#2012 TMNT Raph
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imagionationstation · 4 months ago
When Donnie touches the ground, he flinches.
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His entire body tries to curl inward at the pain and he gives a tiny, barely audible gasp. Leo’s hand shoots up immediately.
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He seems to hesitate, moving slowly and oh-so gently resting it on Donnie. And Donnie’s entire body relaxes.
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His shoulders stiffen as his body acknowledges sudden contact against his chest, probably because that too is causing some pain.
AND YET: His mouth falls shut. The pain on his face smooths out. His head falls forward, his shoulders rise, all angling towards Leo.
And Leo’s eyes are what tells the entire story. They (expectantly) never leave him at any point and there’s not much expression to be noted outside of a mixture of sad/guilt/worried.
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Then he lays his hand on Donnie.
And his little brother leans into it. He relaxes at the touch.
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Out of everything happening right now, THAT’S what makes him look like he’s hurting. THAT’S what stops the leader from worrying and introduces the big brother who’s beyond disappointed in himself.
That tiny bit of subconscious comfort that Donnie reveals while leaning into the touch of the person who helped hurt him.
THAT is going to be what haunts him from this moment on.
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qingwaaa · 1 year ago
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That turtle is so girl
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sharkdoughnutz · 1 year ago
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2012 screenshot redraw becuz i got bored lol ^^
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blueberri-blu · 3 months ago
Dr. Shakey Shake ~๑~
Some head canons of the [2012] Turts with an s/o who has trembling hands
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Is very worried at first
As the oldest, he has a habit of overthinking... Everything
So he wonders if you're stressed, if this is a trauma response to the many things that have happened, if something has gone wrong with your health
At first, Leo tries to do things that would he assumes help you with your tremble
He'll start having you join him for meditation, journaling, and joint exercises
And after a while of doing these with no improvement, he ends up asking you gently and awkwardly let's be honest, why they tremble so much
You explain to him that, you were born that way, and there really wasn't much you could do, not any medications to take or anything of the sort
After understanding that no, this wasn't going to change, and that it was something constant and permanent, he backed off a bit
Leo didn't stop the previous activities with you if you wanted to continue doing them
He just seemed less... Intense, and much more understanding
However, he only gives you plastic cups and plates... Just in case
Also never gives you knives, even when needed
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Before you're together, it annoys him
But as you two grow closer, he realizes it's something you just can't control, and that out of everyone, it annoys you the most
Will only have patience with you
You break something? He cleans it up for you
You accidently cut yourself while trying to cut your dinner?
He is ready with a bandaid and gives you his plate with everything cut up already
If you want to train, he gives you all the patience on the world
Will definitely avoid sharp weapons tho
Also, if anyone tries to make fun of you for it... They suddenly dissapear
If it was one of his brothers? They will now be living a nightmare come true
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He probably noticed your tremble before his brother's did
He felt it'd be rude to ask you about it, so Donnie took the next logical step
Studying you
He noted that, no matter what you were doing or how you were feeling, your hands didn't stop trembling
This is when he came to the conclusion that it was something chronic
Once you two were closer, Donnie would ask you if your hands ever hurt
You explained that no, it was just frustrating sometimes, doing things as simple as writing could be a bit difficult for you
He tried his best to make little gadgets to try and help you
He was able to make unbreakable glass
Made your plate and cup a purple color
Those are now your designated plate & cup
Even made metal arms to go over yours that allow you to do things with steady hands
If your hands shake even more when you're stressed or scared, he gives you a fidget toy he made that allows you to twist and tug on it without it breaking
Will still try to give you physical therapy if you let him, "just in case" he says
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Is the one who nicknamed you Dr. Shakey Shake
His brothers yelled quietly explained that that was offense
Only to hear you laughing at his nickname for you
Can and will hold your hands if he sees that they're trembling too much.
Understands your clumsiness
Feels like you two are one in the same, totally relates to his brother's not giving you glass or sharp objects
You two bond over neither of you being taken seriously
His brothers call you two the "Disaster Couple"
At first, he thinks that's just the way you are, doesn't even think twice about it
When you explain you were born with it, he wasn't surprised at all
"oh, Yea! I mean, that's just how it be sometimes, right dudette?"
Will feed you pizza under the guise that you can't hold it still long enough to bite it
It's a little short, but I kind of lost inspiration...
Might add on to it later tbh
Anyway, I hope y'all like it!
I love y'all <3
>edit: omg, guys I'm so sorry, I was just trying to read it and everything was so out of order, I'm so sorry, I just fixed it<
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sinestrosmind · 1 year ago
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are ya'll surprised that once again @tinyghostotus is the source of a tortles meme from me
inspo is that one deleted episode where the black hole generator in the Rise universe is a TOASTER
2012 Raph kinnie brain said "THE FUCKING WHAT" and Otus found a new catchphrase <3
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chloecats7-arts · 2 years ago
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"Leave tot alone ! Fight me !" hehe First art after a long long time of nothing and in a totally different fandom :D
Here's the fanart I made when I joined the Teb discord for @debb987 of my favorite scene at the time
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astronautrobot · 6 months ago
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Awful take at comic style
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*skidaddles into your ask box, leaves this in here and runs away giggling* you're welcome teehee >:3
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I finally did this! Never using the evil art style again it looks so goofy
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lavenders-artstuff · 2 years ago
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Quick drawing of an idea that popped up on discord of Leo taking care of her brothers, particularly after difficult missions, by helping them clean up and tend to injuries
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leoandraphssoulmate · 8 months ago
❤️💙❤️💙 My Bois😍😍😍
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imagionationstation · 11 months ago
Today on the Mikey Is Not Abused news
Research shows that 78% of the “Poor Mikey” fanclub claims that Mikey is incapable of standing up for himself, whether that be because he fears further abuse, fears his brothers in general, suffers from intense depression, an abuse sort of conditioning, or *insert other incredulous views here* (Statistics may not be entirely accurate and should be used with caution).
