#16194 (don)
fullscoreshenanigans · 3 months
The loss of Conny is unquestionably devastating to Don, but the “and I wanna know Mom…I mean, the real Mom” gets me every time for how resolute it is despite his visible nervousness and knowing it will do nothing but hurt him. It's one aspect of their search that's not for anyone but himself.
A small but desperate desire to understand a woman he trusted and loved with his whole heart.
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(S1 Episode 4 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 2)
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mymanymerrymuses · 1 year
Thinking about my tpn kids taking part in an easter egg hunt.
Ray would refuse to join in at first but then he overhears Norman saying he already found two before the hunt even officially starts and something dark and competitive wakes up in Ray. He and Norman do leave plenty of the easy to spot eggs for the little kids to find, but other than that one kindness, it's war.
Somehow, despite not competing with them and spending her day helping little kids find eggs, Emma very nearly beats them.
Conny wears bunny ears literally the entire day (falls asleep in them too).
Don plays favourites and helps Conny, but he also plays favourites with the eggs because he wants Conny to find the ones he helped paint.
And Jemima is playing smart, following Ray and Norman around to pick up the easy ones their rules don't let them collect.
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chidoroki · 1 year
182 Days of TPN - Day 43
Chapter 43: “81194”
I never really paid too much attention to the chapter titles until I started doing this, so naturally I was unaware one title was simply Ray’s farm identifier. Yeah I noticed the titles when I first read the manga and when new chapters released way back, but I obviously don’t remember any of them now! I have a hard enough time trying to remember the id’s of the other GF kids. (honestly, I dunno any of them aside from the fullscore trio and Isabella’s).
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One of the big reasons why this scene feels so short in anime is, of course, the lack of internal dialogue. We even get a moment of hearing the pursuer’s thoughts later on too, as it tries to figure out if it cornered 16194 (Don) or 81194. Yet another loss because we don’t get to see how hard Ray is pushing his brain into overdrive trying to think of a way out of this mess.
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The house didn’t have knives but it had a pair of scissors? Unless it’s also from the infirmary..? I know Krone mentioned the room had a scalpel (which the kids do still have as Ray used it to get water from the anemones two chapters ago) but I don’t remember anything about there being scissors anywhere. Eh, whatever.
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My boy is so smart. With one less thing to worry about, he can now focus on his own survival. I love that cocky grin of his. He even seems proud that everyone else managed to stay safe so far.
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Damn right you gotta to live! Your family needs you! Better yet, they truly want him in their lives as well! Aaahhh he’s so devoted to Emma & the others (as if he wasn’t for his entire life already) and I just love him so very much.
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I am grateful that he was thinking ahead if the worst does happen, but the chances of any of the kids finding this small carved message on this exact tree is so darn slim. This forest is massive and they surely can’t waste any time backtracking with demons lurking.
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Though Emma can still hear out of her left ear, we occasionally see her rely on her right a bit more, such as now when the kids react to the pursuer whistling to signal its allies. (She uses a similar method to both ears in ch100 and puts her right ear straight to the ground in ch67.)
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Mhhhmm she believes in him so much aahh. Also, head pat! Though the anime changes Chris to Jemima here.
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Her wound and all this anxiety certainly isn’t doing wonders for her health. Anndd yet another head pat. (I’m like..so tempted to make a whole post dedicated to all the head pats. maybe. eventually..if I remember.)
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She was, indeed, not okay. And I know I shouldn’t be impressed that she lasted this long but.. I am. On top of all the blood loss and her whole body heating up, she’s been running for her damn life, while also keeping everyone else safe, and now she’s panicking that one of her best friends could potentially be captured and eaten.. that’s just a lot to handle at once. This girl has been suffering physically, mentally and emotionally for way longer than necessary.
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Can’t deny the anime made the whole forest look real pretty though.
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Favorite panel/moment:
When a moment is so good we get three variations of it! HELL YEAH! (goes without saying but the cover to volume 6 is one of my favorites).
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End of volume 5.
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doyouloveme-now · 4 years
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Yakusoku no Neverland 2nd Season Episodio 2
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The promised Neverland drawing I did
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dotheygeteaten · 6 years
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Yakusoku no Neverland - Episode 6: 311045
Do They Get Eaten? - No.
