should do because she seems to be the only one who knows what's going on with you."
You started heading for the door once again, and when he didn't stop you this time, you pulled your arm out of his grasp.
You could still feel the sting when you woke up the next day, but you were glad it was gone.
After that day, Harvey called you, and you ignored him. Seeing his name pop up on the screen only made you sad, and you didn't know how to deal with that, so you put your phone away, unanswered, and shut him out.
Your parents' house was always open to you, so you spent a few nights there to clear your mind.
As you sat there, watching some crappy romance movie with your family, you only thought about him. The good times. The happy times. The laughs. The smiles. The love.
Harvey always had problems with committing to anything. You knew that before you got together.
You remember all the arguments you had about it. How he would always say everything but the word "love” because he was too scared that you would leave once it was out in the open.
And now, with everything you just went through, you didn't think you would ever forgive yourself if you left. You would never be able to forgive yourself if you abandoned the man you loved, who you knew loved you just as much.
You spent hours debating in your head on if it was worth it. Suppose it was worth fighting for.
And that's when it hit you.
The realization of it all.
He was a lawyer. It's his nature to fight. His nature is to argue and argue until the end. He would never admit defeat or admit defeat was even possible. And you were the person he was willing to fight for and fight for you he would.
The night you decided to go home and face him came faster than you thought. And you didn’t even make it out of your parent's house because he was waiting for you at the front door.
Regret was in those beautiful eyes. He wasn’t in a suit, either. He was in jeans and a T-shirt with a sweater, and he looked so casual but, at the same time, so handsome. You wanted to reach out and touch him, just to see if he was real, but you held yourself back.
You stood there and looked at him, and he looked right back at you. He didn't move, didn't say anything, but his eyes spoke volumes.
And then he finally spoke.
"I messed up," Harvey said quietly, stepping closer to you.
You nodded.
"I should've talked to you sooner, but I was afraid that if I did, you wouldn't understand. I was afraid that you'd look at me the same way as everyone else. I was afraid that you wouldn't love me anymore."
"I never stopped loving you, Harvey," You said quietly, looking up at him. "I just stopped thinking you loved me back."
He took another step closer to you, and before he could say another word, you had your arms wrapped around him. Your body fit against his like it was supposed to be there, and he did the same.
Your foreheads touched, and you looked into his eyes. He looked into yours.
"I love you.”
Your eyes met, and you practically almost burst into tears. You had waited for him to say it for so long.
"I love you so much." He whispered, “And I’m sorry I didn’t show it. I’m sorry I made you doubt that."
You sniffled and nodded. “You know you’re being the most Hallmark cliche ever right now, right?" You let out a small laugh, wiping away a few tears that were escaping you. "Hot lawyer and a tearful confession. All we need now is a dog."
Harvey laughed and looked away for a second. "Don’t forget about the townspeople watching us from their windows and cheering."
“Like who? Donna?”
"Well, I was going to say your parents, but sure. Let's just add Donna." He smiled and kissed the tip of your nose.
"You really do love me, right? And you aren't just saying it for a townsperson's sake?" You asked, your voice trembling slightly.
Harvey put his hands on your waist and looked at you, still smiling.
“I’m saying it for the dog.”
“Harvey.” You gave him a look.
"Alright, alright. I'm saying it for the townspeople. For Donna, if she were here."
“Mhmm... and for yourself?"
Harvey stared into your eyes and gave you the most gentle smile you had ever seen.
"And for you." He whispered.
That was it. That was the moment you knew it was real. You could feel it in your heart, in your bones, and in your very soul.
You kissed him, wrapping your arms around his neck. He pulled you closer to him, and you pressed your body against him.
It felt like time had stopped as the kiss lingered on for what felt like years. His lips moved with yours, and you felt like your soul was leaving your body and going to heaven. It felt like a dream. It was a dream.
And for you, that would be your happy ending.
The world worked in mysterious ways, and so did Harvey Specter. But one thing you learned about Harvey is that he knows exactly how to work the world.
And after that night? He definitely worked it for you.
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restinslices · 8 months
PJO Show Ares x Child!Reader (no gender specified)
Word count: 2459
Summary: Ares supposedly hates kids, so it’s really strange that he comes when you call. (Do not let the summary fool you, this is not fluff. Based on a dream I had a couple days ago. Warning for possible ooc Ares and brief mentions of abuse. Blink and you’ll miss it type shit)
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“I don't wanna say”, Grover fingers fidgeted with each other as he purposefully avoided eye contact with you. 
“We're friends, right?”
“Of course!”
“Then you have to tell me! You spoke to my father, I gotta know what he said! What was he like? I bet he was really cool! Man, I wish I could've been there and talked to him”, you looked down at your shoes and added more misery to your face than was necessary. It was extremely childish and petty but Grover kept refusing to tell you what your father Ares was like. You had to know though. You doubted he brought you up, but you still wanted to know what he said and what he was like when he was just out and about. Grover had the opportunity to have a long talk with him and that was something you'd kill and suffer for. 
“I doubt you'd wanna do that” he mumbled, but you heard him. 
“Why'd you say that?” You asked. 
Grover refused to expound on what he meant… at first. 
Everyone knew Grover couldn't hold water so it didn't take too much prodding before he spilled his guts. 
The memory replayed in your head more than you'd like to admit, and if it were up to you, you'd no longer be a half blood. 
It made you feel pathetic. Tons of gods- no. All the gods were shitty parents. After all, they had children with mortals and left the children on Earth, knowing they'd be hunted down. Plenty of half bloods died in a gruesome painful way and at a young age. Plenty of gods never claimed their children, even if they made it to Camp Half Blood. But Ares did claim you, so you assumed that that meant he cared for you in some way. He even gifted you with a double sided sword. Surely, he must've loved you. 
You were foolish and you hated how foolish you were. You should've known he didn't care. He left you here with mortals and watched as your home life got worse and worse which was due to multiple factors including a piss poor mother and step family, the aura children of Ares give off that makes people around them experience rage and of course the random monster attacks that your family blamed you for. It was as if they thought you begged Ares to be his child. As if you'd ever do something as stupid as that. 
The rain soaked through your hood, making your hair all wet and gross. You were an idiot. You tried coming home for the school year, thinking maybe your family changed. They said they did. They tended to lie a lot though. You got into a huge fight and stormed out and you were in such a hurry that you completely forgot to grab your pouch full of drachmas and you didn't wanna step another foot in that house. So now here you were, outside with freezing cold hands that couldn't be warmed because your hoodie was soaking and you couldn't call Chiron. Perfect.
You checked your pockets once again, hoping to find something other than the lighter and fruit roll up that was there but alas, nothing magically appeared. You held the two objects in your hand and an idea formed in your mind. 
You could always set the fruit roll up on fire as an offering. You could pray to your father and hope he hears you and sends you something to help. 
No. That's incredibly stupid. Could you even light a fruit roll up on fire? It didn't matter. Not only was that the stupidest offering ever but you refused to pray to him. You'd rather sleep out in the rain then sneak inside when your family was gone to get your shit. 
You put the two objects in your pocket and let your head rest on your knees, exhaustion hitting. It wasn't even physical exhaustion. It was all mental and emotional. Like a leech was sucking on you constantly. Or a vampire. You'd prefer that. At least you'd die quicker. 
The hum of a motorcycle filled your ears, getting closer and closer. Best case scenario, it was a neighbor. Worst case scenario, it was a murderer. Honestly, you'd welcome both. 
The hum stopped and a familiar voice made you look up, “rough night”. 
It was him. Ares. God of war. Father to who knew how many. It was someone you definitely did not want to see… or so you thought. Part of you absolutely despised him now and everything to do with him and wanted to rip him apart. The other part of you though still felt an immense amount of joy when you saw him and you wanted to cling to him like a child clings to its favorite toy. If you were alone, you would've screamed. 
Then a thought crossed your mind. You didn't burn anything. You didn't make an offering. 
“You were going to” he said, seeming to read your mind. 
“Why are you here?” you managed to get out after some time of just staring at him. 
“Why do you think I'm here?” he asked and you could tell by his tone he meant it sarcastically. Like “the reason is so obvious. Stop being stupid”. 
Something about that sarcastic and irritated tone made you think back to what Grover told you. 
“Why don't you like me?” You asked and you hadn't meant to. It was supposed to stay in your head. 
He squinted his eyes at you and looked you up and down, “what?”. 
You could've let it go. You could've said nevermind, thanked him and let him help. You couldn't though. You didn't know when you'd have this chance again (the camp visited them but damn, there was a lot of you) and if you did something to make him not like you, you wanted to fix it. But that wasn't your job, right? Parents are supposed to care for their kids. 
You did that a lot. Your mind juggled opposite thoughts and it drove you insane. This was just the latest bit of juggling you'd been doing. 
“Grover said he spoke to you-”
“Who is Grover?”
“Percy's friend. The satyr”. A look of anger flashed in his eyes. You knew he remembered Percy. You didn't give him time to start yelling about the 12 year old that beat him in a fight. “Grover said that he spoke to you. I asked what it was like and he said that you said that you hate kids. Even your own. And when we visit, it's the worst day of the year. So, I was just wondering why you don't like me. Is it something I've done?”. 
Ares just rolled his eyes and sighed, “you're taking that personal?”. 
“It's kinda hard not to”. 
“I came to take you back to camp, not talk about whatever crisis you're having right now”. 
You didn't know if you were angry because of what he said, or because of his effect on others. Either way, blood started rushing to your head. “I'm not asking for a lot. I'm asking for an answer. A simple answer. Why don't you like me?”
“I don't like any of my kids”
“And that makes it better?” You asked in disbelief. Ares just stared at you, emotion void on his face. 
“Why do you do this? You keep having kids even though you hate them. Why?”. 
“It's not that simple and I don't have to explain anything to you”. You wished he'd show emotion. Any sliver of it. He was too calm, too numb. You'd prefer him yelling at you but nothing seemed to phase him. He was talking to you the same way you'd talk to a toddler. 
“It is incredibly simple. Just stop having sex with mortals. You already have Aphrodite -who is a married woman but whatever-” you rushed the last part. You didn't particularly care for the affairs between the gods. “How could your eyes possibly wander?”. 
Seeing him show a sliver of anger when you mentioned Aphrodite only filled you with more rage. That’s what angered him? That’s what got emotion out of him? “Really? That's what gets you? What about me being drenched?”
“You chose to come out here” he said through gritted teeth. If you knew Aphrodite was the key to him showing any piece of human emotion, you would've brought her up earlier. 
“I didn't choose this!” Your voice rose, “I didn't choose to be abandoned by my father and be stuck with a dysfunctional family for the rest of my life. You should be angry at that, not me mentioning Aphrodite. You should be enraged at the thought of anyone putting their hands on me and your hands should be covered in their blood! That is how it should be”. 
“Believe it or not the gods aren't too keen on the idea of killing mortals”
“But turning them into various objects and ruining their lives when it's a boring Tuesday is ok?”. His face went back to being blank and emotionless and your plan to stop talking was scrapped. You weren't even sure what you wanted. You wanted him to show something besides anger. Sadness? Regret maybe? Just something to show that maybe, just maybe, he cared deep down and regretted leaving you. 
“None of us asked for this. You all just decide to create and leave us. And you hating the people you created is… I don't know. And it's so stupid that I've spent years of my life trying to get you to be proud of me, only for it to be impossible!”. 
“I claimed you didn't I?” he defended himself, but you scoffed. 
“That's the bare minimum dad! That's like saying your kids should be grateful because you feed them!” You were full on screaming by now and you wouldn't have been surprised if a neighbor came out to see what the fuss was about. “I don't even know why I'm having this conversation with you. You probably hate being called 'dad’ and you don't care. You're never gonna get it”
“I try everyday to make you see me and you do everything in your power to not see me. To not see any of us. I would work myself to death for you. I would betray anyone close to me for you. If you asked me to burn down the world for you, I would. If you asked me to extinguish the sun, I'd find a way to because to me… to me you were everything. You are everything”. 
