#22.4 challenge
missathlete31 · 5 months
Personal Post-
But I did it! 22.4 miles in 36 hours!!! Now it’s time to lay down and relax!!!
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And maybe read some top gun fanfiction! 😉
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Changes - Struck By Love Legacy Challenge - Episode 4
Months go by, Maeve went to her OB/GYN appointment to check on the baby. She was thrilled to find out that Akira and her were expecting a baby girl!
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To prepare for the birth of their child, Maeve attended a Lamaze class! It was a bit awkward being the only one that attended but she was grateful that she was able to ask as many questions as she wanted!
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Akira invited Maeve to live with him in his family's estate in Copperdale. Akira's family gifted it to him after they found out that the couple was expecting! Akira's family also refused to let Maeve put her name on papers until they were officially married.
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Before the both of them knew it, 7 months had gone by and Maeve was due any day. Maeve had gotten a promotion at work and on the verge of finishing her first children's book!
Maeve was definitely feeling herself during this pregnancy!
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Akira had been the best partner in taking care of Maeve's needs!
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In the middle of the night, Maeve's water broke. Maeve and Akira, Akira slightly panicking, set off to the hospital.
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Akira did his best to comfort his pregnant partner.
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At 1 PM on Friday in Spring, Naomi Kibo was born to Akira and Maeve. She was born at 22.4 inches and 8 lbs.
Mom and baby are now at home and doing great! Akira left to go to work shortly after Naomi was born...
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voskhozhdeniye · 7 months
Since the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, advocates and policy analysts have warned of a homelessness “tsunami.” It’s the worst-case scenario where the combination of lost income, backlogs of owed rent, and a lack of local government foresight contribute to a surge of people losing housing and ending up on the street. Well, it has arrived—and it’s poised to get much worse as the Supreme Court is set to decide whether to make homelessness a de facto crime.
This past month, many cities and counties conducted their annual point-in-time homelessness counts. The results of January’s counts won’t be known for several more months, but they’re likely to be dire. The end-of-2023 results found that approximately 653,000 people were experiencing homelessness. That’s up more than 70,000 over 2022, or a 12 percent increase. In the 12 months since that data was collected, those numbers have likely gone up.
But the raw numbers are just the tip of the iceberg. As more people end up experiencing homelessness, they’re also facing increasingly punitive and reactionary responses from local governments and their neighbors. Such policies could become legally codified in short order, with the high court having agreed to hear arguments in Grants Pass v. Johnson.
Originally brought in 2018, the case challenged the city of Grants Pass, Oregon, over an ordinance banning camping. Both a federal judge and, later, a panel from the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals struck the law down, saying that Grants Pass did not have enough available shelter to offer homeless people. As such, the law was deemed to be a violation of the Eighth Amendment.
The ruling backed up the Ninth Circuit’s earlier ruling on the Martin v. City of Boise case, which said that punishing or arresting people for camping in public when there are no available shelter beds to take them to instead constituted a violation of the “cruel and unusual punishment” clause in the Eighth Amendment. That applied to localities in the Ninth Circuit’s area of concern and has led to greater legal scrutiny even as cities and counties push for more punitive and restrictive anti-camping laws. In fact, Grants Pass pushed to get the Supreme Court to hear the case, and several nominally liberal cities and states on the West Coast are backing its argument. If the Supreme Court overturns the previous Grants Pass and Boise rulings, it would open the door for cities, states, and counties to essentially criminalize being unhoused on a massive scale.
If it does so, that will have ramifications for all unhoused people, from those who have been chronically homeless for some time to those currently falling into homelessness. And that last category is a large one: In the time since the January 2023 homeless count, there have been at least 1,076,396 evictions across 10 states and 34 cities, according to Princeton University’s Eviction Lab project, which has tracked data related to evictions through the end of 2023. In December alone, there were more than 69,000 evictions in those monitored areas. According to the data, evictions have almost fully returned to pre-Covid pandemic levels, after federal moratoriums and protections expired.
It’s also becoming harder to pay for housing. The housing market remains tight for anyone looking to buy, and renters are losing options. Inflation has eaten into people’s available income, pandemic-era protections have ended, rents are rising, and data from the Harvard Joint Center for Housing Studies that came out last month showed that renters are spending more—even as the amount of affordable housing available is decreasing.
Nearly 22.4 million households—or half of all renters—can’t afford their rent, according to an accepted standard that paying more than 30 percent of one’s income on rent renders it unaffordable. Without immediate assistance to renters, it’s a situation that will only worsen. Back rent due, as well as new rent increases, is likely to magnify the financial strain that’s already being keenly felt by renters, forcing more people out of their homes, either to depend on friends and family or end up on the streets.
If the Supreme Court sides with Grants Pass, it will effectively undo all of the protections created by the Boise case, which means that the thousands of people currently experiencing homelessness as well as those likely to fall into homelessness in 2024 will face additional challenges in an already traumatic situation. Added legal and financial burdens will only make it harder for them to become rehoused, creating a vicious cycle of escalating misery that will do nothing to actually solve the underlying causes of homelessness.
Grants Pass v. Johnson hasn’t received the same fanfare as many of the other cases before the Supreme Court this term, but perhaps no other case has as much at stake for some of the most vulnerable Americans, who now face the prospect of both additional financial burdens and the possibility of being transformed into a new class of criminal, solely because so many states and municipalities have chosen to wash their hands of a crisis their own policies have created.
Jesse Rabinowitz, the campaign and communications director with the National Homelessness Law Center’s “Housing Not Handcuffs” program (which plans to file an amicus brief in the case prior to oral arguments but has not as of press time) told The New Republic that an arrest record only makes it harder to get a job or find a new apartment to rent—and unpaid fines can lower a credit score, causing more financial hardship.
If the highest court sides with lawmakers that have abandoned the homeless to face more punitive measures for their misfortune, anyone left on the streets could be subject to arrest or other criminal penalties simply for having nowhere else to go, even in instances where local government has fallen through on the provision of adequate shelters. They will either be left to rot in jail or be forced out of the communities they call home.
The biggest obstacle to solving homelessness is the lack of affordable housing. That’s it. Either people are being priced out of homes or those on the streets can’t afford to obtain a permanent home. Thousands of units are either in the approval process or being built, but at the moment there is a nationwide deficit in housing, and construction is not matching pace with the growth of the unhoused population.
“Homelessness is increasing in many communities because rents are sky high and there is a severe shortage of affordable rental homes. More people are just one financial shock away from falling behind on rent and facing evictions and, in worst cases, homelessness,” Sarah Saadian, senior vice president of public policy at the National Low Income Housing Coalition, told The New Republic. “As homelessness has increased, elected officials are under a lot of pressure to take action, but too many of them are turning to misguided, ineffective, and costly approaches, like criminalization, rather than investing in proven solutions.”
This is not some abstract conundrum. In Los Angeles this past month, before and during dangerous storms that found officials urging sheltering in place for safety, police and city agencies were out dismantling encampments. Efforts by local advocates and organizations to help get unhoused people into promised shelters were met with confusion by local government and a lack of actual help, as documented by the group Ktown for All. Prior high-level sweeps, such as at Echo Park Lake in 2020, cleared the park of tents, but despite initial claims by Los Angeles City Council members, only a handful of the nearly 200 people cleared by the lake found temporary shelter, let alone permanent housing. Additionally, representatives with the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority said such clearances disrupted outreach attempts intended to get people to shelter and temporary housing, undoing trust-building efforts that took time to develop.
And real solutions to homelessness are up against long timelines and limited political will. There are major efforts to build new housing and fund services—the Department of Housing and Urban Development announced $3.16 billion last month for those very issues—but these resources take time to spin up, and they face political challenges along the way. An ambitious plan by New York City Mayor Eric Adams, announced in 2022, shriveled over a year, with several cuts to social services. It’s an initiative that joins other community programs in facing financing and budget issues, all while the mayor pushes increasing money to the already massively funded NYPD. Los Angeles elected a slew of progressive officials in 2022 and passed a mansion tax to fund housing and services, however it will still be some time before any new housing funded by it opens.
Meanwhile the city’s wealthy interests and corporate donors are funding the campaigns of conservative challengers to several progressives this year. If the Grants Pass case ends up allowing widespread criminalization of homelessness, it could lead to major setbacks that could render these projects far less effective.
Even large cities that have committed significant resources to helping unhoused people can’t adequately shelter people. New York, with a right-to-shelter law, still falls short of helping all of the people in need. Los Angeles has initiated several measures—several very good ones, as a matter of fact—to fund housing and services, but new units take time to actually be built, and more reactionary elements in the city government are pushing anti-homeless ordinances of their own.
And shelter, although helpful, is not housing. People in transitional or bridge housing still struggle to find permanent solutions, mainly because there simply isn’t enough affordable housing available. And it’s worth remembering that tens of thousands of people fall into and out of homelessness a year, including many who might experience homelessness for just a brief period of time before safety programs, family, or good fortune help them regain housing stability. Those who fit into this category could find themselves caught up in the criminal justice system for just a few days’ misfortune.
If the Supreme Court does side with criminalizing homelessness, local and state governments could start punishing people very quickly, according to Rabinowitz. “A lot of states have carve-outs that say this policy of criminalization can’t be enacted unless there is adequate shelter,” Rabinowitz said. “I imagine the ‘adequate shelter’ part will go away very quickly if the court rules that way.”
