#2024 at 10:51AM
dopingconsomme · 29 days
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saintmeghanmarkle · 12 days
Comment by Nathan Kay in the Express: Meghan Markle's speech feels like a 'terribly disrespectful move' as Firm remembers Queen. by u/Von_und_zu_
Comment by Nathan Kay in the Express: Meghan Markle's speech feels like a 'terribly disrespectful move' as Firm remembers Queen. COMMENT: The timing of Meghan Markle's latest appearance raises eyebrows, as it occurred on the eve of the second anniversary of the late Queen Elizabeth II's passing.Disrespectful? CheckSelf-promotion? CheckAttempting to overshadow an important royal moment? CheckHanging with "non-entities"? CheckThe timing of Meghan's appearance raises eyebrows, as it occurred on the eve of the second anniversary of the late Queen Elizabeth II’s passing. It feels like a terribly disrespectful move to me, and it’s hard to believe Harry would have allowed it to happen. [Um, actually it is right on brand.] After all, he was supposed to have been the late Queen's favourite grandson, and they adored each other. [Harold said that. No one else said that.] I know I would have had far more respect for the anniversary of my late grandmother's death. [You sound decent. Harold is not.]Surely, both Meghan and Harry would have anticipated that coverage of this event would dominate the headlines the following day - precisely when the rest of the Royal Family is quietly honouring the Queen’s memory. [Of course they anticipated it. That was the point.]***The so-called 'star-studded' gathering - which didn't really have that many 'stars' - included figures such as Marco Leone, Dr. Jennifer Freed, and psychic medium Laura Lynne Jackson. [I guess he has never heard of these people either.] Spending time with these non-entities rather than with family in Blighty to commemorate such an important milestone, only goes to show where the Sussexes' hearts lie - in increasing their profiles and adding to their bank balance. [Right on brand.]**If only Harry and Meghan could boast a similar sense of achievement rather than riding on the backs of Hollywood rejects. [Like finds like. They are Hollywood rejects too.] Since stepping back from their royal duties in 2020, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex have frequently made headlines with their media ventures. From their bombshell interview with Oprah Winfrey in 2021, where they made shocking claims about their life within the Royal Family, to Prince Harry’s memoir, Spare, which pulled back the curtain on years of royal tensions, the couple has often been accused of overshadowing major royal events. [They are accused of trying to overshadow royal events because it is true.] This latest appearance only adds to the perception that their actions sometimes lack the awareness and sensitivity expected in such moments. Trying to make major royal milestones about themselves instead of about who they should be won't win back the public. [It is not merely perception. It is reality. Nothing and no one else matters in their tiny self obsessed brains.] While it’s clear the Sussexes are carving out their own path, moments like these serve as a reminder that timing, especially in matters of family and public sentiment, means everything. And Meghan's speech last night missed the mark by a good few days or more! [Dude, she did this on purpose.]https://ift.tt/tLoJv5G post link: https://ift.tt/nJYlBQP author: Von_und_zu_ submitted: September 09, 2024 at 10:51AM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit disclaimer: all views + opinions expressed by the author of this post, as well as any comments and reblogs, are solely the author's own; they do not necessarily reflect the views of the administrator of this Tumblr blog. For entertainment only.
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sonkitty · 2 months
Timestamp Notes for Episodes 2-5
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(For reference: Timestamp Notes and Theory for Episode 1: The Arrival)
This post was last updated 08/29/2024.
Episode 2: The Clue
The present day scenes of this episode are all on Tuesday.
Minisode scenes happen for A Companion to Owls.
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Aziraphale starts us off in the present day, seeming to have been thinking of the minisode events. Gabriel approaches and asks, "What comes after 'K'?" The main bookshop clock is at 10:35AM. Gabriel's been given some clothes to wear.
Crowley and Shax with the car. "You're in trouble." Crowley's turtleneck is his clothing indication that the day is Tuesday. In fact, it's Turtleneck Tuesday. Shax references last night's miracle.
Aziraphale goes to the record shop to talk to Maggie. Aziraphale references his previous scene with Gabriel by asking about the song though the lyrics he sings are different. Maggie references the previous night with getting locked in the coffee shop with Nina. Her watch has no clarity but trying to guess at what its vague, blurred hands might be saying is inconsistent. She gives Aziraphale a copy of the record.
