#21 Years Butterfly Decorations
noisycowboyglitter · 1 month
"The Art of Being Awesome: Lessons Learned Over 21 Years"
Twenty-one years of awesome is a journey worth celebrating. This milestone marks the transition from youth to full-fledged adulthood, a canvas painted with vibrant experiences and personal growth.
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From the first wobbly steps as a toddler to confidently striding into the world, these two decades and a year have been filled with laughter, tears, triumphs, and valuable lessons. Each year has added a unique brushstroke to the masterpiece of life.
The awesome journey includes academic achievements, from learning the ABCs to perhaps earning a college degree. It's about friendships forged in playground sandbox and strengthened through life's ups and downs. It's the evolution of passions, whether in sports, arts, or intellectual pursuits.
Twenty-one years of awesome means facing challenges head-on and emerging stronger. It's about discovering oneself, embracing individuality, and learning to stand up for personal beliefs. It's the courage to dream big and the determination to turn those dreams into reality.
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This awesome journey is also about family - the unconditional love, the guidance, the shared moments that shape character. It's about the communities that have nurtured growth and the mentors who have inspired greatness.
As the 21-year mark arrives, it's not just a celebration of the past, but a toast to the exciting future ahead. Here's to 21 years of being awesome - and to many more to come!
As the 21st birthday dawns, it symbolizes a beautiful metamorphosis, much like a butterfly emerging from its chrysalis. These 21 years have been a journey of growth, transformation, and self-discovery.
The birthday celebrant, now fully spread their wings, ready to soar into adulthood. Their path, like the delicate flight of a butterfly, has been filled with twists and turns, moments of vulnerability, and bursts of vibrant color.
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Friends and family gather to celebrate this milestone, their love and support as nurturing as the garden that sustains a butterfly. The party shimmers with the iridescence of butterfly wings - perhaps in decorations, in the shimmer of a special outfit, or the sparkle in the eyes of the now-adult.
This 21st birthday marks not an end, but a new beginning - a chance to flutter forth into the world, strong, beautiful, and free.
Butterfly presents bring a touch of natural elegance to any occasion. A set of butterfly-themed garden stakes can add whimsy to flower beds, while a delicate butterfly wind chime creates a soothing atmosphere. For fashion enthusiasts, a silk scarf adorned with butterfly prints offers versatile style. Book lovers might appreciate a
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beautifully illustrated guide to butterfly species. A butterfly-shaped serving platter makes a unique addition to any host's collection. For children, a butterfly kite or a grow-your-own butterfly kit combines fun with education. These gifts celebrate the beauty and symbolism of butterflies, delighting recipients of all ages.
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bluismie · 2 months
Re-imagining one of my favorite moments from “And like the cycle of the year, we begin again” by katherynefromphilly
Chapter 21 “Slowly, silently, now the moon”
Arthur sat up on his cot, eyes wide in the night, watching each of the spheres pass overhead. Small rings danced around Saturn. Patterns of swirls decorated Jupiter.
“Amazing,” Arthur breathed, at the heartbreakingly beautiful magic above.
Like the meadow, he thought. Like the strawberries and the butterflies and the flowers. All that beauty. Pouring from Merlin’s hands.
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The Wedding Date | Leon x Fem!Reader
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"From the first meeting to rehearsal dinner everyone had fallen in love with him. Including you." | One-shot inspired by The Wedding Date (2005): Leon's an escort. You hire him and fall in love. (AO3)
It was an expensive, totally stupid impulsive thing to do- book a male escort as your wedding date to stick it to your ex (and nagging mother) that you weren’t a lonely, miserable spinster. You weren’t ugly or anything, just lazy with a specific plan- to rub it in your ex fiance’s face that you were 100% over him and moving on by “dating” someone way more attractive and totally smitten with you.
His name was Scott, or so he said as per his website details. He was 6 '0, clearly worked out, had dirty blonde hair in a boyband haircut and per his many reviews was a skilled lover- but that part was totally irrelevant to you. It had taken a few days to finally bite the bullet. Your career was stable, you had the money- it just made sense to go this route versus swiping on Tinder. You’d never done this before but were admittedly desperate. You needed a professional, someone that nobody in your friend group knew who could lie his way in and out of any conversations and questions they’d be sure to ask him.
He just had to look good, pretend to be in love with you, get paid and then fuck off never to be seen again when the wedding was over.
You’d met up with him at a bougie brunch spot on a Sunday afternoon, having chugged one mimosa with a shot of vodka before he even showed up to ease your nerves.
“This is the weirdest outcall I’ve ever been to,” he’d joked after introducing himself to you, his hands so soft and his cologne making you wet. “Nice to meet you, Y/N.”
Scott was funny, naturally charismatic and beautiful to look at. He clearly took care of himself and didn’t seem phased by your plan at all once revealed to him.
“Alright, we need to go over the questions they’ll ask you, about us, your life, yadda yadda,” you’d instructed him. You tried your best to be assertive and not give into the butterflies flying wildly inside your stomach. “This has to be very convincing.”
You had tried to rehearse his answers with him but Scott refused while gazing at you intently. You’d definitely need new panties after this but he didn’t need to know that.
Scott had said he’d prefer to see how everything worked out before accepting payment. This plot of yours amused him greatly, he had said as much several times. Nobody had ever hired him to be arm candy until you. He planned to enjoy every second of this.
“They’ll know I’m lying, sweetheart. It’s better to just wing it. Trust me, Y/N, I won’t let you down.”
And Scott didn’t let you down. He’d passed the “test” with flying colors. From the first meeting to rehearsal dinner everyone had fallen in love with him. Including you.
It was late one night after having to help with decorating the church and you just wanted to relax. One bottle of wine later and you were getting a little bold and very nosy about Scott’s personal life as he gave you an exquisite foot rub.
“I didn’t make it into the police academy. I was 21 years old in a new city with nowhere to go so I started stripping. Then stripping became this.”
You gave him a reassuring smile, your hand patting his shoulder while the other held a glass of sweet burgundy wine. Scott had chosen whiskey for himself. Wine gave him bad hangovers, he’d admitted. 
“I thought about being a stripper once,” you revealed. “I almost auditioned actually but my dancing is terrible without heels so with them on I’m sure I’d break my ankles.”
Scott laughed, as if he’d imagined you in a pair of clear heels attempting to dance around a pole and failing miserably. Making him laugh made you feel warm all over.
Conversations with him came naturally, he felt like an old friend. It was none of your business, truly but he’d answered you unashamedly. A part of you wished you’d met him under different circumstances for a chance at something real.
“Why aren’t you married yet, Y/N?” 
You definitely weren’t expecting him to ask that. Your previous relationship was still a sore subject- he’d been your highschool sweetheart and first love. With a job promotion and more money, your ex had wanted to date around and see what else was out there a few months after proposing.
“One day he just decided that he didn’t want me anymore,” came your solemn answer.
You took a big gulp of wine to keep from crying. This was the guy that you thought you’d be planning your wedding with at this age. Instead you hired a male escort that you developed feelings for. C’est la vie!
“What a fucking idiot, seriously. You’re beautiful, Y/N, inside and out. A total catch,” Scott asserted. “Dude is a loser for letting you go.”
That remark made you smile, bringing a feeling of peace that washed over you from within at his words. You really enjoyed being around Scott. He was damn good at what he did: making women feel desired. Even though this was his job, it just felt natural to lean in and kiss him so you did. To your surprise Scott kissed you back quite fiercely, the taste of whiskey on his tongue almost like a poison bringing you deeper under his spell.
“Let me take care of you tonight,” he’d offered.
Scott was indeed a skilled lover. 
He lifted you up effortlessly, laying you on the bed before teasing with kisses up and down your body. You were so wet it hurt and ached. Your clothes quickly became a crumpled up heap on the floor while he stayed fully clothed sans a shirt.
“Such a pretty pussy, baby.”
He never stopped touching or tasting you that night, making sure that you came hard on his face and with his fingers, refusing to let you return the favor. You rode his tongue to completion, let him flip you onto your back and bucked into his mouth almost crying at how good he made you feel.
“You taste so good, Y/N.”
Your ex had been selfish in bed, all about receiving and barely giving. You thought you’d had an orgasm before but now you knew better. Scott made you cum almost violently, begging, writhing and almost screaming every time he sucked your clit or filled you up with two or three fingers.
“Can eat you out all fucking night.”
You had to push his head away before he finally stopped, looking so pleased with his work as you watched him through heavily lidded eyes. He kissed you one last time, the taste of yourself on his tongue giving a sense of pride. This gorgeous man had dined on you like he’d never get enough, licking and eating your cum like it was a delicacy. You wanted to taste him too, to look into his eyes as he slid into you and fucked you so deep and hard that your headboard banged against the wall.
But instead, he cuddled you until sleep finally took over. 
Scott wasn’t there when you awoke the next morning.
You awoke in a panic, your head pounding as the events of last night started to replay in your head. Wine. Scott. Orgasms. Your thighs were sore.
“Shit,” you exclaimed. The wedding. Your wedding date. Scott. Was he going to show up now? Would it be too awkward? Was it all just a wine induced episode of lucid dreaming?
You hurriedly got out of bed and took a shower. The envelope with his payment was still in your dresser. Did he even know it was there? You tried to focus on everything but Scott on your drive to the venue, going through the motions of getting dressed and sitting still for makeup.
When it was time to walk down the aisle with your ex-fiance as part of the wedding processional, your eyes glanced around nervously looking for any signs of a GQ model with dirty blond hair sitting in the pews as you tried not to fumble with your bouquet too much.
This was the church you had always wanted to be married in. You had thought that your ex fiance was the one but now you knew otherwise. Walking down the aisle with him, even in this context, made you feel uneasy like you were cheating. You almost didn't see Scott giving you a thumbs up and blowing you a kiss when you finally stood with the other bridesmaids. It was embarrassing how your mood instantly lifted.
Everything was going to be okay. You'd convinced everyone that this was so real, you'd even convinced yourself. Once the wedding was over Scott would go back to his life and so would you. It was a painful thought.
It wasn’t until the wedding reception that you spotted him again. He was standing off to himself while most of the single ladies and a few men crowded the dance floor for the bouquet toss. His tuxedo fit perfectly and now that you knew how he looked shirtless, a part of you wanted to rip it right off.
You caught the bouquet purely by accident, not even paying attention until a blur of pink roses came into your peripheral. Scott’s eyes never left yours as he walked towards you, cool as a cucumber like on the day you met.
He leaned in to kiss you so intensely that your knees buckled. You heard your mom cheering the loudest. Your ex stormed off in a huff, clearly regretting his choice to let you go- convinced that this man kissing you was your new forever and not a paid actor. Scott had done his job perfectly, too perfectly. You tried not to look so crestfallen when the kiss ended.
The walk back to your car seemed to take forever, so much you wanted to say, so much was going unsaid but didn’t want to come across as that one creepy client who took things too far.
“Definitely a 5 star experience,” you stated honestly yet awkwardly avoiding his gaze, wanting to make light of it all. “I really can’t thank you enough Sco-”
“Leon,” he cut you off. “My real name is Leon.”
The tension in the air was thick. Was his name really Leon or was this another part of the act? Your mother was now convinced that Scott, well, Leon would propose someday. How were you going to explain that everything was all a lie?
Should you address the kiss, the amazing oral sex and show vulnerability? Or hand over the cash and move on? You just wanted a nice clean break, no more emotions to overly complicate things. He did his job, nothing more nothing less. It would hurt more to be rejected than to wonder what if.
“I can’t thank you enough, Leon.” You looked a little too long at his lips, wanting and wishing you had the courage to just lean in and close the gap between you two again and again.
Instead, you handed him the bouquet of flowers so you could reach into your clutch for his payment.
“You can count it now if you’d like. It’s all there, I promise.”
Leon tensed. His face which usually sported a knowing smirk or stoic expression now looked confused, almost disgusted. He didn’t reach out to take the envelope.
“Leon, you did exactly what I asked you for. Of course I’m paying you plus tip,” you said trying to sound calm yet internally freaking out. “Thank you for this.”
Thank you for eating me out so well that no other man will ever compare, you thought.
You were ready to drive home and cry into your pillows about what a mess you’d made- falling in love with your hired boyfriend who probably always had clients obsessed with him and unable to distinguish reality from fantasy.
“I don’t want your money, Y/N. I want you.” Leon took your envelope with his free hand and placed it back into your clutch. “God, that was cornier than it sounded in my head.”
Your mouth opened but nothing came out.
