driftward · 1 year
Title: FFXIV Write 2023 - 12. Dowdy Characters: Y'shtola Rhul, Tataru Taru Rating: Teen Summary: Tataru and Y'shtola catch up a bit Notes: None
Y'shtola stood in the inn room in Gridania, holding her arms out as Tataru fussed about her, making final adjustments to her outfit. And while Tataru made her final adjustments to Y'shtola, Y'shtola made final adjustments to her eyes. The haze and shift of aether waxed and waned around her, as she once more began the life long work of adjusting her aether, this time not for vanity nor destiny, but for the rather more mundane but necessary requirements for sight.
Well. If that was the worst her misadventure in the Lifestream would beget her, she would be glad for it. They had not found Thancred yet, but Y'shtola found herself unworried. Her focus had been to get him free of their conundrum, and free she was certain he was, it would just be a matter of time until he chose to make his appearance.
For now, she decided to focus on the here and now, grateful that she was amongst friends once more. And where Y'mhitra had been perhaps on the edge of being burdensome with her attentions and worries, Tataru's attentions were more of relief and simple gladness at her return. Now, the little Lalafell was lost in the element of applying her newly formed skill. Her attentions were almost carefree, and Y'shtola decided she would follow that fine example.
"...there," Tataru declared, hopping off her stool and taking a step back.
Y'shtola stood, and found her way to the mirror. This presented a new challenge, but one she would be pleased to overcome. She stood and looked at herself for several long moments, making fine adjustments, until something like herself came into focus.
And it was well enough. Seeing with aether would take some getting use to, but she could see. Her sight would never be the same, but it was more than serviceable, and she could admire the work that Tataru had done for her.
"It's lovely," she said. She tilted her waist side to side as she looked down and examined herself. "My compliments, Tataru. You may consider yourself among the finest tailors I have ever known. And these boots," she said, crouching down to run a hand over the warm leather. "Ah, how oft I have wished for footwear half as nice. But whatsoever moved you to take this matter upon yourself? Surely something of mine could have been recovered from our old home."
Tataru grinned up at her. "And have you going around in that dowdy old outfit of yours, Shtola?"
Y'shtola sniffed disdainfully at her, and she giggled. "Oh, please. Comfortable enough though it was, you and I both know there is more to style than comfort, particularly for someone as pretty as you! But when I first found out there was a chance we would be getting you back and how, well, I thought to myself, first thing she's going to want is a change of clothes. And then one thought lead to another, and, well, I have been making friends in Ishgard and are owed more than a few favors, so..."
"And so you dreamed up this."
"Just so! I knew what Alphinaud would be asking of you, and so thought you might need a coat suited for comfort, style, form and function! A laboratory coat of sorts you could wear in the field seemed to fit the order of the day. You'll find that it is quite solidly aetherically shielded, but at the same time with channels to help you with your conjury. The ribbon work is able to be replaced at a whim, and I've prepared several for you to be able to change out, each with its own enchantments - and a few spare for you to prepare yourself."
"How very thoughtful," murred Y'shtola appreciatively, as ran her fingers along the fine material of the ribbon work in question.
"Well, I know you, Y'shtola, you wouldn't be happy at all if you did not have at least some say in the final result. And I also happen to know you do so love your footwear, so I paid special attention to the boots, and, well, if you're going to be wearing thigh highs, I thought, perhaps some daring in the design to draw the eye," said Tataru, giving her a wink.
Y'shtola smirked back at Tataru. "Indeed? Are you trying to insinuate something there, young Tataru?"
"You know me, just trying to be helpful! Oh, Y'shtola, how I've missed you."
"And I am ever grateful to be back in the realm of the material," said Y'shtola, examining herself once more in the mirror, and making a few more final tweaks and nudges, both to how the outfit sat on her, and to herself as well.
And her words were true. From her time when she had first made the decision to dive in the lifestream until now had been harrowing, but now that she was full and present in body once more, she had to admit, the world seemed more alive to her, and her to herself as well. Rather than succeeding at wearing her down and away, to prepare her for her next life, the adventure in the lifestream had instead given her new appreciation for the life she had.
And the new outfit was as much a statement to that new reality as well. She nodded, satisfied at the image she saw. She was whole. She was hale. She was Y'shtola, as she ever had been, and she felt a resurgence of youthful fire take light in her once more.
The world had not waited for Y'shtola to return, and now she would not wait until it noticed she was back. She now had the opportunity to make up for lost time and more, and she would be seizing it.
