#21 días
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Me looking forward to some Knight in Shining Palmer after almost a year: 🥰
Me realizing the characters are going to acknowledge David McCallum/Ducky’s death tonight: 😭💔
#i can’t believe the day is finally here#knight in shining palmer#jimmy palmer#jessica knight#ducky mallard#ncis#season 21#21x01#algún día
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Día 21: Prince
Fue un reto el dibujar el diseño del trono y sobre todo como interactuarían los ángeles en el dibujo. A decir verdad, creo que es el diseño más "animado" que eh hecho, incluso imaginé un contexto. Digamos que ambos son sus guardias personales y cuidan al príncipe.
#My art#dibujo tradicional#dibujo en blanco y negro#ultrangeltober#ultrangeltober2023#angeltober#angeltober2023#angel#Día 21#Prince#príncipe#trono#asiento#realeza#guardianes#oso de peluche#corona#niño
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#21 de julio#día del perro#dogs 6#perro#the Simpsons 4#los simpson#facebook#mascotas#funny pics 15#julio#july#2024
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Día Internacional de la Paz
Día Internacional de la Paz #aperturaintelectual #palabrasbajollave @tmoralesgarcia1 Thelma Morales García
#AperturaIntelectual#palabrasbajollaveAI#21 de septiembre Día Internacional de la Paz#Albert Einstein#Arte#Asamblea General de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas#Cartel del Congreso Mundial por la Paz de 1949#Cultura#Día Internacional de la Paz#Grullas de papel#Mahatma Gandhi#Origami#Pablo Picasso#Paloma de la paz#Personajes#Poesía#Sadako Sasaki#Thelma Morales García
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Día 21. 3 lecciones que tus hijos quieres que aprendan de ti.
Como he decidido no tener hijos, pues la otra opción a quien yo pueda transmitirle algo de sabiduría son (porque ya tengo años con sobrinos):
respetar a las personas sea cual sea su gusto, su forma de vestir, su forma de pensar. Aunque no se esté de acuerdo con su punto, pero siempre respetar al prójimo.
probar siempre, probar la comida, probar escuchar música, creo que eso les abre muchas puertas.
no la menos importante, autoestima, quererse, sentirse seguros de sí mismos simplemente porque no hay nadie como ellos, tampoco sentirse más que lo demás, pero que sentirse cómodos con lo que son ellos son es suficiente, no dejarse llevar por esa crítica que les lastima.
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Cementerio. Art by Emily K. Grieves de Reyes Contla, from the Día De Los Muertos Oracle.
#Emily K. Grieves de Reyes Contla#Día De Los Muertos Oracle#Cementerio#Oracle Deck#Mexico#Día de los Muertos#Cemetary#Card 21
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#um. guitarrica qué haces allí cuando yo no estoy#esto es como el concierto en nueva york al que no pude ir porque el lugar era 21+ 😔#un día podré ir a un concierto suyo (esperemos)#she speaks.l
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¿Qué es Power BI? ✨Curso Power BI ✨ Clase Power BI ✨
#youtube#Microsoft Power BI: La Herramienta de Análisis y Visualización de Datos que Domina el Mercado hoy en día. En pleno siglo 21 Microsoft Power
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Novena de Navidad - Día 6
(21 de diciembre)
Oración para todos los días
Benignísimo Dios de infinita caridad, que tanto amasteis a los hombres, que les dísteis en vuestro hijo la prenda de vuestro amor, para que hecho hombre en las entrañas de una Virgen naciese en un pesebre para nuestra salud y remedio; yo, en nombre de todos los mortales, os doy infinitas gracias por tan soberano beneficio. En retorno de él os ofrezco la pobreza, humildad y demás virtudes de vuestro hijo humanado, suplicándoos por sus divinos méritos, por las incomodidades en que nació y por las tiernas lágrimas que derramó en el pesebre, que dispongáis nuestros corazones con humildad profunda, con amor encendido, con tal desprecio de todo lo terreno, para que Jesús recién nacido tenga en ellos su cuna y more eternamente. Amén. (Se reza tres veces Gloria al Padre).