There are even more hostile proposals being dreamt up. In Florida, the state legislature—with the endorsement of Governor Ron DeSantis, fresh off his failed presidential run—is proposing criminalizing homelessness and putting unhoused Floridians in camps. Donald Trump is running on a nationwide version of this same policy. Under his proposal, unhoused people would be sent to “tent cities” on “inexpensive land” (exactly what that means is unclear, but it’s implied to be outside of cities).
Notably, the proposal is missing any real details on getting people out of those camps into actual permanent supportive housing. Trump hasn’t provided any idea of what his indefinite internment plan will cost or how he will pay for it; it goes without saying that it’s impossible to determine whether it would be more cost-effective than simply building more housing. But the former president appears to have retribution, not solutions, on his mind. In his 2023 video, he accused cities of focusing on “the whims of a deeply unwell few,” outright ignoring the root causes of homelessness and the factors that keep people unhoused.
When one considers the draconian ideas being conceived behind closed doors, the implications of any decision in Grants Pass are very real. The mechanisms and political desire to criminalize the homeless already exists, and lawmakers seem to be racing toward drastic and punitive approaches, instead of solutions that might actually ease the crisis. Should the Supreme Court contribute to the momentum of criminalization, it will likely exacerbate the crisis—it certainly will neither contribute to rehousing the homeless nor alleviate the economic conditions that force people out onto the streets. It’s a recipe for shortsighted, “out of sight” policies that will enable officials to pursue the cruelest possible approaches to a problem they helped create.
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wengdotlam · 4 months
Week 10 Gaming Communities, Social Gaming, and Live Streaming
Welcome back to Lam's Blog
According to Aarseth (2001) reflected, "If we consider 1969 as the birth year of the internet, then the history of the world's first video game predates that of the internet. Why hasn't anyone thought of studying games?" From here, game studies started to develop, looking at the value of games from perspectives like sociology, aesthetics, and design. For communication scholars, including relationships in game studies is a valuable idea.
Aarseth (2001) noticed social interactions in leisure activities. For example, studies found that online activities can help form friendships and provide social support, which can include learning, help, and social recognition. In video games, research has focused on how cooperation in games improves friendships, offers online social support, and builds social capital. The interest in social capital is significant because researchers hope games can provide a social space to make up for the decline of public spaces in the real world.
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According to "Top Social Media for Gamers: A Complete Guide for 2024" (Singh 2023), the gaming industry is growing year by year, with almost half of the global population being gamers, approximately 3.09 billion active video gamers worldwide. So what's the thing that keeps gamers active?
 Let's pause to think about it...
The connection between communities like Gaming Communities, Social Gaming, and Live Streaming has become a massive part of gamers' lives, creating connections, communication with others, online friends, and even careers.
Gaming communities are groups of people who share an interest in a particular game or type of game. They often interact online, discuss games, share tips, and sometimes organize events or competitions on platforms such as Discord, Reddit, and Steam. Gaming communities help gamers by providing a positive game environment and a sense of belonging and support. One of the great communities is The Hive, which currently has 151,918 members. This community is one of the largest Minecraft servers with a Discord community. Players always share creations, exchange things, create events, and find more friends in the community. According to Keogh (2021, pp. 209–222), local game development scenes, like the indie game scene in Melbourne, thrive because of strong community support and collaboration. This community aspect encourages creativity, innovation, and the sharing of resources, which is crucial for both developers and gamers. 
Now, let's talk about social gaming. This concept revolves around playing games with others, whether they're friends, family, or strangers. Social gaming ties relationships closer between gamers and brings people together. It breaks down barriers and makes it easy to bond over shared goals and challenges. I remember countless nights spent playing "Overcooked" with friends, laughing hard and complaining to each other until we hit the goals of the mission. "Overcooked" is a really fun and trending game online. I highly recommend you play it with your friends, family, or game partners. You'll find that ‘cooperating’ with teammates in games can be challenging but more enjoyable than frustrating. 😂
Furthermore, game streaming has seen explosive growth, with Twitch leading the charge, boasting over 7.25 million active streamers in 2023 and accounting for 76% of all streamed gaming content. In 2022, viewers watched 22.4 billion hours of live streams on Twitch. YouTube Gaming also saw significant activity with 490,000 unique channels. According to "Top 20 Game Streaming Platforms and Sites (2024)" (Capermint, T 2024), the reason why live streaming is gaining popularity is that it allows gamers to broadcast their gameplay to a global audience in real-time. A game streamer can earn between $50 to $200 monthly with an average of 5 to 10 viewers, and $100,000 to $200,000+ with 50,000+ viewers. Many pro-gamers choose to become full-time gamers, but for me, it's more fun just watching someone play a game (I won't admit I'm bad at playing video games).
Viewers can chat with the streamer, be influenced to play the same game, or interact in other ways. It's a two-way street that traditional media can't offer. Personally, I love watching "Mobile Legends: Bang Bang" live streams (Mobile legends: Bang Bang n.d.), because I want to learn more pro skills, improve myself, and cheer for my favorite team. Furthermore, live streaming has given rise to new careers. Streamers can make a living from their passion, supported by gifting, donations, subscriptions, and sponsorships. This shift has democratized entertainment, allowing anyone with a computer and an internet connection to potentially become a star.
Overall, Twitch is a game streaming platform worth trying. If you are also a gaming enthusiast, why not come to Twitch and experience its charm for yourself? For me, gaming communities, social gaming, and live streaming have allowed us to connect well with global friends. I hope you share your gaming experience and explore more in these fun digital spaces. Just take the digital world as your playground, meet new friends, play around, and stay happy!
By the way, I need game partners who can help me achieve victory. Comment down below if you'd like to play with me *heart*.
Capermint, T 2024, Top 20 game streaming platforms and sites (2024), Capermint viewed 7 June 2024, <https://www.capermint.com/blog/top-game-streaming-platforms/>
Keogh, B 2021, 'The Melbourne indie game scenes: value regimes in localized game development' , In Independent Video Games, Routledge.
Mobile legends: Bang Bang n.d.,Twitch, viewed 7 June 2024, <https://www.twitch.tv/directory/category/mobile-legends-bang-bang>
Singh, C 2023, Mastering Social Media for Gamers: The Ultimate Guide for Game Makers, SocialPilot, viewed 7 June 2024, <https://www.socialpilot.co/blog/social-media-for-gamers.>
Mobile legends: Bang Bang n.d.,Twitch, viewed 7 June 2024, <https://www.twitch.tv/directory/category/mobile-legends-bang-bang>
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ankitab · 11 days
The Additive Manufacturing Market is expected to reach above $93.36 billion by 2031
Additive manufacturing Market Size, Share, Forecast, & Trends Analysis
According to the latest publication from Meticulous Research®, the additive manufacturing market is projected to reach $93.36 billion by 2031, growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 20.3% from 2024 to 2031. This growth is primarily driven by the increasing demand for producing complex parts, reducing manufacturing costs, minimizing waste, and improving product development and supply chains. The market also benefits from the ability to easily customize products and support large-scale production. However, growth may be restrained by challenges such as limited build sizes and the costs associated with pre-processing and post-processing.
Download free sample report here: https://www.meticulousresearch.com/download-sample-report/cp_id=5838?utm_source=article&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=product&utm_content=13-09-2024
Opportunities for growth in the additive manufacturing market include the growing use of 3D printers for producing functional end-use parts and the rise of composite 3D printing. Nonetheless, concerns about piracy, unauthorized distribution, and a lack of skilled professionals could pose challenges to market expansion.
Key trends in this market include on-demand production of spare parts, increased product customization, and the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into 3D printing processes.
Market Segmentation
The additive manufacturing market is segmented by Offering, Technology, End User, and Geography:
By Offering: The market is divided into Hardware, Software, Materials (Polymers, Metals, Ceramics, Composites, and Other Materials), and Services. Among these, the Services segment is expected to hold the largest share, above 52.8%, in 2024. This segment includes services such as additive manufacturing services, education, repair and maintenance, consulting, and training associated with hardware and software. The large share is driven by the growing number of service providers, increasing reliance on these providers by end users, and the benefits of outsourcing. Additionally, the rising deployment of 3D printers across industries is expected to increase the demand for support and maintenance services, enabling business process improvements and continual modifications.
Browse in depth: https://www.meticulousresearch.com/product/additive-manufacturing-market-5838?utm_source=article&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=product&utm_content=13-09-2024
By Technology: The market is segmented into Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM), Selective Laser Sintering (SLS), Stereolithography (SLA), Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS), PolyJet, Multi-Jet Fusion, Digital Light Processing (DLP), Binder Jetting, Electron Beam Melting (EBM), Directed Energy Deposition (DED), Laser Metal Fusion (LMF), Selective Absorption Fusion (SAF), LCD 3D Printing, and other technologies. In 2024, the Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) segment is expected to account for the largest share at 11.5%. This dominance is due to the expanding application areas of FDM technology, such as automotive, aerospace, general manufacturing, healthcare, consumer goods, and jewelry, its cost-effectiveness, and its growing adoption by various manufacturers.