Unfortunately for them, Mikey does knows how to stand up for himself and it has been shown that he can speak his mind to even the main abuser, Raphael, and walk away unscathed.
Astonishing claim, I know, but the facts prove themselves.
Mikey has brought up beliefs on several occasions, but his lack of awareness outside his own mind often disproves his own claims.
Years of leprechauns, cream cheese demons, and certainty in cupcake uprisings have worn down his brothers’ trust in his word on many different subjects. This is not his brothers ignoring him out of spite. This is merely because he has proven himself to be an unreliable source when it comes to reality.
His lack of interest in taking most battles and training sessions seriously grate on his brothers’ nerves and often lead them to doubt his prowess and abilities on the field. Mikey being the youngest and earning all of their must protect with life instincts doesn’t exactly help his case. He knowingly brings much of their wrath upon himself- with tauntings, and purposefully infuriating acts, and the constant reappearance of Dr. Prankenstein.
When Mikey doesn’t go gun-hoe or call Raph out for a whack on the head, it’s probably because he’s conscious enough to know he likely said/did something stupid, or because he purposefully did something annoying.
However, if he sees an injustice affect another by his brothers’ hand, he will be the first one to stand up and correct it.
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Mikey is proven to be more likely to speak his mind when it comes to others around him getting retribution that he deems underserved.
IN FACT, a few of the only times fans actually see an aggressive argument/challenge poised to a brother is to Raphael, often in regards to his crass judgement.
Take Fourfold Trap as an example:
“I got the answer for you! Karai’s a lost cause!”
“Don’t say that, dude!”
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Mikey shoves at Raph’s shoulder to make him face him and they both begin yelling/bickering/roughly gesturing. Mikey is in no way scared of how Raph will react to this and is immediate in getting physically aggressive and speaking his mind.
Not normally how someone who’s been abused all their life would act towards the main abuser, I think. Not convincing enough?
Well, The Curse of Savanti Romero is another:
In it, Renet is seen admitting to her mistake of letting Romero loose. Raph responds by immediately coming down on her for it, even though she understands and regrets her mistake.
Mikey has zero hesitations about jumping into the picture.
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“You really are the worst time traveler ever! The worst!”
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“Back off, bro! She needs our help!”
Psychology of most abusers would not point to this kind of situation going well. If this were the case- in no universe would Raphael have relented under his brother’s glare and stepped away, especially not after being shoved and yelled at in front of someone outside the family. That would be seen as a calling for punishment.
Moving away would be letting the abused assert dominance and think that they’ve gotten away with a win.
If this were really an abusive relationship, then Raphael would have had a far more violent reaction to his youngest brother butting in.
Instead, he growled, glared, and then relented. He could tell this was not an issue that could be further challenged. Mikey was standing his ground, intensely meeting his glare, and so Raph stepped away.
Now, have there been times where Mikey felt like he was left out or being ignored and that made him feel insecure?
Yes. Absolutely. Mikey Gets Shellacne is a prime example.
But, have the abusers, his older brothers, been made to share similar feelings of being unable to rely on their brothers at one time or another? Perhaps due to his direct or indirect actions? Why, yes.
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Because, as hard as it is to believe, every person in that family has made mistakes when dealing with another family member. Relationships are hard. Not one person, or mutant, is perfect, and facing or accepting insecurities is always a fact of growing up.
Is this to say Mikey never stands up for himself?
No. Not even close.
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Is it ever portrayed as something big and dramatic as a focal point of an episode? No. Because it doesn’t need to be.
If Mikey holding onto resentment and depression from how his brother abuse him was meant to be part of his character, it would have been a plot point in the episode where they’re literally in his brain. There would have been the slightest hint of something going on somewhere in that chaotic realm.
Instead, Mikey’s brain welcomed all of his brother with open arms.
And the true, inner Mikey runs ecstatically toward his brothers and into Leo’s open arms for snuggles, no more scared of his brothers inside his mind than outside of it.
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The only time that he has thoughts of “my brothers are so mean to me I should run away” is the episode The Croaking, where he takes accountability and has the realization that his brothers aren’t the jerks that he thought they were when he ran off…
“Dude. Your brothers sound awesome.”
“Yeah. They are… Even after I trashed the house.”
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Mikey doesn’t often react violently to his brother’s teasing because there’s not a reason too. He understands that his brother’s pick on him, but in reality, he picks on them too. It’s not a big enough deal to point out unless an evil planet is letting Angry Mikey consume all of his thoughts and then everything is terrible.
Mikey can stand up for himself. Mikey will always stand up for others.
And that brings this article to an end. Subscribe for more!
Next time, we’ll discuss why Parasitica May or May Not have a worse reputation than it truly deserves. Cowbunga!
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holycrimin · 7 months ago
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that one Laios meme but with the 12 bros, saw the rise one and got inspired <33
(don't tag as t-cest)
original under the cut!
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Original by @/sweepswoop_ on Twitter
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forgetful-nerd · 9 months ago
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Look at these innocent, little baby turtles. Not a thought goes on behind those eyes. Sure hope nothing bad happens to them.
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camilieroart · 9 months ago
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Here is the piece I did for @turtlestogetherzine !
I absolutely adore both Rise and 2012, and this was a blast to make ! Thanks for having me :) !
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sinestrosmind · 1 year ago
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thanks to @tinyghostotus I made a few redraws of an IDW TMNT panel that were ABSOLUTELY meme material
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chloecats7-arts · 2 years ago
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