You couldn't tell if your face was wet from the rain, or from tears of sorrow and anger. It could've been both. Your eyes certainly stung and you hated it. You knew you had every right to be frustrated, but you hated how weak it made you feel. The children of Ares weren't supposed to cry. They were supposed to be headstrong and fight their enemies. They were supposed to be fierce warriors capable of bringing armies down to their knees. They were meant to shed blood, not tears. 
You thought for a second you saw an emotion cross his face. You couldn't pinpoint it though. It happened too fast and there was a good chance you were imagining things. 
“You can go. I'd rather sleep in the rain. I wouldn't wanna be even more of a burden” you spat with such venom you didn't know it was possible. Sure, you could have a bit of a temper but this felt different. It wasn't just anger or annoyance. There was a mix of grieving. 
It went silent for awhile, and the adrenaline you felt slowly went down. Reality started to sink in. You just yelled at a god. People who were known to cause destruction for something as small as “I think my shoes are better than yours”. 
“Are you gonna curse me? Or, I don't know, strangle me with my own shoe laces?”. Ares reached into his pocket and you looked away and closed your eyes. You expected to feel a burning sensation. That's what you assumed being cursed was like. A burning sensation and then you'd lose a limb or something. 
All you felt was something land on your lap. You looked down and saw a red pouch with gold string keeping it closed. You looked up at him, but he didn't say anything. You untied the string and opened the pouch and inside laid a pile of drachmas. 
Now he spoke, “call Chiron or whoever else works at that camp. Don't die out here”. 
“You're leaving?” You asked. You didn't know why you were disappointed. You should've been happy. After all, you just went off on him about how shit he was. 
“I have a busy schedule”. You wanted to ask if he'd be seeing the married woman he slept with or another unfortunate mortal, but you figured you pushed your luck enough today. 
“Thanks uhh…” you debated on calling him dad but instead you called him by his name. “Ares”. Then you remembered some gods could be particularly upset when you used their name. “God of war and all those other honorifics”. 
“Yeah” was all he said before he sped off, leaving you alone once again. You didn't know what he was saying “yeah” to but you didn't have enough time to ask and he probably wouldn't even answer. 
You called Chiron and asked to be brought back to camp but you didn't tell him about the conversation you had with Ares. 
You couldn't get the conversation out of your head, even after you showered and laid down to finally get some rest. 
Of course you kept thinking about the conversation and how lucky you were Ares didn't throw you into the street and run you over. 
Another thing stayed on your mind though. 
You didn't give an offering. You were told the gods would listen if you burned something that mattered, like the thickest piece of meat on your plate. You weren't sure they were actually listening and honestly you thought it was a real asshole condition. 
All you had was some stupid candy and you didn't even burn that and the minute you thought about it, he appeared like he was already watching. 
But you doubted he was watching. You doubted he listened to your prayers at all. 
You were one of his children which was something he hated. He'd claim you, possibly send a gift then be done with you. He didn't listen to you anymore. He didn't watch over you anymore. 
It was a coincidence. That's all it was. 
You were sure of it. 
At least, you tried to be. 
This is definitely ooc Ares but YA’LL KNOW I’M A LITTLE FUCKING SLOW! BE PATIENT WITH ME GOTDAMMIT😭 If you saw any errors, no you did not. I already proofread it once and I don’t feel like doing it again like I typically do. It’s 1am. I should be asleep.
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Writing Prompt #2459
"I would be more scared if I understood a word of what you just said."
"Well just trust me that it's dangerous and if we don't stop it, it's going to make death seem preferable."
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thenamelessdepths · 1 year
Part of Your World (rewrite)
Word count: 2459
Pairings: Azul x childhood friends!Y/N
Warnings: None
Notes: This is a rewrite of my old fic by the same name on a defunct account, @/iloveilovedarkiplier. I intend to continue writing this fic on this new account. So, if you like the old one, you'll like this new one.
You were 9, and if there’s one thing you knew, it was that playing by yourself was boring.
You’d learned this the hard way, unfortunately, though through no fault of your own. You hadn’t wanted to move to this new town, leaving all your old friends behind in the process. But what choice did you have? You were a child. Your parents had made up their minds. There was nothing you could really do other than pack up your things and say goodbye to your friends, promising to visit one day.
Your new home was much different than your old one. You weren’t excited about leaving, but you had to admit that living near the beach was awesome. Your new house, much smaller than your last, hugged the edge of the nearby fishing town. It sat atop small cliff, closer to the docks than the other houses, overlooking the shimmering sea. Your parents surprised you with the room closest to it, giving you the best view of the crashing waves below.
You’d decided to skip out on the rest of your unpacking for that day to play in the sea. Your mother had protested, but your father, ever the sucker for your puppy dog eyes, had caved immediately and told you could go. As long as you came back before lunch when mother got home. So, off you’d skipped down the slope of the cliff. With a little red bucket, filled with toys, clutched in your hands and the salty breeze on your skin.
You were playing your favorite game now; Sea monsters! You’d push your little wooden boat across the water, pretending it was piloted by tiny little people, then duck under with your goggles and watch it carefully. Then, just as it was about to stop, you’d jump out and grab it! Like a kraken catching it’s prey, you would drag the little boat as far as you could dive beneath the waves before letting it go. Just to watch it bob back up to the surface again. To some, it could be repetitive, but to you it was fun to see how far you could dive!
You’d waded pretty far out, all things considered. Far enough that your feet couldn’t touch the ocean floor. You’d been trying to dive far enough to touch the sand as you played, and that’s when you’d heard it. Though, to be honest, you weren’t sure what exactly it was. The noise was muffled by the water, especially as you began to rise and the water rushed by your ears. You’d breached the water before you’d meant to, and were only left with the impression of the sound you’d heard. And yet, you were absolutely sure you’d heard something.
It caused you to pause. You strained to see if you could hear anything above the water, but all that was audible was the breeze. So, with a deep gulp of air, you decided to dive back under with your little boat in tow. Down here, you were sure you could hear something! It was muffled and quiet, extremely so, but it was there. You rose back to the surface more curious than when you went under.
A part of you wanted to follow the sound. From what you could hear, briefly, it sounded like it was coming from the cliff, beneath your house. So, with your mind made up, you dive back underwater and began to swim. It takes you a minute. You’re a strong swimmer, but the need for air slows you down. The closer you get, the clearer the sound became. You realized, once you’d nearly made your way over, that it sounded like crying.
The noise- the crying -was clear as day now. Soft but consistent sobbing, coming from inside the cliff! It only burned at your curiosity more as you pressed your ear to the thin sedimentary stone. You took another breath and dove under once more.It took you a bit of searching, but eventually you found a small, hidden lip that lead into a cave. Beneath the cliff, inside an almost claustrophobic grotto, it barely stood out against the dark. The sobbing was the loudest it had ever been here, and you couldn’t resist popping your head up to take a look.
What you were expecting you weren’t quite sure, but a boy definitely wasn’t it. He didn’t seem to notice you as you stared. He’d tucked himself into a corner of the cave with his hands over his face as he wept. The cavern was dim, but not dark, lit up by pretty little seashells that hung from the walls and glowed with a golden hue. It bounced off his silver hair beautifully, glittering across his midnight skin, and lended him a dreamlike aura. He was lovely and you couldn’t take your eyes off of him
You just had to let him know, and that’s when he looked up.
For a long moment, the two of you just stared at one another. You were immediately enraptured by his eyes, whose color was so soft and light that it practically bordered on silver. Like his hair, like the ashen skin on his face and chest and palms. It was unlike anything you’d see on anyone else before, gorgeously unique, and you couldn’t help but stare.
Then he shouted, and the moment was broken.
You yelped, loudly, and ducked back under the water to hide. You heard him call after you as you began to swim away. “No, no, no, no! I-I’m sorry, please, come back! I didn’t mean to scare you! P-Please!” His word made you halt just long enough for him to duck his head under the water. His eyes landed on you instantly and he blinks, then he smiles.
For some reason, he’s crystal clear even underwater. “Hello! Hi! I-I’m sorry- Please don’t leave. I didn’t mean to yell at you. I just- I-I wasn’t expecting you? I’m sorry. Will you please come back?”
You blinked at him a moment, staring at his tentative smile as you mulled over his words. But then your lungs began to scream at you, crying out for air, and your decision was made for you. You surged forward towards him, causing him to yelp this time as he rushed to move out of your way. You take you next breath deeply as you surface, and he seems to awkwardly shuffle back with a strange.. wet noise? That’s when you glanced down and noticed his legs. Or rather, his lack thereof.
You hadn’t noticed it before, but where his legs should be where instead the eight arms of an octopus. You weren’t so much frightened by this as you were surprised. You’d heard tales of merfolk before, but had never seen any in real life! A mixture of curiosity and wonder filled your chest, putting a smile on your face. It seemed, however, like the boy didn’t much appreciate being gawked at.
“I-If I had known you were going to stare, I would’ve let you leave…” He huffed indignantly, and oh, even his blush was pretty. An adorable lilac color that dusted over his pale grey cheeks.
You’re quick to reassure him. You really hadn’t meant to be rude! You’ve just…never seen a merman in real life before. He glances back at you, searching for something in your eyes, but you’re not sure what. So you put a friendly smile on your face and hope that soothes him. It seems to because he smiles back. Albeit, cautiously .
“I’m Azul.” He says as he holds out a hand to you.
You reply with your name, and take it. But instead of a shake, he wraps his other hand around your wrist and heaves you out of the water effortlessly. You let out a startled laugh as you’re dragged to sit on the cavern’s edge, and Azul laughs too.
“You don’t have to sit in the water.” He says playfully. “I know it’s cold.”
You shrug. You hadn’t really noticed the cold.
You nod. He gives you a strange look. “That’s weird. I thought humans didn’t handle the cold well.”
You wonder what he knows about humans. Has he ever met a human before? You watch him blush again, and realize you said that out loud. “Wha- W-Well! No, I’ve never met a human before…but, I’ve heard stories…just like you.”
Your eyebrows shoot up to your hairline in surprise. You hadn’t expected for merfolk to talk of humans the way humans talked of them, but the more you thought about it the more sense it made. The surface must be just as different to him as the deep sea was to you. So you concede the point, and instead choose to ask why Azul was hiding here. His gentle smile drops.
“Why are you here?” He tries to deflect, arms crossed across his chest. You simply shrug and answer honestly; You heard him crying. For a third time, Azul blushes. “Y-You heard that??”
Azul groans dramatically, burying his face in his palms, and you barely suppress a giggle. Narrowed silver eyes glare up at you between his fingers. “Don’t laugh at me!” he snapped. You hold your hands up in surrender.
You tell Azul he doesn’t have to explain if he doesn’t want to. Instead, you inquire about his hideout.
“Hideout?” He asked.
You gesture to the cavern around you.
“Oh!” Azul shrugs. His hand comes up to twirl a stray silver curl. “Uh, well, what about it? It’s just an underwater cave I found. It’s a nice place to, uh, hide. When I want to be alone..”
You take another look around. It really is a beautiful place. A large, circular carven made of smooth, black obsidian with softly glittering crystals embedded in them. Books and notes were strewn about, which you assumed were Azul’s, a long with some pens and pencils. There were even some puzzles and toys lying about. Seems like he’s really set up shop here, you realize, and a part of you wonders what he’s hiding from.
You choose instead to ask him what he does here. “Magic.” He tells you in a whisper. A proud grin grows on his face when you look at him in surprise.
Azul, despite not being anywhere near human, doesn’t look much older than you. How can he already be practicing practical magic! You weren’t sure what school was like in the ocean, but you knew that on the surface 4th graders weren’t allow to cast spells yet! That was saved for the big kids- the 6th and 7th graders. You told Azul as much.