Confusion painted your face. Realization hit you afterwards but before you could think of what to say in response, his lips were on yours. The bouquet was forgotten on the ground as you let Leon take you into his arms, your heart threatening to beat out of your chest.
“Y/N, this has been real for me no matter how hard I tried to fight it. I love you.”
You felt like you were floating, the world beyond Leon in this moment failing to exist. 
"I love you, too. So much," you proclaimed proudly.
Leon slowly pulled away from you, his eyes taking you in. “I don’t do this, I don’t date or get too close but you, you’ve awakened something inside of me that I can’t live without.”
His hands gripped your ass and you felt the promise of more, thick hard and straining against his slacks. “And you have the sweetest pussy I’ve ever tasted,” he quipped.
With a laugh you gave his bulge a light squeeze, ready to finally consummate your relationship with the gorgeous man standing before you.
With each deep, slow, tortutous thrust you were crying out his name, his real name, over and over. Pathetically begging and pleading for Leon to fuck you harder. You'd never felt like this before, your body on fire with lust and greedy for more, more, more.
"Look at you, taking me so well like this," he whispered into your ear as you tightened and throbbed around his length. "Love you so much, so fucking much."
You were sucking him in to the hilt, nails digging into his back and biceps as you took every inch coating it in your slick.
"Fuck, Leon, love you too," you grunted out almost painfully. "Gonna cum, oh!"
Leon loosened the grip on your throat, kissing you lazily as you cried out his name cumming hard around him while he never stopped pounding into your tight, hungry cunt.
"There you go, baby, cum all over me." He ground his pelvis into you wanting to feel all your cum gushing out against him. "Wanna cum inside you, fuck!"
It was almost a whisper but you'd heard it and God, you wanted him to. Wanted him to fill you up so deeply that you'd feel it slipping out throughout the day.
"Yes, please cum inside, need it, Leon."
He looked into your glazed over eyes smirking at your blissful face knowing only he could make you feel this good, only he had taken the time to learn your body and make you cum with your whole body shaking and jerking against his.
With a few more hard, short thrusts Leon's hot cum started to fill you up. You instinctly wrapped your legs around his waist pushing him in even deeper, his balls throbbing against you as he emptied himself into your eager pussy.
"Mmm, are you ready for round three," he inquired against your sweated out hair.
He took you from behind, from the side, with you on top and even picked you up and fucked you hard and fast in his arms as you cried out your release.
The man's stamina was unmatched. You were a sweaty tangled mess of limbs not knowing where his body began and your body ended when he was finally done with you.
You quickly settled into domestic life quite easily. Leon moved in with you while mulling over his career options now that being a boyfriend for hire was over.
Leon had made you dinner to celebrate your recent promotion, your favorite meal of filet mignon and lobster tail. He'd mentioned in passing that he was letting the website domain expire soon to pursue his other dream: being a scuba diving instructor.
"Scott's Scuba School sounds good, right?"
You nodded, considering how often he went down on you without needing to come up for air. Yeah, he'd be an amazing scuba diver. Although using his previous alias gave you some pause. What if one of his past lovers recognized him and wanted more? Silly little insecure thoughts like that were becoming less usual as time went on.
If you'd thought Leon was an amazing hired boyfriend, he was even better without the promise of money. He refused to let you pay for anything or want for nothing. From having roses delivered to your office to cooking you dinner, planning out romantic date nights to making love to you until you begged him to stop. He was perfect and he was all yours.
"Best wedding date ever," Leon read aloud to himself, seeing the new notification popping up on his previous work phone. "So good you'll think he's really in love with you."
He shot you a knowing glance before giving you a slow lingering kiss. With the simple tap, his website and review page were deleted and his new, real life with you could truly begin.
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dogtoling · 2 years
Splatoon OC Questions!
hi. So i made a bunch of questions to help develop mine and other people’s OCs i guess. these come in several tiers based (roughly) on how much you’ve already developed an OC, but in reality it’s a pick-and-choose thing,
NOTE: these are mostly applicable to cephalopod OCs. But if you pick and choose they’re fine for literally any OC, I guess. Most of them are gonna be under the cut!
Surface (Basics, Tier 0)
1. What is their full name? Do they like it?
2. Do they have any nicknames, and where do those names come from?
3. What species are they? Any special notes?
4. What time of day are they usually active? Are they diurnal or nocturnal or maybe in-between?
5. Any particular reason for their schedule? Biological clock? Work?
6. Living situation; where do they live? How did they end up there?
7. Do they take part in ink battles? What kind and how often?
8. Favorite weapon class and why? 
9. Main tentacle color? How did they pick it?
10. Any hobbies? Where did they begin?
11. What do their hobbies mean to them?
12. Favorite type of music? Why does it resonate with them?
13. Any favorite bands or idols they look up to? Would they consider themself to be a fan, or just a listener?
14. Are they acrobatic? Can they pull off impressive physical maneuvers, or is a backflip WAY too much to ask?
15. What is their main weapon? How did they pick it and why?
16. Languages they speak? Any that they’ve learned or want to learn?
17. What is THE THING that they’re recognized as being good at by others? Do they recognize that skill in themself?
18. Are they more positive or negative? How does it show?
19. Their BEST FRIEND, if they ABSOLUTELY had to choose one? 
20. What size are they? Are they average size for their species or not?
21. What is their relationship to ink battling? Is it a hobby, profession or just the occasional sport?
22. Do they have an ego? How easy is it to get on their bad side?
23. Do they have a daily routine? Do they enjoy it, did they choose it?
24. What would their Splashtag title be?
25. What is something they REALLY invest in?
26. Are they temperamental? Short fuse or never frazzled?
27. How are/were their teen years?
28. How did they do in school? Did they like it or were they a professional class skipper?
29. What makes them cry? Is it a common sight?
30. Are they easily amused? Or is it a lost cause trying to entertain them?
Sunlight Zone (Tier 1)
1. Any pets? Do they want any?
2. How social are they?
3. What is the inside of their house like?
4. Any peculiar decoration preferences? Is there a theme?
5. Main source of income? How is their money situation?
6. What do they do for a job? What do they think of it, if they have one?
7. What’s an everyday skill they’re unexpectedly good at?
8. What’s an everyday skill they DO NOT have?
9. Any weapons they struggle to use and why?
10. How much does it take to trigger their Special Rush state? Do they get pumped fast?
11. Are they a good Super Jumper? Do they land their jumps?
12. Weapons they wish they could use but can’t? Why? 
13. Favorite clothing style? Do they care about comfort or looks?
14. Do they have a favorite clothing brand? Are they picky?
15. Their favorite way to listen to music? Headphones, radio, et cetera?
16. Favorite kind of food? Do they like fresh foods or prefer fried?
17. Can they cook, and how do they prefer to?
18. Do they care for fruit or vegetables?
19. Any food they REALLY don’t care for? Will they still eat it?
20. How many friends do they have? Are they a social butterfly, or do they let new people in their life sparingly?
21. Do they ever make art? What kind and why?
22. Are they expressive? How?
23. Can they drive? When did they learn or are they going to?
24. What’s their usual role in conversations? Are they a listener or a talker?
25. How do they handle crowds or groups of people?
26. Are they good at reading between the lines? Or totally clueless?
27. Do they drink coffee? If so, what is their go-to?
28. Anything they have too much of?
29. What are their priorities in life?
30. What kind of body type do they have? Are they strong, or are they frail?
Twilight Zone (Tier 2)
1. Dream house? Is it likely to happen?
2. Dream job? Are they working towards it? Do they even know?
3. Favorite subject at school? Any effect on modern day?
4. Are they prone to holding grudges? Any petty opinions that they still stick to?
5. Any phobias? How much do they affect their life?
6. How are their tentacles styled? What does that facet of self-expression mean to them?
7. Preferred way of transportation; train, car, bike etc?
8. Any details about their appearance that they’ve put a lot of thought into?
9. Do they Super Jump outside of Turf Wars? How often?
10. How often are they in swim form? How does it feel to them?
11. Are they familiar with Grizzco? Have they worked there?
12. How do they sleep? How much do they usually need to sleep?
13. What weapon did they start with? Have they changed their main over time?
14. Any particular Turf War skill they are good or bad at? Do they have good aim, for example, or are they really fast at swinging a brush?
15. Favorite time of year? Why?
16. What is their sexual/romantic orientation? How did they come to a conclusion?
17. Are they in a relationship? Do they want to be?
18. Any past relationships? Why did they end?
19. What do they order at a café if they go?
20. Are they prone to arguing? Or do they settle?
21. Do they travel? Do they want to, and where?
22. Have they had notable injuries in the past? What happened?
23. Are they open about their thoughts or do they keep to themself? 
24. Do they keep up with news or the media? 
25. Do they play any games? What kind and when?
26. Do they care about “being fresh”? Have they ever cared and how did it show?
27. Any body modifications they have or want to get? What’s the story behind them?
28. Can they play any instruments? How did they get started?
29. What is notable about the way they talk? What would people stress when imitating or parodying them?
30. How much do they swear? Any specific circumstances?
Midnight Zone (Tier 3)
1. Opinion on Splatfests; any that they’ve been part of or remember fondly? Or bad memories, even?
2. How and where did they grow up? How did that affect their current life?
3. Any siblings? How are their relationships?
4. Childhood habits or hobbies that stuck?
5. How are their ties to their family? Are they close, or maybe the opposite?
6. Any found family or “school”? How important are they to them?
7. Have they ever Krakened before? Why?
8. How do they feel about being splatted? Are they used to it or is it agonizing?
9. Are they sensitive to violence? Or totally desensitized? Does it depend on the context?
10. Something they feel is extraordinary about themself? Is it a source of pride?
11. Something other people see in them that they don’t really see?
12. What kind of neighbors do they have? Do they get along?
13. Fight-or-flight response? Which one do they usually default to?
14. Any specific goals they have in life? Why, and are they realistic?
15. Any prominent interests? How do they show?
16. How do they celebrate Squidmas? Or do they celebrate some other winter holiday, or any at all?
17. Where do they shop? How often do they go to the store and what do they usually buy?
18. If they could be any other species, would they? And what would they be?
19. How is their vision? Do they have or need glasses?
20. How do they handle stressful situations? Are they prone to worrying?
21. How do they relax? Do they struggle with slowing down, or the opposite?
22. Do they use social media? What do they do there? 
23. Favorite snack or candy? How much do they indulge?
24. Do they enjoy “alone time”? Or is it insufferable to them?
25. Any habits they want to kick but can’t seem to?
26. What do they have for breakfast? Do they usually have breakfast?
27. How do they deal with fights or arguments? Do they lose their cool or handle it by talking?
28. Are they a leader type? Or do they see themself as one?
29. Which victory pose is in-character for them?
30. Based only on their personality and skills, what in-game abilities would that give them?
Abyss (Tier 4)
1. Have they ever done anything criminal? Why?
2. Have they ever intentionally hurt anyone? How do they feel about it?
3. Any scars? How did they get them?
4. Pain tolerance? Is it good or do they cry on the floor over paper cuts?
5. How is their overall health? Are they prone to any issues? 
6. Who do they live for?
7. Do they have conversations in their head? What is their relationship with themself?
8. How confident are they in combat? Are they strong at all?
9. Any short-term color change? Which emotions trigger which colors in them?
10. What would they change about themself if they instantly could? Anything?
11. Would they survive out in the wilderness? Do they have the skills?
12. Are they selfish at all? Would they put others in harm’s way for their own benefit? 
13. What kind of morals do they follow and where did they learn them?
14. Is there anyone they would risk their well-being for? Why?
15. How was school for them? Do they miss it or are they glad it’s over, if it is?
16. How do they type? Are they the type of person to text a lot, or is it all one-word replies?
17. Do they have any kids? Do they want any?
18. What are their earliest memories?
19. Do they make decisions based on heart or logic?
20. Any regrets? What would they do differently if they could? 
21. What do they find attractive in somebody? 
22. Are they easy to understand? Are they good at expressing themself?
23. How do they deal with bad emotions? Do they have any tried-and-true coping mechanisms?
24. How often are they sick? How do they handle it?
25. Are they more or less empathetic than average?
26. Are they one to ask for or accept help? Or do they deny it altogether?
27. Do they believe in supernatural or spiritual things? 
28. Are they a person that gives or takes more? Is it intentional?
29. Are they judgmental when it comes to other people? Or do they not really care?
30. Who is the person they text or call most often?
Trench (Tier 5)
1. Any specific events from their life that changed them as a person?
2. Anything they are dreading or horribly afraid of in their current life?
3. Have they had any traumatic experiences? How are they affecting them in the current day?
4. Do they have recurring dreams? How do they feel about them?
5. Anything from their childhood that they still have? Why have they kept it?
6. Have they cut ties with people before? Why?
7. Any common thing they really struggle with?
8. Are they a good liar? Do they lie often or are they strictly against it?
9. What determines how they feel about somebody? 
10. Do they respect other people as a given? Does their respect have to be earned?
11. Any medications? How long have they had them?
12. Do they adjust their personality based on the people they’re around? How does it show?
13. How hard is it to get to KNOW them? Are they an open book or does NOBODY really know them?
14. Does true love exist to them? Or is it just a stupid myth people are obsessed with?
15. Do they have a “signature” article of clothing or item that they treasure? How did they get it and why is it so important to them?
