fullscoreshenanigans · 3 months
The loss of Conny is unquestionably devastating to Don, but the “and I wanna know Mom…I mean, the real Mom” gets me every time for how resolute it is despite his visible nervousness and knowing it will do nothing but hurt him. It's one aspect of their search that's not for anyone but himself.
A small but desperate desire to understand a woman he trusted and loved with his whole heart.
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(S1 Episode 4 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 2)
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mymanymerrymuses · 1 year
Thinking about my tpn kids taking part in an easter egg hunt.
Ray would refuse to join in at first but then he overhears Norman saying he already found two before the hunt even officially starts and something dark and competitive wakes up in Ray. He and Norman do leave plenty of the easy to spot eggs for the little kids to find, but other than that one kindness, it's war.
Somehow, despite not competing with them and spending her day helping little kids find eggs, Emma very nearly beats them.
Conny wears bunny ears literally the entire day (falls asleep in them too).
Don plays favourites and helps Conny, but he also plays favourites with the eggs because he wants Conny to find the ones he helped paint.
And Jemima is playing smart, following Ray and Norman around to pick up the easy ones their rules don't let them collect.
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chidoroki · 1 year
182 Days of TPN - Day 43
Chapter 43: “81194”
I never really paid too much attention to the chapter titles until I started doing this, so naturally I was unaware one title was simply Ray’s farm identifier. Yeah I noticed the titles when I first read the manga and when new chapters released way back, but I obviously don’t remember any of them now! I have a hard enough time trying to remember the id’s of the other GF kids. (honestly, I dunno any of them aside from the fullscore trio and Isabella’s).
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One of the big reasons why this scene feels so short in anime is, of course, the lack of internal dialogue. We even get a moment of hearing the pursuer’s thoughts later on too, as it tries to figure out if it cornered 16194 (Don) or 81194. Yet another loss because we don’t get to see how hard Ray is pushing his brain into overdrive trying to think of a way out of this mess.
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The house didn’t have knives but it had a pair of scissors? Unless it’s also from the infirmary..? I know Krone mentioned the room had a scalpel (which the kids do still have as Ray used it to get water from the anemones two chapters ago) but I don’t remember anything about there being scissors anywhere. Eh, whatever.
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My boy is so smart. With one less thing to worry about, he can now focus on his own survival. I love that cocky grin of his. He even seems proud that everyone else managed to stay safe so far.
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Damn right you gotta to live! Your family needs you! Better yet, they truly want him in their lives as well! Aaahhh he’s so devoted to Emma & the others (as if he wasn’t for his entire life already) and I just love him so very much.
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I am grateful that he was thinking ahead if the worst does happen, but the chances of any of the kids finding this small carved message on this exact tree is so darn slim. This forest is massive and they surely can’t waste any time backtracking with demons lurking.
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Though Emma can still hear out of her left ear, we occasionally see her rely on her right a bit more, such as now when the kids react to the pursuer whistling to signal its allies. (She uses a similar method to both ears in ch100 and puts her right ear straight to the ground in ch67.)
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Mhhhmm she believes in him so much aahh. Also, head pat! Though the anime changes Chris to Jemima here.
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Her wound and all this anxiety certainly isn’t doing wonders for her health. Anndd yet another head pat. (I’m like..so tempted to make a whole post dedicated to all the head pats. maybe. eventually..if I remember.)
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She was, indeed, not okay. And I know I shouldn’t be impressed that she lasted this long but.. I am. On top of all the blood loss and her whole body heating up, she’s been running for her damn life, while also keeping everyone else safe, and now she’s panicking that one of her best friends could potentially be captured and eaten.. that’s just a lot to handle at once. This girl has been suffering physically, mentally and emotionally for way longer than necessary.
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Can’t deny the anime made the whole forest look real pretty though.
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Favorite panel/moment:
When a moment is so good we get three variations of it! HELL YEAH! (goes without saying but the cover to volume 6 is one of my favorites).
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End of volume 5.
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babblish · 2 years
A Year in Writing; 2022 — A Retrospective
This year was an extremely productive year, and although my overall word count was lower than the previous. I really buckled down in an attempt to improve myself as a writer and I think I have achieved that. I also participated in my very first fandom events and it was one of my 2022 highlights, it was a lot of fun and everyone brought a lot of great stuff to the table (we even got a proper tag on Ao3, thanks wranglers!) but also very very exhausting.
