#24 hours emergency hospital near me
psrihospital · 2 years
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PSRI Multispecialty Hospital in Delhi NCR, India – 24 Hours Emergency
Remember when you see someone get a stroke to act FAST, that is look out Facial drooping, Arm weakness, Speech difficulties & then take action in Time. Reach out to #PSRI in time of an emergency. Visit:-  24 hours emergency hospital near me
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emergencydentistuk · 6 months
Any dental issue or issue that requires prompt attention, consideration and intercession of a dental specialist is a dental crisis. It is essential to recollect that each dental issue isn’t a crisis. Average instances of dental crises incorporate uncontrolled draining from the mouth, any wrecked or broke facial bone, intense aggravation in the tooth or the gum that doesn’t wilt away even with pain relievers.
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Emergency and critical medicine - Aware Gleneagles Global Hospital
Aware Gleneagles Global hospital L.B.Nagar Hyderabad is recognized as one of the top facilities for critical care in Hyderabad, addressing the needs of patients grappling with severe, life-threatening health conditions where crucial organ systems are at risk. Our critical care team employs cutting-edge medical, monitoring, and diagnostic equipment to maintain organ functionality and boost patient health, thereby allowing the underlying illness or injury to be treated effectively. Our critical care services extend across adult intensive care units, pediatric intensive care units, and various post-operative and step-down units, all staffed by a specialist team of healthcare professionals.
 As such, our critical care units serve as a pivotal component of our acute care hospital infrastructure. In situations where patient volumes surge unexpectedly, causing potential overloads in critical care units, we have the capacity to manage effectively, minimizing the impact on surgeries and reducing waiting times in emergency departments. Furthermore, we stand proud as a 24-hour hospital in Hyderabad, located conveniently near you, equipped with every amenity necessary to offer patients the best possible treatment. Whether its critical care or ambulance services you require, rest assured knowing we are always available, fully equipped, and ready to provide top-tier healthcare services.
Aware Gleneagles Global Hospital L.B.Nagar Hyderabad proudly stands among the best hospitals for emergency services in Hyderabad. We are renowned for providing effective, affordable care. The key factors that establish us as a leading hospital for critical care in Hyderabad are:
Doctor Expertise: Our emergency department's reputation is primarily due to our elite team of doctors. We employ only the most skilled and experienced physicians, assuring patients of superior care quality. Our doctors are proficient at managing emergency cases, ensuring prompt and efficient care.
Medical Personnel: Our emergency department comprises a holistic team that includes doctors, nurses, coordinators, and other healthcare professionals who react swiftly in critical situations. We strive to provide exceptional trauma care.
Facilities and Infrastructure: One of the compelling reasons people choose us is our state-of-the-art infrastructure. From patient rooms and well-equipped ICUs to emergency medical kits, ambulance services, and advanced medical devices, our hospital is fully equipped to handle any situation.
Trustworthiness: We understand that admission into a critical care unit is only required in life-threatening situations. Our team is dedicated to providing the highest level of care in these sensitive cases, aiming to achieve positive outcomes
Comprehensive Care: We understand that patients in emergencies need swift and effective recovery. Therefore, we provide a complete range of care, from diagnosis and treatment to post-recovery follow-ups, ensuring the patient's journey to health is smooth and uninterrupted.
In summary, we are committed to delivering exceptional emergency and critical care medicine services, always putting the patient's health and wellbeing first.
Address: 8-16-1, Nagarjuna Sagar Rd, Laxmi Enclave, Bhagya Nagar, Bairamalguda, L B Nagar
#Emergency and critical medicine   #24 hour hospital near me                                                  
#best critical care hospital in Hyderabad    #best hospital for emergency services
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The word “sexually transmitted” is preventing people from taking the vaccine. 
In India Cervical Cancer is the 3rd most common cancer affecting both males and females. Around 53 million Indian women aged 13 years and above are at risk of developing cervical cancer yet the percentage of vaccination per year is not increasing. 
Cervical Cancer is caused by the HPV virus, the human papillomavirus. This virus is only transmitted sexually. In a country like India where sex is taboo, it’s difficult for parents to accept that their children could be sexually active before marriage. This is one of the main reasons that the vast population below the age of 26 is unvaccinated. The HPV vaccine is most effective when administered between the age of 9 and 15. 
There is a lot of misunderstanding regarding the virus and the vaccination. Many believe that their children would become more curious about sex or indulge in sexual activity after being vaccinated which is absolutely false. Some are of the opinion that if a person is monogamous (has only one sexual partner) they will not contact the virus which is again not true. The virus can infect anyone. 
The vaccination is not recommended after the age of 40 since research indicates that most people have already been exposed to the HPV virus at least once in their life span and have developed antibodies.
Contacting the virus does not always lead to cancer. Usually, the human immune system fights back and with the help of medication the virus dies out. It is when the virus does not leave the body or even after symptoms subside a small amount of virus still lingers on in the body this causes the cells that line the cervix mouth and throat, anus, penis, vulva, or vagina to grow abnormally, these are called pre-cancerous cells. If these cells are not killed, they will continue to become cancer. 
