#17th century composers
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city-of-ladies · 5 months ago
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A pioneering female composer, Barbara Strozzi (1619-1677) defied the norms of her time. Unlike many women of her era, she was not a wife, a nun, or a courtesan; but an independent woman devoted to her music.
The heiress of the Muses
Barbara was immersed in music from an early age. Her father, Giulio Strozzi, an illegitimate member of the noble Strozzi family, played a significant role in Venetian musical life, writing librettos for major composers and poetry. Her mother, Isabella Garzoni, was Giulio’s longtime servant, possibly of Greek origin, as she was known as “La Griega” or “La Greghetta” (“The Little Greek”).
Unlike Nannerl Mozart, Barbara benefited from a supportive environment. Her father acknowledged her and provided her with a comprehensive education, allowing her to develop her talents from a young age. She trained with opera composer Francesco Cavalli, and by the age of 15, Barbara was already performing at gatherings in the Strozzi home. She possessed an impressive and flexible soprano voice, capable of singing complex compositions.
Her talent was widely recognized. In 1635 and 1636, composer Nicolò Fontei dedicated two volumes of solo songs to her. She also performed at meetings of her father’s intellectual circle, the Accademia degli Unisoni (“Academy of the Like-Minded”). Among the attendees was Giovanni Francesco Loredan, a supporter of feminist writer and nun Arcangela Tarabotti, who remarked that “had she been born in another era, surely she would have usurped or expanded the place of the muses.”
An extraordinary career
Barbara went on to publish her own compositions. In 1644, she released Il primo libro de madrigali (First Book of Madrigals, Opus 1), dedicated to Vittoria della Rovere, Grand Duchess of Tuscany, known for her patronage of female convents and musicians—a strategic choice on Barbara’s part.
Despite the dominance of opera, Barbara achieved recognition as a composer of chamber music. Her compositions showcased her vocal talent, though she sometimes wrote with other female voices in mind. Her songs explored themes of love, jealousy, joy, despair and sensuality. Most of her work was secular, but she also composed religious pieces in Latin—a unique accomplishment for a Catholic laywoman in early modern Europe.
Barbara’s work was more than just a portrayal of women as sensual temptresses; she also demonstrated a powerful and dramatic voice. An example of this is “Lagrime mie” (“My Tears”) from 1657, a poignant expression of a lover’s despair that fully utilized her vocal abilities.
Over her lifetime, Barbara published around 125 compositions across eight volumes, making her more prolific than any other female composer of her era. By 1656, her works were included alongside those of male composers in printed collections. While she did not perform publicly, her music has been preserved.
A troubled personal life
Barbara never married but had four children, at least three of whom were fathered by Giovanni Paolo Vidman, a friend of her father. Long-term concubinage relationships like theirs were not uncommon at the time.
The nature of their relationship remains unclear. An anonymous commentator wrote in 1677 that Giovanni Paolo had raped Barbara. This might seem contradictory given the length of their relationship, but societal norms of the time regarding female virginity sometimes forced women to remain with their aggressors to protect their reputations.
Through her work, Barbara was able to provide for her children. Giovanni Paolo died in 1648, leaving provisions for her and their children. Both of Barbara’s daughters entered convents, with the entrance fees paid by Giovanni Paolo’s wife, Camilla. Barbara rented a house from Giovanni Paolo’s brother until 1677 when she traveled to Padua, where she died of illness.
My Ko-Fi
Further reading
Kendrick Robert L., “Intent and textuality in Barbara Strozzi’s sacred music”
Magner Candace, “Barbara Strozzi, a brief history”
Ray Meredith K., Twenty-five women who shaped the Italian Renaissance 
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sesamenom · 2 years ago
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first part of a maglor themed triptych
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davidbeardmusic · 6 months ago
What shall I do to Show by Henry Purcell (1659–1695). A moving, majestic, graceful, classical composition from the Baroque period arranged and performed on Piano, Flutes and Cello. Please license here for media use: https://audiojungle.net/item/purcell-piano-1/23027770 Also available in 'Piano only' and 'Flutes & Cello only'. Useful for patriotic or religous projects, drone footage, video production, history and documentaries, projects on Royalty, Ceremony, Grand Public Occasion, Period, Costume Dramas, Funerals, War, Sad Occaisons etc. Applicable to the creation of film, television, commercials, documentaries, film trailer cues, history programs, advertising, architecture, impressive buildings etc. For more music for media use visit https://audiojungle.net/user/davidbeardmusicproduction/portfolio
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artaxerxa · 10 months ago
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Henry Purcell
Ode to an upcoming H. Purcell harpsichord concert I wrote the concept for.
