#2. Petrus 1: 3
bowietea · 1 year
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Happy mf birthday to @patchesenthusiast you fucken dick 🎊💜
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lexreadsdiversely · 4 months
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Sapphic Book Recs by/about People of Color, Part 1
These are some of the books I've read/are on my tbr. A mix of YA and Adult, across various genres.
Image 1:
Dulhaniyaa - Talia Bhatt
Monstrous - Jessica Lewis
This is how you lose the time war - Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone
Light from Uncommon Stars - Ryka Aoki
Souls Aligned - Najee Jamerson
The Stars and the Blackness Between Them - Junauda Petrus
Once Ghosted, Twice Shy - Alyssa Cole
The Final Strife - Saara El-Arifi
Image 2:
The Fall that Saved Us - Tamara Jerée
Rosewater - Liv Little
A Báhn Mì for Two - Trinity Nguyen
The Taking - Celeste Castro
Outdrawn- Deanna Grey
The Sun and the Void - Gabriela Romero Lacruz
The Map That Led to You - Ella McLeod
The Gilda Stories - Jewelle Gomez
Escaping Mr. Rochester - L.L. McKinney
Image 3:
A Guide to the Dark - Meriam Metoui
And Don't Look Back - Rebecca Barrow
The Weight of the Stars - K. Ancrum
The Name-Bearer - Natalia Hernandez
Thirsty - Jas Hammonds
So Let Them Burn - Kamilah Cole
Where Sleeping Girls Lie - Faridah Àbíké-Íyímídé
The Space Between Worlds - Micaiah Johnson
The Lesbiana's Guide to Catholic School - Sonora Reyes
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silencehq · 1 month
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Cada prompt aqui proposto será tido como oficial, contará para o desenvolvimento do plot central. Portanto, podem ocupar à vontade, mas lembre: desenvolva! Seu desenvolvimento será muito importante para a central pois irá mexer ativamente no nosso plot. Levaremos em conta tudo o que vocês desenvolverem na dash, sendo assim, quando iniciar algo sobre o plot, marquem a central para que possamos ler e enviem no chat da TVH o link para que possamos construir um compilado com todos os desenvolvimentos.
Pra ser uma chance justa de todo mundo conseguir pegar algo, está liberado chegar no chat a partir das 21h de hoje. Até lá podem tirar dúvidas ou até sugerir mais alguma coisa para colocarmos.
Como irá desenvolver é estratégia sua, pode escolher POVs, headcanons, interações, turnos, qualquer coisa que desejarem.
Se precisar de ajuda para pensar em algo sobre seu prompt escolhido, pode vir no nosso chat que a gente ajuda!
De início só pode ocupar um por player porque temos poucos prompts, caso sobre algum, vocês podem pedir mais 1 (caso tenham 2 ou 3 chars)
Dessa vez temos uma separação chamada CATEGORIA. Vamos estar nos referindo assim para:
CATEGORIA 1: PROTAGONISMO PRINCIPAL: Player novo, player antigo que não pegou prompt durante aquele da fenda + Petrus ou o plot do traidor com nenhum personagem.
CATEGORIA 2: SECUNDÁRIOS: Players antigos que pegaram naquela época e concluíram mas agora estão com chars novos e querem para esses novos; os players que pegaram prompt naquela primeira e concluíram e querem de novo para esses.
Vai estar indicado em cada etapa, mas ao todo são:
Sendo que: Players de Categoria 1, caso consigam fechar os 8 prompts, terão prioridade para prompts da categoria 2. O motivo disso é para DIVERSIFICAR os protagonistas do RP. É muito legal ter seu personagem ganhando um espaço importante em um plot da central, não é? Então vamos deixar os colegas aproveitarem também!
Sim, são POUCOS prompts nessa leva pois ainda não podemos revelar muito sobre o ciclo 3 e 4. Então podem ter certeza que quando o plot estiver mais para frente nesse ciclo, iremos vir com MAIS PROMPTS. Enquanto eu escrevia esses, percebi que não teria graça colocar muitos e estragar algumas surpresas futuras. Então a promessa é: cada vez que chegarmos perto de um plot importante, daremos novos prompts para aquela etapa.
E claro, ainda continuaremos citando os diversos campistas nos nossos drops e eventos!
Uma dica: ao vir com o pedido, mande apenas UMA MENSAGEM, pois será feito na ordem de chegada. Sem mais enrolação, vamos lá!
Não demorou para os boatos começarem a se espalhar: o mundo está diferente e os monstros também. Sendo assim, alguns campistas estão dispostos a entender mais sobre a situação. A informação foi confirmada pelas Caçadoras, o que apenas fortaleceu a criação do Comitê dos Monstros, onde os campistas vão colher informações sobre os diversos monstros e quando tudo estiver coletado, serão apresentados para o Acampamento.
O comitê funcionará da seguinte forma: os semideuses interessados no assunto monstros irão começar inicialmente as investigações POR CONTA PRÓPRIA, mas em um determinado momento (de acordo com o que estabeleceremos em ooc) eles vão perceber que há mais gente investigando isso e vão se juntar.
ILUSTRADOR: irá desenhar de acordo com as descrições que forem dadas. (@sonofnyx)
INVESTIGADOR: Fará uma coletânea com todas as informações dos monstros novos. (@arktoib)
ESPIÃO: Sua missão é secreta, será revelado no chat. (@oceanhcir)
SONHOS (categoria 1)
Após a chegada dos interceptados, alguns campistas começaram a ter sonhos emblemáticos.
Sonhos da temática 1:
1 vaga para campista categoria 1 (@zmarylou) ; 1 vaga para campista categoria 2 (@notodreamin) PRECISAM SER de chalés diferentes
Sonhos da temática 2:
Sonhos da temática 3:
1 vaga para campista categoria 1 (@siennazhou) ; 1 vaga para campista categoria 2 ( @evewintrs)
PRECISAM SER de chalés diferentes
1 vaga para campista categoria 1 (@azvolkan) ; 1 vaga para campista categoria 2 (@amcrantha) PRECISAM SER de chalés diferentes.