The HPV virus infects both boys and girls, men and women therefore it is equally important to vaccinate both girls are boys.
A large part of Indian society is unaware of this virus and the need to vaccinate against it. In fact cervical cancer can be largely prevented and the number of deaths can be decreased drastically with the help of the vaccine.
Today India has 3 vaccines - Cervarix, Gardasil and the latest Gardasil 9. Serum institute of India is already making its own vaccine Cervavac which has got approval from the government and will be commercially available by the year-end. Cervavac will be priced at a much lower rate and the medical fraternity is hopeful that this will lead to a decrease in cancer caused by the HPV virus. 
The need of the hour is more awareness and acceptance that physical intimacy is part of human existence. By ignoring or choosing to disregard this fact we are only putting our younger generation at risk of developing cancer. 
2 doses spaced out with a gap of 6 months between the age of 9 to 14 years and 3 doses spaced out between the age of  15 to 26 years can save individuals from cancer. 
Schools, colleges, and community centers need to accept this as their duty to spread awareness and organize vaccination camps. With more doctors recommending and informing patients about the effects of the HPV virus, the country hopes to see a fall in the number of cases. 
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life40 · 2 years
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Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Obstetrics and Gynaecology
The Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at Lifetron Hospital has well qualified and experienced consultants, who have been trained in the best institutes of India. These consultants are supported by a team of well trained and experienced nurses. A paediatrician is present for all deliveries to take care of new born- your loved one.
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gosford · 2 years
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filthyjoetini · 10 months
Stumblin' In
a/n: Part 2! Enjoy! Likes, reblogs and feedback are always welcome. The usual thank you goes out to @barfightzanddiscolightz for taking her time to beta read and edit and giving input <3
warnings: none
wordcount: 2.6k
part 1 - part 3 - part 4
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Part 2
Just as you had finally made yourself somewhat comfortable in the unforgiving embrace of the hospital bed, your bladder made itself known once again. Groaning, you pressed the call button for the fifth time in the past three hours. How much can one person piss? Stupid I.V. drip, you thought to yourself.
When they had first wheeled you into the emergency room, you were quickly surrounded by a flurry of nurses and a doctor. They had palpated your neck and spine as well as the back of your head and damn, did it hurt like a bitch. Because of your reaction to the examination and to be on the safe side, the doctor had ordered an x-ray of your neck, spine, and ribs.
You had immediately been pushed out of the emergency room, down a very long and bright corridor and into the x-ray room. In the x-ray room, you had bravely endured the examination, even squeezing your eyes shut, despite the x-ray technician telling you that nothing would happen. Your inner child, however, was hoping for at least one laser beam. Later, you blamed the concussion for your strange behaviour.
Back at the ER, the doctor had checked your results and fortunately found nothing more than a big bump and that your obvious concussion could be diagnosed. Additionally, they had confirmed what the paramedics had already told you: you would have to stay in the hospital for at least a 24-hour observation, and the worst part of it all was that you were not allowed to eat. So, they had put you on a drip, which fed you all the nutrients and medication directly into your bloodstream. The actual procedure turned out to be a mammoth task. It had taken them several tries to find a vein, and when they finally did, they had managed to pop one, turning your arm all bruised and blue. It looked like someone had twisted your arm.
“Hi. Do you need to go to the toilet again?”, the nurse asked with a smile, as she stepped into the room.
You nodded and pushed yourself up a little. Immediately, the nurse was at your side, tutting you.
“Dear, I’ve told you not to overexert yourself. I’m here to help you with that. Come on, take my arm.”
You grabbed her arm, and she pulled you into a standing position before taking the IV pole in her other hand and slowly leading you to the small adjacent bathroom.
Once the nurse had brought you back to your bed, you decided to scroll through TikTok, which you got bored with rather quickly. You thought about calling your best friend and your dad again but decided against it. Firstly, because they had both been alerted by the lady at the desk after she had entered you in the system, that you had been admitted to the hospital. You had insisted on giving her both names and phone numbers as emergency contacts and so they had both been waiting for you in your room as soon as ER had transferred you. Secondly, because it was already nearing midnight, and you were sure that they both would be asleep by now.
Before you closed your contact list, you saw it again. The short three-letter name that had only been on the list for a few hours: Joe.
Gingerly, you tapped on the name and a new iMessage chat opened.
The three dots immediately appeared, and you almost threw your phone at the wall opposite your bed.
Hi there. How are you?
Blushing, you began typing your reply, your fingers gliding thoughtlessly over your phone’s touchscreen.
I’m fine, all things considered. I have to stay for a 24-hour observation, and I’m not allowed to eat solid food. They have me on a drip, which makes me piss like a horse...
Oh wow. Sorry to hear that 😉
Oh no! Oh fuck. Totally TMI.
Sorry! That was TMI!
Haha. No worries.
Chewing on your lips, you started typing again. You had one burning question to ask him.
Hahaha...do you seriously think I could hack a phone?
Yes?! I mean, it could be your job for all I know!
Hahaha. It’s far from what I do for a living.
Your phone was unlocked. I believe you turned off your auto-lock-thingy or whatever...
