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arcenciel-par-une-larme · 4 months ago
SJW: Hi! Welcome to my tolerant and inclusive space, where all are welcome and cherished. Oh, by the way! If you like Tolkien and DnD, you're a Nazi and you deserve to be hated and abused. If you don't support every neopronoun and xenogender under the sun, you're a Nazi and you deserve to be hated and abused. If you won't bake a cake for a same-sex wedding, you're a Nazi and you deserve to be hated and abused. If you smirk in a way I don't like, you're a Nazi and you deserve to be hated and abused. If you dislike postmodern architecture and prefer classicism, you're a Nazi and you deserve to be hated and abused. If you're Christian, and especially if you preach the gospel to Jewish people, you're a Nazi and you deserve to be hated and abused -- but also, if you support Israel's right to exist, you're a Nazi and you deserve to be hated and abused. If you won't let your 8yo kid transition, you're a Nazi and you deserve to be hated and abused. If you think narcissistic abuse is real and speak out against it, you're a Nazi and you deserve to be hated and abused. If you love and teach classical music to students of colour, you're a Nazi and you deserve to be hated and abused. If you draw a bunch of fictional anthropomorphic minerals one micro-shade brighter or 10lb lighter than canon, you're a Nazi and you deserve to be hated and abused. If you voted for Trump, you're Hitler incarnate, you think women deserve no rights, and I wish you and your entire family would die in a fire. And most importantly, if you support JK Rowling, you're an Ultra-Nazi piece of excrement and I vow to find out where you live and come there and bash you over the head with a chair. XOXO ^_^
Rational people: Uhhh...maybe you could try calming down a bit? Maybe toning down the psychopathy would be good for you?
SJW: HELP! HEEELP!!! I'm being oppressed! They're condemning me just for existing as a queer neurodivergent person! They're denying my humanity!! PROJECT 2025!! HANDMAID'S TALE!! TEN STAGES OF GENOCIDE!!!
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thetoxicgamer · 2 years ago
Destiny 2 Lightfall Difficulty Changes Are Putting Players Off
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Changes to the FPS game's difficulty in Destiny 2 Lightfall are turning people away. The mindless churning that has historically given Destiny 2 its wide appeal is being diminished by activities like Vanguard Operations playlists, Nightfalls, patrols, and Lost Sectors, according to veteran Guardians. These tasks are also much more challenging. Case in point: Multiple threads posted within a day of one another on the r/DestinytheGame subreddit, each of which boasts over a thousand upvotes, are related to difficulty increases. A post titled “I used to enjoy legend dares” by Redditor themattigan notes a Dares of Eternity run that they describe by saying, “just got out of an absolute slog that lasted a painful 30 odd mins of getting steamrolled by goblins, centurions, and acolytes let alone the more powerful enemies that seem to have had their hp increased by about 1000%.” hat post has more than 1.2k upvotes. A post titled “Please for the love that is holy… remove the threshers(or nerf their damage) in patrols,” from user DevonT3 has 1.3k upvotes, while a post titled “Please make the laser tripwires not one-shot us in the Vanguard playlist” from Redditor Pfhortune has 1.2k upvotes as well. Another post with 2.3k upvotes from Redditor AKA-VANISH-X is titled “If you’re going to make the game harder, make it more rewarding.” A post from Redditor Alastor369 titled “Bringing challenge back to Destiny,” a reference to Destiny 2 game director Joe Blackburn’s statement about increasing difficulty levels within the game, notes, “They take the content that we’ve ground the **** out of and are sick of doing, and they make it harder (annoying) without increasing the payoff.” The post has more than a thousand upvotes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i-7Cq7LLPr4 Taken together, the Reddit complaints seem to imply that Bungie has missed the mark in increasing the game’s difficulty. Such difficulty changes were in direct response to community feedback that much of the Vanguard Ops content, patrols, and other every day in-game activities felt too easy. Prior to Lightfall, if things were too difficult, players could simply increase their Power level, which would make enemies easier to kill. However, the recent difficulty changes have also created Power deltas for some activities. Players can’t simply increase their Power levels to play through content they might otherwise struggle to beat. Instead, the game encourages them to reach a recommended Power level, which their Power level does not exceed for the activity. The game also makes the enemy Power level substantially more difficult than the player. As a result, Power levels become meaningless in these activities after players reach a certain level. With all these complaints, it’s interesting to note the team increased the difficulty of some of these standard activities in response to player complaints that some content was too easy. For example, a post from Redditor ca-ca-cayde from Sept. 23, 2022, is titled “The base difficulty of Strike Playlist should be increased.” That post has 2.2k upvotes. While it’s difficult to gauge what Bungie must do to appease players, the reality is that even veteran players find some of the game’s most basic content too difficult. Granted that Bungie made Destiny 2 free-to-play several years ago, the game’s content seems as though it should be more accessible to new players rather than so inaccessible it’s driving them away. If you’re struggling with the newest content in the multiplayer game, check out our Destiny 2 Root of Nightmares guide and our Destiny 2 Vexcalibur quest guide to help you push through. Read the full article
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[Top 5] Minecraft Best Apocalypse Modpacks | GAMERS DECIDE
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💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥 Minecraft has thousands of modpacks that can be downloaded from CurseForge. Being an open-source sandbox game, it offers tons of modding capabilities and is arguably one of the most modded games of all time. Other than the vanilla experience of the game, players are seldom bored as they keep downloading fascinating mods and playing in new worlds with fresh items. CurseForge is a well-known site, as it offers players over 90 thousand Minecraft mods. From simple graphical enhancements to complete world overhauls, there is a modpack for everything and everyone. Over the years, some of them have gained popularity and sit atop the list on their website. Sky Factory is a famous modpack where players start with one tree on one dirt block and they need to survive. This turns the vanilla experience of the game, where players have an abundance of space and resources, on its head. This modpack has certain different items and ways for players to increase their space and survive. This modpack is only available for version 1. Players can download it here. As the name suggests, this modpack is special as it is a combination of many mods. All The Mods 6 is the sixth version of the fourth most popular modpack on the site. It is essentially a kitchensink of over mods in one. This is another modpack known for heavily modding the game. It has loads of different mods that improve the the Nether and End realms' appearance. It also has new types of crops, mobs, and blocks. Even dragon eggs can be hatched, giving birth to different types of dragons. The modpack is available for 1. This is a really interesting modpack that converts the game world into Pokemon Land. It contains several mods like Pixelmon mod, Biomes O'Plenty, Journeymap, Gameshark, and more that make the pack best-suited for players who want to jump right into action without installing each of them individually. The modpack is available in the 1. This is arguably the most famous and extensive modpack on the CurseForge site. It was made by a modder named Shivaxi and has been download over 11 million times. RLCraft completely changes the look and feel of the game. It adds tons of new blocks, crafting mechanics, mobs, and much more. New User posted their first comment. Log in. Manage your profile. Minecraft Listicle. Modified 23 Jul Edited by Sandeep Banerjee Reactions. Sort by: Most popular Recent Most upvotes. Show More Comments. Comment in moderation. No thanks. Cancel Reply. Be the first one to comment on this story. Quick Links: Minecraft Socials Video game mods. Manage notifications. About Us. Write For Us. Editorial Standards. Journalism Awards. Fact Check. Affiliate Program. Contact Us.
