#1994 demri
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littlequeenies · 5 months ago
do you have any photos of demri wearing her engagement ring?
do you know any of her favorite artists or art styles? as in visual art
Hi there!
So we don't know if actually Demri is wearing her engagement ring or not in these fall 1993 photos (it's not clear when she and Layne cancelled their engagement but presumably in 1994). It was a claddagh ring (you cannot see it well in these photos, sadly):
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Maybe here too? We don't know the exact date of these photos. She was always wearing big earrings, lots of necklaces and bracelets but not rings, looks like.
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Sometimes the heart can be a stone, we don't now if that was the came or was the classing claddagh, but it had a stone, maybe is this one? (photo from 1992)
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As for her artists or art styles, she loved Victorian decor, angels and so,and her favourite artist was Brian Froud, a British illustrator, you may find more information under the tag used on our site, and particulary this post.
Hope that helps!
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littlequeenies · 2 years ago
Reposting because one is new for us.
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More all ages friendly appropriate versions of Demri and a friend (who wants to be unidentified) for the June 1994 Penthouse magazine, by Cliff Feulner.
These were first posted at VEF on November 4, 2016,and there you will find them uncensored and in their full glory.
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ophioid · 3 months ago
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layne staley and demri parrott, 1994.
featuring the photograph on the right that was used for the cover of above by mad season.
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katastrophywife · 6 years ago
Is the girl singing on stage with Layne Demri? If it is her then holy cow, she can sing! I'm literally so happy because this might be the only footage available on the internet of her right now.
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diceriadelluntore · 4 years ago
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Storia Di Musica #161 - Mad Season, Above, 1995
La morte di Cobain fu lo spartiacque del movimento grunge. Per alcuni ne sancì la tragica fine. Nonostante l’evento colossale, era impossibile fermare l’onda musicale che si portava appresso, e se proprio vogliamo cercare un evento o degli eventi simbolo che ne sanciscono la fine, dobbiamo forse arrivare al 1996, quando i Soundgarden si sciolgono dopo il non eccezionale Down On The Upside, gli Alice In Chains suonano acustici all’MTV Unplugged e i Pearl Jam con No Code vogliono ormai far vedere che quell’etichetta grunge sta a loro stretta. Rimane un anno, il 1995, in cui escono due grandi album che per me sono l’estrema variante del Seattle sound: uno è un disco formidabile, uno dei più belli degli anni ‘90, ed è Mellon Collie And The Infinite Sadness degli Smashing Pumpkins (addirittura doppio, che esce nell’ottobre del 1995) e il disco di oggi, di un nuovo supergruppo, che nasce a Seattle con un preciso intento: evitare che qualcun altro faccia la fine di Cobain. Mike McCready, il funambolico chitarrista dei Pearl Jam, dopo Vitalogy (siamo a metà 1994) decide di disintossicarsi, e va ospite in una clinica in Minnesota. Li incontra e fa amicizia con John Baker Saunders, un bassista. Insieme decidono che una volta disintossicati, si sarebbero visti a Seattle e avrebbero messo su una band. E così successe: McCready e Saunders trovano l’entusiasmo del batterista e percussionista Barret Martin, già negli Skin Yard e batterista dei favolosi Screaming Trees di Mark Lanegan. I tre cercano un cantante, e McCready pensa ad un suo amico, in perenne lotta con l’abuso di sostanze, sperando che l’entusiasmo e il lavoro per questo progetto lo aiuti a superarle: Layne Staley degli Alice In Chains. Con questa formazione, solo con un paio di canzoni abbozzate, tengono uno storico concerto in uno dei locali storici di Seattle, il Crocodile Cafè, nell’ottobre del 1994. L’accoglienza è ottima, e il gruppo inizia a lavorare per un disco. Si scelgono come nome Mad Season, con riferimento alla stagione della crescita dei funghi che contengono psilocibina, comunemente conosciuti come funghi allucinogeni. Registrato ai