By End User: The market is segmented into Consumer Products, Healthcare, Automotive, General Manufacturing, Electronics & Semiconductors, Aerospace & Defense, Chemicals & Materials, Energy, Oil & Gas, and Other End Users. The Automotive segment is expected to register the highest CAGR of 22.4% during the forecast period. This growth can be attributed to the use of additive manufacturing in rapid tooling and fixture production, optimizing component performance, and integrating multiple functions into single parts. Automotive manufacturers and aftermarket suppliers utilize additive manufacturing to produce spare parts, replacement components, and obsolete parts on demand, enhancing supply chain resilience and customer satisfaction.
Download request sample report here: https://www.meticulousresearch.com/request-sample-report/cp_id=5838?utm_source=article&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=product&utm_content=13-09-2024
By Geography: The market is divided into North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East & Africa. The Asia-Pacific region is projected to register the highest CAGR of 22.1% during the forecast period. This growth is driven by rapid developments in the region's manufacturing sector, increased digitization, and the adoption of additive manufacturing technologies across various industries. Additionally, a vibrant startup ecosystem in Asia-Pacific fosters innovation and collaboration, further contributing to the market's growth.
Key Players
Key players in the additive manufacturing market include 3D Systems Corporation (U.S.), 3Dceram (France), Dassault Systèmes SE (France), Colibrium Additive (U.S.), Materialise NV (Belgium), Shapeways Holdings, Inc. (U.S.), Canon Inc. (Japan), voxeljet AG (Germany), Optomec, Inc. (U.S.), Proto Labs, Inc. (U.S.), Stratasys, Ltd. (U.S.), EOS GmbH (Germany), Desktop Metal, Inc. (U.S.), Formlabs Inc. (U.S.), and Autodesk, Inc. (U.S.).
Quick buy: https://www.meticulousresearch.com/Checkout/86948189?utm_source=article&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=product&utm_content=13-09-2024
These companies play a critical role in shaping the market by providing a diverse range of products and services, fostering technological advancements, and driving the adoption of additive manufacturing across various industries.
Contact Us: Meticulous Research® Email- [email protected] Contact Sales- +1-646-781-8004 Connect with us on LinkedIn- https://www.linkedin.com/company/meticulous-research
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Custom App Development: The Secret to Enterprise Agility and Innovation
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As businesses across industries pursue digital transformation, the demand for custom app development services is rapidly increasing. Today, it’s rare to find a business without a mobile or web app. These solutions offer strategic advantages, including improved customer experience, revenue generation, and greater operational efficiency. By 2028, the global custom software development market is expected to surpass $100 billion.
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In this article, we will explore everything related to custom app development—what it is, the types of custom software, its benefits, and the process of developing a tailored application for your business needs. We will also provide insights into the costs associated with building a custom app.
What is Custom App Development?
Custom app development refers to the process of designing and building applications specifically tailored to meet the unique requirements of a business. Unlike off-the-shelf solutions, which offer generic features for a wide audience, custom apps are developed to address specific challenges, workflows, or objectives of the business.
By focusing on a company’s exact needs, custom app development ensures that the application aligns perfectly with business goals, enhances efficiency, and offers a personalized user experience. It also provides flexibility for future growth, allowing the app to scale and adapt as the business evolves. These custom solutions often integrate seamlessly with existing systems, ensuring smooth operations and better overall performance.
Why Should Businesses Opt for Custom App Development?
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With more than 8.9 million mobile apps worldwide and an average of 1,828 new apps launching daily on the Google Play Store, the app market is bursting with opportunities. However, many apps struggle to gain user traction despite the surge. This is often because they fail to meet evolving user needs, with outdated features and technologies causing them to lose relevance.
Staying ahead requires constant innovation. Businesses must frequently update and customize apps to align with changing market trends. Falling behind in adopting new technologies often results in missed business opportunities. This is where custom app development becomes critical. It enables businesses to create user-centric and market-ready applications that stand out.
Custom app development empowers businesses to create tailor-made solutions that resonate with their audience. Unlike generic apps, custom apps focus on providing precise solutions to meet specific business challenges. They scale, evolve, and improve customer satisfaction, ultimately giving businesses an edge in the competitive app marketplace.
In fact, businesses worldwide are increasingly opting for custom app development services. According to Grand View Research, the global custom app development market is expanding to hit $146.18 billion by 2030, growing at a CAGR of 22.4%. Emerging tech trends like artificial intelligence, AR/VR, and machine learning are further driving this growth. Here’s a closer look at why custom app development is a smart decision for your business.
Tailored Solution
Custom app development offers solutions specifically designed to meet a business’s unique needs. Developers create these apps to address specific challenges, exclude unnecessary features, and ensure essential functionalities are included. This bespoke approach is akin to tailoring a suit to fit perfectly, enhancing both operational efficiency and effectiveness.
Enhanced User Experience
Custom apps are designed to deliver a personalized experience for users, creating an interface that aligns with customer expectations. This thoughtful design fosters a seamless user experience, making the app more engaging and intuitive. The result? Users feel more connected and are more likely to return. 
Flexibility and Scalability
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Custom apps are designed with flexibility in mind, allowing them to grow with your business. They can be easily updated or scaled to accommodate new features or evolving business needs. Similar to an adaptable tool, custom apps ensure your business remains agile and primed to seize new opportunities.
Increased Security 
Security is a critical concern for businesses. With custom app development, you can implement advanced security measures tailored to your specific requirements. This level of control allows you to safeguard your business data against threats, providing peace of mind and ensuring regulatory compliance.
Competitive Advantage
A custom app tailored to your business can set you apart from competitors. It demonstrates a commitment to delivering a superior customer experience and positions your business as innovative and forward-thinking. This competitive edge can help you attract more customers and drive business growth.
Efficiency and Streamlining
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 Custom apps are designed to automate and streamline business processes, reducing operational inefficiencies. By integrating these apps into your workflow, you can improve productivity and focus on strategic growth. Custom apps function like digital assistants, helping you save time and resources.
Cost-Effectiveness in the Long Run
Although the initial investment in custom app development may be higher, the long-term benefits outweigh the costs. Custom apps are designed to meet your business needs, reducing reliance on multiple tools and software. This consolidation saves money in the long run and ensures that your app remains relevant.
Easy Integration
Custom apps are built to integrate seamlessly with your existing systems and software. This ensures that all your tools work harmoniously together, streamlining processes and enhancing efficiency. It’s like fitting together perfectly matched puzzle pieces, making operations smoother and more coherent.
Customer Engagement and Loyalty
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Custom apps foster customer loyalty by providing a personalized and convenient user experience. When customers find it easy to navigate and use your app, they are more likely to remain loyal to your brand. A custom app becomes a valuable asset in building lasting customer relationships.
Ownership and Control
Custom app development gives you complete control and ownership over the app. This means you can make decisions without being constrained by external limitations. Owning your app allows you to shape it according to your business vision and goals, ensuring that it continues to serve your evolving needs.
How to Build a Custom App Development?
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Custom app development involves unique strategies but follows core app development methodologies. Here’s a detailed guide to developing custom applications from scratch.
Step 1: Define the Problem and Identify the End-User
Every app is designed to address a specific problem or its users. The first critical step in custom app development is understanding the problem and the app’s role in the end user’s life. This helps create a solution that directly addresses their needs, ensuring the app’s relevance and usability.
Step 2: Develop a Prototype
Visualizing the app’s structure is essential for custom app development. At this stage, you outline the user interface, define the core functionalities, and determine the data required to fulfill user requests. The prototype serves as a blueprint, helping developers stay focused on the app’s primary goals and user flow.
Step 3: Build the Application
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Now comes the technical build. This step involves constructing the application on platforms such as low-code/no-code environments. The business user’s expertise becomes invaluable here, guiding the development team through how requests should be processed and resolved. Custom app development requires precision in creating an app that aligns with your business processes.
Step 4: Conduct Simulation and Testing
Testing is a vital phase in custom app development. Here, the app is rigorously simulated to identify potential issues or inefficiencies. This phase ensures that the app is bug-free and optimized for real-world usage. Every error caught during testing prevents bigger problems post-launch, making this step crucial for quality assurance.
Step 5: Launch the Application
This is the moment of truth. Going live means deploying the custom app to a production environment where users can interact with it. Monitoring the app closely during this phase helps detect any bugs or errors that may have slipped through. It’s crucial to ensure the application operates smoothly in real-time conditions.
Step 6: Optimize and Refine
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The process doesn’t end with the launch. Post-launch optimization is essential in custom app development. This involves tracking performance metrics, identifying areas for improvement, and making subtle adjustments. Continuous optimization ensures the app remains efficient, effective, and aligned with evolving user expectations. Using end-to-end performance monitoring tools, particularly for complex builds like Java applications, helps fine-tune performance before and after going live.
Custom app development requires meticulous planning, execution, and ongoing refinement. Each step is vital in delivering a product that solves problems, enhances user experience, and supports business growth.
What Challenges One Face While Custom App Development?
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Custom app development is a multifaceted process that presents numerous challenges. You should be aware of the coming challenges that can be a hurdle in your project. Let’s look into some common obstacles businesses face during the period of their custom application development.
Tech Talent Shortage
Whether developing in-house or outsourcing, finding the right developers remains a significant hurdle. As in-house development can lack talent, outsourcing a mobile app development company is capable, as they have many talents of different tech stacks.