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MCreator - The Best Minecraft Mod Maker Ever
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💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥 Minecraft mods are files that players can upload to their client to change various aspects of the game. The potential for mods is endless, and they can add new mobs, new biomes, magical elements, and more. Mods and mod packs are an excellent way for players to spice up their game and try something new without switching video games. There are thousands of mods out there, and each one does something different. It can be hard to find the perfect mod, so in this article, we will be listing seven different mods that are great for adventurous players. Dungeon Crawl is a simple mod that randomly generates dungeon structures all over your survival world. These dungeons can be both above and underground. The layout, loot, and size of each dungeon are completely random. This mod would be a great addition to any survival world. Download Dungeon Crawl here. Corail Tombstone is a death-themed mod that features special block models and textures. This mod allows you to configure the way that you die in Minecraft while also adding magic to the game called Knowledge of Death. There are also several different commands relating to death and dimensional teleportation. Download Corail Tombstone here. Mowzie's Mobs is a fantastic mod that adds tons of different fictional creatures to Minecraft. Some of these mobs are hostile and powerful, so be careful! Try to defeat each boss and claim their magical powers for yourself. Download Mowzie's Mobs here. The Apotheosis mod adds a bunch of new features to the game without taking away from the vanilla feel. This mod adds new potions , enchantments, mechanics, and more! There are also many different modules that overhaul different parts of the game. Download Apotheosis here. FTB Quests is a simple mod that implements quests for the player to complete. This mod goes along with the Feed The Beast mod pack, but it can also be used separately. This mod includes task screens, loot crates, rewards, and more. Download FTB Quests here. The Ice and Fire: Dragons mod does as the name suggests, adding dragons to Minecraft! The mod also adds a few different fantasy creatures, such as hydras and ghosts. Players can tame dragons, as well as defeat them. Download Ice and Fire: Dragons here. The Twilight Forest mod has been a popular mod in the community for quite some time now, and for good reason. This mod adds dungeons, boss battles, elaborate mechanics, and brand new items and loot to the game. This Minecraft mod is also constantly under development, so expect new updates in the future. Download the Twilight Forest mod here. New User posted their first comment. Log in. Manage your profile. Minecraft Listicle. Pirate ship on the water Image via Pinterest. Modified 23 Jul Edited by R. Elahi 6 Reactions. Sort by: Most popular Recent Most upvotes. Show More Comments. Comment in moderation. No thanks. Cancel Reply. Be the first one to comment on this story. Manage notifications. About Us. Write For Us. Editorial Standards. Journalism Awards. Fact Check. Affiliate Program. Contact Us.
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patriotsnet · 4 years ago
Who Raises More Money Democrats Or Republicans
New Post has been published on https://www.patriotsnet.com/who-raises-more-money-democrats-or-republicans/
Who Raises More Money Democrats Or Republicans
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The Fundraising Arm Of The Us Democratic Party Raised More Money In July Than Its Republican Counterpart Helped By Big Contributions From Billionaire Donors Including Investor George Soros And Former Google Chief Executive Eric Schmidt Disclosures Filed On Friday With The Federal Election Commission Showed The Democratic National Committee Raised About $131 Million Last Month Above The $129 Million Raised By The Republican National Committee
The fundraising arm of the U.S.Democratic Party raised more money in July than its Republican counterpart, helped by big contributions from billionaire donors including investor George Soros and former Chief Executive Eric Schmidt.
Disclosures filed on Friday with the Federal Election Commission showed the Democratic National Committee raised about $13.1 million last month, above the $12.9 million raised by the Republican National Committee. The RNC still had more money in the bank at the close of the month – $79 million compared to nearly $68 million held by the DNC – although Democrats narrowed the gap.
Raising more money does not necessarily translate into Election Day victory, but a big bank account helps U.S. parties support their candidates’ campaigns and pays for ads and polling. Democrats have narrow majorities in the U.S.Senate and the House of Representatives, and losing control of either in the November 2022 contests would be a blow to Democratic President Joe Biden’s agenda.
While the DNC has raised slightly more than the RNC this year, Republicans have been spending money more aggressively. It also spent more in July, shelling out $1 million to JDB Marketing Inc, a Mount Pleasant, South Carolina firm that specializes in direct mail fundraising.
Some of the DNC’s largest outlays during the month were also to support fundraising efforts, including more than $1.1 million to RWT Production, a direct mail firm from Annandale, Virginia.
Democrats Raised Twice The Money Republicans Did In Five 2020 Races That Could Determine Control Of The Senate
U.S.Senate2020 ElectionDemocratic PartyRepublican Party
Democratic challengers raised nearly twice the amount Republicans did in first-quarter fundraising in five must-watch races that could determine who controls the Senate, the latest campaign finance figures showed.
Republican incumbents facing tough re-elections races in Arizona, Colorado, Kentucky, Maine and North Carolina all raised significantly less cash than their Democratic rivals in the first three months of 2020.
These contests are some of the best opportunities Democrats have to flip the seats and regain the Senate majority in November. They’re rapidly becoming some of the most expensive and contentious matchups in the country. In Kentucky, for example, the multi-million dollar ad war between Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Amy McGrath started 16 months before Election Day.
In some races, such as Maine and North Carolina, Democrats actually doubled the amount of cash brought in by their Republican challengers. In Maine, state representative Sara Gideon raised nearly three times more money than four-term incumbent Susan Collins.
The Senate is now made up of 53 Republicans, 45 Democrats and two independents who caucus with the Democrats. Democrats need to win four seats to regain control of the chamber, or three seats if the vice president is a Democrat. The vice president serves as the “president of the Senate” and can cast tie-breaking votes.
Thirty S&p 500 Ceos Vote For Biden With Their Wallet Though They Dont Contribute As Much As Trumps 15 Do
S&P 500 chief executives have combined to give more money to Trump’s campaign than Biden’s, even as the Democratic challenger has more S&P CEOs as donors.
As the Nov. 3 election sparks record campaign contributions, the CEOs of S&P 500 companies are helping to fund the war chests of President Donald Trump and challenger Joe Biden, while also contributing to other Republican and Democratic politicians.
In their political giving as individuals, these chief executives have combined to give more to Trump than Biden. Some 15 CEOs whose companies are components of the S&P 500 US:SPX have donated a total of $2.489 million to Trump’s principal campaign committee, its joint fundraising groups with the Republican National Committee or pro-Trump super PACs.
Meanwhile, 30 chief execs have contributed $536,100 to Biden’s main campaign committee, its joint groups with the Democratic National Committee or pro-Biden super PACs. These figures come from a MarketWatch analysis of processed Federal Election Commission data on individual contributions made between January 2019 and August 2020. Anyone who held the CEO job in 2019 or 2020 at a company that was part of the S&P 500 is included.
S&P 500 CEOs giving their own money to Trump’s campaign
* Former CEO who held the position during the FEC’s 2020 election cycle that started Jan. 1, 2019
Total $536,100.00
* Former CEO who held the position during the FEC’s 2020 election cycle that started Jan. 1, 2019
Companies’ responses
Here’s How The Deficit Performed Under Republican And Democratic Presidents From Reagan To Trump
This article was updated Aug. 2 to include a graph with the annual federal deficit in constant dollars.
A viral post portrays Democrats, not Republicans, as the party of fiscal responsibility, with numbers about the deficit under recent presidents to make the case.
Alex Cole, a political news editor at the website Newsitics, . Within a few hours, several Facebook users postedscreenshots of the tweet, which claims that Republican presidents have been more responsible for contributing to the deficit over the past four decades. 
Those posts racked up several hundred likes and shares. We also found , where it has been upvoted more than 53,000 times.
“Morons: ‘Democrats cause deficits,’” the original tweet reads.
Reagan took the deficit from 70 billion to 175 billion. Bush 41 took it to 300 billion. Clinton got it to zero. Bush 43 took it from 0 to 1.2 trillion.Obama halved it to 600 billion. Trump’s got it back to a trillion.Morons: “Democrats cause deficits.”
— Alex Cole July 23, 2019
Screenshots of the tweet on Facebook were flagged as part of the company’s efforts to combat false news and misinformation on its News Feed.
At PolitiFact, we’vereportedextensively on how Republicans and Democrats often try to pin the federal deficit on each other — muddying the facts in the process. So we wanted to see if this Facebook post is true.
Some people confuse the federal deficit with the debt — but they’re two separate concepts.
Featured Fact-check
The First Modern Campaign Finance Restrictions Were Soon Followed By A Boom In Pac Spending
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FEC, Corrado, Center for Responsive Politics
In the early 1970s, and particularly after the election spending abuses revealed in the Watergate scandal, Congress put new limits on donations to candidates. But the overall amount of money in politics didn’t decline. The money instead started going to PACs, or political action committees, rather than candidates. Thousands of new ones were formed, and they started raising hundreds of millions of dollars each year overall. This shows a problem for would-be campaign finance regulators: If one particular aspect of election spending is regulated or capped, big money will try to find another way in.
Congress Responds More To The Preferences Of The Wealthy Than To Those Of Average People
Gilens and Page, “Testing Theories of American Politics
Who really matters in our democracy — the general public, or wealthy elites? These charts, from a study by political scientists Martin Gilens of Princeton and Benjamin Page of Northwestern, seek to answer that question. The first one — the flat line — shows that as more and more average citizens support action on an issue, they’re not any more likely to get what they want. That’s a shocking finding in a democracy. In contrast, the next chart shows that as more economic elites want a certain policy change, they do become more likely to get what they want. Specifically, if fewer than 20 percent of wealthy Americans supported a policy change, it only happened about 18 percent of the time. But when 80 percent of them were in support, the change ended up happening 45 percent of the time. There’s no similar effect for average Americans.