Bad Animals Studios di Seattle, con la produzione di Brett Eliason, Above esce nel marzo del 1995: in copertina un disegno di Staley che lo ritrae con la sua fidanzata dell’epoca, Demri Lara Parrott. È caratterizzato da una qualità musicale che abbandona per lo più i ritmi e l’atmosfera aggressiva del grunge per influenze molto eleganti, che virano al jazz, al blues, persino alla musica di altre parti del mondo, e dai testi, scritti tuti da Staley, profondissimi e pregnanti, ispirati alla sua lettura, in quei tempi, de Il Profeta di Kahlil Gibran. Il trittico iniziale è magnifico: si parte con l’ipnotico e lunghissimo intro di Wake Up, dove il battito del basso apre alla voce, magnifica e dolente, di Stanley, che dice “Svegliati, ragazzo. È ora di svegliarsi. La tua relazione amorosa deve finire per dieci lunghi anni, dieci anni a raccogliere le foglie, un lento suicidio non è la strada da percorrere���. X-Ray Mind ha un ritmo delle percussioni quasi da danza tribale, da rito iniziatico, e vive tutto nel duello di fendenti tra la chitarra di McCready e la batteria di Martin. River Of Deceit è invece la ballata dolente del dolore, tema carissimo a Staley, che qui ne dà quasi una confessione: ”Il mio dolore è autoinflitto. Così diceva il profeta. Potrei bruciare o tagliare via il mio orgoglio per trascorrere un po' di tempo. Una testa piena di bugie è il peso da portare, legato alla cintura”. I’m Above è uno dei brani simbolo del disco (e ne dà il titolo): Staley è accompagnato alla voce da Mark Lanegan, che come una spalla saggia si alterna al canto. Il disco nella parte centrale più si avvicina al grunge “storico”: il blues dolente di Artificial Red, Lifeless Dead sembra presa dalla depressione allucinata di Dirt (capolavoro degli Alice In Chains del ‘93), I Don’t Know Anything è un brano quasi sperimentale, costruito su una serie di riff di McCready con il lavoro, stupendo, di Martin alla batteria e di Saunders al basso, per una canzone potentissima, che è la più granitica dell'intero disco. E dopo una così forte carica di impatto sonoro, c’è la sorpresa più grande del disco: Long Gone Day ha un ritmo jazz, acustico, che sa di samba, xilofoni, una atmosfera quasi da lounge bar che stride con il resto del disco. La voce di Mark Lanegan questa volta è la guida principale, mentre Staley canta nei cori e la seconda strofa, “È lungo il giorno trascorso, chi mai ha detto che siamo trascinati via con la pioggia”, con le incursioni di un sassofono, suonato da una delle figure principe dell’underground musicale di Seattle, Skerik (al secolo Nalgas Sin Carne), in uno dei brani più spiazzanti del periodo. L’atmosfera si rifà cupa poi nel lungo strumentale November Hotel, con chiarissimo tocco alla Pearl Jam di McCready, e si finisce con All Alone, poche parole su una nuvola di musica per definire in fondo come si sente Staley. Il disco non sarà mai un successo portentoso, ma rimarrà costante nel tempo, arrivando anche ad essere Disco D’oro certificato. McCready ritornerà ai Pearl Jam, Saunders si unirà ai The Walkabouts, Martin continuerà a suonare con gli Screeming Trees, Staley canterà ancora con gli Alice In Chains, in almeno altri due capolavori, Jar Of Flies e il toccante MTV Unplugged, dove canta già in condizioni preoccupanti. McCready proverà più volte a riunire il gruppo, anche mettendo mano a nuovo materiale con collaborazioni di peso (come Peter Buck dei R.E.M.) ma tutto diventerà inutile quando nel 1999 Saunders muore di overdose, seguito dopo 3 anni da Staley. A lui, Eddie Vedder, che alla fine è da considerarsi un sopravvissuto, dedicherà una canzone, una ghost track nel loro bellissimo disco Lost Dog del 2003, doppio album che raccoglie le canzoni scartate, quelle dei singoli, quelle pubblicate in altre compilation. La canzone si intitola 4/20/2002, la data della morte di Layne Staley. E contiene queste parole:
So all you fools Who sing just like him Feel free to do so now Cuz he's dead
Using, using, using The using takes toll Isolation Just so happy to be one Sad to, sad to think Sad to think of him all alone
Lonesome friend, we all knew Always hoped you'd pull through
No blame, no blame No blame, it could be you Using, you can't grow old using
So sing just like him, fuckers It won't offend him Just me Because he's dead
che è epitaffio perfetto alle storie che ho tentato di raccontare in questo mese, nate in una città che non è la prima cosa che si pensa alla parola USA, ma che ha regalato una delle ultime epopee del rock.