Michael, Uriel, and Saraqael arrive in the street. Aziraphale is holding the record Maggie gave him.
Gabriel exits the bookshop to greet the group.
Aziraphale agrees to let the angels inside.
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"Let the book selling commence!" The main bookshop clock reads as 10:45AM. The angels reference the huge plume of miraculous activity from the previous night. Aziraphale maintains touch on the record during the scene. Saraqael says they'll send someone to log and verify the miracle tomorrow morning.
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Aziraphale playing record and examining newspaper clippings, 11:59AM.
Pub visit, Mr. Brown says the meeting will be on Thursday night, just after closing, then leaves. Crowley references last night's miracle. Aziraphale references it as well, specifying it was their Gabriel miracle. He tells Crowley about his lie to the visiting angels earlier. He tells Crowley about the record that might be a Clue.
Crowley and Aziraphale cross the street after exiting the pub, Aziraphale references Gabriel singing this morning.
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After Crowley and Aziraphale enter the bookshop, Gabriel is putting books away. When the clock becomes visible, it is 4:28PM. The clock looks consistent throughout the scene.
Minisode scenes happen for A Companion to Owls.
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Aziraphale after finishing Job memory up to restoring Job's children, bookshop main clock is at 6:30PM, indicating recollection was 2 hours long. Instead of seeming to have an ornate hand and a non-ornate hand, the clock looks like it has two ornate hands. They even look like one reflecting the other.
Crowley, pocket trickery (which does involve reflections by the way), talks to Nina. The coffee shop is closed. The record shop is open.
Aziraphale shows up at car with the record and proposes he borrow the car.
Crowley accepts this proposal through how he touches the thresholds.
Gabriel solo scene in the bookshop, organizing books.
Minisode scene happens for A Companion to Owls.
Episode 3: I Know Where I'm Going
The present day scenes of this episode are all on Wednesday.
Gabriel with hot chocolate, seems to be morning since I think he's supposed to be wearing pajamas.
Coffee shop, Mrs. Sandwich and Nina, Muriel visible from the window. Nina's clothing confirms we are on a new day.
Aziraphale in bookshop, listening to record and presumably working on his sketch of Gabriel.
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Muriel visit, mostly 10:51AM. Note on the clock: For how most analog clocks are read, the hour hand is too close to the 10 for where the minute hand is. The hour hand should either be not quite at the 10 or closer to the 11, but it's neither. For now, I read this position as the clock trying to make itself easier to read for Muriel since Muriel's so unfamiliar with Earth.
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Crowley entering with his box of plants has other clock at 1:20PM. All other contextual clues suggest the characters are in the same timeline. Crowley is bringing in his plants, brings up trains again for an option instead of Aziraphale borrowing the car. Muriel is seated and holding tea cup. The clock by Aziraphale's desk will consistently show the 10:51AM time during the rest of the scene. It's one of the clearest times given in the story.
Possible interpretations are that the plants think it's 1:20PM or the plants, usually inhabiting Crowley's car, have been in the supernatural zone so aren't adjusted to the standard Earth time other characters are experiencing. As such, the plants warped that clock. It is only when the plants are on screen that the clock time is so off.
Crowley has changed his sunglasses. His sunglasses are his door to himself, so this change is Crowley's way of acknowledging a big step in his relationship with Aziraphale by giving his door a new finish. It also just so happens to help out his Earthly Objects play during the story. These sunglasses are supposed to be another cue from the story that its events are happening mostly in the implied order given to the audience.
Another visual cue for this day is that Crowley isn't wearing a vest that looks like leather.
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Private room scene #2. Aziraphale says he told Gabriel bookshops are always closed on a Wednesday, to indicate this episode's given day is Wednesday. That means the previous day was Tuesday, and most of episode 1 was Monday. Aziraphale says "the other night" instead of last night when referencing the miracle. Crowley's red streak makes itself known when Crowley comments on the measurement of the miracle.
Muriel intrusion to the private room.
Muriel at coffee shop, talks to Nina.
Aziraphale leaving in car for Edinburgh.
Crowley watching from window.
Aziraphale still leaving in car for Edinburgh.