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transversingsouls · 3 years
Don tag dump
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mysticbynd · 4 years
Promised Neverland Kids
I had trouble finding a list of the kids online and I wanted a list to reference for the upcoming second season... so here you go! A spoiler-free name cheat sheet in order of age for the prominent kids! 
(I have not read any of the manga- if you have, forgive me if there’s other kids I should have included here but left out!)
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And here’s a typed version for those of you interested in neck numbers and stuff:
Ray 81194 (11 years old)
Norman 22194 (11 years old)
Emma 63194 (11 years old)
Gilda 65194 (10 years old)
Don 16194 (10 years old)
Anna 48194 (9 years old)
Nat 30294 (9 years old)
Lannion 54294 (7 years old)
Thoma 55294 (7 years old)
Dominic 07294 (6 years old)
Conny 48294 (6 years old)
Yvette 59294 (5 years old)
Mark 79294 (5 years old)
Rossi 50394 (5 years old)
Chris 70394 (5 years old)
Jemima 31394 (5 years old)
Alicia 71394 (5 years old)
Phil 34394 (4 years old)
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crystalwolflite · 4 years
I’m a big fan of the Promised Neverland, so I gonna do one theories here and there about it.
This one is about the shipping order and who the has the worst scores in this house, and if they were getting shipped, would they replace Conny?!
Now the score we already know is Norman, Ray, and Emma’s score which is a 300, a full score. But after seeing episode 1, we know know that the smartest is Norman, followed by Ray, then Emma. Ray’s lowest score, as of age 11 is 265, while Emma lowest score is a 261. Then Norman has all 300s.
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And in Ray’s side story ,It is confirmed that Norman has been making perfect scores since at least 5 years old.
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Next you see is 65194, which is Gilda’s number makes an average of 205, followed by 16194(Don) who’s average is a 198. Now By looking at that, it seems like it’s going from oldest to youngest, which I also thought. But Ray is older than Norman, and he is below him. Only bc if scored.
Now after the main 5, the next number I saw was kinda shocking.
which actually belongs to Lannion. Yes, I’m surprised as well. Lannion who is 7 years old is right after the main 5 with an average of 192. It also confirms that they go by scores and not age, otherwise it would be either Nat or Anna that goes next. Speaking of them, where do they place. Because their both 9, their scores can’t be that bad considering that they survived for 3 yrs.
Now, the other source I’m working with is when Emma and Ray went through the scores and wrote them down. This is way more updated, but they didn’t show Don and Gilda’s scores so it may have changed, but let’s get on with this
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Thus paper says that Anna has an higher average than Lani with a 195, so we are gonna stick with that. Now with Nat, his average is a 276, which is very much average when it comes to the rest of the kids, even being 9. So if a demon asks for an nine yr old, you know who’s gonna go between the 2..
Next is Thoma, who has a average of 172 literally right behind Nat, (which is surprising he isn’t an idiot) and then there’s Dominic, who is the only 6 yr old left in Grace Field House. Luckily, Ray and Emma included Conny along with the other 6 yr olds score to compete with. Conny’s average was more and likely a 120, and Dominic’s average was an 157.
Dominic and Conny has the lowest scores in the house, so it was between them who gets shipped, and we clearly see who and why that person survives.
Now, surprisingly on the list, they didn’t show any of the 5 years old except for one, but you unfortunately can’t see the name. They did show two 4 yr olds.
Phil is one of them, with an average of 205 and is the smartest 4 yr old in the house, next one is actually Sherry. It has been stated multiple times that Sherry is right behind Phil in scores, and also if you look in the paper, the top of the last letter isn’t covered by Don’s hand. That letter is a Y. So the next highest score is Sherry with an 189.
After that it doesn’t give anymore names, but we can see that a 5 yr old’s average is a 185 behind Sherry, and another 4 year old with another 174, which is very impressive.