She turned to Tataru. "I wonder if the Warrior of Light will notice the daring in your design," she said, giving the Lalafell a wink. Tataru's eyes went wide for a moment, and then she laughed merrily.
"Well, only one way to find out!" said Tataru, and the two left to join their comrades.
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zattani · 9 months
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notiziariofinanziario · 9 months
Appuntamenti economici di oggi venerdi 29 Dicembre 2023
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La Banca d'Italia terrà un incontro d'approfondimento sulla posizione patrimoniale sull'estero dell'Italia; Debito estero dell'Italia; Tavole mensili di Banche e istituzioni finanziarie: finanziamenti e raccolta per settori e territori; Banche e istituzioni finanziarie: condizioni e rischiosità del credito per settori e territori Borsa:Regno Unito - Chiusura anticipata della Borsa di LondraCorea del Sud - Borsa di Seoul chiusa per festivitàAziende:H-Farm - Assemblea: Bilancio Dati macroeconomici attesi Venerdì 29/12/202309:00 Spagna: Prezzi consumo, annuale (atteso 3,4%; preced. 3,2%)09:00 Spagna: Prezzi consumo, mensile (atteso 0,3%; preced. -0,3%)15:45 USA: PMI Chicago (atteso 51 punti; preced. 55,8 punti) Read the full article
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raccoon-pizza · 11 months
403 底名無し沼さん 2023/09/14(木) 18:38:54.42 ID:fNF2BQ8V

404 底名無し沼さん 2023/09/14(木) 20:21:21.18 ID:eewZakUs

406 底名無し沼さん 2023/09/15(金) 10:06:25.65 ID:UlFFOVmB

407 底名無し沼さん 2023/09/15(金) 12:26:47.10 ID:yo2rDMVf

408 底名無し沼さん 2023/09/15(金) 12:32:08.19 ID:7JmIg9oR

409 底名無し沼さん 2023/09/15(金) 12:39:08.05 ID:yo2rDMVf

410 底名無し沼さん 2023/09/15(金) 14:28:55.03 ID:CNMWKQNq
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alexetism-blog · 1 year
Cadiz & Jerez
Stardate: 20230913
A few fun facts about Cadiz and Jerez…
Aside from being crazy about horses, and being the oldest city in Western Europe, I visited a vineyard with a special room with twelve barrels of sherry wine and brandy. Why 12 barrels? It represents the 12 apostles. Not just that, the collection they created for those barrels was named “El Cristo” because they aged the alcohol 33 years.
Cádiz is the oldest city in Western Europe. The ancient Romans settled there and started making wine there too. As usual, there were a lot of wars that mark history. When it was the turn of the Moors to settle, even though their religion wasn’t crazy about alcohol, when they tasted the Andalucía wine upon the conquest… they kept the wineries open because they were like “oh, this is not alcohol, this is medicine” 😅
Flamenco music also comes from this region, and I saw plenty of flamingos there hanging out by the salt creeks. Unsure if they are related, but I did learn a bit about the etymology of the word salt: “salary” comes from this ancient practice of paying others in “salt.” Salt was extremely precious in that era, because having access to it was the equivalent of having a refrigerator.
This city seems to have had a lot of “liberal” or “frontier” spirit that I appreciate. The first women in Spain who worked outside of the house, were recruited to work at the cigar factory in the old port. I’m unsure if this relates, but they are also very into restaurant and coffee shop culture… which really makes it easier for women in general to participate in the public life, without stigma. Additionally, many famous military stars who opposed Spain’s colonial hold in the Americas came to Cádiz, because of the ideas of independence that were quite common there. After Cadiz galvanized them, many left to fight Spain in favor of the independence of América Latina. In contrast, 2 out of 4 of Christopher Columbus’ voyages came out of Cádiz as well. Fun fact from Christopher Columbus and Cádiz, a duke in the region wanted to promote his port “Santa María” and convinced Columbus to change the name of his ship to this, in exchange of sherry wine barrels. Columbus of course agreed, and the rest is history. #influencerlife #tecolonizo
Interestingly, Jerez is a horse crazy town, and they even have lots of festivals and monuments dedicated to the horses. A popular breed there is the Carthusian horse, and historically they were trained by monks who only lived for God and taking care of horses. The horses are known to be good dancers, and they are part of the weekly public parties. Spending most seasons in silence, these monks seemed to have a pretty cool gig. Many people forget how the rise of the Church in many regions historically offered an alternative way of life for people who didn’t want to get married or raise a family. This sounds quite “liberal” to me. When I think of the old mystics, I think of them as friends who found their freedom in a place and time with limited options.