He laughed, and for a second he sounded like a supervillain from an action movie. It would’ve been creepy if he wasn’t so cute. “Really? You don’t start practicing magic on the surface until you’re 13? Wow, talk about late blooming.” He snickered.
You huff and give him a playful shove, causing him to squeal. “Ok, ok, I’m sorry!” He laughs. “But yeah! In my class, we’re already doing practical magic! But, uh, I like to come out here and practice on my own sometimes.” You gesture to the books scattered about and he nervously wrings his hands. “Yeah, that’s what all this mess is, heheh.”
You pick up a notebook off the ground and begin to thumb through it. You can’t help but be impressed, if you’re honest! Azul must be an honors student with all this work he’s been doing! You didn’t take much of an interest in magic lessons in school, and while you weren’t exactly terrible at it, you weren’t good at it either. You definitely wouldn’t be able to pull of half the spells in these notes! Azul seemed flustered by your admiration.
“Give me that!” He hisses and snatches the notebook from your hands. He let’s out an adorable huff. “You’ll get it wet!”
You shot him a confused look. His notebook is waterproof, isn’t it? It has to be, if it’s his, right? Azul coughed into his fist. “O-Oh, uh, right..”
You wanted to giggle, but bit your tongue. He was just too cute! You definitely didn’t expect to find an adorable little octopus magician when you went on this expedition, but you weren’t complaining. In fact, you weren’t sure you were ready to let him go yet. So you offered for him to come play with you!
Azul almost seemed surprised by that. “Y-You want me to play with you..?” It sounded less like a question and more like a prayer. A sanguine whisper while big, grey eyes stared up at you with hope.
You take his hand, pressing your little wooden boat into it with a smile, and nod. He smiled back.
“O-Ok! What do you want to do?”
You asked if Azul has ever played Sea Monsters before. He made a face. “No?”
Great! You were going to show him.
In the end, you ended up staying out much later than your father had initially said you could.
You and Azul had played for hours and you lost track of time. He was the best sea monster you’d ever seen! He swam fast, faster than you could even dream of, and he’d chase you around trying to grab you and pull you under. You realized that this game was much more fun when you had two people.
Eventually your mother had come home, furious you had skipped out on unpacking. But when she’d met your new friend her anger seemed to subside. You’d have to spend all day inside tomorrow, but you were allowed to spend the rest of today at the beach. Azul had apologized for getting you in trouble, but you honestly didn’t mind.
When Azul had to leave, it was both disappointing and exciting. You’d told him how much fun you’d had, and he responded in kind.
“Can we play together again some time?” he’d surprised you by asking. “Tomorrow maybe?”
You had to unpack tomorrow, unfortunately. “Oh, yeah.” But, you wondered, maybe after that?
Azul’s face had lit up with a smile. He takes you hand excitedly and shakes it with vigor. “It’s a deal!” he exclaimed. “See you then!”
With that settled, Azul ducked beneath the water and swam away. You watched him go with a giddy feeling in your chest and a happy smile on your face. You only came back to shore when you heard your father call you in for dinner.
Little did you know, hidden behind a jutting stone, two pairs of mismatched eyes were watching you.
“Seems like tako-chan’s got a new friend, ey, Jade?”
“Indeed it does, Floyd, indeed it does…”
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madarasgirl · 1 year
A Night for Hunting Ch.8- The Currency of the Soul
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T/W: Alucard (Ultimate) x F!Reader, thirsty vampire, seduction Words: 2459 On AO3 @alastorhazbin
The smoke was thick in a somber, cavernous room which was only illuminated by moonlight through colossal windows. It twirled lazily before dissipating to join the silvery haze shrouding the rest of the room.
A lone figure stood by the immense desk, taking an extended draw on the cigar she then rolled between two fingers. Her exhale cut through the silence. What a massive headache her bureaucratic position brought. Nearly nothing was made easier by her servant. Sure, loosing him on enemies brought a quick demise to anyone who opposed Hellsing, but the Vampire frequently created almost more trouble than he was worth.
“You summoned me, my Master?” A deep, inhuman voice appeared from nothing and resonated through the space. 
An inky puddle of shadow emerged from the carpet, writhing and twisting into an overly long figure, one with pitch black hair that fell straight to the floor. Lanky arms reached past its knees as it removed its fedora hat in a courtly bow. A gleaming vermilion stare pierced the darkness to regard the one who earned its respect long ago and now commands its loyalty.
Integra’s eyes narrowed at the creature before her. As dramatic and unsettling as ever, but some things will never change. 
“You are to explain your actions last night, Alucard,” she demanded with the dignity of royalty.
“Protecting London."
“Your rampage was not sanctioned. Do you know how much damage you caused the area around an important architectural treasure?”
He shrugged with a nonchalant expression. “Tower Bridge was not compromised.”
She stabbed out the cigar on her desk, crushing it in the process of creating a new circular burn on the sumptuous wood. “Then do you realize how many civilians heard the commotion?! We at Hellsing operate under the guise of a paramilitary organization. We depend on the public’s ignorance of the supernatural and you are inciting them to furor–”
"Do you order me to cease my activities?"
Her brow twitched in irritation. Sir Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing was certain she would die one day from a ruptured aneurysm due to her servant’s actions and not via any interaction with other lesser undead. She took out another cigar to help compose herself and her butler lit the end.
"No. A vampire’s nest was successfully exterminated. Do as you will, as long as your activities do not detract from your assigned missions."
Dracula grinned. "As you wish, my Master," he hissed in satisfaction.
He came to you again one night when you were preparing dinner at home. There was knocking at the door and you put the ladle down in surprise when his voice touched your mind.
Permission to enter, Sweet?
It was him. You tugged the door open and awkwardly stood there staring at him, not knowing how to act since the truth that he did in fact save you came to light. You still experienced insomnia and night terrors from what you went through that night, but remembering the way Alucard kept you safe and tethered to reality afterwards made it more bearable. You shivered at the recollection of how you woke up earlier today.
“Permission to enter?” He repeated himself. 
His question jolted you from your reverie. Turning demure doe eyes from his crimson, you stepped aside and let him in before shutting yourself in with a vampire.
He held a bouquet. Show-stopping lilies in red and white with orange stardust speckling the petals opened to the heavens, which were offset by the romantic whorls of the red rose. Red really was his colour. Dramatic. Like he was loudly making a declaration. 
You blinked and commented without a hint of a sardonic tone. You were genuinely curious. “I recall you had disparaging words to say about flowers and bouquets.”
His grin was less eerie and off-putting than you remembered. "You seem to favour the living dead, thus I decided that I too will try my hand."
He really was proposing what you assumed. You loved flowers, but your favouring of the living dead? Memories resurfaced of a terrifying ordeal, where a monster from hell with razor sharp teeth hunted you through deserted streets, except it was with Alucard’s face. There were gunshots and bleeding. There was death and you sat in the midst of an extremely sad scene of pain and suffering. Wait, it was long ago, but the creature in front of you did chase you for sport once upon a time. After what he did…
He wasn’t the same monster as that other one. It seemed more apt to say that the living dead had a way of finding you.
With slow, hesitant hands, you accepted his gift and set it in a vase with fresh water. The vampire made a sound of satisfaction and headed over to ‘his’ seat. He took out his guns, which caught your attention and your eyes tracked his deliberate movements. He removed the magazines and set them down on the coffee table with a heavy metallic thud before leaning back to observe you.
He was disarming himself? As if he needed his weapons to threaten you. But at least you now knew why he possessed guns. After another moment of staring back, you turned away to continue preparing your dinner.
“I’m making pumpkin puree soup with stuffed chicken tonight.”
“Sounds appetizing.” 
Strange, perhaps vampires did eat human food unlike what the legends said? “I suppose I have enough for two if you’d like to try some.”
There was one food item for Alucard in the vicinity. She was standing right in front of him offering to feed him chicken instead. He chuckled. “I am well-sated tonight, little one.”
Did Alucard have a home chef prepare his breakfast of bloody gourmet dishes? Trying to picture this was mildly comical for some reason. Maybe he bit random people on the street before he came here? Or perhaps he had arrangements with a private blood bank where he ordered his favourite blood types. Why were you spending so much time considering his meal habits? Whatever they were, the answer probably wasn’t something you wanted to know anyways. And no, you weren’t upset that a vampire wasn’t interested in eating your homemade food.
“Suit yourself,” you replied flippantly. 
Soon enough, you became immersed in your cooking and forgot about your company and his hobby of watching you go about your night. You stuck an immersion blender in the pot to puree the soup. You started humming songs you couldn’t vacate from your head lately. After checking the temperature on the meat and taking it out to rest, you rinsed the garnish and prepared to chop it.
The melody was soothing. Ahh…the innocence of a lily indeed. They suited you well. Alucard tracked you around the kitchen and relaxed into his seat.
You suddenly remembered who you were with and lifted your gaze to catch your guest’s, which was of course already fixed in your direction, staring with lidded eyes, his posture and expression at ease.
…The darkness was oozing out of him and flowing along the wall and floor. The jagged shapes danced, the red-rimmed patterns constantly shifting in evolution between one moment and the next. It was actually quite mesmerizing and beautiful. What felt like several minutes passed. It was almost like the old times when he first visited, except this current experience was much less scary. He suddenly spoke. 
“Smells heavenly, sweet human.”
You jumped at his unexpected voice and the knife passed deep through the membrane of flesh between two digits where they connected. You could probably hear the sound of a pin dropping as the energy in the room shifted. Neither of you said anything.
You saw his pupils dilate and his gaze following the ruby rivulets trickling down your hand where the flesh was cleaved open almost down to the knuckle. The sharp pain didn’t register. You were too focused on the way he watched the flow and your heart began to gallop. You shielded your injury with the other hand as the drips pooled on the cutting board.
"Sweet, allow me to assist with that." 
He was before you in an instant, taking your wrist into his grip and licking his lips. You gasped in shock and attempted to pry your arm from him unsuccessfully, wincing at the searing pain. A vampire faced with a banquet of blood. Danger. The stench of your fear quickly permeated the air and you glanced up in distress. 
"I promise I will not bite. I will only take what your wound gifts me," he told you softly, though those glowing scarlet orbs betrayed his excitement. 
You looked on with your heart in your throat as Alucard lowered his towering frame to his knees and peered up at you as his tongue slid out. It was unnerving to have the cold, wet appendage laving leisurely up the trail of your life essence from the wrist to your wound, where it dipped lightly into the broken flesh and circled around, making you hiss in discomfort. 
Your other fist balled up with apprehension. You forgot to release your bated breath as the vampire repeated the motions around his chosen path. Your jaw clenched as that muscle continued to extend and he pressed more of its length against the tear.
The licking stayed gentle.
You were still tense as you distantly noticed the pain retreating. And then there was purring. Heavy purring, the likes of which you’d never heard from this creature before.
"You...are a virgin," he breathed. He lapped at your blood again in wonder, though your scent alone was already unmistakable. 
"What's that got to do with anything?" You asked with a tiny voice, attempting half-heartedly to tug your hand from him again. 
Alucard’s interest was piqued. He had a taste last year, but that was only a miniscule amount compared to what he received from you now. You were so lovely, how was it that you remained untouched, unplundered? He nearly couldn't believe you were still a virgin. He was correct to call you “sweet.” The ambrosia coating his tongue invaded all his senses. His eyes travelled down your frame with a lascivious leer, his gaze darkening. 
But your anxiety was thick.
"Don't be afraid, little one. I will not hurt you," he promised with another purr. He kept licking at your wound with purposeful laps to help the flesh heal. It was getting difficult to contain his fangs. He sensed the blood under your skin rushing to your face. You were flustered. He smiled.
You were wet from the feeding. A brief fantasy flashed by. He was on top of you, your naked bodies entangled in passion. What would it feel like for him to plunge his stiff organ through your heated walls? Or his tongue? It was so long. A flush of heat raced to your groin.
