#15th Earl of Oxford
scotianostra · 13 days
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15th September 1860 saw Marischal College and King’s College in Aberdeen merge to form a single University of Aberdeen.
The first university in Aberdeen, King’s College, was founded in February 1495 by William Elphinstone, Bishop of Aberdeen, Chancellor of Scotland, and a graduate of the University of Glasgow drafting a request on behalf of King James IV to Pope Alexander VI resulting in a Papal Bull being issued.
Following the Scottish Reformation in 1560, King’s College was purged of its Roman Catholic staff but in other respects was largely resistant to change. George Keith, the fifth Earl Marischal was a moderniser within the college and supportive of the reforming ideas of Peter Ramus. In April 1593 he founded a 2nd university in the city, Marischal College. It is also possible the founding of another college in nearby Fraserburgh by Sir Alexander Fraser, a business rival of Keith, was instrumental in its creation.
Aberdeen was highly unusual at this time for having two universities in one city: as 20th-century University prospectuses observed, Aberdeen had the same number as existed in England at the time at Oxford and Cambridge!
The two Colleges merged in 1860 to form the modern University of Aberdeen. Medicine and Law were taught at Marischal and Arts and Divinity at King’s College.
Construction of the current Marischal College building began in the 1830s and a second phase was completed in 1906. This additional construction made it the second largest granite building in the world.
The 1858 Act of Parliament stated the “united University shall take rank among the Universities of Scotland as from the date of erection of King’s College and University.” The University is thus Scotland’s third oldest and the UK’s fifth oldest University.
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queenmarytudor · 3 months
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Mary I's Fight For The Throne
15th July - Mary wins a fleet
At daybreak, Henry Jerningham, John Tyrrell and Edward Glemham go to inspect the ships in the haven. The crew ask Jerningham "what he would have, and whether he would have their captains or no; and he said yeah, mary. Said they " Ye shall have them, or else we shall throw them to the bottom of the sea." The captains, seeing this perplexity, said forthwith they would serve queen Mary gladly." 1
Jerningham takes Richard Brooke, the squadron's commander, back to Framlingham castle, where they "bring news of this happy and unexpected arrival to the queen." 2 The last ship, The Greyhound, still remains in Lowestoft, but for now they focus on bringing the artillery and weapons from the rest to Framlingham.
Tyrrell and Glemham also reveal to Mary that Lord Wentworth has submitted, telling the pair that "although he had pledged his fealty to Jane by the obligation of his oath, his inner conscience constantly proclaimed that Mary had a greater right to the throne, so that he would pay no more heed to that obligation but set it aside and join his true sovereign with all speed." 3
Approximately on this day, in response to the Duke of Northumberland's letter ordering them to proclaim Jane, the mayor of Coventry, "being ruled by Mr Edward Sanders, the recorder, would not do it." 4 A fervent Catholic, Sanders "speedily proclaimed queen Mary."5 The city hold a "great store of armour; and there was a cry that the city was firing in four places, which caused the common bell to be rung, the gates shut, and the walls manned, but there was no hurt." 6
The Duke of Northumberland enters Cambridge. 7
Lord Edward Clinton joins Northumberland with more supplies and weaponry. 8
Francis Jobson raises 500 rebels at Ware to join Northumberland at Cambridge. 9
Northumberland's son and heir, the Earl of Warwick, and George Howard, brother of Mary's step mother Katherine, burn Sawston Hall down in revenge for housing Mary. 10
In Buckinghamshire, Edward Hastings and Sir Edmund Peckham lead a force of men intending to march towards the Palace of Westminster "where their purpose is to apprehend Mr [Francis] Jobson and to take the armour and munitions that they shall there find, for the better furnishing of themselves in the defence of the Queen’s majesty’s person and her title." 11
A printed epistle dedicated to Gilbert Potter, the man who had his ears chopped off for proclaiming Mary, is distributed amongst London . "Whereas thou hast of late showed thy self to be a true subject to Mary, queen of England, not only by words but by deeds, and for the farther trial of thy true heart towards her, did offer thy body to be slain in her quarrel, and offered up thy self into the hands of the ragged bear most rank, with whom is nether mercy, pity, nor compassion, but his indignation present death. Thy promise (Gilbard) is faithful, thy heart is true, thy love is fervent towards her grace ; and, whereas you did promise me faithfully (when I last visited thee in prison) to be torn with wild horses, thou would not deny Marye our queen […] For, as it shall be to the great honour and praise in this world, and in heaven, to die in her grace's quarrel, and in the defence of thy country ; so would it be to the utter destruction both of thy body and soul to do the contrary […] I hear say that the true subject, Sir Edmund Peckham, is gone, with all his power and treasure, to assist her grace […] I hear also, that there is come more to help her grace, the earl of Darbey, the earl of Oxford, the earl of Bath, and divers other nobles […] The good earl of Arundel and the earl of Shrewsbury be here still; but, as I am informed, the earl of Arundel will not consent to none of their doing […] The author reveals he has also sent two "into the ragged bears camp. Keep that close which thou hast; the world is dangerous. The great devil, Dudley, ruleth; (duke, I should have said) : well, let that pass, seeing it is out, but I trust he shall not long. 12
The Imperial ambassadors are "being watched so closely to see whether we do what the Council prohibited that we are unable to negotiate as freely as we could wish or attempt certain useful expedient." 13
Members of the Privy Council visit the Imperial ambassadors again, to ask them to decide whether they want to stay or not "for if we did wish to remain our persons should be secure and my Lords would do their best for us. If we wished to depart they would give us an escort to conduct us safely out of the kingdom." 14 They decide to leave town on the 20th, slowly making their way to Dover hoping to hear of news regarding Mary and Northumberland.
1. Chronicle of Queen Jane and Queen Mary
2. Vita Mariae Angliae Reginae of Robert Wingfield
3. Vita Mariae Angliae Reginae of Robert Wingfield
4. Chronicle of Queen Jane and Queen Mary
5. Chronicle of Queen Jane and Queen Mary
6. Chronicle of Queen Jane and Queen Mary
7. Vita Mariae Angliae Reginae of Robert Wingfield
8. Vita Mariae Angliae Reginae of Robert Wingfield
9. Calendar of the Patent Rolls, Philip and Mary Vol 1. 1553 - 1554
10. Spanish State Papers, 20th July 1553
11. Acts of the Privy Council, Volume 4
12. Chronicle of Queen Jane and Queen Mary
13. Spanish State Papers, 16th July 1553
14. Spanish State Papers, 16th July 1553
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corallapis · 1 year
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Henry ‘Chips’ Channon: The Diaries (Vol. 1), 1918-38, entry for 9th April 1923
Monday 9th April — Hackwood¹
Have been spending a few days here … a simpatico party … Lady Curzon, glittering, gracious and a supreme hostess, all the Duggans;² Lady Patricia Herbert³ (the very nicest girl in London, although Lady Mary Ashley⁴ runs her neck and neck …) … Mrs Vansittart,⁵ an affected American, Paul of Serbia⁶ …. Lord Curzon is away doing a Coué cure⁷ for the benefit of his leg or brow beating some important conference for the welfare of civilisation … I forget which. Lady Curzon told us of a conversation she had with Lord Balfour⁸ a few evenings ago. He was unusually playful and she depressed and discouraged, she is subject to unaccountable fits of Weltschmerz,⁹ which result, I think, from something unsatisfied in her.¹⁰ He tried to console her and talked to her beautifully about life and all she had to live for … her husband, the world’s most striking and brilliant man … her children charming … her friends many … her beauty unsurpassed. Next day he wrote her an inimitable note to say how much he had enjoyed being next to her. She, delighted, said to Lady Cunard¹¹ as she read it: ‘AJB is an angel — I should like to kiss him on the forehead’. Maud repeated this to him and his only comment was: ‘Why the forehead?’ Maud Cunard motored to Hackwood with Serge Obolensky¹² for what she calls ‘the day in the country’ on Sunday. They arrived at six o’clock. She pretended never to have seen plus fours before and said ‘And what has little Paul got on? And Chips¹³ too what are they?’ She made us rock with laughter for two hours with stories about herself and her hatred of the country, etc. She said that all Nancy’s troubles were due to the fact that her father ‘my dear at the age of 12 had put her … put her on a horse, a four-legged horse’. As she was leaving we loaded her car with guns, tennis racquets, golf clubs, etc. She was much flustered at this or pretended to be and shook hands with a footman and ‘bobbed’ to the butler and was amazing but delicious … all pink and white, like a sweet, and dressed in a costume de sport made by Vionnet.¹⁴ Serge was anxious to return as he is wooing Alice Astor.¹⁵ I introduced them … I shall now have this new romance on my conscience.
