fin24bb · 4 months
Story : overview and inspiration
For the start of the game I want to throw the player in where the gameplay start with little amounts of exposition on who the characters are just giving small hints on who the characters are and there relationships that would be established more as the story panned out however I don't have the means to make the whole story/game
however a general overview of what happens at the start of the game that is playable is that Finbub the main character who attends a school set in the modern day but this school is that off a school for outcasts and weirdos with odd mutations and powers mostly linked to those of Gods from around the world a small bit of exposition that the player wouldn't know is that Finbub the protagonist used to be friends with Dionysus or as he calls him Dio for short as they were good friends Dio however one day gains a new set of powers before he was weak and seen as an outcast even in a school full of them as being related to that of Dionysus he could only grow measly Grape vines and sometimes the grapes if he was lucky but however he one day suddenly spurts new crazy powers allowing him to not just have much ascended the previous powers being able to make his old powers far stronger being able to create that of sentient grapes but also he has the ability to grant wishes but he only uses this for evil and his own way all of the bullying he was stuck with will be retributed but this causes a sort of outbreak of his mental stability causing him to go crazy with power this is then left to Finbub to fix as he was his only real friend as he didn't have much of powers either he was just a Faun a goat boy with legs horns and eyes that he hides as he dislikes that due to previous bullying he covers it with a bandanna that shows off his inner flame as well he has fire powers however very weak he could barely light a candle if he tried but Dionysus might help reveal his inner power and this is more a less where the story starts with Dio making Fin fight off his new minions
The inspiration
My Hero Academia
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Firstly one of my largest pieces of inspiration was from the anime/manga series My Hero Academia the show mostly consists of a world inhabited by many people who suddenly spurted powers one day called quirks these are superpowers that really can be anything sticky balls that come out of your head to Super strength caused by ingesting Sugar although what I will say is it is almost the opposite to my world as not having powers in this universe would cause one to be bullied in comparison and that's where I pull a large piece of inspiration from the Main Character Izuku Midoriya he Starts the series as somewhat of a nobody bullied from the fact he has no powers but he still aspires to become a strong hero and attend the school for heroes UA However once he is given his power One for All by the number one hero All Might he is able to climb his way up and become far stronger than anyone could imagine
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Danganronpa is a Game/Anime series based around a group of students all talented in there own areas and therefore are invited to a prestigious school Hopes peak academy however upon arrival they are never to be seen again the story of the game follows as story murder mystery puzzle based gameplay as a game of survival of the fittest plays out between them having to try and be the last survivors playing a game of kill or be killed every time someone is murderer the students go to trial having to try and pin it on one person who will then be sent to "punishment time" that would lead to the inevitable death there is 3 main games/series that all follow the same idea with a fresh new cast and ideas obviously my main inspiration from this game is the character each having there own unique talents that span from being the ultimate gambler to the ultimate swimmer and everything in-between and outside this idea
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The Netflix iteration on the Addams family series Wednesday I think really fits the theme of my game well as the setting and story share many point such as the school for out casts with werewolves, Gorgons and vampires and many other with there own unique powers compared to My Hero Academia where not having powers is weird its the opposite in this universe where having them makes you weird and dangerous but I also think this universe works well as it is set in the modern day making mentions of that such as tiktok but also another part of this is that the main story is Wednesday and her group of friends hunting down a mysterious beast and having many other mysteries mix into it and that would be similar to my story as a whole as while chasing the main villain there would be many side plots set off
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fin24bb · 4 months
Pixel Art : Pixel Jeff
Pixel Jeff is a freelance artist who makes many different genres and types of pixel art from sci fi and cyberpunk based work to pixel recreations of memes and just general art
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I want to first talk about this piece that he has made of Link from The legend of Zelda chilling out I really enjoy this for not just the fact I'm a huge fan of the series but the amount of detail and references in the art showing how much knowledge he has on the series from the basics oh the master sword and hylian shield to things such as old call backs to an old show from the year 1989 and even with the cool references and detail both combined make such a crazy image with things such as the watch tower out the window all of this combined make this an amazing piece of art
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and here is another piece that I think matches his cyberpunk aesthetic more with this beautiful piece that fuses a complex looking area and mix's it with an oni women that almost contains her own world inside of her as we can see a second moon/sun this just looks amazing this dark area with a light one inside that is also the shape of the dress of this huge woman
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fin24bb · 4 months
Pixel Art : Fool
Fool is an artist whos skills are there extremely detailed work that mostly comes in the form of fantasy work with often wacky creatures
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It honestly can be hard to tell what work of his is pixel or not due to the extremely detailed art the shading and details on this snail they have made is crazy with the skins texture looking super realistic and not just that also the texture and shading on the shell is crazy and not just is there art generally just really good its also animated really well being pretty fluid especially on the shell again as you can clearly see the dimensions morphing around overall its the detail that really takes his art to the next level
