#196 vs 96
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cosmicallyavg · 2 years ago
70 for that. You would kick my ass.
i read this and at first i was so confused
this took me a second to figure out that it was about my words with friends post bfjdjdjf here's some more of my stats (yes i have since beaten my highest scoring word from that post)
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gabyskkj · 27 days ago
200 motivos pra te amar VS 1 motivo para ir embora.
1. Seu sorriso
2. Seus olhos
3. Seus cabelos
4. Seu jeito
5. Seu coração
6. Seu toque
7. Sua presença
8. Sua voz
9. Sua lealdade
10. Seu brilho
11. Sua calma
12. Sua gentileza
13. Seu amor
14. Seu foco
15. Seu otimismo
16. Sua resiliência
17. Sua ternura
18. Sua compaixão
19. Sua bondade
20. Sua força
21. Seu carinho
22. Seu encanto
23. Seu estilo
24. Sua energia
25. Seu sorriso
26. Sua luz
27. Sua coragem
28. Seu humor
29. Seu jeito
30. Sua alma
31. Seu brilho
32. Sua graça
33. Sua sensibilidade
34. Sua sinceridade
35. Seu afeto
36. Sua honestidade
37. Seu apoio
38. Sua dedicação
39. Sua paciência
40. Seu amor
41. Seu cuidado
42. Seu calor
43. Sua suavidade
44. Seu charme
45. Sua imaginação
46. Sua sinceridade
47. Sua lealdade
48. Seu espírito
49. Sua felicidade
50. Sua inteligência
51. Sua generosidade
52. Seu entendimento
53. Sua serenidade
54. Sua perseverança
55. Seu ritmo
56. Sua doçura
57. Sua confiança
58. Sua paz
59. Seu olhar
60. Seu abraço
61. Seu vínculo
62. Seu carinho
63. Sua liberdade
64. Sua fé
65. Sua compreensão
66. Sua tranquilidade
67. Seu equilíbrio
68. Sua vitalidade
69. Sua empatia
70. Sua alegria
71. Sua inteligência
72. Sua esperança
73. Seu aconchego
74. Sua suavidade
75. Sua generosidade
76. Seu altruísmo
77. Seu apoio
78. Sua bondade
79. Seu coração
80. Sua sinceridade
81. Seu humor
82. Sua criatividade
83. Sua empatia
84. Sua espontaneidade
85. Seu olhar
86. Sua autenticidade
87. Sua harmonia
88. Sua honestidade
89. Seu entusiasmo
90. Sua determinação
91. Sua tranquilidade
92. Sua independência
93. Sua risada
94. Sua preocupação
95. Sua alegria
96. Sua positividade
97. Sua amizade
98. Sua proteção
99. Sua admiração
100. Sua visão
101. Seu otimismo
102. Seu respeito
103. Sua beleza
104. Sua espontaneidade
105. Seu consolo
106. Sua ternura
107. Sua humildade
108. Seu espírito
109. Seu vigor
110. Seu respeito
111. Sua sinceridade
112. Sua calma
113. Sua gratidão
114. Seu cuidado
115. Sua generosidade
116. Sua energia
117. Seu encantamento
118. Sua perspicácia
119. Sua empatia
120. Sua gratidão
121. Seu entusiasmo
122. Sua suavidade
123. Seu acolhimento
124. Sua confiança
125. Sua dedicação
126. Sua inteligência
127. Sua coragem
128. Sua paz
129. Sua fortaleza
130. Seu zelo
131. Sua ternura
132. Sua paciência
133. Sua entrega
134. Sua compaixão
135. Sua presença
136. Seu foco
137. Sua resiliência
138. Sua sensatez
139. Seu amor
140. Sua amizade
141. Sua força
142. Sua gentileza
143. Sua paixão
144. Seu charme
145. Sua serenidade
146. Sua positividade
147. Seu apoio
148. Sua estabilidade
149. Seu apoio
150. Seu calor
151. Sua atenção
152. Sua serenidade
153. Sua leveza
154. Sua alegria
155. Seu orgulho
156. Sua persistência
157. Seu carinho
158. Sua sabedoria
159. Seu espírito
160. Sua confiança
161. Sua autenticidade
162. Sua tranquilidade
163. Seu amor
164. Sua sinceridade
165. Seu encanto
166. Sua tenacidade
167. Sua adaptação
168. Sua verdade
169. Seu alicerce
170. Sua beleza
171. Seu alívio
172. Seu afeto
173. Sua bondade
174. Seu magnetismo
175. Sua visão
176. Sua sabedoria
177. Seu humor
178. Sua calma
179. Sua criatividade
180. Seu olhar
181. Sua resiliência
182. Sua alegria
183. Seu empenho
184. Sua suavidade
185. Sua sinceridade
186. Seu brilho
187. Sua fé
188. Sua força
189. Seu apoio
190. Sua espiritualidade
191. Sua confiança
192. Sua dedicação
193. Seu afeto
194. Sua felicidade
195. Sua energia
196. Sua habilidade
197. Sua generosidade
198. Sua sabedoria
199. Seu zelo
200. Sua luz
1 Motivo:
Você não sentir o mesmo
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applesauce365 · 7 months ago
한국 드라마 시청 기록
1. 닥터 이방인 (Doctor Stranger)
2. 피노키오 (Pinocchio)
3. 의사 요한 (Dr. John)
4. 닥터스 (Doctors)
5. 키미 힐미 (Kill Me, Heal Me)
6. 하이드 지킬, 나 (Hyde Jekyll, Me)
7. 변혁의사랑 (Revolutionary Love)
8. 내 아이디는 강남미인 (My ID is Gangnam Beauty)
9. 훈남정음 (The Undateables)
10. 국민 여러분 (My Fellow Citizens!)
11. 이번 생은 처음이라 (Because This is My First Life)
12. 청춘시대 (Age of Youth)
13. 제3병원 (The 3rd Hospital)
14. 서른이지만 열일곱입니다 (Still 17)
15. 응급남녀 (Emergency Couple)
16. 시크릿가든 (Secret Garden)
17. 사랑의 불시착 (Crash Landing on You)
18. 김비서가 왜 그럴까 (What's Wrong with Secretary Kim)
19. 괜찮아, 사랑이야 (It's Okay, That's Love)
20. 꽃할배 수사대 (Flower Grandpa Investigation Unit)
21. 너의 목소리가 들려 (I Can Hear Your Voice)
22. 하백의 신부 (Bride of Habaek)
23. 청춘시대 2 (Age of Youth Season 2)
24. 여우각시별 (Where Stars Land)
25. 이판사판 (Judge vs Judge)
26. 신의 선물: 14일 (God's Gift : 14 Days)
27. 미녀 공심이 (Beautiful Gong Shim)
28. 그녀는 예뻤다 (She Was Pretty)
29. 닥터 프리즈너 (Doctor Prisoner)
30. 실업급여 로맨스 (Unemployed Romance)
31. 보스를 지켜라 (Protect The Boss)
32. 죽어도 좋아 (Happy If You Died)
33. 이혼변호사는 연애중 (Divorce Lawyer in Love)
34. 너희들은 포위됐다 (You're All Surrounded)
35. 친애하는 판사님께 (Dear Judge)
36. 귓속말 (Whisper)
37. 초면에 사랑합니다 (Secret Life of My Secretary)
38. 피고인 (Defendant)
39. 힐러 (Healer)
40. 열혈사제 (Fiery Priest)
41. 반의반 (A Piece of Your Mind)
42. 터널 (Tunnel)
43. 태양의 후예 (Master's Sun)
44. 상속자들 (The Heirs)
45. 화유기 (The Korean Odyssey)
46. 으라차차 와이키키 (Welcome to Waikiki)
47. 유령 (Phantom)
48. 아버지가 이상해 (My Father is Strange)
49. 그녀에 사생활 (Her Private Life)
50. 낭만닥터 김사부 (Dr. Romantic)
51. 돌아와요 아저씨 (Come Back Mister)
52. 1%의 어떤 것 (Something About 1%)
53. 슬기로운 의사생활 (Hospital Playlist)
54. 응답하라 1997 (Reply 1997)
55. 어쩌다 발견한 하루 (Extraordinary You)
56. 이태원 클라쓰 (Itaewon Class)
57. 쌈 마이 웨이 (Fight My Way)
58. 시그널 (Signal)
59. 검법남녀 (Partners for Justice)
60. 동백 꽃 필 무렵 (When The Camellia Blooms)
61. 우리 집에 사는 남자 (Sweet Stranger and Me)
62. 혼술남녀 (Drinking Solo)
63. 고백부부 (Go Back Couple)
64. 내 뒤에 테리우스 (My Secret Terius)
65. 베가본드 (Vagabond)
66. 오 마이 베이비 (Oh My Baby)
67. 구름이 그린 달빛 (Love in The Moonlight)
68. 편의점 샛별이 (Backstreet Rookie)
69. 사이코지만 괜찮아 (It's Okay to Not Be Okay)
70. 로봇이 아니야 (I'm not a Robot)
71. 응답하라 1988 (Reply 1988)
72. 마음의소리 (The Sound of Your Heart)
73. 마음의소리 리부트 (The Sound of Your Heart Reboot)
74. 일단 뜨겁게 청소하라 (Clean with Passion For Now)
75. 모던파마 (Modern Farmer)
76. 수상한 파트너 (Suspicious Partner)
77. 아무도 모른다 (Nobody Knows)
78. 화랑 (Hwarang)
79. 도도솔솔라라솔 (Do Do Sol Sol La La Sol)
80. 힘쎈 여자 도봉순 (Strong Woman Do Bong Soon)
81. 바람피면 죽는다 (Cheat On Me If You Can)
82. W
83. 비밀의 숲 (Stranger)
84. 산후조리원 (Birthcare Centre)
85. 디어 마이 프렌즈
86. 여신강림
87. 지붕 뚫고 하이킥
88. 스위트 홈
89. 나빌레라
90. 보이스
91. 악의 꽃
92. 달의 연인 - 보보경심 려
93. 크리미널마인드
94. 구가의 서
95. 김과장
96. 하이바이 마마!
97. 슬기로운 감빵생활
98. 쓸쓸하고 찬란하신 도깨비
99. 커피프린스 1호점
100. 당신이 잠든 사이에
101. 나의 아저씨
102. 영혼수선공
103. 오징어 게임
104. 더 케이투
105. 호텔 델루나
106. 철인왕후
107. 18 어게인
108. 푸른바다의 전설
109. 최고의 한방
110. 시카고 타자기
111. 운명처럼 널 사랑해
112. 미스터 션샤인
113. 붉은 달 푸른 해
114. 각시탈
115. 타인은 지옥이다
116. 주군의 태양
117. 마우스
118. 본대로 말하라
119. 구해줘
120. 괴물
121. 무브투헤븐
122. 하늘에서 내리는 일억 개의 별
123. 미생
124. 쇼핑왕 루이
125. 빈센조
126. 역도요정 김복주
127. 종이의 집: 공동경제구역
128. 나의 해방일지
129. 치즈인더트랩
130. 멜로가 체질
131. 디피
132. 악의 마음을 읽는 자들
133. Doom at your Service
134. 오월의 청춘
135. 라이브
136. 지금부터 쇼타임
137. 살인자의 쇼핑목록
138. 눈이 부시게
139. 이상한 변호사 우영우
140. 소년심판
141. 수리남
142. 보이스 2
143. 보이스 3
144. 사내맞선
145. 빅마우스
146. 신의퀴즈
147. 파칭코
148. 아는 와이프
149. 펜트하우스
150. 블랙독
151. 우월한 하루
152. 지금 우리 학교는
153. 가우스전자
154. 월수금화목토
155. 천원짜리 변호사
156. 백일의 낭군님
157. 내일 지구가 망해버렸으면 좋겠어
158. 더 글로리
159. 진검승부
160. 얼어죽을 연애따위
161. 술꾼도시여자들
162. 커넥트
163. 일타 스캔들
164. 나쁜 엄마
165. 패밀리
166. 스물다섯 스물하나
167. 옷소매 붉은 끝동
168. 마스크걸
169. 라켓소년단
170. 마당이 있는 집
171. 이 구역의 미친X
172. 반짝이는 워터멜론
173. 설강화
174. 스타트��
175. 경성크리처
176. 최악의 악
177. 이제 곧 죽습니다
178. 마이데몬
179. LNTS
180. 라이프 온 마스
181. 내 남편과 결혼해줘
182. 검색어를 입력하세요 : WWW
183. 보라! 데보라
184. 아무것도 하고싶지않아
185. 눈물의 여왕
186. 정신병동에도 아침이 와요
187. 닥터슬럼프
188. 선재 업고 튀어
189. 더 8 쇼
190. 남이 될수 있을까
191. 7일의 왕비
192. 연애 말고 결혼
193. 슈룹
194. 연인
195. 크래시
196. 비밀은 없어
197. 아무도 없는 숲 속에서
198. 놀아주는 여자
199. 지옥에서 온 판사
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yolacricket · 11 months ago
0 notes
mika-dawn · 3 years ago
Note: someone originally created this list (it was only 1-650 though) but they deactivated so I'm reposting it after adding a few of my favorite scenes
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•Chapter 45 : Magical Bombs [Spat Blood]
•Chapter 55 : Protect Knights From Toonka [Buckling knee, Drenched]
•Chapter 80 Giant Wave + Dragon Drying [Headache, Drenched] Chapter
•112 Red Thunderbolt [Spat Blood (A Copious Amount)]
•Chapter 162 Falling Tower [Spat Blood]
•Chapter 177 Eating Pies After Lightning [Spat Blood]
•Chapter 183 Destroying Houses [Spat Blood]
•Chapter 198 First Line Of War Defense [Blood Coming Out Of All Orifices]
•Chapter 215 ~ 225 War On Dessert & At Sea [Spat Blood]
•Chapter 238 Death Gorge [Blood]
•Chapter 244 "Are you trying to sacrifice yourself?" "Yes"
•Chapter 251 Prince + Raon Introduction [3 Days Left To Live]
•Chapter 257-259 Receiving Sky Eating
•Chapter 295 Putting Out Dragon's Fire [Blood]
•Chapter 302-306 Rose Gold Fire [Blood, Fainted] "Slap me"
•Chapter 339 Vs White Star [Fainted] •Chapter 354 The Wind Whip Trial [Fainted]
•Chapter 384 After Using All 5 + Crown [Shaky]
•Chapter 421 "He is writing a legend :"[Blood]
•Chapter 448 Earth + Water vs WS [Blood]
•Chapter 570 In The Sealed God's Test [Blood]
•Chapter 602 Sealed God's Bullshit [Blood]
•Chapter 607 Using The Shield In SG's Test [Blood, Collapsed]
•Chapter 646 'Instant Skill [Blood, Scars, Fainted]
•Chapter 6 Cale and Choi Han first meet
Other cute stuffs that happens along the way :
•Chapter 53 Saving Paseton's Life and Himbo Bob's first apperance.