DESCONFIANÇA A: MUSE não confia nos interceptados pois estava fora do acampamento quando ocorreu o chamado e MUSE sabe o quão forte foi. (@athclar)
DESCONFIANÇA B: MUSE não confia nos interceptados pois um grupo de dez pessoas chegar ao mesmo tempo? Algo está errado. (@prideisgonnabeyourdeath)
Esses personagens NÃO vão investigar juntos. Será cada um por si, daremos informações diferentes para cada um no chat. Esse NÃO é um prompt em conjunto ou em dupla.
AÇÃO A: MUSE está desconfiando que está acontecendo a mesma coisa que aconteceu quando foi com Petrus. A resposta estava debaixo do nariz deles o tempo inteiro. Sendo assim, MUSE decidiu partir direto para a ação e está investindo na biblioteca do acampamento. (@apavorantes)
AÇÃO B: Seguir os Interceptados é o que MUSE fará. Mas mais que isso, MUSE desconfia que eles estão escondendo algo. Que estão mentindo. Então se tornará uma sombra de dois delus e irá descobrir algumas coisas importantes. * (@nikahar)
*Será sorteado qual alvo.
Ao contrário de todas as pessoas MUSE parece realmente disposto a acreditar que os Interceptados foram sabotados e não receberam o chamado. Ou seja, acredita que estão falando a verdade. MUSE se aproximará de todos pouco a pouco, deverá se tornar uma figura confiável para elus. (@alekseii)
Você terá uma missão secreta que só será revelada de maneira individual no chat. (@lottokinn)
*Apenas 1 vaga.
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maniculum · 11 months
Meadmaking, Pt. 2
Hi again, more mead-making shenanigans! This time, more medieval.
I'm going to highlight one particular recipe - the oldest English one we have. This comes from Tractatus de Magnetate et Operationibus eius (the thirteenth-century letter on the magnet by Petrus Peregrinus) (Folio 20r). You can read the original here.
It's a weird place for a mead recipe, that's for sure, but I won't complain.
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Here's the transliteration:
ffor to make mede. Tak .i. galoun of fyne hony and to þat .4. galouns of water and hete þat water til it be as lengh þanne dissolue þe hony in þe water. thanne set hem ouer þe fier & let hem boyle and ever scomme it as longe as any filthe rysith þer on. and þanne tak it doun of þe fier and let it kole in oþer vesselle til it be as kold as melk whan it komith from þe koow. than tak drestis of þe fynest ale or elles berme and kast in to þe water & þe hony. and stere al wel to gedre but ferst loke er þu put þy berme in. that þe water with þe hony be put in a fayr stonde & þanne put in þy berme or elles þi drestis for þat is best & stere wel to gedre/ and ley straw or elles clothis a bowte þe vessel & a boue gif þe wedir be kolde and so let it stande .3. dayes & .3. nygthis gif þe wedir be kold And gif it be hoot wedir .i. day and .1. nyght is a nogh at þe fulle But ever after .i. hour or .2. at þe moste a say þer of and gif þu wilt have it swete tak it þe sonere from þe drestis & gif þu wilt have it scharpe let it stand þe lenger þer with. Thanne draw it from þe drestis as cler as þu may in to an oþer vessel clene & let it stonde .1. nyght or .2. & þanne draw it in to an oþer clene vessel & serve it forth //And gif þu wilt make mede eglyn. tak sauge .ysope. rosmaryne. Egre- moyne./ saxefrage. betayne./ centorye. lunarie/ hert- is tonge./ Tyme./ marubium album. herbe jon./ of eche of an handful gif þu make .12. galouns and gif þu mak lesse tak þe less of herbis. and to .4. galouns of þi mater .i. galoun of drestis.
Super clear, right? Here's a modern English version:
For to make mead. Take 1 gallon of fine honey, and to that 4 gallons of water and heat that water till it be as lengh then dissolve the honey in the water. Then set them over the fire and let them boil and scum it as long as any filth rises thereon. And then take it down off the fire, and let it cool in another vessel till it be as cold as milk when it comes from the cow. Then take dregs of the finest ale or else barm and cast it into the water and the honey. And stir it all well together, but first look ere you put your barm in that the water with the honey be put in a fair stonde and then put in your barm or else your dregs for that is best and stir well together; and lay straw or else cloths about the vessel and above if the weather be cold and so let it stand 3 days and 3 nights if the weather be cold. And if it be hot weather 1 day and 1 night is enough at the full. But ever after 1 hour or 2 at the most assay thereof and if you will have it sweet take it he sooner from the dregs as clear as you may into another clean vessel and let it stand 1 night or 2 and then draw it into another clean vessel and serve it forth.And if you will make metheglyn, take sage, hyssop, rosemary, agrimony, saxifrage, betony, centory, lunaria, harts tongue, thyme, maribium album, jon herb, of each a handful if you make 12 gallons and if you make less take the less of herbs and to 4 gallons of the matter 1 gallon of dregs.
I am not the only one who has broken this recipe down, so I will refer to you the following articles, who have done the work for me:
The Mystery of Mead
Open Culture
The inclusion of "fine honey" - this is for a good mead! No wax included.
The recipe heats the water before adding the honey, and notes that the yeast should be added to the must as it is still warm - as warm as cow's milk out the tit. Yeast loves warm (but not hot!) environments, so this indicates brewers knew how to handle yeast. The yeast itself comes from "the dregs of finest ale" or barm (frothing, fermenting malt, or another word for yeast) - this brewer is not risking his batch spoiling!
Additionally, the recipe states the mix should be in a warm place, or insulated if too cold - again, indicating that brewers knew that cold weather could kill the yeast, and warm weather would ferment more quickly.