According to a 2023 survey by Infragistics, over 37.5% of participants reported difficulties in hiring suitable talent for their development projects. The global tech talent shortage further complicates the process. Identifying and onboarding the right candidates can take months, with no guarantee of long-term success.
Outsourcing custom app development offers a more streamlined approach. Mobile app development companies typically have the relevant expertise and can ensure the project’s success through established processes. A signed contract with an outsourcing partner reduces risks and shifts the burden of talent management onto the provider, allowing businesses to focus on core objectives.
Managing Development Costs
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Estimating the cost of app development can be challenging due to numerous unpredictable variables. Factors like adding new features mid-development or encountering bugs during testing can cause delays, increasing costs. 
Geographic location and skill set also influence labor expenses, while specialized technologies or third-party services, such as cloud computing or advanced security measures, further drive up costs. Additionally, post-launch maintenance and updates must be considered, as these ongoing expenses impact the app’s total cost of ownership.
Technical Complexity
Technical complexity is an inherent challenge in custom app development. Your business must balance incorporating desired features with ensuring scalability for future growth. 
Custom mobile app developers must also stay updated on the latest technologies, security protocols, and compliance requirements. The changes that are coming in the technology for advancement can complicate the development process, requiring developers to adapt quickly to emerging trends.
Timely Delivery
Delivering custom apps on time is another common challenge. Custom app development often encounters unpredictable delays due to scope changes, technical issues, or unforeseen bugs. Managing these risks requires effective project management and agile development practices. Clear communication among developers, project managers, and clients is essential to keeping the project on track and ensuring timely delivery.
Use Cases of Custom App Development
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As the landscape of custom app development evolves, several emerging technologies are significantly influencing how applications are built and optimized. Below are the key technologies driving this transformation.
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Although not entirely new, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are becoming more integrated into custom app development. These technologies allow mobile apps to analyze data, learn from user interactions, and automate decision-making processes.
AI can enhance custom apps by personalizing content recommendations, improving search functionalities, and automating customer service with intelligent chatbots. For example, Netflix uses AI to suggest shows based on viewing history, while Google Photos uses AI for object recognition in images. Machine learning algorithms continuously improve app performance based on user behavior, resulting in a more intuitive and seamless user experience.
Blockchain Technology
Blockchain technology is gaining traction in custom mobile app development, especially in industries like finance and supply chain management. It provides heightened security and transparency by creating a decentralized, immutable ledger of transactions. This eliminates single points of failure, making it much harder for data breaches to occur. 
For custom apps handling sensitive transactions, such as banking or healthcare apps, blockchain is crucial for ensuring data integrity and trustworthiness.
Internet of Things (IoT)
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The Internet of Things (IoT) extends the functionality of custom apps by enabling them to interact with external sensors and devices. Custom app development that leverages IoT can transform industries like healthcare, home automation, and industrial management by allowing real-time data collection and control over smart devices. 
For instance, a fitness app integrated with IoT can gather real-time data from wearables, while home automation apps can control smart thermostats or lighting systems remotely, enhancing user convenience and efficiency.
Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR)
Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) are transforming custom app development by providing immersive and engaging user experiences beyond gaming. AR overlays digital content in the real world, making it invaluable for retail apps that allow users to virtually try products. For instance, AR can enable users to test makeup shades through their device’s camera before making a purchase.
On the other hand, VR offers a completely immersive virtual environment, ideal for industries like real estate and training. Virtual tours of rental properties or immersive training simulations are examples of how VR can enhance user experience, saving time and improving engagement.
How Much Does Custom App Development Cost?
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The cost of custom app development can vary widely depending on several factors, including the complexity of the app. The features required, and the geographic location of the development team. Below are some key cost factors to consider.
App Complexity
Simple apps (e.g., basic functionality, no backend, or minimal user interaction) can cost between $10,000 to $30,000.
Moderately complex apps (e.g., multiple features, databases, or backend integration) typically range from $30,000 to $80,000.
Highly complex apps (e.g., advanced features like AI, machine learning, or IoT integration) can go upwards of $100,000 to $300,000 or more.
Additional Costs
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Ongoing maintenance: Approximately 15-20% of the initial development cost per year.
Third-party services: Integration with services like cloud hosting, analytics, or security can add to the budget.
Post-launch updates: Continuous feature enhancements and bug fixes will also contribute to ongoing costs.
Development Timeframe
The more complex the app, the longer it takes to develop, which directly impacts the cost. Simple apps can take around 2-4 months, while complex apps may take 6-12 months or longer.
In general, building a custom app can range from $30,000 to over $300,000, depending on your specific needs.
As the mobile app landscape evolves, businesses must consistently update and personalize their apps to stay aligned with emerging trends. While the market is crowded with apps, those addressing persistent challenges tend to achieve more success. Investing in custom app development ensures sustainable business results and future-proof solutions.
This guide underscores the positive sides of creating a high-quality, impactful custom app. If you are still looking into the challenges and complexity involved, it is advisable to engage with a seasoned professional to build your app. 
Partnering with a trusted company like TechAhead can help you develop a custom mobile app designed to meet specific business needs, from the ground up.
Source URL: https://www.techaheadcorp.com/blog/custom-app-development-enterprise-agility-innovation/
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dan6085 · 1 month
Here is a list of the top 50 countries with the highest poverty rates based on the most recent available data:
1. **Madagascar** - 75.3%
2. **South Sudan** - 74.0%
3. **Democratic Republic of the Congo** - 73.3%
4. **Central African Republic** - 70.0%
5. **Burundi** - 64.9%
6. **Guinea-Bissau** - 69.3%
7. **Mozambique** - 62.9%
8. **Zambia** - 57.5%
9. **Malawi** - 56.8%
10. **Sierra Leone** - 56.7%
11. **Chad** - 54.8%
12. **Niger** - 54.4%
13. **Liberia** - 50.9%
14. **Togo** - 49.2%
15. **Burkina Faso** - 48.2%
16. **Gambia** - 48.6%
17. **Mali** - 46.6%
18. **Haiti** - 45.6%
19. **Comoros** - 44.8%
20. **Zimbabwe** - 42.1%
21. **Eritrea** - 41.2%
22. **Ethiopia** - 39.3%
23. **Lesotho** - 38.2%
24. **Guinea** - 35.3%
25. **Uganda** - 34.5%
26. **Rwanda** - 33.5%
27. **Benin** - 32.2%
28. **Somalia** - 32.1%
29. **Tanzania** - 31.3%
30. **Kenya** - 29.4%
31. **Senegal** - 29.0%
32. **Angola** - 28.1%
33. **Côte d'Ivoire** - 27.8%
34. **Papua New Guinea** - 27.4%
35. **Djibouti** - 26.2%
36. **Nepal** - 25.2%
37. **Cameroon** - 24.3%
38. **Mauritania** - 23.5%
39. **Nicaragua** - 23.1%
40. **Lao PDR** - 22.7%
41. **Yemen** - 22.4%
42. **Sudan** - 21.8%
43. **Tajikistan** - 21.6%
44. **Ghana** - 21.4%
45. **Pakistan** - 21.1%
46. **Bangladesh** - 20.5%
47. **Nigeria** - 20.3%
48. **Myanmar** - 20.0%
49. **Iraq** - 19.8%
50. **Afghanistan** - 19.3%
### Notes:
- **Data Variability:** Poverty rates can vary significantly based on the source of data and the methodology used. Countries may use different poverty lines, such as national poverty lines or international standards like the World Bank’s $1.90 per day threshold.
- **Data Availability:** Some countries may have outdated data due to a lack of recent surveys or economic assessments, especially in conflict-affected areas.
- **Poverty and Economic Context:** High poverty rates often reflect broader economic and social challenges, including political instability, lack of infrastructure, low education levels, and limited access to healthcare.
These figures highlight the significant global disparities in poverty and underscore the ongoing need for development assistance, economic reform, and social protection programs to help reduce poverty.
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jasonsmith101992 · 2 months
An In-depth Guide on Medicine Export From India – Updated 2024
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India has emerged as a global pharmaceutical hub, renowned for its ability to produce high-quality medicines at competitive prices. This comprehensive guide delves into the intricacies of medicine export from India in 2024, highlighting the pivotal role played by Mcare Exports in facilitating this process.
Overview of India's Pharmaceutical Industry
India's pharmaceutical industry is a powerhouse, ranking third globally in terms of volume and 14th in terms of value. The industry is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 22.4% between 2020 and 2024, driven by the increasing demand for generic medicines, active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs), and over-the-counter (OTC) products.
Key Statistics:
Market Size: The Indian pharmaceutical market was valued at approximately USD 42 billion in 2022.
Export Value: In 2023, India exported pharmaceuticals worth USD 24.6 billion.
Top Export Destinations: United States, United Kingdom, South Africa, Russia, and Nigeria.
Regulatory Framework for Medicine Export
Exporting medicines from India requires adherence to stringent regulations to ensure the safety, efficacy, and quality of products. The key regulatory bodies involved include:
Central Drugs Standard Control Organization (CDSCO): Oversees the regulation of pharmaceuticals and medical devices.
Pharmaceutical Export Promotion Council of India (Pharmexcil): Facilitates the growth of pharmaceutical exports by providing industry insights and assistance.