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modelartist-demri · 2 years ago
Above is the only studio album by the American rock band Mad Season, released on March 14, 1995.
The album's gloomy, black and white cover art featuring a couple tongue-kissing was illustrated by Layne Staley. The drawing was based upon a photograph of Staley and his ex-fiancée, Demri Lara Parrott, taken by Krista Kay in 1991.
💬 Amber Ferrano: “I remember when Layne and Demri were staying with Fabiola she gave him the pen and ink that started him on his path to drawing. I also remember when he reluctantly showed Demri and I his first drawing. He didn’t realize he was good. It didn’t help his second drawing was the one of him and Demri. She wondered why he made them look their ugliest instead of their best then used it on an ‘Above’ album cover. She hated that Layne drew her this way. I reminded Demri she set up the photoshoot which gave him the idea. She laughed. Many of those ideas were hers but the crown of thorns and Jesus pose were his. When Demri invited me over for dinner (that meant I was the cook and there was virtually nothing in the house) and to watch the ‘Again’ he had just got the footage of, she was telling me everything that was his idea in it. He was shy about it as if not sure it was any good. He was one of the most talented people I ever met and the most humble about it. After we watched it he and Demri went in to jump up and down on the bed of his first ‘grown up place’ while I figured out dinner.”
"Again" is an Alice in Chains song, the third single and sixth track from their self-titled 1995 album. "Again" made its radio debut in February 1996, and the music video was released in March 1996. It is the final Alice in Chains music video that Layne Staley filmed with the band.
💬 Kathleen Austin, Demri’s mom: “I am always taken somewhat aback when people reference them as “broke up”. Although they weren’t “together” their bond was always strong. People don’t know or remember Dem was in the hospital the majority of 1994-1996, and Layne was always there. He would ride his Harley to my apartment, a block from the hospital, and I would take him inside (the hospital) where he would spend the night. I worked there and had a badge to gain access after visiting hours were over.”
Text from @memoriesofdemri instagram
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demri-parrott-staley-blog · 7 years ago
Demri Parrott and Layne Staley were engaged for 2 years. They dated for 2 years after getting together in Dec 1989. They were engaged in 1992 but later separated in 1994.
It is believed that Layne met Demri sometime in the late 80`s or early 1990, as she is thanked in the liner notes of “Facelift”, which was released on August 1990. She is not, as is widely believed, the woman on its cover. Layne Staley and Demri Parrott were, according to close friends and bandmates, described as perfect for each other and the term "soulmates" has been used more than once to define their relationship. However, in the years that followed Dirt`s success, Layne and Demri drifted apart. Though the two were engaged between the years of 1992-1994, the engagement broke apart sometime in `93 or `94. Most of Layne`s work on his albums after those years ("Tripod"-AIC and "Above"- Mad Season) seem more miserable and self-pitying than ones preceding them. In one particular song on "Above", "Lifeless Dead", he describes of a relationship in which the man wants marriage and commitment, and the woman shies away. No one is really sure if he sung about his own problems with Demri or not. If it was an attempt to bring her back to him, it failed miserably. Sadly, on October 29th, 1996, Demri passed away from endocarditis (an inflammation of the heart) caused by an unclean needle. She was only 27. Friends comment that after Demri died, Layne was put on suicide watch for 24 hours. There is no memorial to this woman; no one even knows who she is. She was a woman veiled in mystery and poetic silence, and yet she succeeded in breaking the spirit of one of the most talented singers of the 20th century. In April 5th 2002, at age 35, Layne Staley joined her in Heaven.