Oración a la Virgen María
Soberana María, que por vuestras grandes virtudes y, especialmente, por vuestra humildad, merecisteis que todo un Dios os escogiese por madre suya, os suplico que vos misma preparéis y dispongáis mi alma y la de todos los que en este tiempo hiciesen esta novena, para el nacimiento espiritual de vuestro adorado hijo. ¡Oh dulcísima madre!, comunicadme algo del profundo recogimiento y divina ternura con que lo aguardasteis vos, para que nos hagáis menos indignos de verle, amarle y adorarle por toda la eternidad. Amén. (Se reza tres veces el Avemaría)
Oración a San José
¡Oh santísimo José, esposo de María y padre putativo de Jesús! Infinitas gracias doy a Dios porque os escogió para tan soberanos misterios y os adornó con todos los dones proporcionados a tan excelente grandeza. Os ruego, por el amor que tuvisteis al Divino Niño, me abracéis en fervoroso deseo de verle y recibirle sacramentalmente, mientras en su divina esencia le veo y le gozo en el cielo. Amén. (Se reza un Padrenuestro, un Avemaría y un Gloria)
Consideración día 6
Jesús había sido concebido en Nazaret, domicilio de José y María, y allí era de creerse que había de nacer, según todas las probabilidades. Mas Dios lo tenía dispuesto de otra manera y los profetas habían anunciado que el mesías nacería en Belén de Judá, ciudad de David. Para que se cumpliese esa predicción, Dios se sirvió de un medio que no parecía tener ninguna relación con este objeto, a saber la orden dada por el emperador Augusto, que todos los súbditos del imperio romano se empadronasen en el lugar de donde eran originarios. María y José, como descendientes que eran de David, no estaban dispensados de ir a Belén. Ni la situación de la Virgen Santísima ni la necesidad en que estaba José del trabajo diario que les aseguraba la subsistencia, pudo eximirles de este largo y penoso viaje, en la estación más rigurosa e incómoda del año.
No ignora Jesús en que lugar debe nacer e inspira a sus padres que se entreguen a la Providencia, y que de esta manera concurran inconscientemente a la ejecución de los designios. Almas interiores, observad este manejo del Divino Niño, porque es el más importante de la vida espiritual; aprended que quien se haya entregado a Dios ya no ha de pertenecerse a sí mismo, ni ha de querer a cada instante sino lo que Dios quiera para él; siguiéndole ciegamente aun en las cosas exteriores, tales como el cambio de lugar donde quiera que le plazca conducirle. Ocasión tendréis de observar esta dependencia y fidelidad inviolable en toda la vida de Jesucristo, y este es el punto sobre el cual se han esmerado en imitarle los santos y las almas verdaderamente interiores, renunciando absolutamente a su propia voluntad.
Ven, ven, ven, ven a nuestras almas, Jesús, ven, ven, ven, ven, ven a nuestras almas, Jesús, ven, ven a nuestras almas... No tardes tanto, no tardes tanto, Jesús, ven, ven, ven, ven.
1. ¡Oh, Sapiencia suma del Dios soberano, que a infantil alcance te rebajas sacro! ¡Oh, Divino Niño, ven para enseñarnos la prudencia que hace verdaderos sabios!
Ven, ven ven..
2. ¡Oh, Adonai potente que a Moisés hablando de Israel al pueblo diste los mandatos! ¡Ah, ven prontamente para rescatarnos, y que un niño débil muestre fuerte el brazo!
Ven, ven ven..
3. ¡Oh, raíz sagrada de José que en lo alto presenta al orbe tu fragante nardo! Dulcísimo Niño que has sido llamado Lirio de los valles, Bella flor del campo.
Ven, ven ven..
4. ¡Llave de David que abre al desterrado las cerradas puertas de regio palacio! ¡Sácanos, oh Niño con tu blanca mano, de la cárcel triste que labró el pecado!
Ven, ven ven..
5. ¡Oh, lumbre de Oriente, sol de eternos rayos, que entre las tinieblas tu esplendor veamos! Niño tan precioso, dicha del cristiano, luzca la sonrisa de tus dulces labios.
Ven, ven ven..
6. ¡Espejo sin mancha, santo de los santos, sin igual imagen del Dios soberano! ¡Borra nuestras culpas, salva al desterrado y en forma de niño, da al mísero amparo!
Ven, ven ven..
7. ¡Rey de las naciones, Emmanuel preclaro, de Israel anhelo Pastor del rebaño! ¡Niño que apacientas con suave cayado ya la oveja arisca, ya el cordero manso!
Ven, ven ven..
8. ¡Ábranse los cielos y llueva de lo alto bienhechor rocío como riego santo! ¡Ven hermoso Niño, ven Dios humanado! ¡Luce, Dios estrella! ¡Brota, flor del campo!
Ven, ven ven..
9. ¡Ven, que ya María previene sus brazos, do su niño vean, en tiempo cercano! ¡Ven, que ya José, con anhelo sacro, se dispone a hacerse de tu amor sagrario!
Ven, ven ven..