Steps for Exporting Medicines:
Obtain a Drug Manufacturing License: Issued by the State Licensing Authority (SLA).
Register the Product: Ensure that the medicine is registered with the regulatory authorities of the importing country.
Comply with Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP): Adherence to GMP ensures that products are consistently produced and controlled according to quality standards.
Labeling and Packaging: Ensure that the labeling and packaging meet the regulatory requirements of the importing country.
Documentation: Maintain comprehensive documentation, including Certificates of Analysis (CoA), Batch Manufacturing Records (BMR), and stability data.
Mcare Exports: Pioneering Medicine Export
Mcare Exports has established itself as a leader in the pharmaceutical export industry, leveraging its extensive network and expertise to navigate the complexities of global markets. Here's how Mcare Exports is making a significant impact:
1. Quality Assurance:
Mcare Exports prioritizes quality, ensuring that all products meet international standards. Their state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities are GMP-certified, and they conduct rigorous quality control tests at every stage of production.
2. Regulatory Compliance:
Navigating regulatory landscapes can be challenging. Mcare Exports has a dedicated team of regulatory experts who ensure that all products comply with the regulations of the importing countries, facilitating a smooth export process.
3. Global Reach:
With a presence in over 50 countries, Mcare Exports has a robust distribution network that ensures timely delivery of medicines to various parts of the world. Their strategic partnerships with local distributors and pharmacies enhance their reach and efficiency.
4. Customized Solutions:
Understanding that each market has unique requirements, Mcare Exports offers customized solutions tailored to the needs of their clients. Whether it's packaging modifications or formulation adjustments, they provide flexible solutions to meet specific demands.
5. Sustainability Initiatives:
Mcare Exports is committed to sustainable practices, incorporating eco-friendly processes and materials in their operations. Their initiatives include reducing carbon footprints, minimizing waste, and promoting the use of renewable energy sources.
Challenges and Future Outlook
While the opportunities are vast, the medicine export industry faces several challenges, including fluctuating regulatory requirements, trade barriers, and competition from other low-cost manufacturing countries. However, with continuous innovation and adherence to quality standards, India is poised to maintain its position as a global pharmaceutical leader.
Future Trends:
Digital Transformation: The adoption of digital technologies in manufacturing and supply chain management is expected to enhance efficiency and transparency.
Biologics and Biosimilars: The demand for biologics and biosimilars is rising, offering new growth opportunities for Indian manufacturers.
Personalized Medicine: Advances in personalized medicine are likely to drive the development of targeted therapies, expanding the scope of exports.
The medicine export industry in India is set for continued growth, driven by quality manufacturing, regulatory compliance, and strategic market expansion. Mcare Exports exemplifies these attributes, playing a crucial role in exporting high-quality medicines worldwide. As the industry evolves, staying abreast of regulatory changes and market trends will be essential for sustaining success in this dynamic landscape.
By leveraging India's strengths in pharmaceutical manufacturing and the expertise of companies like Mcare Exports, the future of medicine export from India looks promising, contributing to global health and wellness.
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blogbridgekethy · 4 months
Top 5 Snow Total Updates for Allentown PA & Livingston NJ
Winter can be a time of serene beauty and unpredictable challenges, especially in regions like Allentown, PA, and Livingston, NJ. For weather enthusiasts and local residents alike, keeping track of snow totals is essential. It adds excitement for those interested in meteorology while providing crucial information that affects daily life, infrastructure, and community activities. In this post, we’ll explore the top 5 snow total updates from recent years; delve into the methods used to measure snowfall, and offer insights and practical tips for snow preparedness.
Top 5 Snow Total Updates
1. Winter Storm Jonas (January 2016)
Winter Storm Jonas was a significant event that left a mark on both snow total Allentown PA, and Livingston, NJ. Allentown recorded a staggering 31.9 inches of snow, while Livingston saw 28.1 inches. This storm brought life to a standstill, affecting transportation, utilities, and businesses. The community efforts to clear roads and assist neighbors showcased the resilience and unity of the residents.
2. Nor’easter Riley (March 2018)
Nor’easter Riley was another impactful storm that hit the Northeast. Allentown, PA, experienced 19.3 inches of snowfall, whereas Livingston, NJ, accumulated 24 inches. The heavy, wet snow led to widespread power outages and tree damage. The local governments quickly mobilized resources to manage the situation, highlighting the importance of preparedness and quick response.
3. Winter Storm Orleans (February 2021)
Winter Storm Orleans brought significant snowfall totals to both areas. Allentown saw 27.3 inches, and Livingston recorded 22.4 inches. This storm was notable for its long duration and the continuous accumulation of snow, which posed challenges for snow removal and travel. The storm emphasized the need for updated equipment and technology in managing such weather events.
4. March 2017 Snowstorm
The March 2017 snowstorm was another memorable event, with Allentown recording 18 inches and Livingston seeing 21 inches. The late-season storm caught many off guard, affecting schools, businesses, and travel plans. The event highlighted the unpredictability of weather patterns and the importance of staying informed throughout the entire winter season.
5. December 2020 Nor’easter
In December 2020, a nor’easter brought substantial snowfall to the region. Allentown, PA, received 23.9 inches of snow, while Livingston, NJ, recorded 20.5 inches. This early-season storm set the stage for a snowy winter and reminded residents to prepare their homes and vehicles for the months ahead.
Measuring Snowfall: Methods and Technology
Accurately measuring snowfall is crucial for providing reliable snow total updates. In regions like snow total Allentown PA, and Livingston, NJ, various methods are employed to ensure accuracy:
Manual Measurement: Using standardized tools such as snow boards and rulers, trained observers measure snowfall at regular intervals.
Automated Sensors: Advanced technology, including laser-based sensors and ultrasonic snow depth sensors, provides real-time data with high accuracy.
Historical Data Comparison: By comparing current snowfall data with historical records, meteorologists can identify trends and make more accurate forecasts.
Certified Snowfall Totals, a renowned service in this field, utilizes all these methods to deliver precise and reliable snow total updates for Allentown, PA, and Livingston, NJ.
Insights and Tips for Snow Preparedness
As we’ve seen with these top 5 snow total updates, winter weather can bring significant challenges. Here are some practical tips to stay prepared:
Stay Informed: Monitor local news and weather forecasts for the latest updates on snowfall amounts, road conditions, and potential hazards.
Prepare Your Home: Stock up on supplies and essentials, including food, medication, and heating fuel. Insulate pipes and check for drafts to prevent freezing.
Plan Ahead: Have a plan in place for potential power outages or travel disruptions. Keep emergency supplies ready in case of an unexpected event.
Use Caution: When clearing snow or traveling in hazardous conditions, use caution and follow safety guidelines to avoid accidents and injuries.
Winter weather may bring challenges, but it also offers opportunities for community bonding and appreciation for nature’s power.
By staying informed, prepared, and safe, we can make the most out of this beautiful season in Allentown, PA, and snow total Livingston NJ. So let's embrace the winter wonderland and stay tuned for more snow total updates! Happy winter!
Forecasting Challenges and Predictions
Forecasting snow totals is a complex task that involves understanding various atmospheric conditions. Meteorologists face several challenges, including:
Variable Weather Patterns: The Northeast’s weather is influenced by multiple factors, making it difficult to predict exact snowfall amounts.
Rapidly Changing Conditions: Sudden changes in temperature and precipitation can significantly impact snowfall totals.
Geographical Variations: Differences in elevation and proximity to bodies of water can cause variations in snowfall even within small regions.
Despite these challenges, advancements in technology and improved forecasting models have led to more accurate predictions. Experts emphasize the importance of staying updated with local forecasts and using reliable sources like Certified Snowfall Totals for the latest information.
Practical Tips for Snow Preparedness
Based on historical snow totals, here are some practical tips for residents of Allentown, PA, and Livingston, NJ:
Driving Safety
Equip Your Car: Ensure your vehicle is equipped with snow tires and has a winter emergency kit.
Drive Cautiously: Slow down, increase following distance, and be aware of changing road conditions.
Stay Informed: Check the latest traffic and weather updates before heading out.
Shoveling and Home Maintenance
Shovel Regularly: Don’t wait for the snow to pile up; shoveling frequently makes the task more manageable.
Use Safe Techniques: Push snow rather than lifting, and take breaks to avoid overexertion.
Protect Your Home: Insulate pipes, clear gutters, and ensure your heating system is in good working order.
Community Engagement
Be a Good Neighbor: Help elderly or disabled neighbors with shoveling and other tasks.
Stay Connected: Join local community groups and apps to stay informed and share resources.
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enactivewebs · 5 months
Kura Taio from article Robert sent : kura taiao (education with an emphasis on the environment and nature)
"Every wind carries a message, and bird-call a commentary on what your eyes can’t see. The nights will be long and cold, causing you to sing with the birds at dawn knowing the sun’s warmth and light will soon be here. When you are dependant on only yourself in the wilderness, you are Animal.
This is exactly what you will experience for fourty-eight hours on our Wilderness Awareness Bush Time programme. The only difference is you’ll have a trained mentor walking alongside you keeping you safe, and sharing stories to help guide your decisions."
This is a challenging and deeply powerful experience which will give you a humbling perspective on what it means to be a human, and the journey our ancestors have taken for us to thrive in this world today.