Minisode scenes happen for The Resurrectionists.
Returned to present day, Aziraphale in the car on the drive to Edinburgh, "Now you're getting it," talking about the music. Daytime.
Hell, "Any news about Gabriel yet?"
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Bookshop, "Gravity." 3:30PM.
Minisode scenes happen for The Resurrectionists.
Edinburgh, car parked, walk to The Resurrectionist, framing suggests Aziraphale walked around for a bit before actually going to the pub. The place is not busy. The sketch he shows has Gabriel with a different hairstyle and clothing than the sketch he was working on in the previous episode.
Aziraphale talks to pub owner or manager and leaves.
Minisode scenes happen for The Resurrectionists.
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Returned to present day, graveyard, Aziraphale borrows a phone. The borrowed phone says 17:30 (5:30PM).
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Bookshop, Crowley picks up phone, 5:28PM. Because of how the camera moves, the time is blurred. It also looks like the clock is doing that thing with looking like it has two ornate hands again. The coffee shop across the street is shown as still open.
Crowley's special windows sequence with the rain for Maggie and Nina happens. He uses the word tempest, and that triggers another reaction from Gabriel.
Shax shows up. Crowley exits the bookshop to interact with her.
Crowley returns to bookshop and holds door open for awhile.
After Shax leaves, Crowley shows frustration at Gabriel, stops short of threatening him. "It's always too late."
Episode 4: The Hitchhiker
The day is shifting from Wednesday to Thursday.
Aziraphale and Shax in car, middle of nowhere, guessing midnight. Shax exits.
Minisode happens, Nazi Zombie Flesheaters.
Returned to present day, Shax in Hell, talks to Beelzebub, gets command for attacking the bookshop.
Aziraphale drives up to park near the coffee shop.
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Nina arrives on bicycle. Once she is inside, her phone shows 6:47 (assumed to be AM) as the time.
Crowley exits bookshop, passes box of plants to Aziraphale. Both carry plants to car, then are shown to be going in the direction of the bookshop by the end of the episode.
The episode ends on Thursday.
Episode 5: The Ball
The episode starts on Thursday.
Hell, Shax, "I'm requisitioning some demons."
Aziraphale exits bookshop. He has a clipboard and pen.
Crowley arrives in car. He shortened his sideburns through the drive. These events are timed to happen together due to the sound effects.
Mr. Arnold invitation. Crowley has longer sideburns as part of a Threshold Trick (the Single of The Bigger Thresholds Trick). Aziraphale has the clipboard and pen as clues that this scene takes place in the order being shown during the story.
Aziraphale and Crowley crossing street toward record shop for Maggie invitation.
Hell, Shax eventually accepts the 70 available demons.
Aziraphale and Crowley crossing street toward magic shop.
Mutt invitation.
Mrs. Cheng invitation.
Hell, Shax with microphone addressing demons, tells them of plan to storm a bookshop.
Justine invitation.
Hell, "So you can guarantee no angels, then?"
Nina invitation.
Hell, Shax says, "We leave at nightfall." These words confirm that the events in Hell have been happening during the day as Aziraphale and Crowley have been conducting their invitations. They show the demons intend to show up at night.
Crowley invitation.
Coffee shop, Nina with chalkboard, weird event of text messages showing up on chalkboard, Nina either doesn't notice or doesn't care.
Bookshop upper floor, Crowley interrogates Gabriel.
Heaven, Matchbox Muriel Scene #3. Muriel references Aziraphale's assistant, seeming to recall a memory we haven't actually seen in this draft of the story. Muriel was not shown as seeing any assistant for their visit on Wednesday.
Bookshop upper floor, Crowley gives Gabriel hot chocolate.
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Aziraphale making preparations for the ball as Crowley enters from the stairs. Clock shows 6:00PM. The clock is still 6:00PM as Aziraphale brings down the big chandelier.
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Mrs. Sandwich arrival at ball, 6:30PM.
Crowley knocks on window to record shop, informs Maggie the meeting is starting now.
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Mr. Brown arrival at ball, 6:30PM.
Mrs. Cheng visible before entering ball, heavily implied to be touching a pillar.
Crowley approaching Nina outside coffee shop, senses something is wrong, eventually forcefully tells Nina to go to the bookshop.