Unfortunately I was going great up until this last quarter where a whole lot of personal stuff happened, a lot of just extremely bad and stressful. So I haven't really done any truly solid writing since September, but I'm recovering and looking forward to facing the New Year with new vigour and slightly different goals in mind.
The Heart of Janus, Published:
January 8 - Under the Wave Launched (M) February 14 - Honey and Lemon Launched (E) April 9 - Under the Wave Returned from Hiatus May 28 - Honey and Lemon Returned from Hiatus June 18 - Searching for the C Launched (T) June 25 - Searching for the C Completed (T) July 23 - Birkenstocks and Ballet Flats Launched (M) July 30 - Birkenstocks and Ballet Flats Completed September 3 - Honey and Lemon Returned from Hiatus October 29 - Under the Wave Returned from Hiatus October 31 - The Honorary Janeth Completed (T)
Ordershipping Week 2022, Published:
October 23 - Observatory Musings: B-side Completed (M) October 24 - More Plant than God Completed (M) October 25 - As a Treat Completed (M) October 26 - Ghosts in Earthen Hues Completed (M) October 27 - Wretched Heart Completed (M) October 28 - Listen to Me Completed (M) October 29 - Observatory Musings: A-side Completed (M)
The Heart of Janus, Wips:
Unnamed Camelot Fic
Under the Sun — Part Two: The Daughters of Magic
Under the Sun — Part Three: The Pursuit of Stone
Arcadian Witch (aka Witch!Lenora Fic)
The Homework Squad (Multiple PoV; Coach Lawrence, Uhl, Janeth, Strickler)
Dungeons and Dragons, Published:
April 13-August 20 - Web of Starlight Returned from Hiatus with 8 more chapters
Dungeons and Dragons, Wips:
Web of Starlight
Doctor Beauregard Aubin Marceau Thibault-Babineaux
Overall Word Count: 154355
Highest Word Count in a Day: 2496 (June 10)
Average Word Count on a Writing Day: 800
Priority Project: 138161 (Heart of Janus)
Other Projects: 16194 (Web of Starlight & a Secret Third Thing)
What I Learnt as a Writer in 2022:
Sometimes to improve as a writer you really do need to establish what you suck at and then force yourself to write it until it's fun for you.
Publishing and curating fandom events is every bit as exhausting, perhaps even more exhausting, than blasting out 6500 words in a fortnight so you can have something to publish.
Not being able to write due to medical/RL commitment reasons for a period longer than a month makes coping with aforementioned things really fucking hard.
Be the change fandom presence you want to see in the world.
Writing Goals for 2023:
Finish Under the Wave (I'm onto the final arc) and move onto Untitled Camelot Fic.
👀 Experiment with Ao3 Features, including Anonymous Collective (to be dumped into poor unsuspecting fandom.)
Write Even More Spicy (Explicit) Content.
Push Myself out of my Comfort Zone More.
Schedule time to read and art also.
Enjoy life
[2020 Retrospective] [2021 Retrospective]
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alphamegahk · 2 years
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AlphamegaHK: BTCUSD 比特幣期貨 - SHORT (平好倉兼反手沽) -2 (淨短倉 -1) @ 17601.7475 *** Stop Loss (止蝕) @ 18306 * Trailing Stop (追宗止盈) @ 16194 ***
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monsooninn · 14 days
Berakhot 10b: 11. "The Warbler."
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We continue to take the curve of a tania which states without a border that is recognized by the world as a sovereign one, Jewishness is still a fictional fable. So continuing with the fairy tale, the Rab states there are merits a real Jew should possess based on his future fantastic self, one is a citizenship that cannot be disputed or taken away, the very same thing that makes Brits of British People and Hams of Americans.
The Mishnah says we must be Yohanan Mishum, "John from there," "what God has given", and Yossi ben Zimra, "another son of Yah who is a warbler."
To the warbler, the First Citizen of Israel in modern times we owe the fulfillment of these 2711 sheets and all the hopes of all the Jews of all the ages that poured over their pages:
11. Rabbi Yohanan Mishum said Rabbi Yossi ben Zimra: Everyone who prays on his own merit - he will be worshiped on the merits of others. And everyone who owes to the merit of others - he will owe to him in his own merit.
