#2017 expansion draft
stereax · 1 year
Can you explain the erik-canes drama please 😚
Yeah, no problem, anon! Meet me under the read more for the details :)
So last night we found Haulzy wearing a "Canes Suck" bracelet -
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(let the record show I posted this FIRST before the Canes fans found it because I am speedier than them and also much better in every single way 😉)
Now, you may be asking yourself, "why is a grown, 32-year-old hockey player of a man wearing a bracelet that says Canes Suck on it?" That is a WONDERFUL question. First, let's look at Haula's career.
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Erik Haula was drafted in the seventh round by Minnesota. He played for the Wild for a few years before, well, the Wild essentially sold him to the Golden Knights in the expansion draft - they basically sent Vegas Alex Tuch (one of their better prospects) for a third and "expansion draft considerations", meaning the Knights would choose Haula in the draft and not a player like Matt Dumba or Marco Scandella, who were more vital to the Wild's core.
Haula plays for the Knights for two years - he's part of the team that wills itself into the Cup finals in 2017-18. In 2018-19, Haula goes down early, getting injured in a game against Toronto that keeps him out the rest of the season.
Vegas trades him to Carolina three days before his wedding. It's a Kelly McCrimmon move - and if you know the Knights, you know what that means (trading fan favorites for better returns). By all accounts, Haula loved Vegas, so he's going into this Carolina thing with some apprehension, especially because this is the last year on his contract. If he puts up good numbers, he's going to get a payday. If not, well, probably not. Remember, he had a career year in 2017-18. He wants to prove he's got what it takes.
Alright. He gets there, gets hurt for a few games with an LBI, comes back, gets hurt again and is out for a few weeks. At the time he gets his second injury, he's got 11 points in 16 games, with 8 goals, one less than team leaders Svechnikov, Aho, and Hamilton (all of whom played more games). So the dude's playing stellar, but then gets banged up. He slots back into the lineup just before Christmas.
And here's where things go south. You see, Haula and his wife, Kristen, were planning to start a family. Kristen got pregnant probably around August, given that when Haula posted the baby announcement on his Instagram he noted a May due date.
The baby is found without a heartbeat 12/30/19.
Erik Haula plays the next day and pots a goal and an assist.
It's a second-trimester miscarriage, which means it's likely Kristen had to deliver a stillborn baby.
He points to the sky after the goal, honoring his lost daughter.
It's around this time that relations between Haula and the Canes begin to take a nosedive.
(Fun fact, contrary to what Canes fans will tell you, Haula's play only suffered significantly after the miscarriage. In the four games in December he played before the miscarriage, he got 2 goals and 2 assists, so in 20 games he had 15 points which is nothing to scoff at for a middle-sixer. Despite being tossed around a bit in the lineup, he was still producing very well.)
Reports of exactly what was going on are incredibly difficult to find and are generally tainted by the biases of whoever writes them. It's stated that Haula was, in some way or another, "forced" to play the day after the miscarriage and never given time to emotionally recover from it. He gets scratched a few times (and again, it's a contract year for him, so ice time is exceedingly valuable). There are rumors of a "shouting match" between Haula and head coach Rod Brind'Amour. Supposedly, he's not participating in after-game workouts that Brind'Amour makes the team do (for recovery) and thus "doesn't fit the culture of the team", "has no respect", and "is a jerk". (Which... we'd prefer him do work on the ice, thanks???) Other rumors say he's "bullying" the rookies on the Canes (which have never been corroborated by a reliable source nor been backed up by similar actions anywhere else). Kristen makes vague posts on Instagram that Canes fans interpret as being derogatory towards the team - Reddit widely quotes one as "Don't allow your loyalty to become slavery. If they aren't appreciating what you bring to the table, let them eat alone."
So Haula gets dealt at the deadline to the Panthers as part of a deal for Vincent Trocheck, after playing only 41 games for the Canes. And he journeys around the NHL for a few years after that before finding his home in New Jersey.
Ever since then, the Canes have absolutely haunted Haula. The "1-14" thing Canes fans put on pictures of him? It's because, since leaving the Canes, he's won once at their home rink (PNC)... and lost 14 times. In three consecutive years, his teams have lost to the Canes each time in the playoffs (Predators, Bruins, then Devils, respectively). He's the first player that happened to, where he played for three different teams and each year lost to the same team.
Canes fans boo him every time he touches the ice - for them, he's a traitor that shit-talked Raleigh and the team and backs it up by playing like a goon when he's against them.
So if there's one person on the whole Devils roster who deserves to wear a Canes Suck bracelet, it's Uncle Haula.
Go off, king.
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~ [ Addendum 1: Pasta ] ~
David Pastrnak, much like Erik Haula, also lost a child - his son died only six days old. I'm sure, when Pasta accidentally ran into Antti Raanta on the ice during the 2022 playoffs, they didn't go on his socials and make disgusting comments about his child's death...
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Oh? They did? Well then.
Canes fans will tell you they only had the utmost of respect for Haula during his miscarriage and never used it against him, both during and after his Canes tenure. Somehow, I doubt that.
But maybe that's just me.
~ [ Addendum 2: Signs ] ~
When Canes fans make signs like this about you, it's understandable why you get upset.