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not just that they also can make huge scale backgrounds and just art overall the amount of detail that has gone into this especially those huge totems at the front of the background but also the rest of the background too while it may be hard to see things such as the roots and walls have some very small and precise details that make them very fine and the art just overall amazing
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fin24bb · 4 months
Pixel Art : Thomas Feichtmeir
Thomas Feichtmeir is an artist focused on creating Assets and asset packs for other to take and put into there own games from smaller assets like food items and effects to characters and and full HUDS his work looks mostly fantasy based
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I think this shows off well the quality of his work with 50 high quality fantasy monster based designs with so much inspiration this is sure to hit many boxes and be useful to many but I also want to show off at the forefront this
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this is a full Inventory UI design this shows his knowledge on his art spans video games well as he doesn't just make assets for enemy's or food items/weapons' but also actual parts of the game overall Thomas Feichtmeir is a talented man who has many skills in game design and this is very impressive and something that can be strived to achieve when it comes to designing assets
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fin24bb · 4 months
Pixel Art : KiroKaze
KiroKaze is a freelance pixel artist with a very wide portfolio of work but there is an excess of once again futurism and tech based art but also a lot of cars and robots like Gundam
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This piece while it may be some reference I don't know I picked it just due to the raw scale and skill this takes this image just has so much raw power to it the robot itself has so much detail to it per body part the body with amazing tech features but also just the small details of wear is pretty impressive as each of them is so detailed and then the huge cape that is just bearing the wind the animation is not just super fluid but looks very realistic the way it is flying around is so dramatic and dynamic as it is posed in the sunlight in the baron dessert that bring up another part of the art the background while on the ground they are in some sandy area that looks mostly to be abandoned I want to talk about the sky and how detailed it is the clouds curving around the sun the lens flare of the sun all pulls this picture together especially that blue-sky
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as to show off his very wide style of work I think this fantasy work really show in comparison what he can do not just can he draw massive robots but also massive dragons what I want to talk about most here is the dynamic lighting on not just the drawing as a whole with it being night time with the eerie blue glow but also the glow of the robed character in the middle just show off the skills of KiroKaze
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fin24bb · 4 months
Pixel Art : Paul Robertson
Paul Robertson is an amazing pixel artist who has work on many games and TV shows to name a few the Simpsons, rick and morty and Scott Pilgrim but his own work is amazing on its own accord a very psychedelic style looking at his blog you might think your on a drug trips its so vibrant and crazy but his work also contains tons of references and characters that span many series and genre all in his own style overall
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I think this piece shows off this perfectly while it doesn't reference anything from what I know it is crazy with vibrant colors all over it there is just so much going on the weird cats at the top the small people at the bottom praising someone or the huge robot women that has a city build upon there head there isn't much that is given to us directly but we can infer so much it seems to be some future universe where people may have fallen into a leadership based world listen to those in change and that's it but as I said before this work is so impressive the massive scale and detail and the story that can be portrayed through it
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fin24bb · 4 months
Pixel Art : WANEELLA (Valeriya Sanchillo)
Valeriya Sanchillo is an extremely talented background artist with some amazing pieces that makes very retro and futuristic pieces of art that can install some nostalgic feelings even if you didn't grow up in an area similar just the cozy look alone can bring this feeling
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as the first point I made before with this Retro Futurism this piece specifically in my opinion obviously looks to be a japan based design as a lot of future cyber looking art commonly is based its hard to explain why this specifically this looks oddly futuristic maybe the assortment of random items placed about or the bright lights I can see but this image still presents a form of being pretty retro looking like a small street in some Tokyo or Shibuya alleyway that could be serving some drinks and hot food late at night
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and I want to use this piece as an example of the nostalgia I mentioned earlier once again this looks like some random shop in a japan street and well I didn't grow up there but this can instill so much of a nostalgic feel to me weather its a personal connection as I grew up with a lot of Japanese media like anime and JRPGs that often have similar setting to this but I also believe that the lighting is somehow very important to it that creamy orange reflection that makes it look like maybe an early morning or an evening walk it hits hard as these moment always hit hard in real life personally and this captures it perfectly
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fin24bb · 4 months
Pixel Art : AlbertoV
Alberto is an artist and developer who takes a liking to 16 bit consoles and arcade games and this can be seen in his work well