Big Problems With Small Money Republicans Catch Up To Democrats In Online Giving
Alex Seitz-Wald
WASHINGTON — Republicans are beginning to catch up with Democrats in online fundraising, creating for the first time in modern history a political landscape where both parties are largely funded by small donations — for better or, some say, for worse.
Democrats, who have dominated online fundraising since the early days of the internet, have claimed that the billions they raise in small donations are evidence that they are the party of the people, less reliant on wealthy donors and business interests than the GOP.
Republicans have spent years playing catch-up, mostly unsuccessfully. But now, just in time for the 2022 midterm elections, they are starting to pull even, thanks in large part to former President Donald Trump and his army of online devotees.
“This is the harvest of the seeds of digital infrastructure Republicans have been planting for years,” said Matt Gorman, a GOP strategist who worked for the party’s congressional campaign arm during the last midterm election. “That’s why you’re seeing things like freshman members of the House raising over $1 million . In 2018, we were begging folks to raise a fifth of that.”
Even out of office, Trump continues to raise massive sums of money, largely online. He announced Saturday that his political groups had collected nearly $82 million in the first half of the year , giving him a war chest of more than $102 million.
Democratic Party Committees Raised More Money Than Republican Committees In 2013
Paul Blumenthal
WASHINGTON — The three major Democratic Party committees raised $16 million more than their Republican Party counterparts in 2013.
The Democratic committees raised $193 million for the year, compared with $177 million for the three Republican committees, according to reports filed with the Federal Election Commission.
The fundraising success for the Democratic committees stems from big numbers posted by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee and the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee. The DCCC raised $75.8 million, the most of any party committee, while the DSCC pulled in $52.7 million. Both committees topped their Republican counterparts by more than $15 million.
“Our substantial fundraising lead is the result of one major dynamic: Americans are ready to replace this broken Republican Congress with leaders who have the right priorities and who will focus on solving problems,” DCCC Chairman Steve Israel said in a statement.
The Republican National Committee, however, beat the Democratic National Committee in head-to-head fundraising for the year. In 2013, the RNC raised $80.6, almost $16 million more than the $64.7 million pulled in by the DNC.
The money raised by these committees will finance large advertising purchases in battleground House and Senate races, among other things.
Report: Trump Has Raised More Money In California Than Most Democrat Candidates
California is well known as arguably the most liberal state in America, however recent statistics may shock both Democrats and Republicans.
It looks like there may be more Trump supporters in the “deep blue” state of California than most people think.
According to the news site Cal Matters, President Trump comes in third place for the most money raised in California out of all the Democratic candidates. He is just behind Mayor Pete Buttigieg of Indiana and Senator Kamala Harris who resides in California. 
Check out what Cal Matters reported:
This may come as surprise to the president, the national media and more than a few Californians, but there are plenty of Trump supporters in the “Resistance State,” too. And since the beginning of the year, they’ve been spending a lot of money to keep the president in the White House.
New campaign finance statistics show that President Donald Trump raised $3.2 million—more money from the California donor class than all of his Democratic challengers, but two.
Not only that, but the Trump campaign collected more from itemized small donors—those who gave in increments of less than $100 at a time—than anyone else in the field. The president bested even Democratic contender Bernie Sanders in the small-donor sweepstakes.
But it’s not all pixie dust for Trump in California: 89% of all itemized presidential campaign donations from Californians went to contenders out to defeat him.
More than $3 million has come since the beginning of this year.
Democratic Senate Hopefuls Are Raising Tons Of Money They’re Also Spending It
Congressional races heat up as Dems try to fl…02:14
Democratic Senate hopeful Jaime Harrison of South Carolina raised $57 million between July and September. Sara Gideon in Maine raised more than $39 million in that same period. And Mark Kelly in Arizona brought in $38.7 million. 
These eye-popping numbers shattered the previous record for fundraising, Beto O’Rourke’s $38 million cash haul in the third quarter of 2018. 
Now  the Democrats are spending that money in the face of massive Republican super PAC funds. And it’s left many Republican candidates with more cash on hand than the Democrats in the final weeks of the race.
In South Carolina, where the Senate race is unexpectedly tight, Harrison’s $57 million in three months was double Republican incumbent Senator Lindsey Graham’s $28 million haul, a state record for a Republican. Records show from July through September, Harrison spent more than $55 million. According to his October FEC filing, Harrison paid AL Media LLC more than $42 million over three months for TV, radio and digital advertising. He also spent another $6.5 million for digital advertising and services to Mothership Strategies, and $2 million to Blueprint Strategy LLC for radio and billboard advertising. $641,000 went to “direct mailing services.” That amounts to more than $51 million spent on ads and direct mail alone. 
Who Is Richer Democrats Or Republicans The Answer Probably Wont Surprise You
Which of the two political parties has more money, Democrats or Republicans? Most would rush to say Republicans due to the party’s ideas towards tax and money. In fact, polls have shown about 60 percent of the American people believe Republicans favor the rich. But how true is that?  can help you write about the issue but read our post first.
Presidential Campaign Spending Is Overwhelmingly On Tv Ads In Swing States
Data: Kantar, Analysis: John Sides, Washington Post
Presidential campaign money goes overwhelmingly to purchasing TV ads in just a few swing states. This map shows where ad spending was heaviest in 2012: Florida, Virginia, and Ohio, where more than $150 million was spent. Iowa, North Carolina, Colorado, and Nevada saw more than $50 million each. But most of the country saw nothing at all. Presidential campaigns have become a quadrennial stimulus bill for purple states funded by donors in red and blue states.
Democratic Party Enters 2021 In Power And Flush With Cash For A Change
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The Democratic National Committee has a roughly $75 million war chest, raising the party’s hopes of keeping power in 2022 and accelerating a Democratic shift in the Sun Belt states.
After years of flirting with financial disaster, the Democratic Party entered 2021 not only in control of the White House, the House and the Senate but with more money in the bank than ever before at the start of a political cycle.
The Democratic National Committee will report to the Federal Election Commission on Sunday that it ended 2020 with $38.8 million in the bank and $3 million in debts, according to an advance look at its financial filings. In addition, there is roughly $40 million earmarked for the party, left over from its joint operations with the Biden campaign, according to people familiar with the matter. This gives the Democrats a roughly $75 million war chest at the start of President Biden’s tenure.
“This is a number that is unimaginable,” said Howard Dean, a former party chairman.
Party data, resources and infrastructure undergird candidates up and down the ballot, and Democratic officials are already dreaming of early investments in voter registration that may accelerate the political realignment Democrat are hoping to bring about in key Sun Belt states.
“We had to juggle who we were going to pay,” Tom Perez, who until earlier this month was the chairman of the D.N.C., said of the early part of his tenure, which began in 2017.
The Supreme Court Has Struck Down Many Limitations On Election Spending
Over the past four decades, Congressional attempts to regulate the campaign finance system have repeatedly been stymied by the Supreme Court on First Amendment grounds. This table lists the major cases in which the court has ruled campaign finance restrictions unconstitutional ��� and how closely divided the court has been in every case. The first major such case was Buckley v. Valeo, in 1976, which struck down much of the newly-adopted campaign finance infrastructure in the name of free speech. The next major campaign finance overhaul — the 2002 McCain-Feingold law — survived an initial court challenge in 2003. But after Justice Sandra Day O’Connor was replaced with the more conservative Sam Alito in 2006, the court had a majority that objected to major provisions of the law. Since then, a series of 5-4 decisions have narrowed the scope of permissible campaign finance regulations further and further.
Us Democratic Fundraising Arm Outraises Republican Counterpart In July
Jason Lange
Supporters of Democratic U.S. presidential nominee Joe Biden gather with their cars for a socially distanced election celebration as they await Biden’s remarks and fireworks in Wilmington, Delaware, U.S. November 7, 2020. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst
WASHINGTON, Aug 20 – The fundraising arm of the U.S. Democratic Party raised more money in July than its Republican counterpart, helped by big contributions from billionaire donors including investor George Soros and former Google Chief Executive Eric Schmidt.
Disclosures filed on Friday with the Federal Election Commission showed the Democratic National Committee raised about $13.1 million last month, above the $12.9 million raised by the Republican National Committee.
The RNC still had more money in the bank at the close of the month – $79 million compared to nearly $68 million held by the DNC – although Democrats narrowed the gap.