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The sign reads "It's me. Haula. I'm the problem. It's me. Hi everybody agrees", with cutouts of Haula's former teams' logos pasted on top.
What's so strange is that no Panthers, Bruins, Knights, Predators, or Wild fans seem to have a problem with Haula. It's only the Canes fans calling him "locker room cancer". Jack Hughes disagrees with this assessment.
Coincidentally, the "locker room cancer" charge was also famously said about Dougie Hamilton...
Oh, hey, look, some Canes fans behind the Devils' bench, just behind Jack, made a sign! I'm sure it's nice and respectful :)
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Wait, is that Ellen Weinberg-Hughes next to a man whose face is photoshopped to be Sebastian Aho?
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The sign says "Jack Your Mom's A Ho", by the way.
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And several Canes players signed it.
"Bunch of jerks" is right.
So if you wonder why Jack Hughes beat the shit out of Sebastian Aho... look no further.
~ [ Addendum 3: Culture ] ~
Once again, I point you to this post by eugeniosuarez -
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1 is about Jordan Staal, 2 and 3 are about Tony DeAngelo, if you're unsure.
Yeah, I think I see the culture problem here. Just to be clear, this one, right?
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Glad we're on the same page 👍
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jeynearrynofthevale · 4 months
Calvin Pickard was selected in the 2nd round by the Colorado Avalanche, a promising young goalie, people thought he might one day become a star. When Varlamov unexpectedly went out with an injury, it was Pickard who became the unexpected starter for the 2016-2017 season. The Avs had one of the worst records in nhl history that season. He was then the 1st player selected in the expansion draft by Vegas and the 1st player treated as disposable. Excited for a fresh start there, he was placed on waivers almost immediately. Then, he was traded to Toronto and helped the Marlies win their 1st Calder cup. He was then placed on waivers again by Toronto and picked up by Philly. Less than a week later, he was placed on waivers again and picked up by Arizona. He went on to sign in Detroit on a 1 year deal and then signed as an ahl goalie with the oilers in 2022. He made his first ever playoff start tonight at age 32 and won it for the oilers.
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thenhlteaissuperhot · 11 months
realistically, could leon leave edmonton sooner? like get traded or something? i don't understand the contracts so i am not sure whether that's possible in his case. also, where could he go?
Leon's situation is actually quite optimistic in the sense that he has the chance to get out of there if he desperately wanted.
His contract with Edmonton is up for one more season and he has a "modified no-trade clause", which means that he can be traded if he agrees with the trade. Since it's modified it also means that he can't be traded into just any team as he has handed in a list of 10 teams back in 2017 when he signed the contract, which he so-called wouldn't mind getting traded into, and those teams are the only ones Edmonton can communicate with if the trade was about to happen - that list is still private as of right now, however, so we don't know what destinations he has scratched off completely.
Being logical and looking at what teams could have appeared like attractive destinations to him in 2017, it's safe to say that Boston, Pittsburgh, and Washington might be on that list, while Colorado and New Jersey not so much... - though I am not sure whether the list isn't updated by him once it actually comes into force (which it did last year)
Connor's contract, which is up for two more seasons, has, on the other hand, a "no movement clause", which means that he cannot be waived, assigned to minors, traded without approval, or be exposed in an Expansion Draft - just to give you a bit of explanation about the contract terminology.
Looking at where could Leon go, you have to look at teams that have money to invest and won't be resigning huge names in the near future. Sure, the salary cap will be raised in 2024 and Leon is more than a promising investment to make for anyone, but still... He is a part of the top 5 players in the league so he will naturally want to be paid accordingly.
Looking briefly at a few teams:
Toronto is out of the question (fortunately) - paying another huge star would end them, and they have other problems to invest into (if they are sensible enough to realize that), even though an actual performing player in the play-offs would definitely come in handy for them
If we were living in my dream, I would have traded him to Boston for Swayman and perhaps one solid defenseman - Edmonton desperately needs someone good in the net and actually playing defense while Boston would definitely appreciate an above-average center creating scoring chances for guys like Pastrnak and Marchand to fill in the hole left after Bergeron and Krejci even more
Chicago could technically send like half of their draft picks to Edmonton - I can definitely see them wanting to acquire a decent linemate for Bedard (just Draisaitl and his Connors...) and frankly, the two would be quite a fun pairing
Detroit seems to be content with rebuilding their team through prospects so I don't think they would go for Leon if the chance occured
For all those mad Tkachuk and Draisaitl shippers, lovers, whatever you are - Florida does have a lot of defensemen, whose contracts end next season too, and they also have decent draft picks, so it's not completely unimaginable, but I am pretty sure that Leon would rather go play bear league rather than be with Tkachuk on the same team.
What's your opinion? Where could you imagine Leon if the trade really happened?
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archaicbro · 1 year
anyway, jonathan marchessault and reilly smith, did it feel good winning against the team that left you unprotected during the 2017 expansion draft
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torilaa · 1 year
Wednesday Writing Blog #1
So, I have a problem. A big problem for a writer at least. I have never finished a first draft. Hell any writing project really except for one or two short stories that I had to finish for college. Pressure seems to be the only way I spit things out. This is why I'm going to start making a blog post every week or so in order to remind myself that I need to write... Also because I love talking about writing. I think it would be great to spend every Wednesday or so venting or nerding out about it.
