#2]chucked that wallet
grahamcarmen · 11 months
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camtolydesigns22 · 2 years
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I love Berry Lightweight Hoodie
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sunjoys · 8 months
sometimes being a waitress is about having an envelope with 50euros' worth of 1 and 2 euro coins
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writingsbychlo · 1 month
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WITHDRAWAL | theodore nott
summary; theo decides to quit smoking, but doesn't realise that his decision would affect his girlfriend, too.
word count; 3007
notes; just a cute, fluffy little piece based on something that I was tagged in about 2 months ago! unfortunately, I cannot find the original post or tagger, but if it's you, please let me know!!
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If there was one thing about Theodore Nott that couldn't be denied, it was that he loved with everything he had. 
He loved his friends; he was loyal to a fault and he’d never let them down. He loved his family, he wrote over fifteen letters a week to all his aunties and cousins, and still held onto his mother’s recipe book, even to this day. 
And he loved, adored, his girlfriend with everything that he had. He’d do anything for her, crawl across hot coals if she asked, give up his magic and his money and his legacy, just to make her happy. She’d never asked as such of him, still blushed when he pulled out his wallet when they shopped and smiled brighter than the sun when he gave her a handmade card or something he’d cooked. So, to his eyes, it didn’t seem all that much when he decided to give up smoking for her. 
She hadn't asked him to, never even pulled a face when he smoked. But Theo was damn sick of trying to blow the smoke away from her when she joined him at the astronomy tower, cuddled up to his chest, because he didn’t want that poison near her. He hated watching her shiver on the colder nights, he hated waking her in the middle of the night when he got up to satiate that itch, and he hated thinking of a future where he left her too soon, running short on time, because he ruined himself.
He chucked his last box into the fireplace one impulsive morning, and thought he might go cold turkey. He’d been so moody by lunchtime that he’d almost bitten Enzo’s head off over the way he pronounced ‘tomato’. That afternoon, he’d ditched his classes and trudged through the snow to the floo connection at the Hog’s Head, and picked up enough nicotine patches from a muggle supply store to knock out a fully grown Hippogriff.
He’d torn the packaging off of one in the grimy restroom at the back of the store and slapped it onto his bicep, and almost collapsed from the relief it gave him. It wasn’t nearly as effective as picking up a packet from the newsagent’s stand he’d passed would’ve been, but as soon as his fingers had twitched to pick up a box, your face had flashed through his mind. Your face, smiling at him, your face that morning telling him how proud you were of him when he’d shared his goals in hopes of support, and it was enough to deter him from the purchase.
You were his strength, once again, as you’d always been. 
And truly, you were so proud of Theo. Changing his patches for him every evening, in time with that first one. Reading up on the muggle solutions, and making sure you were fully versed on how to help him. Keeping him busy seemed to help, when he got bored, his eyes started flicking towards the door, and the slight irritability he’d been able to keep a lid on pretty well would begin to flare up. For the most part, he’d been staying at your dorm, in an active attempt to keep away from Mattheo, who wasn’t quite ready to give up his comfortable vice just yet. 
Unfortunately, as the days went on, while Theo seemed to be handling it just fine, you were struggling. The irritability grew, even Draco’s breathing was making you want to snap pencils in half in the library, or throw Enzo off the astronomy tower if he scraped his fork on his plate one more time. You were ravenous, and nauseous, all at the same time. You wanted to eat everything but could hardly hold it down. You were dizzy, and fatigued, and your grades were going to start slipping if this continued, because it had been almost a week since you’d been able to concentrate on any thought longer than a minute, never mind a whole class. 
And now, you were lying in bed, rubbing at your eyes angrily but unable to sleep as you stared at the ceiling. Theo, for once, was sleeping soundly beside you. Since giving up smoking, his sleep patterns had been getting better, while yours were getting worse by the night. Almost a week, and you’d barely gotten nine hours of sleep put together. 
When you shuffled again, pressing yourself a little closer to Theo as you rolled onto your side, he began to surface. The arm over your midriff tightened, pulling you in until your hips were bracketed against his, and he chuckled sleepily into your neck. Burying himself in, he pressed a kiss there, and another, and another. The rough pounding of your heart settled as you clasped Theo’s hand in your own, holding them to your chest as he littered your shoulder with kisses. 
At your sigh, he rolled you over, propping himself up on his elbow and yawning. Shaking his hand free from your own, he stroked the back of a finger along your cheek, and leaned down to press a kiss to your lips. As his hand settled on the side of your neck instead, yours slipped up to cup his jaw, and you melted into the tender love he offered you in the darkest hours. 
“What’s wrong, tesoro? Why are you awake?”
“Why are you awake?” you rebuffed, fingers lifting to comb through his hair, to push it back out of his eyes as he blinked himself a little more awake.
He shrugged, “This is about the time I’d normally go for a smoke.” He murmured, and your eyes flickered to the clock. 
You knew well enough the schedule Theo used to keep while smoking. Your timetable had slowly synched to it over the time you’d been dating. He’d wake up during the night, at some point around two, and disappear for a smoke. He’d take twenty minutes, or thirty if he bumped into Mattheo, and then he’d come back to bed. 
You didn’t mind the disturbance. Not when he’d come back slightly chilled from the night air and snuggle in close to you, wrapping himself around you.
“Actually, this is the time you’d normally come back from having a smoke, and give me my midnight kisses.”
“Is that why my girl is so restless tonight? Because I owe her some kisses?” He teased, leaning down until your noses were bumping, and you could taste the mint on his breath. Normally, he tasted like smoke, not toothpaste, and the shock of his warm lips instead of cold ones made you hum. 
The languid kisses melted the time away, his hand sliding up your shirt, sitting on your ribs and squeezing softly as he lowered himself down, covering your body with his own. Theo had always been your comfort, and your happy place. Being in his arms made you feel safe, and his kisses made you feel relaxed. As he licked his way into your mouth lazily, you anticipated the hazy blur of relaxation that usually followed when he kissed you. 
But, like usual recently, it never came. Instead, when he finally pulled back, and pecked the tip of your nose, he found you frowning, instead of smiling up at him. “What’s wrong?”
“I don’t know.” You huffed, frustrated at yourself, at your confusion and the growing irrational irritation. “It’s not the same.”
“What’s not the same, bella?”
“Your… your kisses.” Your words trailed to a whisper, knowing he wouldn't understand, and the hurt that flickered across his face made your heartbreak. 
“They’re not?”
“No. I don’t know why.” His lips curled further at the sides, and the look on his face made you want to cry. It made you hate yourself, aggressively, and if you could tear out your own heart and give it to him just to see him smile again, you would. Just another thing you’d been suffering with lately, an overwhelm of your emotions, worse than any mood swing you got when you were on your period. “It’s not you, Teddy, it’s me. You’re still my happy place, you’ve done nothing wrong. It’s me. I’m the problem.”
“You’re not a problem, bella. But we should figure it out. I don’t want to… kiss you wrong, and see that look on your face. What’s different, tell me what’s changed?” His sweet words made tears prickle at your eyes, and you sniffed sadly as you looked at him. 
“I love you so much, Theo.”
“I know, tesoro. I love you too.” His thumb smoothed over your cheek, “Tell me.”
“I don’t know!” Your snap made his eyes widen. “You’re just… different. You don’t kiss the same way, you used to get all needy when you came back from a smoke, but you don’t anymore, and you taste different! You taste like mint right now, and it just doesn’t make me feel the same way afterwards.”
Your words were jumbled and hurried, rushed out as you smoked them and his brows furrowed as he tried to decipher what you meant. Second ticked by into silent minutes as Theo’s wonderful mind ticked and whirred, thinking the problem through, and playing with the information. Then, before you could say anything else, something clicked. You could see it in his eyes, when the gears stopped turning and the thoughts stopped flowing because he’d found the answer. 
Pulling away from you, he sat up, kicking back the covers and letting in the cold air, before moving across the room and shuffling through his gym kit left in the corner. Pulling out a nicotine packet from the box inside, he shook it out, using his teeth to tear open the packet as he made his way back to the bed. Sitting yourself up, you propped yourself in the pillows as he peeled off the plastic backing, and tried to unstick his fingers from it, holding it by the corners. 
“You’ve only had your patch on for nine hours, Teddy, it’s not time to change yet.”
He clicked his tongue, shaking his head and settling in beside you on the bed, legs folded underneath himself. “This isn’t for me, bella. Take off your shirt.” 
Slipping your arm out of your shirt, you pushed it to the side, watching as Theo brushed cotton fibres off of your shoulder, before sealing the patch onto your skin. He made sure it was properly sealed down, flattening it to your skin, before feeding your arm back through the sleeve of your shirt. He smoothed the top back down your torso, pressing a cheeky kiss to your breast over your heart as he did, and sitting back on his legs to wait. 
“Give it a second, then tell me how you feel.” He whispered, the moment feeling entirely too fragile as his hand took yours, fingers linked together. He kissed along your knuckles, his eyes locked on your face, waiting. And the moment you felt it hit, you knew he saw it too. 
It was like a cool, soothing balm over a raw, aggravated wound. It felt like running cold water on a new burn or healing a painful graze with a quick Episky. “Oh, Merlin…”
“I know, tell me about it.” He mumbled, the smile on his face at victoriously solving the problem melting away as realisation set in. “Cazzo, bella, I’m so sorry. This is all my fault.”
“What are you talking about?”
“You have a nicotine addiction, and it’s my fault. All that time you spent with me at the tower, and the smoke on me, and kissing you as soon as I finished smoking. All your moodiness these last few days—”
“It’s true, baby. It all makes sense.” He rubbed a hand over his face, and squeezed your hand tighter in the other. “I can’t tell you how sorry I am. I quit because I didn’t want this to happen to you, I didn’t want my problems to poison you, but it’s too late.”
“Kiss me.”
“Kiss me, Teddy.” You demand again, pulling him in, and his mouth collides with yours as he makes a subtle groan of surprise and pleasure. 
His hand gripped the headboard behind you, the other skimming down your side. As you leaned back into the pillows, you took him with you, his body falling over your own, slotting between your thighs as our hearts thudded together where his chest pressed to yours. Your hands slid over his shoulders, skimming down his back, and he moaned again as your fingernails scraped across his lower back as you tugged at his shirt. 
He sat up, letting you pull it off of him, before his arms were back, caging you in on either side as he fell back down against you. Pulling one of your legs up to sit on his hip, he dragged himself away from your mouth, trailing wet kisses down your jaw, to the pulse point on your neck and back up. 
“Merde, bella. What’s gotten into you? Not that I’m complaining.”
“You’re perfect, Theo.” You smiled, leaning up to steal more kisses from his lips that he was happy to reciprocate, “You’re perfect, your kisses are perfect. I knew it was me, not you. I was the problem.”
“A problem I gave you,” He groaned, his hips rolling against your own as you giggled breathlessly. 
“Yeah, whatever. Now we’re quitting together. That’s the promise we made, we do everything together, right?”
“Damn right, tesoro.” He growled, teeth nipping at the underside of your jaw, as he began to make his way down your body. Your fingers were loose in his hair, settling back in the pillows, eyes slipping closed as he kissed along the insides of your thighs, teasingly. Finally, your body could relax, no longer tense and buzzing, but the foggy comfort of the night made your muscles ease into the bed, your body feeling heavy, and you sighed in bliss. 
Theo mumbled something, and you let your legs fall a little further apart, but your grip on consciousness was falling further and further away as the nicotine coursed through your body, finally letting you ease into sleep you’d missed for days.
“Bella,” Theo said, his voice sharper, and you stirred, working hard to force your eyes open, but they’d only made it halfway. His hair was ruffled, eyes wide and lips swollen, but his smirk melted away from his face into a tender smile as he looked down at you. 
“Sorry, what’d you say, baby?” The words slurred out of you, and he chuckled. His fingers unhooked from the sides of your shorts, and he leaned over to kiss your forehead. “M’sorry, I’m so sleepy all of a sudden.”
“S’okay, bella. Never apologise. C’mere, let’s just cuddle.”
Tucking your body into his, you shuffled your hips back into him, and he threw his leg over yours as he held you tight to his body. “You’re hard.”
“It’ll go down, don’t worry.” He snickered, kissing the back of your head. “S’your fault anyway.”
“Sorry…” You whispered, again, sleepily. “I’ll make it up t’you t’morrow.”
“Go to sleep, amore.”
But you’d already drifted off.
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It was just as you were closing your History of Magic book, that Theo announced his presence in the common room as he walked in alongside Mattheo. They were loud, and raucous, and thankfully, you were less inclined to bite their heads off for it today. 
In fact, alongside Enzo, you’d been able to catch up on all of the History homework you’d been missing out on for the last week or so, getting you back on track for at least one of your subjects. 
