#2 Kings ch.17
lordgodjehovahsway · 2 months
2 Kings 17: Hoshea Becomes The New King Of Israel
1 In the twelfth year of Ahaz king of Judah, Hoshea son of Elah became king of Israel in Samaria, and he reigned nine years. 
2 He did evil in the eyes of the Lord, but not like the kings of Israel who preceded him.
3 Shalmaneser king of Assyria came up to attack Hoshea, who had been Shalmaneser’s vassal and had paid him tribute. 
4 But the king of Assyria discovered that Hoshea was a traitor, for he had sent envoys to So king of Egypt, and he no longer paid tribute to the king of Assyria, as he had done year by year. Therefore Shalmaneser seized him and put him in prison. 
5 The king of Assyria invaded the entire land, marched against Samaria and laid siege to it for three years. 
6 In the ninth year of Hoshea, the king of Assyria captured Samaria and deported the Israelites to Assyria. He settled them in Halah, in Gozan on the Habor River and in the towns of the Medes.
Israel Exiled Because of Sin
7 All this took place because the Israelites had sinned against the Lord their God, who had brought them up out of Egypt from under the power of Pharaoh king of Egypt. They worshiped other gods 
8 and followed the practices of the nations the Lord had driven out before them, as well as the practices that the kings of Israel had introduced. 
9 The Israelites secretly did things against the Lord their God that were not right. From watchtower to fortified city they built themselves high places in all their towns. 
10 They set up sacred stones and Asherah poles on every high hill and under every spreading tree. 
11 At every high place they burned incense, as the nations whom the Lord had driven out before them had done. They did wicked things that aroused the Lord’s anger. 
12 They worshiped idols, though the Lord had said, “You shall not do this.” 
13 The Lord warned Israel and Judah through all his prophets and seers: “Turn from your evil ways. Observe my commands and decrees, in accordance with the entire Law that I commanded your ancestors to obey and that I delivered to you through my servants the prophets.”
14 But they would not listen and were as stiff-necked as their ancestors, who did not trust in the Lord their God. 
15 They rejected his decrees and the covenant he had made with their ancestors and the statutes he had warned them to keep. They followed worthless idols and themselves became worthless. They imitated the nations around them although the Lord had ordered them, “Do not do as they do.”
16 They forsook all the commands of the Lord their God and made for themselves two idols cast in the shape of calves, and an Asherah pole. They bowed down to all the starry hosts, and they worshiped Baal. 
17 They sacrificed their sons and daughters in the fire. They practiced divination and sought omens and sold themselves to do evil in the eyes of the Lord, arousing his anger.
18 So the Lord was very angry with Israel and removed them from his presence. Only the tribe of Judah was left, 
19 and even Judah did not keep the commands of the Lord their God. They followed the practices Israel had introduced. 
20 Therefore the Lord rejected all the people of Israel; he afflicted them and gave them into the hands of plunderers, until he thrust them from his presence.
21 When he tore Israel away from the house of David, they made Jeroboam son of Nebat their king. Jeroboam enticed Israel away from following the Lord and caused them to commit a great sin. 
22 The Israelites persisted in all the sins of Jeroboam and did not turn away from them 
23 until the Lord removed them from his presence, as he had warned through all his servants the prophets. So the people of Israel were taken from their homeland into exile in Assyria, and they are still there.
Samaria Resettled
24 The king of Assyria brought people from Babylon, Kuthah, Avva, Hamath and Sepharvaim and settled them in the towns of Samaria to replace the Israelites. They took over Samaria and lived in its towns. 
25 When they first lived there, they did not worship the Lord; so he sent lions among them and they killed some of the people. 
26 It was reported to the king of Assyria: “The people you deported and resettled in the towns of Samaria do not know what the god of that country requires. He has sent lions among them, which are killing them off, because the people do not know what he requires.”
27 Then the king of Assyria gave this order: “Have one of the priests you took captive from Samaria go back to live there and teach the people what the god of the land requires.” 
28 So one of the priests who had been exiled from Samaria came to live in Bethel and taught them how to worship the Lord.
29 Nevertheless, each national group made its own gods in the several towns where they settled, and set them up in the shrines the people of Samaria had made at the high places. 
30 The people from Babylon made Sukkoth Benoth, those from Kuthah made Nergal, and those from Hamath made Ashima; 
31 the Avvites made Nibhaz and Tartak, and the Sepharvites burned their children in the fire as sacrifices to Adrammelek and Anammelek, the gods of Sepharvaim. 
32 They worshiped the Lord, but they also appointed all sorts of their own people to officiate for them as priests in the shrines at the high places. 
33 They worshiped the Lord, but they also served their own gods in accordance with the customs of the nations from which they had been brought.
34 To this day they persist in their former practices. They neither worship the Lord nor adhere to the decrees and regulations, the laws and commands that the Lord gave the descendants of Jacob, whom he named Israel. 
35 When the Lord made a covenant with the Israelites, he commanded them: “Do not worship any other gods or bow down to them, serve them or sacrifice to them. 
36 But the Lord, who brought you up out of Egypt with mighty power and outstretched arm, is the one you must worship. To him you shall bow down and to him offer sacrifices. 
37 You must always be careful to keep the decrees and regulations, the laws and commands he wrote for you. Do not worship other gods. 
38 Do not forget the covenant I have made with you, and do not worship other gods. 
39 Rather, worship the Lord your God; it is he who will deliver you from the hand of all your enemies.”
40 They would not listen, however, but persisted in their former practices. 
41 Even while these people were worshiping the Lord, they were serving their idols. To this day their children and grandchildren continue to do as their ancestors did.
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queerspaceprince · 2 years
Okay It (Stephen King) is an amazing book but they way he is also such a Male Writer™️
"Her nipples were hard enough and sharp enough to cut paper"
is2g cis men are so stupid
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anki-of-beleriand · 4 months
A heart Made of Glass ch.12
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Summary: Ten years ago you left Wanda and the Avengers to heal your broken heart. You never stopped being a hero, just as you never stopped being in love with her. But life had to go on.
Now, after all that time, she is back and with her is a young woman needing help and an enemy that may not be as afraid as Wanda to lay a claim on you.
Pairings: Wanda Maximoff x Powered!F!Reader - Scarlet Witch x PoweredF!Reader - Past Wanda Maximoff x Vision
Warnings: Angst, drama, mentions of cheating, fluff, violence, smut, Switch!Reader, internalize homophobia, hurt, comfort, Wanda being a complete mess, anger management issues, jealousy, Requited/Unrequited love, idiots in love, swearing, mentions of alcohol. More tags as the story progess.
Author's Note: This story is a continuation of Dirty Little Secret I was really surprised at the response I got for the story, I did all the tags you guys ask for but if I forgot someone please do not hesitate to tell me. Thank you for the support.
Okay, this chapter had some tricks in it that are surronding Reader and Wanda, this is their story and this time around Reader would need to make the right decision if she wants to get what she wants and what she needs.
Please, do remember English is no my mother tongue so forgive my grammar, spelling and funny mistakes.
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 - Chapter 9 - Chapter 10 - Chapter 11 Chapter 12 - Chapter 13 - Chapter 14 - Chapter 15 - Chapter 16 - Chapter 17 - Epilogue
Chapter 12
In a different world
The universe started with a spark of bright golden light.
Loki Odinson had seen it several times, he had witnessed the birth and death of multiple universes and timelines that were destined to perish in a myriad of colours that would soon be forgotten. He had sat on the throne, and while he was not a King himself, he could recall the faces of all of those poor souls that disappeared into the nothingness, just as he could remember the beauty behind the first spark of life.
However, what he was experimenting right now was nothing like it.
Whatever, or whoever had decided to intervene had messed up with his own spell and everything had exploded into nothingness. A single spark of red, green and golden then, nothingness. Black spaces that disappeared without any traces left behind.
Loki started at the empty space that was Wanda and Y/N’s basement before he sighed. He sat down shaking his head, a headache approaching just as he thought on the oncoming conversation he would need to sustain with the Avengers.
“Fuck.” The word rolled out of his lips in such a natural way, he could do nothing but leaned back against the wall.
What the hell just happened?
What did he do?
What did Wanda and Y/N do to get this reaction?
The silence soon became deafening, Loki located the book Strange had died trying to recover. He frowned while leaning over to pick it up, the spell was done correctly with all the right wording as well as the right drawings on the ground. So, why did it go wrong? His eyes scanned the pages, re-reading the passages over and over until his heart dropped at one particular line, something he had overlooked the very first time he read that passage.
“…this, however, may be counterproductive if there is a magical or multiversal energy interference, the amount of energy converging at one point may created an unexpected result and…”
Loki knew the rest by heart, he knew there could be troubles but…well, how many energies were involved in the spell? He had counted on those signatures coming from Wanda and Y/N, he had even counted on his but…was there anybody else out there? Was there anybody else at the other side of the multiverse?
“Shit.” Loki stood up fixing up his clothes before flickering his hand to open a portal. He needed to face the consequences of his acts, and the first stop would be the Avengers Tower and Steve Roger’s office.
The former Captain America was going to enjoy telling Loki ‘I told you so’, just before hitting him in the face.
With one last glance to the basement, Loki turned around and left the place.
He never worried to test the energy fields around, or to tap into the timelines flickering in front of his eyes. It never occurred to him that, as soon as the explosion happened, a new singular timeline appeared right before his eyes just to blend itself with the other timelines flickering in front of Loki.
No one but the Watcher could see it, The Watcher stood in the sidelines furrowing his brows and waiting.
The world would either collapse in itself, or it would fix the anomalies by itself.
Either way, he was watching history, and the future of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes.
Darkness had always been your friend.
You were born in it, and it had been your weapon and your refugee in the hardest of times. That was the main reason you didn’t panic at first, everything around you was filled with the purest form of darkness with a single touch of coldness that sneaked inside your clothes. The hairs on your arms stood up, a shiver went right through your muscles making you groan as you finally experience the pain in your body.
Your mouth opened inhaling deeply filling your lungs with gusts of cold air, your chest contracting itself just before you started coughing. It was then you opened your eyes, and the darkness that you had experienced moments ago was nothing but you woke up from unconsciousness.
The first thing you noticed were different white dots in the sky winking back at you. You tried to grasp a single thought, seeking around your mind for a coherent idea but it was almost impossible to do so when the rest of your body was finally receiving different stimulus in the way of pain and coldness.
“Y/N!” A familiar voice called to your left, you tried to sit up but a single hand placed itself on your shoulder pressing you to the ground.
“Ease there, pal, you were really hurt back there.”
Even if you didn’t get a chance to sit up, your world started spinning around. The voice was so familiar, yet so different to what you were used to; with some reluctance you turned your face to the right and soon you found yourself looking at yourself.
The other woman offered a tentative smile, though the way she was squinting her eyes and the pursed of her lips told you she was just as confused as you were at the moment. Soft footsteps approached you, America Chavez was wearing a single cut on her cheek and a bruised eye, this time around you didn’t let you counterpart to stop you, you sat up to check over the teen kneeling beside you.
“America, are you alright?” Your eyes rolled back for a moment, your knees fell harshly on the ground while you held yourself with a single hand placed on your leg.
“Y/N, please…” America winced lightly glancing at you then at your counterpart. “I think you were the one that suffered the most…”
“It was my fault, actually. So, sorry?”
You blinked a couple of times, shaking your head made the headache worse and the dizziness settled on your lower abdomen. You lifted your face blinking a couple of times before checking America over, the young woman softened her features with her cheeks colouring pink while her lips tried to offer a single smile. You tried to ignore the other Y/N for as long as you could before turning around to settle your eyes on her.
Just like America, she was wearing a single cut on her forehead with her clothes dishevelled but otherwise nothing else. With some reluctance you lifted your eyes looking deep into those eyes that you knew so well.
“This is the weirdest shit I have ever had to live to date.” You finally said shaking your head, “I hope it is the last weird shit ever.”
“Agreed.” Y/N tilted her head furrowing her brows while giving you a quick glance. “Before this happened, I’m afraid I was in your body fighting with someone that got lucky…so…”
“So, that’s why I feel like this?” You cracked smile, your counterpart nodded mirroring the smile on your face. “Okay, got it, so…what the hell is going on?”
America and Y/N glanced at one another then at you, it wasn’t until then that you decided to take a good look at the surrounding area. The place in itself was nothing strange, yet you got a feeling that this was not your universe or even that of your counterpart.
The sky was completely dark filled stars but as you got to observe them above your head you realized there were not your stars. The constellations you had come to know thanks to Natasha and Carol had been changed and were replaced by different forms you did not recognize. With a single frown you lowered your eyes to find yourself in a plain of land filled with dried grass that extended beyond what the eyes could see. It was an empty land, with nothing beyond the darkness of the night without any moon it was hard to actually see something that could give you an idea of your location.
The sound of whistling called your attention, and soon you found yourself being wrapped tightly by two pair of arms. Before you could protest or ask what they were doing, you experience the sharp bite of wind, A cold, merciless breeze that soon turned into a whirlwind that left as suddenly as it had come.
“Wh-what the hell?” Your eyes opened wide, your teeth chattering while America and Y/N leaned back wincing.
“We need to move.”
You furrowed your brows shaking your head, “move where? I can barely see you two, how are we going to see the path or…where the hell are we?”
America sighed standing up, she stretched her hand to you offering a tender smile.
“You haven’t figured it out?”
You stood on weakened legs, your mouth opened ready to protest until you finally realised it. While it was true there was nothing much to see beyond the darkness and the starry night, you could see America and your counterpart just fine. It took you but a few minutes until, you lifted your hand and the shadows followed you giving you a good glance of what was around you.
“We can manipulate shadows, the night in itself is darkness and filled with the main source of our power.” Y/N stated matter-of-factly while standing before you, you nodded curtly feeling foolish for not even thinking about it.
“Are you guys going to tell me what’s going on?”
America grabbed your hand, then turning to Y/N she shrugged also grabbing her hand as well.
“We may as well update her while we continue walking.”
“We saw lights coming from what we think was a village a few kilometres away, were trying to get there until these weird whirlwinds came in and we couldn’t carry you anymore.” Y/N explained shrugging. “We’re guessing once we get to some sort of place filled with civilization we will know more…”
“Why didn’t you try to travel through the shadows?” You asked ready to do so when the warning tone from your own voice stopped you.
“I couldn’t do it without leaving America here, and I have a bad feeling as soon as I tried it…so…” Y/N shrugged looking ahead of her, “I always follow my instincts, they have never failed me.”
The comment sent a sharp pain straight to your heart.
Your instincts had never failed you either.
Nothing else was said after this, the three of you were following the direction America had pointed out but you were just lost not really knowing if this was the right path or just a wild guess. The temperature was dropping even more, soon your teeth were chattering alongside those of America and the other you. You felt a sharp pain through your head, whatever had happened before you woke up had left your body quite bruised and right now all you wanted was to find a bed, an analgesic and something to eat. For a brief moment, an intrusive thought came forward in the form of Wanda, panic rose through your chest and filled your mind but before you could ask anything about her your counterpart spoke.
“I still don’t understand how everything came to be,” she spoke with a tone of voice you were familiar with, you let your eyes wandered around the landscape holding onto every word resounding into the darkness of the night.”
“I remembered when Wanda and I saved America the first time, and then trying to safe her from these creatures chasing her down.” Y/N trailed off with her memories making her falter, with a single shake of her head she continued, “I know I was out for a while, so you can guess how surprised I was to wake up in the arms of someone that wasn’t my wife…”
“Not really.” Your reply was filled with coldness, tension building up in your body, “I have always had the luxury of waking up alone in my bed.”
America winced lifting her head to glance at you, her dark eyes begging you to listen before jumping in whatever discussion you wanted to start.
“Agatha Harkness.” The name reached the inside of your mind with the memory of the file you read on her, not only that, but also the different videos you saw surrounding her story inside of Wanda’s world.
“That was the woman you woke up to every day, Y/N.” America chimed in shyly, she lowered her gaze squeezing your hand tenderly. “She had been dragging Scarlet and Wanda around, draining them of their powers and leaving them defenceless for quite some time, and since…well, since Y/N was under her spell…”
You opened your mouth to speak, you wanted to say something but finding your counterpart’s eyes on you whatever argument you had built inside your mind came crumbling down and soon you were given their side of their story.  Little by little the story started making sense, the building of a different world and the intrusive dreams you were having in the last couple of weeks, the purple and red magic surrounding you on that day as well as the mixed-up realities that ended up with you thrown into another’s body. You had always known that Wanda was special, and powerful, you never imagined just how much.
America had been a part of the plan, of course. Her powers would be very beneficial to someone like Agatha, and your powers would make sure no one would ever find her. Everything was about the most basic reason of all: Power. You pursed your lips disgusted; you were dragged into a confrontation with Wanda because there was a woman chasing after power. You had been running from Wanda for more than ten years, and all it took was this woman to ruin everything.
And now, now you were walking down the darkness of the night with a girl that could travel through different universes and your counterpart, a woman that got the life you had dreamt of a long time ago.
“Life is not fair.” Y/N stated glancing at you out of the corner of her eyes, “but it is what we have, and we must…”
“…deal with it, take what it is being offered and try to be happy with it.” You finished shaking your head.
“Ah, so not everything is lost, I see.” Y/N allowed a single smile to break on her face, you pursed your lips snorting.
“You don’t know the story.”
“But she does, that’s why she told you those very same words, didn’t she?” Your counterpart stopped all of a sudden, you let out a heavy sigh before turning to face her.