16. Do they forgive? How much can they forgive before it’s impossible?
17. How is their comfort zone? Do they like trying new things or are they strictly a homebody?
18. One thing that will always make them happy without fail?
19. What do they usually spend spare cash on?
20. What’s their favorite place they’ve been to? What makes it special?
21. Is their life generally going how they’d expect it to be going?
22. Who were their role models growing up? Are they still their role models or have their views changed?
23. Are there any people in their life who they have complicated feelings toward? Are they still part of their life?
24. Have they ever killed? What would it take for them to do it, if at all?
25. How much are they willing to give up to help another?
26. Is their trust easy to gain? Is it easy to lose?
27. Are there any sounds that they particularly like or hate? 
28. Has their appearance or character changed over the years? How and why?
29. How do they feel about life as a whole? Has their perspective changed over time?
30. How emotionally stable are they? Do they control their mood, or does their mood control them?
Seafloor (Tier 6)
1. Are they good at making friends? How do their friendships usually start?
2. Are they good at maintaining friendships? What kind of effort do they put in?
3. Do they have close friends? How many, and how close?
4. How is their relationship with their body? Have they ever had body image issues?
5. What do they care about? If anything?
6. What is their preferred weather? What is the worst one?
7. How do they generally carry themself? With confidence, or hunched over trying to avoid attention?
8. What is their first language? Is it the one they speak the most?
9. How often do they use vending machines? What do they usually get?
10. What is their overall attitude when it comes to drugs and alcohol? Do they use any substances, and how is their relationship when it comes to the stuff?
11. Are they doing alright mentally? And is their “alright” ACTUALLY alright?
12. Can they put their full trust in others? How easy is it? Or do they always keep a healthy slice of skepticism in the mix?
13. What is their average, everyday energy level?
14. How good of an understanding do they have about themself? Are they a stranger to themself? Do they even think about it?
15. If they won the lottery and became an overnight billionaire, how would that show? Would they tell people? What would they do?
16. How often are they out of the house at night?
17. Is there anything that causes them to mentally unravel and spiral? How likely is it to happen?
18. Do they have any plants at their house? How did those get there?
19. Anything they’re ashamed of? What do they hide from friends and family and maybe even themself?
20. When something is pressing on their mind to the point of turmoil, who do they confide in?
21. Are they a good shoulder to cry on for their friends? Do people feel comfortable coming to them, or is it out of the question?
22. Are they emotionally vulnerable? Or do they strictly keep to themself and suppress?
23. Do they have any interest in nature? How deep does that interest run?
24. Are they a good liar? Do they take moral issue with lying, or is it their normal?
25. Have they traveled the world? Ever been outside of Inkadia, or even the general area they grew up in? Do they want to?
26. Do they want to settle and start a family? Have they done it? Does it sound exciting and comforting, or literally the worst thing imaginable?
27. How readily do they commit? Or do they run from responsibility?
28. How often do they make promises? Can they keep those promises?
29. How independent are they? Can they handle any hardship, or do they need their hand held through most things?
30. Are they a good person? In their own opinion.
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anachronismstellar · 28 days
Wip Wednesday - 21/08
Heeeello people!
What's this?? Me posting before next Wednesday?? A miracle for sure lol
Here are my sentences for Waltz for the Dead!
Tagging: @zyrafowe-sny @aparticularbandit @post-and-out @eriquin @somefishycat @enigma-the-mysterious @kalira @whimsicalmeerkat @wizisbored
Thank you so much for all the tags and love you guys are giving this fic gnsbakfnsk ;u;♡ I still don't know where I'm going with it but I'm having a hell lot of fun lol
Sentences under the cut!
He could start to see why Lan Sizhui said he had bitten more than he could chew.
“I hope you enjoy your stay, Lan-gongzi,” Nie-zongzhu said with a shallow bow, but a bow anyway, making all hairs in Jingyi's neck stand up.
One thing was an encounter at a small inn in Cayin City, another thing together was to walk around into the lion’s den, guided by the lion himself, as Nie-zongzhu softly pointed the directions for the mail hall and the gardens with a carp pond.
“No bunnies, I'm afraid, there's too many hawks flying around, it wouldn't be wise to raise them,” Nie-zongzhu said as a thrown away comment, half of his face hidden behind his fan.
Was it a threat? It kinda felt like a threat. Should he send a butterfly to Hanguang-Jun? Maybe. Maybe he should send one to Sizhui. He was going to send one anyway to tell him he arrived well. Too bad it would be followed by him telling he was going to die.
“And here we are.” Nie-zongzhu stopped in front of his rooms, the wing decorated with soft whites and blues. Lan Jingyi looked around, unable to not feel impressed by Nie-zongzhu decoration abilities, when he started to notice that most of them were picked with one particular Lan in mind. His suspicions were confirmed as soon as he opened the door, the room a shocking mirror to Hanshi, down to the furniture.
“I believe it is up to the Lan Sect rules. It hasn't been touched for many years.” Nie-zongzhu fanned his face at a leisurely pace, not even glancing inside the room. “If Lan-gongzi has any requests, he shouldn't hesitate to ask.”
Lan Jingyi swallowed hard, not daring to enter the room. Outside, wind howled at the mountain, bringing in a chill to freeze his bones, but even so he could feel his Lan ribbon dampening with sweat.
He couldn't accept Zewu-Jun's old rooms!
“Nie-zongzhu is most kind.” He fumbled as he took a step back to properly bow to the other. “However, I couldn't accept such an offer. These are the rooms proper of a Sect Leader, I-”
“Are you not the heir of the Lan Clan?” Nie-zongzhu interrupted him while Jingyi tried to find words to get himself out of this diplomatic disaster. If he weren't so anxious he would be furious at Nie-zongzhu for putting him in this situation. “Therefore, as the representative of the Lan during this conference, the rooms are yours.”
“But- What if Hanguang-Jun-”
“Hanguang-Jun and Wei-gongzi are going to be allocated to a more private part of the palace when they arrive.” Nie-zongzhu didn't explicitly say why, but Lan Jingyi and any poor soul that ever adventured around Jingshi late at night was aware of the couple's… Behavior. Their shamelessness was the worst kept Lan secret, but to have a Sect Leader addressing it so openly was… Uncomfortable.
“Either way-” Nie-zongzhu kept talking, pretending not to see Jingyi fidgeting. “These rooms were built to accommodate the Lan representative, and you're more than welcome to use them. The choice is yours, but if you feel inclined to change rooms, just send word to Nie Yuan, he is the one responsible for accommodations.”
Why, though? Jingyi couldn’t help but fret, holding back his wish to shake Nie-zongzhu by the shoulders and scream. Why are you being so deferential towards me?! Of all people, why me?!
That's it folks! See you next Wednesday! :D
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Christmas Reruns 2023 Day 9: Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas (2/3)
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Merry Christmas if you celebrate it and happy holidays if you don’t!  One of the things I love about Christmas is watching reruns of all the old classic Christmas movies–Christmas is a big time for nostalgia.  A few years ago, I decided to incorporate that tradition into my fandom life and post my CS holiday reruns.  So here you go!  Enough holiday (mostly) fluff to get you to New Year’s Day. (With a new story posting on Christmas Day.)
Rating: G
Word Count: 2545
Other chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
Notes: This story was originally written in 2014.
Walking in a Winter Wonderland
“Looks like your boyfriend learned about Christmas,” David said dryly as he pushed open the sheriff’s station door.           
Emma elbowed her way past her father to have a look and then barked out a laugh.  A veritable forest of mistletoe hung above her desk and chair.  David was right; it couldn’t be the work of anyone but her adorable idiot of a pirate.
“Although if he really wanted to get you to kiss him,” David continued, draping his winter coat over the back of his own chair, “he would have hung it inside one of the jail cells.  We left the station locked when we went on rounds, so I’m pretty sure this qualifies as breaking and entering.”
Emma grinned.  “Cut him some slack, Dad.  There are far, far worse things he could have done, don’t you think?”
“That depends,” David replied with a frown.
“Yeah?  On what?”
“Whether or not he makes use of the mistletoe when I’m around.”
Emma laughed again, still amazed at the happiness that was her life at the moment.  Seriously, who would have thought that Emma Swan, the unloved, unwanted orphan would one day have to deal with an overzealous pirate boyfriend and an overprotective father?
“I’ll make him behave,” Emma promised.  “At least while you’re around.”
David grimaced.  “You had to tack on that last part?”
“Yep,” Emma replied, taking a seat.  “Deal with it Dad; your little girl’s dating a pirate.  Bound to be some…um…misbehavior.  Probably on both our parts.”
David groaned.
Her dad put up a good show, but Emma knew that’s all it was—a show.  The bromance was strong with these two.  Emma didn’t know who was happier that her relationship with Killian was still going strong, her or her dad.
A month had passed since Gold’s sorcerer’s hat stunt, and they were all still reeling from it to various extents.  She’d had nightmares about it every night for a solid two weeks following the incident.  Nightmares where they didn’t make it in time.  Nightmares where she, her mom and Belle arrived at the clock tower a moment after Gold had finished crushing Killian’s heart into a fine powder.  She’d woken up shaking and bathed in sweat. 
If Gold had succeeded…she couldn’t even bring herself to finish the sentence.  The very thought scared her more than anything in her life had ever scared her.
It was in that moment when she was frozen in place, helpless to protect Killian, that she gave up the last bit of pretense.  She loved him; there was no denying it.  Just the sight of him was enough to make the butterflies start tap dancing in her stomach.
“What do you think of my first attempt at decorating for the season?” 
Speak of the devil. 
Killian strode in with the confidence (and looks) of a fashion model.  He leaned down, brushed a kiss against her cheek and then straightened with the grin she’d come to learn meant trouble.
“Not bad,” she said, “but you know people usually just hang one sprig of mistletoe, not a whole garden.”
He tsked, and frowned at her playfully.  “And where would be the fun in that?  I’d prefer to increase my chances of finding myself under it with a fetching lass rather than limit them.”
He pulled her to her feet and wrapped his arms around her.  “Speaking of which, it appears you and I are currently standing beneath a particularly hearty specimen.  Holiday traditions must be observed, darling.  Good form and all.”
She grinned and looped her arms around his neck.  “So what are you waiting for?”
His smile turned distinctly wicked.  “Not a thing in the world, love.”
A wildfire raged between them at the first touch of his lips to hers.  It was always like this between them; like someone had tossed a lit match on a mountain of dry kindling.  Emma tilted her head, instantly deepening the kiss, reveling in the feel of his hand in her hair anchoring her to him, his hook at her back urging her closer.
David cleared his throat.  Loudly.  Whatever adjectives could be used to describe her father, “subtle” was not one of them.  Emma pulled away with an apologetic look at her boyfriend, then turned to face her dad.  Killian reached down and laced his fingers with hers.
“You guys mind?” David asked with a hint of exasperation.  “This is a place of business after all.”
“Funny,” Killian said with a smirk, “you seemed to be singing an entirely different tune that night last week when I walked in to find you and your lovely wife similarly expressing your affection.”
David spluttered.  “That’s…that’s different!”
“Aye?  How so?”
“It’s different because…because…well, because it just is.”
Killian laughed with such good humor that soon even David joined in.  “Look,” her father finally said, “I’m glad you two are happy together, I really am, but could you keep the PDA to a minimum while I’m around?  Please?”
Killian sketched a bow.  “I shall endeavor to control myself, but confronted with your daughter’s ravishing beauty, I am, more often than not, unable to express my admiration any other way.”
Emma laughed and swatted him playfully.  “You are so full of it.”
“Aye,” he returned with a flirtatious wink, “but I noticed you failed to put up a protest at my ‘PDA’ a moment ago.”