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mahgnib · 1 year ago
Portrait of 17-century composer Barbara Strozzi, by Bernardo Strozzi.
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comepraisetheinfanta · 1 year ago
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literaryvein-reblogs · 4 months ago
100 "Beautiful" Words
for your next poem/story
Accouchement - the time or act of giving birth
Allemande - a dance step with arms interlaced
Anent - about, concerning
Anthophilous - feeding upon or living among flowers
Aphyllous - destitute of foliage leaves
Apophenia - the tendency to perceive a connection between unrelated things
Apoplectic - extremely enraged
Badinage - playful repartee; banter
Belaud - to praise usually to excess
Chromophil - staining readily with dyes
Coeval - of the same or equal age, antiquity, or duration
Cognoscente - a person who has expert knowledge in a subject
Cruciferous - any of a family of plants including the cabbage, turnip, and mustard
Deliquescent - tending to melt or dissolve
Diallelus - a reasoning in a circle
Elide - to leave out of consideration
Emulous - inspired by or deriving from a desire to emulate
Epergne - an often ornate tiered centerpiece consisting typically of a frame of wrought metal (e.g., gold) bearing dishes, vases, or candle holders or a combination of these
Epexegesis - additional explanation or explanatory matter
Fructify - to bear fruit
Funambulism - a show especially of mental agility
Galbulus - a spherical closed fleshy cone of thickened or fleshy peltate scales
Grenadine - an open-weave fabric of various fibers
Haematite - a reddish-brown to black mineral consisting of ferric oxide, constituting an important iron ore, and occurring in crystals
Hyaline - something that is transparent
Ianthine - having a violet color
Impresa - a device with a motto used in the 16th and 17th centuries; emblem
Ineluctable - not to be avoided, changed, or resisted
Indite - to put down in writing
Jacinthe - a moderate orange
Jiqui - a Cuban timber tree with hard wood very resistant to moisture
Kincob - an Indian brocade usually of gold or silver or both
Kvell - to be extraordinarily proud
Labret - an ornament worn in a perforation of the lip
Lachrymator - a tear-producing substance (such as tear gas)
Latericeous - of the color of red brick
Legerity - alert facile quickness of mind or body
Limnology - the scientific study of bodies of fresh water
Logorrhea - excessive and often incoherent talkativeness or wordiness
Maieutic - relating to the Socratic method of eliciting new ideas from another
Maquillage - makeup
Marmoreal - of marble
Matronymic - a name derived from that of the mother or a maternal ancestor
Mazarine - mazarine blue; a deep purplish blue
Mirifical - working wonders
Nacarat - geranium lake (i.e., a vivid red)
Nephology - a branch of meteorology dealing with clouds
Notabilia - things worthy of note
Obnubilate - becloud, obscure
Obstreperous - marked by unruly or aggressive noisiness
Oenology - a science that deals with wine and wine making
Ombrophilous - capable of withstanding or thriving in the presence of much rain
Organdy - a very fine transparent muslin with a stiff finish
Palafitte - an ancient dwelling built on piles over a lake
Pareidolia - the tendency to perceive a specific, often meaningful image in a random or ambiguous visual pattern
Peregrinate - to travel especially on foot
Peristyle - an open space enclosed by a colonnade
Perse - of a dark grayish blue resembling indigo
Personalia - biographical or personal anecdotes or notes
Phylactery - amulet
Piacular - sacrificial, expiatory
Pleonasm - the use of more words than those necessary to denote mere sense; redundancy
Poetomachia - a contest of poets; specifically: a literary quarrel of Elizabethan dramatists
Prasine - having the green color of a leek
Prestidigitation - sleight of hand
Psilanthropy - a doctrine of the merely human existence of Christ
Psychomachy - a conflict of the soul
Quaesitum - something sought for; end
Quatenus - in the quality or capacity of
Rebarbative - repellent, irritating
Rhapsodize - to speak or write in a rhapsodic (i.e., extravagantly emotional) manner
Rheophilous - preferring or living in flowing water
Rupestrian - composed of rock
Salmagundi - a heterogeneous mixture; potpourri
Sanative - having the power to cure or heal
Sciaphilous - thriving in shade
Subitaneous - formed or taking place suddenly or unexpectedly
Tellurian - a dweller on the earth
Tergiversation - evasion of straightforward action or clear-cut statement
Terpsichorean - of or relating to dancing
Threnody - a song of lamentation for the dead
Tilleul - a pale greenish yellow that is very slightly paler than primrose green
Tmesis - separation of parts of a compound word by the intervention of one or more words
Toadstone - a stone or similar object held to have formed in the head or body of a toad and formerly often worn as a charm or antidote to poison
