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asnowperson · 1 month ago
A short Takemiya Keiko interview from 1998
My "All Things Takemiya" detective friend, Platypus, provided me with a two-page Takemiya Keiko interview scanned by @97tears from the now discontinued Hato yo! (鳩よ! - Oh, Pigeons!) magazine. It was a literary magazine published between 1983 and 2002—a publication you probably wouldn't look at if you were searching up on Takemiya, ig.
You can see the Japanese original taken from the 1998 April issue of the magazine, and my (poor) translation of it under the cut.
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Takemiya Keiko Interview from issue #4 of Hato yo (1998) 
An interview with a master mangaka herself! 
I’ve always wanted to meet them! 1 – Takemiya Keiko 
“I wanted to draw real love” 
Takemiya Keiko. Born in Tokushima in 1950. Debuted with “Ringo no Tsumi” in 1968. Won the 25th Shogakukan Manga Award with “Kaze to Ki no Uta” and “Terra e.” Representative works include “Pharaoh no Haka” among others. “Tenma no Ketsuzoku” is currently being serialized in Asuka Magazine.  
I read “Kaze to Ki no Uta” during elementary school. It has left a very deep impression on me. I remember that when Ms. Takemiya is mentioned. It was like I was looking at something I was not supposed to look, and I still remember the thrill I felt.  Takemiya: Oh, is that so? (laughs) 
Thank you so much for being with me today.   Takemiya: And thank you for having me. 
Shall we start with what prompted you to become a shoujo manga artist?  Takemiya: Fundamentally, I was not suited for shoujo manga. I debuted in COM, and my dream was to draw manga that was neither shounen nor shoujo. But alas, the magazine in which I could draw my ideal manga was no more. My style didn’t have much “power” in it, so I inevitably had to choose a shoujo manga magazine. I think my art style was really uncommon at the time. But it was what it was, and I thought to myself, maybe capitalizing on that was the path I should take.  
Your works have an extraordinary depth as far shoujo manga goes... They have a unique art style...  Takemiya: It hasn’t always been like that. My shoujo manga technique was the fruit of what I have studied. It was not a result of my personal taste, nor my innate skills. Girls like that feathery, light touch. They like fine lines. But I didn’t have any of those. So, I figured drawing things girls would like a lot was my only choice. For instance, when I thought how they must like Europe at the end of the 19th century, I went on a trip as a result. I saw the real thing at its source, and did research on it.  
Then was Kaze to Ki no Uta born because you thought girls would like it?  Takemiya: That might have played into my choice of the time period the story’s set in. However, romance stories between a boy and a girl was the norm in shoujo manga at the time. You could only draw “And they lived happily ever after...” stories. And that happiness was only on the emotional level. It was normal to exclude all physical contact. But that is simply “affection.” I wanted to draw “real love.” I admit it was a little too sensational, but I thought doing it through same-sex love was the best way to go about it. That’s how I drew Kaze to Ki no Uta.  
The sex scenes between men were quite a shock for me as a little child. That’s how I learned homosexuality existed.   Takemiya: At the time, there was an official notice published by the Ministry of Education that stipulated that “You shall not draw a boy and a girl getting intimate!” However, if it was two boys, things were somehow fine... I thought I’d found a loophole! (laughs) 
These days, there are more extreme books labeled as “yaoi.” What do you think about them?  Takemiya: At the end of the day, doujinshi are doujinshi. They focus on personal enjoyment of a group. I consider myself a “craftsman,” and if I look at it from a craftsman's standpoint, I am not wholly satisfied with how they leave many things unexplained, or how they have no conclusion. At their level, I’d liked if those artists too felt more dissatisfied... If they aimed to be more conclusive. They have the talent to draw, so I’d love them to polish those skills. I’m sometimes told that it all started with “Kazeki,” and that I must take responsibility. And every time, I think to myself, “Oh... Re-really? Dit it?” (laughs) I wish someone drew something so awesome that it would blow Kazeki out of the water... 