America was standing in between the both of you, her brows knitted together with her gaze travelling around the terrain before settling on the both of you.
“Look, I know that you and Wanda had a different experience than mine, I’m glad you did because…” You trailed off holding onto your emotions, “I don’t wish on you the pain I went through…”
For the very first time ever you saw your own face breaking into a broken-hearted smile, with those eyes losing all light and those lips curving into a crooked smile. It was you looking back, and you understood right there and then that you weren’t the only one.
“You forgive her?” You asked with a hint of hope in your voice, you hated how the question left your lips and how your counterpart understood what you meant.
“How could I not if my heart beats for her?” She replied clenching her eyes closed, her hands rested upon your shoulders before you found yourself looking into your eyes. “There is a difference, though, isn’t it?”
“You guys were not together…” You started but she merely tilted her head.
“You know it wouldn’t matter if we were a couple or not, she chose someone else when we have always chosen her.” Y/N squeezed your shoulders lightly. “The difference is that I gave her a chance because I want to do so, you didn’t because…”
“I don’t believe in second chances! If I have done so she would have broken my heart all over again when she went into her imaginary world with Vision!” You exclaimed enraged, surprising Y/N and America.
The other woman furrowed her brows, she was ready to argue back with you and asked questions about the imaginary world. It was quite evident a lot of things had happened in this strange world and Y/N could only imagine the pain and rage engulfing your heart at the moment.
America could see darkness surrounding the three of you her eyes opening wide almost losing into the shadows until her eyes caught glimpses of red and purple right ahead.
“Guys?” America stuttered lifting her hand and pointing to the distance.
You two stopped your discussion turning around to see the same sparkles of red and purple. It was a formation of dusty colouring breaking into the darkness of the night sky, you turned to the left to see Y/N frowning with determination and America shifting nervously from one foot to the other.
“It’s not that far away, I mean it could be at least one kilometre?” Y/N faced you holding onto the previous tension of your conversation with her, you clenched your fist shrugging.
“Looks that way.”
“Are we…” America started but you lifted a hand to silence her.
“Before we jump in to do something I think we need more information, we don’t even know what we are going to find over there.” You looked out of the corner of your eyes; the lights were still gleaming pretty much intensely but you could tell your two companions didn’t want to stay still and do any planning.
“What do you propose?” Y/N asked lifting her chin, “you know pretty well those sparks of crimson are Wanda’s, and we know this woman, this Agatha has been using purple magic. Are you really suggesting we stand here or keep walking in circles?”
“No! All I am asking is to first think about what we are going to do! We’re not even sure where we are much less what we are going to find there.” You asked back lifting your hands in the air and stepping back, the pain you had forgotten in favour of the discussion came back making you winced.
“Look I know you guys think the world of Wanda, and that’s cool, I guess your Wanda,” this time around you pointed to your counterpart trying to remain calm, “she is all love and kindness and that’s fine. The Wanda in world had a total breakdown that enslaved a bunch of people in a reality she created for herself and that microwave she called husband, so forgive me if I’m not going to jump in without any additional information.”
Your tirade echoed through the night, your voice carried by the wind with a dropped in the temperature. The moon that had been travelling with the three of you flickered all of a sudden, and the darkness grew around the three of you. America didn’t miss the flickering lights of crimson and purple, but she couldn’t stop herself from grabbing your hand in hers, the warm she shared with you made you shivered and with some reluctance you lower you stare to her. Even in such a darkness you could see her brown eyes gleaming with emotions.
“You still love her.” America mumbled squeezing your hand tenderly.
You clenched your jaw tilting your head to the side, America bit her lower lip glancing from you to Y/N.
“I don’t know why this has to be so complicated, but she needs you.” America took a deep breath stepping closer to you. “Wanda is sad, and I know she messed up and that forgiveness should not be given just because you feel that way. But she really needs you, she and Scarlet.”
“Look, I don’t know what happened between the both of you.” Y/N stepped in making sure you could not look away from your own eyes. “But the woman I love is out there, being it in this dimension or another Wanda Maximoff would always be MY Wanda and I won’t leave her out there to get hurt. If not for you, then at least do it for me.”
It was in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by darkness and coldness that your heart finally gave in. With a nod, your dropped your shoulders in defeat missing the smile coming from America but never missing the satisfied glance coming from your counterpart. The three of you finally turned to the source of the magic, and without a simple plan you three started making your way to the source.
You were not prepared for what was waiting for you over there.
Agatha Harkness smirked at the woman kneeling before her.
In less than a year she had made it possible to crumble away the legend of the Scarlet Witch while placing herself as the most powerful witch in the multiverse. Her smile never faltered, not even when the world spined around changing into a familiar setting; a place and time Agatha had suffered before but that now she could alter with a single flicker of her hand.
The place was filled with passersby ignoring the presence of the two women; nobody seemed to care that one of them was on her knees with a single neck shackle made of light red and blue tied to a crimson necklace Agatha wore on her chest.
“What do you think about this arrangement, dear?” The dark-haired woman asked, her eyes dropping to the kneeling Wanda who was shooting her a stare filled with anger. “Personally, I think this could be more lively, but don't worry soon enough we will have a show to die for.”
Her laughter was accompanied by a flash of violet, and soon the scene changed and they were transferred to a great marketplace located at the centre of the village. Everyone had reunited around four pillared pyres that were guarded by at least ten knights all dressed in black.
Wanda lifted her face, her ears twitched hearing the sound of angry screams cursing someone she couldn't make out yet. Agatha stirred in excitement; her smile grew until it was a crooked grin with just a hint of madness behind it.
“Here they come…”
The crowd spread around just as four figures came in walking on naked feet wearing red robes and bruised faces. The hatred and fear coming from the crowd was quite evident as the torches and the pitchforks drew wild patterns above the townspeople’s heads. The light of the torches ignited the night, Wanda tensed under the grip of the woman standing beside her, the hairs on her arms raising up while her eyes narrowed to follow the events unfolding in front of her.
The four women were pushed forward, each one of them had a single knight standing behind them with heavy hands they were dragged to the four pillars tied to them facing the crowd. It didn’t take her too long to guess what was about to happen, and what exactly were those pillars; the pyres had been set up to ensure everyone could see the women died. The crowd cheered cruelly, laughing and cursing while the four women glared at the people with more bravery than they actually felt. 
“This was my coven.” Agatha spat out, her hands sparkling with a mixture of red and purple, “they saw my power, they read my intentions and instead of supporting me they dared to try and stop me…”
“I wonder why.” Wanda couldn’t hold the sarcasm behind her voice, Agatha pulled harshly on the ropes holding her neck making Wanda fall on her back.
“You really are more daring than your counterparts, dear. I would be careful, if I were to be honest I don’t need you alive.” 
Agatha caressed the necklace smirking at Wanda, the woman couldn’t hide her anger and the magic that was pulsating inside her was not enough to protect her from Agatha’s anger. Soon Wanda let out a scream of pain, her body twitching painfully until he couldn’t keep her eyes open and all she could think about was the searing pain on her limbs.
“It has been so long since I was just a lowly witch like them, afraid of fire and the angry crowd. I grew to be magnificent, to have power beyond anyone’s imagination…” Agatha continued with his rambling observing with gleaming eyes as the Major of the town stood forward proclaiming the sins of the four women.
“I just had to find you, Wanda, you and that so-called Scarlet Witch.” Wanda took a deep breath, half hearing the woman while watching with horror as the night above her head flickered from one setting to another.
“It was not easy, you know?”
Agatha flickered her hand to the right and soon Wanda was on her knees watching as the world around her changed. It was like watching a movie in a dome. The world changed to day and night flickering images of Agatha dragging her burnt body through the ground whispering spells that only she could hear. The image soon changed showing the passing of time, Agatha looking around the world and stealing the magic of others while seeking something out of desperation.
She finally found it after more than a century.
Wanda opened her eyes at the familiar setting, Kamar Taj stood under stormy winds and heavy snow. Agatha sneaked around, distracting the inhabitants of the temple by provoking landslides that would certainly have killed innocent people if it hadn’t been by the protectors of the temple. She had enough time to steal a single book.
“Y-you…you stole the..th-e…the Drakhold.” Wanda leaned forward resting her hands on the ground, she was shocked to find the snow under her hands was real and that everything she was seeing was not an illusion but a real event.
Her mind was trying to comprehend what was really happening. Her knowledge of the Darkhold had not been as broad as it had been for Strange and even Loki. But she did know one thing or two about the origins of her powers, Chaos Magic had been called and it gave her the power to bend reality and life in ways not many could access to. The darkness inside her had been contained by her family and her loved ones, but the same could not be said by others, apparently.
“I did.” Agatha finally answered tilting her head, soon the scene changed and they were taken to a place Wanda was familiar with.
“Yet, I was still not strong enough, or the only one with powers beyond our imaginations.” Agatha made a face, stepping forward strolling down the streets with Wanda following her. “When the Avengers showed up it was quite evident that people with powers could no longer be hidden. It was my time to shine until you, my dear Wanda, showed up.”
Wanda saw herself in a building in Sokovia, it was a place she was familiar with yet the story that was unfolding in front of her had nothing to do with what she had lived once. Her other self struggled to control her powers, to live her life, to be who she was supposed to be but failed every single time. Agatha had never been too far from those events, and whenever Wanda failed, Agatha would clutch the young woman closer to her. The red and purple magic intertwined without anyone noticing.
“What did you do?” Wanda asked, finding herself in the middle of the square in Westview. It was a beautiful day, with the sun shining right above their heads and not a single cloud in sight. 
Agatha smirked, her eyes changing colours to one of deep crimson, “I finally became who I am supposed to be, and soon my dear I will have all the power to bend the universes at my will. And now, I will finish what I started all those months ago with your pathetic counterpart and you will help me out with this.”
The world suddenly exploded around them, Wanda clenched her jaw closed, lifting her eyes to the sky to see the runes above her head.
“You…” She gritted her teeth, her eyes closing right away trying to gather her thoughts and power to stop the woman standing beside her.
Agatha chuckled darkly, her gripped on Wanda tightened allowing the influx of memories to invade the mind of the redhead. It was a life she was no familiar with, a suffering she had not experiment in the same way but that generate in her an understanding of the mess this world was in. She could see the moment Agatha entered the story, the failures and the almost victories until finally she got what she wanted.
A weakened Wanda Maximoff without anyone in the world to stand by her side.
And a way to get away with her plan.
“You…you won’t win.” Wanda finally got out; her eyes gleaming dangerously at the other woman who made a face rolling her eyes.
“I already did, dear. You just haven’t realized it yet.” Agatha let go of Wanda stepping away.
The brunette straightened up lifting her arms in front of her, her hands creating a purple mist while the necklace she wore zealously around her neck gleamed with intensity. Those eyes that moment’s ago had been brown, were now a deep black and the world around Wanda trembled under the electric shift of power the witch was gathering around her.
“Now, I have all the pieces in place, in my world…under my rules.” Agatha stated tilting her head to the side, “I will bend everyone to my will…and you, Wanda, will be nothing but a bad memory.”
The sky above their heads changed into darkness, the temperature dropped and Wanda felt the heavy weight of the atmosphere overwhelming her. She could sense her counterpart weakening inside the prison Agatha had chosen for her, her thoughts were still a mixture of memories she couldn’t quite place while the heavy emotions running through her soul threaten to overwhelm. Wanda could read the intentions behind the woman standing before her, she could read the hatred and violence behind those dark eyes. Lifting her chin to the sky, and her eyes showing off her own magic she decided if this was going to be her end, she would face it with defiance.
The ball of energy flickered in Agatha’s hand, the world stood still and the with smirked ready to give the final blow.
Agatha was so concentrated in her final goal, she never noticed she was no longer alone and what she though was illusions of her own invention were actually three people she didn’t think would be a problem until one of them stood right in front of her shielding Wanda from an imminent dead.
You had crossed the protective barrier around the strange town with a single thought in mind. Your intention was to get this over with and go back to your life on Norway, your heart beating fast while your mind protest for the easiness in which you were trying to go back to a life in which you were ignoring the woman that had never left your heart. It looked easy, just do your thing and then fixed whatever mess you were in and then…go back.
But the universe and the Powers That Be decided that it wouldn’t be just as easy as a flickered of your hand.
As soon as the three of you crossed the barrier you were face to face with flashes of memories that presented you with a film of the lives of Wanda and Agatha. The stories of the coven and the search for power, as well as the fall of Sokovia and Wanda’s struggles with her powers and her life.
“This is so wrong.” Y/N stated clenching her fist while stepping forward until she was finally standing beside you, the both of you stood on an empty street hearing the sounds of muffled conversation.
“Any plan?” You finally stated ignoring the piercing pain in your heart, your counterpart shrugged nodding to the darkened street that was flashing a mixture of red and purple.
“I think the best approach is a straightforward one.”
“Humph, so go there and just start fighting?” You replied with your lips breaking into a single smirk.
“Yep, pretty much.”
“That doesn’t sound like a solid plan.” America mumbled unsure, she furrowed her brows turning to you and then to your counterpart.
You turned to America placing a hand on her shoulder, “but it is what we have. You are going to stay here and wait.”
“But…I can fight! I can help!” America stepped back frowning, “I won’t be left behind…”
“I know you can fight, kiddo.” You replied tilting your head, “and that’s why you are staying behind.”
America opened her mouth to protest but Y/N came forth shaking her head.
“You are our backup, America. If anything were to happen to us and Wanda…” Y/N stated dropping her gaze for a moment, she turned to you until finally she locked eyes with America. “You need to do anything you can to ensure Agatha won’t scape, you understand?”
America pursed her lips, a part of her understood the mission but another part wanted to go straight ahead and face the woman that had been chasing her through the multiverse. America clenched her fists before nodding curtly and stepping back. You offered a single smile, your hand squeezing comfortingly the shoulder of the teen.
“There would be time, America, for now just watch our backs.”
“I will.”
“Good then, let’s go.”
You nodded curtly allowing your powers to spread in front of you, there was resistance when trying to reach the shadows and for the very first time you understood what your counterpart meant about your instinct. Everything in your body was screaming danger as soon as you came into contact with the shadows, your body shivered under the piercing weight of a million needles. You clenched your jaw closed stepping into the shadows with a single thought in mind.
Without any hesitation and moving through the invisible obstacles in that universe you appeared right before Wanda and Agatha just in time. Your eyes went black with your right arm lifting in front of you and creating a protective barrier just as Agatha’s hand came into contact with your shadows.
There was a flickering of power, the older woman snarled a curse lifting her left arm in the same fashion and launching a second attack. Your eyes opened slightly only for your shadows to slithered away grabbing the woman’s midsection to pull her away.
The world crumbled for an instant; Agatha was completely shocked to see not only you but your counterpart standing right in front of her. The woman straightened up, sweat rolling down her forehead while her right hand closed around her necklace and her other hand summoned the Darkhold.
“You really are a pain in my behind, but at least I won’t have to go around looking for you.” Agatha stated tilting her head to the side, her annoyance giving way to a confident smile. “Now, how about the two of you are good girls and give up, I would hate to spend my time submitting you to get what I want.”
You spread your feet positioning yourself in a fighting pose, your eyes narrowing slightly while the woman in front of you got her magic ready. But before Agatha could do anything at all, another set of shadows grabbed her arms putting them back making her woman lose her grip on the necklace and the Darkhold, your body tensed when Wanda stood up behind you, her voice quivering slightly as she pronounced your name with reverence and love.
“Hey, I hope you didn’t forget about me, Agatha dear.” Your counterpart said winking at Wanda while flickering her hands away, Agatha grunted freeing herself with a blast of energy and stepping a few feet away.
“Hn, I didn’t expect this.” She stated summoning the Darkhold, the world around the four of you changed, shaping itself in a familiar setting you had come to hate in your mind.
Agatha never wavered in her confidence, if anything it seemed to grow the same way her magic was doing at the moment. You took a fighting stance, your shadows flickering around waiting for your command. You glanced out of the corner of your eye, Wanda had been trying to stand up but her knees and feet seemed uncooperative. Before you could offer any help, your counterpart came in wrapping her arms around Wanda while placing her forehead against Wanda’s one.
“Hey, love.”
“Hi.” Wanda replied with easiness, Y/N sighed in relief before placing a single kiss on her wife’s cheek.
“I miss you.” Y/N said softly, your heart shrank with emotion when your mind caught up with what was really happening.
You furrowed your brows, sweeping around the place until your darkened eyes fell on Agatha who was smiling playfully at you, her right hand playing absentmindedly with the necklace.
“Where is…Wanda?” The question left your lips before you could stop it, Wanda and Y/N both glanced at one another before they set their eyes on you.
A sinking feeling settled on your lower stomach, you were afraid of the answer when you realized this Wanda was trying to look everywhere but you. Tilting your head, you finally got a good look at your surroundings where the suburban houses filled out the imaginary world; the Wanda you had come to know from another universe held onto your counterpart tightly though right now her green eyes had been focusing straight ahead of you.
“Where is she? Wanda?” You asked again, this time around there was a demanding undertone that the other woman couldn’t ignore.
“Agatha has them under her control, she is using a powerful and dangerous book, Y/N.” Wanda could tell her answer was not of your liking, she stepped forward ready to join you and her wife in the fight glancing at you out of the corner of her eyes.
“You don’t know where she has Wanda?” You asked again never taking your eyes off of the older woman standing before you.
“I have my suspicions but I’m not sure how to interfere with that.” Wanda winced trying to ease out the pain on her neck, you frowned pursing your lips while taking a closer look at Agatha before your eyes found the same house you had come to know as Wanda’s place.