You quickly opened your settings, and he was absolutely right, you had it turned off. Snorting, you reopened the chat.
Wow there, IT-God, you were right.
IT-God...good one, Humpty Dumpty.
Stop calling me that!
What else am I supposed to call you. I don’t know your name. You’re Humpty Dumpty in my phone now.
What’s your name, Bambi on ice?
Another one? Is he serious?, you thought with a groan but, quickly let him know your name.
Alright, changed it. See! *attachment*
Smiling at the visual confirmation, you let out a small yawn. Your eyes suddenly became very heavy.
I’m going to get some shut eye, I’m really tired.
Totally understandable. You had a rough day.
Bye Joe x
Bye...sleep tight. Keep me updated. x
You woke up from what you considered was the worst night’s sleep you had ever had. If it wasn’t the weird position you were forced to sleep in waking you, it was when a nurse would come check on you from time to time or help you when you needed to use the loo for the gazillionth time.
You were relieved when morning finally came. The first thing the nurse did, was to take you off the I.V. That meant no more peeing every 30 minutes. Thank fuck. She even brought you a small, stomach-friendly breakfast and informed you that the doctor would come by to discharge you soon.
Less than an hour later, the pleasant doctor handed you the discharge form as well as a prescription to take to the hospital pharmacy. You hadn’t shown any unusual symptoms which meant that your brain was working as intended. Therefore, the doctor decided that you could leave the hospital early.
Quickly, you informed your best friend and your dad about the good news, and they both asked you if they should come and pick you up. You told them they didn’t need to; you could find your way home just fine. Your dad, in his usual dad-manner, replied with a thumbs-up emoji whilst your best friend sent you the side-eye one. You knew exactly what she meant with it. Girl, if you fall again, I’ll kick your arse.
You chuckled and exited the message feed when another one caught your eye. It was the one you had started with Joe yesterday. His last message taunted you. He had asked you to keep him updated. So, you did.
Hey Joe!
Hey Tumbleina!
Stop it!
I’m being discharged early!
That’s great news! When?
You hurriedly checked your form. It said that you needed to pick up your medication from the in-house pharmacy and that it would be ready for pick-up at 12:45pm, which was in an hour from now.
I’m still waiting for my medication to be ready for collection which won’t be until 12:45...so, I think around 1-ish?
Cool! 👍
Yeah, I’m glad. Can’t wait to crawl into my bed.
I bet. Hospital beds are the worst.
Tell me about it.
Anyway, I thought I’d let you know. Because you were so adamant about it.
Thank you, very considerate of you to keep me, your saviour, in the loop.
You laughed out loud at his reply and responded with a series of laughing emojis before putting your phone down on the bed.
Too hastily, you changed out of your hospital gown and into your clothes. Your dad had brought you an overnight bag with comfortable clothes when he had come to visit you yesterday. However, the quick movement was too much for your bruised body and you hissed in pain. Slow down, you scolded yourself and continued to get ready at a slower pace.
You packed your few belongings into your duffle bag, cautiously slung it over your shoulder, and quickly glanced back to make sure you hadn’t forgotten anything.
When you arrived in the lobby, the receptionist asked you to wait in the waiting area until your name was called. Nodding, you sauntered over to the nearest available seat and ungraciously plopped down onto it. You retrieved your phone from your joggers to kill some time. You read the news and played some word-based online games.
You were just about to solve a rather tricky one when your name was suddenly called. Letting out a sigh that you hadn’t really intend to let out, you got up and trudged over to the chemist’s counter. The old lady behind it handed you a small plastic bag with your medication. It was ibuprofen and some sort of gel that you were supposed to rub on your neck and back. How you were supposed to do that yourself was beyond you. You quietly thanked the old lady who gave you a dismissive nod in return.
Slowly, you turned around and walked away from the counter towards the hospital’s exit. You were just checking your next tube connections on your phone when you heard someone clear their throat. Looking up, you saw a man standing by the litter bin, tapping his cigarette into the bin’s built-in ashtray. Why was this man trying to get your attention?
You squinted at him and all he did was stare back at you, with big brown chocolate button eyes. You let out a loud gasp.
“Hey there, Bambi. Good to see you up and about.”, he chuckled, as he took the last drag of his cigarette.
“What the hell are you doing here?”, you asked in complete bewilderment, entirely ignoring his nickname for you and taking quick steps towards him.
Putting out his cigarette, he let out another chuckle.
“Well, I thought I could take you home...you know, make sure you don’t stumble over your own feet and fall again.”
“What makes you think I don’t have a ride home?”, you inquired, your hand now on your hip and his smile instantly began to falter.
“Oh shit! I didn’t think of that! Do you?”
“Nah.”, you giggled and he visibly relaxed, but his cheeks already held a red, embarrassed tint. “My dad and bestie asked me if they could come pick me up, but I declined.”, you continued. “It’s only a couple stops on the tube.”
“A few stops too many, if you ask me.”, Joe concluded, back on his confidence-track. He took a few steps towards you and held out his arms to you. “Let me accompany you home.”
“Fiiiine.”, you groaned, rolling your eyes and eventually linking your arm with his. “You’re insufferable.”