Toxophilite - a person fond of or expert at archery
Transmogrify - to change or alter greatly and often with grotesque or humorous effect
Ubiquitarian - belief that as Christ is omnipresent his body is everywhere (as in the Eucharist)
Urtication - to induce hives
Vicissitudinous - marked by or filled with vicissitudes (i.e., the quality of being changeable)
Videlicet - that is to say; namely
Visitant - visitor; especially: one thought to come from a spirit world
Wallydraigle - a feeble, imperfectly developed, or slovenly creature
Waltherite - a mineral consisting of an ill-defined carbonate of bismuth having green to brownish green doubly terminated prismatic crystals
Xyloid - resembling wood
Xylomancy - divination by means of pieces of wood
Xystus - a long and open portico
Yfere - obsolete: together
Zoism - phenomena of life are due to a peculiar vital principle
Zymology - a science that deals with fermentation
Zymurgy - a branch of applied chemistry that deals with fermentation processes (as in wine making or brewing)
If any of these words make their way into your next poem/story, please tag me, or send me a link. I would love to read them!
More: Lists of Beautiful Words ⚜ Word Lists
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adventuresofalgy · 6 days ago
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It was another frosty morning, with a brisk northerly wind, and although the clouds swept over the sky at fairly frequent intervals, sometimes dropping a light dusting of tiny particles of snow and ice as they passed, there were some beautifully bright moments in between, which lit up the landscape for a short time.
Algy found himself a soft perch and gazed out at the long, dark shadows stretching all the way across the neighbouring croft. They seemed to be pointing at the illuminated snow-capped mountains of the Isle of Rum in the distance, and the enchanting view reminded him of some lines in a beautiful old song – a VERY old song – and he hummed quietly to himself "Look how the snowy mountains, Heaven’s sun doth gently waste".
Algy reflected that although the northern winter could certainly be beautiful to look at, it was also harsh, especially for the elderly and infirm, and he knew that some of his friends were mourning the loss of dear relatives and friends, for there are many who pass when temperatures fall and the sun sinks low in the sky.
So Algy dedicates this post and this beautiful early English Air especially to those friends who have lost loved ones and are thinking of them now:
Weep you no more, sad fountains; What need you flow so fast? Look how the snowy mountains Heaven’s sun doth gently waste. But my sun’s heavenly eyes View not your weeping, That now lie sleeping Softly, now softly lies Sleeping. Sleep is a reconciling, A rest that peace begets. Doth not the sun rise smiling When fair at even he sets? Rest you then, rest, sad eyes, Melt not in weeping While she lies sleeping Softly, now softly lies Sleeping.
[Algy is singing Weep you no more, sad fountains from The Third and Last Booke of Songs or Aires. Composed to sing to the Lute by the late 16th/early 17th century English composer and lutenist John Dowland.]
And for those who enjoy early music and would like to hear this beautiful song in a roughly authentic version, here is a lovely performance by Paul Agnew and Christopher Wilson:
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spacelazarwolf · 1 year ago
109 years ago today, leo frank, an innocent american jewish man, was lynched.
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in 1913, leo frank was arrested for the murder of mary phagan. despite evidence that he was at home at the time of the murder, the jury decided in just four hours that he was guilty and the judge sentenced him to death. all of frank's appeals were rejected. protests erupted outside the governor's mansion when the governor decided to commute frank's sentence from death to life imprisonment, and on august 17th, 1915, a group of 25 men kidnapped frank from the prison hospital where he was recovering from an attempt on his life, drove him 100 miles to mary phagan's hometown, and lynched him. there are several photos of the lynching.
though frank is the only known jewish victim of lynching in america, antisemitism was baked into the nation's history in numerous other ways. during the trial, the prosecuting attorney framed him as a sexual pervert who was both a homosexual and preyed on young girls. this is not the first time a jewish man has been framed as a sexual predatory because of his jewishness. it was simply the culmination of centuries of antisemitism that still persists to this day. (content warning for antisemitic caricatures and one graphic photo of the lynching of leo frank)
leo frank was proven innocent after his death, though many people still insist he was guilty, particularly white supremacists.
