#TPN S1e04
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fullscoreshenanigans · 4 months ago
I wonder how much Sisters are in the HQ. Because even if the selection is hard, a lot much sucess.
Isabella's orphenage ship 6 children by year, so 6 new kids must be given to her.
There are 5/6 orphenages for Grace Field. So 30/36 children shipped by year and 30/36 new given to the orphenage. EVERY YEAR. So even if it's sure that the Sisters gave birth of more than one child (only the Mother can have only on).
Because if 30/36 children must be given by year to orphenages, 30/36 must waiting their turn in the nursery and as much sister must be pregnant. I think that every sister has the right to take a break after a pregnacy.
For Exemple if Sienna is the mother of both Emma and Carol, seen there are more or less 10 years between them, it probably mean that there had at least one kid between them. Maybe more.
So i think that, even if the selection is rude, a lot of girls survives. Because if they need 30/36 new babies by years...
And it's just Grace Field. It must be worse at Great Vallley (especially that Barton must have took a lot of children for his huting ground)
[Response to this ask]
I'm not sure where you're getting all moms having only one child being common from?
From your previous ask:
Isabella is an anomaly when it comes to moms in that she's the youngest one to ever be selected in the history of at least the current incarnation of Grace Field that's been around for roughly 400 years.
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(Mystic Code Book Chapter 1 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 181.2 | Chapter 181.3) Her excellent test scores at the farm and later at headquarters combined with favoritism from Sarah led to her placement being expedited. With there being an extremely limited number of mom positions, most sisters (because they're all sisters first, Isabella being the exception and not the rule) are left waiting for years, and this is what results in them having multiple children if they don't retrain for another path, not that moms are limited to having a single child. If anything, you'd think they'd want more children bred from those who reach that position, so the time spent waiting for spots to open up would be beneficial for the demons. Sarah had enough sway to persuade those in charge to get a recent graduate of the sister training in there, though, so Isabella was able to skip to the front of the wait list.
And it's confirmed there's five plants plus headquarters for Grace Field.
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(Chapter 29 | Chapter 100 | S1 Episode 4)
So assuming there are no oddities, they're averaging 30 kids per year between the five, and if each plant maintains the same number of children plant no.3 normally does, there's around 190 kids at a given time outside of Grace Field headquarters prior to Isabella taking over as grandma when she reduces the number of shipments beginning in mid-January 2046, which is kind of wild given how low it is already.
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(Chapter 181.3)
So I think that, even if the selection is rude, a lot of girls survives. Because if they need 30/36 new babies by years...
The second light novel does say this, yes.
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Even if it's hard to calculate exactly how that math works out with how gleeful Sarah seems about eliminating Cecile and Krone's entire class, along with not having any information about how often the moms are recommending girls for sister candidacy.
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(Chapter 181.2)
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Chapter 166's bonus sketch gives us headquarters' layout, but no listing of how many people it accommodates, though it does look massive between this and the amount of running around the kids do in the Return to Grace Field arc.
It must be worse at Grand Valley (especially that Bayon must have took a lot of children for his hunting ground)
To be fair, those children were going to be eaten regardless, so Bayon Sr. taking some for his hunting grounds isn't altering the general death count, just where it's being distributed.
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(Chapter 84 | Mystic Code Book Chapter 7 Series Timeline)
Sometime between 1801–1900, Bayon is looking so miserable some of the staff of the farms he's in charge of start shipping children to him alive.
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I'm defaulting to this being at Yverk's or Leuvis' behest—Yverk as a means of keeping Bayon comfortable in order to maintain the status quo of Legravalima's regime, Leuvis as a means of satisfying the hunger he knows still resides in his friend—but maybe they just decided to do it on their own because of how bad he looked, who can say.
Regardless, he's approached by another party to begin his hunts, and it isn't until he's given this push that he gives into his impulses again when he told Leuvis centuries ago he was committed to upholding the promise, in a similar manner to how we see Bayon Jr. adhere to upholding decorum and duty during the gathering for Tifari in 2047.
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Bayon Sr. starts off with one human every three months, but after that it's hard to gauge exactly how the numbers ramped up. Over two hundred years, it was in the hundreds to potentially thousands.
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I'm assuming it maxed out between five and ten at a time, though. Enough of a significant gap where Bayon accepts Peter's offer to use Goldy Pond, originally meant to be a village of refuge for escaped cattle children in James' plan, as his new hunting ground starting in late 2031 with more humans and supplies being available to him.
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(Chapter 98)
63 - 17 (15 Grace Field escapees and 2 adults not counted among the Goldy Pond population by Bayon) = 46 children who escaped from Goldy Pond on January 29, 2046 after a hunt had taken place the previous day. We don't know how many children are killed during regular hunts, but I'm guessing they would keep the population between 50 and 60 at any given time. Enough of a thrill to entice Bayon to take Peter's offer, not enough between the 18 farms he supervised or was in charge of to give unaware staff pause to want to stick their noses into noble business because the yield between them was vast enough to make it negligible.