“Patch change time, bella!” Theo announced, making his way over to you as he untucked his shirt and began to undo the buttons down the front. Tugging the tie out of the way, he crashed down ungracefully onto the couch beside you, Mattheo nudging Draco to move up so he could sit down too. 
This had become a regular part of your routine now, and you pushed the edges of his half-unbuttoned shirt aside to reveal the patch sitting on the middle of his left pectoral. Picking at one corner, you peeled it away gently, careful not to tug on his skin as you did, and Theo watched on adoringly in silence as you took care of him. Unwrapping a new patch, you brushed off the spot, before sticking a new patch onto him and smoothing down the bandage. 
He patted it himself, before doing a couple of the buttons on his shirt back up for modesty, as though he hadn't already given half of the common room a show, before he leaned in to peck your lips. His fingers fell to the buttons of your shirt, and he began to undo them slowly. “Your turn.”
He undid just enough to reveal your shoulder, without letting anyone else catch a glimpse of anything underneath, and as he leaned down to begin peeling away the old patch, you caught Enzo’s confused expression. 
“Why are you wearing a patch?” He asked, and Theo laughed to himself quietly as he changed your old one out. 
“Because loverboy here got me addicted too, through kisses and secondary smoke.”
The others burst out laughing, unfettered by your glaring as they made kissy sounds and crude remarks, while Theo buttoned your shirt back up. Your glare turned to him as you caught sight of his smile, and he shrugged, a lopsided smile on his lips. “What can I say, bella? I’m just that good.”
“Oh, shut it,” You smacked his chest, and he took your hand, tugging you forward to cuddle you into his chest as he kissed your temple. 
“I happen to think it’s adorable that as a by-product of how you got addicted, that means you were addicted to me.”
“Mhmm.” Your eyes rolled, and he squeezed you even tighter. 
“You had me addicted to you without any substances at all, bella. Just you.”
“Alright,” You scoff, “Stop sweet-talking me.”
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mingis-orangejuice · 2 months
Asking the L&Ds boys "What are we?" Part 3: Rafayel
Summary: MC and her boy have been in a sort of situation-ship but MC wants to know why they haven't officially called her their girlfriend
a/n: This ended up being much longer than I thought so I'm making it into 4 parts (one for each boy) Here's Rafayel's part. I'm still writing Sylus' part, so it might take a little longer to come out
Genres/Warnings: angst, fluff, kinda slow burn, a little suggestive
Word count: 1114
Other parts: 1, 2, 4
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Under the dazzling lights of an enormous banquet hall, you stand alone awkwardly looking at your phone. It was another one of Rafayel’s art shows. While you love to support him and his art, after going to about 4 different events in one week it gets old. Thomas was really running Rafayel rampant these past few weeks to get him to sell as much as possible before he goes off on one of his random solo trips. And even tho Rafayel hates these types of events he knew it would be good for his image and his wallet (not that he needs it) 
Why did Rafayel have to leave you by yourself? You hated going to big fancy events the only plus side of coming to these was getting to spend time with your boyfriend… wait was he your boyfriend? You guys never actually had that conversation but he gets pretty boyfriend-y when you guys are alone he calls you every night before bed to tell you goodnight, takes you on expensive overnight trips and gets all pouty if you don’t stay the night, but he also still calls you Miss bodyguard but sometimes calls you his muse. What does that even mean? Was he just playing with you or was there something more? 
You were thinking so hard about this that your facial expression looked pretty intense. You didn't even notice that most people at the event were actively avoiding you since you looked like you were ready to explode.
“Hey babe,” a voice from behind you snapped you out of your deep thought. Your expression changed to one of confusion and disgust at the random man who felt that it was ok to call you babe “Are you here alone? I can show you around. I know everything about these art pieces.”
You looked at him, now with a blank expression “Really?” you questioned sarcasm heavily coating your voice. Where is Rafayel? Why is he taking so long to come back? Thomas said he’d only be gone for a few minutes, but it's been over half an hour and now some creep is trying to talk to you.
“Yeah, I'm close personal friends with the artist, I’m actually his inspiration for most of his work, I’m basically an artist too he should be giving me half the profits from these since I’m such an integral part of his work, but I let him keep all of it since we’re such good friends” He steps closer to you as he spouts his nonsense. You, looking rightfully annoyed with him step back but this guy doesn’t get the hint and keeps stepping closer “What d’ you say, babe? Wanna spend the rest of the night with a real artist?  He continues to advance towards you while you step back even further, in your mission to get away from this creep you didn't notice one of the wires running along the floor that connected to one of the lights illuminating an art piece. You tripped backwards. Luckily a firm pair of arms was there to catch you before you hit the floor.
You look up to see who your saviour is. And to your surprise, it was none other than Rafayel. “For a bodyguard, you’re very clumsy” he chucked while steadying you.
“It’s not my fault,” you say preparing to defend yourself.
“I know, it was his” Rafayel points to the creep that had been pursuing you. “What do you think you’re doing pestering MY muse? She clearly doesn't like you can’t you take a hint or is that head of yours just full of fish tank pebbles”
“Just who do you think you are, if you hadn’t come in and ruined everything she woulda gone home with me” The creep angrily stepped towards you and Rafayel. He looks towards you trying to grab your wrist “Babe tell this guy to fuck off so we can get back to our conversation alright.”
Rafayel quickly swats his hand away “Why would she go home with a loser who pretends to be an artist just to get in her pants, when she can have this real artist who gets to be in her pants every night?” Rafayel says with a shit-eating grin. 
“Raf!” You lightly slap his chest a little amused and a bit embarrassed that he would say something like that out loud.
“Yeah, whatever she’s ugly anyway” The creep tries to leave, but Rafayel signals to some of the staff to grab that guy and remove him from the event. As the staff are holding the creep by the arms Rafayel brings his face close to his. “You’re lucky I’m only having them throw you out of the venue for talking about my muse like that.”
Later once the event was over, you and Rafayel were sitting in his living room, he was sketching some new ideas for paintings, and you were absent mindlessly playing on your phone, the questions from earlier still buzzing through your head. While lost in thought Rafayel lays his head on your shoulder. This makes your heart skip a beat and breaks you out of your trance.
“What are we ?” you suddenly ask slightly turning your head to where Rafalye was leaning.
“What?” he lifts his head off your shoulder to look at you confused.
You took a deep breath before starting, scared of confrontation, but you just had to know “When we were at your art show you kept calling me your muse, and apart from that you also act like my boyfriend most days, but you’ve never said that you were and you’ve also never called me your girlfriend. So I’ll ask again, what are we?”
“What, I thought it was obvious?” he said with a little smile. He takes both your hands into his and looks into your eyes
“Well, it's not obvious to me, so?” you wanted to look away from his gaze but you were afraid if you did you wouldn’t have the courage to look back at him again.
“You’re my muse,” he said excitedly, smile growing even bigger.
“I knew it, that's all I am to you just some inspiration for your art ” You sigh and get up to leave but he holds tighter to your hands
Is that what you think a muse is ?” He laughed softly. “To me a muse not only inspires my art but is my art, everything I do is for my muse. My muse consumes my every waking thought, I need her to be around me at all times to even function properly. You’re more than just a girlfriend to me, you’re my most precious muse.”
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mushroomates · 1 year
the fellowship at the beach:
aragorn: knows exactly where to go for peak waves and sun. it’s not crowded and quite frankly the fellowship is unsure if they’re technically trespassing but it’s a good enough time for them not to care. likes to set up canopies and umbrellas for everyone then disappears for like 2 hours on a walk/hike.
boromir: likes to grill/camp out. he enjoys large bond fires and roasting marshmellows. during the day he likes to do beach volleyball or swim in the ocean, a very physical dude. enjoys activities,,, has to be doing something.
merry: likes to fly kites with boromir on the dunes. not a huge fan of water, enjoys playing games and building large sandcastles. he and pippin like to turn gandalf into a sand mermaid when the can, as well as dig a giant moat with gimli.
pippin: gets sunburnt everytime. has so much sand in his hair. gets it everywhere. is a walking disaster- has lost several hats, sunglasses, beach toys, wallets, keys, phones,,,, everything pippin has in his possession when he comes to the beach he will no longer have when he leaves. this also includes the many stickers, magnets and keychains he swipes from nearby shops for keepsakes. wants to rent a jetski but no one will go with him.
frodo: likes to wade in the water and collect pretty seashells. brings them back to his friends to show them off. finds rocks in all shades and sizes, brings samwell heart shaped rocks as well as any cool colored ones that remind him of sam. gandalf once asked why frodo never brought him any rocks, in which frodo started collecting all grey rocks and bringing them to gandalf. funnily enough, most rocks are some shade of grey, and gandalf got rather sick of pebbles being chucked at him.
sam: has many towels and lots of sunscreen. very prepared with the snacks, brings sandwiches and drinks for everyone! likes to hang out in the shade and walk along the shore. enjoys the touristy shops along the coast, especially likes the salt water taffy and keychains. laughs loudly at all the gimmicky tourist traps,,,, always goes in/falls victim to them.
legolas: is weird about sand,,,,, cannot have it between him and something else. ex: between the shoes, clothing, hair. has to be directly on him or nothing at all (walking barefoot) once they are even within proximity the beach he jumps out immediately charges towards the water. likes to push people in/splash them.
gimli: no shoes no shirt no problem,,, immediately in just swim trunks as soon as they pull up to the parking lot. enjoys building massive sand castles with the hobbits as well as digging deep trenches to trap their compatriots in. they cover it with a towel, someone falls in and nearly breaks their neck- good times.
gandalf: brings a book to read, likes to chill in the shade and listen to the waves. falls asleep more often then not, wakes up barricaded in sand or made into a sand sculpture. will disappear suddenly and come back with ice cream. no one knows where he got it. he does not share or tell anyone where he gets this mysterious ice cream either.
bilbo: is reading with gandalf. he brings some iced tea and good sunglasses and just relaxes. he is a active people watcher, likes to eavesdrop as well as note and speculate on interesting figures. likes to do some light journaling/writing as well.
gollum: is fishing. lurks in the bay and attempts to catch fish with his bare hands, then proceeds to immediately eat them raw. also chases seagulls- will chath and eat those as well. he is, unfortunately, quite successful in this. he is also no longer allowed in or around several public beaches.
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danieyells · 4 months
If you could, could you post Alan’s lines? I like him but he’s so stone cold at low affinity it’s hard to sus out his personality
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SORRY THIS TOOK ME SO LONG ANON AND @otomelover23 so many things got in the way. . .mostly myself lol. . . .
Honestly that stone coldness is a big part of his personality. He's not great at expressing himself and he's very to the point. But as his affinity goes up, he's more. . .concerned for you. And he wants you around more, trusting himself to have you around more.
I posted all of them again this time! A lot of his have similar energy because of his stiffness, so I feel like being able to see them all helps to idk see the gradual change i think.
Hello: (the first time the game is opened after that character is set as home screen NPC. Only happens once per day, unless the character is switched out and back.)
"Get your things. We're going."
You've Got Mail: (whenever there's something in the inbox, usually Arena rewards)
"Some letters here for you."
Default: (requires no affinity, has no time constraints)
"...What do you want?"
"Don't get involved with me."
"I'm going out. You guys get back to work."
"Get back. It's dangerous."
"Slack off once, and you'll find out how hard it is to get back in the game."
Affinity 1: (between 5am and 11am)
"Oh, you're awake."
Affinity 2: (between 11am and 4pm)
"I don't eat in the cafeteria. Portions aren't big enough. That's the only reason."
don't feel awkward in there or like people find you too intimidating to be near or anything? aren't worried about seeing Dante? if you say so.
Affinity 3: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"My wallet? Yeah, it's pretty beat up. Can't bring myself to chuck it though. Got some good memories with it."
reminds me of my brother, who kept our dad's old wallet. It's basically in tatters, held together by rubber bands, but sometimes what you have is what you have. . . .
Affinity 4: (between 8pm and 5am)
"I'm going to the Pit. You should go back to your house, {PC}."
he doesn't want you to see him punch a man into oblivion.
Affinity 5: (between 8pm and 5am)
"That sounds like a bike engine, but it's not one I know. ...Be right back."
INTRUDER ALERT INTRUDER ALERT INTRUDER ALERT much like Tohma he's probably pretty security conscious. Maybe he's more security conscious because Tohma isn't around. Or maybe he's not used to how Bonnie sounds yet.
Affinity 6: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"Was that class really revision...? I didn't think I missed that many..."
my boy is not book smart, he is fist smart and maybe street smart. please study with him. he needs flash cards. pretty sure the only reason he's passed any grade is because he goes on plenty of missions.
Affinity 7: (between 11am and 4pm)
"Lunch? Huh. I forgot to eat. Guess I'll just grill some meat and have it with rice and miso soup. That's my go-to."
y'know what i'm glad someone here eats proper meals. even if you forget at least you're eating eventually!!!