One thing that catches me about all of the recipes I found is the sheer variety in herbs, fruits, and spices. I've compiled a short list of them below:
Grain of paradise (akin to a peppercorn, related to ginger)
Long pepper (like the peppercorn)
Cubebs (akin to allspice)
Galingale (akin to ginger)
Hyssop (a relative of mint)
Agrimony (like lemon balm)
Saxifrage (rockfoils)
Centory (thistle)
Lunaria (mustardy seeds)
Harts tongue 
Maribum album (horehound, rootbeer and licorice taste)
Jon herb (St. John's Wort, like black tea)
Given the medicinal uses of some of these herbs, and the uses of mild meads as medicines, I wouldn't be surprised if the second recipe here (the metheglin) is used more medicinally than for enjoyment. In any case, I'm excited to experiment with some of these older recipes and see how it turns out!
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bloodlegacies · 2 months
Ask Spoilers/Patreon Demo.
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First of all, thank you, glad you liked it 😁 For the first question.
1: The difference is that it involves his own people, and not foreign invaders and enemies. And although he doesn't mind if the people see him taking others and interrogating them (even torturing some), he does care that the people see him as a coward, as an Elkar or Petrunian would do things. Eleazar doesn't like the idea of looking like them, and neither do the people. Of course, nobody wants to see their loved ones hurt, but if a betrayal were to be discovered, what such people would think (at least the majority of Darians) would be shame and pain, and anger, although there would be understanding, even because the heir/heiress of the duke had been threatened and kidnapped by a Petrunian (in their view), and anyone who helped this Petrunian would also be considered a traitor, to blood and nation. Not only for Eleazar, but also for Darian and their past.
Now, if Eleazar were to act like the Elkar and the Petrunians and they found out? it could imply that Eleazar is a coward, that he is not strong or brave enough to do it in front of others, that he is as low as them, or that something is hidden there. Perhaps Eleazar did it by order of the king, they could think that it was the Elkar who ordered it to be done in secret because they wanted to force Eleazar to kill his own because of the death of one of theirs (Fion is a Petrunian, and he was close to the king, remember), and that Eleazar obeyed the orders like a dog, which would be shameful. But of course, all of this IF THEY KNEW, which will depend on how the MC chooses to do it. And there are other things they could also think, or question.
2: Cecilia is unaware of Hayden's feelings for the MC, but she is not naive, she may come to find out.
3: It could happen that: Alexiel (father of Cecilia and Caio), and his wife, later make Caio the heir (which is unlikely, given his secret and inheritance, but it could be possible). In this case, Cecilia would still have a share, but not all of it. Or indeed, as long as Cecilia remains the heir, both the MC and Cecilia would have rights to their respective territories, just like their sons and daughters, and this is one of the reasons why there are rarely marriages between Darians and Petrunians, because that would mean that the territories, both in Darian and Petrus, would have to be added to an opposing house and family, and therefore, both would be divided, or they would be completely annexed to Petrus or Darian, allowing the leaders of their respective homes to have even more territory.
And in Cecilia's case, it would basically be a whole part of Petrus, as the Marven family has many vassals and territory. This could cause confusion and complications, since both peoples do not like each other, and when the MC and Cecilia have children... well, this also complicates things, as they would basically have both Darian and Petrus blood, which is not very well seen.
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katyspersonal · 3 months
I don't believe I am going to make much SOTE progress today, especially since this traitor @fantomette22 is apparently asleep/busy and can't help me right now -_- So yeah, some extra stuff before bed
1) It is interesting to think of an implication of this item.. damn, apparently there WILL be places where you are stuck but can't teleport or something? :p Okay then.. Sacrificial Twig + this shit it is, then?
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2) They continue with the "monkeys are trying to comprehend magic" lore!
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! Onze is the Demihuman swordsman I fought in the Belurat Gaol earlier! The sword is dropped by a Demihuman Queen you fight in Cerulean Coast! I mean, yeah, even in the base game there was a Demihuman in Weeping Penunsula who used a Glintstone Staff, but damn..
3) Miyazaki: Yeah DLC area map will be like the size of Limgrave :)
Also Miyazaki:
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Me: Girl you ok? 💀💀💀
4) I love the woman with Sulyvahn's blades, but I can't defeat the woman with Sulyvahn's blades ;-;
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Maybe eventually.....
5) WAIT gdhyyf it is like, a symbol of moon and flame or something?????
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This is adorable gfhgfhgggb I know it makes sense, but aww
6) I already screamed about it at Fantomette, but
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7) There is a new Carian Knight! And it is a big deal since they were "no more than a dozen"! Cool!!!
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And it is a girl! However I am curious.. Moongrum, Moonrothyll... why their names start with 'moon'? Are they siblings? Or maybe Carian Knights had ancestry thing going on so those born with expectation to be raised as Carian Knight had 'moon' names in advance? Or they assume 'moon' name as new one upon entering a service (least likely since we already can recall exception)? Arghhhh
8) Okay this was actually an important one for me personally! So basically @jarognieva asked me whether I've met Queelign and I said I had no idea who it was. So greeeat, I've missed an invader -_- She said he was at Belurat and I checked but he never appeared, so I assumed he is one of those invaders that vanish after the boss of the area is defeated. (Who thought it was a good idea? I bet I've missed a cool drop... ;-; ) However, she added that he also invades in another place but she would not tell where! I didn't mind that and continued exploring the DLC as usual. So, after defeating that red bear beast at last (horaaaay!!!), I decided to check a distinct building on that map, and GUESS WHO I'VE MET?????
