#1st Appearance of Blindspot
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keycomicbooks · 6 months ago
SUPERMAN #44 (1990) Jerry Ordway Cover, Story & Pencils, Dennis Janke Inker, 1st Appearance of Blindspot, Featuring Batman
#SUPERMAN #44 (1990) #JerryOrdway Cover, Story & Pencils, #DennisJanke Inker, 1st Appearance of #Blindspot, Featuring #Batman "DARK KNIGHT OVER METROPOLIS PART 1 - GREEN DEATH IN CRIME ALLEY" A string of connected murders lead the #DarkKnight Detective to Metropolis—and Superman. https://www.rarecomicbooks.fashionablewebs.com/Superman%20Comics%202.html#44 @rarecomicbooks Website Link In Bio Page If Applicable. SAVE ON SHIPPING COST - NOW AVAILABLE FOR LOCAL PICK UP IN DELTONA, FLORIDA #KeyComicBooks #DCComics #DCU #DCUniverse #KeyIssue
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delaber · 4 years ago
Just Friends (Part 12)
Story Summary: After moving to America for a 3-month long internship, you meet two interesting characters on a boring night out.
Word Count: 4.6K
Pairing: Rafael Casal x Reader
Warnings: Alcohol, minor drug use, smut, angst, slight dom!Rafa, swearing, and loads of British references (sorry not sorry lol)
Chapter Note: Okay so I probably should’ve tagged this story with angst. Whoops. Sorry guys
Tag List: lonelydance mysearchforgratification ramp-it-up blndspotting summerofsnowflakes exrthangel honeysucklechocolatedrippin captaintightpants58
Other Parts: See Masterlist
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On Friday at 11 pm, you practically ran out the door of the lab, happy that you had managed to get so much work done within the past week. You needed some well-deserved time off and you could not wait to see Rafa and party with him and his friends all night. You had changed into the green dress that Samantha had picked out for you and was careful not to get it all sweaty as you fast-paced to the closest metro-line, hopping on the first train, eager to party.
As you arrived outside the guys' house, you could tell that it was already packed with people as laughter and rap music was booming out of the open windows in the kitchen. With a significant bounce in your step, you walked to the front door and stepped inside. The music was almost unbearably loud inside the house as you took a look around the room.
With Diggs' birthday present in hand (a bottle of Scotch and some British toffees) you did a quick scan for either the birthday boy or Rafa but was interrupted by a voice coming from the kitchen, "are you looking for Daveed? ‘Cause he disappeared into the bathroom with a girl a couple of minutes ago," a beautiful woman smiled at you. You vaguely recognised her as the girl who'd played Rafa's girlfriend in Blindspotting.
"Glad to hear that he's enjoying his birthday," you laughed, "you wouldn't happen to know where I can find Rafael?"
The girl's eyes widened, "Ooh! You're the British chick that Rafa's been on and on about for months now!" she presented her hand to you, "I'm Jasmine."
You shook her hand but your mind was elsewhere, "Rafa's been on about me... for months?"
"Yeah! I first heard about you way back in November at our annual Thanksgiving-party. He didn't know how to woo you," Jasmine smiled warmly, "and when I saw him again on Christmas day, he was still talking about wooing you even though he hadn't seen you since."
"You're kidding me!" you laughed.
"Nope!" Jasmine joined you in laughing, "he was clearly wounded by how completely uninterested you were," she chuckled.
"Aw, that poor little famous man!"
"Yeah it does get to his head sometimes. So it's really great when someone like you finally shows up and forces him to take it down a notch."
"Always happy to kindly pick him apart," you joked.
"Oh, you did way more than that!" Jasmine smiled, "to this day he will not shut up about you," she groaned playfully, "what happened? Did he finally drop by your house as we all advised him to do?"
"Nope," you shook your head with a low chuckle, "we actually bumped into each other randomly at new years."
"Ugh, I knew he'd chicken out!" Jasmine sighed, "Well I'm glad to hear that it worked out anyway - even though I have to admit that it's slightly hurtful that he didn't take any of his friends' advice," she smiled, "especially since we all told him to do the same thing; just leave a damn note."
Although you were flattered that Rafa had been talking to his friends about you even before you'd bumped into him again on new years, you had to admit that it was mildly surprising too. You were slowly realising that Rafa may have downplayed exactly how much he had thought about you in the weeks between your first and second encounter.
Jasmine's voice brought you back to reality, "You got him good," she laughed, "I don't think he's had such a challenge in years! It clearly humbled him that you didn't throw yourself at him at the first chance you got. We all adore you for leaving him desperate for more on the curb."
"Glad to be of service!" You laughed as well, already fond of Jasmine. She seemed just as carefree and bubbly as Samantha.
"Why don't we go see if we can find him? I know he's been dying for you to get here, looking at his phone every two seconds," Jasmine smiled at you.
"Yeah, I've been looking forward to it too," you smiled.
"I think he's playing beer pong in the living room."
You put down Daveed's present on a small table and followed Jasmine to the next room where most of the party goers were either dancing, talking in clusters, or playing various drinking games. Just as Jasmine had predicted, Rafa was playing beer pong with a group of people looking excitedly at the game unfolding before them. Rafa was in a light shirt and black slacks, the golden bracelet he always wore swung loosely around his wrist. His hair was in its normal slight swoop, the stubble on his chin a bit longer than you'd seen it before. He looked damned good as he was laughing with his friends.
"Hey Casal!" Jasmine said and gained his attention.
Rafa looked up at her with an expectant look on his face, clearly waiting for her continue speaking. His gaze quickly flickered to you, and when your eyes finally met, he had the same reaction as the night you'd met on new years eve; eyes softening significantly, smile slowly cracking on his face until his mouth was spread as wide as it possibly could, a hand flying to his heart as he took in your appearance. Without breaking his eye contact with you, he padded his teammate on the back and mumbled something to him before he stepped over to you, immediately pulling you tight against his chest.