Affinity 8: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"One of the Vagastrom guys asked me to add him on WickChat... Do you know how to do that?"
Affinity 9: (between 8pm and 5am)
"I don't want to get anyone mixed up in my life."
He looks sad when he says this. . .he's really worried about how being close to him will affect others huh.
Affinity 10: (between 10pm and midnight)
"Better sleep. Got an early day tomorrow."
Affinity 11: (between 5am and 11am)
"497... 498... 499... 500... Phew..."
don't mind pc they're just gonna watch you do 500 sit-ups/push-ups/pull-ups/whatever. . .no no they don't mind the sweat at all please continue--
Affinity 12: (between 11am and 4pm)
"Bandana seems to disappear right around this time every day lately... What's he doing?"
Pretty sure Sho would be busy with the food truck around thhis time of day. . .does Alan not know Sho runs a business lmao. . .I mean I guess Alan doesn't go into the more populous parts of Darkwick much.
Affinity 13: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"The first-years've each got their own strengths. Both can do stuff I can't."
Affinity 14: (between 5am and 11am)
"Bandana's got potential. He's quick, and he's strong. Rest comes down to motivation."
I think Sho's motivated, just motivated to do his own thing. Although I'm sure he'll develop more interest in the world and actions of the Institute and anomalies eventually. . .maybe. Or maybe Hyde's interest will keep him away lol.
Affinity 15: (between 5am and 11am)
"I'm heading out. Mission. Make sure you go to class. ...I'll let you know when I'm back."
alright mom i'll go to class gosh. does this feel like a headpat or forehead kiss line to anyone else? he just doesn't want you to worry about him. He knows he's doing something dangerous. But he promises he'll come home. He won't be reckless because you're waiting. Maybe I'm reading too much into it lol.
Affinity 16: (between 11am and 4pm)
"Where am I...? Guess I should tell them I'm gonna be late. WickChat was this picture, wasn't it...?"
poor boy is so lost lmao please help him get where he needs to go. . .how does this man go on hikes in the mountains and shit. . . .
Affinity 17: (between 10pm and midnight)
"You're still awake? Don't stay up too late."
Affinity 18: (between 8pm and 5am)
"Oh, didn't see you there. I'm heading out for a run, but... Could you wait here for me?"
He wants to spend time with you, so please be waiting when he comes back. . . .
Affinity 19: (between 10pm and midnight)
"I pat people on the head a lot? Didn't notice. I'm doing it again? ...Sorry."
IT'S HARD NOT TO WHEN PEOPLE ARE SO MUCH SHORTER THAN YOU also that wasn't a complaint please give them lots of pats :'3
Affinity 20: (between 5am and 11am)
"I'm taking some of the Vagastrom guys to the mountains today. ...You want to come too?"
Affinity 21: (between 11am and 4pm)
"This one's all fixed up. I'm gonna take a shower. Wait there."
there like in the shower or--(he uses そこ which refers to someplace near the listener, so he just means 'where you're sitting' but still.)
Affinity 22: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"{PC}. Got time after this? A friend of mine gave me some fresh boar meat."
He wants to cook for you! He cooks in a very wilderness style, but still! He wants to share his bounty! He's showing you he can be a good provider. No, he didn't hunt it himself but good community connections are also important!
Affinity 23: (between 8pm and 5am)
"You're you, not someone else. You're doing a good job. Hold your head high."
he doesn't want you to fall into a cycle of self-loathing or of trying to be anyone but yourself. Maybe what others do feels more impressive to you, but you aren't them and you can't compare yourself to them. Even if you're 'weak' in one way or another, you have your own worth in other ways. So be proud of yourself, instead of trying to get the pride of somebody else. I think he really cares about your mental wellbeing and he doesn't want you to lose yourself. Because he's lost himself--and he doesn't want that for you. Don't wallow in self-pity, don't agonize over the past. Be proud of how far you've come and walk your own path.
Affinity 24: (between 10pm and midnight)
"Can't sleep? ...I'll take you for a drive. Quick run should help you reset."
Imagine falling asleep in his car and he has to figure out. . .does he wake you up, does he carry you somewhere. . .he could bring you back to your place but he doesn't know how to get there so. . .you wake up in his room, in his bed. . .does he have the understanding that "you probably shouldn't sleep in the same bed as somebody without them okaying it first" and he sets up his tent and sleeps in it or uses his sleeping bag or sleeps somewhere else in the dorm or maybe in his car. . .frankly even if he doesn't he'd be afraid of hurting you in his sleep. There's no way he'd sleep in the same bed as you. Maybe lie awake in there with you or something. But he'd be too scared of what harm he could cause to fall asleep.
Affinity 25(max): (no time constraints)
"I'm lucky I've got you, {PC}. As long as you're with me, I feel like I won't lose sight of who I am."
HE SMILES WHEN HE SAYS THIS. 99% of his lines have his usual expression, but this one he really smiles and that's how you know how much he appreciates you. I feel like he kind of gave up on himself--he's a big, dangerous brute, he's not someone worth getting close to, it's dangerous to even want to. . .but you make him feel like maybe he has a chance again. You make him look in the mirror and see someone he hasn't seen in a long time, and he realizes that person is himself and he would have never seen the version of him who isn't dirtied with blood again without you.
Spring: (March-May) (between 5am and 11am)
"Don't get lax just 'cause it's warm out. Stay focused."
(between 11am and 4pm)
"... Good camping weather."
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"Oh, it's you. Must've dozed off. Better get back to work."
(between 8pm and 5am)
"The cherry blossom illuminations? ...That kind of thing's not for me."
Summer: (June-August) (between 5am and 11am)
"It's getting hot out. Make sure you stay hydrated."
(between 11am and 4pm)
"Looks like we've got another mission order. There's more anomalies out there in summer."
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"The Pit's getting noisy. Those guys better not be pulling stupid shit again..."
(between 8pm and 5am)
"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you again... I was just going for a jog. Didn't think you'd be round this corner."
Alan turning a corner and slamming straight into you and being shocked aw--
Autumn: (September-November) (between 5am and 11am)
"Good season for a workout. Want to join me?"
(between 11am and 4pm)
"...Maybe I'll go check out the fall leaves."
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"The days are getting shorter. You should get home before it gets dark."
(between 8pm and 5am)
"...Long nights make me think about stuff I'd rather forget."
he killed dante in the autumn or winter. noted.
Winter: (December-February) (between 5am and 11am)
"Cold out in the mornings lately. Guess I'll warm up with a coffee."
(between 11am and 4pm)
"The first-years ditched... What do they mean, "too cold"?"
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"As long as you got some muscle, you can handle the cold."
i handle the cold well because i'm fat, myself. my brother, who's plenty muscular, gets cold much easier than i do U:
(between 8pm and 5am)
"It's freezing... Guess I'll break out the kerosene heater. Gotta make sure you ventilate if you use it indoors, but it works real fast. Can't do without it in winter."
His birthday: (April 25th)
"Whose birthday? ...Mine? Oh... Forgot all about it. ...Thanks."
Your birthday:
"Today's your birthday, yeah? ... Get your stuff. I'll take you for a drive."
New Years: (January 1st)
"You helped us out a lot last year. Hope you'll stick around."
Valentine's Day: (February 14th)
"This chocolate's for me? Do everything proper, don't you? Thanks. I appreciate it."
HE SMILED AGAIN. I wonder if he's ever been given valentine's chocolate before. Even if he thinks it's just out of obligation, I think he must be really happy. . . .
White Day: (March 13th)
"White Day's when you repay people for what they got you on Valentine's Day, right? Sorry if these aren't your thing... Didn't really know what you like..."
. . .my first thought was that i read that sometimes lingerie is given as a white day return present. . .and i just imagined that Alan asked what he was supposed to do if he liked the person he got a valentine's day gift from on valentine's and Leo saw an opportunity for chaos and said to get them some sexy white underwear and Alan just. . .believed him. And it's a very embarrassing moment for everyone involved. pc absolutely wears them when alan asks them out for things tho. waiting for the day alan finds out they're wearing it.
April Fool's Day: (April 1st)
"I'm actually a dog. Woof. ...Sorry, that was a lie. Forget I said anything."
he's a little confused but he's got the spirit.
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Halloween: (October 31st)
"Saw an anomaly I'd never seen before just now. Ran away when I tried to stop it. That's when I realized it was a human."
i would not be surprised if his upbringing was sheltered and he just did not know about halloween to begin with haha
Christmas: (December 25th)
"...You should spend Christmas with family."
Well everyone's stuck at Darkwick so that's not likely to happen. Also don't tell that to Sho. . .but we can be family now! And spend Christmas together!
Idle: (about 20 seconds without interacting with the game) (below 13 affinity)
"...You okay?"
(13 affinity and above)
"...You seem busy. Let me know if you need anything."
Absent: (logging in for the first time in 2 or more days?)
"...You came back. You look all right. We're gonna need you for the next mission."
SO YOU SEE HE'S A LOT KINDER AND SWEETER WHEN HIS AFFINITY GETS UP THERE. . .BUT HE'S STILL COLD. BECAUSE HE'S AFRAID. . .but you make him feel more comfortable. You help him feel less like a destructive monster and more like a person. Where he pushed you away before, he keeps you closer now. Still a little at arm's distance but much closer than before. I HOPE THIS HELPED YOU SEE MORE OF HIS PERSONALITY, ANON o/
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kikiwooo · 9 months
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🎄 | Christmas with them | 🎄
special thanks to @i-love-fredrinn-vance for giving me the idea♥️
Part 2 here.
| reblogs and comments are very much appreciated |
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Every special event was fun with him, because he always has something to amuse you and never let the moment go boring for the two of you. Be it presents, seeing different places and eating all kinds of food, plus having him by your side as your personal furnace and wallet.
The weather wasn't that cold but Fredrinn insisted that you should take his huge ass warm jacket. The two of you nearly did everything, building snowman, making snow angels even play snowball.
"I got you I got you."
Fredrinn chuckled as he lifted you up by your armpits, through this act of kindness, his eyes glinted with mischief. Smirking slightly and thanks that you can't see the growing smirk on his face, his eyes went between you and that big snow pile in front of him, taking ever slow steps towards to it.
Before you can even realise what's he's going to do you, you were thrown into the snow pile, a deep snow pile that is. But, who would have thought it was that deep when everything was silent for some seconds after he had thrown you into it.
Fredrinn blinked twice before taking steps towards to the snow pile and bending slightly to look over it.
Time seemed to be the main problem when you were with Natan. He was always, always busy everyday, every second. Due to him often being in the Future or Past, going back and through, of course he would miss the special events, even confuse the days, months and years.
Natan's lips curved into a small smile after seeing you put hot chocolate on the table, his eyes moving up to meets yours.
"Thank you darling."
His fingers slowly yet gently grabbing the cup and raising it over to his lips and taking a sip, his eyes wandered to window, seeing that it's snowing. He raised his brow in slight confusion, putting the cup down onto the table and turning his head to you only to see you looking out to window smiling.
It was your turn to raise your brow in confusion.
"Yes it is, it's Christmas remember?"
Natan took a step back in his mind, actually, taking two steps back. His mind, full of questions.
With a nervous smile and a sweat drop, he asked whispering.
"I- ...I thought we were in...march..?"
Never a special event was skipped in the Paxley Household, every one of it was celebrated with great care and attention. Aamon was never late to celebrate it with you, always being on the time, earl if possible, with so much presents with him. Today though, seemed to be different.
Normally, Paxley Household would hire a big place to celebrate the special events, therefore you stayed in the Paxley mansion to wait for Aamon. Despite your waiting for your beloved to return, he wouldn't come till it's midnight, I should congratulate you for your patience.
Aamon grunted slightly as he slowly cracked his neck, he was tired after running back and forth, Cici was hard to look after. Always getting on trouble and getting on the nerves of the guards. He walked through the cold and snowy streets, his breath came out as a steam, he shook his head and continued to walk.
In the Paxley Mansion, you had already moved to both of yours shared room. The clock nearly showing midnight, waiting for him really did tired you out, so moving to warm bed really did seemed like a nice option..
Aamon finally managed to reach, even if he's late he came to you, only to find you asleep in the huge bed. He chucked breathlessly, finally taking the present off behind him that he got from Cici's performance, something that he's sure you'd like.
He didn't had the heart to wake you up, instead, choosing to slide next to you in the bed. Slightly sighing pleasantly at how much you warmed the bed bu yourself, he slowly yet gently, sneaked his arm around you and pulled you into his chest.
"Do forgive me...I couldn't came to you on time.."