Nina enters ball, everyone is acting weird.
Demons in street, now dark outside, Maggie entering ball, Crowley stopping the demons and talking to them before he enters the ball.
Mrs. Cheng and Mrs. Sandwich talk.
Maggie and Nina start dancing.
Crowley tries to talk to Aziraphale but can't just yet. He drops a platter and looks out the window.
Gabriel talks to some humans.
Aziraphale agrees to talk to Crowley while they dance.
Shax arrives through elevator into the street.
Maggie and Nina talk some more while dancing.
Crowley and Aziraphale talk while dancing.
The demons throw a brick through the window.
Gabriel tries to surrender; the demons do not accept.
Crowley convinces Shax to let him get the humans out first.
Mr. Brown tries to call emergency services but is instead pulled out of the ball for a forced exit and probably killed.
Crowley instructs humans on preparation for escorting them out. Then he escorts them out.
Aziraphale talks to Maggie and Nina about Crowley coming back with a plan.
Crowley finds Muriel. They leave for Heaven.
Shax is shown watching the elevator go up. The bookshop doors to are shown as still open.
The time is unknown, but I suspect this episode still ends on Thursday.
Episode 6: Every Day
I think this episode starts on Thursday.
Shax eyes the bookshop. The doors are shown as closed, instead of open like the end of the previous episode. I'm guessing Gabriel closed them since he's shown to be helping clean up and closest to the doors when everyone inside is first visible.
Aziraphale talks to Maggie and Nina about the dancing.
Shax probably kicks the doors open though the camera doesn't confirm the action. In any case, that's supposed to indicate the bookshop doors are opened while Crowley is in the elevator going up to Heaven.
Heaven, Crowley and Muriel talk as they enter Heaven, Muriel convinces Crowley to change his appearance.
Earth, demons throw trash into the bookshop. Maggie supposedly accidentally invites the demons inside.
Heaven, Crowley and Muriel pass by Michael and Uriel. No dialogue is exchanged. Crowley and Muriel arrive at Muriel's office. Crowley opens the Gabriel file.
Earth, demons in bookshop are entering the circle and being discorporated.
Heaven, Crowley and Muriel watch the plans for Armageddon and Gabriel's refusal to it. My guess is that this meeting took place on Saturday. My reasoning is very loose, but it's that the meeting is about ending the world. In season 1, the world was supposed to end on Saturday at 5:30PM, based on estimates from the clues given.
The story indicates that sometime in the previous scenes, the day has switched from Thursday to Friday because of the clock time below.
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Maggie and Nina are using fire extinguishers against the demons, the bookshop clock most likely says 2:30AM.
Heaven, Saraqael arrives to talk to Crowley and Muriel.
Earth, Aziraphale charges Shax to leave. Shax taunts him about Crowley and sushi.
Heaven, Gabriel's trial, Gabriel is informed he will be demoted and have his memory of his time as Gabriel wiped. I think this part of the trial happened on Sunday. Again, I am referring to season 1 as a loose clue because Sunday in season 1 was when Crowley was put on trial in Hell.
Earth, Maggie and Nina start throwing encyclopedias at the demons.
Heaven, Gabriel footage is being watched to show his exit from Heaven. Given clues of my theory based on episode 1, these events happened on Sunday. They are after Gabriel's first visit on Saturday and before Gabriel's second visit on Monday.
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Earth, Aziraphale uses his halo. When the halo lands, the bookshop clock does not show its full face, but based on the position of the visible hands, it's 2:31AM, which doesn't add up for how much time is implied to have passed since the last time the clock was shown. Nothing in the story indicates a time stop happened otherwise.
Heaven, alarms go off. Crowley, Saraqael, and Muriel exit, eventually joined by Michael and Uriel.
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Crowley and angels enter bookshop, 6:01AM or 6:02AM.
Gabriel recovers his memories.
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Maggie commenting, "That's really sweet." 7:59AM.
Crowley escorts Maggie and Nina out of the bookshop. Nina's comment about being open half an hour ago suggests opening time is supposed to be 7:30AM. That would match being past her 6:47AM arrival the previous day and the bookshop clock showing almost 8:00AM.
The Metatron is in line at the coffee shop.
Crowley resurrects Mr. Brown.