Raising more money does not necessarily translate into Election Day victory, but a big bank account helps U.S. parties support their candidates’ campaigns and pays for ads and polling.
Democrats have narrow majorities in the U.S. Senate and the House of Representatives, and losing control of either in the November 2022 contests would be a blow to Democratic President Joe Biden’s agenda.
Soros, a famed investor and a bogeyman of conservatives due to his status as a major donor for liberal causes, gave the DNC at least $250,000 in July.
Who Raised More Money In A Majority Of Tight House Races Democrats Did
Total reported in the most competitive House races
With the midterm elections just weeks away, Democratic candidates have outraised their Republican opponents in a majority of the 69 most competitive House races, according to fund-raising numbers filed by the candidates on Monday. Some of the biggest earners include two Democratic women: Mikie Sherrill in New Jersey’s 11th District and Amy McGrath in Kentucky’s Sixth District.
Many Democratic candidates raised large sums from small donations online. Democrats are betting on small donor energy to make a difference in tight races.
Facing a host of tough races, Republican Party leaders have begun pulling money away from some struggling incumbents, especially in suburbs where President Trump is unpopular.
How much candidates in the most competitive House races have raised
*Incumbent shown with an asterisk.
Republicans Winning Money Race As They Seek To Take Over House In 2022
The National Republican Congressional Committee announced Wednesday that it had raised $45.4 million in the second quarter of 2021, the most it has ever raised in three months of a non-election year, as Republicans seek to take over the House in 2022.
House GOP leader Kevin McCarthy This story has been updated with additional developments Wednesday.
The Most Famous Political Figures Can Make Millions In Speaking Fees
For the top echelon of famous and recognizable political figures, there’s another way to cash in after leaving offices — by giving high-priced speeches to corporate groups. Former politicians and aides from both parties participate in this practice — the more famous they are, the higher the fee they tend to be able to charge. But the undisputed king of speaking fees is Bill Clinton, who charges at least $250,000 per speech — and charged $750,000 for at least one. This chart, based on data assembled by CNN, shows how speaking fees have made Clinton over $100 million since he left office.
How Trumps Team Spent Most Of The $16 Billion It Raised Over 2 Years
Biden and Trump spar in final presidential debate
President Donald Trump‘s reelection team kicked off 2020 with what seemed like an unbeatable cash advantage, boasting a massive fundraising operation, bolstered by the joint efforts of the Republican Party.
Fast-forward 10 months and they’ve burned through a whopping $1.4 billion of the more than $1.6 billion raised over the last two years, struggling to keep up with former Vice President Joe Biden, more than what former President Barack Obama’s reelection campaign and the Democrats had raised and spent by the end of the 2012 cycle.
The revealing figures, released as the two presidential candidates debated on stage Thursday night for the last time before Election Day, came after the campaign blew through $63 million in the first two weeks of October alone — a critical time when it only brought in $44 million. The vast majority of the money spent during that time — nearly $45 million — went to television and online advertising, according to the latest disclosure report filed to the Federal Election Commission, as Biden and pro-Biden efforts ramped up his ad spending.
MORE: Trump campaign trailing behind Biden in funding, weeks before Election Day, new filings show
MORE: Trump commits to familiar playbook to define Biden in tamer final debate: ANALYSIS
So where has the president’s money gone?
MORE: Trump heads into final campaign stretch forced to play defense against Biden
Questions about staff payments
The Massive Difference In How Democrats And Republicans Raise Money
You probably have a preconceived notion of where the political parties raise their money. Republicans get lots of donations from wealthy individuals and corporate interests; Democrats get money from less rich individuals and a somewhat overlapping set of corporate interests. Well, we have news for you: That perception is completely correct.
At least, that is, for the parties’ Governors Associations. On Tuesday, organizations and candidates that raise money for political campaigns had to file quarterly reports with the Federal Election Commission. The Democratic Governors Association and the Republican Governors Association both reported how much they’d raised between April 1 and June 30. The RGA did much better, about $24 million raised versus under $14 million, although the DGA had more donors, about 1,500 to 400.
When money is given to these groups, which can accept unlimited donations unlike their federal counterparts, the organizations have to document who gave, and how much, and when. Organizations that give just list an address; individuals have to identify their employer. Which lets us see pretty easily how those two groups break down.
And so, we see that the RGA got a much larger percentage of their donations from organizations than did the DGA.
far86 times
Who are these beneficent individuals? The DeVos family, of Amway fame. Las Vegas megadonor Sheldon Adelson. And  Kotch? Koch? Someone named “David Koch,” if you’ve heard of him.
Congressional Staffers Can Take Trips Funded By Foreign Governments
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Washington Post
After the Jack Abramoff lobbying scandal, Congress put several new restrictions on gifts that could be offered to members of Congress or their staffers. Yet there’s one significant loophole that remains — Congressional staffers are allowed to take trips abroad funded by foreign governments.The Washington Post’s TW Farnam reported on paid trips taken by Congressional staffers last year, and the map here is our depiction of Farnam’s findings. Between 2006 and 2011, 226 staffers took trips to China, 121 to Taiwan, and 65 to Saudi Arabia — where those countries’ governments footed the bill.
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morganbelarus · 5 years ago
Someone Imagines What Everything Would Look Like If It Had A Cats Face And The Result Is Funny Yet Disturbing
Cats… they’re everywhere. You see them following you on the streets. You see them staring back at you from your computer screen. Your significant other texts you their pictures while you’re in lectures or at work. You even see them when you look at other animals and random things. Wait a minute, that last one doesn’t sound quite right.
Well, unless you’ve ever stumbled on the ‘Koty Vezde’ (‘Cats are Everywhere’) internet page on Instagram. If you haven’t (and even if you have), then you’re in for a real treat. We’ve collected the best, the funniest, most amusing photoshopped images of random animals and things with furry feline faces.
So go make yourself a cup of wholesome hot tea and prepare to have your spirits lifted. As you scroll down through what is arguably the highest form of art ever conceived by mankind, upvote your favorites, and leave a comment explaining which hybrid cattos you loved most and why. Be sure to share this post with anyone you think might be having a tough week. We’re sure they’ll thank you.
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The ‘Cats are Everywhere’ Instagram account is still fledgling but going fairly strong, having captured the attention of over 2,000 devoted fans.
This might not seem like a lot to some of you, but it’s not all about the follower count: it’s the quality of the content that really matters. With over 187 posts on Instagram, we’re sure that the page will keep bringing us amusing (excuse me, I mean ameowsing) pictures.
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According to National Geographic, ancient DNA shows that cats domesticated themselves. Which just goes to show how independent they are even in matters of giving up their freedom.
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Apparently, cats lived for thousands of years alongside people before officially becoming domesticated. And during all that time, their genes barely changed from those of wildcats. Of course, apart from one factor — the cute dots and stripes of the tabby.
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See Also on Bored Panda
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See Also on Bored Panda
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Original Article : HERE ;
Someone Imagines What Everything Would Look Like If It Had A Cats Face And The Result Is Funny Yet Disturbing was originally posted by MetNews
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mediacommsandorangejuice · 8 years ago
A variation on the last essay about internet culture and media.  I didn’t finish the referencing and I talk about tenplay instead of kickstarter.  I don’t remember why I changed it before handing it in, but here’s the other version anyway.
The rapid onset and evolution of the internet has, and continues to, create huge changes to the way media texts are produced, distributed, and understood. The most powerful feature of the internet is its facilitation of polylogical communication – connecting hundreds, thousands of people and allowing them to interact and collaborate creatively in a completely democratic or decentralised environment (ref: lecture). Reddit is an excellent example of how this power has changed the production and consumption of texts, while Tenplay exemplifies the old structure struggling to maintain its status quo while keeping up with the 21st century.  Reddit has been described as “The gateway to everything interesting going on in the world” (Grey, 2015).  It is a hub of news, discussion, and user generated content about every possible topic.  The website has given rise to countless global communities, which have then developed their own dialects of acronyms and images that outsiders would have difficulty understanding.  Tenplay offers nothing new, and only the barest minimum of customisation options, it only shows evidence of changing distribution methods.