“Well, then let’s get this over with and get Wanda back.” Your arms stretched to the sides, the silent command spurred into action the shadows around you flying straight ahead to try and get Agatha.
Before your counterpart and the other Wanda could help you out, the creatures summoned by Agatha launched their first attack. A great explosion was heard while you evaded the flashing balls of power sent over by the witch.
The fight soon broke over, you didn’t notice it but the dome surrounding this part of the universe tremble sending waves of energy all through the world until they came into contact with the timeline and America. The young woman lifted her head, her eyes gleaming brightly as she tapped into her powers; bouncing on the balls of her feet she waited. America could hear the sound of explosions and the muffled sound of conversations and screams, she glanced at her hands thinking about the lessons she had been learning in the last couple of months. She closed her fists, opening them again before lifting her face. This people had been putting their lives on the line for her, they had been trying to protect her without expecting anything in exchanged. It was about time she helped them.
With a glance to the sky, America took a deep breath closing her eyes for a brief moment. As soon as she opened them, her lips curled into a single smile.
Time for payback.
The street had been completely destroyed during the fight.
There were no more homes standing up, or nice cosy gardens decorating the suburban setting. The world soon became a mixture of nothingness with the flickering holograms of reality that you could not touch. Agatha had learnt a thing or two since fighting with Wanda, you could see her ability to hold onto her powers while also making use of those she had stolen from your Wanda.
You shook your head hating the thoughts running around in your head, the overwhelming emotions that seemed to try and govern your decisions. You tried to focus your energy on what was right in front of you, the problem you were facing went beyond your own emotions. There would be a time for you to deal with them.
Agatha lifted her left hand above her head before letting it fall fast to her side, the sharp pain of your skin being pierce made you grunted. You could feel the wounds on your arms, your eyes igniting in a deep black that soon went right ahead to engulf the witch in front of you.
At some point, Agatha had become faster than your attacks, she stepped aside flickering her hands and soon two more creatures appeared out of nowhere.
“Is that all you got?” You asked almost losing your concentration when you heard the voice of your counterpart in the back.
“Get away from my wife!”
Agatha smirked grabbing her necklace, tilting her head she settled her eyes on you.
“Oh, dear, you would be surprised with the number of tricks I can bring on you.” Agatha stepped forward, her feet never touching the ground. “I could make your dreams come true; I can be what Wanda never was for you.”
You pressed your lips together taking into a fighting stance.
“You know nothing about my dreams, and I am certainly not looking for a replacement.”
Agatha snorted her hand gripping tightly on the necklace, soon a red mist grew from the space between her neck and chest and the world around her turned crimson. Agatha stretched out her arms and the whole world vibrate around you changing in the blink of an eye.
“Are you sure? I can tell by the pathetic way you are always looking at her, but the way you talk about her that there is nothing else you want more than her…” Agatha’s voice rose above the new scene, your eyes flickered around while your stomach dropped when you realized where she had taken you to.
For a brief moment you could make out the screams and grunts of the fight going on right outside this small world. You took a deep breath trying to get a hold of your powers ignoring the runes glowed above your head a clear sign that this was still being controlled by Agatha. You creased your brows knowing that your options were limited if the other woman decided to use her magic at its full potential. She was playing with you, leading you on and one until it was quite clear she was mocking you by placing you right in front of a memory that had broken your heart at some point.
It was playing in slow motion, the video and the room with everyone just as shocked as you were to see Wanda in the arm’s of another. The passing of time, every single moment that you had suffered the betrayal while facing your sadness alone in a world of pure darkness. Your fit closed, the shadows on your feet stirred violently sensing your anger when you heard Agatha laughing. Mocking you.
“How did it make you feel knowing she was happier with a man?” Agatha purred making sure to be as far away from you as she could. “How did it feel knowing you were never going to be chosen in this world? In this universe? I bet it pierce your soul knowing you were the one destined to be alone.”
“Shut up.”
“I can make it go away, I can help you out…say the words, and I will make sure you get what you want.”
Your knees gave under your weight, furrowing your brows you tried to close yourself to the mocking film playing around you trying to focus on the fight. Agatha chuckled tilting her head, this time around the runes above her head pulsated and the two creatures grew before your eyes attacking viciously at your counterpart and Wanda making sure that your conversation and fight with Agatha wouldn’t be interrupted. Agatha centred her eyes on you, her hand grabbing the necklace while the same video seemed to be on replay.
“She won’t be a problem for you anymore, and after I’m done with you…you won’t have to worry about the pain of your broken heart, dear.” The laughter sent shivers down your back, but it was everything you were waiting for.
Your lips curled into a smile, your right hand twirled clockwise and the shadows broke into waves catching up with the witch. Just as you had located her, ready to give her a lesson, the woman was ready to use the magic Wanda and Scarlet were giving to her to make sure the next stage of her plan could be completed.
It never happened, though.
Your attack never stopped reaching out to your objective, while Agatha tried to return the hit she was surprised by a sudden punch to her face. The punch glow white, and her body bounced back and forth until she lost the hold on the necklace, America Chavez didn’t stop there and your shadows went straight to hold onto the witch to bring her down.
Everything happened so fast, your eyes went from America to Agatha and finally to the object on the ground. The necklace bounced on the ground, and without thinking too much you went right ahead to grab it. The object was warm to the touch, you could tell by the vibrations that magic had been contained between the object and this magic could only belong to one person. You closed your hand around it, you could sense Scarlet deep inside your mind. It didn’t take you too long to recognize the woman that had been haunting your dreams as of late, right with her you could also sense Wanda trying to hide, trying to survive.
The scream coming from Agatha was everything you needed to drop the necklace and stomp on the piece of jewellery creating an explosion that blew you and everyone around you away.
“Humph…” Your mouth opened letting out a shaky breath, your body hurt all over while your eyes got use to the sparkling lights that appeared before them when your head hit the ground.
“Y/N!!” You tried to sit up, a pair of arms held onto you for a brief moment until you were capable of making out the figure sitting beside you.
America had her brows creased; her eyes shone with worry while she tried to hold you up. The fighting was still ringing inside your ears, your counterpart was finishing the last of the dimensional creatures while you could spot her Wanda holding back against Agatha. For a brief moment, panic rose inside you the sudden need to throw up became almost to much just as you leaned forward trying to stand up your eyes looking frantically for the women that had been haunting your dreams and reality as of late.
“They are unconscious…” America started but she could not finish her sentence as you stood up without any warning.
“Wanda…” Her name escaped your lips without meaning to, at that moment with your body exhausted and your mind already carrying the weight of so many memories and thoughts all you could do was staggered forward until you reached both women.
You stood on shaky legs glancing from Wanda to Scarlet, both of them unconscious wearing the same bags under their eyes and the bruises all over their faces and arms. You hesitated not really knowing where you should focus your attention until, as an afterthought you went to Wanda. Turning her to the side you ensure she was comfortable, her lip had a deep cut and her forehead had traces of a scratch that left her with blood and dirt. She looked thinner than you remember, with her face wearing still the same defeated expression she wore to your home all those months ago.
“Wanda.” You said her name again, this time around firmer and demanding, your hand trying to help her out until you heard her exclamation of pain. “Wanda, are you alright?”
The young woman stirred in your arms, her eyes flickering slightly until she opened her lips and let out an exclamation of pain. You put her back on the ground, turning around you could see Scarlet was stirring awake as well while the fight seemed to have no end.
“Y/N…” You turned to see Wanda’s eyes fluttering open, her green orbs looking back at you with sadness and tenderness that had your heart beating a tad bit faster.
“Hey, are you alright?” You leaned in but Wanda looked away helping herself up, you tired to assist her but your body froze for a moment unsure on how to proceed with the woman sitting before you.
“I…I am a little sore.” She replied, her eyes never leaving the form of Scarlet, Wanda furrowed her brows glancing at her hands then back at the other woman. “She…she is…Scarlet Witch.”
Her words trembled as she pronounced them, her face lowered thinking to herself knowing full well your attention was on her. She remembered the moment she had separated herself from the legend, the words of Agatha had haunted her at that moment when she realized there was something inside her giving her powers a deeper meaning. She had hated that idea, and the world that had been created out of it.
When Wanda finally dared to look up she found herself looking into your eyes. Her heart stirred with emotion, the words that wanted to pour out of her mouth entangled around her throat for she knew it was not the time for a heart-to-heart conversation. She wished everything had turned out different, but after her confrontation with Agatha and everything she had discovered whiled trapped in that reality she knew what she needed to do.
“Can you…help me up?” She asked shyly, you nodded curtly stretching your hands for her to take them.
She was cold under your touch, and a little sweaty.
Her cheeks coloured pink, and her eyes glanced everywhere but at you. You felt a piercing pain going through your chest, but you ignored it while helping the other woman up. For a brief moment, you thought she could walk on her on until Wanda’s legs trembled and almost gave up on her. You caught her just on time, her body pressing against yours making your traitorous heart stopped for a brief moment.
“How convenient, Wanda.” Scarlet was on her knees; she had sweat falling down her face breathing hard and glaring at the two of you though her eyes were completely focused on Wanda. “You…you don’t do nothing, yet you get to be with her.”
Wanda tensed in your arms, she took a deep breath while pushing you away taking one step at a time until she was standing before Scarlet. You lifted your eyes to see America just as focused on the two women as you were, the sound of the fighting was till rumbling in your ears but it was almost impossible to pay attention to something else that wasn’t the scene playing out in front of you.
Wanda held herself up, conscious of the hatred inside the eyes of Scarlet.
Inside her own eyes.
“We don’t get to be with her.” Wanda mumbled dropping her shoulders, tears gathering in her eyes as she spoke. “I’ve been trying to make amends but I just…”
“You always failed, and you make it worse.” Scarlet spat out lifting her chin in defiance, her position on the ground was not an inconvenience. If anything, it gave her the power that Wanda couldn’t show at the moment.
“I tried to reach out to her, to make her world and mine…to…”
“I know.” Wanda offered a weakened smile, looking out of the corner of her eyes she could see you had your attention on the both of them. “I tried to do the same. I just…I can’t do it alone, and I’m tired of failing every time. I don’t…”
Wanda swallowed down her tears, she leaned in lifting her left hand until she was cupping Scarlet’s cheek. Red mist appeared in Wanda’s hand, and soon her eyes as much as those of Scarlet were shining brightly.
“It hurts so much.” Scarlet said letting the tears rolled down her cheeks. “I just…
“I don’t want to be alone, and I don’t want to be without her.” Wanda finally said her own tears falling down her face.
You clenched your jaw, looking away for a moment while your chest felt a myriad of butterflies fluttering inside.
“But I can’t keep fighting alone, or divided.” Wanda stated, she wiped away Scarlet’s tears before adding. “I think we need to be one, you saw just how powerful we are together and…”
“You need to fix this, or we would never…”
“I know, but this may not end the way you want it.”
Scarlet drifted her attention to you, her eyes found those of yours and in there you could read everything you had been so afraid to interpret the first time. There was pain and sadness, emotions that broke into her heart in ways you could only imagine, and then there was love. You looked away stepping back under the intensity of such a stare, you missed the broken smile on Scarlet’s face and the defeat she wore while facing Wanda again.
“I know, I think we will cope when the time for that comes.” Wanda nodded in understanding; her hands gleamed brighter than ever while Scarlet placed her hand on top of hers.
“I promised you I won’t give up.”
“Good, then let’s do this.”
The crimson mist grew around them glowing with a bright, red light making you trembled under the intensity of the magic. You could see America kneeling down, her eyes going wide open as they stare the scene unfolding before her eyes.
Wanda and Scarlet were no longer two different entities.
Standing before you was a single woman, her head was adorned with a red crown that made match with the bodice and the black leggings. Wanda stood there with magic coming from her hands, her eyes a deep shade of red that gathered the power you had always known she had in her. The woman stood still for a moment, she glanced at her body and her hands before her face lifted to stare at you.
You tried to hide your expression, your lips parting to speak but not words came out. Wanda hesitated before nodding her feet moving slowly until she turned around making her way to the fight.
“Is she gonna be okay?” America stood right beside you, squirting at the woman now using her magic to help her counterpart in the fight against Agatha.
“I think so…” You trailed off finally realizing that even though the both of them had finally become one, Wanda was still wearing the bruises and the exhaustion on her face.
“Are you okay?” America asked quite concern, you turned to her offering a half smile.
“I will be.” You sighed scratching the back of your neck. “Stay here and be careful.”
“What are you gonna do?” The teen asked slightly scare, you offered her a half smile turning towards the fight that was a tied between the Wandas and Agatha.
“What we came to do, just stay out of trouble and be ready to help us go back home, okay kiddo?”
America doubt there was anything she could do, but she didn’t contradict you. With a single nodded of her head she watched as you ran towards the fight, your shadows already creating a protective barrier around you and Wanda. Something, America though, you probably were not aware of.
Loki rolled his eyes once more, he was tired of hearing the fight going on in the meeting room while he stood by the window waiting for the right moment to intervene.
The world outside was highly active, Monday had always been one of the busiest days in the calendar and that day was not the exception. The young god leaned forward, his fingertips touching the window while his eyes observed the golden and green lights of the timelines. His eyes soon fell upon the one he did not recognise, a red line that he could not tamper with but that he was certain contained the answers to the questions everyone in the room were posing.
Loki turned around his eyes finding those of Billy who had not leave his side ever since Pietro brought him into the Avenger’s Tower. The young boy had his eyes narrowed, his hands playing with invisible threats only he could see.
For a brief moment, Loki stood there observing the child with growing curiosity. Billy was tapping the air with his fingertips, concentrated in something only visible to him. Loki frowned with his mind already forming an idea of what exactly was happening.
“Billy, what are you doing?” The question was low enough for the child to hear it but not for the rest of the room to notice it.
Billy lifted his face this time around his eyes went wide opened showing off the innocence of his age, but also the brightness he had inherited from both his mothers.
“Mommy always says to follow my instincts.” There was conviction in his tone, his hands tapping still as if waiting for something.
“And, what are they telling you?” Loki knelt to be on the same height of the child, Billy tilted his head creasing his brows before answering.
“Uncle Loki, momma and mommy need my help…look!”
Loki looked in the direction Billy was pointing to, he gasped with his eyes wide open and a smile forming on his lips.
“Billy you are a genius.” Billy offered a timid smile glancing at Loki shyly.
“Yes, and I think thanks to you we are going to be able to help Wanda and Y/N.” Loki could see the excitement in the little boy, he couldn’t help but smile back.
Without giving to much attention to the room, Loki sat right beside Billy closing his eyes before letting his magic to spread around. Billy was slightly confused at first, he had continued working on invisible threads trying to get into contact with them. Now there was something different, with his uncle sitting beside him Billy could sense the magic. He pressed his lips together before sitting down and, imitating Loki, he closed his eyes and just went with his instincts.
Whatever power she had tried to drain from Wanda and even Scarlet was no longer active to give her the stamina or even the strength to keep up with the fight. She was not even up to sustain the world she had created by tampering on the Chaos magic she could barely tolerate.
Wanda Maximoff gathered her power while circling the woman in front of her, she could feel the hurt she had created for her counterpart had reached out beyond the boundaries of the multiverse and it was something she would not tolerate. Beside her she could sense Y/N, a close shadow that was ready to jump in when necessary to offer protection and support; Wanda couldn’t help but smile.
“You won’t win.” Agatha tried to put up with a fight, she tried to hold onto the last threads of power inside her to get into the fight but she could no longer hold onto her powers for far too long.
You came from behind her your hands wrapping around her wrists while your shadows covered her feet spreading through her legs and body. Agatha was struggling, her eyes going wide open just as she started chanting in a language you did not recognize. Wanda opened her eyes wide, she stepped closer spreading her arms and chanting just the same, the runes trembling right above your head just before a myriad of images surrounded you breaking the darkness before going completely white.
“NO!” Agatha let out a guttural exclamation, her elbow hitting you square in the face but whatever strength she had in her to fight was haltered by your counterpart finishing what you started.
Wanda knew at that moment why she had been feared by Agatha, the power that was held inside her sent electric waves through her body. The power concentrated on her hand, and soon a single jewel showed on her palm while her counterpart continued with the ritual. The runes appeared right above her head, and without any indications, she started chanting as well.
You stepped back falling on your ass, blood rolling down your nose just as you saw the black figured being swallowed by the jewel. There was a moment of flickering lights and then, it stopped. Both Wanda’s stood right in front of the other, the jewel resting comfortably on the hand of Y/N’s wife.
The jewel took into a purplish colour, falling to the ground with a single thump.
The world went silent.
The darkness around you grew, with the stars twinkling right above your head.
Everything was still, with only your hard breathing breaking the tension around your ears. Your body was aching, your mind filled with memories of the past and the present all of them pilling up to overwhelmed you line of thoughts. You closed your eyes trying to forget and wait for everything to be back the way it was in the last year.
But you knew it was just an illusion.
Your world had been shaken up the moment Wanda and America showed up at your doorstep. The fight with Agatha brought back the memories you had tried to forget, it brought with it the truths you were not ready to face. You had always thought that you could outrun your motions, but the world has always taught you this was not possible. Not for someone like you, and certainly not for someone like Wanda.
When you opened your eyes you saw Wanda, your Wanda staring at you, but before anything could be done or said her eyes rolled back passing out of exhaustion. You caught up to her on time, her body falling on yours your face a mask of pure concern just as you ensure she rested comfortably on the ground.