"Hi," he whispered softly against you, "fuck, you look amazing," he grumbled, "I love that dress," his hands slid over your back and came to a rest just above your hip bone.
"Thanks. You look very handsome," you threw your arms around his waist, and looked up at him, almost wishing you could kiss him.
"Is it the beard?" he smiled, a slight growl to his voice.
"Yeah, you look almost grown-up," you chuckled, "where's the snarky boy from the bar?"
"Oh, he's long gone," Rafa winked down at you before he let you go when his teammate shouted his name.
"Hey, why don't you go make yourself a drink and I'll join you shortly?" he smiled, and sent Jasmine a look that silently asked her to take care of you.
"Come," Jasmine tugged on your arm, "I could use a drink as well."
You reluctantly left Rafa to go back to his game of beer pong and followed Jasmine to the other end of the living room. You both mixed a piña colada from the self-service bar, and sat down in a vacant spot in the sofa.
You looked around at the rest of the people in the sofa area, eyes almost immediately interlocking with the man you had met in the living room as you had snuck out the door on January 1st. He looked at you playfully, "Oh hey! I almost didn't recognise you with your clothes on!"
"Oh god," you groaned and laughed in the hopes of shrugging off the embarrassment you felt at the thought, "Definitely not my finest moment!"
"You don't say," he laughed and filled Jasmine in on what had happened that morning. Apparently, they knew each other as well.
"You walked out on Rafa on new years day as well?" Jasmine chuckled, "No wonder he was so grumpy when I called and wished him and Diggs a happy new year."
"Oof, you should've seen him when he found out you'd snuck out the door," the man sent you an anxious smile, "he was not happy! ...But you made up I'm guessing," he said, still smiling widely, "seeing as you're here and all."
"We did," you nodded, slightly embarrassed by how all of his friends apparently were involved in your situation but you shrugged it off with a joke, "so he only uses his friends to unload when he's frustrated? He hasn't even gotten around to tell you all about the happy ending and our rekindling friendship," you smiled.
"Yeah, he's a dick," Jasmine chuckled.
Sofa-man laughed, "Nah, we can take it. We all know that he's just insanely private about the women he fall in love with."
"The women he fall in love with?!!?!" You shrieked but no one really seemed to hear neither your voice nor your heart that was beating like crazy in your chest.
Rafa was in love????
"Oh come on," Jasmine rolled her eyes at sofa-man, "He's not private at all! He just hasn't had anyone to tell us about for years! You know Rafa. He's a big softie posing as a tough guy."
"Yeah, well that's true," the man laughed, "It's actually quite nice to finally meet the woman who was able to tie that boy down."
You felt yourself going dizzy. This was a lot to take in. Did you already mean as much to Rafa as his friends were implying? You were aware of the fact that he was insanely sexually attracted to you and that he was fond of your company - and if you were completely honest with yourself, you also knew that Rafa had a major crush on you but by the way his friends were talking about it Rafa had fallen in lo-
"Heeeeey!" a man behind you broke your stream of thoughts as he put his hands on your shoulders, "you came!"
You looked up to a smiling Daveed who looked quite tipsy.
"Daveed!" you did your best to look excited as if the news that Jasmine and the other guy had broken to you a few seconds before hadn't toppled you, "happy birthday!"
"Aw thanks," he hugged you, "did you say hi to Rafa? He's right over there," he pointed to an overly-confident Rafa who was juggling two ping pong balls.
"Yeah, we just came from over there," Jasmine laughed from beside you.
"Oh Jas!" Daveed said excitedly as if he'd only just realised that she was there, "I see you've finally met Rafa's girl!"
Before Jasmine had even had the chance to think of an answer, you swooped around, "not his girl," you pointed at Daveed and said for what felt like the millionth time since you'd gotten to know him. "I'm not Rafa's girl," you looked back at Jasmine and the man from January 1st too. They both shot you weird looks.
"Oh, trust me. You're his girl," Daveed snickered, apparently not catching on to your tone.
"I assure you I'm not!" you smiled sweetly, "we're just friends. Please stop calling me his girl. We’re friends,” you were aware that your voice was sounding desperate and pleadingly.
The smile finally disappeared from Daveed's face when he heard your tone of voice, "Are you sure Rafa's aware of that?" he furrowed his eyebrows.
"He knows!" you nodded to convince him.
"Uh, that's not really the vibe he's been sending," sofa-man said quietly from behind you.
You looked between the three friends, all of them sending you concerned looks.
"Uuuuh.... I... I need to run to the bathroom real quick," you said suddenly and stood up from the sofa, grateful that your feet took you away from the conversation without you really having to steer them. They walked in the opposite direction of the bathroom, steering towards the pool area outside instead. Air! You needed air!
You quickly walked by Rafa and his group of friends playing beer pong, praying that he didn't see you, but luckily it seemed as if he was far too concerned with the last cup standing in front of the opposite team to notice anything else.
Quickly, you opened the door to the outside, snaked your way out and slid it soundlessly shut behind you. You sat down on a bench overlooking the pool thinking about what Rafa's friends had said. Was he really so smitten with you? You couldn't decide whether you felt happy or suffocated. You were going home in a week for crying out loud! If Rafa had fallen in love with you it would complicate things a bunch! You cursed yourself for having played along for so long when deep down you knew that it was bound to happen to at least one of you. You felt like a bloody idiot!