You tensed and reprimanded yourself, but it was already too late. That grin looked extraordinarily pleased. It seemed he was made aware of your mind’s fancy. Oh no. 
The cursed creature made a show of inhaling and gave your hand back. The skin was bright pink where the cut was. If it weren’t for the numbing effect of the vampire’s doing, the wound would certainly still be tender.
Alucard rose gracefully to his full height with a suggestive, glittering stare. “That need not remain a mere fantasy,” he whispered, the lights once again catching his features in all the correct ways. His nose was tall and aristocratic. His tongue came out to clean up any escaped blood from his lips with agonizingly slow licks.
You clutched your hand and stared at his lips, fully aware this was also part of his ploy to seduce you. Ancient vampires like him were probably supposed to be alluring. You stood frozen like a deer caught in the headlights.
Alucard wanted you regardless of whether you had experience, but after tasting you and knowing there had never been anyone between your legs…he growled. He was used to bedding humans. He will make your body sing from this debauchery, such that you will never seek another partner.
“All your needs and desires will be fully realized. Let your darkest dreams descend.” His voice was deadly quiet, but somehow you heard it booming through your consciousness all the same.
The rumbling growl stirred something. Again, the image of Alucard moving through your core while your legs entwined blossomed in mind. Another string of nectar dribbled from between your petals to pool within your underwear. His eyes flashed.
That mysterious energy unfurled once more and his power engulfed you. You could hardly breathe as you took in his tented trousers and blown pupils. He must be fully erect.
How Alucard wanted to tempt you into depravity with him. He picked your hand back up gingerly. "Allow me to return this favour," he murmured. "You will enjoy what I do."
Everything in this moment was crystal clear. It was like Alucard’s presence sharpened your awareness, heightening the sensation of everything around you. You knew the vampire’s touch was supposed to be frigid despite the gloves, but he was like fire. His crimson gaze was molten flames, hot and erotic. Your skin was set ablaze while your loins roiled with heat. 
What was happening to you?
His purr vibrated again. No, it was more a cross between a purr and a growl. Your legs shook from the sound.
You were flustered by his beguiling appearance, the noises he made, and his eccentricities. You were conflicted by the conundrum that was this devilish beast. He looked like a man, but his mannerisms were at times more animal than civilized. Still, you found him attractive. 
When did these dark desires come to secretly possess you?
You recalled when he was last in your kitchen and he propositioned you for sex then too. That was the first time you noticed how exquisite this monster was.
But he didn’t manage to fully melt away your defences. "I don't want to," you whimpered and clenched your eyes. “Please stop this,” you begged.
A pause.
Alucard sighed, but his smile returned quickly as he straightened out to his full height. 
Where were his manners? He hailed from the Middle Ages after all. He should not forget his courtly manners and press a lady for intercourse without doing his due diligence. He will have to win your affection and earn the privilege of bedding you. 
His grin was brazen as he caressed the back of your injured hand and stooped into a proper formal bow as if he was still a human nobleman, pressing a delicate kiss to your hand.
"My Lady, then please allow me the chance to court you properly."
~To be Continued~
Next Chapter: Courtship
Notes: To be honest, Alucard should be able to tell that she’s a virgin with just a whiff and a taste from last year when he licked up the scrapes to her legs in Chapter 1, but let’s just say he needed a larger quantity of blood to be certain, for plot’s sake.
The next chapter has been rolling around in my head for months! It should be fun.
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A walk through a park in my city last autumn
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chainsaw-trash · 2 years
lose my heart on the burning sands
College!AU Chainsaw Man as promised, there is a little smudge of Denji x reader here but it’s mostly Yoshida. Do you know the song where the title comes from? 10 points if you answer correctly Pairing: Yoshida x reader (some Denji x reader implied) Word count: 2459 Warning: nsfw, voyeurism, public(ish) sex, beach sex
The air was warm even during the night, sure it had been hotter during daytime but the temperature was still up, despite the dark sky. The only salvation was the soothing cold winds from the sea. Denji was suddenly happy at Powers’ weird idea of a night party at the beach - a luau she called it - this certainly beat the lack of air-conditioning in their apartment. 
The party had actually just been a small gathering, you four and nothing more. Power had certainly invited more but that was a whole other thing. It was fun, the alcohol certainly helped. Now you four laid around a dead firepit, sleeping bags on the sand, a couple feet from each other. Power on one side of Denji and Yoshida and you on the other.
A wave crashed in the shore, the thunderous noise breaking the constant sounds of the ocean. The rhythmic humming of the sea was a nice lul to the arms of sleep, at least for Power who had already gone under. Denji wondered if it sounded anything like an ac unit.
 Nah, it was sounding a lot more like heavy breathing.
Okay, maybe the heavy breathing wasn’t the ocean. There was movement on his side and Denji opened his eyes, meeting nothing but the almost moonless sky. The breathing was coming from one side of him. Turning his head one way he sees Power, deep asleep and softly snoring. Denji hears movement again and slowly turns his head the other way, laying on his back, body almost stiff.
He didn’t know what he was expecting, but it wasn’t exactly this.
The dim light of the crescent moon made it hard to see but that was definitely Yoshida braced on top of you. One of his arms hid your face as it held him up, but Denji could recognize the color of your tousled hair even in the moonlight. You had one arm around his neck, hand lost in the thick black strands. Yoshida almost covered you in his frame but Denji could still see your restless legs, feet deep into the sand. And your shorts hanging from one of your ankles.
You two were fucking. Denji realized he shouldn’t be watching this. Well, you two shouldn’t be doing it in the open. Shit. You two were fucking, you had been for a while now, how come he only just realized it? Hell, that time in the library when Denji lost sight of you, only for you to come back with messier hair and Yoshida tagging along, you hadn’t just bumped into him. You had been fucking. In the library.
Fuck, how was he so fucking blind?
Denji shuts his eyes, trying not to give into temptation, but he hears you gasp and he just can’t resist the pull to open them again. He can hear Yoshida now, shushing you, sounds so low they are almost drowned by the noise of the ocean. He murmurs something else in your ear that Denji can’t hear but that has you whimpering and Denji can feel his dick getting hard.
Yoshida is in no hush, fucking you nice and slow, sinking your hips further into the sand with each stroke. You can feel every bump and vein of his cock as he lazily pulls out to the head before sheathing his length all the way to the balls once more. He too can feel everything, from the warm wetness of your insides to the slight rubbing of your bikini bottom that he’d just pushed to the side instead of taking the time to fully remove it.
You are fighting so hard your desire to moan every time he bottoms out inside you. And Yoshida’s murmured praises were doing nothing to help. He knows, laughing a deep and dark laugh right by your ear before latching his mouth to your earlobe. He bites and you can feel his tongue warm and wet against your sensitive skin. This time you gasp.
Denji doesn’t know who he should feel more ashed for, you both for fucking out in the open, or himself for peeping like a fucking creep. But now he is already rock hard and far too deep to just stop watching - or so he tells himself. He can see in the dim light as one of your legs goes around Yoshida’s waist, the other locked under one of his. It’s too dark to recognize details but he can see your silhouettes move in an aggressive kiss.
Denji can feel his body stiff under the sleeping bag, the fear of getting caught pumping adrenaline into his veins and not making things any better for the hard cock straining against his shorts. He is breathing heavily now and he swears he can hear the wet noises of your kissing. Fuck his dick feels so hot against the skin of his hips, begging to be stroked. If he could dip his hands down to touch it just a bit.
“Yoshida, ” you murmur in his ears, a barely audible whine as he nips at your neck, “this is dangerous,” your voice is weak and breathy and your reprimand holds little strength.
Yoshida on his part laughs again before responding. “Don’t see you stopping me,” he whispers in your ear, his teasing voice almost swallowed by the waves breaking in the distance.
He sinks his cock in again, rubbing his pelvis against yours and drawing a gasp from you both. One hand goes from your waist to your chest, dipping under your shirt before finding your breast. His slender fingers dip under your bikini bra and grab at your soft flesh, groping your tit and pinching your nipple. The harassment to your sensitive skin has you whining, helplessly begging for more. Your pussy tightens in response and he grunts.
“You are liking this,” he whispers it like a filthy secret in your ear, one you can’t deny.
Once again Denji did not resist temptation, his hand had slid down to his pants and fuck he was trying his hardest to be sneaky, hoping beyond hope the bulky sleeping bag would hide his shame. He knew he couldn’t just start rubbing so he had his palm resting on his cock, fingers caressing it slightly. His skin felt hot to the touch, even under the fabric of his shorts and he was pretty sure he must be already dripping pre cum. 
He could clearly hear your murmuring but it wasn’t clear enough to make out the sentences. He’d heard you saying what seemed like Yoshida’s name in a borderline pleading tone and it sent electricity down his dick. Fuck, that sounded so goddamn hot it should be wrong. He heard the shuffling of clothes and strained whimpering every time Yoshida moved and even through the darkness Denji knew he was burying himself all the way to the hilt.
Fuck, you were really going at it, how had Power not heard it yet?
The smell of the ocean drowns you just as Yoshida’s hard dick continuously drowns into you. He had always smelled like the sea anyways - ‘perks of studying marine biology’ he would say - so now it just feels like you are drowning in him. Like there is only him, even though you know there isn’t. You know this is dangerous and wrong and why the fuck is it so damn good? You can only hope the noise of the waves and the dark of night could hide you.
Yoshida is not letting up, lazy trusts keeping you on the edge every time as he sinks into your sensitive pussy. His length filling you up again and again pushing you closer and closer to your breaking point. So close you can almost taste it. Your walls clench around him now, drawing a rough breath from his throat as his hips roll against your rhythmically. With each stroke the swollen head of his cock hitting that sensitive spot within you that has you whimpering.
You let out a small cry and in a moment the hand that was groping your breast is holding your mouth closed, pushing your head into the sand. He shushes you again and your whole body jolts with the sudden roughness of it all. You are tugging at his hair now, eliciting a low and animalistic sound from him. Your free hand desperately grabs at his shirt as he bucks into you, his cock stretching and dragging your walls just right. You can hear the perverted sounds of your own wetness and you can only pray nobody else hears it too.
“Come on babe,” Yoshida whispers, almost out of breath, “gotta be quiet.”
Denji is in a state of despair now, trying to sneakily rut his hips into his hands. God only knows how he hasn’t gotten caught and he is hella lucky that the fabric of his beach shorts won’t stain so easily cause he is oozing pre cum by now. He can feel it on his skin, wet and hot and it’s making the fabric of his shorts slide that much easier. 
He hears a cry from you and grabs his cock hard, the thick length twitching violently in his hand. That’s when he hears movement from his other side. Fuck, did Power wake up? Denji freezes, looking to the side quickly he sees her shift in her sleeping bag but remain asleep. Denji shudders as he hears Yoshida’s voice, a wave crashing in the background keeping him from making out the words.
He looks to your side again, there is almost no light but he can see Yoshida is moving faster and your legs tremble and shake in rhythm with his movements. This is so wrong. Not that the notion stops Denji, his thumb caressing the swollen head of his cock. His thick length rubbing against his palm, feeling the sensitive veins brushing against the fabric. His cock feels heavy and his balls have never felt more full. He shouldn’t be doing this - you had been friends since the start of college - and yet he can’t stop the thoughts that cross his mind.
Yoshida can feel that you are close, he can feel your trembling legs and the constant clenching of your pussy. He can feel himself getting closer too, the coil tightening inside him as his cock twitches with every movement he makes. He gently shushes you once more before moving the hand from your mouth to your clit, skilled fingers making quick work of your body. 
Before you can moan out he shuts you up with a kiss, tongue exploring your mouth, demanding space as he silences you through your building orgasm. He can feel you squirm and grunt as he drinks in your cries, hips grinding against you faster and faster as your walls try to milk his already throbbing cock. You are in ecstasy, violently pulling at his hair as your other hand moves below his shirt, fingers digging deep into the skin of his back. His body is crushing you now, his thrusts becoming erratic as he chases after his own high.