You knew everyone was looking at you, but you decided to ignore them while checking Wanda over to make sure nothing else happened to her.
“Are you alright?” The other Wanda came to you, her voice sent shivers down your back, you didn’t dare to lift your eyes for fear of revealing far too much.
Instead, you nodded taking deep breaths while feeling the ground under your knees, without thinking too much about it, your hand brushed Wanda’s hair tenderly. The attention you were giving to her was something you never thought you would do again. The woman standing beside you shifted her weight and soon she was sitting right beside you; this time around you did turn around only to see her staring at you with big, curious eyes.
“She is still unconscious, but I believe she is no longer two halves of the same person.” Wanda lifted her face to the sky, her lips parting slightly. “Her magic is still erratic, but I believe she would be okay.”
“What about Agatha?” Your question entangled in your throat, scrunching up your nose you decided to conceal your emotions not ready to face the conversation or to address the white elephant hanging around you two.
“She will be trapped in this jewel until you and her decided what should be done with her.” Wanda handed over the jewel, you pursed your lips in disgust before grabbing the artifact.
“The book she had with her, it is the Darkhold, isn’t it?”
“It is.” You nodded this time around locking your eyes with hers.
“Are you taking it with you?”
Wanda broke into an easy smile shaking her head, “it’s not mine but yours. It would be better off in your world, where it belongs.”
“It should be destroyed.” You leaned back resting your hands on the ground.
“It should, but that would be your prerogative not ours.”
Your eyes drifted around the place before they settled on America and Y/N, both of them were engaged in a heavy discussion and you could teel this was the moment America had been waiting for a very long time. The feelings of guiltiness and sadness had been quite evident in her when you two met, right now this was the chance the young woman was waiting for to make amends. To reach for forgiveness.
“So, any idea how we are going to leave this place?”
Wanda nodded leaning back until she pointed to America and your counterpart.
“She is ready to use her powers, I believe she is the only one that can help us right now.”
Not sooner had Wanda said this the world started to tremble, the light of the stars flickered until they disappeared one by one. You straightened up with Wanda standing up as soon as she noticed this.
“I guess…we should try it right now.” You stood up turning to glance at the darkened world, everything was coming in and out of reality with the ground shaking for small periods of time.
“It was a matter of time.” Wanda placed a hand on your forearm, you couldn’t help the tension on your muscles the other woman softened her features stepping closer. “You will be back, and she will need help to recover from this.”
“I know.”
“Are you ready for that?” The question caught you off guard, you knew what was expected of you and what you could do with the woman that had broken your heart at some point.
You could hide behind that excuse until the end of time, but it would run out of any validity at some point. Sooner or later, you knew you would have to face Wanda and decisions must be made. The Wanda standing before you softened her features, her words would made your mind pound with the imminent decisions you would need to make.
“How deep is your anger, and how deep goes your love for you to not face what your heart already knows?” Wanda leaned in and you found yourself in a embrace you didn’t know you miss. Her voice was just a whisper, but it was everything you needed at the moment. “I won’t tell you what to do, but I will tell you my love to follow your instincts. They had never failed you.”
America glanced around the group with a nervous smile.
She glanced at her hands then back at you and Y/N, the words of encouragement were ringing inside her head while she tried to gather the courage to move onto the next step.
“Just think about it, kiddo.” Y/N stated grabbing the hand of her wife, America almost winced at those words because her mind had been a myriad of thoughts since they delegate the task of going back home on her.
You fixed the unconscious woman in your arms, putting her closer to you while looking over at America. The young woman closed her eyes, ready to open the portal when Wanda stopped her.
“Wait, America.” The redhead stepped closer placing her hand on America’s shoulder. “Remember, it is more than opening a portal, is about opening the right one.”
“I know, I know…it’s just…easier said than done.” America pursed her lips, she took a deep breath closing her eyes.
“Then, let yourself be guided by your emotions and what you remember of the place you want to go to.” Wanda squeezed the shoulder of the teen tenderly, and for that brief moment America felt it.
It was vague but it was there.
The same kind of energy she had felt on Wanda and Y/N, it was familiar yet different. She had felt it when she first fell upon that universe, the twins had carried with them a strange kind of energy that seemed to engulf the best of Wanda and Y/N.
America closed her eyes and, without thinking to much, she followed the familiarity of that energy. Her mind bringing over the memories of her time in that land, finally easing out her fears and trusting in the women she had surrounding her.
The young woman clenched her fist, and with a single punch she opened the star-shaped portal.
All of them were ready to go home.
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hope-ur-ok · 4 months
Surprise Song Master post ~ European Leg
5/9 Paris, FR: Paris + LOML
5/10 Paris, FR: Is It Over Now?/OOTW + My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys
5/11 Paris, FR: Hey Stephen + Maroon
5/12 Paris, FR: The Alchemy / Treacherous + Begin Again / Paris
5/17 Stockholm, SE: I Think He Knows / Gorgeous + Peter
5/18 Stockholm, SE: Guilty As Sin? + Say Don't Go / Welcome to New York / Clean
5/19 Stockholm, SE: Message In A Bottle / How You Get The Girl / New Romantics + How Did It End?
5/24 Lisbon, PT: Come Back... Be Here / The Way I Loved You / The Other Side of the Door + Fresh Out the Slammer / High Infidelity
5/25 Lisbon, PT: The Tortured Poets Department / Now That We Don't Talk + You're On Your Own Kid / Long Live
5/29 Madrid, ES: Sparks Fly / I Can Fix Him (No Really Can) + I Look In People's Windows / Snow On the Beach
5/30 Madrid, ES: Our Song / Jump Then Fall + King of My Heart
6/2 Lyon, FR: The Prophecy / Long Story Short + Fifteen / You're On Your Own Kid
6/3 Lyon, FR: Glitch / Everything Has Changed + Chloe Or Sam Or Sophia Or Marcus
6/7 Edinburgh, Scotland UK: Would've Could've Should've / I Know Places + 'Tis the Damn Season / Daylight
6/8 Edinburgh, Scotland UK: The Bolter / Getaway Car + All of the Girls You Loved Before / Crazier
6/9 Edinburgh, Scotland UK: It's Nice To Have A Friend / Dorothea + Haunted / Exile
6/13 Liverpool, England UK: I Can See You / Mine + Cornelia Street / Maroon
6/14 Liverpool, England UK: This Is What You Came For / Gold Rush + The Great War / You're Losing Me
6/15 Liverpool, England UK: Carolina / No Body No Crime + The Manuscript / Red
6/18 Cardiff, Wales UK: I Forgot That You Existed / This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things + I Hate It Here / The Lakes
6/21 London, England UK: Hits Different / Death By A Thousand Cuts + The Black Dog / Come Back Be Here / Maroon
6/22 London, England UK: thanK you aIMee / Mean + Castles Crumbling w/ Hayley Williams
6/23 London, England UK: Us w/ Gracie Abrams + Out Of The Woods / Is It Over Now? / Clean
6/28 Dublin, IE: State of Grace / You're On Your Own Kid + Sweet Nothing / Hoax
6/29 Dublin, IE: The Albatross / Dancing With Our Hands Tied + This Love / Ours
6/30 Dublin, IE: Clara Bow / The Lucky One + You’re On Your Own Kid
7/4 Amsterdam, NL: Guilty as Sin? / Untouchable + The Archer / Question...?
7/5 Amsterdam, NL: imgonnagetyouback / Dress + You Are In Love / Cowboy Like Me
7/6 Amsterdam, NL: Sweeter than fiction / Holy Ground + Mary's Song / So High School / Everything Has Changed
7/9 Zürich, CH: Right Where You Left Me / All You Had To Do Was Stay + Last Kiss / Sad Beautiful Tragic
7/10 Zürich, CH: Closure / A Perfectly Good Heart + Robin / Never Grow Up
7/13 Milan, IT: The 1 / Wonderland + I Almost Do / The Moment I Knew
7/14 Milan, IT: Mr. Perfectly Fine / Red + Getaway Car / Out Of The Woods
7/17 Gelsenkirchen, DE: Superstar / Invisible String + "Slut!" / False God
7/18 Gelsenkirchen, DE: Speak Now / Hey Stephen + This Is Me Trying / Labyrinth
7/19 Gelsenkirchen, DE: Paper Rings / Stay Stay Stay + It's Time To Go / Better Man
7/23 Hamburg, DE: Teardrops On My Guitar / The Last Time + We Were Happy / Happiness
7/24 Hamburg, DE: The Last Great American Dynasty / Run + Nothing New / Dear Reader
7/27 Munich, DE: Fresh Out The Slammer / You Are In Love + Ivy / Call It What You Want
7/28 Munich, DE: I Don't Wanna Live Forever / Imgonnagetyouback + LOML / Don't You
8/1 Warsaw, PL: Mirrorball / Clara Bow + Suburban Legends / New Years Day
8/2 Warsaw, PL: I Can Fix Him (No Really I Can) / I Can See You + Red / Maroon
8/3 Warsaw, PL: Today Was A Fairytale / I Think He Knows + The Black Dog / Exile
8/15 London, England UK: Everything Has Changed / End Game / Thinking Out Loud w/Ed Sheeran + King Of My Heart / The Alchemy
8/16 London, England UK: London Boy + Dear John / Sad Beautiful Tragic
8/17 London, England UK: I Did Something Bad + My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys / Coney Island
8/19 London, England UK: Long Live / Change + The Archer / You're On Your Own Kid
8/20 London, England UK: Death By A Thousand Cut / Getaway Car w/Jack Antonoff + So Long, London
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grandpuppylight · 6 months
Check out this amazing AU from ReynaAtTheEnd
This not my story but the person who owns it doesn't have tumblr. So I decided that the one piece tumblr fandom needs this in their life. The synopsis is that king finds out the seraphim exit 7 days before marineford. Three hours before the execution is to acure Sengoku gets a call from Egghead. Chaos insues. Chapters 1-20 up now the author does not have an upload schedule. Now for just one interesting insight to the story, the author is making Moria a bigger threat than he already was.
Ch. 1-17 arc 1
Ch. 18-24 arc 2
Ch. 25-33 arc 3
Ch. 34-ongoing
The author has decided to call it the "Age of Emperors AU"
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175 notes · View notes
Maybe in Another Life |13|
Pairing: Clarisse La Rue x Hunter of Artemis!Reader
Summary: You are a Hunter of Artemis, but you start to question what you truly want when you meet Clarisse and get to know her.
Warnings: Slight Battle of the Labyrinth Spoilers
Word Count: 2k+
Main Masterlist | Series Masterlist
ch. 1 | ch. 2 | ch. 3 | ch. 4 | ch. 5 | ch. 6 | ch. 7 | ch. 8 | ch. 9 | ch. 10 | ch. 11 | ch. 12 | ch. 13 | ch. 14 | ch. 15 | ch. 16 | ch. 17
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“Where are you now?” Clarisse asked.
You took your eyes off the iris message, looking around at your surroundings. The Hunters had set up camp in the mountains. It was fall but still pretty warm, the leaves were all various shades of red and orange as they prepared to fall off their trees. There was a small waterfall flowing into a stream, that the native animals drank from. The sun was just beginning to set, so there was still enough light for Clarisse to see a bit of where you were.
“I’m not even sure which state,” you admitted. “The mountains and more south then north.”
“How’s it going?”
You shrugged. “The usual. We get a lead and then it runs dry. What about you, how are things there?”
You hadn’t seen Clarisse since you left her house after the labyrinth, which was at least six months ago. You still talked to her every week though, you actually seemed to talk to her more than you had been before.
“Good,” Clarisse said, nodding and smiling to herself. “Chris has been good.” Your mouth twitched, wanting to frown but you managed to keep your face as neutral as possible. “We’re actually about to go to the bonfire soon. Silena will not let me hear the end of it if I’m late again.”
Chiron ended up not being able to help Chris. They took him back to camp and after Percy and Annabeth had their adventure in the labyrinth Mr. D had returned to camp and cured Chris’s madness. He went ran into king Minos in the maze who was the one that caused him to go mad.
“That’s great,” you said, forcing a smile. “I’m glad he’s doing better and tell Silena I say hi.”
“Will do.” She had a soft smile on her face, something she seemed too only have around you. “Bye.”
“Bye,” you smiled before waving your hand through mist, ending the message.
You wanted Clarisse to be happy, even if that was with Chris. It’s not like you could ever be with her, you weren’t leaving the Hunters, and you had no right to hold her back from falling for someone else, you had no right to be mad at her. You were friends, you were the one that drew that line. None of that meant that it still didn’t hurt to see her getting along with someone else. You didn’t know when you’d see her again but listening to her talk about how Chris was doing was enough to tell you how happy she was.
“How’s it going?” Thalia asked as she walked up to stand beside you.
“It’s fine,” you said, giving her a little shrug. “Clarisse said Chris is doing better.” Thalia let out a little hum, you weren’t sure what it meant though.
“Annabeth says he’s been a great help with preparations for Luke.”
“He probably knows by now that Chris is back at camp.” You didn’t take your eyes off the horizon, watching as the sun slowly began to disappear behind the trees. “He had to have changed course.”
Thalia nodded. “Probably a little,” she admitted. It would be stupid and crazy for Luke to continue with his plan when Chris wasn’t on his side anymore. Even without Kronos guiding him Luke wasn’t stupid. “At the time though, his big plan was using the labyrinth which he’s already done.”
You nodded, that was true, Chris was one of the ones sent into the maze to figure a way through it. That was Chris’s main mission before he went crazy. “Attacking the camp was just a step,” you said. “War is coming.”
Thalia nodded. “Annabeth is about to call, care to join?”
You shrugged. You had been around for some of the calls with Annabeth, but you were usually off on your own or talking to Clarisse at the same time. Thalia and Annabeth went over a lot of plans and went over new developments if anyone has seen or heard from Luke, but otherwise there was no reason for you to join a call. More times than not the call started out talking about battle plans and then turned into two friends just catching up.
“Hey!” Annabeth greeted when her face appeared through the mist in front of you. “Oh, Y/N, hey!”
“Hey,” you said, giving her an awkward wave. “Hope you don’t mind, Thalia asked me to join.”
“No, no, of course. How have you been?”
“Good, just got off a call with Clarisse.”
Annabeth let out a little hum, flicking her eyes to Thalia for a second before back to you. “How’s she doing?”
You scrunched your eyebrows at that question. “Wouldn’t you know better? She’s at camp with you every day.” You knew Annabeth and Clarisse weren’t necessarily friends, but they had gotten closer when working on the labyrinth mission together and Clarisse was a head councilor, she always told you about councilor meetings and how annoying everyone was being or if they discussed anything serious.
“Well, yeah, but…” Annabeth shrugged. “She doesn’t really talk to anyone here.”
You furrowed your brow, you knew that wasn’t true, she talked about doing stuff with Silena all the time, she mentioned Chris more than once, much to your dismay, and she mentioned yelling at her siblings. “What are you talking about? She literally just told me she was going to the bonfire tonight.”
“Well, yeah,” Annabeth shrugged. “She might make casual conversation with select people.” You nodded, that sounded right, Clarisse wasn’t going around talking to just anyone. “But she doesn’t actually talk to anyone. Not about the labyrinth.” You looked down at the ground, the two of you talked about it occasionally, you figured she’d talk to the others about what happened. “She warned me and Percy and that was about it, she hasn’t talked about what happened down there.”
“Not even with Chris?” based on the glance Thalia gave you, you were sure you didn’t do a good job at hiding the bitterness in your voice. With how much time Clarisse had been spending with Chris you figured she was talking to him; she had been updating you on his condition every call until Mr. D healed him, even after that she still updated you on how he was integrating back into camp.
Annabeth shook her head. “She’s been helping him, but they don’t talk about that. Chris mostly talks to Chiron or even me and Percy.” You gave a small nod, you figured Clarisse had been spending her days training her siblings and hanging out with Chris, first helping him recover, and then just getting closer with him.
“The only one she really talks to is you,” Annabeth said. Your head snapped up; your eyes wide as you stared at Annabeth. “I haven’t seen her act that way in a while, except with you.”
You furrowed your brow. “She hasn’t acted any different?” Some of your conversations got a little more somber but Clarisse herself hadn’t changed, you still talked just as you had before.
“Exactly,” Annabeth smiled. She was giving you this look like that explained it all, like you were supposed to get something. “She’s not like that with anyone else.”
Your eyes found the ground again, you weren’t sure how long you stood there taking in Annabeth’s words. When you looked up you saw Annabeth and Thalia, both watching you, making you quickly clear your throat. “I’m going to…” you pointed back towards the camp and quickly turned on your heel.
You quickly made your way back to camp, taking a seat on a log next to the fire. Only a few of your sisters were still seated around it, some were already asleep, some were off somewhere else talking, and some were patrolling the perimeter. You hadn’t even been seated for a minute before the other Hunters got up and walked away from the fire without a word. You furrowed your brow; you knew you had been distant lately, but you didn’t think you were that bad of company. Your confusion was answered though when you left Artemis sit down next to you.
“You’ve been talking to that girl, Clarisse, a lot,” Artemis said.
You glanced at her out of the side of your eye, there were still times, like this time, when it felt strange to hear Artemis sound so serious, especially when she looked like a twelve-year-old. You had been with her for a thousand years and you didn’t have a problem with taking orders from your goddess, but there were certain times she got serious, and the subject sounded weird coming out of a twelve-year-olds mouth.
“She’s a friend,” you said, staring into the fire. If you turned to look at Artemis you knew she’d see right through you, see that you had feelings that went beyond friendship for Clarisse.
“You don’t make friends often.”