I’d love that too! You called yourself a “craftsman,” but what exactly makes you think so?  Takemiya: I really love the word “craftsman.” I’m not interested in trying to reach an ideal of art that would not resonate with the public. I believe manga is something aimed at the general public. Otherwise, I would not consider it to have artistic value.  
Spoken like a real pro... Which brings me to Terra e... I think that’s the most widely-accepted manga of yours by the general public, and it was published in a shounen magazine. Why is it the outlier to be published in a shounen magazine?  Takemiya: I received an offer for it, but the truth is, I had always wanted to draw for a shounen magazine. That’s why accepted. But I needed to draw in the shoujo manga audience too, so I wanted the story to offer the best for both demographics. So I tried to have the concept to be that of shoujo manga, and the style to be that of shounen manga as much as possible.    
Is it different to draw for a shounen manga magazine, and a shoujo manga magazine?  Takemiya: You don’t have to hold back in shounen magazines. It fine to draw more hardcore stuff. But in shoujo magazines, that’s out of the question. There’s a trend that dictate that you should explain things in long-winded ways and spoil the reader, because girls like it when you reveal things to them through subterfuge, so don’t hit them directly with hard stuff. 
But after that, you’ve never drawn for shounen magazines which allowed you to draw as you wished.  Takemiya: Shounen magazines are mostly weekly. I cannot keep up with that. My art has fine details, so it takes me a lot of time to draw.  
Then will you be solely drawing for shoujo magazines in the future?  Takemiya: I can’t really say that I will. I’m currently working for a shoujo magazine with “Tenma no Ketsuzoku”, and with volume releases. I recently released an illustration book titled “Hermès no Michi.” I needed to base myself on documents and explain them in drawings. And they couldn’t be any kind of drawing, they needed to be interesting. Trying to come up with ways to do that was a very fun experience. So for starters, I’d like to undertake a work like that again. That kind of work I’m working on right now is a story about the fugitives of the Heike Clan in Tokushima.* 
*T/N: She is referring to “Heian Joururi Monogatari.”  
To finish our interview off, I’d like ask a question about the Year 24 Group (shoujo manga artists born around the 24th year of the Shouwa Era like Takemiya Keiko, Hagio Moto, and Ooshima Yumiko, who have influenced the shoujo manga world in the following years) which is still very prominent: Are you still conscious of it?  Takemiya: Year 24 is a thing of the past in the modern manga scene. I think it’s irrelevant now. Manga is evolving, becoming something else after being painted over continuously. I had fun when I was part of that group, but I don’t feel like dragging it out. I don’t want to cling to nice memories of the past as I work, and want to focus on how I currently think and feel. I want to do what I think is most fun at the moment.  
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asnowperson · 1 year ago
I might forget the entirety of Thomas no Shinzou, but these panels are etched in my brain. Psycho Juli ❤️
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koch-snowflake-blog · 8 months ago
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生まれ: 2003年2月24日 (年齢 21歳), 愛知県
テレビ番組: 彼女、お借りします、 不適切にもほどがある!
カップサイズ: F
スリーサイズ: 88 - 60 - 85 cm
主な出演作: 札束と温泉(2023年、主演)
他の活動: タレント、女優
受賞歴: SAKAE GO ROUND 美少女コンテスト2017グランプリ; ミスマガジン2018グランプリ; グラジャパ!アワード2021 最優秀週プレプラス賞
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shitakeo33 · 5 months ago
24年ぶりに商社トップに返り咲いた三井物産…100年以上前から"センスある社員"を抜擢してきた社風の強み 「人の三井」「組織の三菱」と言われる理由 | PRESIDENT Online(プレジデントオンライン)
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linettefox · 1 year ago
Wonderful mascots
Some animals from the updated websites, we have a new fox! EEE!!