Although... if you were completely honest with yourself, you had to admit that Rafa wasn't the only one who was smitten; you had fallen for him pretty hard as well. You had tried to fight it relentlessly but in the end his sincere nature and sweet gestures had made cupid shoot heart-shaped arrows at you. You thought of the last couple of weeks and how hard it had been for Rafa to keep his hands to himself. It had been quite sweet how involuntary it had all been and how he had practically touched or kissed you at every chance he got. He just couldn't help himself. The thought alone of his helpless, wandering hands made the butterflies flutter awake in your stomach. And you realised that even though you had fought hard to avoid it, you were actually crazy in love with him too. It felt as if you were high as you finally let yourself indulge in the feeling of being in love with him. The feeling ended abruptly, however, as you realised that the two of you didn't have a happy ending. That you still had to go home. That everything was indeed screwed.
Your train of thoughts was interrupted by the sound of the door behind you sliding slightly open before it was closed again. Not two seconds later, you were joined by Daveed who sat down next to you.
"Hey, are you okay?" he asked you as he put a reassuring hand on your arm.
"Yep!" you said a little too chipper to sound believable.
"Is it Rafa?"
You didn't know why you had felt the need to pretend in front of Daceed, so you immediately let down your guard, "how'd you guess," you sighed unenthusiastically.
"What'd the idiot do now?" he too sighed.
"He didn't do anything."
"What are you sitting out here all sad for then?"
"Because I just had an epiphany," you looked up at Daveed.
"An epiphany?" He sent you an amused smile, "sounds interesting. About what?"
"About Rafa," you squinted at him as if the sun was blinding you, "I think we're in love..."
Daveed's smile grew wide, "oh, great! So you finally admit it? He's going to be stoked!"
"It's not exactly great news..."
"Why not?" Daveed laughed, "when is being in love ever bad news?"
"It is when one part is leaving the country in a week," you shot him a pained expression.
"Oh. Yeah," Daveed said slowly, his sassiness visibly dropping to zero, "That part sucks, I know."
"Which is why I don't understand why you aren't in there soaking up every last minute you have left with him."
"Ugh," you buried your face in your hands, a small desperate laugh escaping your lips, "because this is so complicated. I didn't mean for this to happen. I'm usually so in control!"
Daveed laughed, "well I for one know that Rafa has been desperate to get you to drop the act and just smooch him already."
"Oh my god," you laughed into your hands, "I can't believe he's even involved all of his friends. Jasmine and that guy you were hanging with on new years day knew exactly who I was. They told me that Rafa's been ready from the beginning because I was so dismissive towards him."
"Yeah, you spellbound him," Daveed laughed.
"Did I bring this upon myself?" You squinted up at Daveed.
"You're putting too much on your own shoulders. Rafa knew from the get-go that you had to go back to Europe after a couple of months - granted, at first, I think he just saw you as an interesting fuck, but he could've stepped out when he realised that he wanted to hold you tight and buy you hotdogs and what not," he elbowed you with a laugh.
"Yeah... yeah you're right. Do you think he'll handle it alright when I go fly back home?"
He smiled secretively, "he's probably gonna go full emo."
You looked up at Rafa's best friend who you knew would have his work cut out for him, "sorry..."
"Not your fault," Daveed laughed, "and I'm guessing that you'll still keep talking and maybe fly back and forth when you have the chance. I can handle emo-Rafa if you just handle happy-Rafa."
"Sounds like a fair distribution of roles," you laughed before going all serious, "what do I do now?"
"You tell him of course," Daveed smiled brightly, "and you two just enjoy the upcoming week. I'll find somewhere to stay so you can have crazy monkey sex all over the house without having to think about the cock-block of a roomie," he winked at you.
"You truly possess big 'best mate'-energy," you laughed.
"I do," he nodded.
You smiled at him for a second before the seriousness of the situation hit you again, "wow, I wish I wasn't so..." you couldn't find the right word.
"European?" Daveed finished.
"Yeah," you chuckled, "if I didn't live so fucking far away from here, it'd be a completely different situation."
"I know," Daveed said and hugged you, "cheer up. It's gonna suck for a while but you'll find a way."
"Thanks," you mumbled into his shoulder.
You were still hugging when you heard the door slide open behind you.
"I thought I saw you two out here," Rafa's voice called happily when he stepped outside.
Daveed slowly let go of you, allowing you to turn around and face Rafa who had a large grin plastered on his face.
"My best friend and my... other friend," he smiled drunkenly, "what a sight."
"I'll give you two some privacy," Daveed said with a wink before he went inside.
Rafa took Daveed's seat next to you, immediately pulling you close, "why were you and Diggs sitting out here all alone? Is everything okay?"
"Yeah," you smiled up at him, "yeah, everything's good."
"So you don't know why Jasmine looked at me all worried just before?"
"I kind of ditched her," you sent him an apologetic look.
"Aw, you don't like Jas?"
"I do! I just had to get some air and clear my head," you smiled.
"Yeah? Long day at the office?"
"You have no idea!" You laughed, "I hope you had a better day than I did."
"Mmh, I'm having the best day," he buried his face in your neck, "It's Diggs' birthday and you're here with me and I'm just having a really, really great night."
"Alright," you laughed, "well, in connection with that, I have something to tell you that I hope will make it even better," you grinned while he nuzzled against your neck. He was being really cute and you couldn't help but laugh at him, "this is a big deal, could you not act like a lovesick puppy right now?"
"No," he kissed your collarbone, "what do you want to tell me," he chuckled drunkenly.
You took a deep breath, "Rafa -"
"Mmmh," he interrupted you with a growl as he licked his lips, "I love it when you say my name," he grinned up at you.
"Be serious for once!" You laughed, "I'm about to blow your mind over here!"