I could just be procrastinating again though.
Anyway, today I figured out how my first book is going to end. They say the best thing to have before you start to write is an ending. I've been a pantser since I started writing, but I've discovered that really doesn't help with my motivation. If I don't know what happens next, I'm stumped for weeks. As for how I outline, I just use bullet points with acts 1-3. Any more structure than that and I feel constricted creatively. Any worldbuilding I have is thrown into the "Worldbuilding" folder. Let's hope I remember to update that as I write! Since worldbuilding is, yes, important but the story comes first.
I've made a basic outline so I'm rather confident about it for once. In fact, I wrote around 7k words so far (I scrapped basically all of what I wrote in 2017 with this concept which is...hard, but it had to be done since the MC is a very different character now).
Finally, I started reading Leviathan Wakes (the Expanse) partially for research purposes and partially because I loved the show.
Since I can't help but share, here is the alpha version of the first page:
Martin called it The Coffin.
The walls of the room were made of mirrors and a door that only Interrogator Martin Prouset could enter. The Order of Representatives made sure the room had nothing to distract the suspect except for the endless reflection of themselves, the table, the chairs, and the interrogator. These reflections made the room feel larger than it appeared to be in reality. Because it was small. Cramped. Three meters by three meters approximately and high enough so that the tallest man could stand with about an inch of clearance. The Coffin was a joke the Representatives played on both the suspect and the interrogator. Martin would rather be in a larger room, no, another place, a different time but instead, through fault of his own, he came into this room everyday to greet the mirrors, the table, the chairs. The only difference, ever, was the suspect that sat in that infernal chair.
Enough to make a man mad.
This new suspect? Dr. Theo Johansson, engineer with a memory quotient of 190 (that he would certainly brag about). Martin sat in the chair nearest the door and Theo Johansson’s reflection sat across from the table. Johansson’s wrinkled face was pale except the sockets beneath his eyes. Those deep eyes asked, “why?” The ones that forgot always asked why. Even doctors with an MQ of 190. The only people that looked at him were the ones that remembered what they did. Always it was with an expression of determined steel. Thankfully that wasn’t Johansson. The steel gaze always, always, made his blood run cold.
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Listen- I will hate Jim Nill until the day I die for trading my emotional comfort hockey player, Jamie Oleksiak, to the Pittsburgh Penguins in 2017. He redeemed himself when he traded back for him in 2019. However, he is forever dead to me when he left him unprotected in the 2021 Expansion draft.
Fuck Jim Nill now and forever.
I am sorry to see my fellow Stars fans in pain because he is an evil, evil man.
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crosby-interesting · 2 years
For the falling out basically Catherine and Veronique had this children's boutique that sold fancy children's clothes and it was called "Alex and Estelle" after their first born kids. It launched online for a bit and was even supposed to have an actual location in Pittsburgh and then suddenly the IG page for the shop said they were on a small break and soon after that the store shut down without a word. During this time on blogs it came out that Catherine and Veronique had a falling out in their friendship and then it was basically confirmed when they unfollowed each other and Catherine stopped going to games. This was in early 2017 where soon later that year Veronique's husband got drafted in the expansion draft to Vegas and they left Pittsburgh and that was that. Soon after Catherine also left Pittsburgh and that's been the end of things. They still don't talk this day, so I guess don't mix friends with business
I agree, just because I also had a bad experience of doing business with a close friend. Although lately I think we have a chance to return our friendship:)
Thanks anon 🥰you really helped us out because I was too lazy to repeat everything for the third time
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dan6085 · 7 months
Ranking the best and most well-loved U.S. Presidents is subjective, and opinions may vary. However, considering historical significance, leadership during critical times, and lasting impact, here is a list of 10 U.S. Presidents widely regarded as among the best:
1. **George Washington (1789-1797):**
- **Founding Father:** As the first President, Washington played a crucial role in shaping the U.S. Constitution and establishing the precedent for the executive branch.
- **Leadership in War and Peace:** Led the Continental Army to victory during the American Revolutionary War and peacefully handed over power after two terms.
2. **Abraham Lincoln (1861-1865):**
- **Preserving the Union:** Guided the nation through the Civil War, ultimately preserving the Union and issuing the Emancipation Proclamation.
- **Emancipation of Slaves:** His leadership paved the way for the abolition of slavery, leaving an indelible mark on American history.
3. **Thomas Jefferson (1801-1809):**
- **Author of the Declaration of Independence:** Drafted the Declaration of Independence, contributing to the foundation of American democratic principles.
- **Louisiana Purchase:** Expanded the nation's territory with the Louisiana Purchase, doubling its size.
4. **Franklin D. Roosevelt (1933-1945):**
- **New Deal:** Implemented the New Deal to address the economic challenges of the Great Depression.
- **Leadership During WWII:** Led the nation through World War II and introduced significant social and economic reforms.
5. **Teddy Roosevelt (1901-1909):**
- **Progressive Reforms:** Advocated for progressive reforms, including antitrust legislation and conservation efforts.