Nina opens the coffee shop. Maggie offers to help. Nina sends her to pick up some items from the mini-mart.
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Angels and demons arguing. Crowley quietly returns to the bookshop. Due to the blur and lack of a minute hand anywhere else, my guess is at 8:39AM.
Gabriel and Beelzebub leave.
In the coffee shop, the Metatron orders coffee. Maggie arrives with items from the mini-mart.
Michael starts to threaten Aziraphale. The Metatron arrives in the bookshop.
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The Metatron asks if Crowley knows him. The clock, again, does not quite work the way most analog clocks work. The hour hand is between the 8 and the 9, but the minute hand is at the 12. The hour hand should be more decidedly on the 8 or the 9 then, but it's not. Either way, story is implying the time is between 8:00AM and 9:00AM. It's probably supposed to be 9:00AM.
The Metatron tells the angels to leave, except Muriel. The angels leave. The Metatron and Aziraphale exit the bookshop.
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Crowley stands up from chair, now the hour hand is more decidedly at the 9 to indicate 9:02AM.
Crowley and Muriel talk with Crowley eventually kicking out Muriel.
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Crowley tidying bookshop, 9:24AM or 9:25AM, the minute hand seems to go missing in one cut that's a closer view of Crowley near the clock.
Maggie and Nina enter. The other clock in the bookshop, behind Maggie at first, indicates 9-something as well but does not give the minute it's on. They talk to Crowley.
The Metatron tells Aziraphale to tell his friend the good news.
Aziraphale crosses street and enters the bookshop. Maggie and Nina leave.
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Crowley removes sunglasses. "Look, um..." The clock by Aziraphale's desk says 9:26AM and stays at that time whenever it is shown clearly until Aziraphale walks closer to Crowley.
The other clock behind Aziraphale is also shown, but I cannot confirm where its minute hand is to my satisfaction. I can only gather that it's indicating the hour hand at 9.
Once Aziraphale draws closer to Crowley and says, "Come with me," the clock by his desk is too blurry for me to confirm its minute hand to my satisfaction. It does at least read to me as still indicating the hour is at 9.
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When the Metatron enters, the clock by Aziraphale's desk is 9:41AM.
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While Crowley is standing at the door to his car, his watch seems to read 9:15AM.
Aziraphale and the Metatron leave the bookshop, eventually enter the elevator.
Crowley looks through windows and starts to drive.
Muriel enters the bookshop.
Crowley drives away.
Crowley is shown driving while Aziraphale is in the elevator during the closing credits.
The story ends on Friday.
The End.
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Martha Stewart Just Quietly Made a Rare Presidential Endorsement
After declining to endorse a candidate in 2020, Stewart has finally broken her silence on the 2024 election.
Eboni Boykin-Patterson
Entertainment Reporter
Updated Sep. 13, 2024 10:51AM EDT / Published Sep. 13, 2024 10:50AM EDT 
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Photo credit: Julie Stapen
Martha Stewart has finally weighed in on the 2024 election and endorsed a candidate.
During the 2024 Retail Influencer CEO Forum Tuesday, Stewart shared that she would definitely be tuning in to the evening’s debate between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump: “Oh, you bet.” But for the first time this go-round, she also said who she’s voting for: “Kamala,” she said, with an emphasis on its correct pronunciation.
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Martha Stewart and Joanna Coles at the 2024 Retail Influencer CEO Forum on Tuesday, September 10, 2024.
Julie Stapen
The 83-year-old lifestyle maven has been critical of Trump going back to 2006, when they both had versions of The Apprentice airing at the same time. After Stewart’s version of the show faced low viewership, she blamed Trump for not honoring a deal she said they had for her to “fire” him, making way for her show to be the only one: “Having two Apprentices was as unfair to him as it was unfair to me,” she said at the time.
Trump, in turn, responded by chastising her with a public letter, accusing her of lying about an agreement and later told the press, “I wish she would be able to take responsibility for her failure,” as the two feuded.
She did publicly support Hillary Clinton over Trump in 2016, telling CNN, “We just can’t have a country run by someone who is totally unprepared for what comes.”
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Martha Stewart and Donald Trump "fire" up NBC's promo campaign for both "Apprentice" shows. The two icons gathered together to shoot multiple on-air spots for NBC on August 8, 2005.