The Value in Gematria is 16194, אואטד‎ ‎‎‎‎, outed, avted, "Be prepared for the future, get ready, I am coming."
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casavarona · 2 years
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www.casavarona.com.arPRECIO (SUJETO A MODIFICACIÓN)CAPACITOR TRABAJO 16 MF 400 VOL. C/BULON COD.CAP16$ 1.210CORREA LAV AUT.4PJ 1217 ELECTROLUX/CANDY COD.20783.4$ 2.839CORREA MAQ.COSER CUERO C/U COD.2344$ 974FLEXIBLE REGULADOR 45K COBRE COD.1841$ 3.100FLOTANTE TANQUE PVC 1/2-3/4 C/BOYA COD.NA5236$ 922FUELLE INODORO LARGO PUNTA LISA COD.NA5128$ 369GARRAFITA ENVASE 3K S/GAS COD.NA2050$ 16.861PLACA MICA 10X15CM P/MICROONDAS COD.14200.9$ 564REPUESTO AMPOLLA DOBLE P/TERMO ARIES COD.ART130$ 950RESISTENCIA HORNO ELECT 420 MM 540W COD.24338.6$ 1.691SELLADOR PU-5758 NEGRO 310ML COD.PU5758$ 2.360TERMO ARIES 1 LT DOBLE AMPOLLA COD.ART121$ 1.500TERMO IRROMPIBLE 1 LT (PLASTICO) COD.ART103$ 720TERMO IRROMPIBLE 1 LT (VIDRIO) COD.ART104$ 950VOLANTE COCINA 16194/9 LONGVIE LARGAVIDA L.BCA 6MM COD.16194.9$ 543 -- CASA VARONA CENTENARIO 1398 SAN JOSE - ENTRE RÍOS TEL:03447-470165 WHATSAPP:03447-15497075 www.casavarona.com.ar https://wa.me/5493447497075 #ferreteria #pintureria #materialeselectricos #repuestos https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck1UCnLu89m/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Thinking about the progression of Don and Ray’s relationship from where it started out with Don seeking Ray’s approval (he seeks this from all his older siblings, but it seems like he wants Ray’s the most) and Ray trying to keep his distance from him (even if he accepted Don as necessary concession to facilitate Emma and Norman’s escape in his plan), both for his own mental fortitude and because he didn’t want to cause Don any more grief with his suicide plan than he already would 
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(Chapter 6)
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(Chapter 38 Bonus)
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(Chapter 39 Bonus)
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(Chapter 18)
To Ray realizing how like when he questioned Norman’s decision to lie to Don and Gilda about their siblings’ deaths, saying the lie about them potentially being alive was too cruel, that he was being cruel in his unnecessary antagonistic confrontation of Don’s investigation of Isabella’s hidden room, adding to Don’s feelings of powerlessness, when Don was earnestly trying to figure out some way to contribute and help them (also his guilt over utilizing Conny’s death as the catalyst for Emma and Norman discovering the secret of the house).
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(Chapter 19; look at how Don is positively beaming at making that progress with Ray)
and Don completely blowing away his expectations by taking the reins with Gilda in training the kids while he was coming to grips with Norman’s shipment and building up his resolve to commit suicide in relative isolation.
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(Chapter 42)
Don further demonstrates his competence during the wild demon chase and when taking care of the younger kids while Ray and Emma travel to Goldy Pond.
Ray’s so impressed by all this he doesn’t hesitate to say Don (and Gilda) are coming with him and Emma to search for Cuvitidala and later the Seven Walls.
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(Chapter 99)
And then after all their time journeying together and further strengthening their bond, Ray immediately calls for Don and Don alone to come with him and Emma to investigate a potential demon encounter.
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(Chapter 114)
It turns out to be Hayato and Jin, but even then, the two are in sync, wordlessly understanding the need to be cautious around these strangers, supplying false information to see if these people can be trusted.
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(Chapter 115)
They didn’t encounter any other people during their travels, so it probably wasn’t something they practiced, but they were both instantly on the same page.
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(Chapter 148)
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(Chapter 19 Cover Art)
Love thinking about how far they come over the course of the story. It isn’t something that’s really pushed in the reader’s face, but it’s sweet all the same. How Don was able to earn Ray’s trust and respect, and how Ray was able to open up and trust after spending years believing he couldn’t and didn’t deserve to live to see a brighter future.