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howlingday · 8 days
jaune is spiderman au) grandpa arc meets one of jaune's enemies, bullseye while on a date with grandma arc. grandpa arc: "what's with the get up pal? this a stick up or are ya just ugly?" grandpa arc: go ahead take my wallet chief ozpin hasn't paid me since my run in with mayor need, or as I like to call him..." granpa arc: **throws a rock at the villains head** "CHUCK!" **pulls out 500 magnum revolver** grandpa arc: "thanks for the cross hair looks both of us are getting blown tonight!" BLAM BLAM BLAM grandpa arc: "common dear I need a drink" **walks away with grandma arc** meanwhile with jaune jaune: "why the hell don't any of my villains stick around?"
Chapter 2 - Lethal Protection
Ren walked into the dorm to find newspapers spread all over the floor. Jaune lifted one, bringing it closer, before setting it down to write in his notebook nearby. He gave a hum before turning to another newspaper and repeating the process.
"I hope this isn't for an assignment."
"No, more of a... personal project." Jaune didn't look up, though his expression did show that Ren had broken his focus. "Snipe Hunt died this morning. Gunshot."
"Which one was he again?"
"Bullseye." Jaune answered quickly. "Was gonna assassinate the headmaster but I managed to stop him."
"By being late to Pyrrha's award ceremony."
"I sAID..." Jaune's voice cracked. He cleared his throat. "I said I was sorry, and she forgave me."
"She forgives everyone, Jaune." Ren shook his head. "But instead of giving you a lecture on being a good friend, I have to ask; why are you so interested in Bullseye's death if he was shot? Last I checked, he wasn't exactly the most popular guy in town."
"No, he wasn't." Jaune lifted another page. "But the fact that the news keeps calling it a murder makes me feel uncomfortable."
"Maybe we could call Lisa Lavender and ask her call it something else instead."
"I'm serious, Ren." Jaune set the pages down and gave his roommate a serious look. "Snipe was a killer. He was a bad guy, and that's something I've figured out BEFORE he tried to kill me. But if someone is going around, killing bad guys without the police or any huntsmen or huntresses involved, then it just means there's one more killer out there that I have to stop."
Ren was quiet for a moment. He'd been with Jaune in this vigilante business since catching him sneaking into the room late one night. Come next morning, he and Jaune agreed to keep quiet on both accounts, Ren about his criminal roommate and Jaune whenever he's sneaking back in for the night. Ever since, Ren had let Jaune go about his business as a crime-fighter. It was a very simple "quiet and neutral" agreement.
However, the way Jaune was speaking now was unlike anything Ren had seen before from him. Normally meek and mild, letting Cardin or Yang or even Nora pick on him while either sighing or laughing the issue off. You could step on his shoe and the worst he'd do is ask you to please get off. Here, though, Jaune had a look in his eyes that said, 'I'm doing this and you can't stop me'. Ren was actually impressed.
"Jaune?" The uncostumed hero looked to him. "What can I do to help?"
"Are you okay, honey?"
"I know you were only protecting Jaune. Your heart was in the right place."
"Do you... Do you need anything?"
"...Need to talk to Jaune."
"So, what's the plan?" Nora chirped into Pyrrha's ear. "Break into the police station? Rough up some witnesses? Ooh~! Maybe send a message to all the goons to come forward~?"
Pyrrha tapped her earpiece. "I was thinking something less dramatic."
Jumping from the roof, she hopped from wall to windowsill to fire escape to dumpster until she landed on the ground. The same ground where the costumed criminal, "Bullseye," was murdered. Not two weeks ago, the Huntsman Spider had managed to thwart his attempt to murder her headmaster, and now he was dead by something so... simple. She scanned the crime-scene, noting where the police had left their markers for notable evidence locations.
She looked over to see Nora was still distracting the police officers by asking inane questions. Things of a range from 'How you become a police officer' to 'What if you break a law in another city and flee to Vale' nature. Pyrrha had to work fast if she wanted to avoid being caught, getting them both in trouble for different, yet connected reasons.
Pyrrha noted the chalk outline with the legs pointing to the entrance of the alley, meaning the assassin was either facing his opponent or was shot in the back while fleeing. The police reports on the news said that three gunshots were heard at the time of the murder. Loud gunshots, meaning it had to be a large gun. Closing her eyes, she twitched her fingers for her semblance to pick up anything.
Dumpsters. Fire escape. A few small things like paperclips and bolts, but nothing like a bullet. She frowned. Either the police already had the shells, which was possible, or whatever bullets were used didn't expel shells, which wouldn't make sense since only huntsmen were allowed to have weapons like that. This was a murder, though, so...
"Thanks, Mr. and Mrs. Officers! I'll be sure to buy you a DONUT for your troubles~!" Pyrrha flinched. It was time to go. Carefully moving to the shadows where she could more easily escape, Pyrrha began her climb to the rooftops.
"So, how did it go?" Nora asked in Pyrrha's ear.
"Not good." Pyrrha replied. "Being a vigilante is a lot harder than it looks."
"Then maybe you should give up." Pyrrha whirled around and swung at the dark-cloaked figure behind her. Her attack was blocked, but that wouldn't stop her. She swung her other fist in, catching the thugs in their armored sided, making them grunt and let go. Pyrrha kept her fists up, only held back by the figure holding up their hand. "I'm not here to fight you."
"Pyrrha? Pyrrha, what's going on?"
Pyrrha thought for a moment about how best to respond. She could tell Nora that she was under attack right now, making the two jump into combative states and potentially make things worse. Otherwise...
"I tripped." Pyrrha said into her earpiece. The figure across from her rubbed their side where they were punched.
"Yes, I'm fine. I'll meet you at rendezvous point."
"The what?"
"The place we're meeting up."
"Alright," Nora said, "I'm getting cocoa!"
"Thank you for not getting her involved." The figure said.
"I can easily change that with a phone call, now talk." Pyrrha glared through her goggles. Could she beat this opponent? The punch Pyrrha landed earlier told her yes, but she preferred to err on the side of caution when she could. "Who are you?"
"I'm... Black." The figure said. "I'm a vigilante."
"Why are you here?"
"To stop you from being one."
"This isn't a game..." The air was left open as an introduction, which Pyrrha gladly gave with her fists to her hips.
"I'm the Red Huntress!"
"Right... The Red... Huntress..." It was clear Black didn't care for the simple name Pyrrha gave herself. "This isn't a game. People can get hurt out here. People DO get hurt out here."
"If it's so dangerous, then why are you doing it?" Pyrrha asked.
"Because I need to." Black said. "The White Fang are up to something in this city, and I need to be the one to stop it."
"Just you?" Pyrrha asked. "Seems a bit selfish, if you ask me."
"I didn't ask you, and you are literally wearing just goggles and a cape." Black said with a groan. By contrast, the dark-cloaked figure was wearing bulletproof... everything over a black bodysuit. If Pyrrha didn't know any better, she'd assume Black was a special operations member separated from their team. They gave a sigh. "Look... What will it take for you to go home?"
Pyrrha thought for a moment. "What can you tell me about the murder that happened this morning?"
"Hey, Grandpa!"
"Hey, little hunter!" Jaune's grandfather chuckled. Since Jaune left for Beacon, this had become his go-to greeting for him. "How's the high life with your fancy edu-macation?"
Jaune rolled his eyes. "Not bad." Jaune said. "How's the retired life?"
"Slow and boring." He groaned. "And, uh, what about..."
"I'm not alone, Grandpa, but..." Jaune didn't start this vigilante thing alone. He'd gotten the armor for the costume from his grandfather taking the old family shield and getting it cut down into smaller pieces to be sewn onto cloth. With it, Jaune looked like a superhero, someone who could do more good outside the law than he could do in. Grandpa, a retired huntsman and police officer, had friends on the force still who could help him out now and again with information. "I've got a friend wanting to help me."
"A friend, huh?"
"Hello, sir." Ren greeted. "My name is Lie Ren."
"Ren, huh?" Grandpa made a tapping sound on his end. "And how'd you get roped into this, Ren?"
"I caught Jaune when he was sneaking back into our dorm."
"Ugh... I shoulda known... Jaune was never good at keeping quiet."
"He can keep quiet," Ren defended, earning a grin from Jaune, "but only after you tell him to." Jaune's smile fell.
"Ha! That's true!" Jaune's smile fell harder.
"Anyways," Jaune tried to steer the conversation, "I was calling because I needed your help with something."
"Of course you do. It's never to check up on your grandma and me. You gotta need something!" Ren gave a worried look to Jaune.
"Because when I call you any other time you just go, 'uh-huh' and ''mhm'!"
"Mhm..." Grandpa replied, giving a chuckle. "So, what can I help ya with?"
"It's about a murder that happened." Jaune asked. "I was wondering if you could help me out?"
"What have ya got so far?"
"Just a victim and a CoD."
"Uh-huh? And those are?"
"Snipe Hunt, aka Bullseye, killed by a gunshot. He's the one I told you about before, remember?" The line went quiet. "Grandpa?"
"Are you okay, Mr. Arc?" Ren asked.
"I'm fine." He yawned. "It's just getting late for me."
"Oh, well, I'll let you get your rest then, Grandpa."
"No, no, I can still talk. Or at least give you some advice."
"Okay..." Jaune could feel his legs twitch with excitement as he waited for the advice.
"Some cases need more time to be looked into. Eventually, everything will figure itself out. That's what I learned on the force."
"...That's it? Just sit around and wait?"
"I said I could give you some advice. Never said it was good advice. Maybe if you look for the good in the bad, you might learn something?"
"Good in the bad..." Ren cupped his chin. "You said you learned this lesson on the force, then maybe the police would know more."
"Huh... They would, wouldn't they?" Jaune gave a smirk. "And there's that police understudy program floating around, too. Maybe I could find my way into the police records and figure out from there!"
"Maybe." Jaune couldn't see, but he could tell when his grandpa was smiling. "It's getting late. I'll tell grandma you said hi."
"See ya, Grandpa!"
"Goodbye, Mr. Arc, sir. It was nice meeting you."
"G'night, boys."
Jack Arc hung up the phone. His smile fade and he let out a sigh. Looking by it, he saw the murder weapon seated on the other side. He shook his head, picking it up in his large, calloused hands. The cold metal helped him think.
"It's heavier today." His hand lowered. "So heavy."
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n3kk1tty · 22 days
Imagine getting the X-Men into anime.
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Your three friends had been trying to find you for hours. They had no clue where you had hidden yourself away in though I guess in hind sight checking your room would have been productive. Behind the door they could hear you singing along to some song that definitely wasn't English. When they cracked it open all three peaking in like some Scooby doo level of stacking on top of each other they spotted you bouncing along as you sang the opening song. Pajamas and messy hair evident with snacks galore no wonder they couldn't find you.
Kurt immediately took the opportunity to teleport standing above you snagging the chip bag from your hand as you tried rescuing your beloved snack from the blue fiend. " Hey not fair. Unhand my salty treat you fuzzy snack taxer." The man laughs at you shaking his head as he starts shoveling chips into his mouth. "Nein. It is your tax for disappearing after training." You blow a raspberry at him as you pull him down onto the oversized bean bag with you. " I got my new anime box set I'm doing some mental relaxation. "
Remy eyes the screen plopping down on his designated bean bag before Anna Marie joins suit. " Well this don't make no sense there not speaking English. How are you supposed to watch if you're reading at the bottom of the screen. " You let out a chuckle towards the Cajun as Kurt situates himself in your lap and the bean bag like a cat finding it's seat. " Aw I'm sorry Remy. I forgot you can't read but you did interrupt my bum time." The man huffs in response chucking one of your empty soda cans at you. Anna Marie can't help laughing as you two fight him throwing cans and you use your mutation to absorb the scrap metal. Kurt to tuned into the animated figures on screen to mind the constant movement going on.
After the three kept asking too many questions of what was going on after getting too invested you decided it wouldn't hurt to just restart the series and continue your binge fest with your friends. " If we're gonna binge anime y'all need to do this right. I'll put the first tape in and get the episode ready but you three need to go get pajamas on as well and fetch us some more snacks. " You pause throwing your wallet to Anna Marie. " I ordered chinese food for us all, make sure Remy doesn't steal my cash Anna when you guys see the delivery guy. " As you say this you can spot Jubilee heading back to her room across the hall. " Hey Jubes. You wanna come watch Ranma 1/2 with us. I just got the box set in today."
The girl looks excited but pauses for a moment. " Man I haven't finished the sailor moon set you let me borrow last week yet." You share a chuckle with the young girl ruffling her head. " Don't worry about it sparkler. It's not like no one's watched two series at once before. This is the last call though when they get back with the snacks I'm not restarting the series again. " The girl gets the message running into her room to change into some comfy clothes as you get another bean bag set. Staying in the mansion even quiet time alone can turn into a mini party.