a musical called parade about the trial and tragic death of leo frank was written by jewish composer jason robert brown and jewish playwright alfred uhry. it premiered in 1988 and was revived in 2023 on broadway, starring jewish actors ben platt and micaela diamond, where neo nazis protested outside the theatre, claiming the show was "glorifying a pedophile."
as of writing this, tomorrow is the first day of elul, the last month in the jewish calendar culminating in the high holy days, the holiest days of the jewish year. every year, synagogues see an increase in negative attention and antisemitism from their wider communities. we start to receive more hostile phone calls and emails, threats of violence, and this year there was a swatting campaign targeting at least 26 jewish institutions. we are supposed to be using this time to reflect and make amends with the people we've hurt, and instead so much of our time and energy had to go toward ensuring we can even safely walk into our communal spaces.
i don't have the answer for how to fix this or what you as a gentile should do. antisemitism is thousands of years old, and it's not going to stop because some well meaning people on tumblr read all the articles linked in this post. all i know is that jews all over the world are terrified and so, so tired.
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finnlongman · 1 month ago
"And his hand in the hand of Láeg mac Ríangabra..."
My previous posts about the variants of Oidheadh Con Culainn were getting very long with all the reblogs and ramblings, so I thought I would do a summary.
Last week, I was idly paging through NLI MS G113 to check the terminology it uses for Láeg. This manuscript was written in 1703, in Co. Cork, by poet Uilliam mac Cartáin. I discovered that in this version of the text, Cú Chulainn dies "with his back against the standing stone and his hand in the hand of Láeg mac Ríangabra".
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Although Láeg is usually present in this scene, I had never seen this particular detail before, and being the #1 fan of Láeg mac Ríangabra, I was obviously extremely intrigued and emotional. (Code for: I cried and then I screamed about it to everyone I knew.)
Not only this, but after Cú Chulainn's death, Láeg went back to kiss Cú Chulainn's body, hold him, and grieve for him, which is something he isn't given the opportunity to do in any of the versions that I knew. Wow.
Yesterday, I decided to check for other digitised manuscripts of this text, and I found RIA MS 23 M 25, a slightly earlier manuscript written probably in Co. Cork in the late 17th century -- probably 1684 for this section. To my amazement, it also contained this line:
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Further investigation found it in two more Cork manuscripts -- a late 18th century one (RIA 23 G 21) and a 19th century one (Newman College O'Donnell II), both by scribes of the Ó Longáin family. The 18th century one isn't digitised, but I was able to read a transcription of it produced by Julia Kühns in her 2009 PhD thesis; the 19th century one is now held in Newman College in Melbourne, Australia, and looks like this:
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All four of these manuscripts contain the detail that Cú Chulainn died with his back against the standing stone and his hand in the hand of Láeg mac Ríangabra.
All four of these manuscripts were written in Co. Cork, though chronologically they're quite dispersed.
There are two more manuscripts that Kühns groups alongside these in her study, one which has a strong Cork connection and one which doesn't. These aren't digitised and she didn't transcribe this passage, so I can't be certain it's there (her grouping is based on other elements, and she doesn't discuss this detail), but I would imagine it must be. I hope to go to TCD at some point and view them.
On the basis of the evidence I've got, though, it seems to me that this was a Cork variant of the story. The wording of this line is identical -- if they're not all copying from each other (and there are some other variations that might suggest they're not), they're definitely copying from a shared source. What that source was and how far it predates the 1684 manuscript, I don't know yet.
But so far, only G113 contains the scene where Láeg grieves and says goodbye to Cú Chulainn. Given that this MS was written by a known poet who wrote a lot of laments and emotional works, it may be that he added this to heighten the emotional experience. To my admittedly inexpert eye, it shows some strong signs of Munster Irish, which lends credence to the idea that it was locally composed, and since it's not in the other MSS, there's no reason yet to think it's not Uilliam's addition for the sake of feelings. In which case, it worked. Thanks, Liam, you made me cry 221 years later.
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And now you're caught up!
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murfpersonalblog · 6 months ago
IWTV S3 - "Long Face" song lyrics (Lestat wants his wife back!)
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This Count Dracula/IWTV joke was made while ago, too!