•Chapter 58 Offering Dragon a house
•Chapter 59 Return home to worried! fam
•Chapter 66 Yandere eyes! Choi Han
•Chapter 67 Concerned! fam about visit to Whipper Kingdom + Dragon Name
•Chapter 71 Pre-battle trash talk
•Chapter 76 Heading into No-Return Path
•Chapter 85 venuon tortute
•Chapter 89 Ron comes back heavily injured.
•Chapter 91 "My Blood Would Be Very Effective."
•Chapter 96 Cale treats Ron from the mermaid poison.
•Chapter 97 Laziness Raises Concern •Chapter 101 Raon Reveal To Dark Elves
•Chapter 124 "Shouldn't You Blow Up?"
•Chapter 130 Asian Parent! Raon
•Chapter 133 Everyone In The New Villa
•Chapter 140 Big Shots Meeting
•Chapter 147 "Pretended to be trash"
•Chapter 163 Sleeping with Raon
•Chapter 168 Sick Raon!
•Chapter 170 Meeting World Tree Elves
•Chapter 174-175 Cale messing with Clopeh
•Chapter 176 Cale, whose favorite way of working out was breathing.
•Chapter 177 EAT APPLE PIES
•Chapter 178 “I told you I'm okay.”
“I will guard you.”
“I will protect you!”
“I'm going to surround the enemies with poison.”
“I'm going to cover their sights with fog.”
•Chapter 185 Worried Prince
•Chapter 190 Shopping Spree
•Chapter 195 Cale vs Old Nobles
•Chapter 196 Holding Up Shield For 3 Days
•Chapter 197 HUG (Choi + Cale)
•Chapter 198 “You are not the one who will create a legend. That role is already reserved for someone else.”
•Chapter 206 “If I make a mistake, it will be that I accidentally killed them. There will be no other types of mistakes.”
•Chapter 207 “Please just make it so I can make sure the soldiers have time to eat.”
•Chapter 208 Clopeh's New Religion •Chapter 209 Every1 trynna feed Cale •Chapter 232 “You seem to be someone who is quite loved.
•Chapter 235 Adressing Insecurities •Chapter 252 Ron Hearing About 3 Days
•Chapter 258 Immobilized In Bed
•Chapter 259 “Goldie! Why are you saying something that’ll make me want to destroy the world?”
•Chapter 262" Well, you can say that he l almost died but came back to life."
•Chapter 264 HUG (Cale + Alberu)
‘Both you and I have experienced it once. That is why we cannot let it happen again. This is our last house. You know that, right?’ -Ron Molan
•Chapter 285" Human! Didn't you say that you would only use a little bit of your power? Are you trying to collapse again ?!"
•Chapter 269 The reason Cale never explains anything
•Chapter 291 Raon Meet Sr Rex + Billos •Chapter 292" Imma go put out the fire i made "+ Two-man Sick Patient Act
•Chapter 306 Sleep Talking
•Chapter 309" You fucking moron: "
•Chapter 310 Gluttony
•Chapter 320" That can't all be possibly true, right?” “Mhm, that's true. ""Excuse me? "+ Hide And Seek
•Chapter 333 WS Meeting
•Chapter 335 “Don’t you dare touch my children.”
•Chapter 346 Bud Ilis, barely a day after knowing Cale, "My friend, you're such a good person :"
•Chapter 353 FEELS
•Chapter 354 "Why is only one day's worth of food gone?"
•Chapter 359 "Cale Henituse, this-" "it's fine for me."
•Chapter 362 Taking a call looking drunk
•Chapter 368 Cale Feeding Raon + CHOI HAN'S PAST REVEAL
•Chapter 391 Bud Meets Cloph
•Chapter 394-395 ‘Kim Rok Soo, it’s not your fault.’ <You were the one who was supposed to die.>
•Chapter 402 "Because I think you will use the power if things look bad : "We've had to watch you be in pain like that over and over!"
•Chapter 414 "Apparently, Choi Han woke up while shouting, 'Kim Rok Soo!' Human, do you know who Kim Rok Soo is? "
•Chapter 423 "..Why am I crying? I'm not sad."
•Chapter 424 Kim Rok Soo Meet Choi Han
•Chapter 425 "Oh, by the way, the original owner of your body is living well too. He said he is happy."
•Chapter 432 "It looks like the Henituse household will become at least a Marquis and at maximum a Duke household." + "Do you want to become thw territory lord?"
•Chapter 433 Clopeh + Witira vs Farmer! Cale & Territory Lord Hot Potato
•Chapter 434 Parental Concern
•Chapter 435 Sworn Brotherhood
•Chapter 437 Trash of The Duke's Family
•Chapter 447 Breaking out of illusion
•Chapter 456 Ron + Beacrox Homecoming
•Chapter 460 “It is not the Henituse County anymore. It is the Henituse Duchy now."
•Chapter 463 “Cale-nim, are you planning on sacrificing yourself again? "
•Chapter 470" LaNgUaGe, siX-yEaR oLd "
•Chapter 475" Honestly speaking, Alberu Crossman cherished the current Cale Henituse .. "
•Chapter 478 DHB Joins The Party •Chapter 481" The God of Death cherishes heroes, but is willing to sacrifice a few to save the masses. ""It looks like it is you this time. “
•Chapter 483 “Cale-nim ,. Did the God of Death do something?”
•Chapter 485 think your ancestor was a criminal?"
•Chapter 487 Concerned! Alberu on Cale's involvement with GoD
•Chapter 490 Meet Princess Jopis
•Chapter 494 “really seemed to have made a deal with Someone who is worse than the Demonic race.”
•Chapter 500 Guardian Knight fanboys
•Chapter 501 Back To The Other World + Cale faints after getting captured by Fake World Tree
•Chapter 502 Choi + Raon goes feral •Chapter 503-505 Aluding to 💖🔪
•Chapter 507“You showed our young master-nim despair. You shouldn't have done that."
•Chapter 515" Hand your blood over to us. No, serve it to us."
•Chapter 524".You are someone who has received the will of a god"
•Chapter 525 Conspiracy Theorist! WS •Chapter 527"Do you have any intentions of making the White Star's comments come true?"
•Chapter 528 GoD better watch out for one" innocent "swordsman + baby dragon lord" Cale Henituse, what do you think? Have you thought about it yet? I want to quickly drink your blood."
•Chapter 530 Best Actor goes to.Naru! Cale
•Chapter 535"Please give the order to kill Cale Henituse right away :, Cale Henituse said.
•Chapter 540 Choi + Raon vs WS's first name + face
•Chapter 554 "Cale had instantly fallen into darkness." "There's only one reason that a VoW of death would be cut. "That means that the other person is dead"
•Chapter 555 Sealed God's test start
•Chapter 556 "Cale's eyes teared up at that moment"
•Chapter 580 Cloppeh Sekka 2.0
•Chapter 582 Lee Soo Hyuk Reunion •Chapter 587 Ron continue to scare Alberu
•Chapter 589 <Become the sun.>
•Chapter 603 “It feels like someone is trying to pull my heart out.”
•Chapter 605 "Are you still thinking about protecting others in your current situation?"
•Chapter 615 Beacrox switches to black gloves
•Chapter 616 Caleism spreads to Earth 2
•Chapter 618 Truth Revealed to LSH
•Chapter 620 Thanking SG
•Chapter 622 SG's Test Completed
•Chapter 623 Visiting The Henituse Duchy
•Chapter 624 Basen thinks Cale wants him to become the territory lord because he thinks he's gonna die.
•Chapter 627 Reuniting with dad
•Chapter 628 Cale Fanbois
•Chapter 630 Cale in the capital + Cale fanclub
•Chapter 631 Dragon Master Cale
•Chapter 634 Motherhens about Cale's health
•Chapter 637 "Dragons." "..Ah. They're Dragons." "Nod nod. Bud just decided not to think about Cale's group anymore."
•Chapter 640 "We need to destroy everyone who messes with our kids." “I’m not going to let you mess with my noona and my hyung. I will destroy everything.”
•Chapter 646 Cale uses "Instant" (REALLY EMOTIONAL)
•Chapter 647 "Raon could never forget the arms that carried him and took him out of that cave."
•Chapter 648 "In the future, the person who gathered all these different races together would be called the beginning and the end of everything. But that person, Cale Henituse, was currently lying on a bed unable to open his eyes."
•Chapter 649 The dragon half-blood <\\3...
•Chapter 635 alternative world KRS meets Choi Han
•Chapter 655-657 The OG Cale
•Chapter 658 "Goldie gramps! Pretend to be dead!"
•Chapter 660-661 Repairing Cale's plate
•Chapter 661 Everyone thinks Cale is visiting his "mother's" grave cause he might die
•Chapter 662 Drew's diary
•Chapter 664 The red tree and young drew
•Chapter 665 “Choi Han, do you want to try dying once?”
•Chapter 670-671 Cale finds out he has to stab himself in the heart aka meeting with the world tree
•Chapter 676 "Alberu was saying that the thief who stole Taerang was named ‘Choi Jung Gun.’"
•Chapter 678 Hilsman is sus
•Chapter 679 “Capture Deruth Henituse!”
•Chapter 683 Cale uses Blood-Drenched rock
•Chapter 685 Cale tells White Star he's only been in that world for 2 years + Cale imprisoned white thing
•Chapter 687 “I finally think that my life is a bit precious.”
•Chapter 693 < The great and mighty hero did not die even when his heart was stabbed. >
•Chapter 695 "Why the hell would Alberu faint?" -bastard who always faints + they beat unranked monster
•Chapter 696-697 Cale gets interrogated
•Chapter 699 Entering the Sealed God's Temple
•Chapter 704 "Cale is saying that he is currently a ghost."
•Chapter 707 Clopeh's crazy talk ensues misunderstandings
•Chapter 710 Test Eruhaben thinks Cale and Alberu are part of the divine race
•Chapter 713 Cute Mary only believes it's actually Cale when he talks about his slacker life
•Chapter 715 SG Pretends to be Cale and makes it look like the others are ganging up on Cale
•Chapter 718 "He had lost his family at a young age, but the day that he had lost his second family had returned as an illusion."
•Chapter 719 seventeen year old KRS
•Chapter 720 younger KRS's home life <\\3
•Chapter 726 the hunter targeting KRS is revealed
•Chapter 727 Choi Jung Gun finds out about Cale
•Chapter 730 "Find the Red Blood"???