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littlequeenies · 3 years ago
Jack Plasky: «This photo of Demri changed so many girls, women's lives – they felt really unattractive because they had small breasts, and after seeing Demri looking so beautiful with small breasts, they left my studio with a whole new attitude about their body». @memoriesofdemri
Photo copyright from 1994
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littlequeenies · 1 year ago
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💬 Mike Bobis: “I wonder what Dem would be like now. Probably still trying to talk me into doing things I know I shouldn’t but would, simply cause it’d be easier than dealing with her giving me shit for not doing them. I do miss them [Demri and Layne]. They’d be the best hippie parents ever. We could barely get Dem to wear a shirt sometimes. Oh Dem, the wild child.”
💬 Amber Ferrano: “Demri was just a girl who wanted to follow her dreams... She wanted to marry a man she loved, have kids, and live on a block with all her friends so we could watch each other’s kids, garden together and borrow sugar". 💬 Fabiola Gonzalez: “She always said, ‘What’s the big deal? I have a boy’s chest!’. Best parents ever. I miss that they weren’t here to share in it. When Kurt [Cobain] passed I came to Seattle and saw Dem, and she put her ear to my pregnant belly and said, ‘Isn’t it wild? Two boys!’. When the boys were less than a year old, I went to Mad Season with Layne’s stepdad. After the show, I showed him pictures, and Layne saw my son’s photo and grinned, ‘He’s got big ears!’. They always wanted children. I met Dem’s baby sister [Christa Dougherty] and Layne held her close. They wanted, but they knew their ‘condition’. The last time we saw her was at Wedgewood, she made sure to come out to our car and give my sons lovins’ in their car seats, they were barely two years old. I saw it in her eyes and felt it in her soul. How I wish and hoped Demri would be around here for a while and have her own, and share in the joy of babies. She would have been a beautiful mom. Besides my boys, they were the loves of my life. They were so full of life! That’s what they left us – live life love. Never take it for granted, never abandon children!”
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💬: “I knew Demri before she was with Layne, she was a good friend. I always thought she was going to be famous, but not like this. She should have been a photographer or in the theater. We talked a lot about leaving our little school and doing cool things. Looking for words here, I am so sad. I seen her one more time when she got back from art school, then it was my time to leave. I always thought we would see each other again and would share some great stories, not this. It wasn’t neat or cool, it’s heartbreaking.”
💬 Amber Ferrano: "More than anything, I am so sad that Layne and Demri were good people and had to go through such sorrow; life could be so different and wonderful for them now... I remember when Demri died people were using the phrase, “What a waste”. Kathleen was hurt by that and would say, “My daughter’s life wasn’t a waste”. I felt “It was a “waste” in that Demri did not get all the great things she deserved back in life. I think we all would have loved to see that happen for her..."  
💬 Fabiola H Gonzalez: “I just know that Layne and Demri dreamed of having kids. The dream was marriage, kids and the white picket fence, and part of the dream was a lot of art, expression and unconditional love.”
💬 Carolyn Hart Gutierrez: "I always imagined that she grew up and became a happy little momma who would teach her children to believe in magic and that if you wish on a star your wish will come true, and to dance in the rain. That's what I believe. Demri may be gone, but she is never forgotten."
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From Memories of Demri, very special thanks to Ana <3
Photos 1 & 2 by Alison Dyer, 3 & 4 by Krista Kay.