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wwwwwwwwwwww123 · 4 months ago
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(Xユーザーのとーなかさん: 「そもそもチャリティー番組なのにタレントが全員ギャラもらってて、子供の大切なお年玉を募金させて、そのお金を着服してたのによくまたやろうと思うよな24時間テレビ。 んで着服したお金を何使ったのか、なになに、、、スロッ・・・ https://t.co/aW7XOA4TPT」 / Xから)
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petapeta · 4 months ago
遭難、不十分な装備、経験の欠如、脱水症状 ユタ州、ザイオン国立公園 1985年8月4日、37歳の男が車からでて、ヴァージン川の上流に向けてハイキングをした。男の装備品は15メートルのナイロンの洗濯紐、手斧、スチールのテントペグ、大きなハンティングナイフ、水筒の入ったウエストポーチであった。男はトポを持っていなかったが、国立公園入口で配布されている小冊子を持っていた。 男は舗装されたトレイルの端までハイクし、川の上流に向かって1kmほど滑りやすい壁を登った。男は小冊子を参照し、川沿いに車の駐車場所まで戻れる別のトレイルルートを確認した。このトレイルは標高差200m、距離にして数kmは離れていた。 男はトレイルに至るために、西側の壁にあったクラックとチムニーを登ることにした。男はクラックにテントペグを手斧で打ち込み、洗濯紐をペグにかけ、体を引き上げる方法で登った。男は水筒入りのウエストポーチを先のレッジに投げ上げようとして紛失した。川から60メートル登ったところで、チムニーのルーフに到達し、手こずった。ルーフは大きくせり出しており、岩はもろく、手足のホールドは悪かった。男は岩雪崩を引き起こし、持っているテントペグの大半を失った。男は手斧に洗濯紐を結びつけ、手斧をルーフ越しに投げつけ、レッジに生える直径6cmの木にまとわりつけた。男は洗濯紐を掴んで体を引き上げることでレッジに至った。 男はクライミングを継続し、やがて別の岩雪崩を引き起こした。これによ��男は洗濯紐と残りのテントペグを失った。男はハンティングナイフをクラックに差し込み手斧で打ち付け、ナイフの上に立つかハンドホールドとして利用し、ナイフを抜くという一連の方法によってクライミングを継続した。男はやがてこれ以上登ることが出来ない地点に到達した。その場所は川から推定120m以上登った場所であった。そこで男は先の手斧-ナイフ法による下降を開始した。 川から60メートルの地点で、男はさらに別の岩雪崩を引き起こし、ルートを致命的に破壊し、下降をやめた。男はレッジでレストした。夕方、男はハイカー達が下の川沿いに移動するに気がついた。男は一心不乱に小さな木を切り出し、ハイカーに向かって投げつけることで注意をひこうと試みた。投擲された木片はハイカー達に当たる寸前であった。ハイカー達はこの行為に激怒し、この事件について国立公園に通報した。この通報は翌日までパークレンジャーに伝達されなかった。川の音が音声によるやり取りを阻害した。 翌日、男は別のハイカー達を発見し、川の音に負けないほど叫ぶことで救助を要請した。ハイカー達は公園事務所に連絡し、二人組のレスキュー隊が1030に派遣された。救助隊は脆い岩を登り、クライミングを妨げる大きな岩を一つ除去した。救助隊の報告によればこのクライミングの難易度は5.8であったが、救助隊は必要がなければこのような脆い岩を登ることはないとも報告した。遭難者の元にたどり着いた救助隊は、ボルトを2本打ち、遭難者を下まで下降させた。 男には水分が与えられ、国立公園事務所に連行された。男はハイカー並びに救助隊に対する危険な状況を引き起こしたことにより罪に問われ、罰金を支払った。 分析 遭難者はかつて、友人によりロープとピトンを使うクライミング法の展示を受けたことがあった。この記憶から、男は独自のテントペグ-洗濯紐 登山法を編み出した。男の体力には問題がなかったが、男のアウトドア技能は低かった。男は失敗を自覚し、今後のクライミングにはプロのインストラクターの教えを請うことを約束した。男は多少の引っかき傷と擦り傷を受けたが、最大の問題は24時間に渡って30℃を超える高い気温下で水分補給できなかったことによる水分不足であった。
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ari0921 · 2 months ago
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asnowperson · 1 year ago
Moth-kun <3
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asnowperson · 4 months ago
An essay on the theme of children-parent relationships in Hagio Moto's works by Murakami Tomohiko
For years, I avoided reading the essays that were included at the end of bunkoban volumes. Reading Japanese prose felt like a chore to me, to be honest. A too high of a hurdle. And most of the time, the contents went over my head.