"Mmmh, can't wait," he smiled, lips inching closer and closer to yours, his eyes glistening in the dim light from the pool. He smelled of beer and whiskey and it made you feel both adventurous and safe at the same time. His right hand was warm against the back of your neck as he closed the distance between you, his lips moving slowly and sensually against yours while his left hand was stroaking your thigh. He was humming slightly as he moved his body closer to you, the hand he had on your neck travelling to the middle of your thoracic spine where he pushed slightly, bringing your torso even closer to his. Kissing Rafa and finally allowing yourself to do so without feeling bad about it felt more amazing than you had ever imagined, and you felt your heart explode in a heap of colours as you both poured yourself into the slow kiss. All the nervousness you'd felt only moments before was now gone, and you suddenly couldn't wait to tell him that you were in love with him. Slowly, you pulled your lips away from his, earning yourself a small whimper from him.
"Rafa," you tried once more.
"I know, I know. You don't have to say anything," he stated flatly with a smile, his words a bit slurred from the alcohol, "I already know what you're gonna say."
"You do?" Amused, you arched an eyebrow at him.
"Yeah," he smiled confidently, "you're gonna call me out for kissing you and for wanting to fuck your brains out, and you're gonna remind me of your code and the fact that you're leaving in 7 days and blablabla," he said cockily, "and because I care about you, I'll pretend that I care about your code, so I'll tell you sorry and that I'll be on my best behaviour, and you'll accept my apology and I'll patiently wait for the next opportunity and start all over again until you finally say to hell with it all and act like you really want to. And around it goes," he smirked, his lips suddenly close to yours again, "does that sound about right?"
You blinked a few times while his words settled in your brain. Did he just say what you think he did? "Wait what? Hold up Rafa. Back up a second; You patiently wait for opportunities to overstep the boundaries of the friendship that we both agreed on? You keep pushing until I say to hell with it and let you do whatever you want?" You repeated with closed eyes, wondering if you'd understood him correctly, "are you saying that you did all of those more-than-friendly touches, and hugs, and kisses on purpose? That you were in fact able to keep your hands to yourself but you pretended not to be so you could make me say 'to hell with it?'," you looked at him rather unimpressed.
"I wanted to win you over," he shrugged with a crooked smile, "did I manage? It feels like I managed," he snickered. He did not look as cute right now as he had done only seconds before, the smell of beer and whiskey suddenly a tad bit sickening.
"So what you're saying is that you lied and pretended to be interested in being friends with me when in reality, all you could think about was planning your next move so I'd let you screw me?"
"Aw, come on. You're making me sound like a villain," he groaned.
"Rafa, let me get straight with you," you said sternly, "Don't you understand that I made those rules so this wouldn't happen?"
He finally seemed to understand the severity of the situation, "so what wouldn't happen?" He spoke in an offended tone as he straightened up.
"So we wouldn't fall for each other! And now I find out that you had an elaborate scheme to get me to throw myself at you when I told you specifically that I was not interested in that? What kind of a sociopat does that?" You stood up from the bench, anger bubbling more and more in your veins as you slowly realised what he'd done, "what the fuck, Rafa?!"
"You think I did it completely for myself?" He asked calmly but with offence still staining his tone of voice, "you think I did it to somehow lure you into sleeping with me? You really don't see that I did it because I thought you deserved to listen to your instincts for once instead of doing what you think is the right thing to do?"
"You had no right!"
"Hey, don't you dare put all the blame on me!" His voice was raised slightly as he too stood up from the bench, "you were just as bad at keeping your hands to yourself as I was! Inviting me up for tea and fucking cuddling," he spat.
"I had one weak moment!" You held up your finger.
"Oh don't give me that shit! You had several! How about kissing me in the living room after the concert? And a few days ago in Diggs' car? Or masturbating in front of me - or even whipping out your tits in the bathroom when you know I'm crazy about you?"
"That's the problem, Rafa! I thought you were just sexually frustrated! Had I known you were bonkers about me this whole time, I wouldn't have allowed it to come this far!"
"Oh you wouldn't have allowed it?" He said in a wild tone of voice, "well I'm fucking sorry for having my own free will. As if I need your permission to fall for you."
"I can't believe that I got caught up in your web," you scoffed. Mostly to yourself, "I mean; I knew you were dangerous! I knew you'd have the ability to smooth talk your way into my heart - but never in my wildest imagination did I think that you'd screw me over and do all of this on purpose to get me to fall for you. What did you do it for? Did you do it to check off the girl who rejected you? Self gratification? Bragging rights to your mates? A couple of weeks of sex? What Rafa?"
"Oh fuck you," he spat, "don't give me that shit when you're clearly just as crazy about me as I am about you."
"I'm not sure I am anymore," you said rather childishly.
"Yeah, keep telling yourself that so you can fuck off back to England without ever having to think of me again," he panted, "is that what you want? Is that really what you think is realistic? If you think you can put me in a box labelled 'my PhD-trip to California' and never think of me again, then you're clearly not as clever as I thought you were. Do you really think that just because you've tried to stay abstinent, that you could leave every thought of me across the ocean?" His voice broke as he took a step closer to you.
"I don't know what I thought," you said calmly, eyes piercing through him, "clearly, it was a mistake to engage in anything with you."
He pinched the bridge of his nose and took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down so he could be rational, "look, I'm sorry if I tricked you. It really wasn't my intention and I clearly made a mistake and you got hurt. I just need you to understand that I didn't do it on purpose; I just wanted to get you to act on your feelings instead of staying in your head. I just wanted you to enjoy your time here. With me."
"You ruined it, Rafa," you said slowly, "I don't care if you hurt me on purpose or not. You still did. You manipulated me."
"Baby come on," he croaked, his voice cracking.
"I'm not your baby," you whispered.
You looked at each other for a few seconds, his eyes drunk and hurt. "Is this is then?" He croaked with desperate hands gesturing to nothing in particular, "do you really think that my actions are so unforgivable that we can't see each other anymore?"