“I’ll admit,” she returned, placing her free hand over his heart, a gesture she found herself making more and more frequently since his ordeal with Gold, “kissing you is kind of addicting.  So, what’s up?  We weren’t supposed to meet for lunch for another hour or so.”
“I’ve come to steal you away, love,” He said, giving her hand a squeeze.  “The snow has bathed the woods in a blanket of loveliness, and I wish to share it with my favorite lass.”
“I can’t just go take a stroll in the woods,” Emma said.  “For one thing, it’s cold.  For another, I’ve got work to do.  And did I mention, it’s cold?”
The look on his face was two parts puppy and one part wicked.  “If we don’t go, I’ll be forced to hang around and, no doubt, nauseate your father.  We wouldn’t want that, now would we?  Besides, I’m…more than capable of keeping you warm.”
“Ugh,” David said.  “Emma just go with him.  I’ll cover for you.”
“Well,” Emma said, grabbing her coat and hat, “if you both insist…”
“We do,” David and Killian said in unison.
Emma had to admit it was beautiful and peaceful out here. And with Killian’s arm draped around her, surprisingly warm as well.  On impulse, she reached up and pecked him on the cheek. 
“And what was that delightful gesture for, Swan?”
She shrugged.  “No reason.  Just…thank you.  You were right.  It’s nice to get away from the craziness of the town for a while.”
He smiled, making the crow’s feet stand at attention at the edges of his eyes.  “Darling, when are you going to finally realize that I’m always right?”
Emma rolled her eyes but couldn’t keep the grin from her face.  “Don’t hold your breath, pirate.”
“Thought as much,” Killian muttered under his breath.
Emma had never been a big fan of winter.  She hated the cold, and the snow drove her crazy—especially now that she was the sheriff and was called to every fender bender and slide-off in the whole damn town.  Killian, however, seemed to have an entirely different opinion on the matter.  His face was lit up with the wonder and awe of a child as he trudged through the ankle-deep snow and watched the flurries continue to drift down.
“You seem to be enjoying this weather,” she observed, reaching up to feather her fingers through his hair and dislodge the stubborn snowflakes that had evidently decided to take up residence there.
“Aye,” he said, looking down at her with a delighted grin.  “Always reminds me of a day I spent with Liam many, many years ago.”
Emma perked up at the mention of Killian’s brother.  “You never talk about him.  I always assumed the memories were too painful for you.”
Killian smiled tenderly.  “Aye, some memories are.  It seems no matter how many centuries go by, the sting of his passing will never truly fade.  I do, however, have many, many pleasant memories of him, and the day we spent in the snow is certainly one of those.”
“Would you tell me about it?”
“Of course,” he complied without hesitation.  “It was one of the last good memories I had of my family.  My mum died the following year, and my father was never the same after her passing.  At any rate, I was but a wee lad at the time, five, maybe six years old.  Liam was a good ten years my senior and I nearly worshiped him.  He’d just informed me that he would be leaving in less than a fortnight upon his first ship; I no longer recall her name.  He was to be a cabin boy and I’ve rarely seen a lad so excited.  I was, of course, devastated that my brother, my hero, would be leaving me in a matter of days.”
“I can only imagine,” Emma soothed.  Killian felt things so deeply; his entire heart and soul were invested when he loved.  Liam’s departure must have hit him hard.
“Aye,” he said with a grimace.  “Anyway, on the day in question, Liam woke me, excited about the newly fallen snow.  We two spent the entire day reveling in it—making snowmen and snow fortifications.  Engaging in a rather ruthless snowball fight.  It was a day I wouldn’t trade for all the rum in the Enchanted Forest.”
“It sounds great.”
“Aye, that it was.”
They lapsed into silence for a time.  Emma rested her head against his shoulder, and she felt him brush a kiss against the crown of her head.
“So how was your breakfast with Henry?” Emma asked.
“Informative,” Killian said, and Emma could hear the smile in his voice.  “The lad is a wealth of information.  He seems quite excited for this Christmas holiday.”
Emma sighed.  “Yeah.  Seems like it’s all he can talk about.”
Killian looked over at her.  “From your tone, I take it you don’t share his sentiments?”
“No.”  The word was definitive, emphatic.
“The lad told me as much,” Killian admitted.  “He was concerned that you seem unwilling to participate in this realm’s Christmas traditions.”
Emma grimaced.  “I was hoping it would be enough for him to get all the Christmas crap at Regina’s or my mom and dad’s.”
Killian stopped walking and turned her toward him.  “The lad didn’t come to me because he needs more Christmas; he came to me because he’s worried about you.”
Henry was worried about her?  Because of Christmas?  “He doesn’t need to be.  I’m fine.”
Killian looked at her skeptically.  “Swan, I’ve seen you ‘fine’.  I’ve seen you happy.  I’ve seen you content.  You are feeling none of those emotions.  This ‘Christmas’ is obviously a source of pain for you.  Please, tell me why that is.”
Emma sighed.  There really was no point trying to hide anything from this man.  “It’s just…I don’t know.  Christmas is all about family and happiness and being together and stuff.”
“And these are bad things?”  At some point, Killian brought his good hand up to cup her face, and he was gently caressing her cheek with his thumb. 
“No…”  Emma drew out the syllable.  “Not in general, but for an unwanted little girl in the group homes it was torture.  I mean, everywhere you turned you’d get assaulted with images of happy little families doing happy little family things.  Every time you turned on the TV you’d see commercials and movies and everything else where everyone was perfectly happy and enjoying each other’s company.  The songs talk about it being the happiest time of the year, or about how people love going home for the holidays or the love of family.  You know what it was for me?  It was a slap in the face.  It was yet another reminder that I’d never had that and probably never would.”
The compassion in Killian’s eyes nearly broke her.  He dropped his hand from her face and gathered her into his arms, holding her tight.  She clung to him, drinking in the love he offered her.
“Emma,” he whispered., “there are so many, many people who love you.  So many, many people who would do anything to make you happy.”
The tears rushed to her eyes.  “I know, and it means everything in the world to me.  It’s just—I don’t know.  Childhood memories die hard.  I don’t know if I can even do all the ‘happy family Christmas’ stuff.”
“But you said it yourself, love,” Killian reasoned, stroking her hair.  “Christmas isn’t about perfectly fulfilling the traditions you’re accustomed to.  It’s not about living up to the standards you believe the ‘perfect’ families attained.  It’s not about fulfilling a checklist of Christmas items.  It’s about being with the ones you love; showing them how much you care.”
Killian pulled away.  “Let us love you,” he said simply.  “Let us show you how much you mean to all of us.  Let us build our own traditions, our own memories.  Perhaps they won’t erase the pain of the past, but trust me love, the good memories, the beautiful moments—they shine as brightly as the star Leroy attempted to force me to place on the top of Granny’s tree—if you but let them.  They are like the sun that blots out the light of the stars.  Losing Liam to dreamshade—it was one of the darkest days of my life.  The pain of losing my brother, the man who was captain and brother and hero to me, was such that words cannot describe.  Even so, traumatic as that day was, it cannot hold a candle to the simple joy of that day spent playing in the snow. ”
“I wish I’d met Liam,” Emma said with a wistful smile.
“As do I love,” Killian said.  “He would have liked you—and would have thanked his lucky stars that I’d finally found myself a beautiful blonde savior to point me back to the man I wish to be.”
Emma stroked his face.  “He’d be proud of you, Killian.  You’re a good man; one of the best and most honorable I know.”
Killian turned his head and brushed a kiss against her palm.  “You can have no idea how sweet those words sound coming from your lips.  I have but one bit of advice for you, love: don’t run from the love of family and the joys of Christmas all around you.  Make new memories, good memories.  I can promise you; you won’t regret it.”
Emma reached up and brushed a soft kiss against his lips.  “Maybe you’re right.”
“Again with the skepticism, darling?  Didn’t we just establish I’m always right?”
Emma chuckled.  “Whatever.  I’m hungry.  Are you going to take me to lunch or not?”
Killian sketched a bow.  “My lady’s wish is my command.”
–Up next, Emma and Killian return to her apartment after the town’s Christmas Eve party.
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rinwellisathing · 5 months
It's A Thankless Job: Prologue
Note: Okay, so at least a couple people were interested in me posting my modern AU here. Um...it's I'm pretty sure not as good as my canon universe Durgetash, but I've been working pretty hard on it and it's been fun writing. I do hope you like it. Important to remember the prologue is the only chapter where Sentry is a teenager, there is a five year timeskip after, making him 21 for the duration of the story after this. Content warnings for this chapter involve: Misgendering, implied abuse
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The spring weather had filled the fields of Balduran Public High-school with flowers of all sorts and grass as green as it would be all season. The warm weather seemed to spur on the students running along the track today for gym class, all except a small group huddled under a tree avoiding the others. A slightly chubby half-elf girl in a black hoodie with an image of a woman shrouded in darkness on it took a long drag from a predictably black clove cigarette as she leaned against the tree, her long black hair worn in a braid with several silver butterfly clips decorating it. She and the thin Tiefling girl she was sharing the cigarette with wore matching pajama pants with a cartoon owlbear with blue feathers on them. The Tiefling girl had purple skin and slightly darker purple hair, short backwards curving horns followed her hairstyle and she wore a plain black T-shirt with a few pins on it from various shows and comics. The group was rounded out by two tall male tieflings, one sitting on the ground reading a book and one laying in the grass, wrinkling his nose at the pollen in the air. The bookish one had light red skin and light brown hair, he was dressed in a patterned button down in blue and silver and a pair of sharp khaki pants. His expression was serious and intense as he focused on his book. The more carefree one had pale skin and silver hair. He was dressed in a simple black hoodie and a T-Shirt with a piece of duct tape placed over the ending part of one of the words, leaving it to read 'F-- It, We Bhaal.' he wore black and white striped wrist bands as well as a matching band on his tail as well as a black beanie with a red skull on it, rolled up behind his horns. Four silver earrings pierced each ear, with two more in his tail along with red studs at the tip.
“Look at all of them running like good little sheep.” The half-elf remarked, rolling her eyes. “If you ask me, gym class should be outlawed.” “Hey, what if they replaced it with nap time? Like why do toddlers get nap time when all they want to do is run around all day and I have to run when I wanna fucking sleep?” The Tiefling girl chuckled, taking the cigarette from her friend and taking a drag from it. “That's called study hall, Nocturne. Duh.” The silver haired boy smirked. “You get two naps a day and they're called study hall. More if you're at the back of any of your classes.” The boy with the book scoffed, not looking up from his reading. “' Rolan, you've got to help me, man, I'm failing maths.'” He spoke in a mocking tone, rolling his eyes. “Yeah, but did you or did you not do my homework for me? So who's the real winner here?” The other boy grinned, nudging his friend's leg. “Only because if you get held back a year and end up in the same class as Lia, who knows what you two will talk about behind my back.” Rolan shot back. “Well, I thank you for your dedication to keeping your sister from having someone to talk shit to.” His friend smirked, closing his eyes and laying back. “Hey, easy you two, I don't want any weird energy during the radio show today, alright?” The Tiefling girl folded her arms, side eyeing the boys. “Easy, Nocturne, we're just playing. And besides, I've got a great story for today's show too, you know how I moved in with a new family recently?” The boy laying in the grass grinned. “Yeah, what's the deal with that, Sentry? That's some Series of Unfortunate Events shit right there. Your mum dies and suddenly you have a rich family coming to collect you out of nowhere?” Nocturne looked at her friend with a touch of concern.
“It's my dad's family, don't worry about it.” Sentry brushed her off as he slowly sat up. “Anyway, everyone in my new family has these cool, sort of creepy things about them...I've been writing down some of their stories, I figure I could read some for the radio show.”
“I thought we agreed the radio show should stay academic, you know, so we don't end up getting the entire radio club shut down?” Rolan closed his book, giving Sentry a somewhat chastising look. “I feel like original fiction isn't the direction we should be going. I thought we were going to review the literature class reading list, a bit tongue in cheek sort of...” Nocturne replied. “Come on, it'll be great! Just give my idea a chance, I swear it'll be so cool.” Sentry gave his friends a wide eyed, pleading look. “Don't puppy dog eyes at me, I'm not even part of your club.” The half-elf frowned, rolling her eyes. “If this club gets shut down, though, then I lose an extra curricular for my university application.” Rolan shifted nervously. “You know how the teachers are, one step out of line and they'd shut us down.”
“And yet here you are cutting gym with the rest of us, mister valedictorian.” Sentry stuck out his tongue. “Come on, man...”