1. Hackwood Park, near Basingstoke in Hampshire, rented by Lord Curzon from 1906 until 1925.
2. Lady Curzon’s children by her first marriage: Alfred Duggan (1903–64), who became a minor novelist; Hubert Duggan (1904–43), Tory MP for Acton from 1931 to 1943 and anti-appeaser in the 1930s; and (Grace) Marcella Duggan (1907–95).
3. Patricia Herbert (1904–94), by courtesy Lady Patricia Herbert from 1913, daughter of the 15th Earl of Pembroke and 12th Earl of Montgomery, married in 1928 William Henry Smith, 3rd Viscount Hambleden (1903–48). She was a Lady of the Bedchamber to Queen Elizabeth from 1937 until 1994.
4. Lady Mary Sibell Ashley-Cooper (1902–36), daughter of the 9th Earl of Shaftesbury, married in 1928 Napier George Henry Sturt (1896–1940), who in 1919 succeeded his father as 3rd Baron Alington of Crichel. He died on active service in Egypt during the Second World War, though of drink rather than in action.
5. Gladys Robinson-Duff (1892–1928), daughter of General William C. Heppenheimer of the United States, married in 1921 Robert Gilbert Vansittart (1881–1957), who would be Permanent Under-Secretary at the Foreign Office from 1930 to 1938, and who would be raised to the peerage in 1941 as 1st Baron Vansittart. Vansittart was also an accomplished novelist, playwright and poet.
6. Prince Paul of Yugoslavia (1893–1976) had known Channon at Oxford and would remain one of his closest friends, and be Prince Regent of Yugoslavia (the Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes) from 1934 to 1941 during the minority of Peter II. He was the nephew of King Peter I and married Princess Olga of Greece and Denmark (1903–97), sister-in-law of Channon’s other closest friend, the Duke of Kent. After treating with the Germans in 1941 Paul was forced from Yugoslavia and forbidden ever to return; the post-war communist regime stripped him of his property and proclaimed him an enemy of the state. Until 1945 the British authorities held him in Kenya under house arrest. Serbia rehabilitated him posthumously in 2011, after which he was reburied with Princess Olga and their son Nicholas.
7. A psychotherapy-based cure featuring auto-suggestion, fashionable but heavily criticised at the time, developed by Émile Coué de la Châtaigneraie (1857–1926), a French psychologist.
8. A. J. Balfour, raised to an earldom in 1922.
9. World-weariness.
10. Curzon was desperate for a male heir (he had three daughters from his first marriage) to the earldom and marquessate he had obtained; various medical procedures had been followed to help Lady Curzon conceive, but no child resulted and the marriage was strained accordingly.
11. Maud Alice Burke (1872–1948), born in San Francisco, married in 1895 Sir Bache Cunard, 3rd Bt (1851–1925), grandson of the shipping line’s founder. They had lived largely apart since 1911, Cunard basing himself in Leicestershire where he enjoyed field sports. In London with their daughter Nancy Clara (1896–1965), Lady Cunard – who after her husband’s death became known as ‘Emerald’ – established one of the leading salons of the era, which thrived until the Second World War. After separating from her husband she became the mistress of Sir Thomas Beecham, the conductor, and funded many of his musical projects.
12. Prince Sergei (‘Serge’) Platonovich Obolensky Neledinsky-Meletsky (1890–1978) had been educated at Oxford and became part of the Russian diaspora after the revolution. He emigrated to America and became a successful businessman.
13. The first time in the diaries that he refers to his nickname.
14. Madeleine Vionnet (1876–1975) was one of Paris’s leading fashion designers of the interwar years.
15. Ava Alice Muriel Astor (1902–56), daughter of John Jacob Astor IV. She and Obolensky married in 1924 and divorced in 1932. She would marry four times before her death at the age of 54.