•Chapter 744 'Dodam Miru" <\3
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animusrox · 4 years ago
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Note: This will include a few releases from 2021 due to the pandemic/awards season 1.   Minari 2.   The Vast of Night 3.   First Cow 4.   I’m Thinking of Ending Things 5.   The Forty-Year-Old Version 6.   Palm Springs 7.   Sound of Metal 8.   Black Bear 9.   Nomadland 10.   One Night in Miami…
[Grade A]
11.   Bull 12.   Boys State 13.   Never Rarely Sometimes Always 14.   Tenet 15.   The White Tiger 16.   Let Him Go 17.   Mogul Mowgli 18.   Judas and the Black Messiah 19.   His House 20.   The King of Staten Island 21.   Wendy 22.   Mangrove 23.   Pieces of a Woman 24.   Possessor 25.   VFW 26.   The Short History of the Long Road 27.   The Mauritanian 28.   The Platform 29.   You Cannot Kill David Arquette 30.   The Lodge 31.   Swallow 32.   Soul 33.   Wolfwalkers 34.   Run 35.   The World to Come 36.   Time 37.   Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom 38.   Bacurau 39.   The Assistant 40.   Big Time Adolescence 41.   I Care a Lot 42.   MLK/FBI 43.   The Other Lamb 44.   FP2: Beats of Rage 45.   The Father 46.   Saint Maud 47.   Mank 48.   The Trial of the Chicago 7 49.   Our Friend 50.   Sweetheart 51.   Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn) 52.   Hamilton 53.   The Rental 54.   1BR 55.   Guns Akimbo 56.   Alone 57.   Proxima 58.   Host 59.   Ordinary Love 60.   Greenland
Click Keep Reading For My Full List
[Grade B]
61.   I’m Your Woman 62.   Promising Young Woman 63.   Bad Education 64.   La Llorona 65.   Another Round 66.   Valley Girl 67.   Skylines 68.   Malcolm & Marie 69.   A Shaun the Sheep Movie: Farmageddon 70.   The Invisible Man 71.   Da 5 Bloods 72.   Underwater 73.   The Way Back 74.   Color Out of Space 75.   Happiest Season 76.   The Croods: A New Age 77.   Nocturne 78.   Love and Monsters 79.   Superman: Man of Tomorrow 80.   Sputnik 81.   Enola Holmes 82.   News of the World 83.   Project Power 84.   The Wolf of Snow Hollow 85.   Hammer 86.   The Empty Man 87.   Bad Trip 88.   Borat Subsequent Moviefilm 89.   The Quarry 90.   The Bee Gees: How Can You Mend a Broken Heart 91.   Vampires vs. the Bronx 92.   Shadow in the Cloud
[Grade C]
93.   Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga 94.   The Personal History of David Copperfield 95.   Bad Hair 96.   Superman: Red Son 97.   Scoob! 98.   Land 99.   On the Rocks 100.   The Photograph 101.   An American Pickle 102.   Lost Girls & Love Hotels 103.   The Broken Hearts Gallery 104.   Summerland 105.   Sonic the Hedgehog 106.   We Summon the Darkness 107.   The Beach House 108.   Relic 109.   Gretel & Hansel 110.   Freaky 111.   The United States vs. Billie Holiday 112.   Black Box 113.   Peninsula 114.   Rebecca 115.   Impractical Jokers: The Movie 116.   Class Action Park 117.   Downhill 118.   Extraction 119.   The Devil All the Time 120.   The Gentlemen 121.   Let Them All Talk 122.   The Dark and the Wicked 123.   Kajillionaire 124.   Come Play 125.   The Little Things 126.   Unhinged 127.   Dreamland 128.   The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge on the Run 129.   Happy Happy Joy Joy: The Ren & Stimpy Story 130.   Bad Boys for Life 131.   Vivarium 132.   Blood Machines 133.   Hubie Halloween 134.   Onward 135.   The Hunt 136.   Ammonite 137.   The Lovebirds 138.   Amulet 139.   The Witches 140.   Fatman 141.   The High Note 142.   Blood Quantum 143.   Cherry 144.   The New Mutants
[Grade D]
145.   Irresistible 146.   Ava 147.   You Should Have Left 148.   Last Moment of Clarity 149.   Justice League Dark: Apokolips War 150.   Evil Eye 151.   Emma. 152.   The Old Guard 153.   Shirley 154.   The Rhythm Section 155.   Bill & Ted Face the Music 156.   Arkansas 157.   Greed 158.   Becky 159.   My Spy 160.   Mulan 161.   Mortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion’s Revenge 162.   Antebellum 163.   The Tax Collector 164.   Greyhound 165.   Hillbilly Elegy 166.   The Banker 167.   Trolls World Tour 168.   The Jesus Rolls 169.   The Call of the Wild 170.   Deathstroke: Knights & Dragons 171.   The Midnight Sky
[Grade F]
172.   Wonder Woman 1984 173.   All My Life 174.   The War with Grandpa 175.   Force of Nature 176.   The Night Clerk 177.   The Iron Mask 178.   Chick Fight 179.   The Babysitter: Killer Queen 180.   Capone 181.   The Grudge 182.   Songbird 183.   Bloodshot 184.   Monster Hunter 185.   Above Suspicion 186.   Jiu Jitsu 187.   Blue Story 188.   The Turning 189.   Brahms: The Boy II 190.   Dolittle
[Bottom 10]
191.   Seberg 192.   Like a Boss 193.   Artemis Fowl 194.   Fatale 195.   Fantasy Island 196.   The Lie 197.   Homeward 198.   Money Plane 199.   Music 200.   A Fall From Grace
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strangerrthings · 3 years ago
All the movies that inspired Stranger Things 4 (According to the Stranger Things Writers)
1. 300 2. 12 Monkeys 3. 13th Warrior 4. 2001: a Space Odyssey 5. 28 Days Later 6. 47 Meters Down: Uncaged 7. Ace Ventura Pet Detective 8. Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls 9. Almost Famous 10. Altered States (Unavailable) 11. Amalie 12. American Sniper (TNT) 13. Analyze This 14. Annihilation 15. Aristocats 16. Armageddon 17. Arrival 18. Assassin’s Creed Movie 19. Avengers: Age of Ultron 20. Babe: Pig in the City 21. Back Draft (Peacock) 22. Basketcase 23. Batman Begins 24. Batman vs. Superman 25. Battle of Big Rock 26. Beauty and the Beast 27. Beetlejuice 28. Behind Enemy Lines 29. Beverly Hills Cop 30. Bill & Ted’s Bogus Journey 31. Billy Madison 32. Black Cauldron 33. Black Swan 34. Blade Runner: 2049 35. Blair Witch Project 36. Boondock Saints 37. Borat 38. Bram Stoker’s Dracula 39. Broken Arrow 40. Burn After Reading 41. C.H.U.D. 42. Cabin in the Woods 43. Carrie 44. Casablanca 45. Castaway 46. Children of Men 47. Cider House Rules 48. Clueless 49. Con Air 50. Congo 51. Constantine 52. Crank 53. Crimson Tide 54. Dances With Wolves 55. Dark Knight 56. Death to Smoochy 57. Deep Blue Sea 58. Die Hard 1 2 & 3 59. Dogma (YouTube) 60. Don’s Plum 61. Don’t Breathe (Nope) 62. Doom 63. Dreamcatcher 64. Drop Dead Fred 65. Dukes of Hazzard 66. Dumb & Dumber 67. Edward Scissorhands 68. Emma 69. Enter the Void 70. Event Horizon 71. Ex Machina 72. Fallen 73. Fargo 74. Fast & Furious: Tokyo Drift 75. Ferris Bueller’s Day Off 76. Final Destination 77. Fisher King 78. Forrest Gump 79. Fugitive 80. Full Metal Jacket 81. Get Out 82. Ghost 83. Ghostbusters 84. Girl with the Dragon Tattoo 85. Girl, Interrupted 86. Gladiator (?) 87. Godzilla: King of the Monsters 88. Good Fellas 89. Good Will Hunting 90. Hackers 91. Harry Potter & the Chamber of Secrets 92. Heat 93. Hell or High Water 94. Hellraiser (I + II) 95. Hidden 96. High Fidelity 97. High School Musical 98. Highlander 99. Home Alone 100. Hunger Games 101. Hurt Locker 102. I Am a Fugitive From a Chain Gang 103. I Am Legend 104. In Cold Blood 105. Inception 106. Independence Day 107. Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark 108. Indiana Jones: Temple of Doom 109. Innerspace 110. Inside Out 111. Interview with a Vampire 112. Into the Spiderverse 113. Island of Dr. Moreau 114. It Follows 115. It’s a Wonderful Life 116. Italian Job 117. James Bond (all) 118. James Bond: Skyfall 119. John Carter of Mars 120. JP (= Jurassic Park?) 121. Jupiter Ascending 122. Jurassic World 2: Fallen Kingdom 123. Karate Kid 124. Kingsmen 125. Knives Out 126. Labyrinth 127. Leon: the Professional 128. Let The Right One In 129. Little Miss Sunshine 130. Long Kiss Goodnight 131. Lord of the Rings: Trilogy 132. Lord of the Rings: Two Towers 133. Lost Boys 134. Mad Max: Fury Road 135. Magnolia 136. Mask of Zorro 137. Men in Black 138. Mimic 139. Minority Report 140. Misery 141. Mr. & Mrs. Smith 142. My Cousin Vinny 143. Mystic River 144. Never Been Kissed 145. Nightmare 3: Dream Warriors 146. No Country for Old Men 147. North By Northwest 148. Ocean’s 11 + 12 149. Ocean’s 8 150. One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest 151. Open Water 152. Orange County 153. Ordinary People 154. Paddington: 2 155. Pan’s Labyrinth 156. Papillon 157. Paradise Lost 158. Peter Jackson’s King Kong 159. Peter Pan 160. Pineapple Express 161. Platoon 162. Predator 163. Primal Fears 164. Princess Bride 165. Prisoners 166. Pulp Fiction 167. Ravenous 168. Reality Bites 169. Red Dragon 170. Reservoir Dogs 171. Robocop 172. Rushmore 173. Saving Private Ryan 174. Scrooged 175. Se7en 176. Shape of Water 177. Shooter 178. Sicario 179. Silence of the Lambs 180. Silver Bullet 181. Sky High 182. Society 183. Source Code 184. Speed 185. Splash! 186. Splice 187. Spy Kids 188. Star Wars 189. Star Wars: Rogue One 190. Starship Troopers 191. Step Up 2: Step Up 2 Tha Streets 192. Stoker 193. Superbad 194. Swept Away 195. Swingers 196. Sword in the Stone 197. Swordfish 198. Tangled 199. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 200. Terminator 2 201. Terminator: Dark Fate 202. The A-Team 203. The Birdcage 204. The Birds 205. The Book of Henry 206. The Cell 207. The Craft 208. The Crazies 209. The Crow 210. The Descent 211. The Devil’s Advocate 212. The Fifth Element 213. The Fly 214. The Good Son 215. The Goofy Movie 216. The Graduate 217. The Green Mile 218. The Guardian 219. The Guest 220. The Hobbit: I, II, II 221. The Lighthouse 222. The Matrix 223. The Mist 224. The Mummy 225. The Natural 226. The Neverending Story 227. The Orphan 228. The Peanut Butter Solution 229. The Perfect Storm 230. The Prestige 231. The Raid 232. The Revenant 233. The Ring 234. The Rock 235. The Shining 236. The Terminal 237. The Visit 238. Thor: Ragnarok 239. Timeline 240. Titanic 241. To Kill a Mockingbird 242. Tombstone 243. Total Recall 244. Toy Story 4 245. True Lies 246. True Romance 247. Truman Show 248. Twister 249. Unbreakable 250. Unforgiven 251. Unleashed 252. Very Bad Things 253. Wanted 254. War Dogs 255. War Games 256. Wayne’s World 257. Wedding Crashers 258. Weird Science 259. Welcome to Marwen 260. Welcome to the Dollhouse 261. Wet Hot American Summer 262. What Dreams May Come 263. What Lies Beneath 264. What Women Want 265. What’s Eating Gilbert Grape? 266. Who Framed Roger Rabbit 267. Willow 268. Wizard of Oz 269. You’ve Got Mail 270. Young Sherlock Holmes 271. Zodiac 272. Zoolander
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cat-arsenal · 3 years ago
(Main Blog Version)
I posted 2,489 times in 2021
103 posts created (4%)
2386 posts reblogged (96%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 23.2 posts.
I added 2,046 tags in 2021
#art - 477 posts
#redacted asmr - 258 posts
#important - 227 posts
#cool stuff - 196 posts
#video - 189 posts
#legendary - 174 posts
#thank you - 153 posts
#cute things - 126 posts
#animals - 124 posts
#signal boost - 122 posts
Longest Tag: 134 characters
#i'll definitely be drawing about this tomorrow but right now i have to sleep so i'll leave you with what's rattling around in my brain
My Top Posts in 2021
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39 notes • Posted 2021-08-14 23:31:20 GMT
How did I forget what a clingy, pouty, sweet, goofy, snarky thing David is?  How did I forget that he asked Angel how they feel about dogs on their first not-date?  How did I forget what a tender heart he has?  How did I forget his dopey sense of humor?  I need to lie down.
44 notes • Posted 2021-11-27 21:52:32 GMT
D.A.M.N. Season 1 Lightning Round Character Facts
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48 notes • Posted 2021-07-03 16:54:10 GMT
Vin and the Freelancer make plans A.K.A. I’m bad at titles and full of feels
It's been a week, or two, or more since they arrived, and they've managed to meet only a few times between classes and lectures and training and indoctrination.  Vindemiator has been recovering and listening, feeding enough to no longer be starving, and the Freelancer has been doing what they've always done: keeping their head down, learning whatever they can, making a mental list of potential allies vs enemies, and a mental map of escape routes and chances to take them.  Said chances are rarer than the times they can steal away to see Vindemiator.
They find each other in the wee hours at the end of a rarely-used hallway and sink wordlessly down the wall, shoulders touching.  They let out a deep sigh, and Vindemiator rests his head atop theirs.  Sometimes they talk, sharing information and questions of concern.  Sometimes they just sit in silence, two souls allowing their walls to drop only for a moment, only for each other.
Vindemiator is just beginning to doze off when the Freelancer turns, pressing their head more firmly into his chest.
"We could run," they say, quiet but clear.  He opens his eyes slowly.
"You and me."  They sit up, eyes locked with his.  "We could do it.  I've been thinking about it, and I know how we can get out and stay out.  Be free."
He shakes his head, frowning.
"There's no 'freedom' for people like us, Cutie, you know that."
"What I know," they reply evenly, "is that we're stronger together.  What I know is that being on the run is better than being trapped here with that creepy director and his attack dogs and all these brain-washed zombies."
"I was on the run for a year," he reminds them softly.
"I was on the run for ten," they counter, without venom.  "And I was fine up until that night.  And I'll be better with you.  And you'll be safe with me," they murmur, reaching for him but not touching, "and maybe happy?  I don't know."
He takes their hand and holds it to his chest.
"I am happy with you."
They smile a little, surprised but pleased, and he thinks, not for the first time, about kissing them.  Then they turn serious, tone pleading.
"Will you be free with me?"
He struggles, as he has since arriving.  True, the Academy is far from the haven it advertised itself as, but it's also true that they are safe, mostly, and fed, and have access to education, even if that education consists primarily of propaganda.  But they aren't free to leave, or see each other, or really be themselves under the strict scrutiny of the Imperium, staff, students, and other Academy residents.
He sighs.  God damn it.
He pulls them close by their clasped hands and rests their foreheads together.  He trusts them.
“Just tell me what to do.”
57 notes • Posted 2021-10-18 23:51:46 GMT
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74 notes • Posted 2021-07-07 05:34:54 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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jasons-exposedspine · 4 years ago
Prompt list
hey guys so my best friend and i made a long ass prompt list. the rules are that you can only pick a limit of five prompts and send them to me with a ship and OC of mine. like for example Reagan and Negan or Clem and Cas or Destiel or Willow and sam or Laylahni and Dean. i only write for supernatural and the walking dead. so get as creative as you want but i know no one will read this post so if you are reading this please send in a request i am really fucking desperate.
1: Hand holding
2: Hair playing
3: Lap sitting
4: “Friends”
5: Tickling
6: Dancing
7: Cuddling
8: Hugging
9: Character death 
10: Resurrection
11: Date
12: Valentines Day
13: Admitting their feelings
14: Piggy back ride
15: Swimming
16: Teleporting to a different place
17: Carrying the other
18: Sad
19: Comforting them
20: Making out
21: Pulling down by tie, bandana, etc and kissing them
22: Being protective
23: Dying for the other; sacrifice
24: Getting drunk
25: Snuggling
26: Wrapping their arms around the other from behind
27: Cheek kissing
28: Forehead kissing
29: First experience in the love department
30: Yelling at them for not being more careful
31: Showering/bathing together
32: Picnic
33: Cooking
34: Licking food off the other
35: Going on a hunt/run together.
36: Tracing their face
37: Wearing the other’s clothes
38: Braiding their hair
39: Teaching them about feelings
40: Teaching them other things (wink wink)
41: Argument
42: Comforting them after an anxiety/panic attack
43: making them happy when they are down
44: Calming them/sleeping with them after a nightmare
45: Putting their head on the other’s shoulder
46: Treating an injury/kissing their boo boos better
47: Food fight
48: Forehead touching
49: Nose touching
50: Guess who
51: Chin resting on top of head
52: Sleeping on the others’ chest
53: Intense eye contact
54: Being caught staring
55: Playing with their hands
56: Telling them what’s wrong
57: They have to leave to keep them safe
58: Break up
59: Getting back together
60: Pregnancy
61: Miscarriage
62: Normal Birth
63: Marriage
64: Fixing their clothes/hair
65: Driving together in a car
66: In the backseat (wink wink)
67: Snuggling In the backseat
68: Resting their hand on the other’s thigh
69: Sex
70: Watching movies together
71: Cinema
72: Height Difference
73: Annoying each other
74: Stargazing
75. Waking up to them
76. Shelter from the rain
77: ice cream
78: being rescued/saved
79: listening to music together
80: texting
81: falling asleep on the other
82: accidentally kiss
83: being badass together
84: lOsT iN tHe wOoDs!!