Your 20-minute ride home was the most eventful tube journey you had ever had. Joe made sure you held on to every railing, and if there wasn’t one available, his arm. He fussed over you like an overprotective boyfriend, which made your cheeks flush a little. No, you gotta stop thinking like that. He’s just helping!, you reminded yourself, shaking your head to get rid of those intrusive thoughts.
Still arm in arm with Joe, you exited the tube station closest to your block of flats and led the way down the street towards it.
“This is me.”, you announced, suddenly shy as you began to slow down your pace. Joe smiled down at you and let go of your arm.
“Nice house.”, he looked up at it. It was anything but nice. It was one of those ugly buildings straight out of the seventies and most of its residents had lived there since the beginning.
“Ah...it’s nothing. Most of my neighbours are elderly people. I basically live in a retirement home.”, you chuckled lowly, and Joe’s grin grew wider.
“Could be worse.”, Joe determined. “You could have a funeral parlour on the ground level.”
You gave him a puzzled, questioning look.
“Not that I have a funeral parlour in the building I live in.”, Joe clarified, giggling softly. “I just think that’s worse than living with the elderly.”
“You’re very strange, Joe.”, you snorted, shaking your head again.
“I’ve been told that before.”, he smiled broadly and shoved his hands into his trouser pockets.
“Hmmm...”, you hummed, glancing quickly at him. His eyes were fixed on your face, and you quickly averted your gaze.
“Uhm...thank you.”, you started, blushing once more. “For helping me yesterday and bringing me home just now. I really don’t know how I could make it up to you.”
“Hmmm...”, he copied you. Wanker. Then his face lit up like a thousand suns. “You know what? You could make it up to me by going on a date with me.”
Snorting, you threw your head back in laughter and rolled your eyes at him. When you looked at him again you saw him looking at you with anticipation. His big puppy eyes on full display. Fuck.
“Aaaalright. I’ll go on a date with you.”, you relented. How could you not? He could ask anything of you with those fucking adorable eyes.
“Brilliant!”, he replied, grinning from ear to ear, pulling you into his arms. Stunned, you wrapped your arms around him as well. He smelled just like he had yesterday: so damn good. Who needs air when you could live off his smell?
When he, too soon for your liking, pulled back a little, he winked at you and said: “I’ll let you know when and where.”
Gently, he let go of you completely and you nodded in agreement, head still too wrapped up in his scent to give him a vocal response.
“Shall I help you upstairs or are you good?”
“Huh?...”, you questioned, not quite hearing what he had said but since his thumb was pointing at your door you assumed you knew what was asking.
“Oh...uhm. I’m good. Thanks though.”, you smiled and slowly stepped towards the entrance of the house.
“Perfect.”, Joe said with a nod and slowly took a few steps back. “I’ll text you.”
“Yeah, alright. Let me know, when you get home.”, you requested without thinking, whilst rummaging through your duffle bag. Then you saw it, his trench coat. Before he could respond to your demand, you gasped and shouted:
“Joe! Wait!”
“Huh?”, he questioned, swiftly turning around and walking back to where you were.
“Your coat!”, you clarified, pulling it out of the duffle bag. Luckily, for once, it wasn’t accompanied by its other contents which would have spilled out all over the floor any other day.
Joe looked at you, confusion evident on his face but then he saw you pull out the familiar fabric and he suddenly remembered.
“Oh right! I gave it to you.”, he chuckled, and you carefully placed the coat in his outstretched hands, “Thank you.”
“It’s nothing.”, you dismissed him with a polite smile, “you asked for it back and I gave it back.”
Your pathetic attempt at indifference didn’t go unnoticed and it made him grin from ear to ear. Then he skilfully threw the coat over his shoulder and took the three steps down the stairs backwards, eyes locked with yours
You put your key in the lock and opened the door, bashful eyes on his now slowly retreating figure.
“Joe…let me know when you’re home, yeah?”, you repeated your request, just loud enough for him to hear.
“Will do. Bye, Bambi.”, he returned, almost shouting as he waved at you.
“Bye Joe.”, you called back, louder than him, rolling your eyes at his repeated use of the new nickname he had given you. Giggling, because to be honest, you thought the name was very cute, you entered your house and gently closed the door behind you.
@ohmeg @daleyeahson @lma1986 @palomahasenteredthechat @mandyjo8719 @aysheashea @eddiebaemunson @littledemon-lilith @freakymunson @sidthedollface2 @i-wont-run-this-time @plk-18 @miserybeans @kylakins88 @deadspellz @thehillzhaveeyez @kayleeelena97 @foreverjosephquinn @punctualhowell @icallhimjoey @ghostinthebackofyourhead @siriuslysmoking @cancankiki @definitionwanderlust @eriancrow @1paire2vans @theonewiththecrackedmind @fromasgardandback @captainonaboat @josephquinnsfreckles @emilyslutface @alessxaa
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siobhanbooks · 2 months
PG Vi as a fanfiction author, authors note post chapter 26
sorry for the late update, guys, but things have been crazy
so me and my boyfriend's cousin (also a good friend of mine, let's call him B) were kidnapped from my brothers house and held hostage for several hours. to cut a long story short, B got shot and I got tortured (minorly though)
so then said boyfriend and his best friend (who turns out are both FBI agents) break in there to rescue us. B is minutes from death, massive blood loss by the time the EMTs get there, I've got broken ribs and dislocated joints and am loosing consciousness.