"No, it's not unforgivable. I just don't see the point in forgiving you when I leave in a bit anyway."
"You're breaking my heart," he said quietly.
"You broke mine first."
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indelibleevidence · 4 years ago
It's time!
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(Graphic made by the wonderful @chibinoyume - thank you, C!)
If you're participating, please watch Blindspot 1x01 - 'Pilot' a.k.a. 'Woe Has Joined' - this week (which begins 1st March). If you're seeing this and it's like July or something, you're still welcome to participate and catch up as and when you can. I'll prompt a new episode rewatch every Monday.
I'll post a series of questions for you guys to answer in a few hours, in a reblog of this post (but first I have a foster cat swap to wrangle). Please feel free to participate, even if you don't make fanart or write fanfic, and even if you're new to the fandom or a long-time lurker - these questions can be answered by anyone who's seen 1x01. :)
And if you want to reblog any of your 1x01 gifsets, episode tag fics, episode discussions, etc, feel free! Just be aware that reblogging your old content won't make it appear on the Blindspot tag page, so if you want to be sure people browsing the tag will see it, reposting from scratch might be a good idea. Obviously, I'll reblog any 1x01-related reblogs I see in my feed, but I am a bit scatterbrained at the moment, so don't take it personally if I miss it. :)
I should probably make a side-blog for this rewatch thing... Maybe later.
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glenngaylord · 6 years ago
BLACK MIRROR - My Review of US (4 Stars)
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Typically first-time directors have so much to say, they try to cram it all into their debuts.  Look to VOX LUX, BLINDSPOTTING, and SORRY TO BOTHER YOU for recent examples. Look to TEEN SPIRIT as an outlier in this case. With GET OUT, writer/director Jordan Peele told a streamlined story about race under the guise of a horror movie.  Despite its thematic complexity, it had sharp control and easily comprehensible plot progressions.  
Peele is doing things backwards. His latest film, US, which aims a blowtorch at the class system in America, has that packed-in, overreaching 1st-timer quality.  It may descend into silliness at times and feel like a jumble of tones, but it’s also unforgettable, thrilling, funny, brilliantly shot, edited, scored, and performed, and acts as a primal scream for the have-nots who often don’t have a means to shout on their own. I’ll take that any day over an unambitious, hand-held, lazy, navel-gazer of a film. Despite it being about a black family, the themes of US transcend race and finds a different subject to explore the differences in people.
Clearly Peele is just getting started, and already he’s established himself as a director of memorable images, of provocative subjects, and of acutely suspenseful sequences.  I don’t think anyone who saw GET OUT will soon forget what happens when Catherine Keener stirs her tea, and with US, I’d be hard-pressed to think of a single scene that doesn’t achieve that same status.  He has also tackled one of my favorite film genres, the home invasion thriller, and infused it with new life.
FUNNY GAMES remains my favorite of this theme, and Peele clearly has used it as a template in setting up his story.  In both, a family drives to their vacation home to enjoy a nice weekend on the water when intruders stop them in their tracks.  While FUNNY GAMES tackled issues of white privilege and the breakdown of decorum, US veers off into an entirely different direction. The Wilsons, father Gabe (Winston Duke), mother Adelaide (Lupita Nyong’o), son Jason (Evan Alex) and daughter Zora (Shahidi Wright Joseph) set up shop in their Santa Cruz retreat much like their counterparts did in FUNNY GAMES, but a prologue hints at something nefarious right from the start.  
In 1986, the year of the infamous HANDS ACROSS AMERICA charity stunt, a young Adelaide wanders off the Santa Cruz boardwalk and right into a funhouse hall of mirrors.  It’s there she encounters her doppelgänger, a traumatic event which sends a ripple effect across the span of her life.  Understandably, the adult Adelaide feels great trepidation returning to this place, despite the promise of a fun time with their wealthy friends Josh and Kitty Tyler (a terrific Tim Heidecker and Elisabeth Moss).  The first act vividly sets up the feeling of unease, even when father Gabe tries to break the mood with his endless Dad jokes. Duke gives a thoroughly winning performance as a nerdy patriarch who slowly learns his gender doesn’t automatically earn him the power position in the family.  Alex and Joseph as the young children also have total command of the screen.  You won’t soon forget the smirk on Joseph’s evil twin character anytime soon.
With Adelaide on edge, it’s not as if the invasion to come disturbs the peace, but when but when the Wilson’s red jumpsuited, golden scissors bearing alter egos appear in their driveway, it’s still a horrific jolt.  The image of them suddenly scattering when Gabe threatens them with a baseball bat has to go down as one of those great movie moments right up there with such haunting images as the ALIEN uncoiling in the escape pod, the debris flying around Regan’s bedroom in THE EXORCIST, or the devil worshippers scurrying around the other side of the closet in ROSEMARY’S BABY.  Peele knows his way around a jump scare, but he also possesses that rare skill of being able to craft tight sequences.  
Once the invasion occurs, the film rarely stops from seeming like one long battle, chase and killing frenzy, but each scene has its own unique fizz. This is helped immeasurably by Editor Nicholas Monsour’s beautiful work, especially in a cross-cutting ballet sequence.  Cinematographer Mike Gioulakis (IT FOLLOWS) clearly hasn’t made a false move yet in his career and his work here has taken him to a whole new level.  He and Peele use extras in a similarly off-putting manner as Brian De Palma and his cinematographer Ralf D. Bode did in DRESSED TO KILL.  Each segment of US has its own feel, from the sunny, washed-out look of its early scenes, to the inky black invasion sequence, to the haunting whites and grays of its climax.  Complimenting all of these images perfectly is Composer Michael Abels, who tops his one-of-a-kind score from GET OUT with this cornucopia of memorable music cues.  He has children chanting, which gave me OMEN vibes, and he has a great time reimagining I GOT 5 ON IT and GOOD VIBRATIONS, but his masterstroke is the music used in that aforementioned ballet scene. It’s generous use of bold percussive strings with a screechy violin overlay reminiscent of Britney Spears’ TOXIC felt like Bernard Herrmann on acid.  It’s easily one one of the most alive, memorable scores I’ve heard in ages.  
