#2023 exchange
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goexchange-mods · 2 years ago
Watch this space!
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The Mods will provide information about sign-ups for the 19th Annual Good Omens Holiday Exchange shortly! Are you new to the Exchange? We love new participants and will make you feel welcome and supported. Please visit our home on Dreamwidth via links at this post and this post for examples of our signup procedure in 2022 and the lovely gifts produced by our community’s talented writers and artists last year!
Have you participated in past Exchanges? We love past participants who have created wonderful and timeless gifts for everyone to enjoy - our collection of fics and art on Dreamwidth goes all the way back to 2005!
Fans of the TV series and fans of the book are invited to participate. The Mods will be happy to answer any questions, and the call for prompts is coming soon! Your Mods this year are @vulgarweed, @lunasong365, and @maniacalmole.
Please reblog to spread the word!
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dcu-rarepair · 1 year ago
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Day 1 Gifts
Eight fantastic Gifts have been released for Day One! Head to the Collection to check them out, and view the Release Schedule to see what’s in store!
We also have a handy Commenting Guide to help our Giftees with showing their Giftors some love. And now, here’s today’s works: 
Beneath the Skin by anonymous for byrdsofthenyte
No Capes/Demonology AU. Explicit | Rape/Non-Con & Underage Tim Drake/Kon-El | Conner Kent/Slade Wilson, Tim Drake/Kon-El | Conner Kent, background Dick Grayson/Slade Wilson It's essentially by coincidence that Tim finds out he has a Gift, and he doesn't even fully realize that he does, same as it was for his mother before him. He also doesn't realize how dangerous it is to dabble in these kinds of things; no one ever sat down and had a conversation with him about it, everything he learnt is self-taught. He doesn't know he can't afford to make mistakes, and inexperienced as he is, mistakes are unfortunately inevitable.
A Certain Indecipherable Feeling by anonymous for Kalinjdra
General Audiences | No Archive Warnings Apply J'onn J'onzz/Clark Kent J'onn can feel an emotion from Kal-El that he cannot identift, and that feeling only seems to get stronger the more time the two spend together. Can there be an emotion unique to Human-raised Kryptonians?
girls just wanna have fun and have their funds, right? by anonymous for coolerdazai
Soulmates AU Teen and Up | No Archive Warnings Apply Pamela Isley/Selina Kyle/Harleen Quinzel Selina Kyle does not need any soulmates, thank you very much.
Incentive by anonymous for felinemotif
Explicit | No Archive Warnings Apply Janet Drake/Talia al Ghul "Maybe if you ask nicely, I'll be inclined to let you live this time," Talia proposes. The look Janet gives her is severe, and coy. "Sweetheart, you wouldn't want me this badly if I rolled over every time you asked." "Perhaps you need an incentive, then." "By all means," Janet purrs, words dropping to a whisper as her lips brush the assassin's, "incentivise me."
Magical Kisser by anonymous for classysleuth
Art | General Audiences | No Archive Warnings Apply Bruce Wayne/Zatanna Zatara
Souls for Cheap by anonymous for G_of_Thorn
Soulmate Identify Marks Mature | No Archive Warnings Apply John Constantine/Jason Todd When Jason gets a magical injury, he needs the help of an expert. Lucky for him, Constantine is willing to assist. They both get a bit more than they bargained for in the process.
A Taste of Honey by anonymous for RayByAnotherName
Sex Pollen. Dubious Consent. Explicit | No Archive Warnings Apply Duke Thomas/ Damian Wayne 'Afterwards, Duke can only remember fragments - glass sharp, scattered and disorienting. Heat. Pain. Arousal. The bite of vines at his wrists. An ache in his veins like fire, like molten steel, burning him up form the inside. The taste of blood between his teeth.'