so we get rushed to hospital, B needs lots of hours of emergency surgery and we're both unconscious for about 36 hours apiece. eventually we wake up and our respective boyfriends get to give their big i love you I couldn't lose you speeches. also B and his boyfriend finally come out to B's cousin.
then B and his cousin (X) get to speak and everything gets sorted and no more secrets between them.
haha not true. turns out X's dad had been alive for the past 8 years when he was supposed to be dead (B's uncle note). and X knew but couldn't say anything because witness protection. so now he's turned up at the hospital so I know now but B doesn't and neither do him and X's grandparents. but X won't let them know yet - fair enough seeing as B got shot less than 48 hours ago.
but good news I should be getting out tomorrow then it's a hotel near the hospital for a few days before B gets discharged and then we all go home. with very overprotective boyfriends.
also turns out my mom is less shit than I thought so... plus she's not homophobic she just hates my brother's partner for his personality not his sexuality.
anyways love you all thanks for the comments
tumblr: @violence-is-my-first-name
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puzzlebeanficrecs · 1 year
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I've been really into Ted Lasso recently and so about 75% of the fics I am currently reading are in this fandom. So I thought it was the perfect moment to share some of my favorite fics!
wanna feel your heartlines by holtzmanns [General, No Archive Warnings Apply, 8,767 words]
The curtain around his bed is ripped back before Jamie has time to elaborate, and his words die on his tongue when the rather eyebrow-heavy man on the other side of the curtain grunts in his direction before looking down at his clipboard. Jamie’s eyes linger on the biceps poking out of his black scrubs, his muscled forearms that don’t appear to be solely from working in a hospital.
“Doctor Kent. I’ll be your physician today. Full name and date of birth, please?”
Jamie’s brow furrows at the question. This man really doesn’t know who he is?
The doctor rolls his eyes, as if he can read Jamie’s thoughts. “Procedure. Out with it.”
“Jamie Tartt, but you already know that.”
Once More, with Feeling by liesmyth [Mature, No Archive Warnings Apply, 7,841 words]
“Amsterdam’s our thing, innit? It’s tradition. It’s like—the anniversary of when you learned to ride a bike. Your bikeversary.”
One year on, and they're playing Ajax again, in the fucking Champions League. After, Jamie has plans.
i don't belong and my beloved neither do you by instantcaramel [Teen and Up, No Archive Warnings Apply, 5,855 words]
He drives until he gets to a village near Lake Windermere. He only has the money he has from his last year and from selling his house in Manchester, but it’s enough to rent a place from a nice old lady who just wants to make some extra money.
or, the one where Jamie quits football and moves to a little village near Lake Windermere.
Finding warmth in a cold hotel by CherryPie0 [Teen and Up, No Archive Warnings Apply, 1,500 words]
He knows the team's budget hasn't been the same since the whole Dubai Air situation, but come on, they could at least stay at hotels where they won't fucking freeze to death by morning!
Jamie has a problem. Then he finds a solution.
Heart Trouble by MoreThanSlightly (cadignan) [Explicit, No Archive Warnings Apply, 6,844 words]
“I tore his shirt after he hit me,” Jamie says, fucking unbearably helpful. He shrugs and tucks his hands into the bottom of his light blue hoodie. “I’m not sure exactly how it went after that.”
“He pushed you against a wall,” Keeley says.
“Er… no?” Jamie says, puzzled. He twists his hands, stretching the fabric over them. His brows draw together like he’s thinking really hard about whether their stupid, embarrassing, ineffectual fight in the middle of an alley involved any walls.
It didn’t. Roy doesn’t know much but he knows that. What the fuck is Keeley doing?
“That’s where you went wrong, then,” Keeley says, and amends, “One of many places you went wrong, mind. Let’s get it right this time.”
I've Got A Rainbow, It's In My Mouth by inlovewithnight [Not Rated, No Archive Warnings Apply, 10,442 words]
Jamie wasn't even supposed to come to Iceland. But here he is, and here Roy and Keeley are, and it's really not a bad time at all.
the talking bit by mixtapestar [Explicit, No Archive Warnings Apply, 4,531 words]
How is it that Jamie is always around? And now he wants to talk about something first thing in the morning without Keeley around? Roy isn't awake enough for this.
they say when it's right you know by inlovewithnight [Not Rated, No Archive Warnings Apply, 2,037 words]
There they sit, drinking champagne from specimen cups and laughing about the sheer absurdity of the last 24 hours.
in loco parentis by AuntieClimactic [Teen and Up, No Archive Warnings Apply, 9,954 words]
“Hello? Yes, this is Trent Crimm, The Independent. I’ve got a bit of an emergency and need Coach Lasso’s mobile.” Trent paused, brow furrowing in irritation. “Well, his son is currently standing in my office, in my newspaper building, which is filled with bloodthirsty journos. Could you make an exception for that?"