- **Panama Canal:** Oversaw the construction of the Panama Canal, enhancing global trade and naval mobility.
6. **John F. Kennedy (1961-1963):**
- **Space Race:** Initiated the Apollo program, leading to the first human moon landing.
- **Cuban Missile Crisis:** Successfully navigated the Cuban Missile Crisis, averting a potential nuclear conflict.
7. **Dwight D. Eisenhower (1953-1961):**
- **Interstate Highway System:** Initiated the construction of the Interstate Highway System, transforming transportation and commerce.
- **Leadership in World War II:** As Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces, played a pivotal role in the success of the D-Day invasion.
8. **James K. Polk (1845-1849):**
- **Manifest Destiny:** Successfully pursued territorial expansion, adding Texas, California, and the Oregon Territory.
- **Fulfillment of Campaign Promises:** Accomplished all four major goals he set in his presidential campaign.
9. **Ronald Reagan (1981-1989):**
- **Conservative Revolution:** Advocated for conservative policies, emphasizing smaller government and free-market principles.
- **End of the Cold War:** Played a role in ending the Cold War, fostering improved relations with the Soviet Union.
10. **Barack Obama (2009-2017):**
- **Affordable Care Act:** Achieved the passage of the Affordable Care Act, a significant healthcare reform.
- **First African American President:** Made history as the first African American President, symbolizing progress in U.S. race relations.
These Presidents are celebrated for their leadership, accomplishments, and the enduring impact they left on the nation. Public opinion and historical analysis contribute to their recognition as among the best U.S. Presidents.
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sidewalkscienceguy · 10 months
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Draft 1: Complete.
Began writing Book 5 on December 21st 2021
Finished first draft May 7th 2023
Finished editing first draft December 10th, 2023
Book 5 of the Recovery series (my 8th book written since 2004) was, again, a book I didn't fully intend to write when I set off into this series back in 2013. I'd originally planned this series to be three books based off a short story I wrote in my Creative Writing course in college. But here we are, 5 books in of 8 now planned.
With the chopping of original ending and slicing and dicing Book 1 (Embassy, 2013) by a full 50%, it grew into a very different story, one not full of aliens and interstellar wars, but the wonders and pangs of humanity's expansion to new planets two thousand years after the desolation of Earth.
Book 2 (Resonance, 2014) was originally meant to take place 18 years after Book 1, but ended up being a continuation of the new story, all leading up to those pages I'd chopped off and held onto for two years.
Book 3 (Perihelid, 2017) was originally what Book 4 ended up becoming in some ways. A loose version of the story, at least. The Book 3 I ended up with was a direct continuation picking up mere seconds after the end of Book 2, and coming full circle for the main character's arc.
Book 4 (Belvun, 2021) was born from the scraps of original Book 3. With a fully fleshed out plot spiralling toward ultimate disruption of balance among humanity's inhabited worlds, Book 4 ended up with a vastly different tone from the first three books, written from fresh new perspectives covering both political and civilian spheres.
And now, Book 5 (due for release October 2024 or April 2025) continues and concludes the story of Book 4, setting fire to the balance humanity has maintained. This destruction will set the stage for the concluding three installments, Books 6-8, which I will write between 2024 (?) and 2040.
Come January 2024, I'll input these edits, and then it all starts again (this time, only on the computer! Every first draft I write is on paper, though).
The next step from here is a break.
To all our endeavors.
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📢 Twitter Blue subscribers in the US can now tweet up to 4,000 characters.
🚀 This is a significant expansion from the usual 280-character limit.
📄 A "show more" button prevents long tweets from taking over timelines.
🧐 There are some limitations, like no draft-saving or scheduling beyond 280 characters.
💬 Blue subscribers can quote retweet and reply with 4,000 characters.
🏃‍♂️ The feature rollout was speedy.
🚀 Elon Musk influenced this change, hinting at longer tweets and formatting options.
📆 Twitter has a history of increasing character limits, starting in 2017.
💡 Twitter Blue's 4,000-character tweets promise richer content and engagement.
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(this has been in my drafts for almost a month but i saw this tweet and decided i might as well write a little more and share)
part of the reason a survival show is a horrible idea for nct tokyo is because i feel like nct members have a very specific vibe. like you know when we call taeyong THE neo or say that something like a song or concept or outfit is “neo,” like it’s hard to explain but there is a certian vibe for sure… i don’t think it’s a coincidence that quite a few members were street cast or sought after specifically as opposed to regular auditioning like most kpop trainees.
this is also part of the reason why i think limitless expansion only yielded 23 members at the group’s largest point, because honestly if it was just about adding people mindlessly they could debut any somewhat talented somewhat attractive young male trainee and call it a day 😭
(i think the nct dream graduation system failing because it was so poorly organized is to blame too, with a graduation system rotational group it would be far easier to introduce new members but honestly no one really wants/wanted that)
sm has never cared about being organized with the nct units since so many members like sungchan, shotaro, ten, and kun remained unitless for years. they literally could have just added more people during nct 2020 or 2021. but i still think that back then they had a shred of integrity and knew that adding any boy to a group with a very specific vibe is just not the move.