A Truth or a Lie by anonymous for Mickidona
General Audiences | No Archive Warnings Apply Bea Bennett/Dick Grayson With Ric, though, there was something different. Bea couldn't say want. The way he moved, the way he examined the world around him, his opinions, everything about him was so alien to her. When he'd told her his story she knew it was a lie. Bea Bennett was intrigued, simple and so infinitely not so simple.
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buffyversesecretsantaex · 1 year ago
Nominations now open!
Please see the guidelines below before submitting. The tagset is available here. Nominations Close: Friday, October 27 2023 @ 11:59PM EST. Nominations
Each participant may submit 1-15 nominations. Please check if your nomination is already in the tagset!
Please nominate Buffyverse as the fandom for your nominations.
All nominations for this exchange will be processed as relationship tags.
There are no limits on which characters or relationships/groups can be nominated — any character present in either show is allowed. There is no screentime, popularity, or canon requirement, and any "taboo" or "unconventional" pairings are allowed.
Crossovers between Buffy & Angel are allowed.
Character & Relationship Tags
Single characters should be nominated in the format "Solo: Character"
For example, Solo: Buffy Summers
Pairs of two characters in a gen relationship should be nominated in the format "Pair: Character A & Character B"
For example, Pair: Buffy Summers & Willow Rosenberg
Pairs of two characters in a romantic/sexual relationship should be nominated in the format "Pair: Character A/Character B"
For example, Pair: Buffy Summers/Angel
Pairs of three or more characters in a gen relationship should be nominated in the format "Group: Character A & Character B & Character C"
For example, Group: Buffy Summers & Willow Rosenberg & Xander Harris
Pairs of three or more characters in a romantic/sexual relationship should be nominated in the format "Group: Character A/Character B/Character C"
For example, Group: Angel/Spike/Darla/Drusilla
Housekeeping Notes
Nomination questions will be posted separately.
Please let me know if you spot any duplicates!
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meandtheyeehaws · 1 year ago
my piece for the rottmnt trick or treat exchange! mine is for @sk3tch-rottmnt just 2 bros chilling... i hope u like it!!! happy halloween everyone!
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hewoweens · 1 year ago
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happy madara day 😊🙏
battle couple for you @madmaenad @hashimada-giftexchange
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bitemarx · 1 year ago
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vox phantasma & vox populi
for @june-buddy as part of the @d20exchange! you mentioned pete n kingston + d20 settings. i really like these two’s connection and wanted to include the aesthetics of the realms they represent!
hope u enjoy n have a good year!!
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mrsgingles · 2 years ago
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It feels like ages ago that I posted some Stevetony – here's my gift for Fluffypanda as part of the Stevetony Endgame Mini-Exchange!
Prompt: Tony wakes up after dying
Please check out all the other wonderful works and leave the artists and authors some love <3 there's still so many fics I want to read from the event!
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imnothereokuwu · 1 year ago
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It's NaLu gift exchange ✨🔥
Thanks to @allaboutnalu for hosting the event! This gift is for a long-time mutual of mine (I somehow got them by chance) @hollie-artz! Hope you like it! Thanks for being my mutual ever since I was sorta awful at art, you were a true trooper 😔
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wickcipher · 1 year ago
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Happy Halloween @untitled-tmnt-blog!
Here's your gift for @rottmnt-secret-gifting, I hope you enjoy it! What better way for a family to hang out than to help completely decimate the pumpkin competition 🎃
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boxfullaturtles · 1 year ago
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"Listen, when you love somebody, you're always in trouble. There's only two things you can do about it: either stop loving 'em, or love 'em a whole lot more." -Colonel Potter, M*A*S*H 4077
Iiiiittttttt's my gift to @no-brain-only-brainrot for the @rottmnt-secret-gifting event!Raph finds ways to spend time with all his brothers and he loves them all very very much <3
I hope you like it and thanks to everyone who organized, hosted, and participated! Happy Halloween!
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abbeyofcyn · 1 year ago
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I made this for @pickledcarrotsandradish for the @rottmnt-secret-gifting event
I hope you like it and thanks to everyone involved in organising the event 💜🧡
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goexchange-mods · 2 years ago
Please read the instructions carefully, and WELCOME!