NBC Universal
After Trump’s victory in 2016, Stewart walked back her previous comments, congratulating him and expressing her excitement about having a “true entrepreneur in the White House.” She then stayed notably silent on the subject when Trump ran against Joe Biden in 2020.
In an interview with The New York Times in 2020, Stewart was asked whether or not she planned to endorse Biden or Trump for president—a question she dodged. “My personal conundrum is, my friends know who I am and what I stand for,” she told the Times, “but in terms of being the owner of the magazine, how do you take sides when 50 percent of your readers might be on one side, and 50 percent on the other? It’s difficult. That’s my answer to that.”
Four years later, Stewart still acknowledges that while discussing politics means she could “lose 50 percent of your viewers and your fans,” she couldn’t help, when asked, to confirm on which side of the political divide she falls.
But don’t expect to hear more from her on that subject any time soon. “I’m not allowed to talk [about politics]. I can’t post anything about politics because first of all, the eyeballs of a parent company come and [I’ll] get a call right away—can’t do that,” Stewart said. “You can’t talk [about that], so—keep it quiet.”
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lunarlotuscove · 1 month
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A blue-iful dragonfly (hopefully can capture better pictures soon!)
Tuesday August 6th 2024 10:50-10:51am
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ao3feed-samjack · 5 months
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firstprince-ao3feed · 9 months
just yrs.
just yrs. https://ift.tt/KGAahgJ by marvelouslysherlockedhunter It was at that moment he glimpsed her presence, adorned in silk embellished with golden sequins. Miss Catalina June Claremont-Diaz, her eyes radiating keen intelligence as she engaged in conversation with a man who was simply quite taken by her. Yet, as he allowed his gaze to linger further left, a surge of emotions overwhelmed him, leaving him in a state of bewildered captivation for a long time. The cause of this mesmerization was none other than a strikingly handsome gentleman who stood guard beside her. Upon further inspection, Henry understood it was Mister Alexander Claremont-Diaz, Miss June's younger brother. And dear lord, Alexander indeed looked magnificent—truly a sight to behold. It marked the initial moment he laid eyes on him. Their eyes locked; sparks ignited. aka, Regency Era AU no one asked for Words: 4765, Chapters: 1/4, Language: English Fandoms: Red White & Royal Blue - Casey McQuiston Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Alex Claremont-Diaz, Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor, Percy "Pez" Okonjo, June Claremont-Diaz, Nora Holleran, Beatrice Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor, Liam (Red White & Royal Blue) Relationships: Alex Claremont-Diaz/Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor, Alex Claremont-Diaz & June Claremont-Diaz, Beatrice Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor & Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor, Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor & Percy "Pez" Okonjo, June Claremont-Diaz/Nora Holleran, Alex Claremont-Diaz & Nora Holleran Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Regency, Secret Relationship, Angst with a Happy Ending, Explicit Sexual Content, Love Letters, Fluff, Homophobia via AO3 works tagged 'Alex Claremont-Diaz/Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor' https://ift.tt/gZoHKnh January 05, 2024 at 10:51AM
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Healing Music Heal The Whole Body and Spirit Emotional Physical Mental & Spiritual Healing https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0unf1fSYKzx715A6mkjPLw
Healing Music – Heal The Whole Body and Spirit, Emotional, Physical, Mental & Spiritual Healing https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0unf1fSYKzx715A6mkjPLw https://ift.tt/rl3RuqB Healing music is a powerful tool designed to heal the whole body and spirit, offering a holistic approach to well-being. This type of music is carefully composed to resonate with the emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of the listener, creating a profound sense of balance and harmony. Emotional Healing: The gentle melodies and soothing rhythms help to release stress, anxiety, and emotional blockages, fostering a sense of inner peace and calm. The music acts as a therapeutic outlet, allowing emotions to surface and be processed in a safe, nurturing environment. Physical Healing: Healing music can influence the body on a cellular level, promoting relaxation and reducing tension. It can help lower blood pressure, alleviate pain, and support the body’s natural healing processes by creating an environment conducive to recovery. Mental Healing: The calming nature of healing music aids in quieting the mind, reducing mental clutter, and enhancing focus and clarity. It can help to shift negative thought patterns, promote positive thinking, and encourage a more mindful and present state of being. Spiritual Healing: On a spiritual level, healing music helps to connect the listener with their inner self and the greater universe. It can deepen meditation practices, enhance spiritual awareness, and foster a sense of unity with the world around us. The music acts as a bridge between the physical and spiritual realms, helping to align the mind, body, and soul. Overall, healing music serves as a sanctuary for those seeking holistic healing, offering a gentle yet powerful way to restore balance and well-being across all levels of existence. #healing #healingmusic #meditationmusic from Serene Soul Sanctuary https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q2azhyroUCg via Serene Soul Sanctuary https://ift.tt/yOeGL7I September 18, 2024 at 10:51AM
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maximuswolf · 4 days
Dear Rockstar - WHERE RDR2 60fps patch??!?
