#2020 fucking sucked
ahauntedcowboy · 2 years
Hi friend, twa here. Sorry it’s been so long since I sent a hc, the 2020’s hit me hard and I’m now super sick and awaiting surgery. It’s not fun, but I’m just about managing. Everything is survival mode and I just haven’t had the brain space for fun and hc’s
i'm so sorry to hear how rough the 2020s was and that you're sick :(
managing is all we can do in times like these, especially when we're sick!!! just do the best you can to survive!!! i'm rooting for ya!!!
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thebrood1979 · 2 months
cool fact: david pastrnak has more goals this decade than your favourite winger, unless your favourite winger is david pastrnak, in which case it's even :)
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iero · 2 months
Ethel Cain was right. It's just not my year.
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feyarcher · 6 months
Sooo... can we keep the Russians out of the sport permanently yet? Or are we eventually going to let them come back with more doped up children? Something tells me the ISU and I have different opinions on what the answer should be.
Kamila Valieva: Russian figure skater given 56 medications and supplements over two years
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c-o-z-m-o · 5 months
Google.com how do I beat the absolute living shit out of my friend's fuckass dad
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katboykirby · 11 months
I don't want to sound like a cunt, but I don't like how Solmare has changed how they do things so now we're only getting the most recent Birthday events brought back for revivals.
What I mean is, it's currently October 2023. Satan has had three Birthday events since OM first came out: his Birthday in 2020, his Birthday in 2021, and his Birthday in 2022.
Now that it's October 2023 and we're getting closer to his Birthday again, the "Happy Birthday Satan 2022" event has been revived and has been brought back. It's playable for the 3-4 days before his Birthday on the 20th. This in and of itself is great.
But what about his Birthday event from 2021?
What about his Birthday event from 2020?
Satan has had three Birthdays since the launch of the original game. But we only get to have limited, temporary access to his Birthday from the last year and the last year only. If you're a new player who wasn't around in 2020 or 2021, you'll never get to see those event stories, and you'll never be able to obtain those Birthday cards.
Like. Do we see why that is a problem? This isn't just about Satan - every card from every Birthday event prior to 2022 is now completely unobtainable in the game. No one will ever be able to get Lucifer's 2020 Birthday UR or Barbatos' 2021 Birthday UR, etc. And we all see why that's a bad thing, right?
And the thing is, Solmare used to revive all the Birthday events. If you're a new player you might not have been around for this, but we used to get every single past Birthday event brought back, every year. For Mammon's birthday in 2022, they brought back his 2020 Birthday event and his 2021 Birthday event. But they aren't doing that any more.
So for a significant number of players, all those cards (both SSR and UR Birthday cards) are unobtainable forever. What might be even worse, the Birthday stories (as in, the main Birthday Pop Quiz stories) might now be lost media. Because Birthday events aren't put into LD like regular events. You can't return to them to re-play them to obtain the event cards or read the story.
They're gone. Forever.
And I really, really hate that. Yes, I was present for Satan's birthday in 2020 and I got to read that birthday story. But that was three years ago now. I want to read it again, because I barely remember the majority of it. I have a lot of friends who started playing OM months or even years after I did, and some of them haven't seen any of the 2020 or 2021 birthdays at all. If you started playing with the release of Nightbringer, you haven't seen any of them.
And jesus fucking christ, that makes me so god damn sad. I don't understand why Solmare has made so much of their own content completely unaccessible.
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musicalthought · 6 days
danganronpa v3 fourth trial spoilers / / / / / I hate kokichi I hate him so fucking much I'm literallt SOBBING over gonta this is NOT FAIR
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i thought it was a given guys why are you shocked?
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daenystheedreamer · 5 days
thoughts on shifting
wish i had their powers
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aropride · 1 year
(counting phone + computer + tv + whatever else, and counting stuff for school/work too)
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andydrysdalerogers · 2 months
I’m struggling today. Not sure if I should even post this.