Please signal boost, Good Omens fans. We can’t wait to see what our fandom creates this year!
your 2023 mods: @vulgarweed, @maniacalmole, and @lunasong365.
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dcu-rarepair · 1 year ago
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Day 3 Gifts
Eight fantastic Gifts have been released for Day Three! Head to the Collection to check them out, and view the Release Schedule to see what’s in store!
We also have a handy Commenting Guide to help our Giftees with showing their Giftors some love. And now, here’s today’s works: 
double page spread by anonymous for Zero_Ducks
Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Dubious Consent Explicit | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Dick Grayson/Clark Kent/Slade Wilson It's not the first time Slade has fucked him before completing a rescue. It's not unusual; in fact, it's expected. This is the first time they've ever been walked in on, however, and he doesn't seem surprised. Dick doesn't know what to make of it.
honey, can't you see? by anonymous for ZeroMonster
General Audiences | No Archive Warnings Apply Stephanie Brown/Kara Zor-El Kara Danvers is in Gotham on a work trip with her boss, Cat Grant. After an accident at the studio's filming location, Kara has to summon her acting chops at the doctor's so as to not give away her identity.
Little's Worth In Famine by anonymous for DontStopHerNow
General Audiences | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Clark Kent/Vandal Savage Detailing the inner thoughts of Vandal Savage during the Justice League episode Hereafter as he works with a time-displaced Superman far in the future after an apocalypse on Earth. As well as the lonliness when Superman has to leave him.
Catching a Canary by anonymous for Pillow Lord
Art | Teen and Up | No Archive Warnings Apply Dinah Lance/Sandra Woosan Lady Shiva and Black Canary have a run-in on a mission.
Have you seen The Matrix? by anonymous for dxncingquxxr
General Audiences | No Archive Warnings Apply Dick Grayson/Joseph Wilson ‘You’re okay ?’ He asked one-handed, knuckles touching Dick’s cheekbone when the man ducked his head and smiled. “Have you seen The Matrix ?” Dick goes down in a fight and Joey is anxious to make sure he's okay. They spend some well-earned comfort time together, but is everything as good as it seems ?
A little discipline can mess you up inside by anonymous for kieran_granola
Explicit | Underage | Creator Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings Kon-El | Conner Kent/Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent & Kon-El | Conner Kent Kon has never needed to follow orders and he isn't about to start now. But discipline is important for any young hero and Batman is going to make sure he understands that, even if his methods are a little... unorthodox.
Only for you by anonymous for abovesnakes
Mature | No Archive Warnings Apply Minhkoa Khan/Jason Todd Jason stared at the box left in his safehouse. He needed to figure out who left it here and what they wanted. It was an easy enough task. He really didn't expect a boyfriend out of it.
if i can't dance (i don't want to be part of your revolution) by anonymous for Silver_Snow_77
Canon Divergence AU - College Roommates Teen and Up | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Tim Drake/Lonnie Machin Lonnie’s goals when he decided to apply to Gotham University were simple: introduce anarchist ideas to the students and build connections to create a network of like-minded individuals. Nowhere in his plans did Lonnie foresee Tim Drake as his college roommate or his growing feelings for the other man.
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pasteilian · 1 year ago
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Joined the Halloween gift exchange @transformersandturtles was chosen for me hope you enjoy!! 🍭 🍬 thanks for hosting @rottmnt-secret-gifting 💌💖💖🎀🌸🌸💌💕
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fala-alfredo-pasta · 1 year ago
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My secret santa for @porkymoon that I finally have the internet connection to post here on the tumbles
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razzmothazz · 1 year ago
elevator selfie with the n25 girlies (≡^∇^≡)
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my gift for @meeeeeeeep78 from the secret santa exchange organized by @winter-sekai-gift-exchange !!!
mizuki picked their outfits btw tee hee
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