it’s like when nctzens say only nct can cover nct. i literally knew nothing about these trainees when i started writing this, as of today i know their faces, names, and ages. i don’t think it’s right for me to judge them since i have never seen any of these guys perform, but i feel like there are other issues too.
going off track with this whole neo vibe talk, i am still so concerned about the gap in experience and even age. there are 06 and 07 liners in the competition, and that is just…… we do not need more 15 year olds in kpop. we do not want 15 year olds in nct. we have seen nct dream talk about how hard it was to debut at such a young age we do not need that or want that. there’s gonna be almost a 15 year gap between taeil and these little kids. this wouldn’t be as apparent of an issue if the limitless expansion thing had literally expanded to the point where new people are added all the time, but since nct will have less than 30 members it’s much more visible. nct has done so many mature concepts we do not need kids in nct
also because so many nctzens are adults too. i honestly don’t know how many new fans this unit is gonna bring in. i think sm saw how popular boys planet was and was like ok 😄👍. but i do not see this new unit brining in many fans, from what i’ve seen nct is already quite popular in japan. i don’t even think the 5 nctzens that are all all unit stans will tune in because we do not like this idea as a whole. and now that i am nearly 20 i avoid every group with extremely young members, i literally do not think i can stan a group where every member is younger than i am if i am literally just 19. so if none of the 02 or 03 (or even 04) boys make it…. yeah not good. we want older people please
and now: experience gap
literally over half of nct have been idols for over 7 years, which is how long most idols last at all in the industry (if they’re lucky and don’t disband earlier). in other instances where members debuted later (2017, 2018, 2019, 2020) the gap was less of an issue for a few reasons. in 2018, nct were still a pretty young group and still were establishing themselves. and since all the new members debuted in nct u with their more experienced counterparts, it was a benefit overall since the older members could help the newer ones. and i think in 2019 it was the same. when xiaohenyang debuted in wayv, the other 4 members of the group that debuted with them had been in the group for at least one (or, almost one) year at that time. and winwin had been in a fixed unit since debut and i think all of that helped the new members not stick out as inexperienced at all. and obviously by the time they debuted in nct u the following year they had already gained a lot of skills on their own.
as for sungtaro, it was similar to nct 2018 in the sense that it was just them and debuting in nct u with other members who were more experienced and could guide them. and when nct tokyo debuted they would have that connection to the main group thanks to sungtaro. and now we don’t have that. and it’s probably gonna be seven 15 year olds hanging out with grandfather aged nct 127 i hate it here 😭
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sagarg889 · 1 year
Industrial Motors Industry Dynamics, Segmentation & Future Outlook 2022 to 2032
The worldwide industrial motors market is estimated to develop at a 3.5% CAGR from 2022 to 2032, reaching a value of more than US$ 917.3 million in 2032. Several government entities, like the European Water Association (Europe), the Environmental Protection Agency (US), and the India Water Works Association (India), are actively drafting legislation and regulations governing water disposal and reuse programmes.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the United States, for example, has made it essential for companies to purify water before disposing of it. In this regard, specifications for maximum allowed contamination levels have been devised.
Furthermore, severe government laws have been put in place for the construction of water projects to produce power, handle water waste, and stop deposit exploitation, among other things. These industrial water and wastewater projects are expected to have a direct impact on the growth of the industrial motors market from 2022 to 2032.
Get a Sample Copy of this Report @ https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/sample/rep-gb-5117
Companies are forming strategic alliances to expand their reach into emerging and untapped markets. In the coming years, Future Market Insights (FMI) expects the United States, India, and China to emerge as the most dominant markets for industrial motors.
Key Takeaways from Market Study
By product type, AC motors are projected to hold a market share of 71% in 2032.
By end use, the energy segment is anticipated to boost the demand for industrial motors globally and demand from it is expected to grow at 1% from 2022 to 2032.
By power output, the 15 to 20 MW segment is expected to accelerate and create and incremental opportunity of US$ 70.5 million in between 2022 to 2032.
By 2032, Europe is expected to have the largest share of the global market, accounting for around 7%.
“The market for industrial motors is predicted to expand rapidly due to increasing demand for innovative and energy efficient products across industries. Rising automation and digitalization in a variety of end use sectors are driving demand. Industry participants are investing in strategic alliances, expansions, and cost effective solutions to obtain a competitive advantage.” Says an FMI analyst.
Who is Winning?
Among the industry’s key players are ABB Group, Siemens AG, Hyundai Electric Co. Ltd., Toshiba Corporation, Nidec Corporation, Hitachi, Ltd., WEG S.A., General Electric Co. , Bonfiglioli Riduttori S.p.A., Hyosung Corporation, Menzel Elektromotoren GmbH, Kirloskar Electric Company Ltd., and Regal Beloit Corporation.
Globally, the key market players are focus on developing and extending production technologies and expansion capacities to meet the industry demands.
Get More Valuable Insights
Future Market Insights, in its new offering, provides an unbiased analysis of the global industrial motors market, presenting historical demand data (2017 to 2021) and forecast statistics for the period from 2022 to 2032. The study divulges compelling insights on the industrial motors market based on product type (AC Motors, DC Motors), power output (1 to 5 MW, 5 to 10 MW, 10 to 15 MW, 15 to 20 MW, 20 to 25 MW), and end use (oil & gas, energy, mining, cement, metal and steel, pulp and paper, chemical, water and wastewater, marine) across seven key regions.