Dear Rockstar - WHERE RDR2 60fps patch??!? So like many of you I bought Red Dead Redemption 2 at release on xbox one. I just couldn't for the life of me get more than a few hours into it. I liked the game, liked the story, but the game just felt SO janky controls wise (This is coming from an avid Halo 2/3 player in the 2000s). Gunplay, which is majority of the fun id argue, was just plain unenjoyable to downright infuriating to me. This led me to dropping the game outright to collect dust in my backlog. When I upgraded to Next-Gen consoles, I was excited to try this game again but I quickly found it was the SAME experience as before, literally unplayable for me.Fast forward to recent days and I decided to pick it up on PC (I have a modest RTX3060 laptop). HOLY CRAP, it is like a completely different game at 60fps+. Gunfights are now super fun and the game in general is really smooth (I am using an xbox controller on PC as well).Rockstar - it's about time to patch this game on PS5 and Series consoles so everyone can enjoy this game at 60. I would gladly pay $10 to upgrade it like GTA5 Submitted September 17, 2024 at 10:51AM by EvansEssence https://ift.tt/vlZG47L via /r/gaming
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yotchan-blog · 9 days
速報:(September 12 2024 at 10:51AM)
【速報】資産家殺害事件の初公判で、須藤早貴被告は「私は殺していませんし、覚醒剤を摂取させたこともありません」と無罪を主張した https://t.co/GpKeUqW4NQ
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sussseeey · 10 days
Not overshadowed just SEO
Comment by Nathan Kay in the Express: Meghan Markle's speech feels like a 'terribly disrespectful move' as Firm remembers Queen.
COMMENT: The timing of Meghan Markle's latest appearance raises eyebrows, as it occurred on the eve of the second anniversary of the late Queen Elizabeth II's passing.Disrespectful? CheckSelf-promotion? CheckAttempting to overshadow an important royal moment? CheckHanging with "non-entities"? CheckThe timing of Meghan's appearance raises eyebrows, as it occurred on the eve of the second anniversary of the late Queen Elizabeth II’s passing. It feels like a terribly disrespectful move to me, and it’s hard to believe Harry would have allowed it to happen. [Um, actually it is right on brand.] After all, he was supposed to have been the late Queen's favourite grandson, and they adored each other. [Harold said that. No one else said that.] I know I would have had far more respect for the anniversary of my late grandmother's death. [You sound decent. Harold is not.]Surely, both Meghan and Harry would have anticipated that coverage of this event would dominate the headlines the following day - precisely when the rest of the Royal Family is quietly honouring the Queen’s memory. [Of course they anticipated it. That was the point.]***The so-called 'star-studded' gathering - which didn't really have that many 'stars' - included figures such as Marco Leone, Dr. Jennifer Freed, and psychic medium Laura Lynne Jackson. [I guess he has never heard of these people either.] Spending time with these non-entities rather than with family in Blighty to commemorate such an important milestone, only goes to show where the Sussexes' hearts lie - in increasing their profiles and adding to their bank balance. [Right on brand.]**If only Harry and Meghan could boast a similar sense of achievement rather than riding on the backs of Hollywood rejects. [Like finds like. They are Hollywood rejects too.] Since stepping back from their royal duties in 2020, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex have frequently made headlines with their media ventures. From their bombshell interview with Oprah Winfrey in 2021, where they made shocking claims about their life within the Royal Family, to Prince Harry’s memoir, Spare, which pulled back the curtain on years of royal tensions, the couple has often been accused of overshadowing major royal events. [They are accused of trying to overshadow royal events because it is true.] This latest appearance only