The internet has wrought huge changes to the way texts are produced, distributed, and understood, and Reddit demonstrates all of these. It embodies every aspect of the definition of Polylogical communication.  According to Watson (2015) polylogical communication is democratic or decentralised, universal, and mostly unmediated; allowing overlapping communication of any type (one-one, one-many, many-many, etc.).  Reddit is “a beautiful fractal” (Grey, 2015) of ‘subreddits’, forums dedicated to any and all possible subjects, and the popular topics of each are decided by the democratic ‘upvote’ system in which users vote content up or down depending on their preference and its relevance.  Anyone can join the website and immediately starting submitting content of their own and discussing others content.  Although most subreddits have moderators to ensure content is relevant and respectful, discussions are otherwise unmediated.  As well as the many-many communication seen in the threads, Reddit also has a private messaging system allowing one-one communication.  Subreddits such ‘I Am A’, in which users reveal an interesting job or hobby of theirs and then field questions about it, or ‘Ask A Scientist’ also offer a modicum of one-many communication.   Frequently a discussion in one subreddit will require a link to another, and when a subreddit focusses on a particularly popular topic it will often fracture into several smaller subreddits to avoid clutter.
If Reddit is the epitome of polylogical communication, Tenplay is dialogical.  Dialogical communication is mostly from the producer to the user, but with limited feedback from the audience (Watson, 2015). Tenplay offers replays of TV shows shown on the Ten, One, and Eleven freeview channels, as well as having a free membership feature offering further features.  Members can create playlists of videos, enter competitions, and vote in polls for reality TV shows.  The customisation options, competitions, and social media integration add a limited amount of feedback for users, but the predominant direction of communication remains from the producer to user.
The focus on polylogical communication by Reddit and similar websites has allowed significant changes in the way texts are produced, distributed and understood. The biggest feature of Reddit that allows these changes is the existence of global, interest-based communities. Users of the website are provided with a place to find and talk to others who share their interests, and from these relationships they can create new content, remix existing content, and share anything they create with an audience they know will like it.  Perhaps the biggest impact these communities have had though, is on the way content is understood.
Websites like Reddit, and even specific subreddits or groups of subreddits, have given rise to new dialects native to the internet.  Text-based communication lacks the audio and visual cues that allow a nuanced understanding of verbal speech.  To make up for this, internet users have employed a variety of creative tactics.  As most early users, and many current users of these websites have at least a basic understanding of programming, it is unsurprising that syntax and expressions from various programming languages have been coopted to express various emotions.  For example, when typing a piece that is intended as sarcastic, users will often add ‘/s’ to signify both the presence and end of sarcasm.  Another tactic is to simply write a description of the emotion or emotive action a user wishes to convey. This would be surrounded by some form of parentheticals, for example ‘*screams*’.  Alternately users integrate visual representations of their emotions.  This can range from ever-evolving emoticons (most recent ones including non-latin characters to convey more complex situations) to reaction images (often unrelated and usually captioned photographs or cartoons).  These new ways to communicate all affect the way content is understood, and often also contribute to remix culture, for example turning a still from a TV show into a reaction image.
While Reddit drives changes in the production, distribution, and understanding of content, Tenplay is very much a reaction to them. The website was launched in 2013, 8 years after the YouTube, and 5 years after Netflix launched its online streaming service (Ref) (Ref) (Ref).  The distribution of video and TV shows was changing, and traditional media had no choice but to adopt the trends to stay relevant.  Users were demanding more control over when and how they consumed media, which forced the creation of these catch-up services. The production of the content continued in the traditional way, and changes in understanding seem to have barely been considered. Although Tenplay offers some customisation and interactive features, the website still follows a dialogical communication method. Conversations are limited to the producer and the user, there is no comment section or forum where fans can talk to each other about the content.
The internet has brought about a lot of changes to the way media texts are produced, distributed, and understood.  While both Reddit and Tenplay are evidence of these changes, one is a driver of them while the other is a reaction.  Changing trends in distribution forced catch-up streaming services like Tenplay to become a reality, with changes in production and understanding of the texts being held in the status-quo.  Meanwhile community based website like Reddit are hubs for remixing and discussion of content.  Their polylogical focus allows changes to occur rapidly at all three levels, production, distribution, and understanding of media content.
CPG Grey. 2013. “What is reddit?” YouTube video, posted September 9, 2013. Accessed October 21, 2015. https://youtu.be/tlI022aUWQQ
King, Andrew. 2015. “Remix Culture.” Accessed October 22, 2015. https://blackboard.qut.edu.au/bbcswebdav/pid-6004631-dt-content-rid-5157449_1/courses/KCB101_15se2/KCB101%20-%20Week%2011.pdf
Network Ten. 2015. “Tell me about tenplay!”  Accessed October 23, 2015. http://tenplay.com.au/faqs#TellMe
Network Ten. 2015. “My TV.” Accessed October 23, 2015. http://tenplay.com.au/general/my-tv
Reynolds, Megan. 2013. “Tenplay launch helps Ten to strong catchup numbers.” Accessed October 25, 2015. http://mumbrella.com.au/homelands-audience-jumps-consolidated-ratings-catch-tv-184407
Turner, Aiden. 2015. “TENplay cracks Apple TV in TV Everywhere push.” Accessed October 24, 2015. http://www.smh.com.au/digital-life/computers/gadgets-on-the-go/tenplay-cracks-apple-tv-in-tv-everywhere-push-20150130-131vha.html
Watson, Anne-Francis. 2015. “Digital Media & Remix Culture.” Accessed October 21, 2015. https://blackboard.qut.edu.au/bbcswebdav/pid-5803896-dt-content-rid-4345549_1/xid-4345549_1
Wikipedia. 2015. “Netflix.” Accessed October 25, 2015. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netflix#Internet_video_streaming
Wikipedia. 2015. “Youtube.” Accessed October 25, 2015. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/YouTube
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totally-addicted-to-twice · 5 years ago
i don’t wanna sound all ‘omg the old days are so much better’ but i fuckin MISS the days of the internet before everything got consolidated into a few hellsites
like i have nothing inherently AGAINST social media sites, i wouldn’t be active on here if i did, but i just miss traditional internet forums and the sense of community you got with them and i really wish forums weren’t a dying breed
i mean when i was 13-14, i posted on probably 10-15 different forums, albeit all at different levels of activity and now i’m 23 and i browse like three different forums and i’m only genuinely active (as in posting and participating) on two of them
but really in comparison to the current web’s seeming replacement for traditional forums (reddit) i can literally explain why i think traditional forums are so much better than that site
first off and this is one of the big ones for me: the layout of the sites and threads within them. - on reddit, comment threads of a post are arranged starting with ‘best’ and you can choose ‘top’, ‘new’, ‘controversial’, ‘old’, and ‘q&a’. BUT every comment also has its own comment chain itself that could end up being so long you have to open it to a new page to see all the replies and comments in THAT can have comment threads - conversely on forums, posts and replies are ALWAYS in the order they were posted in. you have the op’s initial post and all the replies. any ‘comment chains’ flow in the thread, you don’t suddenly have another thread in the thread of XxxsefirothismyluvxxX and garth_turds having a conversation, all their quotes and replies are part of the original thread. and that’s just so much easier to read
second is the lack of real personalization on reddit - sure, on reddit you might have a flair on your post depending on the subreddit and on new reddit you can have a profile pic and banner on your profile but other than that? literally every comment blends in with each other, there’s nothing that distinguishes your comments from anything else unless you’re the op, a mod, or an admin - on forums, you generally WILL have different levels of personalization. of course WHAT you can do may vary depending on the site, but practically every forum will at least allow you to have an avatar displayed next to your posts which also, imo, helps with communities because hey it’s easier to tell who someone is when they have an avatar that you recognize vs uhh trying to remember their username compared to the probably hundreds+ you’ve seen that day on reddit
third and last  the lack of brigading on forums - just in case anyone who reads this doesn’t really use reddit, brigading is when members from one subreddit go into another subreddit and mass downvote threads and comments, post spam stuff, and just generally try to fuck stuff up. it can also be when a single user gets mass downvoted. now this is officially against reddit rules but it’s still a not uncommon thing, especially when it comes to political subs - can’t do this shit on forums because forums generally don’t have an upvote-downvote feature. i do post on one that has a ‘like’ feature but that literally does nothing beyond giving you a notif if someone liked one of your posts and showing who liked that post on the post itself. plus like compare a forum with say a few hundred or a few thousand active accounts vs reddit where a single subreddit ITSELF could have hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands of accounts visiting it. much easier to police when you have a smaller community to begin with
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codystrum · 6 years ago
#Quora Update. In the less that two weeks I’ve been on the platform my ten frank, experienced, savvy, and often refd replies have been viewed about 8 thousand times. I find that astounding as my opinions are usually not popular but frank and jaded. #BTS (though often upvoted) pic.twitter.com/KgKu4ga96j
— Charles Emery - DJ Sensei C (@DjSenseic) May 23, 2019
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patriotsnet · 4 years ago
Who Raises More Money Democrats Or Republicans
New Post has been published on https://www.patriotsnet.com/who-raises-more-money-democrats-or-republicans/
Who Raises More Money Democrats Or Republicans
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The Fundraising Arm Of The Us Democratic Party Raised More Money In July Than Its Republican Counterpart Helped By Big Contributions From Billionaire Donors Including Investor George Soros And Former Google Chief Executive Eric Schmidt Disclosures Filed On Friday With The Federal Election Commission Showed The Democratic National Committee Raised About $131 Million Last Month Above The $129 Million Raised By The Republican National Committee
The fundraising arm of the U.S.Democratic Party raised more money in July than its Republican counterpart, helped by big contributions from billionaire donors including investor George Soros and former Chief Executive Eric Schmidt.