For More Information On This Report visit @ https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/industrial-motors-market
Global Industrial Motors Market by Category
By Power Output:
1 to 5 MW
5 to 10 MW
10 to 15 MW
15 to 20 MW
20 to 25 MW
By Product Type:
AC Motors
Induction Motor
Synchronous Motor
DC Motors
Brushed DC
Brushless DC
By End Use:
Oil & Gas
Metal and Steel
Pulp and Paper
Water and Wastewater
By Region:
North America
Latin America
East Asia
South Asia Pacific
Middle East and Africa
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laocommunity · 1 year
Unbelievable Luck or Master Strategy? The Story Behind the Golden Knights' Incredible Run to the Stanley Cup Finals
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Unbelievable Luck or Master Strategy? The Story Behind the Golden Knights' Incredible Run to the Stanley Cup Finals Unbelievable Luck or Master Strategy? The Story Behind the Golden Knights' Incredible Run to the Stanley Cup Finals The Las Vegas Golden Knights had a historic run to the Stanley Cup Finals during their inaugural season in 2017-2018, becoming the first expansion team in NHL history to reach the championship series. Many were left wondering if their success was due to sheer luck or a master strategy. In this article, we explore the journey of the Golden Knights and dissect the factors that led to their unprecedented success. The Birth of the Golden Knights The NHL's announcement of a new expansion team in Las Vegas was met with skepticism in 2017. Many believed that a city known for its hot desert climate and not hockey was not a suitable location for a new team. However, the Golden Knights defied all odds and quickly became a fan favorite in the city. The Expansion Draft One factor that contributed to the Golden Knights' success was the expansion draft. Each NHL team was allowed to protect only a limited number of players from the draft, leaving a pool of quality players for the Golden Knights to choose from. General Manager George McPhee and Head Coach Gerard Gallant made bold selections, picking up players that other teams had undervalued. The Impact of Marc-Andre Fleury One of the key players selected by the Golden Knights was veteran goaltender Marc-Andre Fleury. Despite being left unprotected by the Pittsburgh Penguins, Fleury was still considered one of the top goalies in the league. He proved his worth by posting incredible numbers throughout the playoffs and was a major factor in the team's success. The Impact of Coaching Another factor that contributed to the success of the Golden Knights was the coaching staff. Head Coach Gerard Gallant led the team with a hands-on approach and instilled a winning mentality within the team from the outset. His strategy of focusing on team chemistry and camaraderie paid dividends, leading the team to record-breaking success. The Commitment to Excellence One of the things that set the Golden Knights apart was their commitment to excellence. From management to players, everyone was dedicated to achieving the highest level of success possible. This dedication was reflected in the team's impressive work ethic, attention to detail, and relentless pursuit of victory. The Fierce Competitive Spirit While the Golden Knights were largely seen as underdogs, they never let this perception hinder their competitive spirit. Every game was approached with the same level of intensity and determination, and this attitude paid off in a big way. The Community Connection The Golden Knights quickly became a source of pride for the Las Vegas community. The team's commitment to giving back to the city that welcomed them with open arms was evident in their active involvement in the community, both on and off the ice. This connection helped to foster a sense of unity and loyalty among fans, who rallied behind the team throughout its incredible journey. The Legacy of the Golden Knights The impact of the Golden Knights' success will be felt for years to come. The team's incredible journey has become an inspiration to sports fans worldwide, shining a light on the power of determination, commitment, and teamwork. Whether their run was due to luck or master strategy, the Golden Knights have carved out a place in NHL history that cannot be denied. The Future is Bright Despite falling just short of the ultimate prize in the 2017-2018 season, the Golden Knights have established themselves as a force to be reckoned with in the NHL. With a solid foundation of dedicated players and a winning mentality, the team is poised for continued success in the future. FAQs 1. Was the Golden Knights' success a fluke? - While luck may have played a role in the team's run, the Golden Knights' success was primarily due to a combination of skill, strategy, and dedication. 2. How did the expansion draft impact the Golden Knights' success? - The expansion draft provided the Golden Knights with a pool of quality players to choose from, which helped to fill gaps in the team's roster and create a winning team chemistry. 3. What was the coaching philosophy behind the Golden Knights' success? - Head Coach Gerard Gallant focused on building team chemistry and instilling a winning mentality within the team. His hands-on approach and commitment to excellence were instrumental in the team's success. 4. How did the Golden Knights connect with the Las Vegas community? - The team's commitment to giving back to the community helped to foster a sense of unity and pride among fans. Their active involvement in the community both on and off the ice played a crucial role in the team's popularity and success. 5. What does the future hold for the Golden Knights? - With a solid foundation of dedicated players and a winning mentality, the Golden Knights are poised for continued success in the future. The team's impressive run in their inaugural season has set the stage for even greater achievements in the years to come. #NEWS Read the full article
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torontoarenas · 1 year
Leafs in the Playoffs! 9
Nobody ever interacts with my posts anymore, but that’s fine. I’ll keep chuggin’. If anybody’s still here, you know what the deal is with this. Let’s go.