You're not sure when Logan had joined the party but he had strolled in behind Remy when he had gone to pick up the Chinese. Thank god you got used to ordering bulk food because you never knew when someone would want some of what you were eating. Plopped on your bed Logan digged into the food making passing comments about the anime eventually getting sucked into it as well long after the food was gone. It was nice to be surrounded by friends while sharing something you enjoyed. After that night having anime nights became a thing in the mansion some how a revolving door of characters would show up.
It became such a thing you and Kurt would often mimic the fights on screen.
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Hi Hi this is my first time participating in one of these so please tell me if I did it wrong. But for the Prompt game number 2 could you do minsung and reader 24 and 48?? Or honestly anyone lol
Also I love your writing and I hope you’re doing well 🥰
SKZ Prompt Game
Prompts: "You're trembling."
"You make me want things I can't have."
Genre: Light Angst, Fluff, Light Smut
Members: Han Jisung, Lee Minho
Relationship: Established Minho x Fem!Reader x Roommate Jisung
Warning: Mentions of Nightmares, Cheating (but not really, you'll see)
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"Lee Minho, are you asking me to babysit your roommate?"
Minho makes a little sort of disgruntled sound in the back of his throat, huffing a humorless laugh into the other end of the phone.
"He doesn't like to be alone."
You roll your eyes, toeing off your shoes and pinching the phone between your shoulder and ear as you head into the kitchen, depositing your work bag onto the counter.
"Jisung really can't handle staying by himself for two nights while you're gone? I do it all the time, you know. Every time you guys plan one of your little weekend guy trips." You huff out, though you're not quite as put out as your words would entail.
"Please, baby?" Minho pleads teasingly, his voice dropping in tone, into a whisper, in a way that he knows you can't resist. "For me?"
You sigh, long and hard, and you can almost feel your boyfriend smiling through the phone.
He knows he's got you.
And honestly, spending the weekend with Jisung won't be too much of a chore. You like him. And you both like to play video games, and eat pizza, and talk shit on Minho.
How bad could it really be?
"Fine." You grumble out, hoping Minho can sense your glare on the other end of the phone, just like you can sense his absolute glee. "But he's buying the pizza."
"Holy fuck, this is gonna be so fun!" Jisung announces, taking your small overnight bag from you almost immediately and chucking it onto the couch Minho had made you help him pick out months before.
You open your mouth to scold him, to say that hey, maybe some of your shit is kind of fragile? but before you can even get so much as one word out, Jisung has swooped you into a bear hug, squeezing all the air, and protests, right from your lungs.
"Thanks for agreeing to stay." He murmurs against the crown of your head, and you can't help it, you nod back without really thinking.
"Yeah, of course."
Jisung releases you with a huge, heart shaped grin, and you try not to notice how the cologne he wears-something a little bit spicy and lined with floral-contrasts so sharply, and altogether pleasantly, with the scent Minho always dons-dark and woodsy.
Minho appears, his work bag slung over his shoulder, his brow raised.
"Can you please refrain from greeting my girlfriend before me?" He queries dryly, glancing over to Jisung, before he leans over to press a kiss to your lips. "Hi, baby."
"No can do, hyung." Jisung grins, flopping down onto the couch next to your discarded bag, his long fingers pushing some of his dark hair out of his eyes. "Early bird gets the worm."
You laugh. "That doesn't even make sense."
Jisung's eyes glitter with amusement and he gives a little shrug.
"Sure it does. I'm the bird, you're the worm, and Minho-hyung is the cat who missed out."
"Cats don't eat worms." Minho mutters back, though there's amusement in his tone, as he leans in to give you another quick kiss.
He pats the pocket of his jacket, making sure he has his wallet and passport, and you straighten his button down shirt beneath as you give him a slight smile.
He nods. "Yeah, I better get going." He glances to Jisung sternly. "Behave while I'm gone."
Jisung winks. "I always do."
Minho sighs with resignation and turns back to you, tilting his head toward the door and his waiting suitcase. "Walk me out?"
You nod, and he takes your hand, using his free one to grab the suitcase and open the door for the two of you.
"Bye, hyungie!" Jisung calls in a teasing sing song sort of voice as the door closes behind you.
Minho slows his step to match your own, glancing at his watch, and then squinting into the sun let in through the slats of the apartment walkway.
"Are you going to be late?" You ask, tightening your fingers around his own.
Minho shakes his head a little distractedly. "No, I'll be fine." He glances sidelong at you, and his expression grows serious. "Baby, about Jisung-"
You give a little laugh at the concern in his tone. "What? Think he'll eat me or something while you're gone?'' You arch a brow at him with a little smirk. "C'mon, baby, don't worry so much. Jisung and I are friends too, you know."
Minho sighs and rakes a hand through his hair, glancing past you. "I know. That's not what I'm worried about."
He pulls you to a stop, and the smile drops from your face at his worried expression.
"Min?" You ask, suddenly nervous for some reason.
Minho glances down at you, and reaches up to swipe a stray strand of hair from your forehead with a little smile that doesn't quite reach his eyes.
"He has nightmares."
You stare at him, uncomprehending, and he squeezes your hands in his own, standing there in the middle of the hallway.
"Jisung. He doesn't like to talk about it, but he's been through some pretty messed up shit, and it messes with his head sometimes." Minho sighs, long and resigned, and a muscle ticks slightly in his jaw. You resist the urge to reach up and smooth it away.
"And when I say nightmares, I'm talking full fledged night terrors. Between the two of us, we've figured out some ways to deal with them, help them end more quickly, but he can't stand to be alone after they're over. Which is why I asked-"
"Me to stay with him while you're gone." You breathe out, finally putting the pieces together.
Minho nods. "Yeah. And I'm sorry to put you in this position, but he's my oldest friend, and I lo-" He stops for a minute, considering his words, and then continues. "-care about him."
You squeeze his hand. "I get it. I do. I'd do anything for you, so I understand how you feel the same way about Jisung."
Minho's expression lightens a little bit. "You do?"
"Of course." You smile up at him softly and lean up to press a lingering kiss to his lips. "And I promise, I will take good care of him, okay? Because no matter what you think, I care about Jisung too."
Minho smiles gently, and gives you another kiss. "I know you do, baby. Thank you."
"Fuck, I'm tired." You stretch, pushing the blanket off of your lap and standing, grabbing the pizza box to throw it away.
Jisung looks up from where he's sitting on the opposite end of the couch, controller still held in his hand, eyes wide.
"Really? You sure you don't want to go another round?" Something mischievous glints in his eyes and he smirks at you. "Or are you scared I'll kick your ass again?"
"You couldn't kick my ass if you tried., Han Jisung." You retort back, sticking your tongue out at him. "But it's also one AM, and I haven't stayed up this late since I was in college."
Jisung grins back, bounding up to help you throw away the take out containers and soda cans.
"Well then, time for you to live a little."
"Jisung-" You start to sigh, throwing away the empty pizza box and turning to face him.
Your words die on your tongue at how close he is, you hadn't realized he'd come up right behind you while you were talking.
Your nose is almost brushing the tip of his.
Something weird swarms in the pit of your stomach as you stare into his large, dark eyes.
"Yes?" He questions back with the hint of amused innocent, his eyebrow ticking upward as he stares at you, staring at him.
You open your mouth to say something, anything-you should back up a few feet, or a hundred, I should go to bed right this goddamn instant-but nothing comes out.
Jisung cocks his head, and then he takes a step back, something unreadable going across his face as he laughs a little and finally drops your gaze.
"Yeah, you're probably right." He acquiesces, still not looking at you, the air between you awkward now. "It's late. We should hit the hay."
The forced casualness in his voice has something heavy settling into the pit of your stomach.
"Yeah, yeah-" You stumble over the words, desperate to get out of the kitchen and away from him suddenly. You skirt along the wall, trying to increase the space between you as you give him a forced smile. "-see you in the morning, Jisung."
Jisung opens his mouth, as if he's about to say something more, but you hightail it out of the kitchen and down the hallway to your room, locking the door before you can give yourself the chance to find out what it was.
You don't know how long you've been asleep when you're woken by a thud against the wall Minho's room shares with Jisung's, and the sound of something, or multiple somethings, crashing to the floor.
You give your heart a moment to stop pounding in your chest, listening for any more sounds, and when you don't hear anything, you creep from Minho's bed and down the hall.
Standing outside Jisung's still closed door, you hesitate only briefly, before you raise your fist and knock softly.
"Jisung?" You call out quietly, waiting for a response. When there is none, you try again. "Jisung?"
There is the sound of shuffling from inside, and then it falls silent again.
Gathering your courage, you push open the door silently, and stare into the darkened room, letting your eyes adjust for a moment.
There's Jisung's bed-empty-his bedside table-clear of all items, including his lamp and alarm clock, now in a pile on the floor-and then-
"Jisung." You whisper, and without thinking, you hurry across the small room, crouching down in front of him.
He's huddled in the corner farthest from the bed, his comforter pulled up like a hood around his head, curled in on himself for safety.
You can tell, even in the lack of light, that his knuckles are white where they hold the blanket too tightly against his body.
"Jisung." You repeat, because it's the only thing you can think to say in this moment. You cautiously reach forward to touch his hand. "Are you okay?"
He stares at you for a moment, as if confused that you're here, in his room, in front of him, and then he shakes his head, as if to clear his brain of unwanted thoughts, and gives you the fakest half smile you've ever seen.
"Y-yeah-" He stutters out, eyes large and dark and a little too shiny in the dark.
You close your fingers around his own, and his entire body shakes beneath your touch.
"You're trembling." You murmur worriedly, watching the way his muscles shudder beneath the safety of the blanket, as if his body is in fight or flight.
It probably is from what Minho had said.
"It's an after effect." Jisung mumbles back, dropping his gaze from your own now, as he stares at your hand still covering his own. "Of the nightmares."
You feel helpless, crouched before him, unsure of what to do, watching him shatter before your eyes.
You swallow, and reach up your fingers to shove aside some of his thick dark hair, damp with sweat, from his eyes, and he stares at you for a moment, expression doubtful.
"What can I do?" You ask in a whisper, scooting a little closer to him, pressing your thigh up against his, hoping the bodily contact will comfort him a little. "Minho didn't tell me how he usually helps, but-"
Jisung's eyes widen a little, his lips pulling down into a grim line. "Minho told you he helps me with the nightmares?"
You give a little shrug of your shoulder, confused. "Well, yeah, he wanted to make sure I knew what to do while he was gone. And he cares about you."
Jisung stares a little longer, and then he looks away, clearing his throat.
Slowly, one by one, his fingers uncurl from around the blanket.
"I think I'm okay now." He admits softly, a slight wobble in his voice that belies his lie. "But, if you could just sit with me for a little bit? So I'm not alone?"
He glances back to you hopefully and you instantly nod, sliding so your back is against the wall beside his, body pressed close.
"Of course I can, Jisung. Always."
The next night, the nightmares are worse.
You're woken up by the sound of terror, and without having to think, your feet fly down the hallway and into Jisung's room, finding him writhing on the bed, tangled in his blankets.
"Jisung, Jisung!" You shake him a little, trying to pull him back from the brink of his own mind.
He stops writhing, staring at you blankly-or through you more accurately-and the dead expression on his face and in his dark, usually expressive eyes scares you.
Without thinking, you climb into the bed and lie on top of him, pressing your body heavily down onto his own.
You'd read somewhere that having another person's body weight on top of you helps with panic attacks, so why not nightmares?
You're out of your depth, you don't know what the hell you're doing, but you have to do something, have to bring Jisung back.
"It's okay." You whisper, reaching up to cautiously start stroking his hair. "It's okay. I'm here. You're here."
Jisung's muscles are tense beneath your own, his whole body still shuddering from the after effects of the horrible nightmare, but slowly, beneath the weight of your own, the violent shudders die down to silent trembling.
"It's okay." You just keep murmuring over and over and over, like a mantra, filling the space between the two of you. "It's okay."
Jisung takes in a deep breath, his chest rising and falling rapidly beneath your own, and carefully, you raise your head, meeting his gaze, your fingers stilling their movements on his hair.
"I'm sorry." He murmurs out, voice hoarse and shaky, a single tear creeping from the corner of his eye and down his cheek.
"Don't be sorry." You reply back softly, resuming your combing of his hair and he leans into the touch, like a cat seeking the security of affection. "It's not your fault."
"Yeah, but Minho, and you-" Jisung starts, taking in a shuddering breath, his body convulsing beneath your own.
"Care about you a whole fucking lot." You finish for him resolutely, daring to come up on your elbows now that the majority of his shuddering has worn off, meeting his gaze firmly. "You have nothing to apologize for. We wouldn't be here if we didn't want to be."
Jisung holds your gaze for another moment and then nods, looking away. "Okay."
"Okay." You repeat, before you suddenly realize that your body is still flush with Jisung's. You shove yourself up on your hands, face going hot. "If you're okay then-"
Panic comes across Jisung's face and you freeze, his body once again going instantly tense beneath your own as he grabs your upper arms in a vice like grip.