adds to the perception that their actions sometimes lack the awareness and sensitivity expected in such moments. Trying to make major royal milestones about themselves instead of about who they should be won't win back the public. [It is not merely perception. It is reality. Nothing and no one else matters in their tiny self obsessed brains.] While it’s clear the Sussexes are carving out their own path, moments like these serve as a reminder that timing, especially in matters of family and public sentiment, means everything. And Meghan's speech last night missed the mark by a good few days or more! [Dude, she did this on purpose.]https://ift.tt/tLoJv5G
post link: https://ift.tt/nJYlBQP
author: Von_und_zu_
submitted: September 09, 2024 at 10:51AM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit
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saintmeghanmarkle · 1 month
TOW H and Invictus by u/JaquieF
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ao3feedsheith · 17 days
Astray hearts and Inaugurated bodies
Astray hearts and Inaugurated bodies https://archiveofourown.org/works/58697371 by clover (Moonies_berry) Everyone hates lance on this team, lance is kind but is not shown it back. He has suffered his whole life, raped at 5 and forced to give birth at 6, bad doings and a parent to 3 at 14 with twins, another kid at 17 and now 18 and pregnant once more. when will this kind soul find the peace he needs? maybe never, maybe at death, or maybe.....someone unexpected....just maybe life for this young Cuban boy may turn around for the better, now or at death life helps in the best or worse of ways, it has a plan for you, lance, keep going, it gets better   ---------------------------------------------read for more --------------------------------------- Words: 1035, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Voltron - Fandom Rating: Mature Warnings: Rape/Non-Con, Underage Categories: M/M, Multi Characters: Lance (Voltron), Keith (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron), Hunk (Voltron), Allura (Voltron), Coran (Voltron), Pidge (Voltron), Lance's Family (Voltron), Lotor (Voltron), Lillian (The oc), Ramona (The oc) Relationships: Lance & Lance's Siblings (Voltron), Lance & Lance's Family (Voltron), Lance & Lance's Mother (Voltron), Lance/Shiro (Voltron), Keith/Lance (Voltron), Keith & Keith's Family (Voltron), Keith/Shiro (Voltron), Keith/Lance/Shiro (Voltron), Matt Holt & Lance, Matt Holt/Lance, Allura & Shiro (Voltron), Allura/Shiro (Voltron), Matt Holt & Pidge | Katie Holt, Hunk & Pidge | Katie Holt, Hunk/Pidge | Katie Holt, Hunk/Pidge (Voltron) Additional Tags: Mpreg, Trans Lance (Voltron), Trans Male Character, My First Work in This Fandom, Past Rape/Non-con, Rape Aftermath, Underage Rape/Non-con, Rape Recovery, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Past Child Abuse, Childbirth, Teen Pregnancy, Pregnancy, Unplanned Pregnancy, Child Neglect, Bottom Lance (Voltron), Cuban Lance (Voltron), Bisexual Lance (Voltron), Insecure Lance (Voltron), Lance (Voltron) Angst, Lance (Voltron) is a Mess, Angst with a Happy Ending, Sad with a Happy Ending, Threesome - M/M/M, Gay Keith (Voltron), Galra Keith (Voltron), Keith (Voltron) is Bad at Feelings, Keith/Lance (Voltron) Angst, Keith (Voltron) is a Mess, Protective Shiro (Voltron), Pansexual Hunk (Voltron), My First Smut, Angst and Porn, Semi-Public Sex, Public Display of Affection, Public Hand Jobs, Aromantic Asexual Pidge | Katie Holt, Nonbinary Pidge | Katie Holt, Matt Holt is a Good Sibling, Bisexual Matt Holt, Minor Allura/Shiro (Voltron), Space Uncle Coran (Voltron), Belly Bulge, Based on a Iggy Azalea Song, Based on a Floetry Song, Based on a Billie Eilish Song, Based on a Fantasia Song via AO3 works tagged 'Keith/Shiro (Voltron)' https://archiveofourown.org September 04, 2024 at 10:51AM
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lunarlotuscove · 2 months
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