A shadow loomed over them as an imposing figure stood with his hands on his hips, glaring at the group. Their gym teacher, a hulking Orthorn in black shorts, a whistle around his neck, and a track jacket that may have been white at one point addressed them.
“Have you all really been sitting here this whole time? None of you ran a single lap?” He boomed. “Um...I have medical exemption?” Rolan produced a note from his pocket. “I'm a troubled youth dealing with a traumatic change of environment.” Sentry smirked. “Principal Jaheira said it's fine.” “And what about the two of you?” He narrowed his eyes at Nocturne and Shadowheart. “Religious exemption.” They both said in unison, holding up identical Sharran pendants. “Of course you do...Fine. Class is over, you all better hurry or you'll be late for classes you don't have convenient excuses for.” The defeated devil grumbled, storming back to the track. “Ha! Joke's on you! Mine works for everything!” Sentry shouted after him, but still got to his feet and followed his friends back into the building.
“Okay, and we're back with Balduran Public High-school's favorite lunch time radio show, Three Tieflings In A Trench-coat...Which is a name Nocturne came up with, I completely denounce any responsibility for it.” Rolan spoke into the crystal on the desk. “Anyway, back by unpopular demand, during today's show, Sentry is up on our subject matter rotation and has chosen to read a scary story...” He retreated from the desk back to a different one next to Nocturne where he pulled out a brown paper bag and began to set his lunch out. She was already eating hers, absently pulling at some string cheese as she watched Sentry approach the broadcast desk. “Hello all you spooky people. So I've recently moved into a new home, whole new family and everything. And like...when that happens, there's always that knee jerk sort of 'oh shit is this gonna be like one of those haunted house situations? And especially with a whole new family, coz...as you know, I'm an orphan and all....so I kind of get kicked around from family to family...like...are these people serial killers? Did they take me in for some crazy ritual sacrifice or something?” Sentry's voice barely hid his excitement behind a valiant attempt at a proper horror narration tone. He looked back at his friends, Rolan's head was buried in his hands like he was willing himself to melt into the floor. Nocturne grinned and gave a thumbs up. “Right, so this family, yeah? I've got some stories from my new siblings, interesting tales from all over. So the first one up for all you Kozakuran animation enthusiasts out there: Eight Paper Dolls. This a creepy story about a set of octuplets born in Kozakura, all beautiful, all perfect, each one charming....” Sentry began the tale, reciting it with enthusiasm. He slipped up on occasion, but even Rolan had to admit that once Sentry dropped any attempt to imitate a certain famous Tiefling horror actor, the story flowed and was pretty creepy.
“See, Rolan? There was nothing to worry about, his story was great.” Nocturne grinned. “ Where d'you come up with this stuff, Sentry?” “Well, this one woman, one of my new sisters, told me she once had seven biological sisters and they all died tragically back in Kozakura where she was born. She had this weird little smile on her face when she said it...” Sentry grinned. “I feel like this family was made for me honestly. I'm finally with my people...even if I still miss mum a lot.” The door to the radio room opened and a slight half-elven woman with light brown skin and bright, brown eyes narrowed in annoyance stood in the door way. She was dressed in a green blazer and a pair of dark brown slacks, her grey-blonde hair tied back in multiple braids. “Mr. Ojeda, do you really think that's an appropriate story for school hours?” She looked him over accusingly. Sentry frowned, wrinkling his nose and cocking his head. “I wanna say...yes....but your pissed off facial expression is giving me more of a 'no'???” The tiefling shrugged. Rolan slouched in his chair and Nocturne ducked behind her lunch-bag, both trying in vain to avoid Principal Jaheira's accusing gaze. She sighed and folded her arms across her chest, shaking her head and stepping back. “Look, I like you three, you're good kids. Maybe a little weird, maybe a little trouble, but most of my favorite students are...I wanted you to have your radio show...but I'm going to deal with such a headache now because of this story! If anyone repeats it, I will have parents bursting down my door, do you understand me?” She wagged a finger at Sentry, her expression sympathetic but frustrated. “I didn't want to do this, but there's no choice. I'm not dealing with these school board mothers, not even for you guys. I have to shut you down. No more radio show.” “What?!” Nocturne gasped in disbelief. “You can't be serious!” Rolan groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Awww come on, Jaheira, this is total bullshit! You can't even let it slide for Commander Mum's sake?” Sentry whined. Jaheira's expression fell and she shook her head. “Look, many of us are grieving Mrs. Ojeda's passing, Sentry. She was my best friend, and I know you loved her too...but what would she tell you about this? How would she think of you acting out because she'd passed?” “She'd laugh.” Sentry shot back. “She hated all that stuffy bullshit...and she'd tease you about the school board moms when you two went out for drinks next.”
Jaheira thought a moment and smiled sadly. “Be that as it may, my decision is final... I'm sorry, Sentry.” And with that, she turned and left the room, but not before taking the wire that connected the microphone to the console. “Nice going, Sentry...I did warn you, you know.” Rolan sighed, beginning to pack up his things. “Maybe the subject this time was just a bit too much....” Nocturne nodded, stuffing her trash into a brown paper bag and crumpling it up. “I'm sorry, guys...” Sentry lowered his head, blushing with embarrassment. He knew this was all his fault, if he'd just taken Rolan's advice, they would all still have their radio show. There had to be a way to fix this.
“So anyway, I'm pretty much a pariah now and my friends all hate me.” Sentry bit into another fry, looking up into his brother's red eyes as they sat across from each other at the diner. The battered red plastic of the seats had seen better days and the dingy interior called into question how safe it was to actually eat anything that came out of that kitchen. But the food was good, the food was cheap, and the chef in the kitchen was part of the family, so there was always a 'late night special' for Bhaalists. Tonight's special was a very rare burger, a dish both Sentry and Gary were enjoying as they talked. “Can't you guys just do something on the internet? Don't people make youtube shows or whatever now?” The dragonborn asked, his white scales glinting in the dim, sputtering lights of the run down dining room. “Or I could come down to the school and have a 'talk' with your principal.” He offered, tail flicking a bit at the suggestion. Sentry gripped his own tail nervously, twisting it between his hands and looking down. “No, it's better you don't. Principal Jaheira isn't....she doesn't....” He cleared his throat anxiously. “She was a friend of mum's, I don't want her hurt.” Gary quirked a brow-ridge and then chuckled. “Glad to hear it, Jaheira is kind of a name to run away from really fast, so to speak. We're pretty well acquainted with her, but that was before she was a high-school principal. Actually before my time too, but still, the stories you hear from the old heads....” He shook his head. “Anyway, if your friends don't want to hang out with you, you can always hang out with Orin.” Sentry gave Gary a completely deadpan stare. “Orin is ten years old. I'm not hanging out with a little kid.” “You two seem to get along well enough, I'm just making suggestions.” The dragonborn held up his hands defensively.
“Yeah, when I'm in charge of watching her. Like...there's a huge difference between being nice to your little sister and keeping her entertained with some arts and crafts and video games and expecting me to shoot the shit with her.” Sentry folded his arms across his chest. “Well I'm sorry, I just assumed when you and that Rolan kid hang out video games are pretty much the only thing on the agenda too, you're sixteen year old boys. I mean...unless you're jacking off together or whatever.” Gary snorted, taking another bite of his food and rolling his eyes. Sentry's face went bright red and he gripped his tail tighter, looking at the ground. “N...No, it isn't like that...we don't...we're not....we....I don't like him that way! We're just friends. He's into this guy in our shop class!” “Jeeze, you don't have to get defensive, twerp. I'm just messing with you.” Gary gave Sentry a reassuring look. “Anyway, the bottom line is you guys are kids...kids fight all the time. Your friends will get over it and I'm sure they'll be talking to you again by Monday.” He reached across the table, ruffling Sentry's pale hair with those large, imposing claws. “And if you're really lonely, maybe I can take you with me on a few jobs. Tonight went well, after all...it's probably time you got into the family business.” Sentry's eyes widened with excitement. “Oh shit, for real?” He practically jumped up in his seat. “You really mean it!?” Gary nodded his head, finishing off his food and wiping his mouth free of the red stains. “Yup, really really, kid. Now come on, finish your food. Maybe we'll have time to make a stop on the way home.”
------ “Watch out! Right behind you!” Sentry swiveled the thumb stick, the grizzled and bloodied Goliath on screen in his heavy armor rolled out of the way of a deadly swipe from the massive Minotaur “Thanks, kid. Ready for the show?” “Make him bleed, slaughter-kin!” The little girl squealed excitedly, hands balled into fists as she watched the screen.
Sentry slammed down the 'O' button and the Goliath kicked the Minotaur to the ground, stomping on the creature's back, a graphic in the corner showing a detailed X-ray of a spine snapped completely in two. The character's strong hands grabbed the creature by the horns and began to twist and yank at its head until the skin of the neck tore and the head came loose in a gratuitous torrent of blood, the Goliath holding the head above his head as a prize as the screen proclaimed that he had collected six Minotaur horns so far.
“That's my favorite part.” His little sister announced with a wide grin that showed a few missing baby teeth. She was dressed in a red T-shirt sporting a scowling cartoon character and a pair of black shorts, her long pale hair in pigtails. Her bare feet kicked as her legs dangled off the edge of the bed and she drank from a metallic silver pouch of juice. “Well, it's six more horns till I can upgrade my weapons. Shall we keep at it then?” Sentry asked. It was Saturday morning by now so he was still dressed in his pajamas. A pair of red and green striped pants and a soft black T-shirt with a clawed, bloodstained glove on the front.
“Yes! Yes! More slaughter! More blood!” The little girl giggled happily, clapping her hands together. “And maybe I could try to do one?” Sentry nodded. “Sure, Orin. Remember, you have to follow the pattern on the screen as fast as you can as it shows up.” He handed the controller back to her and retrieved his sketchbook, flipping to an empty page and beginning to sketch, looking up occasionally to coach Orin on the game play.
After a time, the two were disrupted by the door opening. A diminutive figure in a sharp black and red suit shuffled in with a tray of cookies, setting them on the bed next to Orin before walking over to Sentry and taking his hat in his hands. “Ah, young master...Sarevok wishes to speak with you.” He informed the young man hesitantly. Sentry rolled his eyes. “What, now?” The butler gulped and nodded. “Well, yes, young master. Straight away, if you would.”
Sentry rolled his eyes and climbed to his feet, folding his arms across his chest. “You know, if Gary and I are father's chosen favorites, I really don't get why I have to lesson to a crumbling old sack of flesh who's desperate to put his dick in me. I feel like that's something my father shouldn't approve of.” Fel stammered and fumbled for words, hat in hand, head lowered. “Young master, I....” Sentry scoffed and shook his head. “Whatever. Just stay here with Orin in case she needs anything while I'm gone.” He shuffled out of the room, tail raised warily despite himself. ---- “You still insist on dressing like a boy.” His new guardian's deep voice boomed from the plush red and gold chair he sat in across the room. He raised a crystal glass to his lips and took a sip of whiskey before setting it down. “I AM a boy.” Sentry corrected him, looking away with a cold glare, refusing to meet those burning yellow eyes. “You are Vereena Mortis and you are meant to breed.” Sarevok pointed a thick finger toward Sentry, the dim light of the room revealed that he was dressed, as usual, in that stupid old fashioned suit he always wore like a mob boss in the movies. Buying his own con that the family really was some sort of crime syndicate instead of a murder cult covering it up with whoring, drug deals, and protections rackets. “Even if your older brother doesn't see fit to use you as intended.” “Because Gary's not a creep.” Sentry shot back. He was valiantly standing his ground, putting on a tough front, but his tail was in his hands again. “Your brother has certain....peculiarities....about how this family is to be run, that is why your father put me in charge.” Sarevok replied, rising from his chair and approaching Sentry. The tiefling flinched, trying to keep from trembling. Even after his most recent growth spurt, Sarevok still seemed to tower over him. “We covered up the fire you started, all the murders you committed when you were a child....We allowed you respite for a time with another family, one outside of our kind....It is not unreasonable to expect you to do your job.”