"Please don't leave."
You stare down at him, pleading silently with you with large, dark, scared eyes, and you finally nod, settling back down on top of him again, elbows propping you up so you can see his face.
"Okay, I won't."
You study him for a moment in the dark, the slope of his nose, the full swell of his bottom lip, the doe eyes hidden beneath long, dark hair.
Without really considering, you reach out and trace his lips softly with the pad of your thumb.
Jisung freezes beneath the touch, and you feel your cheeks heat once more as you move to pull away.
"I'm sorry-"
Jisung's fingers loop around your wrist, keeping you in place, your fingers hovering just over his mouth. His lips part, and you can feel the warmth of his breath wash over your fingertips.
The sensation sends a tingle down your spine.
"You make me want things I can't have."
His voice is so soft that you think you've misheard him, and confusion washes across your face, the words jostling together in your brain in a way that doesn't make sense.
Maybe he's talking about you and Minho? About a relationship?
"What? Me and Minho?" You question back dumbly, still trying to piece together what he's just admitted to you.
"Yeah." Jisung says softly, gaze still never leaving your own, breath still washing over your fingers. "You. And Minho."
There's something behind the words, the way he repeats it after you, and suddenly, it clicks into place.
You laugh a little, you can't help it, and Jisung looks caught off guard.
"Jisung." You say his name like a sigh, like you're releasing a secret you've kept for ages. "All you have to do is ask him. Minho fucking loves you. I've known forever, but I've been waiting for him to bring it up."
Jisung's eyes grow wider. "Minho loves me?"
You nod. "Yeah." Something quiet and sad colors your tone as you stare at him, the boy you both secretly want, the boy Minho could have if he just said the word. It's not so simple for you. "I see it in the way he looks at you, the way he talks about you."
"And you're okay with that?" Jisung asks, slight doubt filtering into his tone.
You huff a laugh. "Yeah. I love Minho, and he loves me, but he also loves you, and I'm not opposed" You give him a slight smile. "I can share."
Jisung takes in your words for a moment, and then he releases his hold on your wrist, letting you sit up fully this time, scooting away from him on the bed.
He heaves himself up, untangling himself from the blanket. "What about you?"
His question catches you off guard, and you shrug slightly. "What about me?"
Jisung's face pinches slightly. "Well, I-"
You give a humorless little chuckle, glancing to him now. "You don't have to say it, Jisung. I don't have to be part of this equation. It's okay."
The words hurt your heart, but you remain stoic.
Jisung stares at you for a long, everlasting moment, and then he inches closer to you, taking your face in his hands in a bold move.
You suck in a surprised breath, but hold still as he studies you.
"I bet Minho likes kissing you."
You stare back at him, trying to puzzle out where this is going, but you're tired of thinking, so you just say back, "Yeah."
Jisung lets his thumb drop to trace your mouth, like you had done moments before to him, and his gaze falls to the part of your lips underneath his touch.
"And you like it when Minho kisses you."
You stare back at him, heat pooling in your stomach the longer the staring contest, the gentle touches, go on.
Jisung cocks his head, giving you a little knowing look, and then he leans forward, and it takes everything in you to freeze, as his lips brush across the column of your throat.
It's like electricity has shot through your entire body, igniting the warm pool in the pit of your stomach into something ravenous.
"Do you like it when he kisses you here?"
"Yes." You whisper back, and Jisung hums in acknowledgement, moving his lips lower against your skin, pulling your t-shirt to the side so he can press open mouth kisses to your shoulder.
"And here?"
"Mmhm." You murmur back,breathless.
Jisung glances up at you, a slight smirk pulling at his full mouth.
"And what does Minho like?"
"He likes-" You think for a moment, it's a hard feat with Jisung's lips on you. "-when I tangle my hands in his hair."
You let your hands slide into Jisung's thick, dark hair, tugging him closer to you, back up to your mouth, his lips hovering over your own.
"What else?" Jisung breathes out, his gaze flicking down to your tongue, darting out to wet your lips.
"He likes me in his lap." You murmur back, and before you can overthink it, you straddle Jisung on the bed, knees going down on either side of his hips, hands going to his shoulders.
Jisung leans back on his hands and he's staring up at you now with open hunger, pupils large and dark.
"And I bet you like it when he puts his hands here."
He lets his hands slip beneath your t-shirt, taking purchase on your hips, fingers digging into your skin.
You nod, it's becoming harder to think the longer this little game goes on.
"I do."
Jisung hums, smirking up at you once more, tilting his head as he watches you.
"Although-" You tease, reaching out to play with them of his own t-shirt. "-he's usually not wearing so many clothes when we do this."
Jisung grins, and with one smooth movement, easily pulls his shirt off and over his head, tossing it to the floor.
"What else?" Jisung prods, and you're more than happy to accept his challenge.
"He likes when I kiss him-" You lean in, and after a breath's hesitation, press your mouth over Jisung's.
Fuck, he tastes amazing, and he's so pliable, so responsive, sliding his tongue in between your lips almost instantly, making you gasp into his open mouth.
You pull back, just a sliver, just enough to say, "-and when I use teeth."
You lean back into him, and suck his full bottom lip between your teeth, letting them graze the plush skin slowly as you release your hold.
Beneath you, Jisung shudders in response, and you can feel him hardening beneath you.
"I bet he likes when you're a tease." Jisung replies breathlessly when you pull back, pupils large and dark, lips red and slick. "So fucking hot."
"He does." You smirk, arching a brow. "And he also likes when I grind down on him."
You give him your weight then, lowering yourself fully into his lap, grinding your hips on him, and Jisung groans, throwing his head back, as his eyes roll back into his head.
"Fuck-" His hands on your hips pin you down, stopping your movements, and he pants for breath for a moment before opening his eyes, his expression hot.
"You like feeling him, like feeling what you're doing to him."
His words send molten heat straight between your thighs, and you whine a little at his hold, pinning you in place.
Jisung smirks, releasing you, before he reaches to slip off his sweats.
Your mouth waters as he's bared completely before you.
You've never stripped out of your own clothes so fast.
Moving back to straddle him, Jisung groans at the feel of how wet you are against his skin.
His fingers go back to bruising your hips, and his own buck up beneath you.
"God, I bet he loves feeling you, seeing you take him."
You nod, manuevering yourself, and stare down at him for a moment, the large dark doe eyes, the slight pant of his open lips.
Jisung is fucking pretty.
But you knew that already.
"He does." You confirm, voice breathy, as you feel him against you. "But he likes it most when I take him all at once."
Without warning, you sink down, and Jisung's eyes once again disappear into the back of his skull.
His fingers grip you painfully, and you whimper, but it's a sound of pleasure, as he groans and focuses back on you, leaning up to capture your lips in a bruising kiss as he starts to move.
"Fuck, Jisung-" You gasp out, stars bursting before your vision.
The second his name leaves your lips, you freeze.
"I'm sorry, I didn't-"
"Don't." Jisung growls, tugging you in for another rough kiss, his words and breath searing your skin. "Don't ever apologize for saying my name. I want to fucking hear it on your lips for the rest of my life."
He lifts his hips against your own, kissing you hard, and you gasp, and you know, there's no going back now, not ever.
You're lying next to Jisung in the small space of his twin bed, staring at the ceiling, completely and utterly spent.
Your body is deliciously sore, and his hand in your own is a comforting weight.
You can't help the small smile that crosses your lips as you hear him shift beside you.
There's a flare of guilt deep in your gut, but you shove it down to deal with later.
"Hey." Jisung whispers, rolling over to flop his arm across your bare waist and brush his lips across your neck.
You meet his gaze. "Hey."
He smiles shyly at you, fingers playing with your own.
"I think Minho really likes you."
You stare at him, a small smile crossing your own lips. You lean forward to press a kiss to the corner of his heart shaped mouth.
"I think I really like him too."
You're drinking coffee at Jisung and Minho's small kitchen table when Minho gets home, tossing his work bag onto the couch and coming directly for you.
"Hey, baby." He leans down behind your chair, encircling you with his arms, and you smile, tilting your head back so he can reach your lips.
"I missed you." He nuzzles his nose into your cheek, and you give a little laugh.
"I'd forgotten how clingy you get after a work trip, Lee Minho." You tease, reaching up to brush hair back from his forehead as you give him another quick kiss. "I missed you too."
"Watch it." Minho growls teasingly, tickling you before he gives you another kiss and straightens up.
Jisung appears then, headed directly for the cabinet for his own mug to fill with coffee.
"Hey, where's my hello kiss?" He pouts, staring at Minho, as he fills up his coffee and comes to sit beside you at the table.
Minho arches a brow and stares him down. "Do you deserve one?"
Jisung gives him a sweetly innocent smile. "Always."
You swallow a too large gulp of your hot coffee, and suddenly wonder when you should break the news to the man now getting his own glass of the morning beverage.
Luckily, Minho beats you to the punch.
"So." He says casually, leaning against the counter and glancing between the two of you, sipping from his mug. "Did you two finally fuck then?"
You choke on the liquid in your mouth, and Jisung promptly spits his own mouthful of coffee across the table in a fine spray.
"What?" You both shriek at the same time, staring at Minho.
He appears completely nonplussed, holding both of your astounded gazes with nothing more than a shrug.
"The two of you. Did you finally get over your weird stubborn guilt complexes and fuck?"
You stare at him like he's grown a second head.
Jisung narrows his eyes from across the table, staring down your boyfriend.
"Wait-" His voice grows with disbelief. "-did you plan this?"
Minho gives another little shrug, but there's a smirk on his lips that he hides behind his coffee mug as he takes another sip.
"I did have a work trip. Just turned out the timing was impeccable."
"I cannot believe you." You gasp out, feeling a mixture of outrage and relief all at once.
Minho knows. He knows, and he's okay with it. Actually, more than okay, he'd been gunning for this to happen by the looks of it.
Minho grins, flashing sharp teeth.
"C'mon, baby. You and Jisung are too stupid and loyal to figure it out on your own. I needed to give you a little push."
"But-" You splutter out, trying to decide if you should take offense at his words and punch him or promptly cross the kitchen and kiss him. "-you're one to talk! You've been in love with Jisung for forever!"
"Yeah!" Jisung points at you, as if you've made a hell of a point, and then to Minho. "When were you gonna make a move, hyung?"
"Han Jisung." Minho says sternly, pinning the other man beneath his gaze. "I don't give up sleep for just anyone."
Minho puts his empty coffee cup in the sink and crosses to you, placing his hands on your shoulders, still staring at Jisung.
"Look, I needed the two of you to figure it out on your own, but I also needed to orchestrate it so you both knew I wasn't upset. Quite the contrary actually." He smirks and puts a hand under your chin, raising your gaze to his. "You have my blessing."
"I'm literally so pissed right now. You're an asshole, hyung." Jisung mutters, glaring at your boyfriend, tapping his finger on the table. "But that's also so fucking hot."
You swallow beneath Minho's hand, and he notices, smirk growing wider.
"I hate you."
His brow ticks upward. "No, you don't."
You sigh. "No, I don't."
"So." Minho releases you and tilts his head toward his discarded luggage on the couch. "Unpacking can wait. Care to show me what the two of you figured out while I was gone?"