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I'm personally a fan of this piece here not just because its final fantasy 7 (the best ff) but also because it shows off his art style really well showing off a multitude of character with a variety of body types and styles in this by itself this can show us how he designs character depending on how they are a large brute like Barret being Wider and spread and in a plain position but still being more intimidating and taking a smaller girl like Tifa giving her an active looking pose ready to strike you can tell she means business then Cloud with his Massive Buster Sword and he has taken this and put Cloud into a very dynamic pose showing he is ready to attack and then not just that but he also shows off in this piece his skill when it comes to background art I think capturing not just the style right but also the look of FF7 especially with the flat colors but still having shading
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and to show off maybe not just some of his development skills but also his higher detailed character art this is Maya Fey of the phoenix wright series and that doesn't really matter all to much other than to put down the Japanese style that Alberto seems to be amazing at capturing overall Alberto is very talented (and has good taste in games)
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fin24bb · 4 months
Pixel Art : FinalBossBlues
Next is FinalBossBlues an artist who focuses on pixel art RPG games mostly in the style of anything from the 1980s to the early 2000s
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with a basic look early RPG games have a very certain style very chibi of sorts with certain large body parts like hand and heads with simplistic designs for them compared to there body's and clothing commonly but its all the style and FinalBossBlues captures this so well the vibrant green grass the Old country houses it feels right at home like the start of an adventure
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Here is one piece from him that I thinks shows off these points I've made it simple looking people with crazy accessories and animation however not made of many frames but with amazing detail each with there own personality from each of these with just the walking and other animation I can almost make my own idea of each of these characters and their role but the simple animations and RPG looks is similar to what I will make for my game similarly but with a different style generally and lower quality
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fin24bb · 4 months
Pixel Art : JunkBoy
JunkBoy is an illustrator and graphic designer that has shared work over his blog in the past couple of years there is quite a lot of diversity but an overall theme of Cyberpunk type of aesthetics for some of his work but most of his pixel art is very and cute overall
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For example these pieces one that looks like a side scroller game look with 2 dolphins fighting this large mech machine that looks kind of like a crab it captures video games very well with a proper HUD with the health and high score and they next piece of work looks very similar to a JRPG style game with a similar style and work quality as before but with more game based HUD pieces though I do think it doesn't capture video game gameplay as much as it does a cutscene
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But as I mentioned before the Cyberpunk work with vibrant future colors with a dingy setting he has captured it well but also in very nice quality and a great art style looking less like a game that might have been for a handheld or console like before this reminds me a lot of arcade games with the very spotty look but I think this pixel art work by JunkBoy is amazing
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fin24bb · 4 months
Pixel Art : Retronator
Retronator is a pixel artist who has been hosting a blog on his work and also his game studio since 2007 (this is so long ago I was a literal infant) he makes extremely high quality art and has been very active in his years of work
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Retronators blog has many pieces of work on it but also itself is a piece of art this in its simplicity is amazing it could just be a plain blog with non matching fonts and a plain boring design like other but it isn't it is a full site that will keep you immersed in the pixel art on display
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the site helps show off not just the work contained but the entire style of there work as a whole while it contains a large variety it all fits the same general font of being very large and high detail
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to show this off I think this piece shows it off well this is such a large canvas and it just has so much detail the shadows are crazy the layers of the background and the foreground the reflections on the water the view of the image having grass in the front to show this is from another island it all just captures so much as a whole showing off not just there style but skill for this art and the blog
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fin24bb · 4 months
Pixel art and how to make it
as can be seen in the vid that you need to find inspiration weather that is from scratch or being spread off an idea you already have this will give you ideas for the next to main steps towards this process
that you need to find a base not just in canvas size but also just for the character overall to make sure there is room for animation and to contain the ideas you have
then with those ideas just start to fill in this area you have made with many design ideas weather this means copying and adjusting to find the perfect one or just modifying the same one
what also needs to be taken into account is what game is being made specifically normally not just to figure out what animations will be required but also camera angle that will morph dimensions of the art
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fin24bb · 4 months
Concept art
this Post is to talk of the importance of the idea of concept art not to show off any
Games would obviously be nothing without it the whole base of a game doesn't just sprout from the main concept and the games code itself but also the earliest art created for it that will be the main way to start to visualize the game and sprout the game as a whole for the main artist and even for 3d games the modelers start to bring forward the assets for the game that is being produced as the concept art is to give them a basic idea of what will be in the game such as weapons the characters in general
but it is also useful for keeping the game consistent in style to make sure the game is in a good space when the game is in development for not just the art style but can also be used for the design of things like levels and the characters overall with certain aspects being transformed into models later on will need to stay consistent despite probably being made by others