Denji can hear you whimper and the wet sound of your kiss, it feels desperate and violent and fuck it makes him so horny. He hears Yoshida grunting, sounding like a wild animal. The kind that would fuck openly anywhere with disregard. It sounds hot, needy and primal. He grips his length hard, trying to inconspicuously give his fat cock a tug, desperately trying to get the friction he craved. Now he is the one having to choke his own noises.
Yoshida is moving faster now, rutting like an animal, his mouth having moved to your neck, nipping and licking at the soft skin. He really is trying not to leave a mark, but fuck it’s so hard to resist. Your pussy feels so good as it takes him whole, your hot wet walls taking him so deep. You are way too fucking good and he can feel his balls tightening and his entire body trembling, a gasp escaping his throat. So damn close.
Denji can more hear your movements than see them and why is that so damn erotic? He is pretty sure that all he can smell is the ocean but his brain has him believing he can smell sex. At this point it doesn’t matter anymore what is reality and what is not, all his body knows is desire. He is gripping, rubbing, rutting, doing anything to get some friction. He is so lost in pleasure his mind doesn’t even register the shuffling happening besides him.
“Cum inside or out?” Yoshida whispers the question into your ear, the sound hoarse and deep, usually it wouldn’t be a question he’d just paint your walls with his seed, but usually you were somewhere with an actual bathroom.
“Out,” you whimper the answer to him, voice still coming out needy and broken.
Yoshida shudders, thrusting with abandon now, ravaging your sensitive cunt faster and faster. His cock is throbbing continuously as he tries to push it deeper and deeper before suddenly pulling out. Your bodies are still crushed together, his cock pressed between you two as it shoots rope after rope of cum. You can feel his dick pulsate violently as he cums, still thrusting his hips as he tries to ride his orgasm. His cum feels hot and thick on the exposed skin of your stomach and hell he is cumming a lot.
“What’s that noise?”
Denji stops mid tug, turning his head to the front instinctively, body freezing as a whole. He watches from the corner of his eye - breath labored and heavy and sweat pooling on his brown - as Power shuffles in her bag. He can tell she is half asleep and he can only hope she doesn’t wake up more. He also hears no more noise from the two of you, he can only guess you heard her too. 
“What are you guys,” she lifts her torso a bit and there is a moment held in a bubble of tension, “fuck, just let me sleep,” her voice breaks the bubble as she turns to the side again, ready to go back to sleep. Denji stays still for a few moments, muscles tense and breathing uneven, mind still tense from almost having been caught. When he creates the courage to look to your side from the corner of his eye he can see Yoshida was no longer on top of you. Guess the fun was over and he could only wonder if you had finished or if you were both as high strung as him. Fuck, that was something. His hard cock throbbed in agreement. It wasn’t gonna be easy to sleep now.
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firstprince-ao3feed · 29 days
the fairies will always find you (in a totally non-creepy way)
by alyaasca After losing her tooth, Cat is inconsolable. While Henry is ready to destroy their house in order to find it, Alex chooses a more safer route. Deception. Words: 2459, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Red White & Royal Blue - Casey McQuiston, Red White & Royal Blue (2023) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Relationships: Alex Claremont-Diaz/Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor Additional Tags: Married Alex Claremont-Diaz/Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor, Girldads, Tooth Fairies, Temper Tantrums, Lies, remember kids, parents always lie to you via https://ift.tt/WY8yXd7
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lugarn · 3 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Spread the self-love ❤
oh man oh man we're gonna have to go digging in my non-bl fic because there's a couple that i love and re-read often.
The Life I Choose (5472 words) Fandom: Dragon Age: Inquisition Relationships: The Iron Bull/Cullen Rutherford Characters: Cullen Rutherford, The Iron Bull (Dragon Age) Additional Tags: POV Cullen Rutherford, Dissociation, Kirkwall-related Trauma and Recovery, Lyrium Withdrawal, Character Secretly Has Tentacles, Tentacle Dick, Brief Hypnotism, Body Horror Cullen discovers in Bull someone to share parts of himself that he hasn't shared since Kirkwall.
I wrote this for an exchange but now it's genuinely one of my favorite fics to give a little re-read when I'm sad. I love it very, very dearly.
Yes, And (10393 words) Fandom: Our Flag Means Death (TV) Relationships: Wee John Feeney/Frenchie Characters: Frenchie (Our Flag Means Death), Wee John Feeney, Original Trans Character(s) Additional Tags: Meet-Cute, Pre-Canon, Non-Traditional Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Fluff and Smut, POV Frenchie (Our Flag Means Death), Molly House, Alpha Frenchie (Our Flag Means Death), Omega Wee John Feeney, Intersex Wee John Feeney, Queer Themes, Nipple Play, Male Lactation, Knotting, Mpreg, Coming Untouched, Casual Sex Work Sometimes life throws you something you aren't expecting. If you're Frenchie and Wee John, you roll with it.
You know when you write the fic that you love the most but nobody in the fandom really likes it? That's this fic. I have an entire long AU with these two in my head that this fic is just the beginning of. I love it so much.
Sweetest Downfall Fandom: KinnPorsche: The Series (TV) Relationships: Pete Phongsakorn Saengtham/Kinn Anakinn Theerapanyakun Characters: Pete Phongsakorn Saengtham, Kinn Anakinn Theerapanyakun, Khun Tankhun Theerapanyakun, Big (KinnPorsche: The Series) Additional Tags: Grief/Mourning, Angst, Pre-Canon, Under-negotiated Kink, Belts, Bad Ideas, Bottom Kinn Anakinn Theerapanyakun, Top Pete Phongsakorn Saengtham, Masochism, Sadism, Obedience, Anal Sex, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, POV Pete Phongsakorn Saengtham, the cock is only mildly healing, in spite of everyone's best intentions "Should I kiss you?" he asks.   Dark eyes turn away and Kinn's lips press into a thin line. Tears gather at the corners of Kinn's eyes. "No. Kissing is only for people we love."   After Tawan's death, Pete helps Kinn.
THIS STORY. it still wrecks me emotionally when I think about it and I think I wrote the best Kinn I've ever written right here. The cock really is only mildly healing.
ruining me completely (1562 words) Fandom: เล่นจนเป็นเรื่อง | Playboyy (Thailand TV 2023) Relationships: Phop Piphop Srikaew/Nuth Nuthakrit Varindr-Vachararodch Characters: Nuth Nuthakrit Varindr-Vachararodch, Phop Piphop Srikaew Additional Tags: Self-Discovery, Gender Dysphoria, Character Study "I've tried it," Phop says, looking at the marigold-yellow dress that Nuth holds out like it'll bite him. "Dresses and stuff. Dressing up. It never fits right."
Nuth doesn't know how to say that he wants Phop to try again for him, so he says instead, "I picked it out. It compliments your color, and it's cute. Flowy, right?" It was the style Phop said he'd wear, if he could.
Writing this fic gave me so many feelings and now re-reading it gives me many more. I want to cover this Phop in flowers and all the pretty things he wants but distances himself from. The only non-explicit fic on this list!
ball and chain (2459 words) Fandom: เล่นจนเป็นเรื่อง | Playboyy (Thailand TV 2023) Relationships: Prom Prompitch Ponglert/Nont Nontnapas Saktawee, Prom Prompitch Ponglert/Nant Nantnarin Saktawee, Aob Anand Aiemwilai & Prom Prompitch Ponglert Characters: Prom Prompitch Ponglert, Nant Nantnarin Saktawee, Aob Anand Aiemwilai, Nont Nontnapas Saktawee Additional Tags: Coda, Episode 2, POV Prom Prompitch Ponglert, Character Study, when you crack a character open and the horrors emerge, Drug Use, Captivity, Implied/Referenced Drug Addiction, Anal Fingering, Anal Sex, Choking, Masochism, Masturbation, Under-negotiated Kink, hoping your boyfriend's twin is the evil one, brief Jason/Prom While the boy who isn't Nant is still draped over Prom, clueless, a message pings Prom's phone. Prom shifts away and looks at the screen, and of course it's Nant. where? did you go?? it doesn't take that long to smoke prompitchhhhhh
I think I am most pleased with how this fic came out, of all the Playboyy fic I've written. I hit everything I wanted to hit and the mood is so cohesive and lovely.
Thank you @cryptidafter for the ask! this was fun!
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kitchenisking · 2 years
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It's raining here🌧️ so enjoy a hot cup of your preferred beverage and enjoy the lights!❤️
We Fall Into One Another by jettiebettie - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 2459, sterek)
Life affirmation is a funny thing, to be perfectly honest.
It’s like one minute you’re running harder than you ever thought you could in order to outrun bullets, and the next you have boner at the realization that you did it. That you’re alive and unshot and free to fight (flight) for survival another day.
And then you have your hand down another guy’s pants. It happens.
It happens to them.
Finger Bangin' by Hatteress (goddammitstacey) - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 3464, sterek)
Stiles starts bringing drumsticks to Pack gatherings, sitting himself on the edge of the group to tap out maddening rhythms on his knees as the werewolves train. The first time he’d pulled them out, spinning one stick in a showy twirl between his fingers, Derek had actually staggered a little, missed a basic move, and ended up on his back blinking up at fucking Jackson, of all people.
The Mechanic and the Pea by FluffysRkive - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 7712, sterek)
Prompted off of this picture: Derek is a mechanic with naughty thoughts and Stiles is a teenager who is trying to not explode from sexual frustration before graduation.
Your Body Language is Broken English by merpiplier - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 1522, sterek)
Stiles hates the noises Derek wrings out of him when they're in bed. Derek loves them and can't get enough to making Stiles make more.
Scent by moodwriter - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 1629, sterek)
Derek and Stiles get down and dirty in a library.
You Sure Are Looking Good by miriad - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 3070, sterek)
Stiles also doesn’t like it when assholes treat other people around him poorly, which is how he ends up meeting Derek.
Fix Me by iamee  - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 3110, sterek)
Derek has a car. Stiles is (sort of) happy to fix it. Derek is (sort of) in heat. Stiles is just there.
Six Stages of Stiles by rufflefeather - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 3406, sterek)
“I’m not surprised,” Derek huffs. It’s not even with exertion, it’s just out of annoyance which is his default setting since the anger one passed. Stiles calls it his Six Stages of Stiles: Anger, Annoyance, Bargaining (for him to go away), Acceptance (because he never does), Like and Love. He’s not found anyone who has reached the final stage yet, not counting his dad because he’s got no choice, apart from maybe Scott. But Stiles is an optimistic guy, he fears for his life on a weekly basis and still wants to get up in the morning, so yeah. One day there will be love. And sex marathons. Hopefully.
Driving me Insane by Viet_joker - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 2604, sterek)
Stiles is seriously driving Derek insane. He always had control, up until the worker at the drive-thru window had an interest in Stiles, and Stiles seemed somewhat surprised and probably interested. Derek was going to show that Stiles belonged to him and only him.
They Can Smell It On You by philosophyofhedonism - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 1854, sterek)
Taken from a prompt on the Teen Wolf Kink Meme that I have since lost, so imma post it here. Derek rides Stiles hard and puts him away wet. To keep him that way, he makes Stiles wear a plug when they're not having sex.
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humanrindswrites · 2 years
you're mine
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summary: corey’s a little jealous
pairing: corey taylor x female reader/oc
warnings: smut, jealousy, rough sex, oral sex (male receiving), begging, light dom/sub, possessiveness, aftercare (let me know if i missed anything!)
word count: 2459 words
a/n: i finally did it! my soft vanilla ass wrote a rougher smut!
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He knew that he was overreacting, but his mind was too clouded over for him to rationalise his thoughts. There was only one thought in his mind and that was the scumbag on the other side of the bar trying to put his arm around his girl.
Corey had never considered himself to be the jealous or possessive type, but something in his brain just clicked. Maybe it was the alcohol, maybe it was the guy touching her, but whatever it was, he didn’t like it.