As a Puerto Rican, visiting Cádiz felt like being at home. The designs of several of those ancient Spanish cities were repeated in multiple places in the colonies, and the old town is the same as Old San Juan, Puerto Rico and Havana, Cuba. This familiarity is shakes my spirit to the core, and I feel like this region will be part of my eternal return. The song Habaneras de Cadiz speaks of these similarities and recommend you to listen, so you can experience as well some of the ecstasy this city offers. I listened to this song several times during my stay in this port, along with a few others Flamenco tunes.
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tobiphoto · 1 year
Nintendo Direct感想
 Unityがゴタゴタしている時にNintendo Direct(日本版)の話題なんですけどぉ。
 2023年秋のNintendo Directはマリオ三昧といっても良いほどにマリオゲームが溢れていて、『スーパーマリオWONDER』を始めとし、『マリオ vs ドンキーコング』『スーパーマリオRPG』『ペーパーマリオ リメイク』、また、ピーチが主役となった『プリンセスピーチ Showtime!』は2005年10月20日DSで発売された『スーパープリンセスピーチ』次いで2作目になります。  「ピーチが守るのは舞台なのか」というフェミニストとしての厳しい睨みもありますが、私はすなおにピーチが主役として活躍してくれるのはワクワクしてもいます。いいですか、剣士・カンフー・吐き出せるケーキのデコレーションアイテムを持ったピーチは次回作のスマブラでMiiも多分お世話になる形態だと思います。ハイ。
 DSで言えばNintendo DSが発売されたのが2004年12月2日(日本)だそうなのですが、日本ではDS発売後比較的早期に発売された『アナザーコード』のリメイクが発表になったのは驚きました。遊んだことはないのですが、謎解き、女性主人公ということもあって当時珍しく感じた記憶がありました。 
 それから『F-ZERO99』の発表と、『炭の街のシロ』『サガ エメラルドビヨンド』、ワタクシ、『F-ZERO』をサテラビューという衛星を介したゲーム体験で遊んだことがあるのですけれど、当時の「あっ、私はこのゲームが下手なんだ感」を思い出しました。謎の追体験。
 『炭の街のシロ』は前作となる『オラと博士の夏休み』に次いで冬休みに発売という。前作は『ぼくの夏休み』という名作とノスタルジーに乗っかって、ゲーマーにも比較的受けた印象があるのですが、今作はクレヨンしんちゃんの映画っぽさが強くて、……そこをどう受け止められるのかは興味があります。  正直なところ、前作ほど食指が動いていません。『オラと博士の夏休み』も良いソフトだとは思うのですが、とても刺激的で誰かに胸張って紹介できる作品か、と言われると首をかしげます。今後のPVや紹介情報次第になるのだと思います。「いずれはやりたい」ソフトの一つではあります。
 『サガ エメラルドビヨンド』は、私が大好きな『サガ フロンティア』っぽさを感じて気になっています。私はサガプレイヤーなのでいずれ遊ぶだろうと思います。ただ、サガスカが好きな方ではないので、その点心配です。  ヒジャブを被った女性キャラクターが居たのはとても良い点だと思います。戦闘システムをサガフロのサクサク感にもどしてくれェ…。  ディーヴァNo.5という歌姫ロボに「また女AI問題か」という呆れもあります(ただ、ファミ通のインタビュー(https://www.famitsu.com/news/202309/15316963.html)でのネタバレでは姿の変化についても語られており、少し留飲は下がった。しかし、カカシに心を聞くのはオズの魔法使いか。あと「いまどき」にある以下の問題をちゃんと把握していないのでは…?)。
■女性とAI問題  AIが女性の声や肉体を持つことにより、「女性は愛想が良く従順であり、人を助けたいと思っている」という現在のステレオタイプ(偏見)を更に助長する効果があると指摘されている問題。声・姿形・仕草などを中性的にすることで改善ができる。AI開発者に女性がそもそも少ないなどの根本問題も指摘されている「いまどき」の問題。  余談だが、私が『ソウルハッカーズ2』をプレイしたくない理由がコレである。
CNN『女性の声のAIアシスタント、性差別的偏見を助長 ユネスコ報告書』 https://www.cnn.co.jp/tech/35137380.html
Newsweek:此花わか 『若く従順で美人顔──女性ロボットERICAの炎上は開発者個人だけの問題か』https://www.newsweekjapan.jp/stories/lifestyle/2023/01/erica.php
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a5bar24 · 1 year
مشرعون أميركيون يقدمون مشروع قانون لمنع تطبيع العلاقات مع نظام الأسد
12/5/2023–|آخر تحديث: 12/5/202309:18 AM (بتوقيت مكة المكرمة) قدمت مجموعة مشرعين أميركيين من الحزبين الجمهوري والديمقراطي أمس الخميس مشروع قانون يستهدف منع الحكومة الأميركية من الاعتراف ببشار الأسد رئيسا لسوريا وتعزيز قدرة واشنطن على فرض عقوبات، في تحذير للدول الأخرى التي تطبع العلاقات مع الأسد. ويمنع مشروع القانون الحكومة الاتحادية من الاعتراف بأي حكومة سورية بقيادة الأسد الذي يخضع لعقوبات…