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So basically bro talked shit (that all 'graceless' shall meet death in Messmer's flame), that already made me REALLY want to kill him as if this cursed hairstyle wasn't enough gghghg . And he also called us 'graceless heathen' upon death lol. But it ACTUALLY clicked when he dropped an item, like:
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Okay all 6 of you already had enough of my lunatic ravings about how much I abhor this specific type of attitude, as well as my theories on Messmer's motivations being rooted in purism of religious kind when anon asked about my expectations for him (I haven't met him yet so schhhh). But it is.. more than that. Miyazaki hates this sort of people too, especially he consistenyly bullies clerics in his works. Just.. read this description
Like not only this gave me some STRONG hatred for this character already, but also reminded me of one of the reasons I ended up loving Miyazaki's works so much to begin with. Shit like this just makes me feel understood, and without exagerration, reading this gave me HUMANITY RESTORED effect after I was feeling low because of a certain spoiler 😔 Honestly.. I don't care how many dramatic blonde twinks he will do dirty with a random plot twist, but as long as he addresses his disdain for this kind of people in his works I'll always love his games. Like I know it sounds oddly emotional but you need to be familiar with his other works to understand vfhgjbghb My faith in him as a creator straight up got restored, it is a personal detail for me!
9) So I figured that Ascetics are dropping pieces of their set.. I had suspicions, yeah, but now I am just sad ggjhhhjj I don't want to grind these guys *ends up doing it anyway probably*
10) For some reason I am starting to really like that hornsent guy who drafts maps of Miquella's crosses! Knowing Soulsborne tho I guess I just need to wait for something bad to happen to him -_-
11) Some people (all two of them) legit thank me for showing these item descriptions because they can't play the DLC themselves, but the players they watch don't stop to read items lore! Okay.... I guess I'll continue, heheh;
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neptuniadoesstuff · 3 months
Doodle Hell #idk01
(CW/TW: Bl00d, G0re/the consumption of raw flesh, & disturbing imagery (Also scaring).) (Don't click "keep reading" if you don't wanna see the images or are uncomfortable with seeing my art)
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Some art I made again. Haven't done a Doodle Hell Thing in awhile so this kinda took awhile but meh, who cares, this is all in good fun (well minus the coloring part tbh)
Anywas here's the whole list of the drawings but by themselves.
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1-1: Harmona having a chat with his Overseer "Kotori"/Peter. (Yes Harmona is REALLY tall like around... 10 ft?)
(Harmona (Weird Black masked borb god) is mine while Kotori/Peter (Blue haired Borb) belongs to my friend A)
(TW/CW: Bl00d)
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2-1: Namria's first experience of actually myordering someone even if it was for self defense.
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3-1: Hehe wholesome goobers. (Short Mailman & his very tall Lizerd wife)
(Dia (Tall Lizerd) is mine while Petrus (Short ahh Mailman) belongs to my friend A) (A is more of a nickname for my friend whom I kinda wanna keep anonymous but you'll normally see them sometimes commenting on my stuff, also they requested me to draw this so A I hope u enjoy it)
(TW/CW: The consumption of deff not sus meat, Bl00d, & just... g0re... yeh this is prob my most morbid piece of art so beware..)
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4-1: Ravens monching on one of their victims they recently myordered but then bro was caught in 4k by a bystander.
(Ravens belongs to my friend A)
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5-1: A portrait draft of Nep incase I wanted to draw smtn in the future.
(Nep is my sona & main Mascot)
(TW/CW: Slightly Disturbing Imagery)
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6-1: Deff just a normal tree... Not a living being that can myorder you & take yur form if it wants to- (Mirage for Scale)
(Both of these 2 characters are mine. Mirage (Green Guy) is just a Noirvillah ver of my 2nd mascot, JJ)
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7-1: A Squimsh Scug! (Haven't drawn Scugs in a while especially in my screb days so this is a refresher tbh)
(This Scug was based on a old friend of mine's sona WAY before she changed it but I miss teh Squimsh tbh)
(TW/CW: Gnarly Scars all over Chris' Face)
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8-1: Uhhhhhhh..... Chris doing the Ricardo Milos Pose bcs CHRIS DEFF WOULD DO THAT TBH! (& maybe Ryan but he don't exist in ASGD, only in Egolandia, one of my other stories) (Yes I know he has boobs but not all guys who are Trans need to have a flat chest, it's like saying all Trans woman need boobs when some of them can be flat. It might give them gender dysphoria which is bad.... But Chris really does not care if he has BOOBS tbh.)
(Chris belongs to me)
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9-1: A moment before teh frikin Coca Cola Espuma frikin explodes in Luthen's Face. (& his brother Kastell trying to stop him before it happens)
(These 2 belong to me but are teh adopted sons of King Malice who really does not care for both of them so Kastell has to take care of his brother who is like 6 years younger than him...)
Every single frikin Character here either belongs to ME or was created/designed by ME!
Art: Mine of course.
Bubs' TOS: Plz don't repost/steal, trace, or recolor my art WITHOUT MY PERMISSION! If you do, I'll take yur femur and pelvis.. SO, DON'T THINK ABOUT IT! (The PNS on my blog's pinned post clearly means "Please No Steal" plz follow that rule.) If you do post my art on anything like yur blog or somewhere else (With my permission) PLEASE CREDIT ME!
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Treasure in the Royal Tower Part IV - (prev. parts here, here and here)
1- The Philosopher by Rembrandt Workshop (Possibly Willem Drost), c.1653
2- Marie Antoinette on the way to her execution by François Flameng, 1887
3- drawing (Landscape with a tower) by Claude Lorrain, c.1640
4- A Soldier on Horseback by Anthony Van Dyck, c.1616
5- Baldassare Castiglione by Raphael, 1514/15
6- The Burlington House Cartoon (The Virgin and Child with Saint Anne and the Infant Saint John the Baptist) by Leonardo da Vinci, c.1499
7- A Goldsmith in his Shop by Petrus Christus, 1449
8- drawing (profile of a warrior in helmet) by Leonardo da Vinci, 1475-80
9- Old Man with a Gold Chain by Rembrandt, 1631
locations: #1 and #9 are in the first floor hallways; #2 is in ‘Major Figures and Events of the French Revolution: Book I’; #5 is in the library; the rest are on the map below
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firecoloredwater · 6 months
Tagged by @domoz
Rules: list the first line(s) of your last 10 (or however many you have) posted fics and see if there’s a pattern.