Disclosures filed on Friday with the Federal Election Commission showed the Democratic National Committee raised about $13.1 million last month, above the $12.9 million raised by the Republican National Committee. The RNC still had more money in the bank at the close of the month – $79 million compared to nearly $68 million held by the DNC – although Democrats narrowed the gap.
Raising more money does not necessarily translate into Election Day victory, but a big bank account helps U.S. parties support their candidates’ campaigns and pays for ads and polling. Democrats have narrow majorities in the U.S.Senate and the House of Representatives, and losing control of either in the November 2022 contests would be a blow to Democratic President Joe Biden’s agenda.
While the DNC has raised slightly more than the RNC this year, Republicans have been spending money more aggressively. It also spent more in July, shelling out $1 million to JDB Marketing Inc, a Mount Pleasant, South Carolina firm that specializes in direct mail fundraising.
Some of the DNC’s largest outlays during the month were also to support fundraising efforts, including more than $1.1 million to RWT Production, a direct mail firm from Annandale, Virginia.
Democrats Raised Twice The Money Republicans Did In Five 2020 Races That Could Determine Control Of The Senate
U.S.Senate2020 ElectionDemocratic PartyRepublican Party
Democratic challengers raised nearly twice the amount Republicans did in first-quarter fundraising in five must-watch races that could determine who controls the Senate, the latest campaign finance figures showed.
Republican incumbents facing tough re-elections races in Arizona, Colorado, Kentucky, Maine and North Carolina all raised significantly less cash than their Democratic rivals in the first three months of 2020.
These contests are some of the best opportunities Democrats have to flip the seats and regain the Senate majority in November. They’re rapidly becoming some of the most expensive and contentious matchups in the country. In Kentucky, for example, the multi-million dollar ad war between Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Amy McGrath started 16 months before Election Day.
In some races, such as Maine and North Carolina, Democrats actually doubled the amount of cash brought in by their Republican challengers. In Maine, state representative Sara Gideon raised nearly three times more money than four-term incumbent Susan Collins.
The Senate is now made up of 53 Republicans, 45 Democrats and two independents who caucus with the Democrats. Democrats need to win four seats to regain control of the chamber, or three seats if the vice president is a Democrat. The vice president serves as the “president of the Senate” and can cast tie-breaking votes.
Thirty S&p 500 Ceos Vote For Biden With Their Wallet Though They Dont Contribute As Much As Trumps 15 Do
S&P 500 chief executives have combined to give more money to Trump’s campaign than Biden’s, even as the Democratic challenger has more S&P CEOs as donors.
As the Nov. 3 election sparks record campaign contributions, the CEOs of S&P 500 companies are helping to fund the war chests of President Donald Trump and challenger Joe Biden, while also contributing to other Republican and Democratic politicians.
In their political giving as individuals, these chief executives have combined to give more to Trump than Biden. Some 15 CEOs whose companies are components of the S&P 500 US:SPX have donated a total of $2.489 million to Trump’s principal campaign committee, its joint fundraising groups with the Republican National Committee or pro-Trump super PACs.
Meanwhile, 30 chief execs have contributed $536,100 to Biden’s main campaign committee, its joint groups with the Democratic National Committee or pro-Biden super PACs. These figures come from a MarketWatch analysis of processed Federal Election Commission data on individual contributions made between January 2019 and August 2020. Anyone who held the CEO job in 2019 or 2020 at a company that was part of the S&P 500 is included.
S&P 500 CEOs giving their own money to Trump’s campaign
* Former CEO who held the position during the FEC’s 2020 election cycle that started Jan. 1, 2019
Total $536,100.00
* Former CEO who held the position during the FEC’s 2020 election cycle that started Jan. 1, 2019
Companies’ responses
Here’s How The Deficit Performed Under Republican And Democratic Presidents From Reagan To Trump
This article was updated Aug. 2 to include a graph with the annual federal deficit in constant dollars.
A viral post portrays Democrats, not Republicans, as the party of fiscal responsibility, with numbers about the deficit under recent presidents to make the case.
Alex Cole, a political news editor at the website Newsitics, . Within a few hours, several Facebook users postedscreenshots of the tweet, which claims that Republican presidents have been more responsible for contributing to the deficit over the past four decades. 
Those posts racked up several hundred likes and shares. We also found , where it has been upvoted more than 53,000 times.
“Morons: ‘Democrats cause deficits,’” the original tweet reads.
Reagan took the deficit from 70 billion to 175 billion. Bush 41 took it to 300 billion. Clinton got it to zero. Bush 43 took it from 0 to 1.2 trillion.Obama halved it to 600 billion. Trump’s got it back to a trillion.Morons: “Democrats cause deficits.”
— Alex Cole July 23, 2019
Screenshots of the tweet on Facebook were flagged as part of the company’s efforts to combat false news and misinformation on its News Feed.
At PolitiFact, we’vereportedextensively on how Republicans and Democrats often try to pin the federal deficit on each other — muddying the facts in the process. So we wanted to see if this Facebook post is true.
Some people confuse the federal deficit with the debt — but they’re two separate concepts.
Featured Fact-check
The First Modern Campaign Finance Restrictions Were Soon Followed By A Boom In Pac Spending
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FEC, Corrado, Center for Responsive Politics
In the early 1970s, and particularly after the election spending abuses revealed in the Watergate scandal, Congress put new limits on donations to candidates. But the overall amount of money in politics didn’t decline. The money instead started going to PACs, or political action committees, rather than candidates. Thousands of new ones were formed, and they started raising hundreds of millions of dollars each year overall. This shows a problem for would-be campaign finance regulators: If one particular aspect of election spending is regulated or capped, big money will try to find another way in.
Congress Responds More To The Preferences Of The Wealthy Than To Those Of Average People
Gilens and Page, “Testing Theories of American Politics
Who really matters in our democracy — the general public, or wealthy elites? These charts, from a study by political scientists Martin Gilens of Princeton and Benjamin Page of Northwestern, seek to answer that question. The first one — the flat line — shows that as more and more average citizens support action on an issue, they’re not any more likely to get what they want. That’s a shocking finding in a democracy. In contrast, the next chart shows that as more economic elites want a certain policy change, they do become more likely to get what they want. Specifically, if fewer than 20 percent of wealthy Americans supported a policy change, it only happened about 18 percent of the time. But when 80 percent of them were in support, the change ended up happening 45 percent of the time. There’s no similar effect for average Americans.
Big Problems With Small Money Republicans Catch Up To Democrats In Online Giving
Alex Seitz-Wald
WASHINGTON — Republicans are beginning to catch up with Democrats in online fundraising, creating for the first time in modern history a political landscape where both parties are largely funded by small donations — for better or, some say, for worse.
Democrats, who have dominated online fundraising since the early days of the internet, have claimed that the billions they raise in small donations are evidence that they are the party of the people, less reliant on wealthy donors and business interests than the GOP.
Republicans have spent years playing catch-up, mostly unsuccessfully. But now, just in time for the 2022 midterm elections, they are starting to pull even, thanks in large part to former President Donald Trump and his army of online devotees.
“This is the harvest of the seeds of digital infrastructure Republicans have been planting for years,” said Matt Gorman, a GOP strategist who worked for the party’s congressional campaign arm during the last midterm election. “That’s why you’re seeing things like freshman members of the House raising over $1 million . In 2018, we were begging folks to raise a fifth of that.”
Even out of office, Trump continues to raise massive sums of money, largely online. He announced Saturday that his political groups had collected nearly $82 million in the first half of the year , giving him a war chest of more than $102 million.