He drained the rest of his drink in one shot before placing it down on the bar and making his way over, dodging anybody who accidentally stepped into his path. He kept his eyes forward as he moved, watching as the asshole put his hand on the small of her back and she cringed, trying to get away from him.
When he finally reached them, he gently touched her on her forearm, trying to catch her attention without frightening her. She looked so relieved when she saw him, her jaw tense with discomfort. He could have been wrong, but her eyes screamed get this creep off of me.
“Hey, I was looking for you,” Corey said loudly, making sure the creep could hear him. “Making friends?” He noticed the guy gave him a dirty look out of the corner of his eye and shot him one back.
“We were in the middle of a conversation,” the guy said, trying to pull her away from Corey.
“Get your hands off my girlfriend before I break them,” he growled, keeping his eyes on him until he cowered away and ran off.
“Baby?” she said, pulling him out of his thoughts. “You’re squeezing my arm a little too hard.”
“Oh shit, sorry,” he said as he let go of her arm, her skin returning to its normal colour. “Wanna get out of here?”
She nodded and rubbed her arm where he’d been holding her. “Yeah, I just want to go home.”
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The ride home was awkward. A tense air surrounded them both as they sat in silence, Corey squeezing her knee every now and then as if he was reminding her that he was there. She didn’t think that the confrontation in the bar had gotten to him so much, but the way his jaw was clenched and he wouldn’t look her in the eye told her the opposite.
As soon as they were through the front door, she found herself pushed up against the wall, his hands trailing over her body, groping and squeezing exactly where he knew she liked best while he attached his mouth to the underside of her jaw.
“I’ve wanted to do this since I saw that asshole hanging off you,” he husked in her ear, his fingers dipping into the top of her dress and pulling it down to expose her breasts. “Show him what he can’t have because you’re all mine.”
She tried to speak but could only whine, wordlessly begging him to keep going. Corey was usually so gentle with her, so caring and loving that when he got into a rougher mood, it both excited her and made her nervous. He wouldn’t dream of hurting her or doing anything she didn’t want, but the uncertainty made her tremble.
“Is this okay?” he asked when he noticed how she reacted. “Tell me if you don’t like it.”
“I’m fine,” she said, letting herself relax against the wall. “Just do what you need.”
He smiled softly and tenderly kissed her forehead before leading her into the living room and guiding her to perch on the arm of the sofa, his hands planted firmly on her hips.
“Look at you,” he breathed as he trailed his fingers along her jaw and tilted her face up to his. “I don’t blame anybody for wanting to touch you, but you’re my pretty girl.”
Her face warmed under his fingers and she cast her eyes away from him briefly. “Don’t be shy,” he said. “It's true.”
He closed the gap between them, pushing his lips against hers and kissing her fiercely. She grabbed hold of his arms to keep her balance and let him pull her body closer to his, his hand on her hip squeezing so tight she was bound to have bruises in the morning. His tongue plunged between her lips, forcing them apart and letting him explore more of her as she whined into his mouth and raked her nails over his shoulders.
“I think I want this mouth somewhere else,” he said when he broke away from her and ran his thumb along her swollen lower lip. “Get on your knees.”
Without taking her eyes off him, she hopped off the sofa arm and sank to the floor. She could already see how hard he was through his jeans and her mouth watered in excitement as she unbuckled his belt and unbuttoned his jeans. Her heartbeat quicked when she felt him twitch under her fingers and she let her eyes drift up to see the wolfish look on his face.
“You know what to do,” he purred as he stroked her hair, his fingers slightly tightening.
Slowly, she pulled his zipper down and pushed his jeans down just enough to keep them out of the way. His hips bucked when she finally pulled his hard length out of his underwear, pulsing and throbbing in her hand. A pleasured sigh escaped his mouth when she stroked him before running her soft tongue up the length of his shaft. Her hand continued to stroke as she took the head into her mouth and sucked gently, building up the pleasure just the way he liked.
“Good girl,” he breathed. “You don’t want anyone else’s cock, do you?”
She hummed around his cock and continued to suck, moving her head up and down and stroking what she couldn’t fit in her mouth. Corey’s hold on the back of her head alternated between gently stroking and pulling her hair whenever a strong pang of pleasure coursed through him.
“I could just fuck this pretty mouth of yours,” he breathed as she gathered more of her hair into his hand. “Cum all over your face so that you won’t forget who you belong to.”
Her cunt clenched and dampened at his words, making her speed up her movements and moan when his precum hit her tongue. She let her hand travel down her body to play with her clit through her panties, already hard and sensitive from being teased by him. Her hips bucked into her hand as she continued to touch herself and was about to dip her fingers inside her panties when a particularly rough tug on her hair brought her attention back to Corey.
“That’s my job,” he said as he pulled his cock from her mouth and leaned down to hold her face in his hand. “If you wanted your pussy played with that badly, you should have asked.”
“Please,” she whined as she looked up at him with pleading eyes.
“Please, what?”
“Please play with my pussy, Corey.”
He softened his hold on her face and stroked her cheek as he let go of her head and helped her stand up. 
“Good girl,” he crooned before kissing her again. “Bend over the side of the couch.”
She immediately turned around and positioned herself on the arm of the couch, her feet staying on the floor while her hips were raised over the couch and her face rested on the cushions. Her dress was pushed up slightly by the position and her skin tingled when she felt Corey pull the bottom up over her hips, exposing her behind to him. She heard him hum from behind her and tried to turn her head to see him, but only managed to see her back.
“Now this is a view I like to see,” he said, punctuating it with a firm smack on her behind. She squeaked in surprise and her cunt clenched again, begging to be touched.
“Please, baby,” she whined, her voice muffled by the cushions. “I need you.”
“So impatient,” he crooned as he pulled her panties down her legs.
Once they were discarded, he spread her lips apart and gazed in awe at the treat waiting for him, her inner lips swollen and puffy, her cunt dripping and clenching before him. His fingers easily slid through her arousal, teasing her before swirling around her hard clit and making her squirm in pleasure.
“Fuck, you’ve got such a pretty pussy,” he breathed as he pushed two of his fingers inside, savouring how her walls swallowed and pulsed around them.
She rocked her hips in time with his fingers, guiding him to where she needed him the most, only for him to immediately pull them out again and smack her ass again.
“You’re not going to cum on my fingers, babydoll,” he said and loomed over her body, his mouth next to her ear. “You’re going to cum on my cock.”
She whimpered and tried to plant her feet firmer on the floor, readying herself for him to crash into her. Her fingers curled into fists under her shoulders when she felt him run the tip of his cock through her folds, coating it with her essence before finally pushing inside. She was so pent up that she felt like she was being split in two in the best way. Corey immediately set a harsh pace, his hips crashing into her behind as he held her so hard his fingers sank into her flesh.
“You’re so fucking tight,” he panted as he fucked her, enjoying the dull slapping sound of his hips colliding with her ass. “Gonna make sure you know you’re mine.”
She opened her mouth to catch her breath, only for a shaky moan to escape her lips. The feeling of him roughly sliding in and out of her was more intense than anything she’d ever felt before, and the fabric of the couch rubbing her nipples raw only added to it. Her mind had gone blank, the evening completely erased and the only thought left was him. His hands on her body, his lips on her neck, his cock inside her.
Corey took a handful of her hair and roughly pulled her to arch her back, a loud moan flying from her mouth at the change of angle. She felt less stable being held up, but she couldn’t deny how good it felt. Her breath came out in pants and moaned as she begged him to keep fucking her, to make her forget about any other man.
“You want me to make you cum, baby?” he asked as he trailed his fingers up and down her spine.
“Please,” she whimpered. “I want to cum so badly.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll make you cum,” he said. “I’m gonna drag it out of you, again and again.”
She swallowed thickly and her cunt immediately clenched around him, her first orgasm fast approaching. She kept her hands planted on the couch as he continued to pound into her, resisting the urge to sneak her hand under her body to play with her clit. Her nails dug into the couch cushion and she bit her lip hard enough to bleed as she let Corey take over her body, pushing her closer and closer to the edge.
A cry burst out of her lungs when she fell over the edge, her pussy clamping down and pulsing around his cock until she was a panting mess. Corey let go of her hair and pushed down on her back to let her lie flat on the couch, his other hand staying on her hip but not gripping as hard.
“That’s it, baby,” he cooed as he continued to fuck her through her high. “You’ve got one more in you, I know it.”
“I can’t,” she whined, her head too heavy to lift. “I don’t think I can.”
“Yes, you can,” he said as he pulled out and helped her turn over. “Be a good girl and cum again for me. Here, I’ll give you a hand.”
Now lying on her back with her legs spread wide, she welcomed him back inside her warmth and her eyes immediately rolled back when he hit her sweet spot again. Corey continued his rapid pace, his hips snapping against hers as he drove his cock into her. He could feel his stomach getting tight as his own orgasm started to creep up on him and brushed his thumb over her clit, building her pleasure up again.
“How’s that feel?” he crooned as he watched her grope at her breasts and listened to her moan in response. 
Her clit twitched under his thumb, growing more and more sensitive as he touched it. He knew that she was already getting close again as her cries and moans became louder and closely spaced together, her hips bucking up into him until her mouth hung open and her back arched sharply.
She clamped down on his cock again, triggering his own climax and making him spill thick cum inside her. Her body jolted and trembled as he continued to thrust into her, the overstimulation making her whine and try to close her legs.
Corey finally stilled when his high had passed, his body starting to feel loose as he loomed over her. He caught his breath and steadily pulled out to watch his cum drip out of her spent pussy. If she hadn’t milked him dry he could have gotten hard again.
“Good girl,” he said as he stroked her thighs and came to lie with her on the couch. “I didn’t hurt you, did I?”
She smiled and shook her head as she cuddled up to him, resting her head on his chest and listening to his heartbeat. Her whole body felt boneless and relaxed, but different to how she felt when he was gentle with her.
“I dunno what came over me tonight,” he said after they were both quiet for a while. “I just saw how uncomfortable you were with him hanging off you and I didn’t like it.”
“It’s okay,” she said as she ran her hands along his exposed forearms. “You handled it better than I’ve seen some guys.”
“I’m just glad you don’t think I was taking it out on you.”
“I knew exactly what was going through your head. But maybe you should get like that more often if it means you’ll fuck me like that.”
He pulled her further into him, lying her on top of him as he rested his forehead against hers.
“I don’t need to get jealous to fuck you like that, sweetheart.”
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ao3feed-kiribaku · 2 months
Orange With a Hint of Red
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/1TGobnt by duhbkgo When Eijirou decides he wants to accept that he has feelings for one of his best friends; Katsuki Bakugou, he begins to look closer at the boy studying every detail of his face. Something catches his eyes; Katsuki wears hearing aids because he's hard of hearing. Now it isn't as if he doesn't already know this it's rather the design on said item that catches his eyes, an explosion that booms with what looks like Red sparks but also has a slight hint of, Orange? Words: 2459, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Kirishima Eijirou, Bakugou Katsuki, Sero Hanta, Kaminari Denki, Todoroki Shouto, Ashido Mina, Mineta Minoru, Midoriya Izuku, Class 1-A (My Hero Academia), Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic Relationships: Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou, Sero Hanta/Todoroki Shouto Additional Tags: Class 1-A Shenanigans (My Hero Academia), Shinsou Hitoshi is in Class 1-A, Mineta Minoru is a Decent Human Being, Pining Kirishima Eijirou, Ashido Mina is a Little Shit, Boys Kissing, Non-Sexual Intimacy, Making Out, Bakugou Katsuki Swears A Lot, Kirishima Eijirou is a Ray of Sunshine, Sero Hanta is a Good Friend, Slow Burn, Bakugou Katsuki is Bad at Feelings, Hard of Hearing Bakugou Katsuki, Confused Kirishima Eijirou, How Do I Tag, Confused Bakugou Katsuki, Mutual Pining, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Todoroki Shouto is a Dork, Fluff and Angst, Humor, No beta tester read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/1TGobnt
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houseofpendragons · 2 years
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Summary: Daeron takes Aegon to pray and what a little prayer without trauma making your eyes leak 👍
Warnings: Minor mention of oral (m receiving) in passing, sadness, grammatical errors (bc I was too lazy, sue me😂) and I think that's it but let me know if I missed anything
Word Count: 2459 Words
A/N: This took forever to write and I've had this idea for a while so I finally finished it in an attempt to get rid of my writers block
The left side of his face felt like there were a thousand tiny pinprick needles stabbing the usually pale flesh of his cheek. He could feel it reddening, swelling under the ghost of her hand, never soft or caring when directed towards him like a mother should direct to her son, no - hers was always a fist of steel and iron that hurt worse than if he'd been dealt a blow by Ser Criston's morningstar.