1 - Second Breath: "When Madara's mother died he was twelve, a fully fledged shinobi, and no longer in need of anyone to raise him."
2 - Roots Grow Up: "There are shinobi in town today."
3 - And On The Horizon: "A dragon’s rising, and their first flight in particular, can’t be predicted perfectly."
4 - to accept the will of heaven: "To die for the Uchiha is an honor." - cowritten with @denialcity who I'm like 60% sure wrote the first line?
(in the beginning would go here, but I'm like 99% sure that @denialcity wrote the first sentence of that one so I'm skipping it)
5 - Party of Two Centuries: "“Dual monarchies never work,” Tarvek complained as he straightened Gil’s waistcoat."
6 - There's a Statue in the Baron's Lair: "The office looked thrown together, or possibly left over from some other office."
7 - The Best of Bad Plans: "“What are you doing here?”"
(Dealing With Canon Impression Limits is meta, not fic, so I'm skipping it as well.)
8 - In Words: "The green hair wasn’t unusual."
9 - Burning Up: "Back in Gyula Kai’s best friend was Ioan, the son of a silversmith."
10 - Somebody Else's Dream: "Petru’s head ached."
...well. first pattern. I have posted WAY less Naruto fic than I have written. Although that's mostly deliberate, since I finished so few Girl Genius fics I decided to stop posting things as soon as I had a chapter finished. Which has... mostly worked?
But wow no wonder I get no comments anymore in comparison. Need to keep in mind that comments are in a ratio to posting, not writing, I guess. Someday I will figure out how to write oneshots.
Second: I tend to start way zoomed out and like, write myself into the scene. Which is not Good Writing TM but I enjoy it so I'm not really fighting myself on it. I also like to start with a very mild, bland observation or statement of fact, which is actually significantly less bland once the fic gets started.
When I don't do 2, I tend to start with dialogue.
Also wow I do not like any of these titles. Why can't the fics with titles I like be the ones I get to a point where they can be posted.
Tagging @denialcity/@codedredalert, @madmothmadame @hellotemporaryuniverse and also whoever else wants to
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kwebtv · 2 months
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Ralph Thomas Bower (January 3, 1938 – May 30, 2024) Actor who appeared in a wide variety of television and film roles.
His television credits include:
The Rockford Files (1974–1976, 2 episodes) as Jeff Cooperman / Officer Hensley
The Waltons (1975–1978, 26 episodes) as Dr. Curtis Willard / Rex Barker
The Bionic Woman (1976, 1 episode) as Ted Ryan
Lou Grant (1979, 1 episode) as Lind
Barnaby Jones (1979, 1 episode) as Baxter
Hill Street Blues (1981–1986, 3 episodes) as De Petrus / Narcotics Cop
Murder, She Wrote (1984, 1 episode) as Jonathan Bailey
Misfits of Science (1985, 1 episode) as Jeffries
Miami Vice (1985, 1 episode) as detective Carter
China Beach (1990, Season three episode 17 Thanks of a Grateful Nation) as Archie Winslow
Love, Lies and Murder (1991) as Leverette
The X-Files (1999, Season 7, episode 5) as Sheriff Harden
Roswell (1999–2000 Season 1, episode 13) as Hubble
The West Wing (2000, 1 episode) as General Ed Barrie
Cold Case (2005) as Curtis Collins 2005
Monk (2008, 1 episode) as Bennie Wentworth
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia (2005–2012, 2 episodes) as Heinrich "Pop-Pop" Landgraf
Criminal Minds (2013) as Damon Miller
Lucky Hank (2023, 3 episodes) as Henry Devereaux Sr. (final appearance)
IMDb Listing
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apavorantes · 2 months
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Abaixo do read more está um diretório e resumo da situação atual de Bishop no plot do Traidor da Magia, com plot points, interações, POVs e ideias de interações/conexões novas que exploram como ela está se envolvendo na trama. Ele será atualizado à medida em que novas informações e posts relevantes forem aparecendo.
✦ Não era segredo para ninguém que Bishop estava insatisfeita com a direção de Quíron e Dionísio, especialmente pela forma como estavam tratando o silêncio dos deuses e a aparição misteriosa de Petrus. Contudo, a revelação de que havia um traidor entre os semideuses a abalou profundamente: culpar os deuses era uma coisa, mas aceitar que um dos seus havia lhe esfaqueado nas costas era outra história. Para piorar, tinha se tornado uma Aprendiz da Magia há pouco tempo e, agora, os olhos curiosos do Acampamento estavam sobre ela.
✦ Sua prima, Yasemin, tornou-se sua companheira de conspirações e teorias: as duas começaram a discutir o mistério circundando Petrus, o envolvimento de Hades e Hécate e o propósito da missão de Bishop — recuperar o Grimório de Hécate. (1) (2) (3)
✦ Como uma das pessoas que trouxeram o Grimório para o Acampamento, Bishop se sentiu responsável por ele. Ela continuou como Aprendiz da Magia para poder vigiar os Filhos da Magia de perto e certificar-se de que o livro de magias não estava sendo usado para fins nefastos, embora soubesse que ele também estava sendo vigiado por Quíron na Casa Grande.