10. ¡Del débil auxilio, del doliente amparo, consuelo del triste, luz del desterrado! ¡Vida de mi vida, mi dueño adorado, mi constante amigo, mi divino hermano.
Ven, ven ven..
11. ¡Ven ante mis ojos, de ti enamorados! ¡Bese ya tus plantas! ¡Bese ya tus manos! ¡Prosternado en tierra, te tiendo los brazos, y aún más que mis frases, te dice mi llanto!
Ven, ven ven..
12. ¡Ven Salvador nuestro por quien suspiramos, ven a nuestras almas, Ven, no tardes tanto!
Ven, ven ven..
Oración al Niño Jesús
Acordaos, oh dulcísimo Niño Jesús, de que dijisteis a la venerable Margarita del santísimo Sacramento —y en persona suya a todos vuestros devotos— estas palabras tan consoladoras para nuestra pobre humanidad agobiada y doliente: “Todo lo que quieras pedir, pídelo por los méritos de mi infancia y nada te será negado”. Llenos de confianza en vos, oh Jesús, que sois la misma verdad, venimos a exponeros toda nuestra miseria. Ayúdanos a llevar una vida santa, para conseguir una eternidad bienaventurada. Concédenos por los méritos infinitos de vuestra infancia, la gracia de la cual necesitamos tanto. Nos entregamos a vos, oh Niño omnipotente, seguros de que no quedará frustrada nuestra esperanza, y de que en virtud de vuestra divina promesa, acogeréis y despacharéis favorablemente nuestra súplica. Amén.
Fuente: Colombia.com
#novena de aguinaldos#novena de navidad#novena#navidad#adviento#tradición#católica#Colombia#día 6#21 de diciembre
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Por qué se celebra el 21 de junio el Día Mundial del Skate
El Día Mundial del Skate se celebra el 21 de junio y fue propuesta en 2004 con la finalidad de promover la afición de este deporte en todo el mundo Por Marcos Barrera Cada 21 de junio se celebra el Día Mundial del Skate (Patineta) según fue asignado por la Asociación Internacional de Skateboard. Foto: Diario UNO Desde el 2004, la Asociación Internacional de Skateboard Companies (IASC) propuso…
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*Previously on NCIS*
My brain: Torres was an idiot.
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#Leturalma 2023#¡Vuelve el festival más bonico del verano!#Letur volverá a recibiros con los brazos abiertos los días 21 y 22 de julio de 2023 con un cartel increíble.#ROZALÉN · EL KANKA · TANXUGUEIRAS · DEPEDRO · SEGURIDAD SOCIAL · ZOO · REINCIDENTES · CHIKI LORA · PAULA MATTHEUS · ALARMANTIKS · KARMENTO#¡¡… y muchos más artistas y sorpresas por anunciar!!#festival#verano#leturalma2022#leturalma2023#rozalen#letur#https://www.batanriotus.com
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🌻Fotolibro: Seguen Oríah | Septiembre 21 “Día del amor y la amistad” 🌻.
#septiembre amarillo#frases#citas#textos#escritos#frases en español#notas#amor#pensamientos#seguen#fotolibro#cosas de la vida#dinamica#seguen oriah#arte#artists on tumblr#emociones#sentimientos#fragmentos de mi#en tu orbita#septiembre2024#resubido#re-subido
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#21 de julio#día mundial del perro#2023#dogs 5#perritos#perros#julio#July#funny pics 14#memes#festejos#facebook#rdi
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Un día como hoy… (21 de octubre)
Un día como hoy... (21 de Octubre) #aperturaintelectual #undiacomohoyai
21 DE OCTUBRE DE 2024 Un día como hoy… LOS DATOS CULTURALES SON: En 1556 fallecía en Venecia, Italia el dramaturgo, escritor y poeta Pietro Aretino quien fue conocido como uno de los personajes más influyentes del espíritu renacentista italiano y además fue un relator constante de la genialidad de Tiziano Vecellio di Gregorio. En 1638 en Dartmoor, Inglaterra se presenta la llamada “The great…
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Kinktober Day 21- Yandere!Miguel x Reader (Breeding/Lactation Kink)
(Requested by reader, also early update bc I'm playing Spiderman 2 all weekend)
It was no lie to anyone that Miguel was a stressed man. His eyes packed more bags than someone did for travelling. You knew better than anyone the pent up tension that man carried. Miguel had the fate of the whole multiverse on his shoulders, plus his shitty Alchemax job. The man barely had time for sleep and himself. Even so, he always managed to find time for you. Miguel had to since he was your loving husband, after all.