Interactive immersive experience as 'mentor' and storyteller to foster deeper connection to environment - being immersed in spaces and having a storyteller guide you? AI storyteller?
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ahepaseniorliving · 5 months
Addressing The Senior Housing Crisis
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The Senior Housing Crisis
The Harvard Joint Center for Housing Studies highlighted a pressing issue in the United States in an alarming report about the unpreparedness to provide adequate housing and care for the rapidly growing population of older Americans. Amidst this crisis, AHEPA Senior Living (ASL) is actively working to mitigate these challenges through our development projects. AHEPA Senior Living’s role in expanding housing solutions demonstrates a proactive approach to a looming crisis that threatens millions of older Americans’ well-being and financial stability.
The Growing Need for Senior Housing and Services
The United States is witnessing an unprecedented surge in its older adult population, underscored by the fact that all of the baby boomer generation will be 65 or older by 2030. The demographic shift substantially challenges affordable and accessible senior housing and aging services. The Harvard article emphasizes the dual challenge of securing housing and the necessary supportive services that older adults require to live independently and with dignity.
Securing affordable housing and necessary services for older adults has become increasingly challenging. High costs, limited availability and accessibility issues are just the tip of the iceberg. Professionals underscore the critical need for a comprehensive strategy to address these issues, pointing out the severe cost burdens many older adults face, compromising their ability to afford other essentials like healthcare and nutrition.
Current Challenges in Senior Housing
Senior housing is fraught with challenges. High costs and limited accessibility are sizeable barriers couple with the added frustration of insufficient or stalled government investment. The Harvard article sheds light on these challenges, highlighting the need for innovative solutions to provide adequate housing for seniors. Additionally, disparities in housing equity and the impact of climate change further complicate the situation, underscoring the urgency of addressing these multifaceted issues.
Renters Cost Burdened at Record Levels. According to a January 25 report from the Joint Center for Housing Studies (JCHS) at Harvard University, America’s Rental Housing 2024, a record number 22.4 million renter households spent more than 30% of their incomes for housing and 12.1 million renter households spent more than 50% for rent in 2022.
One potential solution to these challenges is the HUD 202 program, which focuses on providing affordable multifamily housing for older adults. However, in the marketplace, the affordability issue of rising rents indicates a growing gap between housing costs and the financial capabilities of older adults. This gap further stresses the importance of comprehensive solutions that address both affordability and accessibility.
Learn how rent is determined via HUD Section 202 housing
AHEPA Senior Living’s Response
With these broad challenges looming, ASL continues to initiate development projects to provide affordable, accessible housing and supportive services for seniors. These projects seek to address the immediate needs of older adults and incorporate innovative approaches to ensure their long-term sustainability and resilience.
In 2023 alone, AHEPA Senior Living closed a $23.5 million deal to build their fifth community in Iowa as well as a $25.18 million deal to rehabilitate and preserve three properties in Mobile, Alabama. The nearly $50 million investment in several communities is in addition to hiring Rory Neubrander to lead the AHEPA development team as vice president.
Also, with policy changes in effect in Ohio, ASL aims to bring its Hellenic Senior Living affordable assisted living lifestyle brand to the Buckeye state. This unique model of providing seniors with affordable access to assisted living services combined with affordable housing is AHEPA Senior Living’s response to the high cost of long-term care that older adults face. As reported by the Joint Center, just 13 percent of older adults can afford to move to assisted living.
These recent actions implemented by ASL are a testament to the organization’s forward-thinking strategy. By providing quality affordable and accessible housing solutions, ASL sets the standard for affordable senior living communities, continuing to pave the way for a future where senior living is about providing peace of mind to loved ones, allowing them to thrive.
The Future of Senior Living
The need for creative and sustainable solutions in senior living has never been more critical. With strategies focused on the future, ASL is even exploring opportunities for integrating renewable energy sources into their communities and projects, showcasing a commitment to sustainability and cost efficiency.
AHEPA Senior Living’s commitment to shaping the future of senior living is further underscored by its recent strategic hires in the development team, who bring fresh perspectives and expertise in sustainable development. By hiring these forward thinkers, development efforts continue to look toward communities that promote longevity, happiness and peace of mind. ASL’s initiatives offer a glimpse into a future where senior living is synonymous with vibrant, supportive communities catering to older adults’ comprehensive needs.
AHEPA Senior Living’s proactive approach to senior housing challenges demonstrates a dynamic model of innovation, sustainability and inclusivity. By addressing the pressing needs of today’s senior population and laying the groundwork for future advancements, ASL exemplifies leadership in transforming the affordable senior living sector. The organization’s commitment to enhancing the lives of older adults through affordable, accessible, and high-quality housing solutions sets a benchmark for excellence in the field.
To learn more about AHEPA Senior Living’s innovative projects and how you can support efforts in improving senior living solutions, visit our website and join us in creating a better future for our seniors.
Original content source: https://ahepaseniorliving.org/blog/addressing-the-senior-housing-crisis/
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mralexanderwillauer · 6 months
The Postbellum Economic Era (1865-1900)
The American Civil War (1861-1865) stands as a defining moment in United States history, reshaping not only the political landscape but also led to profound economic upheaval. The nation emerged from the war’s devastation; thus, the Postbellum Era (1865-1900) unfolded as a period characterized by unprecedented struggles and opportunities for economic innovation. This era witnessed the nation grappling with the monumental task of reconstruction, reforming labor practices, and adapting to new technological advancements. These shifts fundamentally reshaped the manufacturing and agricultural sectors. By exploring this transformative era, we gain insight into the efforts to forge a new economic path for the nation.
This blog post analyzes the significant economic transformations of the Postbellum era, leveraging scholarly articles and historical statistics. Drawing from Benjamin Arrington's 'Industry and Economy during the Civil War,' Stanley Engerman's 'The Economic Impact of the Civil War,' Jack Blocker's 'Historical Statistics of the United States, Colonial Times to 1970,' and demographic data from the U.S. Census Bureau, the analysis integrates diverse insights, ranging from economic conditions to demographic shifts. It delves into the reconstruction of national infrastructure, the evolution of labor practices, and the introduction of new technologies, providing a comparative analysis of agricultural, manufacturing, and demographic statistics between the North and South. By tracking pivotal shifts during this period, this analysis not only delineates the foundational elements of the modern American economy but also underscores the Postbellum Era as a pivotal moment in shaping economic history.
During the Postbellum era, the United States witnessed significant shifts in population dynamics, which unfolded differently across the Northern and Southern states, shaped by a myriad of demographic and socio-economic factors. These demographics are recorded through meticulous efforts of the Decennial Census. First established in 1790 to aid in apportioning representation in the House of Representatives, these statistics provide a detailed lens through which these trends can be observed.
In the Northeast, population growth was robust, escalating from approximately 11.3 million in 1860 to over 22.4 million by 1900, a figure reflected in the industrialized state of the region’s economy. This growth was largely fueled by immigration, with millions drawn to the promise of jobs in the industrial sector. Advances in healthcare also played a critical role, leading to lower child mortality rates and an overall increase in life expectancy, illustrating the Northeast’s transformation into an industrial powerhouse which dominated the economic and political landscape of the Postbellum era.
Conversely, the Southeastern states faced more complex demographic changes during this period.  These states had diverse populations, including both free and enslaved individuals. The population of these states in 1860 included 8.9 million people, 3.4 million of whom were enslaved. The census data from 1860 to 1870 showed low rates of population increase, followed by an abnormally high increase between 1870 and 1880. Scholars like Blocker have posited that these inconsistencies were not indicative of actual depopulation or of a population boom but rather reflected the challenges of conducting accurate census enumeration in the post-war Southeast, a task complicated by the "unsettled conditions of the Reconstruction period." Despite these enumeration challenges, the South, much like the North, eventually saw growth in population due to similar factors of immigration, improved mortality rates, and life expectancy. By 1900 the population of the southeastern states had increased to 18.4 million people, nearly matching the population growth rate of the northeastern states. albeit at a pace and scale that highlighted the stark contrasts in post-war recovery and economic development between the two regions.
By 1900, the total national population, which had been 31,443,321 in 1860, surged to 75,994,575, highlighting the United States' burgeoning industrial economy and its appeal to immigrants seeking new opportunities.
The transformation of agriculture in the United States during the Postbellum era reflects significant changes in both the Northeastern and Southeastern regions, driven by the expansion of farms, advancements in farming techniques, and shifts in labor dynamics. The US Department of Agriculture first established it’s records in 1863 and since then have meticulously documented these changes despite the challenges posed by fluctuating prices, investments, and the logistical complexities of westward expansion.
By 1900, the agricultural landscape had undergone profound changes, with the number of farms more than doubling from 2.044 million in 1860 to 4.565 million, accompanied by a substantial increase in their total value from $3.967 billion to $16.439 billion. However, it's important to note that while the Southeastern states saw significant growth from 672,000 farms in 1860 to 14.226 million by 1900, the accuracy and comparability of these statistics have been affected by the decision not to record farms smaller than three acres before1870.