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moonlightjam · 1 year
haikyu boys when you fall asleep on them
characters included: kageyama, atsumu, hinata,
(established relationship!)
kageyama tobio:
ok he’d definitely be sosososo obsessed with making sure you get a good sleep
see you play a sport (if you don’t, pretend you do cause it’s cute), and you got tired after training
he came to find you at the gymnasium cause he wanted to go for dinner together
but you were practising late
and he found your commitment and passion to your sport endearing (cause he relates ya know??)
so he decided to join you in practice
even if that sport isn’t volleyball, i’m 100% sure he would learn the rules and about the sport in general just so he can talk about it with you
so he helps you in practice
(if it’s not volleyball) it’s cute even if he sucks ass at it cause you’re laughing together
but if it is volleyball you just find it hot how good he is
anyway i digress
so y’all are panting and done with training, ready to go for a fulfilling meal
and you do! you eat your fill.
then get lazy to walk home and get a taxi to drop you at one of your places (the other stays over!)
andddd in the taxi, you yawn a few times, then rest your head on his shoulder
he puts his arm around your waist and rests his head on your head
tobio knows you’re tired cause of your training that day, so he doesn’t disturb you and let’s you rest
and a while later, the taxi arrives at the destination
he’s tired from HIS training too, so as he sees the taxi coming to the end of the last stretch of road, he sighs out in relief, “finally, we can bathe and sleep.”
only to be met with silence
he turns to you, only to see your eyelids closed, chest rising and falling steadily
a slight smile tugs at the corners of his lips
yeah, he loves you a lot
BUT there’s now a difficulty
how was he going to wake you up to get out of the taxi…
like, you’re so tired and he doesn’t wanna disturb you cause he loves you so much but like you’re kinda at your house and you kinda needa get out of the taxi??
just as he’s pondering, the driver pulls over and stops the meter, telling tobio the price of the ride
like the sweetheart he is, he pulls out his wallet and pays for y’all, with no thoughts to ask you to pay half the bill
as he hands the cash to the driver, careful not to move his shoulder too much, he glances at your restful figure
and he makes a split second decision
so, he swings both yours and his bag over one shoulder each
and then he has one arm under your knee, the other supporting your back
he then shimmies his way out of the taxi, standing up with minimal jerking of his body to make sure you don’t wake up
he opens the house door with great difficulty, but he manages
your gym bags get chucked to one side, and he forgets about the shower he was gonna have
he sits on the couch, resting your head on a pillow on his lap
the rationale for this, because i’m pretty sure he’s thought of it:
he doesn’t wanna let you sleep on the bed while in your dirty clothes, because ew??
but like he can’t shower you while you sleep because 1. that’s weird 2. you’ll wake up
so he opts for this
and it’s not too bad because he has a great view of your face that he loves so much
and you two may very well spend the night like that
when you wake up, you both stink, but you’re just touched that he slept sitting up on the couch making sure not to move his legs just so you could get a good rest
ps he secretly loves having you sleep on him i GUARANTEE it because he’s such a physical touch kinda guy hehehhahahha
miya atsumu:
alright we already know he has a shit ton of fan girls right
imagine how jealous they all are when they see you sleeping on him LOL
you’re both waiting for your respective practice to start
you’re just scrolling through your phones, enjoying each others company
it’s been a long day, classes are tiring
and who doesn’t wanna have max energy for practice?
so, you begin to doze off while sitting on miya atsumu’s solid ass thighs….
he notices you’re asleep when you don’t respond to him when he shows you a tiktok he found funny
and his fan girls who are there to watch his training just to obsess over him see you on his lap
and they freak out (out of jealousy ofc)
“miya-san, why’s she sleeping on you?” “cause she’s my girlfriend, ya pig.”
“miya-san, shouldn’t you be going to practice? why have her on your lap?” “practice ain’t for another ten minutes. and why cant i have her on my lap?”
“all of ya go away. your squealin��� and badggerin’ ‘s gonna wake my girlfriend up.”
and when he manages to shoo them away, kita comes and says that practice is gonna start soon
“few more minutes”, atsumu says
the rest of the team starts streaming in, and when it’s right on the dot starting time of practice, he goes, “i love volleyball and all, but look at her. don’t wanna wake her up.”
osamu smacks him, telling him he has to do tough things sometimes
and then comes voice of reason, captain kita
“anyway, isn’t her practice gonna start now too?”
atsumu’s eyes go wide, remembering you had a friendly match today and it’s probably time for warm ups to be in session
so there’s no easy way to do it. he shakes you awake, and in the most urgent tone he could muster in the comical moment, he tells you it’s training time
when you realise, you kiss his cheek, and scramble off his lap, sprinting to your gymnasium
osamu smacks his brother the moment he’s up off the floor
“never thought my brother would be one lovesick sucker, eh ‘tsumu?”
and his brother is right, so for once, atsumu is left without a retort
the team is laughing at him, and suna is ofc recording this moment
hinata shoyo:
OKAY picture this
it’s class time, class is boring.
you’re tired, you’re dating him, your seat mate
so you lay your head on his shoulder
the original plan wasn’t to sleep, it just happened since his shoulder wasn’t too high for your head to reach (sorry lol but #shortking)
with the droning of your teacher as white noise, it actually made for quite a decent sleeping environment
hinata soon realised you had been on his shoulder for quite a while, and when he notices your steady breathing (the kinda breathing that people only do when they’re asleep yk what i mean??), he realises you’re asleep
and instead of what some studious guys would do, he goes, “sleeping in class what a great idea”
but before he does the same, he notices a few goosebumps had appeared on your arms
so he takes his jacket off, putting it over you and tucking it over your shoulders
and then rests his head on yours, both of you dozing right off
neither of you so much as batted an eyelid when the school bell rang at the end of lessons
just two kids in adjacent seats in front of an empty worksheet that should have been filled
an end only came to that moment when it was time for practice
it was like he had a sixth sense for when it was time for practice
like he just woke up, checked the clock, realised he had to go, but panicked when he realised he didn’t want you to lose your comfortable head rest
he gently poked your head, and said, “hey, i needa go for practice. keep my jacket, but wake up and go for your practice too! i know it starts in half an hour so rest here first!”
then, he sets an alarm on your phone to make sure you wake up on time
one last kiss on the temple and he’s off
he texts you telling you you fell asleep on him in class and you can keep his jacket first and that he set the alarm for you just in case you’re too disoriented to make sense of why you’re slumped over in your chair sleeping while hugging his jacket when you wake up
he’s just very sweet to you
like he wants to make sure you can wake up on time but wants you to be comfy while you can rest…. yk
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drksanctuary · 2 months
I guess I’m just gonna be behind from now on. @titan-army-week
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Part 5: Supplies
When Alabaster regains his el senses and gets them back to shore, he’s in survival mode once more. It’s uncanny how it kicks in automatically . He is suddenly 12 years old again, running from a monster and his dad…no. It’s not time to think about past failures… not when he had a brand new failure to-
“Alabaster?” Marina’s says, her small voice cutting into Alabaster’s despairing.
“Huh? Yes what is it Marina?”
“I’m hungry” she says, almost ashamed.
“Ah…well” Alabaster looks around to find a small convenience store with its neon open sign on and flickering. He pats his pocket. Of course he doesn’t have his wallet with him. Not like it has much money in it anyway.
He runs through the usual tricks in his head. Most require mist cards (which he doesn’t have) or illusions (which require . His last mist travel jump to get to the two of them to shore has him exhausted. Marina has magic to spare. But she’s mostly been practicing traps and protections spells.
He runs his fingers through his hair in frustration as he he thinks. His hand is sopping wet. At least the water washed away most of the blood on his face but it still hurt like a bitch.
“Right” Al says “it has to be in the middle fucking August didn’t doesn’t exactly look like we’re coming in from the rain”
Marina shivers. Al instinctively holds her and rubs her shoulder.
“Oh! You remember that trick we pulled on Dennis had the nerve to say we can’t do anything without magic?”
“Yeah…why?” Marina asks
“I have an idea”
Marina bursts into the store laughing loudly. She heads over to the candy section and starts picking out one of each thing. “I want this one! This one! Oooh and this one! And ooh this one??” She piles them on the counter and the cashier regards her, almost asking for money when Marina says
“Oh wait!” She dashes off to the chips aisle. “This and this and-“
Alabaster enters looking frantic. Marina ducks to hide.
“Jenny?” Alabaster whisper shouts “come on…mom’s gonna be pissed!”
Marina stays quiet .
“Jenny! It’s not hide and seek time!”
Marina moves slowly to the other side of the aisle as Al comes towards her.
“I’m not kidding! Let’s go!” Al says channeling all the impatient teenager energy he can muster.
Marina takes the chance and runs out of the store, hands full of chip bags .
The cashier who is a bit stuck behind the pile of candy and safety pane. Almost darts over but grabs the phone instead.
“Fuck! JENNY NO!” Al darts after her.
When they are on the outside in a place that had a wall obscuring the view, Marina chucks 2 bags of chips behind the trash can.
Alabaster gives her a thumbs up before he pretends grab her and drag her back in the store.
“I’m so so sorry” alabaster says “she stupid and hyper” he says as he dumps what must be 6 bags of chips onto the counter in top of the candy. He quickly grabs a Kit Kat bar off of the counter amongst the chaos of falling bags and pockets it.
“What do you say?” Al scolds
Marina pouts
“Jenny” Al admonishes.
“I’m sorry” she says
The cashier, who seems to have either bought the ruse or figured it wasn’t worth his trouble.
“It’s fine” he says
“Thank you” Al says “we’re leaving. NOW” he emphasizes and holds Marina by the wrist.
He pulls her along while she continues her role as pouty energetic brat.
They grab the two chip bags and head away, waiting until they’re a good distance away to partake.
Alabasters mind is already going to next steps. Finding a drachma might get them ability to Iris message. Luke had small safe havens throughout the area…maybe he’d find one of those?
“Alabaster?” Marina says mid Chip munch
“Is it ok…that…that was fun?”she says and look up at him with just the biggest brightest eyes and a wide grin.
His heart crunches like an empty tin can under a good stomp.
“Of course it is.” Alabaster says
“But…but everyone-“
“Everyone…no matter their state would just be glad you’re ok…bonus points if you are happy”
Marina chomps her chip pensively but nods. “I hope they’re ok.”
“Me too Marina” he pats her shoulder, holding her closer to keep her warm. “I really really…hope so”
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wzrd-wheezes · 1 year
Our Band - Part 3. Remus Lupin x Reader
AN- sorry that it's taken so long for me to get part three out! I've been super busy with work over the last week or so, so havent had much time to write. As always, please let me know if you enjoyed this part, and if you want another part as well!
2k words.
Remus Lupin x reader band au
Part 1, Part 2,
Y/N had been debating whether to go to Remus’s concert or not ever since he mentioned it to her the other day. She felt unsure about seeing him outside of work. The coffee shop was like a safety blanket to her, where she could busy herself tidying something when he flirted. It would be different seeing him in a setting like this, where she couldn’t easily escape. Part of her was excited, she had a soft spot for Remus, not that she would ever admit it to him, but she did enjoy his company whenever he stopped by her work.  
Remus and the others were already at the venue, having arrived earlier in the day to soundcheck. They were currently in the green room, a small room at the back of the venue that was dimly lit. Various sofas and chairs littered the room, which the group had draped themselves over. Remus was sprawled out over one of the sofas, his long legs hanging over the arm. A cigarette hung from his lips and a beer bottle dangled from his fingers. 
“Do you actually reckon she’ll come tonight then?” Sirius asked, swiftly stealing Remus’s cigarette from his lips and putting it between his own. Remus feebly tried to swat him away, rolling his eyes at the dark-haired boy. 
“’Course she’ll come.” he said matter-of-factly, “why wouldn’t she?” 
“Because you’re an arrogant, cocky, prick who turns up at her work and harasses her,” James chuckled, taking a sip of his beer. Remus snatched his cigarette back from Sirius and sat upright, resting his elbows on his knees. 
“I don’t harass her, Prongs.” he took a drag of his cigarette, “I’ve just never met a girl like her before.” 
“What? One that doesn’t instantly fall at your feet?” Lily laughed, resting her head against James’ shoulder, “It’s about time you were humbled.” James and Sirius sniggered at her comment.  It was true though, Remus had never had to put this much effort in to getting a girl to like him, they usually threw themselves at him. He wasn’t used to it, and he found it slightly infuriating.  
“Can I nick a tenner off you, Moony?” Sirius asked, suddenly standing up, “after your reaction to me stealing your cigarette, I think I’m gonna go and buy my own.” 
“So, you’re going to go and buy a pack of cigs with Remus’s money?” James laughed, “very clever, Pads.” 
Remus fished into his pocket and threw his wallet at Sirius before announcing that he was nipping to go and get some more beers and leaving the room. Sirius rummaged through his wallet looking for some money, he stopped frozen for a second as his fingers skimmed across something. 
“Look at what I just found in Loverboy's wallet!” he exclaimed, holding it up.  
Pinched between his fingers was the polaroid picture that Remus had took of Y/N a few nights ago. James stood up to take a closer look at it, smirking slightly. 
“God, he’s down bad.” James laughed. 
“Oi, Lil, chuck us the camera out of Moony’s bag, would you?” Sirius asked, his eyes glinting mischievously. Lily did so, passing him the camera. Sirius quickly snapped a photo of himself and waited for it to print. He grabbed a marker from the side and scribbled on the back of it “To Loverboy, Love from Padfoot <3” and switched it for the picture of Y/N. Sirius slipped the picture of Y/N and a ten-pound note from Remus’s wallet into his pocket and left the room, chuckling as he walked.  
“Moony’ll go mad when he realises he’s taken that.” James said, a grim smile on his face. 
Y/N arrived at the venue around twenty minutes before the concert was about to start. She didn’t really know what to do with herself. Assuming that Remus would just find her after the gig, she made her way over to the bar and ordered herself a drink, hoping that it would calm her nerves a little bit. The venue wasn’t huge, probably only holding a thousand or so people, but they were packed in like sardines. The air was filled with excited chatter as the crowd waited for the band to come on stage.  