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Lestat stays wearing his wedding ring, y'all!
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The whole reason Lestat is even going on tour with Satan's Night Out is to redirect all negative attention & threats away from Mr. I Own The Night du Lac--Lestat saving Louis' life all over again.
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Fake personality, fake face. Who is the REAL Lestat, behind the smoke & mirrors? ("Who are you, Louis?")
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Cycles keep cycling!
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Go as fun & campy as y'all want, Rolin--so long as y'all keep it GOTHIC and keep it HORROR. Take us to The Witches Place!
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"Evil of my evil!" 😭
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These vampires have a capacity for enduring--have FUN; and make the most of it; "I'm just getting started~!"
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"Clipping of pianoforte, from Italian pianoforte, from piano (“soft”) + forte (“strong”). So named because it could produce a wide range of varied volumes note-by-note, in contrast to older keyboard instruments...." (Wiktionary)
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"In classical music, it is customary to describe the tempo of a piece by one or more words, most commonly in Italian, in addition to or instead of a metronome mark in beats per minute. Italian is typically used because it was the language of most composers during the time these descriptions became commonplace in the Western musical lexicon.[6] Some well-known Italian tempo indications include "Allegro" (English "Cheerful"), "Andante" ("Walking-pace") and "Presto" ("Quickly"). This practice developed during the 17th and 18th centuries, the baroque and classical periods." (Wikipedia on Tempo)
Lestat's French Revolution lookin arse. 🙄😂 But I'm surprised by this--he sees Louis as his forte/strength and allegro/cheerful (my happiness/mon bonheur); while he self-depreciates as piano/soft and andante/moderate (but perhaps also more menacing/dramatic).
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"Come to me.... You little wh*re~!" 🎶💜
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Lestat is feeling JILTED, oof.
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Louis & Claudia packed their bags and left your arse to rot in a dump in NOLA--then Lou left his arse in Paris--then Lou left him in a hurricane in NOLA again--oh yeah, Les is biiiiiiiitteeeerrrrr~! XD
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Y'all heard Bi-con Lestat the last time!
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In more ways than one! 🦇🩸🍆
THANK YOU, AMC, for being absolutely feral!
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whencyclopedia · 5 months ago
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Temple of Saturn, Rome
The 4th century CE Temple of Saturn is situated in the north west corner of the Roman Forum of Rome and has eight majestic columns still standing. Built in honour of Saturn it was the focal point of this ancient cult and stood on the site of the original temple dedicated in c. 497 BCE, which itself had replaced the god's first shrine, the Ara Saturni. In addition, during the Republic the temple also housed the public treasury (aerarium), a function it kept, albeit in a more limited function, in the Imperial period.
Saturn is something of a mysterious figure in Roman religion. Depictions of the god in surviving art have him wearing a veil and brandishing either a sickle or a pruning knife. Perhaps a version of the Greek god Kronos, he was especially worshipped in the Saturnalia festival held every 17th of December (from at least the 5th century BCE) and which lasted several days. This was a festive occasion when people gave gifts to one another, slaves had the freedoms enjoyed by ordinary citizens, more informal clothes were worn instead of the usual toga, and there was a general round of partying and merrymaking which made it the jolliest Roman festival in the calendar; a fact which led Catullus to describe it as 'the best of times'. In later centuries the festival would metamorphose into the Brumalia festival and the similarity of its features and timing - pushed later into December in subsequent centuries - suggest an influence on the Christmas celebration.
The surviving ruins of the temple stand on a pediment of travertine blocks and are themselves composed of pieces recycled from earlier temples. The columns are of the Ionic order and eight still remain on the northern facade. The shafts of the columns are made from Egyptian granite, the two on the side from pink Aswan and the six facade ones from grey Mons Claudianus. Indicative of their differing history, three are monoliths and the others are composed of two pieces fitted together. The Ionic capitals are, in fact, the only parts made specifically for the temple and are from Thasian marble and carved in typical Late Antique style. The architrave carries an Ionic frieze of acanthus leaves and palmettes and came from the previous temple on the site, commissioned by one of Julius Caesar's generals, Lucius Munatius Plancus, in 43 BCE using spoils from the campaigns in Syria.