Wage rates for agricultural laborers underwent adjustments over time, reflecting the economic fluctuations of the post-Civil War period. The average salary for an agriculture worker, including room and board was $10.00 a month in 1866, laborer wages, with the same room and board accommodations gradually increased to $14.00 by 1899, albeit with temporary setbacks in the 1890s. This period also witnessed remarkable advancements in farming productivity, with the gross output of farm products nearly doubling from $2.186 billion in 1860 to $4.298 billion in 1900. These increases can be attributed to innovations such as crop rotation and chemical fertilizers, alongside the proliferation of farms nationwide.
These statistics underscore the pivotal role of the agricultural sector in driving the economic development of Postbellum America, showcasing differential growth patterns between the North and South and highlighting the sector's resilience and adaptability in the face of changing conditions.
The manufacturing sector underwent a seismic shift in the Postbellum United States, characterized by exponential growth and transformative technological advancements that reshaped the industrial landscape. From 1860 to 1899, the number of manufacturing establishments skyrocketed from 140,433 to 204,754, with employment rates soaring from approximately 1.311million to 4.502 million. This staggering expansion underscores the sector's pivotal role in driving economic development and job creation during this era.
A cornerstone of industrialization was the introduction of the Bessemer process, a groundbreaking innovation that revolutionized steel production. This breakthrough facilitated the mass production of steel, leading to an unprecedented surge in output from 30,000 tons in 1867 to a staggering 11 million tons by 1900. The widespread availability of affordable steel served as a catalyst for progress across various industries.
Steel played a vital role in the construction of the nation's infrastructure, serving as the backbone of the burgeoning rail network. Its durability and versatility enabled the rapid expansion of railroads, connecting distant regions and fueling economic growth. Furthermore, steel revolutionized bridge construction, facilitating the movement of goods and people. Iconic skyscrapers began to transform the skylines of American cities, symbolizing the nation's unprecedented urbanization and industrial prowess.
These advancements not only propelled technological innovation but also catalyzed profound societal changes. The growth of manufacturing establishments and the workforce fueled economic expansion, driving the United States' transition to a global industrial power. Moreover, the widespread adoption of steel transformed the physical landscape of the nation, shaping urban development and infrastructure for generations to come.
The Postbellum Era, spanning from 1865 to 1900, was marked by profound transformation and remains a pivotal chapter in the history of the United States. The period witnessed dramatic economic, demographic, and technological shifts—from a significant increase in farms to the industrial boom spurred by the introduction of the Bessemer process—that reshaped the American landscape. These shifts included the expansion of agriculture, the revolution in manufacturing, and demographic upheavals that redefined communities in both the Northeast and Southeast regions, all reflecting the resilience of a nation in transition. The Postbellum Era's economic transformations, therefore, were not merely a period of recovery from the ravages of the Civil War but a significant epoch that set the stage for the genesis of the modern American economy. By examining these historical shifts, we gain valuable insights into the forces that have shaped the economic landscape of the United States, offering lessons on resilience, innovation, and growth that remain relevant today.
Arrington, Benjamin T. “Industry and Economy during the Civil War.” The Civil War Remembered, August 23, 2017 https://www.nps.gov/articles/industry-and-economy-during-the-civil-war.htm
Blocker, Jack S. "Historical Statistics of the United States, Colonial Times to 1970 — Bicentennial Edition, on CD-ROM , Edited by Susan Carter, Scott Gartner, Michael Haines, Alan Olmstead, Richard Sutch, and Gavin Wright." Canadian Journal of History 33, no. 2 (1998): 322-323. [1] Suenaga, Keiichiro. "The ‘Industrial Enlightenment’ and Technological Paradigms of the Modern Steel Industry." Technology in Society 63, (2020): 101375-101375.
Engerman, Stanley. “The Economic Impact of the Civil War.” Explorations in Entrepreneurial History, Second Series, vol. 3, Spring-Summer 1966, pp. 176–199.
Rust, Owen. “The Economic Impact of the American Civil War.” The Collector, July 18, 2022. https://www.thecollector.com/economic-impact-of-the-american-civil-war/
U.S. Census Bureau. Table 7. Median Age of the Population: 1820 to 2000. U.S. Department of Commerce. Accessed March 28, 2024. https://www2.census.gov/programs-surveys/decennial/2000/phc/phc-t-09/tab07.pdf
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rohitpalan · 6 months
Revolutionizing Transportation: Smart Railways Market to Surge from $106.7B in 2023 to $805.34B by 2033
Global smart railways market is expected to be valued at US$ 106.7 billion in 2023 and to reach a valuation of US$ 805.34 billion by 2033. The demand for smart railways is estimated to grow at a steady 22.4% CAGR.
The use of big data analytics is becoming increasingly important for smart railways by analyzing large volumes of data from various sources, smart railways can gain insights into passenger behavior, operational efficiency, and maintenance needs. Big data analytics can also help in predicting passenger demand and optimizing train schedules, improving the overall efficiency of railway operations.
Remote monitoring and control is a trend that is gaining traction in the smart railways market. This involves the use of remote sensors and control systems to monitor and manage railway systems from a central location. This approach reduces the need for on-site maintenance and repair, enabling faster response times and reducing downtime. Remote monitoring and control also improve the safety and security of rail services, as it reduces the need for personnel to be present on-site.
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With the increasing use of digital technologies, cybersecurity is becoming a major concern for smart railways. Cyber-attacks can disrupt railway operations, compromise passenger safety, and result in significant financial losses. Smart railways are implementing advanced cybersecurity measures to protect their systems from cyber threats. This includes the use of firewalls, encryption, and other security measures to protect against cyber-attacks.
Key Takeaways
The adoption of IoT, big data analytics, and cloud computing in the railway market is driving market growth.
The Asia Pacific region is expected to dominate the smart railways market due to the size of its railway network and government initiatives to upgrade infrastructure.
Smart railway technologies are being adopted to improve safety, reduce operational costs, and increase efficiency.
The integration of various hardware and software systems can be challenging, particularly when integrating with legacy infrastructure.
Cybersecurity concerns remain a significant restraint for the market, particularly with the increasing use of connected devices and data sharing.
The deployment of smart railway technologies is expected to reduce carbon emissions and contribute to sustainable transportation.
Know more about this market’s geographical distribution along with a detailed analysis of the top regions  https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/smart-railways-market
Competitive Landscape
The competitive landscape in the smart railways market is highly fragmented, with numerous established players, startups, and small to medium-sized companies vying for market share. The market is dominated by companies such as Siemens, ABB, and Cisco Systems, which have a significant market presence and wide product portfolios.
In recent years, startups and emerging companies have entered the market with innovative solutions and technologies, creating an environment of intense competition. Some notable startups in the smart railways market include Sqills, Sensible 4, Cervello, and N-SIDE.
These startups are focused on developing technologies that improve operational efficiency, passenger experience, and safety in the rail services sector. They are leveraging advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence, Internet of Things, and big data analytics to provide solutions that are faster, more efficient, and cost-effective.
The startup ecosystem in the smart railways market is supported by various incubators, accelerators, and venture capital firms that provide funding, mentorship, and resources to help these companies grow and succeed. Some of the prominent accelerators and incubators in this market include Alchemist Accelerator, Plug and Play Tech Center, and Seedcamp.
Key Segments
Smart Railways Market by Device and Component:
Rail Sensors
Video Surveillance Cameras
Smart Cards
Networking & Connectivity Devices (Router, Wi-Fi, Switches, etc.)
Others (Multimedia Displays)
Smart Railways Market by Service:
Professional Services
Cloud Services
Integration Services
Smart Railways Market by System:
Passenger Information Systems (PIS)
Railway Traffic Management System (RTMS)
Advanced Security Management Systems (ASMS)
Smart Ticketing Systems (STS)
Rail Operations Management Systems
Rail Communication & Networking Systems
Others (Rail Analytics Systems and Freight Information Systems)
Smart Railways Market by Region:
North America Smart Railways Market
Latin America Smart Railways Market
Europe Smart Railways Market
East Asia Smart Railways Market
South Asia & Pacific Smart Railways Market
Middle East & Africa (MEA) Smart Railways Market
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spookysaladchaos · 7 months
Off Price Retail, Global Market Size Forecast, Top 17 Players Rank and Market Share
Off Price Retail Market Summary
According to the new market research report "Global Off Price Retail Market Report 2023-2029", published by QYResearch, the global Off Price Retail market size is projected to grow from USD 3,262,391 million in 2023 to USD 5,127,877 million by 2029, at a CAGR of 7.83% during the forecast period.
Low-price retail is a retail business model whose core feature is to provide consumers with products and services at relatively low prices. This model usually focuses on price competition and aims to attract more customers to achieve sales growth. Its retail model focuses on providing competitive prices as its core strategy, usually through streamlined operations, large-scale sales and aggressive promotions to attract consumers. This model has wide application in the market, but it also requires effective cost management and market competition analysis to maintain competitiveness.
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Figure.   Global Off Price Retail Market Size (US$ Million), 2018-2029
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Based on or includes research from QYResearch: Global Off Price Retail Market Report 2023-2029.
Market Drivers:
Price-sensitive consumer needs: Consumers are price-sensitive and seek cost-effective products and services. This drives retailers to lower prices to meet market demand.
Cost-Effectiveness: Off-price retailers often achieve cost-efficiency by streamlining their supply chains, saving costs, and improving operational efficiencies, which allows them to offer lower prices.