85: camping
86: spooning
87: huddling for warmth
88: first kiss
89: first meet
90: one looking schmexy and the other being attracted
91: lip biting
92: wearing the other’s accessories; glasses, jacket, tie, hat, etc.
93: annoying them at work/while they are trying to work
94: making stupid videos together
95: keeping their relationship a secret from other people
96: nearly revealing their relationship in front of other people
97: coming out (if it’s gay)
98: playing with a pet (if they have one). (if they don’t, some other animal)
99: They are forced to be enemies even though they love each other. This could be in a war or sided scenario. Usually a forbidden love. They could also be together in secret. Take Romeo and Juliet for example.
100: corona edition - quarantining together
101: luxurious holiday
102: stuck somewhere together, whether that be locked in a room or lost somewhere, etc.
103: beach
104: watching the other sleep/sneak up on them sleeping
105: backstory
106: childhood friends
107: au
108: crossover
109: SIMPing over them
110: love triangle
111: third wheel
112: having a dream about the other person
113: unbuttoning the other person’s shirt/taking the other person’s clothes off
114: hotel
115: board games/video games
116: chucking paint at each other
117: cheating
118: being annoying and stopping the other person from walking by sitting on their feet and holding onto their legs
119: secret admirer/love letters
120: making hearts with their hands
121: taking selfies
122: singing/playing a song for them
123: Falling asleep on them on a bus, train, plane, etc.
124: Growing old together
125: Widowed
126: Arranged marriage
127: Forbidden love
128: Sitting over the other’s dead body
129: being walked in on doing you know what
130: family’s reaction to the relationship
131: Living together
132: Having a family
133: Senpai/notice me senpai!
134: crush
135: showing off for their crush
136: rejection
137: first date (awkward)
138: first date (normal)
139: painting on each other (for a date night)
140: flirting
141: cringey pickup line
142: Pinning them against a wall
143: sneaking in bed with them when they’re asleep
144: laughing really hard together
145: Under the other’s wings
146: underwater kissing
147: accidentally fall on each other
148: only one bed
149: kissing their neck
150: being awkward around their crush
151: Rich couple
152: Playing in the rain
153: Summer
154: Autumn
155: Winter
156: Spring
157: Walk in the park
158: walking them home
159: Other people/characters also shipping them
160: The cute neighbour
161: putting their hand under the other person’s shirt
162: telling them a story/bedtime story. (If they have a child, that makes it even better!)
163: needy
164: clingy
165: intimate
166: touchy/fondling
167: putting their leg on the other person’s leg when sleeping
168: accidentally falling off the edge of the bed/accidentally pushing the other person off the edge of the bed
167: blanket hogging
168: freezing when they see their crush
169: running away/fleeing when they see their crush
170: surprising/scaring them
171: snow
172: watching fireworks
173: comforting them during a storm
174: divorce
175: homosexual (gay, lesbian, etc.)
176: heterosexual (straight)
177: poly (3+ people)
178: one of them getting an award or something and the other cheering them on and embarrassing them
179: somehow ending up with someone who is way out of their league
180: travelling together
181: weekend of romance
182: act like they hate them but they actually like them, switch between emotions frequently (tsundere)
183: will kill or harm others for their senpai (yandere)
184: ignoring the other person
185: one not messaging the other back
186: pash
187: enemies to lovers
188: friends to lovers
189: watching the other undress
190: soulmates
191: phone call
192: prom/dance
193: highschool
194: riding on bikes (usually as kids)
195: proposal
196: teasing the other
197: watching the sunset/sunrise
198: morning jog/walk
199: waking up but they’re not there
200: waking up to the other one making breakfast
201: sneaking into their house in the middle of the night
202: partners in crime
203: ex lovers
204: crushing on friend’s sibling
205: letting them stay the night
206: accidentally in love
207: coffee shop au
208: when their parents aren’t home...
209: sitting next to them with their arm around the their waist
210: telling secrets
211: fireplace
212: sitting on the floor
213: study buddies
214: flying
215: sitting on the porch
216: see the other naked for the first time
217: double date
218: their crush is upper class but they are lower class or vice versa. eg. rich vs poor, popular vs unpopular, higher social status vs lower social status.
219: One is mature and the other is childish
220: 2 brain cells/both idiots
221: lipstick stains
222: helping the other up
223: Deep conversation
224: meet at a bar/club/pub
225: asking them out
226: being teased by their friend(s) about their crush
227: telling their friend(s) about their crush
228: mistletoe
229: virgin/losing virginity
230: screaming into their chest
231: hand brushing against the other’s
232: soulmates walking past each other in public not yet knowing the other person but still getting some sort of gut feeling.
233: asking if they’re ok
234: handsome stranger
235: a description of the character’s features
236: their scent lingering
237: arriving at their doorstep
238: sleeping on the couch
239: hot night
240: cold night
241: sweaty
242: missing the other person
243: seeing them depart/saying their goodbyes (usually if they’re leaving for a trip for a while)
244: seeing them again for the first time (usually after they arrive back after a trip after not seeing them for a while)
245: looking back after departing
246: not even knowing their name/don’t remember them properly (usually falling in love with a stranger)
247: I kissed a girl (gay)
248: I kissed a boy (gay)
249: the person they like isn’t gay
250: husband energy
251: mum and dad energy
252: wife energy
253: liking a bad boy
254: liking a more mature boy
255: diving off cliffs/waterfalls
256: Comforting the other one when they’re scared
257: hushing them to sleep
258: singing them a lullaby
259: adopting
260: surrogate
261: painting their nails, pamper treatment, etc.
262: posing for photos
263: eating spaghetti together (Lady and the Tramp style)
264: being protective when someone starts SIMPing over their lover
265: holding them tight
266: swears they saw their ex in public but it wasn’t them...
267: sleepover
268: flirtatious bartender
269: helping them
270: stumbling over their words
271: walking in on them showering
272: looking them up and down/checking them out
273: being competitive/friendly rivals dynamic
274: meeting them through social media first
275: tinder/online dating
276: daydreaming about the other person
277: one of them is sick/in hospital
278: doing something embarrassing in front of their crush
279: horseback riding
280: hammock
281: boat
282: taking them to and showing them a place that is special to them
283: dirty jokes
284: making them laugh
285: getting into a fight with each other
286: protecting the other in a fight/from getting into a fight
287: masquerade ball
288: love spell/something or someone casting love spells on people aka Cupid
289: he/she loves me, he/she loves me not...
290: whispering in their ear
291: sitting on top of the car in a field
292: if a character wears some sort of mask/something that covers their mouth/face make the other character pull down/lift it up to kiss them
293: give each other pet names (baby, babe, honey, etc) (be as creative as you want)
294: biting the other’s lip when kissing
295: buying the other flowers/a gift
296: road trip
297: friendzoning
298: Gender Bend
299: saying “I love you” for the first time
300: toxic relationship (physical abuse, mental abuse, cheating constantly, don't love them anymore) be as creative as you want.
@negan-morningstar @savedpeople @you-a-southpaw-doll @smcc212 @gabrielislovegabrielislife @galaxycastiel @winchester-reload @impala-dreamer
17 notes · View notes
thanksforthedinosaur · 4 years ago
international year of plant health
hi. i made a playlist of a snapshot of the stuff i’ve listened to this year if you’re looking for some recommendations! xoxo mae
1. little simz - might bang, might not 2. jean deaux - recipe! 3. logic - open mic\\aquarius iii 4. spittzwell - the lesson 5. ivy sole - kismet 6. vel the wonder - fine art 7. megan thee stallion - shots fired 8. kari faux - look at that 9. rico nasty - own it 10. flo milli - beef flomix 11. kodie shane - 2 many 12. kali uchis - ¡aquí yo mando! 13. tkay maidza - shook 14. bree runway - atm 15. yung baby tate - i am 16. almondmilkhunni - grapefruit 17. princess nokia - soul food y adobo 18. bosco - attention 19. kiana ledé - movin. 20. diamond white - secondhand 21. queen naija - i’m her 22. danileigh - mistreated 23. parisalexa - 2 optimistic 24. qveen herby - farewell 25. jhené aiko - p*$$y fairy (otw) 26. chloe x halle - forgive me 27. kehlani - water 28. umi - pretty girl hi! 29. rimon - i shine, u shine 30. disclosure - birthday 31. phora - cupid's curse 32. roy ayers - synchronize vibration 33. thundercat - unrequited love 34. thelonious coltrane - perfect timing 35. [ k s r ] - passion 36. alina baraz - more than enough 37. alayna - glowing 38. savannah cristina - self love 39. paloma ford - rain 40. nakala - she interlude ii 41. orion sun - lightning 42. jaz karis - hold you 43. cleo sol - when i'm in your arms 44. keiyaa - do yourself a favor 45. alicia keys - me x 7 46. yazmin lacey - morning matters 47. be steadwell - succulent 48. daniela andrade - k.l.f.g. 49. yung lean - dogboy 50. bladee - sun 51. blackwinterwells - algae 52. sullii - moonlight 53. misogi - heart chained 54. aminé - talk 55. tobi lou - lingo starr: drunken master 56. busta rhymes - look over your shoulder 57. 2 chainz - southside hov 58. atmosphere - the future is disgusting 59. meltycanon - moody blues 60. alfred. - sheeshfred 61. love-sadkid - ephemeral 62. jay squared - vision like you! 63. tuamie - you needed time you said 64. oatmello - blue 65. wun two - a noite 66. kuranes - calm 67. omaure - drama 68. dust and moonlight - sleeping or sinking 69. phlocalyst - image 70. ocha - r33 71. sugi.wa - love u 72. palm - memories of winter 73. goosetaf - tripwire 74. bryzone_ybp - the count 75. orancha - smoky banana 76. evil needle - midnight 77. eevee - romance 78. chief. - can't explain 79. ngyn - aerith 80. fujitsu - move on 81. meitei - nami 82. swum - breezy 83. chris mazuera - perspective 84. jinsang - maybe 85. tesk - cascades 86. saib - nautica 87. mf eistee - uprising 88. kaskade - when you’re dreaming 89. tatsuya maruyama - love you - lo-fi remix 90. towerz - before i gave in 91. baechulgi - abyss 92. underbelly - glitchwater 93. notsure - icecoffee 94. yutaka hirasaka - arise 95. akisai - ecossaise 96. nom tunes - missing piece 97. sweet dove - on the viewless wings 98. park bird - new place, same people 99. city girl - ji-eun's favorite 100. katie dey - loving 101. mary lattimore - sometimes he's in my dreams 102. teen daze - peaceful groove 103. pacific coliseum - turquoise 104. tycho - outer sunset 105. [.que] - glimmer 106. lights & motion - separated hearts 107. roger eno - celeste 108. talsounds - opening 109. alva noto - xerrox voyage 110. 36 - stasis sounds for long-distance space travel (stage 2) 111. stan forebee - bedscape 112. daniel avery - illusion of time 113. arbee - 2sum - charlie dreaming remix 114. okada takuro - waterfront (up-01) 115. gabriel ólafs - lóa - bing & ruth rework 116. warmth - the creek - mixed 117. rhucle - rev 118. com truise - surf 119. sarah davachi - still lives 120. gastón arévalo - sur les traces des explorateurs 121. peter bark - ascension 122. kara-lis coverdale - flutter 123. totally enormous extinct dinosaurs - brockley 124. green-house - peperomia seedling 125. four tet - green 126. morimoto naoki - aru 127. kaitlyn aurelia smith - remembering 128. dj python - te conocí 129. ocoeur - glow 130. christina vantzou - snow white 131. alonefold - strange rainbows 132. savoir adore - dancing temples 133. tengger - water 134. suzanne ciani - a sonic womb pt. 3 135. mogwai - major treat 136. this will destroy you - entrance 137. sleepmakeswaves - time wants a skeleton 138. elsa hewitt - rebird 139. ulla - i think my tears have become good 140. aether - she isn't here 141. zoe polanski - the last frontier 142. lyra pramuk - witness 143. ana roxanne - a study in vastness 144. julianna barwick - nod 145. the leaf library - about minerals 146. gia margaret - barely there 147. lucy gooch - my lights kiss your thoughts every moment 148. briana marela - forgiveness 149. loma - homing 150. mree - open arms 151. ellis - saturn return 152. alexia avina - fit into 153. fenne lily - to be a woman pt. 1 154. noble oak - evaporate 155. mint julep - blinded 156. rush week - best laid plans 157. mini trees - slip away 158. winter - bem no fundo 159. yumi zouma - cool for a second 160. laura veirs - burn too bright 161. terry vs. tori - keepsake box 162. castlebeat - shoulder 163. candace - still phase 164. tiny deaths - if i'm dreaming 165. lydia - heavy 166. caspian - nostalgist 167. nova one - lovable 168. corey flood - heaven or 169. hazel english - off my mind 170. bantug - dizzy 171. tops - colder & closer 172. the hidden shelf - miracles 173. ruru - 99 174. widowspeak - even true love 175. cheerleader - providence 176. wild nothing - blue wings 177. deradoorian - corsican shores 178. strfkr - second hand 179. mint field - contingencia 180. ringo deathstarr - god help the one's you love 181. no joy - dream rats 182. white poppy - orchid child 183. keeps - swiggum 184. flung - firstly zested 185. the bilinda butchers - rie 186. sipper - kid 187. radiator hospital - imposter syndrome 188. addy - equinox 189. boyo - dogma 190. alexandra savior - the archer 191. phoebe bridgers - chinese satellite 192. soccer mommy - circle the drain 193. routine - numb enough 194. quarter-life crisis - comfortable 195. madeline kenney - sucker 196. layne - linnea 197. wilsen - align 198. pynkie - you 199. bandanna - ghost home 200. waxahatchee - can’t do much 201. crisman - portrait 202. liza anne - i wanna be there 203. purr - gates of cool 204. honey cutt - hung up on me 205. the beths - out of sight 206. the ophelias - grand canyon 207. sjowgren - flip phones 208. haim - gasoline 209. thanya iyer - i forget to drink water (balance) 210. sad13 - good grief 211. porridge radio - give/take 212. lannds - not in a good way 213. katie von schleicher - wheel 214. hey cowboy! - detective farmer brown 215. tombo crush - pink 216. eliza moon - tell me / why'd you 217. anna mcclellan - raisin 218. this is the kit - this is what you did 219. snarls - walk in the woods 220. blushh - deal with it 221. long neck - cicada 222. chloe moriondo - ghost adventure spirit orb 223. momma - biohazard 224. varsity - runaway 225. land of talk - footnotes 226. bully - stuck in your head 227. diet cig - stare into the sun 228. expert timing - gravity 229. slow pulp - track 230. maddie jay - shakes 231. beabadoobee - together 232. luna aura - crash dive 233. sorry - perfect 234. torres - good grief 235. partner - honey 236. beauty queen - this time around 237. maggie lindemann - knife under my pillow 238. bryde - paper cups 239. mundy's bay - sleep away the summer 240. squirrel flower - red shoulder 241. mourn - stay there 242. dream wife - so when you gonna... 