You were just a regular person, but you worked with Miguel at the Spider Society. You were the front desk receptionist. Your job was basically to turn people away who accidently entered the building. Apparently which happened a lot. It was an easy job and one where Miguel could keep his eyes on you at all times.
You had been with Miguel for over two years. The man was head over heels in love with you. The moment he proposed you immediately said yes. You were happy to live a life with him. You shared his burdens and he with you. Miguel always said that you were his only stress reliever. Just seeing you each day made his tension melt away. He always joked about locking you away so no one but him saw you. It was cute.
That and the hours of dumb fucking sex. Miguel had a breeding kink. He was always determined to fill you to the brim with his cum, always threatening to get you pregnant. It turned you on so much. Miguel would fuck you anywhere and everywhere. One time he was so horny that he was drilling your pussy right at your desk. He did not care if anyone walked in, just as long as he got to fill you. There have been says where you couldn't move because of how much he fucked you.
"Amor (love), what are you thinking about?" Miguel asked as he approached you from behind. You jumped,
"Miggy, I told you not to scare me!" You whined before hugging him, "I was just thinking about getting a new dress for our date night."
"Hm?" Miguel glanced at the website you were looking at, "But we're having that at home, amor." His eyes glowing bright red towards your exposed breasts,
"Awe, but Miggy, ca-W-Wait," You pouted softly as Miguel's hands already started to roam your body, "S-Someone almost walked in on us last time!"
"Then they'll know that you're mine." Miguel hissed lowly, sucking against your neck, "Nadie puede estar cerca de usted. (No one is allowed to be near you.)"
You trembled under his touch as Miguel already started to pump your pussy with his fingers. Miguel refused to teach you Spanish, saying something about him enjoying your confused expressions. When in reality, he did not want you to know about his dark secret. Placing you against the desk, Miguel inhaled to the sound of your moans. Those sweet, sweet cries, only for him. Miguel made sure that no one got to touch your body.
When Miguel first laid eyes on you, he knew he had to have you. He did everything in his power to keep other men away from you. He was Spiderman after all, what's an injury here or there? Miguel just pushed you in the right direction for him. Playing the perfect boyfriend until you were convinced that he was. You were so cute as you fell into his trap. Miguel had you all for himself and he was going to make sure it stayed that way.
"Mírate, chupándome la polla tan bien. (Look at you, sucking my dick so well.)" He groaned as he started to pound your pussy from behind. "What is it that you want, baby? Tell me."
"N-Need you to fill me," Your moans were getting louder as he pressed you into the desk. Miguel brought your waist closer to his, making sure to hit you deep each time,
"Te he entrenado muy bien. Todo lo que quieres es que te derrame mi semen todos los días. Te doy mi hijo. (I've trained you so well. All you want is for me to pour my cum into you every day. Give you my child.)" He groaned lowly, giving you his first fill, "Gotta make a mami out of you, right?"
"Y-Yes!" You moaned out.
Miguel licked his lips as he kept going. One was never enough. He needed to make sure you knew your place. He flipped you over, placing you in mating position. Your breasts were bouncing out of your top. Miguel licked his lips as he went to squeeze your breast. You let out a sharp gasp as a sudden release of tension was given to you. Miguel's eyes sparkled as your tender breasts started to lactate. Your adorable face screamed embarrassed while he chuckled,
"Don't look away," Miguel leaned down and started to suck against one of your breasts.
"H-Hah, M-Miggy...T-That-"
You squirmed under Miguel, a new sensation burning throughout your body. Miguel was sucking against your breasts hungrily. You were reaching your orgasm and fast. Miguel felt you squeeze against his cock and continued his harsh pace. He switched to your other breast, wanting to share the love.
"Miguel!" You cried out, panting heavily after your orgasm.
Miguel released your abused nipples, watching your milk drip down your body. He pumped you a few more times with his dick, making sure to fill your womb. Once he was done, he fixed your attire and sat you back down in your seat,
"That was delicious, mi amor. We'll continue this later."
It hadn't even been an hour since Miguel filled you that he was back. He caught you leaving the bathroom and proceeded to fuck you in the stall, giving you another few pumps of his cum, while enjoying your milk. You body was starting to grow sore and it was no where near time for you to go home. It was like Miguel was under a spell. He kept groping your breasts, wanting you to cum from just his touch. You weren't sure if you were going to last the day.
"I need more water," You sighed softly, feeling dehydrated.
Right as you were about to stand, someone walked into the building. A young confused looking man approached you with what looked like a file in his hand. It was probably another lost interview candidate for the building behind the Spider Society. You told the young man that he was in the wrong building and when you went to stand, you fell. Your legs had given up on you from all of the rough sex Miguel gave you today.