Lies, Damned Lies, and Lies to Journalists by gutterandthestars [Teen and Up, No Archive Warnings Apply, 6,307 words]
"It’s bad," says Rebecca, "because Trent Crimm is a very good journalist and knows you just bullshitted him right to his face. Which means..."
“He doesn’t believe I had food poisoning?”
“That’s highly likely,” agrees Rebecca. “And that means….”
“Means you’re fucked,” says Roy, appearing in the doorway. “Because now he’s not writing a story that reads ‘Richmond Coach Shits Himself’, he’s investigating a story he assumes is so embarrassing it’s worth your while to try and cover it up by pretending you shit yourself. And since that is already pretty fucking embarrassing, he’s thinks he’s onto something big.”
i think we're supposed to be by manycoloureddays [Teen and Up, No Archive Warnings Apply, 1,715 words]
Isaac has been sitting on this revelation for a while now. Getting used to it, learning how to live with this feeling in his chest so huge it threatens to swallow him whole. And now he’s going to say it, declare it, claim it.
A Revealing Poetry by ice_hot_13 [Teen and Up, No Archive Warnings, 7,963 words]
When Rebecca needs a date to her ex-husband’s wedding, Keeley volunteers because - because of course she does, Rebecca needs her.
More wonderful by CherryPie0 [Explicit, No Archive Warnings Apply, 3,794 words]
And it felt right, wearing Sam's number.
Only that now Jamie can't help worrying that maybe he overdid it a little? Because the more he thinks about it, the more it feels like the grand gesture at the end of a rom com; like he sang a love song in front of the whole school or something.
could you make me happy? by manycoloureddays [Teen and Up, No Archive Warnings Apply, 1,305 words]
It keeps happening and Sam doesn’t really know why. He hasn’t asked. A little because he doesn’t want to seem rude, and a lot because it’s been … nice. It’s nice to feel wanted, and it’s nice to be wanted by people you love and respect.
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tieflingkisser · 4 months
Pushed to the edge, starved and exhausted, Rafah IDPs struggle to survive
With Rafah under attack, desperate families have been forced to head back to a decimated Khan Younis while others headed to the adjacent encampment at Al-Mawasi
Um Ahmad frantically counted her children as they lay in a tent near Abu Youssef Al-Najjar Hospital in Rafah. Israeli bombs were raining down all around her. She was terrified. “One, two, three, four, five,” she counted, her voice shaking with dread. She had lost a sixth child during their second forced displacement from Khan Younis months ago. She was not prepared to lose another.  Trembling, the 45-year-old scrambled to carry whatever she could on one arm and slung her four-year-old special needs son on the other. The eldest of her children was barely 12, but old enough to watch the little ones, who silently followed along.  Tearful, destitute and with no other choice, she set off on a 10-kilometre trek back to Khan Younis with no destination in mind, her only support, the kindness of strangers. With her husband trapped in Gaza City in the north, she didn’t think she would ever see him again. Um Ahmad and her kids are among merely 360,000 people who fled Gaza’s southernmost city of Rafah earlier this month when Israel ordered a mass evacuation, according to a UN report. 
Desperate families were forced to leave what little they had behind and head back to a decimated Khan Younis where they moved back into what remained of their destroyed homes. Others headed to the adjacent seafront encampment at Al-Mawasi, where people use seawater for washing and walk at least four kilometres for a jerry can of drinkable water. 
Ahmed K., who preferred to withhold his last name, recounted his ordeal following the bombing of his three-story family home in Rafah in an Israeli air raid, which killed his mother and two other family members.    “Me, my sister, grandmother and uncle survived,” said Ahmed, 29, recalling how it took three hours to rescue him from under the rubble where he was trapped in what used to be his refuge. Ahmed, who is single, had a head injury and the lower part of his foot was shattered. He waited two full days, partly on a hospital floor in Abu Youssef Al-Najjar, before undergoing emergency surgery. He had no access to specialised doctors or treatment due to the overwhelming number of casualties requiring immediate attention. Long before he was ready to move, the entire hospital had to be evacuated. He was placed on a wooden cart for about 10 kilometres all the way to Khan Younis.  “Before the Israeli invasion of Rafah, life was very difficult but still livable,” said Ahmed. “Now it is unbearable.” “It’s a miracle I was able to make it to Al-Mawasi in Khan Younis,” he said.
“I lost everything,” Dr Sami (not his real name) told The New Arab. “My home, my dignity, my savings, my whole being.” Dr Sami preferred to remain anonymous and refused to have his picture taken because, as he said, he could not tolerate the “humiliation” of appearing in this state in front of his students. The 49-year-old parasitology professor at Gaza’s Islamic University is married with three children, the eldest 15. This was the eighth time he has been displaced: from north Gaza to west Gaza, then to east Khan Younis, to west Khan Younis, to Rafah and now he is back in Khan Younis. With a hammer and nails, he mustered whatever was left of his strength to build a wooden hut to protect his family from the heat and rain. His hair was dishevelled, his eyes were bulging and he said he lost 27 kilogrammes of his weight.  “In East Khan Younis, I shared a house with 24 other families,” he said.  At one point as he headed south from west Gaza to east Khan Younis, he was stopped by Israeli occupation forces, stripped to his underwear, robbed of his money and personal belongings, and left to walk for four kilometres, amid relentless bombing, with no food or water.  “I’m lucky to have this wheelbarrow to help me carry what little remains of my life,” Dr Sami said, tossing a broken wooden plank into a small fire.