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amphtaminedreams · 1 year
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June 2021->June 2023: Photo Dump No.22
1. 15th March 2023, 18th March 2023 [graphic source: instagram account @howtobehumanpod, background: Barbican, City of London, 17th November 2022], 9th February 2023, 2nd March 2023, 26th September 2022, 9th March 2023, 16th March 2023 [Fair Game, Canary Wharf], 21st September 2023, 18th October 2021 [Bella Hadid in Paris, September 2018, source: instagram account @crystalmethangel2]
2. 27th January 2023, 17th January 2023 [Vinegar Yard, London Bridge], 31st January 2023 [Russell Cotes Museum & Art Gallery, Bournemouth], 9th June 2021 [Lana Del Rey performing live @ Coachella, April 2014, source: instagram account @tulsa_lana_freak], 13th July 2022, 25th January 2022, 27th September 2021 [DSquared2 RTW F/W21], 14th November 2022 [Soulland RTW F/W22], 21st October 2022 [source: instagram accounts @fleurrrrrrrrr & @natalieenamaste]
3. 30th December 2021 [source: instagram account @posterjournal], 3rd April 2023 [Exhibition Road, South Kensington], 4th July 2022 [details @ Iris Van Herpen Haute Couture FW22], 11th January 2023, 22nd March 2023, 13th August 2021 [Lana Del Rey for Numero Tokyo magazine, March 2013 issue], 22nd March 2023, 20th March 2023 [St.Martin's Theatre, Seven Dials]
4. 19th September 2021 [Van Gagh Alive @ Kensington Gardens, Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea], 1st February 2023 [source: instagram account @themayfairgroup], 17th May 2023 [Courtfield, Chelsea], 7th December 2022 [Liberty's of London, Soho], 19th December 2022, 23rd September 2021 [Miley Cyrus performing at the Midtown Music Festival, September 2021], 26th May 2023 [Bournemouth, Dorset], 1st December 2021 [Alexander McQueen RTW S/S19], 8th May 2023
5. 15th November 2022, 9th February 2022, 10th October 2022 [source: instagram account @kiracyan.design], 1st October 2021 [Zuhair Murad, Haute Couture S/S17], 6th July 2021 [Britney Spears photographed by David LaChapelle, 2000], 15th February 2022 [Frameless @ Marble Arch, Marylebone], 16th February 2022, 28th November 2022, 17th February 2022
6. 7th June 2023 [Queenhithe, City of London], 14th January 2022 [Versace RTW F/W19], 8th December 2022 [Twisted Museum, Oxford Street], 11th July 2021 [Britney Spears photographed in L.A, August 2009], ]5th December 2022 [CND for the Blonds S/S15], 22nd March 2023, 28th November 2021 [Saatchi Gallery, Chelsea], 5th June 2023, 29th December 2021 [Giant gallery, Bournemouth]
7. 7th December 2022 [Holborn, West End], 1st December 2021 [Versace RTW F/W19], 4th October 2022 [Bermondsey Street, Southwark], 1st June 2023 [Earl's Court, Kensington], 14th July 2021 [Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn in The Suicide Squad, released July 2021, dir. James Gunn], 21st August 2021 [source unknown], 2nd May 2023, 21st March 2023 [Beyond the Streets Exhibition @ the Saatchi Gallery, Chelsea], 30th March 2023 [Christchurch, Dorset]
8. 18th June 2023 [Southbourne, Bournemouth], 21st June 2023, 19th June 2023 [Christchurch, Dorset], 11th November 2021 [Miley Cyrus via Instagram, wearing Gucci x Balenciaga for the November 2021 LACMA gala], 14th May 2023, 21st July 2021 [Marina Diamandis BTS on the set of the "Primadonna" music video, released March 2012], 8th April 2022 [graphic: @oshthoughts on lnstagram], 14th July 2021 [Bimini Bon Boulash via Instagram, July 2021], 21st March 2023
9. 13th June 2023 [Belem, Lisbon], 16th September 2022 [Et Ochs RTW S/S23], 12th June 2023 [Villa Berta, Lisbon], 15th November 2022], 9th April 2023, 10th July 2021 [source unknown], 30th September 2022 [source: Etsy store ConceptsDigital], 15th February 2023 [Frameless, Marylebone], 11th June 2023 [Jardim das Amoreiras, Lisbon]
10. 17th April 2023 [Bournemouth Town Centre, Dorset], 2nd May 2023, 4th May 2022 [Earl's Court, Kensington], 9th April 2023, 15th September 2021 [Miu Miu Resort 2021], 8th September 2021 [Dilara Fındıkoğlu, Resort 2022], 12th November 2022, 6th May 2023 [source: instagram account @howtobehumanpod], 17th October 2021 [Monse Resort 2022]
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legendaryten · 1 year
The artwork of Graham Moores for the LTS with a song about the Earl of Oxford during the late 15th century.
0 notes
lulu2992 · 2 years
A review of the “Far Cry Timeline”
I realized that there was a page dedicated to the series’ timeline on the Far Cry Wiki, so I decided to review it because… I just couldn’t help myself.
GREEN: Correct information and date.
BLUE: Probably correct but needs to be confirmed.
PINK: Correct information but wrong date (see this post).
ORANGE: Pure fan speculation (date and/or information).
RED: Incorrect information and/or date.
PURPLE: Far Cry and Far Cry 2 lore. I haven’t played these games yet so I can’t tell if the information is accurate.
(The timeline reviewed in this post was last updated on the Wiki in June 2022)
c.10,000 BCE
Three tribes, the Wenja, Udam, and Izila settle in the region of present-day Central Europe known as Oros, sparking conflict for resources and territory. The events of Far Cry Primal occur, culminating in the Udam, the last Neanderthals, going extinct soon after.
500 BCE
The Chal Jama Monastery is built in Kyrat.
15th century
In the 15th century, the Chinese navigator and explorer Zheng He passed by the Rook Islands during a voyage to map the oceans. It was an ideal location for one of Zheng He's most trusted soldiers, Lin Cong. After Zheng He left the isles, Lin Cong stole one of Zheng He's colossal treasure ships named "the Chaoyang" (containing massive amounts of gold and treasure that were collected during Zheng He's many ocean voyages).
Lin Cong and his Chinese invaders ruled over Rook Islands where the natives suffered under their tyrannical reign.
Rook Islands were free from them when the Rakyat rebelled and a vengeful Zheng He returned to stop Lin Cong treachery. Lin Cong died and his faction was destroyed.
The Silver Dragon was buried with Lin Cong body in his entrapped and dragon-infested tomb.
The Shanath Arena is built in Southern Kyrat.
Lieutenant Robert F. Barclay of the British Army set sail to Kyrat.
The British colonize Kyrat.
The lake at Mastodon Geothermal Park was discovered.
Fall's End was founded in the Montana territory.
Early 1940s
During the start of World War II, a Japanese Brigadier General named Takeo Masaki had his men land on the isles to start up a small air force/army base.
Clutch Nixon is born in Montana's Hope County in the United States of America.
Alec Earnhardt was born in Oxford, England.
George Krieger was born in Austria.
Adelaide Drubman was born in the United States of America.
Richard "Dutch" Roosevelt was born in the United States of America.
Antón Castillo born in Yara.
The Vietnam War begins in Vietnam.
The Jackal is born in United States of America.
Virgil Minkler is born in the United States of America.
Darpan is born in Kyrat.
Mohan Ghale is born in Kyrat.
Earl Whitehorse is born in the United States of America.
Willis Huntley is born in Long Island, New York.
The Howard Cabin is built and established in Hope County, Montana.
Pagan Min is born in Hong Kong, China.
Hoyt Volker is born in Johannesburg, South Africa.
Revolution of 1967 takes place in Yara, resulting in a blockade that effectively froze the nation in time for the next 47 years.
Death of Gabriel Castillo
Ishwari Ghale is born in Kyrat.
Paul "De Pleur" Harmon is born in the United States of America.
Bambi "Buck" Hughes is born in Australia.
Yuma Lau is born in Hong Kong.
Jacob Seed is born in the United States of America.
Hurk Drubman, Jr. is born in the United States of America.
Noore Najjar is born in Kyrat.
Jerome Jeffries is born in the United States of America.
Joseph Seed is born in the United States of America.
Dennis Rogers is born in Liberia.
The Sacred Skies Youth Camp in Holland Valley is established.
The Vietnam War ends in Vietnam.
Cameron Burke is born in the United States of America.
Sabal is born in Kyrat.
Sharky Boshaw is born on October 2, in the United States of America.
First Kyrati Civil War intensified between the Royalists, who supported the rule of the king, and the Nationalists, who wanted to overthrow the monarchy.
Mohan Ghale and Ishwari Ghale are married in April or May at a small ceremony with just their parents.
Grace Armstrong is born in the United States of America.
Grant Brody is born in the United States of America.
Citra Talugmai is born in the Rook Islands.
Vaas Montenegro is born in the Rook Islands.
The royal family of Kyrat is murdered when Nationalists stormed the Royal Palace during First Kyrati Civil War.
Daisy Lee is born in Maine, United States of America.
John Seed is born in the United States of America.
Jason Brody is born in Los Angeles, California.
Vincent Salas is born in the United States of America.
Eli Palmer is born in the United States of America.
Barry is born in San Diego, California.