That being said, since I started reading them, I've come across some pretty interesting ones. The analysis written by Murakami Tomohiko, manga critic, at the end of Mesh's vol. 3 (Hakusensha Bunko, 1994) was particularly interesting for me. So, I tried my hand at translating butchering it. The author compares the boys in Hagio's manga and their family issues. You can find it below the cut.
If anyone wants to read the original, I can send pics/scans!
Province of children 
Murakami Tomohiko  (Manga critic) 
For a child, what does it feel like to be neglected by their parents? 
Mesh is the protagonist of this story. His mother, elopes with a man when he was young. His father, doubting whether he’s Mesh’s real father or not, drives him away from himself, and places him in a boarding school in the faraway Switzerland. For 12 years of his life, he believes that his mother abandoned him, and his father hates him. It’s not hard to imagine how deep the scars such feelings left in Mesh’s heart are.  
Mesh’s mother gave him a girl’s name, “Françoise-Marie.” We do not know if she wanted to have a daughter that bad, but as Mesh was separated from his mother when he was 2, he never knew the truth. But how much of a deciding factor that name became for him, and how it kept bearing heavy on him in his later years, are beyond any doubt.
When Mesh was 12, silver locks started to appear on both sides of his blond hair. After seeing a proof of genetics at work, his father finally recognized him as his own son. But that wasn’t the salvation the he was looking for. When his father shifted the blame on Mesh’s mother’s licentious behavior  for doubting his paternity, a new wound was opened on the young boy's heart.  
“I won’t say that my mother was a saint. But for a child who lives in a dormitory... a mother something that he needs.” 
Thus, in chapter 1, "Mesh,” our protagonist runs away from his paternal home. He is picked up from the streets of Paris by Millon, a young art forger. In the final chapter, “Sure Love and  Real Death,” he is reunited with his mother, now living in her homeland of Lorraine. She is mentally instable and still running after the image of her "daughter" who never existed. Mesh is an abandoned child who hates his father so much that he wants to kill him, and who is struggling to break free from her mother’s chains. This manga chronicles his story of breaking free from his parents.  
Children discarded by their parents. Children separated from their parents. Such children fumbling their way in their quest to find their personal salvation had been recurring motif in Hagio Moto’s works before Mesh. It is also is the principal theme of this work.
If we look back, in "Bianca (ビアンカ)," she drew a girl who danced away the stress the divorce of her parents caused in a forest. In “Girl on Porch with Puppy (ポーチで少女が小犬と),” she shows us another girl who sees the world through rose-colored glasses. Grown-ups who lost their dreams point their fingers at her, and shoot her with death rays. Or take Emil Bruckhardt from “Snow Child (雪の子).”  He was taken in by his grandfather after his parents’ death, who anly accepted for taking the child in if it was a "boy." 12 years of Emil's life was spent by his side, pretending to be a boy. Young Tim from “Poor Mama (かわいそうなママ)” pushes his mother out of the window. He could no longer bear witnessing her misery, as she spent her days sitting at the window sill, gazing off in the distance, and sighing. The free-spirited and brave Eru of the Nobe family in “Red-haired Cousin (赤ッ毛のいとこ)" shows no sign that would make you think that she is an orphan.  
They were all children torn apart from their parents.They had to find somewhere to belong, and find it themselves.  
The Poe Clan has two boys who were taken away from their biological human parents and turned into vampires, destined to live until eternity. If we think about under the same light, we can say it's their story of trying their hardest to create a pseudo-family for themselves time and time again on their endless journey. The beautiful Poe instalment, "Birds’ Nest (小鳥の巣)," and works like "Heart of Thoma (トーマの心臓)" that followed it, all take place in worlds that have nothing but boys torn apart from their families. It is no coincidence that dormitories were chosen as their settings.  