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(Mystic Code Book Chapter 3)
Grand Valley, Glory Bell, and Goodwill Ranch are large enough that the demons don't invest in implanting trackers in the children like at Grace Field because it's too costly, though once the mass production farms begin during Peter's tenure as the 36th head of the Ratri Clan, the minuscule dent Bayon's hunts put on Grand Valley's output is even less conspicuous.
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fullscoreshenanigans · 5 months ago
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Tweets that are iconic. to me
Smirk of a boy who thinks he's so smart
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(narrator voice: he's not)
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fullscoreshenanigans · 8 months ago
The loss of Conny is unquestionably devastating to Don, but the “and I wanna know Mom…I mean, the real Mom” gets me every time for how resolute it is despite his visible nervousness and knowing it will do nothing but hurt him. It's one aspect of their search that's not for anyone but himself.
A small but desperate desire to understand a woman he trusted and loved with his whole heart.
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(S1 Episode 4 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 2)
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fullscoreshenanigans · 2 years ago
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This is another unintentional funny line because Norman is like “I clocked your dumbass the second Krone showed up” to sort of rub in how could Ray ever even think to betray them. As if he wouldn’t notice.
And for the most part, he keeps his cool about it during the two weeks prior to confronting Ray.
But when he lets the mask slip the tiniest bit—
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fullscoreshenanigans · 4 months ago
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fullscoreshenanigans · 2 years ago
#ray gaslighting emma for no reason (colorized) #ray: emma there's a traitor you need to suspect evERYONE #also ray: oh about that i was the traitor hah #ray: gee i wonder where the trackers could be you better figure it out #also ray: oh i broke mine when i was six i knew where they were (via @nullaby)
Norman: what's going on?
Ray: Emma, it's not that big of a deal
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fullscoreshenanigans · 4 months ago
#this whole *the farm isn't lacking in human staff* is somewhat bothering me #since almost every single girl must survive so they can maintain Status Quo? (via @officersnickers)
Same, I still don't understand how the math works out for this in the present day, let alone in all the previous centuries before artificial insemination and the mass production farms were a thing. Dystopia horror magicks.
#would make an awesome AU with Emma as Sister and over time Gilda and Anna come to HQ too #so the three start plotting again #not too fond of Emma in HQ-AUs but a bigger role for Anna and Gilda? hmmm... (via @officersnickers)
Also same. I talked about my predisposition against the AU here along with some others:
With Mama Emma AUs, especially if there's a timeskip to her becoming a mom with the focus on her being broken by the farm system, it feels like an exercise in excessive sadness and despair and the tragedy of abusive cycles for the sake of seeing just how sad one can make oneself, without any additional nuance to make it worthwhile for me. --- #my Norman fic is literally him being a Ratri so can’t choose that one !! #I also hate Mama Emma au’s because lord would she rather die than do that #yes #yes she would #but Emma Ratri AU takes the cake I am raising my brows at you . (via @sleepyhouzuki) --- #mama emma au for me personally bc I can't see emma ever doing it unless she was absolutely forced to #and even then she's still gonna be difficult about it (via @silentstudiosyt) --- If she keeps her rebellious spirit and some degree of her idealism then it's a bit different, but there's still my personal hangup of not wanting any of the characters we're introduced to as children experiencing the horrors of systemic medical rape, so there's not much to entice me unless the farm system is dismantled before it gets to that point. (But then there's also my grievances with how canon speedruns this after nearly a millennia of inaction and without larger collaboration with the general demon population so I'm just never completely happy dljfks) --- #i voted for mama emma but tbh im not a huge fan of norman ratri either :/ #im not inherently against mama emma AUs if they manage to keep her personality intact and she's realistically affected by her situation #but most i've seen just use that concept for extreme angst and nothing else and that's...not for me to say the least lol #and i'm also not a fan of the hyper-feminization of her character that i see too often in those AUs #that being said i still think the concept can be interesting in some cases (via @noremrays) --- God I forgot to include the hyperfeminization that like, thematically can make sense as she succumbs to patriarchal violence, but it hurts my soul when her conforming to Eurocentric beauty standards is upheld as something desirable, along with how often that's tied up with scientist Norman/Norman Ratri for a forbidden romance NE AU. But again, an exercise in excessive sadness seemingly do with the main purpose of seeing just how sad one can make themselves with the most easily identifiable markers of a bad end.
But one with a focus on some of the other girls from Grace Field too could be interesting.
I wonder how much Sisters are in the HQ. Because even if the selection is hard, a lot much sucess.
Isabella's orphenage ship 6 children by year, so 6 new kids must be given to her.
There are 5/6 orphenages for Grace Field. So 30/36 children shipped by year and 30/36 new given to the orphenage. EVERY YEAR. So even if it's sure that the Sisters gave birth of more than one child (only the Mother can have only on).