So, it only leaves the 5 yr olds.
and Alicia
I’m surprised that they are not on the paper at all, mainly bc they only have months left before becoming the age of shipments. But, based on a side story, Isabella stated that Jemima, Rossi, and Mark are nothing special, so more and likely they will be the next options for shipment.
FIANLLY we finished all that so let’s give the final results of the everyone’s average from highest to lowest recorded,
Either Yvette, Chris, or Alicia-185
Either Marnya, Hans, Naila, or Jasper.-174
that means..............
Low Quality: Yvette, Chris, Rossi, Mark, Alicia and Jemima
Average Quanlity: Dominic, Thoma, and Nat.
Good Quality: Lannion and Anna.
High Quality: Don and Gilda
Premium Quality: Ray and Emma. (y’all already knew that but whatever)
I got the numbers from Chapter 37 of the manga, or 38...either one
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After all this we realized that Conny had the worst scores in this house, and at the next shipment, it’s probably gonna be either Dominic, Thoma, or Nat. If Conny had higher scores, Dominic would have went out. We also learned that possible if Rossi, Mark or Jemima was six, they could also replace Conny.
Bam, I’m done.
Snap: GamerGirlKB14. (pls don’t judge)
Insta: RandomUser._.13 and blue_kinda_sus_tho
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officersnickers · 4 years
Okay, so
I had a bit too much free-time and researched the age order of the Grace Field escapees based on their neck numbers. So let’s dig in!
The oldest is (obviously) Ray, as told by his ID 81194. Born in 2034 as baby number 49118 he’s followed by Emma (ID 63194), who was born as well in 2034 as number 49136. Both are Premium Quality Goods.
Next one is Gilda, born in 2035. Her ID is 65194, so she is baby number 49156. Don (ID 16194) is a bit younger, but still born in the same year as number 49161. They are listed as High Quality Goods.
All of this was well-known until this point. Surprisingly (at least to me) Anna (ID 48194) was born as baby number 49184 in 2036. So Nat is younger than her, born in the same year of 2036 with the ID 30294, which tells us he’s 49203th child born in Grace Field. Anna and Nat are Good Quality Goods.
Now to trouble, and make it double: Lannion and Thoma! Both have similiar tattoos on their necks, maybe that’s why they get along so well. Lannion (ID 54294) is the older one, being born as baby number 49245. Thoma with the ID 55294 comes soon after his best friend as the 49255th child. Both are born in 2038 and are declared as Average Quality Goods.
Dominic is the lonely guy in this group. Born in 2039 with the ID 07294, so he’s the 49270th child produced in his plantation. At least he shares the Average Quality Good term with Lani and Thoma.
Until now it was all nice and well-ordered. But the last group is the biggest and also the most interesting!
From children born in 2040, Yvette (ID 59294) comes first as baby number 49295. She’s followed by Mark with the ID 79294 as the 49297th child from Grace Field. After that comes Rossi (ID 50394) as number 49305 and Chris (ID 70394), the number 49307. Then we have Jemima with the ID 31394, which makes her the 49313th baby. And last but not least there’s Alicia (ID 71394), number 49317. All of them are Low Quality Goods. Not a real surprise, considering their young age.
What do we learn from this? Well, first off, most children seem to be shipped out around a fairly young age. I would guess around six to eight years, because this age group contains the most children in Grace Field, a farm were the children are trained to be the best of the best. To see if this true I could check the ages and numbers of the kids and babies that stayed back in the orphanage, because we know if one child is shipped out, another replaces them. But this a topic for another day.
What I question myself: What the hell happened with the children born in 2037? Had they not that much material on other farms or were they all not smart enough to survive longer than six years, because we have not even one of this group. Dominic is also the only one of 2039 who stayed alive up until now. That’s because Conny, who was even younger than him (her ID was 48294 aka the fourteen children born after Dominic), was presumable only a Low Quality Good. I hope Dominik never realizes this and thinks about how he could have been the one who died if Conny would have been a little bit smarter.