You chuckled. “I’ll have you know I think I’m quite likeable.”
“It takes awhile to warm up to you.”
You chuckled a little louder, shaking your head. That was fair, you tended to come off in not the best light upon first meetings. “I beat her in capture the flag. She was not happy,” you smiled at the memory.
You could feel Artemis’s eyes on you, but you couldn’t hide how happy the memory made you. “I bet a child of Ares took that well.”
You smirked, giving a little shrug. “She’s easy to annoy, you know how much I like that.” You turned your head, finally looking at her only to give her a knowing smirk.
“Yes,” she sighed. “I am more than aware how annoying you can be.”
You lightly chuckled but your smile slowly faded as the memories from camp continued to play through your mind. “We sparred for the first time after Zoe left on the quest,” you whispered. “She could keep up with me, not that she ever beat me.” You caught a small smile on Artemis’s lips. You were a daughter of Nike; you couldn’t let anyone even consider you’d lose.
“You’ve been different since you got back from the labyrinth,” Artemis said softly.
You knew she was testing the waters, seeing how willing you’d be to talk, how much you’d give her. “I almost died,” you whispered.
“There was some sort of monster, it had me,” you said, gesturing with your hands. “It had me, but then…” you let out a humorless chuckle. “Clarisse sacrificed her spear, her pride and joy, to save me. I owe her my life.”
“You care for her,” Artemis concluded, straightening her back.
“Yes,” you said instantly, staring Artemis in the eyes. You knew it was a risk, but you would not lie to your goddess.
“You were sent to pick up supplies but wandered off to help her with a mission.” You swallowed nervously. “Who are you loyal to?”
“You,” you said without hesitation.
“And if you had to sacrifice yourself?”
“Without hesitation.”
“If you had to choose between your sisters or your friend?”
You opened your mouth, but nothing came out. That was the first time you ever hesitated on that question. The truth was, if it came down to saving one of your sisters or saving Clarisse, you’d be conflicted. Either choice, you didn’t think you could live with yourself. You could tell by the slight tilt of Artemis’s head that she suspected this, she knew you’d hesitate on this question.
“I am a Hunter,” you said, your voice was quiet, but you refused to let it waver. “I am loyal to you, to Thalia, and to the rest of our sisters, first, above anyone or anything else.”
Artemis stared into your eyes, it felt like she was staring straight through you and into your soul. You remained strong though, holding eye contact with her and kept your head held high. It wasn’t a lie. You couldn’t deny it, you’d protect Clarisse with your life, but at the end of the day you were loyal to your goddess, she and your sisters came first, always.
“Okay,” Artemis said. She gave you a curt nod before getting up and leaving you alone by the fire.
You turned back towards the fire, staring into the flames as you thought about what had just happened. Artemis believed you; she knew your words were true, she knew you were loyal till the end.
Taglist: @cxcilla @danonered @touchmyfracturedomens @luclue @manu-007s-world @death-in-love @nenas19 @mynameiskaci
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sinner-sunflower · 7 months
A HH Lucifer-centric AU 2/?
PART 1, PART 3, PART 4, PART 5, PART 6, PART 7, PART 8, PART 9, PART 10, PART 11, PART 12, PART 13, PART 14, PART 15, PART 16, PART 17, PART 18, PART 19, PART 20, PART 21, PART 22
Some might be a bit ooc but good thing it's called fanfiction and not fantruth amirite
Things to look forward to:
Roo and Goodie (that's the name I decided to give "The Good of All Mankind"
Sins being a somewhat close family/friends (Even with Mammon the jackass)
Badass Luci being the badass king of hell
Father-Daughter moments
Very subtle radioapple (brainrot)
If anyone wants to write a proper fic format based on this, I would be happy to give you permission as long as I can get to read it!
Do we have a deal?
Charlie can't sleep all night even though she realizes that she is tired. It's almost noon but she didn't have the strength to get up yet and face everyone. Millions of thoughts are running through her mind. How could she say that to her dad? He was just trying to help. She didn't mean it. It was just in the heat of the moment. She doesn't really think that, right? She loves her dad. It's just not fair. That's no excuse. Wrong. Wrong Wrong. She's sorry. So so very sor-
Vaggie: Babe?
Charlie turns to the door and sees her girlfriend.
Vaggie: How are you feeling?
Charlie: Like I'm the worst daughter ever.
Vaggie comes to sit with her in the bed and hugs her lover as she starts to cry again.
Charlie: Why did I say that to him, Vaggie? He was just trying to help me. If it was any one of you, I would've done the same and made you rest.
Vaggie purses her lips, unsure of what to say.
Vaggie: Why don't you eat something first.
Charlie: is- is he down there?
Vaggie: I-
Before Vaggie could answer, Razzle enters the room in a hurry, gesturing wildly for them to come down. They both run to the lobby following the familiar.
Charlie expected another demon out to cause trouble in the hotel but it was-
Charlie: Aunt Bel?!
It was the Sin of Sloth, Belphegor, standing at the center of the lobby. The other guests watch in apprehension as Alastor's black tentacles are somewhat showing.
Charlie approaches her aunt slowly and notices that despite still upholding the regal stature, the bags under their eye are more prominent than before. The Sin gives a slight bow.
Belphegor: Princess. Your father was not at the palace. I would like to speak to him. Urgently.
Charlie: Oh um. Yes, he's here. He's in his room.
She beckons Razzle to fetch her father.
Charlie: Is something wrong?
Belphegor hesitates but doesn't answer.
Lucifer arrives downstairs the next moment.
Charlie sees the wet look in her father's eyes. Like he's been crying. Of course, he was. She knows her dad. He's her dad-
Charlie tries to catch her dad's gaze but he doesn't so much glance at her direction.
Lucifer: Bel.
The Sin of Sloth gives a deeper bow to her king.
Belphegor: Your Majesty. If I could borrow you for a moment down in Sloth. There is a... situation.
Lucifer adjusts his stance. None of the sins ever called him by anything other than his name before. That is unless there is something wrong or they fucked up big time.
Lucifer: And you went all the way from Sloth?
Belphegore: I- I do not feel it to be wise to discuss this matter over the phone.
That wasn't cryptic at all for the hotel residents.
Lucifer waves for her to come closer and she whispers something into his ear. Everyone was holding their breath.
As soon as she's done, Lucifer and her start moving.
Lucifer: I will be in Sloth. Alastor.
Alastor appears in a wave of shadows to his side.
Alastor: Yes, sire?
Lucifer: I will be unreachable until I resolve this. I'm sure you can handle keeping an eye on the hotel?
Alastor grins.
Alastor: I would be offended if you weren't.
Charlie: Wait! Dad! Please, can we talk before you leave?
Lucifer: Char-ch-
He stops himself and takes a deep breath.
Lucifer: Sorry, Charlie. We'll talk after.
Lucifer gives his daughter a small smile and squeezes her hand.
Husk: What the fuck was that?
Charlie could only stare as her father and aunt disappeared in a portal to the Sloth ring.
Charlie: I don't know.
Part 3 Snippet:
Belphegore: Lucifer! What are you doing?!
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luvizna · 17 days
୨୧ opulent - s. tsukasa x reader
━ rivals to lvrs socmed au
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synopsis: (name) unfortunately is stuck with tsukasa for yet another school project, except this time around both of their lives change..
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ch. 17 - "nervous?"
previous | masterlist | next
As (Name) approached the outskirts of Ensemble Square, they were able to see the popup area that ES had put together for the Knights fan event. They’d been coerced by Aira into going, but they secretly felt a little bit excited to go, as they’ve been wanting to go to an event like this after hearing about it so much online. They didn’t expect to go to one belonging to Knights, however.
Out of everyone in the unit, they really did not want to see their King after the events that occurred days ago on that school night. It was more of a feeling of embarrassment, though. Usually they’d keep their guard up around him, but it seemed as if that guise had completely dissipated that night. They felt disgusted about being so open with Tsukasa after so long of keeping a distance between the two of them, whether it be physical or emotional.
They snapped out of these thoughts of theirs and went to go look for Aira, who’d already been there for the past half hour. It wasn’t hard to find him because of his striking blonde hair, making him stand out from everyone else despite the mask and cap that he wore. (Name) instantly hurried over to him upon having seen him. “Aira!!”
The blond noticed them immediately. “Ah, (Name), helloo!! I’m super excited for the event to start!!”
“I’m still baffled at how you signed up to come even though you’re an idol now..”
“I still miss the fan experience, though.. It truly is something special.” Aira handed (Name) the extra album that he brought for them.
They let out a sigh. “I mean.. I can’t blame you for that.” They scanned the contents of the album. The front had all five members of Knights dressed nobly and holding their swords out, and the inner contents of the album came out to be a photobook. They chose not to look inside.
The fan event wouldn’t start until several minutes later, so (Name) decided to kill time by going on their phone, earning a side glare (jokingly) from Aira. 
Sooner than later, the event had begun, and (Name) watched as the five members of Knights made their appearance on stage. They hoped they’d run unrecognized due to the cap and face mask that they wore, but those chances ran low. 
Each member did their own self-introduction and explained the contents of the event, Tsukasa laying down most of the procedures as their rightful leader. (Name) started thinking about how he looked somewhat cool as the King of Knights, but quickly dismissed the thought.
The fan event consisted of an album-signing event and a short performance of 2-3 songs later to be performed by the unit, so about 2.5 hours of time. It was pretty normal for an event hosted at ES, though.
Once the fansigning portion began, (Name) waited in line with Aira, silently waiting for their turn. But also not really silently as Aira couldn’t hold in his excitement.
“Once I have Narukami-senpai’s signature, my Knights collection will be complete..!” He exclaims.
“I’ve been telling you, just go to your circle meeting or whatever..”
“But that completely removes the fun of getting an autograph from your idol!”
“I can’t argue with you anymore..” (Name) sighed yet again as Aira fixated on the knights several feet in front of him. Their turn was up soon. They felt uneasy in their stomach as usual, anxiety creeping up their spine right before a major event. Why are they so nervous? What’s there to be scared of? Who’s there to be scared of? 
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Aira watched as (Name) sent that tweet on their private account, their feet unconsciously tapping the floor with a worrisome speed.
“Hey (Name), you alright? There’s nothing to be scared of.”
“Were you watching me tweet!?! I mean, I’m just a little nervous, even though I somewhat know these people it feels too awkward to talk to them like this at a fansign..” 
“Huh, I never thought of it like that.. Although they do always tell me ‘We see each other every day and you still show up to these?’, so I guess I see where you’re coming from..” 
“That’s what I thought when you invited me to this, Aira.. But if you have no shame then why should I..” 
“Hey, that felt backhanded!!” Aira exclaimed.
“Maybe it was, but that's besides the point!”
Sooner than later, Aira left the line as it was his turn for the fansigning, leaving (Name) alone until it was their turn, which wasn’t very far away. The rest of Knights didn’t even know they were coming, aside from Arashi, of course. In fact, (Name) thought she might give her some emotional support (😭). They didn’t exactly care about the fansign itself, but they really did not want to see a certain member. Why are they having to meet him everywhere they go? What’s the meaning of all of this? 
Within a matter of 60 seconds, it was eventually (Name)’s turn to greet the members one by one. They were lucky Tsukasa was the last one they’d talk to, providing them with a moment’s worth of respite. 
With every minute, each member passed, making (Name) more and more anxious as they had to greet Tsukasa soon. At least Arashi was there right before him to give them some solace.
“Ahhh, (Name)! I could recognize those eyes anywhere! I can’t believe you actually came today.” She gently took the album out of their hands and began to write her signature on the front cover.
(Name) smiled, as if all of their problems washed away with her comforting presence. “Aira convinced me it was going to be worth it!! I haven’t seen some of you in a long time, so it was nice to talk to you guys again.” They looked over at Tsukasa, who was with Aira, rambling to him about how he finally got Arashi's signature.
“Are you nervous?” Arashi watched as (Name) anxiously looked over at him and then back to her,  “You look scared, even with the mask on.”
“I’m not scared—”
“Sure you aren’t," Arashi stopped writing and held their shoulder firmly, "Trust me, you’ll be fine! You two see each other at school every day, so it won’t be awkward.” She looked them in the eye.
“That’s what’s making it awkward though, us seeing each other at school everyday.. But I’ll take your word for it.” 
Arashi smiled, handing (Name) the album back. “You should tell me how it goes later~”
“I will!!”
Their time with Arashi came to an end, and soon they had to greet the member that they weren’t looking forward to seeing the entire day. Or rather, the one they were the most nervous to see.
They walked up to him, who immediately greeted them with a warm smile. 
“Welcome, princess, how are you doing today?” He looked (Name) in the eye, and his eyes widened as he realized who he was talking to. It was times like these where (Name) wished the cap and the mask were enough to conceal their identity.
“N-name?! What are you doing at a Knights fan event?” He took a few steps backwards, causing the other to giggle at his embarrassment.
“Trust me, Aira made me go!!”
He came back to where he was originally standing. “I’m guessing this album isn’t yours either..” He tenderly took it out of their hand, their hands lightly making contact for a second. (Name) internally flinched, but luckily appeared nonchalant on the outside. Usually they weren’t this sensitive to physical touch, so what’s different this time?..
“Yeah, it’s his.. Albums here are so expensive, I only have, like, one and that’s it,” (Name) watched as Tsukasa signed the album, his English cursive skills always impressing them. They knew English as well, but struggled to have neat penmanship like he had.
“Aren’t you also well-known, like Knights? Or are you just low on savings..”
“No, I’m well off, but I have priorities for other things.” 
“I understand.. I could easily spend the money my unit makes on what I want, but our agency is generally low on money, and our revenue is what keeps it going.”
“You’re from.. What’s it called again.. New Dimension??” (Name) hesitantly asks, not knowing what goes on in ES very well, as they aren’t under the organization.
“I’m surprised you know.. If you have the money one day you should get a Knights album of your own," He said as he finished writing his autograph, "Anyway, tell Shiratori-kun it was a pleasure to sign his album twice.” Tsukasa handed the album back to (Name).
“Is that an insult to me for not buying any?!” They narrowed their eyes.
“According to the requirements for signing up, you were supposed to bring your own album, (Name).. But it’s okay,” He smiled at them. “See you at school tomorrow.”
They softly waved goodbye, and left the stage feeling less anxious than they started out to be.
They didn’t know why they kept having to see him so many times ever since the second group project, but they were glad the awkward atmosphere was lessening. Maybe they were becoming friends after all.
"Friends", was it..
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sorry that was kind of shit i have a quiz tomorrow and a test the day after dawg im COOKED
taglist: @myunghology @ventiswisp @rinz3 @cosmical-flowers @kitsxne-reboot @teacute @lunavixia @ritsleep @v3nnz @yuusishi
if ur not here pls tell me so i can fix it and if u change ur user pls tell me!!
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mofffun · 6 months
«Rita of Gokkan» Ch.24 [fin]
eng translation by me
ch: [tag] [2-3] [4-6] [7-9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23]
timeline: ep5
Ohsama Sentai's first battle... and a surprise guest
FINAL chapter
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t/n: p14 りったん 偉い偉い (Rittan erai erai) Literally, Rita is praising themself "magnificent", as in they are completed a historic deed - which is true. Their tone sounds like complimenting a child with the repetation.
Wow, I never expect myself to translate a whole web manga, even though it's just 24 chapters, it's 24 chapters I've never done before. It's pretty set that this is the end, but there's one very slim chance to say this is merely the end to the Ohsama Sentai formation arc and one day the adaptation will continue?
Above all as a Rita fan and a King-Oh fan, I'm grateful to see Toei trying out different thing with such a loved story. Overall it's a good introduction to each country and Rita's dynamic with them for newcomers while supplementing interesting context to old viewers. After episode 5 is where I'd recommend reading this in one-go if you're a first-time viewer though.
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script: p1 p2 降臨せよ キングオージャー! p3 ハハハハ! 地獄に落ちろ! あ 構わん! 貴様ら俺様に続け! p4 あんだ その態度は コラァ! 俺がテッペンだ! 倒したいなら私以外降りねばいいじゃない! 民を守りたいなら手段(しゅだん)を選ばないことです! p5 ハ!! うおっ! 何をやっている 逃げたぞ! p6 執刀する! 俺な邪魔すんな! あら? !まずい! p7 p8 ギャッ 貴様ら何を考えている! この…っ スカポンタヌキ! 貴様! おめぇが… 「わちゃ わちゃ」 p9 ああーっ! もう! p10 いいから黙って… 引っ込んでろ!!なさい!! p12 グワッ p14 ついに 五王国同盟に代わるものが実現(じつげん)できた… りったん 偉い偉い 何か言った? p15 言ってない え~ 言った 言ってない 聞きましたもん! 絶対何か言って笑った 笑ってない 不動の王リタとモルフォーニャの旅はまだまだ続く—— p20 ——とさ
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olivialau · 2 months
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Shadow's Embrace Ch. 17
Sukuna x Reader
This is a work of fanfiction based on the universe of "Jujutsu Kaisen," created by Gege Akutami. The original manga, anime, and characters belong to their respective owners and creators.
This story unfolds in the Jujutsu Kaisen world, set in a slightly altered universe where Sukuna inhabits his own vessel distinct from Itadori Yuji's body, making him a separate entity.
Ryomen Sukuna, the King of Curses, becomes fascinated with a female sorcerer rich in potential but lacking control. Initially seizing her for his destructive plans, Sukuna aims to bind her abilities through a contract. Yet, as he tries to dominate her, he finds himself intrigued by her strength and determination. Over time, his interest evolves from strategic advantage to a deeper, personal connection.