✦ Após o ataque do Drakon, Bishop teve um pesadelo — um acontecimento recorrente, mas que se tornou ainda mais frequente desde seu retorno ao Acampamento. Ela refletiu sobre o traidor, a guerra iminente e as memórias que isso trazia, lembranças da Segunda Guerra dos Titãs e dos traidores que lutaram nela. Inevitavelmente, a aparição do monstro a fez pensar em Clarisse La Rue e Silena Beauregard. Seus sentimentos conflitantes sobre o traidor e sua própria permanência no Acampamento Meio-Sangue apenas aumentaram, a raiva antes sentida pelos deuses e Quíron agora uma indecisão dolorosa. (4)
✦ Inscrita no Amor Divino em segredo por sua amiga, Mary-Louise, Bishop foi pareada com Estelle, filha de Circe e uma dos Filhos da Magia. O encontro aconteceu alguns dias depois do ataque do Drakon e, por isso, suas desconfianças se fizeram presentes, mas a noite teve um fim comicamente desastroso quando a entrada da Caverna dos Deuses desabou atrás delas e as meninas tiveram que encontrar outra saída. (5)
✦ Durante o baile, como os Filhos da Magia e seus Aprendizes, Bishop apagou. Ela estava correndo para ajudar Yasemin a tirar a coroa quando perdeu a consciência, e, ao recobrá-la, viu-se na enfermaria. Sentindo-se abatida, descobriu que todos os Filhos e Aprendizes da Magia foram afetados pelo traidor, seus poderes enfraquecidos. Além disso, uma terrível notícia: Flynn Ramsey estava morto. (6)
✦ Charlotte, conselheira do chalé de Atena, notou em Bishop algo diferente dos outros Filhos e Aprendizes da Magia: estava machucada, com uma queimadura no braço direito. Ela foi a única da equipe a se ferir no baile, e presumiu ter se queimado já depois de desmaiada, entre a queda das estrelas e o tumulto dos semideuses para sair do pavilhão. (7)
✦ Bishop se reuniu com Yasemin e Maxime para debater os acontecimentos do baile e as suspeitas sobre quem era o traidor. Embora, inicialmente, Yasemin tenha agido com desconfiança devido à prima ser uma Aprendiz, as duas se resolveram rapidamente e o trio começou a teorizar. (8) (9)
✦ Ela também encontrou Pietra próxima ao local de oferenda aos deuses, com seu grimório. Embora Bishop tenha suas suspeitas, também entendeu a frustração da garota em ser apontada como culpada por todos — jamais quis ser alguém que julga pelas aparências e, ainda assim, era exatamente o que estava fazendo com os Filhos da Magia. (10)
✦ Na madrugada do último ataque do traidor, Bishop esgueirou-se até a biblioteca para conduzir mais uma pesquisa sobre Hécate, a profecia, o passado e os possíveis motivos do traidor, assim como possibilidades de resolverem a situação do Acampamento, da fenda e dos poderes enfraquecidos dos Filhos da Magia e seus aprendizes. Ela adormeceu sobre os livros, e o que começou como mais um pesadelo tornou-se uma visão aterrorizante do maior medo de Bishop, seu defeito fatal, a cólera, esfregado em sua face. Quando ela acordou, o traidor já havia ido embora e todos os campistas saído de seu transe. Assim, Bishop não estava presente enquanto o ataque acontecia. (11)
✦ Naquela madrugada, pesquisando em grimórios antigos da biblioteca, Bishop encontrou a receita de uma poção — um tônico capaz de fortalecer usuários de magia enfraquecidos. Ela considerou levá-la diretamente a Quíron, mas, ainda tendo suas dúvidas sobre o diretor, acabou mostrando-a a uma Filha da Magia, Natalia, mesmo que não esteja certa das intenções da garota. Felizmente, Natalia se empolgou com a possibilidade e, juntas, as duas produziram, com sucesso, uma poção que capaz de recuperar as energias dos Filhos e Aprendizes da Magia. (12) (13)
✦ Após o sucesso da fabricação da poção restauradora, Bishop decidiu levá-la ao seu colega aprendiz e amigo, Maxime. Contudo, quando o filho de Afrodite bebeu a poção, sangue começou a jorrar de seu nariz e um líquido preto e gosmento de sua boca. Então, uma marca preta surgiu no dorso da mão dele — a Roda de Hécate, símbolo de devoção à deusa. Assim estava revelado: Maxime Dubois é o traidor da magia. (14)
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✦ Desconfiando dos Filhos e Aprendizes da Magia? Bishop também! Talvez você não confie nela por ser uma Aprendiz, ou talvez exatamente por isso ache que ela pode desvendar os podres da equipe. Seja para pegar uma briga, investigar suspeitos ou debater teorias, estamos à disposição.
✦ Você é um Filho da Magia e já está de saco cheio de Bishop te olhando torto. Por que não confrontá-la? Pode ser a hora dela ouvir o quão hipócrita está sendo em suas suspeitas.
✦ Já ouviram falar da Unwavering Legion? Você sim, e quer convencer Bishop a participar, mesmo que ela já tenha dito que não está interessada.
✦ A ausência de alguns Filhos da Magia e dos Aprendizes no último ataque do traidor não passou despercebida pelos campistas. Você pretende questionar Bishop e descobrir onde ela estava enquanto o ataque acontecia, suspeitando que ela esteve por trás dele.
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olwvia · 7 months
prompts para a prompt da olivia!!
As vozes são paradas pela barreira mágica… ou deveriam ser paradas. Algumas pessoas ainda ouvem coisas vindo de lá, coisas sombrias, vozes que instigam os semideuses a cometerem atos ruins.
“A morte espreita nas profundezas, ansiosa para reclamar suas presas.”
“A voz do medo é o silêncio e o silêncio está em todo lugar.”
SUA ORDEM É: “Pegue a camisa”
A camisa é a camisa antiga de Petrus que está na Casa Grande. Olivia vai roubar ou não?
001. Antes de Olivia receber a ordem, ela vem escutando vozes. Ela fala para MUSE 1, que no início acha que é uma pegadinha da filha de Hermes, já que ela fala de uma forma jocosa, como se pudesse ser coisa de sua imaginação. Mas, conforme as inters acontecem, MUSE 1 começa a ficar preocupade. (1/1) // @kaitoflames
002. As vozes se repetem na cabeça de Olivia durante o seu sono também, fazendo-a acordar no meio da noite... mas ela não acorda em sua cama. Conforme as vozes a perturbam, Olivia usa seu poder de teletransporte sem desejar para lugares diferentes do acampamento: às vezes perto da fenda, às vezes perto da Casa Grande onde está a camisa, e às vezes até para o chalé de Hades, onde está Petrus. MUSE 2 a encontra uma vez no meio da noite, deitada em um desses lugares e repetindo coisas estranhas. (1/3) // 1 - @kittyprde
003. Tentando entender o que as vozes querem dizer, Olivia procura MUSE 3 para tentar decifrar as frases estranhas. (1/1) // @pips-plants
004. Quando Olivia recebe sua ordem, ela tenta lutar contra. Até porque quem está mandando essas mensagens? Mesmo assim, é difícil para a filha de Hermes deixar de roubar alguma coisa, certo? Então Olivia passa dias sem roubar as pessoas ou fazer pegadinhas, e MUSE 4 começa a achar estranho. (1/2) // 1- @maximeloi
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Catians #1 by Cortney Cameron and Luyi Bennett. Main cover by Bennett. Variant covers by (2) Paco Camallonga and (3) Hugo Petrus. Due out in November.