“Actually it is. I'm a child, for fuck's sake.” Sentry staggered backwards, backing into another figure, this one a bit shorter than he was, but strongly built, calloused fingers digging into his skin as he was grabbed by the arms and held in place. Sarevok approached him slowly as Sentry's eyes widened with fear. No, you're chosen, you're special. You've taken lives, Sentry, don't let them see that you're scared! He told himself. “Hey! That's enough!” A voice rang out from the doorway. The sound of heavy combat boots hit the floor accompanied by the swish of a thick tail, heavy with scales and muscle. Big brother. “You are interrupting a lesson, Gary.” Sarevok growled. “Yeah, piss off!” The drow holding Sentry's arms spat. “Talk to me like that again and I'll fucking gut you, Jackal.” Gary hissed and then walked up to Sarevok, hands pressed together and expression thoughtful. “Grownups are talking, so show some decorum.” He finally addressed the boss. “So the bottom line you've been harping on is you expect Sentry to pull his weight, right?” Sentry's eyes were squeezed shut tightly at this point, so he didn't see what Gary did to make Jackal release him, only heard a pained yelp and felt the hands let go of his arms and his second brother stagger back swiftly. He dared to peek, seeing Gary standing between him and Sarevok now. “The kid isn't a breeder. For one thing, he's sixteen years old. For another thing, he's Chosen and he said no. I'd like to think you remember who's still in charge here, even if you have a special title.” Gary nodded towards the wall where a sculpture of a leering red skull held court. Sentry noticed that Sarevok's nostrils flared, but he inclined his head. “Put the kid to work like Tomi and Jackal and I. Send him out on 'garbage disposal' or deliveries. He's tough and he's pretty twisted. Believe me, I've been showing him around a bit.” Sarevok seemed to think for a minute, looking to the image of father and then back to Sentry. A cruel smirk crossed his lips just briefly before he looked back to Gary and nodded. “You're right, the....child... could be useful with our daily tasks...”
'Still won't call me a boy, though, you miserable old creep.' Sentry thought bitterly as he looked at the ground. He startled, but looked up as he felt Gary's hand on his shoulder, protective. “He will be. Trust me. The kid had fifty kills under his belt at age six, he's a natural.” Gary slugged Sentry's shoulder fondly. “My caveat remains, however, that he will engage in ALL forms of business the family is involved with. He is not exempt from any job I would require of any other Bhaalist...after all, as you know many of them allow our assassins close enough to kill....you understand.” Those yellow eyes leered down at Sentry even as he spoke to the boy's older brother. Gary winced, but he knew when to cut and run. This was the best deal he could get and the most he was able to protect Sentry, so he nodded his head. “Right, of course.” “Better anyone else than you.” Sentry stuck out his tongue at Sarevok as Gary guided him from the room. He knew exactly what Sarevok meant and it made his stomach churn with disgust, but anything was better than going back to the life he'd been born into.
---- “Well, Mr. Ojeda, welcome to your first day as an Unholy Assassin, then.” Gary's voice was playfully formal as he held out a hand to shake his little brother's. Sentry grinned and instead wrapped the tip of his tail around Gary's and shook his tail. “Thanks, Mr...um....big bro...I'm the right man for the job, you won't regret it!” “Well, before the big boss decides to be an asshole and stick you on the worst assignment on your first day, I'm making an executive decision: Deliveries for you. Go see Tomi in the morning to pick up the product and then Fel will have a list for you of who's buying. If Sarevok bitches about it, remind him our other delivery boy sucks at his job and sticks out like a sore thumb in his stupid red outfit and that should shut him up at least for the week.” Gary instructed as he saw Sentry to his bedroom door. He gave the Tiefling a sympathetic look and grabbed his shoulder gently before he returned to the room. “And hey, have a good night, okay?” Sentry gave his brother a small smile and nodded. “I will. Thanks. Hopefully Orin hasn't got my guy killed.” He chuckled as he walked into the room. “Hi slaughter-kin! Do you want the good news or the bad news?” Orin chirped excitedly as Sentry sat down beside her on the bed.
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Previously on Take Back the Kingdom (spoilers for everything pre Ch 31)
Chapter 15: The Stuff of Legends (Bruno thinking about how Jose threatened Mirabel)
Bruno felt his anger boil over into the immediate area around him. He grit his teeth and clenched his fist to draw the destructive magic back in. Not here, not yet. 
Just a few more days before he could commit the murder he’d been planning for 500 years. No matter whatever else happened, Bruno was going to kill Jose Nehoye or die trying.
Dead, brittle grass crunched beneath his feet when he finally stood.
Just a few more days. 
Chapter 21: Demons Run (after the mercenaries)
Bruno looked around, making eye contact with each of them, from Isabela all the way down to Antonio. “Next time I explicitly give you instructions, I need you to follow them.”
Chapter 22: Interlude III: Questions & Answers
Bruno scowled. “Assuming he’s still frozen, that should be enough to actually kill him.”
“...what’s that supposed to mean?”
 “It means that I’m fairly certain that he made himself immortal before coming back to the Encanto.”
“You can do that?
“What do you mean back ?”
Bruno held up his hand to stem the flow of panicked questions. “Yes, back .” His eyes darkened, “José was banished as a teenager when his father led the coup against mine.”
He gave them a minute before cutting off their cries of shock and outrage by raising a hand once more.
“After I left the first thing I did was find out as much about him as I could, know your enemy and all that. I knew there was no way someone that powerful and that evil just sprung up out of nowhere without leaving a trail. What I was able to piece together is that after his father’s death he vowed to finish what he started. But to do that he needed power.” 
He nodded towards Mirabel. “When I taught you about the source of magic, I didn’t tell you about the other source. The darker source. You can cultivate magic, or you can steal it.”
Taking the amulet out of his pocket Bruno ran his thumb over the engraved butterfly. “José had spent years hunting down magic users to steal their magic, and their life force. He’s not immortal in the same way I am, but I’m betting it’ll take a decent amount of force to use up all of his stolen life and actually kill him.”
Chapter 23: By the Skin of Our Teeth (while Bruno is thinking after waking up from the nightmare vision of his almost suicide)
Turning it over in his hands he ran his fingers down the lines of runes decorated the edges of the worn leather. Spells to preserve it, spells to return it to him should he lose it, spells to reinforce the blade. It had been his constant companion even before he left the Encanto and everything that followed. To this day he didn’t know how he felt about it.
Remnant light from the embers of their fight danced in the emerald blade as he lowered it and laid the sword across his knees, absently tracing the engraved hourglass in the pommel. Even with the temptation it represented, he had always kept it with him. Because it was a piece of home yes, but also because it was his best shot at killing José quickly. Bruno knew his own strength, knew that he had him outclassed in raw power. But José was clever, and wouldn’t hesitate to fight dirty, and Bruno had everything to lose.  
It’s why he had put so much time and effort into making sure the sword could kill José. Over the years Bruno had added his own spells to the sword but the one he was relying on was the original curse, the power to kill an immortal. It had been a relief to find out for sure that it worked on immortals who’d cheated by stealing life from others. 
‘Protect our people. Protect our family.’ Those words, that admonition from his mother echoed in his mind as he absently traced the words that had been etched into the leather of the scabbard near the hilt. He didn’t need to look to follow their path, tracing the letters had been how he centered himself before a fight ever since his mother gave it to him after he’d been chosen as the heir
(after the vision and him debating with himself what the last two scenes means, ie whether he should hope for survival or not)
The debate between realism, pessimism and optimism raged on through what was left of the night. An hour before dawn he finally came to a decision. He would assume the worst, set contingencies for if he failed to defeat José, while holding on to a sliver of hope to keep himself from doing anything too reckless.
First things first. The kids could not learn of this, nothing could be gained from them knowing and it would only worry and distract them. Picking up the discarded tablet he reached into its future, dragging it forward in time until it crumbled into green sand that slipped through his fingers.
Chapter 24: Reluctance in All its Forms (While Bruno tells Isabela and Dolores about Oscar)
“When I decided to adopt him I told myself I would quietly slip out of his life when he was an adult and didn’t need me anymore. And you know what he did?” He huffed at the memory despite the somber atmosphere. “The morning of his 18th birthday he knocked on my door and handed me a notebook that he’d started when he was eight with the words ‘Proof that Pa is Immortal’ written on the front cover.” Bruno had taken his hands back to wave one in a slow arc emphasizing the title. 
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ewooxyjewelry · 1 year
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The Romance of the Rococo Period. Luxurious Russian Aesthetics
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The Glory of the Classical Period. The Aesthetics of the Victorian Era
Accumulation of Aesthetics | Hidden in World Famous Paintings: Splendor Pearl Jewelry
The brilliant colors depicted by the painter ignite the artistic soul of jewelry. The splendor of pearls hidden in the painting unintentionally reveals the owner's identity and preferences, while also recording the most classic female jewelry styles of that era.
The Romance of the Rococo Period
The lace-backed Choker pearl necklace is a classic necklace style of the royal family during the Rococo period. The soft lace and lustrous pearls, along with bow decorations, echo the high-worn Choker pearl chain and the exposed skin of fashion. When it comes to Rococo style art, one cannot fail to mention Madame Pompadour. As a cultural patron, she influenced the court as well as the lifestyle, fashion, and artistic tendencies of France.
Luxurious Russian Aesthetics
The main part of the necklace is composed of 21 oval-shaped diamonds, with 15 pear-shaped diamonds suspended below and connected by small diamonds. The total weight of the diamonds is 475 carats. Maria, as a Danish princess, married Tsar Alexander III and eventually succeeded in being crowned as the Empress of the empire. She not only inherited the precious treasures collected by emperors and queens of past generations but also received many jewelry pieces from Alexander III as expressions of love. She had a strong fondness for diamonds, and the presence of diamonds can be seen throughout her portrait.
The Glory of the Classical Period
Napoleon once dominated Europe, and his lifelong love, Empress Josephine, was also an unparalleled beauty. How much did Napoleon love her? Despite the opposition from his family, he crowned her as Empress and had a crown made by the jeweler Chaumet (Shangmei Paris) adorned with 1,040 diamonds. At that time, only male members of the royal family could wear a crown, but in everyday life, this queen, who loved simplicity and classicism, favored pearl jewelry.
The Aesthetics of the Victorian Era
The Victorian era was the pinnacle of artistic development in "antique jewelry," presenting a style of beauty and romance through gemstones. In terms of design, the jewelry was often accompanied by relatively simple and rounded lines. As for the shapes, they were predominantly inspired by nature, such as flowers, butterflies, and vines. The sense of happiness in Queen Victoria's family influenced her aesthetic preferences, making the jewelry fashion of this era under the Queen's influence light-hearted and delightful. Pearls became the darlings of the aristocracy. While many people could only dream of owning the royal jewels, pearls became cherished possessions among the nobility. In an era when cultured pearls were not yet mature, a pearl with a beautiful luster and unique shape was especially adored by the upper class. For the past 2,000 years, pearls have been regarded as symbols of status and wealth.
More Pearl Jewelry at EWOOXY.
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novumtimes · 2 days
Tip jar in Aussie KFC starts heated culture debate online
A single image snapped inside a Sydney KFC store has sparked a heated online debate. The picture appears to show a large tip jar decorated with butterflies sitting on the counter of the fast food chain. The tin seemingly meant to encourage customers to leave money for staff while waiting for their orders. The act has divided opinion online, with many sharing they were “fed up” with US tipping culture taking over Australia and that it should be stopped. “I really can’t help but think if we succumb to tipping culture we will hurtle towards an American system and we can see that their shiz is falling apart,” one said. “How on earth did tipping culture sneak its way into Australia?” another asked. Reddit became embroiled in debate over an image of a tip jar at KFC. Reddit The tip jar was placed out at the popular chain, KFC. Christopher Sadowski However, others believed it did not cause any harm and pointed out that many cafes have tip jars without any issues. “At its heart, I don’t see any difference between this and a cafe tip jar. Franchise, cafe, whatever,” one said. Many were quick to point out the obvious differences between how much workers get paid in the US compared to Australia. Start your day with all you need to know Morning Report delivers the latest news, videos, photos and more. Thanks for signing up! While not the highest-paid jobs in the country, the wages for hospitality staff are generally considered decent compared to the US, where the minimum wage is about AU$10 an hour. The minimum wage in Australia, however, is around $21 an hour, depending on age. Therefore, tipping culture is far more stardard in the States, whereas many feel it is unnecessary here in Australia. News.com.au has reached out to KFC for comment. While some believe that tipping is a new phenomenon in Australia, others bring up tipping jars at cafes. Reddit Tipping on the rise A recent tipping trends report from financial services and payment solution platform Zeller found that Australians are tipping more than ever before. According to the report, not only has the average tip grown 12 per cent since 2022, rising from $16.05 to $17.93, Australians are also tipping more frequently, with the volume of tips increasing by 132 per cent. Melburnians tend to be more generous than Sydneysiders, adding an average of $18.57 to the total bill compared to $11.81. Zeller’s director of growth, Joshua McNicol, described the result to news.com.au as “surprising”. “Given the rising cost of living and economic pressures on consumers, the average value of tips increasing by 12 per cent year-on-year – despite interest rate pressures – was one that definitely caught us off guard,” he said. “With your cost of living increase, people are going out less often [but] looking for a great experience at a sit-down restaurant. “The willingness to reward amazing service or great experience hasn’t changed, but potentially the frequency they’re doing it has changed … It shows that we still have a sense of generosity and community overall.” The Zeller data also reveals some interesting quirks. Average tip amounts for the hospitality sector overall have risen 11 per cent, but bar and club staff saw a 23 per cent decline with the average tip now $10.21, while tips for coffee shops slid 19 per cent to $2.94. Sit-down restaurants and takeaway eateries are seeing the most gains, experiencing an eight per cent increase to $19.98 and a six per cent rise to $7.52 respectively. Source link via The Novum Times
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dpr-lahore-division · 3 months
With compliments from, The Directorate General Public Relations,
Government of the Punjab, Lahore Ph. 99201390.