CHAPTER 17 - Awakening Touch
The abrupt sound of a door slamming yanked you from the depths of sleep. Disoriented, you blinked up to see a figure looming over you. It send your pulse racing in a flash of panic, until the fog of sleep lifted and you remembered where you were–in the apartment with Sukuna.
As you rubbed your eyes, your vision cleared just in time to meet Sukuna's impatient glare, the King of Curses looking down at you with barely concealed annoyance.
"Get up, now. We're training," he barked, leaving no room for objections.
Groggy and disheveled, you pushed yourself up from the couch, your body protesting the sudden movement.
Reaching for your phone, you glanced at the screen, your eyes widening in surprise. It was only 5 AM. 
"What the hell? It's the middle of the night," you protested, the words spilling out of you in a mix of disbelief and exhaustion.
Sukuna merely shrugged, cold and unyielding. "Get up," he repeated, "I don't recall stuttering."
As you struggled to shake off the remnants of drowsiness, Sukuna's growing impatience became evident as he began to tap his foot, each rythmic tap a reminder of his waning tolerance.
Until he snapped.
"Do I need to drag you to the basement by the hair? Move it, or I'll make you regret wasting my time."
The growl in Sukuna's voice was a clear warning, and you knew better than to push him further. With a sense of urgency, you shot up from the couch, grabbing the glass of water on the coffee table from the night before. You gulped it down, the liquid a poor substitute for the caffeine that you needed to properly wake at this early hour, but it would have to suffice.
Feeling slightly more alert, you followed Sukuna, trailing behind him as he led the way. Your footsteps echoed in the quiet as you descended the stairs and moved through the door, entering the space where Sukuna's domain was manifested.
The familiar chill of his cursed hung thick in the air, a sensation that did little to improve you mood so early in the morning.
As you walked to the center of the domain, Sukuna took his place atop the grotesque 'throne' of skulls, unlike the previous session where he had fought you head-on.
He lounged there with a casual arrogance, one arm draped over the cranium beside him, his fingers idly tapping a rhythm on the horn of the skull.
From this elevated position, he surveyed you, his eyes like two daggers. "Do you still remember what I told you last time, woman?" his voice echoed through the cavernous space.
You met his gaze, your own expression steady despite the lingering fatigue in your voice. "I need to watch the flow of cursed energy, especially upon contact," you replied, the memory of his previous instructions still fresh in your mind.
A satisfied smirk tugged at the corners of Sukuna's lips as he observed your response. "Good, then let's not waste any more time," he declared, with devilish pleasure at the challenge he was about to orchestrate.
With a snap of his fingers, a Grade 2 curse slithered from the shadows, its hideous form crawling along the rock-covered walls of the domain. You muttered under your breath, "Not this again," as you steeled yourself for the impending fight.
This time, however, you drew upon the memory of your previous success, the recollection of having pulled off a Black Flash gave you a sliver of confidence.
If you could replicate that feat, you'd be sure to win.
The curse, resembling a humanoid lizard with a long, whip-like tongue, lashed out from a distance. You dodged its strikes, firing bolts of cursed energy in return. The two of you moved in a deadly dance, each testing the other's limits, but neither gaining a clear advantage.
It was clear that the curse specialized in long-range attacks. You struggled to get close enough to land a proper hit or kick, and your bolts of cursed energy seemed to barely scratch its surface.
Adding to your frustration, Sukuna's mocking voice echoed through the domain.
"Hopeless," he growled, the sneer in his tone unmistakable. "Do you plan to prance around all day, or will you finally show some competence? Close combat, brat—
that's where you'll master your cursed technique. Or did that simple instruction slip your feeble mind?"
Sukuna's taunts stung, but you refused to let them break your focus. You knew you had to change your strategy, and quickly.
Taking a moment to carefully observe the situation, you noticed a distinct pattern to the curse's attacks–it struck exactly three times before retracting its tongue, without fail.
Timing your approach with precision, you dodged the final strike and closed the distance, your body moving with a suprising speed. As you made contact with the curse, you caught a glimpse of something akin to approval glinting in Sukuna's crimson eyes.
Now that you had closed the distance, you launched a flurry of kicks and punches at the curse, your focus intensely trained on trying to make sense of the flow of cursed energy. As your attacks connected, you could feel the fluctuations in both your own cursed energy and that of the creature, but try as you might, you just couldn't seem to grasp the underlying significance.
Meanwhile Sukuna's patience, already thin, began to wear dangerously thin. "Are you truly that dense, woman?"
And in that moment, you couldn't help but silently agree with his insult, feeling incredibly stupid for being unable to decipher your own cursed technique.
Despite the frustration clawing at your focus, your relentless assault began to take its toll on the curse. Each strike, infused with your cursed energy, chipped away at it.
Though the elusive flow required for a Black Flash was out of the question right now, with a surge of strength and a well-timed kick you finally shattered the curse, watching its form disintegrate into the void.
Sukuna observing your win, rose from his 'throne' and descended toward you, his steps deliberate, each one resonating with authority.
"Tell me, woman, have you learned anything from this, or does your incompetence truly know no bounds?"
You shook your head, eyes fixed on the floor, unable to lift them from the shame that rooted you in place.
Until the unexpected sound of tearing fabric pulled your gaze away and unto Sukuna.
He had torn away his robe, revealing the intricate tattoos and toned muscles of his bare chest. Your eyes widened in shock, and a hot flush of embarrassment crept up your cheeks as you stammered out a confused protest. “W-What are you doing? Why are you—"
He closed the distance between you in an instant, his hand snatching your wrist with an tight grip. He pressed your palm firmly against his chest, the heat of his skin against yours sending an unexpected jolt through your body.
Unmoved by the physical contact, Sukuna's expression remained one of cold detachment. His eyes bore into you, as if he could see straight through to your core.
"Focus, brat" he commanded, his voice a low growl of impatience. "Skin on skin contact will amplify the flow of cursed energy. Perhaps even you can't fail to notice with this."
Forcing yourself to ignore the heat rising to your face, you tried to shut out everything but the sensation of the energies mingling at the point of contact. As you did, you began to observe a subtle pattern–your own cursed energy appeared to grow stronger while Sukuna's diminished, ever so slightly.
Sukuna watched you closely and recognized the moment of realization in your eyes. "Finally catching on, are you?" he remarked, a trace of acknowledgement threading through his otherwise harsh tone.
"Cursed Energy Assimilation," he began to explain. "A technique that allows one to absorb cursed energy from an opponent with a mere touch, bolstering your own strength while draining theirs."
A sense of awe washed over you as you came to understand the nature of your cursed technique. You focused more intently on the exchange, watching as your own energy surged with each second of contact. Yet, despite the growing power within you, your body began to feel faint, your face paling under the strain.
Sukuna noticed your waning strength and warned you. "Don't get ahead of yourself woman," a smirk forming on his lips as he reveled in his own strength. "The stronger the opponent, the sooner you'll find yourself crumble. You're not invincible. If you can't handle the cursed energy you're absorbing, it will tear you apart from the inside."
As your legs threatened to buckle, you instinctively pulled your hand away, acknowledging the dangerous truth in his words.
Sukuna stepped back, his interest visibly waning as he turned away from you. With each step towards the door, it became more obvious that this marked the end of the session.
You found yourself unwilling to let it end here just as you'd discovered more, so you called out to him.
"Are we done already?", your voice echoed slightly through the vast space. "I want to learn more, to understand my technique better."
Sukuna halted, his back still turned to you, and you could feel the finality of his reply before he even spoke "I have matters to attend to today, little sorcerer," he retorted, "Why else would I drag myself here at this ungodly hour?"
He paused at the door, his hand resting on the frame as he cast a final glance over his shoulder at you. "Don't get any foolish ideas while I'm gone," he warned, "And after your classes, come straight back here. I'll know if you don't."
After Sukuna's departure you remained in the domain for a little while longer, replaying the events of the training session in your mind. His harsh words and thinly veiled threats still lingered, but a small smile began to tug at the corners of your lips.
You had finally discovered your cursed technique, and the feeling was exhilarating. So was the realization that you might have great potential after all.
As you made your way back to the living space, your steps carried a subtle, newfound confidence. Sukuna was gone, and you relished the brief moment of solitude, deciding to indulge in a well-deserved shower before heading to your classes.
Humming a tune, you stepped into the shower, letting the hot water wash away the grime and fatigue.
The sensation of the warm water streaming down your body triggered an unexpected memory—the warmth of Sukuna's skin against your palm. The recollection sent an involuntary blush across your cheeks, and you were left dumbfounded by your own reaction. It wasn’t as though you were unfamiliar with the sight of a bare chest; you'd had your share of flings and fleeting encounters during nights out with Ayumi in your more reckless years.
It was ridiculous and embarrassing. The man was the epitome of evil; you despised him to the core. Hell, despised didn’t even capture the full extent of your hatred.
So why? Why did this fluster you so?
As if to escape the visceral reminder as soon as possible, you hurriedly washed your hair and turned off the shower.
You grabbed the towel you’d hung over the sink and began to dry off. It was annoyingly small, a pocket-sized towel you'd chosen specifically to save luggage space when moving into the dorms.
Once dry, you groaned as you realized you had forgotten to bring a change of clothes into the bathroom. With only the tiny towel to cover yourself, you decided you'd make a quick dash to your backpack beside the couch. It was just you in the apartment, after all.
The towel, held vertically, offered little coverage—barely obscuring your nipples at the top and your privates at the bottom, leaving your back fully exposed.
After unlocking the bathroom door, you cautiously peered around the corner, ensuring one more time that Sukuna had indeed left the apartment.
Satisfied with the silence that greeted you, you seized the moment, rushing towards your backpack.
Fumbling with the zipper while attempting to maintain your modesty was a feat in itself, but you managed to pry the backpack open. A soft "yes" of triumph escaping your lips.
But your triumph was short-lived. The front door rattled, followed by the unmistakable click of it unlocking.
Your heart hammered in your chest. No, it couldn't be—Sukuna wasn't supposed to return so soon; he said he had plans.
You had no time to run or take cover, and as the door swung open, there stood the King of Curses.
His gaze quickly found you, taking in the sight of your barely covered body with an unmistakable glint of amusement in his eyes.
"Well, what do we have here? Quite the daring display, little sorcerer."
Thanks for reading! I appreciate the support, and I love reading the comments cuties🙏❤️
If you want to be added to the taglist, so you don't miss any updates, please let me know in the comments or with a private message. Thankyou!
Taglist: @sukunasthightattoos , @tomiokasecretlover , @6demonize6me6 , @blindbabycadder , @domainofmarie , @marcoschuitmaker , @geniejunn , @chanaaaannel
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SUMMARY: The year was 2014. With the marriage of Satoru Gojo and Hannah Thames made official, the first of its kind, a bridge had finally been established. Relations between the Jujutsu and Western factions practically improved overnight, bringing hope that Ryomen Sukuna would be exorcized at last, but things are never that simple.
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(Arranged Marriage Fic) Read on AO3
Ch 1: The Wedding
Ch 2: Meetings and Mishaps
Ch 3: The King of Curses
Ch 4: Through Many Dangers, Toils, and Snares
Ch 5: The Strongest
Ch 6: The Siren
Ch 7: A Moment of Grace, A Thread of Enlightenment
Ch 8: After the Rain, Earth Hardens
Ch 9: We Are But Flesh and Bone
Ch 10: There Is No Easy Way To Learning
Ch 11: Laborare Est Orare 
Ch 12: Tomoe’s Warning
Ch 13: Fear No Danger To Ensue 
Ch 14: Into The Belly of the Beast
Ch 15: The Only Way Out Is Through (I)
Ch 16: The Only Way Out Is Through (II)
Ch 17: Reconciled
Ch 18: Fighting the Inevitable
Ch 19: Duch and Butch
Ch 20: A Heart to Heart
Ch 21: Life’s Tiny Victories
Ch 22: The Nature of Bees
Ch 23: Great Courage Is Righteous Anger
Ch 24: Kumari’s Appraisal & Armaments
Ch 25: The Road To A Friend’s House Is Never Long
Ch 26: The Harp
Ch 27: Hiding In Plain Sight
Ch 28: A Burden Shared Is A Burden Halved
Ch 29: Resolution
Ch 30: One Flesh (SMUT)
Ch 31: Honeymoon Phase (SMUT)
Ch 32: 夏油 傑
Ch 33: One Trouble Departed, Again Trouble
Ch 34: Sanity(SMUT)
Sticks and Stones
A Girls’ Night Out
津美紀 (Tsumiki)
真希 (Maki)
The Blindfold
Maidenhair Tree (銀杏)
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sunnydaleherald · 5 days
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Sunday, September 15th
Faith: Let’s have another go at it. See who ends on top.
~~This Year's Girl~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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First Stage by veronyxk84 (Spike, Dawn, PG-13)
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Sugar Water by thisyearsgrrl (Buffy/Faith, Explicit)
Smoke & Ashes by Grundy (Hunger Games crossover, Spike & Effie Trinket, T)
Swallowed Whole by SomeKindOfADeviant (Spike/Angelus, M)
Now I’m ready to close my eyes by Anewhope303 (Buffy/Faith, Explicit)
I Might Be On To Something by Skyson (Buffy/Giles, M)
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the leather jacket by sapphistically (Spike/reader, not rated)
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First Stage by VeroNyxK84 (Spike, Dawn, anthology rated PG-13)
[Chaptered Fiction]
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After Old Friends Leave - Chapter 1-3 (COMPLETE!) by eevol76vamp (Angel, Angel Investigations, Anne Steele, Gunn & Rondell, Angel/Nina, Angel/Spike, not rated)
Buffy Summers’s Baby - Chapter 1-8 by Zetared (Buffy/Angel/Spike, M)
All's Fair in Love and Loss - Chapter 1-2 by Scar_Eve (Buffy & Giles, T)
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Because the Night, Ch. 9 by CheekyKitten (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Lost in Desolation, Ch. 8 by Melme1325 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Love Letters You Never Sent Me, Ch. 2 by Spikelover4ever (Buffy/Spike, R)
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Out of Time: 1942, Ch. 59 by Jonayla (Harry Potter crossover, Buffy/Tom Riddle, FR18)
Blood of Kings, Ch. 4 by Taskmaster (Young Royals crossover, Buffy, Scoobies, FR18)
The Key To The Future, Ch. 2 by LoneFrog (Dawn, FR15)
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Happily Ever After, Ch. 1 by Dusty (Buffy/Spike, R)
What Happens at Willow Creek, Ch. 1 by Alyot (Buffy/Spike, R)
Perfect Clarity, Ch. 29 by VeroNyxK84 (Buffy/Spike, R)
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Gifs: Spike, Oz, Buffy, Willow, Cordelia Tara, Faith (worksafe)
Buffy/Spike manips by spyder-baby (probably worksafe, some nudity)
Vidlet: buffy hits hard but let's be honest, spike loves it by Tiktok user bloody_awful (Buffy/Spike)
Drusilla and Buffy sketch weeee by mistyintherivers (worksafe)
a sort of. classic movie musical poster style thingy bc i loooove once more with feeling by mistyintherivers (Buffy, Scoobies, worksafe)
slightly happier graduation by mistyintherivers (Willow & Jenny, worksafe)
Ep. 4x09 "Something Blue" by o-cm-draw-o (Buffy/Spike, worksafe)
Ep. 6x13 "Dead Things" by o-cm-draw-o (Buffy/Spike, probably NSFW)
Buffy gets a driving lesson by slurping-up-grass (Buffy & Giles, worksafe)
spike + textposts by spikespeaches (NSFW text, canon-typical partial nudity)
Digital drawing: Buffy by stateofdreaminn ()
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[Vid] Let Go crossposted by winterevanesce (Angel & Connor, T)
[Reviews & Recaps]
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i feel like if btvs 5x18 “intervention” had not been written by a woman... by lesbianmarrow
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Becoming part two (you have to give David Boreanaz his due) by Trixieswizzle
The Horror Bandwagon react to "Something Blue" and "Hush"
Is this book any good? [Demons of the Hellmouth: A Guide for Slayers] by bkv-hbl
SHE'S OUR SABRINA! Up The Buff! Ep 3 - Witch - Buffy joins a cult! by BigBadLlama
At the end of Season 3 (how timeless the show is) by EnterTheBlackVault
Are The Novels Good and Worth Reading? by friendofathena
The Gift - First Watch by VikTone
How are the tie-in novels? by flandsfroghurt
Whose friendship did you feel was the most genuine to you or really stood out to you in the series? by veganbethb
Which characters were the most perfectly cast? by beeemkcl
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season One - Review by Marisa Quinn-Haisu
[Recs & In Search Of]
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Video rec: Words can't express how much I'm loving these Buffy reactors. Ashleigh is a trip. by mileenaxyz
[Fandom Discussions]
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Re: Hardest character to write/get the characterization correct for? by coraniaid
Headcanons re: being angel's gf and how it would be dating angelus by fedcrypt
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Why isn't Alexa Davalos part of Angel season 5?, Your thought about her character. [Gwen Raiden] by BabyBlueN7
What's on your Spuffy playlist? by Xenonand
If Cordelia Chase was a teenager in the 21st century - would she be a Influencer? by jdpm1991
Buffy The Vampire Slayer Original Xbox game help. It's super difficult! by Goosetiers
What's the most iconic Angel look? by bkv-hbl
If Xander Harris was a teenager in the 2020's - what social media would he use? by jdpm1991
Creative ways to connect Buffy [the Vampire Slayer] and Angel [the series]? by sadhungryandvirgin
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voraciousvore · 7 months
Giganterra (Prologue)
A g/t medieval AU featuring characters from my other stories. King Richard, the giant ruler of Giganterra, keeps the human kingdom of Minimaterra under his thumb, and it's up to our tiny heroes to stop his reign of terror.