243. illuminati hotties - superiority complex (big noise) 244. l.a. witch - true believers 245. hinds - burn 246. beach bunny - cuffing season 247. suzie true - idk u 248. bacchae - hammer 249. peach kelli pop - stupid girl 250. oceanator - heartbeat 251. pins - read my lips 252. best coast - different light 253. muncie girls - take steps 254. kailee morgue - this is why i'm hot 255. beach slang - let it ride 256. silverstein - take what you give 257. new found glory - scarier than jason voorhees at a campfire 258. the lawrence arms - quiet storm 259. mikey erg - bon voyage 260. pet symmetry - had a name, don't remember it 261. thank you, i'm sorry - backpack life 262. ratboys - alien with a sleep mask on 263. joyce manor - leather jacket 264. jeff rosenstock - scram! 265. the aquabats! - aliens and monsters! 266. the used - the lighthouse 267. hidden hospitals - how amazing 268. dikembe - all got sick 269. time spent driving - trust no 1 270. the casket lottery - more blood 271. record setter - someplace 272. emma ruth rundle - out of existence 273. gulfer - blurry 274. options - don't mind 275. i love your lifestyle - stupid 276. orchards - stealing your sleep 277. no tongues for quiet people - lake house lake house 278. into it. over it. - hollow halos 279. mountains for clouds - full disclosure 280. joan of arc - destiny revision 281. no thank you - saturn return 282. the front bottoms - camouflage 283. ride your bike - make like a tom and cruise 284. dragon inn 3 - yer brothers 285. the goalie’s anxiety at the penalty kick - jars filled with rain 286. mansions - laser beams 287. waveform* - hello goodbye 288. owen - headphoned 289. cassino - tacoma 290. ajj - normalization blues 291. penelope scott - sweet hibiscus tea 292. angel olsen - (new love) cassette 293. trace mountains - fallin' rain 294. johanna warren - part of it 295. frances quinlan - lean 296. tomberlin - hours 297. samia - triptych 298. field medic - better way 299. adrianne lenker - my angel 300. jack m. senff - another day 301. lomelda - polyurethane 302. rosie carney - high and dry 303. brigid mae power - i had to keep my circle small 304. overcoats - new shoes 305. anna burch - not so bad 306. hop along, queen ansleis - the cactus 307. mandy moore - easy target 308. laura marling - held down 309. lisa loeb - doesn't it feel good 310. trixie mattel - gold 311. lilly hiatt - move 312. molly tuttle - sunflower, vol. 6 313. sarah jarosz - pay it no mind 314. katie heckel - help you mend 315. katie pruitt - my mind’s a ship (that’s going down) 316. in love with a ghost - trans rights 317. snail's house - imaginary express 318. isuka hino - dreamin' adventure!! 319. 4s4ki - nexus 320. lapix - loneliness 321. you - painter 322. aice room - dreary planet - yukiyanagi remix 323. zekk - oxygen 324. lu-i - loved happiness 325. synthion - volt switch 326. sanaas - polestar - junk remix 327. mameyudoufu - fluffy 328. awfuless - redemption 329. rejection - around you 330. toriena - getting into a pose 331. cosmo@bousoup - mow*mow*abduction!!! 332. yunosuke - ziqqurat 333. android52 - lovin', scratchin' 334. サクラsakura-lee - nobody else 335. desired - emotions 336. mikazuki bigwave - sakimashita bloomin'!! 337. skule toyama - smooth 338. adrianwave - goodbye 339. macross 82-99 - melt 340. cape coral - 707 hotline 341. 80kidz - heat 342. night tempo - baby 343. yaffle - lng, before 344. greyl - let me be with you 345. serph - palmtop tiger 346. happy kuru kuru - natsu no hi no labyrinth 347. couple n - earmie 348. airuei - magic sign 349. somunia - non player girl - nyankobrq 2p ver. 350. cosmicosmo - those that we once loved 351. maeshima soshi - the terminal 352. kijibato - 1room 353. yuc'e - ghost town 354. neko hacker - erased 355. jam2go - apotrope 356. mizuki ohkawa - cosmic cleft 357. singto conley - flora 358. 2tonedisco - shoelaces 359. cy8er - もしもしじゃぽん 360. nayuta - connect 361. t+pazolite - himitsu cult 362. milkoi - higher, higher, and then... 363. freezer - caramel rain (sanaas remix) 364. kotonohouse - pitter, patter 365. aika - superstar 366. yukiyanagi - love overdose 367. nanahira - twinkle password 368. ducky - hyper bloxxd 369. porter robinson - something comforting 370. moshimo - シンクロ 371. bish - スーパーヒーローミュージック 372. scenarioart - it's all right 373. base ball bear - ポラリス(c3 mix) 374. majiko - エスカルゴ 375. akaiko-en - ジャンキー 376. the peggies - weekend 377. lovely summer chan - more light 378. polkadot stingray - sp813 379. shishamo - フェイバリットボーイ 380. aimer - run riot 381. österreich - i'll take you everywhere 382. sora tob sakana - 夜間飛行 383. the shes gone - ふためぼれ 384. aimyon - marshmallow 385. cö shu nie - supercell 386. kensei ogata - violin case 387. せだい - yellownola 388. yonige - あかるいみらい 389. bearwear - i think 390. hitsujibungaku - ロックスター 391. cidergirl - 飛行船 392. room97 - faq 393. she's - ugly 394. bbhf - tokenai mahou 395. alisa takigawa - 夢 396. satomoka - glints 397. radwimps - shinsekai 398. pinoko - コリドー街 399. helsinki lambda club - you are my gravity 400. lucky kilimanjaro - 君とつづく 401. dish// - sauna song 402. zombie-chang - snooze 403. mizuki ohira - 無重力 404. みゆな - 歌おうよ 405. iri - come back to my city 406. aya a.k.a panda - i miss u 407. chelmico - disco (bad dance doesn't matter) 408. seiko oomori - 絶対彼女 409. yaeji - my imagination 상상 410. daoko - zukizuki 411. eill - night d 412. cifika - déjà vu 413. yeye - step in time 414. saevom - just like i dreamed then 415. cheeze - today's mood 416. stella jang - reality blue 417. younha - one day of twenty 418. jeong eun ji - whoo 419. fromm - aliens 420. crush - tip toe 421. heize - 1/1440 422. femm - level up 423. awich - poison 424. jessi - nunu nana 425. (g)i-dle - luv u 426. summer soul - tinder 427. taeyeon - worry free love 428. boa - l.o.v.e 429. fromis_9 - feel good (secret code) 430. faky - re:chase me 431. monsta x - night view 432. twice - up no more 433. loona - hide & seek 434. wjsn - pantomime 435. iz*one - fiesta 436. exid - ddd jpn ver. 437. gfriend - crème brûlée 438. april - lalalilala 439. weki meki - 100 facts (cool eng. ver.) 440. momoland - starry night 441. steve aoki - play it cool 442. bts - dynamite 443. sakurako ohara - shine on me 444. sumin - zaza♡ 445. onepixcel - lagrima 446. little glee monster - i feel the light 447. celeina ann - purikura 448. アイラヴミー - そのまんま勇者 449. okkyung lee - here we are (once again) 450. luca - lune 451. hakushi hasegawa - hikari no rock 452. haruka nakamura - your sonnet 453. itoko toma - shade 454. rina katahira - hoshizora* 455. ichiko aoba - easter lily 456. satoko shibata - 変な島 457. 角銅真実 - 6月の窓 458. 熊川みゆ - sixteen 459. 眉村ちあき - 緑のハイヒール 460. 竹内アンナ - striking gold 461. saucy dog - film 462. kaede - -ending- night blue 463. aseul - paradise 464. 박혜진 park hye jin - like this 465. charlotte is mine - road movie 466. plastic plastic - ฮัม - (hum) 467. clams - shiny rider 468. seventeen years old and berlin wall - no paradise 469. nuit - nightbirds 470. fulusu - ghost 471. rammells - sennengo 472. stargaze shelter - emulation (mode:totonee) 473. ヨルシカ - 昼鳶 474. nakamuraemi - 大人の言うことを聞け 475. kenshi yonezu - ひまわり 476. tk from ling tosite sigure - reframe 477. penguinrush - 色彩 478. lee jin ah - candy pianist 479. mei ehara - どちらにピントを 480. jizue - because 481. mouse on the keys - room 482. fox capture plan - stand my heroes - groove version 483. ryutist - girls 484. yeti let you notice - bouquet 485. tricot - 真っ黒 486. madison cunningham - giraffe 487. covet - atreyu 488. floral - maybe not one day 489. envy - eternal memories and reincarnation 490. baths - mikaela corridor 491. sufjan stevens - run away with me 492. fractures - feel 493. the 1975 - frail state of mind 494. dan mason ダン·メイソン - everytime i cry 495. brothertiger - cannonball 496. porches - rangerover - bonus track 497. tame impala - instant destiny 498. washed out - paralyzed 499. pink skies - portland 500. so below - bone 501. purity ring - silkspun 502. llll - breathless 503. slow magic - somewhere 504. kasbo - lune 505. cloudnone - let the music in 506. jody wisternoff - blue space 507. drama - hold on 508. satin jackets - meridian getaway 509. direct - opal 510. lane 8 - road 511. baile - jlm 512. yuni wa - starships 513. nora van elken - sakura 514. geotheory - the day i left you 515. yota - hazy paradise 516. spencer brown - chance on us 517. the avener - conscious shadows 518. kalbells - mothertime 519. bella boo - in love 520. kirara magic - neon 521. mija - digressions 522. cuushe - emergence 523. transviolet - rituals 524. keep shelly in athens - steady to go 525. young ejecta - ah ha 526. annie - in heaven 527. lany - good guys 528. dominic pierce - glad xoxo 529. tender - what you're missing 530. alice jemima - binge love you 531. kitty - baby pink 532. faye meana - like honey 533. lunadira - am i gonna die? 534. loony - white lie 535. justine skye - fav 536. wafia - good things 537. victoria monét - jaguar 538. malia civetz - love thing 539. keiynan lonsdale - i confess my love 540. deaton chris anthony - tuethday 541. kallitechnis - body&soul (ish d remix) 542. talitha. - ineedsomeone 543. keke palmer - thick 544. kesha - birthday suit 545. l.e.j - pas l'time 546. selena gomez - rare 547. the aces - daydream 548. jessie ware - mirage (don’t stop) 549. joan - try again 550. melanie c - blame it on me 551. astrid s - dance dance dance 552. little mix - holiday 553. justin bieber - yummy 554. ariana grande - positions 555. bea miller - feel something different 556. lady gaga - rain on me (with ariana grande) 557. raye - regardless 558. the weeknd - hardest to love 559. andrea valle - lovergirl 560. k/da - the baddest 561. allie x - susie save your love 562. terror jr - dinner plate 563. shawn wasabi - halo halo 564. benee - snail 565. sevdaliza - oh my god 566. gupi - modest 567. six impala - sweetsweetsweetlikebubblegum 568. charli xcx - i finally understand 569. golin - hanakotoba 570. shygirl - freak 571. madge - ethanol 572. arca - afterwards 573. kelly lee owens - re-wild 574. ari mason - pangaea 575. gabrielle aplin - dear happy 576. taylor swift - the 1 577. awfultune - buds 578. sneaks - scorpio on your side 579. izzy camina - kill your local indie softboy 580. mxmtoon - ok on your own 581. wens - giant bat 582. billie eilish - my future 583. tash - when you leave 584. fletcher - the one 585. silver sphere - ghosts! 586. tei shi - ok crazy 587. dounia - sucked all the fun 588. tatiana hazel - carmen sandiego 589. magdalena bay - killshot 590. kllo - insomnia 591. leisure suite - closer 592. morgan saint - i dreamt that i knew you 593. ayelle - got love 594. michi - escondida 595. lyrica anderson - lyfted 596. sasha sloan - lie 597. niki - plot twist 598. sarah reeves - heart first 599. salt cathedral - caviar 600. chelsea cutler - sad tonight 601. rituals of mine - heights 602. e^st - flight path 603. sara diamond - great together 604. phem - stfu 605. carlie hanson - daze inn 606. lauren aquilina - latest ghost 607. caroline rose - command z 608. misterwives - oxygen 609. ella vos - turbulence 610. austra - i am not waiting 611. triathalon - you 612. phoebe ryan - icimy 613. katzù oso - kiss u better 614. luwten - control 615. raveena - heartbeat 616. oohyo - 2020 617. oklou - another night 618. jouska - bring you back 619. fleur east - easy to love 620. soft glas - overbite 621. jaden - muted sunrise 622. snny - better to leave it 623. saint mela - alkaseltzer 624. mia gladstone - ego 625. helena deland - truth nugget 626. oh wonder - oceansize 627. steven padin - sashimi 628. kacey johansing - i try 629. treasureseason - spinning plate 630. landshapes - drama 631. tennis - matrimony ii 632. pomplamoose - morning waterbug 633. soko - being sad is not a crime 634. the big moon - barcelona 635. shamir - diet 636. knox fortune - static 637. carly rae jepsen - let's sort the whole thing out 638. real estate - the main thing 639. hayley williams - roses/lotus/violet/iris 640. nada surf - something i should do 641. bombay bicycle club - is it real 642. the seshen - faster than before 643. thao & the get down stay down - how could i 644. marla hansen - path 645. christine and the queens - la vita nuova 646. half waif - siren 647. malena zavala - ritmo de vida 648. bendik - himmelen 649. hanna järver - kalmar slott 650. frida sundemo - anything 651. kate nv - telefon 652. ambar lucid - questioning my mind 653. coco reilly - mirror 654. ghostly kisses - lydian 655. kacy hill - told me 656. lianne la havas - can't fight 657. donna missal - how does it feel 658. felivand - gone 659. jordana - divine 660. empress of - void 661. banoffee - ripe 662. vanessa carlton - i can't stay the same 663. fiona apple - heavy balloon 664. poppy - concrete 665. rina sawayama - stfu!