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clincberriganvet · 2 months
Urgent Pet Care: Southlake's 24-Hour Animal Emergency Hospital
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When your pet has a sudden health issue, finding quick help is essential. Many pet owners struggle to find an animal emergency hospital in Southlake when their pets need urgent care. This can cause stress and delays, making the situation worse. In emergencies, you need a reliable place with skilled veterinarians ready to assist.
Luckily, there is a solution. Berrigan Vet Clinic, an animal emergency centre in Southlake, offers 24-hour services to ensure your pet receives immediate attention. If you’re searching for an animal vet clinic near me or vets open near me today, this is the place to go. The clinic provides a wide range of services, whether it’s a late-night emergency or a weekend visit.
With modern facilities and a dedicated team, the clinic can handle everything from regular check-ups to emergency surgeries. Whether you need a dog veterinarian or care for other pets, Berrigan Vet Clinic is ready to help. This ensures your pet gets the best care anytime, so you can relax When it's really important. Trust in the expertise and dedication of the Southlake veterinary team at Berrigan Vet Clinic to keep your pet healthy and happy, no matter what time it is.
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24 hour hospital near me - Aware Gleneagles Global Hospital
Aware Gleneagles Global hospital L.B.Nagar Hyderabad is recognized as one of the top facilities for critical care in Hyderabad, addressing the needs of patients grappling with severe, life-threatening health conditions where crucial organ systems are at risk. Our critical care team employs cutting-edge medical, monitoring, and diagnostic equipment to maintain organ functionality and boost patient health, thereby allowing the underlying illness or injury to be treated effectively. Our critical care services extend across adult intensive care units, pediatric intensive care units, and various post-operative and step-down units, all staffed by a specialist team of healthcare professionals.
 As such, our critical care units serve as a pivotal component of our acute care hospital infrastructure. In situations where patient volumes surge unexpectedly, causing potential overloads in critical care units, we have the capacity to manage effectively, minimizing the impact on surgeries and reducing waiting times in emergency departments. Furthermore, we stand proud as a 24-hour hospital in Hyderabad, located conveniently near you, equipped with every amenity necessary to offer patients the best possible treatment. Whether its critical care or ambulance services you require, rest assured knowing we are always available, fully equipped, and ready to provide top-tier healthcare services.
Aware Gleneagles Global Hospital L.B.Nagar Hyderabad proudly stands among the best hospitals for emergency services in Hyderabad. We are renowned for providing effective, affordable care. The key factors that establish us as a leading hospital for critical care in Hyderabad are:
Doctor Expertise: Our emergency department's reputation is primarily due to our elite team of doctors. We employ only the most skilled and experienced physicians, assuring patients of superior care quality. Our doctors are proficient at managing emergency cases, ensuring prompt and efficient care.
Medical Personnel: Our emergency department comprises a holistic team that includes doctors, nurses, coordinators, and other healthcare professionals who react swiftly in critical situations. We strive to provide exceptional trauma care.
Facilities and Infrastructure: One of the compelling reasons people choose us is our state-of-the-art infrastructure. From patient rooms and well-equipped ICUs to emergency medical kits, ambulance services, and advanced medical devices, our hospital is fully equipped to handle any situation.
Trustworthiness: We understand that admission into a critical care unit is only required in life-threatening situations. Our team is dedicated to providing the highest level of care in these sensitive cases, aiming to achieve positive outcomes
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In summary, we are committed to delivering exceptional emergency and critical care medicine services, always putting the patient's health and wellbeing first.
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theretirementstory · 4 months
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19/05/2024. Does the photo above give you an idea of where I am this week? Yes I am still in Paris! Not as a tourist but as a patient in hospital. My third week here was “celebrated” on Friday, which just so happened to be Day 11 since the CAR-T cell treatment.
I don’t really know what to tell you about my week, without going into all the gories of this treatment. Suffice to say that after Pauline’s visit, I started with nausea and sickness. Then for five days I had said nausea, sickness, migraine and my temperature was up and down faster than a rollercoaster. I had bloods taken, one normal way and one through the PICC line. The culture produced from the blood from the PICC line showed bacteria so I either had an infection or CAR-T cell toxicity. I was put on antibiotics and the following morning I felt so much better that I managed some food. Fortunately, it was an infection, but for five days I had been feeling steadily worse and worse.
I really would not like to guess the number of transfusions I have had on this journey, which has now passed one year. Yesterday I had another two transfusions, hémoglobin and platelets. I have never given blood in my life, but to all those people who do, I want to say a heartfelt thank you.