Mohan Ghale meets Pagan Min
Pagan Min found the last Kyrat royal heir for Mohan
Pagan Min and Yuma Lau sided with the Royalists at first but later that year betrayed them when his Mercenaries and the Royalists seized the Royal Palace and Pagan killed the royal heir, and took his place as King of Kyrat. He then turned his mercenaries on Mohan’s men before they could know they were in danger killing many. Leaving Mohan to escape with just a handful of survivors.
First Kyrati Civil War ended in Kyrat with Nationalists defeated, Royalists purged, last royal heir assassinated and Pagan Min became the new self proclaimed king.
Golden Path is founded
Second Kyrati Civil War begins.
Keith Ramsay is born in the United States of America.
Ajay Ghale is born in Kyrat.
Lakshmana Min is born and later that year killed in Kyrat.
Liza Snow is born in Los Angeles, California.
Doug is born in United States of America.
Oliver Carswell is born in United States of America.
Amita is born in Kyrat.
Nick Rye is born in the United States of America.
Callum is born in Scotland.
Joey Hudson is born in the United States of America.
Mohan Ghale was killed by Ishwari Ghale who fled to United States of America with Ajay Ghale.
Riley Brody is born in Los Angeles California.
Jess Black is born in the United States of America.
Deputy Pratt is born in the United States of America.
Mary May Fairgrave is born in the United States of America.
Faith Seed is born in the United States of America.
Dani Rojas is born in Yara.
Bhadra is born in Kyrat.
Alternate universe, movie, or non-canon events
The world is suffering the aftermath of a nuclear war between the United States and Russia. Sergeant Rex "Power" Colt is an American cybernetic super-soldier. He and another American cyber-soldier named Lieutenant T.T. "Spider" Brown travel to an unnamed island to investigate Colonel Ike Sloan, an elite agent who has gone rogue. The events of Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon occur.
Between September 17 and October 30, a series of 17 tapes were recorded between The Jackal and Reuben Oluwagembi on the subject of the Jackal's motives.
Sometime in the latter half of 2008, the events of Far Cry 2 take place.
Antón Castillo was diagnosed with acute leukemia.
Diego Castillo was born in Yara.
Late 2010’s
Alternate universe, movie, or non-canon events
Guy Marvel tells people about his ideas for zombie movies. The events of Dead Living Zombies takes place.
Four people, Leonard, Mikhail, Callum, and Tisha get scammed out of their money by Vaas' pirates while working to redeem themselves on a cruise ship. They soon turned against the pirates.
Six months later, a group of young adults parachute onto the Rook Islands by mistake and many get captured. Jason Brody helps the locals lead a revolution against Vaas' Pirates, free his friends, and deal with a slave trader named Hoyt Volker. The events of Far Cry 3 (including all DLC missions) take place.
Ajay Ghale goes to Kyrat to spread his mother’s ashes and while visiting either stayed with Pagan Min or ends up helping the locals lead a rebellion against him. In the latter case, the country doesn’t improve much after the government is overthrown. The events of Far Cry 4 (including The Syringe Mission, Escape from Durgesh Prison and Hurk's Redemption) take place.
Yuma Lau sends an Expedition made of Royal Guard forces, lead by Colonel Sandesh to a Kyrat Valley looking for a relic that could cause immortality, but don't return to Kyrat.
Darpan dies in all cases.
Antón Castillo is elected as El Presidente of Yara, promising to "Rebuild Paradise."
Alternate universe, movie, or non-canon events
Ajay’s helicopter crashes in the Himalayas, he later gets involved with a cult group known as the Disciples (the Royal Guard forces Yuma sent to the Valley) and a unique relic.
Alternate universe or non-canon events:
Carmina Rye is born the same day or few days before the Collapse.
A group of police officers attempt to arrest Project at Eden's Gate leader Joseph Seed, they either spared him and left early, or actually arrested him and got overwhelmed by his cult. In the latter case, after most are captured, The Junior Deputy helps the locals lead The Resistance against the doomsday cult and take back Hope County. The events of Far Cry 5 take place.
After the 'Resist' ending of Far Cry 5, the world suffers a nuclear war, known to some as the Collapse (however, with the release of Far Cry 6 which apparently takes places in a contemporary setting, the Collapse might prove to be an alternative timeline, no longer followed by the next game.)
In two other endings where they do not arrest Joseph at the beginning or at the end, it's unclear what exactly happened.
In Guy Marvel's epic sci-fi film, Nick Rye and Hurk get sent to Mars to deal with the threat of an invasion. The events of Lost On Mars take place.
Dani Rojas has a conversation with their friends Lita Torres and Alejo Ruiz on the rooftops of Esperanza. A blackout takes place as Fuerzas Nacionales de Defensa soldiers pour into the city block. Alejo insults Antón Castillo and throws a can at a soldier, resulting in said soldier murdering him. Dani and Lita escape to a boat heading out of the country. A young boy attempts to board but is denied until Dani vouches for him. Before the ship can sail off, Antón catches it in an attempt to retrieve his son, Diego; the young boy attempting to flee. Antón then orders his soldiers to execute everybody else on the ship. Dani just barely survives, and wakes up to Lita dying on the beach. She gives Dani her phone and asks them to seek out the revolutionary group she was affiliated with, Libertad. Dani obliges to honor their fallen friends. The events of Far Cry 6 take place during October.
Alternate universe, movie, or non-canon events:
Three months after Dani Rojas sails away from Yara, they rest on a Miami beach and listen to the radio. The death of Clara Garcia at the hands of Antón Castillo's special forces has snuffed out the revolution in Yara.
Alternate universe, movie, or non-canon events:
In the 'Resist' ending of Far Cry 5, the world suffered a nuclear war known as the Collapse. 17 years after the nuclear war the Highwaymen terrorize the citizens of Prosperity. The locals and the remnants of Project at Eden’s Gate, New Eden, fight back against the Highwaymen’s leaders, Mickey and Lou. The events of Far Cry New Dawn take place.
The whereabouts of The Jackal are to be declassified.
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steellegacy · 2 years
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⚜️ The Frog-Mouth Helm, England, beginning of the 15th century
Attributed to John de Vere, 13th Earl of Oxford
🏛 Bargello Museum, Firenze (inv. 1631 C)
📸 Ph. by Andrea Carloni
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⚜️ Шлем "Жабья Голова", Англия, нач. XV в.
Приписывается Джону де Веру, 13-му графу Оксфорда
🏛 Музей Барджелло, Флоренция (инв. №1631 C)
📸 Фото: Андреа Карлони
#armsandarmour #bargellomuseum #armour #helmet #FrogMouthHelm #Stechhelm #ЖабьяГолова #medievalarmor
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richmond-rex · 3 years
Love meme: Elizabeth of York
love meme: put something in my inbox and i’ll tell you something i love about it
I do love how warm Elizabeth comes across even if we don't know much about her personal feelings and ideas? It's all in the little details. I think her reputation as a charitable woman stands because even if she didn't commit great sums for that purpose—Laynesmith does scornfully remark that Elizabeth's gambling debts were greater than the sums she actually gave away (which is a bit unfair in my opinion, we only have her expenses covering the period 1502-1503)—Elizabeth gave away money frequently and pointedly helped people with what they needed the most. You find her helping people with their wedding clothes, recompensating a servant whose house had burnt down, another one who had been physically injured, paying for the diet and boarding of people who fell ill, paying for the burial of hanged men, as well as providing for a young girl's dowry on entering a convent. She also paid for the diet, clothing and schooling of quite a number of children that had been ‘given to her’, even paying for their books.
