#17th may 2024
deletedg1rl · 4 months
17th May 2024
im quitting my job. its sucking my time dry and its not letting me learn anything. im sitting here and drinking coffee in my room. i have an interview tomorrow. i haven't prepared for it. i did nothing today. its embarrassing but even if i start today i think i won't be an absolute loser tomorrow, i might not get this job but thats ok.
i really wanna go to Bangalore, all the tech kids are there. i'll learn all of cloud and ml in the next three months. im planning for atleast 3 interviews for each month. god its all so hopeless and scary. idk if its the right decision. but i cannot live like this.
its already 7:12 and i haven't prepared anything. i'll start by defining a goal with that music project. then after completing that. i'll try revising/learning all of nlp concepts and memorize most of dl/ml.
also im sooo insecure about my weight bcs a boy once told me that im "too thin" and i have no tits :(
but also that guy wasnt my target audience at that point in my life and idk why he thought i was trying to impress him but imagine if all boys think like this about me :(
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"Teño todo o que me rouban, e teño máis que abondo de todo o que me falta."
Luísa Villalta
" I have everything they take from me, and I have more than enough of everything I lack".
Luisa Villalta
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livelaughlovelams · 4 months
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(also, I'ma just @ all some people who might care :>)
@hammyham-o-o @johnlaurensstuff @johnlaurenstheturtlelover @johnlaurensgayass @johnlaurensadmirer-johnsenpaiowo @johnlaurensdeservesbetter
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billiesbabygirl · 5 months
My girl❤️
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dopescissorscashwagon · 4 months
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Princess Anne accompanied by Vice Admiral Sir Timothy Laurence speak to guests as they attend the Not Forgotten Association Annual Garden Party at Buckingham Palace on May 17, 2024 in London, England.
The Not Forgotten Association is a tri-service charity which provides entertainment, leisure and recreation for the serving wounded, injured or sick and for ex-service men and women with disabilities.
The annual event has been hosted in the Buckingham Palace Garden since 1921.
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bryan360 · 4 months
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Yet another no “On This Day” posting to share for today. Instead, here’s my latest DeviantArt exclusive artwork post. ⬆️
During this Friday morning; just before ahead off to the program at 8 A.M., I'd happened to dropped off for another fanart with the "Pupketeers" characters. I got it from draft few months later when trying to make as a fake screencap in this fictional show that's gonna be spoof of the original DuckTales/Pound Puppies; at least in my theory. The second one came alright after doing some changes than the first. I'll be there for few fanarts soon; unless if Adult Swim had a second chance in life. We can all dream though.
Tagged: @murumokirby360 @shadowredfeline @alexander1301 @rafacaz4lisam2k4 @paektu
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angelo-randagio · 4 months
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Senza Titolo / Untitled
Transcriptions under the cut
Ogni mattino si sfuma con l'altro / non so per quanto potrò ancora resistere / la nebbia nella mia testa si fa più fitta / fatemi uscire da qui / non mi rimane altro che l'ultima sigaretta / e un cattivo sapore nella mia bocca secca / giuro su Dio / che non ho mai voluto questa vita / nato per errore / forzato a vivere per inerzia / e giuro su Dio / che questo non sono io / ma stai forzando la mia mano / dove ho messo la pistola?
Each morning blurs with the other / I don't know for how much longer I can resist / the fog in my head is growing more dense / let me out of here / I have nothing left but my last cigarette / and a bad taste in my dry mouth / I swear to God / that I never wanted this life / born in error / forced to live by inertia / and I swear to God / that this isn't me / but you're forcing my hand / where is my gun?
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neverenoughcoffee · 6 months
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desk-devil · 4 months
Its my 18th birthday today!!
Happy Birthday to me <3
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Non teño outro corpo que un destino por min libremente imaxinado, nen teño outra alma que o consolo de ser o sen-min que me concibo.
Fortuna é, ao fin, de toda vida figurar-se unha história sen destino.
(do libro MÚSICA RESERVADA" de Luisa Villalta)
"I don't have another body but a destiny freely imagined by me, nor do I have another soul but the consolation of being the without-me that I conceive.
Fortune is, in the end, for all life to imagine itself a story without destiny."
(from the book "RESERVED MUSIC" by Luisa Villalta)
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vesperione · 4 months
If you’d have told me, may 2023, that I’d be seeing starkid and losing a treasured family member in the span of a week, I’d have told myself to fuck off and drown probably that’s something I’d say
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xaviergalatis · 3 months
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bryan360 · 4 months
I can’t simply described after this from yesterday; where 👊💥MultiVersus uploaded its overview trailer on YouTube. They’re really go so far to put NASB2’s modes to shamed; knowing that it had more personality than expected. 😯
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angelo-randagio · 4 months
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Blocco dello scrittore / Writer's block
Transcriptions under the cut
Fisso il foglio bianco
cercando una risposta
ma la verità è
che non so nemmeno la domanda.
Musa mia, dove sei andata?
Ti cerco nelle più piccole cose
in una sigaretta
in uno sguardo
e forse sei lì che mi guardi
ma non riesco a vederti.
Chiedimi se sono felice
quando scrivo poesie
perché forse è vero
che per l'arte bisogna soffrire.
E per la paura di risultare mediocre
non vedo l'ora
di toccare il fondo un'ultima volta
per provare quel brivido
del genio inaspettato.
I stare at the blank paper
looking for an answer
but the truth is
that I don't even know the question.
My muse, where have you gone to?
I look for you in the smallest things
in a cigarette
in a gaze
and maybe you're there looking at me
but I can't see you.
Ask me if I'm happy
when I write poetry
because maybe it's true
that you have to suffer for art.
And for fear of being mediocre
I can't wait
to touch rock bottom one last time
in order to feel that thrill
of the unexpected genius.
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avalonsilver · 4 months
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Thank you to everyone who got me to 1000 likes!
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songspiral · 4 months
"Freedom" by Jadu Heart
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