shwetaveer · 2 months
Wherever life plants you ;) Bloom with grace. .
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shwetaveer · 2 months
Every book you read, every lesson you learn, is a step closer to achieving your goals.
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shwetaveer · 3 months
I had a mental breakdown because my boyfriend didn't get me kinderjoy when we met last time.
And then i saw a video of David goggins and completed my project.
Today I had a rollercoaster ride of emotion.
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shwetaveer · 2 months
When your passion and purpose align, you won't be chasing your dreams - they'll be magnetically drawn to you. Focus, dedication, and clarity create an irresistible pull that attracts success.
-Your Ambition-lessness won't pay your bills, DSA will.
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shwetaveer · 2 months
Wow, 40 days of consistency! I can feel the momentum building up inside you. You've shown up every day, put in the work, and made progress towards your goals. That takes dedication, resilience, and a willingness to grow.
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shwetaveer · 2 months
Remembering the Bravehearts of Kargil
July 26, 2024, marks the 25th anniversary of the Kargil War victory. We salute the courage and sacrifice of the Indian Armed Forces who fought against all odds to reclaim our territory and protect our nation's sovereignty.
The Kargil War was a testament to the bravery, resilience, and patriotism of our soldiers who battled treacherous terrain, harsh weather conditions, and enemy forces to emerge victorious.
We honor the memory of the martyrs who laid down their lives for our country and pay tribute to the veterans who fought with valor and pride.
Their sacrifice will never be forgotten, and their legacy will continue to inspire generations to come.
Jai Hind!"
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shwetaveer · 2 months
The mind is like a lake, and thoughts are like ripples on the water. Detachment is when the lake is calm, and the ripples don't disturb its peace."
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shwetaveer · 2 months
Busy day
Feeling guilty cause i overslept.
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shwetaveer · 2 months
"The things we own end up owning us." - Chuck Palahniuk
The idea that our desires and possessions can sometimes control us, rather than the other way around. It encourages us to think critically about what we truly need and what's driving our desires.
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shwetaveer · 2 months
Planning and tracking your progress is the roadmap to success. It's the bridge that takes you from where you are to where you want to be.
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shwetaveer · 2 months
I am not overwhelmed. I am just... momentarily engulfed in a sea of tasks. But I will rise again, stronger and more focused than ever.
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shwetaveer · 2 months
You are on Instagram constantly scrolling through reels, dopamine kicking in and time passes by. You didn't realize but hours have been passed and it's time to sleep.
but now, you have an unchecked to-do list which is making you more and more anxious. let's just scroll some more reels until you sleep. And this cycle goes on. here, you are not using social media. Social media is using you! Products that are free to use, often use you as their product.
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shwetaveer · 2 months
Missed day 31 ('_')
Just as we sweep away the dust and clutter from our physical spaces, we also clear the mental fog and emotional clutter from our minds. By tidying up our surroundings, we create a sense of serenity and clarity that resonates within us, allowing our thoughts to breathe and our hearts to sing.
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shwetaveer · 2 months
We were consistent for 30 days.
It's a win win!
Dopamine in control and adrenaline in rush.
Life is prettily fitting these days.
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shwetaveer · 2 months
Good can be better. and better can be best. there is always a scope for improvement and upscaling!
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shwetaveer · 2 months
Some people are a warm embrace on a cold day, a soft blanket to snuggle up in, a safe haven where you can let your guard down and just be. They're the comfort bubble that makes life's troubles fade away, if only for a little while.
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