#200 Subscribers
monarch-maelstrom · 5 months
In honor of getting 100 (now somehow 200 😭😭) subscribers on my YouTube channel I’ll be doing the 100 faces challenge!!!
If you’re interested send me an ask or respond to this post with a character and expression and I’ll draw it! You can also comment on the video in my YouTube channel (link in my master post)
Please send in your characters :)!
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(Sorry this one has the already submitted characters)
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fabseg-creator · 7 months
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200 subscribers exceeded
I Thank all the subscribers (actually 206 accounts).
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kenaigamesgallantly · 4 months
... there are 200 of you on YouTube... there's 200 of them...
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Discord is deciding what we're gonna do for it, but... wow.
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innerlmnt · 4 months
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Hey folks, I want to thank you for reaching this milestone on my channel - 200 subscribers - it feels strange that there are so many of you pending for my videos. I hope to make it worth your time. Thanks <3
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crunchycrystals · 10 months
according to sam reich dropout nearly doubled its subscribers this year so
reblog for sample size and all that
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vynnyal · 9 months
This is likely the hardest I've laughed in rain world yet. Basically, you can glitch a spear into a quantum state using a dead bat body, allowing stabbed enemies to follow you through tunnels. So I tried bringing a leviathan to Moon. And the game really, really didn't like that
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starlitangels · 8 months
Ignore this it’s just a tag rant
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giantisms · 3 months
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everybody and their mother is doing these so it's my turn. feel free to reblog chain. or not 👍
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stonesandswords · 3 months
i woke up to 213 youtube subscribers literally overnight ????
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chandajaan · 2 years
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hyruviandoctor · 3 months
One they’re always saying about me - and this is true folks - one thing they’re always saying about me is that I always have the answer. Always have the answer. You can ask me any question, folks, and I will always have an answer for you. Now other people - we won’t name names but you know who - other people - get this - they don’t have the answers. They don’t have answers. But me? You put an ask in my inbox and I’ll tell you an answer. This is true.
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wyattlife · 5 months
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We did it
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smol-blue-bird · 1 year
The US Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board YouTube channel will always be the funniest thing in the world to me. It started out as just, like, a boring milquetoast government channel that posted low-budget animations of industrial disasters, all interrupted by reminders that corporations have to adhere to safety standards, but it turned out that people really liked watching those low-budget disaster animations. So now the USCSB channel has a massive following of nearly 300k people, most of whom work in fields that have nothing to do with chemistry or industrial manufacturing, many of whom aren’t even American, and the video budget has visibly gone up and up over the past few years. Their video titles have changed from things like “CSB Safety Video: Vinyl Chloride” to “TRANSIENT HAZARDS: EXPLOSION AT THE REFINERY” and they have super fancy CGI and narration and their new intro has an eagle flying over a river and introducing the agency name. It genuinely makes me so happy, because a.) it’s a very effective form of outreach, b.) it’s nice to see the government funding something that’s actually helpful and useful to average citizens for once (showing why safety standards are important! dunking on employers for violating OSHA and cutting corners! encouraging people to notice and report unsafe practices!) and c.) it’s fucking hilarious that a boring government agency most people will probably never interact with offline has way more subscribers than the vast majority of other government channels
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1982 paranoid ford but he liveblogs his isolation
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oars · 8 months
can we go back to people being allowed to make their "cringe rawr xd doing anime poses on camera" videos without people adding them to cringe compilations and showing a video having harmless fun to thousands of thousands of people. remember when you could do that and literally no one would care. why do we hate other peoples fun. also why do we have to be ableist and fatphobic ontop of it all go explode
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purified-zone · 1 year
you are not prepared for how hard this MCR cover goes, at all
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