Within the temple once stood a cult statue of Saturn which became the centre of attention during the Saturnalia when his feet were symbolically freed from the woollen bonds that tied him up for the rest of the year. This act has led to Saturn being associated with liberation, certainly a feature of the Saturnalia festival. The inscription on the exterior of the architrave relates to the reconstruction carried out in the 360s and 370s CE and reads as follows:
(The Senate and People of Rome, restored following destruction by fire).
Continue reading...
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marykk1990 · 1 year ago
My next post in support of Ukraine is:
A little different because Twitter was knocked out earlier this evening. I thought I had lost my entire Ukraine thread, which I started on day 1 of the full-scale invasion. I would have been absolutely LIVID if it was gone. So I posted on Blue Sky first, and when I went back to Twitter, everything was back, so my thread is still there. I'm soooo relieved. But anyway, today's post is:
While Twitter was down, I posted this evening's post on Blue Sky first, so doing it a bit backwards but in this evening's post, we're visiting the Ukrainian city of Trostianets (Тростянечь). Dating from the 17th century, the name comes from the Trostyanka River. It grew in population when Cossacks and peasants migrated there after suffering a defeat at the Battle of Berestechko in 1651. That was part of the Khmelnytsky Uprising. The city was captured by muscovy forces on March 1, 2022, and was occupied until March 26, 2022, when it was liberated by Ukrainian forces. Several buildings were destroyed by muscovy, including a house that Tchaikovsky stayed at in 1864 while composing the The Storm. They also mined a local hospital. There was also evidence of executions and tortures.
#СлаваУкраїні 🇺🇦🌻
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Adding that Trostianets is in Sumy Oblast. Apologies that I left that out. I do like to include what Oblast we're visiting. #СлаваУкраїні 🇺🇦🌻
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mysticstronomy · 1 year ago
Wednesday, January 17th, 2024.
Welcome back,
As Earth's closest neighbors in the solar system, Mars and Venus have been objects of fascination for centuries. With the advent of space exploration and growing concerns about Earth's sustainability, the idea of human habitation on these planets is becoming less science fiction and more a potential future reality. Could we, as a species, survive on Mars?
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To answer this question, we must understand the distinct challenges and potential solutions that each planet presents.
Mars, often called the Red Planet due to its reddish appearance from iron oxide (rust) on its surface, is the most Earth-like planet in our solar system.
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It has a 24.5-hour day, polar ice caps, seasons, and a variety of geographical features similar to Earth's. NASA's Mars rovers, including the recent Perseverance, have found evidence of ancient water flows, leading to speculation that Mars could once have supported life.
Despite these similarities, Mars poses significant challenges for human survival. Its thin atmosphere, primarily composed of carbon dioxide, offers little protection from solar radiation.
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Mars' surface temperature varies widely, with summer days at the equator reaching a comfortable 20°C (70°F), but dropping to a frigid -73°C (-100°F) at night. The planet's low atmospheric pressure (less than 1% of Earth's) makes liquid water unstable at the surface.
To live on Mars, we would need technology to protect us from radiation, supply breathable air, and provide warmth. Scientists and engineers are exploring solutions such as building habitats underground or using Martian soil to shield against radiation.
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To generate oxygen, NASA's Perseverance rover carried an experiment called MOXIE (Mars Oxygen In-Situ Resource Utilization Experiment) that successfully produced oxygen from Mars' carbon dioxide-rich atmosphere. Life support systems could potentially extract water from ice at Mars' poles or in the ground.
Originally published www.miragenews.com
(Saturday, January 20th, 2024)
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mariacallous · 2 months ago
Well … we finally got to 5 November. Of course, you know the story. Once upon a time, there was a bad guy who wanted to set fire to a country’s political system. Metaphorically, but also literally. I mean, he wasn’t subtle, this guy. This Guy, I should say, because his name was Guy Fawkes. Why – who did you think I was talking about?
Because time’s a great healer, Britons now celebrate the thwarting of this truly awful Guy’s insurrection with fireworks, fires and organised effigy-burning. But the good version of those things – not the kind we do when we go out of a football tournament in the later stages. We’re still working on teasing out the family fun in those particular moments.
Incidentally, before I proceed further, a word about the timing of this column, which I am writing on Tuesday morning but which will appear in the Wednesday print edition of this newspaper. That is My Struggle, assuming there isn’t a monopoly on that working title in the current news cycle. And even without those challenges of the calendar, it is impossible to know how many people out there are catching up with the Gunpowder Plot on a time lag. Furthermore, there will be long-view historians who will argue that we still don’t actually really know the ultimate knock-on results and/or fallout of it all. So if you are catching up with the whole story on tape delay, beware of spoilers that will follow. Please look away now if you want to experience the magic/horror [delete as applicable] as if in real time.