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apsny-news · 2 years
الرئيس التونسي يقيل وزير الداخلية ويعين محافظ العاصمة خلفا له | أخبار
18/3/2023–|آخر تحديث: 18/3/202309:12 AM (مكة المكرمة) أعلنت الرئاسة التونسية مساء أمس الجمعة أن الرئيس قيس سعيّد عيّن محافظ العاصمة كمال الفقي وزيرا للداخلية بدلا من توفيق شرف الدين الذي أقيل من منصبه. وكان شرف الدين أعلن قبل ذلك بساعات -في تصريح صحفي- أنه استقال من منصبه لأسباب عائلية، لكن البيان الذي نشرته الصفحة الرسمية للرئاسة التونسية أوضح أن سعيد أصدر أمرا بإنهاء مهامه على رأس وزارة…
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No. 11, from the series Primary Education: Manners for Women, Explained in Pictures (Shōgaku joreishiki zukai), Adachi Ginkō, c. 1882, Harvard Art Museums: Prints
Harvard Art Museums/Arthur M. Sackler Museum, Gift of R. Keith Kane Size: paper (1974.11.11 and .12 in one): H. 37 × W. 25.1 cm (14 9/16 × 9 7/8 in.) Medium: Woodblock print (nishiki-e); ink and color on paper
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Polyethylene Oxide Market Globally 2017 : Zibo Kaiyuan, Global Fine Chemical and Yuntian Synthetic Material
The report describes the composition of the global Polyethylene Oxide market by segmenting it on the basis of various factors such as product type, manufacturers, application, end use and regions. In this Polyethylene Oxide report, every single segment is studied thoroughly and presented in the clear and precise manner. The key drivers and restraints affecting growth of the global Polyethylene…
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a5bar24 · 1 year
يتولون مسؤوليات عسكرية حساسة.. تعرّف على قادة سرايا القدس الذين اغتالتهم إسرائيل في غزة
مراسلو الجزيرة نت 9/5/2023–|آخر تحديث: 9/5/202309:12 AM (مكة المكرمة) غزة– على نحوٍ مباغت، شنّت طائرات حربية إسرائيلية غارات مركزة ومتزامنة، أسفرت عن اغتيال 3 قادة بارزين في “سرايا القدس” الذراع العسكرية لحركة الجهاد الإسلامي في قطاع غزة. واستيقظ الغزيون عند الساعة الثانية من فجر اليوم الثلاثاء، على أصوات انفجارات هائلة هزت مدينتي غزة، ورفح على الحدود مع مصر جنوب القطاع، وتبين أنها استهدفت…
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a5bar24 · 1 year
عاجل | رويترز عن وثيقة قضائية: الرئيس الأميركي السابق دونالد ترامب سيقاضي محاميه السابق مايكل كوهين
12/4/2023–|آخر تحديث: 12/4/202309:45 PM (مكة المكرمة) عاجل | رويترز عن وثيقة قضائية: الرئيس الأميركي السابق دونالد ترامب سيقاضي محاميه السابق مايكل كوهين Source link
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a5bar24 · 1 year
الجيش السوداني يتهم "الدعم السريع" بتحريك قوات في العاصمة والولايات دون إخطاره
12/4/2023–|آخر تحديث: 13/4/202309:40 AM (مكة المكرمة) قال الجيش السوداني -في بيان أصدره في وقت مبكر من اليوم الخميس- إن “الدعم السريع” حرّكت قوات في العاصمة والولايات دون إخطاره، وهو ما نفته قوات الدعم السريع. وأضاف البيان أن تحركات قوات الدعم السريع داخل العاصمة والولايات مخالفة لمهام ونظام عملها، محذرا من أن البلاد تمرّ بما وصفه بالمنعطف الخطير، وأن التحرك سيؤدي إلى مزيد من التوترات التي تقود…
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