She really gives off mum friend vibes. For example, she didn't need to pay an annuity for her sisters' diet, servants and clothes. Once they were married that was the responsibility of her sisters' husbands but Elizabeth did it anyway. She also paid for much of the upbringing of her sister Katherine's children, and paid for the burial of one of them. I think it reflects how close she was to her family—siblings especially, but also her Woodville relatives as indicated by the time she paid a sum for the man who claimed to have lodged in his home her uncle Anthony Woodville, or the time she sent a bit of cloth to the woman that had nursed her brother Edward. The fact that the Croyland Chronicler said Richard III’s councillors were afraid that she would take revenge on her relatives’ deaths given the opportunity may indicate that people knew she was quite close to that side of her family. More under the cut!
I think we can also sense her warmth by how beloved she was? Her privy purse expenses register a constant stream of gifts, especially food like oranges and apples from a poor man, or butter and chickens from a poor woman. Those could be seen as marks of expectation of a 'good ladyship' but the fact the same amount of presents is not seen in the case of any other 15th-century queen is telling in my opinion—though it might be just a case of poor documentation. The Annals of Ulster, though, that rarely ever mentioned English affairs, did call her the most charitable woman in Europe, and that is also telling in my opinion.
People did expect good ladyship from her of course (she was the queen!), and Elizabeth was indeed a successful intercessor on her own, as attested by the time she convinced the king to give away a bishopric to her priest of choice, or the time she scolded the Earl of Oxford for not keeping his word. She also very insistently tried to marry the Spanish ambassador to an English lady, and recommended the services of an Englishman to the Spanish monarchs, saying rather touchingly that ‘though he is a very short man, he has the reputation of being a valiant soldier’. Also, the way she ‘especially rejoiced’ that Catherine of Aragon was learning French so they could converse together? Mum friend vibes, I’m telling you!
I don’t know, there’s so much to talk about her! Her interest in court disguisings and architecture—even devising the new plan for Greenwich!—is rather nice too. I also find it quite touching how interested she was in her gardens in Greenwich and Richmond. I think she must have communicated that enthusiasm to her husband, because Henry VII did personally fix the name of one of her gardeners as he lay dying in his bed and revising his last will. The way he remembered the name of Elizabeth’s gardener six years after her death—and at a time when he didn’t have the clarity of mind to fix other mistakes and dates found in his will—never fails to make me emotional.
Thanks for sending this ask! Sorry it took me so long 🌹x
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venicepearl · 4 years
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Frances Howard, (née de Vere), Countess of Surrey (c. 1517 – 30 June 1577) was the daughter of John de Vere, 15th Earl of Oxford, and Elizabeth Trussell. She married firstly, Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey, son of Thomas Howard, 3rd Duke of Norfolk, and his wife Elizabeth Stafford, by whom she had two sons and three daughters. Late in 1546, while Frances was expecting her fifth child , her husband was accused of treason and he was subsequently executed in January 1547. She married secondly Thomas Staynings, by whom she had two children. She died at Earl Soham, Suffolk and was buried at Framlingham Church in Suffolk. In 1614 her first husband was later reburied next to her.
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On This Day In History . 22 August 1485 . The Battle of Bosworth . . ◼ The Battle of Bosworth Field (or Battle of Bosworth) was the last significant battle of the Wars of the Roses, the civil war between the Houses of Lancaster & York that raged across England in the latter half of the 15th century. . ◼ Fought on 22 August 1485, the battle was won by the Lancastrians. Their leader Henry Tudor, Earl of Richmond, by his victory became the first English monarch of the Tudor dynasty. His opponent, Richard III, the last king of the House of York, was killed in the battle. Henry became King Henry VII. Historians consider Bosworth Field to mark the end of the Plantagenet dynasty… . ◼ Henry arrived unopposed on 7 August 1485 on the southwest coast of Wales. Marching inland, Henry gathered support as he made for London. Richard mustered his troops & intercepted Henry’s army south of Market Bosworth in Leicestershire. Thomas, Lord Stanley, & Sir William Stanley brought a force to the battlefield, but held back while they decided which side it would be more advantageous to support. . ◼ Richard divided his army, which outnumbered Henry’s, into three groups (or “battles”). One was assigned to the Duke of Norfolk & another to the Earl of Northumberland. Henry kept most of his force together & placed it under the command of the experienced Earl of Oxford. Richard’s vanguard, commanded by Norfolk, attacked but struggled against Oxford’s men, & some of Norfolk’s troops fled the field. Northumberland took no action when signalled to assist his king, so Richard gambled everything on a charge across the battlefield to kill Henry & end the fight. Seeing the king’s knights separated from his army, the Stanleys intervened; Sir William led his men to Henry’s aid, surrounding & killing Richard. After the battle, Henry was crowned king below an oak tree in nearby Stoke Golding, now a residential garden. . . . #onthisdayinhistory #thisdayinhistory #theyear1485 #d22Aug #BattleofBosworth #TheBattleofBosworth #Bosworth #WarofTheRoses #HenryVII #HenryVIIofEngland #KingHenryVII #KingRichardIII #RichardIII #RichardIIIofEngland #EnglishHistory #RoyalHistory #Plantagenets (at Bosworth Battlefield) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEM5q5UDrcx/?igshid=ngrne8j6hjq3
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During the past few weeks, I felt sometimes that the Suez canal was flowing through my drawing room. 
- Clarissa Eden (née Spencer-Churchill), Countess of Avon
Clarissa Eden, born 28 June 1920, is the widow of Anthony Eden, 1st Earl of Avon (1897–1977), who was Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1955–1957.
Lady Eden is the daughter of Major Jack Spencer-Churchill (1880–1947), the younger brother of Winston Churchill, by his marriage to Lady Gwendoline ("Goonie") Bertie (1885–1941), a daughter of the 7th Earl of Abingdon, who had been married in 1908. She is thus a niece of Sir Winston Churchill. Her paternal great-grandfather was the 7th Duke of Marlborough, and her maternal great-great-grandfather the 3rd Marquess of Londonderry,  half-brother of the 2nd Marquess, who, as Viscount Castlereagh was Foreign Secretary during the Congress of Vienna of 1815 that followed the Napoleonic Wars.
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Clarissa Spencer-Churchill was born at her parents' house in the Cromwell Road, Kensington, London. She was educated at Kensington Preparatory School and then at Downham School, Hatfield Heath, a "fashionable boarding school ... orientated to horses". Seventy years later she said she had also felt the need to get away from home—"I just wanted to get out from under the whole thing of being loved too much".
In 1937 Clarissa studied art in Paris. Her mother had asked the British Ambassador, Sir George Clerk, to keep a watchful eye on her, an unintended consequence of this being that she was taken under the wing of an Embassy press secretary who, with his wife, introduced her to a round of café society parties. Among the friends she made in Paris were the monocled Fitzroy Maclean, a future politician and adventurer who was then third secretary at the embassy, and the writer Marthe Bibesco. Together with two female contemporaries, she made a visit to the Folies Bergère, an unusual destination for 16-year-old girls, where the singer Josephine Baker, clad only in a circlet of bananas, became the first naked female body she had ever seen.