His eyes watered on instinct, his hand frozen in midair with fingers reaching out to soothe the abused flesh. And then she was gone, she'd just left him by himself in that room, disappearing in a flury of green skirts.
Aegon had been found with some girl again, whispers had already begun to echo through the corridors. He wanted to laugh, he wasn't sure why but their was an undeniable urge there as he realized he couldn't even recall the girls name. That had been the question that had made her strike like a viper, venom seeping into his veins and filling him with its poison, except she was his mother and not a snake. She used an open palm instead of venom. And that hurt far worse. She'd asked "who is this girl? So that I might fix this with her family!" And he didn't know.
The laughter turned to a pain in the back of his throat. It burned as his throat tried to close, it hurt as the tears slid down his face, it hurt in his chest as the muscled constricted and a pang struck his heart. It made him angry how she has such an affect on him, he should be used it by now, she had struck him countless times over the years. But...she was his mother, she was all he had. He loved her. And he felt her rejection of his cries for help as literal knife to the heart.
He looked at his skin now, as if he might see the thousands of scars that littered him just below the surface staring back at him. But all he saw was the unamarred flesh, practically devoid of color from months of being sheilded from the sun since he preferred to sleep away from the sun and live by the moon and stars. It was the only way he knew, at night he was less likely to be seen, he did it for her, he tried for her. But she didn't see it that way.
Daeron stood anxiously just outside the door to Aegon's room, his own eyes were tearful, guilt eating away at him seeing as he was the one who'd informed and delivered him to their mother in the first place. He bounced his knee anxiously and clutched one trembling hand in the other as if to steady himself. His breath trembled as he tried to gain the courage to face him. His mother hadn't seen him as she'd rushed away, stomping as if their was some bug under her feet. He was glad, or else she would've forced him with her. He was the youngest and so she had a tendency to baby him, but he wanted to be a man right now.
He thought he had his courage now, but when he turned his body to stand in the doorway of his room it all slipped away from him, as if water disappearing from between his fingers.
Aegon had always...intimidated him? No, that wasn't it. Truly he and Aegon had never been able to bond, or allowed to perhaps. They were such different people. Aegon was so desperate to get away from any semblance of who he was, whilst Daeron was molded to be, well everything his eldest brother was not.
His eyes were hard like stone, but their was no denying the fire that danced behind it. The flames were reaching out, licking the air for a taste of chaos, they longed for it like an addiction. "And what do you want, Septon Daeron. Here to get me into more trouble, or are you looking for a change of pace and decided to gloat?" It wasn't a question, it was a dismissal. But the youngest brother also felt like it was a cry, "Please don't leave me alone" he felt the words actually meant. He wanted to answer that call, he reminded himself that he was full of fire too and pretended that he could feel it just below the surface of his skin, scarred from training. It sounded stupid but it always comforted him.
Daeron gulped down the lump in his throat. "Do-Do you-" He cursed himself silently in his head, he'd pray for forgiveness for that soon enough. "Would you like to come with me?"
Aegon eyed him, clearly distrustful, not sure what underlying motive was hiding behind clouds of masked innocence. Daeron couldn't blame his distrust. The guilt nipped at him again.
Suprisingly, Aegon scoffed and rolled his eyes after a few moments of silence where he just stared at the dwindling flames in the fireplace. "Fine. Just don't waste my time."
Dumbfounded, Daeron only stood their for a few moments as his brother shouldered past him. His eyes were wide and his mouth was damn near on the floor. A smile broke out on his face and he turned around and rushed to take the lead.
The carriage shook and rumbled as the wheelhouse made its way down the broken and uneven streets of King's Landing. Inside, Daeron and Aegon sat in an awkward silence. Aegon was looking out of the window and Daeron stares silently at the side of his face. He wanted to understand him, he liked to think of people as a puzzle, it made it fun and easier for him to comprehend. To Daeron, Aegon was the most complicated puzzle of all. There were so many layers to him - sometimes he was just a broken boy, other times a menace, uncaring, unfeeling, full of laughter, mischievous...and sometimes he was just nothing, simply a hollow shell. It was as if he could leave his own body and...who knew where he went.
Daeron was guilty yanked from his thoughts as he saw Aegon's head turn towards his direction. He snapped his head foreward immediately, a slight flush creeping up his neck in embarrassment. He had nothing to be embarrassed about though because his brother truly didn't care. Aegon rolled his eyes and sighed dramatically at the sight of his brothers awkward posture and blush.
"Where are you taking me?" It struck him hard and fast that Aemond had asked him that same question when he was thirteen, when he'd taken him to the Street of Silk. He didn't know why he suddenly thought about it and he also didn't know why he felt like bile was coming up his throat. Now it was his turned to quickly look away from his brother, whom looked so bright eyes and innocent, yet also so stong and wise, just completely ready to see all the world had to offer him with no fear. It made him nauseous, he couldn't handle it, he felt like he couldn't breath.
"Nevermind, it doesn't matter anyways." Daeron's eager smile for conversation fell. He twisted his lip and sank into the cushion behind him. Aegon took this in out of the corner of his eye. He felt guilt. He sighed. "I'm sure it'll be great." He added just to lessen the blow. He didn't know why, but he wasn't ready to be the one to kill that ember yet.
Aegon tried to remeber the last time he'd even seen the boy next to him, well he was a man now, but back then he'd been a boy. He'd honestly look alot like Aemond, just without the freckles, and his hair was a bit shorter as well. Even now the similarities were still there, both in looks and personality, but they were also so very different.
He was ripped from his thoughts when they suddenly stopped. Daeron eagerly jumped up say something along the lines of "Ah, we're here" before jumping out without looking back at him to see if he was even going to get out. Whatever Aegon had been expexting to see when he exited the wheelhouse it was not what he saw staring back at him as his feet met the cobbles.
He stared up at the great stone building for a few moments, looking like Daeron had when Aegon had first excepted to go on this trip in the first place.
"The Sept..." Suddenly he burt out into laughter, completely unexpexting this and yet also not suprised at the same time. This was the first time Aegon remembered genuinely laughing in a long time, nothing fake and for show, just real laughter. And the best thing was, he didn't even know what was was funny.
Daeron was trying not to join in his brother's maniacal laughter, wanted him to see how serious he was about this. It was hard to do.
"Ah, I'm sorry. I just- you just-" He heaved for breath. "Alright let's go and get this done with, Septon Daeron." He through an arm over his little brother's shoulder and joked about confessing about his sins of gluttony, and alcohol, and all sorts of deviant types of sexual activities.
It suprised Daeron just how seriously amused Aegon found this. He watched his brother strut and smirk at all the confused Septon's who glanced their way. He was more confused when Aegon reached the alter first and knelt before the candles with his hands folded in prayer.
"Alright, now where to start. Well, here's a good one. Would the Seven be so kind as to forgive me for enjoying the feeling of that girls soft, plump lips around my cock so much-"
"Aegon!" Daeron was horrified. He looked around as if he was the one who was doing something wrong. He was beginning to think this was a mistake, but then he saw something, merely a flicker, but it was something.
"What?" He asked through laughter, pushing a strand of argent hair behind his ear. He was trying to hide it. But when he looked into those wide eyes so full of innocence, pleading, he gulped and nodded. "Alright, fine. What do I...what do you want me to say."
"It's not about what I want you to say, say what you wanted to say." He was quick to add. "Quietly."
Aegon smirked, watching as Daeron closed his eyes, completely unaware that Daeron was praying for forgiveness for getting his eldest brother hurt. Then he closed his own eyes.
He thought about that girl again, the nameless girl. He thought about his mother and how he thought he was the reason for her unhappiness, how he was never enough for anyone. He thought about Rhaenyra's unwarranted hatred, he thought of his fathers willful blindness and how he and his sibling were invisible to the man that was supposed to love me more than anything.
He felt anger bubbling up inside of him and riveting off of him in waves, but then it dissipated into a sea of sadness. He wanted to run, he'd spent his entire lift running from this thing he couldn't see.
Aegon didn't like this. He didn't want to feel sad...he wanted to feel...numb.
Nevertheless the big, hot tears kept falling freely down his cheeks, only to dive down onto his top dau pld tunic. Every when spot thst littered him he glared at in loathe, not liking it when his masked slipped and showed the world he was really just a damaged boy pretending to be a man.
And yet his brother said nothing, staring at him with the calm, cool lavender eyes thst his younger siblings all shared - again making him with his dark purple eyes, the outside again.
It made him cry more.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry." He didn't even know what he was apologizing for. Was it for not being who his mother so desperately wanted him to be, for that nameless girl who he'd never see or think about again, for the things he did to sweet Helaena, for Aemond whom he was never there for, or for not being a good brother for Daeron. Maybe it was for himself, for the broken boy that he truly was inside, the boy who didn't know anything.
Daeron reached for his brother's trembling hand, and as if he knew exactly what to do he sat in silence and let Aegon get it all out, he watched patiently, and squeezed in hand comfortingly.
Aegon snapped. "I'm sorry." He rubbed at his eyes furiously, angry at the tears. Beneath his wye became raw and Daeron had to grab his hand lest he being to bleed or heavens forbid claw his eyes out - he could never be to sure with Aegon and how far he'd truly go. "This isn't me, this isn't me. I-"
"What isn't you, brother." Daeron felt sorrow in his chest, as if he too was feeling his brother's pain. Aegon's only response was to shake his head back and forth rapidly, as if the fight the invisible demon that he called emotion.
He shushed him gently. It only made his brother cry harder.
"I know you don't understand me. I don't understand me but- I don't-" He was visible shaking with every breath. "I don't know why I do the things that I do. I don't know why I hurt people. Why I hurt myself" Daeron pulled him into a hug, as if to wrap him up in his arms like a blanket. Daeron could laugh at that moment, it was as if he was the big brother and not the other way around.
"I don't know why I-I don't know...I don't know anything." Aegon choked out as he continued to sob.
"It's okay, big brother. I'm here, I'm here. Just let it all out."
Suddenly, it was as if Daeron and Aegon finally, I mean truly, saw one another as brothers. "I'm glad you got out." And their eyes, meeting in the dim glow of the candlelight, conveyed all the rest of the words left unsaid.
That night when they returned to the Red Keep it was in silence, not the uncomfortable one that they had left in, but something like understanding. They went to bed that night and they never spoke of what had happen that day in the Sept again but their was a change in how they interacted with one another that day and that brokenness was the sad secret that bound them together, not the blood I'm their veins. But the tradgedy in them instead.