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libromundoes · 5 years ago
Mark Lanegan's Sing Backwards and Weep review – giras, grabaciones, drogas | Libros
yoEn 1992, en un autobús turístico a Canadá, el cantante estadounidense Mark Lanegan sintió un abrazo en la palma de su brazo. Cuando llegó a Quebec, su brazo se había hinchado al doble de su tamaño normal. Ya alcohólico, Lanegan, conocido por sus amigos como "The Old Scratch", el seudónimo del diablo, había desarrollado un hábito feroz de heroína y compartía agujas regularmente. En el hospital, le diagnosticaron una infección sanguínea y le administraron antibióticos por vía intravenosa. Con un bolígrafo, un médico dibujó una línea alrededor del área inflamada que se extendía desde el hombro hasta la muñeca y dijo: "Volveré en 12 horas". Si el enrojecimiento está fuera de la línea, me temo que tendremos que amputarle el brazo por el hombro. "Ocho días tortuosos más tarde, la hinchazón había disminuido y Lanegan fue dado de alta, su brazo aún intacto". Ni por un momento pensé que había hecho esto. "Él escribió en Canta y llora. Entonces, al día siguiente, comenzó a disparar nuevamente.
Los recuerdos del rock están tradicionalmente llenos de construcción de mitos y depravación, pero el relato de Lanegan sobre su permanencia en el cuarteto proto-grunge Screaming Trees evita la construcción de mitos y se precipita precipitadamente en escenas de degradación y degradación. del auto abuso de Grand Guignol. Rara en su brutalidad y franqueza, el libro es una crónica brutal de adicción a las drogas que comenzó a la edad de 12 años cuando Lanegan fue "maldecido como un pueblo borracho antes de que pudiera beber legalmente", y ha continuó en sus veintes cuando se diversificó en heroína y crack.
El libro recorre los inicios de Lanegan como hijo de una madre violenta y un padre alcohólico en un pequeño pueblo de Ellensburg, Washington, un período que claramente prefiere. no te demores Entrenado con un grupo de viejos compañeros de clase en 1985, Screaming Trees fue su pasaporte a una nueva vida. Debido a su desprecio por el compositor del grupo, Gary Lee Conner, con quien solía participar en peleas, no esperaba que durara. Pero después de mudarse a Seattle, se embarcó rápidamente en una gira, grabó álbumes y compró y vendió drogas que continuarían durante los próximos 16 años.
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Screaming Trees, incluido Lanegan, a la izquierda, en Londres, 1989. Fotografía: Martyn Goodacre / Getty Images
A medida que el grupo se tambalea caóticamente de una gira a la siguiente, encontramos que Lanegan se desmaya de manera diferente; buscando peleas; robar y ser robado; y disparar en los vestuarios, autobuses turísticos, hoteles y baños de aviones. No intenta disfrazar o justificar su comportamiento, que generalmente implica mentir y engañar a sus seres queridos con dinero, aunque su apertura a sus momentos más bajos es desarmador. Hay historias épicas de intentos de etiquetar drogas en ciudades extrañas en estados dolorosos de abstinencia; en tal ocasión se encuentra en King's Cross en Londres durante las horas pico de la madrugada, cayendo y "espasmos" como una medusa a mi lado en la acera de concreto duro, vomitando incontrolablemente, las lágrimas caen con mis ojos ". Mientras yace allí, un grupo de escolares elige su camino a su alrededor, susurrando, riendo y mostrando "la lamentable escena de mi vergüenza y enfermedad pública".