My dad died four years ago on Tuesday and I’ve started to spiral.
I was your typical daddy’s girl. He was a big presence in my life. He caught for three years.
Fuck cancer.
But right now I miss him more than words. I want one of his hugs so badly.
Fanfics got me through probably the roughs times in my life. He dies, my dog died, my brother was paralyzed from the waist down. My husband I had to move back k in with my mom to help her out. I got Covid and was admitted into the hospital.
He’s death is the catalyst and today it’s hitting me hard.
But I know he’s proud that I survived. That I made it.
I miss you daddy.
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directactionforhope · 6 months
A weird reason I'm optimistic about the future/humanity
I keep thinking about making a post about this on reasonsforhope, and then not making a post about it, for what will become obvious reasons, but anyway here's a thought:
I get asked fairly often (relatively often? I don't get a lot of asks these days because I'm terrible at answering them) how I maintain hope and optimism in the face of everything.
Good question! I wonder that sometimes too, honestly, because I try to stay very aware of the world and very self-aware about my optimism and how realistic it is. (Three cheers for evidence-based optimism.)
And honestly, a really, really significant part of the answer is that I think the past - in general and especially during specific eras - was Significantly worse than the vast majority of people realize.
Like, the past kind of sucked, imho! People died all the time of all sorts of things! And then we had a solid 500 years of Big Time Atrocities. (aka 1492 to like. roughly the 1980s.)
In comparison, the 2000s have mostly been a really big improvement in a lot of ways, imho!
Weird argument for optimism, I know, but it is the basis of a lot of my optimism.
Why do I think things will change in the future, given that?
Well, mostly, it turns out that photography/film/the internet/phone cameras/social media/the general democratization of communication/the modern concept of international law all it way harder to get away with doing atrocities! And also, we now have scientifically validated proof that yes, people really can change, and no, no one is innately or hereditarily evil, and no, not even members of that one group you really hate, which personally I think is very reassuring! And a useful thing for society to have proof of!
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bigboobshaunt · 6 months
The way Ruki's character arc accidentally feels like a commentary on the "hypercompetent badass female character with no personality" stereotype that formed largely years after her is very interesting to me, and that perception meant that her journey as a character seems to be accepted a lot better now than it ever was a few years after the show ended and all the way to the 2010's (at least that I saw, and I saw a lot of people saying it was a "downgrade" back then.)
It's not just because the way she was at the start already displayed a lot more interiority than a lot of characters with her archetype ever did (especially when talking about female characters around her time and even more so in a franchise that vied primarily an audience of young boys... you got why she was the way she was and the walls she erected around herself) but also because the way she develops is both natural and in some ways surprisingly subtle, which I guess fits Tamers quite well - her empathy for Impmon and how she sees him after his fuckups is pretty clearly meant to parallel how she was at the start of the show and displays how far she's come that she's able to demonstrate acts of kindness towards others at no personal gain.
This all coincides with her shift to being someone who deeply cares about her friends, and not coincidentally her Mega form when fused with her partner Digimon is focused on supporting her allies instead of the offense-based build she favored at the start... this is all to say that yes, even though the shirt with the whole heart is significantly less iconic than her broken heart shirt, the scene in which she gets it to match the one her mom bought always made me tear up... my baby is all grown up and ready to be vulnerable (but she's still snarky as is her right and we love her for it.)
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thelemonsnek · 28 days
[video description: a turnaround video of an abstract clay model. It is of a creature walking forward with fin-like tendrils coming off its back in waves. End id]
Model I did for class! Probably I'll be choosing this one for my larger sculpture :)
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Merry Christmas guys!
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californiaquail · 9 months
i've been at my brothers house for less than an hour and a half and i'm already worried about and planning scripts for like six different hypothetical situations. also he tried to stop me from saving a cricket he was trying to step on like a little bitch. what did she ever do to you
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