Nick Foligno (2021) [LTIR]
Anton Strålman (2007 to 2009) [minors]
Frederik Andersen (2016 to 2021)
Jake Gardiner (2011 to 2019) [LTIR]
Ondřej Kaše (2021 to 2022) [LTIR]
Stefan Noesen (2021)
Alex Galchenyuk (2021)
Denis Malgin (2020; 2022)
Mason Marchment (2020)
Matt Murray (2022 to present). Hang on. I’m just getting word that there’s actually two different NHL goaltenders named Matt Murray.
Jack Campbell (2020 to 2022)
Cody Ceci (2019 to 2020)
Seth Griffith (2016) [minors]
Zach Hyman (2016 to 2021)
Greg McKegg (2014 to 2015) [minors]
Calvin Pickard (2017) [minors]
Los Angeles
Trevor Moore (2018 to 2020)
Nic Petan (2019 to 2021)
New Jersey
Jonathan Bernier (2013 to 2016) [LTIR]
NY Islanders
Pierre Engvall (2019 to 2023)
Matt Martin (2016 to 2018)
Richard Pánik (2014 to 2015) [minors]
NY Rangers
Jimmy Vesey (2021)
[N/A, but I’m still annoyed we let them take Jared McCann in the expansion draft]
Tampa Bay
Zach Bogosian (2021)
Nick Abruzzese (2022 to present) [minors]
Noel Acciari (2023 to present)
Zach Aston-Reese (2022 to present)
Jordie Benn (2022 to present) [minors]
T. J. Brodie (2021 to present)
Michael Bunting (2021 to present)
Kyle Clifford (2020; 2021 to present) [minors]
Carl Dahlstrom (2022 to present) [minors]
Semyon Der-Arguchintsev (2022 to present) [minors]
Mark Giordano (2022 to present)
Erik Gustafsson (2023 to present)
Justin Holl (2018 to present)
Mac Hollowell (2022 to present) [minors]
Pontus Holmberg (2022 to present) [minors]
Calle Järnkrok (2022 to present)
Erik Kallgren (2022 to present) [minors]
David Kämpf (2021 to present)
Alexander Kerfoot (2019 to present)
Matthew Knies (2023 to present)
Filip Král (2022 to present) [minors]
Sam Lafferty (2023 to present)
Timothy Liljegren (2020 to present)
Mitch Marner (2016 to present)
Auston Matthews (2016 to present)
Jake McCabe (2023 to present)
Bobby McMann (2023 to present) [LTIR]
Victor Mete (2022 to present) [LTIR]
Matt Murray (2022 to present)
Jake Muzzin (2019 to present) [LTIR]
William Nylander (2016 to present)
Ryan O’Reilly (2023 to present)
Morgan Rielly (2013 to present)
Nick Robertson (2020 to present) [LTIR]
Ilya Samsonov (2022 to present)
Luke Schenn (2008 to 2012; 2023 to present)
Wayne Simmonds (2021 to present)
Alex Steeves (2021 to present) [minors]
John Tavares (2018 to present)
Connor Timmins (2022 to present)
Joseph Woll (2021 to present)
Radim Zohorna (2023 to present) [minors]
Michael Amadio (2021)
Byron Froese (2015 to 2016) [minors]
Ben Hutton (2021)
Phil Kessel (2009 to 2015)
David Rittich (2021)
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dan6085 · 1 year
Here are 20 of the greatest US Presidents of all time, along with some of their major accomplishments and why they are considered great:
1. George Washington (1789-1797) - Washington was the first President of the United States and is known for his leadership during the American Revolution. He also helped establish many of the institutions and traditions of the US government.
2. Abraham Lincoln (1861-1865) - Lincoln is known for his leadership during the Civil War and his efforts to abolish slavery through the Emancipation Proclamation and the 13th Amendment to the Constitution.
3. Franklin D. Roosevelt (1933-1945) - Roosevelt led the country through the Great Depression and World War II. He implemented the New Deal, which helped to stimulate the economy and provide relief to millions of Americans.
4. Thomas Jefferson (1801-1809) - Jefferson is known for his role in drafting the Declaration of Independence and for his efforts to expand the territory of the United States through the Louisiana Purchase.
5. Theodore Roosevelt (1901-1909) - Roosevelt is known for his efforts to regulate big business and protect the environment. He also played a key role in expanding the country's influence on the world stage.
6. Harry S. Truman (1945-1953) - Truman oversaw the end of World War II and the beginning of the Cold War. He also implemented the Marshall Plan, which helped to rebuild Europe after the war.
7. James Madison (1809-1817) - Madison is known for his role in drafting the US Constitution and for his efforts to protect individual liberties through the Bill of Rights.
8. John F. Kennedy (1961-1963) - Kennedy is known for his leadership during the Cuban Missile Crisis and for his efforts to promote civil rights and social justice.
9. Ronald Reagan (1981-1989) - Reagan is known for his efforts to reduce government regulation and promote economic growth. He also played a key role in the end of the Cold War.
10. Woodrow Wilson (1913-1921) - Wilson oversaw the country's involvement in World War I and played a key role in the establishment of the League of Nations.