Now let’s talk about Lupita.  While all of our major characters have dual roles, this film wouldn’t work as well as it does without her great performances. You’ll want to see it a second time just to navigate her choices, whether it’s the frog croak or the guttural laugh of her invader twin or Adelaide’s escalating nervous energy. It’s my first time seeing her play a modern American character, and her ferocious performance smashes the tired trope of the eternally screaming Final Girl.  Her Adelaide may scream a lot, but it’s not out of fear. It’s a rage which speaks to the disparity between rich and poor in this country. It’s an open wound crying out for the poor people in the U.S. (get it?) who refuse to disappear into the woodwork anymore and who want their piece of the pie.  
Peele clearly has something on his mind.  Yes, with the rabbits (was Queen Anne from THE FAVOURITE going to make an appearance?), the biblical references, the charity event, the scissors, the one glove Michael Jackson references, the underground mythology, and the main thriller elements, his story gets messy.  Sometimes the comic relief comes at strange times, but the scene in which each family member tries to outdo each other with their kill count is just so funny and perfect. It all leads to a powerful ending which may raise more questions than it answers, but I love a film which leads to a long discussion afterwards.  Better than saying, “That was nice, but where would you like to eat?” Peele has bitten off more than he can chew, but he’s biting nonetheless.  He’s got the hunger of a fresh upstart and I can’t wait to see what he tackles next.  Sexuality? Government oppression? Climate change? The buffet options seem endless and I’ll sign up for the all-you-can-eat option.
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magdawal · 3 years ago
Movies and TV Shows To Watch Out This May 2022
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Movies To Watch Out In May 2022
The film is a modern-day retelling of a story that can be traced to the Epic of Gilgamesh and Homer's Odyssey.
Nat Wolff and Cara Delevingne are perfect partners in crime as two misfits set out on an outrageous road trip.
A young German woman who wishes to marry a Jewish man encounters prejudice from her fiancé’s family and the anti-Semitism of the Nazis on the eve of their wedding in 1935.
In this documentary, director Thom Zimny chronicles Bruce Springsteen’s acclaimed solo album “Western Stars,” offering insights into its personal themes through interviews with Springsteen, archival footage and live performances filmed at his New Jersey farmstead in 2019.
This documentary explores why it took so long for the world to take seriously rumors about Jeffrey Epstein’s decades-long sexual abuse of underage girls — and how some powerful people managed to evade scrutiny once his crimes were exposed.
Give me TV Shows To Watch Out In May 2022
This month, you can watch the following TV shows:
May 1: The Biggest Loser: Battle of the Network Stars (PBS)
May 1: New Girl (Fox)
May 1: The Shannara Chronicles (Spike/Syfy)
May 3: Blindspot (NBC)
May 4: Grey's Anatomy (ABC)
May 6: Stranger Things (Netflix Original Series)
May 8-10: Heroes Reborn Marathon on NBC Entertainment Network only
Recommend Documentaries To Watch Out In May 2022
Documentaries are a good way to learn about new things such as an underrated art form, a subculture, or the history of punk rock. Below is a list of documentaries that will be released in May 2022:
The Mystery of the Aurora Borealis (4 stars): This documentary explores what happens during polar auroras and why they look the way they do.
Cute Doggo Compilation Vol. 12 (5 stars): This video compilation includes short clips of various dog breeds doing adorable things such as rolling around on the grass and playing fetch with tennis balls.
The History of Punk Rock Music (3 stars): This documentary explores how punk rose out of underground clubs in 1970s New York City and eventually became mainstream.
Other Cool movies and TV shows to watch out this month on streaming services?
I'm With the Band: The Nasty Bits
Streaming on Amazon Prime Video, May 5th
A rockumentary that follows a young band on their first tour. This film was directed by iconic director John Waters and features an appearance from Debbie Harry of Blondie.
The Emperor's New Clothes
Learn more: Premium Account Seller
Bonus Cool Recommendations:
Streaming on Netflix, May 14th
This documentary examines the fashion world with a critical eye, exposing it as racist and misogynistic. It features interviews from models like Bethann Hardison and Beverly Johnson.
Streaming on Hulu, May 19th (Currently in theaters)
Taraji P. Henson plays a married woman who becomes violent after her husband has an affair with another woman. This film is written and directed by Tyler Perry.
Now that you know about these intriguing and exciting upcoming projects, you can start getting ready for their release dates. Here is a quick list of the titles and their release dates:
May 1st: "Now You See Me 2"
May 4th: "The Great Gatsby"
May 7th: "Sausage Party"
May 8th: “Logan”
May 11th: “The Circle”, “Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2”, “King Arthur”, “The LEGO Batman Movie”
May 13th: "Cars 3", "Pirates of the Caribbean 5", "John Wick Chapter 2", "Snatched"
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aster-azimuth · 6 years ago
Pluto & The Moon 9/25-930
Happy Full Moon! See previous post for my thoughts on today's full moon in Aries... This post is about THE MOON & PLUTO. 
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(Artwork by @serpentfiretarot)
The Moon represents our subconscious mind and behavior patterning. She is the part of us that reacts instinctively to things, and to some extent she is the surface level expression of Pluto. By transit, the moon activates other planetary configurations and the signs they're in. In this case, Pluto is getting a triple-lunar-blast over the next several days.