"Are you-"
"Back off." Miguel hissed as he towered over the young man in his suit.
The young man fled in terror. Miguel cussed under his breathe and went over to you. He grabbed your arm before lifting you into his arms. You knew he was mad. Miguel always hated it whenever any guy talked to you. He wouldn't even let you order food if it was a male cashier. He was so protective and jealous that you found it cute, but annoying sometimes.
'Sorry," You apologized as Miguel took you home, "I was going to get a water."
"Then let me know. I'll do that for you," He grumbled.
You pouted towards his childish behavior. Once you arrived home, Miguel made sure you got hydrated. He took your pants off, massaging your legs to try and give them feeling again. His eyes trailed towards your pussy, seeing his cum still leaking out of you. A low growl escaped his lips as he pushed you against the bed. His suit disappearing before he started to stroke his dick,
"¿Por qué sigues desobedeciendome? ¿Ni siquiera puedes guardar mi semilla dentro de ti y dejas que otro hombre te hable? te voy a castigar amor. (Why do you keep disobeying me? You can't even keep my seed inside you and you let another man speak to you? I'm going to punish you, love)" He spat, shoving his dick inside your drenched pussy.
"M-Miguel! N-No more...It's too much," You whined. Miguel groped your breasts, giving them a good squeeze, "Hah~ Ah~"
"Voy a hacerte madre. Darte una muy buena razón para mantenerte alejado de los demás. ¿Tienes esperando en casa toda hinchada por mi culpa? (I'm going to make you a mother. Give you a damn good reason to stay away from others. Have you waiting at home all swollen because of me.)" He groaned, ravishing your cunt.
Miguel ignored your cries as he took your nipple in his mouth. The warmth of your breast milk going down his throat. How could he ever let you leave the house again after this? Miguel needed to be stricter with you. Gripping your hips tightly, Miguel let out a grunt as he filled your womb once more. Your body arched, moaning out in pleasure. Despite your cries, your body always told Miguel what you wanted. You could never be too full.
"Are you learning your lesson?" Miguel asked, releasing your nipple for the other one. You shuddered in response, "I can't hear you,"
"Y-Yes, Miggy."
"And what is it you learned?"
"Mhm, I-I won't," You whined as he kept bullying his cock into you, "I-I'm yours. O-Only yours-"
"And?" Miguel rubbed your clit as he pounded you harder. You gasped, moaning louder,
"I-I'll do as you say. N-no talking to other men, a-and...ah...ah~ M-Migu-" You shook as you reached another orgasm. Miguel chuckled as he gave you another fill of him,
"Good girl,"
Picking you up as he finished, Miguel carried you to the bathroom. He sat you between his legs in the bathtub, messaging your breasts. His whispers about how sexy you were made your brain foggy. Miguel loved the fact that you were lactating for him. His hands kept wandering all over your body, marking you as his.
You ended up working from home afterwards. Miguel said it was for your protection. You were so madly in love with him and blinded by his true nature that you obeyed him. Miguel always rewarded your obedience. You were his good girl. He made sure you got what you wanted as long as it did not involve leaving the house without him. Miguel made sure that you were always with him everywhere else. If you even stepped out for mail without him, he would punish you.
"Now, what is it that you did wrong?" Miguel asked as he pounded you from behind harshly. You gripped the bedsheets, sobbing from the overstimulation he was giving you,
"M...Ma..." He had made you cum so many times you lost count. You could barely form a word.
"Can't understand you when you're so fucked out and full of me," He said with a smirk, "Oh? You're lactating even more...I wonder if this means I succeeded." He hummed lowly. You moaned loudly as he went to fill you again,
Miguel lifted you up as he gave you one last load. He turned you around, holding your waist up so nothing would spill out of your pussy. He licked your breasts, enjoying the lewd expression on your face. You learned your lesson alright. You were never going to disobey him again. You were his good girl. Miguel smiled as he rubbed your belly,
"You're going to be a mami, amor. I'll have to reward you later,"
You just laid against the bed, slowly falling asleep from exhaustion. You were happy and contempt with your life with Miguel. Even if it meant losing your freedom to him. Miguel could have never been happier, especially after finally breeding you. And he wasn't going to stop after just one. You were stuck with him forever.
#kinktober#miguel o'hara#miguel o'hara smut#miguel o'hara x reader#miguel spiderverse#spiderman 2099#miguel o’hara x reader#miguel spiderman#atsv miguel
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