The room went dark, and everyone went quiet, waiting with anticipation for the band to come on stage. Suddenly, the room was filled with bright coloured lights and the music began. The crowd absolutely erupted, as Remus, Sirius, James and Lily walked on stage. The smoke that filled the stage began to clear, showing the big black backdrop that had “Marauders” written on it in large white writing.  
Remus took place in centre stage, a guitar hung lazily across his body and a microphone at his lips. He was wearing an outfit that he usually wore, black jeans, baggy black t-shirt and a pair of boots, yet this time he seemed to have left his infamous leather jacket off stage. Sirius was on his right, a guitar also in hand, Lily was on bass guitar, and James on drums. The four of them looked amazing and they moved effortlessly around the stage as they played. 
Hearing Remus sing live was a completely different experience to listening to their album in the record store. Remus’s vocals were raspy, rough and raw yet seemed to spill from his lips like honey. When he wasn’t playing guitar, his fingers were wrapped confidently around the microphone stand, his silver rings glinting in the light. Y/N felt awestruck as she watched him. Remus’s gaze was fixed on the audience, his eyes constantly darting over them, taking in their reactions, smiling and letting it fuel him. The band carried on playing, taking advantage of the crowd’s energy, feeding off of it, their music becoming stronger with every chant and cheer. Remus and Y/N’s eyes locked for a moment and she swore to God that she saw him wink at her.  
The band finally ended their performance. James threw his drumsticks into the crowd, Sirius jumped down over the barrier to sign some autographs for some girls in the front row, Remus saluted to the crowd, grinning cockily as he walked off stage. The crowd cheered; Y/N joined in feeling a rush of adrenaline. Seeing the band live was surreal, and seeing Remus on stage singing was even more so.  
“Ah, there she is! My number one fan!” Remus’s voice suddenly appeared behind Y/N. She turned round to look at him, unable to keep the grin off her face.  
“You guys were – wow.”  
“I thought you’d say that.” he said, cocky smile playing on his lips, “C’mon, let’s go get a drink.” 
He snaked an arm around her waist and she felt her heart beat a little faster and her palms growing sweaty as he pulled her towards him. She had never been this close to him before. As he led her backstage to where there was a private bar, she looked down at his arm around her waist and felt a blush creep onto her cheeks. 
Sirius, James and Lily were all stood at the bar together, drinks in hand and chatting away. Sirius beamed as he spotted Remus walking towards them. 
“I wondered where you’d gotten to,” he grinned, “C’mon, Loverboy, it’s your round at the bar.” Remus rolled his eyes at his best friend, leaning against the bar and flagging down the barman. 
“S’about time I bought you a drink, don’t you think?” he said. 
“I’d reckon so, especially with the amount of drinks I make you every time I see you.” Y/N laughed. 
“Wow. I’m sorry I make you do your job.” Remus joked, reaching into his pocket to retrieve his wallet. He thumbed through it, slipping out a note and handing it to the barman. It was when he was putting his change back that he noticed that something was out of place. The polaroid he had of Y/N had moved. Remus frowned as he pulled it out, ready to move it back to where it was before. His expression darkened as he realised that the photographs had been swapped. 
“Sirius! What the fuck is this!” He whipped round to look at him, the polaroid gripped between his fingers. Sirius had a mischievous smile on his face and Lily and James looked at each other sheepishly.  
“S’just a picture of me, you know, thought it’d be funny.” Sirius shrugged. 
“Well, it’s not. Where’s the picture of Y/N?” Remus questioned, he had a face like thunder. Y/N stood awkwardly next to them, not really knowing what to do. 
“In my wallet somewhere,” he said, “calm down, Loverboy, you can have it back.” 
“Stop calling me that.” Remus wasn’t sure what came over him but before he knew it, he had Sirius pinned against a wall, his hands latched onto the collar of his shirt.  
“Remus what the fuck!” Sirius exclaimed, trying to shove the taller boy off of him, “the fuck has gotten into you?” 
“You know I don’t like people messing with my fucking stuff.” He hissed, his face practically touching Sirius’. 
“Woah, woah, woah.” James strode over to them, placing a hand on Remus’s back, “calm down, Moony, he was only having a joke.” 
“I don’t care if he was having a joke or not,” Remus exclaimed, “He knows full well that I don’t like people touching what’s mine.” 
Remus was known in the group for having a short temper. He was like a ticking time bomb and his friends knew that. Most of the time he was fine, but he was awfully possessive over his friends and his belongings.  
“It’s here, look!” Sirius shouted, fishing the polaroid of Y/N out of his pocket and waving it in Remus’ face, “I don’t know what the fuck has gotten into you, but you’ve been a completely different person since you started fancying her.” 
For the second time that night, Remus seemed to lose all control over his body as he roughly shoved Sirius to the floor, snatching the photograph off of him and putting it back into his wallet. He grabbed Y/N by the arm and pulled her along with him as he walked off.  
The cool night air hit them as they stepped outside, Y/N’s heart was racing at the scene that had just happened inside and she felt at a loss for words. She couldn’t decide whether to say something to Remus or not, or if it would just make things worse. He was holding on firming to her hand as he dragged her through crowds of people and through the large metal doors leading to outside. Remus stopped when they got into the carpark, leaning against the wall with his arms folded over his chest. 
“I’m sorry about that.” he apologised, taking the cigarette that he had tucked behind his ear and lighting it before placing it in his mouth, “It’s just, Sirius really knows how to get under my skin sometimes.”  
“It’s fine.” Y/N mustered up an awkward smile, “I get it. That’s what friends are for, right?” 
Remus laughed, taking a drag of his cigarette and smiling. He placed his hands on Y/N’s hips, pulling her closer towards him. She was standing opposite him and he was looking intently into her eyes. He frenched out the smoke from his cigarette, angling it away from her face as he chuckled. 
“It’s just... you’re different, you know?” his usual smug look had been wiped from his face as he looked at her. Even leaning against the wall, he seemed to tower over her. “I’ve never felt like this about a girl before.” 
“How’d you mean?” Y/N looked at him quizzically, “I know for a fact that you get any girl that you want.” 
Remus let out a laugh, taking another drag of his cigarette. He wrapped an arm around Y/N’s shoulder, pulling her into him. She could smell the leather from his jacket mixing with the smokey smell of his cigarettes and the warm musk of his aftershave. It was making her feel lightheaded as she leaned into him.  
“I feel the same about you.” she looked up at him, a grin forming on her lips, “you annoy the absolute shit out of me, but something about you makes me keep coming back for more.” Remus grinned in response, his infamous shit-eating grin back on his face. 
“Oh, yeah?"
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lukeevangelista · 1 year
ugh pls give me more of that angsty josh blurb!!! does he sleep on the couch? is all forgiven?
Leave - J. Norris (part 2)
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“If that’s what you want..” he whispered as he stood up, his eyes still watching you skim your book.
“It is.” You replied, “I don’t want to see you- hell I don’t even want to hear your voice right now.” You continued, “I’m trying not to lose my cool because I know you’re disappointed and you’re hurting.”
Josh gave you a small nod before turning around to walk out the bedroom door.
“Yeah?” He turned around hopeful that you were going to tell him you changed your mind.
“You forgot your pillow.” You rolled your eyes at his expression as you walked over, grabbing his pillow before chucking it at his head.
The house was extremely quiet as you walked down the stairs the next morning, not seeing Josh sitting on the house. 
His keys and wallet were gone from the table sitting by the front door like they normally were. 
You knew he normally would have told you that he was leaving, but obviously with you being extremely frustrated with him, he knew not to push your buttons even more. 
You weren't sure how long he had been gone, but at this point you weren't sure if you really cared; deep down you did, but right now, too mad to care. 
You had been on the couch for god knows how long, just scrolling through your phone, taking in the peace around the house.
Well that was until your dog had started barking at the jigging of the door knob. Your eyes watched as it opened, hoping you weren't being robbed, but you weren't getting up to open the door to check. 
The door finally opened after what felt like forever, Josh walking through.
“Glad to see you’re up.” He softly smiled as he tested the waters. 
“Mhm.” You murmured as you watched him walk towards you, him holding something behind his back. 
“I got you something.”
“Do you want to see?” He asked, hopeful.
Josh pulled out the flowers and teddy bear out from behind his back, “I got this for you as a sorry.”
“Josh- I don’t need you buying me things as sorry. I want you to say sorry and actually mean it.” You sighed as you stood up, “I know you’re trying to make things better, but I need you to realize I’m not someone you can talk to like that and get away with it.”
“I just want you to forgive me.” Josh said, “I don’t want us to be walking on eggshells around each other like this.”
“And I don’t want to have to walk on eggshells every time you have a shitty game or you’re hurt!!” You said, raising your voice slightly, “Why do I have have to compromise my feelings when you won’t do the same for me?”
Josh didn’t know what to say after that. He knew you were really upset with him, so he decided not to press it further.
“I’m going to leave you alone. How about you talk to me when you’re ready?”
“I think that’s for the best Norris.”
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the-s1lly-corner · 1 year
spot that meets a autistic reader, that is talkative to themselves, but has poor social skills because (lack of good parenting + bullys, but is very smart and loves art and engineering, and dreams to be a scientist one day.. it could began as the reader first feared him over an awkward moment? to opening up about themselves and the reader's obsessive fascination over him. two very talented ppl that only wants to be appreciated, respected and loved...💔
idk is it to much?? bruh I'm trying to be creative😭 I'd be happy with whatever happens!. aNd TaKe yO tiME!! On irl things and beloved spotty <3
Spot w/ an autistic reader!
Rubs my autistic little hands
Feeling a lil drowsy but I wanna chuck this out before I fall asleep for (possibly) the next 7 hours :3
Not proof read we die like Peter Parker <\\3 we are sleepy and tumblr wont let me save drafts for asks <\3
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Obligatory "I like this character so I'm hcing him to be ND like me" touch
He gets it
I think to help make the whole thing less jarring, or whatever, is that you may have known each other vaguely before the collider incident
You weren't a scientist at alchemax, more like.
Well shoot I just forgot the term but like, you work there, but you dont do hands on experiments, not experienced enough yet
Maybe, idk
Obviously you don't work there anymore after the collider blowing up, so... you're looking for a new job
You knew about Jonathan, but you weren't friends
You had also heard rumors about what happened to him but you kinda dismissed it as cruel rumors surrounding his death.. I mean no one could've survived that explosion.. right?
So imagine your surprise when you end up almost getting robbed by spot
Can you blame him? He hasnt found another job since the accident and hes probably living off of pity handouts; likely homeless
Now hand over the wallet!!/j
No but on the semi likely chance that you manage to defuse the situation, given Spot sucks as a criminal, you just bluntly ask if the whole
Rumor thing is true
I mean obviously it is but confirmation is important
After a few more chance encounters, you guys both finally decide to properly sit down and talk
Its tense and awkward at first since 1. How does one even act around someone like spot? He's vulnerable but also trying to do the whole. Revenge thing... And 2. Hes desperate for human interaction and it SHOWS, it's almost uncomfortable actually
But you both trudge past it and make it work
One meet up turns into two then three; then you discover how much hes struggling and
Now you're roomates
Oh my god they were roommates/ref
Anyways, that's the set up!! It kinda felt wrong to just. Jump into it without some explanation on how yall end up in the same area consistently
Doesnt mind that you mumble to yourself, he probably does the same thing. From muttering things to keep his train of thought to having a personal monologue, I wholeheartedly believe he does the same thing
Hs understands how it feels to be. Not treated very good, he likely wasnt the most respected in alchemax so it's not uncommon for the two of you to have vent sessions where you both let it all out
You ask him about his journey to becoming a scientist and not so subtly ask for advice on how to get into the field; and touching onto the whole human interaction thing, hes more than willing to talk your ear off about his entire career history
On the chance you dont want to do physics stuff, and you wanna do another branch of science he's all ears on listening to you ramble, may even lend a hand in getting you to where you need to be career wise
Yall do at home experiments as bonding stuff
Look if spot can make a mini collider in some building then I can only imagine the type of shit yall get up to at home
Oh? You're still curious about.. him? Of all things, him?
He never thought anyone would look at him with interest; usually its disgust or fear, or both
Hes hesitant at first because what if you discover something that'll totally change your view of him?
Takes (some, a little) coaxing
Bro caves fast, he misses physical touch
"So like, these holes-" you proceed to just. Dip your entire fist into a hole and watch said fist pop out from another hole
The demons are telling me to make reader like
Make it a game to try to throw stuff through his holes but I feel like that would be really mean, no one likes stuff getting thrown at them
Please dont throw stuff through his holes :(
Random but like
Idk if this happens with yall but
If someone stims do yall. Like stim back
Like I have vocal stims and mess with my hands; and sometimes my friend will be prompted to stim if I stim??
Idk but yall do that
OHOH before I post this if you're both comfy with physical touch please please please hold him, it's been so so long since someone has hugged him and he really really needs it :(
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