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mymanymerrymuses · 2 years
More incorrect quotes but this time! It's the tpn main trio, Emma, Norman, and Ray! Aaaaand I got carried away again but, nobody can stop me XD
Emma: Ray is a perfect cinnamon scone who’s never done anything wrong in their entire life! Norman: Never done anything wrong?! They set a city block on FIRE! === Emma: I think Norman is in trouble. Ray: Alright. Struggling to give a fuck, if I’m honest. === *Something crashes* Norman: Shoot- Emma: *running into the room in a panic* WHAT FELL?! Ray: *walking by the room calmly* What died? === Emma: You are irrationally angry 365 days a year. Ray: Well, that’s just your personal opinion, I don’t have anger issues. Do you guys think I have anger issues? Norman: Well, I wouldn’t really call it an issue. An issue is something you can fix. === Norman: Anyone else feel good when their brain releases a bunch of endorphins? Ray: Can't relate. Emma: Why would my brain release a bunch of dolphins? === Emma, rushing into the room: It’s terrible, just terrible! I am so upset! Norman: Emma, honey, sit down! Sweetheart, tell us all about it. Ray, would you get Emma some water? Ray: What are they gonna do with water? Has water ever made you feel better when you were upset? Have you ever heard anyone say, “Thank God, the water’s here!”? === Emma: I think we should have glow stick juice injected in our bones when we're born, so if we break our bones, we get a fun little surprise. Norman: What's the surprise? Ray: Blood poisoning. === *Norman is considering cancelling plans, and Ray and Emma are advising them on what to do* Ray: Just don't go. Emma: Say you’re ill! Ray: Pretend to break your leg. Emma: Really break your leg! === Emma: In your opinion, what is the height of stupidity? Ray, turning to Norman: How tall are you? === *Ray is casually searching around the room* Norman: Hey Ray, what’re you looking for? Ray: My will to live. *Emma walks into the room* Ray: Oh, there it is. === Ray: Hey, quick question. How petty am I allowed to be?
(bonus with other kiddos) Norman: Hey, can we stay in your room tonight? Conny: Why? Norman: Emma fiddled with an ouija board and cursed ours. Don: Ray doesn't know how to banish spirits, so they just throw salt at them and yell "DOES THIS LOOK LIKE A HOTEL TO YOU?!" === Jemima : Conny learned how to fold origami penguins from Norman the other day. I told them, “I feel a little bad for the penguins, it’s hot here”, and the next day they put them in the fridge. === Conny: You really put aside everything and came all this way for me? How did you even get here so fast? Norman: Several traffic violations. Don: Three counts of resisting arrest. Ray: Roughly thirteen cans of energy drinks. Jemima : Also, that’s not our car === Norman: *speaking Spanish* Ray: I know, I know. Jemima : You speak Spanish? Ray: No. I just know the phrase, 'this is all your fault' in every language Norman speaks
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computingpostcom · 2 years
The most frequently used object-oriented... https://www.computingpost.com/install-java-17-openjdk-17-on-amazon-linux-2/?feed_id=16194&_unique_id=6354e6ff31962
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roseredbakubaka · 5 years
The Promised Neverland
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a few minutes later...
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dotheygeteaten · 6 years
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Yakusoku no Neverland - Episode 6: 311045
Do They Get Eaten? - No.
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The promised Neverland drawing I did
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jamesdavey100 · 5 years
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This dropped through my letterbox yesterday, the one that killed me last year 😬😬😬 ! 🏃‍♂️💚 #16194 🏃‍♂️💚 #zoneD 🏃‍♂️💚 The countdown is on 8.9.19 ! 🏃‍♂️💚 #1hr50mins 🏃‍♂️💚 @wakefieldhospice @strax_runs @simplyhealthuk @great_run #greatnorthrun #gnr #GREENARMY (at Great North Run) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1IjDYDAHUmyB8_JE5TpGTqS_le5hcVGUCUP_U0/?igshid=mw77ndh082sa
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doyouloveme-now · 4 years
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Yakusoku no Neverland 2nd Season Episodio 2
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transversingsouls · 3 years
Don tag dump
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