PHA launches botanical garden project in Murree
LAHORE, June 23:
The Parks and Horticulture Authority (PHA) of Lahore has begun work on establishing a cutting-edge botanical garden in the picturesque hill station of Murree, confirmed its director general on Sunday.
Set against the backdrop of the majestic Himalayan foothills, this 10-acre facility will showcase a variety of gardens, including Japanese Sakura and perfume gardens, a giant water lily pond, and a tunnel adorned with Wisteria trees of different varieties and colors, said Muhammad Tahir Wattoo.
This ambitious project, poised to be the country’s first of its kind, will also offer public amenities such as a children’s play area, zip lines, sky bridges, a glow-in-the-dark garden, and dedicated parking, he said.
PHA also operates a botanical garden near Jallo Park in Lahore, covering 80 acres. Around 30 acres feature diverse landscapes and attractions for visitors, including Rose, Bonsai, and Cactus Gardens, a creeper-covered tunnel, a Rhizotron for viewing plant roots, tree houses, gazebos, a Treetop Walkway, and the popular Butterfly House, the DG added.
Highlighting the new garden’s floral diversity, Mr. Wattoo mentioned it would feature dazzling flowers like Tulips, Tiger Lily, and Geranium, typically found in mountainous tropical regions.
He noted Murree’s unique climate accelerates the growth period of Tulips by at least two months compared to urban centers like Lahore, which could help conserve foreign exchange by cultivating the national flower of the Netherlands.
Additionally, PHA plans to host a groundbreaking Tulip exhibition in Lahore this December to celebrate the flower’s rich cultural history.
Mr Wattoo recalled that Tulips originated from lilies in East Asia 21 million years ago, later cultivated in Kazakhstan and used as food by nomads. In Persia from the 11th century, Tulips symbolised the start of spring, celebrated for their beauty in art and poetry long before gaining fame in the Netherlands.
“Visitors can expect to embark on educational journeys through themed gardens, each representing distinct ecosystems from around the globe,” the director general said. He emphasised that the initiative underscores the Punjab government’s commitment to environmental stewardship and sustainable tourism development.
The botanical garden is expected to open its gates to the public later this year, he concluded.
Separately, the PHA has also decorated the main thoroughfares of Lahore, including Jail Road, The Mall, Johar Town, and Canal, with colorful light structures twinkling like stars on the ground. Ring and crescent-shaped light installations positioned along these roads offer a stunning spectacle at night.
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xtruss · 6 months
Bats Are In Trouble. That’s Not good For Anyone Who Likes Mezcal, Rice or Avocado
Some of Our Favorite Foods and Drinks Rely on These Oft-Misunderstood Mammals, Which are Facing Multiple Threats
— By Whitney Bauck | Thursday 21 March 2024
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A Mexican long-tongued bat approaches an agave blossom in Tucson, Arizona, in 2006. Photograph: Rolf Nussbaumer/Alamy
If You’ve Ever Enjoyed Coffee ☕️, Tomatoes 🍅, Corn 🌽, Bananas 🍌, Mangoes 🥭, Walnuts, Chocolate 🍫, Tequila 🍺 or Mezcal, You May Just Owe Bats a Thank-You.
While bats are often the subject of fear and scorn – they’re fixtures in Halloween decor and haunted-house imagery, and are frequently portrayed as harbingers of doom – their presence is often a sign of a thriving ecosystem. Some of our favorite food and drinks would be much less plentiful, or even nonexistent, without them.
Bats play a few significant roles in human food systems. Some serve as a form of natural pest control by feeding on insects that can destroy crops like corn and pecans. Others pollinate species like bananas, coconuts, avocados and agave, a role many people associate with bees and butterflies. And some fruit-eating bats help maintain wild plant populations through seed dispersal – think mangoes, cashews, figs and almonds.
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Bats fly out of a cave at sunset to feed in Ratchaburi, Thailand, on 12 September 2020. Photograph: Lauren DeCicca/Getty Images
Despite all the ways that bats help ecosystems thrive, “they often get forgotten” in conservation conversations, and in people’s estimations of what it takes to maintain sustainable food systems, said Kristen Lear, who works at Bat Conservation International. Whether it’s because we just don’t notice bats (as nocturnal animals, they’re certainly not easy to observe) or because we tend to associate them with dark and spooky things, bats are rarely championed. But as threats from habitat destruction, disease and climate change mount, it’s time that changed.
No Bats, No Tequila
Most of the time when you order a margarita, you probably aren’t thinking about bats – but maybe you should be. Tequila is made from agave, and agave plants have long relied on bats for both pollination and seed dispersal.
The Mexican long-nosed bat, which has co-evolved with agave for millions of years, is a fuzzy little gray-brown creature that uses its 3in-long tongue to slurp nectar from agave flowers that bloom at night. This migratory species travels from west Texas and south-western New Mexico down into Mexico each year, keeping pace with the blooming periods of agave and flowering cacti.
But as demand for tequila and mezcal – another spirit made from agave – has grown, the plant is increasingly being harvested at scales that put these migratory bats at risk. After having been appreciated in Mexico for hundreds of years, agave-based spirits are becoming increasingly popular abroad, and nowhere are they more sought-after than in the US, where about 80% of the world’s tequila is sold.
“Agave spirits from Mexico are very trendy now. Probably that trend started 10 years ago, but in the last four or five years, it has been intense,” said Diana Pinzón, a forestry engineer who works with small-scale mezcal producers. “It’s a big problem for agaves endemic to Mexico, and for the bats and all the biodiversity around the ecosystems where the agaves grow.”
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A bat feeds on agave blooms in Green Valley, Arizona, in 2012. Photograph: Michelle Gilders/Alamy
US thirst for agave-based spirits, and the money that can be made from selling them, is driving growers to harvest at a scale and in a manner that’s not sustainable long-term, according to Pinzón. In many places, agave plants are chopped down before they’ve had time to bloom, leaving bats that rely on the flowers’ nectar with one less food source.
Producers can grow new agave by working with “baby” shoots sent out by parent plants, but without bats cross-pollinating them, the new plants are all clones and lose genetic diversity over time. Pinzón fears this will make the plants less resilient in the face of climate threats and extreme weather.
“These two species evolved together for the last 10m years. If you lose one, you lose the other,” she said.
Pinzón is building a small-label brand called Zinacantán Mezcal with a fourth-generation agave grower who leaves 20% of the crop in the field for the bats, and believes that limiting the amount of production of agave-based spirits is the only path forward for any legitimate claim to sustainability.
“The demand is like cars in the city. If you build a new freeway [to fix traffic], more cars will just end up on the road,” she said. “So the [agave] projects need to put limits and say: ‘OK, we can make that quantity [of spirits] every year and no more.’ We need to recognize and take action to mitigate our ecological impact.”
The Bug-Eaters
Troy Swift has been farming pecans in Texas since 1998, but hadn’t thought about building bat houses near his orchards until recently. He was first inspired when Merlin Tuttle, a legendary bat conservationist, visited his farm and suggested it. “He said: ‘Troy, with the biodiversity you have here, you really might want to consider using bats as part of your pest-control program,’” Swift recalled.
It wasn’t long before Swift started building his own bat houses. Within six months, bats had moved in. He now has 17 bat houses on his property, and is working with Tuttle’s organization to quantify the impact that the bats have on his crop. Together, they’ve used echolocation technology and guano (bat dropping) DNA sampling to learn that there are at least seven species of bats living on Swift’s farm. They also found that over the course of six weeks, the bats had eaten more than 100 species of insects.
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A bat flies over water in 2022. Photograph: Paul Colley/Getty Images/iStockphoto
They’re still trying to gather enough data to prove whether or not the bats are helping control the specific pest insects that eat pecans, but having found that the bats eat mosquitoes, flies and pests that bother livestock is already enough to convince Swift that bats have a role to play on farms.
“What we’re trying to do is leverage the use of bats into all agriculture and teach farmers that these bats are really your friends,” Swift said.
Other studies have already concluded that bats are providing farmers free pest-control services, whether they know it or not. Bats save more than $1bn a year in crop damage and pesticide use in the US corn industry, and more than $3bn a year across all agricultural production, according to Jade Florence, a biologist at the US Fish and Wildlife Service, who has worked on bat conservation efforts.
Simply having bats around, even when they’re not feeding, helps keep pests under control, according to Lear of Bat Conservation International. “The mere presence of bats in agricultural fields can actually suppress the activity of those insects,” she said.
How To Help Bats Under Threat
For all the good they do for food systems, bats face numerous threats. “Many species around the world, including here in the US, are undergoing some sort of habitat loss, whether that’s disturbance to their roost sites in caves or mines or trees, or loss of foraging habitat – loss of forests or agricultural areas that have healthy insect populations,” said Lear. Other threats include the extreme weather caused by the climate crisis and diseases like white-nose syndrome, a fungal disease that has decimated North American bat populations.
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Bats hang from the ceiling of a tunnel in Tirana, Albania, on 15 March 2023. Photograph: Franc Zhurda/AP
So what can be done? Lear has been working on a project with 60 partners across the US and Mexico to plant 115,000 agave plants in the Mexican long-nosed bats’ migratory path. Her organization recommends exploring nature responsibly (for example, respecting cave closures in order to not expose bat populations to new pathogens), protecting old trees that can serve as bat roosts, keeping cats indoors where they can’t harm bats and providing a water source in arid environments.
People who want to go one step further can build or buy a bat house and plant a bat-friendly garden with some native night-blooming flowers to attract nocturnal insects that bats can feed on. (Besides having a positive ecological benefit, “it’s just fun” having bats around, said Swift, who loves watching them emerge at dusk to hunt insects.)
But Lear said you can also help by doing something even simpler: talking about bats and why we need them. “The more we have people doing that to their friends and families, the more it will take root in their brains,” she said. “Over time, that will help gain public support for bat conservation.”
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theultimatefan · 11 months
Esposito, Gunn, David, Swallow among Next Wave of Celebrities to Attend FAN EXPO Portland in January
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FAN EXPO Portland today announced its next wave of celebrity guests, and with eight additions to the standout roster that already includes favorites from across many fandoms, there will be something—and someone—for everyone at this year’s convention, set for January 12-14, 2024, at the Oregon Convention Center.
Joining the annual pop culture extravaganza are Giancarlo Esposito (“The Mandalorian,” “Breaking Bad), Sean Gunn (Guardians of the Galaxy, “Avengers: Infinity War”), Keith David (The Thing, The Princess and the Frog), Emily Swallow (“The Mandalorian,” “Supernatural”), Jeff Ward (“One Piece,” “Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.”), Titus Welliver (“Bosch,” “Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.”), Ethan Suplee (“My Name is Earl,” Remember the Titans) and Eman Esfandi (“Ahsoka,” King Richard).
The prolific veteran film, television and stage actor, director and producer Esposito, in addition to his role as “Moff Gideon” on the Disney+ series “The Mandalorian,” is well known by television audiences for his iconic portrayal of drug kingpin “Gus Fring” in AMC’s critically acclaimed award-winning series “Breaking Bad.” Some of Esposito’s most memorable performances can be seen in films such as Rabbit Hole, The Usual Suspects, Smoke, The Last Holiday and Spike Lee’s films Do the Right Thing, Mo’ Better Blues, School Daze and Malcolm X.
Gunn played "Kraglin" in Guardians of the Galaxy (2014) and its sequels in 2017 and this year, as well as providing the physical performance via motion capture for "Rocket Raccoon" in the films plus Avengers: Infinity War, Endgame and Thor: Love and Thunder. He also portrayed "Kirk Gleason" throughout the seven-year run of "Gilmore Girls" among his 60+ acting credits.