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In the summer of 1937 Clarissa accompanied Julian Asquith (grandson of the Liberal Prime Minister H. H. Asquith) and his mother, Katherine, on a tour, mainly by third class rail, across the Apennines in the Tuscany region of Italy. Among other artistic treasures, she saw for the first time the 15th century frescos by Piero della Francesca at Arezzo, one of which, "The Queen of Sheba Adoring the Holy Wood" (c.1452), she nominated in 2010 as her favourite painting: "in an age of violence he went on painting clearly and calmly".
When Clarissa returned to London she enrolled at the Slade School of Fine Art. Around this time she displayed her individualism by acquiring a specially tailored trouser suit along the lines of those associated with the actress Marlene Dietrich after the latter's appearance in the film, Morocco (1930).
1938 was the future Lady Avon's "coming out" year and she was regarded as "one of the more notable débutantes" in a "vintage year for beautiful girls", but, having mixed with older and more sophisticated people in Paris, she seems to have disdained the circuit—since described by Anne de Courcy as "more or less naive seventeen- and eighteen-year-olds suddenly flung into a round of gaities"—and was never presented at Court.
Another débutante of 1938, Deborah Mitford, later Duchess of Devonshire, recalled Clarissa Spencer-Churchill as exhibiting "more than a whiff of Garbo in a dress by Maggy Rouff of Paris”.
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Among those with whom Clarissa danced at that year's Liberal Ball was the future double agent Donald Maclean, who complained that she was too smart to be "a proper Liberal girl like the Bonham-Carters or the Asquiths". She also knew Guy Burgess, who fled to Russia in 1951 when he and Maclean were about to be unmasked as traitors.
A 2015 biography of Burgess, a homosexual, contained claims that, encouraged by his Soviet "handlers", he had contemplated marriage to Clarissa. However, the latter, then aged 95, denied that they had been close. She described Burgess as "courteous, amusing, nice and good company", but said that he had been "standoffish" towards her and did not wish any friendship to develop.
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In 1940, encouraged by economist Roy Harrod, Clarissa went to Oxford to study philosophy, although not as an undergraduate because of her lack of qualifications. While there she became associated with, among other leading academics, Isaiah Berlin and Maurice Bowra. Lady Antonia Fraser, whose father, later Lord Longford, was a Fellow of Christ Church, has described her as "the don's delight". For a short while she was tutored by A. J. Ayer, a future Wykeham Professor of Logic known for his libidinous lifestyle, although his womanising was not apparently extended to her.
When Clarissa moved back to London, she decoded ciphers in the Communications Department of the Foreign Office, where her future husband was the Secretary of State from 1940 to 1945.
Clarissa married Anthony Eden in 1952, becoming Lady Eden in 1954 when he was made a Knight of the Garter, and then becoming Countess of Avon in 1961 on her husband's being created an earl. 
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Her memoir, sub-titled From Churchill to Eden, was published in 2007 under the name of Clarissa Eden.
Since the death of Mary Wilson, Baroness Wilson of Rievaulx on 6 June 2018, Lady Avon is the oldest living spouse of a British Prime Minister. 
**Portrait by Cecil Beaton
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scotianostra · 2 years
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15th September 1860 saw Marischal College and King’s College in Aberdeen merge to form a single University of Aberdeen.
The first university in Aberdeen, King’s College, was founded in February 1495 by William Elphinstone, Bishop of Aberdeen, Chancellor of Scotland, and a graduate of the University of Glasgow drafting a request on behalf of King James IV to Pope Alexander VI resulting in a Papal Bull being issued.
Following the Scottish Reformation in 1560, King’s College was purged of its Roman Catholic staff but in other respects was largely resistant to change. George Keith, the fifth Earl Marischal was a moderniser within the college and supportive of the reforming ideas of Peter Ramus. In April 1593 he founded a 2nd university in the city, Marischal College. It is also possible the founding of another college in nearby Fraserburgh by Sir Alexander Fraser, a business rival of Keith, was instrumental in its creation.
Aberdeen was highly unusual at this time for having two universities in one city: as 20th-century University prospectuses observed, Aberdeen had the same number as existed in England at the time at Oxford and Cambridge!
The two Colleges merged in 1860 to form the modern University of Aberdeen. Medicine and Law were taught at Marischal and Arts and Divinity at King’s College.
Construction of the current Marischal College building began in the 1830s and a second phase was completed in 1906. This additional construction made it the second largest granite building in the world.
The 1858 Act of Parliament stated the “united University shall take rank among the Universities of Scotland as from the date of erection of King’s College and University.” The University is thus Scotland’s third oldest and the UK’s fifth oldest University.
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ne3ko-blog1 · 5 years
the guardian
William Shakespeare was in fact Edward de Vere, the 17th Earl of Oxford, and is buried in Westminster Abbey, not the Holy Trinity Church in Stratford-upon-Avon, according to a scholar who is the grandson of the novelist Evelyn Waugh.
Alexander Waugh says he has discovered encryptions in the title and dedication pages of Aspley’s edition of Shakespeare’s sonnets that reveal the final resting place of De Vere.
Waugh said he would show hidden geometries and other clues which reveal Shakespeare’s final resting place. He laid out the text into an equal-letter spacing grid, “a popular form of encryption in the 15th and 16th centuries … looking for messages that appear in the vertical columns”.“People have been trying to do this for ages. What I worked out was, don’t just look in vertical columns for words going vertically downwards. Look for shapes. That changed everything … The messages were in crosses, shapes and rebuses.” 
Finally they found his grave underneath a 1740 monument in Poets’ Corner at Westminster Abbey and  the Monument  spells out the words “Edward de Vere lies here”.
Waugh’s co-editor, Paul Edmondson said: “These theories just seem to get more and more fantastic and take us into the realms of science fiction and fantasy novels. This has always been part of the fascination of those who are seeking to disprove authenticated history.”
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The Oxfordian Turns 22, Showcases Scholarly Breakthroughs
The Oxfordian Turns 22, Showcases Scholarly Breakthroughs
Newest Annual Volume Notes Major Academic Inroads by Oxfordian Scholars and Shows That Shakespeare’s First Play Dates to the 1560s
September 15, 2020 — The latest issue of the Shakespeare Oxford Fellowship’s peer-reviewed scholarly journal, The Oxfordian, has been published. The 22nd annual volume is 190 pages long, contains 13 new research papers, essays, and book reviews, and is illustrated…
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thisbluespirit · 6 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Shadow of the Tower, 15th Century CE RPF Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Elizabeth of York Queen of England/Henry VII of England Characters: Elizabeth of York Queen of England, Henry VII of England, Margaret Beaufort, John de Vere 13th Earl of Oxford, Catherine Gordon, Jasper Tudor, Cecily of York Viscountess Welles, Perkin Warbeck Additional Tags: Yuletide Treat, 5 Times, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Arranged Marriage, The Wars of the Roses, Background Character Death, Hurt/Comfort, Trust Issues, unfortunate people get sacrificed/locked in the Tower in each AU Summary:
I love the rose both red and white, Is that your pure, perfect appetite?