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dhr-ao3 · 2 months
Violent Delights Have Violent Ends
Violent Delights Have Violent Ends https://ift.tt/LCTcRSB by LBiggs_2702 They’ve returned for their 8th year. The golden girl has never felt more alone. A few mysterious encounters with the known Slytherin Prince leave her feeling displaced…   ‘For never was a story of more woe, Than this of Juliet and her Romeo.’ Words: 2459, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Categories: F/M, M/M Characters: Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger, Theodore Nott, Blaise Zabini, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Ginny Weasley, Kingsley Shacklebolt Relationships: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy, Theodore Nott/Blaise Zabini, Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley Additional Tags: Soul Bond, Fluff and Smut, Jealousy, Character Death, Tragic Romance, This Is Not Going To Go The Way You Think, Heartbreak, Hermione Granger & Theodore Nott Friendship, I want it to hurt, Smut, Death, Blood, Violence via AO3 works tagged 'Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy' https://ift.tt/4Kwune3 July 22, 2024 at 10:34PM
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the-bar-sinister · 2 months
What Wreckage Remains (2459 words) by Dave Strider Chapters: 2/2
Doflamingo digs through the wreckage of Punk Hazard grieving Monet and Vergo's loss. But he finds Vergo in clean, bloodless pieces, and gets a shock when sentimentally he puts them together.
read part 1
"You're alive?" There was a choked, shocked quality to the familiar voice as Vergo's consciousness came back to him.
Vergo’s consciousness swam in and out even as he tried to focus on Doflamingo’s face. He smiled weakly as his breath passed through his lips in ragged gasps “Am I? Was I supposed to be dead, boss? Heh.” 
"I was thinking it was going to be unavoidable." The choked quality in his voice got worse, and though Vergo was having trouble focusing, Doffy might have looked away to wipe his eyes under his glasses. "I'm damned glad it's not."
“What can I say? I’m a resilient old bastard,” he murmured with a wince. “Law was here, Doffy. Working with the marines and some freak in a Straw Hat of all people.” 
"Straw Hat Luffy," Doflamingo growled. "Law on his own we could have handled. Can I help you up, or do you need not to move?"
Virgo felt Doflamingo's head on his chest for a moment.They had known one another for thirty years. Practically their whole lives.
They’d met when they were kids beaten down by life, a street kid…a criminal…and the kid who the whole world seemed to hate. Vergo struggled to move his arm, the feeling still not fully back from Law’s strange power and the brush with death.
He managed at least to flop it against Doflamingo’s back. “Sit me up, big guy.” 
"With pleasure." He sat up, pulling Vergo up carefully along with him, with one strong arm scooped around his back.
Vergo’s muscles screamed, but he soon found himself sitting up with his head against the ruined bars of the facility.
“The marines weren’t normal either,” he frowned and reached for his face, discovering his sunglasses had been shattered to pieces. “as I can see, there ain’t much left of this facility.” 
"I said a few words to the marines," Doffy growled as well. "My title's supposed to protect us from marine intervention, but you and I both know how well the organization's run."
Doflamingo kept his arm around him, keeping him sitting upright as he got his bearings. Doffy didn't spew recriminations or demand answers, or accuse him of failure. He just sat there with his friend, so obviously just glad he was alive.
“Yeah, I probably shoulda done a better job with the roughnecks, huh?” ...or maybe I did? I dunno.” Vergo laughed, wincing in pain. He closed his eyes. “...did Monet get out and call for ya? How long’s it been since this place went up?” 
Doffy's long silence told him everything he needed to know about Monet. When he spoke it was quietly, with the hard edge of barely suppressed anger and grief deep in the back of his throat.
"It's been a few hours," he said. "Monet called me. …They got her, Vergo. She's… we'll take her back with us."
Vergo’s jaw set sharply. 
“...fucking bastards!” his voice became a low growl as he tried to stand. “ which one of ‘em? I’ll break ‘em in half.” 
"I have my suspicions," Doffy said darkly. He stood up carefully, helping Vergo to his feet as he did. He caught him as he stumbled. "Careful there."
Vergo’s world swam again as he looped an arm around him to steady himself. 
“I got mine too, and if I’m right..” He frowned sharply. “tch. After everything you did for him.” 
"I get the distinct impression he isn't grateful." Doflamingo's tone was dry, but Vergo could sense the hurt under it as he carefully supported him. "When you can walk, we'll see if we can find a ship intact here. I'm worried swinging back with you might make your injuries worse."
“I had my haki up and everything, I think. and he still took me to pieces.” Vergo grumbled. He shook his head and pat Doflamingo on the back. “I know where I parked mine. They probably didn’t sink it.” 
"He gets a few tricks up his sleeve and he thinks he can play with the big boys." Doflamingo helped Vergo start to move through the wreckage slowly. "I don't know what ideas my brother put in his head, but we're going to need to sort him out."
“Seems like the shit your brother spouted convinced him that you’re a devil incarnate, Doffy.” Vergo raised one hand painfully to brush away some debris stuck to his cheek.. “He was hissing about it the whole time we fought.” 
"Was he?" Doffy's brow furrowed at the thought. As Vergo raised his hand, he gently intervened, stroking his fingers over his cheek to brush away the debris himself. "I'm sorry this became a problem."
“Yeah. Rosi dying seems to have screwed the kid up.” Vergo leaned into his hand with a half smile. “Ain’t your fault. It’s the lying mole’s fault.” 
"Yeah," Doflamingo rasped. It was an old wound, but it still clearly cut fresh. "The mole. I'm tired of moles, Vergo. Maybe none of this would have happened if we hadn't agreed to post you in the Marines. After you're healed up I want you back with the family full time, do you understand?"
Vergo could tell that Doffy was regretting having agreed to it those years ago. Maybe even thinking that if Vergo had been there when Rosinante showed up, Vergo would have sniffed out that he was playing the family false.
He gripped his captain, his boss and his longtime companion tighter. 
“Promise, Doffy. I’ll stick to you like glue.” He laughed, before he tried to lighten the mood, “or like a spoon or something to my damn face.” 
That got a sharp, slightly pained laugh out of Doflamingo. Doflamingo who had often called him his brother. 'Rosi's just blood, Vergo. You're my brother.'
"Good," he huffed. "You had better, or I may find myself sewing your wrist to mine."
At the comment, Vergo felt the tickling sensation of Doffy's threads brush teasingly at his hand.
“You’re my brother, Doffy.” he said with a lopsided smile as he twisted his hand to catch the strings. “I ain’t gonna be as useful to you if you sew me up, but I ain’t gonna give you orders.” 
"Forgive me for being clingy given the circumstances," he drawled as he helped Vergo limp to the shore. "I didn't like the thought of losing you."
“Didn’t really like the idea that I was dying either.” Vergo squeezed him. “When the world was going black all I could think about was how I’d explain it to you.” 
"Vergo!" Doflamingo pulled him closer, and pressed his forehead to his, still careful to support his weight. "I…"
It was a rarity for him to be at loss for words, but Vergo felt him fumble for them.
Vergo leaned against him, forehead to forehead. “I didn’t wanna let you down.” 
"Never," Doffy promised. "I feel like I let you down, as a leader, and everything else."
Vergo shook his head. 
“You didn’t. I promise you didn’t.” He chuckled harshly. “I forget a lot of things, I’m absentminded, but I’ll never forget all you did for me, Doffy. It was just one of those things. A mess.” 
"Just one of those things. Yeah, I guess so."
He rested his forehead on Vergo's for another long moment, and then shifted face, pressing a kiss to his mouth. It was less rough than usual– clearly worried about hurting him– but as raw as ever and carrying the ache of his narrowly averted grief.
Vergo kissed him back. His body was still weakened, carrying all manner of aches and pains from the battering and explosion, but he poured as much energy as he could into kissing him back with raw passion and relief.
He was alive. That much was miracle enough.
Vergo's ship was indeed intact, and though it took them a while, they got there and Doflamingo helped him get settled in a comfortable position, before leaving to go back and get Monet's body. For a few minutes, he was alone with his thoughts.
Life as a fake marine had been arduous. He’d trained his body and mind, he’d trained recruits he knew he’d one day screw over and sink to the bottom of the sea the moment he got the order…
He had access to the World Government’s knowledge, yet he somehow missed the threat of Straw Hat Luffy and Law’s little alliance coming to wreck operations on Punk Hazard.
He closed his eyes, thinking through that fight and thinking through Law’s obvious vitriol and obsession with the dead, former Corazon. 
Corazon. The position that Vergo had once held until he'd become an 'invisible hand'. Then it had gone to Doffy's 'prodigal brother'. The one who seemingly had poured poison into Law's ear.
The one whose message to the navy Vergo himself had intercepted. The man was a turncoat, using Doffy’s love of his family against him like a knife. Turning Law, a promising and well loved member of the crew from everything he’d heard in reports, into a force of hate against the man who took him in.
Vergo almost wished ‘Cora’ was still alive so he could kill him himself. 
His dark reverie was interrupted by Doflamingo's footsteps returning, and Vergo looked up to see him cradling Monet's still and lifeless body in his arms like a precious doll.
Doffy said nothing for a moment, just holding the body, and looking at Vergo through crimson lenses, the set of his mouth in a forlorn expression.
Vergo felt a lurch of sick in his stomach as he looked at Monet’s body. The kid had been as loyal as they come. Smart as a whip, playful, harsh. He’d always liked her and her sister, but seeing her like this made him ill.
He couldn’t even see the external wounds, just the trickle of blood that poured down her lips…and the neatly cut hole where her heart should be.
Doflamingo nodded, laying Monet's body down carefully on some folded canvas. 
"Like I said. I have a hunch what might have happened. Poor Monet…." Vergo watched as he stroked his fingers through her hair, and let his hand linger on her forehead. "She was loyal to the very end…."
“Of course she was,” Vergo looked down at her before dropping to sit beside her body as well. “She always did her best for the family. Saw that when I came to check in, before they took her away from us. She loved being a Donquixote Pirate. Loved you, Doffy. You can tell.” 
His eyes lingered on her missing heart.
"We'll honor her sacrifice," he said, finally turning away from the body and looking at Vergo. He could see the exhaustion in his face even without seeing his eyes. "We'll take what revenge can be had."
He walked bow legged over to where Vego was sat, and lowered himself to sit beside him. Vergo knew in a moment that the old injuries were hurting him. It was probably the stress.
Vergo wrapped an arm around him. He remembered when those wounds were still fresh. The way he walked from shattered bone. He drew him closer as he kept watching Monet’s body.
“We will. Anything you ask, Doffy. I’ll do it. Sugar…Sugar isn’t going to take this well.” 
Doffy wrapped one arm around Vergo in return and shook his head. "No, she isn't. Nobody is, but Sugar least of all."
Vergo watched as he raised one hand, and almost invisible strings danced in the light. There was the sound of the sails as they unfurled and the creak of the rudder. One nice thing about Doflamingo's ability– he could sail a ship all by himself.
“Someone’s gonna have to make sure she doesn’t pass out from shock.” Vergo muttered, thinking of the toys in Dressrosa as he watched the sails moving as if on their own. 
Doffy's jaw set hard, and he leaned a little more heavily against him.
"Shit." He was quiet for a moment. "There are tough times for the family ahead, Vergo."
Vergo rubbed his shoulder with a weak laugh. 
“Yeah, well…we’ve had tough times before. We always come out the other side.” 
"Damn right we do." Doffy nodded, his smile like a waning moon. "We'll get you healed up, and we'll get through this. Just like we always do. The unconquerable Donquixote family."
“Just like we always do, brother.” Vergo bumped his shoulder with a wry smile “The Donquixote family started from the rubble and ashes and it can rise from it too.” 
Doflamingo bumped his shoulder in return, and there was fire in his voice.
"As many times as it takes. As many places as we have to burn. As much wreckage as we leave in our wake."
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fullmoonficlet · 11 months
Check out the fanworks created for the latest prompt: SUIT. Don't forget to express your appreciation by leaving a comment!
If you haven't already added your work to our collection on AO3, please feel free to add it to the collection for this prompt. If you have any questions about submitting, please leave us an ask to let us know.
Submissions are listed in order by word count. Please check the content notes and pairing for more information about each submission.
Inviting Trouble by @goddess47 (FIC, Gen, PG, 1540) Crossover with Shadowhunters; part of an ongoing story, will not stand alone.
Suit by @darkjediqueen (FIC, Derek/Stiles, PG-13, 2459)
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