the time you are making the games concept art is also when the game will be being shown of to the shareholders to see if the game is right for them if its unique or will make them money this shows off how important this art is it is basically the pitch of the game to see if it will probably even be made
this art should also be done with specific info with certain people for the character this is there first integration they need to have realistic proportion the world if realistic need to be done by someone who knows what it would look like and also for the equipment type assets someone with larger knowledge on the topic may be more useful for this to get smaller details
all of this comes together just to create what is some of the first ideas for a game but still being super important
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fin24bb · 4 months
Game Accessibility
For those hard of hearing
for those hard of hearing my game would not just be no trouble due to the fact there is no audio in the current version but even if it did there would still be minimum amounts of problems as if there was audio it would basically only be non required such as sound effects, voice acting and music and with the voice acting it would be no problem due to there being text that is non timed and readable
Color blindness and low vision
once again for my game there would be low amounts of need for color as it can be played without mostly as I made the text quite huge and readable and also there is no functions of the game that is specifically color coded to tell the player something
Motor Disabilities
once again my game has low problems with this as the gameplay has no timer on it so not just does the player have as long as they need to input a control and also the fact that the controls are pretty safe with just minor movements of the mouse and just simple key presses such as just holding to move making my game accessible to them
Cognitive disabilities
and again the game is overall pretty accessible to those with cognitive disabilities not just again due to the games speed and good text sixes but the game being very plain and chilled out with it being pretty slow not just in gameplay but also looks with the game not having many fast moving or flashing things that are too fast or vibrant but I do think I could work on the learning parts while my game has a simple idea some could still have trouble figuring out maybe some more tutorials could help
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fin24bb · 5 months
PEGI labels
each game has a PEGI rating to tell the audience or adults what a game may contain and what age is recommended to play the game
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A PEGI 3 game would likely have absolutely nothing that would frighten a very young child and at most very mild violence (likely between children/playfighting) and to be absolutely in no way inappropriate with no profanity
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Next a PEGI 7 and this almost just continues almost the same with very little content that would scare someone of the age group and for the violence it can be a little more violent but however in the sense of comic violence things like superhero's or something like Pokémon very non violent and with no gore
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once again with each new rating the rules just get a little less tight with violence but still mostly comic violence maybe with some more disturbing content but still nothing like blood this PEGI rating covers inappropriate content more such as sexual innuendos and mild profanity
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PEGI 16 is major tally where rules mostly leave with more gore and sexual based content with it being about as realistic in real life and use of profanity is allowed and there can be usage of drugs, tobacco and alcohol
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once a PEGI rating reaches 18 it is at the point where any gore and violence that is deemed as immoral, motiveless or against defenseless characters and also the glamorization of drug and alcohol abuse, sexual content or gambling
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along side PEGI rating is the parental guidance recommended rating used for non game based apps like social medias or YouTube normally apps with user made videos and photos
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Then there is the descriptors that are all very self explaining with there labels these will be put with the PEGI to show off what of the parts of each PEGI it hits
this info comes from the PEGI website https://pegi.info/what-do-the-labels-mean
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fin24bb · 5 months
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for the main antagonist I went for Dionysus for the simplicity of him being the antagonist of the story of Midas and the golden touch and to get inspiration I made a MoodBoard to explore ideas such as the look of other game iterations of him like hades that show him off to be the god mostly of wine and this is the idea that I also wanted to use and his hades design takes a lot of ideas I like such as the purple hair to represent the win aspect then also I like the ideas of putting grapes in the actual design so I though vines would be something to use and maybe even similar to the thorn crown worn by Jesus and lastly his clothing I just made into a basic toga commonly worn by gods and that includes Dionysus
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this is the design for my main Villain for my game I wanted to make sure he fit in with the school scene that the start of the game is set in as I designed him as a sort of quiet kid niche some what emo/scene esc designs with the Dionysus based inspirations such as the purple color scheme as based on the god of wine and that is the reason for the thorns and grapes around his neck and what would be the rest of his body making him in a constant pain and wanting to rid himself of his powers but causing evil along the way once again to the design of being a god of wine and lastly the toga once again as just a common god like thing to wear I wanted to make his design like a god with some more serious points but still the design of a teenager
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fin24bb · 5 months
Juice Punch
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once again another pretty basic attack animation this one for the only enemy that you will fight in the small portion of the game that will be playable I do like this animation the most due to the movement of it
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and this is the animation for the effect of it hitting the enemy once again very basic but will work well in comparison with the other ones
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