Five other ways it might have gone for Elizabeth of York and Henry Tudor.
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gp11 · 6 years
Leap Castle
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Situated near the town of Coolderry in county Offaly in Ireland, Leap Castle has earned its reputation as one of the most haunted places in Europe. Reputedly built somewhere between the 12th and 15th century, on an ancient Druidic site, the castle boasts a violent and bloody history. Beginnings The legend of the area has it, that two brothers of the O’ Bannon clan, had agreed to a contest to determine who would take ownership of the castle. The contest involved a perilous jump from a crag (a jump that would claim the life of one of the brothers and would forever associate the word “Leap” with the title.) The story has it that the O’ Bannons didn’t reign over their lands from the castle for very long. Nearby, a more powerful and violent neighbour, had their eyes on the fortification. In less than a hundred years, the O’ Carrolls had taken over Leap Castle. With a ferocious appetite for power and violence, the O’Carrolls held an iron grip of terror on the surrounding areas.  When Mulrooney O’Carroll, the patriarch of the clan passed away in 1532, his passing opened up a bloody period of distrust and contempt between his two sons, Thaddeus and Teighe. Thaddeus was a man of the cloth and whilst conducting a service in the castle chapel one evening, Teighe, pushed his way in and after a heated quarrel, stabbed Thaddeus through the heart. There have been reports of the apparition of Thaddeus wandering around the now-named  “Bloody Chapel”. Some of the shenanigans pulled off by the O’Carroll clan, make for interesting reading... Reports of the time have it, that one family that felt the full O’Carroll wrath, was the O’Neill family. Apparently the O’Neills, had allied with the O’Carroll’s, to help them to victory in one of their many battles. Unfortunately however, once victory was secured, 39 of the O’Neils had ended up with their throats slit. It has long been presumed that there was financial reasoning behind this gruesome act, but with the wanton, murderous pedigree of the O’Carrolls, who knows? Another grisly fate befell the McMahon family. Their services were called upon to help the O’Carroll’s in a battle with the forces of the Earl of Tyrone.  Not long after, (In a plot-twist that could almost be straight out of Game of Thrones), Charles O’Carroll, the chieftain of the clan, reportedly had them disposed of, by having their drink poisoned. Their bodies are reputed to have been tossed into the dungeon. Many apparitions of what is suspected to be, the doomed McMahons, have been reported in and around the property. Change of Ownership The long reign of the O'Carrolls came to an end when the daughter of the then chieftain became smitten with a dashing young English prisoner contained in the dungeon below. His name was Captain Darby. She helped keep him in relative good health by regularly sneaking food down to him. Love quickly blossomed between them and they carefully planned their escape. Their clean getaway was foiled by the appearance of the girls brother. A swordfight ensued and Darby fought for his life and won. The death of the brother eventually placed the girl as the heiress of the castle and after marrying her captain, thus began the reign of the Darby's. The Other Apparitions The Red Lady The “Red Lady” is a name attributed to another spectral resident of the castle. Sadly, she was rumoured to be another victim of the O’Carrol bloodlust. The story has it that she was captured, imprisoned, and repeatedly raped by one, or many of the clan over a prolonged period. Becoming pregnant after one of the assaults, the baby was later taken from her and murdered by members of the clan. Understandably distraught and broken after a long period of abuse, the lady decided to take her own life. It is believed that she used the same blade that took the life of her child. Witnesses describe her as a tall lady in a scarlet-red dress who approaches in a threatening manner with a raised dagger in her hand. The Oubliette Situated in the North-Eastern corner of the Bloody Chapel is a small room called the “Oubliette”. The Oxford English Dictionary describes an oubliette as a small dungeon with access only through a trapdoor in its ceiling. The name derives from the French word “oublié” which translates to “forget it”. This was an all too common practice in castles of the time; people would be thrown into oubliettes and quite simply... forgotten. Much later, in the 1930’s during cleaning and renovation work, three cartloads of human skeletons were discovered and removed from the oubliette in the Bloody Chapel at Leap Castle. Emily and Charlotte Reports of two ghostly young girls running about and playing have also been added to the inventory of apparitions. It is believed that these girls were resident at the castle sometime in the 17th century. Emily is reported to have fallen from the battlements high on the South-East edge of the castle and quite a few visitors outside on the grounds have reported seeing the figure of a girl falling. Reports of Charlotte describe a girl with a deformed leg that drags behind her as she moves. The Unknown Screaming Woman Believed to be another O’Carroll murder victim, she has been described as having very few clothes on, and with a red cloth over her face, she screams twice very loudly before disappearing. The Governess  Often seen in or about the main hall, the governess appears both as an individual apparition and on occasion also accompanied by the two girls Emily and Charlotte. She often touches people or brushes very, very close to them. Sean Ryan,  the current owner of Leap Castle has stated that she seems to have a particular interest in fair-haired people. The Old Man The owner, Sean Ryan, has made reference to an old man who occasionally moves things about. Others have related stories of him trying to stop people from entering. The Elemental More sinister than all the other presences at the castle, the one called the “elemental” is apparently, by far, the scariest. Described more as an entity than just an ordinary ghost, the elemental has been known to announce its presence with the smell of a rotten, decomposing carcass. Mildred Henrietta Gordon Dill married Jonathan Charles Darby on 6th of November 1889. Jonathan Charles Darby was the heir to leap Castle and the surrounding Darby estates in Co. Offaly. Mildred was educated at Oxford and had long set her heart on a literary career. She published some of her short stories in the monthly magazines, the Idler, the Harmsworth and the Belgravia under the pen-name Andrew Merry. She also published a number of stories in the Weekly Irish Times. Under the name of Andrew Merry, she first published Kilman Castle "A House of Horrors" in 1898. This publication contained accounts of encounters with the "elemental" at the castle. it was well know that Kilman Castle was actually Leap. The following accounts are from The Occult Review circa 1908 and some responses following the publication. in The Occult Review article – Kilman Castle, The House of Horror. Suddenly, two hands were laid on my shoulders. I turned round sharply and saw, as clearly as Isee you now-a grey ‘Thing’, standing a couple of feet from me, with it’s bent arms raised as if it were cursing me. I cannot describe in words how utterly aweful the ‘Thing’ was, it’s very undefinableness rendering the horrible shadow more gruesome. Human in shape, a little shorter than I am, I could just make out the shape of big black holes like great eyes and sharp features, but the whole figure-head, face, hands and all-was grey-unclean, blueish grey, something of the colour and appearance of common cotton wool. But, oh! so sinister, repulsive and devilish. My friends who are clever about occult things say it is what they call an “Elemental”. The thing was about the size of a sheep, thin, gaunt and shadowy in parts. It’s face was human, or to be more accurate, inhuman, in it’s vileness, with large holes of blackness for eyes, loose slobbery lips, and a thick saliva-dripping jaw, sloping back suddenly into its neck! Nose it had none, only spreading, cancerous cavities, the whole face being a uniform tint of grey. This too, was the colour of the dark coarse hair covering its head, neck and body. It’s forearms were thickly coated with the same hair, so were its paws, large, loose and hand-shaped; and it sat on it’s hind legs, one hand or paw was raised, and a claw-like finger was extended ready to scratch the paint.  