Advantages of scale: Large-scale sales and expansion can help low-price retailers obtain better purchase prices, lower unit costs, and more market share.
Digital Technologies: E-commerce and digital technologies enable off-price retailers to more effectively manage inventory, interact with customers, analyze market trends and provide personalized shopping experiences.
Pressure on small profits but quick sales: Low-price retail generally faces low gross profit margins and therefore must rely on large sales to achieve profitability. This can lead to fierce competition and increase the fight for market share.
Supply chain complexity: Low-price retailers need to manage large supply chains to ensure timely supply while reducing inventory costs. This can involve complex logistics and inventory management challenges.
Brand loyalty limitations: Consumers may switch brands frequently due to price fluctuations, making it difficult to establish solid brand loyalty.
Digital innovation: Leveraging new technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data analytics and the Internet of Things, off-price retailers can improve operational efficiency, optimize inventory management, and provide a more personalized shopping experience.
Sustainability: Consumer demand for sustainable and environmentally friendly products has increased, and low-price retailers can meet market demand and attract more environmentally conscious consumers by offering these products.
Multi-channel sales: Combining physical stores and online channels to provide a diverse shopping experience can expand market share and increase loyalty.
Regional expansion: Expanding into new geographic areas and markets can help off-price retailers grow, but requires adapting to local market demands and competition.
Figure.   Off Price Retail, Global Market Size, The Top Five Players Hold 50% of Overall Market
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Based on or includes research from QYResearch: Global Off Price Retail Market Report 2023-2029.
This report profiles key players of Off Price Retail such as Shoprite Holdings、COSTCO、Pick n Pay、PEP Africa、Bim A.Ş.
In 2022, the global top five Off Price Retail players account for 22.4% of market share in terms of revenue. Above figure shows the key players ranked by revenue in Off Price Retail.
Figure.  Off Price Retail, Global Market Size, Split by Product Segment
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Based on or includes research from QYResearch: Global Off Price Retail Market Report 2023-2029.
In terms of product type, Retail Apparel and Footwear is the largest segment, hold a share of 45%.
Figure.   Off Price Retail, Global Market Size, Split by Application Segment
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Based on or includes research from QYResearch: Global Off Price Retail Market Report 2023-2029.
In terms of product application, Offline Sales is the largest application, hold a share of 97%.
Figure.   Off Price Retail, Global Market Size, Split by Region (Production)
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Based on or includes research from QYResearch: Global Off Price Retail Market Report 2023-2029.
Figure.   Off Price Retail, Global Market Size, Split by Region
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Based on or includes research from QYResearch: Global Off Price Retail Market Report 2023-2029.
About The Authors
Ziyi Fan
Lead Author
Consumer Goods,
Equipment & Parts, Packaging, etc.
About QYResearch
QYResearch founded in California, USA in 2007.It is a leading global market research and consulting company. With over 16 years’ experience and professional research team in various cities over the world QY Research focuses on management consulting, database and seminar services, IPO consulting, industry chain research and customized research to help our clients in providing non-linear revenue model and make them successful. We are globally recognized for our expansive portfolio of services, good corporate citizenship, and our strong commitment to sustainability. Up to now, we have cooperated with more than 60,000 clients across five continents. Let’s work closely with you and build a bold and better future.
QYResearch is a world-renowned large-scale consulting company. The industry covers various high-tech industry chain market segments, spanning the semiconductor industry chain (semiconductor equipment and parts, semiconductor materials, ICs, Foundry, packaging and testing, discrete devices, sensors, optoelectronic devices), photovoltaic industry chain (equipment, cells, modules, auxiliary material brackets, inverters, power station terminals), new energy automobile industry chain (batteries and materials, auto parts, batteries, motors, electronic control, automotive semiconductors, etc.), communication industry chain (communication system equipment, terminal equipment, electronic components, RF front-end, optical modules, 4G/5G/6G, broadband, IoT, digital economy, AI), advanced materials industry Chain (metal materials, polymer materials, ceramic materials, nano materials, etc.), machinery manufacturing industry chain (CNC machine tools, construction machinery, electrical machinery, 3C automation, industrial robots, lasers, industrial control, drones), food, beverages and pharmaceuticals, medical equipment, agriculture, etc.
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omegatrades · 8 months
Why Nvidia is a Buy Despite a Hefty Price
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Nvidia Hit a Market Cap of 1 Trillion Dollars in Spring
Staying the Course with Strong Initiatives
Nvidia's strategic move involves staying the course with its latest initiatives in videogaming and automotive technology, unveiled ahead of the CES trade show. The focus on generative artificial intelligence (AI) through new GeForce graphic processors showcases the company's commitment to innovation.
Data-Center Business Driving Growth
The explosive growth of Nvidia's data-center business is a key factor contributing to its market value tripling. With booming demand for specialized systems powering genAI capabilities, Nvidia's data-center business is expected to reach nearly $78 billion in annual sales in fiscal 2025, a substantial increase from $15 billion two years prior.
Valuation Challenges and Investor Focus
Despite being valued at nearly $1.3 trillion, more than twice its closest chip-making peer, Nvidia faces the challenge of valuation. However, Wall Street seems to be honing in on the bottom line and cash reserves. The stock currently trades at about 26 times projected per-share earnings, near its lowest range in at least five years and below its average of 40 times. Analysts project strong revenue growth, with a 55% increase expected in the next fiscal year after a remarkable 118% surge in the soon-to-end year.
Booming Bottom Line and Cash Flow
Nvidia's financial performance is a standout feature. The company's adjusted operating income surged to $22.4 billion in the first nine months of the current fiscal year, compared with about $5 billion in the same period last year. Wall Street foresees annual adjusted per-share earnings exceeding $20 in fiscal 2025, more than six times the earnings in the latest fiscal year. This impressive bottom line has paradoxically made Nvidia's stock appear cheaper, trading at around 26 times projected per-share earnings.
Competitive Pricing and Free Cash Flow
Stacy Rasgon of Bernstein notes that Nvidia is trading at a discount to the peer PHLX Semiconductor Index, making it the cheapest AI play. Nvidia's stock price surge over the past year contrasts with its competitive pricing, trading near its lowest range in at least five years.
Cash Flow Strength and Future Projections
Nvidia is generating substantial free cash flow, tying with Broadcom as the highest in the chip sector at $17.5 billion for the past four quarters. Analysts project that Nvidia will produce $100 billion in free cash flow over the 2024-25 calendar years. About a third of this is expected to go towards share buybacks, with the remaining amount available for pursuing growth options, including mergers and acquisitions.
Potential Challenges and Geopolitical Considerations
While Nvidia faces challenges in a tech M&A market, particularly in a geopolitical minefield for chip companies, domestic AI demand is expected to keep the order book robust. The recent concern about Chinese companies' interest in downgraded chips appears to be offset by strong domestic demand.
Summary: Why Nvidia is a Buy
In the landscape of hot stock picks, Nvidia stands out as a potential buy despite its high price. Numerical evidence, including strong financials, competitive pricing, and robust projections, suggests that Nvidia has room for further growth. The company's strategic focus on generative AI and its ability to navigate challenges make it a stock worth considering for investors eyeing long-term gains in the dynamic world of tech investments.
Want More? Get AI Stock Pick Reports.
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jcmarchi · 9 months
Tesla Cybertrucks Can Get Stuck, Too: What Do You Need to Get It Rescued? - Technology Org
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/tesla-cybertrucks-can-get-stuck-too-what-do-you-need-to-get-it-rescued-technology-org/
Tesla Cybertrucks Can Get Stuck, Too: What Do You Need to Get It Rescued? - Technology Org
Even the most advanced vehicles can get stuck in snow or mud. Tesla Cybertruck is no exception.
Tesla Cybertruck stuck on a difficult terrain (still image from the video)
Recently, a video has been shared online on Instagram showing a Tesla Cybertruck being rescued from an emergency. This was the pre-production model which was filmed struggling to clear an off-road obstacle.
What kind of help would you need in a similar situation? The video shows that two Ford F-150 Lightning Super Duty gasoline pickups rushed to his rescue. This is a rough approximation of what you may need if you ever happen to find yourself while driving a similar-size car.
Tesla? Ford? I don’t want both.
> Tesla Cybertruck Shows Questionable Off-Road Abilities, Gets Rescued by Ford Super Duty | The Drivehttps://t.co/G7asLPsfHH pic.twitter.com/hyZA6oBB89
— しろいとらっく ななまるさん (@GRJ79K) December 14, 2023
Like any vehicle, the Tesla Cybertruck, despite its robust design and off-road capabilities, can get stuck in mud or snow. The ability of any car to overcome challenging terrain depends on different factors, including how deep the snow or mud is, what is the type and condition of its tires, and how skilled the car’s driver is.
The video, shared on Instagram, was allegedly filmed on Corral Hollow Road. This 22.4 km route is located in Northern California near Lake Tahoe.
Cybertruck is designed with features like all-wheel drive, adjustable air suspension, and durable construction, but extreme conditions can still pose challenges. In this case, it turned out that this technical emergency happened to one of the pre-production Tesla Cybertruck test prototypes. Its anti-skid system and front differential lock mechanism stopped working due to electronic failures.
In addition, this particular electric pickup truck did not have winter tires, so it lacked adequate traction in the snow.
Written by Alius Noreika
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