Mesh was published in Shogakukan’s Petit Flower magazine between the 1980 summer issue and 1984 June issue. Mesh was preceded by "The Visitor (訪問者)" in the 1980 Spring issue.  
In "The Visitor," we follow a central character from "The Heart of Thomas," Oskar Reiser, during his childhood, before he starts to live at the dormitory. Its main theme is directly connected to that of Mesh. Young Oskar’s parents quarrel over his birth. One day, a single gunshot steals that little boy’s mother from him forever. The one who fired the shot was his father. The boy covers up for his father, and the two set out on journey with no destination. However, Oskar’s father leaves him at the school, of which the principal is an old friend of his and Oskar's real father, and leaves for Southern America alone.  
Oskar kept yearning for his father, the father who stole his mother away from him, without begrudging him. He did so, because he had nothing else in life to cling onto. As his father and mother argued about his paternity, the child lost that household as the place he belonged. Young Oskar’s only wish was to be forgiven by his parents, and to believe that he would be acknowledged as the son of that family. To make his wish come true, to beg for his father’s forgiveness, Oskar covers up for his father, the murderer of his mother, and sticks even closer to him.
Our protagonist Mesh is a direct continuation of the image of boyhood we see in  "The Visitor"s Oskar Reiser. This link continues until Hagio’s current serialization, "A Cruel God Reigns", and shapes the main plot of her stories. “Children abandoned by their parents” has been present as a principal theme since Hagio Moto's early works. The turning point which made this theme even deeper, might be just this period that connects "The Visitor" to "Mesh."
How did Mesh rationalize his mother giving him a girl’s name? He mostly introduces himself using his alias, “Mesh,” to new acquaintances, and he is very adamant about it. Those who are unaware of the circumstances are left perplexed by that name, and mistake Mesh for a girl. He seems to find that amusing deep down. He crossdresses and appears on stage, and he is approached by homosexual men. Both makes him feel uncomfortable. Yet, he doesn’t seem to have a the willpower to resist.
Actually, I have also experienced something similar. So I believe I understand how Mesh feels a little.  
When I was roughly Mesh’s age, I was a child who liked to act like a girl. In high school, I put a tablecloth on my desk in class, made flower arrangements with artificial flowers in an empty wine bottle instead of a proper vase, and listened to lectures while holding a stuffed doll. Mine was quite a free-minded school, and it was an age when all kinds of rebellious acts were "in." But still, when I think back upon it, what I did seems outrageous to me. Maybe I was just too eccentric, which is why my teachers never said anything to me.  
I was jealous of my mother’s colorful outfits. I often borrowed and wore them. Her sleek green trench coat and tank top with pink and white borders from Kamoi Youko’s underwear brand, Tunic, were my favorites. I once even made a dress for myself. I chose the fabric with my girlfriend, did the basting at her place, and she sewed it for me. She tagged along because she found it to be fun, but I’m certain that she was weirded out.  
I am still a sucker for stationary and fancy items girls would like. If I go to Sony Plaza or American Pharmacy, I am confident that I can spend half a day there. There aren’t many fathers who would go to buy picture books and plushies for their kid, but get carried out and just buy whatever they want. 
Putting it like that makes me sound like a man with perverse hobbies, but sadly, I am not such inclined. I have never felt attracted to men, and never have I ever wanted to be a woman. My interest in crossdressing had something different in it. But I am interested in feminine, rather, “girlish” things, but it only means that I am slightly different than your average, common man.  
That being said, my mother’s influence on me cannot be ignored. When I finished my dress, it was her who was the happiest and told me to wear it and take a little tour outside. During my freshman year in university, she was the one who lamented the most when I cut my hair that was reaching my butt, and made a hairpiece with my hair for me. When I was in grade school, I once trimmed my eyelashes with a pair of scissors because they were getting in the way when I was using the microscope. I remember her being frustrated to the point of bursting into tears, and getting so angry with me.  