It’s lustreless eyes, which seemed half decomposed, and looked incredibly foul, stared into mine, and the horrible smell which had before offended my nostrils, only a hundred times intensified, came up to my face, filling me with a deadly nausea. I noticed the lower half of the creature was indefinite and seemed semi-transparent-at least, I could see the framework of the door that led into the gallery through its body. A letter in response to ‘Kilman Castle’ article also relates a personal encounter whilst staying at the castle.  I saw your eyes fixed upon something above our heads, and the next minute my own eyes were filled by the sight of a Thing in the gallery looking down at us.  There was plenty of light from the lamps in the hall and the one above on the wall at the corner of the gallery, for every one of us to see quite plainly the grey-coloured figure about the height of a small grown-up person looking down at us.  I wish I thought I could ever forget the sight of that grey figure with dark spots like holes in its head instead of eyes, standing with grey arms folded on the gallery railing looking down at us……………………Then just as he put foot on the gallery, the Thing that he saw there, that we were watching, suddenly faded out of sight.  The Thing did not move, only became less and less visible until it vanished.    The above account is a good cross reference to the letter Mildred Darby sent to Sydney Carroll. The last appearance of the Elemental were on Nov 25th 1915 and I deduct again last November from the gait of my husband really wild with rage? fright? coming into my room at Midnight to let fly at me for “again dressing up things to try and frighten me.”  On the 25th Nov 1915 two of our servants knowing the “master” would be late and that I was driving that afternoon had invited “friends” two soldiers from the Barracks at Birr distant the other side 6 miles.  They came rather late and my husband came home early so the visitors had to be kept out of his sight in the lower regions of one of the wings (the Priests House) and were unable to be shown the centre tower – the very lofty hall.  At 7.15 my husband and I went up to dress for dinner, my room in extremity of house from kitchens, his dressing room next door to me.  Whilst dressing I was startled by a loud yell of terror stricken male and female voices coming apparently from the hall – and ran out to see the cause.  My husband was out ahead of me at his heels I passed through corridor of wing and onto the gallery wing rounds two sides of hall. Two lamps on gallery two more in hall below.  On the gallery leaning with “hands” resting on its rail I saw the Thing – the Elemental and smelt it only too well.  At the same moment my husband pulled up sharply about 10 feet from the Thing, and half turning let fly a volley of abuse at me ending up “Dressing up a thing like that to try and make a fool of me.  And now you’ll say I’ve seen something and I have not seen anything and there is nothing to see, or ever was.  This last speech without a pause, begun waving one hand at the Thing end up by stalking back to his dressing room still abusing me for trying to give him a fright.  As he was speaking the Elemental grew fainter and fainter in its outlines until it disappeared.  By the sounds from my husband’s room I judged he was employed as I was myself in preparing an empty spot for our coming dinner.  He never made any enquiry as to the yell that called us both out, and from that day to this has not mentioned the incident to me.  I heard from our servants that when we went to dress for dinner they had brought their friends just to show them the hall, when all four has suddenly seen and smelt the Elemental looking down at them from the gallery.  We all got such a turn, we couldn’t help letting out a bawl then fled to servants quarters where all 4 were very sick.  The two maids had letters necessity their going home next day – and they did not return. The account below describes an encounter with the Elemental.  The individual has the unfortunate experience to have been attacked during their investigation. 18th June 2002 I travelled to Leap Castle in order to make a show for a local TV network and this was my first time in the notorious castle I had heard so much about.  So the show went well but I wanted to try the UV on the camcorder whilst still shooting.  I had sensed something down the old access to the battlements earlier and never went down.  I climbed the stairs with the camcorder in front, the light from the UV allowed me to see about 6 ft ahead and no more so I climbed slowly.  I opened the gothic style door and made my way slowly down the narrow passage, about 10ft in I thought I saw something move and I lifted my head, I could feel something was wrong but I had no idea what. This time with the camera dropped I thought I saw a glow come from around the corner and then it went back in.  I stood and studied this for a while and thought it may be a side effect of the UV which can be common, a few steps more and my body was weakening fast, it was a strange sensation.  Suddenly this mass of white like mist raced around the corner like a bull, even the rubbish on the floor scattered as it approached at speed.  The passage was tight and I turned to my left to try and get out but it was too late, I felt the pain as if something had just pierced under my right rib cage and went all the way through to the back.  This startled me a little and we proceeded to arrange shooting in the cellars.  The audio refused to tape again in the cellars and I felt really odd, I was sweating heavily and was becoming very weak and drowned in dread.  Right after the incident in the tunnel it felt as if a hole in my chest had been punctured on a spiritual level and my life was seeping into the stones.  In order to describe it and let the reader understand they would have had to experience a large blood loss sometime in their lives.  As they felt the blood drain this weakness would become prominent, other words they were experiencing the onset of death……I was dying.  Another  first person account of an encounter with the Elemental: Burnt out during the 1920s, Leap’s looks lived up to its reputation.  Narrow Gothic windows, ivy covered towers, bats and a barn owl; it was like a set from a Vincent Price movie.  We crept in through the gaping doorway.  Our flashlights revealed a huge hole in the stone floored front hall and we gingerly made our way around the edge, heading for the spiral staircase. No ghost would make us nervous – we were the Dublin Ghost Busters! Despite our confidence, we found ourselves talking in whispers.  A slight sound behind me and I spun like a ballerina to see the cause.  But as I spun around, I slipped and then dropped through the hole in the floor.  The flashlight hit a rock and went out. Just above me, just out of reach, I could see the jagged outline of the floor. I could hear friends coming to help me. And then, in the darkness, I could hear a sniffling snorkly sort of noise. There was a smell, too.  A horrid, rotten smell.  I am not athletic, but that night, terror put rockets into my heels. I shot upwards. Scrabbling madly I made the doorway and did not stop running till I was safely in the car.  Personal encounter with the Elemental  18th June 2006 I looked into the darkness of a corridor that exited the spiral stairway.  I became aware of the smell of sulphur.  It was as if boxes and boxes of matches had suddenly been lit at once.  I looked at my friend who had taken me to visit Leap Castle.  He could also smell the sulphur.  I stared into the darkness of the corridor and had the impression that a beast like a bear or lion was staring back at me .  The tension was rising like a ticking timebomb.  My friend then closed the door and said “To let sleeping dogs lie.”  Meaning sometimes you just have to leave things alone.  He was a friend of Sean Ryan and I certainly did not want to disrespect either of them by stirring up the Elemental. The Elemental has the potential to cause great harm to anyone receiving the brunt of an attack.  One belief is that that the Elemental has the ability to alter the atmospheric pressure, generally lowering it.  The polarity of atmospheric ions fluctuates and triggers a condition known as serotonin hyperfunction syndrome.  This can cause symptoms such as heart palpitations, nausea, vomiting, sweating/chills, tremor, dizziness and fatigue.  It has also been seen that skin and hair will have an electrical charge.  This theory has been generated over the last 10 years and it is interesting to note similarities between these symptoms to those described by Mildred Darby in the early 1900’s. I felt every hair on my head separate and move. For my flesh all over my body and scalp crept, and every hair on my head stood straight on end. ..the absolute weakness that came over me, the seeming cessation of the pulses of life, the grip in heart and brain, the deadly numbness which rendered me incapable of thought, word or action, when I first saw that awful beast.  Read the full article
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