Pluto governs our unconscious urges/desires, shadows/blindspots, AND the metamorphic, alchemical fire that burns in the deep unconscious collective soul of this world. He/She/It* represents the primal urge to transform in a way so profound and irrevocable that it can be exquisitely painful, but is always ultimately for the highest good... This process is also known as #LePetitMort, or #smalldeath... No #death is truly permanent, as it always feeds new life... (*The energy of the outer planets is arguably always bi-gendered or genderless.)
Over the course of the next 5 days, as the #FullMoon in #Aries begins to wane, she makes three aspects to #Pluto in #Capricorn, leading in to Pluto going direct. The 1st aspect is a Square on the 25-26th; an uncomfortable challenge that requires action... (*Ahem!*) The 2nd apsect on the 27-28th is a Trine; if the square is overcome, then a period of ease will follow. And the 3rd is a Quincunx, in which a final adjustment will need to be made as Pluto stations (appears to halt) at 5pm MST on the 30th, and then finally (with a very relieved outbreath) goes direct on 10/1, also exactly at 5pm MST.... Pluto in Capricorn would be hyper-punctual like that. 🙄 (See charts at bottom.)
Pluto is the gatekeeper between this realm and the next. His oblong orbit crosses that of Neptune; Master of The Illusion we call "objective reality." In order to understand Pluto's lessons, one must allow themselves -parts of themselves- to pass beyond this illusion and die. He holds the key to the ultimate freedom found in mastering ourselves and transforming beyond our perceived limitations (which are mostly mere mental constructs.) His work is the work of diving in to our shadows and finding out what is there; facing the boogey-men... So this window of time where he's being activated several times by the moon, just before going direct is an excellent opportunity to do some of that... Retrogrades are for revisiting and revising, afterall...
Pluto's long passage through each sign affects us generationally and on a social level, unless he is making a major aspect to something personal in your natal chart... Then all bets are off. Anyone having been through a Pluto transit will tell you that size does not matter... He's a heavy-hitter. I have a friend who literally came within breaths of dying during a heavy Pluto transit... The same goes for natal aspects by pluto to personal planets as well, if not more. (I have Pluto exactly conjunct my ascendant, so i have a pretty intimate connection to him involving a LOT of trauma. There will be a blog post on that coming soon!) 
Pluto's effects (and those of the other outer planets, Neptune and Uranus also) are thus usually experienced as forces outside our own control, especially before we begin to work with the subconscious and face our fears... The humbling powers of life and death over which no person has true control being the prime example of those forces... The wheel continues to spin whether we like it or not.
In his The Book of Pluto, Steven Forrest describes Pluto as having extreme heat. Pluto = desire: The hotter the desire the hotter the burn. In reality Pluto is the coldest of the planets, but this is the prince of darkness here we're talking about; the keeper of hades. He governs the kind of heat that burns so hot it feels freezing ... I like to think of him as an iron (metal?) shell with a molten core, which is actually a bit what the planet looks like...
Pluto teaches us through trial by fire. Can you withstand the flames and return as the Phoenix? 
As always, where this lands in your own birth chart will determine how it affects you personally. If you'd like to know more about how the #planetarytransits affect YOU, pls get in touch for a reading!! Azimuthastrology (at) gmail (dot) com. 
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janiedoe · 7 years ago
Rules: Choose any three fandoms and answer the questions, then tag ten people you want to know better.
My 3 Fandoms:
Altered Carbon
The 1st Character You Loved:
Jane Doe
Kristin Ortega
Olivia Dunham
The Character You Never Expected to Love So Much:
Kurt Weller. He was the typical alpha male to me, the one that always appears in the shows and falls in love with the lead female. He’s handsome, yeah, but there was something about him I didn’t quite like and the fandom’s obsession over Jeller made it all worse. However, he won my heart in season 3. He’s simply the best.
Nobody. I think I’ll always hate Quell and Reileen still bugs me despite her badass attitude.
Etta Bishop. I wanted Polivia to have a kid but I never thought I’d love that kid as much as they did. Georgina Haig as Etta stole my heart and her 5 episodes weren’t enough, she deserved better.
The Character You Relate to the Most:
Jane Doe. Awkward, straightforward, cares too much for people, kinda alone and lost in the world. 
Takeshi Kovacs. Asshole, hides feelings, says he doesn’t care for anybody but he has a big heart, he knows he’s handsome but ignores it.
Olivia Dunham. Dark and traumatic past, doesn’t take no for an answer, passionate about her job, trust issues.
The Character You’d Slap:
Reade. Dude, JUST... STOP.
Lizzie. I hate her arch. and Quell... JUST... SHUT. THE FUCK. UP.
Walter Bishop. He cute, he insane, but sometimes I just.... DAMN 
A Character You Liked At First But Don’t Anymore:
Reade. He was cute, cynical, worried about his peeps. Now he’s into too much shit and Assistant Director Reade ... I can’t stand him at all.
Miriam. I never liked her tbh.
Lincoln Lee (from this universe). He was cute and nerd and the complete opposite of AltLinc, but after AltLinc died, Lincoln just got annoying.
Three OTPs:
Joscar and Jeller. They were meant to be. However, I approve Season 1 Jeller when they were super cute and awkward around each other and mid-season 3 Jeller when they get things sorted out. 
ORTEGA AND KOVACS. Please marry already. Kovacs should go to Harlan’s World, smack Quell’s stack and come back and marry Ortega. 
AltLiv+Frank. OTP. GOALS.
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comicbookquest · 5 years ago
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For Sale: Marvel Point One #1 Variant (1st Appearance of Blindspot) Only $6 + shipping. *If you want it claim it below and I will follow up with a DM. *Payment is due within 48hr unless arrangements are made (DM me to make arrangements) I will mark the post as sold once payment is received. #comicbookquest #cbq #marvelpointone https://www.instagram.com/p/B8eYUGihvnH/?igshid=1o6yiqifqafof
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frenchpixel · 8 years ago
Get To Know Me Better Tag
I was tagged by @simamara, thank you ! I always like to do stuff like this !