David co-starred as “Childs” in the 1982 horror classic The Thing opposite Kurt Russell and Wilford Brimley. He has won three Emmys and is a Tony award nominee. In addition to a solid body of on-screen live action work in films such as 21 Bridges, Crash and Platoon, he has made quite a name in voice acting, lending his talents to feature films like The Princess and the Frog and the Ken Burns documentary Jackie Robinson among hundreds of credits.
With her portrayal of “The Armorer” in “The Mandalorian” in the hit Netflix series “The Mandalorian,” Swallow added another role to her growing resume. She also appeared as “Kim Fischer,” a regular on “The Mentalist” and as “Amara / The Darkness” in the 11th season of “Supernatural.” She also lent her voice to the role of “Lisa Tepes” in the animated Netflix fantasy action series “Castlevania.”
Ward currently stars as “Buggy” in the action Netflix series “One Piece,” following up on a three-year, 45-episode spin in “Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D” as “Deke Shaw,” the complex character who proved popular with fans. He also co-starred in the 2021 Netflix horror/drama mini-series “Brand New Cherry Flavor” and portrayed Charles Manson in the Lifetime TV movie “Manson’s Lost Girls” in 2016.
Welliver starred in the title role in the decorated Netflix series “Bosch” and its current Freevee sequel “Bosch: Legacy.” He’s a familiar face to viewers, having appeared in more than 100 productions including Argo, Gone Baby Gone, “Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.,” “The Good Wife,” “Deadwood” and many others.
Suplee has had nearly 100 film and TV roles, from comedies like the Kevin Smith productions Mallrats, Dogma and Clerks III, “My Name is Earl,” and “Boy Meets World” to dramas such as Remember the Titans and The Butterfly Effect.
Esfandi co-starred opposite Rosario Dawson, David Tennant and Mary Elizabeth Winstead in this year’s Disney+ miniseries “Ahsoka,” part of the Star Wars universe. He has also been seen in King Richard with Will Smith and The Inspection with Jeremy Pope and Gabrielle Union.
The eight are added to a strong FAN EXPO Portland celebrity roster that includes Jon Bernthal (“The Punisher,” “The Walking Dead”), the “Charmed” duo of Holly Marie Combs and Rose McGowan, the "Daredevil" tandem of Charlie Cox and Vincent D'Onofrio, Lana Parrilla (“Once Upon a Time,” “Spin City”), Danny Trejo (Machete, The Book of Boba Fett), Peter Cullen (Transformers), Jason Lee (Vanilla Sky, Almost Famous) and Peter Weller (RoboCop, The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension.
FAN EXPO Portland features the biggest and best in pop culture: movies, TV, music, artists, writers, exhibitors, cosplay, with three full days of themed programming to satisfy every fandom.
Single-Day Tickets, Three-Day Passes, and Ultimate Fan Packages for FAN EXPO Portland are available now. Advance pricing is available until December 28, 2023. More guest news will be released in the following weeks, including line-up reveals for comic creator guests, voice actors, and cosplayers.
Portland is the second event on the 2024 FAN EXPO HQ calendar; the full schedule is available at fanexpohq.com/home/events/.
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zorceus · 1 year
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Name: Eleanor Schmidt
Gender: female
Age: 21 (would be 120+ years old nowadays)
Hair color: light brown
Eye color: gray-blue
Height: 5'03"
Weight: 110 pounds
Nationality: American (has German Descent)
Strengths: Charisma
Social Status back in the day
Song writing
Appearance: - light brown hair
- gray blue eyes
- Black feather boa
- Tan dress
- Lightly applied makeup
- Beauty mark under her left side of her mouth.
Inventory: Cigarettes
Biography: A young woman who hailed from the 1920's America. She has German ancestry. Eleanor is an actress, a singer, and had a promising future ahead of her during her formidable years of the Roaring Twenties.
All this changed when a time-space wormhole opened up near the park where she would think of new songs. This wormhole would suck Eleanor into it, spitting her out in the modern day 2020 era, a hundred years after Eleanor's own time.
Things were a bit rough for her at the start, but a kind organization who were dedicated into the research for the bizzare and unknown found her and would take her to their filed of operations. This way, they can identify if they could reopen the wormhole and send her back home to her accurate timeline.
Currently, Eleanor has began to become familiar with the new era and has been partaking in events and foods and cultures she would never be able to partake in when she goes back. She also read history books and has been given access to the internet until she is to head back home.
Detailed appearance: Eleanor is a fairly averaged sized woman with a light skin tone and large, grayish-blue eyes. During her day to day wear, she wears a tan colored sleeveless dress with black trim and white gloves that reach above her elbows. She wears tan colored tights and white heels with black roses on the toes. Eleanor wears a long, white beaded necklace and a small black choker with a black rose on the center. Eleanor usually has a long and fluffy, black feather boa that is fairly long and about her height in length. Eleanor has a white, pearled leglet on her left ankle. She wears a tan colored sunhat with a white ribbon and a black feathered piece with long stalks. Eleanor has long light brown hair that reaches down to her midback in a wavy style and bangs swept to show her eyes with a small piece inbetween. Eleanor wears lightly applied makeup, wearing only dark pink lipstick. She has a beauty mark underneath the left side of her mouth.
When she is ready to go on stage, Eleanor wears a long black dress with thin straps that shows cleavage with a dark purple fabric on the interior. Eleanor wears matching black gloves that reach her upper arms and black heels. Her dress and gloves are decorated in small white synthetic jewels to give her dress a starry night or glittery look when on stage. She loops her pearled necklace around her neck and dons darker red lipstick.
Personality: Eleanor has a calm and gentle demeanor and somewhat of a motherly spirit. She loves hanging out with people, being a social butterfly back in her day. Because of the fact she witnessed history and years that would have existed beyond her lifetime, Eleanor wishes to learn as much as she can of the future. She is a bit sentimental as she refuses to try pants and would rather stick with fashions she is familiar with, as such she has customed made clothing that are created to mimic the style of the roaring twenties. Eleanor has a habit of smoking, even though she knows nicotine isn't in style nowadays, she has a hard time breaking her habit. She is a sucker for sob stories, willing to donate so much money to hear fake stories of children getting sick or hurt. This causes several bodyguards of hers to double check before Eleanor gets emotionally invested.
* Eleanor was born September 27th 1902, her Zodiac is Libra.
* Eleanor's favorite food is cake.
* Her least favorite food is broccoli.
* Her favorite drink is warm milk.
* Her least favorite drink is beer.
* Eleanor has an addiction to smoking, always having a pipe or cigarettes around due to smoking being popular back in her days.
* She loves children, wanting her own someday. She also donates funds to local orphanages and schools.
* Eleanor's parents are still alive prior to her being whisked away 100 years into the future.
* Eleanor has an allergic reaction to dogs. She does not have any allergies towards cats.
* She had a gray tabby cat named Chartreuse back in her day. Now she has adopted two more cats, a white persian named Cremé and a siamese named Amaro. She plans on taking them back in time with her.
* Eleanor had two bodyguards named Ryan and Andrew, they are probably tasked with taking care of Chartruese while Eleanor is away.
* Eleanor has german ancestry from her grandmother.
* Eleanor has a notable high tolerance to drinking alcohol. Able to drink and drink without getting drunk for a long time.
* She and Homura become drinking buddies for how hard it is to get her and Homura drunk.
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litlunacy · 2 years
Apprenticember Pt. 4 (Days 20-25)
20. Remember the Valentines Day event where you could pick between 3 gifts to give the LI? What 3 gifts would you write for your mc?
A novel she hasn't read yet, full of romance and adventure and magic. Bonus points if it has puns.
New art supplies, mostly charcoal sketching sticks. Ximena goes through those like the baker goes through flour.
Silver jewelry, decorated with moon and star motifs. Also any piece with a charm that looks like Ember.
21. Now what kind of gifts are they most likely to give?
If she knows they have space for it, she'll give them a painting she did herself (Nadia acquires quite a few over the years). She also likes gifting jewelry or practical things she knows the reciever can use. But the most meaningful gift from her is a homemade version of their favorite meal and/or dessert, simply because of how much she hates cooking. If this woman cooks for you, she'd also kill for you. You're family. 
22. What does your mc do to show their love? 
Ximena's love language is very much physical touch. A hand on their arm, leaning her head on their shoulder, sitting super close on the couch. But if she really, really loves someone, she lets them share her quiet time, meditating or reading together. 
23. What parts of Vesuvia is your mc most likely to be at?
If she isn't at her shop, she's probably at Julian's clinic or with him at the Rowdy Raven. Her other favorite haunts are the forest outside the city or the beach at night.
24. Does your mc like parties, festivals, and masquerades? What do they do at them?
Ximena is not going to any sort of gathering like that unless she has someone else going with her. She's not a social butterfly, but she does enjoy the food and fun and celebration. Also getting to dress up. She just...doesn't enjoy it alone. If she does go with someone though, she's probably going to get into mischief while she's there. Also dance till she hurts and eat way too much.
25. What's your favorite thing about your mc? 
She doesn't take shit from anyone. This woman spat in the Devil's face and lived to tell about it. Mess with her at your own peril.
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Adarsh Park Heights – Best Apartments in Gunjur
Adarsh Park Heights is a new luxury apartment project by Adarsh Group in East Bangalore. The residences are spread across 21 acres of land. These apartments come in a variety of designs and sizes to fit your lifestyle.
It is a premium 2 and 3-BHK apartment project in Varthur, Bangalore. It is located close to the IT hubs of Whitefield, ITPL, and Sarjapur Outer Ring Road. The development boasts many luxurious amenities.
The apartment floors are designed with high-quality building materials, and the apartments are furnished with modern amenities. These amenities include a swimming pool, multipurpose hall, clubhouse, sports facilities, gym, tennis court, etc. This enclave is located at Gunjur in East Bangalore.
It is a gated community with many amenities and is a great place to live. It has a convenient location and a nice design and it's also a great place for those who are looking to be located in a place that's earthquake resistant.
Adarsh Developers is a reputed builder in India. They started their journey as a small venture in the year 1988, and have since carved a niche for themselves in the real estate industry. Their projects have a long history of satisfied clients.
The project is located in a lush green environment surrounded by a variety of trees. Moreover, it offers great connectivity. It is situated near Whitefield ORR, Marathahalli, and Gunjur, and also has a good connection to other major suburbs of Bangalore.
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It is an exclusive and prestigious residential enclave with the best modern facilities. Designed by leading architects and interior decorators, it is an apt reflection of urban chic living. The development includes an indoor swimming pool, skating rink, multi-purpose hall, gymnasium, and much more. Residents also have the opportunity to enjoy the company of like-minded people.
The project is close to Whitefield and the ORR area. In addition, it is also close to the IT parks of ITPL. Also, it is situated near Krupanidhi Residential PU College. Furthermore, it is located in a green and peaceful neighborhood.
These are some of the reasons why Adarsh Park Heights is a perfect investment opportunity. It has apartments that offer premium 2 and 3-bedroom layouts. There are many world-class amenities and facilities available as part of this project.
Moreover, it also offers a good range of clubhouse facilities. There is a multi-purpose hall, a basketball court, a swimming pool, and a gym. You can also enjoy a relaxing spa. Other amenities include an herb garden, a butterfly garden, and a stepped bamboo grove.
With the increase in the incidence of earthquakes in India, more efforts were made to develop earthquake-resistant buildings and infrastructure. Several initiatives were taken by the Government of India and other organizations to formulate guidelines for designing and building earthquake-resistant structures.
India was one of the first countries to adopt a formal approach to developing earthquake engineering. In the late 1950s and 1960s, earthquake engineering in India started to become institutionalized. Although it has made significant progress, it has still not managed to avoid earthquakes altogether.
Adarsh Park Heights is a newly launched residential development by Adarsh Developers. The developer has created a gated community with aesthetically pleasing architecture. This is a luxury development with apartments that are fully equipped with world-class amenities.
The project is located in Gunjur, East Bengaluru. It is connected to Sarjapur Outer Ring Road and Whitefield. As a result, it is close to major IT hubs in the city. Also, it is within proximity to reputable schools, hospitals, colleges, and business centers.
The houses are spacious with elegant interiors and classic exteriors. They feature large windows to let in plenty of natural light. In addition, they provide sufficient ventilation and circulation to ensure a healthy environment for the family. Moreover, they include round-the-clock security.
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