So anyway, our Guy. Not only was he a very bad hat, but he wore a very bad hat – a signature piece of headgear that simply screamed MAKE ENGLAND PAPIST AGAIN. And this Guy swore he’d overthrow the political leadership of the country by any means necessary. Blow it all up, burn it all down – this was his plot. He could really drone on about it for hours to like-minded people. Other details? He sometimes went by Guido, because nobody – NOBODY – loved Hispanics more than him, or had done more for Hispanics than him.
Anyway, the fateful day approached. Despite the highest possible stakes, some of his henchteam couldn’t quite keep their mouths shut about it all. One of them actually wrote down a semi-cryptic warning about what was coming, and sent it to a lawmaker called Lord Monteagle. I think it was done on parchment, but it could have also been a social media post on X (which back in the 17th century was known as Twitter).
Even though people will say any old thing on parchment, something about the message properly unsettled Lord Monteagle, who shared the post with King James I. As for the precise mechanics of that share, let’s assume Monteagle quote-posted it, adding a topper along the lines of: “They hath said the quiet part out loud.” Or maybe “out Loude”. My understanding is that spelling was a bit of a free-for-all at the time, and there was a lot of unnecessary capitalisation in some people’s posts.
At this point, the king had a number of options. He could have regarded engaging with the incendiary language about incendiary devices as beneath his dignity, and not at all befitting the civility politics of which he regarded himself as the perfect embodiment. He could have got a period celebrity to come out in his favour and denounce it. Which one? I don’t think James would have nailed down the composer William Byrd (he’d gone Catholic in the 1570s and might have endorsed Fawkes) – but William Shakespeare was coming off a huge box-office hit with Othello and was in development with King Lear. He’d have been ideal; people always do what playwrights say.
But in the event, the king basically responded by going: “OMG Monteagle – if someone tells you who they are, BELIEVE THEM THE FIRST TIME.” Two of his team officials were immediately dispatched to parliament.
By this stage, the Guy was in situ and well on his way to realising his plan. He was found by law enforcement down in the palace of Westminster’s cellars, with a slow match and a watch – presumably one from the Fawkes Signature Collection (advertising slogan: “Time is money so you wear a watch that matters”. There was also a pail of Diet Coke to sustain him through the night, some touchwood, and 36 barrels of gunpowder.
Despite being busted in what you’d think was a pretty open-and-shut way, I imagine that aides from Fawkes’s conspiracy scrambled to “walk back” the idea that some bad stuff was in the process of going down. Their precise words are lost to time, but no doubt they’d have wheeled out a few of the classics. “This is just Guy being Guy – you shouldn’t take him so seriously.” “It truly saddens us to see ye olde fake news media lying that he meant any harm.” “He was just dressing up as a bomb-maker to show solidarity with our great blue-collar munitions workers.” Or my personal favourite: “These barrels of gunpowder are just a metaphor.”
What a Guy. The rest is both history, and the future that liberals want. So whichever stage of the great timeline we’re at by the time you read this, I suppose we have to at least consider that one day, people will simply enjoy some kind of jolly annual commemoration of whatever it was that happened. In the meantime, I desperately hope Guy Fawkes day is/was everything you wished it to be.
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Mausoleo Nikko Tosho-gu, construido en el siglo XVII por Iemitsu, sucesor de Tokugawa Ieyasu. Es un lugar compuesto por un horror vacui, horror al vacío, consta con un gran bestiario de animales con un alto lujo de detalles, es un lugar donde se ve, el máximo esplendor del arte tradicional japonés budista y sintoísta en una gran armonía. - Nikko Tosho-gu Mausoleum, built in the 17th century by Iemitsu, successor of Tokugawa Ieyasu. It is a place composed of a horror vacui, horror of emptiness, it consists of a large bestiary of animals with great detail, it is a place where you can see the maximum splendor of traditional Japanese Buddhist and Shinto art in great harmony. - 17世紀、徳川家康の後継者である家光によって建てられた日光東照宮。ホラーヴァクイ、空虚の恐怖で構成された場所であり、細部まで描き込まれた動物の大型獣戯画で構成され、日本の伝統的な仏教美術と神道美術が見事に調和した最大の素晴らしさを見ることができる場所である。 -
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