Democratic Party Committees Raised More Money Than Republican Committees In 2013
Paul Blumenthal
WASHINGTON — The three major Democratic Party committees raised $16 million more than their Republican Party counterparts in 2013.
The Democratic committees raised $193 million for the year, compared with $177 million for the three Republican committees, according to reports filed with the Federal Election Commission.
The fundraising success for the Democratic committees stems from big numbers posted by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee and the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee. The DCCC raised $75.8 million, the most of any party committee, while the DSCC pulled in $52.7 million. Both committees topped their Republican counterparts by more than $15 million.
“Our substantial fundraising lead is the result of one major dynamic: Americans are ready to replace this broken Republican Congress with leaders who have the right priorities and who will focus on solving problems,” DCCC Chairman Steve Israel said in a statement.
The Republican National Committee, however, beat the Democratic National Committee in head-to-head fundraising for the year. In 2013, the RNC raised $80.6, almost $16 million more than the $64.7 million pulled in by the DNC.
The money raised by these committees will finance large advertising purchases in battleground House and Senate races, among other things.
Report: Trump Has Raised More Money In California Than Most Democrat Candidates
California is well known as arguably the most liberal state in America, however recent statistics may shock both Democrats and Republicans.
It looks like there may be more Trump supporters in the “deep blue” state of California than most people think.
According to the news site Cal Matters, President Trump comes in third place for the most money raised in California out of all the Democratic candidates. He is just behind Mayor Pete Buttigieg of Indiana and Senator Kamala Harris who resides in California. 
Check out what Cal Matters reported:
This may come as surprise to the president, the national media and more than a few Californians, but there are plenty of Trump supporters in the “Resistance State,” too. And since the beginning of the year, they’ve been spending a lot of money to keep the president in the White House.
New campaign finance statistics show that President Donald Trump raised $3.2 million—more money from the California donor class than all of his Democratic challengers, but two.
Not only that, but the Trump campaign collected more from itemized small donors—those who gave in increments of less than $100 at a time—than anyone else in the field. The president bested even Democratic contender Bernie Sanders in the small-donor sweepstakes.
But it’s not all pixie dust for Trump in California: 89% of all itemized presidential campaign donations from Californians went to contenders out to defeat him.
More than $3 million has come since the beginning of this year.
Democratic Senate Hopefuls Are Raising Tons Of Money They’re Also Spending It
Congressional races heat up as Dems try to fl…02:14
Democratic Senate hopeful Jaime Harrison of South Carolina raised $57 million between July and September. Sara Gideon in Maine raised more than $39 million in that same period. And Mark Kelly in Arizona brought in $38.7 million. 
These eye-popping numbers shattered the previous record for fundraising, Beto O’Rourke’s $38 million cash haul in the third quarter of 2018. 
Now  the Democrats are spending that money in the face of massive Republican super PAC funds. And it’s left many Republican candidates with more cash on hand than the Democrats in the final weeks of the race.
In South Carolina, where the Senate race is unexpectedly tight, Harrison’s $57 million in three months was double Republican incumbent Senator Lindsey Graham’s $28 million haul, a state record for a Republican. Records show from July through September, Harrison spent more than $55 million. According to his October FEC filing, Harrison paid AL Media LLC more than $42 million over three months for TV, radio and digital advertising. He also spent another $6.5 million for digital advertising and services to Mothership Strategies, and $2 million to Blueprint Strategy LLC for radio and billboard advertising. $641,000 went to “direct mailing services.” That amounts to more than $51 million spent on ads and direct mail alone. 
Who Is Richer Democrats Or Republicans The Answer Probably Wont Surprise You
Which of the two political parties has more money, Democrats or Republicans? Most would rush to say Republicans due to the party’s ideas towards tax and money. In fact, polls have shown about 60 percent of the American people believe Republicans favor the rich. But how true is that?  can help you write about the issue but read our post first.
Presidential Campaign Spending Is Overwhelmingly On Tv Ads In Swing States
Data: Kantar, Analysis: John Sides, Washington Post
Presidential campaign money goes overwhelmingly to purchasing TV ads in just a few swing states. This map shows where ad spending was heaviest in 2012: Florida, Virginia, and Ohio, where more than $150 million was spent. Iowa, North Carolina, Colorado, and Nevada saw more than $50 million each. But most of the country saw nothing at all. Presidential campaigns have become a quadrennial stimulus bill for purple states funded by donors in red and blue states.
Democratic Party Enters 2021 In Power And Flush With Cash For A Change
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The Democratic National Committee has a roughly $75 million war chest, raising the party’s hopes of keeping power in 2022 and accelerating a Democratic shift in the Sun Belt states.
After years of flirting with financial disaster, the Democratic Party entered 2021 not only in control of the White House, the House and the Senate but with more money in the bank than ever before at the start of a political cycle.
The Democratic National Committee will report to the Federal Election Commission on Sunday that it ended 2020 with $38.8 million in the bank and $3 million in debts, according to an advance look at its financial filings. In addition, there is roughly $40 million earmarked for the party, left over from its joint operations with the Biden campaign, according to people familiar with the matter. This gives the Democrats a roughly $75 million war chest at the start of President Biden’s tenure.
“This is a number that is unimaginable,” said Howard Dean, a former party chairman.
Party data, resources and infrastructure undergird candidates up and down the ballot, and Democratic officials are already dreaming of early investments in voter registration that may accelerate the political realignment Democrat are hoping to bring about in key Sun Belt states.
“We had to juggle who we were going to pay,” Tom Perez, who until earlier this month was the chairman of the D.N.C., said of the early part of his tenure, which began in 2017.
The Supreme Court Has Struck Down Many Limitations On Election Spending
Over the past four decades, Congressional attempts to regulate the campaign finance system have repeatedly been stymied by the Supreme Court on First Amendment grounds. This table lists the major cases in which the court has ruled campaign finance restrictions unconstitutional — and how closely divided the court has been in every case. The first major such case was Buckley v. Valeo, in 1976, which struck down much of the newly-adopted campaign finance infrastructure in the name of free speech. The next major campaign finance overhaul — the 2002 McCain-Feingold law — survived an initial court challenge in 2003. But after Justice Sandra Day O’Connor was replaced with the more conservative Sam Alito in 2006, the court had a majority that objected to major provisions of the law. Since then, a series of 5-4 decisions have narrowed the scope of permissible campaign finance regulations further and further.
Us Democratic Fundraising Arm Outraises Republican Counterpart In July
Jason Lange
Supporters of Democratic U.S. presidential nominee Joe Biden gather with their cars for a socially distanced election celebration as they await Biden’s remarks and fireworks in Wilmington, Delaware, U.S. November 7, 2020. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst
WASHINGTON, Aug 20 – The fundraising arm of the U.S. Democratic Party raised more money in July than its Republican counterpart, helped by big contributions from billionaire donors including investor George Soros and former Google Chief Executive Eric Schmidt.
Disclosures filed on Friday with the Federal Election Commission showed the Democratic National Committee raised about $13.1 million last month, above the $12.9 million raised by the Republican National Committee.
The RNC still had more money in the bank at the close of the month – $79 million compared to nearly $68 million held by the DNC – although Democrats narrowed the gap.
Raising more money does not necessarily translate into Election Day victory, but a big bank account helps U.S. parties support their candidates’ campaigns and pays for ads and polling.
Democrats have narrow majorities in the U.S. Senate and the House of Representatives, and losing control of either in the November 2022 contests would be a blow to Democratic President Joe Biden’s agenda.
Soros, a famed investor and a bogeyman of conservatives due to his status as a major donor for liberal causes, gave the DNC at least $250,000 in July.
Who Raised More Money In A Majority Of Tight House Races Democrats Did
Total reported in the most competitive House races
With the midterm elections just weeks away, Democratic candidates have outraised their Republican opponents in a majority of the 69 most competitive House races, according to fund-raising numbers filed by the candidates on Monday. Some of the biggest earners include two Democratic women: Mikie Sherrill in New Jersey’s 11th District and Amy McGrath in Kentucky’s Sixth District.
Many Democratic candidates raised large sums from small donations online. Democrats are betting on small donor energy to make a difference in tight races.
Facing a host of tough races, Republican Party leaders have begun pulling money away from some struggling incumbents, especially in suburbs where President Trump is unpopular.
How much candidates in the most competitive House races have raised
*Incumbent shown with an asterisk.