"Stray cat Felix leads a happy life skimming milk from his human friend Rose's convenient store, until the local protection racket turns violent. To save Rose's life, Felix breaks his vows and shares an ancient secret. Unfortunately, Rose uses her newfound knowledge to mix revenge and forbidden magic, unleashing a monstrous abomination that forces the mysterious Council of Cats to launch a global quest for the Relics of the divine Great Cat."
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silencehq · 5 months
Tivemos uma grande leva de novatos (e retornados, o ditado que bons filhos à casa tornam é real) então resolvemos providenciar um resuminho do que tem acontecido no acampamento para ninguém se sentir perdide. Lembrando que temos uma TIMELINE que contempla os eventos com maior exatidão.
Esse resumo serve como amostra do que temos feito até o momento, ajudar a quem entrou agora a se situar para se estabelecerem bem no acampamento. Mas também oferecemos como um convite aos semideuses remelentos perdidos na TAG a acompanharem nossos passos, que tal vestir a camisa laranja e reconhecer seu sangue divino?
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Natal foi interrompido pela chegada de um semideus anônimo. Com ele vieram dois monstros, houve um descontrole dentro do acampamento, semideusas perdendo controle de seus poderes e se machucado... caos número 1. Já começamos 2024 na base da pancadaria.
Também foram os meses das dinâmicas! Tivemos a TASK 1 que é sem limite de tempo e a dinâmica dos CONSELHEIROS DOS CHALÉS onde além do cargo são ofertados: poderes passivos extra ou uma arma como recompensa.
Finzinho de janeiro tivemos a festa dos líderes, uma festa clandestina realizada pelos semideuses. Foi nessa festa que descobrimos o nome daquele semideus anônimo que chegou no natal... nosso Petrix! Okay, Quíron, okay, Petrus. Quíron avisa que é Petrus. (@swfpetrus) Enfim! O pestinha chegou causando, foi reclamado por Hades e abriu uma imensa fenda no meio do acampamento. Nessa mesma noite tivemos a morte do Adriano pelas garras de um cão infernal... Aidan, Quíron insiste em me atrapalhar.
E começou o caos número 2. A fenda trouxe com ela vozes. Tivemos alguns prompts que foram oferecidos para que mexessem diretamente no plot da central! Sim! Aqui nós construimos o destino junto com vocês, players.
Também conhecido como mês que os deuses voltaram a dar sinais de vida. Quebraram o silêncio — me sinto desconfortável em falar isso. Mas foi quando começaram AS MISSÕES. Tivemos a primeira leva de missões e a SEGUNDA TASK, essa tem limite de tempo mas ela tem uma recompensa para quem a cumprir: arma mágica ou artefato mágico, TODOS podem realizar!
Foi um mês movimentado, tivemos muitas fofocas rolando solta. Três fofoqueiros causaram o caos número 3 e assim se iniciou a segunda leva de missões... E o temido cão infernal foi morto. Houve um novo ataque ao acampamento mas infelizmente... digo, felizmente, ninguém morreu dessa vez.
Enfim, foi isso! Quatro meses expendidos resumidos de modo rápido. Todos os acontecimentos estão amarrados afim de construirmos um futuro e tentarmos sobreviver ao presente. A profecia rege nossa vivência, tudo o que aconteceu está relacionado a ela, afinal, o que o Oráculo diz... é sagrado. E se cumpre.
Também conhecido como: finalmente uma festa!!! O Baile de gala foi proporcionado por Afrodite e Eros, mas também foi ideia deles que o Waterland, o parque de Hefesto, fosse liberado durante o dia para os campistas. Todos podendo então curtir um dia de diversão e finalmente uma noite ainda mais divertida e romântica com um baile de gala completo!
No DROP 4 tivemos a primeira aparição oficial do Traidor da Magia, trazendo caos e morte.
Aqui você encontrará sobre a dinâmica dos dracmas onde você ganhará recompensa por algumas coisinhas! Esses dracmas podem ser gastos na lojinha dos Stoll.
Você pode descobrir aqui sobre o Traidor da Magia sendo desmascarado!
A Ilha de Circe é nosso evento 03 e temos também um pronunciamento da deusa sobre a situação do Traidor.
Rotina de Risco: Matando os monstros do primeiro ataque.
O encerramento do ciclo 2 foi marcado pelo fechamento da fenda. Os semideuses conseguiram fechar a fenda e os Traidores da Magia foram revelados.
Espiadinha Olimpiana: React dos deuses a chegada de Petrus.
Andamento dos prompts(fechado). Os players que escolheram em quais queriam atuar e aqui o andamento.
Análise comportamental: Semideuses conhecidos! (adicionado em:30/05)
Ambientação 1 + Ambientação 2 (adicionado em:30/05)
Amor Divino, Estilo semideuses! (adicionado em: 30/05)
TOPTVE (adicionado em:30/05)
Banco de dracmas! (adicionado dia 07/06)
Verão! (adicionado 24/06)
Chegada de Petrus, ponto de vista dele.
Petrus recebe visita de Hades. Culpado ou inocente? ponto de vista dele.