I believe it was my mother who slowly created my very particular aesthetic sense by praising things like long eyelashes, lustrous, straight hair, a slender physique which becomes female school uniforms. All things that would be the charm points of budding young girls, and she did it at every chance. I am an only child, and have no siblings. When I was a child, my mother once asked me if I wanted to have little brothers or sisters. I told her that I would like to have an older brother, which seemed to perplex her. Maybe my mother wanted to have a daughter. She could be looking for the shadow of the daughter she never had in me.  
I don’t really know the truth of it. Maybe she just said that I looked like a girl just to express how cute her son was, without putting much thought into it. But the words she said, words I have no recollection of, very likely had a huge impact on me and awakened something deep inside my soul. My personal preferences took shape around that idea, and before I knew it, it seeped into my entire being.  
My mother was a beautician, and was often away from home on business. After she opened her own store, she was always busy with work. But that was all there was to it, and it was not like she had left me, or we were separated by death.  And it never became a reason for my parents to hurt or to oppress me. I can say that overall, I grew up in a your rather ordinary, warm household. I still started to shape my very own personality, alongside the one my parents took part in creating. Then how about a child who feels hated, or abandoned by his parents? How would he feel? To heal the wounds he got from his parents and to ail himself, would he acknowledge it all, and accept everything? Or would complete denial be his only choice? 
That's why Mesh wanted to kill his father and break free from his mother’s curse. While he wanted to be freed from his mother’s desire to have a daughter, in some corner of his mind, he was curious about what would happen if he complied. Maybe that’s what made him stand on the stage as a woman, and occasionally enjoy being photographed as one. Maybe that’s why he sometimes shut up and endured it when men treated him like a girl.  
Maybe fulfilling his mother’s wish meant securing a place in her heart for him. It might have been a self-defense mechanism — a feeling that only children abandoned by their parents know. That’s why when he faced her, and saw that his mentally ailing mother would never accept him, a boy, Mesh said: “Just what does Marché want? How can I get close to what she wants? What should I become? Marché’s dreams, and my dreams... If only I knew...” 
“A thousand pairs of scissors. Scissors that cut and mince. I could have become a flower, a bird, a daughter... I could have become anything you wanted. I could have died a thousand deaths if you wished for it.” 
We do not know the reasons why she wanted to have a daughter. No matter what they might be, accepting them as they are, that complete subordination, is an expression of his willingness to bend to his mother's will. What does it feel like to hear “I hate this child” from a mother who can’t even tell his son apart? But Mesh even accepts his mother trying to stab him with shears without saying a single word.  
Where does Mesh’s determination, which is almost commendable, come from? What steeled his resolve so? I think it was something closer to despair, rather than a wish to be delivered. Mesh’s hatred and his murderous thoughts towards his father are the two sides of the same coin. Killing his father, who hated both him and his mother, and accepting death by the hands of the mother who forgot her own son: They are actually one and the same. Thus, the child abandoned by his parents try to erase his ties to them. By resetting everything, he tries to make it as if he never existed.  
There is probably just one thing he’s trying to say with his behavior.  
"I’m sorry.  
"I couldn’t be the child you wanted.  
"I couldn’t meet your expectations.  
"I’m sorry that I was born..." 
In “The Visitor”, in the middle of his endless journey with his father, Oskar says these words time and time again: "I will be a good child. I won’t talk about my mom anymore. I’m sorry." Then he obliges his father by starting to live in a dormitory, and waits for his father to be back from South America. This must have been no different than choosing death for Oskar, a child who wanted to be the son of a warm household. 
When he doesn’t resist his mother’s attempt to kill him, something inside of Mesh shattered to pieces. He arrives at Paris train station with his broken hopes as his baggage, and he catches a glimpse of his father boarding a train. His father, who acknowledged him as “his son who shares the same blood as him” without so much as a thought about how that made Mesh feel. All Mesh can do is to stand there, motionless. Even if that's the only place he can come back to now.
All children need a place they belong. A place where they feel they can just “be.” Children do not belong to their parents, or other adults. No one shall undermine their right to self-determination. Mesh shows us how much hardship children have to endure, and the sacrifices they have to make when grown-ups forget this fact.   