Republicans Winning Money Race As They Seek To Take Over House In 2022
The National Republican Congressional Committee announced Wednesday that it had raised $45.4 million in the second quarter of 2021, the most it has ever raised in three months of a non-election year, as Republicans seek to take over the House in 2022.
House GOP leader Kevin McCarthy This story has been updated with additional developments Wednesday.
The Most Famous Political Figures Can Make Millions In Speaking Fees
For the top echelon of famous and recognizable political figures, there’s another way to cash in after leaving offices — by giving high-priced speeches to corporate groups. Former politicians and aides from both parties participate in this practice — the more famous they are, the higher the fee they tend to be able to charge. But the undisputed king of speaking fees is Bill Clinton, who charges at least $250,000 per speech — and charged $750,000 for at least one. This chart, based on data assembled by CNN, shows how speaking fees have made Clinton over $100 million since he left office.
How Trumps Team Spent Most Of The $16 Billion It Raised Over 2 Years
Biden and Trump spar in final presidential debate
President Donald Trump‘s reelection team kicked off 2020 with what seemed like an unbeatable cash advantage, boasting a massive fundraising operation, bolstered by the joint efforts of the Republican Party.
Fast-forward 10 months and they’ve burned through a whopping $1.4 billion of the more than $1.6 billion raised over the last two years, struggling to keep up with former Vice President Joe Biden, more than what former President Barack Obama’s reelection campaign and the Democrats had raised and spent by the end of the 2012 cycle.
The revealing figures, released as the two presidential candidates debated on stage Thursday night for the last time before Election Day, came after the campaign blew through $63 million in the first two weeks of October alone — a critical time when it only brought in $44 million. The vast majority of the money spent during that time — nearly $45 million — went to television and online advertising, according to the latest disclosure report filed to the Federal Election Commission, as Biden and pro-Biden efforts ramped up his ad spending.
MORE: Trump campaign trailing behind Biden in funding, weeks before Election Day, new filings show
MORE: Trump commits to familiar playbook to define Biden in tamer final debate: ANALYSIS
So where has the president’s money gone?
MORE: Trump heads into final campaign stretch forced to play defense against Biden
Questions about staff payments
The Massive Difference In How Democrats And Republicans Raise Money
You probably have a preconceived notion of where the political parties raise their money. Republicans get lots of donations from wealthy individuals and corporate interests; Democrats get money from less rich individuals and a somewhat overlapping set of corporate interests. Well, we have news for you: That perception is completely correct.
At least, that is, for the parties’ Governors Associations. On Tuesday, organizations and candidates that raise money for political campaigns had to file quarterly reports with the Federal Election Commission. The Democratic Governors Association and the Republican Governors Association both reported how much they’d raised between April 1 and June 30. The RGA did much better, about $24 million raised versus under $14 million, although the DGA had more donors, about 1,500 to 400.
When money is given to these groups, which can accept unlimited donations unlike their federal counterparts, the organizations have to document who gave, and how much, and when. Organizations that give just list an address; individuals have to identify their employer. Which lets us see pretty easily how those two groups break down.
And so, we see that the RGA got a much larger percentage of their donations from organizations than did the DGA.
far86 times
Who are these beneficent individuals? The DeVos family, of Amway fame. Las Vegas megadonor Sheldon Adelson. And  Kotch? Koch? Someone named “David Koch,” if you’ve heard of him.
Congressional Staffers Can Take Trips Funded By Foreign Governments
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Washington Post
After the Jack Abramoff lobbying scandal, Congress put several new restrictions on gifts that could be offered to members of Congress or their staffers. Yet there’s one significant loophole that remains — Congressional staffers are allowed to take trips abroad funded by foreign governments.The Washington Post’s TW Farnam reported on paid trips taken by Congressional staffers last year, and the map here is our depiction of Farnam’s findings. Between 2006 and 2011, 226 staffers took trips to China, 121 to Taiwan, and 65 to Saudi Arabia — where those countries’ governments footed the bill.
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funnynewsheadlines · 5 years ago
This Account Photoshops Cats Into Hilarious Creatures (116 Pics)
Cats… they’re everywhere. You see them following you on the streets. You see them staring back at you from your computer screen. Your significant other texts you their pictures while you’re in lectures or at work. You even see them when you look at other animals and random things. Wait a minute, that last one doesn’t sound quite right.
Well, unless you’ve ever stumbled on the ‘Koty Vezde’ (‘Cats are Everywhere’) internet page on Instagram. If you haven’t (and even if you have), then you’re in for a real treat. We’ve collected the best, the funniest, most amusing photoshopped images of random animals and things with furry feline faces.
So go make yourself a cup of wholesome hot tea and prepare to have your spirits lifted. As you scroll down through what is arguably the highest form of art ever conceived by mankind, upvote your favorites, and leave a comment explaining which hybrid cattos you loved most and why. Be sure to share this post with anyone you think might be having a tough week. We’re sure they’ll thank you.
More info: Instagram | VK
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Image credits: koty_vezde
The ‘Cats are Everywhere’ Instagram account is still fledgling but going fairly strong, having captured the attention of over 2,000 devoted fans.
This might not seem like a lot to some of you, but it’s not all about the follower count: it’s the quality of the content that really matters. With over 187 posts on Instagram, we’re sure that the page will keep bringing us amusing (excuse me, I mean ameowsing) pictures.
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According to National Geographic, ancient DNA shows that cats domesticated themselves. Which just goes to show how independent they are even in matters of giving up their freedom.
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Apparently, cats lived for thousands of years alongside people before officially becoming domesticated. And during all that time, their genes barely changed from those of wildcats. Of course, apart from one factor — the cute dots and stripes of the tabby.
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from Funny – Bored Panda https://ift.tt/2MBxsMY via IFTTT from Blogger https://ift.tt/2pEiIDS
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i-am-very-very-tired · 8 years ago
LOLO86LF April 23, 2017 at 8:49 am I get tired of hearing people relate physical appearance with personal traits such intelligence or individual interests. The way you look does not dictate how smart you are. You can be above average in looks and be smart too. You can have pretty blonde hair and be intelligent. You can be pretty and have an interest in feminism and politics. The same principal applies to men. The size of your hands and/or feet does not mean you have a big/small penis. Just because you are handsome does mean you are boring or stupid, or for that matter smart and exciting. You can look ‘nerdy’ or geeky’ and not be MIT material. Not every single Republican is a cruel racist bigot, they just happened to have been conned by Emperor Baby Fists. Every single human being is unique and we have no right to stereotype. OHDEAR April 23, 2017 at 9:59 am That’s what I thought she was talking about, too – that people are surprised that she is interested in politics because she is seen as traditionally sexy (“But why does it have to be one or the other?”) On another note, I thought she made a good point about how getting rid of Trump in and of itself won’t solve everything. It didn’t seem like she was policing; rather she was saying that the US’ problems are deeper than Trump. SIXER April 23, 2017 at 10:33 am That Trump is a symptom of the disease and not the disease itself is a perceptive thing to say. (Or Brexit, or le Pen, or or or). I’d be inclined to agree with her. OTAKU FAIRY April 23, 2017 at 11:31 am “Not every single Republican is a cruel racist bigot, they just happened to have been conned by Emperor Baby Fists.” Not every drunk driver is cruel, but their actions still harm others, they’re still responsible for their decision to drink and drive, they’ll still be held accountable for the drunk driving as well as any harm that they caused by it, and when they made the decision to do that, they consciously chose irresponsibility, weakness, carelessness, and self-indulgence over the safety of others. Not every republican is a Trump Supporter. But even if not every *Trump-Supporting* republican is actively one of the thousands and thousands of Trump Supporters taking time every day to spew or upvote racist, white nationalist, xenophobic, transphobic, homophobic, or misogynistic beliefs, or the republican politicians who make statements that promote those beliefs, or the people out there who make headlines for hate speech, hate crimes, or discrimination, they at least showed themselves willing to vote for people and policies that support all those things, endanger people, and take people’s rights away. And the Trump voters of average or higher income can’t even use poverty as an excuse. It’s on republicans who voted for Trumpp but are sorry for it now to prove that they aren’t what they’re accused of, take responsibility for what they did, not repeat their actions, and call out their own party. It’s no one’s responsibility to do everyone who voted for Trump the kindness of assuming they’re one of the few good ones who really don’t want to drag America back to the 50′s. And judging someone for voting for Trump isn’t in the same category as judging someone’s qualities based on physical appearance. Voting is a choice and a political act that has consequences for other people. And republicans had an image problem even before Trump. Again, it’s on them to change things and find out why it’s a problem.
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