Because if 30/36 children must be given by year to orphenages, 30/36 must waiting their turn in the nursery and as much sister must be pregnant. I think that every sister has the right to take a break after a pregnacy.
For Exemple if Sienna is the mother of both Emma and Carol, seen there are more or less 10 years between them, it probably mean that there had at least one kid between them. Maybe more.
So i think that, even if the selection is rude, a lot of girls survives. Because if they need 30/36 new babies by years...
And it's just Grace Field. It must be worse at Great Vallley (especially that Barton must have took a lot of children for his huting ground)
[Response to this ask]
I'm not sure where you're getting all moms having only one child being common from?
From your previous ask:
Isabella is an anomaly when it comes to moms in that she's the youngest one to ever be selected in the history of at least the current incarnation of Grace Field that's been around for roughly 400 years.
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(Mystic Code Book Chapter 1 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 181.2 | Chapter 181.3) Her excellent test scores at the farm and later at headquarters combined with favoritism from Sarah led to her placement being expedited. With there being an extremely limited number of mom positions, most sisters (because they're all sisters first, Isabella being the exception and not the rule) are left waiting for years, and this is what results in them having multiple children if they don't retrain for another path, not that moms are limited to having a single child. If anything, you'd think they'd want more children bred from those who reach that position, so the time spent waiting for spots to open up would be beneficial for the demons. Sarah had enough sway to persuade those in charge to get a recent graduate of the sister training in there, though, so Isabella was able to skip to the front of the wait list.
And it's confirmed there's five plants plus headquarters for Grace Field.
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(Chapter 29 | Chapter 100 | S1 Episode 4)
So assuming there are no oddities, they're averaging 30 kids per year between the five, and if each plant maintains the same number of children plant no.3 normally does, there's around 190 kids at a given time outside of Grace Field headquarters prior to Isabella taking over as grandma when she reduces the number of shipments beginning in mid-January 2046, which is kind of wild given how low it is already.
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(Chapter 181.3)
So I think that, even if the selection is rude, a lot of girls survives. Because if they need 30/36 new babies by years...
The second light novel does say this, yes.
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Even if it's hard to calculate exactly how that math works out with how gleeful Sarah seems about eliminating Cecile and Krone's entire class, along with not having any information about how often the moms are recommending girls for sister candidacy.
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(Chapter 181.2)
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Chapter 166's bonus sketch gives us headquarters' layout, but no listing of how many people it accommodates, though it does look massive between this and the amount of running around the kids do in the Return to Grace Field arc.
It must be worse at Grand Valley (especially that Bayon must have took a lot of children for his hunting ground)
To be fair, those children were going to be eaten regardless, so Bayon Sr. taking some for his hunting grounds isn't altering the general death count, just where it's being distributed.
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(Chapter 84 | Mystic Code Book Chapter 7 Series Timeline)
Sometime between 1801–1900, Bayon is looking so miserable some of the staff of the farms he's in charge of start shipping children to him alive.
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I'm defaulting to this being at Yverk's or Leuvis' behest—Yverk as a means of keeping Bayon comfortable in order to maintain the status quo of Legravalima's regime, Leuvis as a means of satisfying the hunger he knows still resides in his friend—but maybe they just decided to do it on their own because of how bad he looked, who can say.
Regardless, he's approached by another party to begin his hunts, and it isn't until he's given this push that he gives into his impulses again when he told Leuvis centuries ago he was committed to upholding the promise, in a similar manner to how we see Bayon Jr. adhere to upholding decorum and duty during the gathering for Tifari in 2047.
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Bayon Sr. starts off with one human every three months, but after that it's hard to gauge exactly how the numbers ramped up. Over two hundred years, it was in the hundreds to potentially thousands.
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I'm assuming it maxed out between five and ten at a time, though. Enough of a significant gap where Bayon accepts Peter's offer to use Goldy Pond, originally meant to be a village of refuge for escaped cattle children in James' plan, as his new hunting ground starting in late 2031 with more humans and supplies being available to him.
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(Chapter 98)
63 - 17 (15 Grace Field escapees and 2 adults not counted among the Goldy Pond population by Bayon) = 46 children who escaped from Goldy Pond on January 29, 2046 after a hunt had taken place the previous day. We don't know how many children are killed during regular hunts, but I'm guessing they would keep the population between 50 and 60 at any given time. Enough of a thrill to entice Bayon to take Peter's offer, not enough between the 18 farms he supervised or was in charge of to give unaware staff pause to want to stick their noses into noble business because the yield between them was vast enough to make it negligible.
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(Mystic Code Book Chapter 3)
Grand Valley, Glory Bell, and Goodwill Ranch are large enough that the demons don't invest in implanting trackers in the children like at Grace Field because it's too costly, though once the mass production farms begin during Peter's tenure as the 36th head of the Ratri Clan, the minuscule dent Bayon's hunts put on Grand Valley's output is even less conspicuous.
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