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castatratewriter520 · 10 months ago
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nihongo · 11 months ago
🌟 新機能
🛠️ バグ修正
🚧 現在対応中
共有したいフィードバックがありますか?「Work in Progress」ブログ(英語のみ)をチェックして、コミュニティで議論を始めましょう。
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asnowperson · 1 year ago
I don't have the brain to read this manga and follow all the history stuff, but I have the brain to admire this king's outfits.
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aoike character guide book
dom pedro I of castille / alcazar
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ryotarox · 1 year ago
(Akira Kurosawa - Composing Movement - YouTubeから)
黒澤の特徴は、動きにはっきりとした始まりと、中間と終わりがあるということです カメラの動きだけで もうストーリーになっているのです 最後の動きは、カットの動きです 黒澤は自ら編集をやっていました 流れがスムーズなのは 動きを断ち切るからです 動く人物に気を取られるあまり編集に気づかないことすらあります 黒澤はあるシーンを終えるとリズムを変えます
次のシーンの動きを分析してみましょう これは「七人の侍」ですが、何をしているところかどの辺でわかるか見て行きましょう。 村人たちから主役たちへ侍たち ちょうどこのあたりで何をしているのかわかりますね。 菊千代の落胆は村人に波紋のように伝わります 風の効果に注目して下さい。誰も動かないシーンも、風のそよめきだけでグッと印象的な絵になります 実に明解ですね。 あれから60年後の今。これは「アヴェンジャーズ」 状況説明のシーンが始まりますが・・・ 「こいつがフィル・コールソンの上着に・・・」 すぐにセリフが入ってきます このシーンで動くのはカメラとニック・フューリーだけです 背景には天候や人物も写っていますが何一つ役に立っていません カメラの動きには始まりも終わりもありません 変化もまったくなく、どのショットもまったく同じ向きに流れます 「わかってたはずさ」 これが「七人の侍」では・・・ カメラの動きに始まりと中間と終りがはっきりあります どのショットも前のショットとは向きが違います 登っ��行く時に黒澤は旗の動きを見せ、このアングルへとスムーズにつなげます 七人の侍全員とその旗が一つになりました このシーンにはあらゆる種類の動きが、注意深く組み合わされ、配置されています
天候 群衆 個人 カメラ カット 他方、こっち(=「アヴェンジャーズ」)は主に会話で話が進み、カメラは動きますが、そこに意味はありません 何百万ドルもかけたのに、このシーンは退屈です どうすればもっといいシーンになるでしょうか? シーンの意味を考え、動きで表現するのです 登場人物はどう感じていますか? それを動きで表現できませんか? わざとらしい?じゃあもっとさりげなく。 人物の内面の感情を背景に反映させてみましょう
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黒澤明の凄さを実感する8分半! なぜ伝説の映画監督なのか一発でわかる動画がコレだ!! | ロケットニュース24
黒澤映画を分析したのは、サンフランシスコを拠点に映画製作などをしているというトニー・シュウ氏。他にジャッキー・チェンやアニメ映画監督・今敏(こん さとし)なども分析し、ビデオエッセイとして YouTube に投稿している
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比較対象にされた「アヴェンジャーズ」がちょっと可哀相だけど(違う文法とも)。ただ「長台詞の際に間が持たないので、なんとなくじわじわズーム」とか「なんとなくカメラが被写体の周りを周回するショット(Arc Shot)」というのはなんか他の工夫ができそうな気がする。
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koch-snowflake-blog · 1 month ago
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沢口 愛華は、日本のグラビアアイドル、タレント、女優。愛知県名古屋市出身。名古屋のご当地アイドルユニット・delaの元メンバー。名古屋美少女ファクトリー、インセントを経て、ホリプロ所属。 ウィキペディア
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生まれ: 2003年2月24日 (年齢 21歳), 愛知県
テレビ番組: サバエとヤッたら終わる、 彼女、お借りします、 不適切にもほどがある!
身長: 155 cm
カップサイズ: F
ジャンル: グラビア
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linettefox · 1 year ago
Wonderful Cures
These are not leaks, the Precure websites just updated to give us these.
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