Next is a little fun fact that warms my heart. From Ray’s memory as infant we learn that he was in the same group as the children with the IDs 51194,61194,71194 and 91194. You see the pattern, right? Always the first number is different, the rest stays the same for the same group. Now look at Yvette and Mark. Their IDs are 59294 and 79294. They probably were already together as infants and were both send to Plantation number three. Isn’t that awesome? And guess what, the same happened with Rossi (50394) and Chris (70394)! It sounds a bit random to send two babies with the same age to one caretaker, and that’s even twice. But I guess Isabella was that good as a Mama, so I see no plothole here. 
To be honest, the order of the five years old surprised me. I would have never guessed Alicia was the youngest one of the escapees, considering how she was able to handle Yuugo with a single teacup. Chris is fairly young too, and I really hope he recovers soon from his grave injury. 
That’s it from my side! I hope I made no mistakes describing their numbers, but if you notice, please tell me! Also, what do you think about this? Or am I the only one who was fascinated by this? Honestly, it would be no surprise ^^
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mymanymerrymuses · 2 years
More incorrect quotes but this time! It's the tpn main trio, Emma, Norman, and Ray! Aaaaand I got carried away again but, nobody can stop me XD
Emma: Ray is a perfect cinnamon scone who’s never done anything wrong in their entire life! Norman: Never done anything wrong?! They set a city block on FIRE! === Emma: I think Norman is in trouble. Ray: Alright. Struggling to give a fuck, if I’m honest. === *Something crashes* Norman: Shoot- Emma: *running into the room in a panic* WHAT FELL?! Ray: *walking by the room calmly* What died? === Emma: You are irrationally angry 365 days a year. Ray: Well, that’s just your personal opinion, I don’t have anger issues. Do you guys think I have anger issues? Norman: Well, I wouldn’t really call it an issue. An issue is something you can fix. === Norman: Anyone else feel good when their brain releases a bunch of endorphins? Ray: Can't relate. Emma: Why would my brain release a bunch of dolphins? === Emma, rushing into the room: It’s terrible, just terrible! I am so upset! Norman: Emma, honey, sit down! Sweetheart, tell us all about it. Ray, would you get Emma some water? Ray: What are they gonna do with water? Has water ever made you feel better when you were upset? Have you ever heard anyone say, “Thank God, the water’s here!”? === Emma: I think we should have glow stick juice injected in our bones when we're born, so if we break our bones, we get a fun little surprise. Norman: What's the surprise? Ray: Blood poisoning. === *Norman is considering cancelling plans, and Ray and Emma are advising them on what to do* Ray: Just don't go. Emma: Say you’re ill! Ray: Pretend to break your leg. Emma: Really break your leg! === Emma: In your opinion, what is the height of stupidity? Ray, turning to Norman: How tall are you? === *Ray is casually searching around the room* Norman: Hey Ray, what’re you looking for? Ray: My will to live. *Emma walks into the room* Ray: Oh, there it is. === Ray: Hey, quick question. How petty am I allowed to be?
(bonus with other kiddos) Norman: Hey, can we stay in your room tonight? Conny: Why? Norman: Emma fiddled with an ouija board and cursed ours. Don: Ray doesn't know how to banish spirits, so they just throw salt at them and yell "DOES THIS LOOK LIKE A HOTEL TO YOU?!" === Jemima : Conny learned how to fold origami penguins from Norman the other day. I told them, “I feel a little bad for the penguins, it’s hot here”, and the next day they put them in the fridge. === Conny: You really put aside everything and came all this way for me? How did you even get here so fast? Norman: Several traffic violations. Don: Three counts of resisting arrest. Ray: Roughly thirteen cans of energy drinks. Jemima : Also, that’s not our car === Norman: *speaking Spanish* Ray: I know, I know. Jemima : You speak Spanish? Ray: No. I just know the phrase, 'this is all your fault' in every language Norman speaks
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mymanymerrymuses · 2 years
The glimmers appear on the same day as the children. Two so close together they almost blur into one larger shape right beside the rectangle that is Conny's door - the newest addition to the menagerie - at the base of Bruno's stairway.
The third shines further away, between the doors of Julieta and her daughters.
Casita cannot explain, but the shadows of three new doors take shape before the children they belong to have even passed the cliffs. The first shine of each appears as each child takes their first steps through the river.