Yesterday, Pauline messaged me with pictures of her visit to friends in Italy, one video showed her boarding a bus, she was heading for Rome, presumably for a couple of days before she returns to Barcelona. Her friend, who was pregnant, actually gave birth on Friday so there was also a photo of the new baby.
A friend in the UK, returned home from work on Friday to find her elderly Dad not too well at all. She rang the emergency line and a doctor was dispatched and it was recommended a trip to hospital. Early yesterday morning (after being up for over 24 hours) she messaged to say he was waiting for a CT scan. She messaged again last night to say still waiting news on CT scan 🙄.
It’s the music section and I just found this song purely by chance, it’s by Chris Rea, from 1989 and it’s called “And You My Love”.
The second song is from a lady who I have mentioned before in this section, the song is “No More The Fool” by Elkie Brooks from 1986.
Maud messaged me yesterday, she is still having problems with her family, hence why she hadn’t messaged.
Monique took the liberty of going to my home to photograph the garden, it looks in need of a lot of work to bring it up to snuff. I won’t be doing that straight away but at least I can do some little bits. The grass has grown quite lush and the gardener will be going to give it a cut this week.
Anie had messaged a couple of times, she had been visiting her sisters, one lives near Paris and the other one in Burgundy, where she is at the moment.
“The Reconnect Navigator” had another busy week at work. Then yesterday it was her Father’s birthday so it was all round to her parents house for a birthday drink. Still one day of the weekend left so I wonder how you are going to spend it?
“The Trainee Solicitor” was glad to see the start of the weekend but it has turned into an “action-packed” time again! Hopefully after a couple of meet-ups today you will get some time to relax.
“The Photographer” has signed a contract for a new job and will be starting mid June. This weekend he is busy with his children and hopefully I may get a video call. My grandson has had “slapped cheek syndrome” but has not really felt ill with it.
“The Jetsetter” has either left Vancouver or is due to leave today. However, that won’t be the suitcase being packed away when she gets home, there is still more to come!
A quick update: “The Jetsetter” landed in London earlier this morning and is currently making her way to the train station for the journey home.
That’s another week’s roundup at an end. I hope that this time next week I am able to look out into my garden, if not, I am sure there will be something I can pass onto you.
Jusqu’à la semaine prochaine.
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gosford · 2 years
We are leading provider of veterinary care services, pet grooming and pet vaccinations for over 15 years in westgosford,NSW. Find a Vet Clinic Near Me.
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mariacallous · 4 months
Bulgaria’s We Continue the Change party announced on Thursday that it is cancelling all election campaign events for the next 24 hours after its leader, former Prime Minister Kiril Petkov, survived a car accident which left one person dead and two others injured.
Petkov, travelling in a vehicle owned by National Security, entered a collision on Thursday with another car near Aksakovo village in north-eastern Bulgaria. 
While Petkov and his team said they are in a good condition, the driver of the other vehicle was pronounced dead. The other two injured persons are Petkov’s driver and a woman who was in another car. She underwent a successful operation in Varna, local media reported. 
Petkov expressed condolences on his social media to the family of the driver and said he has visited the other injured people in hospital, while complimenting the medical emergency services, the police and the fire brigades for their fast reaction. “I’m putting my election campaign on pause until I am sure that everything that depends on me to help the victims and their family is done,” he said.
But opponents of We Continue the Change questioned the ethics of Petkov using a state security vehicle during his campaign. On Friday, Interior Minister Kalin Stoyanov clarified that lawmakers may use such vehicles for four years after their service ends. “It is undisputedly confirmed that the other vehicle took the right-of-way”, Stoyanov added. “A proceeding has been filed and the case is being monitored by a military prosecutor.”
Оn June 9, Bulgarians will vote in snap general elections (the sixth in three years) and for the European Parliament. Both elections will test We Continue the Change’s relevancy. The centre-right GERB party is expected to win both races. 
Previously known as an entrepreneur, Petkov entered politics in 2021 as interim Minister of Economy. At the end of 2021, Petkov became Prime Minister after his newly founded reformist party won the general elections on the promise of eradicating the legacy of GERB and its leader Boyko Borissov, associated with alleged widespread corruption.
Petkov’s 2021-2022 coalition government tried to establish a healthier relationship with North Macedonia, worked on diversifying Bulgaria’s resources after a cut-off from Russia’s Gazprom, diminished Russian meddling in local politics and supported Ukraine, despite Bulgaria’s initial reluctance to send military aid. 
But his cabinet fell apart in June 2022 after a coalition partner, There’s Such a People, left the cabinet and triggered a no-confidence vote. 
From to 2023 to early 2024 WCC was again in government through another internally divided coalition, with Democratic Bulgaria and their former opponents from GERB and Movement for Rights and Freedoms.
After initially agreeing on a model of rotating Prime Ministers, the cabinet was dissolved following numerous conflicts between the two blocks. 
After the fallout, GERB emerged stronger. The current interim cabinet, under PM Glavchev, features former associates of the party. 
According to recent polling, Borissov is tipped to do well in the elections. A May 8 survey by Alpha Research put GERB on around 25 per cent for both elections and We Continue the Change and Democratic Bulgaria on 17-18 per cent.
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