Los amigos mueren en el camino, incluidos Kurt Cobain de Nirvana, Jeffrey Lee Pierce del Gun Club, el bajista de Hole Kristen Pfaff y Demri Parrott, socio de la cantante Alice in Chains Layne Staley, quien él mismo murió de una sobredosis en 2002. El suicidio de Cobain en 2002. 1994 golpeó particularmente a Lanegan: la pareja había sido cercana y Lanegan lo recordaba con cariño como "un hombre sensible, no social y reflexivo, tranquilo, muy inteligente con un sentido de l & Humor travieso, mordaz y a veces cáustico. Unas horas antes de su muerte, Cobain lo había llamado y le había pedido que viniera. Cómodo en casa tomando drogas y viendo telenovelas, Lanegan dejó que el contestador contestara las llamadas. Cuando el cuerpo de Cobain fue encontrado dos días después, "estalló en lágrimas de remordimiento, odio a sí mismo y dolor montañoso". Sabía que nunca lo superaría. "
Unas horas antes de su muerte, Cobain llamó y le pidió a Lanegan que viniera. Lanegan deja que el contestador atienda el teléfono en casa
A pesar de las tragedias, un gran estado de ánimo caracteriza gran parte de la escritura, que se marchita al máximo cuando recuerda un buey con Liam Gallagher, cantante de Oasis, que Screaming Trees discutieron durante su gira estadounidense en 1996. La pareja se conoció por primera vez cuando Gallagher, flanqueado por dos porteros, gritó "¡Aullidos! en Lanegan, notoriamente enojado, mientras almorzaba, provocando un intercambio de insultos. Más tarde, mientras Lanegan y sus camaradas tocaban su set, Gallagher se paró al lado del escenario, dibujando caras de desaprobación frente a la audiencia. Exasperado, el bajista de los Árboles Van Conner se acercó y golpeó a Gallagher en la cara con la cabeza de su Fender Precision. Nadie sale de la escupida que huele a rosas. Sin embargo, los recuerdos de Gallagher de Lanegan como "imprudente, sin mente, despótico" e "dictador insoportable de las ligas menores … En mis treinta y un años en la tierra, nunca había conocido a nadie con una cabeza más grande". o bolas más pequeñas " hacer para revitalizar la lectura.
El libro termina en 1997 cuando ingresa a rehabilitación, organizado y pagado por la esposa de Cobain, Courtney Love, y poco antes del comienzo de un nuevo capítulo musical que lo vería colaborar con Queens of The Stone Age, Afghan Whigs Greg Dulli and Belle and Isobel Campbell de Sebastian, y hacen más álbumes como solista. Sangriento hasta el final, elige mantener los detalles de su camino hacia la sobriedad para sí mismo, aunque una especie de epifanía llega mientras se sienta en los jardines 39; hospital al inicio del tratamiento, alternativamente riendo y sollozando. "Para sobrevivir", escribió, "tendría que cambiar cada cosa malditamente triste sobre mí. Tendría que empezar desde cero. "
• Canta y llora por Mark Lanegan es publicado por White Rabbit (£ 20). Para pedir una copia, visite guardianbookshop.com. Reino Unido gratis p & p más de £ 15
The post Mark Lanegan's Sing Backwards and Weep review – giras, grabaciones, drogas | Libros appeared first on Libro Mundo.
from WordPress https://libromundo.es/mark-lanegans-sing-backwards-and-weep-review-giras-grabaciones-drogas-libros/
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littlequeenies · 2 years ago
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“Art must inform, excite, challenge and of course survive... that is entertainment! I like to engage the mind as well as the eye of the observer. I prefer to let my photos touch him spontaneously and elicit a genuine reaction.” – Cliff Feulner
Demri Parrott and her friends by Cliff Feulner for Penthouse magazine, October 1994 Spanish issue.
Cliff Feulner was a vice-president and art director of an advertising agency when he developed the innovative methods that he has since made famous. In order to depict certain images without going over budget, Feulner began using a technique known as rear-screen projection. Combining this with superimposed photographs on backdrops, he has created images of subtle, dramatic complexity. His efforts first won notice in 1974, when Life Magazine awarded him first prize in it’s photography competition.
Very special thanks to Ana from Memories of Demri.
More photos, under the cut. Fuller but still censored photos, at our public Demri photo album hosted on Google Photos.
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littlequeenies · 5 years ago
Source https://www.facebook.com/SavoiaPhotographyLive
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“The happy smiling Layne we all loved. Found this backstage photo of (R-L) Demri Parrott, Layne Staley and Debbie Murphy at the Pantera show in the Mercer Arena, Seattle. 7/19/94. Two years later Demri passed away 10/29/96 and Layne 4/5/02. Thank goodness Debbie is still among the living!”
Caption/Photo: “Iron” Mike Savoia.