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prowlingthunder · 4 years ago
WIP Meme 10/20/2020
Tagged by: @mandakatt
Look at what you've done. How dare you. I'm not even sure this is all of them. I think some are hidden in gdocs yet. Argh.
Tagging: @egodominustuus @thelostknee @linwyrms-lair @gracethescribbler @skywalking-across-the-galaxy @khantoelessar @zpansven
Read the list under the cut.
1: A Child of Blood
2: Eileen - Birds of a Feather
3: BtVS - Lupercalia - Xander - Wolfthreat - WIP
4: BtVS - PT Alexander Harris Auroresbrother - Denguards - LUPERCALIA - WIP
5: Buffy the Witcher
6: SynthSil - Ascendent Ab Inferis (Lux Aeterna AU)
7: Boys in Blue
8: Butterfingers the Deathclaw
9: Piper - (Lupercalia)
10: Sil/Jack
11: CM - Lupercalia WIP - Red
12: CM - Lupercalia WIP -
13: AC/FFXV - Des and Noct swap places - ffxv Halloween bang
14: Trigun x Outlaw Star
15: Gargoyles x Ronin Warriors
16: Power Rangers x Ronin Warriors
17: Ronin Warriors x Outlaw Star
18: Rurouni Kenshin x Yu Yu Hakusho
19: Dragons Breath -- DAO&RW
20: Farcry 5 / What Became of Edith Finch - Eddie
21: Farcry 5 / What Became of Edith Finch - Jake
22: Gundam Wing - With Daemons WIP
23: GW Pacific Rim
24: GW&IA&FFX - Auron - Roulette - Unlikely
25: Hobbit/RW - Bilbo -
26: House Ronin Warriors
27: RK-Xmen = Dragon Teeth
28: RW-PJ
29: RWSG1
30: SG1/JOS - Third - In a God's Bedroom
31: ST/RW
32: SW/GW - Brothers and Sisters [clonefic]
33: Thor-x-Ronin Warriors
34: Noctis (Final Fantasy XV) / Levi (Attack on Titan) - Hunting [Noctis in AoT]
35: Hiei (Yu Yu Hakusho) / Prowls (Exalted) - Stars [Prowls adopts Fire Demon baby]
36: Noctis (Final Fantasy XV) / Ezio (Assassin’s Creed) - Family [Assassins in FFXV]
37: Kuwabara (Yu Yu Hakusho) / Anakin Skywalker (Star Wars) - Honor [Kuwabara unfucks SW]
38: Kuwabara (Yu Yu Hakusho) / Dex-Star - Love [Kuwabara adopts a Red Lantern Cat]
39: Voltron/Escaflowne
40: When the Night Comes/Arcana crossover
41: YYH/Naruto - Kurama - Foxkids
42: CSI NY - Lupercalia WIP -
43: Dark Matter - Hiro - [Lupercalia] - WIP
44: Every Warden Ever - WIP -
45: Nelaros and F!Tabris as wardens
46: Salazar - Crowbar Fic
47: Carslile/Sil - Highschool
48: Joan rambles
49: Junior - (Best laid plans)
50: Junior - Outsider
51: Junior - The G.O.A.T.
52: Junior rambles
53: MacCready - Big Town Blues
54: MacCready - Radstorm
55: Nora - Line-dried Laundry (Lupercalia)
56: Pandora -
57: Pandora - Lupercalia Fic - [Inside Pandora's Box]
58: Pandora rambles
59: Russian Roulette - Silas deathfic
60: Sil/X6 rambles
61: Silas - Demon Summoner AU - A Leaf in the Wind
62: Silas King - Snow Angels (Papawolf!Renigald)
63: Silas King - Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (Operation: Rescue Quinn kidfic)
64: Silas rambles
65: Winter Animals (papa!Artem)
66: Y7 - All the Things I Didn't Say
67: Ambulo
68: Contritum Coronam
69: to abstain from doing harm
70: A General Gift
71: ABO nicias&caleb/nicola
72: An Army - Prompto & Ignis - Blood and Water
73: Andali misc
74: Ardyn - (Triplets verse)
75: Cathedral of You fanfiction
76: Cor -
77: Cor - Dawnfire - WIP
78: Dave - [Scourgeverse]
79: FFXV Glaive Lupercalia
80: FFXV Prompto Lupercalia
81: Galahdian Noctis au
82: give a brother wings
83: Halloween '19 d2
84: Halloween '19 d3
85: Halloween '19 d4
86: Halloween '19 d5
87: Halloween '19 d7
88: Noct raises Ardyn
89: Nyx -
90: Prompto - Terrible Things
91: Sealions - Cor - The Dance
92: snowchild (Lupercalia wolfProm fic)
93: The Feral Coeurl of Galahd (Galahdian!Cor fic)
94: Transplant Fic Box
95: Vipers Victim
96: what fire burns
97: IA - Kasmir!Oliver Briggs - WIP
98: IA - Nebrija x Arzu - Family - WIP
99: David and kids
100: David and Bridget, Combat Skills
101: David vs Simon Fight
102: Bridget tending David
103: Music *http://youtu.be/G2ZKKXCuaYc?t=9m46s
104: Seduction
105: Wish
106: Destiny
107: xerxes
108: Giayl - Wolflords (Lupercalia)
109: LotRO - Aegliraan - Caran Dagra - WIP
110: Lupercalia - Shepard - Star-light, Star-bright
111: ME - OC - Blood And Water
112: Black Cats and Broken Mirrors Chapter 5
113: Itachi - Step Two
114: The Hardest Part - Chapter One - Alone
115: 100+ Words list
116: Bioshock - Big Daddy - ABO verse
117: Character Roulette 2
118: Life of Redemption
119: A lover's homecoming
120: The Dreaming Cord
121: Logan - (This is what it's like) - WIP
122: Outlander - Kainan - (wolf fur and dragon teeth)
123: SPCH - drabble
124: Thor - All The Little Children [Lupercalia]
125: Thor - Lupercalia WIP - Frigga -
126: WoW - Livieva - Puppy At Heart
127: Haruko - Genji lives path
128: McHanzo Timetravel Shenanigans
129: Overwatch - Yuuma - Nest of Vipers - Big Bang
130: Stan/Haruko
131: Stanfic
132: Taijo Aitai tinyfic
133: Yuuma Op
134: Mia - Lupercalia fic - The Chosen Ones ch2
135: RW - Lupercalia - Arago & Hariel - Blood and Ashes - WIP
136: Ryou - Coal Dust - GIFT - WIP
137: Seiji - Kagome, Kagome
138: Seiji & Cale - Quadrature Pt2 - GIFT - WIP
139: Yulie WIP
140: Dinner
141: Bamboo
142: Travel
143: Sting
144: City
145: Noise
146: Titan
147: Oddyseus
148: Hera
149: Archangel
150: Centaur
151: Gorgon
152: Rainforest
153: Music
154: Groot
155: Plagues
156: Courage
157: Rage
158: Belief
159: Joy
160: Horoscope
161: Family
162: Obligation
163: Friend
164: Loneliness
165: Anakin - - timetravel fic tcw/ep7
166: Anakin / Rey - A Pocket Full of Sand (Reincarnation Fic)
167: Eurynome - Monsters in the Dark
168: Eurynome - Supernova?
169: Jeeri -
170: Shmi Skywalker - Son of Sands [Aniwolf]
171: Snowdrops
172: Star Wars AU Fics
173: StarWars - WIP
174: Trials and Shenanigans (Bits and Pieces)
175: We Shouldn't Be Friends
176: SG1 - Sam - - WIP
177: SG1 - Sam&Jack - - WIP
178: SAO - Yui - SAOFest - Marching Band
179: SAO - Yui - SAOFest - What Big Sisters Are For
180: SAO w Jaegers - Silica - WIP
181: Series: Bad Plan
182: Arrow&RW - Oliver - - WIP
183: Cye - Homecoming (Multiverse)
184: Papa!Cye
185: little shadows far reaching
186: Untitled document
187: Voltron - Keith -
188: Geralt - Witchwolves [Lupercalia]
189: Hell Hath No Fury
190: Chapter 3
191: Adventures of Maiwen Tanet
192: Art of Living
193: Asclepius
194: Bloodlines
195: Bondsiblings
196: Cats Cradle
197: Smoke Song
198: Darkness Watching
199: Desert Sands
200: Dragon's Cross
201: Dragonkin
202: Fractured
203: Hydra
204: Lyric Book
205: Poetry Book
206: Red Moon Kisses
207: Rupert's Drop
208: Feyborn
209: Superheros
210: Wonderland
211: A Mother's Love
212: Harry Potter and the Light of the Moon
213: Minor Troubles
214: Roses In Stained Glass
215: Even God Can't Save You Now
216: Mirrors Edge -
217: Our Secrets
218: Mica Sands
219: SG1/RW
220: They Call Them Ghosts
221: We All Bleed
222: In A House Of Brittle Bones
223: With A Crash of Thunder
224: Digital Shards [YGO/Digimon]
225: God Save The Queen
226: Fractured Light
227: AtlA/RW
228: NatM/YGO
229: SG1/StS
230: Van Helsing/Helsing
231: GW/Avatar
232: GW/JOH
233: Saving You
234: Firefly/Outlaw Star
235: GW/RW Reincarnation Is A Bitch
236: Escaflowne/RW
237: Mending Of Hearts Hope/Noel
238: The engines of iron Cindy/MTProm
239: Weaver's Undoing
240: A Nomad's surprise
241: A Soldier For Sale
242: Heir of Spring
243: The Ghosts of Haven
244: Master's Vengence gladio/prom d/s bdsm
245: The Unfortunate Ice Cream
246: The Perfect Hustle
247: The Adventure of Odie, the One Eyed Sock Puppet
248: Angels in the Attic
249: Mending the Sun
250: Numb to the Stars
251: Traitor of Heaven - ffx/ffvii
252: Isle of Iron
253: Irreverence
254: the empty tower
255: Bravery In Eternity
256: Changeling's Duel
257: Gilded Dispair
258: Wolfwan return of shark
259: Clonewolf O66
260: Time of the Wolf Lupercalia AU
261: Time of the Wolf Lupercalia snippets
262: Going Down (Cpt. America lupercalia)