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Table of Contents: Ch. 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 | 46 | 47 | 48 | 49 | 50 | 51 | 52 | 53 | 54 | 55
General Content Warning: this story will feature vore, violence, death, gore, and NSFW/ 18+ content (sex scenes with giants and giantesses, both romantic and non-consensual).
Prologue: soft, fatal, unwilling g/t vore, and some blood; 2.8k words
------ Prologue: Saturn Devouring His Son ------
“I’m going to put a stop to this madness and confront him.” 
Ronny looked up at his older brother Alessandro, the crown prince. His brother was a tall, handsome giant, with a sturdy build, intense dark eyes, and short, slick, black hair. Ronny had always admired Alessandro and hoped to be like him someday. While Ronny inherited the same dark eyes and black hair from his mother, he was smaller and scrawnier, and certainly less confident and courageous. 
“Are you sure that’s a good idea?” Ronny stammered with uncertainty. Confronting their father the king seemed impossible from his perspective. 
“I can’t just stand by and do nothing any longer,” Alessandro declared, clenching his fist with passion. “Perhaps I can reason with him.” He stood up and marched briskly out of the room with purpose. Young Ronny watched him go with a pit of dread forming in his gut. 
Alessandro traversed the long stone corridors of the castle, his footsteps muted by the opulent carpeting. He gritted his teeth and tried to dismiss the nagging doubts that pecked at his brain. He would not allow himself to be dissuaded this time. Innocent lives were at stake, even if they were small and humble. He needed to act. 
He ascended the steps to the king’s private suite, sequestered in the left wing of the castle. His personal guard stood stiffly at the wooden door, immobile despite the lack of eyes observing him. He was a gigantic, hairy, hulking brute of a giant, with a scar running down his weathered face covered by a leather eyepatch. When he spied the crown prince heading his way, he bowed obediently. 
“Ajax,” Alessandro addressed the guard with authority. “I’m here to request an audience with my father.” 
“Very well, Your Highness,” the guard acknowledged, rising back to his feet. “I shall return momentarily.” He left to announce the prince’s presence to the king. Alessandro waited impatiently, tapping his foot on the stones and pacing. Ajax finally returned, gesturing wordlessly for the prince to enter. Alessandro advanced forward with a haughty mien, the guard following silently behind. Paranoid as always, the king insisted that his guard accompany the prince to his quarters, even though his guest was his own flesh and blood. 
“His Royal Highness, Prince Alessandro,” Ajax announced, holding the door as the prince strode in holding his head high. 
“Ah, Alessandro!” a deep masculine voice boomed from within the room. “What a pleasure!” Despite the warm ebullience of the words, Alessandro felt a frigid chill down his spine. His father, King Richard, sat in a luxurious chair of red velvet by the roaring fireplace. Even though the weather outside was bright and sunny, he had the curtains drawn, draping the room in shadow. 
“Come, sit,” the king encouraged, raising a bony hand out of the gloom. The fire reflected off his eyes, making them spark from his foreboding silhouette like the eyes of a demon. The twin lanterns turned towards the door. “That will be all, Ajax,” he commanded in a much harsher tone. Ajax gave a deferential bow and closed the door behind him as he left. 
Alessandro scanned the room with unease as he sat opposite his father in an identical plush chair. His hand strayed to the slim dagger concealed by his side, under his belt. He didn’t want to use it, but he feared he may have no other option if his implorations fell on deaf ears. 
“What brings you to my quarters on this fine day, my son?” King Richard asked. His fingers absently stroked the armrest of his chair, digging into the fabric with thick nails. 
“Father...” Alessandro swallowed, trying to bolster his nerves. “I urgently need to discuss important matters of state. Specifically, regarding our relationship with the human kingdom under your... illustrious protection.” He bit his lip. 
“Ahh... is that so...” the king mused. His lips peeled back into a wolfish grin, his slick teeth glowing orange in the light. “You have my ear.” 
Alessandro took a deep breath to center himself, then spoke the phrases he’d been meticulously arranging in his mind for months now. “Father, I believe our purpose has been corrupted. In olden times, us giants protected the humans from outside forces that would destroy such a delicate people. Our influence was benevolent and mutually beneficial.” He paused to allow his words to sink in. 
“But now... now... our touch is more sinister, more avaricious. We are always demanding more, too much. And this business of insisting upon a tribute of young maidens: I will be frank, it makes me ill, terribly ill.” Alessandro attempted to maintain his outward composure, but his body nevertheless vibrated with poignant emotion. 
“Mmmmm...” the king hummed. “Why don’t we discuss this over wine?” His flippant attitude spiked Alessandro’s temper, but he didn’t dare protest. To his surprise, the king did not call a servant, but rather collected a bottle and two goblets from a nearby table. When he poured wine into one of the goblets, Alessandro thought he saw something glint between his fingers in the firelight—though perhaps it was merely his imagination. 
The king’s pale hand emerged from the shadows to offer a goblet, and Alessandro politely accepted. He held the goblet in his lap and resumed the conversation. “To be blunt, I cannot support these barbaric measures any longer. They are unjust and morally indefensible. We have strayed from the righteous path, and we must correct our course, lest the legacy of our Hardon dynasty be forever tarnished.” 
“Oh, is that so?” A taunting smirk played on his father’s lips. “And what would you have me do?” He took a serene sip of his wine. 
“Stop this madness. Allow the humans full sovereignty. Release them from this heavy burden of tribute. The resources required to secure our border on that side are minimal. We don’t need the humans to pay us in living flesh,” the crown prince recited firmly. 
“Hmmmm. And what would you say, if I rejected your suggestions?” He drank another sip of the red liquid from his goblet and licked his lips. “Have a drink, Alessandro. It will clear your mind.” 
“Father, please. This is very serious.” Alessandro huffed, annoyed by his progenitor’s inability to focus on the issue at hand. He brought the cup to his lips to placate him, pouring a small amount into his mouth and swallowing. “If you refuse to listen... I’m afraid I can no longer support you.” 
“No longer... support?” King Richard straightened in his chair and leaned forward, setting aside his cup and clasping his hands together. His visage finally entered the light, displaying his wrinkled features, graying hair, and striking blue eyes, cold as glaciers. Alessandro was disturbed to behold, instead of the troubled concern he anticipated, a devious leer spreading across the old man’s face. “Alessandro... that smacks of sedition.” 
“Perhaps,” the crown prince replied. He stiffened, his nerves screaming of impending danger, yet he did not flinch from the confrontation. 
“My dear son... I’ve sensed your discontent for a long time coming. I’m surprised it took you this long to come to me with your concerns. I thought you were made of sterner stuff than that.” His grin faded. “You disappoint me.” 
“Father, I—” Alessandro began, but halted as a sharp burning sensation invaded his gut. He placed his hand over his midsection with a grimace. King Richard evinced no surprise as his roguish smile resurfaced. The prince groaned, doubling over as the pain spread through the rest of his body. His goblet of wine toppled over, spilling all over the carpet, but the king didn’t seem to care in the least. His extremities felt like they were being poked with thousands of needles as his joints and bones audibly cracked and crunched. His flesh compressed as if squeezed by the coils of a python, forcing his organs to twist and contort to fill the hollow cavities of his form. His vision swam as the room appeared to distort and warp around him in a distorted mess, the chair beneath him expanding into a sea of velvet. 
Alessandro cried out pitiably in a combination of agony and fear, not fully comprehending what was happening as his innards rearranged and he was swathed in blackness. Something incomprehensibly enormous closed around him and lifted him high up into the air, what felt like an impossible distance. He fought against the powerful mass, pushing against the squishy surface with his limbs, but his strength was insufficient to produce any meaningful yield. He let out a frightened yelp as he was dropped onto a warm, soft, ridged surface.  
Alessandro was beyond baffled, unable to explain all these wild sensations. His heart palpitated in a frenzy, enough to make him dizzy and disoriented. He looked down and blushed as he realized he’d been stripped of all his clothing, as well as his dagger. He was as bare and defenseless as the day he’d been born. His eyes drifted further down to examine the uneven lined surface he was sitting on. He gazed at the patterns dumbly with confusion, which seemed so familiar, yet simultaneously so alien. Nothing made any sense. 
A booming chuckle, accompanied by a gust of warm air, directed his attention skyward. Alessandro froze in shock. His vision was overwhelmed by a gigantic mouth that loomed over him, as wide across as an entire room, with teeth large enough to lounge on like furniture. The prince scrambled back from the terrifying sight, only to run into a wall made of fingers that towered over him like trees, much taller and thicker in diameter than his entire body. He perceived, with horror, that he was cupped in a gargantuan hand. He whimpered with instinctive terror. 
“W-what is this? How?” the prince managed to stammer out, his complexion paling. 
Another resounding chuckle made him shirk back into the giant fingers. “I put a shrinking potion into your wine, you ignorant fool,” the mouth rumbled, bathing the tiny man in humid breath that reeked of wine. “I knew it was only a matter of time before you rose against me. I can’t believe you were too blind and trusting to see this coming.” 
The prince was speechless as the platform of a hand raised up alongside the cliffside of the giant’s face, so that he was eye level with his father, now a colossal beast of unfathomable proportions. His irises were huge and frigid, like mountains in winter, devoid of any empathy. The black holes of his pupils dilated as he examined his miniaturized son with fascination, making Alessandro shiver. King Richard’s gigantic eyes rolled to the side as the gleam of metal caught his attention. 
“Ho, what’s this?” the giant rumbled. He reached into Alessandro’s heap of clothes left behind on his chair and pulled out the dagger. “Ah. I suspected as much.” The shrunken prince gasped as his own blade, glinting with hot flames in the light, was turned against him, the tip touching his bare chest. At his current stature, the blade looked miles long. 
“I ought to carve you up with your own knife for even thinking to stab your father,” the king growled. He pressed the tip harder into the prince’s chest, producing a thin trickle of blood. Alessandro winced. “I could dismember you, limb by limb, slice you open and eviscerate you, decapitate you! A fitting end for a repulsive traitor!” 
He let up on the pressure and cast the dagger to the side. “However... you are still my son, and I have a merciful heart for my own flesh and blood. I shall give you a more suitable death, worthy of the honor of the Hardon bloodline.” The wicked grin plastered on his features hardly seemed to fit his words. The immense hand beneath the diminutive prince abruptly rotated to the side, dropping him. He shrieked as he fell through the air and splashed into a lake of liquid. 
Alessandro resurfaced, sputtering, and rubbed the substance out of his eyes. From the taste, he recognized it as the very same wine he’d drank earlier. As his vision cleared, he was horrified to find himself swimming in a huge vat of wine, encompassed in a circle by smooth gilded walls. He turned ashen as his father’s mountainous face hovered above the edge of the cup. 
“No... you wouldn’t...” he choked, as the obvious implications of this action sank in. 
“Quite the contrary, my son, I would!” King Richard guffawed cruelly, hurting the prince’s delicate little eardrums with his deafening voice. “What better way for you to die than to add your strength to my physical body? Isn’t that poetic?” 
“No... please... don’t...” Alessandro implored with escalating alarm, as the king swirled the wine in his cup, his bloodthirsty leer deepening. The prince flapped his arms to stay afloat, staring in horror up at the king’s mouth, blown up before him in grotesque detail. The slick surfaces of his teeth shined with saliva, marred by a microscopic chip in one of the teeth on the side, a feature that Alessandro never noticed prior, when he was a proper giant. The huge slab of meat that constituted the tongue emerged and dragged along the teeth and thin lips, wetting them further. 
Alessandro’s heart jumped into his throat as the vast set of lips settled on the rim. The cup angled, causing the wine to flow, along with Alessandro, towards certain death. The prince frantically swam in the opposite direction, but failed to beat the current as it dragged him closer to the giant mouth. The lips parted, revealing a foreboding cavity of darkness that stretched deep within. Alessandro screamed as he watched the upper lip and incisors pass over his head, and he was sucked into the maw. His last view of light was extinguished as the mouth closed, encasing him in a semicircle of teeth and gums. 
The prince struggled for his life, to no avail. The king stirred the sip of wine in his mouth at a leisurely pace, savoring the moment. The tiny prince banged against his molars, bounced on his massive, squishy tongue, and hit his head on the hard curved palate above. He cried out in terror as gallons of wine began to drain down the tube beyond the tongue, carrying him with it. He tried to grab the uvula at the back of the throat to halt his descent, but failed miserably, instead sliding down the base of the tongue and into the dark pit below. The throat received him eagerly and gulped him down in a suffocating embrace. 
The poor little prince could hardly move as the powerful muscular contractions forced him down, down a terrifying drop into a nightmarish, claustrophobic new hell. A thunderous heartbeat thudded in his ears, along with gusts of wind from prodigious lungs, as he was constricted through the giant’s noisy chest. He plummeted further, overwhelmed with mindless fear as ominous grumbling resounded louder around him, announcing the next step of his horrific journey through King Richard’s digestive system. He wasn’t ready. He hadn’t mentally prepared himself for such unspeakable horrors. 
His legs were suddenly free, and he kicked them wildly as he was pushed through the esophageal sphincter into the stomach. He plopped into a puddle of stinging fluid, gasping for breath as rancid, acidic fumes assaulted his eyes and nose. He couldn’t see anything in the darkness, but he could feel the stomach walls churning around him, the excessive heat, the acid sloshing and bubbling and slowly eating away at his skin. The various sounds of the gastric juices stirring and gurgling, the meat walls squelching as they shifted, and the reverberating heartbeat and breathing, overwhelmed him and made him involuntarily shudder. 
He was done for. He was going to die. The appalling truth hit him with the force of a sledgehammer. He had utterly failed, and his death would be in vain. He lamented his failure, even as his vision turned gray from the thin air, and his consciousness slipped away from him. His last thoughts were thick with regret. He wished he’d said a proper goodbye to his younger siblings, his little brother and sister, before his death. He wished he could’ve saved the little humans trapped at the castle and shielded the human kingdom from King Richard’s reign of terror. He wished he could’ve made a difference, and his life had held any meaning at all. His piteous pleas for clemency were left unheard, as he suffocated and his life ended, and his body dissolved into the acid like any other scrap of meat. 
King Richard sat back down in his chair with a luxurious stretch and drank his wine, reveling in his success. He patted his belly as he felt the feeble squirms within gradually fade. He smirked, running his tongue over his teeth. There would be no rebellion, no regicide on his watch. He did what he had to do, even if the necessary measures including devouring and killing his own heir, his pride and joy. For he wasn’t just some meek pushover: He was King Richard Hardon, the most ruthless and Machiavellian ruler of them all. 
Chapter 1
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sterkeyra · 1 month
Kento Kuroe - Main Story Walkthrough
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With "Can We Start Over?" we got the first of the three new titles that Voltage announced for this year. It actually fits the summer vibe that we have right now compared to the JP release back in April 🤭 Each of the new IPs will be Love Choice (so you get to read for free for the general plot but any kind of cute scene costs hearts). Compared to Plust its not possible to unlock SHE without hearts - just by choosing the correct options - sadly. Additionally, all of the new titles currently seem to have 2 LIs.
In this case we have Kento Kuroe and Ryo Haruki. They are childhood friends of the MC, however they haven't seen each other in ages ever since she moved away. The story starts with MC witnessing her fiancee having an affair with a younger colleague. A similar premise to Kings of Paradise or In Your Arms Tonight :)
However, MC gave up her apartment and job to devote herself to the fiancee so she stands with the back to the wall and flees to her hometown. There she has a fateful encounter with her two childhood friends that now live together in a sharehouse and luckily there's still a free room so the healing journey can begin.
Kento is quite the sweetheart. He seems cold and abrasive but he is a bad actor and has a soft spot for his childhood friend. His intentions are sometimes so hilariously obvious that it's amusing how often MC is clueless about his actions. It's great that Ryo is a great wingman and Kentos comrade in (h)arms, because they both suffer under MCs cluelessness so they support each other. To be honest, they probably might have not ended up together without his nagging because they had such bad timing and both struggled to utter there wishes because they didn't want to inconvenience each other.
It was a very sweet and funny ride and I think especially fans of Taki, My Last First Kiss or Dreamy Days in West Tokyo might quite enjoy the title. While the title is mostly soft it does have its mature moments as well and I think the characters were quite well developed. I wouldn't say that MC does not shine with her personality.
As i've seen a few people overexaggerating the prices i've decided to make a min budget walkthrough where you can get SHE and all CGs for about 136 Hearts. If you buy hearts via their webshop you might get it for about 12-14$.
Here as promised the guide, just choose the ✨ options for the budget guide:
Kento Kuroe - Main Story
18 LM needed for HE 23 LM needed for SHE
✨Ch 4 - 5 ❤️ / 1LM Ch 5 - 10 ❤️ / 1LM ✨Ch6 - 16 ❤️ / 2LM + CG Ch 8 - 16 ❤️ / 1LM ✨Ch 9 - 0 ❤️ / 1LM ✨Ch 10 - 18 ❤️ / 3LM + CG Ch 12 - 12 ❤️ / 1LM ✨Ch 13 - 14 ❤️ / 3LM Ch14 - 15 ❤️ / 2LM ✨Ch15 - 17 ❤️ / 4LM Ch16 - 20 ❤️ / 2LM Ch17 - 16 ❤️ / 2LM Ch18 - 24 ❤️ / 3LM ✨Ch19 - 29 ❤️ / 4LM + CG
Min amount for HE 96 ❤️ Min amount for SHE 136 ❤️
Total amount of hearts for all choices: 212
Here's the outlook on the CGs to check what you can look forward to, full resolution in the app! Give him a try if childhood friend tropes are your thing! Even with similar premise to other titles it still felt refreshing 😄
Oh yes and Season 2 is slated for the end of the year!