1st rule: tag 9 people who you would like to know better.
I don’t tag anyone because I feel like everybody already did it. But feel free to do it if you want to ! And tag me so I can take a look c:
Relationship Status: Single
Last Song I Listened To: Boom by Major Lazer
Last Book Read/Listened To: The Last Star by Rick Yancey
Favorite Color: Navy blue
Top Three Shows: Game of Thrones, Sherlock, The Get Down
Top Three Characters: Louis XIV (Versailles), Daenerys (Game of Thrones), Jane Doe (Blindspot) 
Top Three Ships: Malec (Shadowhunters), Betty & Judghead (Riverdale), Jasper & Eleanor (The Royals)
Don’t judge me.. I watch a loooot of shows !
2nd Rule: BOLD the statements that are true for you!
I am 5'7" or taller
I wear glasses
I have at least one tattoo
I have at least one piercing
I have blonde hair (naturally)
I have brown eyes
I have short hair
My abs are at least somewhat defined
I have or have had braces
I love meeting new people
People tell me that I’m funny
Helping others with their problems is a big priority for me
I enjoy physical challenges
I enjoy mental challenges
I’m playfully rude with people I know well
I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it
There is something I would change about my personality
I can sing well
I can play an instrument
I can do over 30 pushups without stopping
I’m a fast runner
I can draw well
I have a good memory
I’m good at doing math in my head
I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute
I have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling
I know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch
I know how to throw a proper punch
I enjoy playing sports
I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else
I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else
I have learned a new song in the past week
I work out at least once a week
I’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months
I have drawn something in the past month
I enjoy writing
I do or have done martial arts
I have had my first kiss
I have had alcohol
I have scored the winning goal in a sports game
I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting
I have been at an overnight event
I have been in a taxi
I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year
I have beaten a video game in one day
I have visited another country
I have been to one of my favorite band’s concerts
I’m in a relationship
I have a crush on a celebrity
I have a crush on someone I know
I have been in at least 3 relationships
I have never been in a relationship
I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them
I get crushes easily
I have had a crush on someone for over a year
I have been in a relationship for at least a year
I have had feelings for a friend
I have at least one person I consider a “best friend”
I live close to my school
My parents are still together
I have at least one sibling
I live in the united states
There is snow right now where I live
I have hung out with a friend in the past month
I have a smartphone
I have at least 15 CD’s
I share my room with someone
I have breakdanced
I know a person named Jamie
I have had a teacher with a last name that’s hard to pronounce
I have dyed my hair
I’m listening to one song on repeat right now
I have punched someone in the past week
I know someone who has gone to jail
I have broken a bone
I have eaten a waffle today
I know what I want to do with my life
I speak at least 2 languages
I have made a new friend in the past year
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vintage1981 · 6 years ago
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Star Trek Picard Series Development and Casting Announcements
News of production developments on the upcoming Star Trek Picard series are starting to come at an advanced rate. According to TrekMovie.com Jonathan Frakes confirmed his involvement with the new show on an episode of the  Writer Experience podcast.
Now my season looks like Star Trek: Discovery – the new wonderful Star Trek series, the Picard show – which Patrick [Stewart] is launching, and The Orville, which is some people’s new Star Trek. And I just finished The Gifted, which is a sort of X-Men Marvel origins show. So, I am back in that world.
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Last week The Hollywood Reporter reported that Hanelle M. Culpepper, a veteran TV director and a two time Star Trek: Discovery director, has been picked to helm the first two episodes of the new Star Trek Picard series.
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The latest issue of Production Weekly – a reliable industry newsletter – has more details about the new production. According to the report, the series will begin shooting on April 14th with production going for five and a half months, with a planned wrap on October 1st. Production is slated to the based at Santa Clarita Studios. CBS secured $15.6 million in tax credits to shoot in California.
Santiago Cabrera and Michelle Hurd are the first casting announcements for the show. Deadline’s Nellie Andreeva offers some possible (unconfirmed) details:
I hear Cabrera will play the pilot of Picard’s ship who also is a skillful thief. Hurd is playing a former intelligence officer who is a brilliant analyst with a terrific memory that has not been affected by her drug and alcohol abuse.
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Santiago Cabrera recently starred for two seasons on the CBS suspense thriller Salvation, and appeared in Big Little Lies. Cabrera, also known for his role as Aramis in the BBC series The Musketeers, counts among his other television credits The Mindy Project, Merlin, Heroes, and the telemovie Hemingway and Gellhorn. His film credits include Che, For Greater Glory, and Transformers: The Last Knight.
Michelle Hurd brought life to Shepherd on Blindspot and was recently seen on Lethal Weapon. Hurd's other television credits include Ash Vs. Evil Dead, Daredevil, Jessica Jones, The Glades, and CBS’ Hawaii Five-0. Among her film credits are You Can Choose Your Family and We Don’t Belong Here. Hurd is an alumnus of NYC’s premiere artist community at Westbeth.
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fandemoniumnetwork · 7 years ago
Blindspot – This Profound Legacy Preview
Blindspot – This Profound Legacy Synopsis, Photos, and Promotional Videos NBC has released the synopsis for Blindspot season 3, episode 5, titled This Profound Legacy, along with promotion photos and videos. The episode aired on NBC on December 1st in the US and airs Monday November 27th on Sky Living in the UK. Check out the description and sneak peek photos and clips for the highly anticipated new episode below. Synopsis A heinous predator has been targeting women for decades, and the proof of all the crimes is on Jane’s body. How many victims can Jane (Jaimie Alexander) save? While Jane struggles […]
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from Blindspot – This Profound Legacy Preview
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