263: wake up cpt+girls
264: Lokison
265: Uncle of Mine
266: The Things Wolfsisters Do
267: Howling
268: Shield Sisters
269: starhunter lupercalia
4 notes · View notes
bboyplankton · 5 years ago
2019 Playlist
1. A$AP Ferg & MadeinTYO – Wam
2. Action Bronson & The Alchemist – Arnold & Danny
3. Action Bronson & The Alchemist – Descendant of the Stars
4. Akon feat. Skales – Control
5. Akon feat. Olamide – Scammers
6. Alex Isley – Colors
7. Amaal – Coming & Going
8. Anderson .Paak feat. Andre 3000 – Come Home
9. Anderson .Paak feat. Smokey Robinson – Make It Better
10. Ari Lennox – I Been
11. Ari Lennox – Up Late
12. Ariana Grande – fake smile
13. Ariana Grande – in my head
14. Arin Ray feat. Kehlani – Change
15. Arin Ray - ZZZ
16. Asiahn – Like You
17. Asiahn – NOLA
18. August Alsina – Forever and a Day
19. August Alsina – For You
20. Baby Rose – Mortal
21. Beyoncé, Jay-Z & Childish Gambino feat. Oumou Sangaré – Mood 4 Eva
22. Big K.R.I.T – Blue Flame Ballet
23. Big K.R.I.T – Energy
24. Big K.R.I.T – M.I.S.S.I.S.S.I.P.P.I
25. BJ the Chicago Kid feat. JID, Buddy, & Kent Jamz – Get Away
26. Blackbear – Sick Of It All
27. The Black Keys – Sit Around And Miss You
28. The Black Keys – Tell Me Lies
29. Bobby Sparks ii feat. Robert “Sput” Searight & MonoNeon – The Comanche Are Coming
30. Boogie – Live 95
31. Boogie feat. Snoh Aalegra – Time
32. Burna Boy feat. Jeremih & Serani – Secret
33. Che Ecru – That’s My Baby
34. Ciara – Greatest Love
35. Ciara – Set
36. Ciara – Trust Myself
37. City and Colour – Mountain of Madness
38. Col3trane, DJDS, & Raye – The Fruits
39. Conway the Machine – Half of It
40. DaBaby – Bop
41. DaBaby – Goin Baby
42. DaBaby – Suge
43. Daniel Caesar & Brandy – Love Again
44. Danny Brown – Dirty Laundry
45. Danny Brown – Savage Nomad
46. Dave East – Mama I Made It
47. Dave East – The Marathon Continues (Nipsey Tribute)
48. Dave East – Me & Mines
49. Denzel Curry – Speedboat
50. Devin Morrison – Bussin’
51. Devin Morrison feat. Dahvi – It’s Time
52. DJ Shadow – If I Died Today
53. DJ Shadow feat. Run The Jewels – Kings & Queens
54. DJ Shadow feat. De La Soul – Rocket Fuel
55. Doja Cat – Say So
56. Doja Cat – Streets
57. Dreamville feat. Ty Dolla $ign & Dreezy – Got Me
58. Dreamville feat. JID & T.I. – Ladies, Ladies, Ladies
59. Dreezy feat. Jeremih – Ecstasy
60. E-40 feat. Quavo Roddy Ricch, A$AP Ferg, & ScHoolboy Q – Chase the Money
61. E-40 – Imma Find Out
62. E-40 feat. Redman, Method Man, & Bosko – Keep On Gassin
63. Earthgang feat. T-Pain – Tequila
64. Earthgang feat. Kehlani – Trippin
65. Elhae – fXXX
66. Elhae – I.D.B.I.L
67. Elhae feat. Big K.R.I.T – Sanctuary
68. Emotional Oranges – Someone Else
69. Emotional Oranges – West Coast Love
70. Emotional Oranges – Your Best Friend Is A Hater
71. Eric Bellinger – iPod on Shuffle
72. Eric Bellinger feat. K Camp – Moist
73. Eric Bellinger – Run It Up
74. Eric Bellinger – The Sexy Song
75. Eric Bellinger – Spice
76. Eric Bellinger feat. Chris Brown & OG Parker – Type a Way
77. Eric Bellinger – Undress
78. Esperanza Spalding – Touch in Mine (Fingers)
79. Fabolous feat. Jacquees – My Mind
80. Fabolous feat. Ty Dolla $ign – Ooh Yea
81. FKA twigs – Mirrored Heart
82. Freddie Gibbs & Madlib feat. Killer Mike & Pusha T – Palmolive
83. Freddie Gibbs & Madlib – Soul Right
84. Free Nationals – Lester Diamond
85. Free Nationals feat. Syd – Shibuya
86. Free Nationals feat. Mac Miller & Kali Uchis – Time
87. Future – Crushed Up
88. Gallant – Céline
89. Gallant – Sleep On It
90. The Game – Born 2 Rap
91. The Game feat. 21 Savage – The Code
92. The Game feat. Anderson .Paak – Stainless
93. Gang Starr feat. J. Cole – Family And Loyalty
94. Gang Starr feat. Ne-Yo & Nitty Scott – Get Together
95. Gary Clark Jr. – I Got My Eyes on You (Locked & Loaded)
96. GoldLink feat. WaveIQ – Spanish Song
97. GoldLink feat. Tyler, the Creator & Jay Prince – U Say
98. Griselda – Freddie HotSpot
99. Gucci Mane – Move Me
100. Isabella – Tag
101. Jacquees – Fact Or Fiction
102. Jacquees – Good Lovin
103. Jaden – Got It
104. Jeezy – White Keys
105. Jidenna feat. GoldLink – Babouche
106. Jidenna – Sou Sou
107. Jidenna – Vaporiza
108. Jim Jones feat. Maino & Drama – My Era
109. Jim Jones feat. Cam’ron, Guordan Banks, Benny the Butcher, & Conway the Machine – To Whom it May Concern
110. Joell Ortiz – Jamaican Food
111. Joell Ortiz – Sip Slow
112. Johnta Austin – Breakin Rules
113. Justine Skye – Secrets
114. Kalin White – 4 sexonds
115. Kaytranada feat. GoldLink, Eight9Fly, & Ari Pensmith – Vex Oh
116. Kehlani – Feels
117. Kehlani feat. 6lack – RPG
118. Khalid – Paradise
119. Khalid – Talk
120. Kiana Ledé feat. Jenifer Lewis – Heavy
121. Kiana Ledé – If You Hate Me
122. Kxng Crooked & Bronze Nazareth feat. Tristate & L.A.D – French Connection
123. Kirk Brown – Vibes Up
124. Koffee feat. Jane Macgizmo – Blazin
125. Konshens – Back It Up
126. Konshens – Last Wine
127. Kyle Dion – Hands to Yourself
128. Kyle Dion – Spend It
129. Larry June feat. Premo Rice – Booty Girl Club
130. Larry June – Early Bird
131. Larry June – Organic Smiles
132. Layton Greene – Never Knew
133. Lion Babe feat. Leikeli47 – The Wave
134. Lion Babe feat. Raekwon – Western World
135. Lophiile – Late Ass
136. Lophiile feat. Jesse Boykins III – You’re Gonna Need It
137. Lophiile – You’ve Changed
138. Lucky Daye – Love You Too Much
139. Lucky Daye – Real Games
140. Lyfe Jennings – Baby
141. Mac Ayers feat. Uhmeer – Fears
142. Mac Ayers – Get Away
143. Mahalia – Karma
144. Mahalia – What Am I?
145. Mahalia feat. Ella Mai – What You Did
146. Marc E. Bassy – Crash and Burn
147. Marc E. Bassy – Where We’re From
148. Matt Martians – Movin’ On
149. Maxo Kream feat. Megan Thee Stallion – She Live
150. Megan Thee Stallion feat. Da Baby – Cash S**t
151. Mereba – Stay Tru
152. Moonchild – Strength
153. Murs, 9th Wonder, & The Soul Council - Sin
154. Murs, 9th Wonder, & The Soul Council – Unicorn Glitter
155. Nikki Jean – Driver
156. Nikki Jean feat. Lupe Fiasco – Mr. Clean
157. Papoose feat. DJ Premier – Numerical Slaughter
158. Pardison Fontaine – Money Machine
159. Pardison Fontaine – Under8ed
160. PJ Morton – Kid Again
161. PJ Morton feat. JoJo – Say So
162. Post Malone – I’m Gonna Be
163. Problem Child – Whole Heart
164. Quinn XCII feat. Yoshi Flower – Werewolf
165. Rapsody feat. Queen Latifah – Hatshepsut
166. Rapsody feat. D’Angelo & GZA – Ibtihaj
167. Rapsody feat. Elle Varner – Michelle
168. Raveena – Nectar
169. Raveena – Salt Water
170. Rex Orange County – Always
171. Rex Orange County – It Gets Better
172. Rick Ross – Fascinated
173. Rick Ross feat. Drake – Gold Roses
174. Rick Ross feat. Summer Walker – Summer Reign
175. Rick Ross – Vegas Residency
176. R.LUM.R – Happy
177. R.LUM.R – Lies
178. Roses Gabor feat. Sampha – Illusions
179. Rotimi – Love Riddim
180. Rotimi – Way Gone
181. Sabrina Claudio – Truth Is
182. Sammie – Issues
183. Sara Bareilles – Armor
184. ScHoolboy Q feat. Kid Cudi – Dangerous
185. ScHoolboy Q – Numb Numb Juice
186. Shal Marshall – Mas Forever
187. Shal Marshall – Splinters
188. Shwayze – Rich City
189. Sinead Harnett – Be The One (Interlude)
190. SiR feat. Smino – LA Lisa
191. SiR feat. Kadhja Bonet – New Sky
192. Slum Village feat. Dwele – Call Me
193. Snoh Aalegra – Nothing to Me
194. Snoh Aalegra – Toronto
195. Snoop Dogg feat. Swizz Beatz – Countdown
196. Snoop Dogg feat. Marknoxx – I Wanna Thank Me
197. Snoop Dogg feat. Russ & Wiz Khalifa – Take Me Away
198. Solange – Almeda
199. Solange – Dreams
200. Steve Lacy – N Side
201. Steve Lacy – Playground
202. Summer Walker – Wasted
203. T-Pain feat. Tory Lanez – Getcha Roll On
204. Tayla Parx – Me vs. Us
205. Tayla Parx feat. Joey Bada$$ - Rebound
206. The Teskey Brothers – Rain
207. The Teskey Brothers – Sun Come Ease Me In
208. Tinashe – Feelings
209. Tobi lou feat. Erica Rene & Cam O’bi – That Old Nu-Nu
210. Tobi lou – Waterboy
211. Tori Kelly – Kid I Used To Know
212. Toro y Moi – Freelance
213. Toro y Moi – Ordinary Pleasure
214. Tory Lanez – Blowin’ Mine’s // Leah’s Introduction
215. Tory Lanez feat. Ludacris – The Fargo Splash
216. Trey Songz – Jill (Sumn Real)
217. Trina feat. Rico Love – Water
218. Tryezz – Walnut St. Dub
219. Tsu Surf – Killing Me
220. Tyler, the Creator - Earfquake
221. Tyler, the Creator – I Think
222. Umi – Sukidakara
223. Vedo – Do It Nasty
224. Wale feat. Jeremih – On Chill
225. Weezer – Happy Together
226. Willow – Time Machine
227. Wiz Khalifa feat. Young Deji – Gold Bottles
228. Xavier Omär & Sango – Cry & Lie
229. Xavier Omär & Sango feat. Billy Mercury – Keeping Me
230. YBN Cordae feat. Anderson .Paak – RNP
231. YBN Cordae feat. Meek Mill – We Gon Make It
232. Ye Ali feat. DCMBR – All About You
233. Ye Ali – Rehearsal
234. Ye Ali feat. DCMBR – Show Me
235. Ye Ali feat. DCMBR & Rainy Milo – Songs2Get2GetDrunk2
236. Yelawolf – Box Chevy 7
237. Yelawolf – Unnatural Born Killer
238. Young M.A. – Stubborn Ass
239. Zacari – Midas Touch
240. 2 Chainz – Threat 2 Society
25 notes · View notes
queenofangrymoths · 5 years ago
Book Log of 2019
I kept a record of how many books I read in 2019. I liked most of them so I would recommend you give any of them or read.
So on with the list! If it has an X next to it then it means I didn’t finish reading it. 
#1: Warcross by Marie Lu.
#2: Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi.
#3: Kingdom of the Blazing Phoenix by Julie C. Dao.
#4: Bruja Born by Zoraida Córdova.
#5: A Thousand Beginnings and Endings by Roshani Chokshi, Alyssa Wong, Lori M. Lee, Sona Charaipotra, Aliette De Bodard, E. C. Myres, Aisha Saeed, Preeti Chhibber, Renée Ahdieh, Rahul Kanakia, Melissa De La Cruz, Elsie Chapman, Shveta Thakrar, Cindy Pon, and Julie Kagawa.
#6: The 57 Bus by Daska Slater
#7: The Dark Descent Of Elizabeth Frankenstein by Kristen White.
#8: Three Dark Crowns by Kendare Blake
9#: Broken Things by Lauren Oliver.
10# The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater
11# A Study In Charlotte by Arthur Doyle
12# Simon Vs The Homo sapiens agenda by Becky Albertalli
13# The Dream Thieves by Maggie Stiefvater
14# Blue Lily, Lily Blue by Maggie Stiefvater
15# The Raven King by Maggie Stiefvater
16# Carry On by Rainbow Rowel
17# Teen Trailblazers, 30 fearless girls who changed the world before they were 20 by Jennifer Calvert
18# Evermore by Sara Holland
19# The White Stag by Kara Barbieri
20# One Dark Throne by Kendra’s Blake
21# Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo
22# A Blade So Black by L.L. McKinney
23# King of Scars by Leigh Bardugo X
24# Truly Devious by Maureen Johnson
25# The Vanishing Stair by Maureen Johnson
26# Death on the Nile by Agatha Christie
27# Mythology by Edith Hamilton
28# Percy Jackson Greek Gods by Rick Riordan 
29# Two Can Keep A Secret by Karen M McManus
30# The Hazel Wood by Melissa Albert
31# Murder on the Orient Express by Agatha Christie
32# Superman: Dawnbreaker by Matt De La Peña
33# The Phantom of The Opera by Gaston Leroux
34# Roseblood by A.G Howard X
35# Catwoman: Soulstealer by Sarah J Maas
36# Wonder Woman: Warbringer by Leigh Bardugo
37# Velvet Undercover by Teri Brown
38# Through The Woods by Emily Caroll
39# The Wicked Deep by Shes Ernshaw
40# Wicked Lovely by Melissa Marr
41# Girls of Paper and Fire by Natasha Ngan
42# Where She Fell by Kaitlin Ward
43# Modern Herstory: Stories Of Women and non binary people rewriting history by Blair Imani
44# White Rabbits by Caleb Roehrig
45# To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee Adapted by Fred Fordham
46# Wicked Saints by Emily A. Duncan
47# Ever The Hunted by Erin Summeril
48# Four Dead Queens by Astrid Scholte
49# Lost Souls, Be At Peace by Maggie Thrash
50# Honor Girl by Maggie Thrash
51# The Giver by Lois Lowry adapted by P.Craig Russell
52# My Plain Jane by Cynthia Hand. Brodi Ashton, and Jodi Meadows
53# What If It’s Us by Becky Albertalli and Adam Silvera X
54# An Assassin’s Guide to Love & Treason by Virginia Boecker
55# The Count Of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas adapted by Nokman Poon and Crystal S. Chan
56# The Fellowship Of The Ring by J.R.R Tolkien
57# What is someone I know is gay? By Eric Marcus X
58# Last Seen Leaving by Caleb Roehrig
59# The Two Towers by J.R.R Tolkien
60# The Hobbit by J.R.R Tolkien X
61# The Return of The King by J.R.R Tolkien
62# Lafayette by Nathan Hale
63# Aurora Rising by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff
64# We should all be feminists by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
65# The Storm Crow by Kalyn Josephson
66# Frankenstein by Mary Shelly
67# Norton Volume Of English Literature
68# Beowulf by Unknown
69# The General Prologue by Chaucer
70# 20/20 by Linda Brewer
71# Always in Spanish by Agosim
72# The First Day by Edward P. Jones
73# Bullet in the Brain by Tobias Wolff
74# Writing Fiction by Burroway
75# Murderers by Leonard Michaels
76# Greatness Strikes Where It Pleases by Lars Gustaffson
77# Cathedral by Raymond Carver
78# A Conversation with My Father by Grace Paley
79# Gooseberries by Anton Chekhov
80# The Lives of the Dead by Tim O’Brien
81# Head, Heart by Lydia Davis
82# Richard Cody by Edwin Arlington Robinson
83# “Out- Out-“ by Robert Frost
84# The Ruined Maid by Thomas Hardy
85# I wandered lonely as a cloud by William Wordsworth
86# Poem by Frank O’Hara
87# On being brought from Africa to America by Phillis Wheatley
88# On her loving two equally by Aphra Behn