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foxes-that-run · 10 months
2016 Haylor Timeline
Timeline Tag, back to 2015.
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1 January - Yachtgate with Kendall, OOTW video released with Haylor references galore, including HS on her wrist. 12 Jan - CH and TS seen for for last time till March.
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6 January - Harry posted photo of rain on a window. On 6 January 2015 Taylor posted Clear Blue Water" which may have been the day they last broke up.
14 January - rather than dine alone with CH TS encourages 14 year old fan sit with them
16 January - taylor wears outfit and hair like Delicates making of a song to visit Jaime King
17 January - Taylor didn't acknowledge Calvin's birthday. Taylor is in New York
18 January - Tabloid gossip that Taylor is jealous of the yacht, she had been liking angsty Tumblr posts about Harry. Out of the Woods official release Taylor back in LA
20 January - Harry arrives at LAX. Also seen in LA 22 and 23rd.
21 January - Harry celebrates 22nd Birthday in London, early, with Nick Grimshaw, stylist spends the night in his house. Kendall flies LA to Paris…. if she and Harry were dating she would have flown a day early and been at his London birthday party??
23 January - Taylor releases New Romantics. Kendall and Harry at Jeff's birthday roast. Kendall is wearing a Big o' Fur (Pop tart??) and leaves alone.
24 January - Harry celebrates his 22nd birthday in LA, also early with Glenn (Jeff's wife) and presumably others.
26 January - 58th Grammys, Taylor performed Out of the Woods, Harry posted photo of woods.
27 January - Harry signs with Jeff Azoff, also in LA. timeline
29 January - Taylor posted ““So how do you spend your time now that the tour is over?”” in Genius shirt with video with Meredith, I love it.
1 February - Harry unseen on birthday, tweets "I don't know about you, but I'm feeling 22."
2 February Harry looked fine AF in this Hawaiian shirt
11 February - Kanye releases Famous - it's snake time.
14 February - TN posts “you bring the James dean I’ll bring the red lip” Valentine’s Day. Harry at Clive Davis party
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16 February - Taylor wins the Grammy Album of the Year for 1989. Calvin was at an after-party in a t-shirt. In Miss Americana (21 mins in) she says 'I remember thinking afterwards, Oh my god, that was all you wanted. You get to the mountaintop and you look around and Oh god, what now? I didn't have a partner I climbed it with, I didn't have anyone I could relate to, I had my mom, but I wondered shouldn't I have someone I could call right now? Harry in LA
20 February  - Harry records 'Sweet Creature' in LA. In the Album show at the Troubadour (21:40) Harry introduced 'Sweet Creature' saying it was the first song written in the studio a couple of weeks after his birthday. He was photographed in the studio 20 February.
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21-29 February - CH starts Ole, it references Harry and Hendall The video (screen shots in the top line above) is about a guy who neglects his GF, the lyrics of the song are about a girl who cheats on her BF but goes on trips. The lyrics include "lowkey" aka 'Loki' and refer to the trip they take 2 weeks later - so he worked on it more. Kanye releases Famous
26 February  - Taylor out in LA
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28 February - Taylor looks amazing at the Vanity Fair Oscar Party alone. Harry tweets 'you can shake an apple off a tree ' (Elvis Presley Stuck on You lyric)..... 0_0  and posted a colour photo to IG of a scrabble game thanking for voting for Brits. HS IG has been b&w since OOTW, but this was in screaming colour! ❤️
3 March - Harry tweets Norah Jones Come Away with me lyrics "The yellow grass grows knee high."
6 March - Harry seen buying groceries in Hampstead
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7 March - CH and TS 1 anniversary TS thin and uncomfortable.
13 March - Harry in London, gets parking ticket.
13 - 15 March Taylor and Calvin Bikini photos in the Bahamas. A 5 hour flight, 3 nights, 4 swimsuits. Rumour they flew separately. Complete with swan inflatable for added shade. :/
15 March Harry back in LA at Cafe Habana Malibu
16 March - KK posts TS where’s the drop. Blind Calvin hooked up with someone. Harry in Beverly Hills, 24 at St Laurent
25 March - Taylor back in LA and Harry also back in LA same day, LA on the 6th, 11 April & 20 April (kid harpoons birthday).
3 April -Taylor and Calvin attended the iHeart Radio Awards, arrive separately. He looked bored, didn’t thank her. Made a face when Taylor thanked him, she didn’t every time. Calvin on his phone during her last acceptance speech. Rumors they are having trouble. Harry in LA he bought a fan’s family dinner the night before. Harry papped buying fuel in LA.
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7 April - Taylor shopping at St Laurent, (which Harry had been wearing all the time) and looking like the Ready For It..? VM
8 April Blind Taylor and Calvin talk-fighting on paper walk. Harry seen shopping with Kid Harpoon and Kendall, “watch KUWK May 1
9 April Harry seen leaving Nobu Malibu
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15 April -Coachella, black skinny jeans and Chelsea boots in top right of pool photo on Taylor’s instagram. Taylor at Coachella with bleached hair and a 'This Is What You Came For' jacket. CH performed. She also released that Drake Apple ad. KK there
16 April - Taylor vogue cover
22 April - Harry Tweet's "it's not the Ribbons in your Hair" Cars Just what I needed lyrics about not minding anything because a person is who they needed.
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April 29 - this is what you came for:
28 April - Taylor is Bewjelled at Gigi Hadid's 21st birthday . Harry is not photographed there, but is also in L.A. the next day
29 April - This Is What You Came For is released. Taylor was an uncredited writer and has backing vocals. CH later throws shade about her not promo-ing it. Later blind that TIWYCF is about person Taylor cheating with. Calvin has an interview with Nick Grimshaw (!) in his house, where he says John Newman was there last week (Ole), talks about how John Newman has a great track coming, that the guide vocal (Taylor's) could not get better then he heard Rhianna's and it was much better:
30 April - Taylor NY for Met Gala dinner, wearing Billy Joel shirt. Calvin goes on radio and (at 2:30) says Taylor is on a break, they haven't spoken about a collab.
In August  the video has a similar hawaiian shirt but in red, he  posts to his instagram photos of him wearing one like Harry's
They then marked this day - in 2017 Harry marks the anniversary of this by getting papped in that same shirt! hahahaha
In 2018 - Calvin Harris later tweets that he grew a beard to get a Grammy
October 2022 - High Infidelity released, it opens with 'lock broken, slur spoken' and includes 'Do you really want to know where I was April 29th? Do I really have to chart the constellations in his eyes?
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1 May - Taylor has dinner at Anna Wintour's house with Tom Hiddleston and James Corden!
2 May - Taylor at met gala, TS meets Joe, Hiddleswift starts.
5 May -  Erskine Records,
7 May - Harry, back in London, cuts off his hair - farewell LHH. 'Only a few songs' were recorded for his Debut before Dunkirk. Taylor posts photo of herself at Met Gala with "we never go out of style"
17 May - Harry’s friend Matt Irving’s funeral.
May - 1D purchased its f to j shares back off the band and they sold director titles, each was paid £14m. They still receive royalties. Harry stopped using his twitter, PR tweets since
20 May - Taylor and Calvin seen together for the last time in a carpark. Blind that implies Calvin did something “I give the "relationship" another week […] what happened last night is going to open a whole bunch of boxes.”
22 May - Calvin in car accident, Taylor doesn’t go to hospital. Blinds implying drugs involved, but police report says no drugs and Calvin a passenger. He has a cut to the face in an SUV, other car a beetle with teenagers with pelvic features, the other car hit CHs
23 May - July  Harry shoots Dunkirk, in France on radio he said he just slept when not filming and did not make music.
2 June - CH and TS breakup confirmed on Twitter
13 June - Taylor rents house in Cornelia Street
14 June - Taylor first seen with Tom Hiddleston. Article on Taylor staged photos
16 June - tabloid gossip that Calvin Harris sent a music exec a dick pick was break up reason
23 June - both Harry and Taylor are in London. Calvin admits Taylor controlled break up media
2 July - Harry signed a solo contract for $80m, with Columbia
4 July - the last 4th July party, (until 1989-esk gathering in 2023) with I heart TS hiddleswift exploits. Harry was in London.
13 July - taylorswiftisoverparty hashtag trending CH was messy as hell on Twitter, TMZ reports taylor wrote TWYCF, the notes are now corrected. Joe in London
17 July - Kim K posts that she has a recording of Snake convo. Harry was quick to provide supportive comments.
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21 July - Kendall posts "tea time" with photo Taylor later copies in LAWYMMD video. Also likes anti-swift posts.
8 August - Taylor performs at oil heir Mike Hess's 30th birthday in the Hamptons and grinds on him, no Tom Hiddleston.
21 August - Daisy Lowe posts a person in a Harry styles tshirt to IG
24 August - Hiddleswift officially over, Tom has talked to media. Taylor wears this yellow outfit in New York which Calvin copied in the ole video.
25 August - Harry seen in LA, first time he has been seen for 16 days. Wears a similar shirt to Ole. End of Dunkirk shooting.
29 August - Taylor Lover Journal "this summer is the apocalypse" Nashville. Taylor still in NY. Rumour Harry saw her in NY.
30 August - Taylor not at VMAs due to Jury Duty
2 September - Kendall and Harry at Nobu in LA, Dunkirk wraps. Harry not seen for another 15 days after.
3 September - Harry buys LA House. He listed it for sale in May 2017 and in 2019 sold it at a loss.
5 September - Harry has dinner with Kendall then disappears. Could have been when he first went to Jamaica.
9 September - Taylor front row Gigi's fashion show
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19 September  - Taylor writes a lot of reputation. Taylor flies to NY and attends Max Martin & Shellback studio. (The Swift Life video) Works on Gorgeous, I Did Something Bad, Delicate & King Of My Heart. Joe in London at Burberry show.
22 September - Hendall over, Harry hasn't been seen for 15 days.
25 September - Harry posts 3 white squares to IG
28 September - Taylor was with Cara Delevingne and Joe was in London.
29 September Harry’s another man mix tape with HS1 inspiration/ clues and Haylor love songs. Capital FM runs an article "DJs Are Just As Baller As Multi-Millionaire Rappers & Here's The Proof" and use a photo of Calvin copying Harry's St Laurent shirt!
4 October - Joe Alwyn in London, last seen 2 weeks earlier also in London. First time they are actually in same place since May. Lover Journal 3 January says they had been dating 3 months so that lines up. Their anniversary was never 28 September.
6 October - Harry in London, last seen 5 September in LA, next seen 3 November in LA.
13 October - Taylor and Joe attend Kings of Leon show. In this video, Joe enters The Bowery with another blonde at (0:43) Taylor enters at 1:24. Joe in NY for 'Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk' Premiere and press conferences
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15 October - Rumour that Harry was seen at the airport in Jamaica. He stayed there for 2 months writing HS1. (the funny thing about that is that the rumor was true and the 'insider' tumblr said it wasn't.) At 30 mins into Harry Styles: Behind the Album Harry says they had had a week in a 'total hole.' "I can't write songs" he said in the first time in a long time I had actually done something and then came back to the studio and wrote Carolina, which was the last song on the album. He's wearing the same blue hawaiian St Laurent Shirt while recording it.
20 October - Big Little Town releases "Better Man" written for Red.
21 October  - Someday is released. "Someday maybe when we're old and gray, We could be in love once more. Till then I won't give my love away, Darling, I'm forever only yours".
22 October - Taylor plays a very Haylor setlist at US Grand Prix and also performs TIWYCF
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October - November Harry records his debut in Jamaica. He meets Mitch - see behind the album.This photo from Jan 2017 in an LA studio. Worse version of Famous leaked.
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24 October - Taylor at Drakes Birthday with a golden tattoo (dress) with Karlie Kloss
31 October - Taylor posts photos of Halloween party where she wore deadpool costume. Harry unseen, last seen on 6th in London
1 November - Taylor reveals she wrote Better Man in a post, it goes to #1
3 November - Harry seen back in LA at Kendall birthday and concert next day. Joe in Taipei Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk.
5 November  - Harry seen at Meghan Trainor's surprise party
8 November - Karlie and Taylor at Lorde's birthday, this is the last time she is seen hanging out with KK. On 8 November Trump elected, KKs husband is connected.
November - To Zane Lowe (48 mins) Taylor said about Evermore
"There was a sort of a double meaning to the months that are mentioned and the feelings that are mentioned one of the meanings is that we were I wrote this song and these lyrics when we were coming up to the election and I didn't know what was going to happen. So almost I was almost preparing for the worst to happen and trying to see some sort of glimmer at the at the at the end of the tunnel. The last verse you know the song is it goes through walking through the forest barefoot in the middle of winter or standing on a balcony and letting the icy wind just hit you and you're catching your death. Then in the last verse the person goes inside and finally is warm and finally is safe. It's about the process of finding hope again but it also reflected back to an experience that I had that was pretty life altering when I went through like a bunch of bad stuff in 2016 in like July, November all those times were just sort of taking it day by day to get through trying to find some trying to find a glimmer of hope all of that so I was coming from both of those perspectives"
9 November - Joe in Hong Kong for Billy Lynn's Long Halftime walk premiere
11 November - Taylor goes to Joe's movie screening, he's not named in press about it.
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19 November - Reputation magazine "how do you feel about having a song written about you" photo
25 November - Harry seen in LA, then not seen again till 30th.
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26 November - Taylor thanksgiving in RI, Lily D, Lily A, and Todrick. Karlie not invited, Joe not pictured. Lily D posts on her snapchat that her uber driver (Taylor) is “so pretty.” Harry MIA
5 - 30 November - Harry in LA.
30 November - Harry got coffee in LA
3 December - Harry arriving at Heathrow in London
7, 8 20th December - Harry in London
10 December - "I Don't Wanna Live Forever" released with Zayn, there are HS looking figures and outfits like the 2015 VS show
26 November - Taylor thanksgiving in RI, Lily D, Lily A, and Todrick. Karlie not invited, Joe not pictured. Lily D posts on her snapchat that her uber driver (Taylor) is “so pretty.” Harry MIA
5 - 30 November - Harry in LA.
30 November - Harry got coffee in LA
3 December - Harry arriving at Heathrow in London
7, 8 20th December - Harry in London
10 December - "I Don't Wanna Live Forever" released with Zayn, there are HS looking figures and outfits like the 2015 VS show
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13 December - Taylor has party in London house she rented in Frognall, near Hampstead which is in the Reputation book. Karlie Kloss posts a throwback photo of Taylor for her birthday, years later stories emerge that they had a falling out over Karlie throwing a party at Taylor’s NY apartment which TS refers to in LAWYMMD.
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28 December - there is an unconfirmed sighting of Harry and Taylor (Lover journal indicates Taylor in London. Harry seen in London (the next day) and soon after Taylor gave Austin a record signed by a friend of Harry's
31 December - Photos of Taylor and Joe getting ready thought to be taken this day. Later only 7 photos leak in 2020.  Harry in Holmes Chapel on NYE
Continue in 2017
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countrymusiclover · 2 years
Fire OF A Stark
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Cadence Stark also secretary known as Lynesse Targaryen daughter of Rhaegar and Elia Martell. Surving twin sister of Aegon all thanks to Ned Stark who took her in as his own daughter. But the dragon struggles to keep up the lies when she meets Jaime Lannister and is betrothed to be his wife. The difficult task is will they allow their walls down to let the other in.
Ch 1 - The Queen’s Twin Brother
Ch 2 - Wines and Swords
Ch 3 - The King’s Command
Ch 4 - Bethrothed Lion and Wolf
Ch 5 - Wedding Grey to Gold
Ch 6 - Cadence Lannister
Ch 7 - Stark Camp
Ch 8 - The Secrets We Keep
Ch 9 - In The Name Of Father
Ch 10 - Defending the Enemy
Ch 11 - Suspicious Intentions
Ch 12 - Wolf Vs Lion
Ch 13 - His Equal
Ch 14 - Prisoners of Locke
Ch 15 - Can A Lion Be Trusted
Ch 16 - Bear Rescue
Ch 17 - Back In King's Landing
Ch 18 - Spirit Of A Dragon
Ch 19 - The Dragon and The Lion
Ch 20 - Trial of a Dwarf
Ch 21 - Dragons Can’t Be Caged
Ch 22 - An Heirs Dream
Ch 23 - Two Dragons Now
Ch 24 - Rhaenyra’s Crown
Ch 25 - Dragons VS Dragons
Ch 26 - She's Both Wolf and Dragon
Ch 27 - She's Ours
Ch 28 - The Trip Back North
Ch 29 - The Pack Survives
Ch 30 - Ramsay Bolton
Ch 31 - Knights of the Vale
Ch 32 - Regaining the North
Ch 33 - The North Remembers
Ch 34 - Peter Baelish
Ch 35 - Dragons in the North
Ch 36 - The Night King
Ch 37 - Battle Celebration
Ch 38 - The Lannister Heirs
Ch 39 - The Future of Westeros
Ch 40 - The Targaryen Queen
Ch 41 - Royals Grand Feast
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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