11. Dwight D. Eisenhower (1953-1961) - Eisenhower is known for his leadership during the Cold War and for his efforts to promote infrastructure development and education.
12. Andrew Jackson (1829-1837) - Jackson is known for his efforts to expand democracy and the power of the presidency. He also played a key role in the forced relocation of Native Americans through the Indian Removal Act.
13. Lyndon B. Johnson (1963-1969) - Johnson is known for his efforts to promote civil rights and social justice through the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act.
14. William McKinley (1897-1901) - McKinley oversaw the country's involvement in the Spanish-American War and played a key role in the establishment of the gold standard.
15. James K. Polk (1845-1849) - Polk is known for his efforts to expand the territory of the United States through the Mexican-American War and the annexation of Texas.
16. Franklin Pierce (1853-1857) - Pierce is known for his efforts to promote westward expansion and for his support of the Kansas-Nebraska Act, which led to the division of the country over the issue of slavery.
17. Grover Cleveland (1885-1889, 1893-1897) - Cleveland is known for his efforts to promote civil service reform and reduce government corruption.
18. John Adams (1797-1801) - Adams played a key role in the establishment of the United States as an independent country and helped to negotiate peace with Great Britain after the American Revolution.
19. George H.W. Bush (1989-1993) - Bush oversaw the end of the Cold War and played a key role in the Gulf War.
20. Barack Obama (2009-2017) - Obama is known for his efforts to promote healthcare reform and social justice. He also played a key role in the country's economic recovery after the Great Recession.
These presidents made significant contributions to the United States and helped shape the country into what it is today. While they had different approaches and priorities, they all worked to advance the well-being of the American people and promote the country's progress.
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jakemarsigliofin · 2 years
Entry 4 -  Challenges you faced (the nature of the work, working hours, organisation, motivation, tabling of ideas).
The biggest challenge I faced by the length of the Flemington straight was the unreliability of the Adobe Premiere Pro Software due to the slow and crowded servers at SEN. Specific clips such as ones recorded in the Melbourne studios would be quick to edit and upload as export times would only take a minute or two and footage would be clear to skim through to cut the correct timecodes. However, for the likes of clips to be produced from the Adelaide, Sydney, Perth and Brisbane studios not only would export times have me twiddling my thumbs for up to 10 minutes, but also footage that needed to be watched through wouldn’t be able to load properly.
This meant that I would attempt to go back and reload a part of the video that was skipped past and not played in order to try an understand what part of the clip I was up to. This process, especially from the Sydney and Adelaide studios would have to repeat every ten seconds of the clip at hand.
(Kymbo & The Rooch were one of SEN SA shows that would take forever to load and export, SEN SA 1629)
I wouldn’t have to face this as much on Saturday shifts. ECN (2017) determines that in the internet ‘rush hour’ “data speeds drop by up to 30%”. Therefore, I believe that due to the more frequent foot traffic in the office throughout the week this was the reason behind the painstakingly slow exporting and loading times.
Another challenge I faced was the commute to the office. Being from Berwick, traditionally a trip to the city would take approximately an hour or so whether it be via car or train. Throughout the duration of the internship there were several Pakenham line closures that Berwick Station is on meaning it wasn’t a reliable service. On top of that the station that is only two kilometres from my house, was upgrading its car park for a 2023 expansion. This meant that in the meantime half of the car park was unavailable for use, thus scratching the option to go into SEN via Berwick Train Station. Driving in the full way was also not an option with parking on weekdays not only limited to a couple of hours but it also had to be paid for. This meant for all weekday shifts I was given that I would have to create a hybrid use of multiple forms of transportation to get to work.
It would go as follows. Drive from my house in Berwick to either Holmesglen Station or Huntingdale Station depending on track works or the congestion on the Monash Freeway. Next, take the train in from either station to Flinders Street. If I was going in from Huntingdale Station, I would have to get off at Richmond and change trains to skip wasted time through the city loop for an alternative train that goes directly to Flinders Street. From there it was a tram ride either down St Kilda Road to the Shine of Remembrance stop to then walk down the duration of Coventry Street, or if I was lucky a rare South Melbourne tram would appear and take me to the Kings Way stop dropping me off right outside SEN’s doors.
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(Roadworks on the Monash Freeway lasted half the time I was with SEN. The other half was just as congested, The Age)
All up a trip to my internship on average would take 1 hour and 50 minutes each way. This meant early trips meant earlier alarms and long shifts meant late night arrivals back home. Despite this I can proudly say that I was never late to a shift.
In recollection of these challenges, I’m glad that the challenges I faced were those not in my control and didn’t reflect on my overall ability and performance.  
ECN. (2017). Slow internet? new technology to speed up home broadband dramatically.  Rockaway. https://www.proquest.com/docview/2003029640?pq-origsite=primo
SEN SA 1629 (@1629senSA). (2022, November 25) Isaac Keeler talks the clubs that have shown interest in him ahead of the draft!. Twitter. https://twitter.com/i/status/1595975570256547841
The Age (2016, November 4) The Monash Freeway. https://www.theage.com.au/national/victoria/monash-freeway-delays-crash-and-road-widening-works-cause-traffic-headaches-20161104-gsht04.html
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