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littlequeenies · 1 year ago
do you know what Demris wedding dress looked like? I've always been curious of her dress. Or why they never got married
According to David de Sola's book "Alice in Chains: The Untold Story", "Due to Demri’s health problem, the wedding was canceled, but she still made a point of choosing the wedding dress."
According to her friends...
Amber Ferrano: “I don’t know the first time Demri called and told me ... Fabiola knows because they went dress shopping ... When she told, I told her to come up to my mom’s wedding dress shop and pick something out (we had Jessica McClintock) which looked vintage but she wanted actual vintage which is what her and Fabiola shopped for. I ended up brining three dresses from the store and she picked one ... She tried one on after the other and he looked like a deer in headlights at first ... As Demri sat in the tub, I held the dresses as a final decision was made on the dress they liked the best. It wasn’t the perfect one, Demri would have to alter it and she did later taking the appliqué off and the bottom half of the dress, saving the beaded top part ... In May of 1994 Demri was in the hospital and Layne was on the phone talking to her. The plan was to do the European tour with Metallica and come home and do the Lollapalooza tour with a surprise wedding after one of the shows..."
Fabiola Gonzalez: “I remember talking with them about their wedding plans. Him in a top hat and tailed tuxedo, and her in a vintage dress, the head piece with draping pearls and pastel beads I was making for Dem to accent her beautiful crown of curls and face. Never finished...”
Her addiction and then the health problems related to that drug abuse (heart valve, lung operation, pancreatic attack ...) make her wedding impossible. Even though they broke their relationship, Layne and Demri stayed close and remained friends, and he never gorover her death.
I guess they cancelled the wedding because all the struggles, changing moods, etc of the addiction and ill health both had. Because they wanted to get married and have children, they wanted to get clean first. And although they tried several times, for whatever reason didn't work for any of them. Their story is very sad and tragic, but hopefully will prevent anyone to take drugs...
You can find more Demri's information and memories at the book we put together with Ana here.
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littlequeenies · 2 years ago
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March 1994 - Demri and some friends (who want to remain unidentified) for the Spanish issue of Penthouse magazine, photos by Cliff Feulner. Our scans.
TEAMWORK! Lovely Ana from Memories of Demri on ig found out that Cliff Feulner’s photos were in some Spanish editions of the Penthouse magazine and I bought them but we didn’t know if she was there or not… My sister received the magazines and Demri was there!
Please, credit her or us when re-posting.
More, under the cut
PS: We published this entry 2 days ago, conveniently marked as "adult contant" but with the photos censored. It was flagged and we appealed but it was not successful (despite being properly labelled and censored). We publish it again, with the images cropped this time.
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You'll be able to see the FULL BUT CENSORED version of this photos in our public Google Photos album for Demri here https://photos.app.goo.gl/nL38yecQqJY2hqBm2 shortly.
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littlequeenies · 2 years ago
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June 1994 - Demri and some friends (who want to remain unidentified) for the Spanish issue of Penthouse magazine, photos by Cliff Feulner. Our scans.
TEAMWORK! Lovely Ana from Memories of Demri on ig found out that Cliff Feulner’s photos were in some Spanish editions of the Penthouse magazine and I bought them but we didn’t know if she was there or not… My sister received the magazines and Demri was there!
Please, credit her or us when re-posting.
More, under the cut
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You'll be able to see the FULL BUT CENSORED version of this photos in our public Google Photos album for Demri here https://photos.app.goo.gl/nL38yecQqJY2hqBm2 shortly.
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littlequeenies · 2 years ago
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1994 - Demri for Penthouse magazine
She’s wearing her mother’s choker from the 60s.
Thank you to lovely Ana from Memories of Demri for sending us again this other gem of a picture <3 (please, crdit her,not us when sharing the photo!)
If we are not more precise about the magazine number and month, photographer, etc, it is because we don't want uncensored photos spreading around the net, specially because her friends are now grown ups with jobs and families (children). Respect that, thank you.
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