They find their way to Julieta, none of them yet recognising her as their mother, and follow her to the house that already knows three among them. One by one, the children enter, and if the shimmers take on more of a shape, no one notices. Feeding all fifteen new arrivals comes first, and providing new, less stark clothing. The pure white uniforms are no longer required.
Word spreads quickly that there are so many new children, and even faster that the children need homes, need parents.
Parents come, and while the family know them, the children do not, and the oldest among them insist on interviews. In the interest of trust, memories must be seen, proof that these people are good, and kind. If it helps place the right children with the correct parents, all the more reason.
The number in the house dwindles, adoption now meaning what it always should have, and the shimmers increase with every child that finds their home.
Soon enough, they are equal. Only three children remain, and the shining patches take form, engraved doorknobs ready to be turned. One a D, one an E, and one an R.
Ray does not open his, but Casita can wait. And if, one morning, the family should wake to find all three doors now fully decorated, with the names and faces of the rooms' occupants, well, the house won't say a word.
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mymanymerrymuses · 2 years
My brain is absolutely refusing to work to actually send people asks so I’ll just put in a post that since it’s the Madrigal triplets’ birthday today - my tpn kiddos that have been adopted will be celebrating in the following ways:
-Conny has made her Papa Bruno a card with many drawings of rats on it, and has decided to give each triplet one hug for every year of their lives. Unfortunately she does not know how old they are and isn’t great at counting, so Julieta and Pepa will probably get about ten each, and Bruno will be getting a hug every time she looks at him throughout the day.
-Emma, Ray, and Norman decided to do joint presents so they could assign one triplet to each next gen triplet, get gifts, and sign them from all three of them. -Emma was in charge of Bruno’s gift, and (probably with some help from Mirabel) made him a set of cushions with as many rat names as would fit embroidered on it. -Norman was in charge of Pepa’s gift, a very neatly wrapped stack of books he hopes she hasn’t read before. -And Ray was in charge of Julieta’s gift, and produced a lovely painting of her branch of the family for her.
-As for Don, he decided actions were better than gifts, and has chosen to dedicate several days each to helping them out with whatever they need. There is technically a gift to go with this. They all get paper slips advertising what he can help them with
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mymanymerrymuses · 3 months
What with it being father's day if anyone wants children for their muse(s) I have six that always need parents XD
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mymanymerrymuses · 5 months
Would anyone like their muse to gain anywhere between 1 and 6 children??? Because I have 6 children to offer them
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mymanymerrymuses · 7 months
Here's the basic plot I'm working with for the Promised Neverland kids' hh au, if anyone would be interested in reading it ^-^
Tw: mentions of fire, child labour, and technically a suicide and murder attempt.
Grace Field is an orphanage set up by one of hells richer citizens so they could pretend to be bothered by the conditions imps live in and get some publicity. It's portrayed as this shining place for orphaned imps to get the best start, but really, it's awful.
Isabella is at least a better caretaker than her predecessor, in that she's taught the children to read and encourages them to learn. Granted, that's all so they can be sold off to people who need lots of work done cheap.
The kids grow up knowing vaguely what's going on, and escape attempts are fairly common but have an incredibly low success rate. Until Ray realises that Isabella is his birth mother and things get personal.
Ray burns down the orphanage on his twelfth birthday, fully intending to take himself and Isabella out with it and giving the rest of the kids an opportunity to run. Emma and Norman don't let that happen, dragging him out with them. Isabella gets out on her own.
With the orphanage destroyed, the children scatter, breaking off on their own or in little groups to try and find someway to live.
Emma, of course, claimed Norman and Ray as her brothers when they were all barely big enough to walk, so the three of them stick together, stealing money and food to try and get by on the streets.
Don makes it his mission to take care of Conny, trying desperately to find someone that will hire a ten year old so he'll have money to feed her and find somewhere to live.
And Jemima quickly masters the art of telling who she can scrounge from and who might attack her while she tries to find someone who will take her in. She's only five, after all.
As if that wasn't enough, with the children and orphanage gone, that's also a huge source of income gone. If Isabella doesn't find them and bring back as many as she can, she'll be in a world of trouble. So while they try and find safe places, she's hunting them down.
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