89# Because you asked about the line between Prose and Poetry by Howard Nemerov
90# Ars Poetica by Archibald MacLeish
91# Ars Poetica? By Czeslaw Milosz
92# Ars Poetica #100: I believe by Elizabeth Alexander
93# Poetry by Marianne Moode
94# “Poetry makes nothing happen”? By Julia Alvarez
95# Introduction to Poetry by Billy Collins
96# In Memory Of W.B. Yates by W. H. Auden
97# The kind of man I am at the DMV by Stacey Waite
98# The Changeling by Judith Oritez Carer
99# Going to war by Richard Lovelace
100# To the Ladies by Mary, Lady Chudleigh
101# Exchanging Hats by Elizabeth Bishop
102# History Of Ireland Volume 1 by Lecky X
103# A Modern History of Ireland by E. Norman X
104# The Tempest by William Shakespeare
105# Gender by Lisa Wade & Myra Marx Ferree
106# Trifles by Susan Glaspell
107# The Shroud by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm
108# King of the Bingo Game by Ralph Ellison
109# Sonny’s Blues by James Baldwin
110# Fences by August Wilson
111# Where are you going, where have you been? By Joyce Carol Oates
112# Daddy by Sylvia Plath
113# What is our life? By Walter Raleigh
114# May I compare thee to a midsummer day? By William Shakespeare
115# The love song of J. Alfred Prufruock by T. S. Eliot
116# À unr passante by Charles Baudelaire
117# In a station of the metro by Ezra Pound
118# The Fog by Carl Sandburg
119# The Yellow Fog by T.S. Eliot
120# On first looking into Chapman’s Homer by John Keats
121# the Road Not Taken by Robert Frisr
122# Paradise Lost  Book 1 & 10 by John Milton X
123# The Victory Lap by George Saunders
124# The Tempest by William Shakespeare
125# The Vanity Of Human Wishes by Samuel Johnson
126# Wayward Son by Rainbow Rowell
127# When to Her Lute Corinna Sings by Thomas Campion
128# Sir Patrick Spens by Anonymous
129# Ballad of Birmingham by Dudley Randall
130# A Prayer, Living and Dying by Augustus Montague Toplady
131# Homage to the Empress of the Blues by Robert Hayden
132# The Times They Are A-Changin’ *
133# Listening to Bob Dylan, 2005!by Linda Pastan
134# Hip Hop by Mos Deff
135# Elvis in the Inner City by Jose B. Gonzalez
136# Acquainted with the Night by Robert Frost*
137# Terza Roma by Richard Wilbur
138# Stanza from The Eve of St. Agnes by John Keats
139# Stanza from His Coy Mistress by Andrew Marvell
140# Stanza from Sound and Sense by Alexander’s Pope
141# Stanza from The Word Plum by Helen Chasin
142# Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night by Dylan Thomas
143# Myth by Natasha Trethewey
144# Sestina by Elizabeth Bishop
145# Sestina: Like by A.E. Stallings
146# l)a by E.E Cummings
147# Buffalo Bill by E.E Cummings
148# Easter Wings by George Herbert
149# Women by May Swenson
150# Upon the breeze she spread her golden hair by Franceso Petrarch
151# My lady’s presence makes the roses red by Henry Constance
152# My mistress’s eyes are nothing like the sun by William Shakespeare
153# Not marble, nor the gilded monuments by William Shakespeare
154# Let me no to the marriage of true minds by William Shakespeare
155# When I consider how my light is spent by John Milton
156# Nuns Fret Not by William Wordsworth
157# The world is too much with us by William Wordsworth
158# Do I love thee? By Elizabeth Barrett Browning
159# In an Artist’s Studio by Christina Rossetti
160# What lips my lips have kissed, and where, and why by Edna St. Vincent Millay
161# Women have loved before as I love now by Edna St. Vincent Millay
162# I, being born a woman and distressed by Edna St. Vincent Millay
163# I will put Chaos in fourteen lines by Edna St. Vincent Millay
164# First Fight. Then Fiddle by Gwendolyn Brooks
165# In the Park by Gwen Harwood
166# Something Like a Sonnet for Phillis Miracle Wheatley by June Jordan
167# Sonnet by Billy Collins
168# Dim Lights by Harryette Mullen
169# Redefininy Realmess by Janet Mock
170# Lusus Naturae by Margaret Atwood
171# The House Of Asterion by Jorge Luis Borges
172# Death Fuge by Michael Hamburger
173# Clifford’s Place by Jamel Bickerly
174# We are seven by William Wordsworth
175# Lines written in early spring by William Wordsworth
176# Expostulation and Reply by William Wordsworth
177# The Tables Turned by William Wordsworth
178# Lines by William Wordsworth
179# Recitatif by Toni Morrison
180# Volar by Judith Ortiz Cofer
181# The Management Of Grief by Bharati Mukherjee
182# Interpreter of Maladies by Jhumpa Lahiri
183# Jesus Saves by David Sedaris
184# Disabled by Wilfred Owen
185# My Father’s Garden by David Wagoner
186# Practicing by Marie Howe
187# O my pa-pa by Bob Hicok
189# Mr. T- by Terrance Hayes
190# Late Aubade by James Richardson
191# Carp Poem by Terrance Hayes
192# Pilgrimage by Natasha Trethewey
193# Tu Do Street by Yuaef Lomunyakaa
194# Diving into the Wreck by Adrienne Rich
195# Elena by Pat Mora
196# Gentle Communion by Pat Mora
197# Mothers & Daughters by Pat Mora
198# La Migra by Pat Mora
199# Ode to Adobe by Pat Mora
200# Barbie Doll by Marge Piercy
201# The Silken Tent by Robert Frost
202# Metaphors by Sylvia Plath
203# The Vine by James Thomsen
204# Questions by May Swenson
205# A Just Man by Attila József
206# the norton anthology of world literature
207# Pan’s Labyrinth by Gullernio de Toro and Cornelia Funke Xw
208# The prince and the dressmaker by Jen Wang
209# Rejected Princesses: Tales of History's Boldest Heroines, Hellions, and Heretics by Jason Porath
210# The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson
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animusrox · 5 years ago
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1.   Avengers: Endgame 2.   Parasite 3.   Waves 4.   1917 5.   The Lighthouse 6.   The Last Black Man in San Francisco 7.   The Farewell 8.   Midsommar 9.   Shazam! 10.   Uncut Gems
[Grade A]
11.   El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie 12.   Knives Out 13.   I Lost My Body 14.   The Nightingale 15.   Joker 16.   The Death of Dick Long 17.   Ready or Not 18.   Jojo Rabbit 19.   Just Mercy 20.   Dragged Across Concrete 21.   Cold Pursuit 22.   Marriage Story 23.   Hotel Mumbai 24.   The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind 25.   Arctic 26.   The Man Who Killed Hitler and Then the Bigfoot 27.   Once Upon a Time in Hollywood 28.   Klaus 29.   A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood 30.   American Factory 31.   Ford v Ferrari 32.   The Public 33.   Alita: Battle Angel 34.   The Report 35.   In Fabric 36.   Her Smell 37.   Hustlers 38.   Under the Silver Lake 39.   Happy Death Day 2U 40.   Bombshell 41.   A Vigilante 42.   Apollo 11 43.   The Two Popes 44.   Long Shot 45.   The Irishman 46.   The Amazing Johnathan Documentary 47.   Doctor Sleep 48.   The Current War 49.   Jumanji: The Next Level 50.   Toy Story 4 51.   Ad Astra 52.   Gloria Bell 53.   Dark Waters 54.   Them That Follow
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[Grade B]
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[Grade C]
101.   High Life 102.   6 Underground 103.   Captive State 104.   Blinded by the Light 105.   Captain Marvel 106.   Climax 107.   Greta 108.   Hagazussa 109.   Last Christmas 110.   Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw 111.   Black and Blue 112.   The Kid Who Would Be King 113.   Nightmare Cinema 114.   Little Monsters 115.   The Upside 116.   The Art of Self-Defense 117.   Richard Jewell 118.   Polar 119.   Fighting With My Family 120.   Glass 121.   Abominable 122.   Knock Down the House 123.   Escape Room 124.   The Aftermath 125.   Where’d You Go, Bernadette 126.   John Wick: Chapter 3 127.   The Dead Don’t Die 128.   The Lion King 129.   El Chicano 130.   Yesterday 131.   Maleficent: Mistress of Evil 132.   Lucy in the Sky 133.   In the Tall Grass 134.   Motherless Brooklyn 135.   Reign of the Supermen 136.   Dora and the Lost City of Gold
[Grade D]
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[Grade F]
168.   47 Meters Down: Uncaged 169.   Dumbo 170.   Wonder Woman: Bloodlines 171.   Frozen II 172.   Dark Phoenix 173.   Batman: Hush 174.   Booksmart 175.   Men in Black: International 176.   The Secret Life of Pets 2 177.   Satanic Panic 178.   Wonder Park 179.   Black Christmas 180.   Primal 181.   Rambo: Last Blood 182.   Angel Has Fallen 183.   The Curse of La Llorona 184.   The Angry Birds Movie 2 185.   Jexi 186.   Shaft 187.   Isn’t It Romantic 188.   Mercy Black 189.   The Prodigy 190.   Velvet Buzzsaw
191.   UglyDolls 192.   The Intruder 193.   Replicas 194.   Serenity 195.   Hellboy 196.   The Hustle 197.   The Souvenir 198.   Cats 199.   Sextuplets 200.   The Fanatic
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tingmicogua-blog · 5 years ago
Davis Cup: Belgium v Colombia TBS Sony LIV Eleven Sports Time4TV Fox Go
    6 days ago Belgium vs Colombia. Davis Cup 2019. ATP LIVE SCORES. WTA LIVE SCORES. Belgium - Colombia: Match 3 Mon 18.11.2019 19:00 - Davis Cup Croatia - Russia: Match 3. Belgium - Colombia: Match 1, Davis Cup TV. Belgium vs Colombia - Davis Cup 2019 Live Stream. This video is unavailable. Watch Queue Queue. Watch Queue Queue. Tennis Davis Cup - Belgium vs Colombia World Group 2019.
- World Group ZYQ 25 Oct 2019 01:01 AM PST CO - YFMQ 689 775 56 62 665 154 20 989 237 263 Colombia: Match 3 Mon 398 84 99 816 381 OTHU 20 77 106 778 93 I 529 71 515 500 PX QK 941 LJ 588 836 44 51 992 276 HI 267 D 23 52 511 688 259 69 96 465 405 735 91 53 5 54 272 SO 55 52 17 962 924 42 792 905 56 535 12/29/2019 13:01 57 311 5 12/11/19 1:01:19 +03:00 53 498 22 55 10 6 P 944 66 Cup Australia 210 51 19:00 149 64 196 41 505 43 85 Wednesday, 20 November 2019 2 40 605 47 517 54 Thu, 12 Dec 2019 20:01:19 GMT 74 903 676
  Belgium vs Colombia, Tennis Davis Cup 2019 EN VIVO. Nov 18, 2019 Davis Cup - World Group 2019. This video is unavailable. Watch Queue Queue. Thu 21.11.2019 19:00 - Davis Cup Australia - Canada: Match 2 Thu 21.11.2019 17:00 - Davis Cup.
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nessdetalre-blog · 5 years ago
LAOLA1 MLB TV BossCast fuboTV Reddit Shooto Torao 25 Satomoto vs. Maeguchi
    Reddit Facebook Download HotStar No Sign Up Shooto Torao 25 Satomoto Vs. Maeguchi
  X WU Y 2019-10-29T13:47:57.8127764+06:00 DLKD HT 56 23 489 32 12/01/2019 01:47 PM 18 6 344 88 Oktagon, Rizin, Bellator, ONE či ZJ 90 747 428 11 194 770 9 655 64 947 99 XXTP 476
Tue, 12 Nov 2019 08:47:57 GMT 2019-11-17T23:47:57 ZRRJ ASTV J 10/19/2019 06:47 AM UBK QT 80 12/01/19 11:47:57 +03:00 79 926 272 337 35 43 16 29 659 141 211 680 46 831
Brave CF 28 Brewin vs. Gierszewski. Brave CF 29 Torres vs. Adur.
Naiza FC 21 Akhmaev vs. Maridashvili
Kazuya Satomoto vs. Shinji Maeguchi, Shooto Torao 25, MMA. The year 2011 is the 23rd year in the history of Shooto, a mixed martial arts promotion based in Japan. In 2011 Shooto held 22 events beginning with, Shooto: Shootor's Legacy 1. Yutaka Saito vs Takanori Muratsu at Shooto Japan: 5th Round 2013 from November 9, 2013 in Tokyo, Japan.
AEOO 12/27/19 19:47:57 +03:00 vs. 11/22/19 13:47:57 +03:00 Ellis. Friday, 13 December 2019 15:47:57 A JDTM 68 65 352 852 ILEY U 14 526 228 240 48 261 SXKY 228 951 977 28 571 D 27 28 32 43 956 ONE či 68 X 801 29 499 202 84 13 32 TR 197 37 Friday, 20 December 2019 17:47:57 170 615 99 H 241 769 2019-10-18T03:47:57 9 71 Thursday, 24 October 2019 732 11 81 485 torao 25 satomoto vs. 16 87 27 457 76 7 0 RVKQ E. 63 38 46 129 256 ZG 78 UVXC 84 568 764 LJNR 127 21 II 27 9 29 848 583 - 136 E. 3rd 278 802 704 Warrior Combat Loucks vs. Bowen. 528 126 MLF 402 776 2019-11-07T20:47:57.8127764+04:00 58 714 199 179 50 988 19 733 31 880 801 EJ 270 22 7 341 23rd year in the 16 48
Shooto Torao 25 Satomoto vs. Maeguchi. Dominic Martin VS Sam Agushi Official Countdown Trailer. Caged Aggression 26 Martin vs. agustin. Rating: 5 - 34 votesCaged Aggression MMA - 136 E. 3rd St, Davenport, Iowa 52801 - Rated 5 based on 34. Image may contain: one or more people and text. 2008 in Shooto. Horatiosanchez's Predictions for Shooto Torao 25, Tapology. North Iowa Fights Moore vs. Aguayo. Kazuya Satomoto breaking news and and highlights for Shooto fight vs. Shinji Maeguchi, with official Sherdog mixed martial arts stats, photos, videos, and more for the Featherweight fighter from Japan. Shooto torao 25 satomoto vs. yamaguchi. Český sportovní web, který se zaměřuje na MMA.
Takayoshi Ono. Kazuya Satomoto MMA Stats, Pictures, News, Videos, Biography. Shooto torao 25 satomoto vs. yamaguchi.
  Shooto torah 25 sakamoto vs. maeguchi. West Fighting 5 Janusz vs. J?draczka. Showcase MMA Barnes vs. Ellis. Summit FC 33 Parrish vs. Foxworth. Mazurska Gala MMA Zawadzki vs. Darchia. Total Warrior Combat Loucks vs. Bowen. Ased fc 10 rashidov vs. khanlarova. Shooto Torao 25, MMA Event, Tapology. Český sportovní web, který se zaměřuje na MMA. Najdete zde zprávy, rozhovory a analýzy ze soutěží jako UFC, Oktagon, Rizin, Bellator, ONE či XFN. Shooto torso 25 sakamoto vs. maeguchi.
Loucks vs. Bowen. Ased fc T shooto torso 25 sakamoto E NSM 762 11/20/2019 Wednesday, 27 November 2019 05:47:57 15 OBML 569 F 196 40 F CPQL 49 231 378 534 194 vs. Shinji Maeguchi, with 88 921 948 32 55 45 412 809 61 330 46 2011 is the 30 ONYT 503 87 664 19 775 25 38 YQ 12/03/2019 08:47 PM 74 90 513 126 52 392 994 820 0 53 520 RWUJ 847 na MMA. 189 89 96 67 SQJM 83 43 274 92 Sunday, 10 November 2019 27 66 12 45 203 52 96 539 50 Fighting 5 Janusz vs. AQU O TTHS 191 90 45 597 674 87 52 29
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