A espada e a coruja: Petrus encontra uma espada, um espelho e recebe ameaça de uma figura misteriosa. (adicionado dia 31/05)
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miirshroom · 6 months
The Dark Souls Pendant
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A simple pendant with no effect. Even so, pleasant memories are crucial to survival on arduous journeys.
I have been looking up the 12 year old discourse over the Dark Souls Pendant item.
People like to bring it up as an example of Miyazaki "trolling" by saying he'd pick a useless item as a starting gift. With evidence being in a later interview saying that was "a bit of an intention to play a prank". I agree that there is a prank happening here, but it took all of 15 minutes for me to read a few wiki pages and think of at least four reasons why Miyazaki would pick the pendant as a starting gift. So. I will go through them.
1) Questline Importance
To draw attention to the nature of hollows, and perhaps generally incentivize people to look at questlines holistically in considering the fail states to be as significant as the successes. There is an NPC in the game named Rhea who drops the pendant item if her quest terminates early by being slain by another NPC - Petrus. If her quest is progressed further to the Duke's Archives (crystal dragon library) she turns hollow and instead upon death only drops her Ivory Talisman - no Pendant. The Ivory Talisman is an interesting thing of itself to be obtained at the end of this quest, considering that its name translates to "the false dreams of the greatness of man" (poet Virgil wrote of receiving false dreams by passing through the gates of ivory, and "talis" is Latin for "so great"). But regardless, turning hollow = loss of the pendant = loss of pleasant memories.
2) For Trade Value
a.k.a. Affiliation with the Blade of the Dark Moon covenant. The Pendant may be traded to the invisible crow "Snuggly" who desires things that are soft and warm. In return, the player receives the Souvenir of Reprisal that is used to increase rank in the Dark Moon covenant. This item has the form of "a blood drained shrunken ear". Some sources say that this use for the pendant was not available at launch and only patched in later, but regardless as the director Miyazaki would have known that this trade is intended. And perhaps this is the extent of the prank - he knew for a fact that the "functionality" of the item literally did not exist but what it does have are its trade value and its lore value.
3) Rejection of the Dark Moon Covenant
The Dark Moon Covenant is unlocked by finding a plain gold coloured ring called the Darkmoon Seance Ring and equipping it to speak with secret endgame boss Gwyndolin behind a fog wall. If you ever cross the fog wall to see Gwyndolin you get kicked out of the covenant. Members of this covenant use the blue eye orb to invade other players who have committed PVE or PVP "sins", where the names of players who have done and their sin level are written in the Book of the Guilty. Altogether quite convoluted. Originally, before the launch of Dark Souls Miyazaki said that he would choose the pendant or "nothing". I imagine because he is not a game character who needs an item to recall pleasant memories - he is a person who keeps his memories in his head. And similarly the Souvenir of Reprisal would be a reprisal on a meta level. Something of a warning against being so willing to trade away happy memories in the service of an intangible entity. Weigh and measure what it costs to devote hours to hunting achievements and secrets and high ranks in video games compared to anything else that you could be doing or thinking about.
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4) Foreshadowing
This is also sortof a combination of points 2 and 3. As mentioned, the Souvenir of Reprisal is in the form of a severed ear. And I can't help but notice that Sir Gideon Ofnir's illustration at the start of Elden Ring shows him lying in a bed of severed ears. Ofnir being a name for Odin, who famously has two ravens named "Thought" and "Memory". Considering that the pendant is representative of memory there are some pieces that can be put together here. Also, wiggling at the corner of my mind are the opening lines of Shakespeare's Julius Caesar: "Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears;. I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him." Speaking of foreshadowing, put a pin in that for later - it might become relevant when discussing the significance of the Rubicon River and the longest year in the history of the Roman calendar.
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But then there is also the Dark Moon covenant, which comes back in Elden Ring in connection to Ranni. It is in the lore snippets that Ranni was affiliated with the Dark Moon, but this is perhaps no longer the case - I find it more likely that she left the Dark Moon behind in Chelona Rise and now merely adopts the aesthetic. She never does use the spell that has her name attached to it. There is no dark moon covenant in Elden Ring - or any covenants - because FromSoft does not care any more to stoke player incentive to grief others or to have a group of players dedicated to griefing the "rulebreakers". People are more than happy to deliver unpleasant memories to other people for free.
So for the people who would accept nothing less than the Pendant being a mechanical key that opens a secret door - they are missing the point of the "trolling". Instead of making a pleasant memory out of exploration and appreciating the artistic work for what it is, they have chosen to make it a negative memory of the time they pushed all of the buttons in a Skinner box and nothing happened. And memetically convey this experience upon other people. Placing external blame on an internal inability to cope with trial and failure to receive a reward that was never actually promised. It is indeed a failure to internalize that basically every time Dark Souls - and Miyazaki himself - "pranks" its players it is to teach a lesson about the themes of the game underlying the lore.
(Also, the Pendant does have a legitimate use in the Dark Souls boardgame. The Pendant image is attached to the "Heroic Action" token that is flipped to indicate usage of the special abilities of each class. The boardgame was designed and released multiple years after the video game, but would have passed approvals with FromSoft, for what it's worth.)
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bloodlegacies · 10 months
How popular is the MC to the other noble heirs as a potential marriage partner? Can you please give MC and the RO's ranking as most desirable bachelor/bachelorette?
Of course! And I'd say quite a lot, but mc's would be more involving the nobles of Darian, while the others of Petrus and Akalis.
1: Hayden : (In Petrus, taking into account that some parents don't like the way Hayden acts at certain times, but know that they are one of the best options, after all, Hayden is the future ruler).
2:Nix (In Akalis and Suron)
3 The mc(In Darian. | In petrus : 7)
4: Elia (In Petrus)
5:Cecilia (Petrus and Darian too, some noble families there appreciate the intelligence and power of the Marven)
6 Caio (In Petrus)
7 Tyler (In Petrus and Darian, bastards don't have much value in matters of marriage and alliance, but they can have a smaller portion of land or castle, it depends)
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